\ olum
\1 1\
49'cr Prom Plan Completed; Pcrfc(~t Weather Gnara11teed llucldy l\1ort>no'to< Buncl (,, lee CluJ) Slatc•cl to Proviclt> tlw • Sc•ntimt•utaJ traiu10 U('C 1Huae I ht u· It''' than \\Ct'k' lrh ~ \t:· It"'· th.tn '"""eel., in "htt'h t o1J>, a•.l. h.H )lirl the 4Q't'r" l'rum
Skull Tapping Features Assembly Elite Juniors Honot·ed by cnior Society
Nc·w S kull 1\l t>mbert~ "auark Tf'da AthJe lic-
\l hich t• u ntluu htrdly the hiJthh)lht ,,f ''" i.tl t·\ rur... on 1he Tt•ch campu ... J'l.111 l11r the Wt•ckrnd ha\'r ju"t .tl>uut ltc·t•n <"lllll)llrtecl. anti mur h uf tht• t rt·tlll i' rlue tu j im l'cera" and l't tt• " ·'Iii tht• ;thlt• (11-t.hairmtn of tht l'rlllll Jutl):injt from the IL•l ur .u ti\ittt'•, <.,untby evenin)( "llllultl prudut e m.u1y tired but r umplctdy .,Jii•lu·rl fti hnwn whu fl.'t.•l that thi'\ 1\l'l'l;rml has ht.·t•n the beo,t t'\'t'r. l·mluy t' \'l'n i n~o: will llluch the fu~;c• c•f 1he• lonJ.i ~~ rin~t flf ~ta l a t'\•rnt o, ar· tctmlmnyln~ot thl· wet•kcnn, with thr f" rm.tltltuwc• at \lden ~ l cmorinl. .h '""'' uf )Ull alrrady know. the h;tncl ' 1.1nd '1111 he tnkt>n 1>ver by Buddy \lurt·nu and hi' natinn,tlly famuu' ••rdK..,.trJ lh•f11rt' furminJt hi:- hand, Uucld} "3' fralurecl \'t~taJi,t with Harry j .tmr,, .md l'incr then he hao; n 11 hrd ~trt•.tt hril{ht'> uf pupul.trity "ith hi' u\\n unhrMm Thr dundn).! will t•nll nt onr u'clnck ami mnny of thl' "furm,tlitt•<;" will return to the hilll'rnit}' hciU~'I fur )ate "natk', ,tf· ttr which the mt•n will m11ve nut lt•:t \ in~t tht• wnmrn in full Jl'"'l'''ion ..r tht• huu'-(' ll'••nllnulfl t•n l'll~t ~ Cc•l 1)
Colhy Glec:a .lub To H t~ (;tH'I'l S of Tf'ch Cl uh On lht' 2 4 th
I ht• member:- uf I ht• \\ un t''-ll'r 1'1·lh l : h:e rtuiJ p.td..t-.1 tht'tr h.t'-l' .....llurtlay ami tnul. .t tn p tu l ttlhy .luninr Cullr~ote in ~l'\\ l.t•nclun, '\c•" I l.un p~h i re. f:\'eryune h.ul .t wciiHier· ful 111111.' frnrn the lilllt> till'~ :tHI\ I'tl until th{' time tht>y left rm 'unclay
l'lw t'\'eninK t"'llll ('rt turned out to lk• a Kreu t l.ucce&. nncl tlw nudlc•nu! t''(JIIt'~~l·fl
their enthu.-,ia!im wll h ).1('11 e mu~> appluu~e 1hruuJ.!hnut tlw JWr· rurm.tlll l'. \ftt:r tlw ( nnu·rt thl'n' " ·'' o dan te, and rdrr,hnwnto. \\t'lt' , 1·rq•rl.
Pi Delta Ep ilon~ New Honorary O(•icty . ~ E~tah1i b ed at 1~~(·l1 IC
!'hi" !'-aturday t'\rnin~ot \pril 21. tht• ( nlhy Glee Club \\til l~t• I(Ul' '' ~ I ht• unnu.tl \\mid "ltllll nt ~r\ ice n ( tht• Tech Glee Cluh Tht' Cunrnt \\ ill ht• lwhl at :\lrlrn \l~mHrial \u l· unll Orl\'t' ha~ oll(olln hc.'j(llll. Thb funfl is kepi up 111.11111)' hy CCIIIlrihu· rlilurium and will lx•fllll 111 1\ · I~ . 111111', fmm '\nlt'rll!lll M hocol unci rnl \ht>r the concert thrrr art• plan~ h•~tt• "tudt•nh and prufr"nrs for a~· for ~~ d.tnce ami f.'\'t'r}'IIOl' "- iiiVIIt'd ,...,,,,nt.e tu tlw1r IHUiltt•rpart~ in the tn ,tttt•nd. The tuthmt 11riu• uf acl· lllll\'t'r,it ir• uf war cit•\ .t-.talt'tl t.OUn· mi,,mn any time durtnl( thr r\enin~t tru" Thruul(h thi.-. fund, nwn<'tary ~ .t.O and thr tirl.t't• '' ill ul'~ • ht l(t.Ull', 't. hubr'hiJI'• duthtll)( lllt.'(li· ,.,Jtl oil I he dnnr. t.tl n•hd nnd tart•, houk .mel <oturly nlolll•rial,, ' t•lf ht•lp :t"'-l!IIIIIIU' for ''" tofK'ra 1i\1' t'llt t'rpri"''' att' jll\'l'll
Debating o<·icty Participate. In 2 Tour11ey ; Radio For·um Tht• \\'orH''l<'r T l'ch Drbatln)( Sn· t it•ty ha-. hN•n \'rry nuiw thio, t('rm. On ~1.-r ( h 20. llans Piwrtl and :\urm Hrown wrnt up to FilchburJt, where they p.m it.ipatt.>tl in a forum with airl· frt•m the 1-ttchburJ.t Ullt' 1 each· tr' ( 'ulltl!e The fnrum wa I ran· ~ ri h 11 and wa heard c•vrr Fitch· lturr.t ' \\ Fl:\ I. on 1\pril I0. Th<· juri, frum tht Teacher., Culle~f' werr ~ l ary Trurl:uul. and Ellen llonit.t. I he 'llhJt·tt whit h they di..cu' eel w.h ..,,,. i.lht('CI :\lt.>dicin<'. On tht• \\('t'l.cnd (If 1\pril 2nd and Jrd, the I t'lh l>ebatinl( !-ucit>t y com rl('trd tn th1• '\ew Enflland ln\'itation llt·l•.1t in~t luurnamtnt at )I I. T . \\ ltrq"'l!'r ri<.•d fur tim place In thb ' "urnanwnt. Thr afftrmati\'e lt'am 1\a~ ~·•m po~ed or Henry Olt>tl and Hill llt,t man , ancl the negotivc team 1\(1 ~ Clllll ptt~<·d or Tej Chaddn and Buh l t•rn t•r. The alternate was Rrd ~l l'Jtle, The national colle~c tflpk 1\a, Rt"•••hrd that a fedrral "nrld l!ft\Crn n ' n 1 ...hou lei be t''Ui hh heel' \r,Of'lr5ttr wnn fi\e out uf ei~tht de • t.,,~. In the tournament thty ln ... t th~ir liN debatt in ten ~trai~tht in· ttret•llrgi.n e dtbnt(',., The teams com·
On \\' rclnt',clay, .\ pril 7, 1948, t ht• nuditorium of .\Jden Memorial wu.s 1 ht' "l' <'ll<' of unr of the most imtm·~ '" r n•n•nmnie' that tnk~ place at thl' t:lppin~ or nrw ' kull member... l'lw purptN> "kull is for the im prmrmt'nt ttf rC!'Iations bel""t.'en in· 'trmtnr-. anti .;tuclent.s and for the Jlrllllltll inn ur ~l h(IOI spirit. Their "nrk b unhemlclrd nnd is unknown I ll tilt' mrtjurity of the students on tlw I IIII. It Ill rt hil{h honor Ill be· tlllllt' a ~kull mcmbl'r nnd only tfw IIUI~In ntlin~ot nwn in the junior dns._, "hu hu\t' thl' f)('l'50nality, ability .t ntl "'"' hu\'t been nclive in t:clm· t:urrilulnr ut:ll\'itles are clto~n. This )'l'ar t ~d\t' mt'n rcceivecl this honnr. l'hto tlt''~ ly chosen men are: jtm \ clam<, ( I'~ I\ ) who was a.".~istant mnnnl(<'r uf thr track team his lilll>h· nn111rt' yrar antll'l manager th i~ ytar. Iff' wnt~ nl!!(l manager of the ba!lket · ball tt·nm hi~ Stlf)homure year. lit was t\ mtrnher nr the 1'1-: cu NFWII unci thl' 1\uutical .'\ss'n his frrshman yt•ar :tnrl wa!> also in t.M T«h Cnl'· ni\'ul j im playl'd varsity soccer hi ~ juniw yenr and hal> been a memlwr nf the l'rdtllrr 1<tnrf and the Interfrttt crnlty ('uuncil his sophomore tuul juniur yeurs. l -ast year he WIL'I Sc·cl't•tnry fl f his fraterni ty and thl!t year I!! l'rcslclent ttf his fraterni ty . j im'!t hwne is in Sprin!lfleld, M ass. IIIII ('arlson (ATO) played Vftr · 'ity ba'o(•ball his freshman and 'IOph· omure years and JV basketball his frc·~hnum year. He is a m~btr of the -\11•.1·. and h11ils from OardMr,
\lthliU)(h muth aul and JL-.~istance luto, alrt·mly ht'<'ll Mo'lll uhr•mcl ; the -.uul<·nt :-iltmliun huo, 11111 inlprr,vctl lillY from lnst y<·ttr. l'ypk:tl ur the athit•\('1111.'111' or lht• fund lire: 400,000: of fn41fl In ufli\(•f'lt ito:- in l.uropt•. .,tucly )(r.tnh 111 1200 I> l'. '-lllllt:nt,, ' hlflllt'll ~ I QK,MM) wurl h uf hu••'-'· th ~trtlllllt:tl , I 82 2 911() dt~o n.Herl hy \meru.tn •tucknts.
pt • Lin~ were from ~li T , ll u~ton l lui \N-.ity. C'urry Cltlll'~(· . R I. ~l:t tl' , I' nf ) !,tine. t '. ur \ 't'rmunt , \\'il lituw... Tufts. ~Jnunt llnlyul.e, nncl \\'r•n e... tt~r Tech. On the weekend nr \ pril qth nntl lOth Tl'<.h sent a team Itt the• -.:nnh· t'J't Rt'$dtmal Eliminatinn Tuurna· \II rl'l1l'f lll'lll'> .trt• nrt•ckd 111 hu~l' nwnt nf thr :\atinnal C'ollr~te Urh.tt · in~( T ournament at \\' e'leynn l' ni· qu.tnlltic•' l•t hrin~: fureiJ(n Mudenl H'l'l'ity in ) liddleto\\n, C'onnetticut , I,Jilclurch llll Ill U minute part uf the l.at h culles.te !<enl tw11 prnplt• t•ac h \nwric..an one. prrp:~red In <>peak both fc1r <tnd ( • I\ e what yuu wn nuw l nJZ.tin~t the national tnpit 1- uur '-('31 tnlo: m unds \\ere held and 11ut u( l~ 0 1'1(;1•: rc-.ult" n£ the-.e were· c hr~n 12 111 t ttrnpcte in two more 't'alinJI rt•tuul' '\utlear l'llwt•r," illu.. tmtetl \\11 h •ph t.tt ular clt'nwno,tr.t· \\'urcc-.tt'r T ech wru. o,eatrd 9th uut cion,, "ill Itt· tht· o,uhjt•ct or Or. uf 12. and we were p;med orr Ul(uin~t C'lark GcHtduwn at lh<· annual Swarthmurc, no. 4. T e1.h )tbl tlw tlt:halr iu the last round, hy 11 "t ttrt' lltl't'ling uf tlw \\'or~'l'S ir•r Enf(i· n(•t•rlu~ ~~~4 it•ly 11n Wt•dnc!>day1 pf 2 w J. The repre~ent:llivr., for 'I rt h IH're Henry Olet.z. Buh Lrrtwr \pnl 2Klh at 11 . 15 in Alden ~~~mum) \utllturium. H(• will ancl T<·j f'hadda a• altf•rnatr. I ht Uebating '-ocietit•-. achi ...,r, illu•tratr \lith e~ptrimcnts the ~lr I' B Clarkcon. \\Cnl :tlrlllJ! fill (tondititon< unriN whit h nudrar Jll thf' trip, of the ~ o('lcty The Dr di ..int<•J.eratiltn m.1y take· placr ltallnl! SttCiety j.., planninJ[ a fit halt> \II Tech "'tudc:nt< arc> ln\'ittd wuh ;\[nunt Aolyttke in the nt'ar lfl a11end th(; lf'(ture. future.
ational .)ouruali ~n• Sodt•ly S tart~ 75th Collcgialt· <:hal>h"r
\\'ot((''H'r l'ulywdmk I nst it utl' t:dchratt'll on \ pril 1S the e<.tablio,hnwnt t•f thr tir'ot hunur MlCi<•ty 111 pl.tle u lt!Utl lhapwr ut the wlle~tt• in m cr thirty yt•.tr~ . Pi Ueltn EpsiInn. natiunnl tullt·~e juurnul i~m fl'( nenillctn ... odl'ly, ,.,t.th)i .. ht'd its 't'\'· cnty lihh tllllt·Jiintt· r haplrr ,,, Cl.'rt mnntr, in \ldt•n \lnnorial Tht<~ " ""~ rull""rcl hy ,, hanqut•t al thr Jfolt•l "lwratun. l.t'~ht• :\lourr, elliwriJI writer fur tlw J.:vt.'lling c:n?t' llt', gnvt' an ('nlr ttuiuluu infnrmnl lnlk em his e~pl'rit•nt('s in jcturmtll'lm, bnth l'nl· leg1• ancl pr1tf<'~'lt111al. l're;,iding ut tht· initiation and prl'..l'ntation nr the thnrter Wrt!\ Dr. \lhert j . ~hwit•~tt•r , ht:tcl or lhr de· partment of t'<onomico, and bu. ine"<~, ''"" \\;l• initiatrcl inw the c;ociety ru. an underW"ndurttc nt llamlinl' l 'ni 1er..ity in ICJ27. T ht• J.(rttUp inqalled :\fa,~ . t.lln'\i'-ted ur fhr hunorary members, Uuh Cnrll<(ln (SPE) playecl varsity , ,.,en alumni nrul 1hirteen untlt•r· lm'l(•hall hi'l freshman and sophomore l(raduau·'· yc•;tr, nntl playr<l varsity baskC'tball Tht> hmmrnry Jlf!IUJI induded l'rnf. hi.s frt'..,hman, sophomore and junior Paul R. C.,wan , lt""''tnnt dran and rli· year<~ und wa!l Captain of the team rector 11f puhltl rt>latiun~ at \\' .I' 1.. hi ~ophnmore yl'ar. Bob also play~ Ur. 1-.rne--t I I \\'i"11n, hrad 11f thl' vor'lity fuot f);tll hi.s junior year. He dtparl mt>nt uf dwmil.tl t>nginet'rinll !>t'rwrl on thf' Athletic Council as anti chNni.,try. Juhn llullinf(swurth ~touetary hi<~ freshman year and wa!l ~lat l.('nZit• , prnr,..._.,ur 11! 1-. nJlli'h nnd nn thr Tech Council durinf( his IIOPh· fatuity advl~ur of thf' 'l erh :\(•w!l urnur!' year. He rtteivecl honorahl~ '\ ·~~~~ iati1111. ' lr. (;t>or~c V. Uihlrin, nwutiun for the Skull Awat" ~vt:~ J r.. nationnl I'Xf'I'Utlve "crrclnry or Ill th<· fltllstanding freshman ami W:t. Thein Kappa l'hl rra tc•rnlt y I lor· Viw prt•'lirl<'nl or his class ( 49A) i mrrly in•<lru<"tllr in chtmlqry, nncl h i~ fr<·.,hmun year. He is a membr ~lr \\'illtam R c;ru~an , in~trurtM 11f 1\SM F. nnd comes from OranJlt> j in t·lt•t.t rit<tl rnl(inf't'nn~ tht• Iauer ~ I a . two beinl! am••nf( the• founder~ nf the 1-..tl Uitm fT C) play~ var.. it~ h>Cal l!r"UII whith Jl<'litiontd the fu111hall hi~ junior year and basfbal( tiona! ...cl( 1c•ty la ~t yrar hi fre-hm:tn year. He was Viet~ .\l umni uf the loc~ l group include l l'rt' icll-nt ur hi" cJa.-.s his fre5hma'l
t('unllnuocl on Put• 4 C'ol 1)
l<'ontlnutd on Pa~ 4 Col 2)
TECH NEWS P ublished The Truh Nt'W6
Cvtleg~ Y~llr h~
DurinR the
or the
Worc:l!dler J>uhtl"t' hlll("
Ft·aternity .
News Bits
l n~ I IIUio,-
F.DITOR-1:-1 C'lllEF
J o<cph
E. !.emir"
Mmlcolm A. Sanborn NEWS F.lJJ'fOR Ftunlis J. B1gdll
J SnntnndrCll
\\'illtJm \ .
SPORTS EOITOR Jobo K. Mullnney BUSINESS MANAGER Alfred E. Letournea u AIJVERTlSl~G MA..."'ACER Cli< CI: I. ATI,O~ MA..'I:ACER :ijugb M. Robinson Rilbt:rt \ nn t\mburgh ASSIST ANT MANAGERS t\ SS ISTA;<;T M.<\NAGER Rene li . Bachand Ray mond Blanchrl A. Paul Feeney f'rancJs T. McP•II'llond JU NIOR J::OITOR!) George llnrna Gerald f'. McCormkk Lawrence Horst Jcr('minh 1'. o·~eil Harry Melden Irving Haas 1\'l~ttl Babin5ki Fred ]. Brennan Roymond Bnl ndol. Subbio.h Mutbio.h Wnlter B. Dennen, Jr. Thomas Curli n COLUMNISTS Roland F. Bedard Normnn Brown MIS. l-l nrold Cuerci REPORTERS Richard H. McMahn n !,.eo A. Lynch. 1r. Neil Sullivan Phillp Ackerman Thomas Coonan John F. Coyne Robert Smith WiUinm Griggs John Brierly BUSINESS ASSISTAN1'!) ]o!eph Cwlnzdowskl Bronisl:tw U. Kuprewicz Fra ncis E. Kearn~y Frank S. Jurczak Ceor!(t Cooley T om llodgell \'ortkes Sohlgan \Villinm Horney Bill Swanson Jim Grenier Richard Foil~
Claude F. Veru
FACULTY ADVISER john H. Mackenzie
Newe Phone11
Ba•lneH I 5-2024 TERMS
j3-l4l I Editorial lS-2024
SubtCJrlptlon per tchool year, $1.00, •Ingle coplea $0.10. Mak! all checks payable to 8UIIneu M•nacer. Entered as ~econd clan matter, September 21, 1910, at the Poat Otllce In Worcater, MaN., under tbe Act of March 3, 1879.
Newman Club Fonnal Dance
uge UCCeS8 There was a chiJI nip in the air outside, but all was spring in Alden Auditorium on Saturday evening, April 17 · Inside, the Newman Club's Second Annual Spring Formal was proceeding full-swing to the accompaniment of George Gregory's orcbestra. The highlight of the evenin~ was the selection of a Queen of lhe Ball. The honor was bestowed upon Miss Emeline Highberg, a graduate of Clark. Her crown consisted of a row of iris accentuated by coils of green ribbon. This dance was sponsored by Clark University's Newlllao Club in conjunction witb the Newman Clubs of Worcester State Teacher's College and Worcester Tech. The chaperons were Mr. Donald H . Letendre, Newman Club advisor at Clark, accompanied by Miss Rita Colet; Worcester State Teacher's President EuJ:(ene A. Sullivan and his wife ; and Tech's Major and Mrs. William F. Longwell.
Six students, representing T ech, will present papers at lhc A.l.E ..K Convention on April 30th at New Haven, Conn. Last year only two papers were entered by W.P.I. students in competition with other New England and New York colleges, and these two were awarded first and third prizes for District One. " Phase Measurement by Pulse Technique" by Robert Lerner. " Automatic Combustion Control " by Frank Colby. " Frequency Control for a 7Skva Alternator'' by Owen Kennedy. " Operational Characteristic~ of DC .l\lotors on Rectilied AC" by Alton Kelsey and William Wagner. <~Pulse Detection'' by D. Anthony. " A New Approach to Electronic 1\luskul Instruments" by Alan Pearlman.
r:::============::::; Worcester Telegram
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Assembly :\ext \\'ednesday, .-\pril 21, L948, at eleven o'clock A.l\1 .. lhe fifteenth General .\ ssembly of t.he 1947-1948 Coll~e Year will be held in the Alden Auditorium. Dr. Sterlin1! .\ . Callisen, Associate Dean of \\'esleya n Cniversity and Chairman of the Fine Arts Depart. ment. will speak on the subject: ··Engineering and the Fine t\rts". D c·a 11 .tsen was former1y a ean member of both the Art Department or Harvard l.;niversity and the Art D f R h t l' · . epartDme~1 0 th oc es ler ntvDer. Stty. urtng e recen war. r. Callisen served overseas as a mem.... f th Offi f ' t t · c:. ucr o I' ce o ra e,I!IC ~rvices.
" Th~ \'aliant," a one-act play by Robert Midd lema~s and Holwonhy Hall, will be presented by The Masque of \\'.P.l. at an as.;embly ~n ~lay 19. in the Alden )l e~ rmal t\uditnrium. The play is cons•dered by many critics ag the finest ~lay or its type ever written , and tt has . . won over lwo hundr~~ first pnzes 111 l)lltHlCt play compelluons. Roger \Yye will play the title role. and the rest of the cast include:: . j h (' k ~taurke Gosse I 111 • 0 0 oc ·cr. Oavid \\'right and Henry Styskal. i\tiss June Higgins of \\•orcester State Teachers' Collep:e will play the female lead. Roland Bedard will be To supplement his lecture, Dean Callisen will have slides shown to thl' director. demonstrate how arts have been and set for Thet.a Kap' annual sports can be an integral part of en!(ineerfestival. ing structures. Lu bricution a nd Bolll'I'Y S••rvice
Farnworth's Texaco Service Station Cor. llis hlond & Gouldina Sae.
The Highland Barbershop '' Fir., Clou Hnireul•" Axel E•lman, Prop. 111 IIIGULAND STREET
Corner 151 ntCULAI'{D STREET
Bob Drew, Don Olson Poggi, were DickamonR Me- •~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiii~~~~~~iiii~~~~~ Mahon, and Dick those who represented Tech on the College Workshop program over \\':-\F: B. e EFFICIENTLY A.E.P. i.s running a close second e ECONOMICALLY w[th Hans Picard and 1'\orm Brown e THOROUGHLY representing Te~.:h in u panel discus· All work (( uaro nt t'i'd for on ~> rear . 1.a rae111 st-1.-.. tlt>n of l!lr&J)8 und waleh brocl'lcte In town. sinn on sociulized medicine which was broadcast over WE Ii\1 . T .K.J'. initialed twenty-five R.U. O ur DesiNl plcdl(es here on March 20. " .fll Tltnr cite IVn ntf' lmplie•" I~ Sutisfi•••t 1\ .E. P. captured the spotlight on C u11tomers 25-5 l\tAI N ST. NEXT TO PL YI\10UTII 111EATER April I0 and I I with ils housewarming, which will long be remembered on the hill. Everythin~ was spit and polish, and even the termites donned tux and tnils as the large oaken portals were thrown open to some five hundred guests. Th is celebration climaxed Worcester chapter's winning the basketball champions hip at the recent annual New England Regional Conclave which was held in Boston. Lambda Chi held a pled.rtr dance 011 MRrch 20, and an alumni reuuiou is bein~ plonnt.>d for l\1ay 8 complete with n banquet at . nnford Riley Hall. A Mothers' Day ban(\uet will follow tm Jl ay 9 a t the houst'. Lambda Chi will play host tn SMW of 1he Colby sin~ers on ,\ pril 24. Gill!> waited un guys at S.A.F.. on ~l an:h 20: it was a leap yettr dance held in hnnor nf the new hrothcrs. The house wn.s turned into n gambling den on April I 0 fnr the annual :'llonll' Cnrlo party. !Ul.f~. held an Eas ter party ~larch 20. Theta Chi is planning its annual :'ll<1t hers' Day b:Ulquet for the Sunday after .Motht.>rs' Day. Phi SiK will also be htlst to several Colby femmes. April 24 i' the date
248 MAIN STREET l!p..la1 DIM-O•I\1 •• Tech
Things are back in the well ground groove with initiations in the foreground. Two groups of new initiates were inducted into ·.A.E. The lirst group was initiated in Boston ami attended, at the same lime, the annual National Founders' Day cclt.> bration for the New England province of S.A..E. Congratulalions to the ele\•en new brothers. On Sunday, April I I , t\.T.O. ini· tiated 16 new members. Congratu· lations and lots of luck. Congratulations also go to len new T.X. brothers. On Wednesday, April 14, a banquet was held in honor of 21 new members. Rud l<'oss was toastmaster, and President Applegate, Bob Allen. Roger Cromack, and j ohn Lindregren, '39, were speaker<;. Phi Sig is leading the fteld of big wheels. Andy Freeland was elected president and Frank McPherson treasurer of the Class of '51, and
April 21, 1948
Have Your Watch Repaired
19•7 n.
cc c..
h iller A t Large ! ! ' Cancer Is rr' em ted For Murder ! ! ! .\ prol .!I. 19 ~8
Tl:: ' II
'PORT BEFORE MY EYE Dy !\l r. l1 tht• l.L-;1 bit o£ tleathle"' l)rll'\' t<l 1HI th•· •p.lc~. I criticilC\1 tht' 'lU· dtnl• lnl' thl'ir poor !>how!n~ in l(llilllt out 1111 -purl'>. I do not intcaul hi hc•l~:•· nil thn t viewpoint. but I wuuld likl' tu .~tiel tn il the other -.hlc uf the .athh•til. -.wry. That k that the t>I.Jyllll! tl)nditiom. "houlcl ul-.o ))c 101Jlrt)\ t•d \t thi, ptunt I would like to -.ay thJt \\h.at I have \\"rtllcn ancl hall \\rit<· 111 tht• future ,~ intrndttl as (lllhtrudl\l' critici"m which I thank " ill ht•lp make Tech -.porto;, 'umr· thin~t ,,f \\hit h \\C can be prnud I haw llr '" n my conclu~iuno; from C\ll\'rat'nH' and ub~r,·utiun , and fetl tlut tht) art• pretty much in line \\ ith the rcding .. of the :>tuuent body. Commtnh will be appreciated and -hould ht• plaLed in the fH' II "1 ws bt•-; ndflrt"-'-Ctl to ) lr. X. In th,• pr(.'!.ent ~heme nr thinJ(S, n -.rudent at Tech mu~t really hl\'e a ,port tn ,-.:o nut fnr it. Ccmdititln' now rxbt whkh di ~count)(t' many cnpnhlt• men from pnrtidpnlin,ll. Fir~t 11f ,all , whenever there is nn nut C)f 111\\n ~tame there scrm-. w be an t•\am -.< hedulecl 1hat day Thi' nlt'Jth th:tt the player hn" tn take J 'Jit'\iJI m~tke-up e:-.am, whi(h fnr ,.unr rtao;.un Jl\\ay seems to he mort' difficult than the ori~tinal. Thu~. \\t ~· tht' athlete being pennlited for the un'llt' 1!-ahle offense of Jllayin~t a jl3111t' ror his school. ( don't mean w '13)' 1hat nth let e., ~houl d be C"· w•rd frum r"<amo;, hut it wuuld :-eem th.11 there are rnou~h 'IChool da)"' Ill allu\\ the qui;t~ w be ~ivtn tH1 tfay" \\hen the team" are nut awuy
'"X '~
The ne\t cmnplaint i.... l.lid ri~ht a t t hr dc)('lr lli thr athll' tlc dt'part nwnt it'\elf One look nt tht: "<"hl~t)l\ unifonns and equipment wall shcl\\ whu 1 I mean . [t 's not 1.'\:lctly l(lkXI JWlic.:y for 1he sakt> t>f the Ill))':\' ot the !'Chuol's reputation t il •end thl' tea m~ l() gam~ with -.habby unl· forms and in broken dtl\1 n bu..~ It vnly cos t!i a little mort t•l s:•• far'lt d.l ...,, and beuer t'<JUipJ)t'(l tt'.tm' w<>uld dr3" better crmnl-.. ~Jy third ltfiJX' j, une thnt an\'ul\'t'" nt'ither m<'ney nnr -<hola,til intt'r ference . h is ronlerned "ath ,.uch a -.eeminqly simple th in~ U!. unl(ratt·· fu lne' . I have never bt\~n :-u dao;oppt>inted in my life II'> I \\8 ~ nt the pr~entatinn nf hJOt b.11l letter' The players were not e\'tn thnnl-ed nr cnngratulated. The~ -.tudent-. \\ho ~ivc :;o much of their time nnd fffurt · to furthcrim; the 'l<'huol\ reputation desen•e mnre than a pit>t:e n£ paper. The leas t the <il'hnnl l"uulcl do f!lr them would be to ~~ rtl(l' a decent presentation prul(rnm. For -;ports to function propcrly here, cooperation i" nc~led , rooperatinn lx.>tween playt'r" and lii<Jlht>~ , cooperation bet"een C()alhe., and the faculty and Ct)()fleratilln b.:tw<en ..,,.lrl' and cJa,-es l'nlt.>'\., thi,.. c-11 c•peratinn e~bts tht'rt can he no h<ljlt• uf <;UCC('SS. I believt• en•ryclnt> "i'hes to g>e ftch a<><;unw its ril(ht · hal place in the athletic pict ure. nnd if all of u<; will work tt~t'tlwr . 'tu· clenl!!. co.1ches, faculty , and :ulmin" rrntinn . we will oil benefit h>J(ether in the pride we can feel in our « huols' enhanced reput.llion.
Tt.•dt l\lar·k ·ntc u End Sn(•(•t• sful \Yintt•r Cantpaigu Fiou l St>n~"o un • llN'orcl Slto" Tt>u \'ic•lorit•l' Af(uin" l l<:i~ hl Ot•ft•nt fhl' nMflt>a n rillrmnn is ·•r tunlly a link with tht• early llny:- ui uur na· tinn\ hio,ll)ay. nllhnu~eh t'\'l'll he him· -.t>lf may awl r1•alitl' it In pionel"t' day ... o man·, mo.,I prilt'd Jlll'-.e~... ion ''-'~ hi, rille -.inre it pruvidcd buth hi., food ami hi' ml"an., uf tlelen.;clt i, tmlr natural thJt lt·~cnd ... nf tabuh•u, t'\J)Ivah \\llh tht IMR rille 'huuh1 "J>ran~e up EH~ n h'lday. tht> rumance nr the old turl-cy :'h<X•t and the 1\t•ntucl-y rill!' i~ ptt•.;erwd by 2nlUI>--' of marl-<~man.,hip enthu,.ia ts throuRhlllll the wuntry. The Rille l'lub hert :at fech .., -.uth an nr~ani· Z..ltlllll, althnu~th thear tffc,rt'l and Ut:ttlmllli-hmt•nt~ tun nfltn jlO un· uutked flo~mtlu\it.tlly t•nuu!(h, t ht Tech tarl(etcer ... have uunpilt'd tme nf the IIHJSl enviablt• recurcl~ of nny com· petitive team lwr<' tln the Hill , hav· in~ t;lllnplt•ted a ~l·ason uf stiff inter· rlllll'Ritll(• IIIU I dll'" wit h I {'11 vklorie~ n~o-:ain~t eight defeat,, :-;urh highly ratrd foe, a., Ht~" duin , Rhode L land Stntc l'nl\ . of ~ I a"'.. ~••rwich , \\'entw••rth \ ale, t ' niv. uf ~tw H .unt~hire , !..l )\\ 1'11 Tt>"Ctfle and Carnr~tir Tt'<'h ha' r f,tllen bfneatb 1ht• ftre uf c)llr 'hat'J)~htX)ter • T he ..om. uf Juhn Hoyntnn dro(lped an extremely cht~e derio.;iun 111 the sun uf j l)hn H.arvard 134()· 1J44, but they rd>OutHied with u Vt'llg{'ance tn rout Loui,i.mn ~tate 1802·1bl\ 1 T he ac· tual meet' art• tonducled by mail. the ttlrl(l'l' bt•in.l( !>Cnt to th,. opf>O'· llliL te:uu fell' 'ltnring Telh was repre,rnted hy a ll'<tlll t:nn.,i rinl( of Erl IJiun pn•,ident , .\ n Burn!o, mannl(rr · Boh Gowin)(, John ~lnllay , Eo ('urnrll. nnd ('hnrlc•!l Darrell. T lw t.. h lh '.; rungt•, li ft y ftot•t in l<'nl(th, i lut ntrcl in tlw subu:rraneau depths uf 1he ~ymnasium, T he nld· rimer, nrcu~t llm!•d to thr win!l-swrpt \\:tSt~ uf two huntlrt>cl yard OUt· cluor ran~tN m.ty 'II uff al ih d iminu· li\l' length hut :t wa\'l"ring of the lmnt 'illht h} ·• mrrr .005 ()f an inch \\ill plnrt n , h,•t •>ul·icle the tany trn ·rin~t . T he tlub it<.clf uwn four lotrltt'l rillr.... IWU IU'IICJI._, nnd t\\O pnttinl( 'ltiiJll' • ;\ wur!>t' l'lf in true· tiun h urftred to mt'mbcnl under the I(Uiclonte ,,f ~l ..tJnr \\ , 1- ~1 . Long"'E'II rLH.ulty ad vi ;or
PHI GAM SWIMMERS ANNEX I.F. TITLE; PSK SECOND Jn the Interfraternity S" imminR l!lnk a rest and the !laver.. tuok n\l•r. mrt•t l'hi Gam repeated it ~ pedorm· There were many goud rl1\ c·r~ lJut (i('Orl(f Howe of 1' ,(;. 1>. won u~ he anrc uf ln. t year by winnin)( the had the year before. The 40 yard met·t with 28 points. eleven bcller free ~tyle which followed was a than Phi ig. who again come in thriller as Ev johnS(lll. S.P.E., htat 'etuncl The day's hostilitit'l be!(an Dave B rumback, P.G.l>. by 11 hair \\lth the 1<>0 yard relay in which .\nothcr exhibition or l.ancry '<~ fane Phi t:am had just too much talent backstroke followed thii>. u he won f1w p.., K., S.P.E., and T.X . who the 100 yard back~troke few A.T.O. lina'hl'•l in that order Jxhind Phi He did it in I : 10. breakinl( the rec· Gam\ Brumb:lclt, ~l urtba. )fOf~ ord which be had set the day before. and Bro" n. After thi the swimmers The grutling 120 • ·as taken by
Proceeds From ··Ten LittlP Indians" T o Damo11 Run)·on Fund
Hm\\n or Pha c:om . T hen rame one nf 1he mo t rxciting evrnts of the :afternnon. the I00 yard breaststroke. llodgtm, P.G.D .. INf R!tthie, P.S.K .. by o fe"' fr<>l ll~ they mndc the last turn. Rilchir cnul(hl him al mid· pool and pa~d him ju~ l before the fani!oh . to <~e l a new I. F record of I ·I 5.4. Th(' JacL event was lhe hundred yard free style wbic:h Ev John· sc>n won by three-quarter or a length. Johnson ' two wins pul Sig Ep into third place.
Tech kipper Beo-it1 Activitie · ' Sue e fu.l ea on Loon• E GINEER NINE PREPARE .. FOR .. CIIEDULE
l'<)aC'h MrNuiLy ha!l trimmrd his squad or t'n~cr hopefuls ltl 2J men whom hl' intt'ncll\ w carry thmugh· out tht' ...eason The "<lund is ''try <>a~ter .mel quiet- ttl leMn and 1>rt>m· i.....e:- 111 turn in it... hare of vktori(' J im () Re~:~n \\ hu wm't'rtrd w the backstop Pl'''tinn in nn atte111111 lll :.trens.rtht>n tht' tl"am ha' looked well in rhr new llll"it illn and after gnin· in!( u little t'\llt'rience ~huuld be n capable rt'leh·er. Hnl St.hmucka, httrd·hh tinA lly· chaser from la'>t year'" ni~. ha'l been furced tu withdraw from thE' team lx'tnu e of a b:ul knee condi· tinn. \\'ith O' Rrgan behind the platr, ~ h~ " e• nnn is the only \'l'terun Uutfil'ldl•r ; htl\\('Vt'r, j ohn Cont:Ortliu, a re,l.'rvt• 1hinl hn~emnn lnst year, i" tryinM his hand in right lield and tluinl( tt got•d job. The othrr gtml<•n ~pol is IJ<'ill,l( fuuj~ht for by l>nn Stewna t and Dun Thomp un a nd the suue :. of thr tl'am i~ greatly tie· pendent c)ll the -.huwinA uf t he~ two younl(sters.
rfECH TRACKMEN UNI..TMBER FOR PRING .. EA ON I n .. pitt' uf w lcl and rainy weather during tht" la.,t W('(k nnd a haH, the tratk ~a.'iim nt T t'Ch looked exet'l>timully \\4'11 with nearly fafty can· diclnh•-. limbering llll f11r tht" ea.'!on. Co.11 h <:;;tnt•lla, in hi'> fifth yt."Jr nt T e,h, a" 1rark wach nnd tminer, will huvr ")Ill(' mighty fin(' materiul ltJ wcJrk wit h and will undouht!•dly dc:velop n winninl( 'IC.'nson. Tct·h hra ~ u t nu ~o~ h !lrheciule It) tompete :ll(llilhl, lllpping it uff with the E. I..\ \ , and tht 1\ .F..I.A.A. T hr En~tt•rn lnter-Collt'JCiate Ath· lt•tic .\!.'IOCiaticm . which COil" i'lt~ or elt'vt•n rnllel(e ht>rt• in the east, will hold it s l\\t"nlit'th annunl meet hr re at \\',P.J. George llov.e will be hat k- to anne'< '!>Om<' pnint'l rnr us in the lield. Gec)r)(e IX'~tt.·d 1he 'lChoul record in the javrlln lnst yt"ar, heavinl( the o;tick I 74 feet 8 incht'l. AI OeLoid b bark ,,, try h i~ tnlents in thfo da he.. anrl broad jump. Captain Dave Rmwn i out stretchinl( hi:. le~ afler a ~uc.:ce ful winter track ,ea~m . (;euing into condithln after lWO year!! ur ~rvire Is SJ)rinter Sumner Herman. Holding up the heavy end of the teum arc Vtlteran Curl Borg, J·:d Carpentrr a nd Sid Marl· wed wh,, piny with the shot and di5CU'I. ;\<; or late, quite a few freshmen havt been taking the highlights for the Cri rru.on a nd Gray. Har\'ey Rowell , who ra n the ftfty yard dal h and the relaY" lhi winter, will probably hold down the dashes.
Reckwith Brotherrl Tully 58 Poin ts In Drowu Regatta
With tht bren kin~ up of the ice llut'!'i tht• W.P.J. Nautical Association has been tt.'erning with activity. \lr<'ady ih skippers have proven t hcm~dvc.. tir t at Brown and then .11 M I I' On En ·ter , unday, John lltrkwi th wnn three fi rsts. one 5('(· und, nnd two fourths lll nccrue thirt y-ei~~:ht poioh in a series of .!>i\ race-4 nt tht> hexagonal rcgntta held at Dto\\n, .\ ided by Walttr Beck· with, who added t\\ enty points. the Tech ere\\ cnme <;econd in the regatta, nchCd out only by Urown who hud the n•ry positive advant aR~ of their own boat.s and hon1e water T ht• oOidal -.coring was Brown 7(), \\'.P I 511, Bowdoin 57 , ~onhta-,1 · ern 54 , Rhode Island 4o, and \\'il· linan., JZ. where points are given for :.tnrt lng, finishing, and each hoot IX'U It' ll.
Not !x'ing the ones tO rest •m thl'ir the Heck with brothers aided by j ohn l'ierce, l)ave Flood . Ceor14e Crumpton, Dodge, and Hawley did it UJ(ain ut the !\[ I.T. quadrangular rrgllllu IJy 1ieing three ways for fir t l>lare, With the tie to be sailt'd off, thr skipper~ climbed into boat rhirl~n :md raced once more only to cnme an third. It was tough luck all the way through, for in one of the.> earlit•r races the difference be· l WI.'t'll winning und tieing in the a fternoon series was determined by a narrow two inches. The official scor· inl( wn~ Hobart 4b, Boston Coll~e 45, \\'ortro;ter T ech 44, and Bowclolo 3 7 ThN• rnte-s are only a beginnlng. \ uc:ht rttlt'~ at Brown, the Cout C:unrcl At:ademy, M.I.T., and other C'oll<')(tiS arr ~cheduled for every wrck-cnd until exam time. Th~ whu would like to participate In the rncinx shuulcl attend meetings of the "\nutkul As-,ociation, regularly held Tue-«lay. nl 7:00 in Higgins Labo· la urel~,
T u ktet> their crews in practice the '\autical t\ S!>OCialion has recent · ly r>un·ha!ed two Dyer Uhow'\. T he<.e lx ~;~ to; were made available thnml(h a college grant and the salt' uf thr c•ld hoat. The Dyer Ohow i~ a fo I ~~alling twelve and ont·half foot h11111 with a gaff rig. It WIU o;elected ut the ~ew York Boat Show a~ •me nf the lxst for intercoU~Iate ya<.ht radng. With two boat!!, T ech '!kippers will now bt able to com,ett again5t one another. trying out racing tactlo and rules. PA\JI, D ULONG
PREMIER CLEANER TAILOR Ill HJPlaad St. TEl- S-4.198 See D ULONG et Yo.r Free-lly or ROGER WYE et Den. For C.U or Delh-W? S..lee
f'allt.' f otu•
PRO.l l lt'onilnut·d lr"m Pa11•
C"ol 4)
rtununul'<l ir1m1 t'al(l I , Cul I )
Hrnry J. Ruvt•, Carrol E. llurtn{·r, lur•Jrtunatdy da,~es will lw rcHarris J. Dufresne, Edward T. :.ur11rcl on !:-.aturday morning, hut George, Herl)(•rt E. J ohll.3on, Paul J) . T<:dunen may bt' allowed tu bring O'J )on~l and R~er N. Perry, Jr. thl• girls ctlong to liven up 1hl' morn· l'ndl'ri(Tnriuates iniliated were Luuis in~ ao; much as po~si blc. C Block Edmund J. Eager, Paul .E. .'\ her the Saturday noonmcal, Fvnns, :\lalcoJm G. Gordun, Gordon nearly e-.:eryone will turn <Jut at the E Hall Salvatori' J. l nta~liata, '\ur l.la~eball field w \\illlc'>S the <Jpeninp, m:ln J . J ardine, Alfred L Letourneau . htJml.' ~a me of Tt'C.h '<, ba.c;eball l>Chetl· John Cnrherry ~[earle. Ronald \ . ule. With many \'arsity men return· ~rnltrnbrry, J ohn ':\L l't•lrillu, Alhcrt ing, Cnath :\k!\ully exnctts to farlcl E. Riley and Richard L. Tracy. a lllr()ng hall dub liJ toffrr Tufts In tht fall of 1Q46 a group nf inplt•nty ur oppositiull. l err~ted Terh men, both fa culty and On Saturday evening, the .\l a..'ique students, reaJjzed the neerl for !urwill present a three act mystery, tht'r inre11tive in the local jmtrnal l;,tit The T en Little Jnclinns, based on the activities. These men were :\lr o;tury by AJ(atha Christi!', " nd T hen U('()rf(e V. Uihlein. '45, ).l r. \\'illinm There \\'ere ~orH!." l Tncler thr caR. GrnJ(an. '46, )Jr. Paul D O' Unopable direction u! ;\Jr. C harle~ 1'. nt'll, '47, nnd ~Jr. Edward F. !-tupple, RuJQt, the T ech thespians have been '4 7. They found that a nat iunal coln•hear'ling for mnny we('kS in order lege jnurnnlism society did exist with the ~Uune purposes as they de~ir{'(l tn In ~eive Lhc ucsl perfCirmance po~siblc. Following the play, the frawrnhies <;re fostered. ·n1c national Council of Jli Delta will take part in A Round Rc>Lin Ep11ilon Wllli contacted, and the long which always ~o over hil( with thr preparations for the approval and liltle women. At the variuus hou!ie~ l'!'tabli hment of the local chapter pnrticipatin[(, then• will be dancing, w~re bep,un. F ortunately, a member refreshments. and scenes of acquainof Pi DelLa Epsilon, Dr. Alben J. wncts, old and new. Schwie~er, was on campus. Frum lhf' first he gave his supp<•rt w lhe SKULL idea. (Co na inu~d in1m Pu~w 1, C't,J .~) In the 11pring of 1947 , the pet ition wa!l circulated to the chnplers yeur and is treasurer this yt•ar. He throughout the country, but it wns has been a member 11f the Rille h .'<lm not until the fall of 194 7 that returns f11r three years nnd was secretary and wert' ctlmpleted and the gruup munns:cr his snphomore year. I fe is s,rrantPd offrcial approval to proceed. the president this year. Ed's hume Pi Della Epsilon is the oldest nais in Milford, )lass. tlonnl honorary collegirtte fraternity Hurry :\lelcten (SPl.:) has rxcellecl in the c:ountry. It wa!\ orl!anized al in rum ball for three ye:~rs and was yracuse University Dec. 6, 1909, and Its purpose was to establish a captain of the team la.<~t fnll. He is fratern ity in the field or journalism H co-captain fur ncxl' year. Be was which would parallel the posh ions of In the T ech Cnmival his l>Ophoruore Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta PI and year and is currently n member of Sil(ma Xi In l!cholarshlp. engineering the j unior Prom commillce. He hns and M:ience. Although not rounded been a member of lhe T t•CII X Fws a a national fraternity, permission dunn~ his Sl>()homor(' and junillr wa:; Sl)(ln souKht for the establishment years and is Treasurer of the Athnf chapters at other colle!(eS, inclutl- letic Council lhis yea r. ll:arry has in~t co-educational and women's col- bern a nwmbe r of the AIEl': and hails I<'Me!l, und it now enjoys a larJtt' und frorn Worcester. Ken ~Jucri no (TC) plnycd varsity widespread membership. The immediate object of the luml fouthnll hi& freshmnn and juuior chapter is to provide t raininl( for ye(lrs. He St"rved as Secretary 11f the freshmen sluff member~ in the l'SSCn- lhleric Council last ycur and b tials of collegiate journalism, to build Set'retary of the Tech Council lhis up an indexed working-library of year. He is u mrmber of thr :\,·w"cuts". and to provide a gtnernl en- mun Club and ;\ ~ I E. Ken ulm<'~ ordination of journalistic actlvitits. fwm \\'nteruury. C'I)Oil. Jim O'Regan (TKI' ) w:r ~ honored earlier this year by l)('in~ elected a rncml*r or Tnu Hera Pi. lie pluycd var~>ity baseball nne! fuoth:all hi!' !lophomore and junior years .. lie is \'ice- Prc~ident of his frut('rnity nnd nbo \ 'ice-President of tht' ASCE. jim SHIRT LAUNDERED hn. been aftiliatrd with the !\ewman A S pecialty Cluh fur three ye<~rs . lie clninL« ~~~ l 13 H ighland a., W or<-e•tu lk k. ~l:~ ss. ns hi:, hom(' limn. J im P~pa:. ( I'SK ) wo.'l cnnnerll•d
April 21, 1943
with the Rillt I t'am hb. frt'!'hman year and has l~ttn a member of the SC' \ , the ~I a ..qu(' ami the slafi:> during hi.. 5(1phumun• :~nd junror years. He hus !wen runrrectcd with the Outing llu!J for two year'\ and is a mcmb<·r 11f the \~:!\1 L This year he parlidpatcd in the Terh Carnival and b nu" :-er\ in~ un lhc Junior Prom Committt·e. Jim hail~ frum \\'t,rc~ter..\In"'·
Gino :,autandrea (TKPl hac; heen with the ) la..q ue for three yrars. ~ Pre~idcnt of hi! class the last two ab1• Feature Editor of the TECH
}'l!ilr- :tnd ,... rice· President nf tbe :\t.WS and bas been on the .;tarr or \1hh·ti~ C'oundl and the AIC H.E. the Pt:ddlcr for two years. He comes Ciinn rcrt•ivetl the kull Trophy for front T h1Jmpsonville, Conn. !l('inl! thl' tml\tandin.rt man in his Oon Shattuck (PSK) played base. 1 rre<hman da!-~. 11(' played var.!>ity ball during his freshman ancl ~oph funtiJa ll unrl ha:-ellall hi" sophomore omnrc year~ and was in thc Tech \'t·ar anti wa .. al~n ;\l ana!ter of the Carniv:tl as a Frosh. He has a ''\V" ~wi ..·min,l! Te:tm in hi~ tlphtJmltre in Soccer Don hails from \\'ownoco. ,.,...tr. ( iin11 "h11 hac; been conncctet! l )fa~s.
Dry Cleaners and LaWlderers
DENIIOLM ' S -.; hop For· Men FPnturf' /tmwus wllimwll_v mlt•Prtisetl /iu ps you krww ... mul lil.·e t.o lf'('nr.
"! lllillk Clte•tmreld i• the k•t cigar.tte 0 11 the market.
I ce •moktd them for about 20 1/tart. It '1 mild a11d it'I got more rtal tobacco tate. ''Uggttt & M11ert bull tile middle ltoW/1 ••• it'• the but ~f • . • it '• mtllow . .• it '• got to be rl,w. The11 romillle11t111 I'GII abol!t' tile OOf!rag e to get the tol>orco tlte11 want."
R. !J. ~