.. Z320 \ ulumr \ \ \I \
S tupt•ndon \\ e t•kt·aul I nd udes :Foa·tual Banet•, Sport ~ T u~a •.,.\\'a•· T e<·h (.:a•·nival, and Fnalt•ruit y A ·Li\'ilit~s
(;n"d l'Hni n~t. lad ie~ and ttt•ntll'nltm. It \ 11lw iuu ... tu S('\' tiM I ewe yune ht•re wni~hl h h.t dn~ tht• tinw of hi., lih' .end '' hy "'h11uldn t he! l'hi" j.., th\• tr,tditinn:tl •·n11 uth •r lik~· it ' llt't•kend ui tlw ) ~.>at .11 lt·l.h. tht• tinw \\h t n .ell normal ft•IJul\:. th nl\1 d lll\11 tlwir huokc: in favnr of rt•JIIy lt• ttin ~t thcmselH'!> I(, fnr it ~rand anll ~tlnd " '"' \\t't kt·nd uf ~olid fun tenet rl'l.t\ ,ll inn The•ttl!hts nf ~·h•wl nr .tnythin~t 1w rtninin~ 111 it nre at thr wry e•\flt enitit•:- of our mind:.. I hi .... of tnu r-.t·. ~th't>:< II" a tU'W h·a' t' on lif<• ~(I that Wt> dill in to 11ur ~ lu tlil·~ thlll mur h ha11h r uft l'r th(• W<:ckcnd i, 11\W c.llw n1 ) Tlw wnnwn don 't ••xur tly lu11k like tlwy 'et• !lurry lht·y Wt' H' im•iH•d, dlhc·e. They l t'l Utinly do ll!nk ~pk n di I in llwir prettr \\'t•n i n~t gtiWn'l, virtually 11 fn:.hi(•ll -.hel\1 in ibt•lf thi~ t lt·ni n):. !'iurdy. th1• ft•ll uw~ haq•n 't l ~t·~· n ~l il:k t•d up likt• thi,. ._iJen · tht• la-.t formal. oe for 11\tlll}', e~lmt• tht•y J.cid their unifnrm .. Jwny in mttlhlmll... l'nflt•uiHt•fll) . fll t h i~ tilllt', yu.e .sn· fl'nst i n~ nn ~umr dt·lii'IUII" rrfrt•, hnwnt-.. If you t an 'part' a bitn( yuur tim£', \It ·11 lil-t> '" "ll lllntari.~:c. pJ rticularly fm the 11 11111cn pre:-:•nt , tlw t'l'l'llh c•l tht' ll'tl•l.t•ntl ' " that nu •lnl' will mi ~s illl) •• r lht• oH II\ilit·~. h•II UIIiOJ: thi ... inlt•rmi,o,inn. tht•n · wilt l~t.• .• (ir:tnd ~l a rch 1~'<.1 by ·• Jioc" Schllll 7. .tnd .\1 H r~t•cl ami th t'er p<ert nt·r:.. The• t•r~ hc ~tr.t y~tu\•t• l>ei'n cl:uw in~t tn i-. th.ll ul J ulmny :"t'\111111. l'lw wry talt•nlt•rl nt.tli.. t i-; \lin• Fit .~:~ ... ralll. T ht• nuhtaetclin)l m en ill th .. hund art• \I ,\ m rn. pitlllbt : IIi( I. l· urkt•y. tl rumnwr ; l.imuln ~ ICint· . ma lt' \'O(otli"t (11h '· intitlt'lll.dly. onH' atU:ndt·cl \\'.1'.1. ) : and thl' ft•telurt> mnn , liolltlnn t'nrlit'!'. 11ho i-. t'\ t't'ilt•nt as t1 ll'llur :-H ' .. uiPi-.t Tlw cn tin• ordlt':.tra als•1 pn·~t·nt s iH•t>lf w; a Glt'c ('luh. 'l'ht•y arr· clin.'d ft11111 lht• Lawtnn Inn in l'lninflt'l(l , ('11n11. \:- yuu'w pmhably a lready elt!lirt•d, Huh Thuyer. ) t·rry <ih•ht· rman . a nti (it'OrKI' ( 'rompt un, rt I . .. r th • Canwrn ( 'luh. .trt• t.tklnl! pit tu rr-> oi the l'ariotU• t uuplc:. in tht• m:tkl.. u p room den•uly hchincl ttw ~t:IJ.!t' Tht• phntu ... arl' ' ' 7 inrhl.'~ nml I hc ""'' '' twu fur S I 00. Tht·~ 11 ill h • tltliH•rt•. l lo thl:' ( r,e· h ·rnlly huu... t•-. 1umnrrm1 n i~;t hl. \l tr.t uf the' frall'rnitit•:o h,ll't· J11111'idt•.l fa rilit il'-. fm till' ''11 nnwn ' to ...tay at thl:' hme!->e, . T IH·y IIH' als.1 wcknme ltl .tt i 11111pany tht• fl.'llnws tu tht·ir 1l:e ~-~·s tllnH rrnw mornin~.: a ~ ,iJ.i t or~. J\i11•r hen1 h. all of you lilt' in1 itt•tl rlown 10 ln)ltitult' l'un<l fpr lht• tr:ulitiuual Rope f'ull . l•:illwr tht· ~ophr1m11rcs or tlw fr('-.hnwn will lw dr:II-(At'd t hrou~h tht• muddy llq>th:. elf the· fanH •u'\ puddh•. This t'\'Cill J-.Wrt, u1 2 1'. ~1 I enmrrliatl'ly ftll · IIlii in)( thi-. i~ tht· lenni-. rnnt th IJt' LIH't.' n T rini ty a nti \\'I' I ~1. 111) uf tlw fra H•rnili ~ lhlw p illlit' und hikes plnn nt tl if )••u dun' t n trc tn watch thv mnl\ht•... \hm t all, dun 't mi'-." lht• Tt't h C'nrnh·al whit h is ~hcclult•<l fur t•i)!ht u'dcK.k tumorrow t'\'c>nint.C l'h1• frt•,hmen and ...uphnnu•rt•, 11ill emnpi'lr in thr art uf play..., which , hould pron· v1•ry intt•rt>,tin)(. From tlw ~li~-tht inft,rnmtion that 's lwrn pn.;:-.~·d nrnttnd , tlw f;~ c u lt y !ikit a lone i:-. w<'ll wunh the prln· (Collltlnu,•l 1111 I'HI!t' fo, C11l I)
Alit•t• Fitzgt•r a ltl
I'UUMA I.. I<'IIOUC : 'J'rl " l•'ormal Time" at 'J'crh Thr ga l ~; fmm far and near rlitl trek. lt 'l' thr li rsl fl)r many fur """~~' the last Hut for all il will rank iu nwmnril'" past. \\'ith Sprin~ tht· lhemt• with mu'> ic that 's soft lt'c; bound ,,, --enrl our mincl'l illttH \ nd with "l<'l>~ that are liJ.\hl und th•nt~ht -; that are gay \\'e• will n11t call it "ju!>l anuth(•r day l'' \\'ith daulin~-t gMms and su•ntcrl pl·rfumcs Thr younJ.\ lacHes glid ~ like s•Jfl mellow tunes. It r nkintlles n. frelinJ.~ tlu1t CIJIT!f'' from within .\ reeling ur joy thnl soon will n!Jt lliiTI. \\'ith tnni1(hl but the star t (If a S(lorious time Our gaiety commenccll w mounl its hiS(h <.limb. Tomtlrmw is not ju, t-"aftrr the dance." Hut rather c•mtinue~ t11 our joy'l enhance. And so '~ith a l'(reetinK lo all who are new .\ nd a word or farewell for those last few \\'ho are dn.ncin~C their last Tech ftJrmal toni)l;hl ~lay this weekend mean mure than a dancer's delight. Dv l'lltLtP C. D uFf'Y
johnny Ne•wton
WHAT IS TO FOLLOW? ~ uturclu y Promh!f'l4 To 8f' a Full Day With W cuhh of Evt>nts in Rat•id-Fire Succesl'tion
Fnr ynu who have bern wtJmlering what is in store fur the r<'St nr the W(•ckenci, WI' have some very good newsl Tomorrow, nfter the "hallll' or ihe ho•)k!l'' in the morning, n :ll'ries or " rlnshcs" h:tvc been urnm)4Nl which arc desifo(nNi for your enlcrtnlnmrnt. Al 2:30 ht the afternoon, you may enjoy watchin~( a tt·nnis match between 'fct.h nnfl Trinity, or perhar>s you would rut hrr sec the trnditirmal " tug-nf-war" between a chnllcn numlwr of Frnsb and ~t.IJ>h,. ncm"~ lnst;tule pond . No doubt the fp;.~r 11£ tht• icy W3ll'f wilt l(iVl• an incentive to the "puiJer$ 11 fur lh<·r<• i<> nn nltrrna tive fnr the IO!>ers C!t;n·pl going throul(h the pnncl, The 30th Annual Tech C'arnival at R:OO I'~J. in Alden ~ l c•lllorlal Aoditnrium wiiJ he nnr of tlw rnost iotcrcstinR ami <'II· lt'rlainiug "rlasht• " between the Sophomor•• and Freshman clasq. r•!i. MIN tht· younger classc!! hnvt• ~hc>wn their dramalic talents in wnw•·titirm for the coveted cup (They arr judged hy threr CIJili)Wll·nt fncuHy mcmhcrs), the Faculty will prelicnt the most l'ntcrluininS( " It alnn<' is worth the prit:" nf tu.lmissJon" act nf the t•v<·nin,l(! We do not mean lu Imply that the Fro::.h and Soph " o;kit'!" will llf>l he fun , rather we wish to empbasi7..e that the r~~t:ul ty rre<.entalitm will tw ''superbly" entertaining. llul, perh<lp::. you would like more :.pecitic details on the vurillU!> events. The lenni!> match with Trinity i~ another in a series arr:m~ed with c,thcr cullcgcs. A ~;rt of f(llml fast t(amcs is prnrniserl for 1huse who attend. In the ro~)C pull at 2:00 P.M., Sasek of the Sophomore class will captnln his tc'llm agHinst the Freshmen under H awley. General arronJ(emcnts for th(· pull ore !)('in~ handled by 0. MulJtor. r>. <:lrnrd, AI Larkin, and AI Urct>d . Bob Kuykendall with the tran~;it will keep check on the Initial gains. It might be wen tu mrntion that the l~in~ cia s pay-. $30.00 to the Tech Council fur the u<;e or the rope--there b " percentage" in not losing! The nnua l Tech Carnival \ponsored by the Student Christian As~uci11thm will IJe for the henetit of the Wmld Student Service Fund. The program will open with the Freshman Skit "BlG (Continued on Pnl(c 2, (~ot. J)
a 'fEtll
P••~ T'"o
TECH l'u I hrd l•i u U' I 111 i u.r l ollr::r \ rar b' Thf' 1• t'h :"\• " ' ,\ ••m i 11 t ln n nr tb" \l'nrr ..~t<"r Puhlf><"bnor l n•tit ute fill lOR I'\: I Iliff I hnl 1 li. Uuli> ~I :'11\GI:-\n ll•lliiR 'fClHIT\RY
• l'llltY .
f'rt'tltrlr~ Rur.t~
(,,.,, .. "·'"'"ndtJ
t' \R 100""1T (
\ \ cr.J.\
11111 JuliJn PIIIHOI,R.\1'111 K fhUnl;\• \1 \It ( ,1\\
I \ t l J.T\ \ U\ J<;OR Jnhn n Schullr 3-14 11 ,.,.., f'h611H I Dutinru 3-9617 Edil6ri•l J .9()1i TERMS ~~~~rlptson rc-r t<'huol )Ur, I 00 in1lt COJii $010 llalt all cht'<:t.\ ~~ 1blc to Bu\~1 ManAr<·r F:nttrr<l as ond da• mattrr, Sq>tnnber 11, 1910, al the Po'l Oflin- in Wnrc..tlrr Ma• unolrr tbt \ rl r•f March \ l'l11
/h \In/ (,,rtlon I llt•rnl:. I he \:\TI \:\fl \:f!\\ rltlhlR I'E.\Tl RJ.: I IIITOR b the lurnml ll,liiCl ar .\lrlra \Itll lllll•l J (otratrl liri>f!;C' C t nu mortal I he 'j,it r~, ntr t'l} tht: Ill -.1\: I ,, \I \-.; \ta:R lluri< J. I JI:II~nt' •l.tl~ h 1\t' t.rla·n 11\l'r the li u,.e,. \1)\ J:lt II 1:\lo \1\'\ \loll< rtlH ll \Till:\ \I\'\ \l,l R f.,r rhe '" d.a·ml. li ) ••u .trt '" nrlerl'ch' "'I t'nhiJtn l':dl\,•td f (,. r Ill '-l:\1 "" ''I'T \'\ r ... ins:: \dll·rt• till' lmy .IT<' !(loin~ l•t ~lay. llnn3l•l \ 4;; o•rl.. I ni l'cr •'thin•• ll uah ;II R11lnnt•1n ,\hr 11 1 l.o tuutnc , ., tlwu lnuk , and l11uk h trcl. In .tlnlo!>l 1 {i~ral•i ~ \I 1'111 mlc L; J t ' I OJ< 1·.111 fORS ,., c·J) It\ .Jdahh- runm nc><ok. and Juhn ( ;\holt!• I 1111~ I. lhUIIIo!.\llhll t r.IIHI) .arnund tlw nunpu... th~re i!'t I cl J••hn•un ( 01.1 M!\ISTS n mnnlwr nf 'or1w limN'. .\nyway Lout- C' Hhu ~ it ~ \Hirth I ht' ll•IYI't y ami Jtlamor of IH I'(JI(TE RS
h.<·n T rue,.~lt>ll
l F -he·~ >ill i t '"""· telh!rapht>r " -hl• \\.tnt~ a date. metc:r ~ ~n r~
" -h•· \\.lil t ~
111 """~"n. c~~ndunor
" ·ht• - :t Lrunl'llt' :1nd you \HIIll a Ll·Jntl... tran--ironncr " ·ht• ~ hun:try. icecler •• ·ht''• narrol\ in her vit,,~ , ampli-
f R' 01 Jll~f! . a tr.a.w ly in thrr .. ~nt·.. \\ ntt•·n hy Dr. llu\\,trrl '<h till .tnrl pr ,.Juu·•l 111<1 •lirt'<l· cd hy ~I r \\ Mrt·n I t·pp. 'I hr C<hl lin tht tlt..t r•h·r uf tht'ir fat'r appt tr;anu· l "ill lit· I hl• I'•) her hand, :lrt culd. heater chi&tri:-.1 t . J.. :--,, lwillt•y · I h~: .. ~Ill' \\ill receive you hatr wuy, :\UN· :\li~~ I rut1tt'' .\Jy,l..a, "' l lw retri\'er 'itudt•ru \ \\ B1t ~ I h1• l t•.adt ... he Ul'l' trotl t.\citrd, contr••llt·r ,, I t'< h I nrnHII \Wt•k r•nd. c:r:;,' li. \ ~ l a"<tkltl \ J. f.. niJ,:ht -.he'~ "rung. rl"t.tifter \lpha I uu Onw~.1 h.ul quite a few R Hutlt•r I I I· I 'httor.. dunn!.( tht• p;t,l \lt>ek. .\ 1 II R (,ay 'he J:(el... up io the aJr, liJitdcn~er I arn•\1• rth ,1m I ( ot• r~e S(hupp r~ Gran-,.. ;utd \\' I \I. Lull~\\ t•ll " -.h~: ht.•t:nnlt'• U(hf't, re\l:r-.er , tntly di•ch.tr)(t>d -pent .t tc\\ d;Jy:• •·'I hl llt·.ul-"> l..t•... R f.. " ...he 1{•~-'·ip• I•JV much re~ulalur at 1ht• llnu o~•. Othl'r \'i~it•>r:' were Hmr•tun , I l \\ ll c\\1' I J. l t'\ll " .. hl' tJJI\ .. Lt.lll much. interruptt'r '"rm \\ •I ""• J im .\lalr•ney j:1ck .ky and l~ I HJ•It r .uul " I ht> Cu· ll.t rn-tt Both lloll.ml Jntl [lick Uu" you think ~he"' pick in~ yuur •rclinatur,'' II I \\ dlm.111 k 1 \"Ill. l'ha 'u:m. f.. .tp '·' hati n•it· 1""- 'N, c ett\t •r I rom .\ l tl..t ll.trt I II H , .1nrl Uaytnn fhe jutlct-• fu 1ht• l'rt••hman tilt I ~ht> ... toto fat. rt"dw..er llru" n, '.t 1 \t \If h:1 Ep·llon 1'1 ' tph"m' n ·I.: it~ "ill IM.· l orul. 1 J ~he~ .t p<M•r t<lllk. dt~hars::er. \chm.. l'rut l:rl\\ 10 lli)(l!lnl,.•tt"m I I d sI Tho.-s lh.' Gal ! l.t .n.trel llt·r·h •II 4 i .t't>nar and l'rni !larry B. Fdtlm.tn
With thi ~ i...,.ur or tht• T H II ~ E''' · the pre..:enl. enior • tafi retire-. to pa..., on it:-. hrrit.ll(t.' to thtN' '' ho will ..;upply you \\ith tht> nt'\h for the ~xt year. r.u·l. ' II, uul f n~:cn lltrh (mudm:ln - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Durinl( the pa..t eight mnnth, tht' ~F.\\ ha... be<>n opt>ratinl-( with \H·rt• truund for 11 \ I hill' thh \\t't'k. a reduced • taff Dun nirard hu" been ·er~ing in the doublt• tapudt} '•IIlli' rt'\ or ct ... h.t\1' f~t·tn hroken of Mnna~inl't Editor and :\ewo; Editor, and has done u n•markabll' thi~ lll't'l.. I ht•t,t ( hi anniJunces that job workin~ unclt>r '<U<.:h prc-. ... ure. George Frit1.. whom you tht•} hit\1' pkd$-:t'fl hii'OIY fuur men. be~t know ns our Ft•t~turt' ('ulumni'lt, did this work along wit It uaw It··' th.tll t ht> limit Phi Si~ma l'opcnding much time in his oflicial capacity of ecr<'tary and F(•Htual' J.. upp.t h.t~ ol tntal ur twen ty-nine Editor, another cm;e of a doublr position. We mu:~t ubo pay triuul!• dalt•:. fnr tlw 1\l'~·k t•ntf , and lh:tt is to Norm Poirier, n well known columnist who left us due to Xuvy quill· u ft•\1 fm uny ll uc,l'•('. orders at till' be~inning or thi~ term. Tlw llh'n 11 hn luve pledged to The bu:;ines~ "cction of the paper ha!-t been handled by I wu clirfer- \'10 .trt• llilf ~ l .1rcuu:o.. Ed Knight ent men during the cour:;t> or the year. Ed )urga maintairwd hi, J•tl k \\ lwl'll'r. llnh Lt·~• . and .\ 1 job well, but retired from the tnii after the first four nwnth..,, l't•,tr"'" I n I'~ f.. are· Juhn He~ley Ha rri~ DuFre.. ne who took hi· place. has been working wtllldt>r ~ D J\t' llr•m11. ' mm ClarJ..., \\'aller balancing the book-. and handling general bu ines -.inct> lht> lx•~otin J)ilJ... ~htl hr'"" Juhn Htt\\ley. Bill ning or thi., ' pring term. Our recently returned Adverti-.ing ~l a n a ) t \\ tll bl I nley J•hn Lu).!an. Ed ger, Ed Coburn. and Circulation ~lanager. Ed George. han• put in R.tncl.tll, J uhn !-onytler Be IJ : tiJI,,eiJ , very fruitful work 'ince they came back. nrul Kuh T hayu !--1'1- ha• pledl(ed The chnn~e-. that will take place within the next two \H:ek.., \\ill 17 nwn nf the nc\\ 1-'rt>--hman Cia·'· bring to the fore thr pre~nt junior Editor ' and abo member' "ho I ht'-.t .tre 1he nnl) 11•11.1-t'' that haw wtre elected to the • nior :taff but had to pass up their p<hition.. )tiHn rw llct• nf thr n:tnw.. •If plctl~te' in the light of ~avy tmn:,£er,.. To the:>e men will fall tht> lot uf I ufrt•r Ill}' .tJlolc·uit" Itt ~i~ma PH I ... upplying } ou with the campu... new.. and opinion:- for the curnin~-t I p•il"n 111 lunhhtnll the1r n.une ";th vear. that r•f "'It"'·' \I I'll\ l:_p,llnn it · We would like at thi-. tim(' to commend tho-.e who hav!' work{'tl 1111hl h '"' ht•t'n th.ll l'hy,tnl Cht>m. with U'1 for the pn.:.t eight month:;, nnd ex-pre:-~ ou r conftdcncc in t''lillll I httd rumin!{ up. T n ..,trait:hl· the ability of th<>:>c who are left. rn thin!{• nu t . ~l,:tmn I'HI Ep~ilon Wr of the retiring Swff hnve enjoyed very much our work of tlw 1\oh tht• !(IH'' I 11f l'h t'l ol Kappa Phi la'\t tight month«, and feel '10rry thnt we cannot contirluc to !lcrw ut 1111 lnfc•rm:al Hnu't.' Pttrty, and it you with tht· NEws. The cooperation thnt was Mfordt·d to u:; frnm Wll 'l Sil-(111.1 1'1 11 Ep~ilton whn rxpec t.. all !<ides ha'l been very commendable, and we would like to thunk four h•llcm;: hack nl''!t tt'rm, namely you for your help. We have tried to print the material that b cto~t':\t J.. lrhy \\ t'.tther..hy, l>ick Beri(Cf•ln to the intcrt.••t or cvcryont• and onlr hope that we have been .., Ul'Cl''~> l'rt·-.wtt :"'t l'\'l'll"~, nnrt Hnh Smith. rut in thi'l cndtavor. Our l:ht pie:~ to you i-. that you t:unlinuc· ICI llnn :-.1\ ,llhtm .lncl K.1rl 01--en \\t.'f'e give coortration and rc>~pc>no;e to the men who will --ern• you flllm pl t•rl~ott'll rNI'ntl} tu LX\ l~'l ... t unnow on 11.1) ,t·nr.tl nf the hnr' \:tt:.ltlllnt'd in A , /t 1'f'"' i! l'i/lu ,,, in till' f111th of a rnl!In clo,in)( \\l' \\nultl likt• to '' i ... h all of you a \'t'r) happ} anti ('nnntdiC'Ut. Tht' tdl'a \\J.S to in tall ;,~ floor/ .•. 111 lu•r "< u r hbtJ£ml nn plea_-.aot "t't'l..-t•nd \nd ..u. h a parting word uf tb.mk' \\l' "ill ''''' ,,,.,, un·· un Ra~ l'eal>o d) ~ l:iay, GOOD B\ L UJII'fUWr mul.l'' t •n!l u.ftt•r '"'" ro alert ' t~h 'Jhr "untl.l\ bl·f.. re mn--t ••t tlw nmlt/1111111\ uml ,ummon aid. She th ur.... hll'\\ uut m Brhll!ep<-rt . ~ J An Appeal! thl' hu, ,, ,,, •traudl.J there inr a lt'fll ,,, tmh ullf'tl rt'' " ;! 11 t111•r • rt"fiC h \ 1.", t he \\.lr i.. nH·r, hut nell\ bt'· I. l'rnddc dirl'l.'l rdid I•• ... :mlrnt~ 1\t't'l. . R.l\ \\ ,a~ ::bel h,• h;Jd ..~nw t/11• llcHtrd u ml tlw lw tldtm.? 11 elf besun• tht' li!lht l11r hr tlth 111d hnpt' and prnfl',..,r,., in , ..untri•· ,,, I ur"JI lu lp \lht·n '"" ul tht un·.. hit>\\ • ut com •• , flot~~ll tl. \\ t' fnrlun. ll l' \ nwrit::-tll h:l\t' Ill ~. l'ru\itlt' f1l<>1l .11\cJ mt·•Ji1,1l otitl Ill\ th~ \\ol~ llllnll' I \ ,1., "1011• nf tht' (Jburul.mu· ol l',lth hut tht' .. uu.llilm tur tho :-t' \\t,lkt'lll'd h~ ~~· tr~ Ill \\.If "-t·nl·•r I' r: ....till Ill \'h.tna:in~ tir~~. Fu r 1111 .. uaul ... imtl .tr at·t-. of pul•lic ~~·n ke. in \\ ,tr•torn (ollmtrit•.. '"' clr t•t it.lll) \. l'rr)\;d,• hu•k· tu ltlltni~h d,•. ii~tll \\,1111 tlw--tr.ai:.:ht t(npt•'l mnn· thuu 1•.:!110 td••pluuw ""'" ,mtl \\ltnt(' ll anile' t I n \\t' llrt't'l th • 11\llfllllll! ...:r••)·t•d libr.lrit•• h .t\l' ft' l't'i\c•il II H~ 1\,•Jl ~~~h.' lll · ~ 1111>-l ('0\Ct 0 ,un '"' h 1111 untli•t uri wei ron~ it'lll~ 4 l'rm idt• Ppf~<•rtunitit·, fur wl· .f/If•,. t /u• /lall f;ll d,,.Ul\,m l- 1111' l'lwoclllrt• "\ , \ .Iii \INI.tl. \\ ht•n mtlltotn• of (II'Hfllt• 111 I llf•'Jk' .at lt'lt<' t'1httatiPn h• luyal J.lp.tm·..,· tl utll IIIII•'' I II Hill I'Hr I { ul :
th.• prt••t•nt tinw .Hl' ..,t,ll'\ ill!! ph) ,j, · .tll)'. nwnt.tll), untl o,pidtll.Jlly? If ''t' t .111 t, tlwn II'''' i tlw thlw to lt'llll .t hl'lpin!l lund h) tlun.ttill!l j.!l'llt•rou~ly 11• tht• \\ "rhl 'IUclt•nt ~t'f\ itt' Funtl. l'ht I I tit ul.u 1•1 k ..r a:i' in~: rrhd h• ~tuclt•nt"' in \l.tr· ll>fl\ ~IIUIII rtl • Itt in the h 11111-. Ill \\c fut tun. tit \nwr ,. 111 ~ulth 111~ ( lur d n..11 i11n tu th \\ rl.l 'tude nl ~~r·
\ i'c ruml \•nJI
\ nwrit.m .. tudrnh ,., .u 11.1h d [nun \\Ill I· I " I OR \ 11.\\ Wrtll('n tht•ir h11nw~ . It)' .1••1.. \lulltiiWY .uul b •,• l{, ... r 5. l'r••\·tdt· nuny Plhc•r thln~t, th.tt mol tit ,., tt•d hy Jt~hn L. ll.t~l ley I h, pllnlt(',tl pl.t)<'i' \\ill h< llt-nn) \H' \ n•cril.m '-llltlt•nt ... ,h •ri'h l'h~ juh .tlw.ul ,... L:'t'.ll hut tht"'i' lht'l I' J:li ~o:tr t 'trp<nlt•r, llir.tm " 1-'tl\\in ," Il m:thl olfl' •tll\lt' ul th~ \1.1)'' th.ll \\1 l lll l~·1hu1 'tilh,.Jf I rtnu .., J. hn Lc .!.In ; II ' ' th o" ' ' " i,J Br,1wn l'untl flh b uur hd,1' itt ' l!t'l tel· I ••· ' 1h •nnrt 'l..i " Rll\ ,. .!l"lhtr .tncl .:h•' le U" I n\ lllRI.Y," "II tll•n' \\tl-a lilt Sf\•.' I H'o.: k n~ m.t--tt•r l•l ct·remon:l"
~l'r\' it• t• to tlh• put.!it• ltn:- 1 . 111~ been a Ira· tli tiu n in tit•· Bt•ll :--.~ r-1•'111. 'I'll•· tllttll!!ht " ::.t•rvit'c lir .. t "- olu ~ h~ cl .t~ a .. \It ' ll "" in t' LIH 'rg(' tl<'ic · ~ lta· lu·ltwd !!"'' tlli,. uati1111 t ltt! IH'.. t {'«llllll ttllli· ca l i\111~ ... l'n
th•· ''"d ,l.
\I a• 2 ... 19 Ui
~l r:o.
Frank Stt ma,
Clw prr mts
l'hilip I)ufiy •\ llllt' :\ I d-. t'CIll Harharu \\'righlsnn Jnhn Laffey R()bl'rl Tnylflr 1'~11 Fidd I )nnald l iimrtl :\larl(it> l'ard :-.= ormun Pculut> n llnruthy Buwan H urri~ I )uJo're:;nc Lou :\ lanwllu ,\l fred La\'t.'rty Uuruthy Hnldl'll ( il'mlcl Ryu 11 )'Jary l>l,~l(i n~ Su:w n L'l'ich J n~l'phinl' (;ucw Gt•nn Suntund r('a llt•llc' (i ultldh· CIIAI'EitONS Frank \\'nl lt'n l't>r.tl-lY ()' I lo llllll'll l>rlllU id sa ...~·k :\Jorit• ~h U 11111WII \ nmiral \\'at TylN l'luwriu-. J. (;c•rlllcl ~l rC11rmick Kny ~ l or~an Lt. l'umdr. and ~ t ..... \l hrrt J ohn I luran BarhurJ Tnmuh•ni-. Sl.'hwei)!t.'t Edwin JnhiNIIl K lllh Sc:ully l'ruf. 11nd ;\l r .... ( 'nrl ( ; , j uhnll4m Bill J uli:tn Ba rlmra l.umhr.t l'rof. aud ;\ Ir-. Ruymond K. lluu-;tun l'nul F \'a ll'Lillian ('nnnur.. f'ruf. ,111!1 \l r~ ;\ I, 1.,1\HI'nrr Pritt' J ohn \\'ulanin Regina Bylin..,l..i f'wf. and ;\ l r~. J j1hn II .• t hul1 1. J ohn ~ l u ll ant>y Shirlc·y Juhn""' Paul Fet•nt>}' l'h>•ll i~ II inc·, Bl'rntltll Ka\\ l'd.i llt>lt·n "ll'pl'n.,ky llr and ;\I r.... J, II Srhult1. Knllt·rt \'an .\ mhur.tth 1':11 lli.l{c'lll\\ C/111 pt rnns Eclwnnl ~upplc Ht•lty 0 ll t•;trtl \ lr .mtl \ Jr, 1>. to:. Smtih ~ l r nml !\ Irs. Rr1her1 llil'ft·rlt• .\ Ir :anrl ;\ ! rs. \\' . J. \ cl:uw. ;\ Jr. 11ntl ;\Irs. fl . Jl•• \ midon l'hil S:unps1111 Irmn Va,•ghn j onn riJuur \ I Breed lr<•ne \\'altC)n Lc·nny Bt•rg p,111 tine Fnrr .\ t (· \\'altun ]t•annt.> Wilson Jntk \\' ilsun Lena \\'a Gew ' rti·l 'honl( Chan~t jt•annc lluhn (it•nrl(r ,\llt•n h nlwl Jlny-.un llick :\I ad ntyrtJo.lcanur :\l t <'rt<' ry llarry ~ l unkey Bt1U R oll~ttm l)urnt hy Brady B1ll \'url.t•t• ArliM :\ cl<~un j im (;ravl'' HNtic '\ urrl~ Bill Ritchir Betty llrmvn Huh ~uwdl Junf' Rndebaugh l':llll llulnnu J ••;tn I. ~l i'tli'(C·r I my (,arnttt l1 1•rnit~• ;\ I( lnerny U..u llall Crdlia ;\lar-.hall Ka y l.n ft'rri••rr Hetty llimmirk JuhrJ Beult'Y ;\ l ,t r.~eun•t Filt.~tl'rald Ua \ ' l' H ruw n I liane Jewett \\'u ltt•r Ukk Hurllara Lambert ;\lary ;\loriurly Juhn llawltty Bill Jt·well Ha ruara Stone lh1b Stillwl'll j em1 HugC> l.dwnrrl Rnndnll .\lnry llarrahy
CAilNIVAL COl\1l\tl'n't::E Rith.ml :-.=llLle, Chairman Lt•11n,ard Bent. Husine · ~luna~er \\'aher Grimila LiAhls l'rnnk Baum~ardncr . Publicity llr. ""''·•rd :chultz. Faculty .\ ct Donald ~~tl.. ~uphomurt• ,\ tl John lia\\)t·y. Fre,.hman k t l'rul Paul :\wun, Faculty .\ cJ\'iS<lr
:\I r. a nil ~Irs. Kl'nnr t h Fowlt>r
Chaprwu r
l\1 r. nnrl l\1rs. (;t•or~te f'unttll'll ~ l r. and ;\Irs. Arthur Bu rns :\Jr. anti :'ll r ·. Rol(t•r Du nh:un I'a 1riria t 'q)l• Rus.•wll Turner l.u!'illt• ( 'I:•rl.. Sirlnc>y Wt"th rrht•a tl Ann Chtc i-.~on l'aul Holden ,\rlim· ( )'( 'nnnt-r Gi'i'1rAe I'a no Ju nt> R,1ymwul Richard l'l'rkiM ( 'lauric \ •rraa lk ll y C;allt·ry Rclh<•rl N! nc.:tuary llarrit•ll :'. l ~·rrill Kuht'rl ~ I illt'r :\ Iar jnnt' ll11ylc <'harlr-. l ' ha~e <art•litw I llll~:~a,.., \ tt hur . mith Ltllian llulnu·-. Hnnalcl . aml<•r-. Ruht•rta C:t'-t'Y Eclna I lufnull Ilavid l'nulin \\'ill iam Carpenl~c·r J~IUr:l J'mtt NO ·1-'R <\ TER~l'f\'
11 lllrt->11 J. Lee l·ranu_.~ ;\ly-.ku Rj)hcn 1-: . Hull Barbara Pett>r~()n Uradford 1~. Smith Gerry llt•audry Jim \\'alkcr Audrl'y !l uff Ru <.s"'ll Webstl'r ~l arjorie ;\lureland David Ha.~o;el :\-farjorit.' O ' ~l en ley Leo Dumas Eileen ('rowl£oy Robert H. ~haw Ruth .'imcs J t.;,C R. }liamon I n•nc l>t•brila r~l ward H. Uion Eleanur J>e;\l illr \ lien \\'. Campbell ;\I erie ( 'ampiJrll ) lanuel O 'Kenasco, J r. Claire Burke ;\ Jr . and :\ l r~. (; erald F. H ic:kc·y ;\l r. and :\11'$. \ •ernon H . Ru..,eJI
Friclu~ )'ooprin,~:
Ft•vt•r For111a l
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Sulu t·cluy Murnin,.:
('l:ts-.c•s f11Hn 1\- 12 ~n llu·c ln y
A flt•t·noun
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h: 'l'ri11ily· W.P.l .
~n lltrc l ny
l't•ch ( 'urmval
Round Ruhin
FIC \'1
\lpltu t-; pllilun l'i !'.al urd.ay \ flt•rnuun l'in1il n l (;rt>t•n ltill l';ark 'lurulay Fart•wt·ll P.tr ly \lplt u Tuu Onii'I(U Frill;ly ~iuh t
l.nmluln Chi AIJihu l•'ridny Hnnqur l ~OI I lll l la y ,\fl t> rllOIIII ll ntN l)itll it• l'hi c;nllllllll l)f• lln
lnformtcl \ t tiviue.. l'flj l'\il(lllll fl..ttJIJ IO I nfurmaJ Activitir' Si,;m a ,\ lphn E ttJlilu n I riclay liauq ut•l
Si,;m u Phi EpHil1111 Frltlay ll;lllfllll'l Sn turday J\rtt•rnunu
l'lruic 'l'lll'ht .~ .. i
Friduy Uunqtlt'l Su turday Aflt·rnnon
Jlk nk Sa 1urclay IWI'JlinJ.( Uanqtll'l Tllt'tn KuttfiU Phi O..,aturrlay Uanr1u1·t
;\lr. and :\l r!o. Bud :\lc•llur Clw Pc'rttiiS ;\lr. and :\I N. Frrd :\Jarvin ::\l r. nnd ~Irs. Huh Yt•t•t•:uwt• Cht.'t .\ndmmn (ilt'tlnn Rnnd \\'all .\llt•n Huth Thc1mp:.un Nn11ry Rnm:-ay l{ay .\lwy Bill i\pplt•gal t• J:tnl' Stt·phnn :iherm Hricki:'ll I'a Iril'ia :-i<•n tt'r lloJ, Carls•m Virginia \Vnnnh1u·u AI <'nrr, Jr. Jt•nn Bt't'krr l•:d ( 'uuurn :\larlt~n l{i:'yhn ulfl:l Ro1-:e1 ('lom:llk jl'sska 1\lartiu Ht>ll y p1,111 \\'cllt·n Dllvitl'"" llud Fu-...., Ruth Fltt z C~ll'n 11 h om j u Rutht>rfurtl Larry llinl' ,\Jarlha t<•nnun Frt•d llumphrL•y J>oll k• l'd ('r.., 111 <'harlt•y j clnc-. l'atricln Taplt•y ~I iltun Jllnt·~ l'aulin1• I{Jix•rd} Junto Anrf('ro;ou Ditk l'mpsl 'iam !-.ammrt Fhnt•nn• l'arl.hur<~t Ilkk ~wa~ ru vc·o; llurhara (;rant llaw :..1uan ~l n rj ttri t' ~f hrnmm l11hn \\'illl:un'l ~h i rlt·y Fiskt
ALPtiA EPSILON PI ..,..-~:-:-::----:---:----~:-:---1\1r. nnd 1\'l rs. Louis <~ul<lrtl!lt!n Chapl'rOIIS Lou Block .ldu Lit Huddy lkmbcr Dully Willis Norm Fddnaun Beverly Wenig ,\1 (;u)dhl'rg judy Kramer Mal Gonion Ludlle Hrassarcl ji:'rry Eckrrm•u1 Honore Kushner l'arl llershfield lJusty \\'hitmun Sutn :\! ~~reus Barbara Kranich St.Jtn Rose Charlotte (ioodman J rma Arunsun Sum Ringel Lynn i\amn~ Lt•nny Rn<KI l>un Sheinl(tlld Elaine Haberman
---------------------SWMA ALI'IIA EPSILON 1\l r. anti Mrs. Robert Gt)od Chaprro11s
l\ll r. and Mrs. Vincent Zike Prnf. und 1\lr!'. Jr:flwin Hi~ginlklllnm Mr. and .Mr.s. Tom McCaw Clw p1nm.r Mr. :uul Mrs. George Passey 1\lr. und !\ Irs. J ost·ph 1'. Shcrhan lUll lioward Eleanor William!! Rnlwrt W. l lillarcl Hnrbara Marsh Boh Judn•y Barbara Norton Edward R. Hrt·(' h ~rl Mary l>aviau (icori(C Bernard Shirley Hol~at e Allc.>n K. GrigJ,ts Barbara Jnhnwn Tex Hllyl Betty Brochu ,\lbc:rt llurdaker Eun ice ll cws~lrr Paul Ht>audry Barbara Buck hank W. llanlinl( Bt'tly ScdJ.(t'Wit;k J uc Tuc:gl'mann l\larilyn Keach ( 'harle.o, \\'. Hm th Ann Lim~tcadt Paul Anderson Kathleen Farley Rirhurd K ll nrnc Jean Tucker J.;d JlebcJitch J oan Patridge Dorolht•a Murray Gcorf(t> li nW(' Nanry Ur~n Rover R icharcJstm Rubert 1\ uykcudnll Jane ('oomcy Rclberl llubltoy Peggy Hibbard \\'illiam Olha j rnnie Munson Rugu Rnbt'rgt• ~l avi<~ Jucko;on ALPitA TA U OM.EGA William W il~u11 ~ l ary Smith Gt'OrKC l\lnrin Gloria Moran I.AMIJOA c:111 AI.PHA Tom £leakey Eleanor Kemp i\1 Farnsworth Ophelia Vuono Mr, and ;\l r<~. Ht~h .1\lnttht•ws Roy OL<1on Heverly Smith ~ l r. ;uHI :\Jr.,, Erui<• ~ykc~ Dnnald ( 'ha.o;c Ethel 'fryon Clwprron$ Ort~ri'(C Hutton Detty jean Higgins RPcl I': ohlc IJenbe KulJly llnb StramJberg tiertrude Williams •nrm J<~ rrlirw Lassic: Griffln Eel Knight Durothy Thomas J ~thn II . lo:niiJIJ ~·rnrthu. Uurnha111 \Vilfrecl Wachter Eleanor Hedcnberg Ruy l'eal><lcly Normu Forsyth I rwln Vanderhoof Mary Miller Lcs Davis j c;tn Draper HANCE COMM11TEE l'aul Sch onnin~ I )orlllhy Gullhrund Wayne Shn££or Harhrcm llunt Allen Breed, CIUJirmlltl John ()shorn Hewrly Howe C'ecil Walton, Jr. Rollit.' \\'alker Barba ra fo'nrhush Wilrrc(J J. Lee Wally .:\1 ulle::r J n~cn Dllul(lno; j ubn 1•: . Wilson Boh ;\lucdcmald .\l ary ( 'alllas Robert Kuykenclall Bill l lr Roch<'r ;\I :lrJ(U.r et IJc>nahur Walter !\'luller l>un Swa n~un 1-:l<·a n~~r ('lurk Rubert CarlsM Karl ()loo,on ~ I n rlt~n I.Hc.:k wut:td Malcolm Gordon
'I F:
l'al<' l our
'\ I : \\ ..,
\lo• 2 t . II) 1(1
''"l'c<·h )fan
Is IJa i. of
l>t •pitt• th1• lluw· pul>l:c tlt~n.uul h.1 d cl.. lt \\llh :\li~, ,\ 1) k.t • •. , l,rpl 1 her t·mpl •p 1) ,, jJI apprt'fi· that Frill I lllllillllt· \Hili11~ :t p:ttl • ,lflcl yt•:-, I .ultuirt• hi· l.l•h·. I Ill I ill II 1'. lh 1-:U\\ \RU r . ... l I'I'I.E ti llt•r fur tlw l otmp, my nurtrm·t tunlwr IJIH Siiull 1111 lht uiljt·t 1 \( 1 \\ \1 . 11 1 ~ s .:.tl, I' \! '1.1~1·. I h,t\l' nhl •Y· lu,·n 1 1 1rdtnt I''" tht h.tll anhr •k)'llanl :rnd \1{1( h.t- fttllh.tiJI}' '""II' llw J.,nf!· .uul t•nlhu-i.r lit '""''ii ·J{I I'r, S.t!llt' thtl1 plumn~t-1• clol\\11. l'r·n) r'\lt•nd, till hl'id ,::n"d nul lilt' wllywn \\,1, \\ill ph·t•t. l.t• ~t·nt lhru 1111' t•dilori;d 11 ihll\ \Hillt•n a~ 1wr 11 11 ,tf (i,t•.: at tht·lrrst t:rfr!) 1 1 dl 1111111, 111 d.lllll' 1 , 1 ,JI llw ui Ill}' nH1I lw:rrl · ll,trmin~ :tnof .. uul · ..ut ·-trtltht·d arm-, ,.:mpi11~,t T he ~. 1 i(o 1 r, ,111 t1 llwir f.!.tl., haw 11•1w J'nrnr.tl •.• •Ill lilt" ''·'Y fr,,m ,11r1111:.: 11'\'t·n h:1ir- r.ri,ius:1 hour . . lur 1lw pi~.:-kin. ~ucldt·lll) 1lw h:ril n1inuH·I ). h.lvt• lwr·n ·JM Ill iu Iill' nlttrl,y lo(l1NIIIt '"II'''" I" rt·•t in o.J p:ur ut .rrm IIIII 'I hl• ( olu• ('Juh \\t'nl In l:mmin"· rrally t:••ml' uuc '" IIIII! !I thi_, ">4';1 l ndl.llliiJH•II luch.m.r ! ham ~~ :tlo l't Hlll'r ' (".,Jl~l!t' l.l•l 1111, 11 ith •111111' rill t' flyin~. r lht·r~ \ '\ '\ \ ft f.. J.()~ 1 11 hol•t· p.trlnt'r j, uf Ill!' 1'1 1 ncl h.tfto II,Y "I Ill) 11\'i:.!h· • • • f1111 • •• it i-:n I l't·rt )'. Jnh'r• 1\('l'la•nd fur il tllllll'rl . J,ul IH'H •a• l· rlrilin~. :rnrl 1\'t'll .1 ftw lmtw indr 1111r c·clitor-in 11111 1 (t'\·ll u}' 11ffiH· '" 1rhoKitl lht',llrt· lrainirr~o~ Ill\ t·yt'' ti'J•Ct·d p.1 ~-· ly nutnumll~·n·rl lw tlw uu l;lxy nf \'illunl., t:rkin~ a 1 ham t· 1111 ttw mil mall) \hi~ 111 h.evt• 11 , 1111 1 \JWjla•.,.,, .md mrs 111 tlw 1111nu•l full11\\lll • tht• Slrnr Ill t.'ll1hryrHt•u t ht·r~. Both till' )(nls ;~nd mad s ilulltion . .\mong th ww from rmSUJ.!I', hut IJ ully di•t owrt·d at tlw l'flt 1rl uf ll ullyl\11\1(1" lw~l llt•n· 1w r;llt imrtj.(lflt' a ..,,•rit•... 11f llwir ~inl{ing wt·r~· upprt"t:iall•d hy 11111 of luwn art• JF \ N:\ E \\'ILSO!\ f,1.- 1 111 j 1111tr• tl wt lht•y :ttl' 11111 11r 1.1'1 "' '''"'irlt·r ~tur prlmipal rapid tl n:-ht>o; ~tvin~ a ~IIJII'III ~ ' "" mnsl. hut 1\JWII 'l t·t. h ~ dull J.(nl 1111 a111l ~~ \kC:Jio: ( ' \101, wlw ll<•\l ull r·;t-<ll ri~-:ht 111 ,11 , Pt•rr)' Hult\inl.lt• iu hi. qut I fur a l.r~u~· l'flt•U l't·rC'y .. wrllll! imrt•clu Ill ,jn~ , . • tlw way from 1kt mil , ju'l tu Ill' JOil ., ljtt ( ·111 111111 K:\ 1 B II, H "' tlt'l!lt'i l u lwlp ll ull~ '"'"" Iuthi}' .II 1 - I0 nn a \ t" :\" !}uit : 1 .,.,,..' cI.1 rtlt, II fl t'r IIll' CIIIIC'N I • 1m . h II li J , . . .. 'l()l>(' ' ' I alo n· .. • tu •.• "'""' t.trl , I 11"1.!1' I \ ,Jil l'•rt ''II 1\.'lr ra nu•-. " •• ·' "' • \1 H• c· t unturi-.iun r•um-: thru i11 " • ' \· "' 11'1'tlt • • ·t'Jl r'n tht• IIIII1I " r I rt· 1 11 pruwtl quilt• .1 hi t wht·n tlw 'i(houl, I., JJ·. R:\ , wh o \\a' 111 h:41 c· nmw J urw. j, m:tl..ln;.: lu dr hut ,11 Uli• J• h '"" fcrr tht• lt·.ul 11h • t l • ·IIIIth' l'u11d tu~:t.tinl( 1111 .1 ropt• , prc,idrnl lt·ft .•rnd thl.'lildat~ (via KR J loli;rnu•wi th uurfc·,rturr• furm:rlwith~l\IU II\ l :tR'\11\~Il.tirls: \tier ·lith' th.,;~t , lh•• rt....,l l'trt}'. 111 h·rly ht·ll ildt•n·d, '"1'.11 in I.! L k Ill~ II f ,.IJ.( II ,., ur ("t'(' 111:t'il Ill'ill l ) Il:lf I I ll I ;tllll'l II hi, p.trllll'r ol tlw (,1'1 j,. inllll.lll'l ·l•·ll .Ill \ I 111 " I •. IIIII 11 tltt·rtnu {·,am, ll llltt ll ul. W('tl I ( lII WII • • • "Jit':l 1 ' ~·11 ur thrir ;tiN·nn•, lht• .,muk in).( (() hrr plans a t lht· Jn,l minutl· lwn 111 ,. T ht• frall'lllitir· 11. 111• lin.rlly t:nm· qtunti.tl, lh.rl i-. \\tnldt• in cunl<'rcnct' \\llh tlw dt•.ln rtHllll in tint' uf lhr dorm.~ \\J' a bil uf lhl.' "(ll'll..'un •tl) rail mafl ,trik.plt•tl•d llwir ru,Juu..: 1, 11 lht' ll.'rm \II ris:lu li(.:lll t.llut•t.t, .u 1i1111! nl lurli•"' l'r·rl (luvinl.!l)) -.;rnli cruwdtcl clurin~ inlnmi-.,iun,, ... imt• (Or '" :-('.f. (;t'orJtf") \ 'c• lure lu anti .tt ct·ptt-cl plt1 1J:t"' ••• ~ 1 , if .lily "•l'llt' l I tpHinc a '' 1 ~1CII.'n p.ullilt· l't·rr \ it \\a, th<' unly pl:tu· un ca mJIU' nlll' hc•arer.. ~al. Ill· Ll''\ I I{ \\' 1 R-.. ul tht• fr11,ft 1•1111 , 1 J,it 11 ,,1 Jll tlitt· 1,. l lw "'""' npt·n \\tilt lluh, iul..l.-, 111 1llt•r tht• chm Iicht ni ,J tft· ..l; l.rnrt; l'IIUid (ll'gally) h.l\'l' a d$t.lfl'll ~·. tl<"tidctl a trip frurn \\ a ... hinl-(11111 IIJII " rt t 1-. 11w 11 iw't lot't.Jtt~r i Ill' ••J.:lo\1 , ht~utlin!l lht• 1r 1111 lor l.thoriuu,J) pluttinst .1 paf,.rm.tn(t' 11 T n whum it nt.ty lllllll'rn . l tlu I), C., wa ... worth lht' rflnrl, hut tht hi~ rilr I 1111 rr•ft•rtn , '" \\ ur· tllf\1 ol . 1 ""'.till turhint•, :rntl l 'tr 11111 know Lc•t• . . . \ \•,, I l.n1m h{• l,lill wundcrin~ \\lwtlwr 1lw "l:llt• fC "•ullinlhol ,111 1•.11 , , I'd ll"'h'r I .trul ttlln!f· \ lht train t) I luy:tl t.tlt·t• dull thru·h lll'lhm lw~:iu' 111 11111\1', lu •llllhll!.!h "·'' 1 , 1111: t lt•.tr h;rs' t•mt-~ ,tl :t r•1111 rr1 J.!lliHI•fl)t' Itt ht' p.tn·llt 1111 l.IH' pl.tl f'Jw lin.tl -~t'IW ~hnl\' 1111r l'r•rty 1111111 his l.tl lwr , lw.unins: l\ilh .tl lh1· "Prtlll.t Furm.tl ~:lidm~: 'lllooth pridt•, .111<1 hi 111111lwr lu.:hlin~ h.rrcl ll at ru' tlw tl.tntt' lluur hJi, ... lully Ill h~thfJI.I\k lht•lt'.II S 1\ I'Jljn~ up in 11111 1111•11tii'Ui l'I'I'Q'Ihill•lt'IIJ!IIht• lur t'\t l't•fl)' hi~: \t· 11 t 111 1 h.1• r·nch,rnlull'lll ttltht>.tllr.HII\I' }'ttllfll' •l.rr tr•tl ( llltr-ir in 11.11 k~trnund lady in hr .. arms. 1111 111111 i " "' 'II •• I I t'SI l'lltf ll). :-.li'll(' I\ I ht• 11,riu pit I.-. up ,p1·t•d .nnw '\ 1111 Ill' tlllllt' I•• llw l'll':tl lttW •Hit' 11ud"t·• l'trr) , t'll'"" . 'I it l.t•l •l t'llt' in tlw lia· ••f l't•Jt y li uh1inl.lt·. . • • I id;rt pit .1 1' l't·ll y I'\Jwri 11 'huulc l lot• play<·cl l1·111lt rly ,uul 11111'" ,, ~inl.m~ ft't·luw iu lhl' pit 11 f 11i1h l.!ft'.ll t·mulion. It j.., t•arly morn· NEW YORK hr- lunt.uh 11111 ur.tn.tl.:t' 11• 11 u.tk in:.: (\o't) t-.trlyJ .tit(•r llw tnrmrl 1111 llr nt\ \ldruh ''Y'•'l " I fur · rlann i.. o\l·r .lllcl l 't'rt) .uul chr· ~·•t Ill) 111 k11 l l·.ult·l ftllun \ Jr ... lluh1inkle arc• t,111d1n" J' h tto'\1 tl.r ... h h11 \l, l 't n} uit lflllt'll) unch·r ·r full muon ••11 lht• 1.., J..cl.rn.. ·d, "'"' in 1 11 h h. nul \d1n l Hit llmh!r. l 'er,) . . l.u t• i' tr11d:.: in~ II(• lht• hill 1., llnntlton ri•· \ll•ll<lt·rful lu bt huld. in~: nu)r li•.rlh J,,·i~tr 1 • j11111 , JJ j, l't h} : '' l htn• j .. "••nwthinl.! .tlllnll , , IJ,tr .lllcl lit• .lit (oM t'llt'il .IIIII Jll'l· th•· hi,tury ttl thi, hritll<!l' lh.tl pir.llion i- lrt unut• clol\\ll hi" l.ttt• l\,llll '"hit } 1111 "
•• , lh' J,. ,1.,, IH1'd \rlu.tlll· ht• j.. ll'otd~ 111 II lf.t(l'l 1 ....11tfrJt•;1ly ht• lllJh oiiiiJ 111'1111 tf1 \Ill 111 11 It it'\ I' '•11\llhint: 1h.11 h. 1 .ftpJwd 11111 hum unrlt•r hi .um. ...,J, 111 Jy lw lonr·.. him,t•lt ,., t. 1 .1!!.1111 dull hin~: ill hi.; t'111 •t·r hi i,lllt'll fl"''''' ifln ,1 tu.uu l 111 \\ lilt' l"l! clt•t ic l'i~ ,/ttft·udt•. ~~ •'til· II l l11· hi~: foutlt.tll j.!.tnlt' ..r the• w.t I' in Jlftl"f\'" ,IJicl tht 'l llllf, olrt' I'·' lt ~ l 1\ilh till' dtt·t•rint: t nmcJ, l'ht• •1111 h ,Jrillllll! ht11f11l~ ,1111 ! tht (1,(111( I Jilt~ i lll! \ I JuJJ\ ,11111111111 l111'l'lt' r.. hl"'' illl! dl.l!!• n..-11\ ,11 r'"' lilt' l!llditttll 1'111 t houll ,.·.,lit• .lit' llyin" 1 tli.r nt ly .11 tltr• Clip nl 1lw ~11 11
..1.11111• f lur h•,rm h.,, ju ·I hr .. J,;, 11 11111 uf huoltll,• .md r.111"' up tu ., tlm:n.tr:t lluh11nkh J.,,,~,, q·r~ h.1nd"•nw tnt! dl'lt'llllinl'll '' hr 1t•lllrlll·., in hi' 1111 h1 II lt•ft t•nd "11.:11.11~ I • ;! • ,\ hll. t l'ht h,tiJ 1, ,ll,lf'Jll d lt.t\ I. l't'rt,l •U(.... otul .Inti molt"' cltt\\11 tht• 1idd t1111nrng lil.t· .1 dtw. 11 ' .. ,1 Inn:.:
< :oop('a·~~ Fltnn•a·~ I :tl ll i~ hl u nd St rt'f'l
t o·lf'phllnt ;;. J'I.) 1
\\ OICC ESTEll 2. " \ ~ .....
\ 1111111.:
l.:uly l,nfll) 1 J'r·H y f't•rt) ( Ju•,it.tnll\') I Ju• lll;ltl '"'"' n.tnll llw lt~ltfl.:l' ltr'lh lai·l 1ll "I th1• mitu• .. in 1lw ' nrth ...,, 1 111 \\ nrld \\ .tr I " \ 1111 ""' \1 lw.. p•·r~. ' Oh. l't•n . lht•) t'tllhcJtr•. ~(('Ill' \ ' II i' l lw t'm.rl .:tt' lll' :uul \\ ,. "rl' l't•n )' ;tl llw t'lllllOJ~Il(('lllt'tll t'\l'r· I j,, ' I '111 uti rrnm ldl Ill fuurl h filii ) n·r} m.ll llrt' .md hu-int·" hl..t• \ q111r I. ll.t-h .rrru" 1lw ,ll,ft •hi I\\ , h1• p.trt•nt ... lw.unint: iondlv ,11 lum Inti lw -illutl! rir.dd ly t:rl'( c. t.r·lll'' inll'nl· ly f"r'' m l J'hi.! .rudwnu• 1, , 1·ry •tlt·t I lt-1<'111111! In 1lw lummt nt t>nu•nl lllftlrt·"' i1 i.... a ..,,ifnm tn••lllt'lll it•r 1'.-rty l'lw 1in:1l iJdt•-nut ... J\I olh l',·rr ,. n·tt i1 1111.[ h"' dt•t:nr• and nl.lrt hin~ tl''l•hlld} furwartl illlll llw tt·.rlnl I ht• hll'llll''' \1 orld. r .. ' llfl lt thi.. \\<ln't \\ill .tit \ 1 ttlt Ill} \11 ,trtl, I tlun'l kmm 11h:rl
II ill
The Hcfferuan Press I 30 r~··monl S IN'f'l, Worcf'tl t r Printt"r l ro Do tll rudl'nfe } ond t:a~ulty for F'ortr
roll"fl" Pulllicorlon • Durin~ 194.1
Prlnlor• .. Til£ TltCU Nl:WS
UoJu> Pullam/ T t•ttni& llatda
1'omorr01r I Jten wou
~E W
TE C ll
ROUND THE BLOCI Hy LOU BLO K O u l'i n~ tlw ttr ('•" nr ~···uri' , tlu·r t• "lltl a t r ic- t rul ~: u f i nh•r· c-ull l'f,!ill k l'l tiOt'll\ tha t fHrhm lt• frct~luu t>n from £• u gagin,: in , urt~il y ccullpl'l itiu n. " ' '"'" lht· " 'ur hrukt' cmt, the r e- im nwlll uh•h ' lwNl lllt• u s lwr· tugt' of r u twltlt• \'lll'l\it y u th lc•h'i! ; thcr·cfon~, in uni .... t o lc•"'l"''" t h i t~ s h o rlut:t£•, th t• h un em l'rt•t<hme;> n in ''arl!ity comttt'li t ion \OU-4 liftt>tl. At tlu• l"'t'!!t•nt tirn t>, tht' hn n ii! !!till n ot in t•fft •e·t ; t:o n ~('CfU e;> ntl y. frc~+hnwn mu y !ltill 11lay on n ars it y tcu mt~. Ill' H' at Tech, frc:.hmt'n un>, mnrc than t•ver, playing nn impurtanl rolr in mak in~t up the nuclt:u 11f t lllt vnr!lity ttMm,;. l>urinA thl' last b~L~I..elhall ,e.l>tun, twn frt• .. hml'n. tcve l cich and B11b Carl ·nn. helt.l clt~wn tlw ll'ntt•r and furwnrcl pcht' rr~~ctiwly n:. thry starred throu~huut the seasnn 111 t.lm their " \\ ' ·,.. Both men entered ,;{html nnly last :\ovemb('r, l'cich fr<lm Bulklt•y Hif,!h School in Hartford. t'nnn ., where he was a stanclout 1111 thl' b:Jsketb:tll and lt.1.-.t•ball lcam!l .•.nd l'arlsnn rrom Ornn~c lli~oth S( hiWII in Oran~e , :\Itt"-~ . "hen· h,· " :'~ :t ua-.<>hall. fuotball. and ba.,krthall star. In atld ition, fre,hnwn Frt:d Hrull\) and Glen From earned their little"\\'"'!' rrnm lhl' J unior \'.tr~i t y Brbi.Ctballtt:am. \ ll fur lll! tlw hoPlc•lmll l t>U III it! ''onc•t•rr w d . frt-!lhnwn af(uin I'OIIIJ iri!ll' u l ur~w pcrt•t•nt u~t· of tlw l'luycr~. In Cud. fo ur o r tlw Ma rt i n~ ni lll' vl uyc•rl'! ore· firilt y(•ur lllt' n. Curl l!(lfl uml l lt id• urc• uu1·c• u~n in re •t-~ ul u r~< in 11 vu r ..ity !!port, with Doh lwhincl the· t•lntt•, ami l'\11•\1• h oldin ~ thc• li rl't h ut!f' tcuc·k. Th ~ ri~h l pot~ lliun it< uhly 1111111111' £1 hy llill Uw)' l' r·, u nolht•r· frot~h . lli8i! i.11 u luc·ul lmy, h t' 11i.t hi ll J•r•·ppinJt ut Sm tih lii~-th S t•h o o l \\ lwre h t• t· n~utt••l l in h mwlm ll. On th t' muntHI . " e fin d tlw two INuling hn rlt•rl! to lw n lllu frt•l! ltult'll . AI ll ttp f.(OOtl, urwtlwr lnl'ul hoy. sttu·r·t•cl f ttr Uu~slNal llif(h h c•f uri' Itt> I r nn!'lft>rrt•cl hi,. IJI'rYit•e·~ to 'I 'f..· h. Eel J)i o n l'ill•lu•tl fu r Milfm·d tliff h ruul An w rit·un Lt'f(iOII !lull he•· fvr·c• h c• (•ntc•rNI l!c•n ic•e• unci th t•n c•nh•re•cl Tc•c•h. llt'nn 1\miclun, fo rnw r ~nrth II i~-t h S c·lu w l fouthnll and luu~e hull star. is u first lint• rf''\('1"' ••• U t iH·r f rt•fl h 1111'11 C)ll tilt' ilqnucl i nd nc iC': •.. rrn e Jur k f rmn ~ l'ri n ~ lit• ltl, ~lol Fc•rJ!IJrl of Midtlh•lm ru. llnny ~l ndum u f t•w Lmtflcua, Corm .• Puu' " junno (rcma Uloomfidcl. Coon •• urul ( ; f•nt·
Wll l
\Vhitt· Lt•tl Tt•um m uh's \Vitia 12 l'oin h!. A~ T h ey Roll p 66-59 Scort' \\ ilh :\lac \\"hitc, thrl!t' yc:1r lt•tll'r man. lt:acliu~ tht• smri n~o: p:mttlt' with 12 pomts. tht• Wnrrc•;.tt>r Tt•ch trttck ll·:un dl•ft•;ttecl tht• ~t. ...... ~t att• a).l~rt'· ,t.tutiun 1!1-;t ''""'k by t lw score uf oo5\1, \\hilt' !l·linrd ftr't place hc>nur:-. in till' I ZO· yard hit.:h hurrllt•' and the no )l<trd luw hurtllt•s, whilt• ht' tll•cl for lir~t with fnur utlll'r 11f his teammalt-s in the hilrh jump c•,·ent. .\1 Ddoid tn-.t yt•ar n~.t n , \\U" nn· utlw r hi):h pnint ~o:t•llt•r . H t• ('apwn'tl Jir~t plan· in the runnin~ hm:ul jump und tit•d In tlw h l~-th jump fur lirsl . \\hilt• lw tini~lwrl third in tht: high and low hurdlt• l'Vt'nts. Otht•r f1 r l; t plnu· wintwr!l (tlr T t•rh IVI'I' I'
~ l a ttlww~
who Anitwd this
honor in tlw pnll' vnttlt. H11, lou, tit•tl (m f1r..t plmt• in tlw hi~h jump. all( I lw W<m third plan• hun or:; in lht• hruatl ju111p \) Bret•cl ).trt int•cl fln;t plan• in tht• 220-yarcl dac;h nnd tin· i'lhrrl 1hird in t ht• I00-yarcl cla~h .
E n~i n t•t•t·8 pankcd the ll'nnls tnurts, RnJtt'r Dunham, another first tl•rmer rom By \V~ lOVf"t• F i.-"1(1
Lubrication and Battery S."IC4l
Worcester Telegra m
Farnnvortll'• Te%aco Service Station Cor. lll1hl•nd .t Coeldln• !ha.
I' \1 I . 1) 1 t.ON(~
The Evening Gazette
R l'prNI'nl lttlt lli l'
111 H igltlnncl
J - t 29R
1.()'\(; nl ' o u r 1-'rnlrru h r ,.,,.. f) urntituf"'
Radio Station WT AG
h•r ( u ll ur 0 f' ll•c•rJ ~t·r•lrr
In 11-7 S1u~fe l fly Uill Juliun J'luyhlK \llldl'r an owrcn~t sky, 'l'et h ln.,t It, H'l'llntl l(ttmr last Thursday In \\'c•,wwr Field hy an II 7 (CtUIH It lonkrd like· 11 walkn wny for Tt•t·h In thr ftr..,l inning. Hradlaw drew 11 wrtlk nnd \\'il'lon and Lee Jlromptly hllllJ.Il'li n ul sinj(lt''l. Larft•y hit u 1wn-run clnuhlt:, nnd it wa<~ 2-0 T ech with 1111 nne out, Larft~y vn ~ec..ond r111rl l.t·t• 1111 thlrtl . J>wyrr hit u sh1w rulll•r tn I he· qhortstnp and Lee tnrc fnr h11mr hut wu'! nailed ut the- plt~l t·. l.ufky htttl meunwhilc rc.1chc·rl thlrtl and hcaclcfl ftJr home 11 hc•n l ht• (':Ill ht•r t lm w to 'o{'toml in 'm allc•mpt 11• n,1h J>wyl'r. D11 ycr "lid in ...arcly, hut Laffey fell while rrlundinl( thlrtl and was t·nsily la~l(ccl hil l
Sunday Telegram
\\ t•,.to\'l'r t 1M1k adv.m tol(t' uf the lucal.. and tallierl f<lur run, in the h.,t ••I thl' lir.. t. Diem wnlkt·d the i1r'l two nwn rtnd ~an· up twn dimhit>~ nml ;1 ~i n)tlt• !Jdntt• ht• wa~ able tcr rNirc• tlw ~idt• .
I Coni inurtl ""
G, l'••l
EIwood Ad ants, Inc.
11 ostttl Strttiou
Safford's 15 1
S1/0 K E '
III C IIl~\ :'>"TI
Dc>li ••crie.lJ
The T rth tenub w un (rll bdtlr(' a crack Amh\'riit squad h1~L :'ll nnday by n tnp heavy S\'on• <l( !Wvcn ''' lclVt>. Out uf tHit'Cil ~et~. tht· En~i · neers could ~nrncr unly unc. In an l'fforl tu shift the strc•n~-tth near the bnttnm uf the ladck•r, Tech pl:1yt'd it>- nu111lwr live mnn in the nne £Int. sinn• it wat- cnnn·d~·d that Brul'e Oaniels, a \\ nrcester bny ami n:ninnnlly ranked junior ~lllr, would sl.mehler \\ hcte,•er fared him. ~l r . D.lllit'b wt•nt throu~h the formalitit'S winning in low st·t.; from \\'ort:c.,u•r's Rt>~otl'r l>unhum. In tlw number twn matrh , Ue~t•rio wu-. l'l\ • tend('(l tu thrt't' :-ets ttl takt· Tl-ch'~ l'aptain , Ge<ttlo(t' Fritt , tl 2, 2-IJ, o-4. Rre-. of \ mhl!rhl tll'fl•nted lluddy I h•ml.x•r in two s~:t s hy o ... t:nrc 1>f
lntranuu·al Softball
KINGSBURY'S Photo Service
Inning glllllC. \ \ ' llll
'I' X
2 2
I'G II .\EI'
l.awn •nd Cu•lrn Surfl li"" ll orclwar,., Toolo. P aint, 1-'l..,.l•l•r!', Fum i1hln1•
Worret~t er. !\Ia"• ·
T••dm ...u Sta~c Bi~ Rally lu 2ml lnnin~-Laffc y UitK 3 Run Triple
llt'hind the eiTc(·tive h e hit hurlin~ of t\ 1 Hup~ood , th«> Worcester Tech b:1 ~cbnll team l'asily tlcfcalt'd the ~ l ll'l'l. State.> nine by the score of 9 tu 4 hL'>I \\'eclne,~day ul Alumni Field The Techmen themselves wert• limited w o11ly si x hits by the comhinrd hurlin~t of A. E!'telle unci Hy ~Iyer., who came on for the tuten. in the M'<:ond inninl(. The muin t.tory of the hall ~arne could be found in lhl' home hnlf or the second inninl(. lllll llwyer started out activit i('S fur till' lrx:n l ~ by being hit by a pitdwrl lmll. Steve Ucich then bea out his lllll'lllplcd sacril1ce bunt fo n b:t~c hit , and when i\ce \\'altl)n's (t'untlnu•'ll un l'•lllf h, ('ttl 'l hunt was thrown wilclly h> fi rst }r111t l~il··•• tlw #((•tl ,"im~ Dwyer stored leaving nwn on second WOtH'ES't't•:H 'I' V.l'l l h and thircl, Whitey Carlson wa!\ the1 II II r 1 hit by a ()ilrhcd ball loadinl( the I I llr:HIIa11 "' (J Wllnon 1f 5 I ha~t·s, unci Hnpgnod l hen llicd uut ~, , . ,. H !i I 0 A wild pitch t.uflcv lh I 1 f,lr the f1rs l out, I I IIV\\' t tl I I brnttj(ht in unnlher run and Russ ~ll,rhtl n t f I 0 ~ llrndlnw':; walk a~nln loaded the l 'ckh lb t I \Vult<lll Jh ! o h:t.«<.•<;. Afll!r Wilson wns retired, Bil ! l'.tr:'''" ( ~ Lee was hit by n pitched baH bring ll>tP'.Ittlllt p lng in unother run and still leaving .II 'I 6 the ooows loaded. j ack Laffey then MASS bT \H: uh I h dt'livrrctl the puyoff blow of the ) • 1\inlo! l h ~ 0 Q 1 ~tnnw. a ba!>t'S loaded triple inlo deeJ ll.rw~ht ntl ~" ~ 0 R)·~n lh ~ I 1 lt•ft field. The side was fi nally re C:IQI kl' U I ~ I Ired when Laffey was nipped in hi!! 4 I H~hr•l > JIJ () .I \ 1\ lnll rr 1 nttt·mpted !'leal uf home on a close 2 0 l't1kin' d dt•cision. All in all, siA runs had Mmtfl' d 0 ·' o rm'>sed the plnle by the time the I Huller ( l 0 •~,u·n~ tl 0 ~ Tt·~·hmen 's bats were finally silencecl. 4 0 M)rr~ II J fnp~-:ru)d wa complete master .13 ~ lhmu).lhQul the ~amc. The visitors wt•re uhle lO score only one run at n time, and never lhreatened to put Allht>UKh it is still Luu cnrly in the rm any dnnl(crous rally, 'l'he T ech"Ctll!Ort lt.> Lry to prcdkl lh(' trophy men l(fiVC their pitcher fi ne fielding winner In tbe softball h:aguc•, ThNa support. The oulliclders ra nged fa r C'hi , l'hi Gam, unci T heta Kap ltJok and wide in the outer pastures to like the must likdy rllntcndrrs rnr shng down potential hase hits, while the ltlp t hrce p ltttl'!!. l\1 any uf the the inf•elclcrs were all over the din· i(arncs havt' hccu ptr.;tpilnetl hmh monrl !!Ctll)pinf( up ground balls that bec:JU!>C nf rainy wrather and l)c. were t i ckctccJ for bast• bit territory. taU:!(' uf rushiu~ . Thl'SC gumcs will Russ Hracllaw mnde two fine catch"" be p lay1..'<i nff il , twilil(ht l(llnws. The• ~"' SlWnrh... ,t defeat 11f th • <:(•;t-.(ln Ill elate t1f looping fly halb that ap(X'arcd to wa!>l handed .\TO by J'(j 1> with 11 he fall ing ~arcly ft>r Texas leaguer . 19- 1 :;cvre ~~me nf the .l(anw,., hnve Beside:. Laffey' three baJ(f(t'r, olh· IJt.'en J'itcht>r-, tltwls· i\ I~ P rlefealin~t t:r extra hao;r hlowo; in the game were \ TO, 6-4, rur th r .,m:tllr"l :,cnrt• nf u triplt· by Bradlaw and a two-base the tnurnamrnt . In fa•·t .,. 1l\''1 11'I hit by Knccl:.111d, Mas'l. Stale hurt' • ' ;cc; twcnty·1me unci lwt•nty-live run., have l~t•£'n 'lmrcd in a 1\lllf.(le ganw ... tnp. with SI'F. unt l f'~ K '4Ci ting 11 rrrorll ttttal 11f thlrty-'lix III II'! in a five•
lmlu•trial Suppli•• Di•tribut11r1
l 54- l :56 !\fain S treet
Hapgood Star on Hill for Lo(•aJites· 5 fli ts for· Visitors
Tt·aclUilt"ll T('ch Te nnis .."quad Talic 1\'Ias . tate Lose l 'u Cr·ack • ] Cl R Amhcr t Temn 7-0
Sunlunel r N • fr o m Thn mttt<Oil \ ilh•, (~01111 .
l'p tlll Omn"e ~hLS$., h:t' .. huwn hi'- nhility in wit•lding n racket, while duwn t>ll tht• d nder path", Wl' f1nn , tmtt• a~-:ain, fre:-hmcn making up a majurily uf tht• XJlllld. Dave Bn mn from (;:miner. ~l m;!>l, and Phil ."ih·er" uf Urook· lyn, \; . \· .. arr t wt>·mile runnt>r.-;. Tnm Chadbourne, a l\rcnnd term fn-shman frnm F.~)'lll ft·alun.';, in the mile run. Glen From frmn \\'hite Plaim•. '\. Y.. runs thr R80, "hih• Unrl llaMinJ.ts. n \\'nrccster hny. stars iu thr 440 yard lla"'h. 1\l l>cloid, ftrsl ternwr from Kew Bedford, performs nd· mirubly un tht• hi~h andlttw hurd! ~, nncl Phill>n•i<•r from Brooklyn , N . V., run~ tht' dashes. The Ahlll . diS( u~, and juvelin depart mente; ar(• ably manner! by thrcr IIIOrc fr<· hmen : Sid Mad wed fr~llll Bri d~rrwrt. Conn .. Eel ( 'urpt'ntt•r from ( 'nnt!ln, Conn ., nntl J nhn \\'illiams from 'ew Haven, Comn .
T,•t·la Cftrniatfll (llld R o uml R obi11 T cmwrrou· Y iplrt
Lo.;t 0 0 0
.l 2 .l
S.\E I' ' K
f:tJpyfn• • f :nlarfltt• • Det~eloplll• ,, \It'
1.000 1.000 1.000 .800 .M7 .JJ,3
.250 .000 .000
(Sec llorohl Klng•luuy al the Dora) Oveml•lat Se.nlee
The TECJI PHARMACY ol Uarowhw., W.P.I. '22
Cor. W etl and llighlond S,..
\I a~
·w E n~li s h and ~lath. IJ(•pt .
Rt•ad ~- J u I ~· 8 On "r .th •ut J uly Sth, tht· b.ainni thl' -umnwr tt·rrn . th .. m'll h!Jml' fur the ~Lithl'!ll.ltil- and f.n~ 1\ h cll•p.artnlt'nt.., ~hou l rl he rrady l'ht• !lk-.llinn. 1\h;th \\Ill he in thl' l hrt"l' upptr llo<Jr- ,., tin n•rnll'r \l t>c h<tnit:ul Enl!illt'C'rin~ l..lb 1ratll· rit·,, i~ nnw twin~: pn·rarcrl amid mud1 dust and nnbt• 'l11's hulldin~ dna·~ hatk tn 1896 11 lwn It wr~s lmllt hy Tt•th throu:.:h fund~ nmtrihUlt'd U)' th' :.lme and II) prominent t.ili/t'll" h om that }'l'ilt until I 94 2. h h•III~C'cl I he ) I r·. rlep<trtment, and ttl that time, tht· t•nt Ire depan men I mm <'II intn the nt'\1 ly roMtrurtrd llil(l(in!> Lahnrattll'it•:- dirt:t;lly nun~:. 11w ~MN'l. Snun after it-. \arancy, thl· L' ~ . Xavy dedd<>tl to "f·ntl a l.lflU' number vf \ '-12 men tu \\".P 1.. illllf thi' builcl in~-: ~:l.., pn·..... l·tl i11111 .,nn•iu.• il' :.tratton HaiL .\ fter thl· .'\u\'y lrfl lust trrm. thl' '-thool IJC)(iln f)l:ln' fur r1•mndelin~ it. T he F:ngli" h and ~ l at h t:matic!'o cit•· parlmt•nt will nut occupy tht! t>ntirt• thrt:t• UJIJWr ll1 •or' u( I hi, -.tructun•. lx:r.m"'t' the Hc111ko..tmc 11ill he.• mii\NI inw tht• nonh t•nrl uf lht• f1r..t tlnur Tlw J.(mund tJoor 11 ill ~wy un.llt~·retl. rt•maininK 11::1 a rt'pair und m;lintc nann· lltlp. \ IWW ht'<tl in!.( untl wn til ,, tin~ 'Y'-lcm, :1 ~ 11l'll ·" 111'11 lire c...ntl ll:" Hrt: hcim: atltkd tu comply with a chy lnaildin~ urclinanct: wh1d1 ho!- been plau•ll in dfC<t .-inc,• the nri~tin:d run•.,tnllllun uf tht> huildin.L(. l'lw ~ l ath . dt·par111Wnt will lcaw tw11 rl.•~"rullm$ in Boynt on Hall and nin~t
I !I
Spring Fl>ver Form,J 19..J.6 (Co ntinucrl lr•1m Pi!~<' I, Cui tl uf admission. :\u one s~:erns lu know exactly what th ry hu\•e UJl their ~leeve£, but whatever the uutcume. il !> l.lound to btt a ~urprise or an ('\· ception:LI ~ort. Arlt.'r the T t.>ch Carnival , t.he hous~ will have their usual Round Rubin. T his cunsi!orb nf Lhe hou~es breakin~ot themsel\'t>S up into two t>r mort.' ~rnups. and whill.' one l>Lays nt 1he hnu'-e, the other groups visit the other hou."f's un tht> ca.mpu~. Lhen they intcr~han~e. With this arrangl.'mcnt, thl' fraternity men l{l."t to know each other better, and besides. one l(rts to !...now the vttrious types n£ punrh that can be con-
The • undny artil·itie art> tu be.> planned by the indhidual irnternities. So a!\ " l'nny Cuol kin plniuly !let''', thi will oo tht> weekend of ull weekend . Don't fai l to lake in all tht activitle:; (l(~lblc, for each und t \·ery one will bl' exceptional. We'll be seeing you around the campus. Ha,·e a ::plendid lime t.he res t uf the weekend. .\n immense mnount of gratil udt• and thank., is dUt' tu the Dance ('om· rnittee. Thu~e who have done uutstandin~t work for the success of the fonnal are .\ 1 Breed, chairman ; ~In I Gordon, finances: Walt ~fuller, dt'Ct)ratioos; :\re \\':~l hm. pro~ram" and tickets; Bill Lee, orche!:\tra prucure-ment ; Bob Carlson, j ack \\'il~on , anJ Bob Kuykcwlall in char~t' nf sellln~ ticket!~. \\'c arc Rrateful for the swell jnh clunl' t•n tht' many mrt ll jobs. without which tht> dance cnulcl not ha\'C bt>l'n n ~urrr.!t!'.
School Mourns Death of Prof. Williarn Lawton
In JqJb. He was n:uiwn:tl secretary of . i~ ma Xi and clld mu~.h r(>!Warch wurk nn the at!lm and the thcnry or light. IIi• interbt in the IIClfare or the . . tudentl- endeared him HI all v. hn knt'l\ him.
Teclr TrflclaiiPII Jflin (CIIntinUt•d lrtll'n
I':J~<· ~.
Col ,I)
llit:k Gruwn, cli'> lilllrl' runner. llni:-h~d t1 rsl for T t-t h in the 2-mill' run. Sumner Herman f(ained !>~Con<! plat~: ptlints fur h•~ team in twt1 e1•ent:. : the I00-y,ml anti 220-yard tln~h<.'s. j ohn Huwc raptured 'ccmuJ place in the J)(IIC vault illld jn\'rlin l'VI'Jl l'\ :JI1U lied for fil'.,t in lhC hi)(h jump. Other T echmcn pnint ~t' ttcrs wt'rt• Obun. Frmn. ll:btinj.!'. Chndl)(lurnt·. S~t·k . \\'illiam. . and Carpenwr. :,\la!<l'. Statr'l> ~.hit•f point ACitt'r<~ were How:lt'. 11 tm finished 11r~t in thl" hnlf mile :111cl 2·milc ru1' ; and Budt>ndnrf. who ~arnl.'red thC' .;hnt put and discu lir:.t places. whill' capturinJ:! third place in the ja' din throw.
Enlli 11ee rs
tlnt•t· in thL' E.l·•. IJuilrllnl!..tnd the Fnqh·h dqxHlment will val"th three rro:-n• in IJ •ynton I f. til 11 hilL' tht" fi,,,,J:,•ore lt,>an, a •t• tu•n nf the h:s~• mull ui Hi:!J!in-. 'J he r• urn~ n( tlw Ut·driml IJuitclin:.t will ..:he th·· I.. I~. rh partnwnt ""tilt • fMU' frtr Elt·ltrntlir .tnd ( nmmunlt.llhHb lal'owtoril'~. 11hilt- the :'lll.'rh lllit:al clepanrnt·nt ha.. c•mfl·mpl<ttt·d u..inS£ ib utquin·rl ·fl:lti: ior a Ill'\\ lah •rllln ry.
Pr·cJf. i\lor·ga n E lc(•h.•d Head of ~ o r·(·~ le t·
l'ruft·"or T . H. )lllrl!an . llead nf tho· Llltlrical bngillli:rin~ l lt:partmrnt, \1a ... d"-tecl ( h.tirmrm uf tb(' \\ 11rll'•ter ~ect11m uf till' . \meric:m 1n't ltlltl' of Elt·ctrkal 1-:n,l!int•t•r... at tht·i• monthly ml'Ctinst lu:.t week. J'rof. ~lnrj.!an ha .. l>t'l'll 1\ ith \\'orlf"trr ' I t'th f•1r the la:-t thirtten y~:ar.... l nlllin!C tn \\ .1' I. from :tanford in ltJll .\t • tanfnrrl ht' wa:.
Fiv(! Mt"n Tapped B T h . 'ku ll \t tht la!-t a~embly lhe '-kull t;ll•l't"l Juhu E. Lafi'ey. Le..nanl I. '-mith . Burtun L. Hinnutn, ) 1., ) 1111c.:·tolm K. \\"hitc, and \ lr•cd I•. Lar1-.in, Jr. Jnhn Lafit•y, letterman in ha cball ;~ntl h.t ... kt·tuJII i... pre~idt·nt ~~~ 'lecb ( 'uunl.ll. the :\ e111llan l"lub. and \'kt'·prt-~ldt:nt tJ( TKP. Fc•rmer naval ufr'1tcr Leonard Smith . 11ho ha' h:ul three year:. of llet:t I.'X(J<'rit·nc!·. h. ,1n htmur :.tudt·nt and hulds a lemr fur fuol hall. Burtun Hinman. PG I>. i~ n ll'lter "imwr in bt•lh fuotuall ;md ba-.eb.1IL ~lal \\'hilt'. trea.:-urer of P ' K , has " "" letter~ in both tratl- nnll cross CllUil l ry runnin~ . .\ ll1t:ll1hl·t ur TX., .\ Hrtd Larkin i~ a lettermun in basebull. ~nut:r. antl fuutball. "l lw ~kull. the '<'niur hnnnrary ••Jt.il·ty. c..hiiiJ~e ... membt'r~ un~e ench year a~ \ urdin~ tu 1he c.:anclidales' Ll1arac..tt•r, schulastic nth ievement, UIHI extrn·lurrictllar act ivi l it:s. Tu Ill' dm~en a mt•ml><•r of this , ICit·t y i-, t hr hi.~he:"~ hun<lr t hnl can ht.> :ltt.tiawrl l>y M umlcn:nulu:ue. 'I h•1u~h ib arti,·ities ure ll1tHiy of a :-\'t rt't naturr, it:; inllm·nct• i.; Clln· ... tantly felt in alnw... t all campus
an .\ .... ~i,.tant P mil',:.llr and \ ... ~i,tant to the Ext.>t:uthc llt>ad nf Eledriral En~o~inl•t·rin)( Ucpttrt nwnl. I n the ...prin~ u[ 19112. he left \\ I' 1 fur \\'a,hinj!toll llht•rt> he 113!' 1ht lleputy Uin·r lur nf Enl.(inecrin~:. ~dcnre. and .\l.magt·mrnt ft1r \\ .lr ' Jraimn~ in tlw l " :-. Oflic.·e of 1-.rluwtion. Follu\1 Ill!-( hi" rl'l<•;~:-e in 1''•IS from thi-. pm~ram lw n•tun1<'cl arlivitlt••. 111 Tt•t h 11 her(· ht• rt''> llnwd hi,. clulil'-'" ht•;HI 11C th(• tlt'(l:trtuwnl :-tncl l'rnT lw Ho~ n toniunt< ' l'f'tl ;,,,..r 11( \ l. ~ l arhint·ry :O:a,ophoni"'" l 'roft"''-~ •r )l <~rt:an h.l• l•h•n with the .\ 1 E. E. -.inu· hi' Kr..rlu.uion a ncl fro1111 :->t.tnfnrd in lq zo ;1ntl hth l){'cn Ourincti RI ~ ! act ivt• in Ihl· \\'un·t·'IH'r !-rt.•rtion of the• \ .I.E.t·:. l\illcc he l':tllll' tu \\'or~~·•· ..~II . Sulu tkiPw icz tt·~ter in I Q \I.
/J(IIl lu!fl
(Cnnlinurol lwm l':ut~ \, Cnl, .n Ihlp~ood rl.'lic\'('<1 IJion in thr
:-rcond :tnd held the Fl yer~ SC(Irt>lc!o... until the J xth '' hrn t we> Laffey error. cumuined ~ ith three hits t'nablell tht' Flyers to pu ... h aero,.-, liw ruus The En~tineers pickt>d up u stray run in the fifth nnd 11dded four mnrr in the ~c1·cn th . \\'it h \\' altun on bast•, Clark, pinch h i tt in~o: f<'t \\'il ..,on, poled <I Inn~ douhlr. lre clnwc C'lrLrk in with hb "t'l."llnd ~in~le uf the ~arne, and then Jack L'lfiey t"unw throu~h with hi ~ $ecund two mn-. tcr uf the tiny.
t\\W~V~\\~ '"
VJ\,V,\''t\\ \\' \\, ill"" ·s
Lfmt p
t('t.•ntmurll lntm P.u:t -1 , Col .\)
ProfcssPr \\'illinm f:llitll L .mtfm , nssistnnt prnfr~c;ur uf Phy:;;ic.. at tlw In-.titutr, died lnbl Thu~dny . .\lay 1Cl, Ill his hnnlt', J 2 Ilcrk!'hirt.• StrCl't . u her a Ion!{ illm·o;~. The dt>nth nf Pn1f Ltwtnn m:uketl the third lime \\ilhin J m11n1h lh.ll the school h:1' nwurned the tlt••Hh 111 v::~e of its pruic""4lrs. Prof. Ltnl\nn wu" hnrn in \\'pru':-· ler nnd wa~ )tt:llhhllt'd f rum 1-:ni~ll'h Hi~b Schtwl nncl nuu riculJtt·tl 111 Tt>Ch in I0 I(). \ !tt·r rrceil in!>! hi' bachelor uf <.denrr dt'l.'ft'C in 1020. he bt-came a l(radu.ne ;~.:- i<.tant 1n physic~. rL•cei\'ing h•~ ma~I1'T ~~ i ence de~rec in IQl2 Thl' >-anw Yt'••r he was appnhHt•cl ,m in>-trud<lr, ll t• 11as promutt·tl to "'"i"'ta.nt Jlr<'fl',,or
thl'y\e been rt>aclin~ Emily Po$t • l'ech l'harm.lry ::- ~01. R (" RO· \\'Jrl.. \\'.1'.1. ' 22, IHh thi nkin ~ nf uprnin~ 11 lir$t (lid ~t ation In ·1 wel'lafler nn r~utvmnlul e culli:;inn in fr.mt M h1~ ,Ltlte Ja,t .'untl.ty
Te,mi~ Sf111ml
(Cunllnutrl ll••m I' A~~
One C<>ml-> • Su• O~r•nmn>ts1'"'• • ~r for PC'•ct- T h e- 8nn&C't""t , ,( L1chl Tlw S•lumon A pc>h•n<n El«lT<m\U ll.hlirn OUoinno A N ~w l mhuti'Y from Tul "l'ubc't H ulin& . C~lrn a
Cui 4 )
o>r u.,,,..
I in u 1\~·11 pl:ty~·tl anti hard hittintt dud Blt~ntnn tu~Jk rl·lh·... f11ur nwn, likk I'H•p-t. t>ll:-'ly, b- 1,
h-.!. In thl' liw ..J,u, l l:tndt•rn ..r \ m-
(1-1, t1
On Tot Otn<rol C<Ouru Salt'O Bn · amt<tmll Dlfaaan Enttntc>tuta A~· ~untrnc M anufonurrna
ht•r..t clrllJ'lJ'H.'t) J'i,hman in <.trait:ht 'l'l' takint.t th, ftN o I ami the ,.._.H.,Id o-0 In tht• t•lt• \l••ublt'" rnlll\lllll'r. \ mhcrr.l nn~ t mnre h.ul liul~· uiftlUihy in II innim:. ;) ... Shl'.l l 1ml l;J.1myl..u tlrtlpJll'd llt:mber nml 1 lunh;tm, r.-1, h I
2 I. 1946
Ill•• " Hout< of M a1~" M m'
" II G,.....p o r
l ~n-:o:-Eirc:c~o~Dcp~6~3-;- -~~
Sch rnt>ctnd~· S, N, V.
O rnltcmC'n: Plenat srnd me n free copv of C AREERS IN THE ELECT Rl CAL IN DUSTRY. APD 2
N ame - -
I Addrcu
L __ __________ _j