1950 v41 i15

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Frosh Advised tt• Exercise ~at•e i11 C..~hoositt ~ ~otn•se lniormatiott to Aid in 01oicc of Cour e Offer ed), Dean Roy Om• uf 1ht' n111'1 nltp• lit·· • d·ion- rn.ulr tht' prn-pt•ctiw t'nJ.!I· Del)ator Do ntt'r that uf dt'tt·rntininJ.: v. hath field ••I t·n,.tinu~rin~ ht· .. huulu tht14'"' Well 011 Road rl.u\1






'" mtclt.'rt.tkt•. 't'"'rthl'le", im·l portant a" thi, point 1... each yt•ar 1111 t'\tt't'thngl) l.tr).!\' numiJt•r uf frt··h man ' lllllt·nh wntinut' to f11llow n




J.,l Club to Purtidtmh• In Dartmouth Tour1U'v

T ht• nflkt• onnuunn·-. tht• fullowin~t «tutlt•nt~ with ti\'CrliAl'S sufflcirntly 111 mtrit hunuh fur tlw '"'rk ut tht· flr-.t ~eme• ll'r of Lhe 1950 1951 \nnuul \O'u ir Tu Be:- lle•ltl Cnll('l.(t' ) rar hr~t h11nur" .t rt' ha'('(l on 3\l'n:IJ(t.'S Clf RS· I 00"', and "emnd In \ltlf'u Oawn To \II ~ hllnur~ lilt hult• I ht•"'' lll'rt t•nt.t):t'"- from RO 84', . 'll tl l'l lutlrut is indudrd llu ) ut n u inn ~ Ju Se•rt· mult• Oil tlw llonnr l.i ~h \\ hiiSI' "\ hrduh• i' II.''' thun <l0', of n full schedule for tht> Cia" nnd ( 'mn't' fur \\hidt ht• b rel(l>~tcrl'd. \ II (1\'t'rnS(t'li are \\t>il(htcd l 'tllllt' ww, wnw .111 111 tlw ' t'\\ m;m Uuh h.111 111 ht· ht·hl un tin a ntl w ur't' hi~h


Ft·osh- oph Rivah·y In Pathcti<· tate l<'uiul Elfuri lc• niHt,lny

Tro phy llu ~ All But Put llt>ntla Blow to Truclition

uf lhl'ir colllil!:atinn"' ,1111) rt'quirt•lllt'lllot, amt thrn f.! I\ t' ) nut .... H a wmplt•tt ·df·l'lill)'ltiiiUO I ll jud~t• hm\ \\t•ll

First l'hl'' St•niur J1111 inr Stt(lllllnlUrr

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uf •luch \~ith tht• 'Jit'l iiat inll'nl of ili(hOJ,! I lw f1 t''hman Ill hi' pmpt' r tan•cr 1 huict•. TlH••t' m••nuJ.:rnm' are a\ ,lil.thlt· fur ' tudy at u1w nf tht tV.CJ reftrt·nlt 1.1hlt':> in tht• main library. fltJ n Ruy~ dt•an of •·nj:im·erins:. ha' comrtilttl .1 \\l'alth of information em thi, •ultjt"tt. \ iC\\ in11 it from all pt) .... jJ.It• an)!fl-,. .•nd \\ould ~IJtlly "t'ltunw .1 \ j,it fmm 'LUdent tn hdp h1m tll"t ide t l11• IIlli Hlrl.tn t qut":.· tiun c.f flttrrmi nan ~ tht> cour-..e fur \\hl<h ht I IJt-..1 hllt>rl Ri~tht mm it • OICJtt urs:l·nt than t'\ er th.ll the l'ntt:nH·rin 11 prufc....111 n dl'\'lllt' all 01 it:-. ~~r~nl.!t h w tlw wrlfare uf the fl.11iun .u 11 1 tlw wnrlrl


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ter I IN Bapli t Church.

l'rt• idt·nt hu()l' faculty. ~lU · 111 attt•nd \ <-..embl) l't- 11 I \larch 21.



PltE IDE 'f"S Kl PAS. ' E... A \V y On ~larc.h 15. \\Urd came· fmrn '\('\\ Orlt•an- ur tht• P,1''inl/ nv.a}' 1f \I r.. \1 artha Clu\ l'riuo; Ea•l v.t~<ltl -bu·r uf l'rt:.,idt>nt \\ nt T ylt-r t lu· \f•riu-.. ~I r!>. En"l wuml wa• lon)( oc 1iw in 1i\ic work in "\{'\\ Orl<·an :er mtert''l' heins: miln) ht> ~., 1 lrtl,ll•t• of thl' Sudety fur tht l'rc vrnl i1111 nf Cruelty lll ,\ nimal11 ht· ,jcJt·~ au in~: a.-. pr<·~iclent of tlw \\"unwn.. \ u,.ilinry uf lhl' St. Paul ., •:Pi'lup:ll Church in :\ew Orll·an.. ~~ - .. Fn.. twood wtt' abo r~n octive> mtmlwr nf the \\'nmcn·, Guild nf the Orle;tn• French Oprra Huu t' \ "'IICiation. In at!d11111n due 10 unllrinl! effor~ 'he wac 1 rt'rlitt-11 ,r,..,. I) IC E" IOE~T'S K l~ -Po~r,. I


as:.1in th.1 t ;all trr in\ itt'd ~hl'lhrr rht•y lttlon)l to t ht• 'C\\IlltiO t'luiJ nr nut I 11 kt•b may Lc pure ha_~('d II I ht lh1r'.1r ' Ofllu• \lthull~th tht' urwanizali•m ha" 1 ~t·t'll hu 'y m:~k m)( urranl(emrnh fHr 1ht• fort htllminJt prom tinw wa ~ fnun•l 111 uttrml nn Inter-'it•\\ man ( luh l lt-hatl· nn l..,umiay, ;\Jnnh II u t II ul y C n•~ ( 111 h~Jt<'. f hc t upk on tlw u,.wnda w:• ~ " \\'hich l)(•lcnst' Plan ? Tht' T1umun ur Hl)nvrr Pro· JHI.•al ~t UIICnt • (rom HtJly ( ms anrl \ nno ~l ana C'ullt:ll<' alt-11 took part in tht• r!I•IJa H•. ,\ vote of the mcmhcr' pre,ent •bowed a .uajority ·'I•Pfll\ erl ,,f the prt ident ~ plan for nultt.try dt·ft'n e J< •Uit fc1tbtr ll ill· uin• ~.1 onct nl(.!in in char)!e ,,f the anr U.ll Hffair.

I11 thl' intrrr:.l

\r((md II nnors: ~ I 1-.. \\'illinm T Baker. Leon II Un ~~~~. L. Earl Fuirb:t nk~. Her· (l('rl J . ll nye.~. Jr., Willittm 1.. llornry IA'C1 F.. Lt'nwre, J r., Ant hony B. !'\tr(alltlv, lltnry I) T aylor, Oonald K. White. Rol>t"rl ('. Wol ff C.E. : Ralph W. Auerbach. Jr., l~lmunrl G. J uhn-.on, Georl(t' \\'. KtoJit•r l>11nnhl Kuludnt, Dunntn \\', ~ l unro , Fo ter () Si'l'«lll. Clwm. Eng.: l'eter Gmop, WllliUin II . ll n~l ell , Jr., Carl E. Juhnn!l!-.!111 ..,irlnty K•· ~IN , Rode ric ('. lunc<>y. ( 'nrl J. LuY, Jr J>hys.: Axel W. Lincler, J r. Jo:. E.· Charlt''> If. Uouc:hartl, l>mmlrl J. C'urt'y, Andrew F. FreeInn<!, Airne J c;rl'nic-r, j ohn Marley, Irvinl( I·. Orrell, Jr.


pmvitlinl( Will· lwu lnwer t hr JlUIII traditiun wn" rt· vived in 192R. \ hronu rc·plica nf a 11u•U\ heafl alhtlht•tl Ill an ahnormally -.mnll htttly wn' pux url'd IJy the ulumni nncl prc~cntcd 111 thl.' -.chiHJI with in ~truttion~ fur puttin~e it into w mpc:tition Fur t hrt'l' yrnr' therl' werr liw,ly t iii"S 'i<'rap!' ovt•r the trophy. It wu ~ thrn wllhrlmwn, to lw !·~ tabi U.hrrl ~~ ~ ;a prl:r.e fm a~anl tn the cl:1" th.tl a(hlrvf'tl th~: hiuhc' t point <~wre in intramural activities. The J((Jal'.., h1•ad trod it il!n I'I no I Junlor11 ancit'nl hi,tory howe~;rr \ t tht' hrrt 1/onors. ,.prinK 'r>Ort ' hanquct in IQ4Q, the ) I 1- • llamld R. Althen, J r.. ...ophomr"e cia'' wu.· tu lx· prt•,tnterl Dnnif'l T 1.3ernatuwicz, Rnbert H. petition




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Pub!Uhtd Wrduy Durin!l tb" Coll~t \'nr hy ...... Tf!da New• "•Wl'lalion o r th t• WorC'r IH Poh lr<'hn iC' l n•IIIUif'

lh J \U( (,J:<\ltl'

~socia!<'d Collc~P Press

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F.UlTOR I'H. IIIf.F f,clwartl (,, "Am•oh) 1•£\Tt RF EIIIHIR M \' -\01~(; I' UITUR Rirhard l'wanauRh J nhn M. rrac~ ~f.C:R ... f\R \' M :\\ s ..:ut rott Ru;h.lld (." C ttl II t J o ph I UJt~ kt A~:-. I ST\:\'1 SPORTS F.ntTOR SPOR'Th IWI roR \ ~ ~ .\n•lrch<tn" '\1 tcll~tl J, h ' • J r Bt:S r~F.SS MA!IIACER Robert Fa\ rtau AUHRTISI~t; l\1 \ 'AG J<: R CJR(.tl \TIO!\ ;'11\' \(,~R Ro n•l•l Tho mp'lll n RIJbttl j nhnAon ASS I'51'AI\''I Mi\ NACKK .\ SSISTM\T M ANAC: ~; t~S

Timolhy V o•ruul ~. Oavid l· .t l riJun~a

JUNrOR t:IHTORS "tJ nln lh:rnun l lun tid Oh\t'r

J ,tnr··• 0 Sulh\·o n ku;hard Samulh

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COll Ml\h f J ohn Gearin REPORTERS John E;. Fdmlnr, J r. -\Urrtl C ll afaro Rich11rd Clllt liC"rnarrl J l'clrllln Paul 1:: JaiiH·rt R S INES!, J\~SI STAI\~ Ro~rt Mc)fr 1 t:nl\ f.. £1ur~t('r r>onald R. C'amfll>t'll J lll>•·ph I-rati no T . nm.1' trrnnnur Rkhard Boutltlle~ J ohn Calhoun Rolll'rt Slru J~Rph 8 alth11• CARTOO~I ST PfiOTOGR \l'llt.R tAwa.d Uonuk~\ ldt !\nrman •r~ nk FACUI,TV AO\ IS ER ~


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EDITORIAL Wlaut,'i! Going On '( Two weeks ago the manuging editor of a l\l ldwc.stcrn college paper placed an ud which ran like this, " Wanted : Communist litem· lure or information leading to literature or pcr"'()ns intere:.led in cOJllmunism." The stir which resulted was more far-reaching than anyone bud anticipated. Ridicule, protest, and denunciation were heaped d own from all side . One profe 'sor wanted to help but was fearful that the administration would retaliate, br;.mding him a Red. The aver· age re ponse can be summed up in the actual wordo;, uf o:w ~ tudent, "What's going on? You cut that out or I'll take thb up with the legislature." But what b going on? Hru. hy'lteria replaced calm rea-;(m? 'om· munism. the greate t evil and danger yet to beset mankind b:i!> brought about much the same altitude po se<>.,ed by the nforc· mentioned student. The attitude . et>ms to be a d<>ft·ati"t one . \\'t' can win over communism but in order to combat thc insidioulidcology, u lucid undcrst<tnding <If it:-. dernagogical conc<•plo; nlll o;l he had. lt is difiicull to win over uny obstacle without a full , clt'ar comprehen ' ion of the fac t~ involved . Being engineering student-., we bru e much or our reasoning on the scientific method , namely : observation, orgnnitntion , hypothesis. uncl verilicalion. It has been seen that this logical approach applies to problems out of the rt>alm of engineering. We would do well lo utilize this wry approach in regard to communism. We know lhnt the ide4>1ogy is bu,.ically and intrinsically bad, but why not learn more about it and thert>by be better equipped to combat it. Although the ad itst>lf had b<'cn killed, perhap it will give birth in the rt>adcr\ mind of a new ad rending : \\'anted : A :-ane and sen iblc nation rcgnrdin~-t communism.

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tlini n~ hall the frr,hnwn matlr a holll att t•mpt tu 't'i7.t' lht• {;nat \ Ht>:td. Tlw t'll'\ttin~ .;t ruAAk "a- clrclarrrl a dra\\ nnd tlw trophy wn• ~h·~:n tu !-lkull fur -.a ft• kt•c•pin~o~ In ' nmt• ,tran)tt' the truph) di,anpi'.trt>d tncl t. tnH' intn l"''"l''~inn ,,r thr dn ...s uf 51. In tht• plllh auivi lic~ that ,Y('ar, tlw frc~h mrn twcdcd cmly om• llltlrt' polint In 1\ 111 till' trophy hut tht• ,nphomor('o; \\Oil livt "' ra i~ht ...tnw tu ''in lr~t.tl llt"'r"itln o f the (;ll;tl' il t'.HI. .\ ftt't\\ ,trt l,, the frco;h. '"''" h\ 'nlllt' jutlic it111' ph nnin~t. man:u~rd In unmvrr the• hidinlt plan• 1f 1tw trnph)•. :111cl it h..... sinu• ht.'t'n unclt>r thl' Jll'tll(>( lion nr thl' tlno;s of '5 t



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"ill lw fc•.ttttrt•d . Thc•,t• rt'lurd l'lltl!' t'rt•. \\hit h art• lwl l t'\'l'ry ntHHI hnw it r !lw main lihr;tr) h:t\t' nwt \lith nHiih 1\Utt•··· 'tnd it " hurwll tll.lt mnn• ''" ll'nt... \\ill tnkt• llllllllrtunit~· tn ht•,tr •'llf '''n•llt•nt r"llc•ctiun ••f n•.nrtl ... nn th•· ...~;hrtttl'• lit' II 'l,tgnm·n\ \\ htt h " ''' Jltl',('llll'" hv

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Rl'lttrtl I llllttrl' for rnmm~: \H•ck. I' tum ~l.uc h 111

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llOO : I hur Y••u're r otor In the Doll ~·ootl bu•lnloct, Bing. I)INO: \"l'p .....·t>'n JtOIRir L•l make" \R~' ... You know ARF'• I he ontr Doll Fu•HI ~nur rl•·tt ran a•k for by naml'


J 1\ CK K lkKWOOO : I'd ltke 111 .~,,.., II'"' o Jntlrt.-e uf M/1 Dad ... Old (IoMeii 1\ lrku lhld. fJO I\ 1 1'~1 11 illl~l'<'«tilllf ... u•/111 ._ lt4 f{t/uog 111 Ch• ,t~ctrre chair h nldlllfl a lilfi~I!OIIt In lri1 hntu/1 KIR KWOOD: SHtlplr ... hllV ... I/Iul •rtu lh, llov h '''ll• clto•r•• " Mon v/



fiOO : Otn11 ... you'n bel'n ptaylnll , ..~ltn'• Jl<'l wllh our ~po>n•or lontt rnnurh I n1atln~ wtttranrr •hnrt• matlt'O out (>( I bt<~lullel•l wraptlf'~' BING : Not ;o fa~t. Dob ... lt uw do )OU npfatn nanlcln~ ~-our mu•lri11n• llr on thl' '"" n ~o thl'ir IHl•liu •Pell o ut "Th ~y


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~~rtllltr~ ••• I hapr~n to know rou hn• thf' In I1IH t f >OUr trou "" .. ttl ~t~nnr,-

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....\ rf!" C•·n•I•JI•••Ilol~f' lltHt n,.,'" '""" A• • r "I tltr (;~ph~r lin/ f I'F.GC::l ': l 'f• Sir ... o.nrl htl•n•

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BACH <:A 'I'A'f \\llh tlw truphy fur 'uur-.,fully ,,[n_ "' EL ECTED FOR IIIIR tht> \'llriuu, ' lll>rt'- umte-~ \\ hrn lht' time t.llllt' 111 ll•aH· tlw 0() eo CERT 1.0 \ r·~ u •:AO- Fmm




St hnnlllwrr wnnl>~ It l rl he mul.•ro; ttKIII hv thr ~tudt•nt ... th.lt thrv I f,urnltoortla. T exaco " • \\ ··lc 11'111' Ill nr£rr 'lll.ll!l'•llllll.. r.:~ ... tntion l"hr fl;hl ll'rlll the- ~tphomure~ ·nmt•rt~ in tht' futurr an 1 ,1J.u tn c:.u . ll lahlentl A Gouldln• Slo. IM\t' m.ult little effttrl 111 di•pla~ the hrin.. in rc>to•d" 11f thr•r 11\\11 if tht'\' 1 ~-=:=:=:=:=:=;::===::=:=:=;:: truph) t' \ CI'PI '' hrn thr~ Wt'rl' rnm- ..,., 111•,irt•. plt•tt•ly ' tlrt> tlf ih ,,,ft' l } Thr ah· F===========-=='--· , rnrt• nf tlw trophy .11 tht• l'l'ch Cnr· 'lt\'111 iltll'll ,\It''~ thi~ f.tcl. 'INl'llWr thc• fr(',hmtn nlulcl lll'''ihly make .l mort• drtt•rmine I l'ffnrt 111 t•ntt•r intu ··Jr' lrerP Good Food I• tilt' ~pint of t'tl\11111'1it inn \ I th~ Not } wcl m r E.~ prt>uion " timt• tht'\ llt'Pfl tn " in tlw n•mrtininu '"~~''' l'"ll ll'"t'~ tu \lin lht• Gna t '~ llt•ad . hut tlwy might Wt' ll hf rr· tH'EN 1'11.1. \11 UNI'I'F. mindt•tl thttl this ft'.t f \\ t >~ IWrf••rnwd '"'" l,t,l ~~··tr ll\' lht• tl.l"' nf 'S' I uhrl.-etlo n and Bene..,.

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T lwto 1\.t'l'l'll Phi lnillatrd in1t1 tht Jor.tt t•rnity on "'•llunl.ty rvt• \\t' rt' J uninr Jack 1\urkt•, nnd 1-rt•...hmt>n l·th\l.&nl Balrlyf(a ll.tvid R ~'>~llt I ct· l'atineau. John C.tlhoun, (jcnt• Ora~o~tm. j usrph Ftn tinu. ,.. rtt nk c;am:tri. J.IC'k r.ilrt•ht , Crrald ( ;ri!;~ , Roll('rl Lahuntt\. l>a\ icl La i\larl'l', j uhn ~l alluy, Lr110n rd ,\lt·llo, Rnherl t\lryrr, .\ ndrt•w ;\ l ur~ll . Rtlht•rt '\ im, Rubert l't•:uct•, r ilwnrd Puwt•r, and Henry "P•uluni Jlrc..cnl at thr initi:tLiun prutt:(.'clinl('\ wt>re l.t. \\'illi.nm tim· Kan. up from Chnrlt'"l•m. E\ccutivr

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' it k(·r-un



F.x 1wrl urilt•r• nnd dennert \1 Vnur ••,.,.lt•r n h,-

Cha l'ihldn . Prll\ inc.:e :\e\\ Enehnd pter~ th 11 i, \1hi ••r \\ ilfn·d Culeman , ( 'hul e .uhtl) callttl tht- 8o:,Lon T ea l'any. \'andini an• I J:d Earl} . Irum '-t J nl.t•tcrpitce uf mbnomer. Th~ Fr<lllli~ Cullt1:~. }t'..tr the aftair ''a- held at the ( tl!TI· h 1 1 1h "een anum!( 1 !' llrf'{'O·t :tr rong:- mandcr Hotel in Cambridge. ;\l.t'-'a· at thr <it l'at, p:tradc 111 Conlham . {hU't'll' l\\U Saturdays a{to. wtth tomph•!<• ,,ith h•u1nn' and hillrl.111h _ J,tck 1 ran 1\.t·l!lt'r Juhn thl' u~ual fra ternity ~chool in the Grei(M) nnrl Tom I) !uta ,uJI afternoon an•l a banquet in thl• l'H'· \llmderin~ hm\ the "iuph' lllltpinncd nin~:. The brothers ea ily found the Frn~h alli•y-cals. (;Jeane I t'll lertatnm!'nl fur lhe remaincll'r ur frnm Jimmy Lt•t•':; rnlurun: ll rnlht•r the !'wnin~: a ft<'r Lhe banquet in the ('harlit• Hurwhn rtl 1111 I ~i~tcr ( iinny mnny cultural center · uf Boston. :tpp,·art•l! wh 1lt> on val' at inn a-; ;\ lrht uf the brothers \\CtC uhle extra~ in tlw ('apilal "crnt in ' llrtrn 111 mnkt' it back that Saturday \ t--.tcr•lay . l'.tul J ;~lllt'rl .tml nis:ht wuh the exc;epti•m 1>f bother j nhn 1.11\rll tH<' ''orkinu tht• lwh<·r ;\l acy whr1 in his own inimtl.lhle ~hup , i'cuit tn 'o(•Jrt h ul four -p.l rt \\ay wa') ,tble 111 cnjuy the hll•(li· harmuny frtr the rumin~o~ l'i l)dt tality ttl tht· Bu,.ton Pulite Dc:pnrt· -,unJ,tft•'t. .\likt• "hrlx-1. ha-, rnent. lakt•n w a milk diN to humur I h~ l~• •t \\ t•clne,day decti()n., \lt•re ul~er ht• ha" atquircfl •'' •I lirr·.tnll· l hdrl: B11b Holland becanw uur nt:\\ lmn ""lit' h.l,.l.cthall 1111 ntur. . • . pre-idt•nt \\llh Bob )!e)t'r a.-i-tinll .\J,..,t lmpru\rd J>la) tr un th~ '()113(1 : Jt thr \iu•-pre...ident·~ peN 1-t•tpjlt"r " Bun~> S.tmt)li... Gr.Jphitl' c;e all \\ a:, matlr ''<t rePhi Cunun u Oc•ll u tary. j .lkt• J .tl:aith fuunct hlm"ot'H On hand to t''l:lend thr Fiji da'p 'lla·~h til fur thl' :.econd tinw. nnd to rt'tt'nt initiuu•, \\':t" .1 nt•\1 ..lntt- j tlhn Hirt.tnen wa eleclt'd lmu~ ui 11 It r... lwadc I h) l>ttn \ clam, manal(t'r The t lcl.l ion of m•ht itHl'r· pre~idrn t. ancl ably ,,,_,,,led hy ~''' ' ,,, 1h.H nf Ra~ .. HIink) " ( harlt<• Fl,m.I ~.Ut , l)om Qtnmhy ro ~~~ 11'' rt • I r r' :tplin\, 11f1i t' ( .Jrl li jerpr. and l>ll k llall. Bt>rs.:t•r ht'tn nlt' historian , J<'rr) " il· Thust· \\ hfl weathl' rCd thr trials llunw b r)ur nt'w T.ibwriun and J.tl.e nntl trihulttl i11ns uf (:r(•,•k wt·t•l.. ut J uka iti-. mhlt•tl Lhl' LF.C. rt•prt•, t•nLhe d :tn hmt ~l· uri.' !lank Uuyntun, ta ti\•t ... jo!J 111 hb otht>r dul ir· El C'uruju, R~ Osell. Did. l'opp. \\'alL Stewart. lfughu• l uft" Ouu \\ ithlrah. nncl liuwit• \\ hilllt• T llt'tO Ch i ALONG I ht• hrn tlwr, hL·re at l lwt. t ('hi l1a \ f n fratt•rnily conft·u•mt• uf l'ht• THE A IRWAVES W ITH Gt-ttrllf


anuthPr tlllt> of th ~t ht•rlulefi parli\."-. l'ht' tinH' the ll a1kt>r' L t'ai(UC of \ nwr I'a "a' t he "Jl<lli•Or, an(I on IY tlwy l •uld t'Vf'r pl.tn 'uch a ... parktinu ••, rnt Tht'rt' were lm11trts oi d~nte'\ l(illllt'", 'kit,, .tnd vitlual5 in kt•epin~e \dth tht> tradition" of the L<•auur l•:vrryrmr had lrl wear c·lutlll''i whit'h wer<' turtwd inside-but and hal'k·-.icle-round , nnd tlw ndmi~•ion wa ~ nonr nt hrr than a !WC· 11ml hu.tllrl m~w~r~twr. 1-'n tulty nil(ht f•>un1l l'rnfr~..or )lull i~o~.• n unci hi.c; ,,ift "" <lur ~upper ~urst !>. Tlw t' lt•l tr il. tl rnAinee~ m.tnnt•r" irnprovrd immrn"('l}' )tuluinl( by the rtctiun" ,,r ont nf •ht• bmthN""~. ~rnng i· twrt \ 'f'i.Uitk I ):1\'t,, nur •rtrttarv 11:1'-.(>(1 li11ar<> nrounrl 111 t hr ft•llu"" when hr clruPJit'rf his pin ·1 ht' lutl-;y l(irl?



TERMS Sub\triptlon Jl('r -choul )tor, $2.00; ~tnl(tt copb, S. IO Makr all chrt b ll:tya blr tu Bllllnc:sa Manaatr Entered u !oC'COnd eta\ m~ttrr. Sc:ptembcr l l , IQIO, at the Pou Oflice In Worc!"trr, M a~ , under the Act of March J, 187'1.

SIGle Mutual Bar ber

t:,...ilo n

I~• t "llur·lay nillht Stl( Ep held

Rob~rt M tn~rtl

Prof J ohn II.





--------------J~"" r~t.tr}


Stn n Stnnlr1n

\Iarrb 20. 19;)1



Phon!ll 6 -0jU

----------------------------------~ '-------------------------~ ' ----------------------

f\O('TOR : n,r,,.. \'OU nan IN o.rr•... , I ln put thl' • t ethn•t"llf' on )'nU che•l an ol tl•tt' n to )'OUr bf'ert.


IJOR· Go abut!.


llOt'TOR : Amuln~r •.. Arthur God cot • ahnw In thert! loll!


Enjoy Bob and Bl~ on radio : ftob ucrr Tut day nltbt on NBC end Rhlt PYI'T\I Wf'dn-.1,!' n~bt on CB"·

lu \\Ill \I (





FR()Sll BROW S()PliS l:~-2:~ I~ ~\YI\1 )IEET







really lool.t>tl

l ik~

\\ uh Pr-. \\ h ittl t•. m ul Ot• Fult·o P:wt- ·5 t ·,. To Cou a· .. llt•ntl \\ in

'prinl!. not onl~ b«au~ or thl' \leather but also becau<t the ~ ­

I' he

ail-.;.e team troll cd ou 1 to i' " ti r~t

I "''hmJn '" amnh'r' oulthe !:'>uphunt~~n• ntl'rmen by 1 '~~~~~· uf 43 Zl. thu, ~.:.tuun~ anuth~·r h.•1.1 in the t :u:n ' rt~·ad l'tlmpelltiun.




Tt·acl m'n Romp To 59-45 Wi11 Ovet· Trinity

"' Rt'C'Orcl... by H o well, Zd<'n y, Mak<' Climat'lit> <:outt•sl; 3 -l l or eason t.'"

practice. Thest" reb til'(.'.., of the red L t... t ~a t urtlay uftemoon Tech s l'kins lookt.>d in J(rCat !<pirit l' a:. tht•y tr.hl. tr am t.•ndetl their indoor season brought their sticJ.... 11ut of tht• hy drfea t in~t T rinity College nt n.nd gol back inltl th1• swln1-1 llurtford by tt score of 59-45. This llll.set I he tia~~ >t•ar nwn ~-:ot off tu ,, lost· Ru<'t' Fort•ca!'4 l A~ h.tlf. 1\ hl.'n TKP put un a winnin)( l,tst ,Hill hy wkin~ 1ir~t and !\t'tond tlf things. Although the bily:i art> n 1~iu ~otnve th~: team u season's record ;purt. St · Louis and Greuory wt•rr phtl'l'' in thl' ·10 y.ml frre~tyl c tn little rusty nft<•r tht• wlult'r, tlwy uf thre•· w ht ~ ngal ust one los:>. PE\ T K 1\ P K uml On<·c again Harvey Howell lrd I'GD Sha rt' Top Place h i~.th with eight apiece. In the llf'~t wtin t'iNh l I)( n po~:;lhll· llint• p(lints. shuw great pussibllit ic~ nf 14ivin~ot u 1lw tt.•nm in scoring by winning the .l(flllW ur the a ft ernoon PCD tiUWIWtl lint ky \\'tlllt.' l!> and \ ' 10 Dt.• l:alcu ICJ)Cat perfM ill!lllU! un hht yt'ur'!l \Her the re-ult' nf last wN•k'&~ IF \TO 30 24. It wao~ hig r~1m llt.'rt tlw boy' whtl tu rned thl' trick. ~un~ess rul St'USUil . In l\llilt• or I ht.' 40 yn rd dash In 4.8, Lhc 45 yard low :tmes it apprar.., that th t'rt' will be llud~.tt'll " hu pn)\•itled the 11innin!l l'ht• '-t'Wnd hlll', tht• 100 ynrti iJrea~t fac t th:tt II nu tll hl'r Of )ott)\lcf tllt'll hu rdles in S. 7, the 220 yard dash in "JJ!lt -cr.1ml>ll' in the IQS I b.t ~krt 'IMrJ.. a'> he hooped 13. l;fur~e , rrnkl' pntl itlt>tl th~· Ul"c.'l of the 11 1: re lost with Ll' t }'l' Br \ ~r.u l u.lt l n ~t 24.7 and also placed third in the 45 bl)l rJc~. On Frid:ty T KI' met ( 'rulit•r Ill'' hi~:h for tht' lu--er 1\ith d.ty. !-eddon, n mt•ml)(•r of tht• var- d.t..s. thl? h.td..hunr uf tlw d uh yard high hurdles. In bolb the dash lt'.lllin"., Pt: I> in a rou11h t•i"hl J"ll'ntltl JU" ~ , ., " •· 'II) ''llllltllilllt 11',1111, ll:l' t'tii(W by Ri\.h, Ell ...worth and l·n·"· 11 ill , till event!\ he set n new cnge record _ In t h~ ht">t race of the day Dick ntt:.l dunn~: \1 hich thr et' llll'n On r hursdar aiternoon JO I \\Ill lilt• Ill llllt' uf Ill!' fllihl thrill- bt- act i\1~. .\ numlx>r uf tlllwr U JH vtrr \\J\t' I nut un fuul._ , Theta ~ P F o;cored easy victone:.. to rrm:un fll!l r.111., 111 till' .tftt•rn111111 \ \ ht't'ler hit> \"t'lc.>ra.n, and 'nnw hclflt.'ful llt'\\ Z<"leny \\Qn the 1:1 0 yard run in rec~? tnl£·rgt'tl tht• 'ktor.. h) .l H-ZO tn t.ontention fo r the clLlmpiun,hip pl::ttt'<l third for tht• fw,h. ,1nd tht•il ttln1C'r:o t.Omhint• 1111 h tht• I' t hn"t' ord time o£ 2:04.9. He bettered his 0 11 n rtcorcl "t't lu"t year by two ~r. t'3U,in~ ,, Cuur " ·') tit' Cur ' tondinf.(l' h .1d " "' t'\lemlt.·d tu 1.a 4 Boynton tu fom1 a ~t•ry IHilmiMillt d ub tr'l pllce I he '~'·'"'' invuh ccl art Tnun II""'' / .ost Jl1 r1 1 , , t'\h•ndrd thl' ,uprt•m.H v 11r tlw But e1·t'n thuu~.th thma.. hMII.. o,t'Wnrls. Diet.. was trailinst most or -I'F 1,._" l't ; ll. .tncl T " P. '-PI ,\ I 750 I· ro,h throuJth the th1r;l r.tet by bright, there i~ ' till ;t hll( JHh 1111 the race ami fi nally p:lSl>ed the ltadPht Gam 1\urJ..~:d I trght tune I'~ " J I .730 \\ inning the ZOO )artl fn·e 't} lt' Hil l for (;tlarh ~IIIJ!It•.., \\ hll tllll ' l r r, Uircl , durin)'( the fma l lal>· ~it! l!illll! rha">t"r Bub h rl mt'r Ill )(llCid I'(; II .1 .750 Lt•t.• t 'a tuw.tu \Ht s hlllden ~t do11 n -hape thl'-.t filii} t'r' intu ,, 'lllllllth ll.trvcy " ·'" ri~o:h t behind them to drantdllt' hut the 'harp·htllltin)( of I' " I' ·' I . 750 t'< und 11 ht•n the )(ri nd pml'<.'d too ru nninl( unit by \ pril I.a P r.r~ot iu• t.aJ..r 1hird plut t'. rKI' ._ Bill R,r.,lk.r, 11hu huuprtl 14 , \ 1 0 2 Z .500 mm h fnr hun, ancl lw clruppt•d out '<l !ar has t:llll"i"letl nttl•tl} 111 -,cltk In tlw milt• Tcth S\ll'J)I a ll thret> •.tnl. tht' !'>aJi,Jlllry Strt•t•l Iii'('. l'um LX.\ Z ..B.) oi tlw t'Wttt. pl.tc t'~ 1\ ith Bud ;\ latliJ.tllll winninJ.t hundlinl( and l'llnclil iuniu)(. ~l'' ' Hol!lRell 11f 1'(;1) wuo; hi-"h 'lllrl.'r .\ EI' l ..\ ,U In the 100 Y•trtl hal k stroke, the Wl.'i'k. hOIH~\'I'r , scrinuntl)(t'S will Kt'l .tncl J)ft k Zt•lt•uy and George Mco;~r uger tylnl( for second place. lfith IS point,. In tht• 'IC.'rtmd l(illlW S.\ E J .250 ~oph~ at qulrl•cl oru• u( tlwir twu unclE'r wny Lt> tl t•wlnp ll'lltlt w111k McSS('tl!(l'r Iuter won the two mile nf tht• aflt•tnoon a l't )(htlng T lwtu 'I'X 3 .250 lh:ot pln rt·~. l'y \'t·r~ hun , whu hol d ~ T lw sthcdule i'l tlw roul(ht•st 1lw rnrl.' hy 11prf nUng the last lap to pas.~ {'hf quinl r l hrnk1• lutu t hl' win 1he 'l'er h pnol tt•rurd in this I'VI'tH, tt•a ua htt:. fa t ~·d 'Iiiii'\' h ~ fnrmatl uu. llrtlwn nf T rl ulty. Ronnie T homptulurnn with a n -.~Z IIL•tio,iun 11\'t'r SOPHS UPSET FROSR tu rrwd till' tdrk, wilh l h~: frt•:.hmen "' ta rtin~ orr with Tuft " nn \ pall 'l()n wn M rfl(hl un their herl" to plact' \TO 1·\ Palnll'r ur TX. threw in IN CLASS ROLLOFFS , .~ ~i!'J.t "''md and third. !ourtN·uth, tlwy 14•1 un tn play ' llnll' 1hlrcl. 1 tWIH'Ountc>r with I 0 'it'rnrHI' rt'• . Tlw 100 y. ml ft~•t• ~ty lt• ';'" ur the llt''>l tt•au"' in 1\l·w I• nglancl, linin~. to hand T X tht' vil tuty Inn " 11 rpmtn~ rever...al nf fmm \\ ,tltt•ro; 11111' o! tht• ht•ln·•, nf tht• " It I. l.t•mt.trcl hucl a ~ood day and t•nding up lh~· ir 'l'J 'un 11 h h 1ht• In tht initial )(<ttlll' uf tht• \\ ft•l. the.' 'uphumure bowling team llfl"et l·ru'h 11111111111( Ill' Y'tlllul t'\'('tl t 1111n thr ' lmt put witb a throw of 4 I lit L'ton L:rau·-t· ('luh mt ~ t.ry Tbdu " "'' llruptwd ,I Jt.ZQ m:lldl rhe favored fre:.hman fnur in an ,., \1 iJ..t• '-ht•bt•J.. prm hied '<ltmc very f<•t·l l im ht•, which tied the meet tM·nty-ftlurt h llmli'\'l't the tt•am \ I• I'SK. The 1 "~' entry mt•t thr tt Cllin~t O\ertime Uattle on the hartl d.t,,y dtl illK Ill tlw nr \t rvent . rt·tn rtl ' Jiirit io; hiJ.th :111tl Jl rtl IK'I 1 for un 111'Dfall tn"arch thr t•ucl nf tht• :-.et· 11 utlfi alleys la~l \\'edne~tlay T ht• t:l\'1111( tht' Suph:. ttwir t't unci lihl In llw hil(h jump \\'arren Palmer •11her !Jig yc.tr luuk l(l.locl. (!!I(J luU "ht•n tht• arnu,rd Ut•:tn irt•·hmt·n IHI7ed t.:nnliden~r ll ht•n plat e Thr 'l'CIInll ) t'.tr mc•n unl) pl.cr t•tl "<''unci anrl H u~h Lovt'll w~ 'lrtttrr.. ~~ .1 Ilrra .., ·nt, k• p. rct tu \ HI l>r. I aku. _\ ody ) lnr~tu. "putl J*kt'CI 1111 urw Jlllint hml e\'t'r. ·•' • thircl Thr event was won by Batt~•·y <:andidatc.· . :md l:.d l"•th - I h<.' I' " L" hit' J nc hc·u ~ nf Trinity, tht' IC4A cbamn. h 11 11:1" pau•• I :-.p.rtlnnr. . _ Bald)(ca ~ra l rh ·cl l>rauo " n und Cutht.t ntirw ,. . . tht' hr't 111u ~Inn~.;. Hut the '11Jih' Fru . . h " l'rt~ -eumd untl third rr piun, a t 5 ft't't 8 inthes. ) J.uk l>rllun "hn npp~·cl the wrcb II 1 b k 1 h h' d Repo•·t to l' 1<· u y . • 11 h'l \ I 1••~:rrun u_, ll. 1 r•• t't at · 111 ta..e t ~ l rr ' lnn~t II\'\IIHI) 111 tlw "tUr i n&~ llohhy lluwcll alc;c, managed to lz ()<IIIli 1 t' . 1111 11 11 \\ ith "Pring ju,t armmd t hr c nr build up the scort. He placed seca trt'lfitahle. j ..h fur tht• lo'H' \1 ith .1r1cl till' 'rr·rl <.e°~e ·. thHu.. nt'\l'll'"' ' " \ t thrs puint tht· "uphwnure• _ u~o: ,1 ru 11 o :~ " arry rm1n II 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 j)illllh l lw 'l'l'lllld ft·.uure ur tlw J h (' H k l' I II 1.1( a mat 1('111,11 1.1 t la n u• ut rwr. l ~a i'hall ur~tt• mun• 1~ prt•par IIIHI in tht• 220 ynnl da~ h a nd third '\ . u n iTI'J.:Ur} .tn · .tmu~c :1111 I I , inu to tnkr ovt•r lhr l11wl ' Jlur l in IHllh lht• hurcth.• <'Vents and in tht' I . I rJt,pl.ryt•d krt'rt Clllllpl•lltlon in I) J h II 1\lllllltllf II' 'tllllrll( IC''\1 1 .>1- Z3, .t \l' l.'uney t en larue ytnK h 1 1 '' t•ne. The hi~ llll"h bt•J(nll ln~1 10 yard tl.csh. mother c..IO•(' tilt . In tJ11 ., du~h tlw 1 h h . wtt I II' ••'-t '" " t'H'III., l ~t"i n!( • l rtiUK to wr.tl> 11 up. II 1 . T hursday wh<·n fuurlt•rn hoiH' hrl\ 1 1 I h•rt,y llay1•s nl'l(l ru n a good rore .... mtxla (hi ., palt'cl hy K~:n \\ tiL(h t, 1\ 11rt 1 poant '1. "wr·vcr, t1It' ('onr h l\11'Nulty\ tllt -ciuu~ nn,.wc:red lw rn u ~econd in the 440 ya rd 1\hu th rew in nirw poin t.., l'tl!(t•cl Joro~ h \I t'll' nul Ill '"-' dt•nit·d Tlw \1'0 b) rt lh 21 n wnt. lnle>rfraleruity Bowling IZO ymd mt•tllt•y, whid1 llvalt•cl ahe r:tll for bn tt r ry canrllrlntt•'l, Includ l'tt n. Tlw race was so d ose tha.l it Finul T t•unr Stnntlingl!l I00 yaad hrt·u ~t ~t ruk t• Itt t•xd Lc- t'il amnnJ< thr l!'n pruspt·ctfw• lllnK tmlk tIll' judl(t'S u while to determine On Tur~rluy aflt·r11111111 t I\U II1Cirt' tJ,'l1 &~amrs wt• rt• ntlcl<·tf 10 tlw lnn~t \\'vn U l!>l l '~:ru. 111ent , '>IIW \'I n l)t• FttllCI ovcrw mc a r rs wr rc letternwu Ros11 Chapin, 1tw wham•r. The Tc•ch rcluy team o f Bouby i·t or thr '\.':I'>On':; bre.athtakrr,, ~ i l.t r .K I' 21J 0 8 12 yrtrcl .uul a hnlf lt•atl whk h thl' l'hil Kamln, ki , ami Jo:rl Vnn l'ult Fp led h) 11 iry \\ nrrrn l'.llnwr. r .\.. 2-t 750 ~upho; had uptnt•d up 1111 the 11 rst T lwse rh rel.' '>l alwurt >~ uiHnJ( wflh lltJ\\c•ll , Jnrk Dillon , Sid Harvey illltl bucl.l'lman J oe J iun ni e~ whH \ 10 b!l7 I \\ I) 11.'14' .mtl '' Ill hy a whi-.kt•r 111 lllrlo;icler J ohn C'miJit' will he• thc• nud Uud Mncllgran , ended Lht meet 10 1 ..1•1 11 wuntl·r~ each. rlt1wnect '\ \ E ..., \ 1 HI in-urt• thl· ht•,hmtrt uf a ~ iuory. lllldt'U'! of thio; year \ mound 'I! Rff hy winning the one lap rtlay. 17 15 Aftt•r the meet Coach Sanella in· >·JI. Pete Gmup wa'l hil(h for thl' "1 I· 1; 1' 5~1 I 40 yd Free Styli.' l.,t, \\'al- l'h<' rt"'t nf tht• pittht•r• \\C'r(' nil "f'rs with I I Jlflint' I•Jn' 11 it· 1. '\ \ 14 IS 4H tc r!> ( 1•). Zml, U~: F.tlto (F ) 3rd fu•-hmcn. T hey wt•n• l~d llultlyJta. vrtNJ the learn lO his home for an j ue OrchoiT, C~1r14t' Pruuu, Jnmr' ultl fa~hioned spaghetti d inner at 11~-ed anothtr thriller in the ... lint" I' " K 12 20 375 Lunger (~). ltrrn.•m rn tht (urm of 3 17 22 \ 1-. I' i 15 1 111 Z 100 yd Urea' l ~lruJ..t 1!11, \ braham, Geor~c " ay ancl '\cmn whil h timr the highly successful 1 ttlt ht>l"t'l'll .\ EI' ,tncl 1 X U .l' I' c:.U. 5 21 125 I hi u lr I I J Zncl ..,<.'lldnn I l Jrd (;u .. taf:.c>n \ t IM IITt'·-«>nt momtnt incluc)r ca'ol)n wa brought to a 11 appe:tr" that thr m tchinl( ' itua · vl•ry enjuyahle ending. I . advllniUIII' ur a rx. ..lump late Jl ll(h 'inl(l!' !olrint.! HathU\\3)'. \\ ht •lt:r ( " ) n rht -~· und h.tlt . • J 100 ycl h ti.' - l l, Roynton tion is ROing to be thi' yt·ar ~ bil( 13 •.v " 1'1.. ' llle-tion mark. Graduatif)n left 11 I 't'rv<' a purpo'le in this school Thrtn J.. ~p lxmnu•ll h rd: inw lhl' Jl u:h l .. trim! -in~lr. Jtnlll'f. ( I I Zncl Jt nllt') (") : 3rd r-: rn... t hil( hole to be tilled bf>luntl 1hc- Jllau• On which no man can frown. 111 1 ' colll'nn ••n \\ t•• lnt'•day, '-lllrinR \ 1 (), H5 ' , • and thr ucces" nf thi, yt•.rr'!\ du h I J(t'ntly enter into class 4 IOO ycl H.at:k 1,1, Ver-.hon 1 ll-2( I'U ury 111er a mu ch im· Jl uth lt\1111 'in11le. T .K I' and may dt tX'nd in l(real mea .. urt• un \ ntl kcrp the average down. H~ ~r·l\ t>tl .., \r tl·~llll It 11 ,a... a cJo,e ..., 1 1. tied ) • lncl \\'ilclt (I· l inl, !'leclclvn whNher or not Coach .\I <.:O..ulty tu n 1 - Voo Doo ll'~tt h uttttl t•.trl) in tht• •ClHnl II uh t ,tm total T ." P 1195 develop a capable reccivrr (rom 5. 100 yd. h <.'t' I Wolter.. I I ) .Zutl, ll11t h (~) , Jrd, Lun- tt mlml( lht· fuur cnmliclutc,. ltcturn ing from lusl year's llCJUUd i ~ Rulnntl uer (S) . J u t i lma•orl•·rl lo'r•m• C••rm•ttr 11. J)ivi n~ I 'II, Shcl wk (h): 2nd, St. Louis, a converted ctutnchlN I lr.a ~nn ( I·) ; 3rd , ( 'un~ta n li ne ( Jo'). who ~n w limited o;ervh:<•. T lm•c . .00 lJI' 7 120 ~J NII<•y b t , Buynton, frP!ih mcn, Jot• Fratlrw. \Vult Ric• AN 1m : \I. (,lf"r - OVF.R 100 Tn t:IIOOSE FROM \\ hit tlr 1>1·Falw ( F); 2nd, Seddon, bllng, Uick Va lin, ki, t.:tunplete the list. Frantino is a peppery hat k· \ tr-htm, Jo.rno,t (S) . K I110 yd K ~loy h l, Wa l ter~, ' top who captained hi.. hl14h '( ht)tll Oehtlco C'atine.1u Huyn ton (F). eam. Canditlau: Cor l)th<•r 110 f lnd l.unl(tr <;,tant un Hoch \'er- ti~~ns will repcm a· soon a tht l ,hfln (')) weather warm:. up ~------------------~ ------------------------------------~

Fow· T a1n Tied for First In IF Ba l ethall Competition







19 3






Meet to Eat

J y




TE C H IIONORs-From Pngr I

tioff, Juhn ~ l. ~ l aljanian, Rubert .\ . ~! eyer, Urutc ' · ">mith, l~oy L. Thom:.u., J r. Chem. l~nJ.!.. .\l:sn S. FoS>. \ 'ilo j. ~arlt, 1-.d~-tar \\ . Slorum. l'hy.,.' ( it'OI').(C ~ l. !->eid('l. E. K ; ~ I on roe ~I lltckin'-t:m, Jr • Warren H I'Ner«nn, \ ll!ln R. T hayer, Lccvi !-.. T ucunenok.sn.

Serum/ 11 ollnrs: ~ I. E. : Robert E. Baker, Uuuj:~ltts ) f. Collfnns. Rnccc) R. Uiverrli



Ut·ach, \\ tllinm l. Htcknell, Ed- , 1. \lillln} , L<•onanl \ ' . ~fclln, Robert t:harge !>Ure. ware! H lJiamrntcl l>.t\'id \I. lluvitc. I· Clrunt, 1-.chl,trd j . l'u\\er, Jr., i. Calmly inquire. ·Curnrad~, is Charle:; IJ. l•lanal(an. Uucl J·.•• 1· wn Ru h trd s Raymund l'hillip E.,this_ \I here I juin .•.he. l'et~plc ~ .\r~~ en. tu~cOt' L. HuLin. !'llhiiJIJlC , William \ . <.,eubert. Ed· tu lt!lht the tmpenah.~t' 1n Korea . (bern. Eng.. .\rthur J. D.inforth, y,in .hiwll Ill , Tlnllilid \\'hittle. ~· \l'TJ O~ : :-.e\'er tt-11 the uf· John J. C~or) . Walter E. )Inc Jicial, th~t you have poor vtst~m. Oonald, \\'illiam L. :\lt'iiT" Leo \ . Bie IIU II wtnd up un th~ frnnl lme ~al mcn Paul \\ ., rl J ~, "here you can '-t:e th~ enemy clearly. • ny ( r, r ll Doil\• Jllini - ' (hem.: ~I khael :-\. llocch!.letiN, _ · Raymond 1'. Purtcr. igh~ l'by.s.: K<-nneth Healy, Oliver 011 O raft Eva io.u

Does Brother B<·cko A June Draw ' Tip~




Hi tory of The Prc'l!t•utc·cl A!" 11.-t·l'\laey S~h 00J p 3Jler 'c·r(·umH, "'Uncle" IIC'rc's on to :;.tny Date to 1875


Sullivan. E. E.: Hnymond F IJyN. kc·n· Ouvld R. l·airhttnks, Ch<trl ts F. dall F. F(m,twrg, Kcnnt! th t-:. Hllrtl· :O.I!IOC l i[l!i " Hti\1 ' .tr, Ii. IInt h awny. JuIlll 0 . Reichert, Churle:~ F. Rein, J r., \\'ur· nn rl , I JRV ren W. Roc>l . Hurry \>\'. Tllntdwr. ~ I or i n. Richard P. Samolb•• l'hilip " ~ 1 1 of the Arrny.'' First l'ublicatio us Wc•re C.K ; Richorcl r.. Jkn twll . AI· f£. Simon, Jr., Richn rcl ;-.., \\'ilsrm . I. Juiu tlw .\ uvy. Z. Crt a letter from your parents bert N. Rrmll'l", j uhn M. Tr:tcy. Criticizctl h y l:i'uc·ulty Fre~o~lunen •ayln~-: !inrry, hut you can't make it. Chem. t ·: u~ : Richard II. F.n~lund. A~ HarmJul to '<·hool Tlw \rmy re:lJWCts authority. Phys.: Robc:rl I~ La nnu. Jr., First ll tm ors: It is cJiflkult tu imnj.!int• I he al!Owen F. Allen, Gregory P \ rv:lll.3. Try running around 1he block Harold J. ~ lunh•y, Edwrml C'. Olo;on. ~el1ce I)( a stud,' nt puhlk:ttiun from tdy, ~orman f\ . Hrut t·. Waltt·r R. 1.5 tlnu·~ twrurc yuu ~u fur a pbysi· E.E. : Ri, hard K . Davenport, our rumpuc;. t\lthuugh but h t h~· Donald ~f. Kmu~~. Lestr r \ \'. r.toycl, Byrnes, Harry F. C'hntwll , Jr . .John rul. \'on may II<: able w CliO\' inc<' 'l't.r•u ~~ ws and tht• Prddlt r are E. Cowell, Rolwrl '\'. Flrlrefll-(1:', 1he dnctnr' you h:tv<' m;thma, Jr., Warrrn E. Palmer. J r., Robert \\'. Fish. T ul R. 1-rt•rlrrirk· Robert 4 . \\ ink alfc<:tionately at the psy· now \\C ll e~c ahli-.hed and nxeivc the F. T urck. .;em . David F. Gilbt-rt. Rkharcl 1~. rh iat ri~t If lw \\inks hack at you complete sttp fl(lrt df the• -chc)l)l r.f • Sophmore•s Gilbert, :\orman F. Gustafson. ... run! ftciah , it wa" nnt tno lo n~t a_l!' l wht·n First llot~ors : C.corJ(e 11. Kay. J r .. Oavid i\ . La· 5. .\Jakt> 11 rn.o,ional remark'> such it wa.-. c ~ceeclinl!ly diftiC'ult. and )I. E.: Conrad ) 1. Hana~. Fred- ) lnrre, Richard \\'. Linrlqui~ t. Dani('l a~. · · ~t y . rloe1-n t Bit:t Bl'n ~und won- sometimes even clans:crnu,, to a terick De BO<'r, David S. Jt•nncy, Ray- T. Lon~one. Ruc;."f.'IJ R. l.u.,,ier. :\htl clerrut ,ct thi' tinw of day." or ".\ n· tenl_!ll lu puhlish rL ncw:-;paprr. mnnd L. PNe•!IOn. Donald (; , Post. rolm G. ~l cLefJ•I. Forrest E. ~fa rcy, ~Iller lht• nhorw... etc. I I he ...\ ntt•nna ur II!? s . n huuk· Chem. En~.: Thoma:. C. Hollo· Werner ~I. ~eupert. Rnut•r R. o~cll , 6. Cnll:tr the neur(•<,t rloctor and IN qf ~nnw ftl ty pattc'!i, \\ lls the• fir. I Geor_ge D. Rnmij:!. J uhn I'. Ru-....eJI, ~hout . " fl urry up thi'> pro<'ess! T -.tutlent effort in the lill'rary fu•lcl. cher, Jr .. J>onalrl W. undstrom. Phys. · Rnhert F:. Tkh rin~:e r, Oc;~t('r E. Snnfr1rd . T huma., F. Sny- wnnl I (') lis:ht . ya henr me, li ~h t T he (•ditnr-; c.umnwntt-rl on lht> Chnrl<•s 0 . D('ch:tnd , 1.<-i~h A. Hick- rler, Uruno L. Sov:J . FICH IT' .. Ynu'tl lll'l 11 tnr ntnl di'\· J:(rowi n~ need fM ~odn l uttivitir' on the hill. t•:vrn thnn,l!h litt lt• criliri-.m cox, jame.~ C. !Iucltle·, William J. Sr(lmd fl onors: Truop. wuo;; nrnuRt:tl. a nr11kr WitS rt:n•ivf'!l r. , Ouvid A. Bisson, l..('e \\'. C'atinc:tu, •••. Jo..: Roher! II. ('rnis.c, RaymMd William ~ 1. t'ook. Vfncrnt P. Dt•· 'ft•t•h l'harmac~y rrwil tlw udtni nb tra linn : ''\ \'1• nrr c. Gi~ uerrc. ,~•a Ico, c·u- I A. Hummur, William ~. IIHICO'WI'fil. n.~. lw re for n llnhlt•r llllrl10);1': \1'1 1 ha\1(> • l' ha rm •• WI') ' U St•ro11d 11/lffnr.v: n. Hills. Ki nd D. Killin, Rirhnrd A Rlfm• f 'nr Tl'ch " ' "" not n mc ltn('rll to throw away nn :r ;\l.K : •\rtu~l d i\ll t>11lllt h . David K D. Kirk . Rollcrl C. Lnbnntr, John CANUY ·SODAS • DRtiCS ptt hlicutilln.'' \ fl•w YI'On~ lntl.'r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5~vcml ~ud~n~ n~3ltl l lrint~d 0 nrry I littlr houk which lr t Inn~ the pt:n t· llfl flirt'('" or ~t urlrnl npinion. Tt F'or TIt at Umuual Cortmre FOR YOUR


The Heffernan Press

150 F~monl Slrffl, WotT'!IIer


Cooper's Flowers Tdrphone


S-43~ I


• '


it', cor Tb


bs \'~ ~~~~

with tltt: ruundin~ot tl f the ~81) Le•uj.!uc of :\cw Orleans whh h today has IJcc·n ab~orbrd by the 1\ mctktut lh·<l ( 'm!'l>. Prt·siclcnl C'luvcriu!:> ldt fur ~t• Orleans tu nllend the wake. T he student budy cxpres.~es h 'l.ympat hy to Prt'sitlent C'luverilb il ihi" period of bereavement.



1hto ~r

mi1 uo



Go to



l' llEI"IO f: NT'S KIN- Fmm l 'lllfr I


CALL 133 lli~h larul

I.Jure down heavily on re:.trict.iQ:. 1\hich were placed on the '>tttdent1 social activities as well llli lhe class. room technique.:. or the instructon Fortunately the editors withheld lbt publication until alter ~traduat1 :\ llhou~b Lhb tudent eff(JrL did 1 ~ pro\'e faculty-student relations. ~ immediatl! successors were iuund t. the crusadin~ editor5 or '77. .\ nother attempt to publh-h a cui. tc::e newspaper I\ as started 11 ith tht ere ating of the " \\'TI ". Editoriall scientific notes, comments on litera. ture, the arts, and poli tics were hi~ li~hb uf the paper. The \\'Tl sud. denly cen::.ed operations in 189ti wh£'n the :tdministration consider~ the paper frivolous and unworthy as lhe organ of a technical cullegt T he time wa also not ripe fo• any aclempt a t publishing a ytar. hook. Five !;tafi member~ ur the •·.\ fterma th ·•, a yearbook containin1 re entment about schoolma•ter at. titude a:. well as class hi~tory, rtc<·i,·ed o white envelope on ~trad~~o nt ion day in place o( the Cll'-lomary 'hnp~kin . The enclosed letter 3ta~ that cheir cliploma" had l.wen \\ilh held becatt•f.' of the objl'Ctionablt l1C!tJk.

krl hi



) our IVI'Iflllborly } t'tiHI('r

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l ' niYI'rsit} is the Union Loungt· ~ cause it i ~ a c·heerful place--full of friendl y un ivers ity a t m o~ plwre.

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Sunday Telegram

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,. ., hops For ]\le n Fenture /cmtowJ nntionnlly tufr,Prl~ed linea ) ' OU know . .• nnd like to wPnr. S1' fl£ET F1.0 0 R

where--Coke belong3. AJir. jqr it t iJiur wa~ . .. hoth mran tht samr thinz.



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