'\'\nrr.:·-.tt r~
\ .tnmr XL ,o, 2
" 't'(hll·•tla•. n..c. th . '" w
It is
. Budget MAc~ULLOUGD nnonn<·cd For ELE~TED HEAD
St~NIOIIS ASSE~I OJ,..\:"' <~on1in~ Yt'at·
\l ujur ltc.•m" On u~t of jnurnaJi•OJ lo fo;..tt'r 1ht• lllU· lud uclt• II a au IIJ nok ~, lUJl \\eJJart• 11f :.lUilt'nt puhh1 ,ll illn,, tu encoura~.:e loyalty to tht>tr \ lm.t Hl o llt' r~', A ~s • • mhli es \later .•tn(l to re''·•rcl the JUUrtMlt-l• I h1 "t\1111-llt Chri,tun ''~1\iatiun \\ urkinj.! un Ihe "'ltU!t>nt puulk,lltlllh tnt'"''' ~~00 00 1x•r )t'.tr Crum tht• f11r thetr rfftnt;:, 'ervkr~ and iltnllll l'>tuch•nt \ t tivity 1\t\ fund. J'hb pli-hnwnl' hy admb,iun w ah lllt'tn .tnwunt' '" .th~tut tltlt• tlnll.tr per 111.111. l>l·r-hip llw th:tiHt•r i-. •• dt•arin~ \ uur clull.u , in .ultlit iun 111 mutOII.' huu-e fur th~ pmhlt>m .. ui .til pullli ftum tht• rc·d· ('arni\.ll and thr t.Hiun~ un tht• C:tnl)l\1' )lt't'lltlj.!s lift' hluth•r anti h.tntll)ll>ll. dt•\'l)h·d '" tllll"iclcr.lli•m .. ur lkl-..ihh• 1\11'111,, hd1• tu prumlllt• ;m t \ h 'll"\l' Tht"'t' 1111'11 ,tit memht•r, of tht• •li ~putt.., lwtwet>n ~ tafT, 1>\l'f .uh t•rta- h'l ur o,('l \Ill'' \U\ i rt•d Ill I he I1}.$1). ,t•niur tin-... \\t' rt• tllll-.1'11 Cur tht•tr ing rsvalru..,, tn ltlll'-truui\1• 1 rllit i.. m 1•>'10 lin.auti.el hudl(t't nf tlw ·' "'un lt•.ult·r·h•p :tml .thalit) in tht• fu•ltl ul ui tlw puulit .llitnh Ill '\llt.!i(l'' llllll' .tll~>ll rill' luull(t•l illtludt•• lht fol JIIUrtMii'rn ' hll\1 11 throu~o~h tlwir d fur imptiiH'IIlt'lll Ill linann.tl 'unt ml .11111 tu t'•lallli~hnwnt ul 111h-' tu ftlrt ' nn t ht• st;tff, uf 1lw 1'1 1 11 ~ "''"" Frt•t~lunnn Ot•it•nlnl lu n ., !JU.t)l) ,llld llw l'l'fftf/1'1 , ~h·mlwro,hip i.. , , ,~lilt' fair starr t•lt•ttimh. llun tll.nnk" 11111! Blutll' rt~ !lOO.IIO La-.t )'t'ar, l'i .llt' ll.t .Ep,ilnn 'l)"n II , , • "l:k'll II• anyone• \\it h at lt·a'l t•tw , IIII"JI l iiH 1 1llj.tll/.1111 '>; 6 :l.Cit) ''11rtl tht• I ntertrat•·rnaty "an)( untl L' , )'I' If ~ o,t>n•iu• 1111 I ht• ~IH ff ' nf tlw 1 1 , "'·"'I' ">u w11 t ,,.,.... nu ;,.nu r.: lit) rnlh·~t· publlnat it!II 'I with a pCI~it ion llw n''IHIIN' wht~h l(rt'('lt•d thl' son~ l 'l'I' 1I ' JI 1ltllll' IIIII 1 •1•I' 1l 'lli'UII 1I ,) , 1 ·~t tWit kl'll It ~~~ .t n•tuly m:lllt• nn '\I ( .. • l.'ttUivuh·nt tn n J)(•parlntt'lllill ur • • c•11• 1lt'r~o1' 11• ., 1ull•rcu 1 :t.UU \ nnrdlnl{ly, l't l>t•lt \ Ill llt'.llt) ' '''" i.ttt• l·.ditlll , hap ur .111 \·~i ,t.lllt nu,rl t\'l'nl ' ·• • ""t'lll I I ' " f "' k Hu..,tnt·~s ~lanat.tt•f"'hiJI. Tht· nwn pl.1n-. tu -ponsor .an I I•. St ll~t •l)(ttlll ..., a.HU "''' llll~rn p111c• n ur , . • thi-. yt•ar but tlw daw has 11111 lw(ln .... <'hll'l.'n rt'<ril•etl 11hitt• r'llll.tt illlh, tht• " l lllllll,. lllll 1 1 l' llllltl ll 10.0() , ,., yt•t I ht• nffitt•r.. t•letH'fl tu run Ul . ( . nflit ial 1111\l('f .. r the fr.ltt•rnily 10 1 1'1 Delt.l 1-.p..ilon I hi" year art \\ all c· ....ru"'""'" . r(" " ' ) :;,1)() . • . • '"' t• re•rw•·" 1 1,. 1t·~nh·l4 UO.OO 1>t•nnt•n, pre.. tdt•nt . f eJ ChMI<Ih.t, N L ' 1.\ • , ()fl' "'() 00 . . ... II . I 'I I . h ...... . c.. 1ttH• n~t• nt u·•• ·•ltl.'"'~ • The J\'11\ICII purpo'l."" ur the l'i \'lt:l'·prt'•lflt'llt and ,u) Ita\ · ' at lla • \\ urt•. C'ttll llllun i t y ( h c·~t "'' Ddtt Fp~ilcm arl· hl tk\ate tht• 'l.'trt·tary tr«'a.~urer ..;lfll ifllllt•nt oru l ltt' l lllirfol 10().00 l.unw U1111111 S u1wr• j,.inn 4().0(} J 00.00 ' , C.uruh ul ..:, I"'" "''" ~ 1 CE • ···•l •" •·r c \•h •· rci".,uwnc ) :;o.oo • \.... \\ urltl ~ hult•lll Sc·n. Ftl. 100.00 11 11 111•00 Xn\\ tlhll lift• on tht• hill hns fllhl'd to lht· prt•viuu' fklltty ur lr) ' ""'''' UII I' IUI II I htrtn~t thb ''t•d; \ .t ..'l.'lllhly, Pi Pdtil l•.p..,ilun , natiun.al honnr.uy tullt•uintt< juurnali .. m fralt'rnity . an nuuncccl it.., full piNhxin.:- Thn•t' plt•dl(t'tl IH' rt' l';nrl J Hru" n u( l'almt•r JU•t.'ph J. Huru.m.'lla, J r .• or c:lttlllt'•tt•r. ll.truhl F I h•\'nrli n( l'lym•mlh. Fr.tnt '" fo' 1-.t'lrtW) nf (httnl~t·t' l·,tiJ... Rilhard II ~ ~ c ~l a· hun Jr ur Rutlwrfnrd, ' J .IIlii Lt'<l \ I ynch n( Lmlt'll ~Ia,...
"'PARE GLEE CLUB PRE . F L E Mo T ~~~~~-
.,;dtd Ill nnrmaltt} and Tt.•chmen in IIIII" fur unly nC\\ memlwr .. nntl thr l(l:llt.'r.al han• ....... umt•(l tht'lf U'llttl tluh h.... therrhy ~.aint•d .• kntl\\ 1\
., f n \I.
OF M.E. DEPT. l'wf,•s...,'<lr
(ilt•n:.tlll II .
luu~th u .H yt>;tr I;Hulty \'l.'lt•rnn h;" ht•t•n nanll'tl ht•.ul uf tht.• ~ll'diJ n it al Fn~inet.•rinl( I kp.trl nwn t, at t lw fall nwl'l inJ.l of tht• Roord tlf Tru~tt·t• ..,
l"nmt• fHr Nt·~ c:..: lluilding 1n tllltlllwr m.tion, the trustees niTt•n>tl tlw name llf Knven L1.born· tut ir~ Itt n Jlrllf)(l!>t•d new Civil Engi· nrt•a in~e hulldin~ In l>e Ctln'llructed 1111 1he F.t.. t rampu' at $ali bury and llll)·ntun ,trt-et~. h will be dt'<lkated in hunur nf the lalt.• ~l ttSe:. H. Kavrn, nf tlw d:L~ I)( ISAS, a lru~tee for many )'t'.tr-.. .111d fomwrly viceprt•siclt•nt and l'on;,ulting engint't'r Cur tlw llnilrd Sln~e Corporation of Uu .. tun and Br,crly.
L>t•an Roy.. h.ul ht•ld 1ha.. po~ iliun 1\ith hi"lltl· t ,,., Dt··" ' nf LnJ!inrerin~: lit' \\Ill 1111\1 tl\'' uh• ha• Cull tinw 111 tlw llt•01n nf En~• nt't'IIIIJt po.. tl inn \1 it h "itlt·l dutlt•, ami indt'Jit'nth•nt nf nny dt·p.llt 1111'111 \ 1' 1 ( •' ru1 Iu u I' '" Atl mh·nl c; iH•II Statl..th•e I'11 II1 ,, In hi., rt•pllrl tu the tru~tet•s, Pre~l' l'tuft•s.,tlf ~ I at Cull••ul(h wn>. l(riHI tknt \\'at Tyler Cluverius rrvealed u.~~t•tl hnm \\ 1'. I. in 11)1 K, rt.•ceivetl that H'\'t.'nty·nh.. llt'f cent or the last ht~o. ~ l.t "ter ·~ llt•l(tt't' ht'rt' in 19.1 1, anti du ~s nH• 1111w 11mployed, but he also hl'l l>tH'tor \ from Hw lfnlwrsily of fl'JlCHLt•d thut to flute industries have :\li1 hl~ot.tll In 111,12 E\tt'lll Cnr hi' ht•vu unu~ually ~luw in m:tldnJ( ar· )'t';tt 11 1 ~ l i1 hi~-:.m, ht• lwc tau~-:ht nt HliiJ.tt'mt•n t ~ Cor int('rvicwinJC M!niors. \\ . I'. I. :.imc• hl;o., 1-\r,~eluatiun. ,\lsu Itt his rc·pllrl was Lhc fact lhtll , l l~<UI Ruys Wl\S gr.ulwth•cl from allhlllll(h fllrly·~\en per ct'nt or tlle rt.'t h in IQ04J. anti r('( rlvt'tl ht!> Mrl." pn·~nt !ilutlent body nrc vetemnll, ter' degn>t.· in It> I 7, m M rthnnit nl only fa fH•t•n per cent or the Freshmen En!(im·crinl(. I lt.• wn" gmntt•d rm have ht'<'n in uniform. Thi.\1 change, hnnnntr} <h)( tur.ttr in JQJ9, the yt•:tr lOUplrd with the t''(haustion of stu· he IK•Htmr Hr>~n uf Enl(inl't'rinl( In tlt'nt '<~ G.r. bt'nellts, has led to an IQ.\0 lw al!'<l ~·r v(•d as artanl( Pre'\i intrca~d flemnnd Cor scholarships. tlent ,.( tlw lnst it ute. lit• hn.., taul(hl Tht•rt• were II J Cull scholarships 1awurdt•tl this year. at 'f t·~h ' incc• IQJO. -imultt~m·tlU.,(y
llundr d Attend Ilomccomiilg; A• E• w·Ill D C(~OratiOD . T rop)ty lbOO.()O •
clepn•., in)( martyr·likt• t'\flrt''~"itm, Jron<l quality. l'ht''-l' l tt· m~ infliratl' the widt•ly tht• trl·nd i-, tllwarcl l11okinl.! at th<• The rt>quiremerll'> Cor kt·y .. haw cla\1 r.,iflt'tl lwhlo; Ill whidl tht• Student futtm• p.lrl uf IIW "( h11ul }'~ilr ,mel lll'('ll nwdilit>d .,n I hat t \\II tllnst.'tU ( hri .. t i:tn \ "~il( iat)ll(l "'-'IV("! ret h \\hat it hn!i in ~otort' . .\munl( lh<' .tc·l tivr ycnrii' UtLendnn(.e, with nut mtm• l mt·u . livltlr<~, thr c; l('l' Cluh hn'i l(rC:Ll t hnn ft V(• nho;cnt l''\ per ye.tr. nrt• rr· l't•rhaps II little t·~plnnrtt ion uf a plan,. \ nu mi~eht '-ay n tc'ltorntinn 1111irell fur eli.l(ahility. Tht• puin t Ct-w tt rm' cm the hutl.l(<'t is in nrdrr h:t~ "'t in .tmunj.t the dl11rul r n•w ;manlo; fur the I. 1· . T ruphy "ill nllt hc·rc· Fit •t . tht' n,.,emhlil•s. Thmugh· l>in•tltJr Cliff (;tt•t•n hn., srl thr hr tlelt'tmirwd until the entl uf tlw uu t thr yt•ar many (•'(<:t•llcnt ' ll<':tkcrs thumh 'l.rcw~ tl•mn 8 hit tmcl li.l(ht )l.'i.lr. .lllcll'nlt•rt:ainl'r, an· uhtainrd fur the t'n{'cl up the t•ntr.tnle fNiuirement<. eulll). l 'Cunn. Uu l' l ll "''t•kly ~-.c·mhlie- Uullk.. ·'"" mar.ta · \\ ith •• (UII(('rt ln()mi n~t in the not IIIII'' art· ~upplied Cur tlw frl'•hmtlll l'lan!> (ut the t1llllin~ yt•ar art· n<ll t11u tli.. t.tnl httur<·. wnrk ha.' beeu wmpiNe, but the ft r'L cnnn•rt will clurmitury lnunJ,tt' r.tntl tlw ~t udcnt Jlf'IJ!rt "'"~ "l<'achl> toward that end Cc·nH·r I ht· s (' \ al<;l• mr.tmlain~ l.x· ~iH•n jointly with ( 'tl!by Junior \\' 11h quite a number of rrturnf't' .. tn ColleJ.tt: un Uc~ember 3. at ('l)luy. tht• J.tllmr• room in the dc~rmtwry. . h I r l h . ll und bonk~ null Llullers nrc prepared bnl•tt•r hi,. fnrt(";. Cliff has !~ern la'-h rt"lmr.t~ a I I . . r !-ometmw , orl y a ter in,~.t ~untinunu,ly at the club to brin~>t t onccrl by the wmbined club' uf 111 I w te·~otanmn~e n ea'h year (nr thr new nnd uhl memi.Jer,. u~etht•r • . . I 111 "tut1c·nt 111111y. 1txh anrl the l nt\er•tty ur <"nne< -~ • 1 • ' ,1 unit. ut will be ,::iven herr " u .. ual, . r.hv~<· ar,• <.cvcral ~ew Enl(land 111 F rr1 ..h Tnlt•nt thr lllt(lffiale and \ lden wncert 04 I hrt ..tt:UI \lm:emrut t:nnfercnt:h to I ror t he J)rt'nn,.. "hit h Trt h dtleuate, are o,ent with \\ llh the adclitmn uf <ln I'XCt'llent . he A(tH•n, but pam; " 'n•·ornplete. all or Jl:trt of their t')tflt'no;es pair! . h a rrty of fre•hmnn talent. tht.• 'tren~tt (Ire l .. 1 The 'rt•t h ( 'arnlvul lo., one u£ the •t ('I 1 · ( ( I u 1 '" am qu.tlity n th~· • tr ONe>I Chon(.!<'I\ llliiJ'IIr t·ntt•rl ainmrnt rwnl'i whk h i httlt·r thi~ year thun it h•.,. been In qunr a numbt.•r nf yf'ar... \\' ith an The r~t:tct has ulsa undl.'ri(OIH' -.onw 'JIUII"''rcfl hy the ~ . ( ' A. t'lllhu'-t•d set ur orticrrs to net with c·han"e in personnel. Rigid tryouts U i-.cus~lon 'lruups In the Student llif£ as a J(nvrrnin~ body, the life uf were ~iven all mem!Jel"". new and t)ld , Cr•nll·r and tlw fraternit y hcw'lt''l are the Glt.>t·-cluhber has !)('en chanlo!t'd and tltir year the ~roup will cum· hrhl a1 v~triflU'i times throu~hout the ....1 tc what. ~ l nrt• nttentaon i, bein~t pri.;e only ei~bt men. "ith onc alter- yt•ar. ~h 111 111 enuncintinn, ton<· quality. ntlle nn each part for varicty and I he C'offf•t• Shop in thl' Sturlent an•l JC roup unity. nil t>f which hn' depth Cliff i <.trec;!'in~e unificatiun Centrr mannlfed hy the S. C A. is pr Jt~ eotl 3 mure ~eriou~ atlltude thi-. year, \\hich mean. that the ut tet nut indudrcl in lhr budget since il '' itltin the cluh. Thi. )t'ar tryouts '! ..hould. have the llO!ish and refine- i ~ 11 '>C'IC !iupporting, yet non-profit r,1r ull member-. " ere required, a.' cop· menl tt has lackctl m the pa t r ntt'rprbe.
\t 1\\t-lvr mldnil(hl, Sllturday, tht• presence known throughout tbe day. tftH ir.., ur \ldrn i\lt>morial llall w~rc Th,•ir attendance ut the soccer nnd dll'it'd 1111 IIW 1'1111 of lilt' 194() 1(()1111'• foot hall !(Ames, Q(lt•r the luncheons 1'tHIIi1114 l )ntll't' Ulttl (Ill lh<• ln'il offtclul Kt'rvrd nl the fraternity hou!Ws wM phol\ll' nf this Yt':lr\ Humecornilll( littlt' ~ohor t or tremendous. It wu nrtil'il it':.. Tlw dnntt• in 1\ldrn ltl l J(r:tlifyitll( w see so many graduates tht• cxtcllcnt music or the Ruynto· Mi ll intcrtsled In the school. The nian<~ wa., u ftltln14 fanulc to the re<~l !IOCl't'r team scorrtl the lone victory ur tht• lively and well fl llt·cl plan or or the dr.ty bul th(· defeats were not I hi' (lily. 11111'-icr.tl ft•aturt or I hi" 11 '1 bnrl IL, the records might indicate. dan~t· Wll~ K!•n Parson's n•ntlition nr The f()CIIba ll team put up a terrific bi, treat ion "Slide Rulr Blue!t ". The· battlr iJ(ainst overw•helming power hiJChlij;thl or tht> eveninl( wa!l the and nlmo..t handed the alumni anprt"'.·nt:llion, made by J . Atlrun, llnl· 11thrr win. Finally thr fast. pace of brook or the silvrr tray tu the hou~ the l(am<· began to tell on the team "ith the mo't originnl and tx--.1 ilnd then R.P I. (I)Ok the ndvanlaJte. rxt'futrd hou .. t• lk>toraticm~. 'Inc hos The ll~tht displayed throughout the pltnlity of thr fmtt'rnily wru. nlo,u entire scame was ample rlroor or con,idt.•rcd a.o, a factur in rletrrminlnJ( hoot spirit. the winner ' lhr J'udRt''< ProfI.., m Ahrr the ~ames, the alumni, with C'nhb. M r llolluw!l, :tiiCI J . /\dam ~ 11lightly dampe nNI spirits, lf'ft for the Holhronk, wc•rr in an unenviuhlr lt'a danct in Sanford Riley Commons. p~>,it inn "incr Ihi' ded <~inn this yt.•ar Befurr anti a ftt•r the buffet supper'> was nn unusually toul(h onr to make served nl lhe hCitt11t'S there was more Some of the glmmkk~ werl• the moRt lime Cur the alumni to renew old elaborate !lt'Cil on lhe hill in yf'ars. friend ..hips and me.et the present Tht· nuvt>l mal(al'ine cuver me'l'Wge ttctlve nwmber!l. decorating tht' front or S.A. I~ . M'C.'nwd w lx> lhe m<l\1 unusual nnd was fi . This llomccoming Day wa.' marked nally ~lectl'f l IU the winner or the hy an unu ually large and actJve priMl tray. alumni ~roup ~ht>wing up for the ac:The alumni hegan arrlvinl( 11hortly tivitie!l and we hope we'll see more before noon and really made tht."ir H omecurnlngs like this in l~ future.
TECII l'ubll.•h d \\'niLh l)urin& lhr Cu!l~e \ 'rat h)· The- TN"h t'<ltw• u04""iati<•n or tbt·· \\ off•··tn Vol tt 4'huir ' '"tltute F.lll HHt I ~-CJifEf
MANAGISC F.fiiTOR Suhbaah \lut
R oland F. IJI'flud
NF.W!\ El>ll'OR Wllllrr 8 C~nnen, Jr
SECRLTARV Hllrold I· Ut C 1rll
SPORTS EIHTOR l•·o \ I ) nth, Jr
BUSINESS M \!'\lAGER Raymond J. ftla.ochc:l ADVERTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER Francis T. McPartl.:lnd Frands E. Kearney ASSISTANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS Will iam Cunn1·~n Frank S. Jurczak Tom llodaett William llorncy JUNIOR EDITORS John Brierly Jmminh P. O'Neil Gerald F. Arkiruon Richard rt McMahan Richard A. Coffey Malcolm D. Horton Donald C. Ltwlt Rkhard Fmnri William Crlgga CC) I. l Ml' IST ~um1an S Brown REPORTERS Francb ft . Fay Paul M O'Neil l-awson T 11•11, Jr. Nril Crowlty Robert Smith ll rnry Slylical William Clmnnrttl Edw •.nl Sarnulh Stnnll'y Friedman Andrew (.' Andrr~ul M lchurl J E,,..., f(llh 'l l (.lllrl{i Andnw F F'rr1•bnd K ICh ud ( .. ~.tn3UIIh BUSI~ESS ASSISTANTS Cbarlrs Vandinl Joseph Gwludowaki Ro11tr SwanJOn Roh.-r1 \ an.\mburvh john frkbint Ceofle Keller David Palrbanb Robert Joluuon Rtrhard P:,:;~'uc:tlt · CARTOONIST PHOTOCRAf~iF.R Franda McAuliffl' Cbgrl~ 0 I' o~rn.l~:~n FACULTY ADVISER Prof. J ohn II Macluruit N,.,., l'honrw: IIU!Oinr•• ' 5·2024 F_:'dilorlal l ~· l •tl I TERM<~
1 .~.2021
~OR \1
UIW\\ \
Ht•y, wake upl You're in class nO\\'. The week-end i:. 0\cr, and it look, n:. Lhoul(h S..\ .E. y,aJked away with il this time. The motif of t..beir decorations was the covers of Lhe magazines " Holiday", " Popular Me~hnnics", and "Time'', and the artistry alone wouJd undl')ubtedly have won 1hem the priu. Tht striking n•plh.::1 of " Time'' bearing an excel· lent porlraiL oF Dr. Carpenter over th(' ~<ln)lan " Arter lhe f:tmine . . . llw fruit<~ of victory'' expressed the 1"-.o,(!nC(' or Tech feeling, despite the R P I. accident. Congratulations on u rrally sv.eiJ job.
SPE Sil( Ep did:-,·t miss a trick when thc.>y rol\cd a H allowe'en party into tb~r Homecoming festivities. House cletorntion~ consisting Of RS"'rted ghoul and pumpkin doorways served to heighten the effect, while animated l'ntertainment featured comic acts hy AI llnnsen and company. Dan Cupid's shining arrow ha, knocked Charlie lfedenstad's pin right into
Subscription llt'r whool )'~ar, $1 75~ ,sir• o(lr r~~it"', $0. 10. !'.Joke oil dttcl. ll:l} o~hll· to BIIIIDete .Mana(tr. Enttrtd u ~«"}nd dUll matter, Srptembtr 21, 1910, at thl' Post . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 011~ In Wor~lttr, Mu1., undt1 'tht Act of March 3, 1879.
Thursday evening, October
Z7, 1949, at 7:45 P.M ., ao Informal di11Cussion will be held in the Student Center, nn Iht• Ruujecl nf 1' Unclero;tnnding
Che~.s Hear Talk on lndu ta·y; Sckolarship Award to Griswo1d ':the A.I.Ch.E. held its first meetl.ng or the !!Chool year on Thursday, October 20, in Kinnicut Hall. Mr. Eli PerryI Supervisor or Pilot Plant Operation of the Monsanto Chemical Company's Pla st ics Division in pringfield, Ma ., spoke on the topic, Vow tufd l~td.utry. Mr. Perry placed <;peCial emphasis on the "You" since he Felt thnt the Individual J>ludent could do little to affect industry but a great deal to ftt himself into the industrial set-up. Three qualifica· tlorus for succeM In the engineering field as outlined by Mr. P~rry were integrity, education tu1d personality.
He stressed the role or individuality in careers, asserting that there is no .;c,'t pattern for success, but each perl!l)n trnvels a different pnth. ln response to a request by Doctor Wilmer Kranich, Mr. Perry outlined his own rxperiences while reaching his present JlOSition in Monsnnto. \t the business mcctin~ot, Habey E Gri wold received the .\nnual \\'.P.I. A.LCh.E. Scholarship Award given to the chemicul engineering J>tudent main tainln~ot the highest schola;;tic average during his Freshman 1 and Sophomore years. Oth~r busint'5s l attended to was tht election of
Richard A. Coffey as treasurer.
o~tobrr 26. 1949
People". The dlscu!ISion will IX' led by Rev. Kenneth E. B.llh of the Greendale People's Church. Mr. Rath will introduce this lir~t in a series or S. C. A. dis' u~ion l(roups to he held on 1he mmpus n~eain thi ~ year \\ ilh n short talk h.'\!\C.•d on a Wl'allh Of knowledge J.ltUned frmn many personal interviews encountered in hi work. This i' a topic or importance to everyone, both on the campus and uherward!l. \II frt"'hmen nnd upper·clnss nwn nrc invited.
tht> hancl~ of Mary Browning of )ft. Hnlyolw Cullt..,e. \ EPi Tbt' wee hours of Sunday morning rnunrl .l ft.tla hnu~ party just reachllllt its peak at t\.E.Pi. Among those o,tt'n ~ nm ling throu~h the bulk heads, which were part of the nautical decoratillno;, " ere Sid 'Madv.ed, now !\tudying al Yale. Phil Dreier, and Stan Ro~.
thorou~bly with the ·•sweethearts of .\ T .O. The glad band of welcome 1 out to Chuck Reid, a transfer from )J.I.T. Another addition is joe Barnhill, the new cook. Joe is a graduate or ~l ass. u. in home economics nnd hails from the deep outh, Tennessee. If lhey can't bent ~. may~ they11 try to poison u.s. .\ .T .O. pa'lsword for the past week bas been . " Gimme the paint." "Seahawk" Carroll is back again and has TKP but one statement for the pre!ls at Over lifly alumni and wives de· thi' lime ••• •·. ca.h awk". ~cenderl upon Theta Kap to watch LCA the wheel.., of the " Polygrinder'' turn innou•nt. uMuspccLing fre•hmen into , The undone thermo assignments enJ(in<-Cring grad ~. \\ith SOmt' or them at Lambda Chi were du~ to their depo ited in \'atiuus appropriate succe!O<~ful efforts at makinx lhe house trash receptacles due to such causes look like Boynton HaJJ, with speciaJ 3 ., physics, thermo. beer, nnd o; t ron~er emphasis on such items of interest bevt>rngcs. Becker j unior College a:. thr hor. e which, history tell~ 119, was cfft>ctively represented tt'> drop- my-.teriou.,ly fnund iL'I way to the ping n monkey \\rt!nch into the upper region-. of that venerable build· worh, hut this situation setm" to be inrt many yearc; ago. The e~riment felt rnost keenly at T K p prover! that a horse will go upstairs t•asily enOUJ.th, but seems rather die;. A TO rnclinetl to go down again by the News from A.'f.O. goe.., 'way hack 'lame route. This is probably the to their National Conventinn at only e'<periment ever performed aL Sewanee, 'fenne. ser, with Krn Stew· T~"C:h on which no one handed in a art and Dave llud...on rrpresenting repurt \ lw prominent wa.s lhf' ci~ar \\nn<'~tcr chapter. They hmh look lharncteri<;tic of a certain person in as thouJ.th they had l!lnglccl very t hnr~otc ()[ ()pi iclll instruments used Or) l'l•onln•
l' all artd lloll•ort
Horvlt •
III(; III .ANI) TA II .OR IN(; (;(). 179 lllf. IIUNO Mf:N'S
scrul iny o'f Hecker students
a.'i thl'y pns'l in revue.
~ ·tor>
Day after day 111 the Univer· 5tnre In Athens, Ce<>rgia, u in c:ullcgc shops through ·
out the country, you co n
alway,. fintl Univenil)• of Georgia •tudents a.nd ice-('old Coca-Cola. For with tudent.s every"' here, frosly ice-cold Coon·Colu is the favorite d.rlnk- Cuke belongs. A sit for
' ithtr
u:,,_, ... ~~~
tra.it- f1'11Jr/;;l mtJII t lu samt tl:inf. I OmlO UNOCa AUiliOVlY Of TWf CO<:.A -COV. COMrANY I Y
cor. \-t:ou ntrnt " c co''" \N'
t>F "ottct::-. 1..:n 0
1949, tfto Coco·Colo C--~
U rhti>C'r 26. 19 19
., T
J l
J\ E \\ S
TE(]I BOOl' ERS Sll TO 1~ Cl .ARK UIVALS l-0
Ahdow., Ilolnt~ and Fen·ari Tally For Four 'I'ou ·hdowu ' " ca:tun ~TKIN.,0'\1 ll••hind u fle•c•l Jlllir uf h twkt' h y tilt' tuuneil of Armlltronfl unci
~----••••••••••••••••••••..1 The Tech bootcrs snapped out of l'u"••tl, R t·n ~llt•lllt'r 1'r t1t'kt•1l 11 llt)fl#lt'cl \Vurt'f'lllt•r clt•ft' fl i!t' for tt 4 Jf:rl.,ar Drrnarcl Carpcn t er · . . Jn:-leph J iunnies ... born i\ lny 14, their lcth:irfly to piny their best game o 2ll ''!l'tory nncl wruk linl11 111 u thre•c• (l'LIIIIC' winninf( !!lrt·uk whidt
tac.:kle . . . horn Auoust 26, 1918, o f the !INI!ltln for Homecoming. lo ~" 1.930, in Trenton, J ""' 'anht h in Olendnl<', Collf. . . . weit<hl 2 1l . . ••. on,.. • a roug I harcl-(ougbt Nll111e they shut ZOO lbs.... graduated from Won't''\· out their Hbrral urts r1'.... 1~ froo 1 II>"· • • • a IleneIed C anton H iAh, In •.._ " Culliosville, Conn. . . . rmy, scr- ter Classical in 1948 . . three teller nrroso; the city, Clark, 1-0. ~ea_nt , March 27, 19-12 to !\ov. 21 , athlett' at Classical in fuotlmll, bru.· Tht• fir:-t qunntr :<Inned "ith 1943 . • • Senior ~I.E. • . . igma ketb.1ll, and b.1St!ball. •.. Tech j uninr f <'t h kirkm~o~ intn tht' wind. i\either l'ht Fp:.ilon. va.r:.ity basketball . Sophomort tt>.1m "·'$ablt w grt rollins;t us play .\ ndrew Fredrick heeland l hem engine . .• igma Phi E ~~ilon ., mo\~ up and dol\n the field. ln 1 horn December 30, 192b in \\'urcts· .. . the nucldlt> o f thr fir t q u.mer Cl:lrk ttr . . weight, 175 lb .•. . attrncl<'\1 \\ alham Thoma..'! ~lehalick . born lo.. t a ~Min~t chantc \\ht•n one of \\ elle:.ley P ia.,...) High .. played June -1 1927 • . Elmira Hti~bt , :-\ thrir forwartl~ pu ht'<l the ball into b;e.ebJII, anc1 captaint'CI und J)Jayed \ . . . #{raduated from Tht)lll;L' \ . tlw 1.!11;11 \\lt h hi-. hand .. durin~<: a ct>nter 110 tht• b.-u.ketball <;quad . Edbon Hil!h in 1944 . . . playtd 111.ul ~r.unhh· fur JlO'-"t' -ion nf the attended l:niv. of Mass. at l>eH·n~ ruotball a_nd basketball in hi~h :.c:houl ball l'hr Enfo(inter~ ~an mO\•io~ fmm February w May, 1947 . . . . . . attended York late Jnstitute in tht ~wnd <luartc.•r, a o; they gnincrl :'\aV} ETM Jlt, \ pril '45 to ~ov. tlf ,\ pplied .\ rts and Science:>, Utica lht' nd\'31llill(t or the SlronR wind. '411 •. • Cathrr and unclt T•"'h '" ,.,orad· ...., ,.avy, s J/ c, 1945 . . . 1 •ec h vnr· Mtc•r nmtinunlly pre~'"",.. the C'lark unte., ... furmer rta. s l're~idt•nt . .. sity b:Wlctball, guard, in far,t yrnr dt'fen<;(·~ for ll\elve minutes, Don ~art.i~y bnschall , ha~~t'lbnll .. . jun- ~. . . ophomore M.E.. .. Th<'ta ThOmJ1'10n !\COred the only goal or aur I·.. E. ... l'hi S1r.cnw Knppa. Kuppa Phi. thr rlay, from tlfret·tly In front o( llw .1((1!11. Tho T<'Ch tattack continued. :-~ 1 hill t hl'Y were.• unable to brc:tk J(' ency • a~; l('!; H cw \.CCO t·tl A PI thrnulo(h 111-(llin.
F 1 r-1' N 1.) n Ct·o -<:oun ta·y s(,Uad Ou tt·aces Tech tJ.1 .:W Z I ''
" url'l',;lf•r·
c·c• S(•l"
18 ll
\lud. (hc·r Lt·n~lhc·rwcl
I' I' h' -..tr acr l tS week, the local race· tha~er · ran a~ainst Holy Cross in"
Cuur ••, urlhf'utol . c•xt l lirk Zeleney, \\' P.J.\ llret-footed ~lphumore, lla.. hed around the thr..., .... and ~\·en -te nth mile cross-country rour;e in the ama.dn" ti ...... of 18·.41 "' ""' tu take liht place In Saturday's meet with Rrn""t'lan Poly. alene was • . Y . the only \\ urct':'itrr pomt-wmnrr m the fir,l nine ftni 'lhers, however, tl.3 R I' I t;C'nl <;c.>ven clO!ICly-buoched mt•n .tcrosc; the tape before the re· mtlinder of the W.l'.l. team lini hed.
tht- Enl(inc'l'rtl lw~mt un Ut•lulwr fl t•!!l n~enhtl!lt Lowc•ll Tl•x tilcl ond "hie·h f'tu lc' cl thrc·c• wc·c• kt~ lnh•r hc•fm·1· 11 llmnc•<•oming lhrong ol ~{tWO. Th•• mult·r·clo~ \\ etr1•c·~1t·r 1•lc•\ I'll, whit-h hue I e rculf'cl u naint•r scn!'>ntiou in l•wul f(ri11iru u c·ir(•lt•JI, lc•1l tht' fo,·orecl Trojan11 at thf' lmlr 20- 1 I. IIIII) lu IIUf'c• umh icw\'llohly to tllf' ~ert-Ulf'l!l arroy of ru nniu ~ uutl JlU!iliiin f( aw-.. t·r tiiC'y huH• c•nt'ounlf'rccl thi8 iiC'atlon.
·-'---~ \\'orc~er's lirl>t play of thr R•'me, itor ' 44 via Tt•c·h Strikt•l4 So o n
start inK fmm the Tech 26, t>\<'ry
overland route, the
brou~ht Tt\Jlt'rts took to the air. Dropping
'J)«tator roaring to his Cett. l1.1ll. tn <olinJt one, St. Louis coolly gave
T qu.lntrlucl. Rnlnncl ~~ l.c"ti!\ took hb reteiver., the time Lhey needed the direct l>·'"s from crnt('r nnd !IWUng to ~f.'l deep into lhe Rens..~laer sec-
into Tech \ mo<.t lledblr play a., he piu.:hrcl out tu George J\bduw tln the right llank . Wilh the option of running. or pa ~ing from his e~lrndcd ~K1~1 tinn, \ hc1ch\ nrchrcl a lnnl( l!pirul downrirld. Thirty·four ynrd~ clown UN! sideline, t longatcd end Andy Freeland gathered In the Lmll ovt•r his shoulder nnd gnlhlj)Cd to tlw RPI s before being overhltuted T •
ondary. Holmes, criss-a-o ing toward the far right corner was lbe tn rl(et nnc1 the p:k'\S was a bulls-eye, n" Holmes eros..~ Lbe goa.l line ror his second T O of lbe afternoon. At half time, Worcester led 20- 14. Uc•n!l!4'lol'r 1'11kc>!J Ove•r Reine With the second half the script Wll.-'1
r htLIIRCd and lhe visitors were
,;err::; ~~~I: in~ Lh~ /u2n0c. ~.:obwell ~oopedh in '. I un on ' s a.nu uggea L e side-
Thr hc;wy wincl llllcl the rain line crack!\ by full back Rick inched the hall to tile 2 rr 1 m:ult• thlns.:s diffarult in the third , om w ICr~ halfback Abdow 'llnnunrd off left CIIUirtt•r ( ' lalk \HI~ ('V('f ()II the or- guard ro th A fr·n ,. hut thr visitors fnuncl it irlt· r e store. poor rentrr robbed Ftrru.ri of a ch"nce for th" pc...,,ablc to hrrak the cl('ftnses of the .. • " h· conver.Uon, and Worctsttr 1'"'1 "t the •II( IIIII( FnRint't.•r,, 1'l•ch 1\hlpped all ''' " \'ery dawn of tM oam.. 6-0 nt h£·r all.lll." tn tht fuunh and the " .. , •
I f 80 d TO tnt' or arr ·ryar dash which 1011(' 1It'(1 () a our touchdown explo1.on Ily the Cherry and While, giving t 11 41 20 b 1 "'-- ', lclm a " . u ge. l. Q.;n'a final lt l the od • ~ came 1a e m pen 00 a St. Lo t Sb s...-k F · • lll'l o • CUll: to erran pltchoulpa .
praclilc meet. At this time Zelenty li · hed d ana:. secon to Lhe Cross nee, \h .\h b Lh ern. · ern, . Y e. way, ran a 1 d t O"t' secon to nattonally-known Oun BlaC'k in the Xew EnJ,tland. S(ame tnclc"(l 1-0. RPI fo'umhlc• Colltly 1 1 B0 bb Jl 11 Ren ...•rlacr, whn fum hied 1s limN .~ season. Y owe turnt'd 'I' . 'I.K 1> PACE '"~ fourth place for the north-. idm • " in last year's ltx'l to Alfrt'd, dropped nl{nm~t the CrebS. ·1 ·1 ~ ()()p lht ball ancl a liWrlng chance Into • ~j S • WorctStcr·~ lap when scunrcl Ted ' e\l Saturday the lnc:al Harrier~ ru n n"airu.L i\o tb... • u· · l'ht·ttt <'ha and Thrln Knp1,3 Phi Fritz poum.ed on n frC(" hall em R l'l's " • r ..as.ern mver<~uy ot 8 10 0 N •·- , h huth 'h.alkccl up trnni~ vic tCll'iec; this JO. Back<~ Mike ShriX'k unci f·rrrarl '"' n. lhn . • rovemu..r J ' ry \\ill .,. pi f h I Wt•t•l. Ill rt•tafn Iheir lrad in lhc ground OUl a lirsl rlown on I he 18, I!> ay t:.ar orm or I c nl'l t lnlrdr.ttc•roity Tennis tuurn<'y. They wei Lhen St. Lnui~ called lht' paydlrt timt' of the season on the locnl cclur h nre IIIIW tiC'd rur lOp <;pol with fave play. End Dave flolnws fnked Into The d ... itin~ Engint•rrs from Troy I 1\lllkt•cl uff with the mret, 4.1·10. ;~::;;cn~y~Y encounter Con~l C:uarfl vkt,Jrit·~ cHI nn unhl mi~ht•d record. the heart of the Rencasclncr bnrklirld Zelentiy's lime, which equals his Coach FraJik Sanclla hn'i n ~nne! Till' Ill ( 'hl'll neorr<r Saltus and Man- and then buttonhooked to the rllo(hl hc•.,l l•ffnrt of lnst yenr, 1!1 nctuutly a lnllkinl( and hard-workin,:t club thi ~ ny Puppa'l uddcd on<' vkwry this to annre 11 spot p!l&)l from tht~ Snfnt new rt'cunl becau e lh"" cour."'"" "' w"'• " AI''• 6·3 , (J·1, wh'l1e for the ''' ""COild T O· l•'crrarl' '"" '-t'•hnn. The!'e tong-dio;rnncr ,l(fll- ''·C"k ' ' l>y c1own rng ·~" • II ron· l l·•;~thened -.li,:thtly to allow for Sat· Iuper~ ;tr(' the unsun~ hcrnr s of thr (;Nry tkln!I(Jn nud l'nul Crowley version nllempt split the uprll(htAand uu ay" sont•r game. ...pnrt'l \\urld. for lhL•ir hrnrt, mu <;l ncldt•tl 1wu ror Theta Kap, out· Tt'Ch wall rollin~e toward nn UJ>:.ct, i{rn ..el:u•r, in wking thi"> meet, he in thdr work when lht.>y rn n J!O puinl in~: I.C '\ tl4,f•· l ,and I'G I> 6-4, I3-0. "11"' '1'11 In tht•ir t'iJ.:hlh "in in n.'l uut and run Lhree ami rour milr t1 0. \\'hen th('<;(! twcl net com!)ines Ht-nK!II'fltf'r Strlk•·a. Twlr~ 0 14 20 m.an}' '''' "" throu~hnut thi !:ea.,on daily 10 ctay in ,.hapt. ~ow they 4'\'C·ntually mret, thf.' champi(lnship At thi point, bthind a forward IJ 7 0 Ul~l p:lrt of l.&~t yrar. The fact that art pointin~ for the Xorthta.'itrrn mny lit' em tht• lim•. wall averaging 198 lbs., Rl' r'S htr- llr<t•.rlatr e<:<>tln1 tuucbdr.wn• Cllee. I' •••II l. ""hlnd•lar, . kana•da i : I'OinU tht' IC,tm i' u ~ood heap~ more mt·t·t 10 put Lhem hack into n " in!'Ill( Ilia \lphu Ft~lon, prrviou,Jy aldrd allaclt ~an to click . Taking allu Ct•.,..ltdown•, Fntnku~•ld 5 cltar) upon the \\innrr. nin~t ~t real. arnllllj( lh<• un ullit-d dropped two in the kickoff, the Troymen, behind 1 w,._,..,,., r~~h erorln1. toudldolwu. Ab· • •·•, lf •lm_., l'nrari l; poiau alt«r t~b· l"ollo"tnf:t Zt>lt·ney were: R P.I a mw tu Phi Gam and Tbtta Chi, their Little All-American Dean Arm- ,.,,,.,, l'ruarl :l fl4!\dah ••'••ff O lrk R~fw.rta • ampl,.. P! ~ r.ray..,n: l•<'ad llnu•an. Mar1, C•b~;: t.lJII<tin Diamnnd (2) , Freymire (3 ) ami plummtted into a tie for fourth slrong, moved 78 yards to Tech's hid ju I••· Jtn ltldd • \ ndrl'\\' (4) E..1..<1terlinsc (5), Morrill THE SOPHOMORE _ -lur w11h tht•ir conquerors, POD. gml stripe. It was Armstrong who I TATlSTJCS a~ ... ._ T•ch , t l E.L,lm.1n ( 7) , and Jluffmnn (8). Rr)l h have rtcords of three and two, launched himself throuRb the air in f'tn l rlttwn• 19 10 ,._h c•inrd ru•llinc \ l·'<t werr \\'nrce-.teritt'! Howell (9) FRESHMAN FOOTBALL whilt' . ll(m.t Phi 1-:p ilon and Lambda the end zone for the first Rtnsselaer s., liiZ toe ,., ..,., •fl•mpt••J 6 16 f tAIIItt' • fnmpl f't f"d \f...-.,1'n~er ( 10). Rodier and Tbomp- GAME IS TO BE HELD Chi :m 'It ill cekin,l( their first wins. tally. Bill Frankenfield toed the ex- Y111l• ••lnrtl P•ulnw 7 !J) *liS 0 ' ''" in a tie for eleventh, Madigan THURSDAy NOV 10 AT i\ de-fin itt' threat to tht present lra JX>int for a score or Tech 13 - t '"'"•n.-nu fttmhi•A tttc,• 2 "''"' .....,, c,attlol 21 J4 llrturn all ~ld.. l y.,do) t I.!). and Bicknell ( 14 ). OO ' ' pace·stlters luoms in the person of RPT 7. .103 Ill ''•roh lt•na llt••l · (t3 4• • 511 ·~ ~1 Phi Sigma Kappa. Dropping their Having scored once, the vi!11Wr11 did ··-- opener to TK P, lhe Phi Sig d uo of not wail long Cor their cond. 'fnkTYPF.WR ITERS j nC'k Archibnld and Hal Althen has ing over on the Tech 48 1 Renllllelaer'a !ofAI.F!S - JtF:NTAl.'l - REPAIRS rolled lmck wilh three tri umphs in " Mr. Out!lide" Dick l 'uwcll broke The Heffernan Press Nr•w I'•JriAIJI(•N- Rmllh·Cnron•, n row to take over second place. aw-<Ly through ril(hl lnckle and cut Rnr • l • nd Undf!rwood LookinJ( nhrad, Theta Chi must back throu,l(h the Tech hnt·k faeld for Rllth'"'- • nd Cnbon1 clear the hurdle of PS K on ~1onday , 38 ya rds and six points : Rl'l 14 !ilpt'rlal n iM'Oflfttl lq StUJI'"'' Printl'r• to llntlr S t,.lflnll while on the SliJl'le day Theta Kap Tech 13. nn tf Pocult:-- / or Fortr must drop SAl:: to continue in the WPI Tokt> < lla lft lnw (, 114.1 Coll"l!" Publicotlnn• " h n4'" U rlll' l'l ntl~ ~lt iru•1 l ranks of the unbtaten. It is to one With time runnlnl( out in the half of these three that the trophy must the pitching arm of St. Loui cam~ r ..t..phtJnf' 2·5912 l'rt••••• te TRI': TUII l'i&WS t'Ventually go. into its own. After moving to tht vL~ 310 \I• in SL . 1111r Mulu•l Bide.
J. I
Cowburn Office Appliance Co.
Tl!:C H
Pur;e Four
The first meeting of the A.S.M.E.
The first annual Sprtrk Party on l.R.E. will be aclmilted, with one
this school year was held on Thurs- the T ech campus will t11ke place in g u(·St. frtl(' o f charge. The dance will
day evening at 7 o'clock in 1he Higgins luboratory, room 109. The meeting proved to be boUl very interesting and successful. The program for the evening consisted of a movie and a sborl talk by Prof. Webster o( the M.E. department. The movie entillecl "Flight Log" dealt with the development of 100 octane gasoline along witJ1 the development of the airplane. The officers directing the A.S.M.E. this year are Walter Key!, chairman; Bill 'Bowen, vice-president; and Frank Jurczak, secretary. Remember, the membership drive is on, anyone interested i11 becoming a member of this organization should contact any one of these men. Notice to all members of the
0 1'1nbcr 26, I 9
the Atwater Kent Laboratories at I H~ held in the design room, and it is 8:00P.M. this Friday night, October guaranteed thal the dozens of highly 28. S1>onsorcd by the A.I .E.E. and I efficient new fluorescent light fixlurcs
Lhe J.R.E., the party will feature will bt• properly and satis factorily dancing to the music of the Boynto- 1 t 1i°CtmnecH•d.
A Toast Baskcthall Uniforms Jackets - hoes · Halls Socks AthJeric uppor ters Award Swealer8
To a Fighting W.P.I. Football T eam
nians, refr~shments, and spectacu~ar 1 Tlw lah rlemon!ilrations will in- 1 demllnstra.llOnS of laboratory eq01p- l dude the crackling purple arc of the ment, ue.st~twd to supply cou~1lless Te~ola •·oil and thr ear-'lhattering 1 SPORTJNG GOODS opportu~tltes for ~he ~stule eng•.necrs I rcpurt of thf' million-volt surRe gento explam the sctentll'ic mystenes lo cralllr. Othl'r specittlly constructed 289 MAJ N ST.- Cor. Exdtnn~Je St. their awestruck dates. l ~o:arlgets will he funclionin~ at straMembers in good standing of the 1 LCJ.(ic Jura l ions lhrc)ughoul the builrl- ,~ locul chapter of the A.T.E.E. anrl the 1 jng to provide excitement for all. Co mplim Ptrls of
You Can
SAVE MONEY O n Distinctive
...=====-====---------------------; Curl Ark crmon , c l~aia·mun uf tlw S t•n ior C":la ss Ring Cmumittee, h us onnoun<·•·d thut 1\tr. l"o"'' •·r of t lw l.nrt> n M111·1'lt is on C.:OIIIfltt n y will he h t>r c WcciiH:Stlny, 04'1ohf•r· 26 , tu tukt· ordt•n!
from senior!!. for clofl8 rin gs. T h is "ill lw the ltu~ t r hance for t~eniors to order their ri n g11. Tltot~t· wh o aa·v intt>r·c·stctl ttlumlcl s~o Mr. F'owlc!r u l R ilt•y H mu!t' lw t wcw n 2 utul 4 P . M.
Christmas Gifts
J 3 I lli g bfund S t.
Camera Club : All unlabeled botlles and equipment must be claimed by ~===========---===============~------------___:~ the owner prior to November 1, 1949. '\t'' '< All unclaimed articles will be dis .:i . •,· posed or by the club on this date. ' ~1. ~-
Nl'or We8l St.
NEXl ' JriEE.K! ! Nt•w Column Serit>s rr'ill S tart
______::_:....:_=--:_:.:_:_ __
. •' i
~ ~~-
( ;of!morH•Iitun Cluh On Monday, October 17,
the Worcester Tech Cosmopolitan Club held its annual banquet meeting at one of Worcester's dow ntown restaurants. Over fifty student and faculty members turned out to make this year's banquet one of the best ever. The speaker for the evening was Dean Howe who spoke on American and foreign sturlents. He pointerl out the danger of the formation of cliques when a large number of for eiJ.(n students from the same country attend an American College. How ever, if the students represent a number of foreign countries, as is lbc case ul Worcester Tech, they usually mingle quite well with American students. Following Dean !{owe's talk, various student members gave short speeches of biographical and geQgraphical interest. The arrangements for the dinner were made by George Ching. Toastmaster for the occasion was T. S. Chaddha.
h r
S tutiC'nl Win•s
The Student Wives Associ11tion held their first ml'Cting or lhe school year on the evening of October 19th, in the Janet Earle Room. The primary purpose of 1he meeting wn.s to ascertain the number of wives actively interested in the organization. The active membership was ~reat)y reduced a fter the June graduation, and unless new members attend the dub will be forced to disband. The date of tbe next meeting will be nm1ounccd in the T•:cn Ntnvs, and posted on all bulletin bo~trds. Any wife intcrr.sted in belonging to the l\Ssodution may call Mrs. Edward Sydor at 2-5005, or leave a note in the "S'' box in Boynton Hall. All the wives uf Tech students are cordially invited to join our organization.
tl tl
be fr ij
Corn pllnae n«• of
" 'orei'Stl'r, Mus.
U1>yntnn St.
Tel. 3.-9579
' Copyrlp ·~ UoGow ....... ~Co.