\'\ OKt.. h•r,
) t au.,
\ ooluolf' XL
\\ c•dno·~tlJl',
'"· I
Nm. 9, 1919
A<:TIVITIE CALENDAR FOR (lfOOL YEAR \ o; nne of its fun ctional servicrs to thi~. h<l\\CWr. is the ('hristma" rece~~ tht .. tutll·nt IJody on ' 'the llill", the frnm Dr~embcr 22ncl (aftt•r classt"l) 'f t'\ h C'uuncil J)ft'("l<'lTf'S each year an ihro)U!Ih jMuary Jru allU the mid ye.tr n:-cess following linal exami·
wlendar for lhe ~:nsuinl( "l huul y<•ar T he calendar cm-ers nil ollhlt•til t•onte!\11\ of the varsity teams tul d all major social function~ uf the lour cla~:O.('.S and tlw major (lr~ur\ilil tions. 'l'hr fnllowing is a munthly ltrl.'uk ch1w n uf the aclivitie!l Ctlmpilcd in tlw t:alt·ntlar thus far. Tht> outst:ltHiing occurrence clurinJ.( olll j, I t il><;
the Iauer two on urrin~ frum J.munry 17th 1 hrou~h Fe•hruary Sth L>urin~ the mnnt h of Fthru:1ry one .ultlition:tl hulitlay takP~ piau', that l)(•ing (";cor~-tt' \\'n-.hinAtnn's hirthdny un \\'('(ln<•liday. tlw 2211fl. lnutwtliat ely on tht> lwi'l.., of tht• ha.:.kt' tba11 ::-cas on ccmw~ t lw .11111 urtl l'cch Cnrnivnl on ~ l :mh li th \ml It' ll I ttl iwly sc hedult>cl f~~r I ht• Ia ~ I ~ovl•mhcr i-. th~ fmternity ru ~hinA ~atunlay nf the month i-. llw l'i Della 11 ith t hi.' fir:.t rush periotl heing ton . Fp-.ilnn Sinll, :1nnther annuul affair durlt-tl today, nncl the secoml prritld .tnum~: the chnnl'-; .;nd .tl nl"l h·itir~. Tlw -:prinr.: rel~'.:. falls in till' nmnth CalliuA 1111 the 29th tlnd 30th ns well <I f \prll clurirt~ tht> \\C•tk M \ pril ~~~ nJrryln):l ovrr inlo the f1rst day of Znci-Qth . 1\n!l hut ll'rl clays latl'r un I)N'c•mtwr. Friday Lhe c•levcnlh i'>, tlu- Jlllh h rutriut '~ ll:ty, a !illite rof rour~<· , 11 holiday, that day bl'ins.: wi.dl' hnlitla~·. 'l'hc 29th of \plil 1eh•hralt'd a>~ Fnuncier's T>ny with a ....~.., ilw lltl(•ning of the h.t,chall ~t'a J,trllup rl!preo;('nt ing Ihe schnnl visit in~ .un \1 it h nn 01way game· at :"\mth tlw !(rave of Jnhn Roynton w pay t·a~tt•rn , nml the innuguratinn uf till' hmnnj.tt' to the itint>ranL tinsmith. ll'llnio, tl•am".; :.che•lull' \\ith n lwnw \\'il h ru,hlnj.t cnrlin~ on the fi r~t llo llllt' al(;t in:. I ·'-''-'•Uilll)l ion nf IJt>Ci'mbrr, the ftlllowing Saturday. Tht• nt>xl weck-enrl hr m.as forwnrd thr third, is re~en•td for fra ternity anotlwr rmmal week-end , thi11 nne huust' prtrtles for pled.acs since tlw lJl'inl( the junior l'rorn, with thr plt·rl~in~ of freshmen occurs in tlw prom fnlling on Fridny t>venlrtg, fhr aftc•rn non of thnl tluy. The followinl.l Sth ol 1\ flly. The r(·mHinder nl the wtek~·•HI h. ()('CUf1ied by the formal mh·ndur IIKts all bn~C!hall, track , l\l't'k rncl, with the lnter-Fraterni!y tt•nnio;, and Anll ~arnr~. nu't'l'l fltHI ll.IIIIK'inf,t lwld 1111 Friday, tlw ninth, mtllt hes lwint.t playNI thrnu~hu ul tlw and the npt• nin~ J.l:llllC or the I~:L,k<'l · month or May. and ~ lt•ntminl Day hnll M'a.~nn fr>llowing on Ihe nc'CI ('lu.. in.~o: nul the hnliday:-. lnr Ihe yt>ar evrnin~. flnmt' ha~ketha ll game-s uc· on thr final Tuc~day nf the month. r upy t•very ~~~~unlay t' veninq from The entire :;chool year is dtt<-l'rl out that dalt• un throu~th the tir~t ~:ttur· , with fiunls <luring the wrt•k or Jum· day 111 ~fnrrh . lntcrspcrsed with 5th lhrnu~h the 10th .
Gen'l Excellence To A E• Pi A!ain Tlu~ta
A ·scntb1y
nat illn~.
ot it·t·
Tlw lirs l d10pt•l 1'4'r' it•t• uf
lhr t'f'houl
19 19-:lO.
ht• h d tl nl I hi' ll.!'~t·mbl > nu•o•l· in): on \\ t•olrw.. tln). Nt" ••mlwr '). ''' I I u.m. in tlw 1\lcle•n Autlitm·ium. llen•r t>HI I \\'ulte·r U. l\ring. \LP.r. truMit•t•. a nti mini!!h'r nf the 1-'i rtll l 1n i lnrin n ( : Juar~·h , \< iJJ Jw lht• IIJI('IIkt•r, llitl illlh• jt...·t ~ ill lw, "~c•nrt•h fur n l.o11t lnf•n <:i t)'· .. T nu Ut•lu Pi. nulitmul t ·n ~i ~ ru•c·rlng hcuwr r<ul'il'ly, '"ill nn · tllltllll't' itt~ Full plt•tl l(t't~ fnl· Itt\\ inl' Ill' \' , Krlnl>('t~ tnlk. All !OIIult•nl t<, fl14'nh y, mad fl'ic ntl rt tlw ln t~l llutt•. nr t·
ill\ itf'tJ 1{1 u llt> IHI .
'53 Dunk '52; Bow Tics and Bea11ics Fly Big Uault· ( :uutinm•s As Frush Tukf• Over Goai~"<IU':HI L••ucl In :.ix anti lllll'•(jUart(•r lllillutes or l·riday's thilly ufternoon, a r~ vitnli?A'd dns~ uf 'S ~ flUllt·tl 1he Soph· Ollhlrt's urro.;; the " ctwl, clt•ar wnwrs" uf thr ft•w " wl'l duc;~p'~" in th(' history nf I nstitute Pond , tn mnk<• 1952 (1110 r~f the Rllpc l'ull. ~ot in lht• lcrtsl di~tUil(.l'rlt•cl hy tlw first appi•aram·t of th1• Gont's I I!-:HI, the Froo:h ullmwll nc1 nther lhnu~ht in thc•ir mintl limn th.al or fini'>hin~ the j•Jh uf dunkinl( thrir rlvnl ~ :1cro~c; tlw ll.'ly , Bill Loyd, l'rc"Cy ilf t lw skillfling SuphwnMe~. was first to ~litll' clown the ways. dt~·ely rllllciWCrl by Hill \\'ilo;on, John Moljaniau, nnd the n·nlainll,•r t)( thr lrly(tl cn•w. By n<lw 1tllt' yt•ar familiar with thr th;lnncl ;t(rfl!-~ l he nlUd· IHICirllt' t h(' r. rst class 'itltiiiiC'n nn,·iJCntetl lhl..' cour'!c in stcr· lin~ foo:hiun. 1'hr htmr~>st mrn altmS( Park ..\venuP, Charlie Vnn(lini and E(l Wnlffe, clutched their limn mega· plmneo, in fril(i<l di.~o:it ~ arHI hnwtd tlwi r heads. The hnppi<'Sl men In the Park were IJavc Van tovern , skipper Clf the Freshman crew, hl~ tlouJ(hty anchor l'ctc PNridt-s, chantey-men Don Frey and Bill Erns t, anrl thirty·eiRht muscle-bound foc'~<le hanrl'!. H eard amid Lhe clamor Y.cre the following w mmeoLS: " •.• \\'nuld've worn our tuxerlos, but it looked like rain ; la ~t
'l o the out-.idc world ~m·eml>er Hilt•y C'nmmon~. Thr • ophumorc II , may lie .\rmistict' Day. but Ill ( 'Ia~ .. ~ ha.nrllinS! urran).tC'rnents, but Tt'< h m!'n it \\ill fall 0 11 :"\o,•emher iL i-; rc-que...,ted that Freshmen lwlp 1f) l911 f h. d . be tlt't:urntt> on the afternt>On prt•cedinJ( 9 ; or on 1 15 ay WI11 • the clnncc. The commitler which lwld a joint • ophomore-Frrshmnn con ~ ihl s or Rill Lloycl, Bub Favreau, ' l'c'·tct·· I'Mty" 10 mark the Cntl of !Inti Bill Cimnnclli, hus prumi~d thl'ir Iraditional hostilities. that the dance will be a smrlkin~ DI'I'P in the dungeons uf Salisbury o;ucce:-s. with coop('ratiou from both H.11l, a council of war was held thi~ dao;w s. • t~s are inviu•d, pro,•idinj:t \ll'l'k \\'Mie morale was still lcm they bring d:ttes. Th~ dates may Crnm their unlarlunale trip throul(h be.· oiHnint>d by your flllll methodo, "ali.,hury pnnd , the " l\lore<;Qph~" ur by contoctin~t Dick Buutictle :tl trilx· led hy their ''Chier," Bill Lloyd T .K.JI. 'fhl' price lc; $1.20, Tox ln· 11f the A.T.O, clan , smoked the pcact' dutletl ; mu.'> k is by the SIICctc~tl>anrl pipt• with " Mighty" Ted fritz, aud thl ~ side of We.c;t Strcrl, our own ckcirlcd thal both tribes should get Boymonians : and it will ln<~t from ltl\.!('thl'r on peaceful terms for the 8- 12. The money will defray ex· fir I timr !'in' e the Freshman class i i>CII:;c!s or the paddle ru5h and rope 1'111 red. pull. and lhe remaining profits will .\II -.tudcnts. especially the Fre!'h· be divided between the classes. Somrn and • ophomores. are expected ''Bury that hatchet-smoke that It turn ouL en masse for the party Peace pipe" -like the sonll goec; and In "owmber 19, J949, in "an(ord let'S all be there) ~.... RO J• E J•n. I,.....PaMI' 4 I
Kap aruccl Rnnn(••·-up in Trophy S.A.E. \Vius 'fop ScboJ ~u· hip llonors
\lphn Fp, ilun Pi has ~tRin<'d iB pushicm 01~ tlw lt•atling fratrrnily on t lw \~lntpu!> for :tnot h<'l' yt>ar by cap· turin~ tlw Pn·~idl'nt 'o; l.t•neral Excel· 1\'IH't' 'I'rophy for Ihr 'il'Cund consrculiv(• y('ar. In tlw hi'\tory o£ the frn· ll'rnity lrnphy uuly unc lltll!'r fraternity h.t.. ltn•n nhh• to pc·rforrn thr •anw fl·at \ Fl'i r1•mnino; 111 the lop nf th1• frnll•rnily mmpelition by vir· lul' uf it o: "<•conrl place awonl in scho· J<t,lir ratin~ nn!l it:. hi~h pt15iliun amnn~ tht> top lini-.hcrs in the rarl' (ur Inp :ul idly hnrwro;. ll io; a r()snhina lion of <,rholnrr>hip ,, nd (lrl ivll it•s which th•l rrm!nt•~ the (lutslanclinp. fntkrnity 1111 t'lllllP U!\. Thr hotulln~ fmh•rnily in activitir·~ wa.'> Thl'ln Kappa Phi whn plact'd sem nrl in llw uve•m ll rarr for thc Pr~-hlrlrut \ tmphy. !" U •: l.r•ml11 St·hul nrll
:-.chuln'-lkally, Si~ma Alpha Epsi· 1<111 nhtnhli'd thl' top run!( with an avera~.. yrarly Wf'i~htrfl avrra):(e nl 76.0/t. And imml'dint ..ly hehind S/\ E l'tllllt' :\Jt: l'l with 1111 7S 95 nvernge. Third plart• in tlw r:u·t• fur lo~hola~t ic
hunors Ml tll Theta Chi with a \H'i~htctl tlv<'rt\Rt' of 73.79. ln COli\· pario;on with thr~ average:; is the nll· frnitrnity nv('rn~<' nf 73.69 nnd tlw ull non-fraternity :wer(lge of 75.32. A further cumpari:;on of the li~urt's relertsctl lly the Regl'!trur's ufflu• ~huws that t hi.' en lire college :1\'rra~e \Wis 74 IS for the academic year. lli\•it~inn o( ~ poil8
'T'hc nwn of ,\lpha E[l!'ilon r1 rt•(t•ivt'tl nwtwtary awards (or first pine<· in winnin~ tht• much covrtcd trophy anti for plrtdng second in the ~chola~tlr standing, while Sigma /\1· phn l~psllnn will\ prc•Rt>nted a check for pladng flr<;t in schola"'t ic nLling. In tht• lirl, t nf rtctivit ies, be hint! 1'hetn Kap1111 l''•i was Phi Si~ma Knrpa with thirtl place position IX'ing ht>ltl hy ,\ EPi, nnd in the genmt.l mnninl( fnr the trophy, behind AT~I'i and T KP wn"\ Slgml\ Alpha Epsilon. Phi Sigma Kappa was the recipienL nf llw lnlc-rfrnll'ruity sports trophy ttS t hr lentler In the fi eld Of intra· mural al hlrtks for the pasL school y<•ar.
Co mOJ)OiitatlS Hear Dr. Kranich; Ma ([llC Elects New President 1\lnnduy l'Vt•llln~ Lht• Cosmopolitan Club held it.'l rt'$(Uittrly scheduled m~tin).t!l in tlw Jand Earle Room. l)r. K r1111it'h of tht' ('hemic(l) F.nginct·ring ()('partmenl provlcled llw rnain enlrrwlnmrnt with an illuslratecl lrrturr on western l~urope. Durin)( th<• !lumme>r Dr. Krnnicb touretl the citic•~; Hnd t()wnc;, and bills anrl vaii<'Y'I (lf l~mnce, Swit?.erlrlnd, anfl tht• Nt•thrrlnnds. The illustra· tinns of tht! lt'clurc were Dr. Kra· nicli's own cnlor 1110vies or his travels nnrl cxp<"rienrcs. •
Thursday afternoon the Ma.~ue hL•Id its ..ccond meeting of the school year at whkh Stu Leonard, tbe newly clt'cled J>residl·nt, presided. Stu's t!L>t tion foll(lweclthc withdrawal rrnrn M:hOOI or Don While, lhe rei!(ning prt•J~id('nl. Chief discussion of the mt.'<•tinl( centered around the one-act play to he presented in the ncar future and Lhc election of a third as.qiswnt sla~c manal(cr. With the creation of this post there now io; a slns:te manager for each of the major departments of stage work, namely, sound, props and lighting. Elected to the new position was Carl Johansson, while the casting and di·
rt'ctin)( of the onc·act play is io the h:truls of Gus Gos.'lelin, Student Director.
+ •
The Anwrican Society of Mcchanlcnl En)(ineer!l met on T hursday to hear Harold N. Hackett's lecture on the rnercury-vnpor turbine-generator or the Hartford Eleclric Company at South Meadows. The mercuryvapor unit was the first such unit to be instulled in this country for prac1ical usc nnd has been Jn operation for m•nrly twenty years. Its principal ndvnntagt' over Lhe more common varieties of steam and water turbines.~cnerators lies in il$ greater efficiency ancl continuous utilization of the same turbine power, namely, mer~ cury vupor. • • • There wiU be a very important meeting of the Camera Club on Tuesday, November 15 at 4: 1S P.M . in the Janet Earle Room for thl' <~xprcss purpose of di.stribullng darkroom lockers and considering lhc purchn5e of new darkroom equipmenl. Prospective members, partie· ularly Freshmen are urged to attend. All former members interested in s.... CO:lMOI'OU'fAN-P•I" 4
' '" •·mbr r 9 . I') 19
1ri, cvcr.) body. J.•.JOk as tbou~h anti most uril-!inal en tumr The anti let tht ~un ,bine on it for a few l'rtxy" truphy !'l.l)':. in nltl, familiar prt: (•II(P n( num<·rou~ Si~~; Ep .. aug- day-.. Dancin~ with an eye to savin~ t.r>ITOR -IN C.IIIEF urruunc110 ~,, ri~ht in the middle of mt>ntt'd the 11aiety ancl hclllt.'d make on electritity wound up a swell (;cors:c s. o.uns tit \ r. l'i mantlt:pit'Ce. Th~ trophy, the C\l'ning, anrl in fJct , the ''ee l'\tnimt. n:.\TuRE EDITOR MANAGING EJ>ITOR Rolsnd f ll• dsrd . ubbbb Mutblilb fhe \\:til. of ig Ep shuddered trwt•lht:r ,\ith the ~wnd ·place Schol- hmars uf tht ml)rnin~ ,, ~rt>at ..uu:c SECRHA RV NEWS t;OITOR "rme. 'I' . K l'. ·ts llliA · h ty prour1 or net ""' "'n anrl "h"'lk, and the roof ro~ 1\.\0 .tr .. hil> '\ward b a trillutc to a "' ll arold ~· u~c~rll Walter 0 J>tnnrn, Jr. du,f'ly·knil organi..:ntifln t)f fellows j erry \tkin~nn and l'aul Crn" lcy, inche~ a" the celebration of a succe~s !'PORTS F:OITOR Lro A l.ynch, Jr \\hO can di<tplay realteam\HJrk in both wlw walked tl\\ay wllh the I F tt'nnis ful fuotb.1ll season got under way. BU . INf.:SS MA:'I:AGER htltin~ tlw lxaok..., and IJ<xJStinjl; school honor~. Special gut>~l! were the football ltam RAymond J. Blancb~t • t ' c' l'hc m"atll"'r." of \ .E.Pi h anrl Ctl3che~ ~Iac.'\ulty, Pritchard, 1 .tcllv 1 1 • ADVERTIS ING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER ~ "' " ( 'rrtain \lpha 1 au.., Y.ert' cnuJt t Francla T . McPartLlfld francis E. Kurney have wnrked carnc:.lly and bard to " nappinl( \.\hilc un duly" in the and " Spike" Staples. Russ :-.:orris ASSISTANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS f'arn the p<,sition ... which they occupy gamr mom last Saturday nighl. has juo;t announced the arrival of frank S. Jurczak Willi~m CunntNl evucy C",'tr't·curriculnr I . I . R us~cll Nnrric; II. The evcr·pre~Pnt 'tt [lrttC!t'•·,·tlly Tom llodsell William llorncy ' ' ,, < fo:i~hh'rn roupl••!l. nr wttcr ~utt 111 ' .vt''y tJn c."llllltt•. IWorLo; to JUNIOR EDITORS .tctl • • ~ cbs<~i fyinJ:: tho~c prt'sent , 11ums. aruma of Ed Carpenter's cigar!! is Gerald F. AtkiMon Jobn Brl~rly f'nnciJ IJ. Fay , llt ' "\'" •. ,·n,t ' lar tttlt ' ly nmun" the va· h .1 )trrmlah 1 ). O'Neil Malrolm D. Horton Rlc.bard II, McMahan ' " .. ·• ,.. 1 ram JlS, wa~ erwomcn, \\'e.. tern taking a hatk seal as Russ makes William Cimonelti Donald C. Lewis Rltbard A. Coffey .tltt~' ' "\V •·.nularltl t ha(>lcrc; wiU be ' d an frre with his own E l Ropo~. rl ~ ... ,.. dudes, or what y11u wt'II , enJO}'r Rrcbard Ferrari •· t th" .\ E.Pi Xew Jo : noland T heta Chi rocked l:tSt "atunla)• rllrlll('r·•tl 1 ,.. ol<l clothh p.uty. If "jc1 Jnhan~~nn, ' ' COLU M N I ~'T Rc·~innal CcmferrntC' tu be held at Lex Carroll. and Hank l>rmar~t niAhl umlt'r the effects of a hou.~ Norman S. lJrov. n 'I l' r 1uttn~ · 11te rmas · t.ace D ay wunt to fall aslcrp clurin~t latE' hour party ami dance, which served as a REPORT ERS Robert. Smltb llrnry Sty kal Wrek end. l'residrnt Stan Friedman pruccedin~-t~. don't pit k t 1II' f(nme wt>lrumin~-t celebration for Bob 1\ttyP.aul M O'Neil J oKph Lojrwakl Nrll Crowley Suol•y Friedman , ,.tseno fT wt' II room It\ reS(>r\'\'d (or :uulirnre- er. Ditk ~I eyer, George "Sandy' <tnrI l''<C ht><1uer n' 1nrly ... Andrew C Andr~n f:thv.ml S.tmnh· RniJCrt Glortu ' h Andrew fo' Frt'rlsnd Ru~ harfl C;a;~nau~b M ich:~rl J 1-:S.SU \\ rt•prc·._.,nl orce'>tcr l apter. oiN.'r\'ecl Ltlli\ itie., The• uph~ ft't'l l.iamlcr-ocm , l'un)' Giordano, Bob Hul· Lav.son T Hill, Jr. "r t, ·., h·•n<l:~1 nk.. """" to , I \ r O• ror land .and. -·• Billy whn 1,., \ nolh, .. .• 1 , ,..vo...onw\.\ hat Jml out \\lit . hFiumaurice, ft TLBUSINF.SS ASSISTANTS . v.ere tmuatn~ 10 t c a ernoon IIC' Charles Vandinl " \ E. thr brain!> of \\ .P r. Nu- nfH k('('pan~t the h•1r-.e n.. anchor man . JOR"pb Gwludowakl Rotter Swanson 1 j ohn Fdd.Jne Ruht·rt \'a nAmbul'llh <korp Ktllcr mc>rou member-. uf the faculty are, fur the rupe-pull. Ed ~niuht. '49. temporary chsappearnnce °~ jaml ~h ': Rrchard Boulktte David Falrbanu Robert J obnsoo • 1• · 1 • • .. ran has at ld'> L been e-.;p ame< : es CARTOONIST PROTOCRAPIIER no cIott1Jt, runnmj( ar!Htnt m care es dmp(X'cl m In pay ht-. la ~t Vhtl nc; h . d h · · • thl' fa thrr nf a l armmg nrw nu~ • Francia McAuliffe Charle~ 0 l"urn.1~lan l11 hi(Ure out how anyone! ,ingle man . Lot<~ of lmk, l·.tl. , (' . Ji trytnl( FACUI.TV ADVISER . . . ter. j uhE' ,\ nn. nn~ratu1alton-;, m. l do s uth n !111c JOb~~~ scholast•c Pror. John Ll. Mackenzie wu.d The L.C .. \ .'s that "rrf' wandering , - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, N.... Phon4'•: Bwln n• !a·2024 Edilorl•l /~~~~~~ Tht• Tech Pharmacy atiHrvemt•nt. 1 he hanrltcap sheet around campus nn the ni~tht of Oct. TERMS ..ays II ju-.t nin 't "UI)I>t)c;t•d to happen, 29 had !>On~ Iitle.. on thr brnin, he· Sol II u no il-c V. 1' 1 '22 Subscription Pfr ~ebool }C;ar, $1 H, 'linl(lc cop!~. $0.10. Ma l.t nil ~bet~ paynble to but it dicl. If lhry can't wive 1he lliU't' the...e wt're lhl• main due'> in Billiot~~ ManaJtr. Entered IS a«ond clllSS maUtr, St'ptcmber 21, 1910, at the Posl Cur. W.-l! t & llighlund S tl!., Olllce ln Worcester, MIUS~ under lbc Act or Mnrcb J, 1879. prnhlem, they'll ao;~i.rt n it for home· their treasure hunt. Th<' loot, a galWorf't'~ll·r. 1\tutilltll'hUill'llll wnrk. S. .E.'s celebmtrd with 11 hiA lo, of lidcr, wus l'lnully clio;coverNl hlow•Olll lust Sn lunl.\y nij.lht , which . ll thr Lllp or !he tnw••r (Ill tlw root· L--------------' Stllrh•d with a httfft•t !iUPJ~Cr at the ~~all r,eJd. They rl'ally httcl Ill wnrk l.uhrll'ntlnn nnd Onttl'r., s..n il'e n, KI CIIAHI> II. W co~li\UAN, Jll, hnu'«', fnlhlwl'tl by a moonltl hayride to hrin)( it back, a' vanuu" (rosh Furn:Ju·ortll Tt~:l·aco (Editor"• Nutf' a Thr fECII NF.'*:o. "ould ,.,.Jruml' 1111) •tudt•nt 111tlnlnn• ttr in l'a\ltm . Dancing at the house .tnd ...uphs "ith t.tlt•nl" fur )Minting tat ion ....,..lion• on thr ··n~uh111 pnahlrm. l'l••••r drup )'o ur ill•·•• In th r 11-: <:11 hrnu11ht to nn end cmt" of the mo:.t unclouht('tlly know. \ bcllrr iclra NE1rS o.,,. In Du,neon 11•11 a,..rol"(' Satunl•> nunn.) "IIHt'~~fu l o;ndnl funuillth thus far. for. llhrhlnnd & (.ouldlnl Su. milthl ha-.r U<-rn In lt•a\l' 1t up tht'rt> On Mllntlay, 7 October, the Tl'Ch in!( contacts offered by such ))ttrtici· \ i\funh.· t'nrln party i" scheduled Council reprr!lfnlntivc~ of the Cnm· pation is becoming more generally for l>r<"cmbt•r J, unci plana are al&l pus activities were ll!.lkcd LO poll their .tccepted. Th~ attitudes nrc inclc.•- ' hapln.rt un fur Ihe furmnl we<'k-t'nd. organization. ' ft't'linw; toward thr r><'ndent of the t•"<i.'ltenct or the Gen l'hm.•·, 1-1 ill plcnt} (Jf applnuStInter-Fraternity point system for ual E.."<cellence Trophy. On the lt•fl f11r Theta Kap, runner-up for tlw t"<lra-curricular activities and tlw )!her lund, lhb award h,\S mtrf'ly (it•nc·r.tl r·~celle ncr \y,;ml. They've TrumanPI~ ~ ':..:::' bposmooHas 2,220ToCompete General f::<tcellence Trophy connected l>«ame an end in it:o.t>lf, fo<~trrin~t un· clunr u swell juh eln cnmpus, and HeallhBtU ::::·::_-::;:: ManyllilDia~ Kansas Relays with thb systrm. This subject wa.'l ncce:·,,ry exc~<:t"\ in frutemity Jl<} tht•y really tle'-t-nc a lot of credit. L..r_......, •:::.:..::----=. In~ .. ;;;;;;;;:;:;;.. lVI \,NUilnf ---·-ll'-"~"'¥ ..... broached ut Tedt Council by thi~ lilicn.l maneuvrring, nntl serving 11!1 On!' nf lhc th inK~ that they do a writer nftt•r curdul con~idcrntion uf the solt> reason fnr many u sturlent'!! '>'H'II jtth on L~ houw J):trties. {\S evi· the l>roblcrn and url(un~ents pro tutd '' rnrmbership" in ran or~nnizat ion. cll•net'd by the f:u:t that memories of con, nnd with the encoumgement of c~rtain questions nrc ine\'itnbly llullclwe'en ~; till lin~er. There were a considerable number or men on encountered when this subjrrl is mrn "trewball costume~ \':trying from campu!! who feel Ill! 1 do. tim1ed, such ns, " lluw nbout int<•r· Frankrnstein to Lrnn, the fl yena. llrre ill thf' hallie 11ituatlnn lltl fr:ttt>rnily sp<lrt.s?'', " Would ynu do Jcnn Forrstirre, a w nvincing Carmen I ~tee" Ita The- tro1•hy wall hu!ll· awny nltos,o·cther with the Prcsirlcnl 's 1\lit'llndn, tnnk the• pri~e for the best luted a t a tlnw "he•n il "Ill! tte•t•tl· Tmphy?", a.nd .. \Vhnl do you pro· Cm~t,,lnal'tlll n/ HI to prm•lcl.- a motht.' for joitt· pose- n.s a substitute for the prt'!lrnt i~ utra..-urrlc·ulor at'lh it it'll. :-yslem?'' GO\ f.."lT..:·s .ES~O STATION A point l)'t!lf'nt of 80ttu• 110rt "o" ~ly answer may he "Ummari1ell 102 lllahl11n•t St.. • • Ro}nton Sl. n~ry to fadlitatt- a"arelln,: as follows: Trl. 3-9579 lhi11 trophy. Thf' a ,.·a rcl M" n f'tl I. I feel that the inter-fraternit y ' - - - - - - - -._ ------' lt11 purpotlf' wdl In thf' putll, hut nthletic pro~rnm and Grand Athlrtk hu outlivf'tl lt11 U!lt'fulnt>M, uml Trophy should continue unchang(•tl. hu aC'Iually 1.....-omt' ltarmful in 2. hould it be dt'<~ircd to ret.\in ( ;omplimt>nltJ of I!Ome C'a"C'tl, l!uC'b a& I dtt"tl in a President'~ ,\ wnrd of some sort, n tht'W pafi:H la111 11prin~. It it~ pro· o;cholarship nw;~rd "(t'lll!> to be d~·li \'ldill@ thf' IIOit• lnet'nli\t- for thc- nitely in order. p ac-klng of C't'rhtin or~amiutlon" J. A pedrctly nd('(Juatl' substitut!' M cctinR tltr p;anp; to di&euu a whh dt.•oel "ooel 1 " 'ith "joint>rt~" for the pre~rnt li)'Stem lies in lht> ~ tnt• a·y qttl:t- n •latl' " ilh the rampus who r tmlrihult• n othln~, •·un cncourugement. nfft•rt•d within cat'h quM>n or ju11t L. allin~t time IJe. ac- tually I ~ elf'lrlrncntnl to tht' frate rnity to ilc; members, to go nut tt :s mcut \ n TREET twM>n rln•-e• the- Dine-\· t'ffit'it'nl OIM'rutlon of an orf(uni· for activities. Thi~ is nnlur.tl ::tnd Mite Inn a1 the llniH•rsilJ t•f utiun, anti "ho Jwrwnully ,ruin desirable. But tht incenti"e fnr di., Knn-a" at l..n'renf'e. Klln•u i!l St> rt•it't' of lliglr Quality nothin' but pi'in11. intt>rt'Sted and worthlt>l<S members to ont nf the fll\Orite (llaccs for a RecoRnition o£ the value nf ttltlve "hang on" will he removed with the 1-' oml :f trt l..ow llrict>:t rentlenou•. At the Dinr·A·l\litc work in somr out~ide nctivlty Clr ac- ahnlition of the inter-fraternity pulnt Inn. o&in 11 11 college oiT•t'nOIJtu!! l ,uuf'lll'l 111 Trak•• Ottt t ivities ls lx•coming wldrsprend. Th<' system. hnuntl' O\C~rywltere. n fro$tY need Cor thr rela-.atlon and broadenIn the near futurt•, yuur orl(allil.ilbottle or Coca·Ct•la is a lway• tions and frntcrnities will be Mkrd A sic jtJr 11 ~tthtr rra; . . . 6ulh on hamJ fur tho pou-e tbGt re-. A~IIINt:nr~ .,Q, n • \~"'"" to offer con~idrrc•l tutd ck-11nite opintra./~. mar/u m~a11 th~ sam~ tlunf. f n·,he.~ CuL.e brlong1. <'tN•I•• ()e"• O• rroatIons on thi.~ subject. The decil ion UA 'lt'.UIU~flTO'I 8Qt' AI& Ell ERY S t: IER ultimately rtarhed will be or ~r('at I OitlfO UNDU IIUTHO«<TY Of ntf COO. COlA COMfiiHY IY Ted1 a.•r-tuln•l r ....u. r .......-u.,. importanrt' 10 you and to Tc:rh. c:oc \ ·COI.A 1101 rt l ~G CO'H' ~' o•• WORCESTER H-•• llre••- ' r•ltntiOH 0 19• 9, Tloo CO<O·C•• C_,..,.. Think it over. r•ublishtd \\'rtkly Uurln& lh<' College Year b)
or th<' Wurct>
Polrt ..dwlc ln•titutl'
•' ·L'"· .
~D.qjJ.gJf.gg.~ lin
Bo,·nton Cafe and .. 1 (,•·ille ~
• T
t-: c· It
l)titltlies Te It In
_P_I_G_S_K_IN_P_R_O_F_I_L_E_s-sl_ I.~;, .:=:~~•g•~ Rnlly to
Ft•(tltt Ct•••••· Etlge Tht•illet·~ 33-32 • Tech L<•d in Four·th Qum·h•t· by TI1ree
O vf'r<'OIIH'
Albo~r t
Eurl) Thf'lu Chi L<>ud
Furrun • . . • po s tt1011, Uu, itl U oht w~ . . . ·J)(I~ilion, end
.. , . weight , 200 Ills . •. , .. •. wei~hl . I 77 lbs .... . born born ~cptcmber 16. 1929, ln . oulh· April S. 1929, in \\'on·estl'r .•.. bridJ.w, }\ lnss. . . . ~raduated in ~raduntcd from , outh in '48 :mel 194 !! from Assumption l-ligh, cum \\'orcestt>r Academy in '4Q . . . . laude •••• AUard and co-capwin ln hi~h school played end in folll · in football •• .• basketball . guard hall. center in basketball and ho,·..• !rrtck, shotpul •••. ""'istant key .... Frc.,.hma.n. ~ports editor of yearbook . . • . j unior \'arsi!y basketball at Tech 1\c•ncla ll Fur h t•rJ:: • . . . po~idnn , . . .. Sophomore ~I.E. h:tck (drfensivr) . . . weight , 'llu••••l••rt• Frit?. • • • • 110~iLion . ISO lb.~. . . . born january .\I , guard, wt>ighl , 212 Ills. . . l.111rn I03 I. in Worrt>~<otcr •... grntlt~o~trcl July 18, 1929. in ) Jrdford, Yi n~" from ll olden Hi){h in Junt' I Q4Q . . . . graduated from \\'unec;l(•r . . . . Pro ~Ierit o . . . . fontball Academy in ) une I 040 . • . . l>e· back . . . . basket l1<1ll gu,trtl .111tl molny . . . . assistant 'iCOutmnstt•r ccntt•r .... b:\S<'ball, inlield . • .. Chairman of Fre!ihman clas!l . . . . S 2 c /l:a\·al Rest>ryt' •... memher '>t'<UJHI '\trnn~-tcst man in Freshman auxiliary fire depart menL . d .1..... Fre:>hman.
Nautical A oeiatio11 Fro It Team
Qualifies Fot·
did not illl as
\11'11 .
OM .. nits (Jaint I \~ a n•,ult W .P. I. r~tnkt•rl ~l'Vl'nl h in the Fre~hman R(•,S!:Itla lnr ~rw En~t It I ~ Fit·Ht Tinu\ land. In Annals of Cluh
~lUll (' timl• tlw final., Wl.'ll' run nrr al )J.I T., n ave Jrnny anuther Fr!!Shman, wenl to RluHir 1-l.tntl 'itatc and camr <;('Cnnd in a t rb ngular mN'l. . \ltluw){h 1here h nnthin" 'lle' tacul.tr ahnut coming c;C'Cond in a lhrl'e-way rnrr. it w:t-. oo;;lli., fyin~ ttl knnw that the rlr{(•ah•fl tt•am wa<; Trinity. whkh htul 'tl thnmu~hly lwatcn our funtlmll tr<llll the clay hcf()re Thl' winning tnlll'~l.' wns Rlu,clt' T~l ancl State, which h;ul pmviriNI the rncing fru:ilitirs.
.\ t the
Ecl~f' Oul , uda Club
\... Trinily, lloly Croe U. U. a ncl fl.(:. to Quulify \\'ith their <oht't'ls trimmccl and lheir n •nterhnards duwn, Trth ~kippers havt' lwen rnc in~t thl'ir ym hts with .,lllC(' ' '· l•ur lht• ftr'\l timt· in any of the hi!ltory remcmherer! by the oldest snits ul the Nautical .\ s:\IK' iatinn Tt•rb Fre~hman crrwo; haw• qualified f11r thr f1nn ls in the Frf'c;hman All :Kcw E1ll'(lnnd ChulliJiion:-hip the l ntt'r·C'ollt'~ir~te Vachl .Raclnl( Association. few week1o1 ago llob Allt>n llnd Charlie Flanuf(ttn went down to the elimination!! al ~I.I.T. . , ,,,. ancI c:tme t htrr1 Ill n seven w 11cg,:
rrsmtta. ·ney were clo-.ely beaten by ~f.I.T. a.nd Dartmouth, which had <>O and 87 points re<;re<:li\•ely as com)'l3red with Ttch 's 86. Other c;ul lcl.l,es vanquished were H nly Cross. Hn~ron ColleRe. Rhode Island tate llUl
anrf Br>ston Univer. ity. \t tbe same time these elimina· t iCin... \\Cre raced, similar ellmlna· tum~ were b<-ing hclrl at Rmwn and thr Coa. t Guard .\ cademy. Three roJl(•j{e<; Crom l'3Ch or I hl'St' rtiCI''\ '''t>rt' qualif1<•d for t hc final~ ht>ld a wt•tok later nl M.I.T. This rncnnl stiff \'llmprt ition for our sailm!i, for they were racin!( against the best ciJo(hl in \ rw England . Bub Atlcn came lhird in hi" division in the f1nal s, but llry rr ..ntn .. -
r .n and O• ll..rt So:r~k• HICH LANO TAILORING CO. 179 III GIILAND 'TREET &1B!Ii'8 S IIOP
Sew Cn•unto
M••• I•
The ;.;uutical .\ ssociation hal' het'll holrlinA rnret.inl(s reAularly rvcry Tursrlay nif(hl. Tht' met•tings have con'1i,ted of discussion unci inslrur· lion up•lll tho> all imp(1rtnnt and cvP1 chanJ(in~ racin~ rules. Olher flio,.. • . . . cusstn::t bas tndudcd racmJ,t laC'llU• and bandlinJit the small <linJ.thir'l U'lcd in inlrrcollcJ.!iate racing. Anyone with !!.'lit in their veins and who likes to 'illil are invit«l to hoist on their hal· rants and set sail Cor Higgins Comrmtati11n room at 7:00p.m. Tuesd:1ys.
!.- --==============--, Noventber Pipe p ecia]s 15.00 & 17.50
lmllortecl Briar Pipe
NOW 81.69 0 " '1. CLUBS - 99r Kltl TEN · C STOM Oll.T ~W IRAL KOOL Only
40% Off l ,lfl P rir11 Lintitcd Amount ,hallable
289 MAJN ST.--cor. Exdtan•e St.
" ailot· ~
Rallv tn \Vin
ln tlw most !lil'nt<ntionnl lini,oh nf tlw c urrt•llt "'''nson, the umo..dng Coast Cunrtl ~eo ~t·• l th rc•e tinwt~ In th t' final twriotl It• tritl \'<'orct'l!· h'r 1't•o·h 3 :-4-32 in u ~n mt• t>luyt' cl ut tilt' Nc" Ltmcluo At•nolcmy. Trailin.,: ll) fl i" point~ unci " hh lc•s!i th nn u m inute to t•luy, tla.!Uitltlit•s' ll arr~ Smith tlrHppc•tl luU"k frum hil4 own 26 nnd lo hlwcl a h t-~l'\4' to• t•ncl ( :ona·ucl Nu~lt· 1111 tlw Tc•o·h ·~0. Nu~lc nn tl 8t"eminMIY tht' t• nt in• 'l't•f'h tt•nm jumtwtl for thc_• fl outt•r , hut when the hall t•t\ln e tlo\\ n 1111 tlw tll't'nntl IIHllllt'c' it was Nu~lc• who t~twarr·d it und lit out mthllu•lwtl fur till' end zmw. Set•ontl~ lult'r Te.·h 's ' 'it·tory h opc•s huol tukc•n winf{ 1111 eo•nto·r F:ol Ounit•le boolt->tl his third
,\ flcr clroppinr~ Lhe 11 rst two Aames tlf the dt•cidillg sl'l lnst Sundny. TK I' r,1llircl maRnif1r(•ntly this \\'('dne:;clay to defe:ll T t ' 6·4 n nil thereby win the I. F. Tt•nnis Title with nn R-0 lll'ui~ht <'CutH•r t<iun . rt-cnrd. thofun• a ~1111c1 auwd. Theta K;rp'.,; . This gamt> mnrl,-. tlw lhhd timl' upcn piny, n (Touul£' reverse which C<•n v \tk in~ 111 and Paul Crowh.•v Ill ttl many years that tlw undeniahlt• mnv{'d l4 yarcls for the l\liddics' seccam; back to rven lhe H'Ore tUid the;, ~ ailor.:; have cume frnm l.lchind in uml wu, hdown. 'fhe second juinnies to Holmt>s m1>vr 1111 Itt u 'i 111 2 ndwmt :u~e . .\t i the waning mtltnt>n t~ to ed~c thr \\ ur tnnrhtluwn aerinl clima.'l:<.'d the third 1his pc1int 'l'hl'la Chi st:~Rt'd a ~{Teal ~ 'Slt>r aggrcglltion. Di~tl'l'lllint mt•nt pt>dncl, givins.: the \lisitors a big 32· rally (If it-. nwn. \ '~in~ lht•ir l obbin~ L'i all thr mnr,• keen ~hU.'l' lht• EnJ;:I1{111111' tn Art'IIL uclvanlnAC. Manny nrers had :l .U· l 2 buiAt' . It thr sturt 12 t>CI~r. It was Ill this juncture> that l'apll<l~ and (;('l)r~(' • nltuo; pulled the or the final canto, lht• lu~s rohlwd the Ct1n~ot Guard heard the call. dom· S:tli.'lwry :-itrrrt..r'., It) within 11111• Cnach llnh Jlritthartl or n winnin~t itmtrd the late play, und roared h:1ck J(:lnll' of ,, lit>. T ht•tu Kull wa!o lltll ~~:a.o;on , an~ nlso h~ tht• fact !hal il fm a triumphant three touchdnwns. to hr tlrnil•d hn\\t'\'t•r, nncl with dark- L'> C'oasl ( .u:ml wh1ch rephu:r-. Tt•t'h nro;, foliO I\ !ng. I hey hrnke ~tlltus • On the' schedule of mil(hty Trinity. .;rrvl' ICl t.tke the rlcciclit1J.t )WII~' and F~alurin~ tlnly ww punt. thl' gnme C.O. 'l'f.CH ~· lrol 1 ~>Wn 111 14 win tlw n1a11 h hy srorr~ uf 7-5, 4·6, wu u display uf slwrr nrTcnsivt• powrr \'~•·do wnlnl•ol ruohlnr c"~') 146 ·~·8 t•..•t~t••• au~·ma)li"il 2l\ and 6-4. by both lt>ams. T ech strurk liudtl('nly 1'••••"' (1"'""''•tt'<l 13 6 'h11lo ll~ln~l t•llll•lna UH ?II l'n•l'i"• lnterrt!\ttt>tt I 0 In tlw t'1n:rl onalysis, tlw winnert:' on the opcninA kickoff, !lwrt•ping Yonl • 11111~o•l "'"''C~1lllon• ~ 0 2G no over prt"s~in~ :11111 sh~ally typr of piny duwn the neld rrorn tlwir nwn 2rl. 1'11nC ""'YHIC~ (yo • olol lllch Co·capla in R irk J.'i.'rruri scurrd the Y••·•1• •·•turn uf ttll kloka 1.-r 61 earned them the titlt•. Fnr Lhr losrrs, 10 B llrst of his thrl'C Tl> 's on u rull 'l'm V"r•l• il•nnlltotl lh(• rwt piny or SaiiU'I Waf\ nutstnnrl r" A 81' c:11,uu>-.u driw ovr1 tlw ct•ntrr Cmm 1\111 up l.,•fl ~11•1• N•Jt1~. M•llo~. lng, whilt• nl lime;; the har k ,·ourt l•~~r... flit.,, !lmllh. yards uut.. ('oust Guard rc•htliatittn 1l<'ft cJt'f1•ncJin~ Of l 'uppa~ hnrdNefl (Ill !Ill.' '"' '' IIUo 111~ l!ll-b•. Kol•, llom•n , !!lf1ntu•\'lwt was swill .\ttm kinA frnm u modi· ' lwrl.trulnr, I ''"''""" IIIHk~. Ah"""' wuon1w n,,.,, !ltAdtlan~t•r, Sll~kl•. lied win!( T , the Middies hHik tlff un llltthl ltltth1 a.okl,.. llt~ntrlt•, Mun)hy • lllwhl .. nrlo Rtryuf•l•r, F rl.th<lft'. a 90 yarcl mardl, e.ttin~ up t hunk!'. quot1•rbotko Vau~thn. R•lliJI, «•(.• t '-! .~o<·<·t·•· earn r...,n h•11l>t1rk li. S m ith. of ynnlnge nrr the tackles nncl nround ltlwh1 h•lll>•.rko- -Sptldafora, R lhn, Stttrh. the rnd'\. With a farst dtlwu on the U 't'"unnur Blanked ~·ulll•orb Olark. rulter. Worcestt>r 3, the C~uarcl :wurerl 1>11 TI!CH- .U Bos tun Univc r· ity u pitchout tn Hal l'Mker wilt.- around l ...rt •n•l• lfql_ ., Gllbarro. 1.-·11 tarklr w. Koloon•. the left end. Davt• llolmt>s, swrtinsc l o<'fl ~tuan1 llanl4!o. Jo:n~ittf•f• r's , lnul Uc>lf'tt"t> f'••n!Prt MoJt'wokl, D. Kolodne. off a l(l'Cill uftcrnnnn hltlf'kt•d t ht• ll\ • It lwhl • u•• do ~'rll.a, f'• rron. Limil ~"> Sc·ur•·~ Bul Tf'f'h ltl~th1 lafkl<> Oar)>tnler. lrn point. lththl •n •IA •'rnoland, M~hallrk Allac·k Fuil ~ t u llf'l(i!llc•r Qu.rlorbotb Juol•. St. Lout.. Ucfurr the ftr't h,1lf c·ndcd, the r,..rl ltaiO••rlta Ct>lllnp, Mwtrow, M lll4>r. haln>••k• Shtbt>k. • ·onb<!!'JI, tlrfl(ory. On Sallmltty, Octn!x•r 29, Tech'-; Eu~ineers hacl Mntt.k t wire more. IU~eht ~·ullltorlt •·•rrar1 8rttrlnl! by IH!tfndo : "'IC<'f'r lt•am 1\US hnst tu tlw hilnlcrs IKII h <li(tLin c111 ccnlt•r plunl(cs hy FrrOCIART (liJA ilD G 0 8 at 33 ltf llo~lun Univt•rsity. The final out · rari, whn rwr~uua lly ac('l.>ttntcd for •r•:r11 ut s " Ci at c·cmtl' ruvorcfl 1he visitors hy a scor<' 2.12 of '1\-c.:h'!l 285 ynrd:; goined ru.~ h~ COAST (:\lA ili) ocorina: Touchd.awna I'•• ker, !lll•d•fnra , V•uahn 2, !>/qt., : point• or J -0. ortnr tou<lodowf!• D•rtlela A (1)1at~m<~nl•l. iug. 'n lCII •Nttlntt : •rouchtlt)Whil Ft!rrarl a llttlm•o U1 IJfll rth a ttO!r tourhdowna Ferra ri In the lir:.L half, 1-(!l()d clclcnslvu H was the I•:n)linrt>rs whu hil first I I lthttrm•n i.fl. play was shown hy both teams, and in the sccmul half. RN·uverlng n neither side could pcnelrulc fur a ( 'un<~l (:uurd fumhlc un thr Sailors' ~oa l. After eight minutes or Lhc sec- 18, Tech KrCJtmd to thr I I, and then ond hnlr, l 'ran~c booted H. U. into Juc Jui.nnies rwg~cd lo I lulmfq for tht> lead, and lwo minutes Iiller, Lhe Jirsl ol lhr cnmiJinaliun's twu 1-ATRONIZE O UR Stroube aclr!ed another to make the tnuchduwns. 'J'ukin~e thr kirkorT on ADVERTISERS :.core 2·0. The finnl tally came wlwn his goal-linr, C'<l's ~nt Spadrtfnrn .Mnrcnntunia ~ored after Courtecn- o;hot dt)wn the Jinr nil the way tn and·a·half minutes. the Tech 38. Two t>IAys Inter,. padn-1 Shorty IWsworth played hi'l ru.ual fiJra o;c:ort•(llm thr p:nmc'<t m11. t wirlr· ~ond s;camt' at center half. Captnin Meiklrjuhn, Leonard, '!\tal Horton, lnjury-Ridd~ n llodgell and AOalie Si$Son played J;OOd defeno;ive IJnll , especially in Lhe hy lim half when they made the B. l . und !'ihialle, In that order, rounded R. II ow«>JI •••:u.·f.'s Lo.-uls; attackers miss several close scorinp nut the WorcC<;ter scoring with ninth,
'I"' llcrt• hy
Reserves Fos, and Pahncr played well and llhnul(l sec considerable nc· tion when the T cc.h boolers close their li<!:ISM against Tufts on Novem· ber 5. The game is to be played on the home fteld at two o'clock.
Com plimPnll of
Tech Cross-Country Squad Powe rful Coast Guard Outfit
Clinc hes Fuurlh Plu.. ~; WPI-Clork Tilt N ••xt
The W.I'.T. <.:ro11s-Cuuntry team, missing the scrvk~s or IJitk 7,.ch•ncy and Bob Rodier, dropped Thursday's meet to a strong Coa$t Guard team, I 8·42. Bobby Howell wa5 the l'•rst tl) cross the !ape for the Crimson and Gray, frnishing fourth, only one minute and ei~hl seconds orr lhe winninf( time of 18:46. Messen~er turned In Lbe sixth place lime for the locals witb a 20: 12. Thompson, :\lndif{a n,
eleventh, and twelfth places. The winnlnl( time was :1 fnsl 18:46, turned In lly <.: . G.'~ nee, Smith. nsnnnelln.'s Streaks" were to run In the N.E.r.C.C.A. meet held at Jamaica Plain Monday, Nov. 7, a nd will complete their season when they run a newly organized Clark team Thursday aClernoon over t.he Boynttm Hill course. Coach Sannella hopes to hovt' 7.cleney and Rodier, both out wilb injuries, bac.k Cor these two meet~.
._ I Po~ec
TE t ll
LERNER'S LARNIN'S n y non tEnNER . .
Lately, we ran across a book whose unexpected popularity bas 'been , ,, equa 11ed on Iy by Al Ca pp s 7 1lC Schmoos. The tillc is Cybcm ctics,
Collegians CroWll IGnas . 0
sec:; a smulanty w a human band l(ropinR for a glass of water IJy sense .\ recent poll by Billboard mugaof touch and a gun director findi ng zinc reve;Lis the prcfere.nce of colle,ge • • 1 • its target by radar lllformaliOn. He students throu14hout the country m r: II r . likens the stuttering of lefl-handed the various 11e t s o mus1c types. or, Control In T he Animal And The pt•oplc forced to use their right hands, llunds Machine. If that sf<!ms a l ittle in- to the traffic jam that occurs in a AII-Arouncl Fuvorilc volved, read the subtitle: "A study telt•phune exchange when too many 1. Vaughn Monroe of vital importance to psychologists , people try to call long distance at 2. Tommy Dorsey physiologists, electrical engineer~, so- once. :~. Tex Henckc llul it is when he gets tt> com4. Lcs Brown ciologists, philosophers, mathematiputcrs that he lets out all the stops. 5. St11n Kcntun cians, anthropologists, psychiatrists, The behavior or a modern computer 6. Guy Lombardo and physicists." l n other words, if like the Einac is not lika thinking. 7. Elliot Lawrence you don't read the book, you won't It is thinking. Tt eM reason logically. 8. Johnny Llmg amount to much. Il is perhaps this (H eM solve abstract calculus proi.l9, S:1mmy Kaye alter inference that accuunts for its l!'ms.) H has an excellent memory. 10. Woody Herman surprising volume of sale. We further ll can learn rrom previous cxperiMns l PI'Cuni~i n g ence. ( Tt will change its methods ()( I . F.lli(\l Lawrence . . · R A 1 suspect that some peopIe arc now calculat1ng on the bn~1s or prcv1ous 2. ay nt 1ony sorry that the above list was not c~dculations.) The machine that 3. Charlie Ventura made more complete by including plays chess is not a dream; one cllll 4. Woody Herman the Salvation Army. IJe designed th ut will give a g()od 5. Ray 1\Jc Kinlry Cybernetics was written by Dr. hum;ul player a stiff l,lallle, and Swt"c t Norbert Weiner of M.I.T. Dr. Wei- ortcn win. Thr final prnof is lhe ex1. Vaughn Monroe pcrimental fact that lhc brain nrrvc 2. Sammy Kayr ner is one of those rare geniuses cells exhibit the same all-or-nolhing 3. Guy Lombard() whose abilities were such that he bad 4. Claude Thornhill behaviors as do the basic parts or his A.B. from Tufts at !4 and his computers. s. Tex Beneke Jlh.D. from Harvard at 18. EveryThus, says, Weiner. he has done s. T ommy Dorsey one seems to be awed by such people, what no man has yet been nhlc to s. F.ddy Howard and most of the reviews that we have do-- to give a completely mechanical Swin g read seem to reflect this feeling . intPrpret.ation of thinking. This apl. T ommy Dorsry Their awe, may, however, have been pealed to us. After all 1 no cn~ineer 2. Les llrown due to an inability to understand shoulu admit that ther~ is anything 3. Benny Goodman Weiner's mathematics. Neither could in this world that cannot be rcrluced 4 . Woocly Herman we. It was promised, though, that to scientif1c formulae. S. Duke EllinglCln tl1is mystery would be cleared up in In fact, we bet:nme so cnlhusiLuti n-A nw ri•·o n anolher book, Tile Extrapolation- nstic that we set out to convcrl our I . Xavier Cugat OJ Stationary 1'imc Series. {This date one ni~ht. We imagined our2. lksi i\rnnz sounded like a come on to us, but self a messiah as we went throu~h 3. Muchito we bought it, anyway. We got a bill, the argument:-the hand, the lrlePJ't'lf.'l't'llSh•c juzz too. Price : $4.00; Less 15% dis- phone, the chess plnycr, and nil. But I . Stan Kenton count ; total, $4.20. We got no fur- just as we reached the climax, she 2. Woody Herman thcr in our understnnding.) asked one simp~e question: "Can 3. Dizzy Clillcspic The text, however, where separated your machine cujoy thinking?" Cm·n from the malh, Lr; quite readable. Dr. Cursr.s, foiled again. Anyway, we I . Spike j ones Weiner has tried to bring together hear Weiner is writinrc a science fie· 2. Red Ingle under one cover the theories or in- lion novel. T think that we'll buy it. 3. Guy Lombardo formation, remote control, and com- Perhaps then we'll be able to sec Grou11M putation, as UI)Plicd to gun directors, Cybrmctics in its proper li~ht. S mull Vtwu l telephone exchanges, and computers. I . l'icd Pipers It was a worthwhile and successful 2. K ing Cole Trio undertaking. 3. Mills Brothers But Weiner docs not stop there. 0/'l'" Till Jl l itl,it l' 4. Ink Spots He goes on to apply the same sort lll(a ii.ANI> STUEET 1111 5. The Ravens or reasoning to human bein~s. He 1..-------------~
Jlighlauder Dhtt•r
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PREMIER Cleaner Tailor
Cooper's Flowers Hi ~lJ1 uuc l Str eet 'l'drphnne 5-4351
Worcc•st er 2 , .Muss. Co11rt6sy - Quality - Service
and Dormitory
Tel. 3-4298
TY PEWIUTERS The Heffernan Press ISO Fremont Slrf•••l, Worcc81c r
AI.ES - UENTA I ~ - HF;Jl IllS N••w Purt11bl••s - milh·Corono, ICo y nl 11 nd llud••r•wod ltibllons o ncl Cnrlmn ~ t n S tiiCIPIIfl
.~tH'riol f)/fc•mwt~
P rintPr• tQ IIQth Sttult•nt• ontl Faculty f o r Fflr ty {
Cnllt>gtJ l'uiJI/cntion •
Prlnlora to T ilE TECil NEWS
.. .X ow what's our Pneumonia I nsurance worth ? . . . Had to prove the hard way that lhe Sophs could swim."
" The Villainou:. huh of S h m;h" S houlcl Pt·ovicle H ilnriou b EnLPrtuinment
The Captain who went dnwn with his Sophomore !~hip , Ed Felkel, put it this way: '·The best team was
Thursday, Xov. 3, the ~Iasq ue held its second meelin~ or the year. From this conrcrence emer~erl the latest doings of the fi rst one-act play of the year. Lip to this point, the work ha~ been primarily concerned with organizin~ the plot of the spectacle. Ilr>wever, the f(round work i-; well under way. and actual rehemsals are expected to start within the next couple of werk~ .
going to win . and they did."
As was mentioned uhovc, thr play is or a melodr:~matic nature with villains, hrri)S ann hcruines running Hrc>und in grE.'ilt sty!('. In orrler to ohtaiu th!' tnlrnt It> fill thr'>c pnrts, the l\Jasque has announc~>d that try-out<; rt•r I he play will l11ke placr on I hr slnf(e of Alden l\lrmorial on ~ londay Xov. 7, ul 4 :00 P.l\f. J\ mUnJt the parts l() be fi llecl are tho~(' of ~l!tjor MontmnrcnC'y l\fuo. his daughter i\1lrq,ry 'l\loo, and tlw Shah or Shush him~ l f. ll must bt• IWtCd that all parts, including th<>sc 11f the fairer sex, will be played by the sludt'nls. T here arc jobs for Hll ftOOd men ; und thrrc's nn exccllrnt opportunity for thCJSt' Of talent lo put rorth their be!,L F rom here il looks as thnu~h it 's r;:oin~o: to hi' :1 lot or fun workins.t on this. sn bt' :~url' to get in on the ~rou nd 11oor.
hy Camera Club members after this dutc, since the door lock will be rhang!'d. T he Camera Club will not be responsible fnr unclaimed equipment after November 15.
Getting back to campus pre ented
nn problem, requiring only to follow the wcl sneaker-prints UJ> \\'est Street. l\lany l'rosh were seen il'!noring the Bridge, as beanies and bow. ties went sailing through the air.
The class of '53 now has the edge in the Goat's Head competition by a slim one-point margin, The battle resumes, after a short pause, with the Under the capable supcrvbion of football game at Alumni Field. the student director Maurice Gosselin, the hilarious melodramH entitled Tlte Great Bnlllrncck Diamond, or COSMOI'OI.I'I'AN- Frnm l 'afC" I The Vil/oinnus Sltllfl nf Sftuslt will keeping their darkroom lockers must SfJtJ n be presented to lilt' student be present at this mectin~. Students brn:ly. At present, the performance is not interested in retaining their lockscheduled lo takr place before the ers must remove their equipment assembly in ;\ldrn Mt•morial on De- from them by November l S. The cember t4, 1949. darkroom will be available for use
~ 111 a ll ln riii'UIIIt'n la l l . KinA Cole Trio 2. Charlie \'cnturu 3. l':.tgr t'ava nnugh Trio 4 . Benny Goodman ~cxlct 5. Pl•c \\'ce Hun t
Worc este r Tele gram
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The Eveni ng Gazette
Sunday Telegram
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