1951 v42 special2

Page 1




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All the world


wotched and waited



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c••••· • l!duc.allu

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•·oreoc n l'l twt lntcniiiGnal Lellot l

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Medici ne

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Ml•collany Mualt lhlltul A.llall•


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l UITOMS o\l.att C"'UHIIIII f(••ht t I ,.1.- ltft \\ lltoilli II 1U Juhu \t tt llu ~ I r4 I .u "' u \\ .tlttt \I ' I t •.11t


I• q·lr lt 'lftltu, II• I "


ASSOC IAT K IIIJ I TORS \LutUI lllu•l• H Uut,, tl \u••. l( .. t., tt I toOtH'' t(e,fof'rl l 't -II• • Hul•t ' ' huU·•• H:11lu •I \tt 1.011,1 \\ . \\ lntm,•u \lu• n It umud \lr lt• ll.u ••l lh<~~~ "'-tn. tf tc ltaut f ttWJ , I~ ual I U hn t, N uiKPrl J.utn• lt ttnt ~•u• "'~ k• •harl f,JlUh\ n ktclu.t•J 'Jttnuli•, I tu•m•• H It I 11 I I utt.lcl \h\attt .u ... lhu.•l•l t,uultr, lfr tlf) ~,•._,, l•n t<n ll .. t•l '""'~ \tutu• \1 .-gu 1'1111 ''"'"' t;n;tttl t. tt.r kldt.u•l U. t '" ' , 1 ,..~~,., . h•• II ''" •:tn, J.C ,,f•t l l l tll~t'Jjlf,f ~ •l+tUiUI I tl ••nilt I ""' \l iitht• -· l"luh/- I I'D\ 111 \ tttrt t•l Unhu·r, t tlih 'atlf'lf""f 1 ft-tul fUhr"'!lh Ua h.artl 11 •).-L ll ' lh·b umt M \\ nr, M t..-11 \, t

Fuhlon Fulalon

l!dller f.dllor ·



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Olr«tor. "•t·h 1, . I' 1'1••• lcl lollcal A..ocla ltt : '"" ''' \1 hi Orlonoal Keillor ; '"~ Tra•el Rdttor •·• "'I \ ... , ' ' , 1 u .. f orcfcn ICewt Sc r •lce · t.ondoa,

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• tl P·a.rlJ, I •h •• •II ~ t• M• t1t I Rome>. U '" 1• I.Au•C'oatlll , l"t N•w Otolbf, \ I t 11 "('"•tt'-•, Joltaanflabura. I<• '' ~• t• I ' "' .ul t·r. Tok)'O, K•aw .. 1 I' t,, ~t'l\t .tlh t Out~no• 1

Llttrary lldltor : \l o~• "·""'"' "" ••I Mavle Editor : \to "hlllt 1 I o 11qolo , Radio f.ollltf! """ ''"''•·I Scle oce Editor : \ 11 IJua •t

Sub1crtptlun ltntt."<J: ( '••u tmeu1.1l fuu 11U11, uiue· IIU \I 11 IIII I ' •• ~.. •• ,

, ·.ua.••l\1 } •htiuu

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''"'"'• trail) auh..-rh•

th•U. 1•·~11 •uttn~~~ro ,,.,.. tltl td1tum• Pllll.- 1 111 EtHt•tt au ll·•t •l••t '' t H•t t•lll) 1 I 111 uu1tur"

Subtct aptlon S.srvlte i

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Jf,t U lH"hA•rt f•H" lht' u·u:.l ut l;.e 1l

,,tf tl•t ),, t4•1 of tn ft



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,;1 11"1 H II' liP\ \ \ . '"'' ••

CU.1e •t AddrtU t: I• I Ito t ' ' IJ tl• t1 I J. t·•ftt \t•U h t jll[f.f &•I


llu r.· I• •untrthwc tlhttb I rt al! 10 1uur b<t 1--ue "J,j, h ha' )HJJ.J.Io~t rnt· a ~tr• .ll rlt tl I mit.:IH 1:11 :.~ l.1r ·•" 1u .1) that I It I\ ' ln·n 1111 'I tlu·d . It hI' l11t·11 1 c:n·


111~ 'l•ler ' flrt'.Ub U\ cr th, nt:lll) ~ m~ et~hl month old :>On 11

alum • .11111 r.ttht•r c 11

T.1me · then



'\111\ I rnU•I Jo:ll pic··"' t:\fol.un tlu- lu llh' l·.l!'l''r I II \1f'f,IH. \11 ( .11~· ll.11tt:r 1• l.u:ht ll uuo,~ ~ I llltlltc• II tlUI II tu lotiJ \\ttl 1uu


'\u•• ~UIIIJI •t .IUH' , 1111 11111r .trlllll' M lt·;klt'\\' \\'mtE.' \ \ K I·; "EX l.fo:._S 111 t lw I l'l>ru.tr1 '"m· II ll.t' 1lnm-t ••• 1(1•111 ll• the 111h1·r ~rttdc· l11 llu ,.11111' .1uthotr l t::UIItlR" \1111 . KIIIII.KI I( Ill •~ 1 111 1lu- J ,o nu~r~ t--unl 1.tllc•cl \1'\ I I III~ I{Jo. '\II 'bX 1\ \~IJo:KI I \\ \\ ll \11. \ • \ nd 11 n.tlh pruud 11h11 l<o1111 h. •I lot ' 1 I 'I l)t•ll'llol•rr Ill tl .11 ,. 111111'111 ,.,,' 1111 \\'1)\IJ' 01 1111 1".\ \'\() 1111 \ \'\1 " 111\1, 'I.X ~Ill' Kunt 111 Ku1 t

other ~ Re\itv. ~

\ours stntcrdy. . , f..RII\

IIIJ U"i.'

T~me Is Tamed


the ~alunlt~

L11 cr.ll urt·

on1ll;•~ 1111flt'll 'Ill' ullml\t'll Ufl ~~~ n~;tthr '""' mud1 I 11 ..nckr .ollllln 111

11111111 11111


I' ...,


e more


Cia) 11.111k

~ l i .. -.uuri

Mohawks on the Run ~1r

1\fll> olpp.dltd h) I hi! mi~l·r;lble (UOdl· t ion ul' our l mlian n·,cn•ations ~uc 1.111 '· nu nl.lltcr ho11 tkplurahle. mu•t t. put hd ur,• 1he J)uhhl- ) ou h3 ve my der,_ ,.,, "''I!I'll Ior thl' d.~ring expo e wlucb 1 uu puhlt\ht•tl IJ:.l week \\'h:1t can I 11(1· "111.111) tfu .llHIUI lhc:w tb•J.;U$11111( (ond,. 111111• • l'lt ,,,,••ulvi•t< mt:. \n •\ u. \If KAtLUI.U<II pro l·.qu.llllrtJI t\ lrtl,l tho


~.~It tor Bu) ne" 11 L'\.·k, ''T U l E'" 11bKk r111 n·H.II .ttl 1hc !lllnn~t clct.lils hchind 11 I'" ,, uuul of ah, :\lc.rton bhur c.tmP- 't"' ru 11urn 11111 .1huut the lnd1Jn' . \un ft1 11urrpu~t .thnul t he ~h·xHan ...


\\ .tfrtllf• -.:.,,,. , .,



.tf\11 ,jill


I •• t1 l

lh ~r ~tr I \ • 111'<"11


"l H \II I .

· ' \ f"



It ""'-' •twtuM 1• •tt•• •U• nc 41 ""'""' r" 'IIIUl•UfiJIIt '""" "' It v.tll t I tl•f 111 , oUt


In ~ uur l;N i..-u,· of

.tcllnt.: ~ uur llllfi.IIIIH.' fur '1'1I 11 \I'M' 111111 ,11\tl fl.l\l' fll'l' ll 1111\lllillj.t 111 \Hill yotu 1 ll•ll t•r tur .ell 1111, 111111 -.:u11 I h.1t I h.l\ t• hn.tlh lH·c nnw ultlo·nuu~o:h 1\1 11 flit• I tit Ill I 1'\,u 1II kn1111 11 h. II 111 '·" In 1.111 I .1111 \1'1~ l.lfl.lhlr• 111 ,,1\ill):lllllh in11 111 llw lulll!t''' periud ul 111111' '\'m1 I rl1111 I pl.1n 111 ··I) .1n1thini( 11 .ell 111 tfu, lt·ttt·r \ ,., lh.tt • rt).!ht I 11 1111 tnlt'rt •I .11 .ell 111 ~~~~ thtrlt.: .unl "·'"' 11111 '" ,... ,1111' tu ).!1 I .111~ ' " If ~ 1111 \1 I'll' 'lll.lrl \ 1111 11u11lil put 1111 • lt·t ll•r cl111111 n~o:ht lltm .uul tlu unw mmt• nllpurl,enl 11111~ I thuu~ht 11

I ·\:\J E•. I nOIKM Tl

I h. II YOU •I!ell WCJI her ' ll,ll'llt ht>r' 'J'1u1 1 \\' I ht· \1 ur~t , pl'fl of 11 1'.11lwr I 'c seen 10 a hi IUIIJ( lillll' tb •t ilt L \1 ~ (h.IU:l 111

!1.11 un, llht11


Re: Sex

nt ll


rq~.1rtl• 111 l'llUr .:trlldt· .un<erntnJ: «l \our l.t•l I''"''· I .1111 nf the o1•ntllll I h,lt II II ttl III'H'r rt•pl:tU: J'hy>iC\ I :\1 TWIMTt



I 1t1ld ~·•u lu JIUI 1h1, klln 1ho11n, n till I\ . 111\lhlllll 11

f ill IIIII 1(1111111 I"

IIIII JU-t ,,..

,,, II

t htcu •




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ht" t fti •I


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:!~t~On ~'~d'lt~r : •· '' !:.t.:::,: v.t N.'.",; :. 'it~:~~~):.'.~,"~'


t•~ery murning- lo drJin th" bacon ~lm

, 1t

ASS ISTAI'IT M KIUC I HO IWI W I! " "'•II I \h Jl.it iu~ t•.uuuwh

:\(Jrlfu,-th.lt" m~ Wtf~


l·.lllltiK ..., \'IJ II·. l '"'"l1l~ 1h1• '' lht· \\ t• .ut· i111 hnnl lu fn·l th.tl 1lwrr 11111 1 !11· -nnw ullu·r l'\)ll.lllolllun


I•· '

\\ e ltflllnl) do enju~ T:une·· ID huu-chuld I he whole r .mull' ets 3 kiu

Perplexed .....

Cnor Storr 1ft<'*' 1111 Pttturea

Getting Around "•r


II·~-· ~·


Ill II

Ill IIIII\' ·""'

'llt'rt:l \\ h II 1 nur -.till n · uh1111 .1ltt•r I lultf IIIII Ill )lUI thl'• h·llt·r ofm111 , lu11k ht•rt• l"m inr n·.tl \\ t•ll I 111 .tin""' '" tlu t•ml 11i lht- I< ll·r m•l I htul '''"' ..1111 ~lllh

rnr· I '



an· \It'" olll.tr<' •.1111 nullunu .11 .ttl

·" \1111


'\'1 1

"•n• 1'11'11


\ nil\

l'llt '"""


Ghatka 's Esths llt•,1r


i•'-UI.' 1 uu rc·l·tc\1 rrl b) Dr l'htlht;ll t:ll.llk.t, Ql ' E!'T I O~ II IE Jo:~ Ill" lf~t~hh·hl•tl by the Klood1Lt l'ro:-.t·r- 1 hut ~ uu ncr.d<'tll.'d tt• tdl JOI · I t'11111 lnun l ull l'u.:•• ~ltl

In \'uur l.t'l


•I r

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••••••• , • • • I am ••I nu 1111initt11

lon .111 I h.l\1'

ttl 1


II ic


<If II "' 111111 ,

II\,. "''" (nlmo 1111hlu Itt )

l'mt: f'um:

pi.Ht'tl l11

,,.., 11 til nc1 c r bt rc· t ht•mt,,ll Eu~o:tnt'<'niiJl , h) herr' J ~ I ' ' 'CIIll

It h. d






Ill· cl bt ~

,. !r· :li·

Revolution 1lu t'>•·~ of tht> \\ Orld \H'r<' iolU•t•d thi .. "!'<'!. on :l -.malt enl!inet•rilll.t ~chnul in rrnll.tl \l.tl-•3fhu-.en• 11 h1ch announn•d th.tl lnr the liN lim<' in the h1storv uf thr '' huol .1 l'(lrl ha hcco .1\ lt'(lt~d ·.mil !1.1' rtl!t,tcrt'U for thl' fre<hman \'t'.t r. Thi ... e\rnl pmmi.;ecJ tiJ hJvl.' r~~rth-,hnkin~: rl'· per(ll•... ilm' in educational n.. well n~ 'llcial ci rdt·' I hrnu11hnul 1ht• four ttlrllt'r' uf 1hi' t•3rth 'llw l!•lH'rning hody 11f tlw \\'urn·•t~r Pol)tnhn1r ln~titute. founded 111 1~(·5 bv J••hn lluyntcm. in :1 pre-s reh•;N' d.oted .\ pril 11. IIJB. announced lh(' rt•l!btrJtion of :'>lu,.... ~l'ntu Poi5E' of \ 'iM 11 Cit\•.•\rium~. ~Jj,, l'oi,t.' will t•ntt•r Ihi-• ~om in!( :it•plt•mhcr wilh t he d.t~S of It) 'ii The deo~iun raml' nfter many !rtfinn> mont h.' uf tlt•hbo•r:ation and \\;ts p.trtinlly l'lf\'ctecl hy the inllm·nti:tl. powcr·llf.'arim:. prc..~urt' •mUJl~ tht• ~I K S. ( Mutu.1l Kin .. wonwn 'in<il•ty I (" (;$. (Central r.irl ~lit·nti,l!-t .mil 1tw D \ l\1 !\ ( The t>.HII(htrr" nt 1hl· Anll'nlan ~ll'tallur)lk.tl illitrid~f' ) Tlw 1m'~' rl'lt•:t•t· went on tn ~ay th.tt ''duo• lll tht• ore•sinu tlt•manrl for t'lll!illl't'rs anrl 1ht•

mt-nt~ irum dl!(nit,trlt•, all I'' 1•r till' wMid fro)ln t h~· twit! uf ~ill'llu' ... llll.tliun .mtl "'""'I~ Ur Reycm ll!ltt·d "'"'IHl-t 1111 t ht• f.1ntlt' uf \\' P I "'"llllt•lllt.'•l " \\'t•'ll !(t'l :1 I h.ll'\lt' ht'r(• (>UI '" II hrJt hi• lllllt'IJ Jllfllll'r rt•fu,t•d l\IIOIIWIII ,It llllW 111 into:r •·it'\\ llut 'l.t<pcd hi, h.mo(, 111ol •miletl llr r.l~llh f\'llUrkt•d " I 11111•1 'l'o• Ed\\ Ill .11 IIIli'!' .. \nllt lwr lllt'llllll'l Of tlh' fm·ult \ rt'llla rkt•tl " l lll-lll11tn umm 11111111 umm ·., In uthrr p.ert• 111 tht• \\urhl ' l .111w ro·purt l'r' 1\t rl' .1hle lol nlot tin thl'l>l "'lt•t tl·•l flllllllll'lll• I· nun i1 I 1,1\\,tll.tn -t.ett"'lll.ln, " l.t tn.tu ~I' " k.1 .tin.a t k.~ fHlllll ... anti frum tlw t>thtr •itlt· 111 th1 1\ltrltl in tho· wunt n• ul ~lurc~:r.t\ t 1 ''I u.ah·tl no•.tr lluul(.tn· 1111' prinw llltrll'lt'r tllllltlll'llit>tl


\1 ,.,

'""'(ltr It 1

l \\'.t,hllll!ll•ll t'\llt'"'" 11 ht.st ·•~·""'' 1ht• I \ ' inolw.t n I lr

l11U-'IInk ul ~nwlh' 1~11111 l nt h·~tifyinl! lwlutt• I h.· I l mt~l' c-.llllllll' H ,. l'oHIIIIlitlo•t:, t•\puwd lht• wlauk lt lhtir. ~llll'lh"''"" l m i, .1 ~111:111 1'\ nm '1'111 \\ lt11 h h.1" l~t•t•n olning flo•\ l'lupnwnl wnr~ 1111 1 T\ 'l'l th11 ltul unlv .alluw:tIll' \ in\l'f Ill WI' .11111 ht•!lf ftrttt:r:llll\. hut .eJ,H "' •nwll 1lwm !'-lt'nl •~ 'llpplil'tl h\ t•lt•l t runit.tll\ tom I rnll1•ol "t•nt 1 unt.uner, lnr prtllo(r.tlll" lih · 1\ Suudct\ i\ rtt•muon at tlw !.oo ' 1'0' h i11 t•qnitttll'd with " tnnt .t ilwr uf .\ 1n1irk \I hi, h :IUIIHihltic~lly n·ft~·•l~t·' tit•• 1 it·\\l•r\ runm 11ff\•r tlw pm j!l.llll I ' IIH' r




1111' IIO'o"i·

Ju(alll'' Ill Sllll'(l\ \ ·i•IUII IIOUitJ Jt.mlk \\,til

unnl 1h1·1 utultl m.1,;.10 pn•du~~· tht·.,,• , •• ,,. \ntl 1h11' tlw 1r.1p l\ 1l" 'JitiiiiJ(, lor .,~ ll r <:m~'ltnk lt••tiftt•!l Snlt'll\'\ i•itHI ln1 '""s in tt·.t lill• . 1 Nulhidiar\· ttf the• lllnrcuut K.ttltu ('mpm.ttion llt•to•tnlhll'd 111 put .Ill o•ntl to T\ hdtlrt· llw ("urpt~rOIIion \\1'111 h.111kt upl IItt'\' Inti htl 111 Hon ,, pl.on (Jf

lei Tetthunk till' nl.'WI)• appointt•cl llt•an uf '! 1\'omo•n ha' taken rhar~t' uf 1ht• wmplt• • ttun uf Kf'\'ln I 1:111. whit h ''all not hnu!-c

TAM E, APRIL 17, 1953

Th e Big Stink


.ICUk ~hnrtoti(C uf m-CtiUlotlinn,tl l!l'tltut~.,. di IM 1lw t.uclin.tl t•diltc.u i11n otf o•rnhn until br rKI:Uifoh<dt•nllst• \\(' h.t\1' .11111 ntlt•;J I ht• lp rult·• td .trlrni-..•inn Ill omit r In a lim\ tht• 11 iem:tlt• ~"~" 1'111' l'ff('( I Of l hi' t'h,tnl(o' Ill poJtn· \\ell ill' mmtwnl<lu!' anti hnvt· m;anv •t'riou~ un•r .nul unrlrr tonrs .\l n•:~rlv !\1r• Ra tn

th~ Canl En.stinecnn~: De11:1rlnwnt "" oril!· trulh pruptN•tl but will rat ht•r ~~·n I! II' tht• nt'\\' \\'om~n\ Dom1itor}. ~ I r~ Tt•.t lhook ha~> nl-u m.Hie lllilll\' de· manti" 1111 the vllfiCJu.'! tlt·pn rt Ill!'Ill iwud~ Jt till' hr'l mtdin~ of tlw fatull,· held th" \\l't·k .\ m11n,1t the llttnl.(~ whi~h he 1 ha' rt'tftl!'•tcd arl' thml~; uartain• Cor all n tli•,mom~ maiden-f11rm t'.1h .uul "j.1 .... mm·~n·ntt•cl" cl.t-.sroOIQ~. ' I lw t hcmbt ry •leJl.trtrn~nl 11ill C.trl)' :o tllur<t• in tft<mrt 1(,, olyt•in~: hlc<trhin,~t. and \\ill rcquiH· all 11ut1cnt~ w wrar nprons. Th t• nwchnnknl ~rtJ:illt'crinl{ clt:lltHlmcnt ha~ h•·•·n a-.krd lu !lUI .1 '•·rit•• of complicaiNl ~:1ft'IY (lc,ices on .oil power tools lo l>rottd finl[t.'rn;~il' .Inti tun~: h.1ir Xr'' cour'''' pbnnrd for the dt•p.trlmrnt includt.· ,u, h 3 ' ·metv of <ultJcth .1~ M 29 (t\dv.mtcd 'Ill"' Trrh nnln.l() fur H\lmemaker~ 1. ) I l!l t Prinri· 11le• nf llunw~t ic Expur~al ion uf C:ast ru· nomiral Rcccptadcs), ond ~1 51J, a o;mn· 111er Jlr.utllt' in the D!'C'tmlnrninntlon nf Het<ru~t,·nt•ou• l'i•catorial Sll\'umen!> Thrrt• 1\lll hr lh:tnstes in the EE :-tnd lhil ckp.lrlmt•nt• a:- well l1ut the rt pori· from lht'~l' ulht t'• h.t ''~' not a~ 'c1 he{' II complt•tt•tl 1 he tW\\ JWlky h.t< pr1'1111Jll cd r<lm·

hnl tu h.e1 t' •rnnu• rrpen u<-.iun• <~n10n1!' the unllo•r~:r.Hiu.lll' -,1\uknt hndr rtu• •dhHJI ~tun• !1.1:- .tlrt•.Hiy :t(quirl'd tlw nrl\ hhlk 11 \lill indutlt• a ro ... nwti r tttttnll'f, ... lwc .tml drt''-~ tkp.n!mrnt :tnt! tlllwr 11\'ut-.-.tl') itL'fll' fur tlw nl'w i'lU· t!t•nt' Tlw l kl\trtnwnt ,,r l ktlth 1-:oluc,elion h.t ....uut•oun•o·ol 1 pl.tn tur 1 llllll••ntrnttd pru).!r.lm nf hoth mlr.emur.tl. lttlr,l~l>rllril\' tnol tllll'r'' htwl 'llilrt' 111 tlldllllt.' •mit 1,1\ U l lll'~ oh ht•fd ht"kt•\' llfl't'ioi!HI !>Willi• 1111111(, hop ~rol~h. f111 k'- r11p1· <, kipping, pum h lo.tll dumin11o'•••Inti 1ht•fkt·t ~

1!1.111.. 'lUI II• It



I{ II i\ 'I I \11111111\ "J,e•miu·~tt•nlt'll C'J.a,,n~m""

' Zllt•dum um. ,,., \\ .arhdl 111.11• tl f.eut 1'.1r~t'lll l!·llltlt':lllllh ,,_'ltur •t.lll'- ftl'llt m unn Z.q~m· ru. ;t llll.l(o.ttu' 1\hith .Jut• 111 the ltmiiNI nurnht•r hi ~l urt·~tr.n'l.tll' "" 11ur sltlft' ha~ not ;r.., )l'l ltt'l'tl tr.en~l.t l t:tl i\ lllltt•ll 1-:n~:li~h I r.t \ t•ll••r r<'lll.tr'kNI " \\'t•'ll h.lvt· t 1m at i11 • 'llw 1111 im: Pfl''Hit•nl ul t ht '' 1111111 hJ' .tppHintt-•1 ~t·1 cr'o~l ~~ uoltul Hlllllllllt t•t·~ t u .Ill on 11 numht•r or ur~tl'llt lllillll'r• I ur(' m<N nmom11 1ht·w i• 1 •!1111: 1 urnnutt t'l 1\hidt 11ill have tel rt\\ntt• ull tho• 'lt•lh mnrthin14 'll"R' tu ht t lw Ill'\\ tlllllpl~xitm whilh lht• ~thtlt.ll wall hun• Tlw \\'nyc .anti ~l··au• 111111111111 (II nr Ill!' T t>th rnunnl h~· di~trihutt•tl .• 11CII ~1'1 oi rulr' fur thr dt'Jl<lrtrnt·ut orr tlw '"""'

ur tht •turlcnl hwl~· \h huu~:h not n .. yN pnntt·r.l 11 t.tll' t<1r ~lnrh ,11111 tit·• 111 hr 11nrn w :til lit' •·· .tnd .1 <1101 '"''""" 11t>••kl\• •hmH'r Thi• d.tu•e• pr•1m fllt'lllht·r ..

( httt '-ua·ll\ 1 t•iom 't·l ~ w..rt• in tlw hnem ....llltl lll'llph· \\t•rt• t•nju,·lnll its l(nllll llt l"r' . the Blnn·m al I rHnsmitlinll ~Ia­ Iit III ~ 1111uld ~to lnl11 ntlittn. II ~· ~entlin11 11111 ·• jurntnint.: ~ir:nul llw hlf(h frrqut•nty 1\.1\t'' 1\hidt rt',l(ltl.ett••l llw ~tllur nmlnin,.1, 11f t lw H'n'i\l'r wh 'nul1l lw hill( ked l"'nlllllllllt Ollh IIU ht~th lrt·t)Ut'llt)' ir:· n.ol tol lllm·uut lr.tn,mtllt·r~ ln tontrnl IIll mlur· l'llllll t•ol rI IIIII lltt• , ,.,' Th!•rt·· folrt' \llh'll Ihll ,.. ll!!,l ptpc to hal ro~ wert• :ulvt•rti•t•tl, ln~l('lttl of llw fraf(r:tlll nrnrnrt nf Turki~h tnhan·o~ lilli11~: tlw vit·wl'r'll rlllllll ;t 1 hnkm~: ~nwll nf hu1 nln11 ruhhrr wuultl ltll tho• rt101111 . 11111\I'V• r lll..rt•flul •ulllrel<, wouhl not m1tv .tfh•tl tlllllml•rt i,tl-. 'I Itt• ro,,. !(M<INI IIIIo' 'tl'lll' \\ould lw .tuornp.lllitcl hy tlttntt• ~rnclls frum the• ci t,• dump., nntl nil 1!111'"1 ~I il r~ "llUhl nppelll In hn vi' lwr11 wurkinu in IhC' ('hii;IJ:II St orkyn rrl~ fta :a rnn111 h nf tht•,t• ~.tllin~ot~ n11 , nlllrl'· 11111 l nt ft-IL th:ot lht• 1 \ ' imhN rv wnultl hi' MH1tl 11111 n( •·xi•Mnt t• hv ' l"m:ors :Inti r• lrlmt ~~· ~ :tltkc I IOII'l'Vcr Smt•llyvisitm nt·\•·r ' "'lll't INI th 11 Ur Cm"tink wouhl IUrtl Ioiii In lw II ~t•r rel ~IIY l'I11!11U)'l'll hy 1ht• ' '''P" ious 1'\' intlu~l ry



l O'Carthie Blares \\'hen Sen.110r R.lft ( R ~~~" J • J;}llt:3'~'1 hrm'>t•lf un the ~uhjt'tl ul ( ,,urmulu•l leadwr~ many a hrv;ul mnnk•f t•clu,~tur appru\'cll hib fnrurtrLL " Wtt-.cll intent! fricrHIIy·llkc," ~aid Raft "tu kt thrm get UUI \\ilhUUI 1•111'111 1111 lruuhh Hut If the~· ...tll tlun t 11-aw (l<'.ett·.•hl" \\h) \\e ~(It ways of pcrsuad1n 1:01. This rcpurlcr immcdintcly ru~hetl Ill ~~·n 0 '<'art hi(:, 1J) Ill 1 ulht c in Lhc Capitol Bulldrn~e to l(c:l hi, n•:ut11m Ill Scnr1111r Rllrt's st •• tcmcnt ..,~n l)'('artbll' \\il~ fuuml ~h.n·in~ . and \\ht'n he \1.1~ tolcl tlw ncwll he thn•w tluwn lei" rlet.llr ~ whirh loll~:~·<l in my hi~-t 11w l :tnd II'IJII'd the soap from ht'i thrn 11ilh the Cnn~trc,<innal .RI.'ronl Scn.llur O'Carthic -..erd that R.tft wus tn lklng throu~th hi~ h,tl again. In whidl I ttl(ri.Trl hccnu~c St•n Rnft wt•:rr<~ hi~ hat evcrnl itcs 1011 Ia~·· .end it ll'llll, 111 fall down tu hi, ~huuhlrr~. lie rtl'f) ~aiel th.u ht• <,uSJli'Cted St•n.uur Rah of bt•mg a C'ommuni~<l hhn~t·lr. In fart , 11.1111 Senator ()'Cnrthie, I run lnv<·~tiRatinl( him riJ(lll now.

SPORTS In Memoriam 'this .., a short. sborl stor> .1hout a frunous hgurc, :l !(real 1 UII1JWIII or, a t rc· nwndous atbl\'t ~-:t champion ; '""' how he got 1hrtt way \\'hen the ht~~·. let 's <-.111 him "I he K id'', \\'" very youm(. a 'lfan~:c ph,•uunwnon occurred. Ont! dav ''~ hi.' ~·•l (Uitlll)l his li'CI h <HI his [at h1·~·~ nrw dltt• mond drill, hc hnppt'lll'tl to i••an uut tht• winrluw IOU for Ill apprni e ..1 ftrt•tly blonde ami ~Hwt·d and f.:ll headlong tu lht• J~1H'· mt•nt , tt•n storil'\ ll(•low rrom that da\' on n rcnmrkilhlc 1 han~:c , .tnw ul't'r t h·,. Kid. lie SWIIC ht·•l frmn his usual hcrhitn() Martini lO ,tmil(ht Bourbon ,\ Iter d.rw· dlln~: il\\a}' hio; thihlhuod 111 till' 1,1rious mckct~ .tnd vh t''• tlw Kul hct.lllll' horc1l with tht'l>t' dull prntiH ,.~ .unl ~l.trleu tu play ~lhlriS . He \l'tl~ t1 nulurnl lh• C~lellt•ll in an~·· thin11 he lricd, :tncl he tncd C\'1'" :.purt knu11n 111 m3n Pt•rh.eps thb. "''" due tn hi!> huj.(r ,jze ( i' .,,~ 1 or hi~ ~pun ~man~hlp ( he wn~ 1he best wlnm·r Ih1• wurld htl ~ known 1. It \l lt~ Just after ht• had 111111 llw Cohll'n Gluw~ ttlll" th1t h1• IK'I(.Ut to think al(ain II<· 110rHitlrl'd whethl'r or not lw :.lwuld h.wc ,1 l(tl.tl In lift-. .tnd linnlh lw rc~oh•l'd that ht· ~houlrl llut , he de· cidt•tl ttl heeonw .111 En~:im•t• r inMll'acl All throuJCh roll{'ltf hr didn't h.Wl' a ~m~tlt' date. ,ehhough ht• 11:1s the mu•l pnpul.tr man on campo" Then came tht' Junior Prom, nnd the plklr Kid hern nw lhl! vic· tim or a fix by .I tla~lllrdly fmll·mity broth(•r. Sht• was bt·autlful RO(Ri'ou~ in ht•r ![0\1 n, and wlwn · ht· ~(Jkd his pin ha e~ t'!>


honr hkt· ~1IIIW ul hrs prul ' pale:~. Tht• , ~tile 11 I• em trC)III tin oprnrm: -tr.un .. uf 1he• nwloch .. us I• uul ht tlin• hinc: J.lh· hrn~: h~o~klltll l<•r the Ol><·nen~ 11 hilt· ht• tlw Riel ll•h on tlw tldl'll~l' fur the hr't timr· Jn hi, lift• Lu('k1ly h" rcarh SliVcli lnm for 1h1· mumcnt H lllll'\ er h) inter· ml "IIlii h1• IIU.trll 1 hun " I• luw;t•nt·cl ;1ncl h1 mltlmqhl hi· .11 hint~ limh" were! yt•llmll tur mcr11· lit• wok ''"' nim·-wu111' nu 1111' ~.ry lum•c nntl hlumly hullt•" Mn·,emrtl from hi' fltrt •ht•atl J• ht• mumblt!d ,, l(<thdni~:ht-lht·n he heart! till' IM·II "It~ oHr, • he tril'tl " 1\e won ,' ,md lw ~:b.mcd dCIII'Il \\ ;trtl upun hn. lm··''' ft·t·ling n grt·at \U rgt· 11f rt·hl'f sJirl'athn~t uwr htm. llul illl'rl' in mull' tc;.timony lu hi, unw:rnn••"s n·mainecl onl) t\IO '-rn.tll Jllll hulc:. \\h ... n• 11111 t' the proucl ludl{c h.uJ hunJ(. • I ht• w•mc is ni'N. ""hhcd 1he .J.:ul " l:kirtc•n mi.'. rht• 1-:td lll':llen hy ,I ~lrf," \'"~ lbt• IWIIW 11.1" OH'r fur ~"'or Krd 11ntl the mlll'ttl 11r 1h" ,,ur) ts don't let vour kid tall un hi" ht·;ul ur he mt~thl grow up Iu IJt.· 1111 t•ngintw !

Castles Crumble Worried hpo rt~ .arc wondc•ring wlwre it will ,dl cntl. The rca~•m . More h.rtl llllhlidtr Followin~ the l.1h''-l h.t•l..t·tl~;lll ~tand.tl' llkt• .1 rJhhil·pund1 tltt• ll L~t rit l .\t · torn•·{s Ollhe tlw l;ue~t atll'tnpl Ill tix ,1 mnjor SiiMts (•vl•nl. Tlw ~purl l'hcs~ Tht· .:vent lntt·mationalty illliKirt,•nt ,Jwwy :-;,,pit: Toumnm••nt !-ohockctl lhc~' ortk~ ,,II uvcr the Wtlrlcl 'hrulrf,•rcd nt 1h1• new, 111 -.purtstlom's newrsl h~ : ~q ut·nknl sUrJirisv at quitk

\1 \ ~1•\H I\ '100.000 !--IU!(\:111~ '

police :telion. Arrested w:1s t.llllding chrp. munk-chcek.ed. top L'$ chmllllln M. \ !-p;lluln. 1.: nder hc;l\ y puhce ((UJrd few 1hirty·nine hours. ' lXI. I ul.1 broke d0\11. Jnd blurted out 1.1 hnrd·to·belic,·e ~tOI)• "Two unknown men oppro:tthed me 1~ StiUman's lt)m. where I 11J~ tunlnl! up IP pl3y lirst board at the ~apb tou num~ They ~lu~t~:td. drugged and tlubbtd me after which I awoke 111 Crcenpoint 11itb $100.000 in my vest pocket" Later tle,·doptncnt~ . Uig.fi ted tovtJI. talking hircl-like II , metana f~l(!'tl\ Pre•ident of the Wc~1 !:>tde Che~meQ• Protcdive Associatiou, held n pre'S fOlio fen•nce . ~~id he to Cnj.ter reporter., "Thb i,; the ugliest scandal In chl'~ ~ince Mau1 rawr tn,cned a 1\Jcdcan jumping bna in hi uwoncnt' Queen ·~ BbboJ>'& 1~:~.11 m London ten year-. :t~:o .. The l.lll'~l word from J> btrict Attorn~y ~lilkto.1st hu~ the ~f.lOrli< wurlrl jitlery a1 the om.e hinted nt dirty t.luinlt~ in croquet

MEDICINE What Do You Want?

\\' "'~

"' ()t

un ·u.

r ('


1i' l .lumnn hluod h.e ~ lll'H' r hccn in \Ui.b 'J dc111and us it is todny. It i~ a very nbun· hr• dant commodity :l\'rttlal1lr en humans of 11e1 all •haJIC' and si~:c•. \\'hl'll n youn~t IJO> r t·ut:-. htmsl.'lr on a knrfc he i~ kno11n as ~· it 1 lOmmonly rallt•d, to blt•ctl Whro ec ·'" cn~:int·cr cuts himst'lf on tht• edge of hh. slidt• rult', he is known. a~ it is com· ll. munly ' rllt'cl. to \IC.tr \\'ith the inl'cn 1l' lion of tlw bottle thl' hunun nnnd COG I CCI\l'cl the idea of 'turing ihi~ blood 4nd I inserl in~: it into I he hluod strcum whrn t nrctlt-d Two hundn·d or I hl'<.l' in ertions h~ .1nd 1110 hun tired dt'.lth.< Liter the hum:m I mind. forl'\'cr g•)illll f OI'\IOifU. 10ncti~t'd ~· the ltlca llf the necc.,.,it'" of supplyin~ tbt prnp,•r I)'IW for l'!ll h inrli\'lllual. It w.r~ at this !imt• thl t lhc c l:t~sil'rc~lion~ or~~· and z: hcl.'unw popular Tlw. R1•d Cro,.~ hlood prol(r:lm rccm·td .J l>UJllltht'll ~h111 in th1• ;~mt H'll'lll ly 11hrn il ' tllrill·tl ~roup ur pat riouc cotullcnt6 of a srnull :-\~w l~nRIHml e·n~inl'l'ring ~~b1K1I IUmt•d IIIII in feme to don.tll' blood "aulo~y 1c:-t' on tlw t'i uts ohtn i nell tlrlwrd JUM tht' C".tlcul1terl \nlue~ (nr the bluod uhr.tim·ll ' huwcd an ;tvcr:tl(l' ol 1 S !hOI• per .trm (a basil> of :e 1.2 m:., 110 proof jil:l!cr ll•llt u'edl. 0..114 •hot~ JWr orm btl· t1'r th.tn the all·collt•cce :1\'CrJI!t' Thr finr ~howm11. ,If thi$ :-•·h11ol 1!- ;~tt ributccl m~h 1o Ihl· -,cninrs \diU u re nnnorccl to bt' ront muallr pi-eyed (,I 1-1 111 shot~ per n~l .\nhci•~r- lltNh :\h•d.1b uf :\lcrit :rrc beinr -em tu 1he variou~ ~cnc:t Ol')r.IOIZJ.Iion~ on th•• t.lmpu ... indurlt'cf in wh11'h nrt Iota F.w f.p,ilon . Camrna Ep~il on :-;u Tau Si!!ma, nnd ul hrr lc,~cr org.Jnizations for uut~l<IIHhncc toni ributions. Fir~t 'hrpment of 1h" blood art• expcctrd tv rcat b Chinese C'ommunbt 1t1•hl,., in tht front lint·~ by ~lay tirst TAME. APRIL 17. 19S3



seful Element

Dr \lwt• I 1 .~11. notNI .\m~:rir.tn ·•••·n -t .!1 11\'<'rt•d ,, lll'W t'lt m~nt vc~tt>rtl.\1 ll l!Jir m ,lwll! •Oilll' I~'" on l';ti~,O ll 1-lo: It Jml \ l r) t'M'i l\•ll Jhuut hh ntY. th•·



li 'c" .m•l madt' cxttn"l' t' tt'"t-. on 11 ~ .. iull1•\\ lnl! ro:purl i-. a 'J.enw ndu ..iH


Et.F.\If\T:-\u 101 'Vmhul \\'u i- J mo:mlwr ul e hum:tn. f:tnuh·. .\ (U'Illl'd .1tunm teht 110 .dt huu~-:h .1 numhcr uf i<llllllk.'' \\'u\1 \\


•· r·




On l' KR~.'n . lb ••huml.n1t m n.ttur.•,

111 ,unll huth in fn•t• .mtl t umh11wtl ~l.tlt' ,11 J•u.tlh ·•-~nd.ttt·tl wi th m.1n. l'IH l>l<'i\L I'I<IJI'f.l< l iES A numlwr 111 allo :y IJ)It form~ h.\\,. hwn uiN•n t•d Tlwir ll 'llSily, 1rnn.p.ucnrv, h.mhw~~. H. P. and ·t I P may \'MY \\t1hin 1\idt• lit11it'-. Tlw 1lor I'Xbil>ltt•d hy m.tll\' spt•rinwn~ 1s a rf.11 ,. pht·IHIIll<'IHin a 111l i• usu.dh· 1lut· 1 dosdy ~tlh.·nn~: plliH'r. f llf.li1C: \f I'RIIl'f.KTII<, .\ h•ttrh• \\hhnul ,,olnnn m a numh,·r of liquid,, lhl'






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my hn~ ... ~Y' Lin\ oln .. I h.ll;. the mu-t l>t:otutitul thnH! I t'\11' ht•.ml Ill m\ hk .. Tl.' lllil'- 1-:1 \'1111\.11\ olllll ro••umc-. Ju.., .,Jnl!tni! L ulnrln .~-..uutc.. t lllllll h.ll.tn1 'lJO\\ •1 ll!t It• II .mol tit II'• ,, ic\\ l.sum.ll btrJo til• Thl' cltHII ''1"-'11• .mtl ,, l!lrl knn\\11 ~t.1rkh t• ti1rl t·llll'l' • \\'huuo 1011 dtlln m ht·.th ·''"' I ,,.r, m.111 u,.. '' ~ nlt'n·- r•wln c;irl I.IUdh hsllt·rl~, ' I , tn'r ro ul nt·\ ··r h.trl 1111 ... , hut•lin~t · " :\h· pum duld ' '·" • l.tnwln .1lo Ill· llun111s: h1:- hen I• .til• " ;\I r Lmculn '· trlt'• ( .trl Ill'\\ hulk 111 hi'T lll'.lll l'l I'' ' \ 11\1 II .1 hilt 111.111 1',111 the\ ~hut uH Ill' \\Jit•r ~ f:IIH U\11 'Ill ill" •,ltlh• " \' l ' ' II\ I I ltihl ...,hi' ht'JIIII> l1J , Tl Lim uln ~lruko, lw1 h.elr " l>un't Hill 1.111· oh•.11lo• ht• '·"'' 1\ 11

il t'·~rt',llll


I fl1t'l"'

• l•lllt'


IIHhul,•nl ""' 1111io 'In!') uf tht· orttll•mrnt ,,,tllht.l'l ~l••t.llllhltJUI' in till' ninth c, nt UM \ II u:.un~l 1ht• ....,., hm~: hr.u "' tht· lui<' .111.11r l~<·tllt'•'n L .llltt' J)n:rk IIIII I ht II rt·~ luh hll•t•\1 rerill{lll I) l>c~•rc I~tll<l' Or.·, k j.... t ht• ~ <1111111 mel tntrt>pul lln11-h uht·nturc·r ""'' .:.IIlli' 1u ~tl'llllf:t' .11111 • \•lilt \lu1.1111h11lllt' In •!'Jrd• of t h1• lu•JIIf d ul 1\lllltlll 1dH'-t p~~rtr.tll ht b.ul ·n·n 111 -nnw ,,t,,,nro• Jll.l~.l/.lllt' • •1110 t•> llntl ttul 11 o•m t' uul Itor ,,II tlw ,,n~11o:r 111 Lhl· t)116tl1>11 ' \\ hrl 11.1• Ill\ loHh••r " t nlltlll ll l>l''ITI' '' tlw •tl'llllllt' >low o·~t·.J h, .till\ 11h11 li1Uit] h.11 l' hJtl .1 111 111:111 111 \l~tt.uuh•q•u· hut 1"'"'' L.1111 c Drl'lk.111•1 11hn hlt·tl 111 dlt' lur it \'l'l \11th ~11 llwiT lr111 lh1'1t "·'' ,, thin w,JII ul 1111~­ tru•t ho'l\\1'1'11 lht•m .111d lht• 111\'HI'rl' IJlti''IJIIII• •Ill' dllrl'll llttl tlll~Wt't fur i 1i1n ' l'uuld ~lw ll'll hun I h.1t -ht• h.ul lallt•n 11111111 111 .1 '' ' · "'~''' \ trhHn llbl':ht·r \ nd , olllll ~r.,. makt• L.lll\1' untlt·r~t .utd \\ h1 •Ill' ot11J IHit Jill II him ill hi~ Clt'fllfll h.tt tit• .111.1111'1 ll untlu.:t 1111 X 'il.ult•' \ ~~tl 11 l11t ttl ll r11o dll.t !'-I.! tit•, ll unt in11· 11111, d.IUJ.!ht•·• liJtth l l'arlllun tt·ll L.HI\1' 1h.ll tnr thrt•t• 11111111 ~ q"""ltt ...1... ha1l -.1111 k ' "' n.rn tl.ut• in ,, dull n·phca 111 ll uulll.J t h. \I 'I"' h.11l '<'I t ht• uf •Jot•l111•1 1111' f ll,ll nf htr' ) \ nol 1\ h 11 ul l )rth 111.1 "'l.ult'. th1· h.our:ht) , .ulli•qtlll ht~ouh 1\ hu cru~hctl 1<1 .11 ,. lllt'll 1111 h l11 r '"" n ttl.uH t' 11nh· Itt '"11··• ,,, I*"" • l lr•'• k hn·.ltht·d lu• ll..t>· '1"11 tlu\\ II •lllllt·hu<ll t•lw ' Ill'! k! .\ n•l 11!1.11 ul ll uiiiii\J.:tnn X 'il.llll'. ,, lift' II ltul~ ••I 1 rut I ·""''" It• 1hl' 1huu,.tnd~ 111 -.·rt "" h1' ~tr•·ll ruhht•t pl.llll,tlil)ll, 11hn·•· lnl\)1111' ''·' t'JCtrhal!·tl many yE'.\r~ ·•lo!•l ht'Ltll'<' lw wl n.111~h11 " ''nl\ I'• I h1• ltuuk h ol tllll'•l p;lt \.t•tl Wll h l•tlo·r 111 111\l'r ~·~· llt'lllt'lll it ll' lb u o, ttlrv 11 l1 11h rlllt' 1111 11.1~ tl,o u' d iu 1tritt• •



tlHII'tl l.llt' I 1111\' 1.1111 11111 ••II' 1\ m.111 lll:tdt• IIJI "' ,, ol11ll.1r •11111 l'llh·t'~ ~t.•~t•• It• It li t· pull- ttlll' hundr.·d .111tl lllt'nty ict'l •II lonl'•·'l' !rum hr .. 1111111 I h• n·,u]., " \\ ht•mt' .11111 "ht•ll ,, .111tl \\ ht•n·~t' ·· \ ~nun I! 111111 t·nt~r· .. t.llll' n~:ht lo. 111•11 wher(• I Ioiii lm.llt .J J'll'11 llllth'd ll trm. .II\ Hll'• ht·m~o: ~trt'.lll~ 1111 r•·•••·tl h) ur lkn1111 ht .t-k• \\'ti\'T•'·'' 111rl \lht·ro'.h mol lllll'rt' b .otwl .\ h-url" >t't'lllllll:h· unlinuu•d ~up ''"''''II• ,_,,.._ l>ull.1r !'-11:11 I It• \ vun~t m 111 -11111..• I~ Ill l'l.J-11"11'1\1' llltlil \\Jlllh '111110 lolfl tllf '1.1111' lt•t I \ IIIII IKt\ I'll II h ~~ 11!1' .1t' ••• t.tl,•~;•· mtu !:It I I·· , lrnt·• ~~~ i1 "n h• t•lnl • 1111' l ',l' I l l I h~:hh ttrll.lllll'lllll 111oh• rtJiht ' \\'ht•tt'.e- tnt! lllll'n.'r' .md "ho 1•'..1~ •II J!.lrt~n.llmn 111 tlw .1r1- anti tlonw~111 Dull.tr "•~til ' I Ill· 11111 hm 111oll• ,, hu11 11 tCilH" 121 .\ th .h .1 i><~>lllll' or m·J!.tltll' l..n1to .uul lwl!in, 111 11h111k lh•• "'"~ 1JII''I 111 lht• prutlu\111111 Ill 11'\I:T' ,,, lll·adl·tl o.ull' ..... fol't' rllO) ht• \ 1111 l.no111 '·'"' I h<· "'"I'''' ' I h" Iii Ill Jll'otplt• .tro• kmtl .nul l!trll I .11111 ~:o·ul h· til l ,t'ful ,,., ,, IIIIli\ in llw olll'\l.lliuu .unl lw 1111olul llw rt''' 111 1ho '·''l I >I• knt·"~· l011 'II' rll <,, l'lt r•mt•t .. IHIIIITIJII•h lrum ,I,IU< 11'11 ,111d 14 I t-:Ot~ lt'nt J• 11 llt'oiii, IIIJ.t .IJ.:I'IIt 111 rt~:ht l lw Hmhu\ , untrnUt'' l lu ft1tlt• ~r hum~ P•'opll' 111.ll lw htil,• hut tht'\ fl• wuplt I~ I 1-:qu,Jiil.t:'' tl\t• di~l nhU110II uf IH'olh h nd h proh.thlv till' mo'l powt•rful ( .1~ El'l•ry111111 pull• out ,, h.tTII11111h .1 111rl l 111. \ 1( 1 111 LtrH liC)'J pp.I-Cv(l.l,\' •oftly play, " Jn lht' l l.tll ol tlw :\IHIIllt 1111 ~ lilt' ,,,...,. 0 1 inum'•"' 1 n·durtn~ .l~t·nt Ntll•' /,, ,.,,, "'" ~ . ' I ht 111\IIJII,I l:tlt'' 1111 • It t .IJ..t·· .I nuwn. hc.tp o( li1 1111: In ntakt· ,1 P<'t lph• httlt• 'I ht· An111lwr Ill'\\ honk w hi t h b 111,1k llll( a hit lit11 t• !WUPit• h.llt' I dtl'olll1 .tllrl Ill tlu• '' ht•n'll' l 11 .IJ'1 11'al' ·~ tha t c•vcr·pllpuhtr tlrr\llll !>11111!'1 " 11h 1~ ...;11'1111! 1 11 11rtl I 11 tlll·tn '1'/11 l rl IJf /,,,., 111 (;yp>~· Rt~>~' Ll.'ec h II 'I•IHHI• likt• phl11\ 111 l.ll•t II" lull prilttt•tl li) hnthun l'rt''"·P l Tl1is 1hvr· 11 tslll l'lll ltttk• Jlt't!JIIt• kllll\1 il 1•111 1111~hll t'HI!rt ''~11111 huuk i• ,,., onnmr•nd1•tl nhalers Next? .111ol '""11'11.11 tht·l' .no· ;.!UIItl/ 111 k111111 ''' tht ll.t\'t•lin)l ,,d1·sm 1n 1tw •• ~...1<111111 11 h.11 11 j, <...unu·tl.ll "umt:tl.ll " lt~Rt H>tol Bm \\' 1111 l'tll H. 120<t'1 lllor.m.lll JIn h"'"''"'' 111.111 011 a hu litluv Dull.•r ""•~n 1ro:mloh.... ' ''' pr..,,,., .uul th1· tw•tr.ll•·d 1\lil o•r, Thi~ l11111k h;, ~ t - 1/ tl-' '-rlllt/111•111 ri~~:ht .nul 1l.11' hun h• I'll h.\11111'11 111 I'\ l'f) nt.tJIIr nty of I hl' Thl'rt' 11.1\t ht•t•n rt'l""'' 111.11 \1 ,1\ mar... h.dl' !"Iller 111 irun' l.mt uln tlt''lt'llll• lrum tht ••·11111~ 11urhl It '" unll th rtlliJ.!h rhi' "l "'tial l'th hulnun h.t.. ht'l'll "orkmu un .1 r.·1 ulu 11n 1 IWY rope (;,,thninu ,, l11 11• ul • nl H luon pnlllt'll 111 ,\ nt 11'111 for.rnkJ,h t h:11 1ht• ullJrl Ill' I\ huttk Ill 1\ hit h 1111' I h.IT,I\11'(' • htl''· 1ht· c,, ... , l•mltl- 11 lm· I h•' '11 ,, n·.uh•r m.t~ .11 ttt•ru•t• 11 .1)' th ruul(h •lr.sd 111 ~llt'.l kllll! nwrth 'lllll mt•anllll( c lhU,J\ rtt.l'l m lr,hnullom' llw out I 1111 11• 11r 11 t·lnl p.tl!l'' lh· lUI ltt'll/.t'tlrm~ lllh.llcr- But /1111/ f.tlh •v II 1tl1 Ch, rk '' a Jill It murt• runH•II 1 1 111111 ~I \Ill I·;"'' Cl1i'lh PI' - \ nry nl~11 1n I" h.qiH'r It'll .1 pl.w i~ rc.td ,\ uti '" 11\tt"- /l.m foot lft•1· 11 1111 C ''' • ( ! 'umleo·r-~•m• I npk•l.1, 1$ H 1 ' c:~llnl l rrus.\ 1111 .\trt·•·l 1111 1'uod.n• tlur unh· wmnwnl b th.ct 11 IIH<i• .1 huh t '1rtl II•""''' h.11 t' lllnlt' and JIIIIW a1l!l Th1' pl.11 i, ··N in tlw mrn., rnuro: ") mhule-m l"''llth h.,,,. ,,,jlt h1·1l tlwir il llt•,.:l;mr•· 1'1111· m ul J pl.in!'t.ITium 1\~ 1hr pb,· o1w11~ J',l "!>lo" 's I'RtK,l!l ' ' I 1"1 JlJI I tmudly Jrtll\1 \\lu~t l11 hn1I.I(C 111 piu{lthlc, thrt't' hn~tl'rt·cl '\c~ru 11<~111t:ll ~\'l.'rym:lll ' l.trklll:u~tcdly rnopp•n~ot tlw lltwr 'I lw 'l hJ-. huuk '" .1 hi,turl\.d 11111..! On Ill t.lll-l•la IIlii lhi' Wt•t•k '' J(.lnll' ~UIJI'rior Cl<Jf upo:n• •I.U!•' ll'ft •• nd ,\ ltruham L111 tht• CH\l'r llf lh1~ llt'll huul. '' llu lllt'lllolhlt• 111 •'"' tttllt' r pl.ll't.'«l wll h I ht• lll(hl~ 011 hn!'i lwt'll invl' t11t•d uln 1111ne, m " I loll Jun11: do l'llU t hmk O,Cit\UUU", lm ..~, n.tlf hrccrl l!lrl Ill •• Ir;lll' m.m·, ll'.l:' ou~ht 1u lw ~ lr l.t muln?" PoiTl'll l Ji~Jt: IWI-(hl!l't' ,11(.1111'1 1111' IJI',I\\ II\ l K1•d t'"'"" .111 tl 1hr~c~ :er~ wi ld hut -k, I:.I l'f\'n1.111 ta 11 uy, l.'Xl\'''" t·ly m.111l~ dw'l nl tlw hlat k nitw, ,,tu l jtu k' .arc wi ldrr t C nlltlllllt:tl 1111 Jla~o:c 'Ill) \rh~ lun~ l.'lllllll!h 1u r~<ll h 1hl' J(mund, ht:rtl Pa.11i1111'.t l'ra~r• f.l tt•JI, t ill' whnl1• ' ( ;h l' h1•r









AM E, APR IL 17, 1!153


---------------------------------------------------------------- ~


You s till haven chance? You too can learn t he secret of a mazin g new popu lority? Why woit sever a l years to .find out the secret of vi t a lizi ng personali t y? No more waiting wit h baited breath. Now you cn n get yo ur breath baited with (your c hoice) onions, gingivitis, Air- wiclt, tavern f umes or hydrogen sulfide. Strike rcspo nsi ve chords in new nssoci11tes! Bowl them over with yo ur powcrbdcn personality! Figh t c hlorophyll ! Wr ite Today

Bernarr MacFan g tooth Bridcshend Revisited , Mass.


Too Secret to Photogrn ph! BE FEAR I A~Ss-c :o FOIO IL ESS The nr~: l il(t'l' pklurrd ahuvc dtll'sn'l n•v(·:ll, rlowsu't hlnt. jJut·•m't t•xdll'. doe~n ' l do anylhin~: hut take up ~pact·. Thl!' m•~:li,.:t·t· will 1-1~ 1 yuu 10 work un time. thou,.:h. and it may C\'1:11 kl!t'p your IIi f~· \\';Inn ! Our t•xdusive lint• of lilll:t'rit· ,fi , p ft•;nurcs ~ ~ ocki u~:~. r1•tl llannl'l Inn~ · ics. patt'nted dt··cmphnsiz(•r hra~ with cxdusil·c huill-in tlattk:. .•mil ma11y uther !(ttrmt•nt' tu unft·mlllit.t· IIH• fem:dc. St'l1(1 fur t'r~1· lmukkt in plam wrapper.

FORMFLAT Bar ren City, Nevada



Are yuu ~hort ? Arc ~·ou tired ur danrinl! vit h lwr .111d hcinK .1hh· 10 ~t'l' n•JI hing Jut her hell lu 1 ~klt· i' Then ll:l't ynur;;df a mir of II EL'Il'Ol'TI~ R Slll)h:; . Cone fur •w r nrc tlw ci.Jys wlwn you ,~:mvell'd hy wr siclt•. llc ••hlc 111 waldl parrulc~ ~t ruul· 1111 in a manhHit•. :;end ~hue -L~c and lHmcy. Send mont•y. Nu nrd\' rs fdkcl vithout money. n un't ior~tt'l the money \ lso stamps.

HELICOPTER SHOE CO. Wes tover Field , Mass.



Salami t'umhnlin putun·s twistctl thr Bihliral \W>IIIO uf Prin cc~~ Snl•• mi. curactctl t he dante Of I hc• Sl'\'('0 \'Cil'\ ami huih il 1110\'i~ around it. Two Chiut·~~: "rill•rs. Ch.1rlit> l'IIIC! arul Johnny l'ung-onct• more joined thdr tn lcnh and r;1mc up with another tcthnicolor tJII! with a cast !lf thou~nnd"'. Dcp.Lrtin~t fur from llw histuriral h:tck· ground, llw plot c\·olves around the (;ali· lt'.ln \C;L~nns of th<: yc•.tr \\'i nte r finds Salami 11 ith nII ~t·vcn vei l~> co\·crin~: her tt•mpl rc~'l hocly "hile , umrnur SI'CS her in the one vl'd r~qui n·d hy litw. The print'c" drc~~maker~ atlt'lllpl to lll'-.ign n veil wit h a ziJl·i n lining in orcll' r to do away with sca;~onal inconveni l!nce. However. "IJ'C'S makt• off with Ihe lining. \Vilc1 with rn!(c sht· nhandom. ;ill sen-.e uf righlvnul>· ness. h:u.. 1he p:da(c guo rcls killed, and wril(gb, nnd un!lulnt~s t hrnugh a fianu~. But. iu her m~t·. sh1• I(Oes hcynnd lhl' l11w. 'J'Iw hnul sn·ru:. whcr!' Srilo~ rni is dyiug of pneumoniu in a jail. is sur(• ICJ hrilll( tears lo ,til r:yc:;. Ri ta ll nyfcv~r ~~~ Salami anti fut Charles Law ton ;~s lht• fru, tratcd jailer give trenwndous pt·rfnrnHHlCl'S. Thoul(h not fact· ful . it is " ph.•;t$ant ll'ay to c:ltrh up c>n histnry.


Play Plays

Tt i ~'Rt

J., Smun u1 sc: LIKE A DAMF. from I he mel\' it' of the s:.mc nanw lw 40t h Century \\'olfl mnkrs n w ry l'njuyahlc cnning fur th\lSt' who hu,•c nnthing to do :1nyway. Ernl'~l llcminhnw hu' dr>nc i1 a~.1in This timl! il wns only a skull frart urc hut llw rcsnlu rt rc :tM !lliiHiing run~idcrin!( t lw fnt! t hnt he was work i n~: umler t renll'ndnu!> prcs~urt•. It rumt·s Ill mind that thi~ plot h:1s hecn riiHH' a f(•w hundred Iimes nlreadv. hul a fll' r :Iii isn't il lwtlt' l' now thnt. we're u.cd I o it? T ht• ~kel rtllll of 1he SIM\' is f.1irly ~imple. · As llw c url~ins p~rl we hncl our he roi n~ (:t·lruclt· Overmyer (pnrt r:tyecl hl'nutifull y hy mal ure act n·s~ Shirley C:ool!it•) in her ntl!l-w;nn hcnl·houst• .lJmrt ment Ringcr ly pulTtn~ up l hc r:ll'coon-skinncd t•:1sv r h:1ir with nn<' hnnjl and tll:tyful1y wrestling with hl·r prl fusrhia s.tlamct ncler She is int cr· ruph·d from her pn!.limc hy n visit from her ~:rnnllnlfltln.•r ( Lizzi(• G;wlor) who en 11 ~ lu tt· ll h<· r of n w•st ~um ·of rnonev sht• is leavin~t her ht•causc she ha$ late ~:ul It•n in Io some t wubk with the inconw tn ~ bureau. c:ertrufle. who is h~sk:tllv ~:ootl at ht:'. 1rt. clot·~ not w.1nl to lnkt• the r.tp for I hr olfl wit r h >o she ca lis in i':k k Sm.trtt•r (mat urely portrayed h~· thnt hc:wllful actor. Humphrey Okhnnl l 3ncl hi~ ~ct•inl( en·~ In the rr~l of the fa~l·movinu tirsl ncl. the C:rnndntothcr lt•ovcs nnrl !\ir k entt·rs. :\low \Htk kn.ows all ohm" Lhnt (:t:rtrudr is not really hrr l! rantlmollwr·~ (~tl:qllt•cl


l!rnndchild at all. but he doesn't want 1,. hurt her reelin~s becnu~i.' he is in ,_ ' . h her s1stcr . (C '111ge r Sn:.p). lUll w1t Ar t two finds Ginger !-inap at home (m t he h~ck of a wnterfr~nt cn fel. We tt~111 tha t she has fallen 111 lo,·e with Nick'. hro1 her (fEd wa rd G. Bulldoll 1 who is pro. moler o 2-ezra race:.. Gertrude ent«· shortly and tells her sister of her new lo1r It seems lhnt while employi n~t Nick •be has fallen in love with his Uncle T!ICU <Ge~ory Speck ) who wa~ in rcalit)• •t la ter learn in love with her grnndmothfr ln the meanwhile the government ht3r· ing or the latest developments sends Ul n ewly-promoll~d Richard Richards, pril'l!t pi ll (Seven Cables! who cnn'l help bu• fall in IO\'C with . • . t::uess who • . Nick's brother's sistcr-in·lnw. a lusciOII! di h who m:tke$ odd jewelry from USf1l pomcgranntc seeds :1nd ap(liP cores. By the time oct t hree comes alo111 thins:s nrc very mixed up indeed. The ~~ ~ing is a ~trecl corner in China Town ~ the lime i~ Russian New \'ca r. The tut· tain~ part to expose a r!llorful panornnu: of Chinese lan terns. cool i~~. wnrmies anl hotti('s. One finds il hnrcl to determine exnctll how the play ends beca use there·~ 1~ much noise from the h:dcl')ny which sene< u:. a rolll!r skat inK rink for retired actor• Hnwever. when it i~ linally ovl•r one comt> away rr mcmbcring t he unforgettable ptr rormunce of George. C('rt rude's do~t.






~~: l'h



lie Oi


Ji:, l'e f'll


II. \\'





Ui I>• Itt U1 :\. U 11 \\ ll


IJ IJ Names usualh· make rwws. Last wttk H thtsl.' characters. mrulc thi> news. lJ Chapcroncll n1 the Junior Prom 11en: L Dean and Mrs. Francis W. Rt>vs, Or. and E ~ I rs. Allen E. Parker. Lt. Coi. and ~lr;. :' Churles E. H:lrris. ( I L,I~IIJI)A c Ill AI. P liA J Chrt(WrOnl's: M. :tnd ~ln•. Cobb ~ Chuck 1--ll>rnc. Ann Sc11uin Lnrry S:mhorn. J ea nne :orclon Torn Brndlt'y. 1\ lison Taylor 1 F:mil L:mon, Shciln Wulkcr I lloh Smolinski. Nancy Hcdl(cr I Unlc \\'c!\lhrook. Noel i\lwrsoo ( Bub Ha ~nnl. Pauline Ucauchc~ne I Etl Ma rka rian, Alice \\'rillh~ Willie r. l.ears. Kav Selner t>a,·e Young, ln!(~id lly lbom \\'cs \\'heeler. J oan Ru pple Garry ;\lalqun rric. Barham Dunn Roy ~lone. l3Mhara Roy:..ton Ray ~nudin. Elir.ahcth Ru~

• •

ALI' Itt\ EII:>IL(l'/ PI

Chapcrom•s : ~'lr. nnd l\1r~. Harold C.rm•n Dick 1\lt:i rowitz. C'lair Uicr t:l·urgc IIIlis. Carol Sic~tal Ernie l)('mnr. Enid K:lrmazt nc TAME. A PRIL 17. 1953






}, "'

fll \t


It: lf












~eil t. lt•bt'rman, joyce Funk Ha n!. -.rr:~~:e T erry Li{lhton t...ur:- llt.•nH hel, j nn('t Xo:wton Hanot1 Lakl\ liarril'l ~cidm.tn \n I H·cdher~. ~l:i~nt Kern Paul London Paul.! Uloumheltl llob t:ohlbt'r~:. ~!cri;tm Ernul( Ht'rl~~: rt Slotnick. :\laNh.1 Xc'' man :\lr .tnt! :\Irs. O.t\'C Eluvuz ~l r md :\lr~ Wulu:r Lc\' 1111' ~lr tnd \l r, U J\ t' Hecker Phil K.tmin-ky, llarnt•t llurnu·

SIG\1 \ Put CP>.lLII' l'hapt•C()Ot'!~I r anti Mr,. ll.trry :\lclf!t•n ~I r and :\Irs Ken ::-.coli Earlr Bloom, Bet ty nro~:; lhlllt t.• Brown, ~ ancy Oatll(c Uirk Hutlaworlh. J "nic Lau~thlln llob Eldrcdl(c, Phyllis ~ l ,tndl~:u Ken lit':.tky, Mary Lou Sperry !'etc lJor~ll\l:tnn , LIJrhnra \ \ 10 Lonrn Dtd• ll unl. ):ornm \VynCSl:\l.tr~h Kl d!h:r. ll;~rh.Jru Kuhr, ll.my ~!irilk , Jt.•unic Erit k'•m \\ .th l'n\\cr. \'ir~uua j ovll' Llust} Rhorlt•,, Juatllh' Flt·tdwr \ rt Rurlnnn. X.tn, y Ruo;,rll Phil Stmnn. 1'.11 I h·m on Bob 'tempi(•, Jt•.tn li.t~'l'll ll,t\1.' \ '.tn l'nn·rn J •·.tn nn Thmn,t ~ Ruv Wise. Hl'\' . unp,-un llru1 t' St•aly. Rwte l ~t llt• r~:t: :"iftl t'.tttnkas l'l'R ~l t Artlle l>id; D:l\ 1, J.tlllH' :'-lttkt'Nlll Hul!h Pl'ler~lln . j .Lnl.'l \\ ol,kt• \\'ill Em~t. l.orr,Hnt· ~ I .H h t.u


H1r1h Uuckly. 1\un~: H utwr ~IGMA , \tt• JI,\ bP'>JI.O:>. ('hapt>ront·~ :

l'upt. and Mr, K l.)·m.tn Dun l'thl. !':lylvi:t l'uttin~t !)i, k l; ilhl•rt , Jo.tn () ' l)onrll'll etk lluh I· rl'tkri; k, Shirley \\'(t~uncr Btll 1\•tcNou. j l.';l n ~1 on:u :rt D.ll'l' l :ithrrt , Franny J.nws 1nd ~:art•· ~a mple, Jv.•n RultRt' lr• 1\rl l'unlcs. lliana "''li.tn Gerry ~ut hm . I.:Jinur U' Brit•n lion Z111cr' l'r,w l;;IUI hlt·r )Jt k Kus,cll. ~lurihn ;\l<mru" " JOK Wc·h~lt'r !i-hlr.lt•v !-t.thlt:r ltiy (;,mlnl'r, Judy S.unl'll' Rick K.trk, Lmn LJ\1 UtcL Kader. 'r :trol I';INJOb F'rtcl Ue llo1:r. Irene II m•rly Paul ::0.< hoonm:lkt•r . ._ :HIW :\l,thler Ger~ \\' t1vtunn. \ nn c .•~~tdy BtU Elhol. Jo~ ~e t'liflvrtl ~br1 \hCuv Irene 1Jutkit·11itu~ ian 1>.11 1d•o~ . :'-l.tm y ~l eader

hed O~ttl411ck, ;o\)'C•~

C'ru11 I

Chari••) llealy I.<IUil>C llridt•rs Put (; ..utMA UttTA Ch.lJlt'TOill'~.

;\lr nnd ;\lr-. C11rrvll l'l'.lrll' tlou \l,lllc~>. Jo Bcrwmrl ret( ( 'uu~hlin R<•ll(' 140J(IIll lluh 1-'ni,it· Ann Fll!llht•r Rtlnlut• Thun1.1s. l't·nny Thump,un

AM.E, APRIL 17, 19S3

.Ro) ~eahcr~:. Rosemary g,rn(,t~t John IJ ydl', B~lly \\'t:ct.trrrn Hob Clerv, Juan Pan:l' Ui1k r'upp. Bet~ O~uulur l:brn· Smtih. b'·l' ~!arlin Walt "11.'\\.trl lilrrit'l B.wd• llu!llul' rufl, Jo.tn 1.1,1111 l'aul Alas. o. !iJrh:lrJ. t'ulc t'hri, :\Jartln l.lcvcrh Crant' \\'ill l~oudwin. ~l.1r~-it ) Onl.'" ~!any !Jurdcn )l'nn Barnt'~ Clcl't:nl(cr. U.trh.tr.l .-nl'ihlt•r £1 l\1rujo ;\mra \ \'ultnJ l'h.trlit: Fl.lll.ti(Jn. } uyn· \\'.:ll~t•l :\lr and Mr, 11 I' \\' hitdt> ;\ l r .md ~Irs Fred l krtn!l Lluh Lun~l'r l;tarh·, Strom RuK •IIlli Phylli5 (}.;I'll ~ l r . :tnd M~. G<:orge \\lullll· l'htl Clw rrc111 , Clrtri(c llip~un ~ l r. and Mr~ . Rid1.1nl /,clt•ny


.\ U•IIA

'Lit' 0\lt:G•\

t ' h.IJlC r<ll1C" .

.Mr 11nd ~l r,. . Fuhian l'inkhum $1· \ ·er-hnn l>t.>1 ~ llrcnnl'n

t'h111 k


UJrb \\'hit\t.lnlh

Jue Krl\'lltt.kt .\ udrt'\' R\tlt•r li.tnk ~l.tn'e.tu. Robt•rt.t \rtutm·' \I T\\ ttl hdl :-a~h.t ;\lvt ron•· · "om1 llruu!. l'o H<lOI h llu k II\ rnc,, Gr:tu: IU\ mom! IIIII Xa11d jt';tnnt• l'.tr&~ t h l>.tH jcnne1 j .lllct 1·\ rry lhm l'-un•btrom " ann \h lhl..1n1 I>J\.: ll.tth;t\\JY Jms ~rhulm.m t ll'OrJ,!<· l'r<ll.ll'r 1'.11 cr.uun \\'Ill ll tkcr .... htrh.!l e rnul(!' Uun RIH', )L'.IIl c...... Juhn ~lonn. (\nul t.o1c ll.tnk Uurgrr. Fanll) Lou ll uhht•ll Ed (~OitdhUl', B.trll.lfll Frlt/. Raltlh :\lnnl(t'On, Uonna l'\cl,on Ed B lukc~lt·c. Sally Ut •ute~nn Norm Fis1 ht'r tarul llrllllmt•ll Dlt k \\'ilson, J ulic t'ummln~ts Ed 1\.\tltn"rdk, 1'1.'1! Faulknl' ~ lluh So\'a, Mar} Luu 1\.napp I' 111 Su:MI\ K-tt•t•.\ l 'h,t p<'flllll'l> Dr ~nri Mr:- t'. II. Sl.tufter l>nlll! :.ld.•.trl'l1 ::;Jity Ch lllllt.HI Ed Cnbill U.t rh J),·cr.tdln:. \\'nit Rcthlin~:. J or~t· ! run~ Ktrhy UutJ)'I't. Duri, Trudel I )un Ru"-' · l'ru Lurwht:rl( l't•lt (l)t,li('JI! , Sue roteman Hutky \\',titer... Judy l~liH R•It·r }vlu1 rto&l j catl I~:~Mnn l'ork t:tlhl'rt. Fr,rnntt• t :1111111\l UJ\' C: l'r..tll Jo LonJ.:fl'llll\1 llil rJ1 n.• rtun t' trulyn l).unm Orren ~I { Koil!hl, Xc,·a ~wt•n.,un llllrry Brtl\111 Put ll:um:tn Jtnt Cheney, MarJ.,!lC (':wlin.tl Utlk lluyle j nt kl(' Sitlclin~:er Tom Kcc, lll'lly l,•• on~: IJkk 1-:t•t>, j ennit• l>nnl! C'hnrlic Full. ~! arilyn :-,k,•hun Mr 1111tl Mr~ St.tn Nt·~u~


I~~ t.•r. I li.utt' 0(' Simone t·:rntl' ~ttlllOt I'll :\lurph1 Unh "k•·lton ().~rkt•fl l;u,cr I lun lll•un lit'\ l'illctt

I',IUI tlrtt\111 , lkl l\ t'.HI•Iln

!lid;. )I, Hntk l' trul '<••l11.•rtsun ltn 1\ t'ut l ' h.IJil'rllnt'•

\l r .u11l \l r' l.t'<•ll.trtl I b.h \In 1\tp .IIIIIIIIUU. l'J.IIII' ('olt'

K.tlhumt• )11 t ;erh11111 h .ml. R1 h.tk ) t•.m l~iJ<n<'r

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