1947 v42 i6

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r ohunl' XLI I

NumlH-r 6





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Tech Concert Band Will Give Lively Program at Assembly

• 'Ci r·<·us Paa·ade' Is • Fr. Donohue T ells Featured Nuauhcr N ew1nan CIu 1> o f On Progrant Vatican Exp eriences rn an effort lo familiarize the Tech

Joint Concert Give11 by Teeb And Becker

One Facttlty Memher and Eleven Students Elected to Sigma Xi 11

Tech Debatet·s Become City now 10111 Chatnpions

Glt>t> Club11 l,resent Progrnm of Chornl And olo Numbe rs

Span Iding Speaks Ou Flight Testing Of Mo(lern Aircraft

One faculty member ami ele-wn .• Let C\'Cry 1(\IOd rt'lh)W Tt>eh students were voted Into mem· in a S<lnl(." Thus with the rousin{( bt•rship at a meeting of the Sigma X i Tech's Negutive"' uud " \'lw lu Cumpa)(nie'' the Tl'rh Gk'e on J anuary 9. Prof. J ames E. MulliHoly CrosM l\1t>t>l The f1r t meeting of the new year Club upN1l'<l whnt proven to he a !(nn of the E.E. dep3rtment was In Final Debate bancl, which includt'S t'\'erylhing of the Worcester Tech r\ewman Club hij.~hly MIC((':-.~ful CllnCWt last Friday elected to full lllt>mbt'rship at the \\'ow.•sh~ Tech ha ~ succeded In mettin~t held nt 8 P.M. in the j anet from c"lliupe to classic. The band, was hrld Tuesday evening, Janu- niKhl (lb j anuary). performed in whicb under the able leadership of ary o. 1948, in the J anit 1-:arle Room cunjumJinn with tht' Girl ' Glee winning thl' city intercollegiate <k-- Earl(> rvorn. The following men its d1rector, Rill Lynch. ha· made of Alden :\Iemorial. The mectin~ rtuh ur llt'Cke r Junior Co!lt'jlC. t\1- batin~ chnmpion«hip ftlr the flrst wert' t lected to associate member· ~urh a line showin)( at athletic was t'J)ened by Fr. Brabson, chaploin thOII)lh stiiT com1)(•Lit it)ll wa'> a fore- time in nin(' year!'. On Dec. 10, !thip: L>nvid r. Caplan, Samuel \\'. events. will undouiJte>dly distin~uish tlf the Tech 1'\ewman Club. who was ~o~one C()ndusion (exams for mnny on Tech held thl' llnal debate with Holy Cocks, Frederick A. Curtis, J r., H aritstlf again. introduced by Presi<knt alvatort• Saturday and Jose l turbi at the Cros:; for the mythical debatinl( old B. Guerci, Russel H. Krack· The feature selectiun will be " At lntagliatn. President lntaglluta an- Auclil urium 1hat nil(htl , Alrlrn 1\tem- championship of the Worceslt>r col· harclt, Gershon Kulln , Robert 1\l. the Circus", a medley ur trnditionnl nuunced that I he New England [ted- llriul !hough nul bull(ing at the ICj:,I('S. llt\th 1ea ms had 2-1 records Lt'rner, Roben E. Nowell, Kenneth circus rnelc>dies. " Tech Carnival" cration of Newman C'lubs nre going sl'ams was quite t.'O mfvrtubly filled going int<l this fmal contest. Tech E. Scutt, Albert H. Soloway, and , heehan will be your barker on the lu hold their regular monthly meet· r\>r the two hours of music so rnpn- had !1plit with Cktrk and had a vic- Gt'orf(t' j . Zewski. With the exceptory over Holy Cross. 'The men from tion of Mr. Krnckhardt, who is 1\ midway. Thert will be everythln~~; to ing h('re at Tech on Februury 8, bly 1llrrctecl by Clirr Green. Foll(.)wlnJ( lhe concert a \'rt)wcled 1\Jt. St . James had won a double vic- ~tudent {(raduate assistant in the bring you back to the water-carrying 1948, in Alden l\Jemorial. There will and under-the-tenl· Oap-days except be representatives of 57 Ncwmnn dunce noor nttestetl to the nllrnctlon tory <wer rtnrk. I~. K department, lhe associate mem· Speaking for Tech were Bill Oor· bers nrc ull senior~. for that c:hoice aroma from shade· ('Jub in Greater r\ew En~lnnd here ur lhe music of our Boyntonian.s and grO\\n elephant!>. ~o other circus for lhe meeting. Clark lJuiverslty lo the fallacy or the prevalent opin· man and n ob l..<'roer. llenry DeU!I• The principal feature of the meetpach and j ames Kallngher represent- Ing, however, was the talk delivered can make that statement ! Also on sent word that they will su~Jply re· ion concerning Becker pis. tht pr()l{ram will be selections from fres.hmt>nt .s for the nffalr. But hack to the cuncert. Follow· ed Holy Cros'l. The topic of the hy Mr. Ellis R. Spaulding ()( tht> Wagner fur those whose taste runs The ~uest speaker of the cvenin!( lng lhe upeninJC numllfr, lht> dub debate wns " Rcsolvetl : A Federal Chance Vought Division of United in a classical vein. Then on lhe wru; FatMr Corneliu, D onuhue of wucht-d the hearts nf every en~ineer World G<1vernment • hould Be I<:Stab- Aircraft. Mr. Spauldin~. who is march side. the pr~rnm will include :-;1. Anne's parish. He (XIke on the with ''\\'orcc1-ter Tech, Our Alma llshed." Bill Dorman nnd 8 ()b supervisor of Flight Test Planning, (Contlnuro on I•e~t 4, Col. I) ) Iuter". At thi!; point lhe semiSJ>Ilke on tht> topic, .. Flight Testin11 such numbers :tS the " Knlght'sbrid!le \'at lean and the Pope. 11f Modem Aircraft." Sigma XI is rhmu'i tnuk ovt>r h> sing " Jnt() Par)farch" :md tt wing ve~ion of n national honorary enginerring soci".\merican Patrol''. For the modliam('nt " (" lulanthe") and "Snflly ety, members of which are elected erns, there will be selections from the a~ the· ;\f<>rnin~t Sunrist'". Miss Anne at un tht' basis of high scholastic attainHrown nnrl l\faynnrcl Ncl~on then hlt (how ",\nnie Get Your Gun" and ment for a~~Sociate membership or llt'rfnrmecl " My Heart Stoori Still " of course to ap)X'al to a college audirec;eorch development for fu ll mem· in duet. fOIICiwt•d by Bub Drt!w's ence, the " Whifrenpoof • on~ "· .<\II Elc>ction of Offi,·crs ht•r!lhip. f•vrr-J)(IJ'llllar rendition tlf ''When Rig in all the program looks ~lOod , and To Be ConduciNI al Next Prof. l\1 ulligan was t'lected to full l'rufund() San!( Low C". Doll was there b nothing more disconcertln)( George l-lardy Tells Chapter Meelint(, Fob. 9 membership in Sigma Xi on the baaiA then juined hy MillS Julanne j ohnlfl a musical organization than playEJectrics of Early On November 13 lhe W .P.J. chap· of his reMarch a t M.I.T.J and at the 10 sin~ " I'm F'alllnrc In l ,ove stOn Ing Lo the empty chairs. So let 's all Experien ces t~r of lhe Americnn Society of Civil Naval Ordnance Department befon~ with SIH))Ctmc". Them Car(lline Fur· be " At the Circu~··. Mr. George Hardy was the speak- bush nnd l\,fnri(C White, in true Enl(in<lers hncl as their guesL Mr. coming to Tech as a faculty mem· er at the last joint meeting of lh(• ricky·tick lityle whh guitars nnd Albert Kaert lein, head of the gradu· ber. T he associate members were local stutM-nt chapters o£ the Amcri- western outf1ts, gave us "Tumble· ate enl(ineerlnl( school of Harvard elected on the basis or high scholastic cah Institute Of Electrical Enrcineers weeds'' und " Therc'11 a Blue Sky University nnd director of the north· attainment. nnd Institute of Radio Engineers, 'Wny Up YMdcr". Then Miss john· eastern !iectlon of A.S.C. E., who 11 held on January 6. Mr. Hardy has 11lnn returned, this time with !~rank spoke on The National A.S.C.E. ince the nctivities of this orRani- lt•n~e l.leen associated with tht- \\'or· Holhy w !Iiiii( ••sweethearts". This and lL'I Advnnt;t~t"s for Vounl( 1-: ngi· zation wert last reported, the club cester Electric Co., having been dut·t nnd the fuur precedinf( numbers 22 the chapter held has had a very busy program. one of those who workt'd 11n the \\We amung the oulSUJndin~t per· a stag outing at Chnffln's in Holden . One can readily see the reason ror Three meetings of the club have installation of the original e<1uip· !ormnnce1- of the evenin~. bttn held to date, and a fourth one ment or the company. He delivereci In 1><trt tWI), the \\' ,P.J. Octet Fur t~ second meetinJ(, btld the hustle shown by t~ Outills Club is scheduled for l.he twentieth of this a talk on electrical puwcr tran. n>b· t'ntertained with II Jiltlc clf1se har- December IS In the S.R.H. com· tht'Se days: this winter is truly a IUOnlh. Rtprcsentatives of the club 5ion and distribution in the early mony, !nllowed uy a scrit> or very mons, there was an excellent turnout dream for the skUng entbusiut, and also atttnded a ~minar held at da)'s f\f the electrical industry, and wcll-recelvrtl numbers by the Glee to hear ~1 r . C. Clark Mac001ber, has made possible an ambitiOU!I lark t 'niversity. At this seminar, )tll\~ h is audience some in~ight into Club indudinf( "H eidelber~" (the president of lhe Geor~c Jl. H . Mac- schedule for members and to persons htld on December 12, representa· the problem the engineer:; of thot Stein . nnf( frum "The Prince of Pil- omber Cr>mpa ny deliver an lntert'St- interested. To add to Aki1ng Interest sen"), " \\'inter Song" (which you lng and informative talk on what the here on the bill, the Outins Club ba& tives of Lhe International Relations era were faced with. Clubs of the various city colleges The date of the February meelilll( rnuy ll.li!IOCiute with the Dartmouth construct ion indus1 ry expects of the offertfl to scive frte skiing lessons to Tech men. Last Saturday was spent wert pre.->~:nt. Mr. Chaddha, a soph· nf the f(roups has not yet l100n deli· Winter Ct.~rnivnl ). The :.ofl strains recently graduated engineer. The next meeting of !hill organi- in boldinl( trials to select a team for 11more at Tech, presented a paper on nitely established. pending u speaker of 11 Shen1.1ndoa.h" were foll owed by the l'~ at this all..<Jay seminar. confirmation. rt i hoped that the the lively novelty, " Ma Little Ban- 7.alion will be held in the j anet competition agalnst the Worc:e~ter At a mt•eting held at Dean Rowe's re~ionnl vice-president of lhc Al EE jo'', and the nexl spiritual warned lW\rlc ror>m, below Alden, at 7:30, Ski Club on February 8 at Mt. hou$e 1m October 20, Mrs. Savitri will attend the meeting and act as ull chlllun to " K4'ep in the Middle ~February 9, at which time new offi. Wachullttt. The following men will Burman. n young lady from Delhi, moderator for a critique of electrical of the Road". " The Mulligan Mus- cers will be elected, Th0<1e who at- comprise the team: AI Howe, Parker fndia, and now a graduate student engineering courses and methods of keteers" was then presented for all tend the February 9 meeting will Peterson, Dick Leavitt, Don Skefat Clark, !.poke on lhe history and instruction. Opinions will be aired you l\ficks, and in conclusion was hear Mr. joseph J. Siddall, manager fington, Don Story, and Russ Tum· ~onomy of India. by one post-graduate student. and by Jtiven a new Tech w ng which should of the commercial engineering de· er. Both Brown University and Thi~ meetin~t was followed by an- two seniors and two juniors, repre· become quite a favorite , ''J ohn Boyn- partment of the H. H . R~rtson Clark University have been contactllther \'try interesting m~ting held sentin.f( both power and electronic.~ ton Was a Peddler" which was writ· Company, speak on light gauge steel ed in hopes of arranging mtets with construction. (Contlnutd on PaKe 4, Col. 5) IContlnutd on Pa~tt 4, Col.. 4 ) options, (Conlin~ on P•1e 2. Col. I)

~tudent llody with the nct·umplic:hments !lf its musical orgnni.(llti•ms, the .C..\ . hfi!- ~l£'cted for its t>i~hth assembly a program by the Tech

ew Enslruul Fecleralion Of Newuaau Clubs To Rold 1\teetin~ at Tech

Joint Meetll:tg Of AlEE and

Civils Hear Several peakers Recent ASCE Meetings


Cosruopolitau Cluh Delegates Attend Seminar at Clark

T ecb



Team Chosen




the Colll'gt Vtar hy The T .... h New• Anot!latlou of &he Wo~lt'r f o lr iPrhnlr ln.titule

Fraternity New Bits

F.niTOR IN CHIEf Rlch•rd L . Tracy


Pu blished Bi-wf'1•kly

Du rin~

January 20,

Tech Students to Take Par·t in 8.-idge Tournan1ent


Engineers Wanted Boehl' Itt r~ Dt>grec. LnrE!-t" college . 3,000 appro~imat,. half lime LCtn·hing·£tUd) intr. \lasters t o $6.500. tlfTer~

•\ u entiun all T ech card sharps! Here is yuur chance lo win fame and J ohn 0 . Saunier South \"\.'estern Co iiPg~ need s g CRETARV glory by participatillg in the ~aEuJ.~ in l•(' rs. Tcuclting, rc•!:-<!arch John C. Meade 1ionnl Intercollegiate Brid.l(t! T ourna- op porLuuiLy do grad work. A; SPOR1'l:l ED ITOR J.oula C Block ment ; 163 colleges from 45 slat ~ ..ociat•· Proft•ssor $-1,500. AJ.Sistanl p,.,,r.....,o r . l.llOO. BUS INESS MANAGER have entered 1be tournament. Four Alfr~d 1.. Letourneau pair vf players, <>elected by elimina\> \ CAI'CJE$ OTIIEit f'IF..lJ)S AO\' f:RTlSINC MANAGER CIRCll.ATION MANAGER Rrne H. Bacha nd Ji'ronk II Wotton tion rn>m all entering pa irs. will play Cit·l' phone. photo. qualifiratio11s. :\SSIS'l'ANT MANAGEil ASSISTANT MA.\11\CERS Ambrose P. Feeney Robert J. Van Ambu rgh n set or eighteen pr<•parccl hands on Cline Teachers Agency ll u~th M . Rnbin~on each cantpus. The reo;uhs will be f. ST LANSINf;. ~II CIIJCAN JUN IOR EDITORS HA:"G IKG a fra ternity pin seems mailed to 1he Bricl~te Tl>urnamenl ,___ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _-J Tbom1u R. Carlin ~·red J. ~ rennan William A Julian ltl have become a custom a l Tech. Makolm Sanborn llarold Okun John K. Mullaney Joseph l.A!mlre Wilfr«< J Wachter Gino J. Sa.ntandrc.o l..alcst are Earle llal:.lrom vf P. K. 'ommittec. which will score the Raymond Brandoli JeJ"emiah O'Nt il Francis J. Bh1d~ \\"\:\TED: Liw wire 'llle.. man 1o S urm Olson uf TX, Boh Padgett , hands. The 16 pair!> ratinK h i,zhe~l COI.UMNISTS Ro~cr CriJmack anti Ed l'<lburn all in all the colleges will lhen be in- reprc'<t'nt pr.r:.onalized BEER ~ft:G M I'J. Harold Oul'rcl Malcolm Gordon Rlrharrl K. flome or Sig P:p and Charles \\'Mdman viled tn Chicagn wlwrr the ftnnl s manuf:tclurer on campu:., Contact Cernl!l F Mt:Cnrhtkk Rolnn1l F. Bedard und Hunk Styskul nf LCA . Going will he held at1d Lhr l"'l:Jinpions de- C.\ Sf,: \' & BL.\K E. 37 !\urth MounKEPORTERS Leo 0 . Rose Harold A. Meldc.n Walttr B. Dennen, Jr. further Kiruy We:Hhersby of . ig Ep lain .\w , :\ fontclnir. :". j .. imrneIrving Haas Thomu J Coonan Matthew Babinski cldt>d . married Barbara H uJ(h~ of Worc~­ :o-1~11 E. Sullivan (i~Ur,oC«: S. Jlarna Rlc:hard H. Mc:Mahan Prur. William LnOJ.t\\<'11 will be rliatdy Subblah Muthlah lAwrence B. Borst u·r •Ill Deccmh(lr l7lh with Pre~ u•vens liS IJc!.t man ancl \\'ill ,\ppl(.~ T nurna mcnt Uiret.Jt)l' nn lhi.., campus. I ' BUSINF.SS ASS fSTANTS JOJeph Gwlazdowski Jornnds T. McPartlantl Ra)mOnd j . Blllnchet I(Ult! us usher. ~lilt further Ceorgt• a ssi~tcd I.Jy l'mf. fo:(lwin H i~~cn- - - - - - - - Frank S. }Urc:uk Bronislaw fl . Kuprewiu l'rnnds E. Kearney fORMALS r... lle•l l.chw nf i\TO bt'(;ttlllC the falher nf J)()ftiJm . ,\II players whv wish to parCA RTOONIST PHOTOGRAPHER n lmy IJ•1rn 1>n ( 'hri-;tmus day. On A. Talis &Co. Claud~ F. Vena Phil Dreier ticlpute must infnrm l'rtlf. l A>Il!(WCIJ IJecemi.Jer 20th , i)( ~:p .reave a C'hrls l· fA CUI.TY ADV ISER ntlls party fl!r deven lJHy-. from lhe h<>furc j anuary ZS. \ nute placeci j ohn H Mackrnzir lnnit. .\vc. littys nuh which included in hi<> hox in Uoyuton will ..uffire. N.,w, PL.one.; B utnae 1J S-ZOI4 Edlaorlal 13-141 lS-20241 dinnt•r und somt• pr(•scnls fM l.'ach. .\11 entrie:i must be made in pairs. TERMS Tlwta Ka1) gnw a party fnr 25 boy~> That '" all lhere is w it j us t tell SubiCrlplicm pe~ tchool year, $1 .00, ainf!lc copies $0.10. Make all ebeck.s payable to Buaineaa Manapr. £1)Lered as second cla.111 matter, Septem ber 21, 1910, at the Poat who came from the 1'\ tturreth Or l'ruf. L(mgwell yuu wi.~h tn play. Otllct In Worcater, Mau., under the: Act or Marth 3, 1879. phttnngc in Lcic:e:;tor. The b<ws r<'· cciwd gifts. rcfr<·~hmenl s, and pri~~~­ 'l'hen hrush up on your (;oren and Blackwuod , or invent your uwn sysfur I(UIIlCS. lNll f'lny y<jur he~a nl the tnurna ELECrt0:\!-1 .\T I'SK. . .\ EI', To those who don' t know, Tltt• Pcddla is the year book of Worct.>s· menl, and who knuws, you may beter Tech publi hed annually by the .. enior clas . ll cunlains pictures SAE, LCA. i\l I'SK : Pre'>., :\1 Rilt>y ; of the campus. facuJty, members, Seniors, classes, organizations, Vice-Pres.. Walt Dick ; Sec., Dick C'IIOW this year's :\a1ional lntercolSUITS Made to Order with rovr I •- febrC~ .. • teams, and all class officers, captains, and nlanal(ers. It is a complete Mc~Jahan ; T rcas., Ray Coslinc. ll·!-liate Uridge Champions. _.,. ours llt to SSI-400 fA~ · r s _ picture record of the year at W.P.I. in uthletic:; and social life. This l•: k'Ctccl at Al-: t• were lh!l Followin11 : year The Prddler will also contain a list of all sturlents and their ~ l astt•r, AI Stro~uff ; Lt. Mas ter, Saul permanent mailing address. It i ~ ulso planned to have at least thirty Gurdon : ExchC<J., Hans Picard : pages of informal snapshots. Scribe. Charles Selwit ~. The new As Thr Prddlrr staff already knows, and which all of you have nflict'l'l\ al Sr\F: arc : Pre~.. Bub Qual· probably surmised by now, Thr Prddler cannot be published without financial backing. Th r Prddlrr depends solely on the fmances nc- lruchi: Vice-Pres., nrl Ackerman : cumulated from its advertisers, and the money which com~ from Trca~ .. Lawrence Bmutilo(:.tm ; Sec., Bruce Hailey. Elt'Clion~ a t LCA rr· the Individual subscriptions of th{' students. Men in all of the classec; owe it to themselves lo J&E't this printed Mtll~d in : Pres.. il l u 't tT nderwood ; record of each of the four best years of tht>ir lift>. Those who wert• \'k e-Prcs.. Oon SwntL'IIIIl ; Sec. Ht)h gTaduated a year or two bock wouldn't exchanl(e their books for Smith: Treas.. John Hunter. MANAGING EDITOR k onnld A. MoltH~brey NEWS EDITOR Jl1:1ul E. Evans



"il :\CF. THE L.\ST f SS n~ of 'ft;cn :\uvs, the Formal and vacation hnve come and gone. T he Craternit it'S have held elcclinns, parties and numerous olhcr functions. tudies alsn have held some interest and lhey reach a cl imalC ~tarling January 2Jrd. Then a<; always, they fall 1mt or Lhe Iimclight tl o; annthcr vaculion looms inlo view.



'29 1


love or money. The surest way to gain thf respect of your fellow s tudent~ is to do your part in pmmoting college uctivities. Every man in the school should be sure to order his Pf'ddlrr during tlw subscription campni~n . The campaign will be held through the f1rst week of the new term starting February 5. The campaign manager from your division will be sure to contact you personally and lake your ord(•r at thi:; time.


1!,\ ' KE'l'B;\LL is the main alh· lctic event or I he wintfr sensnn nud besides mnny fr.t!t'rnity mt>rl on the Tt·ch team, lhl.'rc arc the rratrrnily trams which play in lhe Won.:esh'r t'ity Lc~uc. ln this t':tle~ory fnll S.\ Jo: and TKI' . .\lso AE I" ami SPE haw played in ·mme Rllln~ bul arc nnl in lht> lea~uc.

Dear Editor, As the time for takinJ< pictures fQr 1'/tc Pr rldll'r hm• arrived \JI\CC , - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . : . . - - - . . . again, l looked over ·cveral rec-ent issues of the ycnrb1><)k to see just what it contnint>d and how, prrhaps, it mi~ht bt• improved. One thing stood out more than any other and thnt is tht> numerou ~ FI NE CLOTUES old photograph~ of the :;taff. ~ ome of th~e picturt's w<'re taken a ~ 1 ' inC'o' Lft9(, far back as 1900 (or at least it seem-. that way) . f 'orn wl P" Par I£ the studcnts can have their pictures taken every year the faculty C111•tom Mnde should hnvc theirs taken at least every live yea r~ a~ their reuturcs H.(•ttdy ~1mlP Cltllhing do not chun~e much in Inter lift' . L think thnt ,yuu will agree with me that somt· of lhr mrmber:~ vf tht> stn ff hnve chnngco considerably ."ihrr k.1 • '"'f'trt~>rl • S hirl• from the r>icturCl> thut rcprcl:<Cnt tht'm in the lns1 ls-.ue o£ 7'/tl' Ptddlcr. 330 i\IATN STREET So how about looking into the ~ituation nnd tryin~ to ~et new pic· Coo tra l llull!Uttlt lures or the entirr faculty !'0 wh{'n we show their picturt~ to friend~. ' we won't havt w sav. " But lw didn't look ul .111 like thut wht'n he ...._--------------' was my in~lructor." • Luhrkat ioo and RMIIt•rr -, n kl' EDITOR '~ Nn·n:: l\lost r<-liaiJir "itHirCc.>$ advl~t· buying the 1941\ Pl'ddlcr to ":.;er thrm as they ure.'' Fltrnworth' s Texaco Serv ic~ Station l'ombinecl clubs cc,ncluded wi1 h five Glef' Clul' Cmrcet·t (Continul'd from PaRI! I, <"••I. I) Cur. Lllahland & (; uulrllna SIJI. '-t'lertinns inc:luc1in~t '"\\'ith a !'onsr in ten by Cliff Green ) l y llttnrt". ",\mon~t )fy Souvt'nir-o", ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' T he third nud linn! part u£ tht' "Jralousy". "('Jc~ :L:> Pa!(t's in a Frf'f' 1),./ir;ory ul ,,.,.



concert orwtwd with the Beel-er Wee Club in n pensive mOf.xi singing the •·ChMu!\ nf the Bridesnutids''. Then the Tech nwn appeared anti the

Huok •·, and lht• (usl-steppinS( " Ru:.!li.m Picnic". (This finale wns pe.rrormed with the C(lll\plcte and exprc~s sancti(ln of the• l'ti\le Department.)

Young Vett~ Flo rist 397 1\l uin St.• Worc•e81'f'r !Opp, 'Wan l'rau l'• ·•

Ttl,phoftt 3•11 U

• onuo UI'IDU AUTliOim' OP nil COCA-COlA c;oaPAHY 1Y



January 20. 1948



Twenty year' ago Sanford- Riley t{3.1l arU..'t' from OUL Of the rich soil vf Huyn ton Hill. and wiLh it appearctl a sprightly, grey-haired eoJ.ti· neer uf human understanding. \\'ith a full life already behind him, H orace Rlb!'t>ll Perry became the assist:mt dormitory superintendent of SanfordRiley Hall at the age of sixty-two. For twt•nty years he has been contributing to the molding of the futures of hundreds o{ Tech freshmen. and simultuneously he has been countering the prankish doings or the lowly freshmen. He bef(an his work lUI a'lSistant dorm. superintendent and general advisor to the :.tudcnts. For ten years he \WI;; 1he campu!> medical staff, catering to Lhe iUs and growing pains of youth. And yet ht.> maintains that there is a quality of quitlne:.S about his j1>b that takes hold. \\'ith all the vil(or and enerJty u£ y1•ulh that hns for twenty year:. t'Chord through I he corri<lt~r,o: ur San(c)rd-R ilcy Hall, there still persists, ~ I r. l't>rry states. a pcacefuhws ... that relu:n·:; and calms u person. Years a~o:u when \\'.P.I. was known a:. the W orcester County Free lnslitute of Industrial ~cicn cc, Mr. Perry wru. taking his lirst s tt~ps in the wwn uf Leicester, und since then has lived fur the most purt in \\'urccster and Leicester. Later he married nncl wu~ .;oon cnstiru:: a fatherly eye on two <;uns, nne of whom became an An· nnpf>lis grnduntc When his scms mnrrlt>d he again cast hi~ t>yes, bu t then in a )lrandfntherly manner, nut twice but six time;;. ·in<"e Lh<'n the )'ear~ h:wt pa~d and he is nc•'''


IIO RACE R. I'ERRY castin~

a ((rent-grandfatherly eye nl hi three great-grandchildren. ln •llli;ervinl!, the ~trowth of his children. and their childrl·n and grandchildren, )lr. Perry flr:.l put to practice his formula for youth: " LN the young:.ters keep you young. Furgel the adage that what w:L.-. l(lllld t>nough for Dad is good enouJlh for us. 11 isn 't. Only by con tinuoiL~ readjustment to the ever-chnnging way · of uur civilization can we r~· tain our youthful spirit. ·• But at my age my work h:L~ w lie in an orderly wutine. Keep the work movinl;i but keep it in lhc dnr· mitory. When I lea vi' t he• cmnpus. my mind leaves TI.'Ch and d()C'l> lltll remember it again until I come hatk to 'fe<:h. Relaxing at humt', nnd still more important knuwin)t. huw 111 relax is somclhing that many pt>oplt• don 't know enoup.h about. (Ctlnlinu~


Png~ 4 ,

Col I )

Bt>imt' ll\'l(innin,~t this column your rt'J)IIrter w••uld like to pass :tlon~t. to whom it may ronccrn. the many \:lmlplimcnt:. which hnve bt't'n r~ cei''t'll on the ) l r:.. Gamld Hearsay culumn. \\'e !\till don't know who its auth11r wa).. I'he S. \\'.A. has hall 1wu nwetinJ.!S and a Christmtts party sim·e 11ur la~t column. .\ t tlw n c:cember meeting a Christ mas p:trty was discuS!Ied, nnll so with high hnpcs that our husbnnd." \\ 1>ulcl have no <'xnm:. the nmrninl( after the party, the date \Yils :.et fur Friday l>ec. 19. About lS peuple allcnuctl Once again we had Ill COntJWic with e;•xams and lost. It was n good party and we nre Jlratcfu l to the committee f•lr n line j(lb. Ruth Sh:tw played Christmas Carols ror J.!r!lllp sin!(illJt, and except for off-key ''IX:Uiizing it l;UUnded fine. )I j,~ Shirll'y :\lattson pro,•idcd Clt· <"Cilt'lll entertainment with her comedy nmnniOKue. llt'r rendition alone maclr the party worth nttcndinJ(. .In nnt• ~on~ whl'rc everyone was lo U'~­ sist with motions Miss M ntt~on dec:idt.>d that Uob Shaw «'~cellcrl nt muu1 hin~ like n fish, t() everyone's clrli~:ht , including Boh, Ray P haneuf 11htycrl Santa und flist rlbul <•tl the l(rab hal( presents. Tlw I'Vl'n ln~ ended with ice cream and punch llcin!( served. Our Ja,t nweting wa~ held Mon· tlay J:m. 12 in llw j anrt Earle Roum. We Hry regretfully accept('() the resignation ur Viola Gerber our tre:IS· (Cuntlnucd tl n Page 4, Col I)





1'be Slory of

J o hn Engstrom

Alter k. . ptno up w;lh 'ottOft, Joftn ftlo•••h eflloylrlo hh Oenerol fle ctrlc lob of trodtlng met -ologlcol bolloont.


Wllh tire Slonol Corp • In fvrope , hi• rod lo commvnkotlont le om he lped k. .p dloMeh open to Po""" durlft9 •i<tory drl•e .


By ROLA 0 BEDARD The anS\\ers I received ll> lhis Lime to make lheir decision after the week ·s question should be vr intere:.t vi:.lts are over. Ill upperclnssmt.>n especially. 1 asked Frank Flood had this to say: "The the Freshnwn " \\'ha.t tlo you think :.)'litem is the fai rest I have ever or the TKh rushin~ sy.-tem and cun heard of. but I would suggest some you sug~est any chanl(es to impmve minor changes. I believe freshmen the system:· should be permitted to break date!' l'hil o·c\mnor g:wc me this an· during the visiting periods, nnd the swer: "The rushing p<•riod is too visits should be spread out. Also. short . Thl' fraternity men do not the '' hnnd~ off'' period should be have time to get to know the frrsh- modified to permit discussion or framen well and the rreshmen tmly ternities but with no act ual rushing know lht: fraternity men by what permitted.. , The most favorable answer re~ they see in Lwo nights. The period ceivcd wa.o; lhis: " I think that the should be extended until thr fres hpresent Tech ystem of fraternity 111Cil can have time Ill lllCt.>l more of Lhe (mtrrnity men. The men should nt:;hing is about us good a system as be able ltl ,:tu in and out nf the it i..; possible to obtain. The lon~ h1>use.s £1\r a. certain length t>f time pt>riod of Lime over which it extends in order w lind oul what frnternity makes it possible for the freshmen tn meet most of lhe upper clas.~men ." life is really like.'' Ric Ferrari answered : " I think .\nuther an~wcr w:t~ thio;: " Thr that the system needs t{) be changed. dCirm rushing periucl is a very guod The present system does not Rive one time to mret the upper d:t!>Smen. ll trUI.' picture or the rraternit i~. H Thi.<> s hould IX' emphasi~ed io new IK1S.'iibll.• ome arran~temenls should frcsh nwn. The plerlge-to-l>e should Ill.• made whereby the freshman can 0111 have to mnkl' his dccislun sn <;non reully gel to know the fraternities uftrr the ecuncl ru hln~t period. but before he has to make his choice." shuuld haw u day or ~~ 111 nHtke t hi:; Three uther freshmen agreed on imp,>rtunt decision." this answer : "We think open rush· l\lany nf the men nwced with this In!( slwuld be held except In Sanford remark by Lcs Slocum : " ~~very 111her }Uiey. The frn.lernitie!l should be ni~ht llr twn a week during tlw pe· permit ted to entertain in any manril)(l when the Fl'ul>h vl'!it lht' huu se~ Llcr nnd nt any time. The present insletHI of cvt>ry ni!lhl wuul1l IX' 11 pledging system is good, however." f(rt'lll impmvcment." While there wn.~ a great variety J'au l Radnsch ancl Bill Murultl ur chanJ(eS :;uggested, aJmmlt every gave the same un~wer. They want rreshman desired one thing, more more time bet ween visit!l, and more time.



In Fc:hruary, 1946, .tftcr he haJ bappi lv :allowed himself ro become: "111.u:u"e" in the: ftlc:s of the Rescnc: Army Signa l Corp , John l'n~strom 11 f.1mllv llllln wrth rwo ktds wc:nr looking for hts first c.trccr-sizc job. He: was .1hle 10 rc:lv on rhc: help of an old friend hts kno\\ lcJ~c of c:lectrontcs. lwcr s1me he: suncJ trnkermg with radio sets in hss tc:cn , John ho~J been doin~ things in c:lc:ctronKs anJ clcctrontcs had bec:o do1ng thsngs fur him . A L the l in" er~& n of M inncsora he: h aJ C:Jrncd p.tn o( h tsc:xpcnses b'' ~crvil.rng rad1os. Gotns duc:1.. rh into rhe Armv afrc:r has ,~trad u.ur on 111 1'942, J ohn hJJ llrawn elc:c· rronacs as ignmc:nrs :u Fort '\1onmourh, in Sou th Amcrsct, anJ Iacer in Europe: with Geueral P.~rron. Joh tt Engstrom found his c.a recr-si~;c 10h :u'Gc:ncml Electric Rcporung to Elcc•ronic$ P.trk in Syra(usc, N. Y., he spcrn h1s firsc year 111 developmc:nwl engineering. Toc.by, ns 'rOJCCt cngtnc:er for the: Army-Navy rvtcrcoroO,II IC:ll PrOA(am, he i in charge of JevcloplnJ: tr.tckin~ and measurtng equirmcnc 11 solrd foothold in rw clcccronks future: . For your copy of "Careers in the Electrical Industry," write to Dept. 237·6. Gener al Elccuic Com pany. Schenectady, N. Y.


The news has been pilinJI up since thr la.<>t (serinus) issue cjf our lillie rag, whnl with the record ban now in effect and l'etrillu':~ law suit, and an ear-openinJ< tri11 tn New York by your scribe, nfter thr business uf which came the plelL'!Ure of hearing tan Kenton 's new lll(f(rel(ation und the J o<' Mooney Quartet In Lhe Ocsh, - hr should it he in the llesh-pnts. Petrillo ill bound lt1 IJf' prelly ("tiCk y for some t imc, now 1hat hcts beaten the rap of the Lea Act clHtri(C, - and beaten it so completely that t.be impotent lit tJe pic.>ee or ICI(isla· tion has been relegated into well· deserved limbo. So It Junks as if Lhe only way to beat james C. is fbr the musician~ tu desert his unionwhich won't happen witbnut better ~t im~tl us than the current situationor for both sides to talk a little turkey which CQnlingency Is equally remote. The only front on which there will be activity for 1\ while is the television tiff, where it appears the enemy may well IJreak through Mr. Big's lines. Write down the date Feb. 8th in your little black date books, and keep the evening and your ears IJI"len for Stan Kenton's concert at the Auditurium,-lt's the Sunday night after we get back from vacation. On the strength of the ban{l Kenton's had for the last couple of years, he walked away with the annual Dl1W1t· beat poll this year, despite the fact lhat he wasn't working from February to September. The band tbat

broke up with Stan's own break-up lust winter was a good outlit, but the !lection work was a little rouf(h, and the " book " showed growing pains. With this new band the book is prelly well ~rown up, the sections play together about as precisely as you could imagine, and the beat Is Incomparable. Through a ll his groping.s of the pa!!l few years, arranger l't~tc Rugolo has found how to makt' screaming brass dissonances a lhing or chilling beauty, and drummer Shelley Manne and bassist Eddie Sa{ransk i know that there are four beau that count the most, besides the tcchnjque that embellishes them. Those three men last mentioned , by the way, won in the Dowrrhcat poll in their respective specialties, as did june Christy in the vocalist depart· ment. That one was really a walk· away, and when you hear Christy do WiUtlW, Weep for Me and Lo11ely Woman, you'll know why. june hasn't any more pitch trouble,-that slightly "off " lone she used to have that detracted from the effect of her well-conceived nuances and slurs. Best numl!er J heard the band and ChriJity dv was a IJrillianl Rugolo manuscript of Over the Rolnbqw, When Uuyd Raeburn did it {with a George Handy score) it was modern and dissonant anti very interestinR, but it. didn't jell. Rugolo makes it jell, and the band more than does it justice. Christy's vocal is magni6cent, and the whole thing is a defi· (Conllnu~d on Pqe 4, Col. 3)

Jamury 20, 1948

f>a•e Four

from our treasury and ~th en I•• the I On

Debnting Club (Continued from PIIJlt I, Col 4)

Lerner "upportcd the negative. AI· thou~h Worcester Tech won the debate, Kallagher wru. voted thc best speaker of the evening. J udges for the contest were Mrs. Sanford, ~J iss Geraldine !\one and Miss Barbara Hrosnihan, all nffiliatl'd with the local school syslftn.

A new cup will be obtained and presented to the championship team, since Holy <.:rolls retained the old n~ after winning the intercollegiate debates lhree years in succession. Thus Tech ha,o, u pnrtial strangle hold on the new cup with two suc· cwive victori~ toward permanent ownership. Encouraged by these successes, our debating team is planning nn ambi· tious program for the future. Under the guidance o! President Henry Oletz and Manager Bob Lerner, the team is planning on a trip during the mid-year vacation. Negotiations are under way for debates with Fitchburg State Teachers and A.I.C. in Springfield, where plans are being made to participate in a one-half hour radio forum with American International nnd Springfield Col· lege. l>tbatin~ club members are eaf(erly looking rorw;trd to the dehate with the Norfolk Stale Prison Debatinl( Team. Participation in these debates will be restricted to members nf tilt> debatinlo( society who have had lltlle experience in intercollegiate debaLing so as to bol· ster the confidence n! the inexperi· enced members. Although C)Ur debating team has met with considerable success, only a small min<>rily of the students have seen the debating team In action. To alleviate this situation, thr SCA su(U(ested that the team conduct a debate during one or the stu· dent ~biles. As a result, a. debate is being planned for nn asstmbly some tltne in March. 1t Is hoped that another collef(e can be obtained ns oppontnts, if not, then the debal· ing club will ch~ their own ques· tion and a!SSign negative nnd uffmnn· live team.~.

Mr. Perry (Contlnul'll from (loge ;l, Col. 2)

That is why many people my aKe can not maintain my pace. And I shall keep thal pact> until tht- school t~ll ~ mt other wise."

Stude nt W ;.,,. Clttb !C'nntlnuro from I'~Rr .1. Col ,\ l urer. VIola has l>et>n ill and we all 'lt'ncl our wi'lht' fClr a speedy recovery. Lucille Ol ~on was elected to servt l llll the remaind~r of the yenr as treasurer. :\ :.mall sum wa~ vntcd 111 bt• tnkt>n


Endowment Fund . \\'e announce the iullt•winJ< date, and hope you will make note tlf them. Jan. 27 at 8 J>.M.. the SewiJl~ Club, in the J anet Earle Ro()m. Feb. 9 ,tt 8 P.)J ., regular meeling, in The Commons. Feb. 19 at 3 P.:'ll.. a Faculty Tea to which we are all in· vi ted, in the j anet Earle Room. At our last meeting it was di ~tw· cred thal many Qf our m~mbers nrc expecting additions to their familic~. AI ton~ last they will have an outll't for lhe surplus accumulated fmm previous receipts of $90 per month.

and ()I! the Record

(C:unonucl.l Crona Po~:~ ·' Col.

Thus the curtain rang d o wn on the club's acti\•ities for 1947, but (Conlinul-d Crom Page t Col. I ) 1 9~ 8 ~ being ushered in on the twenin the Janet 1-...'l rlc: R01•m, rm ~ ovem­ lwr 19. 'I he ~pea kcr a t tht~ mcetinl( tieth uf January in the Janet Earle wao; th<: Reven:otl ~l r . J. Parke.-:. of Room when Dr. Chang, of China ' St. John '<; Epi!>Copal Church. H is will be the speaker. topic was " \\'ha t Is ~Ian ? ' Tn wind up 194 7, the d ub sched· uled a Kala meeting on Det.ember 16, Outing Club in the Ja net J<:Urle Room. ~J r. Philip (Cominu ...-d from Pnge 1, Col 5) . il ver, Jr., spoke un •· Brooklyn". team3 there. To round out lbe \\'hile the /(roup were enjoying their viJ.:orous winter program. tbese outrefrr:.hme nts, vario us members were d011r men have planned a ski trip to ;;ts kcd IU tell thr club of the impor· tant festivals, corn:spondin~ to Tuckermun Ravine during the Sprin~ vucation. Christmas, in their countries.

CQsmopolitan Club


nition uf what's right in bi!(-band Jlrl'l(rr~'"iw jalt . T ht• hand i:m ' t perfoct, by any mc:m~. The soloist!' t·ould l.~t: better in l\otne departmenL'\. ancl not all vf the ,wre.-:. hit the mark,-particu· I:Lrly Tltrmc to tltc Wt sf. Tlle adeli· tiun of Jock Costanza \ bongo dntms und o I{Uitar put even tn()re punch and ~wpc in the rhythm o;ection, but tliC' bon,l(u is nften redundant when rt mon like Manne is playing the dru ms. The importunt thin!(, however, i1-1 the overall sound of lhll band.


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uml wat r h hrou·o•lf'l .. In to ... n .


Rubber accelerators lead the way to new agricultural fungicides Vulcaniutioo 8CCelerotorw Cor rubber and .ugricultura l fungicid~ W()uld iK.<em to have UtUo in common. Hut t..he wide variet y of int.uretJla ot men in ~he Du Pont. orgoniU~tion 80m!'lime~~ n'I!Uit. in outstanding d ovclopmenU! from euch appa.rently unrelttWd product.H. A rubber chemiAL llUKfiOIOLt!(llo o plant pathologil!t tbnt d e rivHtlvt18 of dit,hio· ca rba mic acid, NH rC (S )Sll , paN'nL wbet.anct of a well- known group of rub· beruCC(lletatol'll, oo Wf!IAld llll ill.ll(lCticid08. Hia auggC~~Uon waa btii!Od un lhu poMi· bUity t.hatsulfur combined in thlii form might be moro ofl'ooLivo Lhun fn..'4lllulfur, a recognir.ed illllOCtlciclu. Entomolol{isb• nnd plnnt. poLholol{iat8

made Cro m ethylenediamine and mor· pholine. ln t.hia pluu!e or the wo rk. organic chemists playoo on importl.tnt wte b y lluggC8ting vruioWJ derivntives and preps ring th em for telt'-8. Later, in ClllK'll where proper d i.spel'llion nnd ad· herenceor i.hecompo~tnds to J>la nla were import.llnt., lhe skill o f phy11ical c:hemisUI waa culloo u pon . In ge neml , tho compounds o f greAI.er chemical stl.tbillty were found to be 11.'88


flr11t ond simplest. produ ctll t clllcd, l.he molh yl der~.val ivWI, proved t.o be lhu be11t fungicides.

tho funf(lcidnl llll well O.H the inllec ti c idnl pr opll rtl ca or this IJl'QUp. One of the fln~t. compou n d11 tesl· ed, IIO<lium djme thyld ilhioc·Ltrbnmnte, (CH a).N -C(S)SNn, even in dllutio011 of 1:30,000, Willi found to ben powerful fungicide, but 110mowhat. injurlou. lo plant lire. This led to a IYttWmlllil· progrom o f ~rch inutudinJC othl'r metllllic tnltl!, the e thyl, propyl, bu~yl , phe ny l, and other aryl derivati ves of thl' dithioe~~r­ bamatcle a nd thiumm m o no- and diaullidee, a nd tho related compound3

nffoctivo. Fungicldnl efficiency di min·

islhed with increa~~e in s ize or alky l radlcul, and lUI aryl radiruals W\ll't! I!Ub!ltituted

fo r nlky l. Thull the unus unJ situotiun dovaloped that with lhe e11cep tlon o f

tho bisothylene (ditltioc.arbluntttC8), the

Jron Md zinc dimcLhyldithiocarbom-

otes. (CH a) , N C(S ) -S- M-S- (S ) C N (CHa)t, are now 110ld as "Fer mnte" fun-

gicide and ''ZerlnLe'' fungicide ret~J)Cle· Lively, for control or fungous d ~of m ony fruit. a nd vegeta ble crope,


bacco, llowers a nd Olhcr ornarnent.allc. Zinc e tbylenebis (dithioca rba mnt.e) . Zn (-SC (S ) N H C H,C H,NH (S) CS-) , marketed as "Panate.. fungicide, htua apeciftc action in the control of Jat.e

1 . L lkheroh, Jr. Ph.D., CerMII •44, •""' A. H. O...ln, M.S., Unlv.,..lty ef Weet VJrwlnt. •n , lett efflclen~y •f " PWJr.,. .. fvntlcW• 111 ceftlnl ef ,...,.,. '"'" Wltht •"" Morll '"''· 1""'""'.,., I t t,-clelly cfetl tiiM l•._.terr ,,....,


blight. on potntoeaand tomatoes. Tetra· mcthylthiurnm disulfide, (CH,),:NC {S) ...S.S.C (S) N (CH ,) ~, is wted in t wo com J)OIIit.ioDII, a11 "ArWUln" diajnfectant for soed1J and "Tenmn" fungicide for

t.u rCdiBooll('jj. Overall. lhe derivntiv<'8 of these grouJ)ll of cnm poundB proved to be out · at.ll nding 811 fungicides, rather than 1111 int~eeticides. Although a m.nrked d e gree of spooific lty for d ifferent PWit8 was ohllroclcriHtl.c of tbe m embers of this I!Ories, it is interet~ting to note that. all l laree were l\ighJy effective. •rhis work ofl'CI'IIIJUII nnother elUimple of how t he breadth or lnl.ereftt in 8 compo.ny like D u Pont CAn lend to worthwhile de-


Questions Colleae Men 1sk •bout worklnr wtth Du Pent What are the opportunities for research men? Ml!n qualltled for fund11menlal or applied re-.rch are o frered unuaual opporlunilieal in facnhlt!ll and funda. lnveetl~alione !n the fielda or o rcanlo, lnorranio and phyaic:al chomlatry. biololr)', JlllriUiitololr)', plant pelhology and enflliOOJ'iniiUIIC.lthe wide rante or act.lvltlat.. Wrhe for booklet, "The Du Pont ComPftny a nd the Collqe Graduate " 2421·A Nemoura Dullding, WUmin(ion



The Heflenum Press 150 Frf'tnftnl Str<'et.



Mor~ {Qm ahow l'rln'- .. Tll a 'fiCB IC8WI

Dw Pont -

of Ammr•," MottJII'Jt, 8

Lsttn to "Cr,alcatk P. M., ESTo11 N BC



20. 19·l8



Engineers Down Devens 61-49

~--:---:-~---=-------------' Ta·iuity Etlges Tech fht.> Interfraternity port!:> picture Bowen have all IJeen turnin.. in out- [ 1'ht•t"11"1112 Ca!!"' · •r idl bt- ·n · h · .. n 1



nmR to s npe up w1lh







•~ r;



Tussle~ 44-:J9

"- ·'"

•Tech Five Dazzles Ayer Qui11tet To Avenge Pre-Chri tmas Defeat Roge r Cronmck, R Howaa·d L d ea r cch S<·orer·s

climbed ltl 46·26 and 58-38. In the lust live minutes. with the prc~sure und bowlin).t now well under way. d ou~ly in his divins:. However , ther<> Fuhcr S 1ar1:1 lor llleu• r • off. tb(.' GJ ·~ closed the gap to 12 S..\.1•:. b currently on top with an 1-, no one to cop thP vital third Anti Gold Tol'l~<f'rt~; l h·ida points. Bill Crimmin, who was high 80 1x•int a~:~r~ate with Theta Kap plact's. For instnnce, in the Turt5 Act• for Home T eam Tt•t•h Jun ior Vunoity Lo cs scorer for lhc visitors wilh II point<~. :1 ,)l,t..tnt :.ccond with 77 points. Silt ntt't't in one race Tech \VU'> \mly able Trinity Cullt'{!.C withstnutl a la.~t Tu Oe-,•.-ns J ay\'f:'CS 38-29 scored them all in the second half. \lpha" high total resulted from a tu enter one man while Tuft ~ en· minute pt)int·makinSt effort by the In flrt'limiuary AlthouAh none of the En~ineers lit' tur iin.t in tennis and a tie for ter<'cl two. \\'ith ftr:H place J.:Ood f\lr EnAinct:rs ur \\'.P.l. to MIA<' out th~ Ted1's net quin tet renlly came into counted for any sensntional number ""t'umcl in tht: relay:.,. RegnrdJe,.~ or fuur points. second for thre..-. and Boynton-Hill<'rs. 44- JI}. The hnlf its uwn la$1 Saturday night when of uask<·tll, llix of them scorrct 11vc h<l\1 they fore in bowling, they will thil'd fnr two, il require:: no calculus time $CIWI' was l $- t8. with T rinity thry defeated Fort Devens Culleg,e or more apicc;e. It must be rrmcm· bt• leading the pack when basketball to lil(urt> out thut rqcurdlt•:;s of how till lllj). In iht' Te\'11 ~m. The EnJtint•crs bered thnt Cromuck 'lunk his 14 rull' .1rmmd. anti it 's no secret tbat well Tech's entry did, Tuft-. ~ol more Tht• H.1rt rord J>t•cdstt•r:;. paced by won their nther two hume contests point:; while plnylng only slightly S.. \ .E. t'i~ure.s to repea t u ~ ba~ketbull puints. You mi~otht be the man th<' thc:i1 net• playm!lkcr ;uul c~1ptain . champ$ a~ain this year. •\rt Cullins. swim team n('('(l ~.. \\'hy nut ~ive it with ·nrwich and Arnolrl hy sensa· more than hnlf the ball gnmto. .. Rt'fl" Faber. helrl :c I 5 point ad· inrnwr J ay,·et~ ~tar , should make a try? The play wus rOUAh and ready liunnl lust minute spurt.-.. but :IJtninst vanllt~t· with less than ten minutes till' G l':~, Cllach McNulty's charges lhrnughNut and the orticinl~ callrrl tht·ir hoop team ... tronACt th;m ever. Tl'ch really found il.,eJr a~-tninst rem:cinin~t . Then a rupid s prt•c nf l>hiiWt'd t hdr rnn!i what a Lmskt•t bull muny penalties, nllhuugh tht'y didn't llclllcver. el•ery fraternity undoubt· l>t·vt•ns Saturday nl).(ht and put C)ll puinlmakln~ by Tech hmu~ht tht• 11.'11111 Iouks like. The Ttchnll'n were ttlways nppcnr tu he the right ones. r·ctly will he more potent I his sea~un . a shnw t hut left lit tit• l I ' II ' .. l'ht Sig i,. , lw· . .111 t h • . II )( t'SirCn. En~imw' tu within two points of :t .LJa .~?~ d c nm~mg. · • · l>even~. n :;uppo~ellly hnt club, lli'V· It{·, 40-.lS. with ahout throt mimtll'S in th~ driver's seat thmughlltll the 'L'cch wns punished for 22 114'r'lnnal · t:lllut"r • the A:tml' aftrr thf.' liro;t affair. IIU lrunninl(, outJ hooting :tnd fnuls and Drven~ ftlr 27. Tht' EngiIIur . 1f 1y • an Howle Grl..:n 1er \Ia" 111 rt'IIMinin,tt. F11r Lht• r•·mninrit>r or the' 11111 make'h.\.1~. 1'. ll stron~ contend· h•tH 11 • T•ch t· l ' , • b • .., c . n1er1 unc1 ever n~t~rt''\· stru,~tglt• . however. the nnly "CIIrinA nutlhmkinl( thr visitors rrum Ayer. necrs mi~st·d nint' llf their free throw.. 11 t•r. . . 1 e•a ·" •'P, WI e tough tn • "' . ' " ~ . pourct1 ·m t he hiWifls unci tuuk ih~nt' wu-. frum the fuul lint•, where Thr halftime wunt .,howNI \\'.1'.1. and thl' \'rterans II. ahrn<l 29-21. Th!' mar~o~in was ex· Captnin Cuncorditt p layed hi!> heull. . . • ~ hcla ( ht ~as plenty of II ('tlmmandin)( 20 JlHint lcucl tl~ the I ht• llh1l' an1! Gnhl adtlctl four more ~-tc~l( matenal.. ... . S1g En bas u I•a:;t• 1ut 1r wore un . If tlw ll'am· can pnlnt~ 111 tlwir IC>t:tl. n11tl tlw Engi- lt'ncil' d to 20 puint;; twkc in the ser- u~uul Nlccllt'nt game. John is as ,.,.u•mn mmbmt~t•un back . and so it ~·oniinue to play tlw brund or h II nN• ri' Cllll n lt'CI Ulll' t~nd pcriiK!llut no effort wn'l mncle to slNuly a.~; lhr Rock of Gibrtthnr and on . duwn, . the line· . run up an overpowering !ICtlrt'. his defen!llve w11rk is alway!\ sparktht.•y showed thcms1.•h·t., rnpablc anf " Rt•d'' l~nber was tlw wholl.' l"how \t t h b \HIIliiJt. I'.G.D. and P.S.K. pinyin~. ~lass. ll will bt' in for a RnJ{er Crnmnck with 14 points, lln~t. Ht and Steve Udch al the for Trinity, scorinJC 20 point ~. dump· ci~ht Hf them fmm the free thrnw othtr guard SIXlt broke Ul) many nf Mt' leadin~: lhc keglers. huuld very tnu~h cvenin~o~ nmw F..-h 7. iiiJ.{ 9 out uf I Z :>hot!\ !rum the firld P (; D win the bowling and repent line, wn~ hiJth 'K'Orer nf the evening. thr Gl's scorin~ threats. Russ Bmdand 2 fur 4 un the f•Jul lint?. In acldiollo(Uin in swimmin~ they will be neck Rof(£'r playNI his best wune of tht' lnw also looked good durin~'( the short 1ion hc: assumed morC' thnn his share in neck wilh S.A.E. when sprinl( seasnn, ln<lklns.t excellent hHill f)ff the time he wns in tbe game. Rus!l of t hl• flefrnse. ~toppinl( many potenbn11rc ls nnd ft't'ding from hl!l pivot looked especially ROOd pnsshll( in lo ~port~ come arouud. tial lhn·ats hy in t erception~. Tech rn~ition. Richie Hnward SCt}red JO the bucket itnd on defense. Forwards l.a~t year SilL Ep and Phi Si~ were mptain John Concordia did an rxpoint<~ anri covered the rchflund'l as Howard and Carlson worked well tQthe teams to beat and this year both rellent job in holding the ambide:<· Thl' Radio Club, olreally one or H he h:td prinj( steel for leg muscle!>. gcther :tncl there was none or the fua1 prc~ent are well down in the trous red-head to two field ~o.~ls in I he• most activE" clubs on tht· hill, is Tt>ch 01Wnl'd up an early 9·2 lead rious mlllinf( amund which ha~ char't nndin~~. T\\ O years ago it was the seconrl hull. un g!l:cls hy \nrlson and CntiC'Urdia ncterizecl Tech teams in past sea!IOns. Thew Kap un top. Thi-. s hows how also becoming one or the best The poinLo; for Tech wen• almost Ctjuip11ed. Recenlly, a surplus Code unci 11 fnul shot by Cronmck. The '1F.l'll r~ t,. ')' n~v~:Nsr r t I'VI.'n 1he compel iii on is which llffords Kt.•ycr hns been obtained, und next equally shared hy f\)rwnrd!l Bob 1 a nic<.> contra l !o major league base· Vt•Lernns rnllicll ltnd c;('nler Eel Ze- ~:~.:!i',:~. ~ 1\ ~ ~~~~;~'"' t ~ ~ ~ term classes will be concluc.tccl in the Car l~ton and Richie llowarrl , center b~tll wlwrr thr 'nme few tea m~ arc law tlt•d things up ttt II all with a ) 1,:i~~~~~ r 1 j '~ ~;~~~1. r oo n Rose Crnmack. a ntl ~uard Slcve US(' of this instrument. pennant winncrc; yeur after year. IIIW hantlt•r frnm lh(' !iidc•. Devens' rj;' ~ ~·,rn~,: ·: ~ I~ ~~,~ ... ~ r ~; : ltdc h. Strve, pinyin!( hefore a home Lntt:ly funds have l)t'en made l'nine. Rybnck and Skif:ts pulled c·unmrtllo w i 2 • Burdell~ : f ~ If unly a ft·w more felluws with tnwn t;rl)wfl. JlUl on ht~ best e:<hibi~ ~~~~~~~~11 1; '•mw swimmin11. ability bad gone out uvniluble to the club by the- Jnsti· tion of ihe senscm, with 11 t;tJperb rthrarl to lt'ad by 19· 16 but thill wall ~j~;:~•: Lute, anrl with thrse it 1~ intended for the t eam. Tech's na.tators would ' '' IX' tht G l's last A ash of brilliance. p~,~~:... o o o ~~~~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ 11 1 1 t hut tl surplus receiver will be rn)UJ.:hL til k tr !(II mr. ht• undefeated rather than wi nless In T rinity stnrtrcl out wilh a rush, Wh h seven•I fresh reserve:~ in the Tr; t ~l20 jll fl1 1t!ttd • tS 1 0 ';9 In lbe rneanlimr duh members thl' two mccls thu~ far. Tbe ten m nncl huilt up n '!i7.ablt.' leact In the lineup Tf.'l·h a~ain assumed Cllntml. 1'!•lfclntr ····•c ·rrch ;IV, l)tv•n• ~· n•l•••tl McKtrnUI : t'oriMt•n, lielrlt. l lluward ha' the quality uut nlll the qu:1ntity are rwerbauling the transmitter and first twrnty-iive minu te~. in ~·lhrnwo ,2. ("rum~·"· Jtar' Jt'rnm AoiJ Curl'lon llUl thl'm in the fore rollrr• <' q uippinl( it with many new im· 20· 17 with a shot frum the corner ~~;.,~:{~•:•"· Rrhar k, Mor~ ln 2. Zelun 4 , n~'tletl to win. ~ lad " ed. Kt~bn , nncl th<'rc on they nppartonUy tried to provements in order lH increa<;e it!. fuul~ : <·art•nn 4. llnward. rollin••· Krrnon ~' Concordia •· llra.tlaw 1. tlddt tn:.lo,t humr. bul were rurll'ly nwak- a.nd ba.,krt s by Howard, Andy free- ~lrr'>'""""l land nnd Jim McKernan ":1\ll' the ~. ll••n•. Convrroc. Kolodnr. l'atne 2. nor ranr.:c. ,.. •I!'" 2. ll ) ltarl< • . \hl"ton, Zf"ll''' l, lfiho 5, en<'d 111 thr fact that llwy werr in The club is loukin~o~ forwartl tn an a ball g:u1w n.s their lt>nd dwindled En~incers their 29-2 1 halftlmr uri- 1 '"""''" 5. N-11ltlnll Jim 01\Ut~. R•r.rrro.~. Jl11"" •111 ~'"rarriMAU or....... bi ·tnlnull' h•l••· mtive interestinJ< 1941\. vnntagr. ln two puints. But wi th the !l<'Hre UK\I HNll J. V 1' F.( II J. V ht r,, t1• r-I h•1 t1I Tech nprncfl Lhe !l<'t'lllld slfln1.1l by iJ.Q.;U~ In their ruvm guard Joe Pon· Ji(ll~r·rhlll I It I Srouln f Jlrrllll~k J I \ Mtthtlm~n D n ~ 'opurt in~ to a .34-23 I earl nnd hold inS( q:ciJe, a rul(ged memb~r uf T rinity's AT TilE Please W fltrl• f'urtl• I • f) 1(, t:m•tr I ~ I II I I) 2 l.cwi• 0 0 ~ nnc..t·hcatcn griddrl"!, ~orect his only Ocven~ scorcle!ts (QI' the opening fi ve llo• rol••t• Orllow •"• r ll n 0 Oilton < 6 0 11 Bullt>titt llofml twn poinl'l of the evening (rom the minutes. In !!pile of the fuel that \lonln••tt I 2 I 5 nrl•wal•J () 0 0 1\nnl > I I 1 f7rtt""'"''" • I) I) f1 f••u l linr. T heo:;e Lwo hnops broke n1..ervcs were user! freq uently, twelve N>•nlnn 1 I ll I• Wrhrt I) () 0 l~llht'rl 11 1 I .1 For Srlwdule tht• huck of lhe Tech uttack. nwn In all seeing actiPn, the score fll n111 0 I) f1 l 07 llig hluml Strtw t l.l ,12'1 'l'otllll< 17 ~ ~~~ 1'~t "l• of GrtmiJ (llld the relays long completed unci lbllurd has improvt'd tremen-


Radio Clttb Buys Keyer








At Our Fotwlllin





AJ.- und I<'P Cren m Only 10;


Elwood Adams,



Ory Cleaners at1d Latul(lerer s

lndu1trial Sup,U.. Dil•rlbutor. lawn and C a.r de. !!la]lpllee Hard ware, Toole. Palat. firr_plai'C' F11rnl.11h in~A

154-156 Main Street Worceeter, M....

Worcester Telegram

Boot11 - Sorb Parka• Arm y . 11r_p_lu• Sid Pont•


l l. S. Huhher Snow Paf'ktt uncJ All Ruhi'H"r Rool8

Sunday Telegram

I J 3 Highland . t., Worcester

Radio Station WTAG


."iki, -

The Evening Gazette

A S pecialty


Skiing Entluasiast!

20% Mark Down thlp JM'W8 lllr ultl 10" 12" 16..

289 MAIN Ss.-cor. Enhan1e St.

l(tf•rr~~. "'l~rUAII ontl lltt<lt)'IIA

AUenlion .411 Sailor. The Naulical As!IOCiatlon is planning to sell their twelve root, class I>, rowing dinghy complete. This is an excellent boat for lak(•s and coastal water. Fast, well built, easy tn handle, and in good condition. T he boal must be sold as soon B!l possible• For further details and in· formation cuntact Dove ~·lood, Theta Chi.

Paae $1x


Tech Mermen Lo e To B.U.

44 -31

P.G.D. Take Top

1\fndwe•l, Bowen, and Kahn Take F irsts In Close Con tr~t

trr ( Bowen, Kahn , liii.S$Iln) 3: 26.6. 210 ) d. frt'estytr-Appt<t (T ), Brown t W), Curby (T). 1:-40.5. 60 yd. fn.'tsl.)'lr-Mmnt hry t T ), Madw~ t W ), Ol&on ( \V) ,\1 .2. Dlvln~C-11 111 (1'), Cillnea (T) ; Jlallard t W). 100 yd. rr~l ylr-Mnnlht) (T ). M lldwrd ( W). liusa n ( W). 57.4. 150 }d. barlo.~trokr-How•·n (W ), K11hn

(T) , llarrinl!ton (T ). l :SM. 200 yd brrMUlrokc--KAhn (W l, \Vrlch (T ). Clancy (T ) . l H9.6, 440 yd.. frccsl ytc-ApJ~d (T), Brown ( \V ),


440 yd.

( 1').


l::t~ tabli,;h e "

e w Record A Thf'y Win Meet ou Final Du y



Postal Station

111 Hig hland St. TEl.. 34298 "ie~ Dl'I.ONG 111 Yo ur frolt•rnh) ur ROGER "«1 Y£ a t Dorm f'ur C:"ll or Drli•·.-r & .,... ite

Jay's Cor11eJ,. 15 1 1-IIGIILAND
















I'.G.O. T .K.P.

7 ()





5 5



4 li

S.P.E. L.C'.A. T .C. .\.T.O. .\ ,E.P.







5:.15.6, rtlny - Wun Ly \Vo•· l hs.•~n. Modwtd)

NOTU~ E lttmthm all mcml.Jrrs M thr routball nnd soccer teams. Tht> Election (If captains \\'ed. j un. 21 Higlaland Barber•lwp nt Gc>neral Assembly. "l'lnl Cltn• llfri~•u" AlC1•l Erl m•n. Prup. :\J:,o. athiNir c:ertif•cates \\ill bt' Ill IUGII I.AN D • TRF.ET d-·' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ----' awnr ~"· ~ester


Ill #



l'.G. O. liltrally ran off with the htrnurs in the latest ruoninl( of the By failing to win the> last t>venl , fnterfraternily relay ro.ces nnd clithe 400 yd. relay, the Tt>ch swim- maxed lbe running with u r<-cord ming team W!IS h<lllclcd their '>CCOnd 2:22.2 fc,r the three trips around lhe defeat of the season, at the hands of tlvul. The series was featured lly lhe Boston University mermen. The many close and excitin!( races nod score ended with Bo:;ton University reached the height of excitement accumulaUng a total of 44 points to when the title was decifled on the Tech's 3 1. last day of the meet. rn the races Pnccu lly the ever improving ur that day T.K.P . nosed nut S.A.F.. Madwed, Tech kept on CV('n terms and dropped them from first plact', wilb the Bostonians up until lhe la.\t paving the way for P.G.IJ. to come event. l\ladwed, Bowen, and Kahn home the victor. Never ones to look nf Tech took firl!t places and con· a gj[t horse in the mouth, I'.C.D. immediately applied the clincher by tributed most to the Tech ~use. outrunning J>.S.K. in a new recQrd This year Sid 1\Iadwed is n contime. sistent point geuer for the team. His .suddtn improvement over last season Throughout the season P.G.l>. lost bas been a pleasant surprise to but one race and that a very close Coach Frank Grant. He has already match to S.A.E. in which Harvey won his letttr for this year and is Howell, a newly acquired pledge and expected to give a l(ood account of an outstanding runner, made the difhimself for the remainder of the ference for S.A. E. Many nf the stason. teams receh'ed valuable help from This year the team will lvse only lhe running of their pledges whu four men through l(raduation, Has- were acquired shortly after the ~:>ca­ san, Billiard, j ordan, aJtd Olson. The son opened. S.A.E. 111ighL well have only bri~ht spot of this loss is that managed to walk off wilh the title they will be replaced two-fold by the but for an early season defeat and members or the freshman swimmin~ lbe illness which Howell suffered the team, who will be eligible for varsity last day or the St'liSOn . Huwcver I competition next year. The fresh- r.o.o. was by far the !.>est team of man team consists of Laney, j ohn- the meet and it is only fitthtK that son, Sinn, Cramer, M essinger. Lady Luck and a hard running T .K.P. team assured them o ( their Brown, Anderson, nnd Hodgetl. 'f.KJ'. Results of the meet on j anuary 10, wt>ll deserved victory. dropped their first race of the season 1948: JOO )d. medley- Won by Worcuttr and then started winning only to bt stopped by r .G.O. and fmn.lly put <Bowrn, Kahn , HaliSiln) 3:23.5. 220 yd . fretslylr-Su~bllf.ns ( R), Corn. the finL'lhing touches to S.A.E.'s in~t (8), Brown (W) . 2:.38.7. hopes for the title by ntl!lin)( them 60 yd. frt't'stylt- Caull (B), Madwrd out in a close race. (W ), Olson (W). Jl.7 , P.S.K., last year's title winner, sufDivln11- Robl1150n ( B), Ballard ( W ), J ordan (W ), Curonowllkl ( B). 8J.8 poln l.l. fered from a lnte start and illness to 100 )•ds. Madww ( Wl, Cnult ( B), their anchor man, Norm Clark, ond Nickerson (lj) . 59.?. ftnally ended in a fourth place tic Backstroke How1• n ( W), Wl1ncw!kl with S.P.E. The new lith.• winners, ( B) , Olson (W). I :53. 1. Breaatatrokr-Kahn (W) , Elmer ( 8 ), P.G.O., all ran well (as witnessed Walt ( ll) . 2:50.1. by their times) and left no doubt 440 ydl!.- Sttbbens ( 8 ) , Curnln~o~ ( B), that lhey were well deserving of the llrown (W) . S:SV.I. title. Weikman and Watson were ~00 yd. relay-Boston u. 4 :00.6. ( For standout performers for P.G.O. Ttt!b : Madw~, Kah n, Hassan, Olson.) throu~bout the season. Othc>r stnndScore: Boston U. -44 1 W .P.l. 31 , Ottts of the races were: Howell Another ThrUier Jan. 17, 1948 (S.A.E.), Brennan (T .K .P.), llaas Tu£111 ;i8-Tec-h 37 (T.K.P.) , Clark (1'..K.), Rehri~-t Summary: ( P .K.), Williams (S.P.E.), Ft>ri(U· JOO ) d. mrdlt) rtta)•-Wun hy Worces- Stln (A'l'.O.) and Gannon ( L.C.A.).

Janu•'1 20, 1941

l' i\ll. Ol.tONG lll'p'l'~t>llll1ttJ

Honor in l .F. P.G.D. Tcnm


(!Iowe n. Kahn ,


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