1951 v42 i14

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MaN., TuC'llda1,


Mu . 18. 1952


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P 0 L Y T E C H N I _C ~_I_N ~ S_T _·~I_T _ U_ TE



~~r•b~~~~.FEsT Re!!i trar Li t Alpbu Epsilon Pi and Phi Gamma Deltu




Honor Men For Fir t Seme ter


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Debater· Make Fine CANDIDATE FOR Cornpetin« METEOROLOGY Against N. E. Rivals CHOOL WANTED

Three eniors, Seven Juniors Olosen With Head of Math Dept.

" Music bath charm to S<>Othe the savaAe beast." For one melodil bowin~ hour la-.t Saturday eveninrt. March Biannually, Tau Beta Pi, national 15, the tir t part of Lhi'\ ancient prov· honorary engioec.oring society, an· Twt'nly-five P ercent erb wa>~ attested to when the "hal· Th~ r\ ir Fore~ needs JOO weat~r nounces the names of men ~wly OI eniors and Frosb Toke Crt-clitahle Fourth )uwed halls" of Atdl'n "ere filled Ploce in c>ventla Annual officers. Colltge graduates and sec· elected to membership in the organiMake Honor Roll with thl' close harmony or nine com· M.I .T. Ot-butin(( Tourney ond·seme:.ter seniors wllb credit for wtlon. The honor lists for the f1r t term peting Grtek letter octets. the oc· Tbe purpose of Tau Beta Pi is one year or college physics and The W .P I Oebllting Ttrun was in m:uhematics through integral calcu· " To mark in a fitting woy those cnsion \)t'in~t the fuurth annual Pi of the 1951-1952 school year have Delt Songfcst . fl o wever, thr latter been relea rtf by :\li.'\~ Rugg, the it IX"t form ur tht! current sea<10n Ius are now eligible to Ol>ply for who hnve conferred honor upon Honor nre based on as It tlecl fot fourth plnce in thr USAF commissions and govc•rnmenl· Lhcir alma mnler by distinguished part or the aforenwntioned proverb Ref<istrar pertained not at all, since the ~ay weil(htrd averages a, follows: First seventh annual M .l.T. tournament nl l'xpen. training to bc<:nmr weathrr ~c hnlar. hit> and exemplary ch!lracter young thin~s which mo~t uf the Honors include all a,·era~r~ above Camhridl(t. Urw,ting 11 ltilC·win, twn- officers with the USi\ F Air Wl'nther n!l undergrnduntes" and, in addillon, nnd ~ ecnnd Honors include lo ~ rrrord, tlw Tech tram flfll~hrt1 Service. "~lidt>· rulc kiddie-." had In tow. RS "To foster a spirit of liberal culture behlntl llntl',, llurlmouth, Smith, thouf(h channl'cl, pwvcd to he averages from 80·8•V;. Succe~sful npplitanLc; will l>e com· In the engineering colleges of AmeriFirst Sr\.ond t~ntl the- l 'nhl•r,ity uf New llnmJl· neither '11\\'tllte nur beastly Thou~h 'lli siont'd as sc•con<l lieutenants In ca." Honor) H onor<~ shirr. Comptting ngninst " DiJt the Air Force Reserve nnd orclered (Omretitlon wa~ keen. the " tuxedo· 'Professor Raymond Kurtz Mor· • tnior lb 29 Name" New l•:nglund Colleges, di· to nctivc duly lly micl-Aul(u'\l 1952 lty of tlw Mnthematlcs Depnrtment totin ' trnubatlours" from Slg F.p minulivt Tr('h made n f1ne showinl( to hegin a 12-month meteorolorty wM offl'ted membership in Tau Beta 17 22 Junior were even keenC'r. Con <'quently. 17 17 SophrlmQre in the battle nf wurct judrtC' Clifford F Green, Raymond N>urse "' one- nf ~ven llnrtlritlatlnl( 1'1 in virw of his outstanding con· 27 Freshmen 16 ~I orin .•md Stnnley \\'. Norwood (to Thas year·., wmp('tillPn brought U. S. colleges nnd universities. 1ribulion.'l to both the engineerln~ twenty·fnur teams from the obvious approval or the crowd) IOJ(l'ther tirld and W.P.I. He became head Fir t Selond School~ which will offer thf awarded them fir t pri:te, markinJt vnryin~t )0\ation~; Culby was the of L~ l\fnth Department in 192S ('our~ Honor Honors weather trnininJ( courM' are the the thirrl o;ucce 'ivr year that they nnd r~rived an honorary D.S.C. northern mc"t rtprt''>t'ntative. while ~IF 12 29 !\Ia ~chu<;etts 1nstitute of Ttch· la')l year's winner, the University of h.ne cnrricd home the "o;ymphonic from W.f\.1. in 1946. A graduate of ('E. I 5 nology, New \'ork Univrrsity, the haron" a-la-!'\ew York Yankee<~. Pennsylvanln, rrpreo;('nted the south· Tufu In 1904 w~re he rectived his 12 12 Chern. EnK llnivel'lly of California at UIS H~~nnr.Jh)(' :\lent icm~ went tn lltll't'i ernmo'lt drltK:llion. Thr compt'tiB A. 11nd M A.. Professor Morley Chem. I J Angell's, Penn ylvania Statt' \ollege, tion IX'gan with four rnuncfs of dertprr-ent in~t \I pha f:p~ilun Pi and attended Clnrk University then Phy 9 the lT niversity vf C'hiruw>, F'loridn IMtl''i, the winnt•r" nf which wnuld Phi Gamma lkhn. . inl(illJ.t in thr where he nbtnined hi~ Ph.D. In 1910. IU :. IS IS Stalt' llnivtrsity, nod the Univrr5ity m<·t•l <'il~h utht•r in the •t'mi.fin:ll!! The ren110n~ for hill being listed in t hmnnluJtiral urrll'r of tht•ir appear Seniorll of Wruhin~ton a nee .... lucal chaptC'rs of Grt't•l. na I· in.t Hullllr' · lhh \ nt'l.t·lli\.1.' team, led by lnterrstl'd youn~ men and wonwn Whn'!l Who in 1\mericu are obvious tionah o n tlw T t'ch Ctllnptl'>, tht> ~I.E.: llaruld R. 1\hhrn. Jr .. R11· vrtt•rnn Ed Kzu mnrC'ik rancl ubly sup· who will ~rndunte hefnrt• Aul(ust uf when ollf: has ob!lerved his list of nint• Cralrrniti~·~ wrrr repre,t•ntcd in llt'rt E lhkt•r, J),mic•l T Rt•rnnto porlt•cl by Wt•rawr ~<'llllt'rt, attninNI thi~ yrar arr ur~rci tCl wrltt' im arrompll~hment~. Professor Morley t l~e h··acl off po~itinn nf the m\hkal \\ irt. J>a\'hl R. Fairbank-., Jnhn \1 1111 imprt'''li\f• rr·curcl ur four win~ nwdiattly to the Chief, Air Weather Is a member of Sigma Xi, Mnthelinrup hy P. G. J) In " harbt'r!lhop :.laljaninn, Jl ruct> N. Smith. anti nc> lut-'>1'~. Th e~ winq were St•rvitr, Anllrcws 1\ir Forc:u BMc. mntirnl A!lt~oclation of America, As· Jlin)(" tlu•lr way tu un llnnomblr• (',E. : !Uthnrd G. lknnrll . nmn•'lt'tl uvc•r llnly C'rt>~'l, Utica, \\'n~hin~o(lon 25, 1>. C., th(• upplicn· 'ndatlon uf Tear hers of Matht>mntlc.'l \lt'ntinn, tht> Fiji'\ entrrtainrcl \\ith C'hrm. En~: .\tan Fo~~. t•'lll{cH ~urthP· a.tt'rll .mel Cnlhy iu tlecbivt' tion form and drtailecl in.'ltruction!\ In Nrw EnStlond, As~ocintion of " L,tmllmd, Fill tht• FlnwinR HO\\] " \\' !-lorum vit torit·" "lth a great numlx>r of 1 for npplyinj.t fnr o US F cnmmissiun IJniver'!ity l'rofes!lnrli, Amerirnn Sod('ly rnr F:n111nrerlng 'F.ducntlon Phi and " l>tmn Amun~t tlw <;,ht•ltt•rinl( E. E. . ~I nn roe ~I Di< kln~nn , J r., " pnint o; prr round" llt.'illl( "'rorccl. Mr. anti mt-h:Mnlo~ty traininl(. l',alrn'" In th1• ~ecu nrl , Jnt, thr \Yo~ l ter F j aru'\, Jr \\'arrt·n II Kur mnn ik " ·' ~ cho•rn " "' the out St'lfftion \\ill IM' made on n be!it Bt ta Kappn, nncl a member of hrntht•r.. from " \ E. Y.trr ~" in.: l'r trr~•m J•.wl 11 C..:10 fcml l'atttr 't:~nfl in~ •JW'Ikrr in thrtl' out of qualifircl ha5i, nnfl, 'linrr 1\Cvt>rnl tamhdo Chi Alpha fraternity. int~ly un tlw IX'am Y.ith Blur .,1111 f Smath .\llan R Th:t) t'r, J.rt>vi fuur nf the• t"flnlt-.t<~. Ten tudenL'l, thrre senlurs and mnnth' will be required to proc~'l ancl (;ulcl" ancl " Fr irnrl~" o,cven junims, wen• also honored al S TunmrnukM. Tlw arfirmal ivc tenm , r ompo!ICd of applic'nti•ms for the I QS2-53 pro \ T 0 fnllmH·d harmnnitln~ to St•wntl 1Jcmr1rs· 'I um Roth\\c·ll and Jknry Strn~ote l!rnm, intere,tecl men :anct womtn thr Ja,t n~mbly by rece1vtn~ T n1 t ('nn\'i\i..tl' (n quill.ie) . thco \1 F. RfiCCO R IJa\'crdi Roh('rt hm~ r rvC'n 10 thr clelntr with a two 1rr adviwd to ilPJlly ut oncf' p)f'(l~<'!l from Tau Bet. These men i.amlm J.th rn in t hrC'<' fJII(lrl t•r I ime 11 G<tiT Rulwrt 1>. JcJhn,on, l..t'tl 0 ·1ntl twu mmcl. Huwt\'f'r they mucle Graduates who nre aneptcd fo r £•nch rl'c('ived a model of lhe sym· " Rru'h l 'p Ynur t...hnl.r pearr." ami J.ut7. Rubrrt .\ )JeyC'r, \\'arrrn \\' a fine• .. ho" in1t hy ckfrat in(( the lTnl the US.\ f' . ~pon-.orfil trnininR pro· bolic llrnt of Tau Beta Pi which is 'w~tht·1rt of \ T 0 .' '\e\t on thr R(JOI, lla rr} \\' Th:atcher R<1y L Vl'r ity nf ~ I aine and nl\\ay-; power· {(ram will be commi<;o;iorwd immedi corritfl by them at all times during h;trmnnit: 1)3rnde \\C're Tht'la Chi'~ Thuma"· Jr Erl~a r f. \'ancott. Jr. ful Bn.. wn l 'nivtrsity necau'<t' of ately nne! will attend tht wrather their plecll(e perioct. r1111·'t. ,,ffrrinfl " \\'hen I \\' •• ~ ,, Larl" C F..· h nnk L. 1-lnud, Jr . Rohert ,, mi'u~t> nf I hr Crrl"'l qur~tinnlnll rour ..r n!a wcond lieuttnanb In a full The 'ltudents upon whom this ·'"'' " llrenm Girl of Tht>til Chi " \ Hrllt•r. J ohn )I Tracy urriutl thr tl'.lm lo t ont> of tht con· pay ..tatu'l, includinR allowances fur honor wn'l bestowt>cl and their activi· 1 ht• number ran• c;)ut \\ ;1 abl}' tie'l are ,.,. follow~ : Chern. Eng : Richarll H EnJtlund , te ~l '!l to -.:cw York t'nivrr~ity by quarttrs and suh~istence. helrl rhl\\ n by Lambda l hi 1\lpha's Charl e.~ R. Hnllund, F.ut:tcne ,\ nn<• point. The <~econtl )()'i'l was suf· Robert 1r. Turek. Bob, a product Durin,14 their Initial tour aft er vrr,inn of " Corwlbye, :\fy Lady Jaknitis. j cKCph G Mancheui fcrcrl ut thl' hnntl'l of a onwtrful traininst, new weather offacers will ht uf Manchester Connecticut, has t...n and ' weethl'art Sonlt." They Chern. Robert F i\dam~ky. tram frnm Dartmouth which fanally as!oi~tnt'<l as forecasttrs In Air made Si~tma Phi Epsilon hi& home " trr fnllowrct in turn by Phi Si~tma Physics: Donald J. Kranz, Robert finl <~hrci "t'COntl in thr tournament. Weather Servit:e weather station'!. away from home. Among his various Kn('\fM\ continl(enl , whn, it is ru· E. Lannu, Jr., Harold J. Manley, The most intercstinJ( feature of Providing weather !Support for aclivitie~ Bob Is secretary of the morrd. had a honey throated L~dward C. Olson, Ceor~e M. Seidel. this year's tournament was the u!le, such important projects u lht Glee Club, mnnliRt'r of Tennis, and "rin~t·r in their ranks from u music· E.E Richard K . Davenport, for tht' fir t time, of the newly de· Atomic EnerJzy lests-CrQ.'Isroads, a member of the A.uu: .. W.P .T. at !'h11w down Clark \\ay, reputectly Edward A. Hjerpe, Jr., Donald M. vclt>ped " M I.T . style" of debate Sandstone and Greenhouse-and air A.A., Eta Kappa Nu and the T.R.E. a foum club of lhe Metropolitan Krauss. Lester \V Lloyd, j r . Allen which permits the direct use of eros,. operations such as the Berlin Airlift He is al010 on the Prddhr staff. {)per.a :\e,·erthele,~. thr Phi Si~t\ J Rowe, Gt'()rge H. Sandrr~n. AI· examination instead of customary and the round-the-world fliRhl of thr Rol~rt F:. Baker. Bob Is the "oom yawed " their way ma.,terfully den F Tucker. ~pee<;hes of refutation. This type of "Lucky Lady", the 11 ,000 men and present Trea.<;urer of Phi Sigma Kapthroujth "\\' altzin~ l\fntlldn" and Junlore rtr!Jate permits greater freedom of women of AWS contribute lmmeasur pa, the Pre!!ictent of the Outing Club, "P C\ 1\ • Hail to Thee." fir<;t Honors: arJ(ument and increa.<;es the enjoy- ably to the sucte"s of all military a member of the Nautical Club and l ...a; at this pt1int that Si~ Ep'~ :\f.E.: David M. Elovitz. David ment of the audience tremendously. operations of tbe United Stales. 5- TAU BETA Pl--r..e 4

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UuN-b 18, 1952




ter 1 Kirk, Forrest E. :\larcy, Thomas F. Snyder. Second Honors: )I.E.: Owen F. Allen, Robert \V Fi:.h, :\orman F. Gustafson, C. Allen Hammer, King D. Killin, Rich· ard 0 . Kirk. C.E.: Tul R. Frederickson, john F. ~!alloy, Jr. Cbem. Eng.: .Korman K. Bruce, l~obert :\. Eldredge, Neil R. Cleberman, \Vatter ~1 . Stewart. l'hsyie:>: Richard V. Olson.

PubiUbed WteLly During lbe Colll'l!t- Vtar by • Tht> Trc:h N~wt A..~ot'latlon o( the Woruatu f'oltlf"c:bnJ,. loatttote Mnnt>cT

~socialed Co0e6ale Preu tDITOR 1:-.<-CH1£f' Robert




I."MTl RE EDITOR J ohn ~ G<•Jrio

SECRFTARV Alfred C B:doro ASSISTANT SPORTS EOITOR Fruncl.li W . .M~dil(Jl't

Vylo 1.. Andr~liuntll



Edward Samolis John Tracy


Henry nurg~r William l<n'-tka

Martin Du rden

J oseph Lojewski

J nmll$ SuiHvan ROJSU Osrll J ohn Malloy

Richard Cavanau11h

Paul M. O'NeiJ

Wllli11m CimoneHi ,Richard Gates llerna rd Petrillo


Thomas R. OcLuca


Paul Ja!but W. Whitman Mowry

Edward B•JdYill John Calhowa David FalrbankJ PHOTOGRAPHER Roy Wise William fl lll1

Let Callntau j ohn Crtgory Allan Costantln

Robm J acioo R enry Spadoni

BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Robert Meyer JoJtph Fratino Robert Niro Robtrt Johnson Robert Pearce Robrrt J ullior CARTOONIST

E.E.: Charnlambos N. Kritiko~. Dexter E. Sanford , William Schoenemann, B. Lawrence Sova. Professor Harry B. Feldman has been assuciated with Worcester T ech :1ince IQ22 when he came here £rom the nearby town of North Brookfie ld. Since 1925 he has been affi liated with the chemistry department, save for a rlistinguished term of service during World War ff.

Among his scholastic achievements he counts membership in Si.Rma Xi. Ceorgr So nctun ry His profcssionol societies are the FACULTY ADVISER 1\mcrican Chemical Society a nd the Prof. Jobn B . Mackenzie Worcester Chemical Club. 3· 1411 Newa Phonra t Bualneu{S-2024 Edllorial {S.Z024 Profr.s!lt>r Feldman's military caTERMS reer hncl its slnrl in the summer of SubiCrlptlon per achool year, $2.00; llnsle copies, $.10. Mt.ke all chec:kJ payable lo BUJIDea Manqcr. Entmd u ~econd dua matter, September 21, 1910, at the Potl 1926 wh('n he tuok the Reserve OfOllie. m Worcester, Mw ., under the Act or March J, 1879. tker~' Rcfrrshl)r {'oursr allbe Army SO'NGi?EST. -I'NJm Pn•e L UONOR M£N- Fr11111 P t•Jr 1 Chrmkal , chonl in M:1rylnnd. As fashion t>laltls appeared. Abounding S. Jenney, Raymond L. Peterson, n young 11flic(•r in the Chemical in both eye and ear appeal, the beefy Donnld G. Post, Jon Stein1-1rirnsson, Cor11~ Ruscrvr he wm; considered an mtistcrsingrrs showed their blue-rib· Henry L. Sundberg, Jr. rxp<'rt nn name throwers. He was bon form with " Waiting For the Chern. Eng.: Thnnuui C. Hollo· ra llccl intu nt ti,•e duty ns a captain Robert Jo":. Lee" und " Wonderful t:her, J r., William C. Mearc;, Harold <'arly in 1942, and while fi~htinq in Sig·Ep GirL" G. Rackell, Donald W. Su nrl.sl rMl Eurnpt> with the IOih .\rmorrd OiBooked in starting-po:.t eight Physitl!: Robert F.. llchrinHcr, \•i:;ion ()f lht• .lrtl rmy, he ruse to were Lhe hopes of Theta Ka11Pa Phi. Charles 0. Dechanrl, William 1. the- l,tnk ••f rulmwl. and held the T heir "sing-COJ»tion" proved tO be Troop. pnsilion l)f l)i\•ision ('hemkal oreven sharprr than their suit conts as F.. E.: Raymond G. Cil{urrt', \Val· ftrcr and tale-r that uf G ·4 in char~r they deliJ(hlccl the ns..~m blR!tC wIt h ter B. Lue(l, j uhn 0. ~forin, Phili(l nr -;uppli\·i~. I lis de~orations are the ''I Love the Way You Roll Your E. 'imcm, Jr. Silver Star, thr Bruni!! Star, five Eyb" and "T. H. P. Alumni Song." Second Honors : haiti<· :.tar,, r~nd several etlmmenclaCiosin~ out thr cvcninsc'!' entertainM.F..: Amold .\llentuch. Ctmr:tll 1iuns. ment was the O('tet from A. F.. P ~1. Banas. l):lVid E. Bench, William \her lx>iu11 tli~l htu j:ted ht> reThey J(arnercd runner· ut' laurels C. llicknell, Henry K. nur~er, fl rU('C' mailwcl nrtlve in thr Organi1.ed Rewilh "Tzena-T1.enn" and " l\ly i\lphn , . Campbell, Robert E. Chiubrnndy., !WC\'t' Corps, ;mel In 104Q he wns Epsilon Pi." foreclt>rick OeBoer, Edward 11. Di:•- uppointcd Chit'f nf Sluff of Lhr De'lt!rvin~e a I( rent detll n£ CtNiit mom! , Bud E. Frnnclen, Dnvid C. 1OSSlh Infnntry Division. 0 . R.t. for the eveninl('s ohvinul! ~>IIC'CC."S Morrison, Eu~~ne L. Rubin, l~url Professor Fehlmnn i!i mnrrictl and were Dick Cavannugh, Reneral chair- N. Sample, Geori(e K Snnctunry. is the fnlhcr of two chilclrcn, u!lan. Chern. EnA.: Leo A. ~almcn , man of the £estlvlties, Bob 1\fennrcl , 12: rmd John, 7. who pulled nn " Eel Sullivan" act us Paul W. Synder, Jr. M. C., Frank f<'loc.)d, who 111:tdr the trophy presenwtion, and Ken Sorlin, who was shanJ(haied Into ndllbbing on the piano while the judStrc; were reach in~~ a decision . A u Round Robin'' o£ six hou~ parties followed the prol(ram. REt.I ARJ.E PRESCRIPTIONS

HIGHLAND 1J PHARMACY 107 Diahland Se., Wor u alf'r, M-. rlaoll• : 6-6594




('hem.: ~ I ichacl N. Hoech!ltcller, Raymond P. Portrr. E.F..: Robert B. Crai~. Raymond V. Dyer, Donald . Oliver. Rlch:m1 N. Wilson. Stl phomores First Honors: Chem. En,R.: \\'niter R. Ryrne~. Oa,•id F. Gilbert, Richard E. Gill~rt , l\Jilton Mecklrr. Roger R. Osell, John P. Russell.



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Df'llr ..~ d u odallo ,.

DocLOr Albert ]. Schwie~o~er, head of the department of economics, S(OV· ernment, and business, received his B.A. at Ham line, I 928: ~I. A. at Clark , 1929 ; and Ph.D. nl Harvard, 1936. When at Han•arci Busintss School in 1943 he was a memllt'r of the first clas.c; ever to deal with an Advnnced Mana~ement Program. B e was interested in the p<lrticular phase of economicli human relations in industry. Having done a ~rea t deal of research in this field his ideas serve as the ba:-~is fur our Ecunom ics 4 course here al Tech. l>urinJ:t World War I I D r. Schwieger was the adrniui~trator of lhe Navy \'- 12 l'rn,~:ram lwrc on the hill. By 1hr cud of Lhr war hr had rt'achccl lht• rnnk or LicutrnantCommander. Dr. SchwieJ,:N ill very n<'live in campu~ nffnil'!\. ,\ s H ~ farulty ad· visur h(' ~uides the work ur the f t'ddla . I fe i~ nl~u :t membrr of ri Uelta F•:psilon nnd Skull. Dr. :rhwi.-grr i..; married. Jl e en· jny:. trawl and tlerr-hunl inA very much. . - - - - - -- - - - - - -

Freshme n First Honors: \\'il(red G. Dudevoir, Alan W. J. Grenier, Raymond T . Haas, Peter H. Horstmann, Ric.b. ard C. Kee, Robert T . Kirkpatrick, Donald M. McNamara, Henry L. Manseau, Edwin F . .Kesman, Carl Jo:. ~ord , Alan F . Petit, Martin A. Rafferty, Gerrit . Swart, William R. Taylor, James A. Warren.

Ede, Donald

Second Htmors: Gerald R . Backlund, Hugh C. Bell, Eurl M. Bloom, J r., Philip A. Bourdon, Richart! C. Butterworth, ~ l ichnel C. H. Chan, J ames E. Clam· pelt, Juhn 1':. Edfors, Louis A. Gaumond, Richard L. Goldman, HartIcy T . Grandin, Jr., Rouert W. Gwtufson, John K~ Hanks, Roi)(!r\ W. Holden, F.verell W. j ohnnsson, Philip C. Junes, Raynaltl 1'. Lenlit'U"t, :'llarshall . Levine, Alon \\'. Lure!, Rtchard J. Lucey, harlcs F ~ltDunoul{h , Robert E. Ols11n, Reynuld 1 . ansoucy, Harold . Sauer, Edward & hnppe, Jr., Edward 1'. Simunian. Edmond G. Tornay.

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te T llll TltCB Naw8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·.=~=============~ ;:=:==::==::=:==::=::::===;

Chem.: Daniel T . Lnngone. Physics: Harry F. Chapell. Dn- ; vicl A. W larre, Richnrcl W. Undqubt, i\frtlcolm C. McLeod, Werner l\1. Neupert , Geor,Rr D. Rnmdlg. F..E.: Gr\'I(Ory P. Arvantcly, Wal-


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Lacro e Teant Face Strugo-le To Pre erve Undefeated Record

Four To p Tc-a ms l\leet

Last werk thcn.• \\3 ~ rc{Ci\'Cd ot the athletic department $300 worth uf new l:~cros.'le equipmt•nt a ll'!ilimllny that not eYeryont>'s thoughts art.• crtHered till thl' current ba~kr t ha ll campai~n . \"t.>S , with sprin~ fn-.t ap· pronching the ,uean; of tht• lacro~se team are ugain being set into 1110tion. •\ ho, of no l c~ imJ)UrHtnt'l', lttst winter at the atmunl mcetinR uf thc :o\ew England CnlleJ(e Larn'"'>t' Len~ul' the \\"orcester Tech tenm wn<; ndrniut'<l to fu ll m('mbt•r, hip. Thill leaf(ue io; composed of teams from llun •urd, Hanmouth, \\'illiu m-., \';llr , :o\ew li:Jmp-.hire, ~J. I.T., Tuft ~. , pringfiekl. and :Middlebury. mt'n n in~r thnt in thl' fu ture years the competition i~ JtoinJ: IU IJt' t'~lremely f.hl. In f.tcl, thi~ rear miRbt prO\'(' to ha\'e a ftw tumhlin!l blocks of it<; U\\ n. The scht dule i': April 12 \1 I T .\ IQ

26 30 3 10 14

Bnmn \1 iclcllrhury Tufts llchllln J C Trinity



H .\ H H H H A .\

Wh e n

Onu.• a~.tin the J!Yill i~ till' ~t.ene uf daily inh•r frutt•rnity ba,kethall h.ttllt•,, II ith t•arh hou ...(' J!llllllilljt for thl' truphy. \\ ith thi~ ~~·n son almost half lll l'l', defl·mlin~ S.P.E. haw thre•t• vit·tut irs without a ny down· fa ll-;: howt'wr. thry an• far from n'slll t•cl a nutlwr t h.1mpiunshi1l with S. \ F., I' S K .md T K.l'. ~t ill unflc>fc•at!'ll, l'ach h.tvinJt playrd three t~:l mt>~ It j, h,m( I n mnkl' nny pre· elil tic'n' ' 'nn• nmw uf thr"t' tc:uns h:-.q• nwt c•:ll h uthrr on t ht' cuu rt. 11111\ t'\l'r, ir ' ln ti•tit·, mran anyt hi n~ . I' K I' .lJIII(' lr" In hr in the lracl. r ht·y han• 't'llrttl thc mo..t pointe; Ill \ ~:anw.. 122 "hill' tht•y'vt' hr ld thrir llflf)Clnt nh In thl' lra"l numh~r. 40 l'hry h:l\ t' thr mu-t in a ..in).(le l!illlll' . ~ \ , "hill' lht'y h.tw heltl an uppnm•nt I n the• lt•n.,t numher in a 'hl~th• )til Oil'


FROSH TRj iJ/ttPH IN CLASS BASKETBALL nde nlog Fr~ lun<~ n pend ophs 44-34; Trounce Junio r in F inal hy 44-30 On the afternoon 11£ ~ l .m; h 3, nt the ,\ lumni Gym, tht• mi)!hty Frosh . led by Earl Hltllllll anti Hull Schultz, \\'alln11t'd thr \'tlr~ity stut!dcd ] unior hnup~ l ero~ , 44 .JO. ~Inn :.l:ty , lhl' Frush !(Uinrd th<'i r r h:mcr tn llll't' t tht' j uniurll in thl' linnl:> by lrippin)! tht' Suphummes, 44-34. Tho J uninr'l, mrunwhllt'. finisht'd st ronj.tly a~ninst nn ino,pirt>d Senior team nnd cnmP nut on telp Of i1 55-4J !'CUre tu )!llin lht'ir put in tht fmak T he j unior.. \\a trd no timt' jump· inrt into th(' lt•ad nftcor thirty ('('· nnd ' on a p.1ir elf charity lch-.c''l, hut thi,. ll'tlrl wa'l o;hort livtd j ell' \\'nhl oromptly tird thP ~:nmr wuh n hn11k from the rilthl or thr key S<'hultz. IJioom, nnd Grt'nirr tlumfl('d In clouhlt tlt'\·ker.;, anclwil httl nrouncl :1 free throw hy Wahl. nne! tht' JuniOr<l fountl thrm"t'lvts nn the- ~hnr t t•nd of n I 1-2 <:<:ore.

T lw 'IW4m Oll('tWd 1hio, year :t' thr 30 Sprint.tf•dd Geort;:e Jnel<l hrokC' t hl' srorinR t;,, t lntt•n (a,s J!.ltlw wn" played. f:uninr fnr his t<':lll'l with n ((rivl n~ T ht• primary nhjt•t t 111 prt""t'ul l<~ tn dt•w lup n tram \\ hich ran l'npe with \\ hilt• tlw n ~tu und i nK Frcshnll'n lay up. l lnnk Vasil hit nn n jump Lhi-. <~du•tlult• . Th i ~ yt·ar, ht•t'rlll ~l· uf th!' h illS ur ln!lt yt'nr\ o;cnior::., thrtl' 1\C'T I' hu'y u p~·lt iuj: thl' Jualinrs. ~h(lt, hu I I he Fr11Sh urf:>rl I hn I with nrr nmny hoh.•q, noliH•uhly thal 1HII' wu,t•ll hy tht' nb~enrr of fnu ndinA fnrt'· T f.i. .l'. d wllu•d up mtmlwr nnt' on f:tlhrr Ril h. or l ' HU I " t' . Ul r aptolw\ "'""' nnd Elh;worth will hr lhl.' hnrk· tlw 4th of ~ I nrc h rld t•ntin)! .\ .T .O.• pops hy (~rc•alirr unci lltlrrlnj.(. llur k hnnr nf thC' o,qu nd .nul IIJIPil tlwm \1 ill lit• IIIU\.h uf thr burdrn. Tlw r(''\1 .l.i 14 On tlw \'t•ry lll'"'l dny, Phi hit un a srl hi mnk1• t h~ srnrr ICI-R, uf llw Haw 11p i~o "ltlt• HJWn, h••wt'\'t'r, with tlw cll'fC'n o;e ! win~: the hil-l qut•.; " i~t mllt·cl 11\t'r 'l'lwtn <'hi to the and IIA:tin tlw Frn~h rn nH' hat k ti()n mall... Four mt•n '' hu ..t lflt•d at c lt• h·n~e on \'ildUtP; eJCr.'hinM Ja, l lu nt• nf .\R Ill \\hilt• ~ . \ E had <otm1r " ith thrrt• puint'l nf thdr 11wn nn y(•nr art• mi..,,inu ,\ nu mlk'l of m '' nli'n h:wl' C\llre"-.'Cd intrre, l nn!l nrr trnuhlc· \\ith ~t mp v J..mlltila Chi. fr~ t ln11w ~ hy Ulonm ancl I lrrrl n11. nm\ llrat·tidnl! hut mort• .u e• 11\'tclt•fl \\'hh thl' way thr '''t':tthC'r h,,., l'l't'n c·ch.tin~t thc·m nut ' I 2<> In th.. t llnrry Bnmn "hu wn' kt•pl wl'll in rhtt k . clroptli'(l in n layu p ~~ hult t prohihi tin~: llr.tllitt• a lot nr \\ Urk 11111,1 ht• rlun{' But in rnrryin~: an rhthl 11 unt• \\ he-rio< k of S \ F dippt'CI thl'n roun trn'fl em twn rrrl' thruwo; l!olnlt' \\lllnilli( ~t n•ak intu tJH, o;{';l ~on Hll(' can II(' 'iUre that tht' h•:tm \\Ill in 1l nut nf t lw " l"•inh hi-; tram ~ nrc·d. :mrl :1 lnnR o;{'t. 1 hr hair cnclt'(l )!(• tr) inr: ih hartlt•,t tn cnntmur it. . • ' 1, r h l'h' (' \\ ith the> Jorr, hnwn nn 11111 ltt 10. ()II '' 1 1 h I • Ill\ I1II1n t (lllt up nuu h li ~lll ·'' s I' F pu-hcd m·c:r T~ J uniur-. lilrl!'d off tht• t't' • thc·m "' 10 -1S Tlu·1.1 ~.IJI , thtn nnd h.11f with a ru'h n' flail hit un ~rnrrt l I hr nw<t in any o,inl!lt• ~otarnc• a rr..e thruw, llntl1 clruppt-tl in a c•t, thi ,,.,,<em hy l ru, hiut.t \ F J1 hy and !1-ht•l)('('k t .t,lwcl in nn a rrt•l' thruw Schultt hit 1111 n 'II.' I lea lnw thr hi~:h hurdh·~ anrl third in tlw the -c un• nf !i.\ ·17, C:oorl1 ' nunf'll u llu pt' l' On tht• rullel\1 11\V ci.Jy, ~ \ F. UJl tht' Junillr \ ll rj.!l'. hu t \ n'\ilnff 1'1 lem hurd it'., and ti(' C I for thir~l pku t • To Str<'llflllwn ForN' hy tru, himt that \dlh n twn pulntt·r nf hi'i nwn in the hiAh jump. a mi l~ nnn it eh1pln ttc••l '1 t.. 11 For Trinit y Fiuulc• Thomp.-.on nnd F.arl Bluom LnoJ., \ E I', $2 17, " hill• J..X \ . alst1 l>nn Hoc h mrHII-' th1• 'Wrt• 2<122 OurmK tlw la' t wt•t•k, ·r..,(h\ third placf• s in thl' two mile• run nncl 'rlltrcl Sl rtJ.(ain ~l T. X .'t~ 12 I ~i t h a pu ~h .rrnm thr t'nrtu•r, hut trnt.k team IINH down 111 llcft•at I he hroud jump re~pe<· tivl'l y . ~ l arc· h 10 ~nw l-i I'.E. a~toi n in nr- l:.arl Rlnmn lui on n lr1y111) 111 kr(•p twin•. l.ust Thurildny ni~-:h t tlwy Last Saturday afternoon Tel'h l illll rlr fc•;ttin)( A T .O .••U -11. whllr the l•'rnsh Wt'll ahrncl or lhc h u~t llnf( hmved to \ mlwr-.t t'ullt•t.:t• ut Ant· l11<~t to \\'r.>IPyan Collcl-(c ut ~llcl d l e· I' S K. ltlok tlwlr 'lt'l'nnd , th l ~ lime• Jun ior!-\. A frrl' thrnw hy Vu ~ll nnrl fiV('r I' c; I) • 12 20 hasket!< hy llnrry llrnwu anti l>nn hrN hy n , cort• of li S 4 5-.l.l 1, 5. to'>' n hy an aJmos.l idcnticul ' t'Or'l' Tlw tw~t clny S.A.I·;. trt'pt · ptL'it Hnch, s:.andwkhrd nruuncl Blnom''l 65 2 J-33 l 3. Uick Z~l eny roulcln't Thr hit.:h point Jtt.'llt'r nf the eve l'hi c:am, 2Q 2ft, whilt' Lnmhcla Chi ni n~: h<mt.'' t'r wa" l>ic k Zt>leny "ho quit(• match his prcviou, ..hn w i n~ hantlt'd thr hilltop fra lt'rnity tht'ir due In the fact that thr clr(lrr of was iron man for th<· ni~hl Dk k third I n~~ fl('fc•ntlnl( U ·.. P , 41 · 24 " em the half-mile, milr ••nd t\\ O en•nto; was different and he l <mltln t On \ lardt 12, Tht>ta K:tl) !11.'1 anentt•r three events. milt ('Yt'nh ttl att..ount rm ••tmo,t hair 54 Fina lly 8 rf"akMl c>f" ntlwr rNHrcl fly huJoinjl J'.X tO 9 Palmer \\On til(' his.:h Wnnen of Tl•lh '~ point' llt·-pitr thi.. ~rea l puint " hilr th<'y "<'I)(Cfl 36 In tht In Goal llrad Co mp.-lil ion jump \\ ith a jump of S' q• anti thrn c•llf' man cffnrt , the unly tllht:r fir, t utht-r ~.lmt' , l'h1 S1g hat! a littlr llul Trails llo(Wif'lilily n'1J -«nnd in the ''"'' hurclfr, nncl ph 11hrt' winner fur Tech w,,, ' hot· Th~ c;ophomure~ may have l)('tn tmuhlt• " ith \ T 0 dt•rt·atinl( them (lUltl"r BtJ!lby Oram whn WJ' '' in third in the bit:h hurdle~ C'apl Roh ou tda.~<('fi in previou<~ Gct., t 's tleacl W35 the cml} • ther T et·h J0·2S. by Hnwell ninl{ thi, evrnt fur thco third timco man 111 \\'in an event no; ht> won thC' J.11, 1 Thur ..d.Jy ddencling champs event'!, but thty ctrt:cinly ~howtd in a .. man>· mtt't' ..,tan Ch:ven~-:er 440 yd run and then c tmr hark E11 knot. ked uff their third vic- that thty P'''-.t"'i a grrnt clr.ll , f tit-tl fur liN plnce in the pnle v.tult I n nl.lrt> '«nod in the 1\80 ytl nm urn, Thl'ln ( ' hi, 45 I11, while the hill· that well-known lntt'~t ill31 ft1r1lturlco " ith a vault of I I fc·t•t Othrr who tup fratwtlty ln~t Phi Gam in fQr although being mathematically A RE:\11!\0ER : -<urrcl fnr Trdt wt>rr llolaby llmH•II lht du...,~t l(nrnr lh15 -.ea on, 31-30. elimina tetl rrom content ion for th(' wh., pi.ICf'd r rnnd In tht• 140 ycl • nnp<-hots of campuo; life to hr Whn i ~ Rni nl( tn win the champion- " Ileac! '', thry 'luddrnly ramt lll lire run nnd thin( In thr 40 yd. da~h . u•ed for thi-; year's Pt•dd[,., ~houhl ~h ip ? It l uok ~ llkt> n to~~ up be· and completely .;hnllered 1ht' Fre~h­ \\'urrt•n Palmrr "ho wao, "('l'etnrl In lw pu t in the p ,,ddlrr bo'l . ~ twN•n S.I1.K , I'.S. K. nnrl T.K.P. man dreams or a ~hut -nut by copturin!( their fi rst C:or11 's Hracl pointft r---------------------------------------~~ The Sluucllni(S last wcl'k when they won both 1he w l. bowling match and the swimming r .S.K. 3 0 meet in a convincing mannrr. The S A.E. 3 0 Sophs exhibited their bowling cla.'i!l S.J' ~:. 3 0 WedneS(i:Jy nfternoon, when they T K 1'. 3 0 briUiantly edged tht Fre'lhmtn by L.X.I\. 2 I I 5 pins, the match being undeddefl P.G D. I J until the last chedt had bten bowled. AT O. 0 J Spud padoni was the big gun for A EP. 4 0 the Class or S4. compiling a three T .X. 4 0 string total of 309. Pat Leikkanen

Zelen y hine A Trackster Succumll to An1her t, We le an

tloubll' decker m:Jdt.' the scort> 3S-27. llt.•re the Fro!\h ran up se\'en stra iRh t points on field go..'lls hy Schultz. Gad Urown, and Bloom, anrl ll i~t Hull's free throw. Like he· ht'l'k hit for t wo, nnd Vasil dropped 42-JO. Earl Bloom then closed out in u fn•tl l Os!! to make the scnre tht• nflt•rnonn 's scoring with a drivl n~t lnyup, an d the Frosh emerged vlrtnriou1', 44·30. In urdcr to ftt'l into the final!> . the vi( luriou'1 Frosh had to de£ent a 'Piritttl ~•phomore team. ln this ft:tme, n<~ in thr Jt:lmt' n~ninst the Juninr._, the Freshmen ~ot off to a quick start , and the Soph" j ust t nulcln't Jttl up cnou~th steam to II\ r rtnkt' them. In the w ond half the Fros h led hy Bltlom and • chultz, k ept a com· manclinK lt•ad until with but two minutr~ rema ininl(, Rog 0-:ell cut tht net~ on n long set, and j oe Frntlno dr11ppeo in two pushers to hrl n ~: the ~ophs within four points, 31l ,\4, Jlloom and Gren irr prompt · ly took cnrt' of that' by dropping in I hrrt> tfnuhlt• dcrkers bf>t.ween thr m. 'l'hr Onnl srnrr reurl 44-34. Bloom wn~ hl~th with 13, followed hy t.lt·hultz with 12. On 1hr '\1111\t' a fternoon as tht> Frt•,hmnn ~IJlhornnre game, tht lop· t•t•dNI Juniur ha..kt'tt't'rs took tht> mr:t,llrr nf the Senior Cla.'\.'1, SS-4 3. \\ tth llarry Rro wn. Hank \'a ... il, and "iam Snmult'\ doinrt most of the ~w• in~ . the J unior' qu icldy puiiNI inl11 a 14 -4 lr:J I artr r .;i.r minutes. T lw • f'n inr., kt>pl pit:kinsc way at tht Juninr,• lra1l , and thr scor~bo3rd at hn Iflim"' rt'ad 26· 21. In tht' ~t'<'nnd hniJ, • lats Palmer ' llll(ht lin• und pullrn h is matt~ into 11 41 3f' lt•ad Cuach Hill Ra<~zkn tlwn hN•rtt•d hi!! start ing f•ve, and thry prumptly over~ame the five nnint llrOrit unci went on to win. The lirHII scorl" read SS-43. Warren Pnl nwr was high man wilh 18, while ll unk VrL~il wu11 h igh for the Juniors with 13.

Sophornorf's Outlast Frosh in Bowling, Romp to Easy Victory in Swim Meet



Are you co nnected delta? Or plugged in three phase? Well, then get synchronized, With a cl1arge at J AY'S.

wrt ~ the bright light for the Fr011h with a "hining 292. The Sophomore tank team, comprl'lt'tl nf fcour var. ity men plus r.ome very allle a <~i5tan t5, were simply too rroocl for the ~nupe rienced Fr~b ~pta~ht> " a nrl completely domina ted the '> Wimming meet by taking fi rst in 1111 the events except d ivin~, and m ming nut on the lon~ end or a 49· I 7 More. The only b ril(hl spot for the f•'reshmen was the diving or Frrd Drnke and J ohnny l.eland whn11e rombined efforts won the 1·vr nt wit h lillie trouble. With only four events remaining In Goat 's Head Competition, th~ Fre~h men are leading the race with I0 points against 2 fo r the Class of '54, but u the Sophs will be out to obtain a measure of con!Ola tion by winnin~t aU the remaining con· tt"'t,, it appt.ars as though the competition will ce rtainly be terrific in the events yet to be held.



Four Compllno.-nta u/




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Shops For Meu Feature /nmoru nationally advertued lin,., you knm" . . . and like to wem. S1'llEET FLOOR

Alphu Tuu Omega \\'rclding lx·lb have rung for anfllher of the ,\'I 0 brothers' Last ·tturtlay I .e~ Cnrroll ami Jane BatIt~ were marrird at the IJride, home in \\'e.,t Brookfield The happy uuplr nre nuw livinl! in Worcester. Congratulation' and ht·~t of luck to ~ lr. and Mrs Carroll from all the boys at ,<\TO! ( 'on~mt ul n ri un' ulso to Sam Rinn 'lfld llub Johntlon, who recently d rtJppcll their pins. Snm has lost his fr11tcrnlty jewel to Marilyn Ann Hall , of Dexter, Maine, while the new owner u f Jiob's Maltese Cross i<~ Claire Uoyd, of Hudson, :'\fass. While we're busy giving congratulations, we'll extend them to our four new r>ledl(es. Those from the ' rr, hman cia..~ are Win Baker, Carl l\"ord, and Eddie Nesman. The neweo;l adtiition to the pledge Jis t is Oon Sundstrom, SJ. l5ma Phi Epailon Ouring the past weekend Sig Ep

w t \\'edne:.day saw the eleclioa of house officers. Brother.. electtd arc Pr~ident, Frank Ryback \'itt. Pre:-ident, Richard Snyder. T rta). urer, Leijith Hickcox; \ ::.taat Treasurer, Harry Chapell, Secretary. Robert Craig; :\larslmll. Jerome Kilburne; HoU5e Manager, ;\rthur :\khols; F irst Guard . Cary Kun. kel; Second Guard, Robert Mabon· Chaplain, Leigh H ickcox: His-' torian, Richard Li ndquist : Librarinn, Robert 1\lorehardt. Tbeta Kappa Phi All the members of Theta Kappa Phi offer their sinl!rrest welcomes and l(ood wishes to the new brothers. Those initialed were: Vin Boliver, Ed Bouvier, Dick Crook, Dick {R. Luca, Oon Grenier, Tim Hea.Jy, f ran Horan, Bob Junior, Brian Kelly, Phil Leavitt. Rollo Ledoux, Ray Lemieux. Dick Lucy, Jim ~fa­ thews. Ceor~e :\fethee. Dick Quinton, Fran Saucier, Bob Shultz, Ron Venezia, and Ken \\'akeen. We hope that their favorite memories of Tech will stem from their nssoeintinn with the fraternity.

initi.lttd twenty-the iiC\\ member:.. The-e men bring the IOtal number of active:- up tu ei~ehty-four FolluwinJ;t the SOIII( fe L Saturday ni~bt, a pJrlY wa., held in honnr of the ne-w brother~. T here \\ere refre!>hmenu. follo\\ed by entertain· rnent and dancinr< On Sunday, c;erviu·~ were attended at Central Church by all the brothers. After returnlnR from church nn initiation hnnquel was held a t which scveml mC'mhers of the faculty were present. :'II r. Emerson A. WiHgin, prc~ idrnt of the house alumni board, wos RU<'St speaker. Congratulation.., tu l'>:<'al Kucinkas, Roger Bardwell, and ,\ Gra nt Uohl, members of the fre•hman cia<:~, on their recent pledging hrre. Theta Chi After the var. ity ba ket ba ll r<ame we enjoyed having n party. \\'e ex· tend our thank'! to tho:.e that nl· tended and hope that they enjoyed themselves.

TA U RETA PI- From Po•" l

is active in Tnter Fraternity sport~. llein,r:c an M.E. Bob's profession~~! socit'ty ill the A.S.M.E. His horne town i~ Pigeon Cove, M ttss. Harold j . Manley. Harold seem' tn like I he ru~ged thinAs in life, 115 he played soccer and has been on th~ J.ncros e team for four year~. He nt ~o belona to the Newman Club, Outina Club and the W.P.J.A \ He h:'l il~ from Staten I land, Xew York and is a brother at i~ma Alpha



r I'


~:p.:iJon .

"On Target" Today detnands electrot1ic cotnputations Tod o) '11 gunnery it~ n fur cr from the duys of Blugging it out ot clut~ ranf:lt' it d~:m o nds l!plit·secc;md •olutions t~ ront~llmtl y var)'ing, iucreaeingly complex tnntht•mnll<'nl problem". Only coutinuoue cngint•orinK uilvonc:cs in electronic inatrumcntation can nccomp l it~h thi11 fcot. Tltirty·four year&or outetnndin~ engineering clcAi._.,, 1111d pn•ri.eiou mnnufortnre hn'e gone into Armn'a 1rn cl t•rt~hip iu thi11 ' 'itul l!uppl link to our nation's Arutt'd ~·o~t't'J. Tlcroutth sped alir.cd knowl t·d~c in el<'t' tronu· an ~tnunc>nt u tion, in the ) enra to come Annn '-ill coutributt- t'\'Cil more ligniflcautly to our indu lfllll and nulllat'l nu~lll .

Uon,Jrl G. Post. Oon is from flutl er. :\cw Jer~y. and i<~ \'ict f'rc ... ident of Sisrma .\ Jph.1 F.pqJon. \ c;~i'-tan t Secretary of lhe .\ .S ME and n ml'mber of the T ech Council I((' ha~ lwt>n ncti,•e in I F. ~pdrl~ T ruck and ha~ been elected Captain of nt>xt year's \ross Country Tr:lm. l>:avicl ~1. Elovilz. Dnve i ~ n nwmher of lpha Ep-;ilon Pi nn1l huil!l from Hartrord . Cnnnt'<'tk ut lit• hn11 partid f)nt<'d in I.F. o;J)<Irf ~ \ .S.M.Jl:. . and was Ernrrr at thi~ ve:u ·~ Tel h Carnival l':dwarcl P. Simon. J r. Etl'<~ frn· lt'l nlty is . iJ(ll1a Phi F.p.;ihm of whida ht· '(' t\'ed a term :t'l . &'i.frtnry I lt' i' a member of the f'aldlrr noll '1'1 C'll :\r \\ !' staff!'.•\...._...i .. tant \bn· llli'r err ha-ehall. anti j, on tht• ... ><:err te.tm Ed i' a l ~o a member llf the (;Jrt• \luh. \ I.E E. ami comt•, from Fill hhun:. :.\Ia.~; ... Fmlt•ridt J>eBo<'r. F ret! i... Mtive in r .F ...port:- He also play,. .;occer .llltl lrn n i~. wa-; chairman nf the luninr Prom Committt'e. anll ...-rvrd 1'\ T rt'a•urrr of • iema 1\lph 1 F.P"i· Jun. Charlt>• 0. Dechand. Ch.u lie's fraternity brothers are all S P. E.'~. nnd he make~ his home in Wnter· vitlr. \MIU'Clicut. He Is a nwmbt•r uf the Debn tin~ Club, A.S.l\f.R .. nnrl tlw rrre ntly formed A.T.P. Cnn racl ~r. Banll!'. Con rad i~ rnannj:tcr of Baseball :mel comt"~ frnm \\' arren. :\Iass. John 0 . Morin. John. beins: rathrr mu~irn l i~ a member of the C.lte \lub and play!\ for the Boyn tC'Inian~, Ht> serl·ed as Hou..~ :.\lanal!t"r at \l pha T au Omf'en and i from "rrin2field \ ' ermont.


Tills booklet - " Engineering at Arma" - e111phatiU1 the Importance ol engineers, pbytlc!Jra and Mathemallcion t ol Armo. You may find It the prologue to your career. Write lor your copy to Engineering Di-tt.lon, Armo Corporation, 2S• 361h Slreet, llrooklyn 32, N. '1:


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.