\ 'OL.. 2 1
\\' 0 R('J~$Tt£R,
Y. M. C. A. and Tech News Sponsor Ballot to Determine Candidate Preferred by Future Engineers RESULTS WILL 8£ ANNOUNCED IN NEXT WEEK' ISSUE Of THE TECH ~EWS I' •llo<\1111~ the e'ample r i o tht r ntl J••l(t'C: ;11111 'I h<t<ll t) r• 111-(ho•lll lhll n>Un trY, a pre~i•hmttal ,tr,l \1 1·ute \1'111 he tal...rl thi< wl·~l.. a t \\' P I Thi! vu te "111 J,e <'llrtttd nut h1· theY \1 1 . \ unci the 1'EI'll ~ ~~ \\' ~ gurvo nl.''s t··~•tx•mt.am iq de-.rrl'rl 111 makin~: rt a ~twt·c·~ The lta llnts arr• <.'m·Jn,l'rl 111 thr' i•sue ol the T l~t' lt ~ E \\'S :11111 ma\' be na n clcd in frum T ucsdav ttl 11nthl\' in<•lu ~i\'ll .\ ll hnllu tin).! will d··~ a t fi,•e p , m nn l~mla1 T hi~ ~otrn w vote i~ intc lld i!tl (pr c.:Vt•ryonc .1\ tt•<·h. in C'I ud ing f:wu llr ami ,.,Lul lcn t~ The ballo tR 111111' Jw hn aH I ~rl tu the fullu\\ in~: mem bers of t he \ ' ~I t • •\ I alunct: \\' rit:hl Ma n n.:!, ~LI~, Lcagh· tun Jud.. ~llll, l' IK m ., Edward K ,\1· len, i\1 I~ Emal (htlund , ~I E., .\ll~·n llnm nke, b: E ll o1wa rd \\' hllt u m, t, hl'm . \\' illiam Buq ,ec (~ :->., ll c tHI. Jlrnnkhn, ( ' hem. and Pa ul Swan, \' ~I t i\ s.:creta n· (; orrlon \\'hrll um ss the rq tr<:stntn tl\·1.' fllr the l't,·il Dc partmcnt. Fnr t he ,·onve n acnce of 1-rt:•hmcn it is rel't.lmme nclecl th:ll they hand their ballot;; to Paul ~wan a t the Y ~I l . A office The rc!rults of thr ~ s t rn \1 vote "til lit announced 111 n ext week 's t!!.,uc o f the TEI'll NE WS ,\ ll !ltudtn t s arc ur~:cd to par til'ipau: in thrs VIl le ancl thu~ ma J..e i t II SliCCl'SS
HOLD CLOSE RACE FOR TENNIS CUP P. S. K., L. C. A. and S. A. E. are in the Field for First Place
l nH•rar:ul!r nt t \· t'llmpettttnn Cur tlw <:ranrl T rnJ)hv s tan etl two wecJ.., u~u wr t h thl lx·~1nn i ng uf the a n n u al 1n tcr frll lc.:rnttv te nn is ma tches. ;o.; o ma tches 1wre pla1·ed la~t wee!.. a~ the rnttw \II!Uthrr madl' lhl' l'Uu rls too ~o fl (I) 11-;c r>rw Cnq Je n ter hnpes t11 hrl\'l' nil th1: llllJ.lla yerl m nt<·hes phl~·ed n tT this IH't•l.. . P ~ K. is l cmlin~ the n H'L' an Jll'r· n·n tn.:t· ouanrl ing h:t vi n~: wom '<~\'l'll nnrl ll,<tt nne m ntcb, whrle L t' .\ i• 1111h t hchinrl wi th s1 ~ w"'·' :and • rw '""'' :-; .\ E iq nl•" st ill in thl! r 1111 n ing w it h three wins nu t d fuur pluv,•d an rl wi th four ma tl·hc..-: n·t to he pla yer! The'\e are tho: onl y teams that n rc left tn the running for lirs t pla~-c It look~ now ,·en· much like a thn:t: r11ruerctl tic w i th these frntunttiell In tha t ca se a plnyoff wo uld be nt'l'e~S.'\r}' l l u we,•cr, t he final outcome nf thl' mA t• h~• hou ld he e-tpect.ed hdo1re thr l!nrl 11f thrs wee!... ' I h< •tandinR \\'n n Ln~ t Phi l'rgma Ka ppa T l ~7ii 't';7 6 L amhda ( hr Alpha ;;,() ~ig ma ,\ lpha E j)l'ilun :J ,) 2 i ll .\lpho Tau Omei:o ,j()() :J 3 Th llta C'hi 2 a IOU F rrars 100 J>hi C~amma Dcl w :; 100 ~i~mn Omega P~i I ,j .noo • Theta L' psil<m Omega 0 6
Maxwell and Hartford Introduce Planvfor Membership Drive FRESHMEN RAISE FLAG IN WEE SMALL HOURS M
~tr Maxwell, c hai rman o f the l'tJm m ittee fo r foste ri ng and d e veloping a H udent brunc h o r the A . S M E , 11re· sen t.s his pla n for d oing t his. This new p lan would i ncrcn:~e the memher· ~hip or t he society. bnng s turlent mem bers into m ore intimate rontnr t \1·ith the membt:r~ of t he hl\·nl <ecttons of the ;o.;aliona l Sorte ty. ann p ro,·ide for t he transfe r of s tudent mc mher~ •n )umor membe rs in the urga m7a ttun The <l ues to he a««e•~ed ea ch o;turlent mlmher wrll be three rio !Iars a 1 l!ll f The plan provides for the tJI\Ytnll ,,r twentdi ve dollars vpe rating fu nd~ to each t•hapter, also fur the presentation .,f a IJi n to ea c h mc mhc r upon re~-eipt 11f hi~ d u es Ea<·h memhe r will rece ive unrlcr the plan, u cu py o f the " \ lc· 1 hanil'3 l Eu.:in cHin),t,'' the ::1:l11azine l•ultltsh~rl Ill' lh e "<ll:ll't)', each m on th fnr the eij.t ht m onth ~ or the schun l year. \V"h utcvcr this co~t..q obovc the am111111l puid in iu d ues "ill 1~~: pnirl b)' the ;\;atmnol ~(rie l)' The oue humlrNI and eigh t !lturlc nt bram·he. an: to he divided into s ix te<"n ;.'l.'o~raphtcnl region s. The~e re· .;1ons are to ha\'e regional confere nce!<, {,; •nttnuetl on Pa ge 2 , Col. 3)
Rifles Fell Scorned Banner .\ t n huut th ree a m Sa turd a y m orn ing a •ilent group o f Freshmen m ttcbt hn\·e been ~ecn we nd ing their " a r tu the .\lumni Field e ,·irlently bent on •·nme rmportant mh•sion U ne man ,·ar rrcrl a fi fty·seven pound tuh ,,r lard w hrle a nothe r carried a length of rope un<l 11 white flag imocribed wrth the 1·ha rat·tcr" '36 " Soon a d ct.e rmrncll J'm,h might ha\'e been ~en lnh•1riuus. hor'lti ng himself up the llagt>Oie hy m ean s of a boa tswain's c ha ir llow· c\·cr. t h" <;ltp·knot 11n the ro pe was too tt!(h t Th is caused bim to aba ndon t he attempt tQ !leftle the po lt•. ;-.;ever· the less volun tec!"l> were nttt la cking for n M!l'Unrl try. \\' ith in a fe w minutes n nnt hc r man wns making his wa r up the pnle. Th is time he su cL·to:d erl in fa!ltenin g the flag abou t two-th irds 11! the w ay lo the top ~ ex t, the t u b of lnrrl wns hoi!;te<l u p. t\ s t he ~ tccple p:wk clt~renrled be •meareri gt:nt'r•tus quantities of the fat ahout the dn·um· teren ce ot tht tlag:o~t.nff .\t tht. h··t· tom <e\"eral additional p o unds were rh'l· !Continu ed on Pa ge 2, Col 4 )
NO. f
MASS, ()CT . 25, l\132
CALENDAR TUESDAY, OOT. 269.60 A. M.- Ohapel Service. Rev . Oliver W. :rraur. UO P . M. -Orcheatra Rehearsal, Gym Reception Room. 6.SO P . M.- Dormitory Soeial. WEDNESDAY, OOT. 269.60 A. M.-Qbapel Service. R e v. Oliver W. Frazer. UO P . M.- Band Rehearsal at Gym R e ception Room. THURSDAY, OOT. 279.60 A. M. -Ohapel Service. P rof. Z. W . Coombs. UO P. M. -l"res bman Rop&P ractlce. UO P. M. -Glee Club Rehear. a&l, Gym Reception Room. FRIDAY, OOT. 289.60 A. M.- Ohapel Se.rvice. W. P. I . Quartette. SATURDAY, OOT. 29l.SO P. M . -Rop•pull at Inatl· lute P ond. 2.00 P . M.-Soccer Game, New B edford Tutlle at Alumni J'teld. 2.00 P. M.-Footba.Jl, Trinity VI Tech at .1Jumni Field.
Famous Ever-popular Address Instructs and Amuses
T he firs t J)ract ice se.s.• io n Cor the a n· nual rope p ull wa.~ held b y thco F re11h· mcon la<;t Thursda y nfternoon at four
~ ever, !(ince the firs t roll call uf the tiro.~ Freshman 1 Ia~~ 111 mt•c t 111 tlw ~~ E l.t•t· tu re l<Jrttn for gn.:lt ~h ~~~·· l ure . ha-; tlw ,,.,• lure hall ho.•c n so full
o'cl ock with n tumo u t lJf about eighty cnndid atcs The men we re d ivided into twcl l{l'Oll!h'~. eM·h team gras p ing a part o f ~he Jon~ ro pe p rovided . Several \\'hc th~r tlw nutliL·twl.' l'ame tu h crwfit J um o r~, actan~ a s coxswa in s. s.purred o n to furthe r e ffo r ts wrth the II\. . 1he• t a lk or to S<'~ 1, ruf es.fitor 1\ llen enC'h srde .. ., .. hluw him•cl f up is lltl t hard w clt• tr r·lt'hry llhf Catch ,,C atc h, !leave." Be twee n tn ine. The Jlrllfcsqur him ~cH Rllt\Jlt.'O.' l ll l e t ree seslsl aon.~dof a c tual p~lling the , me n were o Otte seve ral mrnutes of t h nt t I1c ln t ll·r • ~ the s upromw rio.• sin.' cl( Th . h h · C at len qt hnlf of tlw 'IJ)CI' l~r tnrs rest . I rro ugl• t e ard o t~ e Jun iors, ~~Cve ru u w \Om are e ltpe ndrng n l{l'Cat Proft•::sur .\ 111.'11 fi rs t f.:IJVc his "C:u11 dcoal •1f !!!Tort to get the class o[ ':16 in Talk" t hir t,··o nc y~ar~ 11110 a n d will t ri m fnr th e •·om ing event. the lntte r rua \'t\ llHnit him ~cll tl ~ lO the number ~ hn ulcl have (I w>od <'hnnce to annt!l( t.hc of t ime;~ he haF .:i v,•n it !lim't' Orll' uf t hrl.'l' poi n t~ which the winrting or t he the pmfc:s."'r~ uf this b<' huol cnrne to fOJII.' p u ll mean s . ,\ ctual organization UO P. M.-Oroaa Country, ~ix or ~e,·en of them rn a row n.ntl nd heg;.rn, howeve r, more than a week be· T ech VI. Rhode Ialand a t mittt'tl tn th1· p ro fc s'<ltr thnt hl• t•t:um.• ure the tir'lt i)rlll' til'e, Charles :\ f~owler, K.inpton. hopi ng tu •cc hinr e xplmlt' }r., heing t he gu iding hand and o rgnn· UO P. M.- .lnnu&l Rop&.pull 1 he rl.'a~on fo r this tnlk. as Pro fl' ;ur 11e r li e computed lhe l'Ombmerl D ance at. Dormitory. .\ llt:n cx ptnn1~ rt, is to currcl' t ntttmn~ wergh t!! o f all the Freshmen pulhng to MONDAY, OCT. Slmu~t veu ple hn' ,. l'\Jnt•cnung the hr well uvcr three tons wh ile the avu9.60 & . M.- Obapel Service. ha ndling ui ):R "<JIIIll' nnrl k l· rt ll>(; ne o~:e wei.:ht o f each ma n is approx i Prof. J . W. Howe . " I cln no t b n•ak nnv ph,·sa,·ul low!!, ' motelv 1;,.;; pound~ tOO P . M.- NJ:WS Aaai(n· •ai<l Pn•fc.;,.or .\ lien , hu l hnst• my T he '~'l"ll llfl year me n alro got unde r ments in Boynton, B·19. cxpc nmcnt~ on 111\ h clil r tha t nuthl nK wa y the ~ame a i tcrnnon at about fi ve 7.!0 P. M.-A. S. 0 . E. Meet. will hurn untr J It ll<.:l'UIOC!I a I(IIS. and n'r!O< k u n cle r th e guidan ce of Captain inc ln Boynton Hall. no t th en unit>•~ then• is o x ygen pre• Davey 11 o roe. They h ope to secure a en t " vic to ry to uft'set their defeat at the The me thod u~cd Ill' Pmfell'<llr AI· hand s or the l'lass of ·:w a year ago len t o dr~tingu illh n •·on u f gnsoline S in,·c the o utlook is quite hopeful fro m om: uf kcr<JM>nc is to hold 11 liuhtcd ma tch over the ope ning The o n both sirles o nly time and stren uous soline will hu rn w ilh n small , unrely training can forecast, the outcom e of Music Weavers to Furni11h Music ga this impor tant event. In t be meantime vis iul" llrum: the great hawser to be usc:d in the "There is n uthit ll! hu Ue r lhtt n nn lh nnor hns it tha t un Sa turday ncxl event lies in t he batement of Roynton (( 'o n ti nuerl o n Pa~:e 3. <'nl. I ) II p uhlir hn l h iR liJ JXl rurmull y ded i· llell being employed daily in the mtcrl nl I n!lti tu tc Park. Thll hono r ~rrooming of both teams of hcing the h 18t to l,'Til.l.'e thr s rc \·iva l t• f ,\rll'il.'llt Rmnl.' ha ll bee n awarded , liiJ wt h!!nr to the uncon(Juerablc, om nipote n t, anrl highly ret~pccted rlass o f Brewer is Firat for Tech 193,') The n o t·so-hrghly·respect.ed class u f w:JO whu·h •~ howe\'cr much mure Last Sa turd ay t he W I' 1 l·ro~~ Tech Scores Fint Victory of Seaoa resrc<·tahlc a l.ll·onling w recent whis countr y team tra veled to Am herst wrth at Stom pcring!l, will he o n hand to direct the footba ll tea m and s uffered i t~ ~et.· p n>eecdtng!l, anrl to a 'surc any of t he ond set back of the -.ea!!lln a t the ha nd• T .. c·h'~ "'<'<'er team JOurnevetl t<J d o ub ting ml.'mhero o f the aforesaid !If a su pe rior ~l ass Sta te •I!I.'Tegalion, da•~ uf '35 thal the 'flllr khng water~; the l;<'<Jre being ro-35 1"he fi rs t three !-> turu, Con n ., ~aturda) to .trounce o f lnstttute l'tmd are ever y hi t as rle· place!' were tn.ken b y M S r runner11 l'onn Aggre!l soccer team 4~ 1\ fter lighlfull y rcfre~hmg u m runner years. The winner, Murra y, cut 16 aeronrl t a hegmnrng slump this year, the SOC· <'l'r lt'am luuk s p romising and with .\11 pu li<'l me n whu mny 1 ~~: pn:l'e n t from th~ cour!!e r~'C.'ord. ho\·e h <:cn in>.t rut· tetl to c u ndu l't th<'m· Stan Rrewer, the first Tel· h ma n tu in.-rea'li ng pm c·tlf't' ~hnuld d evelop mt4> come in, wa• c•n th e hcela of the •• II<K)tl 9(} uad. ' c h cs c xdu~hcl y M poctutors l lowe\'er, an event 111 l;Chcdul cd fur leaners ut the half war mark, b ut wo ~ Scorong hegan when Ao rden sank a the e ve ning ur the l>llme day a, t he forrefl to drup ba ck ami be con te n ttd g()al fo r Tech from direc tly in frnnt hath·np e ning wh wh lhrrntcn!l to u\'er· with fu urt h plocc. T he nex t lwo T cth o r the 11'041 in the third q u arter and shnd uw ev en lhlll owe- in spiring ' ilCC· me n to come in were l~rury a nd ~flo llo rd1•n ai Bo M nk ano ther goal right tud<• The Dan rt• of the l'u blt c lla t h Kin ley , who ti n ishcd flfth a nn sevc· nth nf ll·r th i11 t11 tmt TI.IC.·h out of ony dnn· i!l L11 he he lcl fn ~ru afurtl Riley llnll, respoo liveh·. ucr. Agnrn in the third qunri.Alr ~umrnary, wu n h v -'lurray , M S . (' , ll rn11tl atl rl~:d a goa) fur T ech to make a nd thin).!!! arc rim• to happen from lhe tum• of ,'! 30 p m onward. The well· tier! for 2nd, C'ari d nnd Craw ford, M the <'llu n t 3-0. The game wa~ ro uter! hll<twn '' hu tt ha" unrt of eleven piec es S. C; Brewer, W. P. 1., Hh : Jlrary m t he la s t quarte r whe n Mo nks added whirh travel~ und er tht name uf the W P I . .ith , Little. i\l. S . C., lith, ano the r tally for Tech. Uorclen s tarred ':\lu"c \\\·o ve r!!" i . to he on hnnrl to ~lcKi nlev, \\' P I , 7th , C ru II), M S C !'r T ech while Sargent also played hi~ mokc: ft'<'t i tr. h fnr amc~ from som e· ('., th : .\ ~lura 11 , W J>. I , lith Rn tlac- lrnc defe nsive gam e at gnal The vic· t hing t·l • tha n a t hlct!•\ font \\' right mit•h, \\' P I lOt h . ~now, M S C., tory, a l though agai ns t a s upposedl y ' :\la nvel, '33 n~ pr~;.itll'n t II( the ~l usi · li th Grange r \\' I' 12th : Allen, wea k team. sh o ws that the ~~e r team ll'ontinucrl 1111 Po~.:e 2, (ol 11 M S C. 13th is improving with eve ry game
Published every Tue~ay of t.he College Year by
fte Tecb Xewa .Aiaoeiatlon of the Won:eater P olytechnic InsUlut.
PHONES ~ :&d.i&orial- { S.Kll «62l B usiness--S-90!N MANAGING EDITOR J. H. Vail, '33
EDITOR-IN.ClllEF Sumner B. Sweetser, '33 NEWS EDITOR J oseph 11. Fogg, '3.1
E . L. Barrett, '34 W. R . Burns, '3t
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Alden II. Fuller, '33 SECRETARY Paul G. Guernsey, '33 JUNIOR EDITO RS A. II . Bellamy, Jr., '34 I I. ll. Franklin , '34
H. Morrison, '35 S. llakam, '35
W . M Berrell, '34 J , V. Rowley, ·~1
BUSINESS ASSISTANTS P aul Chea thom. '34 R ichord Barnard, '34
BUSINESS MANAGER Gilbert U. Gustafson, '33
O ctober 25, 1912
REPORTERS [. Skeist. '35
C. M. Donn, '35 K. A. Linell, '35
S~bacriptions per year, S2.00 : single copies, *1.10. Make all checks payabl e to BUSiness lt~anager. Entered as second class matter, September 21, 1910, at the potltoffice m W orcester, Mass., under the Act of ~larch 3 18117.
All subscriptions expire at the close or the college year.'
THE HEFFERNAN PRESS Spencer, P.lass. Oe tober 211, 1912
t ~
-- .?"
THE tobacco that it eot beat for pipes might be termed «whittle cut" or
"ro1J8h cut," like Granger. It requiree a type of tobacco difl'e rent from the tobacco ued for chewing tobacco or ci8arettes. Then again, Gl'llll8er it made by Well·
man's Method. Granger has a ple88ing aroma. It i.e alow burning and cooL Jut try iti
Perhnp~ ~,me of n u ··an rememl.>cr when the Ja,t ma ~ mt•ctiiiJ.!, prt·t·eclin~: n lt>ntball game, " "~ htlrl .\t lenst, the upper cia~<~:. ~hould f•>r on FridM , '\member I I 1930, tht ol<l mn.;:o; meet in~ o<eem~rl to ~~~a-~ nut col t:-cistt·n<'t' Perhnp!l the neces.~ity Cor tht>e rallie~ seems matle(Juate nt the pre!'ent time. Uowe\·er. 11 oppenr.; that the ,pint is lacking in that our hlfacho:rs exhihit n rather hm•ted display n! enthus•a~m for the teJim , It ma,· be that the c-heer leadel'll do not gi\'e students the OC<'asion to \'UKC the1r enthusin~ That may be qo, but an v loud·\'(nC'ttl spin ted comments are whoh:somely at>Prt:· noted The team needs ,upport, not onl\' hodily hut SJiilltUalh, and !luring thi~ -.cason whit·h h.'l~ hetn (Juite ~uoce'<Sful to date. ~tudt·nts nt len!;\ nre turnm~: out better than usual. \\'hy not huild up our spirit in enthusiastiC' uuthurst..~. J.laFs meetings are nn intc•rcsting as well ns htlplul method ur creating ~p1nt We don' t hcl\ e enou~:h or them. \Ye don't ~eem w s tress the cnthu· ~~u~m or our compctiti\•e games. The winning should he c\'cn murc ch.·t~nclcn t on the II(Xl<'tntnr!l. Victory should be feh hy the ~turlents as wel l M the team. instead o£ ~he forlorn statement thal it was tOo hncl, hut we'll do better next time. We n crrl sp•rit.ecl !illl)pnrl anrl we can gc~ it hy ltuilclinl( up enthusiasm in moss meeti ng~ ('uuclut'tt:d right, a mass mee ting is an ns,et to !ltucl<:n l life on the Ifil l VreRhmen seem tilled with the type or en thusin~m that they rc:1d ahmtl wh1le Ruphommes and uvpe rclali.«men lad. that uvcrlluwing jovinl l'ltirit. We hn\'e two opportunities for get·togethers. This t•t>ming week-end 1s TeC'h's l>iggest w1th the Rupc pull, fnotball and R ope-pull Dance. In twu w~!'k!l we meet Rcns$Claer here un Alumm Field ancl there are cmr oppurtumt1es w ~how our enthusiabm Let's give the team !'(tmc real. wholesome support. \\'e're n~t dead vet. A. 8. M. E. !Conunued !rom Page I, Col. 11 to wh1t'h the National Svt'iety pa\'S the trn\•eling expenses of one delegate. The local branch of the National Society will endeavor to aid the branch to de\'elop interest ing and instructive programs lor meetings, in this way a good c heck may be kept on the stu· dents before and after gradua tion . One section , the one induded be· tween the state~ o! Virginia, Florida nncl Alabama, has succes.~iully tried this p lan Co r a year nnd recomm en ded it to o ther branches throu~o:hout. the cnuntry. This y ear the plan is to be intrudu ced into three new regions. namely , •Metropolitan New York. New England and the region a bout Ch~-a.. " o. Mr llart!ord, secre tar)' ol the Na· tionol Society, followed Mr. :\laxwell and further expounded on the detail s
A. S. C. E. NOTES Prnfes-or I Ju,...-e as sponsor of the stu· dent l>ronch of Ci\'il Engineer«, attorn. p:~rued lw four students attended the meeting of the society in Tremont Trmple. Bo~ton, on Friday e'·ening OciolJer 21 llere they m et 'M r. llerbert ~ Crocker, president of the American ~ncietr uf Ch·1l Engineers, and Mr. <icurge '1'. Seabury. secretary. The stu· dents making the trip were j . ]. Dwy('r, G U. Gustafson, L . IJ. P eters, Jr., and .\. U. Wymnn. nil member!\ of the Senior class.
FRESHMAN FLAG ll'on tinuerl !rom Page I, t'nl 21 trihuted around the l'<IIK'rcte ba~ I \\'ell satisfied w1th the night's work, the weary f'ro~h returned to the d orm to get a lew hours rt!St hefore morning At sunri~e. early nsing Jo'msh were rewarded hy the s;ght of the long a waited Aag. .\ 11 morning huth or t he lower cla.«!'Cs con tinued w gaze a t the white dish to wel OoMing in the b reeze ll owever, J?reshman triumph w11s s hort-lived {or several Soph s procured a rifle abou t noontime and shu t the banner down in true dramatic !ashioll.
ROPJ: PULL DAlfOJ: (Con tinued !rom Pngc I, Col. 3 ) cal Associatio n , s tates that the dunce promises to be the most ~m·tessful in recent years Dress will be semi-Cormal ' h ·.1s a 1ways quite delightful. We· w h1c are fortunate to have as patrons and
DID YOU KNOW? That the excellent instrut'liun in modern longuat;es tu whit-h you are now exposed was urigi· nally made possible by a g•Ct !rum Strphen Salisbury, Sr 1 ~~ r ~alisbury established the :\lodern Lnngunge Fund in 1812, w1th a gift of 40,000, to which he added SIO.OOO in h1s will .\bout $ 14.000 or this fund represent erl lhe \'alue of three lots or land at the comer of Boynton Street and Institute Road The big grny hrm~e on the middle lot. now occupied by Dr. Jenning!;, was then new and t h o roughly modern. Dr. ('hades 0 Thomp· ~!In, first head of the Ins titute. hved there until 188Z. The sec· ond president, Dr. Il o m er T . Ful· ler, also Ottu pied it during the twelve years of his presidency. The present ho me of the presi· dent., clesi!,"'led by Stephen C. Earle, was b uilt in 1894, lor the occuplltly o r Or. Thomas C. Men· d e nhall , Dr. Fuller's s ucces,.qor. The lnnd for this house was donated by S tephen Salisbury, Jr., wh o also paid the cost of b uild· ing the ho use. This is the fou rth in the series o! articles written by Professor ll e rhert Tay lor.
or the pbn. In addition to •===~===============~========;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ what Mr. Maxwell had said, M r llnrtford added a lew words conce rning the worth ur the " Mecha nical Engin· ccrinM" and the A. ~ ~I E "~ews" II e suggested that t.Opics be taken !rom these lor di scussion at m eetings. It might be well to add that these tWQ gentlemen are the authors of th1s plnn. One or the cnndirlntes !or l.'clitur n! the onnual at South· ern Methodist University is conducting h is campaign by means or \rictrola records. Pttpulnr tunes arcompn ny T HE huge U. S. Nc~vy dirigible, Los Angeles, Is roaring above the General Electric Research Laboratory at Schewords cmpha!tizing h i:; q uaJi. necta~y. On board the ttl"hlp, en almost Invisible beam o f fknlions. One re,·ised song light 1.s c~lmed c~t c1 2~\nch mlrror·target a holf-mlle below. hns the rerrnin, " Now's the The m1rror, turn ing ciS 1t follows the dirigible's cou"e, catches Time tu Vmc Cor ll orn '' the slen~er beam. Voices transformed Into electric impulses in the o1"hip are carried to the mirror by light waves A photoelectric cell picks up these waves and they ore re~on OLJ:AlfiWOS vert«<lnto sound, which Is broadcast to the world by radio.
Talking from the sky on a beam of light
~"voice. on the air," w ith a "voice from the alr''-the ofRUni· ~·al ~nmg of radio station WGY's new 50-lc:w. transmitter •s takmg place. One millionth of a wott--generoted from the \'l'rl\i t y or ltlnho are s tu· blast of o pollee whistle in the dirigible- is transmitted to den ts or 1<-elandic. One or te ground on the bec~m of light and to a Thyratro n tube them plans to go to Iceland .he tube magniAes the w~lstle energy 50,000,000,000,000 tt~es to operc~te the sw1tches that start the transmitter five ttl 11turl~· the country's in· m1les ewoy. ' terinr dl!corating a nd needs to know the lmlgllage Cor her work. The o ther has
Two coeds at the
" niWR\'S wonted to know lan~UAIW"
• •
,\ recent
* Qf "Time"
refers to the ne w ecluca· tic 1WI ~rstl!m instituted hy i>rl·~idcnt ll utC'hins ut the l'nh·t·r~i tr n! ('hicngo as a "hl!(h l.r<lW ho use-party" \\here "like a llroud fussy host, Pre,iden t llutt'hins
President and ~~~ Ralph Earle, Profe~sor and ~lrs. Jerome w llowe ~lr and ~lrs. llifford W. Greene. Mr and ~Irs J Edward Fitzgerald nnrl :\!r and :\Irs. Arthur :\I Tarbo~.
hn'l ~cttlcd cll'nts"
bntch Of StU·
(l•Jnt) ].be &luwt1 T1111K. w-J Bh<1ric "w•rch ,.p,,.r, ~ ,,.~<1hl1
Thus was "narrowcasting," a possible muns of sec:td communication, recently demonstrated to Milltcli'Y tnd Naval experts by General Electric enginet"· The future will demonslrcJ te Its commercial value. EICCJ" trlcal d evelopments such os this ore largely the (11(,compllshmenls of college-trained engineers. They ore leading the w ay to even greater p rogress In the electrlcallndustry and ore helping to maintclin G encrtl Electric's leadership in this fittd. 95·9SSFBI·I
Oc:tober 26, 1932
hne and atr, called the linn.: line, there FOOTBALL TEAM GOES DOWN TO was a h u rst nf fla m..: ,\ llt:n thrn a dcm(lll DEFEAT AT HANDS OF M. S.C. TEAM • traProfessor uon h 1" "unl' htlll(t'r" T his
Tech Eleven Proves Unable to Stop Louis Bush as He Scores Three Touchdowns in the Game at Amherst •
TECH TEAM IS SUPPORTED BY MANY LOYAL TECH ROOTERS WHO TRAVELED TO AMHERST l nahle to ~top 3 rampa gin g Lou i<~ Bush, t he Worcester Tech footb a ll team we nt d uwn to a 25-0 d efea t al thl• bo nd s u f ~ln."."ll t'huseus S ta te l'nl· lc.:t un the Alumni F iel d in Amh ers t las t ~a turda y afte rnoon. Afte r 3 wh ole \\ Ct·k o f min, Saturday dawned dear tutti l'UUl. ideal foo tball weather Arte r luud1 n il road s led to Amhers t, fo r a t lcM t n hundred loyal T t!l'h sup· porter~ mncle the1r wa\· up ~tate u n lv t , ~~c a dun inuti\·e ~las..- S tau~ ha•l. •hake otT prospecu,·c tackler~ t im e and ;~ga tn tn '('lire th ree uf his tea m 's fuu r tuut·bclown~.
B u•h lust li ttle time in open ing the scur ing. l1:3rl y in the firs t period . Bus h took one o f Drake'!; punts un hi s o wn {ort y·rnrd lin e and ran it back to the \•io:itur's furty l<'rigurd plunged thN•uKh the line for fi\'e y ards and then Bu!'b nm·e mu re took the ball, this time o iT ri ght tac kle, and d idn' t stop till he had t·rossed the final marker. Sheff mad e the final eleve n ynrd Jaunt whic h resulted in his team's sec· ond touchdu wn In the third period, with Johnny ~ oreika in the lineup, things began to look as if Bush had heen tinnily stopped nnd that Tech would do <a little S<.'Orin~e. Drago and Could, with the help of Sodano ripped otT two sue· l'Ct:~i\'e firs~ clown~ just as the period <'IO!iCd ll o we,•er, when play was re· sumed, the State line stiffened and Nore1kn was forced to punt. Bu~h got the ball and ran it back to mid11eld befo re he was stopped, but when the teams untangled themseh-es it was fo und tbut State wa!; offside. Noreika kicked again and with the ball going far iuto enemy territory and the 're>ch ends rominJ:: down fast, it looked as if State wl!re tu he put in a tight s pot But the I!CCOncl punt pro ved disastro u s, fnr Bus h. rccci,·ing the ball deep in the lu wr r right band oorner of the field, s hool. o ff the oncoming ends and wo\'e ht~ wa y around the left to miclfielcl. and cro ssing o ,·er agrun to the right ~>lfll' Lo uis go t a clear field on the fort )'· 'nrd ltne to lope away for his l'C<'on d wut·hdown. TeC'h 's ~pirit, a s ma y be re adily un ngined lessened considerubl y, and he· fore muny more minutes of pia )' en· s ued. Bu~<h took a pnss from Sheff, to gain thirt y yards and then on the nc;\ t l>ln)' rnn ano ther thirty vards fur :-\tate's 1\nal tou chdown Frigard added an e:ottrn po1nt on a rush O\•er the hne Bush w:ls then remo ved from the ~ramc and a ct•ordingl v <.:oach Bigler put Ill no nlmOl>t entirely new Tech team Its re!ICr\es perfo rmed l'reditahlv fo r t1 lost cause and kept the ball deep 111 St.nle territory fo r the remainder of the Ktunc, although they were unoble to Sl'Oru. :\ext Sn turdny Tech entertain" Ar· nold at Alumn i Field
I will s how that eve n n spark l'anmlt tgn ite liquid gasoline, nu r gu suhne vnpor when o x ygen i~ not prl·scn t " Plal'tng noout a t hud of a heal..er of ga,ol ine on the table be put,; t he "p.1rl. plug con nected to some ll.'llte n es and l·oils into 1t. The spark J Uil1 1~d tlw liquid. \\'hen he finally raised it hi)!h eno ugh to be in the mixture uf ga~o-
i111: in mnrc <·hurch pu lpits than any assj ~tance to the club, will continue o ther man. This r·~·urd -.hould be o no in his c np.'lcity of faculty ad,-isor. J.:<Wt· l t has heen decided upon to hold <.C one meeting a month, the date to be m o tor cunsi~ ted of a •·u!lce Uln w1th __ chosen nt con\'cmence. Plnns are un· a h inged licl, n '-1>-'lrl. plug, and nn The \\' P. I Rad iu Club hel d its firs t lderway for obt.nining several interesting illUm izer fur tl ('a rhur.ot t>r It hart meetin~:r of the yt•nr, Tuc~ay, Oc to ber speakers. The "Shack" has been painted twin ignitio n ,\ small hvle in the s ide 18, ut four <>'dock in room 13, of the land the new tronsmilter is almost com· uf th e can permjtled the •~:nition h y E . E . building There were about plete a matc h 111 ca !'e the '> llll rl.. plug failed. twe m y present, o ver half being new Interest in the Radjo Club thls year lie e m ployed th1~ mut<lr tu s bu w the members. is expected to surpass that of former va rie t\' of m ix tures wb t<: b ma y he p r()o .\t the meeting the fo llo wing office rs years. l\lonv Freshmen have already tl u ccd in n c dmdl'r were elected Theotlo re F llamme ll, sigmfied l.hc1r interest in joining t.he " E,·en mv tl\\ n ltrut her tluesn t trust president. J ~ph J\ j ohnson. vice· c lub while it is expected that others me," said the pro{e;.o;or, "ancl if nm president , Jo hn B. Crunphell, treasurer : lwill jom soon Any interested are re· h lown up b~· kttls<>luw, h e ts going Lester L . Ltbby , secretary : John A. quested to ~e one of the newly-elected w cngru,·e on the had; o f 11\ \' to mb·, Rirc h, a s~is tnnt sccrct,'\ry . Professor lol11ters and to w~t.ch for posted notice$ -:wne. ' E x pec ted, hut nu t ~n snnn .'" II. II. Newell. who has been of gTCat of the next meeung
hat on earth ?'' are you up to now. "VVNJ)ING things out. 8Dl8l'tyl I thought fd ex.1' amine the tobacco in a cigarette. "Look here .•. this is Chesterfield tobacco. Notice its lighter color ... you don't see any dark heavy types, do you? I gue~:~s that's why Chesterfields are milder. ••rm told that uoifonnly lighter color is due to cross-blending. It sort of welds all the tobaccos into one. "And here's eomething else. Notice that tl1cse long shreds arc all cut the same width. It standa to reaeon they burn smoother and cooler. .. , don't pretend to be an expert but it looks to me as if they make Chesterfields right. "Here, light one. That's the best test after all.
They Satufy."
ALLEN'S GAS TALK ll'ontinued from Page I, Col. 4 1 "'•·nrie spark," s.'lid the professor, "ancl
BOWLING New IJrhtlnr
l.'m iP LETELY
Bay State Alleys Opp. Worcester Theater
Dial S.9U.
Court Dining Room 75 Main St. Excellent J'ood at Beuoaable Price. Table ltrrice
Tel 6-1251 La,..t Tue.day ni.ht a resulent ul the Re~ taura nt dorm, evident!}" grO\\ n tired of qwet, 269 Main Street turned o n the rlrt: alarm to the •ur prise 89 Main St.. Directly over Station A Next Door to Plymouth Theater of the other inhabitant:- ut the dorm GOOD« liTTIXC . :-;u Loxr. w.\11"' and to the m: ot :\lr Locke. \\ ~dne"::-IX 11.\RBER:-. II L r: PL \'1 ~- -.PEt I \L:-o 3."K tt) .ill< day night se,·eral Fre,hmcn •uuc•cd them><eh·es to he in~'llrc:ra ted i11 the 1 \BLE .\\ ,, , nt:"n:R ~8R\.ll F. telcphl)ne booth un the fir-;t ftotor after Eat with the rest of the gang heing lured there through -wnmons to Worcester's Best 1-.~ ELLE\ T I nOD .\T Rb.\~0'1: a take telephone t\111 lmpri,;onment ~ .\Hl.E R \1 E:of the \'u.:t1m l\,1s .u;c.'clmpli~hl'<l l>y 27-MECHANIC STREET-27 menns of a chmr which \\<I~ pi.Hcd Tel 39002 TECH STATIONERY under the dour J.n Jh ~o a-. tel make the New Seal: 68c Box door muno\tlhle \\hen l'lno:e i . Thur~· SLATER BLDG. day night scabhmg stuclenh were en· Spcl'1al d1~c<>unt to Tech Sludents on tertained br n discordant choru~ l'Oill· BARBER SHOP [)rowing :\latenills and Stauonen•
OB 'I'Uil ! Last week the P'ro~h went on a strike and appeared on the campus min\b hats and boY. tie~ Thi~ was just about the lime the ~~phb \\ere seriou~ly considering letting th~:m pur· !'ue their humble wars in peac-e . Oh well , expeneuce may l>e a hard tea• her but a certain lo:and .,r people Will learn from no other.
The Fancy Barber hop
The Cla!:s of '36 almost pulled the prize "glom" of thl" year last Friday after the "Gas Talk" when they mi!'took a Senior for a Soph. f'areful bovs or rou will find out what real ba7.ing is like.
• •
Putnam & Thur ton'
IJ::stabli~hed 1821 Elwood
Incorporated 1918
dams, Inc.
l.i4-J.;() ~tain Street \\OJ\( t·:STER \1 \S"
I Hardware, Tools and Paint
Lighting Fixtures and Fire Place Furnishings
Re taurant
• •
October 26, 1912
posed or o:everal re~ident~ '' ho were S90 Main Street \\ e have it " 11 ver)' good authorit 1• under the 1mpres. 100 that ther were Room 3t2 Dial S.~ that n certain pair of Freshmen have singing A. L. DuMONT, Prop.
been w ithnight one of ' \\'urc:es· ==~============~==============~==========='""""=""'=~=-====--====---~==~ ter's fraternizing finest" on the beat nlong ~II ighland Street and have !\uCc."t'eded in havmg that indi\,dual e!'OOrt them back to the dorm. full<>w111g the1r vj.;ju; to the home of a t•ertain •·oung lnt!v on Hig hland Street.
Dcteot·tive• Se;gean: . F:nneran mo ·t d$;ouragmg lack ot re· suits for Ius effurts to locatt.. the missing gear shift knobs I n fact, when clo~ly qucsu oned he ntlmitted that progress had been s.omewhal negati\·e and that hl5 pet tht"ory had been exploded leaving him without a single clue or suspicion. port.~ a
• • • •
It ~,. that he has been working on the theory that the balls were taken to replact: uroken billiard balls in the dorm pool room
• • •
Mr. Perry figures that some of the Fro.~h i\•ory·pushcn would be nu wo r!'e off usmg gear-shift knobs than the)· are at prel!ent He s tates th:at there is a dearth of embryo jake SbaeiTer!l 111 the lle<igling roos\c a c.-onrution which bas also existed in yea~ gone br but not to any l'Uch extent
• • •
.\n ~· way-we used to keep )[r Pc rr )
on the jump ducl.mg the rolls \\ hich just wouldn't remain ..,;ithin the con· tines of the bankt.
In fact. we seem to recollect times wht'n everyone. ~I r P included. had other missiles to w orry about. or course it was all 111 good fun for boys will be boys. 011 yes, even l'reshmen will he boys at timet~
"Nature inrhe Raw"-a.J portrayed b,. the noted artist, Karl God~vill • • • inspired b,. rhe fierce and bri~ lla nt assoult b,. C lit•e and a hand· /141 of followers, outnumbered 2 0 ro 1 by savage hordes of bloodthirsly natiw.s, at the Ba nle of Plassey-the birth of 1he Briti5h Indian Empire -a.s dtscriMd In the famo" s Henry boolc, "With Clive in Ind ia."
Although we hear other reJ)CJrt.s Crom the fourth floor or t he dormitorv
• • •
F m m " Flat Hat," W illiam and Mary paper "T ommie Drago. one of our lin· est 1-'rosh ball earners last year '' milk· ing good at Worce~ter Tech llo w be's convincing those northemerM --Good g oi n ', Tom"
• • •
S 1x or "C!Ven t•rosh rented one of Worce~Ster's luxurious cabs to go to the dance ~~~ Central Chu rch Friday nite however, a Soph car gave them a l·h:u.e and the m eter chcl..t'd off twehe h1ts ($1 001, the Preshie, e\·entually returning to the dorm in order to evade th e "paddle·1 tching" hands of the sc:cond·yenr men
• • •
About se\·enty·fi\e per t-en t nC the fellows that nttenden thf' " \ 'ictory" football dance nt Ma!;S. State were W. P. I gigilo~. None nf Pruf. Phinney's t'nl culus is required tiJ deduce why the lar~e percentage 11£ Tech wu there. .\ ~!a~~. State farmer and his "Alpha Crnhbn lloe" girl hnd to pnr ~wo dol Iars :mel twenty l'~·nt.~ (the twenty centll for milk ta)C l, in order to enter tht' yorgeous !lance pala~:e (the old gym I. Going int<l a stran~,-e interlurl~!-- • it'"' a good thing we run free dnnces What n snving I
nightly ~;omething lltcurs to the peat'e of <:anCord Ritry l lall
-and raw tobaccos have no place in cigarettes They are not present in Luckies . the mildest cigarette you ever smoked E buy the finest, the very W finest tobaccos in all the world-but that does not explain why folks everywhere regard Lucky Strike as the mildest cigarette. The fact is, we never overlook the truth that " Nature in the R aw is Seldom Mild " - so
th ese fine tobaccos, after proper aging and mellowing, are then given the benefit of that Lucky Strike purifying process, described by the words-"It's toasted". That's why folks in every city, town and hamlet say that Luckies are such mild cigarettes.
··It·s toasted·· '!!!!package!!!!!!,!!! Luckiea
" I/ a "'"" u.ritt" IKurr btltl, pruth a bttltr strtntfl, orllfait a bturr MOIIJt<trap tba11 his ntigbl»r, tho hi b111ld hu MIIJtllf tbt u:o!Mis, tiN u.orld U-111 "'ai.t 11 butt11 patb to hu dHr. "-RALPH wALDO I!M£11.SON. Does oot this explain the world-wide acceptance and approval of Lucky Strike?