1951 v42 i13

Page 1

Wo~c11t er,

lUau., Tul'tday, !Uou . <1, 1952

\ <thune XUJ "umber 13





Dctween the hour:. or elen•n .md • = Curriculum Chang«'s, five on Tue day, ~ larch 18, the lU.. Dt•p:.u·tnte nt to J:lublished Papers, .s\ nwrica n l'\utional Red Cross, in • 1 Pre e nt . R OTC EIJ~CTS And Pro jccts Tracetl con_iunclion with our ical Edu· cauun Department , wLU carry on a ~ Thr Phy~ics department nt Tech, nlwnys held in high esteem by the drive l O obtain hlood [or d\'ilian and St· ltolurl!, Sharp hooters, FutwlionK of C.luh St•l military usc. Every day whole blood t:' JWdagogical world, bas kept its pace untl Ct·m·k lldllnwn 10 Forth - Plltlatl U nclt-rwny with latest developments. Is ~iving someone a chance to live! F<•lcl1'4iiU' ancl J•t>trillo 8.- Hont.u·Nl nt This 'l'irnc• SurJ(cry tlmt coulu not be done a Tht• rlepartment, through equip·· For Annual Scwinl E'\•Pnt Lt•ail T Jwir Courageous Tht' ~lllil:lry 'dencc Department few years ago is now possible bemPnl obtained in ru1 appreciable deThe W 1'.1. Varsity C'luh, n rcla· W a rrior8 Into Battle has nnnoun1t'd t hnt n numh('r or cnu:.e a large upply of blood is now ~-tree from tbl• American Opti~al Cu. award!\ will lw prt'$t'ntcd to uut· tiw ly ne\\ or~an i7.-tlion on campus. SEE CU T PA GE 3 available for ho pitals in this area. h\ thr l)n.st throu~-th the efforts of Re~plt•nden1 in thrir gny ritual -. tan din~ unrlt•rgr.uh•atc memhrrs uf has rrcrntly ciC'Cted three vl'ry cnpa· Ur. A. E. .Park ... r, has the facilltit>~ Tlw f1ve principal Worcester hospithe ltO.T .l'. ut :1 formal. r~dcrnl tnJs store blood, which is nvniloble ro!.><os, lht• ,\Chi-:RS anti ll lEE sun· blc officers for the J)rt:'sent term. for one of the ftncsl courses in opin.;pection in !\ lay. While l\i'vcrnl of to their patients free of charj:le. Any plied an rnl husia.;t k crowd with Tht>y are : Presic·lcnl, Uill M.chalick ; tics made avnilnhlt• to any student t hcst~ are ftlr ~rnNn I schoi:L'IIic ex· combat vetemn can give !<Jlt'Ciflc in· live))• t>nll'rtainm~:nt lwtwecn the> today. ccllc-nce, 3\IMd"' will also be Aivcn . ecrct nry, Hob llowttll : Treasurer. The advent tlf the atomic era b a~ wnces of a buddy's life bein~ halves uf the Trch· "\llrtheast{'rn tu the wimwrs 11f inu•n.orp. compcli· Manny l'r•ppas. Cumposcd or varsnved by battle fleltl treatment with ~ame us thry comp<'trd in their Zntl brought with it some changes in cur· tiuns which will he held 'llllliCtlme sity lellermcn, the orl(nnlzation has JifC·)(iving plasma . This service unnuul haskcthall mcelinl!l. Rcfere~· riculum. The course in Modern this Sprin~. been set up for the prinw nnd worthy l'hysics has been replaced by n could not be possiiJie without the Phclp!i ('allt•d tht.' ~ame H draw, tlw The cadet hn vinK t ht• hlghrst firm I sctu e I wing 2· 2. puriKl~ llf creatinj.t bt•tll'r relations rourse in Atomic Physics, which bu~ aid of the RNI Cross. "<.hnlast ic rat iu~ot will receivr a nwdal Bl'fnr<' the start of thr tilt , both belwt•en Hlmpcting athletic learns. a laboratory supplement, and a prr<;cnted by 1ht• ~un'\ of lhe ,\ mc•ri· Nu W nete team~ \H•nt throu~h an inten<;ive. course in NucJj>ar Physics. The for· \\'hole bltJod remains ~ocxl for diversifu~d warm-up ,!,l!s~i<m . Tlw can Revolutiun, while n hh;h rnnking \lso, the club striveo; to help its mer started in Feuroury for the first twenty-one days, but even 1£ it i!t polbh a•Hl smoothnr~q~ !If lhis opern · l nd('l from the Freshman, Svphn- mrmbC'rR by lending financia l aid in tlnw ; the latter will be initiated ne:<l not u'led up iu that time, it i never tiou WHs an immcdiatr imliClltion or mnre, and junior class will n'teivc 1he form of tutbooks and any such Call. Prof. L . P. Grannth hll!l set Ill' wa.~ ted. Out-clatl.'d blood i~ proc- the high-calibre type ui play to be nn award (rom the Armed Forces material nerdr<i by n c;tudt>nt In or· the courses. sociation. One es.-.ed and made into plasma and CX!)4.'t:tetl during the ~nmc. Arter t 'ommunkalion" dPr to Jlllrsuc his education here at The sophomore.,, In line with tht•lr pl011ma fractions such ~ Immune the athletes had been bufficienily 11ther general t••Kellence award, a United Front experiments, do haw T ech. One uf the fut urt• guals of the Srrum Globulin for combati n~o~ mea- wurnwd-ovcr, Bill Clmonctli , JJ I EE l!lcdnl from the United Sta t e~ ~il(nnl associallon, nnd no douiJt that which nn opportunity to use Geiger Count· sles. Serum Albumin for the treat· publicity director, formally lntro· Assodrtliun , will 1Jc presentNI to the will prov<' most bencftcinl to the ers and observe cloud chamber mt•nt or shock and certain kidney duccd the two teams' coache"-, cap· ~econd ranklnH cadet In the unit. Ln phy~ical SlalUS or any nthlct.c, will cff<.octs. clisenses. and Thrombrin and Fillrino· Lain~, and the ofliciatin~ referee to uciuitioo to this, all ba<~ic course Tbe fi ve seniors in the department raflet<; arc eligible to <.Oilli)ClC f01 SIX IJe the pmcurement or such aids 115 gen bolh used for burn.; and hemor· the awed on-lookers. have their projects well underway awnrcls. Titre(• of these will br pre· n heat lnmp, x-ray machine, and any rha)(c control. Antihemophilic St'ru•n and are doing research to some c" Guidlnl( tlw t\ Ch ERS through other ncl·clcd implemenL~. is used to prevent excessive blocding. their athletic cap(•rs was '' I )oc'' Wil- !'ir ut.ed to the outstanding marksmen tent. Edward C. Olson is building u n.s determined by scores accrurd in Evcry()IH' t•njoys a Kood Rame of new type or intcr(('rometcr Cor SUr· son who, with the able aid of '' Billie'' Quick ond Painh·~~ matches, which will be run in accord· biiSkcthall, football or what have face studies on crystals, making U'it! Giving blood today is a pninlt>ss the water-boy had t1hmnecl the de· ance with the rules of the National you. Jn order for n coach to send of multiple beam interference. ur· slructive distillation o£ thr lH.EK procr,!\. In less than an hour you Intercollegiatc Rille Association. A a well cuordinated <Ulfl conditioned race irregularities or molecular di· cnn huve your temperature tested , The I H 8 1~ men tor, "J uuglc J im" competitive drill judged by Impar- learn into a ~:~amc, a team that will are being measured, vermensions have your blood pressure t.aken anrl Mulligan, had his five little power tial military offlrcrs will determine provide the SJ}C t.ators with a sk.illtical lhick ne~cs or the order of J0 '1 generntur opt:ratlng ttl :.ynchronous have your hemoglobin tested. Only the rrcipients of the three remaining speed ready to develop maximum mrdals. In this competition, cadets fully played contest, he must have inches being attained. Robert F. tho"<' who are phy!!ically able to dotorque for the AChER. ' hi-voltage will be judged on their proficiency the neci.!S.'>ary equipment. This does Lanou, J r., is studying the efrcc;t ; nate will be accepted. Everyone l.le· not mean that Tech rtthletes arc of illumination on transister·action to perform all drill movements nnd without prc1per equipment, l.mt any tween the a~es or 18 and 59 can f4ivc electrocution. Donald J, Kran.t is utJiizing surfacn With the score knotted at 2-2 and the mrmunl of arms. l.llood, but sturlents under 2 l must arlclil iunol material oi.Jtnincd throuRh tenqion effects of dissolved organ! · only ~cund_, rcma inin~ot. the I HEE The Department of Military Sd· have the signature or their parent gained possession of the ball. t-: x- Pnce is proud to announce receipt of the t•fforts of the Va rsity Club would suiJstnnces In the determination or or JtUardian. Applications for the pertly nnd v.ilh deft precision, the a st.llndard for the R.O.T .C. unit. undoubtedly be or great assl~lance. Avogadro's Number. George l\1. blood progrnm as well as release electrica l hotshots quickly formed a 'fhis beautiful fla11, with a rlclalled Only lhrou~h the whole hc>arted sur)· Seidel is studying the optical prop· ~lill!\ for those under 2l may be obport or the entire student body can crlies of thin metallic films of a bOtll taincci at the mailbox in Boynton human pyramid under their own n·plica of the school seal at its cen- such gonls be reached. 200 Angstroms thickness, or of th • basket. I H EEer Jim • ullivan was on ter, is basically crimson on a grey Hall, in Sanron.l Riley Hall, or at order of 10 .. inches. Harold J. Man· top or the pyramid yelling frantic· backJ(round and wn.s made by th.~ext Thursday evening, March 6, the office in the gym. ally for the ball (see cut). There Heraldic Oivii,ion or the Quarter- at 7 1\?.J., in the Snnford Riley Icy is working with three cenllmelf.:· electromagnetic waves with the go •I Quota Doubled ~oes the pass to Sullivnn ; it looks Common~, J>residrnl Dill Mehalick m;L.~tcr Corps. This year Holy Cross turne<i in like an eaby score . .. but no, fate will con<lut•t a general IJu~iness meet· of determining the wave-length 111 a recmd o r 437<, and, since Tecb had nut decreed it so. At the crucial their team was in need of refresh· in!( for the purpose or increasing the nearest one-ten thousandth t~f 1 was the firs t · chool in Worcester to monlent us Sullivan was reachinK mcnt at balf· time, and a keg of the active membership, and alr;o to make centimeter. He will also try in tl : Rive blnod, the Red Cro· is expect· for the ball. the pyramid collapsed beverage or moderation was pro- preparuHons for the annual Varsity near future to build a power supply in11 a !roOd turnout from us thi · year. The ball went sailing into the stand., rluccd. Coach " Uoc" Wilson and Club dnnce whicll is to be held on for equipment necessary in obtainlu ~ Our quota is now more thnn doul.lle the first hal£ endc•d, and Sullivan " Billie" efficiently siphoned out the the evcninl( of May 24. Anyone who electro-magnetic waves of I !1.1 ccnttwhat 1l was previously. l n order lo felt the bull of the stru<:lural failure. contents at low Reynold's numbers attended ln.sl year's arfrtir Cllll well rnc~cr wave-length. It is desired 1 ' promote the campaign, Frank Flood, During half-time, Conch Mulligan lo quench the thirsts of his loyal remember the tremendous time had obtain the lower wave-length In 11 the lhairman of the drive at Tech, took his short-circuited crew aside nuirl flow experts. by all, nnd this year's event will no der to attain better results from tl has SUilltt>S LCd an interfraternity com· to illuminate them on their mistakes. The game was hard-played with doubt be as good or even better. Michelson Interferometer method ' petitirm to see which house can tum t:sing modified circuit diagrams, he casualties high and the scoring low. The date again is Ma.y 24, so be sure dctennining wave-length, and fma 1 ; the dielectric constant of difrere .L in the highest percentage of volun- had his attentive followers thor· Action was haphazard at t.imes, both to mark il on your social calendar. materials. teers. Let us maintain our good rec· oughly engrossed in a heavy theo· f1elc..l goals being scored simultanc· Remem~r, the Varsity Club canDr. Ralph Heller bas bun rna' • ord in the::.e blood drives and really retical lecture when refreshments and ously and in the wrong baskets, but make a good showing this year. Re- a de.ck of cards diverted lhe atten· "13eagle Eye" Phelps' intelligent and not (unction without you, and tbert•- ing a study of vibrations on thi.l member-a pin/ of blood can do so lion of all. unprejucliced omcia.ting had n sober- fore everyone, not only athletes, uniform bars, having published t; o must support it. .'iNt VllYSICS DEPT__,.... 4 The AChERS also decided that ing effect on the puzzled performers.




StrlJ(rO"}e End In Tie Auain



TE(~ II Tit~

f ~i\ ~11 •1 1





PubUshed W"'tkly T>urlnt Lhr Col!t-g~ Vrar by T .. rh New• A-.4)C). h<IU or th~ "-of'C'f'l>t~r P ohrrc-hnlr l nethatr Mtt:'•torr


Donald S.

R11lttr1 J Mt·n.ufl

FJ::All RE EDITOR J c•hn I• Gl'urin SJo:(;ltETARY All rttl C Rafa ro ASSJSTA!'I<T SPOiffS EDlTOR



f rand W. hdi~n BUSINESS MANAGER T1mCJihv \ OToole .\DVERTISlNG MANAGER ClRCl.I.ATION MANAGER Thoma I' O'Connor Waller M. Sttwart \')to t .. Andr. hunu

ASS ISl ANT MANAGERS llcnry ll urge r


Harold Smith

Edward Sa.molb

JohD Tracy

J '*pb Loje•·~ R ichard C•Yiruuah

Paul Jat~rl W. Whitman Mowry

\Vfllltm Jh,7ka

J UNIOR F.OITORS J ~s SuiUvan ROI:I.'I OM'II John ~hJJO) Paul M O'Ntll COLUMNIST Thoma\ R f.kll,ucn REPORTERS Robert Jaclno R enry Spadon•

\\ 11tlam Clmondtl Ric.h nl Guu Btrn.ud l'ctrillo


Ed•ard Baldna J oba c.IhoUD

lhvld Pllirb1111lu

J osepb Frau no

Robert J obnJOn Robat Junior

Robtrt Mt)'tr

Robtrt Nlrn Ro~rl




Roy Wise

Crnq(e Sunclunry


ProI. J obn II. MRcken:tie

N.. w a Phu nf'•: Bueln,.•• (S.-2024 Ecli ton• l {::~~~! T£1UtS Subtcript.lon per atbool )'tar, $2.00, linale copies, $.10. Make all che<lu paya.ble lo l lllillal M~r. Enttrcd u JtCond dua matte.r, St-pte.mbtr 21, 1 ~ 10, at the Posl Ollce Ill Worcattr, Maa., Wlckr the Act of March 3, L319.


l'rofe,sor Oonalcl G . Oownin)! from \\'o m~~ter Tech in 1916 with a dcgrre in ( ivil Enginc•crinl(. However, he spent ooly a year nwny from Boynton Hill before ht• returned to aspire to his full proft"'"41rshill in ) fet.haniwl Engineerin~. H t year's alN:ntC' Wa!o spent as on instructor of C'h·il Enxincerin~ at I.ehilolh l"nivcr.,ity an1l as 3 field <'11S(irlet'r with the Ett.'iteru Bridge atttl Sl ruclural Cuurpn ny. Professor Downing received his ~1.S. In ~ l t~hanicaJ Engineering in 1937 "'hile a member of the :.tarr While an undergraduate at Tech. l'mfcssor Downing was initiated into Sk ull, and now scrvl'li ll.' l lhe socillly'll faculty advisur. In ntldilion he i~ Chairman of the llour l'lan Commiller, lJirector uC I he ummcr , thool, and SNV~ on the St:holar~hip and Freshman Advisory Committees. Ttw " Boomer", a l'h i Sil(llUl Kappa , s<-rv~s ru1 the frntrrnity's Regionttl Director, which include'! the guidtllll t' of chapters located in New England and N ew York. His son, \linn, is attending the Rhode Island School of Design, where he i~ majorin!( In Commercial 1\d vt·rtbln~. _ ~erndu:ned

Let Cnllnrau J ohn (;rtgory Allan Co11anlin

jTECH • UCONN CO CERT ombint'd Glee lui, , oloi t , and Octet l!'culu r c Evening Ottgs

CoU<•eKJ!e Press

I:.WTOR 1:-.o C.: Hl£F


4, 19:;2

Compulaory Allendanee For years the policy of Worcester Tech has been to have compulsory attendance at all cia es. Atte ndance is taken daily, and students are expected to be in class. There are many arguments in favor of thi ~ plan- important material is covered in class; many assignments are given from day to day ; class quitzcs cannot be announced in most cases. However, a few facts se('rn t () have been overlooked. Since Tech is an engineering college with a heavy curriculum, the student's time i almost completely taken up. furthermore, a t one time or another student u ually fand tbemselvec; with a tremendous amount of work to do over a hort period. lt !leems to me that a situation could possibly nrisc when a student might use his time to better pcrKonal advnntng<' un a few hours or school work during scheduled clm;sroom lime. Most schools have systems whereby the students are allowed either limited or unlimit£'d cuts. I think N<•wly-Formccl llridge that some s~tem could be instituted a t W.P.I. (~lub 0 f'(eal8 Clark

~lr Richard ~ . <:uhh, J member or the mathematics detwtmcnt ac Tt:l h inte 1946, h3 ~ a r.tthl"r \'arird and interesting background. na1iVl' uf l'orlland, l\lnlnr, he n•celved his 1\ II. degree from Bowdoin in I CJJ3 and hi~ A.)f. frum ll<tn•ard in 19H The following }l'ar he returned to Bowdllin as 311 in!>tructor in mathema lit , 11 nd in 1931.1 he moved on to Lehil(h l fniversity whr rc he re· mniuNI for three years ll~ rt grnduate a<.~i"tnnl. lie then spenl a few years in the . •cond3ry school,, holding llCNitun-. Uj l>ecrin11 Jlilch S~ hool in Portland, \\ illist on Ac.tdemy, and nl~ n year at a boy's school in ~ew Mexico. He hu~ found here nt Worcester the hnppy environmt'nt that he had ht•t•u "('t'k In I(, as evidenced by his ' UJlpmt of campus nctivitieo; lie bas llt'en -«relitry of the Interfraternity Council for ftve years. Mr. ( 'obb is m3rried and has two chiltlr<'n, Susan, J 1, and Dirk, 9.


Thc- lir:;t meeting of the new term for the A CE was held on Tuesdny e\'Cnlnl(, February 2o. j ohn Leach, rwwly l'lcctcd president, It'd 1he Civ. ils In n dl-;cussion oC plun'l for the comin)( lerm. The pro~rn rn nnd ~­ cial lommittees outlined the work \\hit h already had been accompli.!-bed Credit Men W lth Cotqe lntt"lU~c-e Fo r a Good tart nt d previoa:s exe<:uti\'e met'linA, and At other rnglnecring schools, M .l.T. for example, the studentc; Thursday, February 28, the Tech '-C\'ernl events which shall take listrd have a cut system. If it is possible for such n system to be practical at M.l.T., why s'houldn't at least a limited cut plan bo fea s ible here ? llrillRe lub, in t hrlr li rst intercol- pl:ltt' durinj( the new Reason. Plans Students should be held respons ible for a certain amount of work leginlr wurnamenl, dt Cealed Clnrk wrre uls() made Cor this year's New in a given cour!'lt'. However, it 1-hould not be nl't<'sqnry to enact llni\'rrsity 17- 14. E'·en thouS~h the ~n~lnn d Conference of the A, CE. high school rule:. to insure that this work is done.>. College studenL-. Clark team of Ki~tler, \ 'andt' Hejde, ~rcmber. were urged to prep:tre pa· should be treated with an ndult-likr a ttitude. They should learn llail<'y, and jenninJ!~ tt)(lk fir t place, per ror thi meetinl{. Lao;t year a to budget their time so tbnt they plan their own . chedule for doing Tt•c.·h men filled the '«ond nnd lhird lar~te dt'leitlltion from Trt h a ttended work. This, in itself, would be vnluablr training for rnch man, s ince ~l uis hi win thr mntrh rrom nn a\'er- thr con frrt'nce and hHl members, industry expects this from its employees. UI(t' :;cure. Second plnce team con- Donald 1\.olod ne a.nrl Frunk Flood, RiSl<'d ur " Doc" Crnmrr, George rect•ivt•d prizes for t he pttJWrs which Limited Cut Plan A limited cut pla n would allow a ~tuden t a crrtnin number of ldlis, Ed WolCe, and Ernie Demnr; I ht•y J'lrC~nt<'d . Thr main ~;pcaker of lhe evening c uts per term, without pe nalty, for each particula r course. orne third place team was j oe ~ 1 3ncbetci , courses would allow more cub thnn others, nnd lab, would not br Bob Paint, Da\·e " uj.1la, and D ick \\R. Cummander Cro,by, head or included in such a plan. Somt• ~ tudenl!l would probably use all L.indqui!>t. the ~t·w England l)i\ i~ion or lhe of their allowed cut~. while others might not usc any. The amount Following the oftici•Ll tournry, tbe Ct);t~l unci Geodetic Survey. The of time taken wnuld be r nlircly up to the lndiviclual. A system of )l nlllJl played a mh<'d pair match or Commander's purptlSil In speaking this na ture would lllucc rcsp(lllsihillly on each !<ludrut, :tn(l would b<' ten munds. First plare was copped w.t.~ to ~huw t h1• Civi l ~ 1he work crediting collrl(<' men with mrntulity of a t•ollt>gr h'v<•l. by l>ic. k Lindquist anti Huh Paine, "hith i.-. being done by the Coast '('t:ond hy Pli. ) l'.ll Putnam allll and c;l'Oih:tic un.ey, nnd lo rec-ruit Up pert'la nwn t't'tl ~~d• a ..Inn \1 l ~l((lUiure o£ l'J.uk, and tbird qualitil'fl ~nior:. Cor hh dcp:trtmenL The be~t llO'''hlt• 'ituatiun WIIUitl hr ft,r tht• \\hnlt' "lhoollo parplatt• \\il..' lakcn hv 'l r :\llCt>y of Till' 'PNI..er ~la ined dearly the ticipate in a cut ") -.tem -.o that llw ll'J'IOn"ihilit) \\tluld be shared man} di' cr,iftoo type' of l'n~inrering by all clo '<st•~. Hut H ~uch u pl<ul were not jmll(t'd ndvisable for l't•t h nnd l'rof Stuhilt' of Clark. wurl.. \\hilh are bcinl( carrrt•d on by underclassnwn , I am certain lhut it rmalcl be s u cct·~~ fully carried oul .'iN~CIAL f'V R H IUCII tlw Survey, and fully strt•~sed the in the Uf\flC'r clu 'l~t'S. The 1nq~c· :unounl of mtlsld(.• work required during tlw 1:1'11 two yt•ar~ at Tt•t h t '"~''C' t)\•rrcr0\\Ciin1{ :t l ' 'ariou-; impurlnm cnclr.1' urs. Slides Expan io n \Vatch \\t:re .,hm\t'noftotheir time,:;. Thr ndoptinn of wnw pl.u1 .1110\\ ing a ft'\\ cu t~ wuuld bt> a illu ~tr,Ht• the l'qUipR. J. )f. s tep fomard in nil<~' i.1t i n~ thi... iiU.tlaon B r·a<'('lt~t mt·nt U"C.'CI and the pro~.~:dun·:. of his dt•pJr1men t. \11 S tnin lt•tu• S trt•l Co1ftpllmMI • o/ \ Cu·r the form31 du~in11 of the Onl> 83.9 3 ltt•g. J.9S ml.'el in~t. the member~ <'n~a~~t·d in an COYETJ'f:' ' ~o;sso TATION informal discussion with the Com107 U ltbloud St., \Vttl'f'l'•lt•r, .l\lu,. 102 lll~~:h l•u•l 1., at Ito,- nlon St. l 'tut r Nelrhborly } MNi flr mander to talk O\'er their lndh•ldual Worw•trr, ~1u TeL S-9579 /'Ito••• 6-(1.19 I 1 31 1TtCJILAND STREET pos..ibililie,. or ('nterin~t the Coast .___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __,.. ' .tnd Geodetic ur\'ry.

t,;nknown perhaps to many people on campus a group of T e<:h Glee Cluu c;in~erJ> left for the Uni\'t·r ity of Ct.mnecticut last aturday afternoon where they were to give a concert that e\·ening. Actu31ly h was a return concert since the UConn were our guests on February 15th. The Hecker j unior College Glee Club also made the journey to Connecticut and thus it was possible to have chree club participate in the combined singing. 1\ t 4: 15 P.M . the Worcester delegation ;1rrived at the University. .\her n short rehearsal and "getacquaintt'd" period, supper was served. .\t 8:00 P.:\L the concert began.

The pro~erarn was very similar to Lhat heard two weeks before nt Alden J\h•morlal. The Combined Clubs, the Turtuns of the Un i ver~>ity or Connecticut, and the Worcester Tech Glee Cluu S31lg in order up to intermis,;ion. Then the university of Connellicut Glee Club, the W.P.I. Octet, and the Combined Clubs again sang to " round out" the cntcrtnlnmcnt. i\s usual our Glee Club and Octet were very warmly received and gave a gO<Id nt.count or them!>Cive . t\ nd not to be forgotten was Lhc e"ellent piano pluyin1( by our accompanist, Gcorf(e J!orski. i\Cler tl short dance the trl1> baclt to M3 'lU~;huset ts ended the t' \'ents of a very ~ucce Cui day.


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Farruworth T exaco Station C-or. lll1hl•nd




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)torch -l, 1952










T he crowd at the Tech-Northbasketball game were treated to a spectacular showing of the Goat's Head last Saturday night. The Frosh, in one of the boldest moves ever seen, produced the trophy right in the center of the basketball court between quarters of the game. tunncd momentarily, the Sophomores were quick to react and they raced after the Goat's Head from all corners of the gym. Some second year men were fast enough to cut the Freiihmen off on the first noor. ea.~ tern

A battle royal resulted on the back ~tairway,

with the Frosh and the tro· phy in the middle, and the Sopho· mores on either side. The crowd watched, not knowing which side The III EE'H Ht'l " ' ' wns winning the fight for the symbol n•ui n tol or class supremacy. Finnlly, when it was evident that tbe strugl:lle might last all ni~ht wiU1 neither side victorious, Skull mem· bcrs stepped in and took possession of the trophy. Both classes will ue notified by Skull as to how the trophy will be put back into competition. 1\•teanwhiiP, credit the Freshman class with the most sensational showing in Goat 's Head history.

Pti0 1 0

8V Dl&..&.. HII. I.S

on o iTI"n ,.iv.. for m a linn in a t tc.,u•roh• a ch•mtil In l!('Ort• urth rlv11l A(:lo E il• In S11h1rdu~·'• ~olurful l ih . SEE PA GE ONE

Engineer Netmcn Edge Out City Rivals In Double Overthne Thriller 56-55


1,RACK FORCES DEFEATED BY Cl k MASS. U. 64-35 , R .V. s omp at ar ;


i • F Topp le HUSKieS or

Fine Season's Record Wednesday night nt Clark Gym, the Tech J.V,s battered the Clark J.V. team 53·32. During the first half, the Techmcn had trouble find· ing the runge on the foreign court. But after three minutes had elapsed in the third period, the Engineers broke loose and rapidly pulled away from their city rivals, going on to win with points to spare. Bob Schullz was high with 14, followed by Gad Brown with 9. Saturday night at Alumni Gym, the Tech J rs. sunk the aggressive 1'\ortheastern J.V.s 69-54. The Tech· men led a ll U1e way and were in <Iunger only once, when Northeastern closed the gap to Lwo points, 31-29, after four minutes had been played in the third quarter. Bob Schultz again was high for Tech with 22. Tom Kee, n Sophomore who made his last appearance in a J.V. uoj. form, was next in line with 21. The unsung ).\'.s finished the sen· son with an udmirable 12-2 record.

MacLru.·en Hits for 17, Bro'm 15; Meltalicl{, Chapman End Ca1·eers

J.ast week, Tech's track forces W('re defeated by the University of Mass. at Amherst by a score of 64·35. This was the first lime in fnur years that the Redmen could manage a victory over the Engineers. From the opening even t, when Dick Zeleny was edged in the mile by Aldrich or Mass., Tech never had the lead. The Engineers could only manage to win two first places and another tie for first.

Warren Palmer, however, took individual honors for the night by winning the high jump and placing second in both the low and high hurdles, which accoullted for almost one-third of Tech's scoring. Bobby Oram, Tech's shot putter, just about had his own way as he won that event with a heave or 40'J 1" . ln the pole vault, Stan Clevenger lied for first place wilh a jump of II feet. Tn addition to placing second in the mile, Zeleny also took second in the 880 yard run, but he might have ea$ily won both these events if the breaks had turned the other way.

Oh! What is so rare as a day in June Then if ever come perfect days; When boys meet th eir girls and enjoy themselves O n a spring afternoon at JAY'S.

Mat'Larcn 8rilliuut, Hits For 21, As Clurk Wilt!'! lu Final Stugc Prct~rmrt>

Of all the thrilling games Tech has played this season, not one could match their spectacular victory over their city rivals by one point in a double overtime. In the 4lh quarter with 5 minutes ldl to play, Tech was 9 points short of a lie, 4,; . 34, Then Lhe engineers exploded. Doug J\JucLarrn, who sparked lhl' engineers throughout the game, drove in and scorctl on a pu~h. Harry 'Brown c1uickly supplemented the effort by driving in for a lay-up putting Tech back in the game. Hn>wn again dropped in a rebound with 4 minutes rcmRining. Clark called time 11Her seeing their lead go from 9 points to 3 points within a minute. After Clark scored from the foul line, J oe Fratinq hit on a long set. Half a minute later, Brown, with 21{ minutes remaining, caused chaos among the 800 fans as he lied the score at 44-oll with a hook shot. Then, because T ech called their sixth time out, Clark was awarderl a technical foul. Cliff Nordwell brought down the house by deliver· ing the point, putting Clark ahend 45· 44. With 54 seconds remaining Brown fouled Steingold while trying to stqp a shol. Steingold dumped in the first free throw to put Clark ahead by two. With slim hope for Tech, Clark took the ball out with only 25 seconds left. MacLaren stole it, pa.c;sed to Bloom, who shot. Then in the most sensational shot or the game, '':viae", with 16 seconds left grabbed the rebound and while off baJance and the ball behind his head tied the score at 46-all before the fmal buzzer sounded.

A famine for fl oor fCOuls in the fi rst four minutes of the open· ing p eriocl c-ost Tel.'h un opportunity to e nd up its t~enson with a winning record. Aft er getting hehiml the elgl•t bull in thle 6rt1t h ulf p eriod to tlw tune of 12-2, they tried valiantly to overc.•ome this disuth•untuge. However this Northeastern tt>u ml whi.-h r ank e eighth among major colleges in New Englund, wll8 a sl1arp ball d uh 111111 thc•y just wouldn' t he overtake n. The final eount showed Tceh o n the sho rt e nd of a 68-54 score and their ~~eaaon's rC'cord wn(l l tulun••ecl a t eight urul e ight. Up to the time Doug MncLnren this stage the Boynton Hillers put dropped I he first two pointer for the on their best concerted effort of the home crow, the only points mustered tilt. They scored twelve points were two free throws by Hurry while holding Northeastern to three. Brown and Bill Mehnlick. Jmlt>ed, Doug Maclaren hit with a push to the only points they acquired the give Tech its second noor goal of the resl of the initinJ st'-ln7.a were two contest and Brown dropped. a free more free throws by n ob Chapman throw before Neri scored one of the and Ace Hall. In the meantime, the Huskies' three markers with a charvisitors were combi ni n~ a fast at- ity toss. Brown hit with a driving tack with spme deadly shooting to lay-up and J oe Fratino sank a push before Neri again broke the spell forge ahead by the score of 15-6. with a lay-up. Ace Hall came though The second quarter found the here with a push and three free haltlin~ n liltle more even. Wake· throws, and at this stage the score ford opened the session with a push read 18·22. The ever present Neri shot and Gino Neri, who played a tremendous game all night for the cnme through again with two more winners, followed with a lay-up. At hoops anrl Anderson ma.tle a basket to stretch 1he lead back to ten. Fratino traded churity tosses with Neri 1n the first overtime, 11 l\1ac" and MacLaren closed out the scot· score quickly with a lny-up. One ing for the half with a lay-up. The minute lat('r, " Clutch Mac" srored count at the half was 21-29. ngain bringing the tilt to 50·47. The home crew experienced anSaunders then sneaked in n hook other one of those famines at the and with one minute remaining, start of the second half. Harry Steingold cume through with a push Hrown's free throw was Tech's only shot pulling Clark ahead, 51-50. score while the Huskies were pourRrown then was fou led. The crowd ing in nine big markers. rt was was tense as big Harry mme to the ngain MacLaren who came through foul line, his team <me point short wit h a floor goal and the rest of the with only 39 seconds to go. Harry stanza was of the sce-suw variety. calmly dipped it cleanly through U1e Tierney of the visitors hit on a set, nets lying the score again before u but Brown came through with a layhysterical crowd as he had done in up and MacLaren a free throw for the 4th quarter. Tech look the ball Tech. Mehalick's lay-up offset Wat· out and worked it until, with only son's set1 Neri took a free throw 9 seconds remaining, they shot. The and Brown and Anderson traded two rebound was tapped up 6 times be· pointers. Brown came through again fore lhe clock ran out. with a hook followed by a free one Coupe, Clark's co-captain, led off by Hall, and Neri again retaliated the scoring in Lhe second overtime with a push. A set by Watson was on a set putting them ahead 53-51. more than equalized by three tosses Fratino quickly duplicated the feat by MacLaren and Hall which made hy pushing one throu~h the hoop. the score at tbe third stanza 37 for with 2}1 minutes left, " MILC anrl Tech and 49 for the Huskies. The last session was comparable Company" went ahead, wilh the boss himself 1J1king advantage of a charity to the latter part of the third in los.~. After a brief time out1 Dan that it was a basket for basket affair. Hoch, who couldn't have chosen a The real workhorse of the last period better time, scored his only basket, was MacLaren. He accounted for pulling Tech ahead by 3 points and nine of Tech's fourteen markers with the game on ice. With 3 seconds hl'i ball hawking tactics and his drivleft, Clark scored its last tally but ing push shots. It was this same still was one point short as the last brand of ball which he displayed and final buu:er ended the game for against arch rival Clark that won the exhausted teams and the 800 him a starting berth against tbe fan s. Huskies and he certainly proved worthy of the faith that coach McWOROF.STI!!R C I.AilK 'tEOII lrt !p tl) ' ulty had in him. lrt II> II> Nonlwcll f I 2 • Hall t 3 2 8 Wtller 1 0 2 After all was said and done and Vqll I 0 2 Sttdnuold f 4 6 1ft Bloom/ I 3 6 Smith 0 0 0 the smoke cleared away from the last C::hAJ)man 0 0 0 S•untlt'ra e 6 8 13 li M WI)<! 6 ~ H Rrrn•tcin 0 0 0 quarter, the visitors bad a 68-54 vicMncl.aren 11 8 6 !1.1 Sullivan rt I 0 2 Hheh I 0 2 Kamandul~ 0 0 0 tory to bring home with them. High M ~hAIIok II 0 0 0 0 1 13 2 0 • ~~r" F r lltlnr, a , 1 scorers for Tecb were M acLaren Totale 2l 14 G6 Tolale 2 1 IS 55 with 17 and Brown 15. For NorthWORCES'TER TECH 8 13 18 12 G 3- GG eastern .Neri had 19 and Anderson 17. CLAIU< 10 19 7 10 G 4- $6


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The Co::.mnpuliL;w ( lub helcl a rcg11lar meelin~ last week. 1\ ch:tnJ!C from lahs and en~ineering problt•m'> was brought about by a di cu~JOt' of the world situation, particular regHrd f!iven to Korea, Chinn, Cermaoy, and Franrc. W. M. Yao gave a very lucid and llllpartial analysis o f the ('hine:;e situation lmlay. Prof. E. D. Phelps, the club's active £acuity advbor, was modemtor for the discussion. Future mretln~.ts <trc being phu111ecl al the homes of Uean.s Howe and Swan. Representatives fr11m thr club will journey lo the Yale Conferen ce on J\farch 28.

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NEWMAN CLUB NEWS The next scheduled meeting of the Worcester Tech tJwman Club will , as in the past, be held in the Janet Earle Room on the second Tuesday of the month (March llth). Of primary importance on the agenda for 1his meeting will be the adoption of a new constitution for the club. President DeCarli announced at the last meeting that copies of the new document would be made up and distributed to all club members in order that they might come to this next meeting pre· pared to make recommendations und vote on adoption. 1t is expected that Or. Frederick llutler, of the Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Department, faculty advisor to Tech's chapter of the National Newman Club, will present a short talk on the history of the club here at Tech. Immediately aft· er the closing ceremonies, refresh· ments will be served.

QUICK EXPERT S.BRVICB Cloaed Wedneaday Aftemooo


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papers on the subject. A paper, 'The Position o£ the Nodes of the Transverse Vibru tlons of 11 Uniform T hin Fixed-Free Bar", was published in the March 1951 issue of "The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America", and 1tnother paper, "Transverse Vibrations o£ Uni· form Thin Bars" will appear in the May issue of the same publicatioll. The department has three Nuclear rnstrument and Chemical Corporation Geiger Counters for beta-gamma radiation and also a counter, of lower ran~e, for gamma ray detection. Prof. Richard F..Morton of the fac1

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!>tring and a 359 three string total. With this and other preliminaries, This unbelievable score precipitated Lambda Chi's radio station came on immediate investigation and their the air, bringing to its public musk, Phi Sigma Kuppu bubble bursl. variety shows, and special events. T he hun<e team hns been rounding lt was then learned that Ed hit ISpecial events thisf week 11110 shaJ>t: and a fte1 the implicating b h will includt rumtJrs abtJut fixes the team is more his amazing total by using a mag- the broadcasting o t e ouse baskettbau ever determined to prove itself. netic ball in addition to the usual ball games. The basketball team is ready for Our broad-beamed coach, Harry methods. Bob Niro and Hank Camosse are not guilty of these its first game tomorrow afternoon, Brown. is doing a ~oocl job; we just charges. For proof one has only to and should be one of the top conh horw he can stand up under t e examine their records in comparison tenders for lhe title. The starting slruin. The four members of this lodge with Ed's, Spud Spadoni 's, aod Andy lineup will include many top names who have been awarded pledge pins ~1orgo 's. Andy also should be given in the f.F . loop. Starting at forto the Golden Horde are indeed a little credit because he decided to wards will be Captain Dick Scott, highly honored to attain such <ISI . bowl legally, even if on ly a week and Ken Wright; while at center will tinction. However, John "Good before the scandal broke. This is be six foot three Dale \Yestbrook. " Veal'' Calizia, speaking for t he Proven by his hitting 260 instead or I Starters at the guard positions wjJ} foursome, says that he would just his usual 300 or better. Well enough be Chuck Horne, and either Ken as soon have the privileges offered to for that. I Shiatte or Bill Stapakis. Tbe Unholy Four from Dean St. \\'e were fortunate to have Procity members of the notorious horde. All the brothers' attentions are turned clown our proffered pins. fessor and Mrs. Petrie and family being centered on initiation, and the T heir reply, "We're too ornery for over for guest night last week and · yuur honorary pins. look forward to seeing them again. pledges, of course, aren't gellmg Fr.ASII : It may be a good idea fo We also welcome Bob Smolinski as much time to spend on anything ex· cept the preparation for the final move the Ch;1rter Oak before it ll pledge to Lambda Chi. initiation this week-end. takes root and grows through the Congn'ltulalions arc extended to H has been confirmed that a cer- roof. Herb Kelly for pinning his "sweet tain sacred wooden article is being Sigma Alph u E psilon little dish" 1 Barbara. We enjoyed mis-used, mis-handled, mal·trcatrcl, Snow didn 't prevent a contingent the cigars, Herb. We also hear that of Si\E's and their dates from mak- Emi l Larson has been seen out with and genemlly neglected. Buttr·:TIN: The date February 27 ing lhe lrek to Clark \Vednesduy Pattie again. pring must be here! has been designated as an annual cveninK for the big game of the Alphu Tuu Omega Doug MacLaren Scottish Holiday in year. Those who shoved the books In line with a policy first initiated aside for this evening were not dis- by the Alpha Tau Ome~a Fraternity honor of his athletic prowess. uppuintcd, as Tech won a double- throu~hout the country, Gamma , Theto Kappu Phi overtime thriller. Our congratu la- Sigma Chapter is pleased to follow Rob Rascoe and Paul Jenncman tions to the team for a fine come- ;donA in the institution of a Help were pledged during the last week. b k d I) i\l L · ac an to oug ac arcn han \\'eek this year to overshadow the Congratulations! 1 · . C rtme . [l b C . partrcular for the great game e infamous Hell Week, which has long The House ro e omm1sd 0 ·' f> playc . . h d . . SIOn as on~: tt agam. uu . . eAt lca.'lt one member of the varsity been a black mark against all frater· Carli, spearheading the expurgatrve h d th ( t nitics in the eyes of the general a more un one reuson or ge • public. 1r1ovrment, has uncovered another . d · tl • htl · · · · b· bl ung s11g y nervous unng 1e For several months plans have nOXIOUS sit untron. It Will pro a Y I) G"lb · t tl . . . game. ave 1 en JUS manage su rpnsc no one that th1s expose conh l . f \\f t , · l t been under consideration for this . to calc IL ram or es 1om n cerns the house bowling team. Tf you .,, . bt rt h b If new step toward betterment of the can recull the house team won l .F. lhtHunlgl ' n ctrl t e gnmet rdan aV" fraternity system. Actual work on our .onger l<tn e.-: pee e . 'v e.re the projects has already started and 1, .. bowling last yrar and seems to ..,. ·ro expectmf( Dave to come .back w1th we II on 1he Ir way ,,_. uriS yenr. . k will be s["lread out over the ~pring makt• o long story short the excell<mt not hb1ng lower th11n a lllUJOr'!> ran ·, so as not to be too demanding on f h the brothers and pledges. The reconl Is due primarily to the fact maTyh e cfvr n a genera 1·. . . 1'hcrc e umes emanatmg pms. S t d rrom t e pledges will not be fully denied the that they used wetghted , . . - . grune room on a thur ay a. ternoons was chfficulty Ill pcrsua<hng the )antth" f pleasures or informal initiation, bul 110 tor lu put uut lheir weighted pins ~~le dmg more . ani pamt umcsf. lhe majority of their ener!{y will be when they howlrd and also .m per- I tc . p1.c ges are m tte process o diverted into useful channels. d" t0 t th . rcfin1shmg thr game room and used 1 · 1,)1 sua mg t le Pill· IYS • ~e ~ pms a large quantity of paint last week- ATO's first H elp Week project correctly. But by Utelr mdommable . . d . h T H If b look place last Saturday, when the drive thry overcame these diflkullies. en~ 111 otng the cer_ 1_ng. hn tb e entire house, brothers and pledges · htcd en c1 wou ld be on tbe half paml went on hl eb cea1mg ; t e ot er allke, spent the whole day cleaning, 1' he we1g , went on t e oys 1 repairing, painting, and wallp:aperiog oottom when the opponents bowled Tl d I d troat spray an coug t rops are at a loc:JI home. Everyone pitched and on the top for lhe OKO Klob· 1• the order of the day for at least ten in and worked, and when the Alpbn ucrers. f . b h h · Things were going well until Ed o t 1le rot ers as t ey are gettmg Taus returned home at the end of B.-ldyftn, wilh an aim for fame, set lhcir throats in condition for the I .F. the day, the feeling was unanimous two new records with a 141. for one Sing. Some unappreciative cad was that their time had been well spent. heard to mention last week that he All who attended the ATO Sweet· ulty is a member of the Radiological didn '( mind the odors coming up heart Ball the wt>ekentl of the 22nd Advisory Group for the Civilian De- from the p.rame room- it was the had an exceptionally good time, and fense which will ut ilizc these ins I ru- sound that bothered him! favorable comments may still be mcnls in the event of tllol"nic attack. 1 nj urics seem to be the order of heard. T he i\lonte C<trlo atmosphere Other members of the group include the day. At present there are two of the game room added a lot extra Prof. \\ ' illiam B. Wadsworth of the sprained ankles, a fractured leg, a to the enjoyment of the brothers and E."E. deparlmcnt along with mem- smashed foot, and a sprained thumb their dates. Congratulations arc in bers from Holy Cross, Clark , the in the house. Who's next? order for ~liss Jane Ballou , who wns Worce~ter Foundation for Experi· Lnrnbdn Ch i Al1tha chosen the Sweetheart of ATO. Jane lll('ntal lliolngy, and the 1'\orton Co. Testin~ one. two, three, four. is enp.aged to Brother Lex Carroll. Or TOl\1














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