YolumC' XLI :\o. 8
Dec-. 5, 1950
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tate Teachers \Vi n Debate With Tech Orators
.\t 3 1 '.~ 1. on the afternoon
J. J.
C:arn'tri, F J. Gilrrin, J. E. Gri,e. (;, E. Labnnt(•. R. C. T 1:\larre. D. A. l t••lnurtl . F. J. ~T alluy J F . ~l rlln. L. \ '. )1ryt'r, R. W . :\ lurs:o. A, J. '-:iro. R. F. Pt'i!rC!', R. n. p,,wrr E. J. Jr. l'r:tnti,, R R . Simnllkh. ('". J, p.11!nni. H . F. T ll('tu Chi Ch 11 dl, H. :F Cnlc· \ J H b R \\'.
•Alden Ski Lodge Opens Jan.l2
Ff·a ~ ibilit y
Fntt) /1 v 1-ra"k Sl'UAMHLEl) EGGS--Ma~u1• niLml~<l~ IIIII t.t ufuul ""d j uhnnr Gn14ury tii>K:u!.$ lhdr lll\1' ur,. ldth <Ill\\ IH>Un\1 di"''UII• 'l'rlt\ lo.. uttlu<ku, ) l'llll IN nlh , nntl ('lnir,• l~t•dw in r~hear~11t nl pnputar fnnc It• bt• tlrl' <'111 ~11 Pre A 'l from thr ' '""r 111 Alth•n
Mobilization Plan PrOJlO ed By Engineerh1g Group ~hith would ~nke specific dctl'rmmnt•uns for rcqum:ments for futurt· natit~nal nt:ed~ in cnRinecrin~ .md -<ienu· This plan differs frum .\ 4-puint :.tatement c;uggestinu ac- that previou,Jy submitted to govern! ion on mobilizinA eogi ncerin~t mnn- lilt' li t nuthorit ic by ( ~eucrol Her· po11 Cr to llf' taken by lh~ )(ovl!rn- ,(wy'!l aclvh;ury commitLCl':. in that ment during the prc::ent emer).(ency, tht• ~luclent deferment would Ut' was adopted by the ~ational Socit-ty .l(caretl w th<• future nalionuJ defense of Professional EnAineers' Board of needs M the Mtion. Also, the rarlier Directors at a recent meeting in plnn denb broatlly with all fields of Lltlle Rock , Ark. hll(hN education nntl no provi~ion is T he fnur pruposnls are: nuult· to key the ncceS.Slii'Y now of 1 . T h ut o r ealistic dderrnent trained scientific personnel to the po licy he initiated In orclt•r to nN'ds uf nnl iunnl defense. The J>tnle· ttuarunle(' tbe future twpply of ment further poinLe1l uu t thnl en~i t~ hni coa l pcrsonncl througho ut neeriu~ und llcicncc nn• fields which IHI exttonciNI mohilizalio n p(•riucl. ll\11 ' 1 have a COntinuing supply or 2. That during ll pt"ricHI or lrailwd fX'Nlllnel for the defense or c•x te mled cmc>rgen C'y. o r(•\' •ICW tlw nation, whcrea'l n future hortaJLc huurcl of emint'nl enginet"n and in the humanities woulfl be> much S<'ie nlil!lll be DpJJOintPd to main- II'~~ t-rlouo;. The propo~d manpower nlf)hillzation board would he comloin a bala nce l wt~ ccm r f'quire(>11-'f I of rncmbcrc; of the Federal mt>nlil fo r engin«J'Ii to m£•f'l tht> Government , C'nAineerinl( oq~aniza military neells and clt'ft'n&e prolion~ . o;c:ience organi7Jttiunq, engiduC'lion rll'ccls. m•<•rinJ: nncl E-dt-nee !:<:.hoots. 3. Thut stc tJ lw tnkt·n ~it hin Fc,ret'OIIt Future Need8 tlw Armc•d Forrf' lo immrt' thl' In llt tu:ll operatiun, the prop11, ed pro J•er utili7.ation o f t•ruft·ll· plan wnuld work as follows: the mansional pc>rtwnncl cluring war· t•r mr,IJilizu lion board , after ct>ntimf'. sult:ttion with industry, ~uver nm ent 4-. Tbnt if full m ohilizotion is oflkials and cducntors, wr>uld foren t-('CSHary, i!IC1'8 he tukt•n lo Oil· t'n' l the fu lure t1ccd for cnf(ineers s ign te<·hnkal pe r omwl in ci· and !iLit•n tlsls, these estimates to be 'if inn llCr\ ices where the ir gr<'ltl· rcvillcd ('X'riodically. The forecasts f't!l t•ootrihution lo tlw dt'fc nf!(> would IJe prcdittrd on the probable e ffort t un he made. need~ for ~venll years in advance ElaLorating upon tbc student de- and would provide for a student Uody ferment problem, the:\. . P. E. pro- to ~upply th~ needs taki n~t into acpo~d a plan whereby there would be count thr Mrmal attrition in engia manpower mobilization board for nE-erin~ nml ..;cience courses due to ('Oidneerin~ and science studen t de· '!(',. ~I C) IlltiZA'rtON-Pu•f' 4
ef>S Need for S pecial C.ouside aliou to T hose T ch · ~I T . I e DJC. Y r ame(
Ken Reeves Booked For I.F. Snow Ball
Hon e Welcome New Men With pc ·ial Parties aturday December 2, 1Q50, one of the mo~t critical periods in the h~ tory of frat~rn iti~~ on the Worcester Tech cnmpUs <:<"lmt: to a conclu:;ion. .\t that time the pledge lists were relea..;ed frum the office of Claude Kni~ht St•hiclley, faculty r hairman of the lnterfrutcrnily Council. Thus cnrne lu an end three months of inten~ ive ru,.hing by the nine fraternities on campus, rushing conducted unrlrr u shadow cast by the lntern~~lional s ituation whi h rt'n· dered the position of colles.tes nncl Cra.trrnities dubious. Rlliihin::t followrd the deferred ~ystem , :-.u long a fixture on th ~ Tech l'Cenc. LTndcr this sy:.tern , the period immediately upon the arrivnl n( thl' freshmen i!' a " Hands off'' prriod. in "hich the newcomers ure permitted lo lo(lk around and acdimalt" themsclve.5 prior to fratl'mity ru~hinJI. Thi." i! followed by n \'isiting period of tw11 wt'eks duration at the Dorm, durin)( which fraternity men ftrst funnally meet the freshm(ln . (h·rr thr flr;;t ano ~econd ru.~hinjo! dntr~ rxtcnding from Oct. 31-}\ov. 11 , ancl frnrn 'O\', 28-30. rc!\pectively, thr frrshmen vi~il the vrtrious houses; lhf.' vi~itinA prriods bring loliOWl"fl I.Jy thr Sttbmit ling of hid~ choicrs. and thv formal plcclginA on the fin al day. The fraternity pledge list!\ follow: Th.-hl Kuppu Plti Raldy~:a. E. S. R i~..cm, n. S. Burke, ] . rathmtn, j . c. Carroll, F. \\'. Catin!';tU, L. \\', Dragon, F.. J.
I fcrm<>n~s,
of Chtm@ing . N. Or~uniza lion TC)pic For Oi!l('u ~US iou T he Inter-City lld.>atin)t Tourna· ment continued on its wuy last Thursd(ty t'I'Cnin~e when W<lru'ster Tech nwt Worrc:~wr SlllH' Teru: hl'r:.' in the Sanrortl Rllry Reception Room nt 7:JO l'.t.l. The aflirmatlw team Clf \\'illinrn Bkkn('ll 'SJ nnd T homas Rot hwc·ll '53 pr(·~Cil t Ctl Its argunwnls in fnvor of the n111ionnl qucstiu11 1 " Resolved that the non\ommuni!\1 nnt ionR Rhnuld (cmn n nt'w interna liunnl or~anizn t lnn ." I n rrturn, the W (I r r (' " I 1.' r State Tl'al·hcrs' ten m 1lf r.cor~e Rrrtl oncl Rkharcl Clifrord gnvr their nrglltlvr arJ;'(unwnt !i. F.dworcl Knt:murdk '~2 actt'tl ns r hairman, while C'harlfh l\lcC"oy, Tech fnrully ; GcnrJ(e 0 'Fiynn, State Teachers' fa culty ; nod Mr. Hnlbcrt , ncutrnl , wert tht' judge!.. • tllie Tcnchcr~· emerged the ' 'ictors. L()(lking towurd-: lhe future, tlwrt' will be n dt'hatc with ~lark next \\'ednt'sflay nt 7:30. in the Sanford Riley Rrccpti•m Room. Thiq l~ n I nlt'r·C'ity rontinuntion 11f lhr T ournumcnt whi<:h will al~r) incluflt' :1 d(•h:ttl' with Holy l 'ro~!4 on PecPmher 14 . The lrums will meet in the Jnnrl Earll.' Room nt 7:30 1'. 1\1 , II the mcmhers of the detm tin~ team nrc Jr)(lking foward tn Ft-h· ruary 23 and 24 . At this time they will jnurncy tn M.I.T. to luke part in a fnurnnment with many otlwr o;chool'l.
The lntedratemily Bull will be lwld on Friday evening, j anuary 12, in Alden ~lcmorial , under the ausp ict~ uf tht" lntcrfrolernity Council, its chninnan, Mnrshall E. Brown nnnounred Lodny in revealing some of the fllans for the nffair. One or the twn major formals of the academic year, the BaJI is traditionally tht> lop event of the winter senson, nnd this year's production is rich with promist1 of originality and enjoynwnt. Husic fnr the evening will ema· nate frnm Ken Reeves unci bnnd. 'l'ht> Reeves organhmlion is a prominrn l sot'icty band from RciSton way nnd i~ no stranger to Tech old-timers, hnvinJ( playcd nn l nterfrntE"rnity Unit h£•re n few years back. Thr 1h('me for lhis year is a Snow Unll , with San ford Riley Lounge the site of a ski lod~e settin~ nt which refreshmenLc; will be ~erved . Snturduy will give each fra· tcrnity an opportunity to display their ori~innlily ns each plans their own entertainment schedule. built nround the ha!lketball game of Saturdny cvcninA fllaturing Tech in action nga lnsl Trinity. Chairman Brown flltl not revral nt this time whether the popular and traditional Round Rubin wnuld be renewetl this year.
Opportunities For Awards Competition For Best Paper~ Announcec1 by Arc Welding Foundation The fourth rlltnpetltion in the 1\nnual En((ineering Undergraduate \ward and Scholnr!lhifl l'rogram by the James 1r. Lincoln Arc Weldin!( Fllundation of Clcvelnnd, Ohin, is nuw in opera Iion. T he purpose of such a program Is lt1 encourage and stln1ulnlc scientllic interest and study in research and tlevrlopmcnt of the arc; welding inrlu'ltry through patwrs written by undcrgruduntes in enl(ineerinJ( collrges 1hmuJ(hcmt the country. .\wards f<~r l.le•t puprrs received will tol al $5,000, the prizes rang:nR fmm $1,000 to $25. In ad· dition, schlllnrshiJ)l> amountinJ( to
KEN REEVES ~ I ,750 wlll be awarded to lhe schools enrolling the three top winners. The closing dntc for auch compt>tition is ~Juy J l , 1951. T he foundaUcm states thal it Is Ml necc~;sary to know how to weld or IJe enrolled in a course studying •.ume pha"e I)( welding, as the main puq>O~e or the program is lo encourage creative thought. Topics for preo;enlatlon may include design, WELDING-Pole Z
Puse 'J'wo
5, 1950
TECH NEWS Published Weekly Durin3 the College Year by Th e Tech Newa AuooiQtion ol the Worccote r P olytc«'hnlc lrnthute
J:Usocialed CoUe6iate Press EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Gerald f. Atkinson FEATURE EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR Paul M. O'Neil DonaJd C. Lewis SECRETARY NEWS EDITOR Andtew C. Andersen Richard A. Coffey SPORTS EDITOR William ]. Cimoneui BtJ$1NESS MANAGER WiiUam L. Ilorney ADVERTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER Tbomii.S Hodgett William J. Cunneen ASSISTANT MANAGERS ASSISTANT MANAGERS Stan Stanton John Feldsinc Ronald Thompson Walter B. Dennen,
Michael J. Essex Richard Ferrari
0. Sullivan
J UNIOR EDITORS Andrei'\' P. Freeland Edward G. Samolis
StiU11cy Berman
Samuel R. Wlntber
Richard GilleU.e Jack M. Tracy Paul Radnscb ] oscph Lojewski Vyto Andrcliunii.S
Ritbard Snmolia COLUMNISTS Richud Ca.vanaugb, 0\YCn Ott REPORTERS
Donald Poggi Alfred C. BGfaro
Robert Johmon Vito
George Berry
Jnmcs Fields DonnJd Oliver Robert Menard J ohn Gearin BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Timothy V. O'Toole Richard Bouliellc David Fairbanks Robert Favreau John Gregory 'l'bomns O'Connor PHOTOGRAPHERS Charlca 0 . Pamngian, Norman Fnmk FACULTY ADVISER Pror. John H. Mackenzie
lcluamo, Co-Chairmen of the enter- - - - - - - - - - - - - - tainmenl committee, exclaimed on Phi Gamma Delta being ccmgratulated for the tine work, The Riviera was never like this. " That's nothin', jusl wait till the L ast Saturday the Fijis broke loose Christmas Party.'' in real French style. The party was Tbt!la Ka ppa Phi ~iven in honor of t he new pledges. On last :uurday night, Theta The accoutrement was of the conser- Kap welcomed twenty-four pledges vative ( ?) French Apache lype. The to the house with the traditional entertainment consisted of a skit, house party ~iven in their honor. The two songs by the quartet, and affair was chaperoned by ~I r. Hol''Aiouelle" sung by ail. The skit lows, well known member o { the pre-,enterl by Ronnie Thompson and English Department, and his wife, Dick Zeleny, caused even the most who seemed to be enjoyin~ them$OJHbre I•rcnchman lo break forth ··elve;:; every bit liS much as the in pt'als uf laughter. The \V. P. 1. brothers and pledges. campus wus rcprcsenteu on the l~veryone a t the house is anxiousRiviera. Fiji faculty nwn present ly awaiting the l'lcdge-FormuJ \reekwere l'rof. anti Mrs. Carl j ohnson, end which lies only two weeks J)oc. and .l\ l rs. Wilson. anti Doc. At- :tway. Highlighted by lhe semiwood. The French clement from formal dante on Friduy, a cocktail TKI', I'SK, AT(), a nd S:\E were puny at the \\'athusetl Country also prc)lcnl. Stan Stanton :md Pet.e Clul, on Saturday HfLcrnoon <ulll the
having a local four piece band for entertainment, the first floor was con\·erted into two dancing ballrooms; one lighted-the other for those with TV eyes. The ears o£ the brothers are still ringin~t at the house over unexpect. eel, but welcome gift of $ 100 received from live of our local Alumni . This was in acknowledgment of the high scholastic standings of SA E for the past two years, also has the intention of spurring them on to greater ach.evcments in the future yeurs. S igmn Ph i Eps ilon Last Saturday evening was ·'Sweater ~ight" nt ig !1; p. :\ party, held in honor of the new pledges, was attended only by those who met the adm is~ ion requirements of ''one sweater being worn.'' Dates for the pledges and many of the actives were obtained by some of the brothers wl10 consider themselves to be " inl!idc men.'' The feature of next week end will bt· a more formal affair. As soon as the basketball ~~~me is Cl)mpleted the brothers and pledJtes will escort their dates tu the hou:;e for tt. plcclge tl<lnte.
lmskctball game that evening, plu~ nn attendance lhus far of over om: hundred, this should I.Je a long-reN~twll Phon•·•: 8uMi u••ssl, ;;.2024 Editorial{~:~~~! mcmbcrerl weekend for all formalTERMS itcs inv•1lved . Subtcription per school year, $2.00; single copies, $.10. Make aU checks payable to lmportauce of Business Bualneu Manager. Entered u second class mallcr, September 21, 1910, al the Post S igma AIJ1hu Ep Milon Office in Worcester, Mass., under lbe Act of March J, 18~9. On the Age ncia S1rcsst1cl The brothers at SAE wnund up their rushing SCI.l!iOn hy throwing a By Class Presidents pledge pnrly ~ aturday ni~-th l. Besides All classes will ttsscmble Wednes· The foUowing article originally np[INtrt d on th.- cclitorial JIOf:l;t' day morning for the purpose of hold· of the Net~~ York Timt'• of No,•emher 15, 1950. 1•cmai1ting as il ing class meetings. The Seniors does to the relative numherfl o( e n gineertt uvuilnhle thiH yenr anti will mert in the E. E. Lecture in the yearll to come a nd to thtl tlt'tual numbe r recruirt>tl to main- Room , the Juniors in lliggins 109, The Hhulcnl chal'h' r o f the Amc••·kan Socicly of Civil Engin eer! tain Anterlca'll s trength in the fi eld and at home it is o( great anti which hus hecn organizrtl ut Tcc·h is one of the: 124 t~imil nr t'ituptera the Sophomore:. in Kinnicutt llall. particular Lntere~~t to each of us. After r eading it, 11ause, and con· anti the Freshmen in Alden .\udi- which have hecn c•!!!lulll ish etl nt 11ruruint>nt <•ng inccring t!C h ools eider again your imJJOrtancc, tbc inqJortuncc of your training hc rtl torium. throughout the ('Ountry. These s tud t'nt c lt aplt'rt~ nr(' •lirN·tetl a nd at Tech, and the increa8iog rc8ponsihility yo u ht!ur towurcl your g The srniors will be addressed by uiclccl hy the pare nt sotJif•ty. ThtJtlc org aniz ations pr.,vicle lltt• op· rountry. Mr. Frank Zacher, !'upcrvi!'nr of J•m·tunity for lht• ht•g innings u ( 11rofN1sionul ussociatiuns. Even SCARCITY OF ENGTNEEll S Fnctory lraininJ.I at lhl• orton Com- m ore imporlnnt, m cmhcr slaip uffc r11 tlw dum('(' to takf' 11art in the "On the same day recently two important statements were published puny. He will give some pracl icnl (•ouslructivt• m·ti v itit •t~ <·urr lt>cl on hy futurt• )(•atl(•r s of the prole8which seemed to have no connection. The one condensed the information poinlers rcl'(arding industritLI con- l!ion . The 81lttli•nl dtat•tm· SUI'I'Ic•m c ntll rt•gulnr duss ami luho ra· collectcu iu a nation-wide manpOI'Ver survey conducted by the American tucts for position!' upon graduntinn. tu ry wm·k , a nd is the o nly ng<•ncy th a t cun rclutc the professional Society for l~n~inecrin~-t Education ; the other, which came by way or lmporlunl in his di ~cussion will be clcw l'lormwnt of s tudc nttl to the a('hit:,·<·m cnts of tbe A.S.C.E. Brnsscy's 1950 Annual, predicted that lly I954 the trained military man- in f()rmn tion :tbuut personul interOur local chapter wus esta blished in 1903 with the objects of creating power in Ute Soviet Union will be stabiliY.cd ul twelve or thirteen mil lion vit•ws bl'fnrc graduation . :ru i11terest in cn~ineering .-,ubjl•Cts and <'ncnuraging social inlc,rcour;e men. The American survey told liS that a minimum of 30,000 graduates The juniors will dbcuss tlw umong its memuers. Thr local organization, which is ~upport cd by civil from engineering schools will be required every year to meet our total prugr('s~ so far on I he class rings. l'n~incrrin~ students and faculty of the school, h~1s been advancing rapidly defense needs, that iudustry absorbed nearly 50,000 engineering gmdu- Rl'porL~ on the progress ll f the vnri- in the pas t few years and ha~ recently received national recognition. :\ ates this year and that we cannot count on more 1han 18,000 in 1952 or OWI prom cc)tnmillees will be given . <.:rrlilicu tc of commnwndntion was presented last year by thll nutional on more than 9 1000 in 1954. Some rcn•nt appointments to tht• society for excellence in the rffec:ti,·c nnd meritorious conduct or chapter " The relation of the American survey's findings to Brasscy's estimate of Gm1t 's I lead Committee will be con- affairs. Soviet military power in 1954 is apparcnl when we remember that armi<'s llrmefl. One of thr main reasons fllr the success or the local chapter is the cannot be maintained at high efficiency without scientists and cn!-(inrers. T hr mnin bu~ines.'\ t)f the fn•sh- J>ystcm of organizrttion which has developed during recent yt>ars. ~early The army of 3.000,000 men that we nrc now nlllsterin!{ rrquin•s literally man class meeting "till bt• 1he con- evf'ry nctive lll('mhcr hns some duty to perform. This not only relieves thousands of engineers. Whnt, then , of u Soviet llrmy which by 1954 will sideration or the da:;s Cll11!>litution. the tasks of lhc oft'tccrs. bul also stimulates general intrrest in the chap· number 12,0001000? lf Ill lca:;l 30.000 engineers must be graduated anThe dnss presidents ur)!r that all li'r. On(' newly crcutcd committee of the sociNy is the profc..'tSional com· nually to meet our military requirements the Soviet Union shuuld gradu- ~ tucit'nt s nttcnd. mittce. It is the duty of this group of students to gather togt'ther all ate three or four times us many. It is not likely that the technical schools in(urmution about cn~-tinet•ring jt>bs which have bern held by members so of the Suviet Union can provide 100,000 rnginccrs annually for an army \\ I~ U)I NG--f'rom I'Qifl' l that students will ltr abll• t11 acquire not only summer jobs, but !)Crmancnt of 12,000,000, uul it is likely lhat the actu;ll number will cxcrrd the maintenance, wcltlin~ fabrication. or employment as wt>ll. 30,000 that we need. Ve ry n early I OOo/0 o£ tht> ri vil eng ineering t~ tnclents ut T••rb hf'· re~arch . Tn rating the meriLo; or a "Even if we tnke the most cheerful view it is plain that the St!lcctive paper the Jury tlf Award will J.'( ivc lung tu thl.' orga nizutio n, a nd mort• tlt un 50o/o a llc•rul tlw nwt' tin~s Service will have to modify its pnsil it)n regn rdin~ the necrssity uf dcferrinJ-1 con:.idera 1inn lo: wltid1 art• lwltl C\'c ry montb. Tbc•sc• mef'tingtl u re higblig lttt·'l 'hy scientists and cnl(inccrs. It Is n mistake to ronclude that the sl'icntiftc and lngt.•nuit y mul m·iginulity ta lks gh t'll hy prmuiuent locul c·ngittt'f'rt~ ami s tuclc•niH ul Tech . or cn~inecrnA :;ocietics IHLnt a hltu1J..ct dcfrrmcnt of profc. sionnl mrn. They cli"'t•lu yt•d hy m ovie!! ro nt•t•rning som e ~ uhj cct of cn~in ceri n g intportance. urged merely thut key sciE>nli!-ts in industry. Government and lhr unive-rsiCluri ty of t-x pu~ition An in(onnul tlisc·n ilt~ion p(·l'iotl follo"s the talk!! mul rt>freshnwnl.l! ties remuin Ill their posts tQ pcrfmm indispcn~ablr rducntional cluti ·~: P nwti,·ahility of the rt.'Hult Urt' lii!UUIJ)' I<Cr\' ('t'J. that the training nnd ('Xtwricncc of scicnti"ts and rttginccrs who will join 'l'cclmit'al t'oml'lctcnl'S!!! In additiun ttl the monthly meetings held at school, delegations are the armed forces be C\ploit<'d tn the full: and that out~tnnding $Cit>ncr S tutcuwnt oi tuh·n ntngf'8 .!>Cnt to ;til sectional conferE>nces. T his year two of our members are pre· students \.lc deferred by a qunta :-~ystcm und nllowed to compli:'te their l~rt.•st•nt ntio n in rt>gu rtl to St'ntinl( papers at the :\r w En~tland Conference. courses. This last point the Select ivc Service ~eems now disposed tn heert. Euglit~h nntl neat1wss T h e present chuptcr h ns Oonnltl K olodn c a its l'rc><iclc nt. Paul But much t\lorc is n•quired. \ So\ ict army of 12.000,000 men may nol be Rule's for tht• program are uvail· R 1ulttHch as ,.i,·e-presitlent. Rich artl Ooutit>lte at! t~t'rretary. nntl able to musle r nearly the numlx•r tlf !.dcnli ~ts and on~tint•rrs that it ou~o:ht nhle in an illu'ltntlcll hooklet gh•i11J;t Uaym01ul Ft'nno 1\8 trcoilm ·er . Fruu k Fluotl iii dmirmnn of the to have, yet il point-; ur the de11Cicncies uf the Soleclive Service's policy.'' :.ll~!tt'~tiun.: for paper subjecl!t. oibli· prug r tuu commith'c. w hile the Jlrufct~s ional committel' is dirN•terl Might l tilHo refer you to tlw Ot'('t•mbor 19 it!Mllt' nf LOOK Maga· o~raphy, mid showing examplE's of by Ounc·an Munro. Juc·k Tral'Y i t! in dtarge of a ll chapte r puhlicity. zinc, when J amt·s llr·ynttl Con:mt, P•·••flitlt>nl tlf Han lll·d l 1ni wr!lity award winning pat)('t's. F11r :wch inLt'llter S lucum "us <·hot+en to re(H'f'SCnl lhl' t~ocictv at tbc n ext Ne"' and a m t•mber of the Ach i!ltH'Y Commillt'<' of the• AEC. l)l'll}IOiWt! form:nio n. thuse intere;;tcd :;houlcl Englnml Stt••l.-nt Confe r en ce. Professor Fredcriek J, Sangt>r is the A Stern Progrmu Fur S ur,•ivul, u <·nn h·m cr11iul uu tlook on <'Oil· writr to: \ . F. I>avi:.;, Secretary- fn t• ult y tuh isor for Lhf' t!tudenl ch upter. scription , cle fcrm cnt•, n ulionul llt't' JlUI't' cln(•ss, mul the routl to j anws F. Linc{l)n .\ rc \\'riding T he next mcetin!Z will be held on December ll. at 7:30, in the Janet peace. -C. F. A. Fuundntiun- Cieveland I. Ohio. l~a rle Room . .\l this time ofliccrs will be elected for the coming year.
Classes To Meet Wed.
Campus Organizations-4
D~«>mlo• r ;i, 1950
l· 1r
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lh lle 1-
as ~
In 19;5 tht: Um1ntOI\I1 \thkttl Club of ).t_>,, YorL. City. In~ •• vne oi thl \forld. l:.trgt'•t Club~ .llld UI.Cupyan~ an entire tbtrt)'·:>i'( --tory buih.lin~ in IO\\d \lunhuu.m. dt-dtlcd tu •lllo~rd a trophy ttl the Out-tnnllin~ Coii'-'J.tl' Fuotlxtll l'ltyrr in the l'nitt:d Stull·s. \ 11 cll knu\\ n :-\t'\1 Yurk "' ulphlr 11a-. commi-t-..ioned to treate a bhll\ll' lil!urc ul n football play<'r '' hich when properly enscribed would l.x!ulme the perm.lnCnl pus,..t>~~ion of Lht• wtnner each year. r .1riuu• mcthndo, of IJ.I!Int in).( to clt'Cl the winner were cou:.itlen•d, but ftnally tlw t'ummittt·t• u~o~rt•t·d thrtt Uw llpomwriters and broaclcnsters would be tht> only nnpnrtial nnd qualilit:d l'll•ctors. T hese men an.• in u IXI"ition li.l <et' thr player' in actinu und o;can pre~~ r<'pvrts. )lore than 900, chn:-cn t'<lU·tll) trum all •cllicm..; uf tlw l ' nited State~. now act ;:~> cltocwr.... Tht• h111111e \HI" ra't anrt liN won hy Jay nerwan~er of thl' l •nhw•lt} of Chil.u:u in IQ 'S. In tY "IJ, Juhn \\ lll'i"m,m, then Ulrt'Ctur of .\thletk» ttl the l>m\11 Ill\\ II \thlt·tk nub of '\t''' \uri. City lm., pa:,.~u awa) ilntl tht' Twph) w3 , rrnamt•d tht· llu•m.m 'h·nwnal Troph). Thi· A:t'IIIHI partlllll.trl) titlln~.t ant.l met \\ith in•tnnt apprO\".tl hl-c tU•t' John lids man h.ul ,.,l.ll ht·d (clOt ball fur tlUrt} -•t>H•n ) ear... lmm I ~~~2 thruu~:h 19.?i at d~:ht clifit•rt•nt wlk-~e.... lit' 1\a ... the in\t'lllclr ur tht• 'Jlill Jlb}" 111cl chn"'-t .. ,up frum u·nlt•r tel b:u k ami 11 as con,.idert>tl hy n~o~ny ~~-. the urt:!lll-llur uf tht• fum.ml pa•... One c•l hi., teams. ()f.'tltdo~ Tt"l h 111 1Cl 1b r.m up 11 hat m.t) bt• fc•uth.tll \ lar):t'"-l ..~;ure \\tum it llt-.tl <'umht•r lam! l"nl\t"r•ily 121 0 In 1917 the ..:tme team piJycd ''hat ''.1> pwbahly tht: lir ·I dnuhh•ht•.ttlt r Ill rum ball \lith l·urman .Inti \\"ak(' Fnn•.. t, .ell in one da} Jnhn lld,m.ln ''"' 1''ire l'rcQident of the .\ ml'rican Fuoth:all ('o,Jt.ht·, \•-.udat tun, ur~anitt•r nntl tir-..t President of the T ouchdown l'luh and .1 truly ~n·at li~:ure in llw runt h:tll world . ThL· l lt•i•IIH\1, ~ l l'llltlrial Tmphy i~; rn,ltbull'!> grcat~t incli\'itlu;ll nward . Thr mun whu 11 in~ it C()lllt:~ tu 1'\cw York early in Ut:ccmhcr wh h hi-. conch wht'll' lll'fnrt• u J.(ll lttlly of fuuthall :-turs. pa,l and prr-.cnl, lw 1-. tillinJ.(I)' hnnurt'cl.
J 11(;11 I EW E GLA D SOCtER L()OP
Vuree ity Bas k ethull 'ch e«lulc 1lt"l.
• tJIIOtl Tnkt'., Eif( hlll ~ l,ol \ r' ~(· ort' r,. Ploy \\ t'll
In ·nwir D t'tl nrtmc nl Uy 'irtut• nl .1 ,.ca.-on ll'ltlfll uf . l\\11 \1111•, I hrt·t• 1,,,...,.,, .lnt I IIIII: tl<', th ~ \\'unt"lt'r l't·l h •uHl"r te.un plall'll dr.:ht in tht• '\t•ll Enl(l.lllcl Ol.l
.4 1f1 mark
,•iJ ly
:O.t~t.tt·r l.t·.a~tm
"i'\ll't'n l~:llll•
\\ith a IIIIIIHH'
v Fitrhburl.( Tt:adwr-. ll )lo~,_,., 1 chu-.cth t lb ). . Y.S. ~ 1 .1 rit itnl' .kad. Zl ~Ieven., ln<>tilutt• 2Z l"ps.aJa 11 \ ·,umption 1L \ 1 13 rrinity 17 ). 11 rthea--tern
'\L•\\ J..n~lancl Culll'~t·
10 ~1 J T . 1 1 Lrmell Te:<Ctill-' 17 Clark
To Lo c You1· Daze
Y· ·~·
E• h~ nrd
R. lliAAhabo tto m
-\IJ \ \ '\(' t::IJ
Drop In At JAY'S
"W" Banquet Next ltfondar
St'mi-Finol · In alu•
T wict• t'IH:h y e>ar tht• mt•mlwu sclCct'r lil'ld. Heart-fell congmtuln· nntl ('\I IU: II('S nf thf' \'ttrlmas t iun:. shuuld he offered lt'l the above J.(l'tlllll of men by the entire student \\' m ·c·t•ioil t• r \ 1\JCA Worct'~t('r Tcc·h uthlt•ll.- t c&Uill! body for their splendid athletic '-----~~-----==-~~ urc hono n·tl ({llt'tllll 111 u lumCJUt•l dfurh durin~o~ tht past a utumn . Euch •"ull ()I " "" :'1111U•h Tuurnll ln('ua til
Bas kc.~ thall<·•·
In 11Ht toanpc.·Lition "F or Sta1·t iu~
S pot
l..o <•ul .. OtH'Il ul llonw \ f.(u iu .. l F i td1 hu r~ ~ l n l e T<'a<•lw r .. ~u lurtlu) ite \\ ith It- , th.m thrt·l' \\n·k;, prac· thdr hdt•, ~cM~..h ~h.· '\ uhy'::- 1 h.1111•'• t.IH' lht• chflicult t.t I. nf 1111111tlin11 uut 1111•• ~:anw lnrm hr th" "-aturcl.l} I' \1 \n uptimbtk lltlh' I th1 f.tL I th.at I ht• pmhahlt 'to~rtm~: liw i" prallit.dl} .11l \t•tt:r ,Ill 11 lm h n1.1y fll,tl·w up for lost pr ill I 11 i' Ilut• 111 tlw lah' ~!tart ancl lht• 1.1\l that a•\,llt ly half or tlw lllt•lvt• mnn lt•am i;, lli' W tc> the v.n,{ty, \h \1dly hao;n't had thl' litnt' ht• 1\llllhl llk1• 111 sitt· up t•vcry· 11111' in oil tiun, lht• uuly c;crimm.t ~l'S to tl,lll' lw•n11 11lth Bt·t kt•r (lllitt') \,ltur.lll) tlw play "·'" far (rum puh hl·ll 1111' ltril.(hh•r 111111' 111'11111 tlw •nnsidt• hllutilll.(, c·t- ~~~ \kh.alik uul 11 11 inn 1nd •me• h:uult·r hy 111111 fr•HII lht• tmnl'rs \\t'rt "i•lun.c tluiu· 11111•i.-tc ntly, 'I httu~:h tlw ~ i~ nt·11 mt·n inthcatc .t .cnu1 Mln.ul. tllf' t,alihrr u( tlw rl'· ~·r1c• .,lrt·u~tth i~ mmh irn1mwrtl uwr that uf Ja..,t )t'ar in rc-~IWCl lCl 1:1k11t .11111 nw. 'IIIC' nc·\\('tllll<'r" an In• l, 11 •• 11 . .111cl "lwhc·k 11(1 hnm .I\', ,anti I r tllllll :uul ~~~ l.arn•1n 'r11111 till' F11 h111.111 11.1'' Lanky llank \ :•~it mnkil11( thr hi~t jump from frn1t•1uity tu 111r'-ity ball, rounds nut !Itt• 11\l or IH'W 1111'11, , .. it an l!l'ill ~ IIIIW , lht• ~lt11t lnll l!uarllll will ht• '1l'ltnlik anti Chapman, hlllh iunior,. "('hapJ)it·'~" hoard work has '>~·t•n '''CI'IIt•nt ,, fat a1111 ~f t·hnlik'~ t'l i~ '' " I(IIHII ,,, t"VI'r Snphtllnun• D.tn l ltl(h a rt· r r\1' h .•l )ear nnrl "'" ' t ur uf .a tit- ltll\ flllt' hanrlt•r IIlii !'llt'ht·k . rlnn~t 1\ith uuth' \J r l.wnttu \\Ill lill in at till' •uartl pthh I u fmnt " \ f:r• '' 11ill h l\1' ttt •np 'tin \ nrl} f.r1·rlrntl rtntl c•ithrr I hit l'rat inn or J tw> t. ll.trry llrown "'ill •t·mnin in 1h,. kr·yhnlt• JII•-H•cm anrt If lhf' hi~e IIU ihl ~1 11 • htlllk i- (Ill h•• i In fur :1 hilt \'t•:rr "eni••r \\",rlt 1.\nl.-wlnt• h.l nl " hN·n " o•L in" nul 111 thf• tl'llll'r lui \\hill' \ 'a,ll i-. rJi. \ irlinu hi timl· hr•\\P n fPnlrr nnrl 'mwartl . lilt' uncln
PWE HEPAIRING nonf' On Prt·miseH
11 \ II II \
Ifit, \ ankl"t• drruit otllll '<illll' Sill h .1lr, l>artmnuth .tnd II llru11n otn• 111 ih rank ... tht• 'I <'1 h 20 ,\ mhcr~t ,\ Cl't.'llrd ~tilttd... up \VI'II C'llll~ich.•rinJ.t 22 ('na!>l Guard ,\ tilL' ~izc• 111 tlw ,;ch11ul l•nr tlw Tt•t•h· 24 \V illium~ fl ntrn, ('ouln, ( "ttrujo. Fulnwr. ;\lnt r~ 2il Tufts ,\ and llnrtnn wrrl<•tl tht• liru111 uf tlw ' lur. 3 \\' e~tnver Fi(·lll 11 •u•rinv. wh h ('uutn lt•adin~ tlw \\'unt·•ll•r llm•tt•r., with four 1-!ll•ll., 11,. lini.. ht·tl .. i~ th in th<• '\ 1·. I ~ J J, V. Bas kctha ll · c h t'fh,ah• ~ nrin~t r;u c•. \\ hilt• ( "urujn with t hrt·(' 111-, Q '-'11uth H i~:"h II llltir, h,·lcltltt\\11 .1 lillh tl<ll 'l.•lt· , I l ~ 1 3.'::- r Frn-h j\ Fulmrr. ami llurt"n t'<ll h 'cur(''' l h Cumwt'rlt Hi11h II ti1 Cr fer 1hr Tt·rh H 1m. Jan . h \ ......umptum j .\ ' II Thl' •chnol .,h•IUitl I~ \\I'll ,,tti-lit>fl 11 \ 1 C Fro-h \ \•ith tlw 10~0 ""•u·r Tram. nnl 13 Trinity Fm-h II o:~h· lll'elll'(" uf tht •r U"lllrtl, hut 11~11 17 '\nrthea•tt·m Frn.. h .\ h~:tu 1 11f 1ht: lillht nnrl lirt• h"'' n 20 na ..~ical Hil!h 11 hv thr IJtl\ un th e lil'lcl nf pl.ly 1-' h. 10 ~I IT Fr·"h JI \ tlrunk lurl ht•cl into an <'lt"\~ator I~ l.owcll Tt·xtilr J \' \ ~h.lft f,.ll lhr '\tnri('" ln thr bottom , 17 Clark Fm·h 11 •l.ll!ltt rt•tl 111 hi• ft•t•t. hrti'hrd him<~• If 24 l'endim! 11 3 \\"o-•""'.·t"r \ cacienw 11 rtif tln·l ~hnutt'd , " I ~aid l ' Jl ' 'l •tr < """" ' J ~tah~:1rb :h \
l t'
ll .\ II \ \ It
Fo r lmm e(/i(ltl' R el t.>atJe
l.t~thll ro
ltrpalrl·d . Toltor«'o lllr nd·
It•• lu • ull "'IIUr I MII•. Wor<'l'!!ll'r•a toul•lotHIItllt •ntt•k,. anti all1 ~hop .
211CJ \I \1 'I 't'l.--<.!or. E11th.u c e
fit for
rf'~ulit y.
t'it' \"tm lh clay
On l\1oncluy,
th ~
or llt•t•cmht· r ,
piny· c•rll., t·ouC'Iac>tl, unci inlt•rc.IIIN I fun 11 ~ill fi ll the CcmunOIIII of IIU' Sun· ford .Rilcy lloll to C"npnC'It) fo r lht• firll t hu ncfllt't o f th t' rwh oul year, tb t' tmnuul fo'ull ~ porl 14 Unnqut>l. T lat>r t• "ill Itt• num('r• o u14 ~o rwn&.c> rs itw lutling u J(Ut't!t " Pt'nkt> r " h o"c> iclf' ntil) h as not )'t'l ht•t• n clf'c' itlc•d ua•nn. 1Cumur11 n rc• to tht' t•fTt•('t llltlt t'l tlll'r Lcm Unl.-. , nr ity c·ondt the' ( :o lurnhiu ln ht•ri~ lty t'lt•H •n, or Ur. And .- rrt~m , llt•l) (:rtllltl n w n· tor , will IH' tlw ltonurNI tlnill 41<'· t·upunt fo r th<· ••, l'llhaf(. l~oet ,..~ pt·a·it•n ct• o fTt•rs tt\'t•r·llniiiC'Icnt pronf of tlw t'C'I' tulnt y thut f'n •ryo tu ultc•ndlnM will lc•n vt• ut the c H•niu g'l'l h·rmlu nllun with th o u glati' l)rul wor•cl~t of ltllll ~t fo('• lion.
\'atiuu~ ill~anh made at t ht• fall lll('t:tilll! or the ,\t hl,·tit CCHIIIlil \\Ill be pre-.entrd otftt•r thl' cui,int• h:" lx.'<'n enJH}'t•cl by ull. Thr llll'll r~ ct:ivi n~: thdr ' \\ ' in fuutb.tll \\ill ()(' (;. r. \ hdtl\1. R 'I. Jo:lclrt·tl~tt:. \ G h·rron. R E. h-rrari, \ I· Jor~e land, T . ( hill. J. J. Lrt'I(Ury, R. J Hall. 1>. (; llulnw~. J j uin•e~. 1>. Koludne (w l.lpt. ), \\'. J. " olt,tl nc> (W c tpl ), J. S ~l ;tl " ay, I ~Ia jcw-..ki. J I• ~ l nlloy, \\ . I' Mt: halirk S. L ~ li llt•r, :\1 1'. Sht·lx•k, R. J{ ~l. Lnui~, ltltcl ~ l l(r. R. 1\ . HuSt.h. NeAt year wtll hucl E. /\. \Volfe ll<. le.un tlia llal(t'l nnll hi ~ 11'4· ~i!'ll\n t will llt' ('. IJ. l•'lttlllll(llll . Rt•· ripi(•nle\ ul tht· vatllily ' '\V" In l!Urn•r will be 1••. ("cuuju, F. /\, R. ('uuw, I. .\ . Uavid-..m, W. \ Ell~-wurth , J r., .\ . ~- Fu~!o, R. E. Fulnt1•r, Jr. (l'npl). K. E. llanlnncl, T . ll()(lJ(t:lt, K. Lermard, =-:. :\1. ~l nltt", :\1 H Oll);L'I, \\". E. l'alnwr, J) I' 'l'nvan• t: C Willard ancl \l;LnJI(('t ~ ~l .tlkay, J r Team mana~t'r fur tht• 195 I .,..,,"m will lit' R 1·. -,ullh.m whu \\ill be· ;1bly a~ 1,.ted h) 1.. 1\Jillarcl. R. \ Zdrny, (i. ~ l t•'('llllt'r, H. L. Thomp 1111 D. l'u 1 uml ~l ;tna~rr R. Luct II ill he aw.trdNI thl'lr " \\'" in trel::o.., tountry T lw " ("\\ (" uwartl will Ue J(IVt:n lll F. \lutlrJ(nn, K Killin. R. Ki rk, and R llmHII. 1 he decliCJn or R. llill U'! nt•\1 .l'•l!l<lll'!l manal(t!r will Itt' nnnnumw1 anr1 n1'ICI
the disclul!ure that he will he r•~sl<~t · cd hy 1'. ('hnrron. /\nulht•r " W'' to bt' preseutcd will bt• that for clwcr leader to J'. J. ()'Connor ( 'hrN )f-ader insiJCniac will he ownrclrcl to T . R. IM.uca and R 1•:. Elo.t>nlx>rJ( T\\ellly·<me rrrshmen will rt•tt:ive Ia ·!\ numerab lor thf•ir fcJ<1thall ffr1rt" and c;eventetn mt'mlxor! n( t ht' Clphomore da s will IJe' awarderl tht>ir " 1953 for nchieH•ment:. un the
mnn !(<IV(' his vrry best for the sport lwinl( pl:l)'t'd nnc1 tried admirably to h1 in I( a 1•ictury to \\"orce.ster Tech. '-huw 1hr-c buy~ our 3pprcciation fur their fint• work.
"'EA '0
FOR I-F RELAY J'hc I ntt:rfraternity rt'by sea "'n upc.•necl l,hl \\ cdnc!'(fay with TKP, 1.~ \ , 1 '~"- and .\ EP the victor . l"lwt.a Koppa Phi. tleCendinJt cham· pion.,, 1'\tt>ndetl their winning streak lhrtittjlh nin(• rncw. uy defeatinj( S1\ Jo: in 2:18.0. r\ Ithoul(h Thctn Knp lwH two M Its runru•rs frcrm Josl yl'rtr, l'hil ()'('onnor and Bufl Mndi· 141111, tht•y ~ootlll have n well balnnced ll•um with j im Sullivan, John Creg· ury, l>un ( llivcr nnd anchor-man I >un Salo('k. 1.ambd.1 Chi got off to a poor ~tart nwtin~t ATO but fin.llly won aftrr tht fu•l runninst of id Harvey untl Krn "hiatlc. Tht'ir winning time a~ain~t Chuck Reid, BiJl ~agel , Ray Fl'nnn, nncl !Jill Lloyd was Z: 28.8. Phi ~1g's team of Oou't Collings, Orren \lc "ni~eht , jack Oillon and I h•rhy I lnyes looked as if they were 1ht• bc~l Cllnditioned team as tbey llllltllll l'hi Gam':. llob ullivan, IJob l.uu•, <'hurlie Fl:umAan, and Stun ~Wntnn In 1: Z7.2. 1•:1''& tt•nm or l~rl Wolfe, Hy Brennt•r, Phil Kaminsky, and Ernie Dt•mar tlt•feutcd Tum LaCro!>S, J im \Vhltt•t~ldt• , J c>e /\rchambaull, und Phil \\t•ntu.• l o f Theta Chi in 2:48 In a very <lu e mce. 'I he relny teams also saw action em 1-riclay with Phi Sigma Kappa und Lambda Chi .\lpha winning their ,t•c.und 'trai~.tht race. The be't race nf thc day was run by Phi Sig as they ran wild BRain_ t 11leta Chi in uctllcnt Iime o( 2: 23.8. Alt3in it Wit> Collin~e~. l lc Kni~ht, Dillon :uul H nye~ who ped to victory ancl it lc11Jk'S a!l if this quartet will be vt·ry hard to Ileal e.'pecially if they kt·t.'ll impmving their Lime. l.amhda Chi abo made iltwo in a rnw 11ith Connie Pcirct , Mark Baker, 1-,id llarvcy, and Ken Shintle de· fcatilll( S i~ Ep's team 11f Brady Bucklt•y, Urucr Co mpbell , Ray l'Cllen anrl Wuly Brcllhauer in 2:28.4. 0., I~ and ATO both broke into the ''inning w lumn last Friday by de· frat inl( Al-:1' :tnd PGO r~pecti vely 1.,,\f-: team of Horton, Beach, /\ndrukcmb and Oavid.son was clocked 111 2 29 8 while !\agel, Lloyd, Fenno and \\"il ~on of \TO were clocked in 2:29.9.
Shivell1 Edwin IU Walters, G. K
Gallant, J. 0. Jaros, T . J. J. King, A. R. Kunkel, G. A. Lindquist, .R. W. .McLeod, ~l. G. Rybak, F. M. Shropshire, R. H. Snyder, T. F. Valinskl, R. C.
Phi Gumma Delta Boynton, H. \\'. Corujo, h. L. Osell, R. R. Popp, R. l), Stewart, \V. M. Tufls, H. K., Jr. \\'ahlrab, 0. A. \\'hillle, H .
Lambdu Chi Alpha Hoyle, D. L. Sanborn, L. L
igmn PJ1i E p ilon Brown, C. S. Brown, R . L. Cowell, J. E. Eldredge, R. N. Hammar, C'. A. Kay, G. 11., J r. Kee, Thomac; Mt:\1illan , R. R. Mirick, H . L . Nickerson, D. L. 0\'rrton, R. I.. l'ickfcml, R. C'. Robinson. W. 0 . Wagenknecht , P. Wildt, R. H. Wise, R. H.
Scott, R. U. Smith, D. W.
Uslach, V. A. Watjcn, P. V. D. Wiitala, H . W. Young, JJ. V. Sigma Alpha •~tl&ilon Arvids<ln, A. C. Beach, JJ. K., Jr. Cook, W. M. lJeFalco, V. P. Dziura. W. H. Finlay, W. Ji. Gilbert, D. 1~. Gustnfson, N. F. Killin, K . 0 . Kirk, R. t>. Latimer. H. J., J r. McCoy, M . V. McEwan, D. R. Martin, N. L. Nicholson, R. D . Nyj~arrl, D. P.
Alpha Tno Omtlga Allen, 0 . F. Arvanlcly, G. P. Bruce, N. K. 'Byrnes, W. R. K rzywick i, J. S. Sbaros. C. L. Sova, B. 1~. T aylor. W. F . Zerlin, W. l\1. E., J r.
Oram, R. F. Ross, L. E. Russell1 J. P. Svenson, R. C.
Alphu Etutllon Pi D ennis, R, L. Gens, D. J. Gleberman , N. R. H orovitz, A. J. Meckler, M. Meirowitz. R. L. Ra phn<>lson. H . A.
Webster, R. K. Wheelock, R. H.
Phi Sigma Kappa Furlong, D. A. Hoeh:el, j . C. L us.'lier, R. R.
?.JcCubc, R. H. MacLaren, D . D.
l know a philosopher who likes to travel in his own car. When he's drivin~, he says, he runs acroS!\ so many interesting peO(>le.
Negus, S. P., Jr. Reibling, W. A.
Ross, D. E.
Two F ilm Highlight The Evcni' g's Guthering ; F uture Plans Discu sed Tht merican Sudety of ~Iechan· kal hnJ:"incer:. held its fir~t husine$5 ml!eting of the year In Sanford Riley I tall un Tuesrl<ty, Xuvcmhcr 2 I. The hij.thlis<hl or the pro~-tram was two lilms, one on "J\len, ~ l etu l , and Machinery' and the other on " The ~lanufncture of Spark Plug~." The lirsl lilm. which wus produced by I ntcrnational ~ickcl , gave much in· tcrosting and unusual Information auout the refining and production of nickel, one of our le<os ct~mmon metals.
Harvey Howell, president of A. S. 1\f. ~., discussed plnns for lhe nrxt few meetings. A meeting will be held shorlly b<>fore Christmas, another in j anuary, and an election of officers in February, but as yel no defmite pro~rum has been planned for any of these. Reports on the rccrnl membership drh•c showed lbat A. S. l\1 . E. now boasts over a hunclrl'cl members, more than it hus had for a ~ood many years. The meeting closed with all the members pitching in on a huge supply of that perennial combinationdoer nnd doughnuts. l.ubrlnllnn •ntl Ouuerr S~nl«
Station V.r . m,ht.nd & Couldlna St..
See "Rev" For
All Y ortr Need11
D(lncc F cnmr s
11 5 IIICII UND . T .
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Worcester Telegram
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Tel. 4-1988
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ervlco Tel. 7-4037
• Sunday Telegram
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Prlftlr ra 10 Bolla Studr fth ond Facu.lly for f'orty {
Collrt" Publleolio"'
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Not }rut an Ex1Jreuion"
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t., Woi'C'f'
~I •M·
Ph" "*'' 64J.i9 I
A l e~ o
1101\tE COOK ING ut
f'rln toro to TH£ TECH N II:W8
The Heffernan Press 1.50 Fremont Street,
luM RPpolr."
GO 'fO
The Evening Gazette
CAJmpllna('nl• o/
t:OYETTE'S ES 0 \\'nrl't'¥1c•r, ~l oul!.
"#'or I h e
Ex.pcrt Courteou s
HEi\ SQNAllt.Y t•RtC.ED
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Invisible Solin.g No Nails Used
At Your Fr.trrnliT and Dormitory
Appoirelmertta II Dulred
6lh Floor Stale Mat••• OaJJd.laa
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Expert tailor• and cleaMrt
State Jlutual Barber Shop
Tdrphnn11 5-43U
The meeting was very well at. tended. .\mong those present were President Cluverius and several mem. bers or the Worcester A.S.C.£. The ne-:t met:ling is scheduled for On ~o\'tmber 27, JQ50, the December II , when the election of .\.S.C.F.. held a meetm~ 10 the Janet Earl~ room at which four Seniors ofticers for the coming year will take were the principal ~peakers. place. Wuh cr Kolodne~ Edwar(l John· 1:1011, P aul R mlasch, and Dona ld L\I OBJL.IZATI ON-Fron~ Pet~~ l Koltulne discus cd tlwir aeth•i· I t(> o f tJ1i 11 Jlllill 8 UIIIfllf'l', wh en schola.slic :.landards. Accredilw en· uineering and science schools would tJ1 t>y os!listed Professor Songc•r in cmHiucting tests on tlw mnter inls receive a proportionate allowance or m1ecl iu the runstru r tio n of dcfcrrccl litudcnt.s. Top Civ:ilian Priority W urceste r streets. .Finally, the statement as prc~nted by the notional engineering ~ociety1 The llniled States \ ir Force deals with the mobilization of pro. ,\viation Cadet election Team fcss.ionaJ talent in civilian services. moves to Clark t:nivcrsity ttn It is a basic requirement that the tht• I I lh of December. factories, the plants and the resear~ The Air Force Selection organizations devoting their primary Team which rccenlly qualif1ed eifurt to military production, must 19 Tech men as Aviation have first call upon the best talent Cadet pilot and navi~ation and profe. ional skill, it wa'\ stated. trainee:., and officer ctlndjdale:. During ma.,imum military mobiJiza. will visit Clark University Delion, those best qualif1ed to serve cember tlw I lth to J.>ccember the nu tiona! defense in material pro. 15th inclusive. duction must not be allowed io be Capt. R . 0. Stines, Senior u~d for the less essential production Member of the team, advises of goods or the furnishing or services that anyone who mi~sed the or the continuation of research for opportunity to obtain informathe need~ oi the civilian population. tion regarding the " no oi.Jiigat ion'' application for Ira in in~ There once was a sculptor named Is ur~o~cd to apply at ronm no. Phidias Ill , jonas t lnrk Hall at \\' bo.st: blatuc · were perfectly hldias; 'l:trk University. The team is lie carved Aphrodite on duty from 9:00 . ~l. to \\'itbout any nighty, 5:00 P.~ l. daily. Thus vexing the ultra fastidias.
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