1946 v39 i1

Page 1









e e









\ olume LXXIX

ix New Instructors Wiu Places On Tech Teaching Staff


Stude11t Dormitory Committee By PHILIP G. Dli FFY Elected by Dorm Residents To many of you this is not a greeting to n new place or lenrninj::, nor ~

a mode of life that you are unaccustomed to, for in ye:us ~one by a great number of you ''new men·• began your engineerinl( education here nt T ech, only t~1 have it interrupted by the call tu St'rvice. To those of you ix win places on School's Faculty who are returning to this interrupted education we would like to say, " Glad a$ Lbe appointmrnts of: Richard N. to have you back .., and this time we sincerely hupe that you will complett? Cobb. an instructor in mathematics; the training that you have clw~en for your pmfession. Dana ~[. Woodbridge. an instructor in fi:ngli!oh: .\lexa.nder S. ChodakowT() you men whu hnve only recently ~radunted frum high school we .:oki, in!'l ru~.:tor in l>hysics; Harold A. extend a different kind of welcome, an invitation II> join with your clnssKrit'~er, George F . Barber and rnates in a spirit that will help lo make your c,,n e~\' dnys happy onl's. Ernest L . Sykes instructors in mechanical enJ:~inee ring, were <~n nounced This L-; prob:~bl y i•nc of the most a&sortccl groups <•f men that hus mntricurecently for the present term. lated bere in many years. \\'nlkin~ about the Campus, unc Sl.'t'!l fncel! :\1r. Cohb received his A.B. at that have yet in them the eye!! of n student , and in other faces the look Bowdoin in 1932 and his A.l\£. at of maturity and determination that silo(rtiftes the will to t'tke up a~-tnin a Harv:trel in 1933. Since that time he ta~k that now seems even more impurtunt than it rtid in earlirr years. has been teaching at universities and To clarify these remark::~, it miKht be well to ll1Uk into the outlook, ur collef.:CS in the eastern states bt'fore being appointed to the Tech Faculty. rather the difference in outlook that mi.ght prevail. Itt the eye., ur the He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa younger men (cspcciully tlwse nut lon~-t out of hi~-th sehoul) coll e~e only and Kappa Si,::ma fraternities. appears as a further continuation nf a drudgery of bouks oncl classes that l\lr. Woodbrid~e grnduatcd with " honors in 1934 from Wesleyan Col- probably will come iu handy some day". The older men arc or tht' opinion le,ge in 1\ liddMown , Conn. He is a thnl a class is nol just a necessary evil in the course u£ a clny, hut a place member of l'hi 'l';u Theta fraternity where the words spoken shuuld be retained, should he a fur ther step in nne! Phi Beta Kappa. Tn 1936 he the la.dcler of ascension tu II professiun. We hope that this feding or thE' received a master's clegree in En~lish older men will be slron ~ enough to radiate I I) the others the nece~ity fllr from the U. of Michignn and from work and concentration that will come with the next !our yt·ur~.

Four Are Yo un~ GraclK; Two Are With Previous Tcuching Experien ce

1936 to 194 1 was a teaching fellow in the English Department there. FollowinS( this, he taught at the University of ~ Iaine for a term ; prior to his call to the armed forces. (Continued on Page 3, Col. S)

WPI Glee Cluh ~lakes Plans For Season l ' ntil the end of last seme~ ter , T<"ch's Glee Club was lar~e and well orJr.~nized . With the graduation and transfE-r of most or the '1'\aval l'nit, the Glee Club was left with unly n few members. R ea l izin~-t that must of Lhe members of the club were goi n~ to leave, director Mr. Clifford F. Green, started to reorganize. The ft rst step in this reor~aniza ­ tion, was the election of the following officers: Paul V. Freese, preside nt ; Robert M. J odrey, vice presicltmt ; Richard H. Koble, sccretarytrea.~urer ; and William H . Land, Librarian. The plan is to build a new club around this nucleus. About twentylive new fellows have already tried out, but more are needed to fill the desired complement of about fifty. Rehearsals are held in the Janet Earle Room in the basement of Alden l\f emnri:.tl every Monday and Thursday alternoon at four-fifteen. Those interested arc asked to appear at these rehearsals. The greatest advantage of belongin~ to the Glee Club lies in tbe fact that concerts are held with other colleges. 1\lany of these colleges (Cominued on Page 2, Col. 3)

Since this column is headed " Welcome··, ynu mHy usk, welcnme w what? (and thi!> pertains to all of you ''new men'') . 1-; it a weltome tn a ~ru('llin~ schedule of classes, m I () the typr nf carefree life that ha:; nftcm heen nssllciat cd with colleRes? The answr r to this is vrry clearly, " neither ". II is a welcome to an educatinn and yc~ it is an invita tion 111 an enjoynble extra-curricular program, " IF THAT IS TO BE YOU R CHOI CE"! 1t htl..<; often been sa id, and is jul<t ns ttften true, thrtt nne will receive in ret urn from un endeavor jusl what he put ~ inw it. I r while in cnll('ge thl' (•ffort i.s gre~tt , the return will also he l(rt:al, no maLter in which lic·ld il Is madt•.


Enrollment Is Announced Regil'ltrar States That 495 Student~ Comprise LiP~t of Prc~ent Term On :\larch 12, 1946 Miss Gertrude R. Rug){, registrar, announced that then• were four-hundred ninety-five o:. tudt•nts enrolled at the Jn~titut". " v llc(c are the statistics: one-hundred ninety-live tirst term frcsllmen, fort yt'ight second term freshmen, seventeen dnssificcl freshmen , one-hundred o;eventecn sophomores, sixty-seven juniors, thirty first term senil>rs, clev<"n ~ero nd term seninrs, ann ten grudualc students. Fifteen of the ~~·niors urc. cant~idates fo~ commlsswn!' us enstgns tn the Untied ~tnlCs Nnval ReS<'rve. Of the ftrsl term freshmen, ninety-live percent arc veterans, and the avem!(e age uf that class is about 1went y-t hrce years. l'rnfe~"')r l'aul R · Swun reports thal thirty-four ·of the [()tal of fiftyci~o~ht married students enrolled are first tt'rm frrshmen, nine bein~ second t<•rm frrshmcn , and the others are sprentl lhroul(hnut the 1>thcr classtls. Twrlve nf these murried students ure fatlwr:-. (the number Is fast increasing) . and cnnscqucntly are find in~ it almost ilnpos..-;iblc to secure livin~ quarters.

T hus far you have heard much of the stiff requirements of the Institute, and perhaps you have heard little ubout the uthcr sine, the activities and social life tM.l are very impnrtant to all of U'i. Rather than go into a detailed explanation of these matters here, we SUJ(JICSt that you ask about these acti vities, anrt enter into them to the !Jest of ynur abilities. Work hard, and play hard, are words !hilt may provide some foocl for thoul(ht. The T ech Newman ('lub, an organ!~ rom time to time thLc; paper will carry news uf outside activities and oril~IJlion composed nf Catholic men ganizations lhal may and should interest you. on the Hill, will have Its first meelinll All in all we think that you will find life on the " Hill" uf a type that of the school year at 7 P.M. Tuesday, requires concentration, but we think you will alsn lind it enj(Jyable. There March 26 in the Janel Earle Room. will be much tr1 occupy your free moments and provide you with memories Plans fnr a Communion Breakfast to be held at II A.M. April 7 at the that will be far from unpleasant. Sheraton Hotel will be discussecl at From every man un U1e staff then, mny I extend nur hearty welcome, this meeting. and if al any time we may be u£ service to you, hesitate nQt to inft>rm us The affair will have as its principaJ of this fact. We will try to cooperate with yclll in making your stay at srcak<~r Father Edward Connors, u Tech as enjoyable as pos.~ible. fl)rmer Chaplain for the 9th Infantry Division . Father Connor!! and his division saw considerable action in Africa, Normandy, France, Belgium and Germany <1!1 they fought through to the conquest of the German T he first general assembly of the outlook nn life. The student here at forces. His topic will consist of ex1946 rollege year will be held Friday, Tech spends his week on technical pcriences and the lessons obtained i\la rch 22, 1946. at l l : 25 A.:\1., in studies, and he finds it difficult to from these actions. Some of you who Jelen Auditorium. Rear Admiral obtain time to read or hear about were in that theater of operations \\'at Tyler Cluverius (U.S.N. Ret.) , world affairs or other non-technical may be familiar with the services of President of Tech, will address the studies. With these assemblies, the ,.Father Connors' Coffee Pot" which student body on the subject: ''The student will be able to take time out he rnajntained throughout the front Ou tlook." There will aJso be special from his regular studies to l isten to lines for the benefit of all personnel. music provided by the Glee Club. outside speakers, who will be able enlisted and commissioned. T ickets for the Breakfast may be The purpose of the assemblies is to to give him material to broaden his obtained at any time before the 7th supply the student with a broader education.

Tech Newman Cluh Meeting March 26, 7 P.M.

Fi1·st General Assembly Scheduled For Friday

Committee Promotes Better CooJ•eration Among Students

Last \Vt>dnesday nip;ht, the men livinl( in the dormitory elected a. man from each deck to serve on the Student Dormitory Committee. Besides the men elected, a student was appointed from each deck to serve on this committee. The men elected and appointed are as follows: Firsl Ueck 1' ..... C• Chase, an d R . P. K uy krndall ; Se<:uncl Deck- E. H. Dion, and N . J;'. 'I'ay1or ; 'fh'trd. 0 ec k- C. a& . Smith Jr., and M. E. :F rench ; Fourth Deck- j . R. Fit2gerald . M. Jorden. This committee met Friday ni~~:ht, for !!upper in the staff dining room for organization and election of offi. cers. E. H . Dion was elecled chairman, C. C. Chase Secretary, and M . K French Treasurer. T his committee will meet every f'riclay night throuf!hout the term. The purpose of this committee is lo promote better cooperation between the students living in the dormitory, and to better the general welfare of the dormitory. The main topic of discussion at last Friday '~ meeting, was the idea of having the men, new to Won:ester and living in t he dMm , l(etting better acquainted with Worcester and its women by having tea dances or the Saturday NiKht Dorm dances, us there have been in the past when civilians were livin~ in the dormitory.

The Radio Club Makes Plans The WPI radio club met lut T uesday eveninl( in the Electronica Lab, and under the leadership of the acting chairman, Phil Jones, got off to an enthusiastic start to a vecy active term. Jllans were made for a field day on the radio club " shack" to clear the way for an active construelion prOI(ram. A schedule for work on lhe Club's transmitting and receiving equjpmenl was planned to put il in order for amateur operations on the " bands" which are now open . The meeting, which was well attended by last term actives as well as the new men, was designed not only to show the new men the nature of the club activities, but also to organiu for a larger membership. All men who are interested in radio are cordially invited to attend the next meeting of the Raclio Club next Tuesday evening. of April from the officers of the Newman C lub, and from repreaentatives that will contact students in the Dorm.


l'a•l.' Two

The Greeli Column

TECII NEWS l' uhll•ht•fl IIi '"'ckly I Jurinl( lh•· Clllll'l:c \ c;1r IIY The Tl'rh Nc wa Auodll tiun or tho

Wor<'e.!l ~r


J•olytechnic: Jnatiluce

A.E.P .

EIJ ITOl{-IN r 1111>:r: Philip (i. Tlufi>•

l\farch 18, 1946

charged from the :\ r med Forces. The following officers were chosen at recent elections: :\1 Breed, president (re-elected ); J ack \\'ilson, vice-presidenl ; Malcolrn \\'hite, treasurer ; Dick Maci ntyre, secretary ; Lennarl .Herg, inductor : Paul DuJ(m!(, sentinal. D1>n Hall, who has been on a leave of ab ·ence du ring the war. is faculty advisor ; he replaces Donald C . Downin,g, who has been acting in the capacity of advisor durin[( the past few years.

\\'ith l wo winning games :since SECRWr1\RY vaca tion, the basketball team is in MANAGING El>I1'0R MW MW rare form. Star of the team and top f'E.'\Tl RB EllJ'fOK Nf:WS E!I ITOR scon!r for the school is retu rncd C:i•OrJIC C. r rit7, Dtmnld J. Cirurcl veteran " Huddy" Oember, originalli USI N f~SS Mi\ N1\CER ly class of '45. But he is only one ll~~rrL~ J. Du fr~~Jic of the veterans who have swelled our DUS I N I~SS ASSISTA NTS Hugh M Rubin110n Oonaltl A. Sa"l'k ranks in Lhe past few weeks. Others Ocrnld F. McCormkk Alfml t.. LNourncau bock from service are Carl Hersh· A.T.O. JUN IOR EI>ITORl' fielrl, Stan Rose, and Lee . andman. The chapter was s,tlad to welcome J uhn C. Mradr Plans are in the ofling for a sen- back Ken Truesdell, one o£ our \ '- 12 COI. UMN ISTS sational conclave to be held here in lads or a couple of years a)!'o. Ken Rohort ll uhlcy Frnnc<>s M y~ka Alnn Mahnnnoh l,ouis C. Blork April with many out-of-slAte chap- had a little trouble with hi11 hack ters participat ing. l ntra-frat ernity while in the service, but he's now Rb:P ORTI::RS t're~le1 ick Burnk Bill Julian basketball competition is lo be fea- in ciw ies and ret urn in~ I!> start as PliOTOCRAPHER tured, followed by a gala clance. a junior Electric. Thomns M. McCAw This promises t6 be but the f1rst of llob Green of the class of '42 has FACUr.TV All\'JSOR the grellt events now ou the agenda. finished his service in lhe Navy Air J ohn II. Schultz Credit for inciting this new wave Corps as a pilot nnci is commencing of enthusiasm is dul! trl T ed i\'I nrcus, hili Tech career a,:tain as a SophoNrw• Phoau•" Dutlnet~al 3-9647 Edllorl•lg:~:!~ member of fhe Supreme Board of more Mechanic. Bub '-, a proud papa TERMS Subwiptlon PI'' school yel\r, $1.00, single copi~s $0 10. Mnkc nil chcclu Jlnynhle to Governors; and Irving Gcrher, Mw sn we know he'll want LO show 8uaincss Mannger. Entered ns second elMs matter, September 21, 1910, at the Posl alumni advisor, both ()f whnm Art' "junior" what a real engineer can do. 011\tt In Worctsler, M.w.. under tbc Art nf Murch 3, 18711. takinl( esprcial inll:'rest in Epioilon Df'uteron c:hnpter. T hein Chi The following men h<we com!? back to Tech lo resume their s tudic~ after serving in the Armed Forces: j ock \\'urrcn, AI Larkin, T1>111 ~l ul<loon , Brnd Dunbar, and j ohn j acoby. Dick Snyder, cln!'.-'1 of '48, is leaving T ech to serve in the l' .. . t\a\'y, TOPS IN WAX- Loue Me and oil e ftccls are highly pleasing, and are handled with excellent L.CA. I've Got The Wor ld On A Slrh•u Woody Hennon and the Herd. tnste. J immy Saunders sings the Wayne t. Stinson, an l" xbridgc vocals, and. tor the fade, the band poll winners of 19<l5, usher rnnn, was pledged on March 14. A In their tlrst palrlnJ for theyenr bond l'esolves Into the tones of the Grrat Organ. On the nipwith tiUes. The fonnct lhenlcr party for brothers and their s h ows t ht over Jimmy Snunders sings, dates was held l:l$t aturdny night You Can Cr11 On Somebod11 &rl'Dt Hermon llnd was followed by a house dan~:c. trumpet sec- El$e's Shoulder, wh ich Is done nt a lively and ensy dnncl' clip tion of Can· Brother Bob Schultheiss, '-1 2, and doll, Bennon. , Victor). Brother ''. cotty'' Clcncn )S$, n mrm· Hefti, Lewis, j and Rogers !P ber of the ln"'t .((radu tttin~ chtss. <l\lrry Jnmes gives an expnnsl\'e rare nnd frun· both visited the chapter house nt the trcntmctlt to the Cho\lin adaptallc form. Golf beginnin~ of the \\Cck. Brothero, j ack W...tyMer_, Award win· tion, J'11~ Alwnus Chasing Rainbows. Here the nlng " Flip" Phlllipt tenon hnnk und ·• Doc" SoorsilOrinn, two throuJh both sides. Fa·an cer Jnme~: horn Is lllt'l11bl.'rs of the latt'Sl WUduating Wayne sinaa Loue Me, am; heard in n groovy. O\lCn class who art' now at Xcwport . R. f. . Woody handles both ,·ocula anf style that Is the clarinet In the latter (Colpaid the house n ,·isit this pnst llrted by n umbia) week end. \\'ayne hnfer, a sophohl&hly dnn~­ able beat that more M .E. who hails from \\'yo100011 - De«a reatu~s tlw the bnnd drops minf.!. hn.s been ~ranted houst> privi· Horry Jepowerhouse trumpe t lna or In for $Upport. Buddy Oi Vito sings the vocals leges. T he chapter welcomes \ 'ictor l "Little Jau" by Roy Eldrlcl&e in a Buster Hardina tune, Liltlt II) an oil-out sweet Jantes nrBoi~$eau , a transfer from the Clark Jo.:r Boogie. Dynamic Roy range•nent. The plntter-mate, l ' ni,•ersity chapter of Lnmbda Chi Bob11, Whctt You Do To Me, has rftches for h is baJ or tricks ln .\ lflha. h it trumpet rides and uset~ Q lusty dnnce k ick, screaming brns.~ ri!Ts. nnd vocal by chl~r punchlna rtffs. trills, and P.S.K.

T.K.P. \\'ith the change of terms, the house has welcomed back many who <U1Swered the call of Uncle Sam in one way or another. Brothers Dieterle and antandrea, both of the class of ' 45. are back, as are Brothers Ryan a nd O'Donnell o£ the class of '46. Brother ) 'leade of the former class of '48 and Brother Julian of lhe current class or '48 have also returned to take up where they left off. On the other hand, Brothers Cunneen and Looby ha"e left for the wars. while Brother l\Iarcello has switcherl from Tech to Delaware t: niversity. )lay these, as well as those who have returned, lind success in their new work .



l!Ome stratosphenr notes. His

Kill.)' Kallen (Columbia).


hlah ones in to the Cnde-awa.¥ •~

always f lCC'I tinl, and an Eldrld(t' trademark. On the re· vme he solc>s to thf' Gershwin


Bud Roberton, '41 , dropped by the other day, chatted a bit about the good old da ys, like all ATO grads, looked in on the kitchen where Chef Petrin has managed things for these thirty years and remembers a ll the boys as they come a nd ~o at Tech.




tlying lingCino round mu a l.YP\' of


Tht " Vou:e" has a patr or wtn nlllJ tttles-01\~ \\'hat It ScrrhNf T() Oall 811 Da11 Both


urt- sugarv

wath s.entnuent m n triNI~· "astru t \'l'in Frank S ina tra's hatldl\n~:

seldom heard dtulrt> b:tnd Throughout

plnne\ tl'<'hnlquf'



l~ t'XI't'Ptll'n3tly good tll!'tf Ut t hf hrmdhnt~ ~>f mutt"d brn~


nnd $trmgl' with un\tsuru rf't!'fft'C'ts On lht- backmg


h~ pl:~ys.

.'\ Lot>t- Likl' Thill, :md mjN'I$ A buoynnt t.atln rhythm to • UIJP<'rl Ius ptano and b:md. an,i al~o ha~ lht' vocal sun,i: by Gt.m(l F'o $ter <Dectn>.

l•! the lyrt.:s.





both sldt>s b~· !\OIIlf tru~· tlm.• (11'\"ht'stratlt\g by .'\:~:c-1 St(>rdnhl, " 1U mnlte h1s tons shout with at~, and other$. ftms or nut,

nod with

or hi~ bt-st performances to date with a doncf arrangemtnt of \\'a r$011• CPnNrlo


a ..

Carmen Cn\'alloro turns In one



j DANCE DISCS- Chnrlle Spl\-nk nms tht> aamut of his tamt'd ''sw~tesltrump\"t " sty le.'

m T ltt• Bt'lb oJ St Mn.,·s. from the RKO pirturt.' t'f the s.,mt' ll:lll't" HIS muted tnm\pE>t Is ~upl)<)rttd by soft brass whl(•h t'Stllbh ..~es thf theme. Thro\lihout,


aiftt C'to•by, Vocol

(De«ol Wf'U lf lOOETWEit AGAifl - lot Ito...,., o,..,.. (Colllmlolo) SOII\t SUNOAY MOINING- l oult l'nMo O.M e (Mo~•tlc)

HUMOUSOUf - Oowtd loto, C"" u11 Do.... {Vittot) t M OllOUGK WITH lOVf ' " ' - Vo<OI (G•ulcl)


l'lnns are underway for a house- ~ party :\larch 23 nnd 2-4. Il is expectt..'i'l that !here will be squaredancinj:r and fl1t\llnr dnncinl! Satur- , day night and n picnic , unday. Ewryone is glJd to welcome back l'hil $ampS(' n. Jack \\n~llenn, :\fat. l colm \\'bitt.', and Dean .\ midon. fnur br\lthers who ha,·e ~n dis-

GLEE CLUB 1t'lltllinueJ from Page t. Col. 1) .tdmil ~lnlr s:irls. The fi~t etmcert " ill toe held with Colby Junic>r Cllllt'l!.t' in ::\t' \\' Hamp~hirt- (a girls' collt'\.'t') durin~ the la.~t p.1 rt of April \ rt'turn Ct,m-ert will take place the iolluw in~:: \\ eek when the Ce>iby girls will t't"me h \ \\'l>!'Ct'Ster . ){r. Green t't'ports many other offers. but be~::tu&- ~~i th~ ttck of men he could ,\C\'t'pt •'nly a few o f them. li enough men an"'\\t.'r )lr. Grt'en':: c-all. sNne wry inte~tin~ pr~rams " ill be arr.m~t-d. :tnd the mt>mbt.'t'$ oi the- club ht- r:h·en l:'pportunity to nuke


t'X(eJlt'nt ~t'(ial Ctllll3Cl$,


5ure, I've made 41,000, 000 telephones

... but u'hat else do l1nake?" · I .1~ m ~ke gooJ rdephones 1nJ 1 m prouJ of e\ ery one of th em. " But you r Bell T elephone would be complecdy salem wichom t ho! oiMr th mgs I proJure to go "' 1th it .. \'\'a re for instJncc. . mtles .tnJ moles l nJ miles of 1t. Acres i>f reel of cable .. ,tiiClus.!nJs of anmau e s w u~ hbo:u J s ... dehc.m· electronic appAncus to imprm e ynu r long dastlnce cull . AnJ th3t's only che lx-,l;inning . · Tl~.t t SJUSt my llf.m • f J.flm'lg lun.:uC>n (. ·r the Btoll ~ vstem. (l'"e becn .tt It since l~t< .? ) l m f'ur.:J..mr f0r 1he Bdl teleph<'ne I.•)Olpames. too I Jillrtoltlt equtpment ;snJ supplies to rhecn chrou~hou c che nJCmn. I C" en mr:.t/1 ren:'ll.! office equtpment

"I Ye hel~d m m.t·t- our n~uon's reh:phone Ill the " odJ ;aoJ the most econonm.tl. ".My n.1m e ? Remember it • .• "It's \'\'estern .Eiectrid





• •


Tf' at<·It Bulletin Boards /or .~erv


llftl'e Y OIL llatl Your lacelf Pressed?



ROUND THE BLOCK Ry LOU llLOCK I h~ rnlh'~ocinte ha'-ketball ~a on is n 2cr rt>ceived their commi"'hm-. uuw over, and the in terfrnternity last munth, Worce ter Tl'Ch lust not

h:t'-kt.'l hall cum pet itiun has IJecume thl' c<'nll'r uf ntlrnction for sport~ .~round tht' cnm pu~. f. wry fr:tterntty i' in thl" thkk of lht' uattll', hut frnm thb cnrner it ltll)k:. like T .K.P., I'" K • and r X nre the team.c; w I-tal. Theta Kap i loathed by j .llk Laffey, .tnll jalk -.(.'t'llh 1t1 haH' in..,t.tllt·d hj, 11\111 fiery type n£ ball playin~ tnlu hr~ players. T hl'ir chid thn·.tt r <:erry ~lc<:Mmkk \\hu-.e hnotin,l! and pa..sln$t m·ctl bt•ar \\Jit hin~: thrnu$thout the '>(':t'-1111 I'hi "'~ L' al~o l"!l.Jlht'd hy a \.Jr,ily m.tn. \ ce \\ nltcm. Harry ~ l ankt>y and Bill \ ttrkee ~em to be the '<llrtn)( .,tar• nf thi- \\l'll-de,elr'Pt-'<1 hall dub Frrtl Brunn uf j unior \'ar,ity l.trnl' cnal'hM the Thetn Chi quintt't \\hH"{' ''.If IJoth c)fftn:;ively anti dt•· ft•n ..ively i-. hi~t. burl) .\ 11 l..rJ.ta tlin•r'l. J ill II' IIHwlt• l)l•rnbar, \ E. I 1. playrr, whn hno; ju~t rtlturrrt'd ltt ,..thnnl ahl•r thn·e year'\ in lht· \ ir < 11rp.;;, "{'t'lll' \\t'llon lhe \\it) tu t•IJl turrn~ tlw lt•a~tut'·~ hil(h '-lnrin~t hnnnr.,, In thr ~amt"' played '" far, ht• h;u; t',\rnt'C'I fnr himwlf lht' rt·,twc. · I tl!lc awrnj::t' uf I 4 llllilll'l a )t;lllH ~l .tny of the playt>r<: han• eli... pl.•yrd n dl'ticlt•!l pmlldrnty in tlw ~:.Ink', otul tlwy haw <.IIMKI out .t~ ll('iHJ;t c~c;t'l lt•nt pr•·~l)('(;t~ fur llt.'\1 ' t'.l\on\ \'M"ily and junint \':lf.,tl)' •tttintct~ !'w•nrt• ,f the nther... lum · l"\ tr, h) lhc•rr h.t ...kcthall 1wrfurm .utrc-., ha,·r gtvt' n the imphCIItnn nf ht·inJC linl' prn.. llt'~ t.. ltl <;tar in IH'\1 f.tll's J;tridirun cia ...ics. It wJ~ n plca'lllll surpri<.r In 'ee ])jg 1\rni(' ) llllt'i> rt'f~ ret>inJ:( CfHl)t' 0£ the interfraternity hn~krt bull J<llllll'" .\ rnic.• is the hoy who starred nn thr h,rrdwood for Tech a f<'w 'll'a'~()n~ h.1ck. and rwedl t>~'l to say, ('oath StaJ(U certainly could have u'ed Arn and hi~ ..,i'< feet c;i'< inche• hei)(ht thi, sro.'on \\'hen thl' mnjurity of lht' ' ""Y

KINGSBURY'S Pltoto S.,.,ke

Com-. .•,.,_.,_. . D...,..,,.. !Se. lluold

only a line group of schnltns, hut ah'l{l some excellent athletes who had cuntrlbuted profusely to the maintenance of T ech' spMl!>o. fn the'<' lllt'll we :,hould ~i,·e speci:tl thnnJ...,., ftlr undoubttdly "ithoot them \\' I' 1 , like many t)ther college:., \\tluld ha' e Ut'tn fnrcetl to curtail thrtr interruJie~talt' athletic 3Cih it it: . l'erhap~ the nwst \'t'r"<lltlt• uf thN• athlete, w ;l> .\ uJtie ~t>llcrmunn . " "" ·'~~tre...~h·rnec;.' and tram play 1 oultl have been found in pra( ltca lly t·vt•n• urw uf Tech's intrrcullr~iatr llllllllt~· tillcm ... li e \\:lS a !>Wntlnut as ,1 h.l-...· b.1ll player. ~tarred '" 1ht• til'ltl uf tratk, ltd the Tech '"'mmtnl( tt·.un . and 111 hi.-, "''ni11r year -.hu\H•d J,trt•.rt pnunbr nn the ba:.J...etuall wurt ln ublt• 111 play f11othall ht•r.ltr'lt' uf ,1 wri ... t injury, he nr•\ertllt'll'..,~ w 11 Irihuu•tl to the spurt lry nssbtinf.( .\ Jr. !'itagJ,t tn 11 conchfrtl( t:apndty. J phrr Ga1(1iardu Mntrrd in tlw lrl•ld' 11f track, Stll.ltr, and tm ... kt'l· l,;rll ll.trry ~Iehrer -.ttHI(Iout hy ht' ltnl.' tracJ... and f••rtlMII pNfurm Ulllh. Ht•h Hamilton pt:rfurnwcl fur tht• "4li.Cf'r and tracJ... H·am... 'I t·d Gurla Ctllllrihutt-'<1 tel bnth the• runl h.lll anrJ bas('bal.l .tglo(rt'l(<lllllll' C•t~ 1r~-:e Conley partkipatrcl in I rut k .tnd "'4Kt.t'r. .BnlJbic U :l\ i~ slarrrtl fnr und lilptained our (ootiMII tf.llll l'rt-.. (;rhUl fttled the "-JIIW t.rpadt) 11n tht> ''"u·r team. l'l'd B.rl.t'k-1 t·n· I(JIIt'tl in track ancl crt~~-.·c uuntry. Jtm Sulli\"ao played nn 1.'\ullc·nl ~tamr uf ba;.ebaJL \\ alt Bank -.t.trrt•ll on tht• tralk and !>flCU'r tr.um \1 R•Kkwuud, lackinl( the natural nbrll ty nf an athlete showed hi~ intrrt·~t in ' porU; by hi excellent job or 1111111 Ul(inl( huth the succrr unci ha~ket Lall teams. 1'•1 these few and tht' many ntlwrl\1 hnm we have overh)()ked, we u\W a hig dd>t of gratitud<'. \\'e urfer tht'm !)Ur heartiest pr:1i-.c fur thr J(rand job that they did in k~tpin~t the name or Worcester Tet.h nlive in the field Hf sporL<>. To them wr can only say, " Good I11<·J.... fl'llow.., nnd smf)()th sailing! "

~apbUJ 11 .U Dena)

o.-..... s.rne. Worcester Telegram

Fornter Norwegian Cavalry Officer Student at Tech

Resume Studie8 After Jlnrlidpalion In Tlte Norwt>gian Umler~ound

The Evening Gazette

1\ rurmcr member of the !':<•rwe· giun underground, Per Rued, 27, of 0 to, Korway, was recenlly admitted Lo WPI, after winninA the r...crr Tmmstalrl ~holarship. Before the war Rii<>d allt'nded OC: for the XorwCj(ian cavalry, lntt·r rntrrin~t active service with the rank rquh·aJent to 2nd Lt. in the l" • . \rmy. In ,\pril nf 1940 hi$ (Cunlinued on Parze 4. \(11. 2)

• Sunday Telegram

• Radio Station WT AG

01Uf>~tition trong In I nlct·ft•att~ t·ni t y

Ba kc tball


IBa kethaller

Break Evett For ,ReceJttly Completed ea on

• Tl1Nn Chi in Top pol ; Home aJl(l Franklin uf PG 0 who nrc Phi Gumma l)~ltn S.-cond ; two ~ood rra~llls why PGD i<~ well up D<'mht'r H i~h t•ort'r in tJw stamlin~s. I ntt•rrra ternily Baskctlmll is now in

run 'lwin~ot with cluuhlt'· hl'tlCit>rs srhedulrtl rnr evrry aftrrnuon. 1\ t this

The Slnmflngs so far: Fratcmily Won TC 4

Kuykt""ndall and La«ey Stu.r, A8 Team Cops And Drops Seven Down at Madison Square Garden sou11' of the: finest teams in the land

Lost are lighting for lhe national cham· 0 PC l) pion:dtip, ond here at Tech somt' \Hit int.t Thettl Chi i<~ lt'ading the 1)3ck 3 T K p more teams are lighting il OtJt for "ith n '[)(>lie'> 'I 4 0 rc.'Cnrd fnllowed 2 ATO the interfraternity championship, by l'hi G.ullma Delta "ith 3-1. 2 1 but Doc Carpenter has already Lamhtla l'bi •\lpha hrt.., undi~JlU t ed \ EP 2 2 padtl'<l away tht maroon and white 114•"-.c.>''"ll' nf thl' u•llar "tth an l'n2 unifurm!l making the varsity season \'inu. . 0-1 rt't nrd. 2 only a handful of memories. I •tr thr Ut'llt'lit 11f '"'>' ur all fre~h­ I J And what are these memories? ltlt'n tltlt fanulku \\ ith the rule-;, here's LC.\ 0 4 Maybe you recnll little Jnck Lafl'y thc• :ot•lup in hrit>L \II vur-.ity Hnd lmlit'llluul Src1ril1g weaving and feinting like a bc>xer, jay' et• 11byrr... .trt.' inl'liMihlc to play Tulnl Game shirldlnJ< his dribble by his body. fur tht•ir ll""fl\'dl\t' h•ltt...c·... hut tht'y P\lint~ ,\ \'eruge 1\S he drove In for a lay up. Or !1•'1 plt•lll)' uf t'\t'rt N ' in hJntlling the Pluyt'r Hou'>t' may~ you ha\'e in mind Sinatra· 54 IJ.S rt• f,·ru·in~t I .tlh hlltN• plap l.'iJ;tht L>t>mber \EI' built Cnploin Kuykendall ~ming l5 8.75 ll·llllt'' .11111 tlw lllllbt' \\hidt lclfh thr Hurnr Pt; L> tn lh>:ll intn lht nir as he stole the 21\ 7.00 tina I ,.t.mrlttl~ r.•t t•i' ,., a truphy. Franl.lin p(;n IMII from 11 man under the hank 8.67 rh.... ttuphy j,. ~t•.tlly worth \\ittnin~-t Bolurk S.\F bo:ml, t)r lirt.'<l a one hand push shot. 8.67 "' tht•rt• ~ .tlway, plt•nty nf tomp<'ti \'urkN' I'!:) I\. Or, H you were not too blinded linn t<~IIJIInl \\ ith till' t'\t itt•nwnt th:tl - - - - - --=====-- by tlw fll 'er inherent within us all , spt•rLclnr... I hdvt• 1111 ynu muy he reminded of the polished In tht• individual -.rtllilll{, lh'cnlwr fine11sc o( Harvnrd's Wyndol Gray nf \FI' h, w.1y nut in frunt In hoth n.s hr poured a steady stream of balls t111t1l pniut-. '\tl!rl d uncii(.IIIH' nvcragr thmul(h the Trch basket Jn tht' wtt•nd .tnt! third '~IW'' nrc \'11in,;c hi~ time honored system of n wea"inl( offen!lt and a man for man defen.'lt', Coach tagg sent his f>~ llftm rJftlllf'$ \tilt j nrany Clf lhr ~IIUi ht'rn drawl, nod chnrl(t~ through a season o£ seven I ltr '''''"'X ludy :t·illt tlu audu- th<' tii-;tinctiw r'" uf the ~litlwt.-:.t win and Ull many losses. , 111111 , tlllfiiXt· 111 •usrrt " ' m-lf in Gnne are the -.tn•:um uf "niltm; cit He..ld~ th<' two vrttrans, Kuyken1/m mult• dommatol .l"lrrrc t$ n.<~rt ina In nil clirf'C'tinns (rum Tt'ch 1 11 , .~ ... c n an d l..afl'y, freshmen, Steve l·rumrs .11 \'sA·u by 11111111 1111rl 11 <t•ltil f t>very ~nturclny nuon. (ione Is the l:dch tuul Uob C~trlson played con· , n/11/1 J:trl !J,, /1111/t Willi Sltr worln gcurntl " ' :1\'y· l,'luccl" u tmu~('lht.'rc . i~tt•ntly l(tiOd ball as starters, and 111 Hll.\111/rlll, 111/il'f .11 f til !tails 111 abt.tut \\'nru-..tt·r Tflh \ ul(ie Kellt•rmann, a senior, and two 1:''''' .rp11d, mul /\'fill lur tll/1\' 111 Of fOUN', thrrr ure n Cew sailnrs murr fir~l year men, C'lifl' jur«eoeu lntJI jm~r /111/rl "'" is smull, rur .,till ht•rr Hut thcy huve ~cnmc the anti Ru ~~ Bradlaw, were vital CORl\ t'tlt r•IIIS, uu·l 111ft ntrd m ,, firltl ol· t''<ccplion rathf'r than tht• rule. flack in the Enl(inrtrs' attack. ft llfll' M't r -umNln/ tl'fllt c;u/11! M, in thr "J<nocl ult• cia)'." \\hen tht• \\' Pf Opp. II mr /11 1/J, 1111d 111'1Ciurs :\avy rulecl Trch, u ~irl wuulcl ~:otop Amrr. Jntrrnnlional Col. 37 45 l'ttal stotirttn : lmxltt 5' 4" (11p- and stare surpri'l{'dly when she'd see Hrc)wn 48 58 pror), ll't'tl[ltl I IS (llpprox. ), a civilian. Now, when rt girl sees Nurwich 75 21 lt11ir lmtm•t , c yt•s foscitwtlug I those ru:u!l-fumiliur him·~. she scorch• Trinity so 43 ,,.,,, brmt•ll, tl}lt l'ou ku/lw bt•lfrr cs her tnt•mory, nn(f, ns a liMhl of Nnrtlwa~tt•rn 57 41 I hun lltfll ,· ldt•fJhllflt' /)o ymt tliink rettlizntlon dnwn~ in her cyl'!l, crfc!l l\138~. State 44 31 I :t•tnilrl tl'll you/ ''Loe~k ! n SA l LOR ! I!" Ah- Tuft~ 59 84 "This rhanJ(ing \Vurld." Tech I~ l\1 I.T. 58 54 'f"('(h ha" ch.tnl(etl \'e:., there i· now :1 worlcl uf plalrl portcrntt!l, \\'illianu 63 41 ~I I.T , n•• clnubt about that. Lc.•t me ..ec- l••ud tie • and bam punts. 43 51 ~!any of TC!Ch's ta1(er (?) engin- Harvard I h(' \ dmlrnl '>lill wme.. brce1.in~ 47 68 in the c;ame wny ev<·ry mornin~. eers-to be art mnrriecl! ,\nd, I can R.I'.J . 51 72 'I ht• ufficcs .rrt• 'it ill ru~hed . Prof. truthfully !Illy that llOillt' are cwn lfnrvard 67 Carpt•nter\ Ifni(, Peppy, o;tllf leads Jut ltrrs' Tht mhtr mnrninJ(, early/tim aruunrl the tampuo;. t\ h l 1 hnve early, the telephone's insi!ltent rinl(- INSTRUCTORS it! T HF: ~ WY 111\S GONJ-:!!!!! in~ awakener! l'uul l)ulonJ(, who wru; CContinutd from Page 1, Col. 1) l\lr, Chodakowskl of Dracut reGune nre the tinily mu trr . Gone then on rluty In the Information art' the c:all~ frmn do1c:n ,.r ~irl ­ Offic.e. He put in tht' plu~t on thr crivtcl hi ~ lUi. in electrical tneineer· frirnd 'phuninl( tHty clay -.ayin~, switchboorrl, upened the key and in~( at WPl in 1941 and who left ~ l ay I p1L'3"(' 'fH'ak to /\1 BroH•r- <.leepily drawlt'<l, •• Jlolytt." hnic In- the f'avy with the rank of Lieutenmann Charlie ~fitthcll Ed 1\rs- stitute." From the mher end o r the ant in january Is a new physics innt)W " etc .. rtc., t'lc. (ione are the wire tame tht' \Illite or <;()OlC sweet strullor on the Hill. Mr. Kritl(er, who obtained his B.S. "<'lift'S of hlue unifmms that look yl)ung thing saying, ''Will you plt:a~ tell Philir> Senti thllt his wife has in mechanical engineering In 1944 at Sl) so "orto klnda wrll , SWELL a'l they dot the cu mpu ~. Gone are just had a haby girl, six pounds, 'l't.'Ch bt'fore joining the Navy, has heen nruned for the mechanical en· 1he after-thC·J~n mc dunLCS where we three ounces.'' See whut J meun? However, even with all these f(inecring department. cluocc llr~tl with une sailclr, then Mr. Uarber r«eived a B.S. In with another, then antJlher, another, changes, there nrc still some unanother. G{)ne are the Saturday married fell ows here the kind that mtchonical engineering at the Inslimorning drills that W<'re fun to used to rule the roost before the ad· lute in 1942 and entered Naval aervwatch Gone arc the milk bottles vent of the Navy. \\'ilh theo;e, we Ice 11hortly afterward. He recrived adnrninA window-lrd,l(es of Stratton. conSQle ourselves. And even while his di~har~e from the se~ after ailms no lon~.ter keep the Highland we wave goodbye to the Navy with ~rving for considerable ti~ in "trCf't cleanin~t t!ltahli. hments busy one hand, we grei:t the civilans, France and Germany. (Continued on Page 4. Col. S) with their dre-'1 blues. Gone are principally veterans, with the other.

Buy Victory Bonds



P.,e Four

Mardi 18, 1946



By 8 0 0 H UBLEY


Hello again, all yuu eager !Jea.vers.' there is a lot 11f talk going around Don't let the new nam~ at lhe top chool about organizing a \'et.erans' of this column fool you into think- group. There's n lot of interest and ing you migh t find something inter- about all that's nccued is the startesting to r ead here ; it's just the lng push. In udditiOil to the dubs, same old "Civilian C..:hatter" in dis- we can also look forward to bigger guise, reconverted to the peacetime and bcUer dances, with the possible schedule. For the benefit oi lhe new return of the Saturtlay night " Dorm fre:.hmen (a nd the upper classmen, Dances" in the near future. too) the abbreviations P. J. stand But the support of you new freshstand for Psychopathic Institute, I men is essential. o pick out the acthink. tivitics that you are interested in T he first si~llll of spring appcaretl and join in pn them. And when last week in Institute Park, and 1 dances, nsseml>lics, ur meelin~s arc don't think the boys wcnr out there held, do ycJur share in supporting picking up dandelion:.. thrm. You·n f1nd thal it will make your CIJII~e lire here at Tech much It was pretty confu~ing in the labfuller nnd m~1rc enjoyable. oratory periods during the first week

ln !>ubsequent is ues <~f the ~E.ws, Spotlight will anempl thumbnail sketches of various campus personalities, but since the new cia~ is the " hig news'' of tbt> moment , this week's column Is devoted to an intmduction of some of it~ members. Apnlugies to all th<>:-e sli~btecl and thanks to all whose who pmvided material. ... The spotlight is more or les." diffus<'d this week over the 195 freshmen In the clas!> of 1949- B. Of this ltJtul, there are 43 married ... and the rt>Sl have uthcr hnbbi~ ran~in~ fmm pistol shootinA to nrrhid cuiture. Several nf the new men are from furciJ.In countries. !;mil Ruhman from Bess(1rabia ; l'eter \':~n~ frum S hanJ.~hai , China ; ('J:~ude Veran from Lc·Jiuvre, F rance: Leo Verrelli from Italy : and j uli•J Quintero from Caraca., \'en e~uela. T he averaKe aJ<e tJf thi:. year':. frllsh is hil(hcr thau that uf the Senior da!ltl. The yc1UI1Kest, Philip Ureier, is I 7 and Philip Ackerman, 1he oltlest, h1.1.'! 33 years behinrl him. The military e'iiWI icnce uf 1 h<' class (If '4Q is both long 11nd varied. Saverinn Ciani, unc of the mtarriecl vets, spent 2 ~~ y<'ar:~ in the A:\ F und wa<; stationed in lhr Ah1skan \\'inj;(, Vukon, a1Hl northenstern Ca nnda . Nt•al Cox, nnutht1' married man (with a daus:htcr, tool) pre· redt-d his t.wo year!> in the A.\ F by wnrkin11 as ~~ mdar mechanic. One Hf I he ''old men" of the d:t~s, Ed~ar Carpenter, 28, served tlm•e years with the lank destmyt'ri\ in the I·~TO . Fn•d Ht•rw;trnm, n former marine, saw action on the· l'adlic i les of Rui-\\'aume, Saipain, Tinian. ancl h \11 Jimn ! Hrnry Ezen, 11 Worcrsl:acl , !iupplcmenlecl his three ycur~ in the i\rmy, C'onst J\rtlllery, ami

of this term. You'd ~o up and ask the instructor lo explain somethinJ< to you, only to find out that it wasn't the instructor nfter nil, but one of t.be returned veterans in your class. Tbe San ford Riley mess hall (pardon me) dining hall is really a changed place. No more steel trays to eat from, they're adually usin~t real plates and saucers. And no longer is LM student help servin~ the food. All the good limes wben lhty used to spiU cbocolale pudding on the potatoes or gravy on the dessert of the Navy men are over. Now the fOOd is all nicely centered on your plates, and you just pick it up. Bob Procter's ear-sballering whistle and the erie! of " Hurry up, where do you think you are, in the Navy?" no longer disturb lhe now relative tranquillity of the dining hall . No longer do we overhear the Navy men while eatinJ~ discussing how many terms they had betn in lhe Navy or &'RUing as to what a destroyer looks like. But enough or the good old days. Men o f Trch, thrre are hriRht and happy days ahearl of us. Am 1 kidding? Well, anyway, the outlook. is much brighter in that with the school getting back to normal, many of the inactive clubs, a nd 11lso some of the active clubs can ~et back into full swing. Which reminds me,

SCHOLARSHIP (Continued from PaKe J, Col. 2) regiment surrendered to the Germans after the Bnglish evacuated their battle area. A prisoner for al>oul a month at Taundum, Roed was released and sent back to his home in Oslo while German troup~ occupied Norway. T here he workefl in the factories, alll'ndecl classes nl Oslo Tech, and finnlly was assigned a certain sector of woods near Lhe city and a ten man " team." li is under~o~rnunrl actJvilies be~an on this sculc and consisted mainly uf roilro.J(I sabotage. During the last year of the wnr, R<ied was in ch:uge of 200 men and later led the group that ncted 11:1 nflicial body~uard to thr king ancl crown prince. .I n hiRh schOC)I Riied slltdied En~­ lish, German nnd French , but hacl nPver had occnsion to practice the furmer until his ship docked on March 13th. Hr -.pcak!l with a dedded accent hut ""Y" that as soon HS he uvercomc~ hi~ lin!(uistic troubles u bit, he'll be ~lnd to tt>ll u ~ :;ume storie~ of hiQ rwlivitles du r in~( the war. A member of a 11ports club at schnol, Riled played ruolball and h11nclbnll and clid consideral.>h' skiing and skating.

The pause that refreshes

The TECH PHARMACY Sol llarowha, W.P.I. ' 22

Cor . We•l and Highland


Meandering With Mahannah We wouldn't exactly call these fre hmen chow-hounds, but there are a couple or 4th lloor ve~ (in SRH ) who are invarial>ly at the head of the line Ythen it co~ to eatin ' ... evrh when it means leaving tlle sack ten or fifteen minutes eurly. Sp('aking of food ...•\nother vet rushed up to U.'l the other day and CJUCricd, " Hey, do you know what's goinl( nn in the dining n>nm and kit< hen?" \rhen we shtlUk nur heads he w<•nf on, " \\'ell, there's no one in the place!" \Ye explained that it wa-. 1>nly II :30 ... and he shecpb.hly "'en I back to his n111m. The number uf married ~tudents i' liable lo increase tH the enrl of th{' !Wmc ter, if :1 lot who e:-.ped to flunk IHJl , don't. ... ()ne SRIJ man, whu rcceiws an averru~r of twu letleTS per clay from his '' true love'' mnintnins that the !•nly reason he want~ w j(t't marriNI io,~ '\ll he can -.ave.> sln mlh ... and ubn 'cau~ .;he can mnke l'nough a t wnrk t•> 'IU[lJWrl them htlth durin~( tht' nt•xt three yrars in schPOI. \\'hy I Dun't Likr Ruummates l>ept. : This is whttt he pulled on me thr nthrr day: ''(' hemi~• ry mu'>t be a \'Cry Mi y subject, 'c:au"(' we're alwnys wt,rkin~ot with :;ymhnl " (cymhals, in t.ase you're slnw, ... ) J\hout 20 T ech ~tudcnb went to the nur!>Cs' "Shanm x-k'' dance Friday ni~ht . . . with '':lryin~ot comments afterward:.. Evidently. most thuuJ<hl that the majurity were fairly J.(llCid -looking, nut uad dancer:. and " in t cn·stln~,'' but it "eems that 1hcn· WEI~ u matter of n 12 p.m. curfew, wh1rh :.<Jrtn hnmpc.>red n few " wcll-lnid plnn~." T h(' C11lby ~:lt'c cluiJ l all ~iris! ) i-. pltann in~ a concert here tht• \l eekt' IHI fnllnwing our cun~·N t up there. St~llll' of tht• fraternit ie:- haw offert·d

housing facilities for the girls. In fac.t, one member said his fraternity would t3J\e a doun or so and " lakt it out ... of the trea~ury :· Incidentally, lhe glee club is still clamoring for more men. lf you can carry 11 tune, like to sing, and have an hour or two ofi ~ l on dny nnd Thursday, drop in the Janet Earle Room in Alden for rehearl!als. ~l em­ bership will be closed very :.oon, o beucr rume thi:. ) Jonday! .\ fttr viewing the promiscuous o~­ culaL11ry di~play (neck in' in public, to ytiU'W illiterates) downtown last week uy ~vera! sail<.rs and their gab, nne is inclined w wonder whether there i:,n't something to the old reuuiting propa~nnda about ··uniforms having a certain appeal." ~ lyron French, SRH resident, " lo~t " [I perfectly ~ood ( ? ) 34 Ford lal>l wt-ek when :;orne drunk, insane, or ju~t ttnti-ltOCial person swiped his car frum in front of the dorm. ll w:1,; tnken IIlii of the parking lot, then bncked all the way w the l(ym. H1•rc the pseudo-driver turned Ancl drove up over the luwn in front uf HiJ.U(in-., tlnwn \\'est Ave., where it hit nnnther c41r, and down i nstitute Ruad. ,\fltJr strikin~ot :1 curb on ln-:.titule Road, the thief left the car with Junsc renders, lW() flat tir~, and a tire Or t W() OUt Of Jinc. ( I'.S. Frenrh -.oltl lht' car . . . ttl a junk dealer . . for 7S bucks.)

INSTR CT ORS Ct'mHinucd rmm PA.I(C J, Cui. 5) Mr. Sykes was graduntt•d fn1m \\' PI in JQJ9 in civil enj.lineerinl(; and wurl..cd for a construction comrany fur 30 mvnt hs a:- a field t'll!'im~cr. lie served 15 months service in the European Theater ,dtb the Infantry. .\fler the war he wn as"iRnetl ttl lNlch surveyinR and nnllh· cnaa t k~ at Warton, Engl11nd.

lnfontry with [I urit•f visit ln the ;:::=======:;;:::====~ ""Gc•rman ' ide" :t.ii u pri!>oner uf \\ar! The late,;t adclitilln ln 1ht· da~:. is Per Rtied, 27, fmm (}..In, Xorway, \\hu was ll mcmher of the :\onwginn und1•rAround . lnJwtrW S uppn.. Duaributort If any of yQu nrc inll'r(•sted in Lawa aad Cud- h•.,U.. purrhn'\inl( some hand-i>titcheti, hnndllarlhrare, T..a... (lninl<'d, Shangtu n~ necktit's, see ......._ , r-w.... l'luudt• \'<'rna. For Be\•eml years 154-156 Maba StNel Claude has been pursuin~ art a nd model makinJ.I as 11 hobby, includ ing e\•crything fmm oil paintinp: to CIH\'illR Lucite. rr hnnd-palnted cravat s a re nul exnctly to your tnste, m1.1ylx' you 'd pref<·r ll scarf ur kerchief ur the same de il(n, for the CHRISTMAS CARDS " woman in your life.'' ...

Elwood Adams,



'-:=::---- -:::--------__.


Laltfteed- aad Batte.., Serriee

FarJUIDOrth'• Tex~ Senke Skllion

c-. RIPleetl

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Gifts for Ever yone

4l c;.-w... See.




Campbf.IJ at Yoar Frat~niiiT J'or Call or Dell.., 8erriee



Carroll Cut Rate Store

.,....,_. . ,..,_, .,...

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StHI.e • Lalleheo...u.

151 Bi8hlaad Street Woreeeter,


c :J


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