NO. 15
Raslavsl{y Injured Saturday Night Roys Cltosen As Engineers Vanquish Pratt President Opponents' Man-for-Man Pro Tern Play S tum p s Tech Cnger s Profs. May Judge "News" Material In New System
For First Three Quarter s The
11 ~unl
hard fighting T ech team its eighth ,rictory of the sea~on IJ\' trimming the rough Pratt fn stitu w tenm hy a score of 1'>5·3.5. Plo ying an extremely close·guarding mnn·for·ma n defense the op pone nts inc urred so
Rating Plan Inau g ura tion Would Assist Staff in Annual EJections
M. E. Dept. B ead Has Been at W.P.I. Since 1910 Professor Francis William Roys. c hairman o f the faculty and head or the Mechanical Engineering Depart· ment. wns named acting President of the Ins titute nt n special meeting of the executive commit tee held last Wednes day . lie will sCr\'C until a successo r to the Jnte President Earle is chosen. Ceorge l. R ockwood, a life member CJI the board of tru s tees. wn s c hosen to bc(•omc the ac ting c hairman of tl1e hoard, a position whi c h is nhvays filled b)· th e President of the Insti tute. Profe~sor R oys, a m ember of the d oss of 1009, hu s been at the Insti· ~utc since: 1910, spending 11 yea r alter his graduatio n at the H o lyoke Mach ine Compnny. li e wns a t l\lassachusetts
In order to improve the present. many personal fouls tha t four CJf the me thod of electing stuff members or starting Fla tbushers were forced to the TEI' II NEWS Association the fo l· lea,·e the game on fouls. lowing p lan is submitted fo r considera· With twc, minutes to pia,· in the ti o n. h. c1 t AI R 1 k d ibbl 1J l. Two instructCJrs from the s taff of t 1r q uar er. as avs ·y r ec the F:ng.!is h Department to be select ed down th e ftoor and as he attemp tt:d to j udge the t1ut11ity of each article in to cut between two Pratt men, he every issue of the TECil NEWS. stepped o n t he hall and droppeo with 2. A copy o f each issue o f lhe paper n thud. So badly had Ras injured his will be su b.mi ttcd to the selected in. ankle that he wa.~ curried o ff the floor structors With each article numbered · . Tl1e c h een· nu an d a ~ well wn'thi ng ·l1l pu1n E ash a. numbered sco . re s heet. hamklnppin~t well expressed the ap· 3: •ac d ln stdruc:~or whlll re?d each pret·iation of the s tudent body to ward artiC1c. a~ I gr~ e 1t , alpd abeticall y ,? r Ro.s·s s tella r performance this st:aso n. numeln ca Y;... uc11 grah es ~~e.dto •h'e no tec o n u•e score s eet U\:~1 c t c ~hu uld he be una ble t o play from now .__ d. l . . . num.,.,r correspon mg o t 11e art1c1e. on th1s v1ctory mar well represent an ,1 G d h t , ,. . . • •. . • ra e s ee s arc to "" returnc<1 un!!lonfied wm as hi s POSitio n "'111 be to the TBCll NEWS A~ociation which unreplaccable . Associatio n will keep a record of the ~og11ecl by ,n.Juck throughout the grocles fo r each reporte r as well as the enure game, the local~ hac! unusual length of the article and its location in difficulty ill sin king the1r shots and it the paper. wnsn·t until th e final spurt in which 5. Average grades as well ns the Teeh scored 2:;1 po ints that the sco re total number of in ches printed will be resembled the usual Tech margin the majo r detemtin ing fac t or in select· Ray Forkey and Ray S hlora split on ing the fi rst ten m en who shall be scoring hono rs each receiving 12 points. eligible fo r elec tion to a higher office. Ra!Uavsk)· himself had scored 8 po ints - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - before hi s unfo rtunate accident. The 11ame began with Pratt scoring the first basket as Tech atte mpted to set tl e down. Afte r two minutes of play, Ra y Shlora scored the fi rst basket for Tech. Fighting Prat t's close guard· ing. the locals managed to squirm out Sound Trac k on of thei r cl utches as Ray Forkey heaved Special Film Used a long pass to Raslavsky wbo scored to make the count 6 to 4. S hl ora again For First Time put up his old fight and actually picked The "Good will H our", s ponsored by PROr&BBOR ROYB the ball out of his o pponent's hand to Ironi zed Yeast, over WTAC immedi. drop an o the r do ubJe.counte r through ately fo llowing the basketball gam e Ins titute of T echnology in 1016 Cor a the hoop. The score at the end o( the broad cas ts on Saturday incorporated year as exchange instru ctor. Upon first half was 21 to li for Tech an ~ntindy new prin ciple of presenting his return here in 191'7 he was imme· \V!th th~ advent of ~he thin! quarter, a trnnscrihcd prot,rram which was used diately made an assis tant professor. He pas5mg s t1ll had no t 1mprond grently fur the first time in thi s section two was made a full professor in 1023, and al~d . many times T ech had the ball w~eks agu. Instead of t.hc us ual re· named head of the Mechan ical Engin· Wlthm storing di~tance o nly to have cord ing on a disk a new svstem k now n cering De partment. lh e ~arne year, sue· (Cont inued on P oge 4, Col. 4) Pratt ret rieve it. Tech o nly managed a$ Mille rfilm iR ' u sed in this new to a~ld 12 points to their sco re as Pratt m ethod a film, similar to that used in wa• mcr~asing thei r total by 10 to make talking movies, o n which a sound it 35-2i fo r T ech. trM•k ha s been cut muvcs pnst a photo. In the las t quarter the tea m rea lized elel"trir cell whic h trunsla tes the lines th at it mus t fight all the harder with em th e sound track into elec trical im· Captain Rnslavs ky gone, Du vie Me· pul~es and eventually into wo rds and Ewnn, who hactn•t sco red in 22 minutes music All Previous Hops Of plav, sta rtecl the ball rolling 1\S he l~s~.<: ntilllly the whole apparatus ha• Ripped a cl~an s wisher right over his the ge ne ral appearance of a lnrge me tal To Be Relegated head fur a two-p ointer \Yi th 3 minutes desk. T o the right and left of the To Obscurity to play Worcester h1t lhe fifty mark n· nler position arc duplicate arrange· and Pe ter Bigler decided to make a ment~ fur unreeling the !lound fi lm pa~ l With chara c teri s tic efficiency an<l few subs titutiMs a!> Knauff. Oneglia, the elect·ric eye, obtaini ng the necessary class spirit, t he class of '41 has already anti Lambert were substi tuted for amplification ancl winni ng it On an· launched preparations for the annual Pnrkr\·, )!c Bwan nnd Shlo ra. A CJther reel. The so und film is unwo und Soph H op. The Sop h H op committee haskt•t by Lambert, two foul •hots by from u flat, hf>ri?o ntnl reel, guirled by was appointed last week and immedi· Oneglia nnd one by Forke y bro ught mj,nns of rollers between a light source ately we nt into its firs t huddle. Comthe ~core.: up to 5ii anrl to th e enrl of nnrl the ph ntn cell nm:l rewound on a ing away from this, th e committee· the game ~imilar disk afte r passing around an· men we re unanimo us in promising t o ~tlndav X·rnn revealed that Ra~lav- othe r set of rollers. Each side bas its produce the best dance ever to hit ~k~··s ankle wns no t broken and the special amplifiers which c reate electrical T erh. The time tentatively set for doctc•r sairl he may be able to pl:ty impul'<C's from the sound trark and this supcr·dance is the middle of May. the latter .part of the ~cason l<.e11rl them to the regula r broarlcasting The place wi.!l undo ubtedly be one of (Contmued on Puge 3. Col. 5) (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) (Continued on Page 4, Col. 5)
"Goodwill Hour" Uses New Method Of Transcription
Swanson Heads Hop Committee
Studettts Mou1n Death of P11>esident Ralph Earle I
Frosh lttcrease Strength Aver. Schleich, Hartwell, Paige Rated Strongest Men in Their Class
According to Pro£. Pe rcy R. Ca rpenter, the Freshman class at T ech is nearly five per cent s tronger no w, than whe n it e ntered the Insti tute last Se!lte mber. The mid·year strengU1 test ll\•eTRge for this t ime was 673.6 kilog rams as cCJmpared with nn average of 646.6 ki.logrnms Cor las t Fall. These averages nre based o n the inte rcol· legln te s trength test stBildar('(s which consist of a series of separate tests in· el uding "push·ups," "pull·ups," lung capacit y, grip or both hands and the d y namometer, a device for reco rding the stren~:"th of buck and leg muscles. Grout W , Schleich of llnrro in, N. Y., is th e stro ngest man in the class with a rating of 093 kilograms, foUowed by Rodney 0 . Paige of New L ondon, Conn., 980: David L. llartwell of Pem· broke, 970 : Ro be rt E . Allen of Glen to ve. N. Y., 924. "Doc" Carpenter be· lieves the increase in s trength is due to th e two ho urs a week or gym classes required of all undergraduate students, and to the normnl growth o( the stud ents.
Tau Beta Pi Members Attend M.I.T. Meeting Philip Singleton Comments On Progress of Society The Massa chusetts Alpha Chapter of 'l'au Oeta Pi at Worcester Tech was cordially invited last Thursday to a dinner and evening of e ntertainment by the Massach uset ts Beta chapter at M. T. T Twelve s tudents and one fac ulty m ember attended from Wo r. ccster and a similar number from Tufts College. This was the fi rs t att.ernpt to bring togethe r st urlents from s urrounding colleges fa r mutual goodwill and fellowship. After the dinne r a series of introrlut tory s peeches we re given by the various chap ter presid ents. Mr. Ph ilip Si ngle ton of Yale La w School, chapte r coordinator an(l edit o r or the Cou ncil Bulle tin, commented on the activity a nd pmgress of Tau Reta Pi in Ame ri· c11n college!\. john G . Hollick s poke of the m ournful death of Presicien t Ralph Earle An added a t.lrac tion for the evening was the showing of moving piC'tures o n skii ng. Those attending from W orceste r Tech were P rof. ll'rank J. Adams. WaJ. ter Abel. Charles Amidon, Robe rt Be rg~trom, C'lare Harris, John H ollick, Do nalrl I Iouser, R obe rt M.artin, Albert Nim~>, Charles Thulin, Richard Wiison. Ro nald Brand, and R obert. Dunklee.
Funeral Service Conducted Wed. at All Saints Church H ost of Associates Pay Final Tribute a& Last Rites Of Beloved Friend Eleven hundred mourners !rom Wor· cester and seattered sections of the ffio.st pajd final tribute to President Rnlph P.arle at funeral services in All Saints Church, Wednesday, February 15. Despite a s teady driule that had started early in the morning a nd brought. a depressing pall on the day, the hundreds of extra chairs that had been placed in the aisles, sides and rear of the church we re insufficient to accommodate the multitude of friends, associates and admirers who had gath· ered to pray Co r the deceased educator and World War leader. A s part o£ the service, Rev. Richard C. Presto n, rec tor, read from the forty. 11ixth Psalm, a passage fi tting for ho mage to a great sailor who bad played a fighting man's role in the great war, yet who si nce had devoted much of his almost boundless energy toward dissemi nation or peace. Afte r rending of the I!Cripture, Rev. ~fr. Pres ton, contrary to bja usual practice, made the following comment on the life of P resident E'arle: " We d o thank God this day Cor &811<>oiations which have given clearer vision of this abundant life of which Christ speal<s. And yet our thanks cen only he adequate as it finds expreseion In finer living. We are he re in rrateful memory but more than that we are here in the spirit of consecration. "We know that, in our world, power is so often accompanied by pride. Yet we are moved this day by an example of true humility, one who followed in the steps of Him who said, 'I am amonr you as o ne tl!at aerves'. Authority can so ea~ily develop a solemneu and cold· ness, yet who of us here has not been stirred to )tindneSII and warm·hearted· ness. "Ours is an age of opinion. What an ins piration it has been to feel t he power of convictions, modestly but firmly held. We have been helped to renlite the impor~an ce of high ideals in life, and we are go ing to hold our Rtll!ldards just a little higher." "'rha t last c hapel is not finished, but you and I are going to complete it . Tt is going t.o be lived out in many a ure he re today." "You young men particularly, you have ca ught a new vision, you have felt t he impact. of an ennob1ing spi rit. Just hecnuse of it, you arc going to pick up the c hallenge.'' " Yo ur lives must be marked by a ne w 'pcrsistance' in you r quest for character if you are to Hve up to your heri tage." After the service.-., the body was car· ried to th e Friends Burial Ground, Loires tcr, where, in a steady drinle and under a leaden sky, it was lo wered to ill! Ji nnl res ting place. In a ccordance with tradition, the nag was removed frnm the casket. and presented to Mrs. Earle. {Contloued on Paae 2, Col. S)
February 21, 1939
Tecl1 News Con titution
S ttulents Mourn Death of Presi<leut Ralph Earle
seruoi'J Tau Belll 1'1 \\'alter \1 I John ll ol a·k. l'arl Lc\\ill anti .\11 rt Xims. 1938 Mrmb« 1939 'until ucrl imm Page l, Col. 5) lnt~rfrlllt'rllit\ l'oundl Thoma Notion... \ At.h crtising Ser vice, Inc. l'n<ler l' t'Ort Ul :1 llQ\ II l{llilfll anrl Bourne, fa tk 1\o\tl, c; eur~;t• l'dker, Jr. Associated CoUe5iate Press C'.ollrJr I'M l11l>W1 I.;. />rrlr"IJtl~• prc<cdcd "" .1 poli•~ ••(U:lll car. the R .\tlrien J acque«, \\' llh.un h:.l\', t'.1rl blit"r' .:-.;, tt> .\ reqUired hr tb~ 1 ltu<h o( Pre ~:~~~~~~ l~arlc \\a'> t':orrie•l in h:t•\·,er mul ,\rthur ~lolhocuf ru'..:< ot th .\<<oclation that th,. C'.Qn· LOj "-·· It • l"'tt f•,n IKO ·•lunn pron~ltoll Tut ,<fa r m••mlng Skull ~ Jalrulm I hanrlh:r Ru' 11 s tituti~>n ut th.. TEt H '\ E\\':-, .\ -;o. l'uhli•htcJ e•rry Tue.•la) uf the Collt:l!" Year by trum h•~ hunw at II B·•rntnn ~tre ·t Kordhllll hrnest I.Jtllli:J:f<ll Da\'lrl •·a.1tion ht• printe 1 ul the TEl'! I ~E \\'S to All s.unt- t'hurch \\here it Ia~ in 'lc:l~\\;11 .\ ll'l:rt Rn Ia\ l.y llllll .l•lhn OIH'C l'l'll"h yl'ar we nre prinun~; pan ~t.ll<' 11111il the tuncra l There it \\;J~ T lht<hton of It 111 this is,ue W ITOR IN CIITEF pl;tc•·•l in fron t oi tht• .tltar. with hi~ ! Tcth 1 oun••ll lluulrl ll uuFcr ,\t·t'f•rthn~: tu the C n~tlluti n 1)\ the Rub('rt "'· I JoycJ. '39 I at .1nd S\\CJrcl • n top ••I th o.' toltin, !'tud~n l l'hri~ t i.tn \ ,,t·:atinn X or· 1 Et ' ll ~ 8\\'~ .hsoctatton and t•> cus M ANACING EDITOR BU"l i\E~~ ~IAN'\CER P Wom•n "-1•aung, '39 Jark F' flu)·tl, '.i9 und llankcd " ' l1n\\t:r' lrul!l fnenr!s J!l.lll l'a• kanl 1om in tht pa t, this t•ar' stah b pub. 111tl •>rganilatioth '' h"'t prngr~'' he x, \\lntln 1 lulo Roll< rt t \111rp h· 'i•lung the t'"ns titutH•n a< it wa~ re. NEWS EDITOR " I'ORT ED! rOR Robtrt \< , OertNrom, '39 Carl \\ . Lewin, '39 hnrl ,udctl in a lilc 1 r11wdcd with • t 'la s uthl'l'r' \\'tlham .\lwrn anti \'tsctl last :-opring. .\s the .\ ~sol'itll 1on tr'll\it\', J t'hurlcs .\m ulon. hns Ill' 11 rc,·icwin;: thi,;, the rcnsed ';ECHETARY CIH.CLLATION M AN,\ CER 0. J uhn Knrna, '39 \\ aho1 II. S<Jdnno. ';19 'I h•· lltlll'rrtl cl irt·t t11r ~.1 .tl thnt more J uniors • "II' litull"n l'cc m ~ w ha\'e ftm ,r an}' ll•tWl'rs had I teen .cnt an tribute to this .\th lc l it· t'oundl Rn\'tn<HHI JlOJr· flaw s in tt J UI\ IOR EDITOR" Durutlll L. :icevcne tl•••'l'll ·t·d IHI\'nl knd, r .anti cdut·utor 1e\', J : ' H'l It' 1: ~~ I :\am ~ an~l Puqml'l! W. Clark Coodrb ild Kenneth R. llloi•dell Bcnjnmn A. La mbert Robert E. Dunklee Kunrlull Whiteheotl th.tn I ad t•\f.'r ht•t•n ~nthcretl n t a Stwk·n t l'hrt• t ltl II • \ <>nt·iu I••Ill Paul s~c. I. I hts organtza lt011 "hall IJc BU ' INES A SSIST ;\ NT' Ju1tt•r,d in tlti l' il\' l\\t> 'lUIIIcn frnm \\' luhn•un anti llmdf•ml \\'ult' rmlln l..noo\\ 11 '' tht> TE• II '\ E\\'S .\s-.uriu. l'htlip D. llanlt>ll tht• ml\·al r,·,~n·e ' '"'"! ~:unrrl ou ctllll.'r Tt•t h 1 .,111 ,..; 1 Ra \'mond ~~ hnlnrn 1tiun ''' \\'t~n·t·~t~:r Polneth nt, rn· Fretl<'rk k R Waterlwu•e REPORTE;RS ~u lc nf t hl• c·,"k'l untrl the iuncml ,Inti l'arl \\' 1 riu·h . ltitut<• Kenneth l>re>o~~~r "tcphcn llopkiM r~lm1•r \ ld\ utt •cr\'H'es t lrt" 11llin.r• !{n iH rt I >uul..lce K 1' :o-.t 2 It , J.all he the tlut~ n£ the George Cohen Ularle& lloe!Jel llcmnltl P~lmer l lilliord Paige l I IS·C'I l\rrc 'lll<(lt'lldt•d at the nolll)J.:J!! Fra•.r \\' I c;nvcli Rnhtrt r-: ' lli~g~· ·l ~:I'l l .\E\\':' .h~•>l'IUtion tn puhli•h Stanley Majka Hnh<"rt llolby Keith Mclnt)'Te Rnbc·rt Firming ancl rqJrl!l't'llt.n :n~.s fr• m t·at·h l'lass H '\ t tlu t·ullt'J.:L '"'' kl" knuwn as the'( F.t'H tlltr 1 " 1>~,•r 1 t'\\ tnl \ I: \\'s Edi torial 2-9632 or 3-930~ W<·n· ~It·• tl'tl 1" attend tht• « r\'i<'•'" Sophomores • ~EW PIIO:'I'"ES llu~in l'u 3-9.tll .111 ,. t·hur• h 'Jia< t' marie it imp,.o 'I h 1• .1 \ h I 1 t E '1 :\leml••r htp 11 . h .\1{11• II t•t o unn n ur { urran ant . II '\ E \\' , \ . 1 _'' 11·' T ERM ' 11•1,. lor a s lur1cnts tu attt.>ncl The l'harh·- 1.. 11 ., t. 1 . , !' . ""''<'latuln ,hnll 1 •, , ._ t-OYi ..u 1e to cit·<, tt·ds •tt• Ients ~:athcred at Cla<;Sical .\•,lllt·t'r•• ll,lrr\' I) .... .,,, ,.,. t·un cst •II anv number ,,f men as 11r:> Subocripttons J)«:r. year. $2.00; srnslc cop•~- $0.10. 1\l u._ e a II cI'occ"" , . , , 1 1 1111 11 " 111 .,, 1 Bwjnell!l Manas er. Entered as ~econd cia~~ mat ter. ,:,eptember 21, 1910, at the po,1 lli~;h · 1 huul t.trh 111 tho llftt.'nlll<tn l ' lac 5 .,i}itrrc l>unalcl T .\tl-in ,, 11 \'lrJ,·cl 1• 1"'\ ollice m WorceJter, Mau., under t11c Act ttf :\l11rch 3, 1897. ;uul mardlt·•l in to the dmrch Facultv :-,, • :-oix rnt:mhcr« of the l'enior All auhll('rtptions t xpire at the clo•c o£ the college yPar. members 1: 11lwrcd at l'crst L nh·crsali<>t E ~Inn me ll.l\l .uul 1.; U lit 11' " 11 t l:1· '· \" Eclitnr in.( htd :\lunal(ino Freshmen ~ • • hun·h l~t•fnrt• lllotro·hinl( tu ptl\' final l•:clttor, Uusint'" ~lanagt'r '""' Edi. THE IIEITERNAN PRE Cltli1 l'r" \'ormnn f.. Lrr ;uvl 1'l'lltll'th , . . tnloutt· tu tlwir latt• lt:atlcr jtur ,\,,r nate Echtor, anti ~\"fd:lr}, WorceBLer, Mass. l>ar!"CHl' ll omurar\' l>t·Hrt'r" anti r,·prt:<t:nlatives w!1u h.tll •·tm<titute lht• TEl II X EW:) w c·n os lnllm~s : Ushers lloartl 11 1 llucwr.tr\· 1 • liNd , ' 1l'r '''i•rt• llt·.•n Enwntu ~lt' 2 Eight mt-mltcr.. "' tht: .lumor 0 ur P rexy l' s ~a\'\' w':r~~t·r, rt•J•reSI!IlllllJ: the Zl'lot~:s \\ l'onml' nnd Prn[ I h•rlterl I lu"'· \ i/ two .\~sistant Busu1ess :\Jan· The s hockingly sudden a n d unt im ely d eath or our Prexy, P re!'oide nt F Tn' lur n.lum11i · •·rt'lnr\' l{car ,\dmirnl l 'hnrlt.•s fl . Snnlcr, ' ..,. · il)(t· r~ anti ~ ix gditorinl .\ <sr;;tants Ralph Earle, leaves us wi th u v ast fee ling o f emptiness because h e prt•,id•·nt uf tht• \a\'al War ('nllt·g~ nl Represent Classes 1..""" 11 11s Jun ror E.-t.'t••rs ,,,1,,, .~. 1,n,·~1,1 n•t ·• ' l{q lrt·•l'lllii t ln·s at I.II'J.:l' [rom tlw ··ul an . suc·1I n qmt·a. l y a~ t11 1o! I murd rna" di· was more t o us th an I) r es1'd e n t 0 f lh e I n s .:t u u t e: h e was a l ru e r n. e n d . \\'. 1 sh in ~:ton : Reur ,\ dmirul William T '''1-:L l'lus~t·~ wMc ; • 1 '1 • ·h h In some colleges thr president is regarded a s s ome highe r- up in t I1c 'I nrrtlltt, nlmmnndnnt uf the l~irsl J uniors m·. :an• wno. 111 <'011 unet 1" 11 w1t t c · '1 f b · :\ami l>ist tlt t, llu• ton : and i' api. .John Tgc II XE \\'~ lloarcl, shnll l'lll1' iitute f ront o ffi ce b ut h ere a t ec h we were a11 owe d th e pnv1 ege o e mg Rwwld ~ llrnnd Fmnl. .\ . 1 rnNh',l'h" Tht l l ".' E\\' ," s,'tn'''. !•'urt• II irws, l ' ~. :\ . retired. Phil· ~ '' - ·~ " frie ndly with our pres ident. That was the w ay I)rexy wante d u s to lr . Pl•lt•r ~ r.turli ~ \\'illnrtl T r.on•. Sl l' :J .\11\' numh<:r nf rC()<>rtt•r.s or tltlt•l p hin. feel a n d he went out or his way to learn t o kno w us with his r ccepl lwlOrun· lwurt·rl' rt•pri.!St•nltng the l~tlwarrl E l l tfc:\', \\'am·n (' ~l .. hh hu~irlt''' n'"hlllnts \\hll h:we fulfilled tions, dinners for s tudent organizations, the 1\<londay afte rnoon gath- trwH<'t's of the: ,.,,ll... gl' wen:. kiss, Russt·ll .'' 1.""' 11 lr · ~h:•·r ~nllll'l.,l tht· rl!quireml' tlls for uwmht•r.;hip as Dnnrcltl I. ~~~n·n,, llnrry 1·•. Sttrltnf.: ltldinc<l 111 .\ rtil'le 4 erin~ at his ''quar ter-.," a nd nume r ou s other activities. F o r l h o'le o r I hurl"• I. .\ ll"n. 1 hnrles Baker, o ·· Sophomores \ RT it' 1 I' 3- \' 01111 · US who had the plen~ure o f wor king a bit closer with him on -,orne ,., n·tnn · c:,•ur~:~: 1-' ll\luth I? llurnld \\'..rren S llrarllurd R.nm 11111J 1. :.;·,.,. I ' The s·~,.: 1-: I l;~ui•·l<, llt•nn f Vullt·r nf :\ew York. ·' ~en10r position' 35 phase of college life, his unders tanding, guid a n ce, judg m e nt, a nd rare \ r>t•lt,lc, Thuma I{ I> l~rrtt'll l<lmt· t flt·hnt·rl 1·0 ,\ rtt't·lc •_>, s .... t1·,1n I , ~.hall . ll~t•rt .I !:tflurd, trt'asurcr , .\lrlu ~ I' · ~~ · t Joss w h'IC h c anno t b e r ep )ace d . sen~ 0 r r rurness a re a grea IIIJ.:l{in' Paul ll :\lorl(i.ll1, (~eorge I Ferguson, \ f<'lllr l.un1ha rtlt , fo:lnwr E tar h t•arry thr,·c: \'utes the Clght . h'ss d u t'se s as p res 'd \\' , l'ai~··· ll Ru ,d( .fumur memt ... r.. rle"<'nhctl Ill .\rtidt: 2. S.mce ass umang t en t o th e I ns t 1'l u l e .sn 1925 , Rot·l. wtKIII, l'harle,:; G !'tratton ~amuel :\11-:\'utt \\' 1, ... .lr,,..llilliartl . . · ar,.;o; ' 11ltlm 1 1 au 1'I'll una 11 t :-o1·t tum '1 shall each ha\·~o two \'Otes Admiral Earle disp layed the zea lous, thoro ugh. p r ogressive p o licy s Stun~· nf llurtfurrl t'onn E Smith, .\rnoltl II SW,\IlS<Ifl, \\'llliam ••ntl th rt:purters and bu~ine'< a'\l.i' that was charac teris tic o f h b ex c eptiona lly fine n aval car eer . lt was <ltlwr hunurar\' hcart'rs were E \\'til\ l'n•rlt rid .. \\' Zll'gkr '"'ll" II' tlc<tril><•cl in .\ rtide '1 :--ectivn Pre:rv's tireless a ctivity that expande d the c urric ulum . im proved the ~loll'or lluuwtt, Dr \\'allat•e \\' .\tl F reshmen :1. shal1 'ach have on!! \'ute "J "'"'"'· pn·-ult•nt uf ( lnrk t:m,·er~ftv . ~laur· \ \ 1 1 c; II phys ical equipment or the college, . tre nglhened t he facu lty I a nd put \\;men .\ ~\'hllllt:\. pr~sidcnt of the Bi~t..hal;: ·;r . i'rl'<ll~,~~·;~;;:';h· ;~llr~~~land :-,,,. 2 :-.cniur uffit·l!r~. at the C'\ ptra· liun ul thetr lt:rrn of ohll'< ami .Junior athletics on a financial bas is. B ecau s e he tho roug hl y b e l ieved tha t 1nt~h't·s nf \\ orn•stt•r 'kndcm\ : ('hand p Jo: k,trmn l~ril \\' g~,~n. fh nt nn utlit <:rs Jathng of elect inn ur ll[l(X)IIll· the morale o f s t udents is raised by participation in s p orts a nd by ltr llull"t·l., Junu•r warllt•n or .\ 11 ~aints " c: . . rl:u·h. Rnhcrt R Lntt, ,\ hrahnm nwnt tn the TECII XJo: w :; Board, 'hall the s u ccess or vars ity teams, he encouraged a greater pro p o rti o n or l hun·h. (:enr~:c ,\\·err \\' hite. president (' \lcntldsnhn John E R IIJ:l'fS<'IIl, fl'tain une \'ll l C each during thctr Ull· . .m te res t 10 . s ports . ' .rh r o ug1o I ut t h'IS uf Prof lht• \\'llrt't•stcr ('nunly t'lllrt>IWt• II n,l\1·~. •\r\'<1 .\ "L,'',•tnrtll·l·,,.." .·. tl'rgrantr• I I tc connection t h e s tud e n ts t o ta k·e an act1ve l~r:uwi~< \\' R TruH h. C'o with the . h h' I t d I f h I . l <1\'S, (' atn11an : l<nhcrt Sdtnlthi.'I'S, Jarnt·~ .r ~h ..('hy, lnSlllU1C • . amb lliOUS, progress sve progr am t e •g 1 s an a r c s o t e ns lltu e l,k:lll . .lmm1c \\' I lowe, ancl Prof \\' illirun n Rluant• Jnhn F. Sltlli,·nn. SL't' 3 l{cportcrs and husitless aswere maintained . We a r e a ll familiar with h is la t es t step forward I r~f l(''; ' . Adams, sc~·rular;"· reJlr~~entccl John ~I Tnwns1•111 J lr . l{ny 1111111d \\', n , i~ t ll llls failing- of eluction 10 3 hig her toward improving the physical plant which called for a million-dollnr the \\ or(t·ster Pnly tct·h 111c lnstrtu te kmlfl, \\' urren G l! ord rn~o: ollt('l' shall lr•RC their , ·ute in tlta Assoprogram of construction and campus expansio n . This lates t projec t c;,•ur~-:e Dixu n, p~esident.' ~epre· l Alumni Delegatlo111 datuu1 1 11 Pres i\nclrcw L. \\'ilkin~nn nf lhl.' (Cuncinued on l)age I, Col. 2) was som ething about which he h ad dreamed a nd for whic h he had sen ted the "'' i\ lunuu i\:;.>;(lt'lll laon. U~dergraduatea Tu1·h \\'ur<·cstcr l 'nunt, ,\l umni i\Nso planned fo r so m e t ime and therefore it is gratifying tha t he w as able T lw fu!luw 1li•?g. untlcrgraflun:es at- dntion ll.'cl tnt· fnlln;,,1111t tl,. 11,gntion to see that plan approved. although his untiring effor t devoted to tcntkd ns n.1 n~l re pre~ntull\'es of · rrom thl' alumni u( thi~ area : EXPRESS SERVICE FOR LAUNDRY AND BAGGAGE this e nd p robably has tened his death. His memory will live in this, studen t orga•motums: llarn ll Lintl~a'. \\'alter n Ot•n Rlillway Express civea special his last a n d g reates t act for the Institute. nen. .lnhn \\' Cnu~:hltn, Richard n attention to shipmenls of lur· The very fact that we were a llowed the privilege of friendly a soThe meetin( of the Sceptical Lamhcrl, llnward P Crane. .lnhn .\ rae• and other personal effects. Ohymlats acheduled for Monday, ll~rr. t'arl f' L1rlstrnm 11 L'lavton ciation with our preside nt served, in s ome measure, to a ccentuate February 20th, hu been post.. Kt•nclall anti nlenclnn x Pomcrm•. T bey have free pickup and de· Uvery service in all principal the knowledge or his work for the Institute but, at the s ame t ime, poned untO Monday, February towm. Free insurance up to pus h into the background the amazing naval career whic.h gained 2'1th. ln~orporated 1918 Pt'O(Tam : $60.00 on each 100 pounds iJ profor him inte rn a tional recognition . G r aduati n g from Annapolis, rankElection ot Officers vided. Students can prepay tbe ing fourth in his class, his e n e r getic and dis tinguis hed career cu istudent Spet.kerscharges or have them collected at m inated in being t h e you n ges t offic er to hold the pos ition or Chief Mayer, '.0, " Carbon Monoxide deatinatJon. A special low charre 154-156 Main treet iJ ln effect on Laundry &hlpof the Bureau or Ordnance. It w as in this capac ity that he rose to a.a a Chemical" menta. The Railway ExpreJI WORCE TER. MASS. fame as the originator o r the Northern Barrage, whic h b o ttled the Burneaa, '19• "Dissociation of Carbon Bonds." ~ent Is available qulckly to German U-boa t s in the Nor t h ea, and the 14 -inch naval r ailway Powell, '38, "Fluorescence." meet all kinds of transportation Lighting Fixtllrf'l and Fire Place batteries which were in s trumental in breaking lhe e nemies comrequirements and he will solve Hardware, Tool• and PninJ practically uy ahipplnr problem munication li nes a nd thus h as tening the Armis tice. A fter the war, a.t abort notice. F11rni•hinga Admiral E arle served in the Navy until 1925 when h e received his leave o f a bsence to become President of the Tnstitute. Hr r e tired AFTER THE GAME Type rflrilPrt-Ner" an.d Used from active n aval s e r vice that s ame yea r. Re1)alr Serv.lce on Our Premlwea In addition to thes e two great loves of President Earle -the Navy Pay U• $1.0Q W~>l'kly Visit Tlr.e
Elwood Adams, Inc.
and T ech- he had many outsid e interes ts. In fact it is hard to r ealize t hat any one m a n could l ead ~uch an acti ve life and be :o s uccessful in each line. The re is no doub t that Prexy's passing is a severe b low to the Institute: his p lace will be impossible to fill. " His was a mre combinatio n of daring , courage, tenacity of purpose and unOagging 11 fnithfulne"s to every trus t.
STATIOI'IERS 24 Pleasant StreN
Co mplime nt•
107 Hi~hlnnd St. U. S. POSTAL STATION ;_......,
129-131-135 l\lain Street
Farnsworth's Texaco Service tation Cor. U ighland and Goulding Su.
Danrlnw Be~>ry Friday and Saturd'!.!_,
J'l'hrunr~ 21. 1939
Grant l\lerutc n Take even First In \V.P.I.- B. winnu.ing l\leet
LXA. aud 'AE Begin lnlct·ft·atc rnily Bowling "' erie
Platukia \\'ius Backetrokc, S tar in :\letUey Rt>lay; Riddick Take Two
\\'cdnesda1· 1111:ht Tcdt go.:s into tho:
trt)uhle 111 bl'l'llll-: hi-< Ttrn•·r cumpcti· in the I IOyanl lr~·,tl'l•· c1cntl I . F . BOWLING \\lute ~late\' ann Lukin.·ho<>k tonk S\'l'• lnt<•r r.ltt filii hu\\11111; );• t Ull<l<r and tlur<.l lor B. l.' . The ·l(l(~ y:~rd " , 'I hur •l.11· I ~hruan llth, with 11 11 \\ orn <ter l'.:t·h n.n.tt .. r ,,1mc through with ,, .il ·:! l \ll'l"rr "'"r llos lr~e-stvl< rel.ll" wa:. Ted<'s sevcuth Yil·· 1.. X ,\ \ < S ,\ K !'i'l .:arne, hav~ "•nncdr. ln~:ham , Lnve :u11\ Rid · t ... 1•11 1,1,11 t·cl ult I· • datt• Tht! ••am.: 1 n L'1111 ,.r,ltl''s •m imllllll): 11 am 1.1•1 tort "' :-.llut~fa,· in thL Fullt.!r l'nol The <ht k t.ll'h ):(ainc:rl Oil th<·ir IIJIJ'OI1l'lllS ,,Jlt'tlllfl•d ltlf \\, dm"<l:ll', i'1•hruary (jr;lllltnlll, dt·s1nt• the l<l'' ol llarr~ I•• )11'1 mis-. t \'Ill!: t h•• ct•l.!ct.;<: f<:l'l•rc l ul l,'nh , ",1, 1""11"'"' •I hn·:m~c t•i l'rt.:,;i Thi< •ll•n 1 J-:.11 1,·, llm•·r:&l, hut "ill 1.,.. pl:wcd :-tirl111~;. shnlll I< :o..n·ll,•nt h•rm wiunin~: :1 :;;- "'' t "'" tinh~ ••I o ,;e,·und thclf "''Cuud 11\t'l l o£ tilt' '-t.':l•on \1 ilh t\ Ill duuawd tht!' Hllvntt•n lltlhr~ •>It at ,1 J.1hr d.lt l· lh•lll•• p:u~:n ma.km~r tht• <l·~>rc :il :.!I stnn of nine first plocc~ m l..i\'M nf Wnr••v.tcr \\' un l. lh\ fhe fin.t rulhllt'n' fo~r th•· Tc:t·h wnk· j !'umm<ln I ll X \ -; ,,,.rs wuq the :~ou ynrd m<.'dlc' rcl:11 ~ I' I~ I ;{If() nml ancdlc1· rcluy · T,•l'h , Jl1,tlll .\ (' (I I I Juc J>latuk1s, whu hu~ grc•;ttl\ unprn\cd ki,, ll••pklll<, t'hnmlr~rlain Time, 'I \' I I 111 pmdil'C t ht·•t Jl·"i l wo "cck,, hJo. I' (j 1l I I :.! '.!:l" 1-h•d has 100 yard« ol hut·btrukc wctl ~ tl I' 1 :l :.!:!<1 1·.trrl f n·e·st' k: ({ u ltlu·k IT 1, Luk· in lro11t l11· 1111~ 11r III'•J 1ard<, !->t .,, t !-> ,\ F II ( 111 Tinw, '.! ·:.!.Hi II I I 1, 11 llopkin~ hutll'rlltcd h1' "·" t u ,, t<·n llldhluk II! I, :\tnt·< H II I' s tan! n<lv.lttt.tt:l' :11111 l'rctl •'h.nllhcrl.tin titii.Jr•l tn·,··stvl,.. I""' (1'1, ln,.:ham lntrollllltr II ''""lin~ tall tu·:-. Fchnt ;.,J:\~tt•d humc to hllt'h "lth :aI must .t I I 1. lor<ll' ( ti l. l'ime, :.120 .trl 1... 111:1!1
lla1·in~ l'tdlilfl.ntl (Ill ;;, I poi.tt:;, Jllj..h 111111<• 'IIIII)(, :'t·utt I ' \ \ K,nnech ITt (l.HI r•nint': ln.:h:mt rt 1, ltl):h :1 ~lflnt.: tot.ll, !'>I'll II. I '- .\ lllt.:h I•'·"" 1111 t. I \ \ li.i ,j 1><11111". t ll~th ;J trtnt.: t""" l~ttal. L HKI ~ .trt I I rcc Sl\'lt': Lcn·e rn. L h:un ~,·ott, I \ .\ IIi li t,.rJ,Iin tTl, <~mr <AI Tnnt, .'i!h l ...n.:n•·d,, r !-> t• 1-' !t.! 'II ;I U llr.ulturd ::.. .\ I~ 1.1<1·1 ,tr<l ha&·kstrukc P lntuk" IT i • lhlllk lt·<· L \ .\ !II Burn' tHI, ~umhulm ('( f 1'1111\, J,'l(j t \1(1 ti !lui. I. \ .\ '.!IMI -yanl hrl':~-..t:<tn•ke : Lapula< (Ill, IMI .ful 1:·' I' !, I' llupkith ITt, t'ur,-i.:lia IHI 'tum·. 1\ '1-!"""1· I ). :<'>:j l..un1• rt !-" I' 1·. :.! :10 ti K'> tll.~t!t .. s \ E "-'tl I Ul ,.;lr!l irc~·~ l yle l{j,J.(u k '"·ii llu.:h••' .\ ·1 II ~I;H·cy \HI, Lukinrhuul.. (Ill. Tim e, ::..h, 111111 , I \ '>i' fl ::..t<HII' I' I: I I l'lti I II HI):IIHIII, s I' E '>tl 2 ..,,., 11(1 'an\ lr•c·,tylc rt:f,,,. Te~:h, Ken l.an~ . I' ( i I> Palladmu, th t "''itur ~ swr dl\'l'r, "-'• ( 11"'"· . \ I 0 aw<h, ln)5hanl, Lut·~. Riddil•k. Tnm:, won the ~prm.:l""" d KYtllll:ht it·s 1'11111 (iruhnm , 'I ). I\ I () :1 .i7. 1. ::..ounrler~. T X pellllllll lw a Lcn·pmnt mnr~:ln "hi! • <'l l I h. uroh ~hun, I' " P. \\'ull Kennedy ll'tl .fohn l n){ham hy ~: a l't·t·k, I' <i I I nn<• t••n lh uf a point W ith twn ynrr ls ~~ lin tr~. I. X 1\ til ,port·. Tom J.,m•e tm;k his st•r.·mu l s:111 .\ ldt•ll, S I' E ~l atthl•ws, I' <: IJ 11i11 nJ the tlnv in thl! tOO l'llnl fret'· ~:1 llwlt•r, S 0 P &1 sl\'1<- event Ulltl f•ll•d I h:\lla\l,•rfnlll lU<II.. ~pare.
U1ll Riddll k, \\ h~>l-4: lu;hh\ is lir<H int: awl tvin.: ru·t~r•l .tt lr.l'lt , t•~ anut htr t:ollr.·t:•• rl'mr.t in th~ .nu .~rtl frtc ·a~·lc, w1th ,, tune ul '.! '.!..> U Lu~· im·hook, Bn l••n" ll<'e lr•e·'l\ l<.r "'·"" a Jl'll'C·,c tllll~ ci~lll l.1ps hut in th•• !;''' thr• · l{ ultlit·k uJll'lk<l up .1nd hn· 1-hul hv il ~'""l lll.lf)(in The: lill·yartl tla~h was a total triumph lvr I .:d• with 1111111 ('apl<lin 1 Clll\111\' 1.<1\'l' •111' 1 ' " ln)!ll'lm plann){ hrst aut! M'l'llllll lt.'• ·l·•···tivell· anti nr.t)' ul 11•1'\VII Ulll· l'l.'f~it 1', thrrd
'\ ,\
.; a. . n
M't·qntl. JU'l h<·ntin~ nr.11 '" an nrm'~
It n~:th tl,J c-k in Iu s true furm J ot.• l'la tukt' had no thftkult}· 111 winrun){ the t:.O mrrl h:H·k~trukc h1 n half n lnp "' cr Burns ot lht II uh team "hile l>a\ • Kuniholm ""';un n t'lo~ thir1! \\'ith the !carl t>hifting back unci forth. tlw Ctghtb lap (uund three uf th e 20() 1'3fd br,·a..,tstrokt r.·ump~:tl lur' tll'l'k ancl nt·t·k "hr. n UJI frum th<• rear r.·amc Lapiclas to lmttcrlly hts \\'3\' to a tir;q fnr B. Ll ., edging nut ::;te\'e llupldn' 11\' nn onn's l••ngth "hilc l'ur~i.:lin placed thirrl ~wimmin.: ns if he h.ul ull thl! tlllll' in the wurlrl, Bill R•dd~t·k had 1111
The Funcy Barber and Bea uty Shop
Men 's Shop Quality M en's W ear 115 Highland St. Worcester, 1\laee.
Dial 3-2656
l.nnra~lt·r. A. 11111'•1. ~ I' E
T 0,
\(,·<slil)(l r .\ f 0 . l.•·r• r, ~ 0 I' 1\"'""rth, I' (i I> M.tll10e. ur 'I K P l{ut· ,\ I 0 Rhu1h•s, 'I X t'nrnnw·lu, S .\ t·: l.tllllcr, S () I' Saflll'k, !-" 0 I' \lm l.cu<l, S 1\ I~ ll ••.tr ·r " P
XI a Sl 3
~~ 6
7X 7i 7.;,3
7ii 71
71 i':J 5
Clear~ ers
and Dyers
h um rt' d nguinst flrc n ntl th l'ft
D inctl )' O¥f'r Sta. A 113 Highlan(l Street P OST OFFI CE S l"' Barberi 214 Lineoln St. 376 W. Ooyl8ton S t.
Th )
clicl Ja,t '.:ar, ''"'· In tlu~ tradll ion II l>nulc we should ,I l<&lll:UJI .:.111\C, 11ith '1\·ch stril'lng to prcHnt 11 rq>e· tlli<oa1 ,,, last ,.,,,r's 1:·1111<' nncl t'l.uk
' !" 1
h•rm u~:.un.t c:t' 1 Pu\\ cr~. t 'J.uh. t..•aptain, ..;:.;_,\"!'\
usu.t\ .11
tt•am t,u,
Ch ai'le, aarnijoki, Ft•rgnson, Dunklee Take Trophies
.uul J l!~h hntl
1 ht \\"
luok ''' tts laurd .. ·-'"' ll1lihuto, who ":~~ h•~:h ~~ nr, r a~;au1't '1\·.-lt llt-t ' ' .1r '' uut w1th iln 1n1t1rv II,· pro1tuhh '' il.! nul plnv \\'t•tltt<''"'". ni~:hl nn<l if ht! dnc,, h" IIIII nul 'tall. . t:enr):ll
Pnwt•r:s' lmlllh•r i' tldimlt:h Lilli w•th ll,l\t• t'hu't uf \'e\\pm·t , :\. II., ami , 1 1, 1111• inlmt· l' ruhuhlt• ,lurtiu)( .1 l"'llhilll l 1 ni•m P rep ~t·hool protluc l ,
\1 hu hut! :-..'ut tn r... uu t tlunc hv a Fr••,hmnn 1·1 us \\l'l'" •. ·hm l'cr~:u"lll <>t the d~t"s of 1911 wnn • 1n l'lllllpl••te •uit vi cluthe~ for mat.ang tht. tr.tt·k 1<':111 lr;~vd· '"''" '." nwets tl It' 1'<''I )UIIlp ll ( th l' I 1{I~•. I'' ' '1l Uu I 11,.. \\•·<lnt·"tlnl'ts th•· tlual met•t 1111h ~la'~·,lct•, j 11111, 1r t'la•s J>fl'ly, garner~! 3 !'>lilte ill .\mht•rsl On ~aturtlav 3 tn · Sl·1·11 ml pla1•e lur hi> JUmp o t Iori) two ant:ular 1111'<1 \\tlh Tult~ .uul ~l.t• lt···t .u1d rt•l't•iwd a hcautitul si.!ver " :::tilt&• \\ill It< h•·Jcl a t Tutt~. in :\led ltruphv pn•p<>rh en~tm,ecl .\rvo lnrrl . . 11an < llt'rt• nt T••t•h "''H' 111 ll'annuJ<lk l t•opp,•d a thi rrl J)IRl'e in tt•r.,o~tt•tl to uutit~ lttst "''''" that Rhutlt> slalnm tn ge l his bronze m edal thht'r I ,f,lllcl, "tl h n • trin" ... ol 1\1 t•nnsetu t i\'" t•nt rau ts in 1hr cv~n ts were B11h ~ul· 1 it• tnri,.... l>dund 11 , t.1~t l u Tulis \\'t• liwm nnd C'hnrlie Dowse. hnv<> v,. , to pia\ lloth ll·mns anti th ere llnhtl'kt1}· fur Tech's skiers thc ro were ~hnu hl l;r.• pl~n 1 t' uf lli'tinn. Nutit't• i11 nu 11•nm pn/.es nwnrdc d or they w o uld t ht• J:UIIII;l that hi):h l't'On l1)1 Jawn r:;kl hn l't' !n.lf e 1, Into lhe OvWng r luh's wns h ~ ld tq 10 Jllltlll ~. while 'fibbR Of hnnd ~ 1111 1he locals Hl'Ore wus twice us Tu(ts pulll·tl tlown n tutnl uf :17 point ~ hi.: ns lhat uf their mNtrcNt competi to r . 'lnticc II . U betH Trinlt~· l'lllur· !'n•dit s hould rl2 so be extended to dn,· lll)(ht hi' lht· tlnrruw mnr~;u1 u[ :15,:11 ('nun ~ Ia tc, 'till tn h~ 1 ~11 vt•tl, thnst• members o f the Outin~: Club who l>t·ttl ~In,,• l' tnll', ll'l- 17. l'ro\'ith: u rc lwlperl to t·oncluct the vanous e ven" \ 'oil<·~:•·. "hom Tt·•·h h~a l , wu n frum nt 1he t'nruh-ol Tho11e who oc ted us l'l)riu~:hl'ld whu hcut Tech, IO:J:t . . . IUrll{c' in the different events ant.l .\ fll'r bctllanl{ B U 5 1 ·~1 . Te1•h'~ !milll· wh11 helt>NI oth~rwi~e \t.,rc Libhr, ming kam is JlOinting fur unnther 1\in Dnw•t•, ontl Ro~,~er~un, l'reshmen, and ne' l Saturday, when they trnvel l O \\'il hclrn We t:re r , ad\'anced German llnrt fnrd to ~wian ogamst Trinity ' IIHlent
.tlr.·a·lt ltt'illl II H T ll 11 prn l"ll'11
Triml\' lost to W alli:um last Sntu rclny,
LAVIGNE'S DINER ON HIGHLAND ST. Wf'lcomt>lf Your Patronnge
Good FtJod -
Well Served Nt>vt>r Clo•ed
The wcek-e ncl
February nineteenth.
Dn \'e Chac;e, Bob Dunklee ancl P aul ii7-17 ------------------~~ ln hn"'lll traveled to W oods tock, ~ . ll. 1 ha~ ;~ncl J~Jhn s<:m
are to compete 111 the t'lu'<s l d uwn·hill and slalom rnces 111111 ~tnml a good chance to place FlorrPr~ of QruJity nmung the first three positions. o..u......,. S till another eve nt has been schcd· •' lowf'rll TI'IC'IJ'aphf'd 31 Holden t. Dial 4-6486 ulecl hy the e nterprising Outing Club. On S unrlay, February 26th, the teom will e ngage in n four-team meet. on Mo unt Warhusell ngainst ll oly Cro;s, j. \Vnrces tcr Ski l'luh, nnd Leomi nster 3 Llndt'n Street Ski t luh. The rnces listed are cross· rownr y, clown hill , and slalom. WORCESTER
Rainbow· Gardens
Carroll Brown, Inc.
Clan Plaoto(lraplaer o/ 1959 I __________No Lon•~~~a~f~I·~--------~--=-~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~;;~=;~~~~~~~~~~------------~~----~-------
Good Culllnlf
I' I
Outmg l'luh certainly skiu1~ 'kill nl th~o \\'utt•·r t'nrnivnl ("undtH'\l'd h~· the \\' ,,n~~ler Parks •hsoci.nion on Sun· <1111 Jl, hnlnt·v 12th, a~ the tcnm nclu· n 111' ru11 .mut fmm llll o ther
Slth·t , 10c
lark s:amc n la1oritc
,,.,,t·d tup honurs 111 the llldll'idual hnt up lnr\\,lrll!l, l )nn,llllle and M;u· ,. · (' 11 U lla k 11 ~ • ..~I l l\~ ~\·t•IH~ nt •rL•\•1\ a r ·. c 1m' k1, c•t•ult r, ' lour: ,~;uur.h, Put" r~ Ill h I th 1 f fi • • t~ .. , 11 '1 n• t't ftlll)( 1 or a r~. p " '" :wtl "·lrJI•••• . • . 'I c1·h •huuhl t.Jkc •l.tlom and a th1rd in cltl\\ <l·hill ral"ing . -~~)j' :'\•lrthe.lstern 11 rc.tk turn ..1 fa,l 1 <'•lr'N li e wu-. re\\nrclecl wllh_ tl "ll\·~r en· -~: 1 Jgamt \\as that 1'•·•·h \to,;ll \ t•rthl'·"'l' lll a.:ral<'tl troph\' tur thl' IH«t plat'e anti l.~Kl 1>1 , 1 , •., 1ufurt,lh1c 111, 1r,.:ln. "ht·r,·ns 'l'l.'l'h 1,, hrt>lll<' meclnl fnr the dnwn· hill el'ent.
J.tp to
Techme11 Star At Worcester Winter Carnival
Take Pratt (Contin ued from Pa&e 1,
Col. 1)
l't·orc s: The arti~t's 1nea of ho11 une part uf t he ''tiilll lll" to &·ume' "'ill I<XIk ol Worceste~ T ech This 1s the fo•>Lhridgc over \\'c~t Mrt'l'l, w h1rh wtll t·unnl't'L the ea• t and w e'll section~ t>f Tech·-. plant. The hriiiKe a!' the g th ol Paul B :\lurg.ln, Tet·h '00
\\'ORC' ESTER TEr'll fg fp Ra•lal'~kv If 3 2 ;\ld~wnn rf 3 3 Ru~htun rf I 0 One.:ha r( 0 2 \\'eiiK c 4 0 Lnmh~rt
Shlura lg Lot.t lg 1-' orkey rg KnnuiT rg Totals
8 9
2 2 8 2
0 5 0
0 2 0
I ~STITUT E Jqhn~lon
\Vml~rr If S lcwu rt If R ynn rf C:rahum r£ Millllr C' Mnnl(tlllis c ll nrelich lg Wil cnx lg f1alo llco rg Day rg
fg 2 I
2 0 0 0 5 0
fp I 0
tp fi 2
2 0 2 0 0 0
0 2
0 10 0
TuUIIs 15 5 35 Referee, T o m Carrigan . Umpire, Lou lla(·k Pour lO.minute periods
February 21, 1939
TECH NEWS pru~r.mt
mu'''~' nud tht•n !<hip the reels contai n· tw~:nty-live (25) hour , upon thr recomtng tht hc~t mate rial (M a half hour met ln twn of !one 01 t he .\~,-,~tnnt Bu ·•· nc~s )(.1 nagers and the apprnvnl of t.ltl' prtwra m lu tht vanous stntionc l!u"tn<·'~ Ma nager.
c-ut nnd trlit
tmtlar to tNments or in
othtr mnnner for Editor In c:n•<: ol prolonged di!;<lgrcc· The !;elections of these omcers were m<·n ts the derisions ol th e ex-Edjtor-i n· marll· immediately ~o there would be l 'hid ~hall be a~kecl for and a bided by no dtlay in advancing Tech's miUion. l Set' 6 .\t the a nnual elect ion either dollar huildinl': progrnm. (Continued from 1•age 1, Col. 2) of the A !\si~ t nn t Business Managers - - - - - - -- - amplifiers. A switl·h tn the center ~c( :1 At the a nnual clt>c:tion t he sh~ be eligible Cor electi_on. IJy a mn· Swanson to Head portion <>f the "deck " permits sv nchro T ech News Constitution (Continued from Page 2, Col. 5 ) ,., ~. phomurt reporters rec:t:aving t he )On.t ~· vote of ~he .'\o;.;octata on to t he . C • nization of ea'h sid\! as one ree l ru n ltghc s t number of ,.0 1cs •hall be electcrl po~ttaon of Busmess r.lanager. HoiJ Olntntttee out. .\RTlC'I..E 4 Electaon to Mcmllersh tp ' · . . . . · .. "- -1 B . · , t f h CC · J f p 1 CoL "' 11 f til f • ·h ·rtc • to tht ''" Junt or ecl ttorHtl posauons. ancl ""<' ~ n unanamous ' o e o 1 e nntmue< rom age , 3) • wo ro s o m. one or enc 5 1 Sec I A I· rc!'hman or Sophomore t. . T Et ll KE\\'S Board men showing ex- ~ • • . ' .• • \\ orC'e~t er s most nttracth·e country of the "desk" are required for a broad· 1. 'II1 for .1 ~tt'on to t he A'socia llon tt ~hu ll he the duty of t he Stntor Edt· tgt e ~ t:, • · n d ! f h cepttonal abthty may be elec ted to ns· 1 1 cast and each rl>ll contains two dafl'erent as 't reporter nt the discretion of thl! tonal oarrl to recommcn rlltr o t e . d' . I .. h A c u ls. • s h rt socmtc e ttoraa posttlons, s ue as rt .... d h . sound tracks. Editorial Stall when he hns had p ul> • op omore rc·po ers Ed' Ph h' Edi d ,,ame to t e c1ance commtttee are • tto rs, otograp ac to rs, an •o p p · G 1 Therefore, for an hour·~ protcram. two h!<hcd 60 inches of p<nnt, 13-em men~ &.:c I o\t the a nnual dcctton two r h Ha hard aage, ha am ; Arnold . ~· t n• k) Swnnson, chairman, S. P. E .; Warren reels each of fifteen minutes duration ure solid t·ony, or 1 ts o-tuivalea.t t oi t ht: Sllphomore bu~iness a~si stants ort · (C . • .. . . r onttnuec1 nex nee • .. would be requared anrl eath reel would thereof In appl ying for mcml>ershtp ~hall he elec tl!d by a maJ Ortly \'Ote o _ _ _ __ _ _ Bradford, S .•\ . E • \ tc tor Lombardi, be run twice. the apph cant mu!tt pres;:nt his printcJ the A <10ciation to th e posi t ions of A.,. Cl p : _1 _ T . K. P : llarry Kmgsley, A. T. 0 .; The film is a special one whi~·h can ('ontrahutions to the Secretary accom· sis tant Business ~laa111gers. oys lOSen res~nt · James F~rguson, T. X .; E dward Bates, only be obtained from ll olland and the pnnied b>· a formal app.!.icntion for Sec. 5. At the annual election tw() Pro Tern J r. L .X . i\ · f. A Oreger, S. 0. P.; en tire equipment is valued at about meml>ership. This application must be of thc ~ix Junior Editors shnU be (Continued from Page 1, Col. 3) Duna ld ~mtth , P S. K : and Thomas S2,500 ~~ubmitted at least one week before u lelec tcd by a majority vote of the As· ceeding the lnte Professor Walliam W. D' Erri<"o. On the o rchestra sub-com. It is ('[aimerl that this new method regular meeting of the Association ~ol'iatiun to the po~ition of Editor-an· Bird. Ile hao; been chairman oi the mittee are Paige and Bradford. will be less notsy and produt"e more Sec 2. A Freshman or Sophomore Chief and Managing Editor respective- faculty since 1037. Forty-one is out to stage a Hop that faithful transcriptions than are possible 11s eligible for election to the Associa· ly. Of the remaining junior Editors lie is 11 member of the American will eclipse nil previous Soph Hops with the records. Also a greater range tion as business assistant when he has two shall be appointed by the newl y· Societ y for the Promotion of Engineer· Tt~ record of achievement indicates it is obtainable with better tonal qualitie~. helped the Business Manager, or th.: elected Editor-in-Chief and the newly ing Education, and the i\ . S. M. E . llis can nn·omplish this. Keep posted on Furthermore, using this sounrl track Assistant Bu~iness Manager by folding, e.!ectcd :.lannging Editor to the posi· fraternities include !'igma Xi, Tau Beta its progress and start planning for the method it is possible to record an hour's wrapping, addressing, soliciting adver· tions of News Editor and Associate Pi, and Phi Sigma Kappa. Soph !lop of '41 now.
"Goodwill Hour" Uses Neto TranscriJJtion
You'll enjoy these three stor1 In
"WINGS OF THE NAVY" A Cosmopolitan production released by Worner Bros. coming aoon to your local theatre.
gives millions More Pleasure ... and millions of people before and after the show are getting more pleasure from the happy combitzation of mild ripe American and Turkish tobaccos found in Chesterfield.
hesterfield ••. the blend that can't he copied . . . the RIGHT COMBINATION of the world's best cigarette tobaccos Copyrlpt 1939,
Lte)QTT &
It is the exact way these tobaccos are com· bined together that makes Chesterfields milder and gives them a more pleasing taste and aroma. This exact combination is found m no other cigarette . When you, try them you will know why Chester· fields give millions of men and wome1'J more smoking pleasure . •. why TH EY SATISFY