Mau., Tu('ad•r. 1\lu) 20, l 9S2
Vol ume XLll '\umbt!T 18
Armed Force Day Parade To Be Held Cadets To Be Awarcled Adtievew ent Medals In Tech ROT Program
.cistJ , ah
In ltlntinuatlon of the c:cltbrations in \\'urces:tcr o( Armed Forces l)ay, \\ or('CsttJr Polytechnic Institute has nnn<Junced Lhat t.hc iinnl ROTC paradt• of the J95J· IQSl ~ hnol Year " ill IK• -.:onducted at II :00 a.m.. ;\l ay l l. IQ52 on ,\ tumni l•ield. \ tlmiral \\'at Tyler Cluverius, 1l 1'\- Rt•t ) President (I{ the Institute, wil be the reviewing oOker. Tbc rt·vit•wing party wilt include l\Iajor l;l.'alt'ml <.'harlrs G. Helmick, CommanclinK Gem•ral. ~ew Fn):land ,·ub· •m·.t ;\lajur General Jo..irl..l.' H. Lnw· ton, <'ommandinA Gcnt'ral. Tbe Signttl ( 'urp Center and Fort :\Ionmout h, FurL Monmouth, Kt•w Jersey, t'oloawt Len .\ . Be!>SCltt•, Chit•f, Mas"arhu,t·us ~I ilitary District. Ct>lorwl t:t·orgt- I' Dix\)n, ( \l'~· Rt>t). SecrclMY ur 1hc .\ nnt-:tl Foru·s Cummunit atittn \'~(lciation. Coluncl l.awrencc I t 'l:ty t<ln, .\:..,i~tunl Chif.' f of Stafi , :'\t'w En~land Sullnrra, ca n~l Lt. Col. l<olwrt P. Z.t'l>ley, Jr., Si~nal Officer. 't'\1 l•.n#(lanrl Sul.>ar ea. \ w.mb ''ill be madt• durinJe the p.nade to the following .\ d\'liDCed l't,ur~· rndets: Cadet Captain Robt'rl R. :-\ uttall \\ill aeccive a medal tf\lltrdcrl by the Mu ssachu~e tls ociqy 11f tlw Sons rJf the American Revululwn for outs tanding performance In h:atlcr,hip, suldicrly bearing and ~tl·rwrnl excellence. Cudet ~cond Lit•utcn;Lnt Thomas f . Snyder wilt n•tt•ive a. medal uw:~rded by the l"nill•tl Stntes Veternns ignal Corps , ,,orlatiun for military and ncndt•mk protkiency. The \ m1ed Forces Cmnmunication ' ''''dation witt present three medal. t11 Hnsic Course ROTC cadet!- whose .rradcmic achicwments, indudin~ milit.uy science subject'\, leadership qualifrl:aUun, and military proficiency .1rc 11\Jll.Uinding. The cadets dcsign,llctl tu receive the>e awards are ( 'atlt't !'er~ean t First Cia David F. (,iJJtcrt, Cndet er((eant First Class K"~''' R. Osell, and ('arieL Brian ). 1\t•lly. T he Department of .\lilitary "'d l·nc~. WPI. wilt pr~ent three nwd,ab to the be~t drilled cadets in tht· l!.t..ic Course. ROTC. Cndets desum.th·tl tu receive these awards are l'.ult't ;\lnster Sergeant Sherburn :\1. lk1.kt•r, Ill, Cadet Master Sergeant I n•dt•rick Hering, and 'adet Serl!t·.aut F ir~t Ctas Davin C. Provost. In Jddition the ~lilitary Science Derartmem will present three medals 10 Cadet Roger F. Bardwell, Cadet fh tn ;\I. 'arlson, and Cadet Ser· ~(·,l nl James A. Warren, as 1heir a\\,frtb for winning the RiOe :'-larksman~hip Competition which was condueled among the membtrs or the Ba ic ROTC Course.
PLEDGED TO PI DELTA EP ILON Journaliell" Honored For ccomplitiiJnu•ntli on Stnclent Publit•ation 'The nv(l\\t'd purpo~~ of Pi Othu fo:p,i lnn ore : to elev:ttc the c:tu~e of jnurnitllsm, w fo ter thr mulu:tl wclf:lrr of ~tudcnt publications, to enlOUt a~tc loyalty to their Almn ;\later, and tu reward the journali'lts workin~
the ~tudent publicn li(m~ for their l'fforts, services, nnfl nCl'tlnlpll~hm('IHS by ndmbsion to its memucr..hip.'' These were the words of Euwartl (;. Samolis, local chat)lcr 1ut>.. idc.>nl. u~ he opcrwd the l'i D£·ltn Et'"ilnn purtiun (){ the la<.t .t t- c>mbty • l'pun th<· nnnouncenwnt of tht> t weh t.' tnl' 11 chn:oen for this ~pring '~ plcdgi l)L the.> aww nam cn llll.' forward to n•t t•iw a white> cnrnation, th~· nflidal IIUIIC I' or the fra ternity, 111111 ll linut)'pt• ..tu~ . the Pi Dell plt·tlge pin . "''"tl)l•r.,hip L" oj)(•n tn :Ulyone with :ll t~··•'t nne yt-ar\ "t'rvi~t' on the 'Lu ff~ uf th<• ~;olt egc pul>licrttiVM with 11 pu:.it ion equivalent lc> a. deparlnwnwt o f associ:ue cditor!lhip or an ;t ..~i.. tunt business mnn:tj(l' rship. t~i Udta Epsilon cletts new mt'mlwrs to Its <.udcty t11ice each year, in the fall and a~ain in the !>pring. 1111
The f utlowinJt list of r111:n nrc thoS<> wilu '''<•ac pledged at the O'!illlllbly : \'yw \ ndrt•liuna$. Atrr,•d Bnfnro, llrnry Cam<hH', Kendall Forsht•rf(, Juhn U~·nrin, Frllllci'> !\ladif(ttn, Rob«'rl ~lt'nard, Thumas O'Connor, l)onald Oliver, Timothy O'Tooh•, Richarc! 'umulis, and Philip Sim<m . .\ bttnquet was held for the new initiall.'s at Howard j Qhnson's in \\ c~t Boybum Tuesday t>vening. The ROTC unit at Worcester Polylcchnk Instil ute is a SeL1ior Division unit !lponsorecl by lhe United S tales .'\rmy ~ lgnat Corps and is commanded by Lt. Col. j ames E. Fosler.
-----------------From the Offrce of the !'resident To the Editors of the Tt CH :\J:.ws: Thruu~h your columns, I wi~h LO voite the plea ure of the large nudlt•nt·e \\ ho attended the H:tnd Concert , a high 1x1int of a most successful At Home Day. The hori time that is available to member.. of the band in which to practice makes their acquittal all tht more laudable. Congratulations to all hands, which includes an able director, well-instructed musicians. and an attractive vocali!.t in pink.
I N .S Y.l T U
G.E. Rc vit·w Ar·ticlc Defines Tndu tr·y's \Vant in Enginecr·s
Gt•twru I E IN·tri(• E nf(int•t•r Givf'!i Ach•ice For Pc r Hounl Succ(' 8 in Field " What :uco thc ctesirnuh• chnl':tcll'ri:;lir:; that Wt'd likt! I t) lind in cn~I11Cl'rs? Whui arc thes<' qunlitle'; in lrnm thui art' tan~iiJic nn(J sprdfu:?" Tht•w <luestillns trn(l the l!Ub~c · qut•nt a n ~wers fnrm the thcmc of a \rry t'~t t·llcont nrtit.le l.ly J. Kt•tulcth SH ii,hury in Lht• ~ l ny is:.ue or CENEI<.\1. t>:LE{'TRll' REVI EW. The nrticlt•, "Quolitil'S Industry \\'nnts lu lt:, EnJ,tint•t.•rs'', is !)(>int('(l in lltlllitulnr to ynunR l'ngine<'rs, unci should bt• ur \ itnl importance tl) thh y<'Ltr's ~rnflualt.·~ of it.'t hnical collt·~r~ Sinu• th,• IH.\ II•. \\' ilnc~ nut ha\C J<lt'nt !'iu ulallun :anmng \\'urccslcr T od1 111~11 , it iR the nttc·mpt ht'r£• tu oficr II rundl'n~utlun or Salisbury's ldens. Snlishury hclic>ves that there nrc fihloen vital ctualitics that an engineer must have. He subdivides these into three cla.-..,e~: 1.\' D/SJ>I~NSAIJI. E IJU!IIiLic~. H.SSI~.\'1'1. f L qualities, nncl IMI'ORTA N T qualities. 1\t r. Snli!lltury rc111urks thnt any !lingle englnrcr \\ htj l)t)Sst's'\e~ a ll of thest' qunlilih io; a Ml)lt•rmnn. 1\ll of us have mH~t Hf lhc><,e qualities to sc>mt• rit>~tr~ .
Var ity Club Sprint-, Soiree Wuh•r BaJI.-t by
A4t na Mnicls; Diving By .Myl'!lt>ry 1\tan On ~uluruny cvenin~, 1\ lny 241 h, tht• Vu r~ity l ..'lub will prt'St'nt its "ecuntl nnnunl s<1dnJ function. Ttwn1 :oc•cn~ 111 l~t• nu ctucstion Lhut \\'orce'· ICr Tt•ch has ncwr witne"'i('d nnylhinf( n ~ "PCt'Htculnr n~ lht' Spring Soirt'c. The Alumni Gymnn~iurn will hU\Il' il'l rllt't' nJt t•r{'cl, With (l lllUSt cun~otcninl atmosphere odotHNI for tlancin~ . Fw wet'I-s the \' ~1rsi ty Cluh meml)('r!C huvc been plnnning ull dctnil ~ 1t1 tlw n'th dt·wee1 nlllllht• progran• will ))(' remembered for $I'IIIIC liml' hy lhosl' who attend. Dnncinl( will l)('tcin ut H:OO o'clock tn the ntll• !\k uf the Burntonians. 1\lidwny 1hn1ugh thl' l'Vt>nin~. tJ1ose fortunnt(• t' IIUIII(h lo he I here will invutlc llw Alumni l"ool to witness one uf the greatest HhoWIJ <•vt>r presented. Tlw wall•r show will hnvc lhrills, spill~, ""d ~opln shes, along with rhyt hmk ~~~Imming by fa fleen l.lcnutlful Smith College girls who will
as they d lsplny style and gr:u:e. The Smith CoiJege di~pcn ~ibl!' qualities is tcdmiral llblllt y. This t an ue further hroken Mermaids nrc well known throughout dtJwn lo creativeness nml inl(enuity, ~ew 1-.ngland, having appf'ared nt and nnnlytknl ability. The .screening H:uvord, \'ute, and Amherst. Their or 31lplicants und the four full years timing and benuly w111 prove why Of C:Ont l.'nlrnted theory a nd 11\bOra- they nre so widely known in the bel· tory work at \\'PI can alrno!lt ~uar tcr ~wimming circles. The ba'llci rtnt<·C' 1hat Tc•ch graduates poS'I<'"'S tt•arn ordinarily consists of thirty-five technical ability to a high deRree. l(irls, but because they wilt be in the Sali, bury goes on to 'lllY lhnt middle of linn! ~Jtams, only fifteen or uggrruivtlltsJ must accompany tech- them will aprlt'ar here Saturday evenical ahility. One mu t, he 'ltntcs, ning. have the energy, the vigor of intelAlong wltb Lhe Smith girls will lect. and 1he spark to exercise his be the famous and daring Mystery terhnicul ability or it avails him Jlivcr. We ore very fortunate to be nol hinJ,:. Sttlis!Jury's paraphrase of aole to book this famous artist, but asu~rt' ~ivf'nt:i\ is that. " it is the highhis name must be withheld to assure t~<. lune quality that drives lenders to 1\t\ U sanction. The Mystery Olver wp nt:C('mplbhment." ha.'l divt"' that no other person ha!i Tht> othcor inrlispensible qualhi~ ever done or ever will attempt to do. arc undrrsl(mding of huma11 rrlations, Every dive will keep you all silting rtspomi/11/il. y, and personal lt~lCKrity. on the edge of your sea ls. rn Salisbury's words, "skill in humM Between all the sighs and l(llsps, rclatirms implies an innate personal you will laul(h at the comedy swimkindnes a tolerance U>ward the ming and diving until the tears run hortcoming of others." l n delininf( down your cheeks. Tickets for this re~pon~ibility, alisbury :.ays that the gala occasion may be purchased from succes~ful engineer " must accept remember of the Varsity Club for any sponsibility for failures like a man, lillie as $ 1.50 per couple. as and he may at Q, though modestly, The Varsity Club welcomes you, take unto himself responsibility for succ~os." Personal integrity, lhe one and all, to lhe Spring Soiree on Saturday, May 24th. , $ C.E. REVIEW-Pe•e Z Tht• lir!<t and foremor.t of the in- hold yuur nllcntion
C la~s
Day du•duled- Aiumni To Share Long W eekeaul unci
j ohn ))avis Lod~e. I(Overnor or the :>ll\tC or Connecticut, will be the ><peaker ut Graduation Exercists on Saturday. June 14 1 Ill Worcester ~ l t'morin l .\ uditorium. His SJ>eeCh wilt LX' a hiRh·poinl or inleresl in the trndit iunul conllnencement-week r~re tllllnies here ut Tech. UO\'('rnor l odge is a. member of a family lnng distinJ<ulshed in public, milit.nry, and cultural affairs in Mnsl-.'ldlU!-et ts. Tlis brulher, Ttcnry O tbl.lt Lodl(c, Jr., is n member or 1he l' nitt>d Sfn.tes Stmate. Governor Lodge nlllll held elective orfice in Wn.shinRton ht'forc being elected to hi~ prewnt. pi>Sition. lodRC w:u burn in Washington nnd ,·du<':ltc•d in Ma,"l:tlhusetts. He wtls Jtratlurllcd frum Harvard in 1925 nnd rt'l'Ciwd h L~ law drgrce there four years later. After twu yellrS with t1 New Vork law farm , he practiced inr!iviJu:.tty, repre'\Cnl ing motion picture interests in this country and In l~ngland, France, and Italy. l~nt er ing lhl.' St'rvice in tl1e last war, Lodge served for three and one hulf years In the Nnvy. Taking part in lh(' Sidllan opl'rntlons and In the landings ;al Salerno and in Southern Fronce, ht' wa.q nw:mled the Croix de C:ucrre with Pa.Jm und the rank of Chevalil'r in the French Legion of Jlcmor for his services as JiaiS()n officer between the French and American llt•cts. He lefl the service as a lieutf'nanl commander. He was ek'cled to Congress from the Fourth Connecticut District In I946 and WIIS re-elected in 1948. .\rter his term in wa.,hington, where he served wilh distinction on the Foreign Affairs Committee, he was ,.Je,.ted Connecticut's 7Slh governor the frrst one to serve a four·year term. With his extensive background and wealth of experience, Governor LodRe can be expected to give an excellent and timely speech to the memhers of the class of 1952. We are fortunate to have for a speaker a man who knows so well the complicated situation of the world today. The Commencement activities occupy three days- June 12th to 14th. On Thursday, June 12th, tbe Senior Dinner Dance will be held at. the Hillcrcl>t Coontry Club. On Friday morning there will bt a meeting of the Alumni Council in the Janet Earl Room. All the buildings. laboratories, and shops will be open for inspection until noon. At 3:00 p.m. Class Day Exercises will take place ln Alden Auditorium. H
GOV. LOI)(;F.,--Itqe 4
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Final Examinations, Seco nd Term, June 2-7, 1952, at 9 A.M.
P ubllsbed Weekly During lbt College Year by ,.,,. Tf'f'h Newt Auoeialiou o ( lh c Worce11er l' ol ylf'f'bmc ln• lhull'
.\ion. June 2 J',n)CI. I 2~ t-: Uo. St 202
M rmber
J:hsocialed Cblleeiale Press
Robert ) • Mennrd
Donald S. Oliver
John F. Cenrin
NEWS EDITOR Jdcbard P . Samolis
... DVE RTISING MANAGER Waller M . Stewart
Th omns I'. O'Connor
H enry B ull!cr
William Ra..,•7kn J UNIOR EDITORS
Edwa rd Samolis John T racy Joseph Lojewski Rk hnrd Cnvannugh
Lee Cotlneau W. Whitman Mowry
Sulliva n
Roger Oscll j ohn Malloy Pnul M. O'Neil Robart J aclno
COLUMNIST 'rhomM R. DoLucu REPORTERS William llills
Paul 1albe rt
Rnb<•rL Labonl c j ohn Hurkc
Jnmes Remillard J ohn Calhoun David Fairbanks
J ames Mathews J'HOTOGRAPii E R Roy W!,e William IIIIIs
J oscph Fr:tUno Robcrl Gcur~:r
J unlor
\' in(Cnl llnlh•er
Will iam Cimonclll Ricbarrl (.iates Bernard Petrill o :\Inn Costn m in flcnry Spadoni David LnMnrrc
Lennard Md l!J j ohn Grt1l;Ory l>~vid Bi!>llon Robert Meye r Rohcrt N iro Rohert Pi'arcc Philip l.cnvltt
CJ\RTOONIST George Snnctunry FACULT Y ADVISER Prof. J ohn H . M;•~kenzie
Newe (' hom•a: IJu•lu..ea\ 5 -2024 Editorial{~:~:~! TERMS SubKripLion per sch ool year, $2.00; single copies, $.10. Make :.11 check.s payable to BUIIAeu Manqer. Enlered aa second clas1 matter, September 21, 1910, at Lhe Post Ollce In Worcester, Mus., under the Act or March 3, 1879.
ORGANIZATIONS Goat's Head ELECT OFFICERS Still Held By ON CAMPUS The past week on campus has been an active one for clubs, societies, and fraternities, all are making preparations for next semester, (not that anyone, particularly seniors, will be happy to see this one end I ) by electing new officers to he on hand in September for the start of another busy year. Last Wednesday, al assembly, William Bicknell was elected to the post o£ Tech Council president; at that same assembly new officers of the Athletic Council were vott•d into office. They were: Dave Holmes, president ; Roger O$ell , vice-presidenl : Joseph Fratino, treasurer ; and Paul Brown. secretary. Below are listed other orAanizations on the Hill and their recently elected leaders.
Showing a sudden burst of sp1rrt and leamwork, the Freshman <:la!IS has completely outwitted :wd ~tu nned the cla ss of '54. T he F rosh Go~tt's Head Clltntniltee hus been able to organize their class at a minute's notice, while the twenty or thirty t••utH•]')iri ted Sophumores arc forced tn rc maln on the bench. The chairman of the Frosh Coal's Hl•acl commillee started a series of well-planned showin~s hy taking the lust five minutes o f a Thursday morning Chemistry lecture lo organize lhe t'luss. T hen, light-hearted and eager for compel ition, they marched vicwriously outo Earle Hridgc with Gont 's Head held hi~h . At this point the only ::iophs to be seen were those II'OrkinK in the dorm, who wert~ outnumhert'd by far too many to take T11u Beta Pi any action. i\ lit tle discouraged and Dave j t'nney , president ; Don downhcarktl, the Freshmen dispersed Post, ,·ice-president; Charles n echand, record. scr.; j ohn 1\ forin . tu their reS]Wtl ivc ealin~t places ami Fred Oe13oer, the fu m ou~ symbol C)f rivalry again correspond . sec.: lrt>:tSurer ; Phil Sinwn. cntnluguer ; remained unhargaincd for. While the Fro!l h '''l're at drill, the Uaw Elm•itt., M .l'.t'. Dele~n tt. Soflh lllllOI'CS Ht ll'mpted to ~-taln the Etu KuJIJIIl Nu hut w<•rr fr ustrll t!•d by Hob trophy. Oon Oliver, presidenl ; Rn y Oil'ainr. Till.' Fn.•shnwn did ttKree to f;IUCre, vicl!·presirlt>nl ; j 11hn Morin , ~huw il ~oon. After an unevcnl ful record. sec.; lJick Samolis, cqrres. dh:play of tlw llead at ll o'clock sec.; Dave Hathaway, treasurer : \\' t•dllt'::day, the ~op hs dropped down Rny Polen, llridge cnrrr s. on tht• dorm in full force, tlr ma ndi n~t Pl·tltllt.w thut lht• trophy be shown. , urprised \\'illiam Cimonett i, editur-in-chicf; at thrir boldness and sudden eagerK<mdall Fu~h,'rg, m:uHlJ.till!( editor ; •wss. tb<· llornctl ~ I onster wr~s shown Henry Cam,,:;o;e, bu:>int'<~S mnn:1ger; u~u i n. Thi~ created n small riot .\tr red Uaf,uo, ,\dwrtisin~ rntlll:tf.:er; whkh t>nded with the Goat's Head Uonuld Olivt•r, pholoAraphy eclitnr. hein~-t whiskrd away by u certain Newmun Cluh Frt>shman in a spcrcly grny limousine. Edward Pmver. (ll'e!1itlent; ,IMcph This truthfully rn'atcd tl better Fratino, vict•-presitlt'nt: Thomas fec·ling lwtwt>en the cla:.!'cs, which is O'Connor. com•s !We.: 1'imot lty Ilt>a- the ubjert of the Go:~t 's HNld. ll is ley, rocord. sec.: ,\llan ('o,lantin. hnpcd lha t this feeling will continue treasu rer. in tht> inlert> t of the schnol and \'IISIIllll. 5Pf' NEW 01.-'FI C F.tt~-· l't~fft> J
Civ1b Soph. Ch. Eng. Soph.
Chemists Soph. Electrics j unior Mech. junior Civils J unior Ch. Eng. j unior Clwmists J unior F:lcclrics Senior Mech. Senior Civils Senior Ch. Eng. Senior Chemists Senior EE : r ower Senior EE : Electron.
.\lath. 2 H 109 E Ucs.
\,.eel. June 4 J>hys. 2 E IJ..:s. 1-: teet. K Hall
T hurs. June 5 <..:hem. 2J E Des. K Hall
Fri. June 6 Lang: H ist.
) lath. I St 203
l'hys. 1 K Hall
Chem. I I E De:..
Lang: Hisl. K H all
Matl1. 4
Phys. 4
Engl. 22
:\I 50
H 109 E DC'S. St 202
B 31
H 109 H 209
K Hall
Oe5. E Lcct. K Hall ~ 3 11
E 8o
.M 52 H 109 ~ I 52.1\ H 109
H 209
Econ. 2
(' .1 1 B 17
E Lecl. n 19 B 31 K Hull
205 S210
Ch 6.3
s 205 s 210 E 61) H 215. 22 1
i\1 52 II 209
E 48 1 A
l\1 82 _! 1_ 2 1 5 ,~
E,· J
II 209
(' 62 B 17
c 35
t'h 83'
Ch 90
S3 11
fi 3 11
s 3 12
s J 12
E 58 E Lect.
E 48 1
E 18 St 202
B 17
s 312 I~
H 204
H 19 B Jl . C' h gg
s 308. 312 ('h
H 204 E 78 fl 215
t 202 • t 306
for .t.hose not1hed 1i 221
- !lrzr-H 22 1
B 17 -Ch4 ~
s 3 11 s 3 12 E 14
J> 89
205 E 48 H 200
E ?A I II I 09
r•ttOF. Flli\NeiS J. ADAMS
P rof. John til. l'etrie ~-tmdualed irom \\'.1'.1. in 1929 with a .B .S. in C'hcmistry and went on to gel his ~ I.S. in Chemical En~ inccring. Hi:> 111ai n i nlcrc~t is heat transfer. and in th:s l'll'ld he has made many valuable w nt ri bu tion~ with his original re~ra rch. lt wa~ largely due to l'rof. l ·e trir '~ efforts that nn instrumentation course was first e!'tablished at l'eclt. This roul'iil' ~tre:;ses the basic principles and applicat ions of industrial mca-;uring :md control instru -
Fra ncis J. .\ dams, Jt F:., .Prufc:;sor anti • t•crctary of the Faculty , first
l' ruf. Petl'ic was married in I Q,~b and nnw has two rhildrcn, ] <'anne, 14, ;md j nh n. 12. Pn>lmbly no nlher two .:hi l1lr\'n haw bel'll fortunate cnou):h w have lral'cled as much a~ lhey. Evrry impurtant city in America and ( 'anacla was on their itinerary. from :"\unh .\ lberta to l\lexico Cily, an{l from th<' Florida Keys to Seattle. T ravd b Pru£. Pelric':l favorite pus1inH'. but he al:!l1 enjoys hunling, l'• shin)! and just about every olhcr
nwnl ~.
H 2 1Z (.'h 42 308 M 50 H 109 ~~ 3 1 H 215,22 1
at. J une: 7
E Des. 41 M 41L H 215, 22 1 H 204, 209 -~ (60t\ c 26 c 52 H 204 B 19 B 19 Ch 67 Ch 66 . .1 11 . 3 12 • .~ II. 3 12 Ch 62 s .3 11 l\I 41 .'\- E 16 E L ett. H 204 E De~. F. 36 E 48A H 209 *Stude nts who have not c 3.1 completed Physical Edull 17 cation report in Gymnasiu m al 2 I' . ~ L, Mondny, June 2. ~l
t> IUW. J (.)LIN l\l . l'E'I'Iti E
~ port.
K Hall
Engl. 11 • E Uc:..
Soph . ~lech.
1 ues. Jt~nc 3
Martin Burden Harold Smith
SPORTS EDITOR Vyt o 1. . Andrcliuna5
Muy 20, 1952
fmll om 'ampu:. in 1900 a nd has hrre cwr sinre, except for a few months len\'e nf nbsl•ncr. Since gradhl'i.' ll
uat inK from the Institute in 1904, he hu~ ~een f•fl)' ch•sses gntlht:He from \\".P. I. in forty-eight year . He has ~t·rvcd under live pre:.-ident:. and two Ul Ling-prcsidents 11 { tht' collrge in thi-; time, and well de en·es beinS! the Senior member of the f:Jcu lly.
C;,£ . ll E VI EW- From I'"Kc I
IHth inclisperu;ible quality , . alisbury ralls '· h i~h-mi ndccl ness". " It is the all-t:onsuming insistence or the engi· net•r that he do what is right aL all times." Th<' liw qualities that Salisbury del'• ncs as e~senti a l are: lcodrrslrip am/ m ga11izinx ability, rcsponsivc" ''SS, adaptrrbility, pcrsputivc, and '"' rot•asion 0 11d c~·t rrwr•rsion. These qualities, o;tnnm('d up in one 1111.111 in Lh t' proper proportiOJlS, would mukc any cngim•er ~l highly valuable em· ployee a nd leader. The i m po rta n L characteristics, though important is scarcely a word strong enough , arc etltirs, cost rort· .rriou,rncss, cunfidcllcc, ('fficirnry, and optimism . Salisbury closes his highly in formative arlide with this thought: "These, then. are a few of the qualities that ht>lp make a success of nny dlll:'<'n carct>r. r\11 of !hem are charur t cri~l ics of 1he individual nnd only 11 few pC'rtain to his degree. One·~ nlucar iun rcp rcscnu; the minimum qualilka iion. It docs not guarantee su et:•'"~· The qualities discu ~scd, on 1hc ntht'r hand . if one has them in f\111 nwa~ure. will in · ure hi-; ri~ abO\t• tht' median.''
\\'h ile sen•inl.\ as an instructor, sox T IES l'ruff's$Or .\rlam~ did outside work lllllT NDERW£ AR with thr old \\"orce~ter F;J~tric Lij.\ht Company as wt>ll as with \\'esling· house und tlw Xew England Power Company. .\ t presr nt he is very acth·c with Lhe ~ laso nic Lodge. being l'rc:.idcnt of the Worcestl'r ~ l asonic t'harit)' and Educatiunal .\ ssocintion. l ie hlllds membership in T au Bela Pi. Sigma Xi. Lambda Chi .\lpha.
and is chairman of the AI F.E hrre in Prof. Petrie enjoys teaching :1nd ahr city. \\' ith all thi work he still hu" n prrsonal intrrest in all his stu- ha~ time to enjoy some outside in·"•'f' l'ltOF. I'I!~ TH I E-Pt•f!P ;J tcrests-~ailing and photography.
20, 1952
i\E W S
..\ .~ ~lJl\lPTIO
neunrn l'ht• -u·nw I tn t;tl-e .1 liktn): tu tht• per£t-ct ll'lllli, '' l'atht•r '"'' ~.uurda~ aht•r· nt>~lll fur the) ddt•.ttl"\1 a "'Jlllth'\1 hut pl.unl) tiUI d.l ...'l'cl '''umptiun <:utlc~ott' .l~ot~ l l')lJl iun 7 Z un the familittr Tt·th l'Hllrh Tlw villury \\ll~ T(·~h':; 'l'1:1liHI thi- "'t'.t-lln and ''·' ~ \t'ry tlt·u't\1' ''it h '"'lllliJ>tion n>(IJiin): IIIII) 7 Ill lilt' 2.\ '\'IS pl.l)'l.'ll. In lht· slngh·~. Cqu. :\lanny l'apll·'"· l·~.1 rl llluwn. Etl \\'c•therhnld and ='at \ lul:h \\l.'rt' tht• ..hinin~.t hl!hh £or l'c1h llt•it•:uinl( t: umlan. \ 't'rmitte, ll ra~o;un .111d \mywn rr~tWI tivdy. t't'l.h 1\ ,1, n·prt''t'tttt'd in thr thnlhh·~ h) thrn• IIHI·"HIIW• ur l ~un:trr1• and "hr\ d I'.lpt)<h .Inti \\'t•lht•rhuhl and llhttllll .IIIII ~puclnnt. Tht•'o(' thrl't' t~unlu na t i1uh • 1\I'Pl tlw cluuhlt>•, and \\llh 1111 m tht· matd l \\ith \H) littll' tli£1ttuh) l tl-in~ h uf lht ''4.'b \\hic:h \lilt' tnllh·,ll•tl \\ 11h unl) tlm•1• ):,IIIli'~ rt•nMinin): 11n tlw 'lht•duh•. tht' Tt>th nctmt'n\ ~tnflllur tlw , ..,,.,.mthlh far ' '"'"" 2 \lllh · · ~·lin'>l I "''"~'. nnd tlwy \lilt lu 11111 111 rnal,t• it tlm·t.' \dn:; aguin~t rutt' \lund.ty .tflt•tllltttn on tht• 'l't•ch
Vuu o u G uin~ ' t•<'oncl W in at l...owt>Ws Ex.peu~; Lcikkaur n Rdir ' e~; ' t. Lo uis, Gr t'tait'r llit Hard ftt>r Lo!Oin ~ Tou ~h Ont'l'! to Mass. U. a mi T rinity
lh J \(,1\ " \1 .1.0 \ fte,•r t~ufl't• rintc '" o tltrnip;ht clc.•f('alll ot th(' h amill or tht> Uni· n •r iiil)' of Mas!ltu· hu ~c·lh< u tul T rinil), lh c> \l' orrt•t~lt· r Terh h11t1C'hall nint• h u unc.·t·tl h uc·k oncl 11u1k tlw lllt'lll'urc• of a t•cunpNt'nl loo kins Lo "dl Tc•xlilt• duh w tilt' tunc.• o f 8-5 thu11 mo" i n~ th t>ir l!eat~on'l.l r t•('O rcl I ll 3-:l. T c.•r h l ot~ l iltl lit•ttl gun lt' or lht' t'Ur rt'nl ('Bfiii)Bifi~n lo Ma 1111. t l., hul II Willi unyhncly'.- hull (o(Utnt• all tlw \0 8)' "ith the fina l count rc•ntling :' ·5. ,\ guht81 T r inity th t• llt'Ort• wa 11 2-12, hut that clue11n ·a It'll the "ho lt• tllury. Tlw l!t·or t• "u11 lit•tl a t two all going Thi' yt•ar Tech "ill ~-tmcilww one ullt'l!l' b) "inni n~ the half mile. 111 th~ lll·,t. i£ nut tht' llf' .. t all tinw mile .and l\\l)·milr t'\'cnL~ in the .i nto tht• dghlh " he n llw t:n gine'i'rll IIUt't·umht'tl to a ten run uprunnt:r in ib hbtur~ Tlu" runner .1.., w ur..t' oi mw hour. \her l-t"t'in~ thh rifling. ,,.u no duul.lt k nm' b Rkhurcl p~rlurmanl~ tht' \ mh~r:ot t'll(l\'h t-aitl Tlw 'io;it~r~ £mm l.uwrll, whose dtlvt• Ill IlVII IIIIII'C runs, but he SCI tied /d ny, .? I yt•ar old Chemical l 'n~i lw h..Hitll'\Cr ~t·n u runnl'r with..,., rerurd ~toml at 8 ,\ t•n tt•rinlt thb t itt, ·'"" n tu J.tel tlu.• nl.'xl Lhrec mrn wilh 111 -'"nn~ hunur ' lll<lt•nt frum \;'utk} mud1 .. t.tmina and tht' ability " 1!1 \\3' tt'li nn t imr tn h>uchin~t Tt•lh\ tht• unly tlama~ow bl'inp. Fratino·... run ' J Uurin~ four yt•.lr• nf cnmJit't hnunu h..1ck like 1.1 ruhbrr h..11l in -..t;trt in~t hurler. Ed \nnCuu , fnr t\\O .1f11·r {:rt•nicr\ det'p tly. Tech, ho"· Ill\! Ill lf.ttk her~: .It Tt•th ht• h,,, '4,1 ...hurl ;HI inlt.•n-.&1 ur titnt' mart...t•r, in tlw 't'llllld anti sin)(lt'lun.., e\l'r had 'IC.:urt•d seven hi~ mtlrkers \ -.. fur rct·orcl hrt•at...inl! JWr£nrm 1 ump1t.-cl .1 rt'tllrd th.tt h,,.., "urpa,,t·d in tht• third ami rnu rth. ~lc.mwhih.• hc•rurl.' lht• lire uul aod the qmnke 111 y prt'\'IIIU• mtlhidu.tl performanH' '.tnu·· l lt~k ha· nun)' 111 hi' rn·clit l .ru l ·.t~ott•n . 1\ hu ' t.utrtl un lht! dt•.tu•tl J\1 ay 1\'l h ' eiJ(hth run wns l>Cort:d in the In 10 t.ro'' wuntry mu·h ht• \\un lit h.t' lu\ll'rt'l.l the• rt'\ h tW" muuntl fur LmH•II, '>l't·nwcl II> ht• ha\ • II, i tlwrn pl.ltl'll 't'tllllll four timr... t.IIU nlf\' h'('•lrd t'H'IY year •llltt' ht tn~ litllt• trlluhlt· dl .. l>~"in~o: 11r tht' WH'nlh innin~t. l'hr Saint optnt·rl the ,•nd f111 i,lwd third 111 till' utlw r t\\ 11 " " ' l11.r11 lwre. II i' linal n•ronl 1111\\ Fn):llll't'r' ,u thl· pl.tll' In £att 'l't•lh\ r1 ,utw \\ ith a ... inJ.tll• lo ril(ht lhrn mu·t· t> unnt.t hi-. four }t'ar... ht•rt• ht• , t,md• .1 1 l!i minu11·... 12 -.(>(111111' fm ltl\.11 uut put u\t'r 1hr ftr't t hrl'e tl,m y Um" n l>ea t oul a hunt 111 put p.trtidp.1tt.•tlm 1·H'r) -.thtxll n ·l.ly r.ut• h1· ~ 7-nulr ulllr,t• Ill' at'" h11lcl• fr.lmt•, \\l're infwhl ~in~tr~ h) (:renier mt•n un ftr:.l antl ..econd with none durinJ.t till' \\inter munlh, ancl he""' tht• II"•' rountry rt.'lurd!> at \ mhtl'•l .111cl !'>I Loui .... Tlw nnly hulb hit nul nul Buzz ~l oon• paddled a long tly ·'' "''}" tht• ...1 ~.~rk anci th1• ra'-ll''' man ('ollt•l(t' l' nl\'er~ity 11£ ~ I a'~. untl .11 nf tlw inlit:lcl 1)\'l'r 1hi:. JX'rilltl were Itt dt•t'JI rcntcr nne! Rt Loui'l rlasht>d 1111 thr fnur man H•am In 2!1 n·~ular the ( 'u,"l (;u,ml ,\ r:ult•my In hi tly 11111 ~ hy B1111111 and Frntino. "' ·" n In third after the rMch. On 1r.tt k nwtt, ht• h.l' -curt•tl 2lCI puinh "'nphnmm f• yt>ar ht.' hmkt• tht• fi'l. tlrtl tllllth Thin~' , t•rt.tinly lullkt•d had fu r the tht• n<'\l pitch Hrown bmkr ror se· \lhilh j, lll'll!'r than !I (lltints J:WI 111 tlw half-milt run anti unl y 1;1"1 Buyn tun 11 illt!r., Klli ll K into lht• htll· l'ttllll und Sl Lou!~ scored nn the mt't'l. I hit, tn tlll dot'!> llUt indudt• till' '"'''k hr lm\('rt:d hb 11\111 rt•turcl hy 111111 hatr nf the• fuu ath l rni lin~oe hy four th1 ow down. However the ~rrxt two ']\•am Dt•ft.~ats t'utal mt•t•t uf thi.; st•:N m nnd tht• 'Jll'Niill~ lhrouto~h llw 880 y.trtl' i11 run~ nncl with nnl hln~t mut h ttl show ha 1h•r:; ~truck out to end l hr threat Cua~t (; u~u·d ., BowM to puml' ht• ha' J(.llht•n•tl \\hile WlllJWl I min SN.J 'l>\ " · \\ ith unly 11111 fur tlwir ftr... t thrt'l' turn-; ut llw plate of anothrr hi)( innin11. In the lUI> of I he ei~h lh \'unC'ott, 1111! 111 ' e" EnJCI.uHI .mil 1-:l.,ll'rn ·dux1l nw\'1 left plu-. the ~e" En!( whl•n smldrnly thl' T t'l h 11tit kt•t.; ~1., who had pildwcl efft'ctivt'ly uftrr the I nlt•r-.c. hul.l~til llll't'h land nwcl. Uit:k \\Ill he I ryinl( Ill rnuntl tlw lllllltl' and ht•rt· ill u run fuurth , l>cl!an to tire. Consecutive llmu·ll . l' ulau('r It i' intt•rt•.,tinl( 111 llllll' th1• \'t'l~:t t•ra.,t· tlw milt' and t '' o·milt• rrwnt... cluwn un tlw hi~oC ruurth : Cn·nkr ht fmt• lw iini•ht' .. hh llllh!JU' t:uru•r ' IIIIth'" by l'arrull and Axon !ollnwet.l upt•twcl the lirt·\\111 k-. 1\<ith ,, hnrd t1ht) ''''" "htdt Hitk tilll run an) l' un to:u~ in t•t• rp~ in 1t><' l , hy a \\rtlk to l laley lond~l the sa.dt~ l"n •urnrnarW: thi' -.wry it nu~thl l'\ l"lll .mel run 11 1\lll ll urin~ t hi nt the third h.1 ~man \\hu pr11 t 'u•·•· B u h •l'l in finult' pa-1 '' in111 -.ea'tlll h1• 'hn\lt'tl ju•l he \\ t•ll In note thr prabe 11 htch hi-. n•nlt•cl 111 hllhllh• tlw hall and earn \\ith nllnt• out and McNulty decided :-lu f.tr thl, ' l':t'llfl Tcd1\ lmrk . ltl prrur £or himwlf, Stun \ndrukunis 111 lift Van in f:l\'nr nf Pat Lelkkanen, 1hi' 1 r.til lty "lllllliiJ.t ' " dificrl·nl tnadl, l•mnk Samwlla, ~ivrs 111 him. tl(• "uri Dick h,,, clotH' rvt'r)lhtn~t h'JIIl h.t • partidp.ltt•tl 111 thrrr nwt•ts fullm,t·cl with 11 ~in)(h• to c:t•ntl'r and lht• ru~t balling fre<~hman nnd be did fllllllill~t C '\t'nh tlllfllljt 1111' lllllr I' ur I t'\ t r ,t,kt•cl nf him ami hl' ,tl\\il)'' llwy h.t\1 lo•t tu tlw \ ' ni\ u£ :\In,..... tht•n ~ l it...e .. ..,.1ntly" Slwht•k dnllt'tl n .1 'umnwndable jub. He struck out li\t• mt·th nanwly tht• 4 10 , c.OO, MSO .11111 I 000 yd run.; a-. IH' II ,,, tlw milt· chd it \II II I couldn 't hupe tn u1.11 h mrl I rimty ancl lldt•.tH•n thr t'11;L'l h,,, lint•t thruuJ.th 1he ~ohurl ltiJl for llud ,\bbott, ~ot Lawrence to ground and'"" milt• t'\l'lll". \l•n durin~ the• ,, runnc•r "ho C'lluhl "urp;L'" hi' qual <:u.11 cl .\uttlt•my all hy tht' s.'lnW annI hrt !>inKit• lo lu:ul 'em up Ruland 111 11hur1 with Lowell's firth run scc>r· 1111'' ,111d ahtlitit•, h11th a... a runnt·r -<•lit' hS hi 'I ht• l\111 clefeat... cume " ('lull h St Luui'( prompt!} JlUlliJX'fl in~-: .tnt! tht'n furred Mc Kniff lu tap • ,11111 \',1'1111 hl' ill l nmpli,ht•d Jll ,II 1111 folltlllll lr,Ht... .uul \\I' H' IIIII tit'· .1 m~tlt• cluwn 1h1• lrrt fwltl It Ill' tu hat k 111 the mound for the third out. n "'' illll"'"iblt• 1.1 k .u \mh1·r·l rnrJ ,1 L!tllllC'm.lll I iolt•tJ IIIII II till' 1,1 I l'\'1 Ill Jl i~th elm e tn Gn•nic•r .uul 1\urlrukuni ~ nnrl (illllfl ddcn.,ive plays were mnde by tW t'r in all 1111 c• mt't't' \\t•rr lht• tht•tt• Wt'll' still IWU IIH'II 1111 Ullcl lltl \ntlrukuni~ who mnde 1.1 nice running ' "'1'ni•11 tdo ' nf llid, Zt'lt•ny, \\'nrrcn ' "''' uut Han y llmwn tlrt·w n Crt'<' m lr h in the ninth inning In avert l'.ahlll'r unci lluhby l ltlllt•ll Dick ti, kct lCI fir:.l lu fi ll 1he· sa<k~ n~tnin lruuhlt• and hy Uuzz Mc10rc who •1i1l.t•rl up hi~ 1111111h hy wiunin~t the with Butt ;\lumt w mlng up. Usually thn•w n ~trike to second bnSt from Ill lit• 1111 t'Ul h ill utsiuu un!l wlnnin~t a rlj.~h l lidli hilll'r, Buu rnulctl t'Vt'I'Y• riKhl til•lcl tn duuble up llttlry after lht• KRO 1wkt• untl placing sccunll body hy durllpin~t rt lnnJI lly Into lt'ft n tty uu t in the !>Ccond. St l.ouiKwas In .1 '"'II nllt'lllit-d hunw 11!1111\' n unl) " "' Tht•n Trinity ti~thlt•lwd up mtu• \\ •" rrn mmt· thrnu).th hy twicr t.ellll'r ror :l cluuhi(• (IIlii I Wll lllUr<' t lw hiS( Sl ickl!r or the 1(3111(' for Tech \lt.ek Uj.!ll la«l • atllltl.1y, the tltl'.lllll \\ith T1•(.h l!uing o;cnn•lr-.... and allm' w1n11t111( tilt' luw .11111 hi~h hunllt•,, run-.. Then wit h mrn on ~rmncl and with three hits while Grenier collected lrillr"''l' ( luh trrlllllu·tl the Lat ro,.,..• n~ Ttinlly unly lll\1' ~oal, lravinA lht• and tlw h i~-:h julllJiitnd he al'-11 placed third and 1111111' nut Fni(Cil wn'l rc- IWII . Willi HI In (•at h ur lht•'i(• cvcnh during I eum hy a ~tu re nf I \-4. HI.(', madt• '(lift' 11 J l'rth. ut tht· hnH pltlct'tl hy Lawrt'nlC, whu promptly ·rn·u ab h '~ • LOWEI.l, •" b IKl a tlw thrl't' nwel'> llohhy \\ Uil the 440 \\allu·d Frnlino h1 ln;ul tht' ha~~ n-1111 4 0 ~ I M t lllf tf 4 0 I II up ..r tullr~otr ji!'r;ul, \\htt pl.tyecl l ~1 t'lw 'fl•tncl h;llf wa" \f.'ry t•vt•n C•rttnSt r r 4 t a P•tWI"IIt I 2 I 0 llb WILr II I I 0 at c .u.h mt•et .lllciJ)Iatt:d '-('wncl each a~tain fi e: thc·n !(l'nt'mu ..ly walkl•cl And I,. tf I4 II 4 a Thti'Tn a • t I I llh•wlt • •t"' , t11r \.triou-, lhuut.... "a' llt'ltl l bmh lt'.l lll' -.curt·tl thru· J(tmJ, in tlw C'"•rr.-•11 t 4 I I II linw in tht 220 )'d cl.t,h. l\\CJ mun• men , \'unColland ()'>(•II, tu "' IA>ul• rr I ~ I II lhiiWR I I I a I AJU)ft l I I 1 0 It) Tt~ h in the ftr-,t [)l.•rincl In '''" third pt•nml l.lut Tech pu~hctl nlwad I I Halt)' • 2 l a Mf•••• r a o 0 I R«b&nt • 4 0 • Cl ~r.ll"''' •• ,,_ \\llh T et.h al•fl ~ori nj.l I\\U rur ruur ,t.toat.. 3'< Ill Tnnity\ two, ln Vant'll p I 0 I I 2 0 0 i " • 0 II 0 l.wn.., p I 0 0 I ,,.. """ ~ ~·~II 11111\l'\l'r '"thl· ~'(UIUI pt:rirxl \\ rapupthl.' l!3n1C \\llh .tlinal nr I \-M . IJ~"' T ..t•l• :U II Z1 T1,tale nl'i'i4it
Profile of a
. uf T•.. inity., 65-61 z....... )'
Tc(·l1 La(•a·o scn1e n Beat Trinity While Lo. ing to Amber t, B. L.C.
• •
toned lll
'-C.tltl'lr• due
'-:llurd.ty. an
' " tht• lim• dt>£e n•t• uf HI.(' "hile the) 1'1'1.h Lat rth:.C wam ~unum ll\'tl they l>t·tu:trated Tt•th fur fnur j.!UJI' hu .. thn~t \mher"l lt'n 10-11 fh e maku ~ I h.tU tinw -..('1\rl' ur o-2 Bl .( l'c•thlllt'll h:d t.y l>a\e Beath .IIlii
Till' thtrtlpt•rtncl ''" I <'lh '-tmn~tt'r Br.uly But.k.h:y, ht·hl ,\ mht•r-t to il lh.lll ·" . Ill) otlll'r ll!'riud with Tet:h ~- ~ clt•;ulluck artrr tWO ra ... t ami IIIII BU l'.llh •l.'tlrlnl( only i1 'lingle ruriuu<; prritiCf., had (•iap~cJ . In lht' 1:11 11. 1'1·tlt unl) m.ule fill(' l!tMI 111 -t"<·tmtl hJ If it " "" :uwther o;ttl ry I 11 th, hlllllh pc·riutl, \\htlt• BLt matlt• thi" .. t.tll1.a. the ,\mhcr~l cluiJ jlHJ\etl ·h 111 put 'lt•th on the .,hor l rnd hy to he till' ~trongcr n.., they f()rtcd the I \-4. 1'E'thmen 10 mnkr £oolbh mi..,lttkes In wntru~t tn tht> fiLC ~tnnw. la ~t tin1(' .11111 a~ni n. Cuals by Qunmo \\"Hint· •I·•> the t...u.: ro'-.e team eft:- Fll \\urth. and f't,,!'o "·ere a ll that the f··~m·d I rinity hy rt !)('ore of 13·8 · 1T ech ••·am could mu~ter in the "t'cnncl I ht• lt'•l"' pl.tyed 'cry JtOCKI "ith the h<tlf. "hile \mhrr'~l piled up 11 trJtnl l\\1 1 mitlllrlcb nntl tht' aumk \\t'll ur 'l'H'n The f1nn l 'l(;llfe reatl I Q.t, ll\mlin.uecl in thri r efforts ami the \\ith T~h on the lo•in~ end . The delt'nst h•1lding ti~ht on clear~. Ttch Lacro....e Team dl)'..c~ oul it... -.ea"on \!Ill n£f to a J(ood ~tart with . i:-c goal-. on .:\lcmorial Day wilh Sprin11flehl tn thr lir•t period \\hile Trinity made Collcae at prin~fteld.
\\ 11h I I· uftl~;tll t.nrning down honll' lrHt h, II lnuk'> ltk(' T"' 1'. h IJIII fr unt hy cl lltl'>e Wtlh lhl' il'ad" i n ~( £,1mri 1 1:~. ~.1\.l·., S .l' . l~ .• P.S.K., unci \ I () . runninl( nt.'<'k ancl neck . It till toulcl II(• nnyll4Jtiy\ rale so pluc t• yuur ht·t-. 1111 y•IUr fa\'etrite re· j.(arrllt·~' ur tlw ulldo;. \\' L 4 T K.l' 0 .... I' E. 5 4 S.t\ E. \TO 3 L C ,\ 3 3 p K 2 3 \ f'•.J I' s 2 4 P.G.D. I T(' 0 6
On the evenlnl( nf ~ l oy 24 , the tnt•mlwr... n£ 1hr 113! kt•lhall, ...wimmint.t lta!.k, b.."l.'il'hall, lenni..., and ROlf lt•.'llll• wtll l>e traditionnlly fNt•tl by the• W.l'.l. 1\thlet ic A ~11ocinl inn ut thl' :annual !-.prinl( Spott, Banquet. 1 ht• affair is utx•n to nil unclt•rJ(rad!> wht• will have the npporlunlty w hettr QI1C or lhe hclltlr known IJasketiJatl figures iu lhe wuntry in the• per11on or lJUj.t~ie Julian . Othl'r invitc.J f(Ucsl., will iucludl.' i\clmiral CluveriuJo :llonl( with prominent alumni and friend~. Tlw! remainder of the pro· 1(ram will he taken up by pr~nt.a· lion or awards, IF troJ)hie!l, and elec· tiun or team cnpt.ains. The banquet start~ al 6:45 and will cost $ 1 75 per ticket.
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1\ M 1... tl 1 . t:h Diflf. An,lruku"l•. Sbti.K'k. ftruwn M<Wq,o, •~r ath..,, C.,.-roU I, Puw•ll. A un. llal. ,. 1-. 11.... 11 t, ill l•tul•, ll rown 1 b•~rl~n. IUH li'\ . IA•ul• ~. Motlt4' t , V"u rt•tt. fJ,..nrt":r , Aann , ltalt•y, W•lk~r, l.aw"'o"•· l!ll Walk<!>', Aann, Ill l•n•l•, MoJOr•. tB H Mno,.._ Dl'KIIIIi<k 111 llrt~wn l.lllt T...-b I, l "'w•ll 10.
1111 • If. Van t '" 1 • '" tkk•nu I . " " · t'•w•n 1, l.owt"""" ft. KO ~Y v.o C'<oll I: IAfkk•nen ¥ 1 hr V•~etn ll, l .awrl'nce 6, II() V•n Cult Ill '" 1 lnn lnM •; '"•lkk,..•cn I In 2 lnnln11• :
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who, in turn, regard him with rr,Jlt'tl a.nd affection . lie is an una ...,uminl( and modest person and pmbahly tht most energetic and con'ltlentious lnslructor al the Institute.
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calendar. lt was th(' annual lnilin- \ 'arsity Club Onnce and the plans of
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t:on Banquet in which Alumni and the social committee, this. last fling Oy TOM DeLUCA gue~ts came from far and near to see before finals should be quite a weekour new initiates. This year's Ban- end. quel proved to be a huge success as Alp ha Tau Om ega Theta KupJ>a P hi The school year is winding up Theta Kap held its annual House everyone enjoyed the meal, the dancSmoker last Saturday afternoon and ing, and especially the main speakers, rapidly, and ATO's seniors have big ''early'' evening. The Golden Horde hirley .\lalson and Professor Sanger. plans as to their future occupations. rc:tired to the Yellow Barn where the We are now looking forward to our T hey'll be spread out as far south as beer llowed the way that only beer annual outing next Saturday which \'irginia and out west to Wisconsin. can flow. T he Faphoofnick Five ± X features a softball game between the So long and best of luck to all of were coaxed into entertaining us and regular house team and a team con- them. this sonorous discord soon fiiJed the si stin~ of everyone else who is \\'i th George Randig and Dave air. Everyone had a terrific time ex- interested . Hathaway recently having dropped cept poor John. He was last seen ConKratulations arc in orrler for their pins, the ranks or free brothers sitting on a curbstone, with his bare Ken Shialle, ~lark Baker, and R ay are growing mighty thin. And judgfeel in the gutter, and an empty Haas. Ken led the Lambdu Chi ing by the gleam in the eyes M some bottle in his hands,- he was not cry- scorerr. in the Inter-fraternity track imlividuals at the mention of summer ing over spilt milk, but rather he was meet with a spectacular performance \:JCation, a few more badges may be in leMs because of dep:uted spirits- or laking first p lace in three events. rc·linquished to the fair sex before pauvre, pauvre, Jean. Coach Sanella was quick to sign him September. Brother Oave Travares, who was up lor the varsity squad. Mark wa.~ L:tst friday afternoon we were recalled into the navy last summer, married in Auburn last week to Kay honorecl by a visit from John \\' . stopped over at the house last week- Nordstom. and they are now enjoy- \ 'ann, Worthy Gnlnd Chief of Alpha end. He expects to be oul of the ing their honeymoon. (Incidently, Tau Omega, who is looking in on the service and to re-enroll in the Jnsli- Chuck Horne was best mnn.) Ray chapters in New England. John was tute next fall . was recently <·lectecl and instnllcd as conducted on a tour of the house and r\ow that the sun is out the rushing chairman of the fraternity. the campus, and talked for a while brothers literally pour out of the with Admiral Cluverius. Flnull y, the brothers wish to welhouse after the noon meal to sit on Ao.; was don~ last fall, the members come Rny i'\autlin, a transfer student the porch, enjoying the sunli~ht and plan to return LO the house from vafrom ~ l cGill , who will soon underthe traff1c LIP and down the road. cation a couple of days earl y for a l:~kc tht> ba ttle with Electrical t : ngiAh, yes, it 's spring and the I.Jroth- neering Department. Good luck , general cleanup and repair program. e r~ ' fttnl'y has finall y turned to what Ray. Sigm a Alpha Eps ilon the puor girls have been thinking of P hi Sj g m.ll Kappa • pring fever has taken a fir m hold all winter. l'hi • i,:( was out in fu ll force for at SAE even though lhc weather Open House on the bill with a large ha"S been far from pring-likc. :\ow Phi Gu m mu De h u Thr queen has long since vacated numi.Jer or parents, friends, and girl!! that El L<:wis has realized a life-time her boudoir in favo r of the peasantry coming up for the occasion. After ambition IJy pu rcha:.ing a sleek-lookproletarial. ller regal c:nurl has vnn- touring the school and watching the ing convertible, several of the boys i heel from these halluwcrl halls. Life athletic activities, everyone came hn.ve found il quite hard to avoid be back to the house where a fine meul ing draru:ed off to greener pastures grinds on per usual at "old 99''. wa" served. In the evening the bam! each evening after supper. Rumo Whut Lh~: Fiji lodge has lost in tl1e wnccrt and d(lnce were enjoyed. has it that rain or no rain, f.l won't way or royalty, it has gained in the to everyone who helped put the Lop up until there's a foo Thanks inc uf fume. Rear Mhniml Henry nmke it a success. of walt'r over the floorboards. Boynton steamed into drydock sevFLA. H ome or that green sluff eral days ago, the decks of his "old Our friend s from 24 Institute Roac T own'' llaAship nwush. The sbler ~nmmon l y known ns grass may soon huvc rcupened their doors to us- i ship of the ilccl looks like il is of h<' spruut in~t in front of the Phi ig \eems that the recent loss to then birch bark vintage. Of lale, the Lullf{e. in snfth:tll has re:>tored their gooc i\ "sud!ly" time wns had by a ll the wizzlc<l, old sea dog has been seen humor. Oh well, no sacrifice b Loo shanghuing Jikely-look in~o: Frosh frorn hruthcrs at the recent U-Conn Picnic, Area t for friendship???? water front dives, reputedly to man indutling H quick pin swap by Etl Thi!- pal-l aturday the SAE chap Cahill, a At1od job or bird dogging by his armada. tcr from Boston U. was our guest l>llug 1\. l acLaren, and a few Phi .Mu's A communique was received at The afternoon was highlighted by a headquarters last week from one Hu- fu unfl in thc wood'! by Ell Tornay softball game, nfler which everyone bert Stanton. •·Hubic" 's a tly-boy and Ed Cahill. Hut , as usual, by returned to the bouse for a smoker nuw and really enjoys himself in the popular vote o f tho.~!! there, Joe Wahl This is an annual event of long upper strata . Possibilities of his tri - wound up wilh the best nate or the sl<mding between the two chapters umphant return to the lodAe were evening. So J oe l'nys! und all of us nrc looking forward to mac! e. :\ gain the old story, "another returning the visit next year. 't'he long-unticiputed Fiji lslancl Brother bites the dust,'' and our hand fnterest is still high in the softball weekend is rapidly upproaching the goes out for congratulations to Don actuality stage. Grass skirts, coconut Furlong and Cnrol BrufTee-lots of race. as it will be an important facto shells, leis. and buies of straw are the luck in that good old married life. in the final ports trophy standings order of the day. " Dalbic" Popp, boy Con~-tmt ulntit1ns arP also in order for At present writing the softball team Don Juan, bas been seen flexing his l'cte Forsberg who has been pled~ed hall three wins and one loss, with fou muscles for a multifarious display on to Pi Oelta Epsilon and to Paul tough gumt>s to go. With two tennis thc ~nndy beaches, come f£'s tivilies Hrown who was elected Secretary of matches also unfinished, the trophy still hangs in the balance. and could day. the Athletic Council. Lnm hdn Chi AltJim .\ s the end or Lhe year fmally comes fall either way. The next two we<'J..S Lnst Sa turday was one of the big into si~ht , we are looking forward to should bring plenty or excitE'ment ns t>\lcnts on the Lambda Chi social the week~nd of the 24th. With the the il!Sue is decided.
6th Floor State Ma l•al Balld.lq
E%perl tailor and clsan er AI Yuur Fuleml.., and
T he graduating class will present a ~kit pitturing some of the humorous side of T~ch life, and will then go outdoors for the tree and ivy prescntalion and planling. Following ~h Lc; seniors and their guests will again retire to Alden for the Presi· dent's reception. Al 8:00 p.m. the Baccalureate Service will be held at the Central Church. The Rev. Gordon M . Torgersen, a Truslee of this school, will speak. Following this the. e will be class reunions. Among the events taking place on Saturday morning will be the Alumni Breakfast, Alumni registration, and a showing of " Bridge to the Future". F()llowing this there will be the taking of class pictures, the Alumni Parade and the Alumni Luncheon. At 4:00 p.m. graduation exercises will be held at the Municipal Auditorium.
State Mutual Barber Shop
PREMIER Cleaner Tailor
May 20, 1952
LAUNDERERS 113 Highland Street
e nior Class ( permanent officers) Harold .\lthcn. president ; Warren Palmer, vice-president ; Edward Sam olis, ~retory; Robert Chapman treasurer. opbo more Clas8 Dave Gilbert. president; Joseph Fratino, vice-president ; Roger Osell secretary; Tom Kee, treasurer.