1940 v31 i24

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~ m.r tiM I'$ for tii P [ult>r/rtrl l'rrrity



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'' · •'II.E:. Eli'Niomr Tlwr~tl"·' ··

On/.•• /our IIICO;t'.



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12 Ill .

to 2 1'. M .. lu tltt• ..Jitlrn Library .

Z320 \ Ol

\\ OHCESTEH POL YTECII"'/I C I 11/!'-TITl'TE, WORt F.,TFH ,\1 1\:-!'.. \J O~llJ\ \

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Donaltl T . Atkinson Announces List of t'n ior ConunittePs Headed lry D. E. tnith 19-11 cnior· W«•<'k To Be Plunncd Ancl Exc(·uted by CouuuiiiC<' of U nclt>r·~rracl @ lhl mcmlwrship of


Senir•r t'Om· mtt t<·t·~ hus been a nnounc-ed h\' Dnn· nhl T ,\ tl.. mso n, the Presid e nt of t he St•11Jnr rla~s. L' ndt.>r the leadership o f 1)tonnld E Bmi th, the genernl C'hnir· mn11 these t·.. mmittet'N will ttl kl' rare uf mn~l of thr wu rk entail('d lw g rndua· ttnn <.'XL n'io;!~s. t'hairrnan of th e llasJ; D a" cnmm ii· let• is \\'illia m P . Sim mons f\sqi< ting hm1 nr~ J oh n ~ lng hnm . \\'nller B. 1\... n.wrh, R11 ~<:ell . \\' . Pnrk s. IIIHI .\r· nrold 11 Swo nsnn I 1iII in rd Page is the chn irrmt n of t he Cla!<s Gift com· m1ttct. w ll h him on th is cummittee ur. 1\('nnc t h B Henson , 'En rle K Uu\'d, f'rerlllrick B C'hamlw rl in , a nd \\' 1lh run I· Richardson. \\' ilhnm F Pa uls<' n n ne! \\'nltt' r B. Phclp~ urc co-t• hninncn o f the Seni or Rube rt P Wilson , Prom t•ummittcc Pa ul i\ t' nrullo, and Puul G . :-\ ystrom will tL<t'l~t t hem . 1 he ll tH'ca lnureate co mmitt ee will (l'nntinucd on Page 2, Col. ;'\)

'40 Interfraternity Ball To Feature Claude Thot·nl1ill The mullic tl'lmmiuec fo r the 1n ter· fraternity nail hns h ook ed Clau(\e Tho rnhill and his orche •t ra frlr t he Bnll to be helrl F r idnv, Dc~:ember 20, Thomhill has e njcwed wklc po pulnri t v nn the \\'e.l\t Coa s t :mel will make his Eas tern college cle hut at Tel·h . l"c11n i n~ c!irec·t from an engauemen t .,( lh<' lli ltm ore rt ot~ l in Ro n Frnn· l:t<l·o, Claude Thornhill and hi~ hand ho~ hec n engnged to plo y his fir11t Eo ~ t­ crn t•ollelle dnnce nt the J n tcr-frntcrnit" llull of Wo m !ste r Tet'h, the ~tnrting point in the career of l': uc h band._ a~ Gll.'nn ~!iller and Tommy Reynolds. Earh year for ~c,·cral vcnrl\ t he Charles Rhribmnn agenn· in Rus ton hos scleNecl the most promisi ng n ew hand o f t he country and has featured it Cur college d ances to bui ld up popu· lnril )' lt was in this man n er thM !Continued on Page 2, Col. 3)

A.I.E.E. To Hear G.E. Research Engineer peak On Nov. 19th On ·ruesday even ing, Novem ber 19, the Se nio r and Stud~nt branches of th ~ l\ f E . E . will meet in the lower !I.OCial ruom t>f Alden Memorial at 8 ·00 n'dock to hear a talk on " Creative Imaginat io n Ho w to Train a nd Use h " The ~peaker, Mr. K. K Palu ev. ~< nn engineer of the General Electric l'o wh ere he h a~ ~ IAbl isherl an envi· ahlc record in resea rc h wo rk . li e has recc"·ed the much cove ted General Elct•tri( l'o C'offin Award for resea.rcb , a~ "'t'll a~ the Hl30 A. 1 E E ~ational Prit~ tur the be!:t paper on research. ~lr Palue ,·'s !>uhject , "Creative lm· n~ll1atinn , is o ne tha t should appeal to an ~ ~tudent intending to make en· kineering hio; life'<; wo rk , and t herefo re ni l Tt·th ... t udents are urged t o attend.

Fan1ous l\lagician Will E nlct·lai n at


c n1hl y~

Nov. 21

~ J r. Ber t mm .\da ms. who ~hn r~o; '' ith

Thn r-.wn nncl ll ourlin i the h,,nnr of hn\·111~ l><!en Pr('sitlent uf the ~nc ic ty n l .\ mo:rira n ~luJ:ida ns, will prese nt n progrn m r.f magic a t 1he S{'C'Ond lllu· cl,.,ll ll"emltl" 111 he helrl in .\lrlc n \Jcmurial ~I I T g rachmtt•r l Mr .\ da m~ 111 J!ll1i nnd since the n he hns pt·rfnrnwcl hdt~r~ di~crimi nn t111g autli· en<•£•-. th rou~h nut t h" wt,rl!l. lie i« n mt-mht'r uC ma~kio n~· l'nd~ til.'s in Lon dun, Bi rmi n~o:h:un, l.lnsgow. l\h•ll )(Jurnc , .\u kln ncl, Pa ri~. llnmhurg, l'mgue, \·i~ 111111, lluti.IJ IC~t. and Hiu ci t· jruw lru .\ n• lni m;:d ll\' ll un ·ard L'niversit \', tlw Bnllt· t l{u •~t· de l\l u nte r urlo, Phillip~ .\ mrlt•nw, Sam1 Mnrk ~ ~chO<ll, \ 'cspc r l;t'H rl{e Kch uol or Art, ami Knt he rinc C ihhs ~ccretarial Schou!, Mr Adnms hn~ h ttcl ~tren t t.> xperit>nce in trying to fool c ri tit•nl aurlicn ct s li e cle-<:<·ril l<.'s hi~ pcrlonnnnc~ us "A dem ons tratio n ul psn·hnlngi ('nl dc~:cption Cor agile minds" It is predi cted thnt the Frosh will he 1ht- li rs t of the agile 1'eo:h me n to set' thro ujih Lhe t ricks Rincc th ey ha\'c JuSt rompleterl an cncompu~sin~t t•uur<>e nn p~~·chniNO' t11ld con~n1fo, tion (also t."tu d y). Mr. Adams's en te r· tninmc nt is really cnthrn lling, nncl hns IJet'n apprN•ia ted h y s uch !!"Oil ps M the \\'e ll csley Ct•untry r Juh. Th e i\ mc rit·nn Sudet y of Agricultural En· l(i 11eers a nd the General I lendquarte rs Stn!T of the Unitctl Ht rlles Air forc e . Tet· h will be nble to enjoy the show nt 11 25, Thu m ln y th~ 2 1st .

Eleven Tech Engitteers In "Who's Who"

'l'<'c:h ~ tud ents wcrr n ·•·t•nth· ~<'IN' It.o<l to he includ('tl in the 1!1-11 is~m· of " Who's \Yh <) Amon~ S tude nts in J\merit:an U n iver~ il ic~ nnd CqJI,•~:cs" Thr r hni~e is limit ed to meml ~<.• r~> of the S(•nio r nnd Junior t'l n ~···~. nnrl the followin~: men were 111l'lurle• l in l ht• li~ t · Du nnld T . Atkin· ""'· :\llwrt (~ Be !los. Steph e n II np J.. iM, Chnr l.•s L llhe l l<'l, flnrry 1), J.\ i nl:'~l •• ' . (~tltJrJ;c \\' K nan fT. l'tnnle\' I ~ln j kn, H.us.~l'l l W P nrkto, \V illintn F Puulscn . Elmt•r T ~cn tt , t111d Dnn n lil I~ Sm i th Tlw ni ~>Vt' m r n wc.•rc a:-hnS{' n nn th l• loasi ~ nf •·hnnwt c r, lc•Mle~hin in extra· r urric.•ular nrt i\'itic~. sc holarshi ,~. nntl pn le•ntinlities of fu ture u&'fulnrs.~ In hu ~illt'SS unrl j;Ot'ic· t y. Th~ c ho iec this 't.mr wus nHtde hy n conren!>us 111 ,; tu tlt•nt n p inin n llnly, hut in ft1lure ycnrs tlw flll''1 lll\' will II<! ron~ult.tcl. This was 11111 Jl• •s~ihle t hi~ yenr tine L<) the lnck of sutli('ient tim<' hdo re t he tlcndline for lhl.' pril1tinl{ or 1he rurrent issue The idea uf " Whc>'s Who Amung !;t\lfl.:n l~·· wa~ furanerl eight years a~to Wi!h th~ id~>O Of Crt'llling On e ha~i!; O( 11atinnal reco~tn it ion of s tuden ts which Wllu(rJ hc rle voirJ or initia tion (ecs 1111cl chws ond politics Ench yenr n book iK Jlllhlis hc.>tl wh ich t'Ontui n~ 11h orl ltiu.:rnphit·~ uf outstontiing s t.mlents in Amerkn. 'l'hr purpose or the book i~ tu <W r ve a s an in ccnlivt fo r ~tudents to ~-:•• t the most out o{ Lheir college li(i•, 111 s!' rvc n~ a mean s of con,pc nsa· tion to s t.utlcuts C1,r what they have nlrt'nfl y n(•rmnpli s herl , as wl'l l as to "t'n e :Ill n rct'qmmcnda tion to the husi· ness world . The fat't ~hat. the idea is well rc· Achniral Cluverius Speak s r e ived !Jy ind ustry is ciemonstrated by th~: nu1nlwrs uf letters of praise wh ic:-h FTi. , Nov. 22nd On Navul the organiza tion h"s received from the personnel managers of hundrerls of large Operalions For Defen se commcrc lnl ente rprioos su c h os the l.,os t w t-clc Lieutenant Co lone l Lester Sucony Vacuum Oil Company, and M. Skerry o l the United S tA tes Field johns-Manville. Artillery C'orps t.'J)Oke at the Mcond meeting <If the voluntary military tmin. ing rourse at \V P. I. As befo re, thl' meeting was held in th e Electr ical Engineeri ng lecture hnll at 4 :10 o'clock.

\\' un·e~ t<!r

Lt. Col. L. M. Sker·ry, U.S.A., A(ldr·esscs Tech MiJitary Unit

Lieutenant Colonel Skerry began by outlining th e relations or the variou s hrnnches of t he nnn y service to euch ot her on t he field o( tmttle. Most of hi~ tal k W!l$ o n the uses and ranges of t hl' three main t y pes o{ army con. non~ nnrl the power of th~ir projectiles. II e also told or the cx tenRive use of mathematics in lightnin g calculations fu r the management o f ca n ons .\fter the mee ting c>losed, Lieul(•nant l'ulo nel Skerry an swered questions b y the Murlents o n the s ubjec ts he hnrl discus.~ed.

J\t thi s week 's military m eeting, Ad· mira! \Y ot T y le r Cluvcrius will speak rm na,•al ope ration in d efen se. The mee tmg will be held in the E . E leo ture hall at 4 : 10 o'clock o n Frid ay , the t we nty-second.


Prof. Adams Pays Tribute To T eclt Fotm.ders In Chapel

On Montlny o l last we(lk, the seventy· anniversary o f the o pening of the colle~te, Founders' Day, IJOW first esta blished here u a holiday in p lnce o f Arm istice Dtty, wa ~ Qh served with memllrinl exercise~ at th e grtwt:R or J ohn IJoynton and those ossocinterl with him in t he fou nding I) { th e ln ~ti· tute. ln Rural r emetery , Pr~:.~ident CJuveriuR, Pro fe ssor Swan, nnd a delt:· gation o f students plnced wreaths on t he graves nf ft'hnbo<l Wa$hbum, Stc· phcn !ialisbury the s cconrl, Rev Seth Rweetse r, ancl Dn,•id Whitcomh. 'L ater in the m o rning Professor Swan led the ~tudc:nt delcl(ates to Mo~on, New fl ompshire, where wreaths were pl aced on J a hn Boynton's grave anrl al the I Coni in ued on Pn ~o 4, Col. 1 I ~ccon(J



Ill Ill

NO 2<l

FresbinCtl Cop Carnival Cup l11 Hard Dramatic Battle

Riographics of Stuclent Collegiate-• J ,ead(· r~ Form <:ont t-nl o f Book El~,·c.· n


llr. Bt·Lh To A sist Ai .. Defen c Council In \Vashington Dr. Ri<'hnrd A . ncth, ro nner W or· c'll~ tt• r T ,•,·h prn ft•ssnr in the Physics Dc p:~r t m~nt, 1111d rcr l'ntly n pro fessor in llJltl lic.•<l mnthl:llllllli<:s ut Michigan :4tn I(• l'olle~o:t•, hrt s been 11rnnted lca\·e uf ah<t•nce " ' join n r ommittec known n« tlw enmmi tt cc for Passi ve Prot.cc.'tin n i\~uinst Bombin~. The <'Ommitt ee ' "'' fuundt•rl lw tlw Nnlilmo l l~esen ra:-h (' o ull<'ll , nncl is <'01l1pMecl of 0 group of cx JI<• rts in t he fit·lrls of Jlhys it·s nnd ~In tlwn 10 t •r'<.

While nn untlcr~:r:.duntc at T ech, D r. 1\l' t h wu~ " " i rt•m~l v nt•tivc in extrn· t' IIITi1ulnr Al•ti vi t k•j; lu his !<Nlior ycn r lw w:-.~ e(lit or·in r hie Cof huth the 'l'Et' ll N l~ WS, rmtl th e " Pecld ltr ·•

A.S.M.E. To Hold Election of Prexy In A1den Lihrat·y The c•lcc l ion of prt•Rirlcn t far the ycnr of the 5 tudc nt lhnnl'h of the <\ merico n Society of Mct honicn l Eng!· lll'Crs Will luke vlo re Thurs rlny, Novem · lwr 2 1, in t he llhrary, from 12 :00 to 2 ·00 1'.1\-l. 1\lcmhcrs in gond s tuncHng, thu t i~. th uS(: m t>rnbcrs who huve paid their du!'s for the current year, arc c l i~o~i i .Jt. tu vot~. The candiclo tc:s for president arl' : (;,•orgc KnnuiT, J o hn Quinn, ('ha rl cll fl nc h~l. nnd W ill inm l'nui•<H1 . The nnminnting l'ommittct> l'tln~istctl of \Villi:un Richardson, S te · phen ll opklns, Wolter Ke nnedy , R ob· llr t II o ll•v, nnd frerlerit'k Sherwin . J{cnllt•th Pqwlcr nnd Chnndlcr Walk er will be in t•h nrge o r the hollo tin$1 in Alclt·n l\l cmorlnl Lihrnry , Membership due~ mo v Joe pair! to them n t voting time. I I~IIJ...II

Letter From the President T o : F:dito r·in -C hief

TE<'Il NF:WS The rr o mecurning v it· tory un Alumn i Fie ld was wor th mo re thnn a whole seall(')n or foot b all ~uc<'eRses. Mo rale we nt over the to p

Th e l'lol{gcd d etermination o r 1111 ur1rlerdog and dl sco untc:d team which Nimply would n ot. he de nied \' iotory ugnins t tq ugh· c ·r~t or1ds is o mo~t n o table ex· nmple of the inh~re nt spirit <If t hi1 school. Tech m c.n wh o mi<~~cd thnt ~ume !tre to he com· mi:;cra ted. l n r identally, not o ne flareba rk fro m the: Rnlly has lwe n reported and, nut inl!iden tally, thot Rall y <~Ill trihu t erl m u<·h to the glory or the ~arne. WAT TYLE R C'LU VERT US President

NOV. 23

Faculty Act Tops Show With Takeoff

On Radio Progran1 Alclc.n MNuoriul Building Fillf.'c l To Ov('rOowing For " B('!ll Cnrnivu\ Ye t" Tn lhc I'!URt. C'nrnivnl ye t, hl.'lcl last Rn tu rclnl', Novembcr 16, thl' F're:<hmcn W\ln the r up from the ::iophomorcs. H owever, they did no t bent the Soph<> mort•s h v 11 grCilt deal, os ho th plays w(•rc• \'l'r\' ~-:o(\d . 1'hc!lC skits were folluwrd hy the nnmwl fncul ty p iny, whi<·h topped nnyt.hing seen o n the I Jill fnr mrm ~· a day . DnncinJC, o n the ~'los~·ly pnckecl cln1we noor n f the Com· mnns, In t he music of lhc n oy nto ninn !l, foll owed lhc t'ultural entertninmenl. A grcn t time wnll had b y nil M tl.a 11nnunl t'urnivol, where the program wn~ hc11 un lly some or the band 's ex· <'elle nt music . This was followed by t ht> Fr.eshmnn ne t, and those boys rcallv rlid thrmselve.~ proud . ln a Bnker P iny, "IJudcly Duy11 an Orchid," rewritten by Donnld Buser, concerning the lriols nnd tribulatio ns of a 10ix tcf·ll·yenr-olcl 's first elate, J. Go"' hnm Underhill, 1 rving Gerber, Donald llusc r, James Donahue, MrB. llugh 1\lacKny, anti Mrs. Charles Amidon 11tnrn:cl. (The latter two are no t rrl(ular members of the Freshman clnxs). The net ended happily a s the ho • left Cor the dance with li1lling punts. 1' he 11r0rnpter was AI Harden , nn(! llill Neumann WR$ in c harge o f properties. Between tli' IS, t1'r.ed IAndhlad enter· tnined with his pian o-acrordian to the e njoyment o l oil present. The Sop homore oct, "Shadows a nd Sunshin e," starred AI Coe, in short ilkirtll, 1111 the Canner's daughter, with Rol>«:rL Schedin, John Durkee, Donald Roun, Roger Deard, and Charlee Clarke. A play of the o ld melodrama (Co nlinued on Pa11e 2, Col. 3)

A.S.Ch.E. Student Branch Organized Under Dr. Wilson A s tudent c hapter or the American Societ y o r Chemical Engineert wu s tarted a t, Tech at an organization meeting h eld Wednetday, N ovember Rix th at four o'clock. Previou sly, each r lw;s hacl appointed a repreeentative to th e organi~ation committee, and this commHtce h11d met and drafted a con · 8titutlon . This consti\utio n wu adopted wi~h a few c hanges, and the officel'll were elec ted The officer• are u Iol· lows ; C'hainnan, Randolph Bretton ; Vicc-d1ainnan, Donald Da.il; Secretary, Predcri••k J\1 c Keown ; Treas urer, F rank Schoen. Dr. Wilson was elected A d· vL~or ol the d ub. There was also a ' discuiiMion as to whether students tak. ing Chemistry s hould be allo wed memhcl'llhip i n the society. 1t was finally tlec·idcd that membership s hould be limite d tu Chemical Engineers, al· though anyone who 110 desi res may attend the meetings.

- 8.30 P.M.


P. .e 2

C. A. Baa·tlcu




every Tuesday of &he College Yl'ur hy

IW. G. ll:u·ding I


E l<~ctc(l


The Tee& New• lh 80C'lat lon of l h e Worcesh•r Poly tt•ch nit· EDITOR IN CHI EF ...,tun ley J. Majl..a MANAGING EDITO R BUSI NESS \IAN AC EH

lnduo;tria l l'irt•le~ in \\'ort-c~ter were "ric\'t'rl to learn ln't Tuesday l)i the pu<,ing nwny of Chnrlc'l A llartlett, Sleph(•n l l upkl n ~ Edwor•l Jot·ul,..r \\' P I 'M . NEWS EDITOn SPORTS EIH'fO U :\lr ll.~rtl!•tl wn~ f•mn~r treasurer of ll llliarcl W. Pail(<' Kt•nnrl h J)re--••r Craton anrl Knight ~lanufacturing !'o 'iECRETARY CIHCIILATIOJIO \l A ' ACEil I le lwl'lUn<· knuwn tu manv Tech llubNt ~- f1eminjl Wultf'r II. l'lwlt•• .\lumnt wht·n he \HI<; <;el retary of the J UN IOR F.I)ITOR Wr-l .. y \\ ollinm~ \\'ur<e t<r PHIY iet·hnic Jn ,titute Al um· H11•lnry {,. Paige Ceor go F. Barber llaymnn•l W>nkMp ni .\ •,•wiaticm l.att•r, he hecame <;('Co Paul C. Disario, Jr. John \f. Town•cml, Jr. n•Utry trca,urtr nf the "Fitt} Year ASS ISTANT BU'-INt:ss MAN,\C Ln.., Wllliem L. Amea Juhn Forti, Jr .\ooo;,woau:' uf Wurr~stcr T erh BU!-iiNESS A""I:,TANT. li e n ttn•cl lrutn c;rut"n & Kniuht RobtrcJ. C ronL \\ ilmool K t•ll~th f:orl C. l'aJ~r, Jr. 111 lfi:J", nltn onor< than IIi year< uf REI'OHTE R~ i\fit•r grnrluatillll rrom Tech Richard Dyer Ceorgo Cnldlng Frit••HI KiNstt•ud Edwurd l.ipovHky ll l'rlwn Mar•h ~C r\'il'(• iu ll!>!."i, ~~~ mr,vccl l<J the !\lirlrlle \\'est l lt•11ry Purzlck Fronk Swhlof!lrc.l Williuno Tuu uiclilfr• whcr<' lw wns c•mplttyed a!: a lh·ol En FACUI.TY i\I)VISER P",r. ll r riH:rl Toylnr llu!iltw~~

~iowc: r

2-6:i 17

in ruolrcmd ('Unstructinn

II c

n: tunwtl w thi s tity 111 IMll

Cla of '42 Pa·c y La t \\l't•k, \\'.uren d<·•·H·d Prl·•irlt•nt of the Juninr l'ln '• a< a n· -ult ut lo:tllnling helcl •lurin~ tlw ,., onnmH tla<<es \\'arr~n I lard in~: i~ a re t<h nt ul \\'on·r·<;l«'r 111ttl j, nr••lh-d in tht• ~ll't hnnical En~•tnt<ring llt-partn1t·nt lie j, \'ke-Prc•lfltnt <•I tht· \\' Jl I ,\thftti• _\,,O<oauun ·' m•·ml• r "' Ia t \t'ars \·ar... itt J,, ~ I · l~oll tt-.1111, mul is a J>hi So;:ma !l.ap1 a plc·tl;:c. 1 ht• 11•>1l111111li•IT ' .ut<l t·lcC'Ii< ·II' ol tht n·nHionong lurrtnr I Ia'!: urtinr' \~ill Hike phon 111 till' IWKL ir:w Wt:t:k

Elwood A(laau , Inc.

Erlilnrio l :!- 1 1.11

TERM S Sub•criptions per year. $2.00;

ingle cc>(Jie

$0.10. Mokl' all dt~c k• fllt)ohl•• tu

Buaineu Manager. Enlered D3 H>c·ond cln•~ mn11er. t'ftll'lnlwr 21. 11)10. "' lhP office in WnrCI'~ltr, MaM., under 1he Acl ofMarrh :1. IWri AU subscriptions oxpire ot 1hc clo•r or thr rnllego )eur. Tll f.lfF:Fn.llNAN PH ESS

Worcr,ICr, Mo~s.

Editorials Tool Design at Tech

J 5 .1- 156 ;\haiu Strf•t•l

Inter f ratl'rlf.ity Ball


( ( IIIIIIOtlt'fl



I . Cool. I


:\1illt·r. c;,w>tlman, l<e\'l:ol•l aro<l m"n "thl·P· :O\IUIII•·d llwcr pre• ..-nt lugh st:uoclin~' 'I hi yt•ar·s [c aturccl r.rg;~n onti•m i' l'laudt• Thornl111l :u11l hi~ lmnrl. Thu r nhill " 11 11\' ul rllllll V whh hn \'t wurkt·tl rrp grndwdlv "' llw world uf ~win~: Lil.t• ;\ rloc Sh.ow. li mmv Door sc)', <h•ow Krto(trr and rn o'l uf 1111: lui! nrunes, ho~ first hrt·:ok r·;ullt' ,, a .uh

When Worce ter Polytechnic Institute was founded sand-casting nnlinn ll 111 a lo·Mit.r wh11 hntl rca~·ht-tl wa.o; the be"t available method of securing the combination of "trcngth the top l{nv :\ohh igrtecl him too and intricate shape required for many machine parts, and foundries pia,· in his nnginrol hilwl nntl rl'laicwtl were among the leading industrial plants of the country . Conse- hirn n< fllrtf\o t lur '''"cral n·nrs quently, and quite logica lly, the practical training of the Institute Sligh th o\·o·r .t Hnr 11f.:n, Thurnhill was focu sed upon the principles of foundry practice and pattern- slnrt~·cl ho~ own lountl "' ('nlifnrnia llrs pupularil) hn~ gnmn hv lc:rtu; nnd making. ht~ tlllll s, n rtd ' '""' tht• ClUt'r ll ~ <'lln'<idt•r Since that lime, however, conditions have changcrl . New methods him to ht• n lt•:lf lin)l !'11111<-nclcr fur rnw have supplanted the old in many industries, and new proccsges have ••f tlw (l\'111- po~ilro11~ '"' th~ mu•knl been developed . While sand-casting still plays an int egral part in JHit• Tlw 1111111\' nf I laude Tho1rnhill the manufacturing scheme, it no longer holds the lending role. Metal wros inlmdut·t•cl 111 tht• 111o1t•m 1111 tlw l:ill·h Bnnrl \\';11{<>11 h"t ' lllrlllll'r II is stamping, die-casting, plastic· molding, and automatic turning ma· furmer h•ntlt·r. 1{,1\ :'\ t~hi<', prt·~t· rttt•tl chines are now employtd to produce many parts that formerly were hom t11 lht" rnclou lltolht•m·c ancl ~ncr! sand·cast. Almost any manufactured article presents evidence of thn t lw c-on'" h•rt•cl I l.uuh•', hnnrl uroe n( the hest ul thl' 11l'\H'r urgnni/:t l llr lls the inroads which these methods have made in the casting field . ff , then, Tech is to maintain its position among the best training ,\fte r hi~ ch•hut nt Tt•t•h, Tho rnhill trnn•l 10 i\~·w \ urk. where he i~ colleges for engineers, we feel thnt students s hould be given some woll ( I) ltt• f~n tu ro•<J 1111 ,1 \'!!:1S t 111•\'II:T~l rttclio instruction in tool and die design. Under the present system gradu· net work fur N('VI'rnl wt•eks . S"•i nf'( t•n· ate ~ ngineers are sent out into industry with only the meager Ihu ~ill~ IK of 1\•rh nrc lnoki ng fnrwnrcl knowledge of tool and die versatility that they mi~ht have ~lc:lnl'd In the pn~si l rilct\' of r<•Jwatins: th, ir from inspection trips and a thorough understanding of the sand· sut'\t'ss uf 1wn t•t•nrs IIi:" wlwn tht•v nlt•nn :llilkr hi' hr ~ t t~rllt·g~· en casting process. Rightfully the order should be reversed. Since a ).'tl\'e fotll).'l'mt•n t fai rly comprehensive survey of pnttern·making and foundry practice is presented during Sophomore summer shop, the time devoted to those fields during the Sophomore academic year could readily be T eclt Car11iv(ll ( r.nn limwtl frnm l'a~ow I. CIJI. ;jJ utilized in learning some points in tool design. We do not anticipate Lqw. tho m·t prl'scntecl th~· lllt<'rnpt~ that tool engineers would be produced, but, at least, graduates of nf \'O rious villnirr11 to wirr the rinughter W. P. I. would not be neophytes in the fteld when they become a or tlw fnrm i\11 cndq happil y, hiiW· part of industry. C\'t.'r. wlwn tlw ht•ro r..,tu rros ric h. The inauguration of a course in tool design would a lso combine The fat·ull \' IIi.' I, " ft. l'u rr't ll nppen conveniently with the machi ne shop practice a nd welding instruction llt'n·. But I t ()id," wriltcll II\· Proft••· n, \\II ~ thr C'limnx of in the Institute, since they arc rrlated in many ways. Thl' addition ~c•r H I, \\'ellmn thl' •·•·eni11g l1 ~i111: tht icle11 of thr of a filing machine would give our present machine shop complete " Pihhc.•r ~il·(~t'\' 11nrl Mnlh·" radio pn-.. tool·making equipment, and, instead of additional pattern and foun· clm• tiun. it pn•<t•ntcd Mr~ II. .\ M11' dry practice, students could construct two or three simple dies or fit•ld :o• Mulh. l'ruf B L . \\'ell man n~ jigs. In forge shop some of the applic.1tions of wdding in tool con· Fthher, I'm! t' K St•ht•illl'Y 11~ Gilcler· struction and the uses of jigs and flxturt'S in production welding slee,·c, ~lo s~ l>omt hv Hull !l'< the Littlt• <1irl, Mr .1 . II ~'hnmherlni 11 as Old .could be presented. Timer, t\1rs I) 1~ t 'alhnne ns Mrs Present trends in industry arc exemplified by the f:tct that the U ppingt n n, I' roC. J) I•' O()wninl! II:< bulk of the funds invested in new equipment during the past year ll otul io 1\ llnt)nwr. P r~Jf. II . 0 . lll nx· has been expended for presses. automatic turning equipment, pro· lit·ld u~ l'nt (l';\lnllc\' , l,rof J, !!. Fitz. duction welding machines, and their component dies, jigs, nnd f1x· ~,tt•rald n~ :'l:ot·k Dipopuul u$, t~nd !\l is~ tures. ince the majority of our students will be cnw1ged in manu· :\lildml llitdlictj::~ n~ (~ranclma With facturing of one form or another after graduation, they should have all im(Wr<unntictnoc \'<'I'}' goocl, pun~ ~:alnre. fa<t , \\ill v repartee throujthtlut. some knowledge of such general trends which affect the rntire field. thc :It' \ ' "' " a hilarinu~ SUt'l't!SS It is realized that a thorough understanding of tool and die npplica· F nllnwm..: 1lw fanrltt· ;\t'l, Dean Rm·s tions can be acquired only through broad experit ncc ; but we feel prt•<entl•d tht• t'.lrnival cup tu the that some knowledge of th<' methods of mrtal and pJa,.tics fab rication 1 rl'~hmnn 1'1.1s~. rrlnting the clitllcult•· would aid graduates materially in ncclimntinA thcm ~rlves to the o( tlot• Jutl~o:e• 111 tlt•t•idm;: the wonner The stn;:t• hn cu l ~. tlrst ( IJ u~;e .\ ld(•n industrial system. Mcmorinl'~ !rn·illti<·~. were Uill Neu· With ground nlrcarly broken for thl' new 1\J(•chnnical Engineering monn nnd .\ll lurtlt•r for the Prcshmen : Building, the plans for "a grealrr Tcch" are npproaching Ct)mplction. and fnr :-;ophmntlrc" and f.trultt Rill Why not make T<'ch truly gt Nitcr by this valuable adclit ion to its .\ !warn (:'tn;:t• mnnn~:erl, Bill jad.son , curriculum ? Now is the time to make progress. If :ldmini.;;tration. and Caldn llctltlt•n uf the :\13!-que faculty, and s tudents coopcratr by making incerc and constructive Paul lltonin, Gt'ur~:e Lentros.~. and h ~"'"t'r alS<l wor!..ecl bal·i.stng-e criticisms of the proposed ch an~c in program, \\'. r . [. will ultimately Kenrwt Th~ w underful cmtertnmment wn .. emerge with the most compr<'hensive four.year course nvailable i;l fnllo"ecl h\' clunt'ing in the DMm com any engineering college. mnn., to the mu•ic: 01 the Oo,·tt)ninn'<

WORCE ' TER, MA S. Lig lttillg ,..i:cl llrf'll ttllll , ..iN • l' l tlf'f' llnrtiumrP, Tuob mul l'ni11 1 I'' 11 rni11lt ing11 lu rurrwrul•••l l l)lll

, Pll l o r Couunittees olttrllinu,.,J ftnm Pal!.- I. (.,J. Jr 1 c ht uolecl lo,- :'tanley .I ~laJI..a. he witl I helper! lo\· John \\' Benedoct, Cor, d uro T I .urney, J oh n \' . Quinn, and l· n·dtmek :-> Sh~:rwin. Stannard M p, ll•r i~ dwirmn n (.)i the lv ~· and Tree , om t11tttec, a!'sisted loy Ha ymond L IJ.•Ir<lc, ll arH!\' \\' Eclrl y, Robert A .\lurr mel !-'idney Soloway The Cap · " ' ' (; o\\11 committee will C'Onsi~l or. ll.orn I> Kin~.;ley, chairman. Fredtriclt I llenro , Thomas R 0 Errtcn. <'haria 1 ~mrth , and W illiam E \\'ilct• Till' lnn tauon C<1mm ittee will tun :•t nl K<nru.th R Dre~<cr, <'h:llrman l<ult n E Blc•·. Stephen llnpkin., \\'ulll r ~ Knight, nml Erlwiro :.\!. Rt·an l.asl, hut root lt•n'<t, is the ~cnior nan. qm 1 t·ommitwc . henrlr:rl hy l' harles l II••• I•• I .\ ~ n•--i-:tnnts he \\ill ba,-1 \ll ...·rt C Bt!llos. Warren ~ llrndford ( ,, or~·· \\' Knauff nnrl Elmer T Seou II 11 r (uurtrl that larger l'ommittto.ro nce•le<l, utht: r mt:mbcrs will be orl•lc <I if"lll 111111: to tome

JJ'"iuterprooj }' our Car at

Furnswortl1's Tt' xuco Service Station Cor . lli,.:hland and Guuldin~



Some 21,500 cars and truc ks nrc in regular day to

tluy scrYi('C wilh tlw n ·II Syste m. The {,'l'Cat majority h ave bodies specially tlcvclo pcd hy telephone engi· n crrtt. Many nrc cquippt•d with power winches, air COUlJ,ressors a nd pole dcrrit·ks. Each of the ma ny t y pes is designed to ha ndlr particular functions in the constructio n and maiotcnan(·r of tele phone plant . P lanning, purch asing and operating lhe world's largest llcct of comm e rcial motor vehicles is a big job in itself. Yet il itJ lmt part o f the faJ" bigger job : pro,•idiog the finest, fastest, fri endliest service to the millions who da ily u o tho te lephone. Wh y n o t gir:e th e fa mily o ring tonighc? R ate• t o mo•t poin t • are l owe•t aft e r 7 P. ,u. any nig ht-and a ll day Su nday.





6 Bwnboldt Avenue

86 Sallabury StrMt

Actavc ~h npt.er:.

rounded nt Xund,·h t'ni\·er.i t y .\ pril Ill, Ji\j(} .\ <'11 \'t: l'hnptcrs 50


Founded at

Uclta l..baptu 1-'oun,Jcd Ap11l LO, I II f ut.tl l\kmh<•rshap 5li,UOU

U lll\'ersaty o t Alabama :'.l nrch \l, ISS6 113


~igana ,\ Jphn I::vsilon P ratcnut \ \\as wumlctl •Ill the uanth d:w ~l.trda, I$.jtl, at th~ l,;au\cr,at} uf ,\ Jaloalll,l, 111 tht oltl ~II} ut 1 U··<'oaluusa. l~aght ~ tuol, Ill• who had bccomc hard and t.10.t lra<·ntl> ''ere thl' touault·r~ vi thas ha.nh, rh soc.et), \l hH.;h ":b desuncd tn c"ultl In the aunh~r.no~t hnuts vt th•· <VIIIItr\ and e\entuall)' tv Ucl'<Jme the l.1r~c l (,r~ck·lcttrr lr.atcflhl\ 1n th< 1\ ur.,J

The ~1 a;;snchusc.:ns Delta lhupll.'r ul ~1):111.\ .\ l)lhu Epsahttl ·~the ~,·und ulcl<··t uf t he Tech rr.nurnalics, ha\ an.: Ill> UriJ.:III Ill whnt \1'0~ knu\\ll ;IN llll• J ,., h Co·operu li\'C ~ul'tcty whach WU!o h•ullll<id 111 lhc 1.111 ul IIIII:! 'I h~ ~'"'" \\ loam of ur~amzauun ,,.,,,. ildufjt<·d ltt.·uLu'c th< r~: '' u:. l.t< ult, "I'I'"Muun tu ••·ll<'rtlltl< M nt that tunc, but Ill the >IJfllllj ul l~l .!JJI'h~.lllun lur .a tllllrtl.'r "'" 1ntul•• h• the na taonnl S ,\ E lrtllernat) .111<1 •l' u rl'l>uh, th,· Ill' \I , llllpter "·" Uht.all•·•l on )larch 10, I !H A ctive Members

Epsilon C hapter l~ounded

Marc h 20, 1009 1'utul mcmbershi1> 16,000

tin tktnher 1::!, IOCr •• nine uncll!rgrnd\IRtC mcmbers of the W o rceRtcr Poly· h'<'hlw l nstitnt•• forrm•d n ~ucictr wh il•h thcr cnllcd Pi Omega P i. This tr.IH·rnlly hq~.111 as on othlcw: socaet)'. and one of the restriction s for mem!Jer. 'lup 1\lls t ha i a r.uululn t•• must hnvc r cccavcd a \' arsit)' letter in one o f the h'<'"!:ni,.. d >l'l•rt-. nt T•••·h .\ b th1,; restriction was Inter found to be too J!e\'erc, th1• olllllS 1\ ("ft' l>n>lllll'lll'li t u ineJutlr " Jlrimnrily l O fos ter cJenn athle tiCS at \\' un·, , tn Putn,•chllk l n~> l itute ,"

'l'lw hr .. t 111111\l' ur ICJIS: lu n l'hnptcr wns 1\l I Lancaster 'J'crrnco. llcre the dwplt•r 11\l'fl nml lwltl llll'l' liiiJ:S until 11)1 7, whe n the lnrgc duplex hou~c nt the "'rm·r 111 llt'olll und :'ull\hury ~t rccts wu ~ tnl..cal o ver. Active Mtmbera F aculty : Prul \ 'aNnr ~ ~q;lricd, t>rol. Samuel Plimpto n, ~rof Carl Meye r, 1 arl K1•lser. Oftlcen


Fa.eulty : P rot. C. M. Allen, l't of. 1\·n y R. l'nrpc ntcr. l'rul. ll crhert Jl I '" lui, l'rof. Clyde W. ll u bba rd. Prot. :\1 Lawrcn,•c l'r11:c, Ua Ru\Nrl T. \ uun~. Jr. Mr. Edwnrd Ha fey.

l' n·~, Williou1 P P:1uiMn ; \ ' ice.Prcs, Robert j . Sull ivan ; Sec., Berkeley \\' alhnm, jr. Tr<' BH, Ril:ho rd W eiss

Oftlcera Pres., Albert ~. Al>hmead. s~" , .luhn ~ !:>ulhvnn. 'I r~·ns, \\ arrcn S Ur11dlotrcl ; Asst 1 r eal>, L'harles E. ,\ltcnhcr~:•·r Seniors : \\' . S. llradfo rd, R . B




l•:dd). j . II


H W. Tuller, L. II. W hite. J uniora : U R .\ bbott, E L' .\lleuh<r~jH, ;\ :-; .\ •huwail, F J 1\.u~:u•l, I Rradrurcl, n J l'halli'C, I{ \1 l ""' ){ I{ l•'raM·r, .I I ) ll uulah;an, I~ II 1... olos, J II (Juulll, J F ~ulli\'111, \ 1ulas. I \1 llll\ll•t'llll, Jr. I< J) \\ .,••1 Sophomores : L T Bartlt'lt, II :.1 llwu tagam, J 1 1 111 rul, \\' II 1 hall• t, l\"1. gth cnngto n. \\' . E (;l'r<·. I A Ca~:,c, II \\' llt~p<, J \\' IIIII I, Ill • L. (.; Snntom, ]j, E. Smyth, Jl \ 'ulkn111r, :.l \V , \\' alkt•l, \\' . 1\ \\'alsh

Seniors : l~ri!<.lrn'l.. T Benn, Freder ick B. <.:ham berlin, James C. Perauson, "''lln<'th \\' . l'tl\1 lt•r, A .I Jackson, Wi lham 11 • Paulsen, l'rcde r ick S. Sherwin, Roh..rt .I :;ulla\'an, (.rur~;c I~ T aylor, Uerkolcy Williarns, Jr., Uonald Denio. J uniors : Jnnw~ I ' Rnhl•' nl, George llirchn ll, Jr., David 0 . C hase, Leland P. l•:kstmlll, Phillip J IIIIRtinws. J{ ol>crt ll otl ge11, Frederick W . Lindbla tl, Charles It l'nrl..t•r, 1\.t•llllt'th \\' P arsuns. Dav id M Hounde rs, Rolle rt S S wift, Philip I \\ oll..t•r. Kithnrd \\'t'i~~. Sophomore• : Bmrll nrrl i\ I hxun , Arthur II llurns, I vcr ) 11 reeman, Robert .\ l'illlltl!r, juhn I, Pt•rk m s, :1rc1, i\lbcrt W Rothwell, j o hn Chandle r, Ludwig Rcrdll'


PlecJiea : R L

~mi th ,

Pled(e :


l< oun .

l 0 Ucunctl, j . II l'nrhnuw, F l . Snntom

TBJ:TA. JU.PPA. PBl M lniUtute ao.4 l~oundcd a t l.ch•gh U niwr11i ty (Jt•whcr I, 1010 Actavc Chavterll Hi

SIGMA PHI EPSILON 30 lrutltute Road M,a o;n~ hu't'tUI !leta Chnptn l· ou nded 1\11nl 2, 1!13!1 Tutnl Mt·mhcrshtv 22,000

Founded nt R ilhmond , \'irginaa ;\ov I , 1901 A ctive Chapters iO

i\llh ough II )'1111111! rrntcrnily ~~~mn .l'h a Eptitloll hn~ ltt•(•tl (I piont•t· t in till' fratcmlt}' h eld tor t he ln:ot tit lA ~ ~~ ycn rs It~ youth '"'' IK l'll tllo t:rt:alc•t n,,,. t The tact t hat pructica1lr all nauonnl trotc rnatal ' haH all•lfltcd oue ur IIWH ut the adcas ortJ!IIlated by SIJ! J::v •~ a trrbutc ol t.hc !ugh~: t unh:r The Sag gl> l: hnpter aL Tech lb the uu tb'Towlh ut ' I hua IJ JNI<m Chm·1~"· ,,n•l lAhu Ta u , a local founded aL '1 ~:1.'h vn Ft!ltruar) 17, 1 \~H; !'-11111: that dut< J.:loll t h has been 110 rap.d that the vn.:scnt frui.l:rnit)' runk~o l \!tl1 mnnng the n.Lta!lnaiH 111 tho country.

1\t Lchtgh Unl\•tn;aty, Bethlehem, Po , in 1919 a group of twelve men with 111111ilnr adl'als aud llcl ll'fll h ound themselves toge ther and formed an o rpniza tion kuuwn n<~ the X n uu The gr o up pro.t~pe rcd until the war, when the entire mcmltt•rbhlp enli ~tccl JfuJinwing the wur, o nl y three of this group returned to Lchiuh. TIH'o;(' mt·n, ortcr rcuf'Rnn izlng the X Club chose the Greek letter llollll(l nr Thc tll l(o ppo l'hi ror th ei r u e w Ofi!:Uilization. Affiliati on with a similar urunn11ntlrm al l'cnn " IJIU•, m embers uf wh ich had been b uddies In France, with the X I luh J(rti UJl funned the nucleu s for the national fraternity, which hu•• 1111 e "llfl'lltl throughnut the United S tatu. Lambda of Theta l<o11pa Phi was formed ln the fall o f 1930 at Tech and was ~ nuwn 111; the ll nora A,. a ltll'al they llfKm made their preaence on the Ifill la·l t nml w(·rc n<l111tlll'tl to ~ uanding ns 11 rrulcrnity . Su ch rapid progre11s wa• rnoda rlunn11 lt11 frvc yl'nrK uf life that n11tlo nnl nflllintion wa~ deemed necessary and wM culminn~l'rl in lht• lustallntlo n ol lhe Prlurs as Laml.>dll of Theta Kappll J•Ju un ~ov. 10, lll35.

Active llembera

Ac:Uve Members Faeul~y : Dean jerome \\' ~la cl.:ullough, P rof. Kenneth

ll owe, Prof Arthur J h.m~;ht, Ur !,l,.uon II . ~l c:rrmm, and ~lr Ju ~ph II < la.mlllulnna

Olloera l'lt'!l, Pl't.cr N Gnirli11, Vice· Pres, ) UIIeph P . Jurga: Sec., J ohn V. Q uinn; ' I r(·a~. ltnytnond L . De lisle.

Oft! cera J\llcn ; ::;c~; , Bu rton \1

Seniora : Donald T . At.kJ nson, Albert G. Bellos, garJ K lloyd, Kuamth I< Dresser, W alter 13. Phelps, Elmer 'J' ~ott, Ralph \\' ~tanMJn, Arnold II ~\1.111• son . J uniors : II Raynor 1\ rey. Rubert E. ,\ lien, Gcmue L'. t\ndreuvoul•• ·• I urla E Ambler, Philip L . Camp, Lloyd 13 C<lpeland, llurold L. Crane, lotol tert .., f leming, \\' R obert Lo tz, Rus!ICI C. Proctor, Jr Sophomorw : Robert W . A lexander, Lester A Hol\fm, Jr. Ra)·moncl r r·c>le, Barton M Douglas, Jr., ~Iorey L ll odgman, Arthur II ~ledine, Arvo .\ S:uarni· joki, Robe rt A. Yereance.

Faeulty : Stanley II l'a lhon


l'res, Arnold II. Swanson: \ ' it•c. l'rcs., Ro l)(!rt I~ Douglas. Treas, Kenneth K L>rcS&er.

Lnmhda Chapter Founded November 10, 1936 1 o tal Membe rs hip 8748

Seniors : J(ayrnontl L. Dcll~lc, Peter N. Oaidls, Richard c, Jasper, Walter B. Ka·nnl.'ti}', J a mes E. Ml·Ginnis, Stanley j . MajkA, j ohn V. Qumn, jero me E. St ltn·ud, j oh n M. Wolkonowicz. Juruc:ra : lllaurkc A Aubuch on, Salvawre J Bellassai, William j . Carroll, l'uul I llaAArio, William J Grabowski , James II. lloar, j ose ph P Jurga, Law· n"ll'( II. Mc:'llomom, l'rnncis j . Oneglia, Prank W. Sarna. j ohn P. Wells. Sophomores : Wilmot Keough, Frands X . L,ambert, Thomas P. t,anderll, Ed· wnrcl A l~ipuvsky, 11 rnnk P. Lucca, !-'rank McNamara, Edwin IL l\la tasik, Fran· <·t s II Morrison, ll cnry 11 Pan:ick, james R J>n wer, Robert j . Safient. Prancia X !'<·hoen. Rach ard 0 . Stein. Pledce : j osevh Knwzowicz.



Institute Roll.d

99 Sallabury Street

r l;ulldetl

~I a.;~

i''uundcd at \ 1rgmw :\ltlitnr)' Institute ::icptcml.cr II , I S().i Act1ve Chap ters- 03

Gamma S1gma l haptcr Founded :-;,,\•emher 27, 1000 ' I ota( ~ l cml >er,lllp 33,!~00

'1 he \\'nrccstcr Tcd1 I hapt~r (Mass. Gamma S1umal uf .\lphu Tau Onwua liq;an as a local frat.·rn1ty known R.~ the "Ann anti I lammt.:r' In the lull u( I llro, Hoger Del French. toge ther with live o ther men, l'lllldUikll thu t lhl•rc Wlh ruum lor unuth1:r frnwrni t \' he re at W orcester Tt·l·h A nmstitu tiun wn, dra"n up, and t he n ame ",\nnand llamm~or" ' wn' .uluptcd The 1dta being Uli..Ln lr;,m the 1 cth 'en I and the sp1nt wlut·h 1t n11l11 fiiA:d I b ex1 U!nt:c wa., unl..nuw n fur ~'ern I munths. hut the dull had 11 a rhlr j.(fu" n, ami when it wa~ finally mnde puhht• 11 ,,·a.~ n ,·en· c·••mp;ut gruup. 'J he duh aujulretl a houc;c un \\'e~t St, and there, in IOOG, 1t wa' mqallcd into .\lpha Tau Omega The prc•t:nt l'haptcr hou<>c h at 2.1 ln,utuu_. Kuad 'I h1, wa' purl·ha-.cd 111 IOO!l, and an Mllhuun was built and .-'I. ten 1\'l' 1 hnn.:c• Wl'n made 111 the fall of 11)29


P i Io ta Chapter Founded =-:oveml>er 21, I 91



t \;lle~:c

Apnl 'l'l, 1 ~1 ,\cuve t hnpter 73



P1 I uta l"ha J it~ r of P h1 (;ammo IJcl tu, uhlt:st uf \\\;rcester Tech fra ternities, fuundcl.l 1ts Jond t huptcr 111 thi: l:dl ul 1'-!ll A \'car prev1ous tu that a studen t who hacl transft•rrl·d t'' 'I,., h, "IHt:h "'I' then .1 Mnall college, together with se,·.ral 1Jf his 1 hums dl'tlclerl to huncl tu~;cthcr Ill a duu. A s frutermties were Just cumm~: mt" l"upu lunt\·, ,, l"'llliWI wns ,ul>mlt ted to Phi Gamma Del ta, and the stl( "t\' wa' ad nutter! 111 :0..•1\ •·ml.cr, 11'\!JI ,\(t..:r sev~ral expenmen ts an lot:ati<Jn, th•· <u tl\ c 'haJitt•r then pun ha ~<I the property at 99 a lisbury ~trn t lrt•m ::;ttpht:n ~a! 'hun·, ancl hUIIt the J>rc~un huus.: then: m J 99 o,,mg to the tall that 11 "" tht: hrst tr.lltrmtv at Tel.'h, the rolh:ge co;,pcra ted "il h tht• ••r.:anlt.IIIHn aaul tlw upcn1n~ ol 1he t•hapter house was o ne •H the "'dal o:\·cnt un the ll11l

Active Membera Faculty : l>r Ldand .\lw u•,.l. Prul t'arl J uhn ...un, Prof \\'tlham Phinney

Active Members • acul&y : Theodore P Budzvna, Frank.\. I rushy, Jr. lluward P I mrta·lcl. j ~dwurd Fitt.:cmld, Andrew II ll ult, Thcudur.: II ~!organ, ll ol.>art II , Newell, J<:dward Kos.r.ko, Clau de K Schieiley

o mcen Prell., !larry ,1) , Kinto:~ll'Y: So:c., j ohn j tun, t'hnplum, Slllnnard M Pu n c r.

'1')-ner, Jr, Trcns., ll nruhl I~ RuhH·

Seniors: Oordu n T Gurney, juhn S I ngham , II urn lJ 1.; illl:"l<•v, '\ urn1t111 II ()~good, llarolrl G Roucrtu n, Jr., S tannnrtl :\1 Putll'r, l'rNh:ra·k \\' l.w~:lt·r

Jwaon : ll nruld 1£

llt::wnn, Rolph C Frn r h, ~onnran ,\ h err, R ichard II. Kimhnll , Jr. lla r ri s r ~Iiller, Kubcrt \\' ~liu·hcll, l>onn lfl R Pal•k ard, james J Sheehy, Samuel \\' \\' illinms, jr, Mthur D \\' 1!"111 ! rosier, Jr, \\'alter h

O ftlcera Pres . Char!~, L ll lwhel. Trt:t~>, lli llinr<l P1111.:e. Rcc Sccy, Chandler Walker : l'or N!cy., Russ.:ll \\' Pnrls. Seniors: \\'1lham Ilo~worth, ll ~t tor l'nuwron , l' h11rlcs ll ocbcl, Robert ll olby, RClbt'rt ~ lu ir, l{ns~cll Parks, lli llinrd Pni.:''· Gcu q :e Peck, j oM! ph Wh itaker. Juniors : \\" ilhum 1\ ml '· Rotlnn· Paige, Allan Ram~ay, C handler Walke r, Hal ph W httmurl, gllt:lllll' I IIIII, .:\tit!l rot tl So p homores : K11'hanl 11<>11111'1, ll c nn If ems, R uhc rt Crant, Rnllcrt llunc kcl, .\lcrnll lltl:l: lllS, Ranll!ond :\lntlhcw.;, l~<rho:rt ~l untwunwrv , ~tlward Peterson , J{uhcrt Pun , Rul>cn "' (ltull, ltum•s W1l'oll P led&'e : l"mnk Lu1

8opbomor11 : llcn q· t Duri ck, Jr. P luhp 1 C~uw, Rul>l'rt ,\ <:n·•·n. c;ll'nnnn II ll1ll, jamc~ L. Luonus, llarr\' II Merkel, Lcun II R1<·c, fuhn J 1'Yntr, Jr, ::\o nnan t\ \\'il"<lll, Stanley T \\'t•lcot t . Pledces : Ru<sell L Kmg , John U . Sea\·e r.




l·'nnml,•ol n t Stn lc t'ulll'll"e Mn n·h IIi, 11\7:1 .\ ni,·e t'hap tcr• 5i\

P i Zl:' l:l Chapter l·'uullllecl june Ill, IO!l!J Total ~l c mhl•rshiJI :lO,(){)()

P'ounrled at Boston Umvc rsi t y

N<l\' 2, I000 i\ctivu Chapters

11 Dun Street

Trowbrid(e Road


Pi Zeta of Lomhda (hi Alpha wo q s tarted r'" o lucnl fmt<rn tl\', Zdu :-;iumu Tau, on Dct'cmhc.' r :'i, 1012, hy a gruu o pf )uniuro; in the t'ln'' ul IIII I ·~ h~ lll'W luc:al frntt•rnlt\' llounl' hl'cl anti wa ~ ~:ran wd, u n June 1.). 1!11:1, n t·hurwr from thl• nrltmnal fraternit) ut th eir cht>it·~. Lamhdo l' h1 .\IJiha <:u idl'll II\ th~ lnlluent-e of the national frntcrnitv, the de,·dopmt•nl ul tht• lll'W t•hnpll•r 1\'U~ stc.>ndy anrl ))t.' nnnnent The lirst dlapt<r hom·C w:u; lm•ntctl 1111 l1r111t :'t , hut 111 IIllO, Uw prc~nl huusc at 3(1 Truwbritlgc l{uad was I>Urt•h a,t•tl nnd hn-. I>< t•n ucCuJuetl hr tht' c·hnptcr sim c that timl'

Active Members • aculty : l'rul I I .\ ~~ .. 'l.hl'ltl. l'rnf \\' \\' Llll·ke Prof R K \I orin

Ep~ilon Deuteron C hapter


Founded 1915 1'utnl :l!cm bcrs hip


I n HN>\1 «be men M t lw l n'< l itntt· fonndccl nnrl ~tn rtcd o lucnl frnternit'' k1,o wn \\' ht•n n t•h npt•·r uf the nahcmnl frnternity Th eta Chi ·came t O h•lh 111 IIlli, the n~m .. '"" d~rtnj:t·cl 111 Knppa Xt ,\lpho This frnternit\', s t ill litl'a!, '~t!llla111:tl 1111111 I!J[!j W lll'll II i'<'t'o111H' II t•hapter uf the nattu nal fra;erni t y l'h1 :-r~t~nn " ·'l'J'II \ ow l·\·t·rv memlt<•r nf Ph1 Stgm;~ Kapp:t automatically ll<'t·ome~ a ml'lllhcr ut 1hc .\lumni I'N'J)IIfnllllll whu: h io; knu" 11 as Kappa Xi

~~ Thct.a !'hi

.\ lpha

_,J.:,.a! Active M emben

F aculty Membe.n : l>l·an I rant: I• ~tauff.. r

Km "· Dr .\


\\' Du1T. Prof. Donald G

lxm nmg, Ur (' II

Oftlcen Officen P rt•, Kcnnl'lh II llensnn, \ 'l('c.'· l'rcs,, \\'illinm E hmuH•, Trcn~, C~rahnm T Dou.:la~~

\\'1h' , ::;n ,

.f l.nurcntt'


Senlon : ,\ p t\ntll•I"'C II , .I \\' B.:nt·tht• t, K H~IIStlll, I \\' Ill' I" hl•r, S W t'lnrk, <; T Duugln~s. R . Glt. 1\t ro«, J I. K raltH, I{ I; ~l.l' l'r I·' () ~kl.: ro1 wn. R (;, Rum~dt.•ll. \\' t' Rit.·hnrcb,,n, \\' g \\'iln, .\ I·! \\' in-lo\\, Jr Junlon : t\ I I t\tl,•n, l II .\ llurt•tl, R T .\nlll'\'im·. I) \\' ll:l'l. I \I !\an lt•tt, I' ll llt• rn , ll ,\ ll l' il<•rl(:\', R . _1 . Ho rruJI , R E l\~rt•\ I( C (~tldclanl, R L. ll u ltiC' n, w lo,·kson. }' :.terri ll, R ~ Rllhi n'<H\, I F. RU)(<' f•OII, R ,\ ~l'h ultlwi~... f1' ,\ 1 hil•l. Jr, \\' II \\'hl't·ler, R F. \ nt')lt'r



Sopho mores : I> !' ,\ llt.•n, E J..\mbrol'C, lr . \\' .I l'nrrt.•ll, fr , (' I~ ll<~rt · bo wer, .\ ::; ht•i th. 11 11 l<nlnn <tm, n II Rus~cll, .\ \ S:mtlu,..m. I' E Stnhldurd.

P res. D.onahl E ::;m th. Trcas, Ge<~rge \\' Knauf{


Pr,., ::;u~phut ll npkms ~l·, Oehrends ~t esser ,

Seniors : juhn P lk l'):~o:r•·n. Stt.•phtn ll ttpklll •. Edward Jacobe r, George 11 .\ h 111 \ Lmt•, I harlt's P Pt.mell, l~malcl E Smith, Robert F \\'1IS<•n. (:cnr.:-e \\' h.n.tull .lnmt.•s II !Ianman, rlarenrt :'-1. ~lac :Murm v. Lt~w t.•nthal,

J uniors : r.<'llfl:l' f1' Hart ••r. .f uhn Fnrtl, .l r, Rubert II Grant, Gordon 11. Ra y· mund, rrcdcnrk \\' ShiJtl'l'<', Elton .J ~t'Cili:l'l Sophomoras : Rl1hert A llit•rwt'ilcr, l~dwu1 C l'ampbell, Thoma s W Crossle\' Rll·hard P D\'l•r, \'uhn II llu~dlurth. Frunkhn ll olhrnok , \\' allacc R 1..-indsa~·: .f uhn ~leLa'. Jr. ll crl>crt \\ \111Nh , llchrencl-. ~'"''cr Kicha d \1 , . ·h ~ 1 ll :-; , , · r • ·' ort , . orwn, Earl {, Pn~t·. Th\'t><lor, .\ Ptcr~un, \\'infield E W ilson • amue l'ted(u : .\ rnold R Jones ~ onn.111


ll erg<trom, \\' arren G Harding.


Btt..,kt'tball Prtl<'t irf' tartl'! Monday ;\ oH mbe r


18. 1910

Inte rfra ternity Re lay Practice - S ix T raining Clu~ck s Required


opl1ontore o e Out Fro h, 2-l, Terl1 o(•(•cr Fleming, Larki11, Vogel Pace In Keenly-Fouaht Soccer Gante Tean1 Wi11 T,vo Fro h To 7-0 Wht Over Soph Roth\\·ell'l \Voi(•oll., Lo c F Olll" Thi~ "4 t On Ofl' ·ns i,·e 11111.' thnt tlew 10 the

SC ()I'e~

()n ly

Illllnik (; f'l





fl):lll h.uul

"'"''''' w;,, wo•r··l··'" .II tht• h.\lf

The :-oplh '"'f<' n• nttm~o~ lh nt the \.'rthh oll thruu~:h tlw

ami \\'ns '''""" pl,nt•d .\llt·r th<· rt''t IWrivll. ht1\\Cn'r, an l'llthUSI.I~lil' r..., h


tir-t twn" d

Frt•~"> l ttucou 0 11 I pi a~ St•(•onciYt.•m· iVh •11 T llt•mtf.Ch (;lttttt•. B111 Lut·l' Sc·t.u·iu,: Pu ndt 'I h< ""l'h•mtur•·~ dull~ ,.d ttp '"'' 111.. n 1"•1111 II\ th;·ir r! r i11.' fnr th t• )lllotl J,, ·••I lo•• """ Ill II): tlw Frt • h1111·11 '.! 1 in .1n 111ft nl. t'-'s ~.,•·n;r J.:.llll<• !"a turd,\\

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"'r' 1...




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t:d" ard ' t•t thts ' l''·"'l< r, th"·

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thUIIj;t'd <'ll<l • a t

thl.' quan,r, hn\\o:\·cr, th <· l'n •hill <11 l " make thL ):·11lll' a htth• llll lll' illh•n•• t 1111 tlrulll tht· 11 rl',h 11Utll JIPIIIl ,f \ ll "I l'ro un tltt• ,,.,..,11,1 qu.trll·r 1111


Th1 ~n ph.; .:• •1 ·'"·' ' '";lit till' l'r.·•hnll'n h.HI tlw "l'l'•·r h.u11l e.trh lr.t•l 111 tht• ll t • t p~ru .. t .m •l II< HI I h ,. h.llt<fld th, :'·•l'h's J1 1 11 llu• I rst ):Poll \\.1 ~ 111.1•!1 ' " I throu~:h till' ,., ..,, ~,1 •tu•Ht n hut \\'ol•••ll, oll l •tdt !t-tl l•r th<' !'·•phs un.1l nl tt• '' ttrt• .\tll·r lht• L1ll the Fr.,,h <'.HII<' lit• 1nd li... tlt< Eol\\,tr.J, 10111<1 tor a •II tl l1tfd 111111 1~•111111 111 ltht•lf r..Jctll tu•l • 1 111• 111 tr ·Il l "' tht• l1 t•••h111e11' 1: -'I \\ ulo ut I 1\PII t ill' rtl 1 olll<f l o<Jlll 'r,;s drt\l' nn l h•• o ut d.!<<t·d ~·•t •h• M 11 throouj..h ' I l.t '"Pill I ~·>pla•llll•h' I he\ ~··· r· I th• If ' I " Ill t h ts J:•.tl' 1111 n•••n••rl,•h·"· .tftt·r\\,trl \1 I rood It 1\il-.; .l '"''•IU111ul drt\o' ftom l(<•t h\\tll fr. m rht• I'- •·.H I tl• •· 10• •I ~hl,c llutuik tw.1r tilt t'll•l •I the ll('nu<i Dur1111; t his I" r i•• l th•·h 11 c·n '<•m<.' lint' I'H rner kirl..< 111 ll l'lli.: ~ I ,EC IALS 1o1 d I hn nlp~•n. hut lht• l'n ••h l\l ' rt ur:.thh 111 m 111 ,n 1111\' 111 tht•tn 111111

, 11 r1 n 1, .. m



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llur n,.; tht• li'l • t l'l'riod l•11lh 1\'11111 ~ I>IH \ < ltht•tr h<·arh •111 1 tht• l'rt• htmn lr \1111-: 111 '' .,,,., tht• Su phntttHf<'' lF\' 111)1 I" lwt• JI tiHtn trunt Sl'11 lllllt l h1• l1 n •sh llh n \\ t'rt• J..o• pt I rum s• •u rin~. m11l 1ht• ;o;., l'h s " 1111 n hun l lo11,;ht lm lllo '.! I I he hn<'UII I IH 'IIIII·.\ l· •t " o\tt l K

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sot•ttollotn:s ~ 1·•1lorot I. ( 111. It

Unclt•r l9·1.t) Onsl au~hl

"'"''' 11 •.tunll'd ,,, th" tit•hl ' '' pu~h "'"r tlw 1111ti.ll ''11n• It wn• t••lht•tl In \ t~11n \\' ll s.•u """''' "'r, •n tlw

'i •'I •• mh;•r II, tt . un,·•·•umn.: I hll' for ,·.,.;·unol qu.Ht<·r th,· win•I pin \l'cl "'" ,,.. h •t·h 1111, 11 m.nl.,·d 1111, ~'~"~'' IIi 111 ,. \\lilt .t h•111: Tritt it\ s hut and t It<' n• 1


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I ( ·""''""'''I '"' l'u~t•' I, I .,1, :!t

1·n.: u wer-

I It• \\ PI IU-10 foutl~11l "'""Oil offi. , .• llh • nnw to 11 do,.• on 'm't•ml~r () "lu·n l uh n llu\ nton s gngHH'I'I'll w on o I .tr•l luul(hl \'ilton· mer t ill' son~ flf Stt·plwn \ 'nu l{o•ns.~·lnt•r frrun Tmv, '\ \ Thi~ triumph lmtwd 1111 u thcr· \1'1 ~1 dtsll~trnll~ ~(':1"111 intu n !IUI'l't''lll fnr ~~~ ull Tt•t·h men wen· Ullll'Crnrd . '( N ' ft l•lNL lftl' first I(OillC to ( 'fl!l.'iL r:uurrl ()\ •• "l'llfl' of 1 ~(). 'fhrou~;huul I Itt• ltr~o t lmlf ol tlli ~ w uaw nt•i tltt•r Nitlt• wu• nltlt• to ~•·oro• l'lnv Nhir trrl hill'k ;utrl lorth I f0111 IHlC t'llrl or th ll ficlrl to !Itt• otlwr nncl tlw SJ'k!l til lllr~ I'INtlctl lmt J, 111 th•·•r ••·U l 'l 111 ttntlc-tpatirut of 1111 r•vt•nh mntdll'<l rurrl hnrtl fuught l!l•nw ll uwt•ver, I hi~ " •.- not 111 he Tlw hn vs from 'cw Lwulun c·nrn~ r11.HIIll: hat I, un tlw ltdtl fur t lw o;ec. 111111 hull nntl ""nn ~hnwcrl that lht'y '"'rt 1111 c•nllrl'l•· n JU\'C·nntecl eleven 'I ,., h f•rttl(ht h;u k IUttnl'l}· hut w as un aloft• to mntr h the •lriving pl'>wer of tht· carlll nne! nt the t·nclnf the ~tame I un -t (;urtrrl hnrl llma~owd a ltltal of et~thll·<'n vmnt 'I hi~ uamc, always 11 •·ulnrful ' IH't'lllllc•, lcnturerl the '43-'41 ,,.ufrllc• ruqh l>~:twt•cn tht' hnlve!l nnrl t he• pn rnrll· nf llw t·udct!l )ttn hefl>re t he upc•nlng whi~tlc . 'I Itt• lnllflwing wr·ck Trinity ('otlcge •·uttw murc hlng up r>'cr W o rcester's IIIII ' rmrl mnrt·hcd ri.:hl on home agnln w ' lh a 10 0 vil'turv in their 1msscssio n Throuuhuut. the lir•l half Tech hcln the l'fl,l(t• nnrl •·rune within scoring range t hn•c tllffcrent time ~ unly to have their u tfc•nw hull tluwn nq they neared the ~e••ul ltnc I n the thirtl 'I uurter a rarli· ' "' t·hnnue twrurrctl Trinity bl<X:ked ll \\'nrt·(' tcr kkk anti "eemct! t tJ take tht ~ a 'l the 'tl(nnl to arlvance on the T"•h gt~~1l In three JJiny~ the>· wen~ IJ\'t•r for the fir"<~ !lt'Ofe Of the game .



~h ines For '4·3

•\ ~•·rn ppv l~r<•slunnn loot\lnll trnm, s u i t \\US tflat tl f~toft•d tluulJ;• f 11 il(<' olllll Tllltitl Mlllt'" \\'llh till' H'lill' ~tril,ul): t.•arh· in tlte )llllllt', tunwd hack ol,l\ tlh' t' tui\Sd l\ ,tnrl (;r,l\ 1111111\' rs lw.t dt·h·nniut••l l'ntlhotnortl ele,·!'n to d.,~ull,,,.~,.,.,f, pia 1 in till li nul IJII" rlt•r a 1 11,•;11 rh1' .lhl'l 111 th< mut fn•m Rt·n~· \\ , h llll l'll'<: Ull tl ht'l' ll \\' tth hut l\1'11 n')l'"kr 11 711 ~urpri•l' victory . Taking It " •I .1 h.ud old<.'.ll 111 tnl,l' nunut<'s h·lt 111 pla' , .1 ln111: ~ohut h1 n t lw npt•tttllll kll'h<ltT. the Frc.Qhmen lr11111 • ll• h .1 fl\ .II .11111 II 1\,l, 1''111 1 o,tlh rrut1t1· 111,111 .:l.•u• nl utl ,, Tt•l'h iull II lit rdwll fmm tht••r ow11 30 n l linll tuu.:h j.,r ' \·11 11 tlll'l\ \\ h•• \\ill tli'Yl'r 111 tht ~.,phumurl' :lO ll~·rc the Suph1 :'\urm \\'1l uu .l \\ " " t•s h·r ·r. . , h ,,\t·,·er l>;•t·l, au•\ '''•''"''' I'.IIN<' lwld ;uul \le~rtl/ puntrcl out on the 21 'on•• I till' • •nl 1 I ,.,.h 111-lrht'l I'Jw ,. !"•·lll"r .til• I I hrtr I tal t:tu\\ r,.,•.,,... rctl ,, Sllph lumhlt' on (In O<t<•llt r 1\1, tilt' l ul l 11\l'll 111111.:111 \\tlh ull tll<'•r l''''"'f tlw hrst pial' \\'t th AI :\lomz anti \\,lll,t•d 0111 tht•lr hdtl 1\llh II ·~ I \lt'ltlf\ It• Ill 'loll ! tn hllt'h hut \\t 10: )11'1 1111 (it·llrl:c' \ 'ul(l'l lt•mlin): tht• nttnC'k, lht' 1\t·r tht l'n·h l~t•lll l'l• I ht ):ollll<', 1J,Jt• t 11 ol\t'ltUIIh' ,\ IIIH'I:"•t\ 1.-,lt( 1\hllh l'ru~h <lruH' l•l a l<\uchcl<IWII \'n~tel t ill' t'IIJ.:IIht'r' trlllll Tt lll t """ 111 t ill' pl.1 '<'tl !>dun• .1 lnr.:•• uumlwr uf ,,.,., ,,.,,r,•cl 1111 un end "weep from fnur lo ll tlh, 1\ ,1, l'lll,d\ lolllh' tt•tl l oll th1• h r<l ljlloll h r Till' J.:olllll' " ·" h.trol '.tnls uui Flcmm)l, fnkin~o: a tlhll'c r..u~:ht, 11111 llllol'llll'" up hi all tht• 111••·•un..: ul till' '<'nuul hall \\ IH·n t 'unu ku·l,, pa,,.,.,•cl to Lnrl,in for the cxtm ''"1!, ,, nm ""''I lt·.ul Ttu ~ lt'IHI "•'' l 'I'~ 4 t.tt till "t .t 4 nute·:.t ht•l\\4."\ n hit pou nt Tht• tK'fiiKI t•nrlt·(l after an c' h·t fl\,tl llut 1 \;·n 1\ ttlt all tlw tl\ nlr\' 'trl' tt·h.,.ol tu t''" .:••·•1~ l>••lun· t:lt•n n IIIli ~,- ... tel th•· uul~ ,.,... It tall, ,,r th•· l'lll111):1.' uf punts "ith 1ho ~phs in •'"' ' h.11t1 h~htut.:. till' ~:un•l ~pnrt ... mnn I'"" ··~iun uf I he hall 1111 thdr tlwn 20 c 111 tit•· ""' qu.llt• •• hop 11htt h \\ I' I . lllt'll lll'lt'r f.11l Tht· s•••·nnd pt.•rit'ltl sa w tlw J?ri.'Sh· f fh 11<''- l 1\\'lh llhltl..td 1111 <'II~\·, ... 111 h,l\t pn \ ,ulo-d tl11 o 111~h 11 11l m<•n 11):1\111 t•nrrv thl! hrunl uf the nt· 11111 l<' l ll ~:•• h.~tl.; •IIHI rt·\it•w th•· 1nr1 •\l·l I Itt• II\ til t hul, ~"''"'r h ';llll •till r ):•IIIII'' "hit h l'llthlltllll'd .1 l't ;\Sun ln tlw li r, t qu.1r1t•r ll '' n• l\•1'11 whu tud, , Tht.' hall wnq kep t in Snphmnorc ll'l'rtllll I llliiSt ur lht• J)l'ritlfl Two 1\ l" llull\)1 .Ill lh t• llthltllt)l ntul hnnlh th •.r '"" lrl h,l\,. lwt•tt a h11l1• ht•llt r I Itt• " 1'1111111: ,.;.til II' lilt ~ pl.t\ o•d lwrt• \\ 11lt l\l•u•••·•h rh '"·c 111 th1· in1t i11l tonll'htlnwn pu~~cs hv t h e trro!th wl'ru All< 1 , , ~,·,.rt lc '~ •~"•'ottd p<•ril)ll, hnn•l\• ii H'IItn p ltltt• nurl n thirrl Wlt!l '"'h tilt• '"'"' (;uard 11'11111 'l'o·1 h , , "" •1111111 ''''II l•o himl ill th;· fit·~t qunr .\I Rothwell cit•• idud thnr ltl''d llh• to rlru11Pt'tl with lh<' rcr<.>ivcr elcnr. The t"r l11 tl •' t1111lllll11111" atttu·k with 1111<' 1:• I II ~o:ual f11r ltiln~;·ll nml Hll'tdt I h<• llllnll'roull lll'llnltic1:1 att• u p a gnml dt•n l Itt lht of tlw liutc 'fht' half ~>nd t•d t lft lht! Jl•l '' llllfh llllll •cl I tloll'!t llr).(,.;llll•lllt!llll's It nd tu 20, •11Hl that lw <lui 1111 11 to•ur 1:11111 ht·t,n• the ~nnw wn' !ural qu.trlt•t ,, tk"IH ntl<' t ' l:trl.. vi<'I'CII ~tlplu, mnvrtl tht.• hnll nul of their own •••·r llw liu.Jl '""' wrts I I, nnd the lnu.:ht luudt•r than ,., t•r nut! .:uvt• .:nuli1• tt•rrilon fnr 1111' tirst timt· in this (lcrinfl 1 lol••·• '" ... ' IIIII d " " l'nul 'l ll I, \\'tl•• n P.ll)l<' ,1 lui nl lll •nhlt•, ltut lltlly \liiS The ~~~phnmnl'\'~ ~tnrted t he St'I'HIIII II ln p lotnll thut rJ,\~ lltlll W/1' l'IIUCl( hnlf likt• n hnu~c·n·fire. I 1111d lltll:! With llnh 1 ht lull"" 1111: ",.,. ~; '·'" 1lw sot'l't· r t n illl th.: I l.u k shut~. II oil Paul~t'll St•ntun ~llt'Urhenrlin~: the nllnck, thC'y 111111 lr11111 TtitHI\ t.ll..t• awn• a l'lu~e llt.ttlc t Itt• 1.1:.1 l.tlh lur I <'I h 1111rl m.tde tut1l.. lht• opening kickoft nnd clrove to

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Tl ···ougIlOUt B at I Ie

f:mm hrrt• Ill, tht' hrt•nks Wt•n( IIJ(nln~t tlw J•:u~:mt•t•r' untl Trillll\r "'"•m•tl twirc nlun• rt ' :t r••sult 11! 11 1t•c·h funrhlc unci Ou l!!lnntl rr su qtutncd t;l 1nnl chivt• in~: for Tt·( h W/lll pinyi n)( of Cnpt l~lnl••r l'mlt ami llt1h 1\llen. Tht• Jlllllll ing of tlw \\'nn·t•~otc.>r htH'kfleltl w 1111 (''tPt'l'lall)• ):Otltl in tlw llr~t hnll. I n fa1'l two jJII~SI'M fromt lle ll u~ (f) !:ow 1\lltl ~~·.. tt t11 l lt·llu~ hntl M lttrtt•d \V t>J o n n Co u rt It mnrr•lt lllwrmlx the• Trinit y wht·tt the li r'l'l hn tr enrlctl On Ort<lhN 22 lht• l~ni( I IIN'fll t•ntlt•cl their lung hmnc• 111 nnd in 11 vnlinut hut un~u<·rc~qful attl'mpt hi hrcnk intu the ,.;, l•1ry c·ulumn hy l.~t•nllnu Amcracntr l nternntirmnl l'nllt•uc from SJ!rinl(lieltl, ~Ia's As in previnu, gnmr~. 1'cch halllt•tl r\'enly with the Ac·t·~ thmugh· out the linot ltnlf nnrl then auain lht• 'oerond half !illW thr home rlefrn•cs numhlc When the •mrlke of thi11 hattie hatl dt'arerl nway, AI (' had rt~mpctl t t> n 20~ 'it tory Wort·rster wM hnllcrcd from ~h·m til s tern in thi~ gam" nJHI lt~o;t f'llpl . Srt>tl with a l1rokcn rih, Gcorut• K naufT with a wrcnrhert kntc, unci Hay fl er?.OIC with n hroken ankle It began lll lnok n l thi~ r1oi n1 11'1 though t'oneh Pete H i~o~· fer w()ulrt h(• unfthh· tn pu l o ll'nm 11n tl11: field in nne picc·e for the I{ PI l(lltnC Uti Tf tJfi1C('IJming rill y , On the fulluwin~t Snturllov the hnt· tcreti l'rlmSIJII 11nrl Gray grit! •rtttdti nr journeyed to Amher11t fur the 1111111e with MMs. State Tct•h tnmc rlo~er w winnang this game than any l(llme they hntl player! so far nnrl in fact ~rt1rerl their lif"'l touchd<Jio,n nf the year against S tntc M!W ~l~lrctl in lhc fir~t and fnurlh ((unrumt ancl won the ICtJnllnurd u n l'a~tr• I, ( ul. 21



tlte l'm~h :10 llerc they w ere fnrccd tu 11111rl, the hall heing downer! un the 6 vnrrl lim• A pcnnltr against the fl'n·~hnwn tll:wecl the ll.'l!l on the I \'nrd line Mumz, IIUcmpting to punt , ~ll'lti'NI t111t uf the e ncl 7tlne, thu 11 rl'l:t•tcring An au t omntic Mft• t y. ll ow c•wr, 11 Sophmnnre nfTside pcnn lty on tlw snmc pill}' nullilierl the IICOrt' t\ftH 1111 (' XI'hrmJ:r of pu nt!l, the Pro~h tnuk th•• hall on their 20 nnrl 8tnrt.e(l to mnn·h A lir11t clown on the :11 was lllfttle with th e hc.>lp or 11 r)enalty after \ 'n!:••l l'A rricrl lor nine yn rds Fleming pti~MPd tu Lnrkiu who rnced to the Sr!ph 2:t IK'fo rc h<'ing enught from he· hiucl h y ll o lt Mo nt gome ry . At thi11 tr uu·tu r(• tht.' Sop h11 hc lrl. Ccor~;ce Col· li11 q tn (l(l•• n hcnutifu l one·hnnderi cat t'h ,,r n fm trth clown pa~ hut fell one. hul( y nrrl s hort n( 11 fin;t d o wu Tht' S11ph11 tnnk the hall on the ir o wn 13 R'l lh<• hnlf t'mlcd. 1'ht' &lphnmnre'! upened the fourth •lttartt'r \\ith Scnwn registe ring two j!UI'<'t'!l~ivc fi r Ht rlown, t o bring the hall IH tht·i r l!i. ll cre the y we re forced t o 11unt l'ullowing the punt n fifteen ~·nrc! pennlty plnrcd the hnll nn the Snph 4() in J)l)-'<t'IISion the Pre~hmen A~ 11 re•ult of n bact pns.o; from center, the Sophomores recovered a fumble on the Pm11h 2.'1 Do n Allioon in t ercepted 11 pns'l ami ~peel to hi s own forty he· for!' hrin~e d uwnctl. After an exchnnge of JHI Ilt~, the gnme ended with the 11 rt''lhm•·n hulding the ball .


·1 ht' lineup~: J'II V.S IIM ~!N ('.,llln• le Jl lr• II J~thHUflltlll he:

f( III(C"rt l h"l f:luw ·~



Pa Nicle

It Surnijnlcl IN; Motat~;tnnu~~ry c r t'tt"rMOfl r~t lllort h

Uuorr l l rt Krnah I,AJki n tt r~ Schflc!n Vuwrl •l h Sutnn M"'"' ht, lhh l .l110v•kr l\1ll•11n rhiJ rh 1 Cow Fl•mi n~ tb fb Santon . s.,lullunlom.... Fro•h · S cowdl. Patter100 , l,•h•un S.11Jh• • Lo.mhtrt, Eth~rillfllOn, Yair· """'· M<l•r· Ptna. Krf.rrr 111f!ler. t 'mtJirt"'-l'hdps.

'I I'




Jud~r--1\ tkl nooo


Paaf' 4

Tech tudcnt

A~kctl Soccer Se(Lson

For Conta·ibutions to

Golden Rule Fund

!luntinu~•l fr'lm l'ul!t' .1,

C.ul. I I

tl:c r nal •rrore 3 0 uno I 11 ~hu tou t fr1r Clark !"()r the first tim<· m fiX H'IH~, the ·r, h «w<cr ttam Ju•t to Tufts. It ,. •'" a rain1·, rli•at~ru.:abli· tin)·, 0111 ) the• hall 11·a-. hean· :md h:~r<l tn handle 'Thus it wa~ a ~lo\\ gnmc Jim 'lults pruHt! that thq \\t·re tht t.~tter · murlrlcrs f~;r thq gnrnNt•d four l:< 1ts wh:l~ hulrhng Ttt:h s 1 nrcle••· Th£' ,t•••rt j, n•ll intlil'ntin· lii!Wl'\'<·r. nf the uume, ht·t·au't: It wns more cwnlv p'a"ul than the u n e·<itiNl ~run· Ill: gests. ll rru are th<' fC.'llfl\v~ whn rlid nil uf Tech's scoring rluring thc• past Rl'O'IIIl \.1<-nn II ill ;~ ; Norm \Vii.Rnn 2 , Hill Pau lli<'n ~ : \\'o.Jt Kenned y 1: AI Ro th well J.

:\!o L rc.. itlt:nts of \\'urCL. ter know that there: is at pre cut 11 wmpaign to till the Gulrlcn Rule l1 u11rl to t he hurst· ing J><•int Ia! tht•tr i• such a puintl . Tht Colden Rule l und i' the !neal cummunil\' chest, wh11"h •urve$ the gl!ncrnl welfare uf the cit)'• A« Pre<trle nt C"htvt•riu• IS u11 the Golden Rule Punt! <'mnmitt~c. •tudcnto of TeC'h n rc- eRpcdally uwtted and urged tc• ~'Qntrlllutc to the runrl. Snmt• of yuu future milluuwire~ could help by adrlin~ot o few digit~ to the pre~ent 1um1Jer of d ollurs Ill the c·hcst. 'fht•rl) ore thoj;e whu <'an ofTord and s hn uld tffnrd nnd prnhobly will afford. to give ·omcthing Sensible generosity will 1evcr hurt anyone F b dl S Dono.tiunR may he left with l\li~s oot. ( UtniiUtry Warren nl the infonnntion de~k in !l.onlinued fwm l'ug!· 3. Col. 11 Bo) nton II all nnrl with Profes~or A . J J:ame 12 6 Tech's lone tall v came late Schwieger ill the fourth quarter when Otlloo;. _ -farling back to pass and linrling no one dear, cut through lefl tnckle nnd •cored. The next to the ln'<t game of the vear found Tech play ing ot Rhode hland ~ tate This might better have been On Thur!«lay, ~uvemhcr 1<1, E :.ton· ~·olled a submarine battle becau~e for roe Rates, "ell kno wn 011 the Tech <ilCtv minutes the two teams llli thcr£'d cnmpu~ cluring the post three years around in mud under n d nwnpour of a• "Ted", rercived n commi<~ion a '< rnin The comhinntion of n slippery gnsign in the U nited State~ :-lovy after ball nnd a tricky Rhode f•land !\tate n four munth~ intensive trnining cour~e u fTcnse was too much fo r the weakened in na val toct1''S. Rnr:ineers and they AAnk in the mud After cump leting three success ful to the tune of 18.0. To mnke mntll'rR years nt W o rocl! ler Tel·h, Boles enli~l· wor'!l(> the chnnces agnins t RPI on the erl in the navy unrlcr the l)rovisill n R of fo ii!Jwing week were mnrle even duller the new nation ol defen!!e progmm nnd when Rill Grnhowski hnd to he C'nrricd entered th e training school nhonrrl the from the field with a twisted knt>c U .S.S. Illinois in New York harhor. Nove mher 9 finally arrived. Jt wns After three month~ of s tud y in naval llrunccoming day and RcnR~eloer cnmc lnc:-tics, a s tronomy, sign alling. meleor· to town. Th e men of Troy , unbeaten, ology, and other cours~s pertinent to untied, and for four games un ~C'orccl offirership in the ~ervice, he was trans- upon , come down to do hnt lie with ferred to the U.S S. Wyoming Ahoord the Engineers o f WPI. They hnd the W yoming Oates experienced hi~ beoten Coast Guard and Trinily, both first cruise in the service of Uncle Sam. of whom had beaten Tech. They w ere The ship weighed anchor in New York fnvured to win and t heir chances looke!l harbor nnd <nilecl to the noval hase good But john Boynton didn't fo und in Cuba with the class of recruits. a sch ool for weaklings; he foundecl ACter a survey of the Cuban base the a sch ool for men. Conch Bigler fielf!ecl destroyer crui!'Cd the Carribean while o team riddled with injuries and that the s tudents were instn.cted in maneu· team, for the most part, played the Yers and sailing, and then headed n or th entire game from ~tlart to finis h Tht'y to make port at !Iampton Rondll. ga\'e their best for s ixt y minutesvf hard Virginia A member o f Lamda Ch i Alpha fra. foothall and t hat night RPI headed back to Troy, t heir unbeaten record ternity, " T ed" wa~ active and popular o n the campus throughout his three smashed by a n inspired tenm from years 11t Tech . li e was nn avid ~port~ Worcester Tech. Tech won over th eir e nthu siast and pl ayed varsity ten n is t mditional rivals by the mnrgin of a nd jayvee haRkt'thall. li e wa:~ also one blocked kick. l. ote in the fourth vice·presiclent of the J unlor class and period with the score 14. 13 in favor of WPl. Dob Montgomery b r oke president·elect of the A.S.M .E . through t h e line t o block an attempted placement kiak for the point nfter touc hdown. T h is was the laHt RPJ (Cont inued from P1ge 3. Col. 5) threat ond the game ended with W ol' M uu rf rf t.lndroo• Moul ton If If 11111 cester in possession of the ball. The Swfnaon rh rh Ambroae final $COre waR 14·13. This Willi the ll auJrom ~h cb Walkor Th<mll'""" lh lh Kchh game ever y Tech man wonted to win llrltirr ()f or nurna Otodrrctt ir lr Alton and since it wall won , all the other t R othwtll defeats have been forgotten. l'nrtor c \\'oodh11rv il It Mcu<r l h lnik lfl ol Wolcott


i'<lh D·m, J>:~n•,. he hd•l :n ~anf<,ru Rile\' llall !'aturrla1• en:nlnto: • .\'o\"<omll<"r 23 tho mttnlltr rr tht 1ar~ II' 'lllat! in lr.othall «•<:< c:r anrl tr: r k wolJ rlon noult1 nntl mrlul!(~ in >~ hit ,,f ~··OW· whttt It••• 5 lrt iiUtJII' fnrm ·•f <'Xern<£ '" J.tllt: t• of tht• 'Boovntoni.. ns" ""~ "l•l·••rtunit'• s 11 r uo1t1h< trutumg 'I lw 1 hrtt•tmn for th<· C\'1 nin~ "ill h··rt <llturrlt·tl \\U< mnrlt• 1111 it.lt• I» Dr r1nrl :\Irs l'trc\· I< f'uqJonter, \\torte ttr 'lt·•·h mut Itt..~ t< l lw•••t ' l r anti \Irs /11 t·ph n 1 h.tml~rlaiu thnt •t•• o1ha ,.,'fq;• nr \1111\t r~'''' r~ncl ~lr nnrl :\Irs. Erl wnrrl \\' .\rm·llhr>ouJ.:II~tt11 ll.t· lt:ll~th ·uul l.rt udth •·1 ~trong tl.t· land h;a~ 111r 11 f•>mHI<r '" l<lt l.t t', nil plnn tn oltl•nrl thi~ "Athletit turtsqut n 'humltt r a tht ir t n pr<l !~clition" nf lhc• Fall D~orm Dl'll<'t lkr l••hu llu nt"n \\'t' wurk thl till• S<·ril·~ o nd .:ivc <tur ~nOJip•ng athlctl•< •I h1• prr•lt·'"ion intu t•llr •·ollt l(t " 111).: rt rPtJI r!'C't t•lton nnrlnruuc our t:llll•r '"l·•rl •mk• a Itt r it It 1.•• hod \\ : .hl•uru, • • l~oUilflr r 111 th, ln,llllllt" till I( \II \rllr<c•tor Ill I!>,J!I PLYl\10U'I'JI T IJEA .t nrl t.q;:tn hi s luug •art•t•r u• a mnnu Now on a• turcr, l' l'lllu;•ll" tn1111 ntratu>R • n ' tag<· iu P {'r on thl rliOI•lllil<lllll' ,.( "''" .ulllt'l JlohJI • \t



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