Wclr('I'$ 1C'r,
'\1n.. ~ ••
~I Ill
Lo<·al Civil Chapter Host to New Englattd ASCE Conference
Benefactor of Sauford Riley
Prizt ... Winuing Pupere; M Aml Oi!o!cussiou Groups Jim O'R egan Elected Featun· Con ference Tech Con neil Pt.·exy On Saturday, :\lay 8 the !'\ew A G I A sen11l Iy l e nt~ t·a England Conference of Student Chapter!! of the .\ merican Society of Civil En~ ineers held their annual conferente here on the Tech cnmpus. The ufficial registralion was 85 student!' from eleven colleges. Dele11a1eS were present from Norwich, University t>f New H ampshire, Tufts, l niversity of Vermont, Brown, l\lassachusctts lnslitute of Techmllogy, Northe:tStern, University of Connecticut. Harvard, Rhode Island . tate. and Worcester Polytechnic Tnslilute. \\' bile registration was going on in the morning, Tech students condttctrd the visitors around the campus on i n~pection trips of our lauorat orie~. i\t II :00 .\ .l\1. the students nil gnthered in the j anl'l l,.;arle room lor th e fi rst general assembly of the day. Willson J\ pple~ate , P residenL of the local chapter, presided :1t the assembly. The students were welcomed tel the campll'; by President <.:Juverius. wht) showed great interest in the co11ference and luld of the value of such con ferences. The three prize winning papers were next presented by their authors. First prize went to Werner A. Gumpenz uf the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He presented a very interesting talk on unique methods uf repairing bridges that were demolished by the war. Second prize went to Lester Gaynor of Tufts Cnllrge who wrote on Meteornlr'!-'Y as Applied to Hydrology, and third prize went to George A. Burpee of Harvard who wrote on lhe controversial issue of t abor Unions as applied to Enf(ineers. To end up the morning assembly a film titled "Jlridgin.l( • an Francisco Bay" was hown. This film was taken during the aclllal construc tion nf the bridge. ..\t the> afternoon general meeting the £xrn uivc Comm it tee report was ~tivcn by \\'illiam Fannon. University of Connecticut, Chairman for this year'<~ confert'nce. He announced t h~ t 1he next npporlu nity for all tha(}trrs l!> ~et together will be in Boston in Octl1ber when the t\ SCE hold~ their national convention. He also annnunccd thnt the conference chairman for the coming year is Kirby P. \\'cather!.by, a junior here at Tech. For the remainder of Lhe afternnon the students attended discus· ~ion J,!rr!ups. The ~roups were four In numll<'r and thl'y covered many branchrc; of Civil EngineerinJ!:. In the evening the student<; were 1 Wests of the Worcester Society of Civll F.ngineers at a banquet held at the Hotel Sheraton.
S J('\'(' <'it·h T o li e acl •\thJ t•ti(· A~o~sod n t ion For Couaiug Yc•ar On \\'t'dnesday, )lay s, lhe presitlenl of the Tech Council and oflicers o}f the \\' .P.l. Athletic Association were elected at a grneral assembly of all studt'nts in Alrlen l\lemoriaJ. Only juniors of good standing arc eligiule for the oftice of president of the T ech Council. After the three juniors chosen by the nominating commiLLee wcrr posted, nominations were received from the floor . The final \'ote was then wken which resulted in the election of Jim O'Regan to the oflice of Trch Couneil president. The resuiL-; of the \\'.P.l. Athletic :\ ssori:nion elections were as follows: ' tcve lldch, president ; Mal l-l o•Lon, viet•-president ; Paul May, treasurer ; and Don Kolodne, secretary. Het \Wen elections, nwn who played vmsily and jayvee basketball and members nf the switnruing, relay, and cnlSs country track teams received their \V.P.I. letters from Pmfessor Carpen ter. 1t was announced that the captain of next year's basketball team would be Steve Ucich and the captain o£ the swimmin~ team would be Sidney Mudwed. Also, the Huynlonians were on hand to play a few selections while the votes were being collected. i\t next week's assembly, the elect ion of class oflicers for next yeu r will lake place.
AlChE E lects Me n, Discu sses Plans For Pic nic
A'"'r~ly T£
l\lr:'! . an ford Hil (•y'~ Dt•alh Gt•t•al. Loss lo \Vor<·cslt'r Tf'('h AlthouJ::h traversing the campus day after dny, mos t studcnl!\ kMw
liulr t'f Ihe people thrnugh whnse the buildinJ:ts which they enter have been erected . \\'het her the doMrs nrc livint( or dead, their li fe and r('lalionship with the school, the st udt•nts knuw little of. \\'ith the passinJ:( away of ~ I rs. R. Sanford ( Kilthcrine H .) Riley, the school nod the city of Worcester lost one llf their staunchest supporters. T hrough her 1111d lwr immediate family, n lurgt• clonation of fu nds and untirin~ot cffnrt was rlnnnll'd tn this sehoul nnd to the city. \\'itlwut such aid, \\'. P.I. no dm1ht wnulll nut occupy it" present posit ion in the t>ducnticmal field . Her cnt ire lif<• and hi st~1ry was d nsely conncrte<l wilh that of Tech. Her father. Milton Jl. Hij:tgins, after whum the Higgins building was numed, w:L'l hrad of the Washburn Shops and Ocn n of 1he~ l\ f<ochnnicnl Engineering Dept. Hrr husband, R. Sunfnrrl Hiley, in addition to hcin~ot u devotrd alumnus wns also one of its trustees. After his cle:&th, shr allocated purl of her inheritJtnc<> fnr the bu ilclinA uf u dormitory, whi~;h wa~ named Sanford Rilt•y Hnll in his mcmury. Now, upon her cll·ttt h. \\' .P.I. has been bequen.thed her hwnc ul 228 West Street. r-\nt ouly will Tech feel ber loss, hu t the dty of \\'on·cstcr will also be clrpriwd of her good cltizc:nship. T he nulubcr of Or1(ani7.ations to which ~he IJe!()ngecl is almost without wunt. Music, drama, gardens, sod:ll wrlfare, and good government were· all lively interesls to bcr. She leaves I wo sons, three daughters and twenty grandchildren to carry on the heritage of her~elf and hrr h usbn 1HI. Func•ml S<>rvice was held at First l' nitarian Church, with crcmutirm and burial at Rural C"emet<·ry. ~enerosity
M a recent meeting of the A.I.Ch .E. the members voted a new slate of officers into office for the coming year. J ohn Carberry Meade was elected chairman ; Tejinder S. Chaddha , vice-chairman ; John J . Wheeler, secretary ; and Harold F. On tlw t> \'c·n ing of l\tny Dcl'urli, 1rcasurer. Me.-tdc and I .), the• t~ prin,.c a ir will curry \\'heeler arc Ju niors, while DeCarli furlh frmn AlciPn Mc>ntoriul ancl rhaddha are uphomores. A mliiHrium lhf' i!l rui ns or pop~; c•m•tc' rt musi f• r c miStag parties lire once again be· n il!c·c>n I of i! U(• h c•vc•r · JIOJHI• coming popul:lr al Tech as the year lor t'\C' nts lu·lfl in Hct141o n 's draws tu u clnse. The A.T.Ch.E. is Symphony Hull. (ndf'C•cl. the latest 111 announce their plans for tlw Tf'c·h B um! ri vals Rostheir annual bout on May 29th. The ton's lw s t. Fc•ulured will he !lome> of thf' finf'ilt c>lnssic·ol members have chosen Hunts in Sterfit>lc•c·tions, with vrJf'al s olcw11 linl! ;ts the site. chicken as the main hy the> tulNitNI Miss Anne course. with brid~e, ~port s and beer Tyrell, nur own F rank as sidelights. Tn the evening all memHo ll.y, u nci Roc'lgc>r A ndc·r· bers of the A.T.Ch.E. have been in- 1 110 11 on tlu- tromhunc•. vitecl t() attend an infnrmal dance. L--- - - - ----------1
Pops Co•wc r·t
12, 1948
JGraduation Exercises Scheduled ·for Municipal Attditorium X
Last Hop of Season To B(~ llcld by Sophs On 22nd
Admirt•l llaymoml A. Spruunc.- To Bt> .l \taiu Spca'k cr
, enior graduation is almost at hnnd. Cmnmencement festivities will S pcwl ~ Onnc·c· T o B e Pnl bt-gin at 8:00 P.l\1. Wednesday, On l"ua· the First T ime• S iau•c• Wna· June 9, at Central Church. The \' uu 'vt~ probably het~rd the old ceremonies will he opened with a timers anlund here saying "before OaccahLUrcale service prc:'ached by the wm·, we hnd · · ·" Well, before the .Rt!Vt~rend \VIllter D. Kring. Re.vthe wnr Lhl'Y did have a Sophomore crend Kring, nn cx-ofticio trustee of llnp, commnnly held us the last sodill event or the YNir. This year W.P..I., is the minister at the First the Sophllllll}rt's have decided to Unitarian Church. c()me through ugain, und produce On Thursday afternoon, J une I 0, one t•f the s.cason's outstanding ' l:•._<;s Day exercises will be held in event.: H spMis dance. Alden l\l cmoriul Auditorium. The From 8 :JO to 12:00 P.M ., l\ltty exercisrs will begin at 3:00 P.M., 22 hos bN'n chosen us the date for and will inducle the Class Day Ora· this J.(nla cverlf , and Alden Memori- 1inn, I he prrsentation of the Class al has hceu ~cMctrd ns the place. Gift , the Class History, and the Tree To1 bring you the finest in entertain- and Ivy ceremonies. The Presi111l'l1t, 1he srrvict•s of our own Boyn- dent 's Reception for the Senior Class wninns have bc<'n en~ngcc! not the will be from 4:30 ln 6:00 P.M. in five piec:t• or the six pierc band, bul Snnford Riley Commons. At 7:00 the Bnyntonlans all dressed up in ten, P.M. the Seninr Dinner Dance will yes ten, ~real big bundles of music. begin <rt the Wnchusett Country How can the clnss or L950 offer Club. you so much? Well, lhut gift for Graduation will ta,ke place on tlw finest in entertainment this time Commencement Day, Friday, June comes from tbe rfforts of six very 1 t' · be • • ,. 1. vra<1uu mn exerc1ses, gmntn!( . cnergettc ~cco~cl yeor me~t under the nt I0: 3o A.M., will be held in the c:tpahle dtrect•on of ~hu&rma? J ohn Worcester Municipal Auditorium. ( <Kker. J erry Welts 1s handling the .1., C e t k '11 be . ole <>mmenc men spea er wa puhhcity for this spring sporL') dance. A · R 1 A s • . ~ c1rmrn 1 nymom . pruance, (< nnt mued on J agl' 2, Col. I ) Nava1 w ar College, 1, rest'den,1 of lh ~ e Newport. R. I. Arranf(ements for the Iuse of the Municipal Auditorium were made by Admiral Cluverius to unswer the "red for tickets of the exceptionally lnrge graduating class.
Free Movies Sponsored hy S.R.H. Frosh
The second and final progmm <>f nwvie:; sponsored by the rcsidenLc; of Sanfnrrl Riley Hall will be present· rd em Friday evening, May 14, at the Alden M emorit~l Auditorium. The program was first initialed this year by the freshman clnss and .it is hoped that the series or movies will h<· ~ontinuerl in fut ure years. Tlw prn~ram for the evening of 1he fourt eenth will consist of four movics1 a.nrl should lust about two and nne-half hours. The feature picture, " Wee Willie Winkle" starring Shirley T emple, Victor Mci.aglen, and C. Aubrey Smith is based on Rud y11rrl K irling's story of the Ren$(al 'Lancers. The second feature is In he "The Story of Human EncrJ.!Y"· a Wa lt Disney cartoon. A <1uick tour of the high spot!! of ~cw Y()rk City is the I hird presenl<llion , "New York Calling". The fourth picture of the evening, 11 New ToiJaccr>land, U.S.A.", tells the true life stnry of a southern tobacco farming family. All are invited to come and enjoy an evening of free entertainment.
Saturday, June 12, is Alumni Day. All laboratories, shops, anrl buildings will ·be open for inspection during the clay. T he Alumni Association meelin!( will take place in the Janel Earle Room from l l :00 to 11:45 A.M . 1'he Annual Alumni Associa· lion lunch will be held at I :00 P.M. in Alden Memoria l Auditorium and Sanford Riley Ct)mmons, and at 4:00 P.:M . there will be the Alumni Reception and Te~t in Sanford Riley Commons.
Newman Club Elects Officers -a;;" Tuesday evening, May 6, the Newmnn Club elected its officers for the coming year. Those elected wr re: PreJ~ident , James F . O'Regan ; Vice-Prec;ident, Harold F. DeCarli ; Secretary-Treasurer, Francis Fay ; Senior Directors, Richard ]. Coughlin nnd Hugh M. Robinson ; Junior Directors , Walter Il. Dennen and Neil J. Crowley; Sophomore Directors, Andrew C. Andersen and Edward F. Powers.
TECH NEWS l'uhlitlt~J Dt wcd .Jy U t lnz lbt Calle~< Year by The T~.-h /\/•• .., \•~<lt"llll iun u( llw ~ uN"e.,lt•r Poh lt•du• lc- I n •tilutc
1-!HTOR 1:-. C' IUE.F Jn" !Jh £ . I.e-mire ~~ \~ \(, 1'1\(, I.:UITOR rE \Tl'Rr: I.LHTOR ~lalcolm i\ Sanborn Gino J :)(Ullilnd rca ,~, WS ~Ill lOR S f:LRE"T ,\k \ l·un<l> j . Hi~da William .\ J ulian SI'OR"n> J, IHTOR j uhn h. Mullaney Cit '~JNESS M.A.'JACER Alfr,•d E. Lctourntau \0\' I~I<TIS I'\1(: \1A~AGER CIRCl :J.ATTON ~t.J\NACER Hugh M. Robin~n Rof~rl V1n1 Amhun;h ,\SSISTANT ~IANAGERS t\ SSISTANT M,\NAOER l{t•nt II ll11Chand Ra \ mr'l rul lllnndtt't 1\ , Paul h't·ncy Frttnllib T. McPnrllnnd J UN IOR EUITORS Gt•rulrl ..-. MtC'u tmirk L.twrcncc llorst J•·rt·miuh P. O'Neil Hnrt)' Melden Mnil Hnbinsk.l II vlnl( II an! Fn•d J. llrt•n nnn R:l\montl fjrundoll Sullbi11.h M 11thiah \V(IIr t•r 11. lh·nncn, Jr. Th~n'lll\ Cullin William Gri!IJ!! t:t•nt~tc Hill nu l.en A. Lynrh, Jr. COLUM NISTS
Rolnnd I•'. Brdnrtl
Nnrmnn limwn
~1• ~
Rlthnrd 11 • .Mt Mnlmn
REI'ORTF.RS Nrll Sulllvnn Philip Arkcrmnn
john F. Coyne John Brierly
Conn11n Robrrl Smith
] o!R'ph Cw~1dow ki
Jo'rank ~. }urr1.ak \'arlkt, Sohlaan
BUSINESS ASSISTAI\'T!) lfroni~l11w 8 Kupum•ict Gt•uq(t Ccoulty
fo n.111ch E. Kearney 'I <Jm
William Homey
ll nrul•l Cuerd
llill !\wonsrm Rkhurd
Claude F. Veraa
Phil Ore,lcr
FACULTV AOVlSER J ohn ll. M adc~nzie Newe Pho11~11 Bwlne• { S-2024 Editorial 13-l<HJ lS-2024 TERMS Subr.c:rlptlon l)fr school yenr, $1.00, single ~opies $0.10. Make nil che~ks payable to Bualnna Manager. Enttrcd as aecond class mallcr, September 21, 19 t0, at the Potl Olllce In Worceatrr1 Mnas., under Lhe Act or M arch J, 1879.
rrbe Cofi'ec Shop On Monday, Mny 10 1 at a. special meeting of the T ech Council, the question of the C()ffce Shop was djscusscd . Mr. Stephen Spnncns, the Coffee Shop mana):ter since its opening last November, Mated lhat the idea for n Coffee Shop was conceived by the Class of l 94 7, which left a sum of money for t hat purpose. The ' hop would IJring the students closer togrt her, a nd provide the nece~ ury funds for n Student Union Building. That lhc Shop has been n s uccc~s is shci\Vn by Mr. Spaneas' report of a tweuty percent prof•t to date. This '":'" possible because of no overhead expenses, no loss on extra doughnut" which were returned to the baker, and the free services of the .C.i\ . members who operate the shop. ~~ r. Rochrtlt'. superintendent of Sanford Rilty Dormitory, when• the shop is presently located . o;nid that he was behind the Coffee Shop but that he felt that the Shop should pay rent. By paying ~uch a rrnl it was figu red thnt the • hop could not operate at a prolil. i\ new location for the Shop wus considered, but none was found cl ewhrre on the campu~ which wou ld be suitable. T hr Council then recommended that the hop invcslil{alr two pol\sibilitle:.; one, operate the Canteen in lhe gym, llu.' prolits of whi<:h would pay Cor the rt•nL of Lhe Coffee Shop in the Dorm. or two, arply for an a llocat ion from the Student Activity T ax to puy Cor Lhc Coffee Shop rent.
Soplwnwre Hop (Continued from l'ugc I, Col. 4) Fmn Fny hall charge or invital ions. Mal H orton is bringing ynu the besl in chaperuncs. 81;u Hayward is handling tickets, nnd Ham R!)berl· son is attending to specialties. llcrt•'s the chance to make the besl or the last weekend before linals. Saturday ufternuon the W.P.l. ballpluycrs play hCKt to lbc West· over F ield nine. Saturday night brinl(~ lhc Sophllll\llre IIOil. and we unclcrst:md thnt some of the houses arc pl:tnninf( outings for Sunday. Sounds greal. c.loe~n 't it ? Tt will be scre:tt so get on thr hanclwal(on, and ~rl your tickllt >~ whik• they la!ltl
Dr·y Clcant"r
an<l Laund~rers
A S~<'ialty 11 3 Uifthlond St., Wor ceetu
l'f'cl l•ri~· ('UIIINII finull4, l\1ny 17. Wuh·h Rullt•lin Dour•lt! ror time und t•lu•·•·· All stude nt!! ur1· irnrlted hi ullcml.
Free Deliver)' at tile
Young Ve ts Florist 397 Muln S tl'eet ( OI)J>. W RE I'RATT CO.) WORCEgTER, ~fA S.
O R4~ 1110~
$2. 50 ANn t t•
Elwood Adan1s, Inc. lndu•tritrl Supplie• Di•tributor•
NE\\ S
'\l ay 12, 1943
Fraternity C\V Bit
49er' Prom: The Dance Is Over, But tb ~ Malady Lingers On
Jly "OR)l BRO\\ 'i
In the evening. the )fasque pla)•ers Ten Littlt> lnrli a n ~, \rith IJankroll low, a nd spiritS pre.ented a play entitled ''The Ten Round Rohiu. Provide Liule Indians" which was exccllentrnpiclly following, the " machloe" opPleasant Memorit:s ly cast and presented. Tt was a fin. Prators of Boynton Hill are back on \ hush of !! ll~:ncc crt>J)l • w~:r \\'or· ' i:>hcd production and much credit the job al(ain. Let us relax for a c~:~tcr Tech ~l onday broken only by !>he>uld ~o to ~ fr. Charles B. Rugg mument and allow our Lhooghls to the st:uffiinl( m ~lutlcnts feet :1.'1 they for his fme direction. transcend the limitS nf our miseries mtlllnl(ecl to drtll( thent.<lclvcs from .\fter the play. a round robin was nnd dwell on happier hours. class lo dus.-;. The lust formal week- I hdrl , \\hereby the doors of each eraThe formal weekend went over in end bt:forc summer recess was over ternity ht>use was thrown t>pen to n bil( way nl 1\ .T.O. The banquet a~ the Lirerl bul happy Tech men all C•lntt•r:-. .\ s dawn broke, the last :.cltlcd back l11 lht• more snl.ler prob- few Tech men were seen slra~~ling on Saturday night wa.~ well attend· lems of Physic::., 'rhl•rmo, and Cal· hnrne after another night of dancing ctl, and everyune had a swell time. l ulus. and revelry. Jruwtl'ju like the decora i ions in the This formul werkend was ontl of Sunday afternoon was devoted lo J.,'tlme room? Prclly sharp, eh? The the most sucu! .. 'l-,ful ont, seen here rt·cn\'ery from the late ho11rs which weekend will be especially well re11ere kept the previous two nights. membered by Bob ~ I anahan, who :ti Te:·ch for a J(OOcl many years due \ ~ farewell-. \\Tere being exchanged, hecn.mc en~agetl , and by Bill Wach- tu the l.tr~e number of participant s. nnt' could not help thinking, "\\'hy ter, Oick J ohnson, and Lex Carroll, Friday t•veninl(, the formal tollk the dne~n ' t this happen more often''. spntli~llt a.s the t:n~tin('('r' :tnd their who hung their pins. dates d:mt:ed tu thr mclmlic ~tmins S.l '.l~. dicl O.K • too. After lhe t>f Buddy ~Iorenu und hi, orchl'Slra. Worcester Telegram ball game on Saturday, they aJJ Buddy, compamtively unknown , is w••nt tn Sterling fur a picnic, where nn up and comin~e hand leaclrr, ns cverynnc enjnyed a smnke-cooked proven l>y hi-. c;~cl'llen t JWrformwlce meal. U.'f .O.'s llnb Carlson, Chet at the d:lllce; :mel his sperl:1lty :u:t!! .\ntlerson, Boh ~mith, Pres Stevens, were a delight tn nil whu atlcncicrl. The Evening Gazette nnd J im l\larston h un~ their pins . .\ IJnut .150 rouplr... wrre prc~enl, Frctl llessclievre wnlked awny with making thlo; n li nanl'i:d il$ \1'1'11 as a the medals nl Lhe recent intramural sodnl :!llct't'I'S. pinl>(·pong tournament. Saturday nfirrn11!111 many nf lht' Sunday Telegram Phi Sig hnd 'em a ll bcnl on April students and lhdr hcsi girl friends 24 1 when i hey play<·d host lo some hruvetl the enol wrnlher l11 srr lhc twt"ni y Colby worblcrs. A party wns engineers' h:L<ciJa II I en m gil dnwn to held in honor of j ack Brierly, Char- dl'feal nl ih(• hand~ nr Tuft~ rollege lie l.mcnz, and rt Huuvier. who u flcr mnkinF( ~~ c:nnt <'l h·d t'frurt tn Radio Station WTAG hruu~hl in Lh(• l ar~-:c~L number of "in in th<' flnu l phn.w o; lht~ game. ma~<tt.inr subscripti()ns in the recent huuS<' driv(.'. Johnny St•guin w a s - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - runnrr· UI> in tht• ~nip·{tnop tournament. Bub Ort>w anti Rod Wye have alt;o juim•d lht• pin-hangers'
• •
union, L.C ..\ . lwhl it' 35th \nnual Alum· ni Initiation Hanquct nn }.Jny 8 in Rill•y. ~ l r . Elles M. Derby, nnt innal pn•siclenl , wns the principal spe•lkt•r. T ht• L.C..\ . Order of Merit ~\('Ill In llr1rnhl .\ . ~fn-<f1rld. f•l rlll{'rly nf the Tt'Ch fatu ity. The ~ (others' I lay lmnqucl fnll owNI hn • unday, !\ lily 9. } t\hn Kcn<lltll pa..~ccl nut 1he sluJ,:it•'! aftc·r lnsing his pin lo
!\ l i.-.~
Nuncy Richarrlsrm.
ThNo C'hl has invitecl the folks
l:H-1 56 !\l oin Street Worcel'tf.'r. !Uae•.
Sunday. l\lny 16, at ~5 Salisbury St reel . There wilt he n banquet a1 mKlll, nnd ewryi' IW is gun.rn nleed an t'njnyablc timc. Walt Charow remained chaint•d ltl hi~ slipslick while ht.· bt'(.11ll(' ihc father or n bnby girl. S ..\ .E. b plannin~ tn rest up this \l'('(•keml SCI as to be nhle to dtwott' rcnt.'l\'l'll energy tn a ha)•ridc on May I S• •\n appropri:ue bum\; dance will fulluw. Sfll'IHI
A.f·•. Pi i:; also taJ..in,~t it e:t-'>y lhi!'i \l('('kCIIII. T h,• biubccuc planned for s.nu rday. Muy I. WCl~ called orr beruuse ur hi,~:h wintl. Thry cooked wlthuul a tir,• ihat nl~hL Cou~ratu lnlitlns l1\ .\1 Pearlman, who won lir-.L prizt.• ttl the ~()rlhrast Rcl:(ional A. l.RF. t:tmfcrr11Ce with !tis new •'lrl lmnic 111usical instrumeut. Better kt'I'P awny fr11111 t hr Uoynlonians, AI.
Lawn and Canlen Su ppli re ll n dwere. Toola, P a int, t 'i.-l'JihorC' t'urnit~h lnp
Farnworth's Texaco ervice tntio11 ( :Or. lli11hlnnd & Cou ldin~ Su.
. IJit for it dthfl' fC<~:r ••• both tra.!r-m.ul... mtau tlte s.unt thing. I OTlUO UHDU AIITHOitllY OP TilE COCA.COU. COM,/IHt I Y
Mu~ 12 1918
SPORTS BEFORE MY EYES By 1\lr. '·X" .\t Ja.;,t the spring weather seems to han> come to stay. and with baseballs ftlling the air we naturally are intertStt•d in the prospects of the Tech team. By this printing, Tech will ha'e already played four of its eleht )lame~. At present the future lot'k~ pretty dark with three onesided l os.~s to ~ort.hea tern, Tufts, and Fort De\'en$: but don't sell the bny~. hnrt yel. Potentiall}' they have the makin,gs of a winning team, tiespite their early showings. Tf you've watched them pracucmg, you'll :u~ree with me that they can play a much better brand or ball tha11 the score$ to date would seem to indi-
1 find m'thing "rong in the out- ·
BIG DAY AT MASS. Trackm(•n Edge Un n· .. o f 1\1ass., , , (l-l 2-.l - 6l 1-.~
Intramural Softhall Underway; Tlu·ee\vay Tie For League Lead
Co rtlonrl rw rl ~1 o~~;ru•n Ro~kt·ll'
EAT Po&tal
tnt ion
Jay's Corner
r•t' nnl!y lvan io
$1 .8$ ( ' an e l 1 Dunlop and Macc r..or
Magazin e&
R•r kot Rulrln~rlna Dono on l' r~mto .. 2• llou r Stnlc~ or Lu• Armour'l Gu t - Duponl J','ylon
16.9 5 Struujt with Nylon 'FENNJS UAU .S -
•Tech Nine Do\VliS States Men 6-2; Chapin In Charge-Gives 4 Hits
lield. Capt. ~lcKernan, John Con. h 1o n htart and Don Thompson, are four \'Cry capnble gardeners. tuarl especially has shown plenty E n~inct'rs Oomin utt• of ability and besidCio his very cnpaFit~lcl EYe nts; HowdJ . blc fielding ha..., been hitt in!! at a .400 Howe Double Winner s dip. HL" throwing arm lets loose \\'ith H arvey Rowell and George like a CHnnun and it 's a ~ood runner !lowe in the driver's seat, lbe Tech who 111ake$ many extra base~ on track team eked out a 64 2 3 to Don. T he pitch in~ department, with a ~ I I 3 victo~~ in a ~ual track an~ little e'<tra support, should be quite held_ Cl'mreutt,,n agamst the Unacapable of turning in 3 winning l ''cr:-1ty of ~lass. Howell brought game. Ross Chapin, Reel ~ hattuck, home a tn.tal of 12 po.ints, lakin~ George Strunz, 'lnd Dick Seagraves flr-;t pl.ace Ill both .the hl~h lll_ld low are four pitchtr~ that can be counted hurtlle:., <1 \)d plactng thtrd In the calc. un to turn in ~ood performances. 100 nnd 220 yard dashes. H!lWe also :\t the plate their power has aJ- Ross, who did so well last year, has ~ ll<lk t~\'1> ~rst place~. in th.c jave.lin ready been shown. Tt seems the boys got ten off to o :;low start but turned .mel htf.(h Jump, Whllt• plactng thtrd just can't hit the ri,~tht combination in a ~ood perfnrmat;ce against in the _pole vault. Tht> other first to push across those precious runs, Dt!vens. \\'ith ~ 000 support he mi).lht pl:lce wmn~·r~ fur the speedsters from but when a team continues to hit C<t"iiY have won the game. J im lluynton Htll were Capt Duve nine hits <'r so per game they're O'R<'gnn ancl Hob :\ Ianahan, though Brown in the 880 y:Lrd run, Sid bound to come acrss sooner or later both short on experience, ha\'c :'l!aclwetl in the d!scu~ throw, George with a pny-off. turned in capable rcrformances at Dewire in the Pl)lc vault, and I Defen~i,·cly, Tech is definitely n the backstop. J)d.oid in the brollll jump. bettt>r learn than it has shown so far. Yes, as the snyin;:t AOeil, every The met•t was clt):;e thrnu~hout , The infield has looked pretty had nt cloud hu~ a silver lining, and 1 be· with neither team gainin~ n complete times, but l 've seen Johnny Ceorj:!e. lirve the bn cbnll team will shuw SI\C<'JI of any (•vent. f 1lr the T ech Llill Carlson, Russ Brndlaw, and us the silver lining by playitlg the lt•um. the Held cwnts were strong teve l'cich pl<lyintt the way an in- brand of baseball nf which they :~re as usual. with the Engineer$ laking field should play lOt> often to give capable. Until the sun breaks ftr~t place in every event eteccpt up on them yet. It's my bet that as through, remember that it's C<l!y to the shot pul. where they h:Hl to I><' ~Otln as they I!Cl back their c<>nft - mot for the team when they're win- rnnt<'nt with sect>nd and third denct\ they'll stand up against any nin[.t. but it 's when the goin~ gets pla<·c.c;. Cnutrary tn •llhrr meets in Infield we face. wugh that they need ynur support. the pao;t, hnwever. the l<'am gninrcl - - - - -- - - - - - - - -at lcn~t one place in all nf the middle ;md long distance events, which meant the difference hel\\ecn vicwry ,tnd rfefeat. In Tech\ first mePL nf the season, \\'ith the linbh or inter frut~rnity h:J\'l' nlmost their entir(' team back durin1-1 thr fnrmnl week -end, the trark the thoughts of the sports- from last yent• with the c.~ception or "' ronJ.l contin~ent frorn Ho~ ton U. minrlcd fraternity men turn toward pitcher Bill ) ae~lc. T he Fijis have whipped the ~l erpy Engineers, 72-54. a ~r>lld all around bull dub. They It was the old story, strong field that increasing popular game, called h:we ttn excell<•nt pitcher in "smil- events, bu t no runners. T he Rt>dsofthall . As in basketball these soft- int:(' Herb Cahoon and should end and-whit.e dad Terriers swept the hall ~{ames are marked by <;pirited up on top. !\.T.O. and ..A.E. have tlm·P pay-off pn!'itions in the 440, cnm[X't it ion. improved greatly since la'lt season miiP and two mile runs. L!toking at the race al the end of and will und nubteclly notch up their Harvey Howell, the freshman the fir~ t week we see t\ .T.O.. S.t\.lL share of victories. The other teams ~prtoster from Worcester, gave the and r.r..0 . !carlin~ the pack with hn ve lost some close games and are tirsl outdoor exhibition or his tw11 victories and no calnstrophies. still cnnsidered in the running. hurdling talents under the Tech colP... K. and .1'.E. are lied fllr secIt's too bad the fratern ities do or<;, and ran away with both the high ond place with a record of 1 and I. nut realize that the umpires are do- nnd low events. The olher three \II of the other fraternities have not in~ them a favor by S(iving up their firsts copped by the home team were a~ yet {ostcd the fruits or victory. time fr>r nothing. 1f these men were in the field, by Howe, Madwed, and The race ns a whole should be not nut there the fraternities wnuld HnrJt. in lhc javelin throw, discus, clc~Se all the way. .P.E .. the defend- have to hire s()meone else to do the and shot put respectively. in,!! champ!>, have already lost a game job. \ s it is the " ump" takes a to P. .K. nnd took a close one from bca t ing f mm both Leams during the T.K.P. The , .P.E.'s ha,·e ~ood hit- rntire ~ame. So, the next lime you ten, nnd good fielders and houlcl end think the umpire's clecision tc; quesTht> Flnnt 11/ f; tflllfJntl'lll UJl near the top of the heap. l'.C.D. tinnable dtm 'l jump clown his t hroal ; llnucorofl • Duulnr, • \taco<:n·f!Or 1 '>ok~ like the team to beat. They RACKETS remember he '~ tloin~ y!)U a favor. cord ta,
\\'orccstcr Tech's baseball team registered its initial win of the season . aturduy afternoon against M ass U. o-2 behind U1e brilliant four hit pitrhin~ of Ross Chapin. Chapin, who bad failed to go the rou te in two previous starts, wus in complete command all the wny and would h::we recorded n shut-out bul for faulty firlding in the sixth inning. It was in this innin~ thnt Mass. U. I:(Ot both its runs on one hit. A walk, nn error on a double r)lay ball, :t single by • hufelt , and a fly-out hrouRht htmll' both tallies. Cha1\in \\ liS aided no end by the brillinnt tielding of short-slOp Bill Carlson who turned in nnothl'r of his -;parklinA (')Crfurmnnces. In ndditillll to his f1clding Rilly continued hi~ hitlinA spree and ban~cd three runs acro~'i the plate. j t\hnny George nt third base al.;o turned in a fine game afield whilt> leading the hit parade with three for f1ve . Tech ~wrcd sinl(le runs in the second and fourth innings and clinched matter.!' in the sixth when Curlson ddiv<'n·d a hnscs h~adcd d<>uhlc to
drive acr~ t wo runs. In lhe ninth inning T ech scored two more runs to insure Chnpin's first win of the year. tewart continues to look well in the outfield nnd although not a longball hitter he does gel the good wood against the ball. The buttery is still one of Coach :\fc~uliy 's biggest he:~daches. Manahan has replaced O'Regan behind the plate because of the latter's weak throwinK. M a.~;~. U. mann~erl three stolen bases Saturday. The low total was probably due to Chapin's effective hurlin~ as he gave up but two walks along with the four hits. Uill Curlson is the real bright spot nn lhe team and is the team's lead· iUA hiller. lie came up with a fielding gem ngain~l Mass. U. when he rnccd back of third tn flag a potential base hit ancl threw brilliantly to mtil the runner at ftrsl. Chapin blames a sore arm and lack of work for his ineffectiveness aji:ainst Tufts nnd De1•ens. He lnnkcd very stendy n~ainst Mass. U. and sht)ws signs of being in great sha1>e for the fir<>l time this year.
DEVENS TOPPI.JES TECH LINKMEN AT W()RCESTER <:OUNTRY CLUB c;rl.'at Britnin. tht> ~ l ecca nf w>lf- 1 turncd cold nnd windy on the borne clum, has Jon!( boasted of her heroic stretch tc'>ts of I(OI f: her ma~-tnilicent seaThe twosome of Clip Helllg and sidt: mur:.cs where the slrt>ng sea- Hob Baldwin provided Tech's only brt.'ezes, the deep. white J~and , and scoring punch. The boys were off to t rt• mcnduu~ curries demand a high a fast slJlrt', and were fou r up on de)(ret' of I(Oirtng know-how. But thrir opponents leaving the ninth Ihe Wllf tt'am hcrt• at T r!' h believe green. Hut the Devens duo suddenthat they have found the peer of ly found their elu<;ive pulling touch tht• famed Rnyal St. George's, Snnd- and stroked two long ones into the wir h, and St. J\ndrr•w's links in the cup for n pair (lf birdies on the punishing Jen~th of the \\'nrccsler tenth. Having hit their stride, the C'ountry ('luh. I L~ strm 6400 yards vi!litors were hard to stop as lhey encompnss eighteen hllles which carved T ech 's lead to one up by permit nu !>lack en in~ of the conccn- sweeping the II th and 12th. With tratilin, no <'asinK up, no effort that the outcome hanging on every ie. nut <lne's best if Olrl !\Jan Par i~ stroke, the lead see-sawed back and tu be bealcn. .Mnny a !(olfer ha.~ forth as the teams approached the rt>mr Uf) to the 245 yard, par 3 clubhouse. Clip Heilig eliminated fmmh with high lwpes and a blithe his individual opponent on the 17th, hrnrt and hn~ la ter trud~ed inlc> the 2 anti I. But leading one up on tlubhou~ with heavy desrair and a the 18th, T ech watched a foursome torn scorecard. This marathon lay- victory go aglimmering as the conuul is rated a f)ar 70, but by stiff trary liLlie baU refused to drop, 1.: .S.GA standartls it i par 74. The and the points for the best-ball !(lllfer who is looking for a "breather" match were halved. hole is sQrely di~appointed as he This is the first Rol f team to rep· finds that each hole, each shot de- resent T ech since before the war, mands more and more distance. and it is a gratifying sight to see It was over this terr:,lin on April the par-breakers in action once lO that the battle uf the drivers be- more. Two tryout rounds for berths tween Tech and Devens occurred. on the roster were held before the \ las. although the spirit was will- start of tlw season, and the match in~ . the nesh was weak, and the team at present consists of Clip Jh,yntonian knitker set was toppled Heilig, captain and manager, Bob 71;~ tn 1,0 . T he Devens con tingent, Ba ldwin, Walt Charow, Harry M owho only recently lost a match by chon, Paul Schonning, and Art one point tu Boston College, one of Smith. An excellt:nt opportunity will the l(olfing powers in the East, was be afforded student golf fans to see simply too strong. Even so, ou r links- a more experienced Tech golf team men more than hel(:l their own on in action when they meet Tufts here the first nine, but as the weather in the finale on May 19.
TE C ll
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s1ruttltm Cnmp,lll), Wnlwonh Co., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - - • • • • • • • • • H:tlllwin Locnmotivc, U. S. Rubber, t;. S. Envelope, Se.1gram-CalverL~, e EFI•IUE,TLY Y•1rk Corp., l'mtt & \\'hitnc~, Rc· e EC<P~O!\JICULY public ·tcL'I Lmp., ,\ IJ ~Chal mllrs, e T IIOROl'CHLY Cll'rm ~lar t in. Austin Co., Manning, 1 \ll " 'l rJ.. ![UIIr lln h •r•tl ft,r flllf' • r•a r . l.ttrgt·~t •t• lo•ttlun uf :\ l a\w~ll and \l•il•rc Cu.. Thomas •• n•J•~ ntul " nl rll lt rnr..J,•t• in to" n . Edl ,on, lnc ., .wd I>iamond Chain Co. Our Des1rt" ,\ s alway ... cump:mics arc ltliJking Ia Sa tl..,foc:d •• Ill Tlwc tilt• iVt~nw l mplir11" for the besL m~n . nut only in studies, Cu•_"_'"_'_ er_~_ _ _ _2_;;:; '\t,\1 ~ 1'. :\F.X' r TO 1'1. \ \lOt Til ·rut-: '\Tt~F.~~r: t hut in all arounrl I'JIInlities of leadership, persrmnlity, t•nergy, phy>icttl appenrancc, nml attitudes or inll'TCSl Md am hitions. The salary scale is much the :;amc a ~ la;.t year, ran~ing from $225 io $275 a munth fur those with a bachclc;r's degree anti averaging SJOO a month for h1lld<'rs of n master's degree. l\lany companie:1 a re giving :1 IJOnu!' elf about $3 a week fe>r each year or nctive duty in lhe Armed Forces, and also a cost of living bonus that amounts to $5 or $ 10 a month.
Tennis Team Drop Opener The Tech tennis team began its sea.c;on Saturday, May 1, against n strong M.I.T. team. They ran into fi ne tennis plo.yers who had had a lot more practice lhnn the Teeh squad which hos had tu light adverse weaU1er conditions fur the last three weeks to get any practice al all. Axel Kaufman and Warren \Vat· ters, M.l.T .'s number one and two men, have played indoors all winter. The tennis team has many qew faces this year. The team lost its number one man, Leu Bressack, through graduation, and Dave Hopkins, wbo played number three last yenr, has transferrerl to :mother school. H owever, three newcomers, Ed Nabikian, AI llnwe, and Russ Kin~ look very good. Howie Green and Buddy lJember are back and lll(hling it oul for lop man. Fishman, Fishburn, both of whom played last year, tlnd Bill Julian are going nftcr the number six slot. There should be 1111 m!lre matches like the tirsl one. Wt• met tbe Univrrsity or ~l!L~. la"l Wedhesdrty, and we were ahead when the match was called because uf rllin. All our nwn need Is n littlr tnllrc practice and we will gel roll inJ.~ .
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Over 50 companies have sent one lo five representatives or personnel scouts to the \\' P.r. campus to in· terview seniors, an([ nbout 50 more companies are exjWctcd lo semi rep sentatives that ~ill visit the school during the rcnmindrr of the ll'ml. Another 50 compa nies have s.tnt offers of jobs by letter wh ich an: on file in ll1e Public Rel!Llions Offtce, and can be seen by the seniors and graduates anylime. " This is tbc biggest year, in num· ber of position.'! available to seniors and gradu(ltcs", said Professor Swan, Director or Placement. A lnrge number or positions are available to graduates of all departments, and these positions cover all parts of the United States and many foreign countries. Among the 50 or so companies that have visited the campus so far, are: Americnn Viscose, Genernl Electric, Proctor & Gamble, Dell Research Laboratories, Worcester County Electric, New England Electric System, Ea.'ltmnn Kodak, National Aniline, DuPonl, AUantlc Refining, General Motors, Buffnlo Forge, Ba iley Meter, Socony-Vacuum, Hartford Electric Light, Draper Corp., Norton Company, N . Y. Power and Light, Factory Insurance Association, Crocker Electric, Chance-Vought AircraJL, United Shoe Machinery, Whitlock Mfg., Campbell Soup, International Tel. & Tel., New England Tel. & Tel., New York Tel. & Tel., New Jer!;ey Tel. & Tel., American Tel. and Tel. of New York, Weston Electric, Calco, Duquesne Light and Power, Revere Copper and Brass, Sylania Electric Products, Westinghouse Mfg., Ingersoll-Rand, General Con-
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