1952 v43 i7

Page 1

2 Wo~tu,


\'ulume XI.Ill

TuHday, o•..-. Hi. 1952

:'lumhl'r i


l\la (pie Play Great uccc JJ:u·gf' Autlicn ct• Sees

Eugcuc O'Neill's, The Long Voyuge Home Ltt ~t

Wednesday mOrtling :tl 11 u'cluck nn unu~ually large portion of the ~tucleut body filed into ,\ldcn )JernoriaJ .\uditorium to nltcnd the )!usque's tirst production of the yc:tr. .\fler a few Christmas selection.' by Cliff Green at the o~an, Bill Nagel introduced the play and the cast. ThE' !'lasque had sdeucd for the a.~~rnbly Eugene O't\eill's one uct pl:l,) Tht Lo11g l 'Qyngc 1/omc.

Lit<·a·a.··y Cluh ~fee l lnfot'JU~llh at llontc ,.;

or Pt'Of. l\la cR.t' n zit~ Prof. Gr·a non n{ Holy Cl'O~>S College OiscuMses 1\turxi!!l lnflueucc The LiLernry Clul> held Its last lllt>eting nt 1he gracious home ol Pr~1 fc:-:;or and ;\Irs. John ll. ;\lacKen.dc. The speaker wttl> Profe:-,•or Willi:lm GruLton of the College of the Hoi)• Cross. Profes. or Gratton spoke on the inlluem:e of Karl ;\lurx on \ mrrican t.houJthl while the nwmbeN were gathered infurmally in Lht• living-room. He outlint'd the ~ener­ al history of Communi.~m nnd o;hmlcd wme of Lht> ways by whi~h it rt'adwcl this country. Other reform movcnwnt.s which came 10 lil(ht around the some time a'\ Communibm, und obviously undt' r thr influence or ;\'larx, were nlso mcntiourd. l'rofessor Gratloo discussed litemlure hy nuthors with ~ lltrxi~t tcndrncles. His final thoufo(ht in h i~ tuJk wa~ ihrtl K:1rl Marx and his tt•tu h ln.l(s han !ilimulntecl much thou~tht in thi.: country hut :~s of yt>t h:t., railt•<l tO 11mdm•e ony f!r('at COIItri lJution. FollowinJt Profe. SQr Gratton •, talk there were ref reshments Sfrvccl anti o ~encral cli"fussion en. ucd . T ht• d iscu ion was quite livel}• as everynne took a ~reat interest In it . \t the 11<':\t meeting of thr Litt>rary t'luh. which will ht- hrltl in the j:tnrt l~nrle Room on Jnnu:uy Q at 7.10 I' ) 1., the head~ of three enl(ineerinA tlt,partments will di scu10~. " M \' Fat•nritr \ ' rm-uil'rtfifir Rn~~k •· \ II rtH' Invited.

The r>lay opens in u small pub :.omewhcre in England. !'lick the crimtl played by Larry llorrignn conspires with the bartender, Arthur Rudman, to ·han~hal <>ume sailors for service on rL nolurious ship about to !'nil around Cap<• (l(1rll. \\'ith the 3id of two women of dullious reputation, Kate l i\lary j ane Harvey) nnd Frerla (Ann Sweeney) , the conspirruors <~ucceecl in making three sailors drunk enough to overcome them. OIM"n, however, their companion played by Karl Nord, wa•; saving' hi.-; monf'y to return to , weden, lie had not :;ren his n~rd mother in ten years and he wanted to leave the se.1 for ROOd l>efore she died. ~-!very other time he had rt'ached port he had pent all his rnoncy on liquor, le:wing none for his pa '\Sa~te horne. .\ ftt'r n great deal of enticing by F'rcrla. he again suc<'umhefl and took i1. drink The drink. or cour,;e, WAS clru~A('cl , ond Ol!ien w:ts ~clon drttj;(JLI'd off to be 5hipped nroun<l thr Horn. Thus thr piny c'ndetl In lrue 0 ':-.Jrill fashion. .\l:trtin Rarre r·ty, Roy Srnbrrg, anrl Howarfl Dwnrkin, player! thr parts of Olsen's sailor bucldirs, and Don Campbell ami Joe Welsh played the ruu!!hl'. Henry Strtt.AC directed the Fatlwr Linehan, Nott•cl r rorluction. , ' t>ism o log is t, Tf>lls 1 Am ~urr all the ~tud<'nts whv Euginecring Ui!f'R attentletl the play will n~r<'e lhnt l..ao;t Tue...day e\·eninJ( thl' :\cwtbt"y would like to ~ more prornan Club bad as its main ~pcaker ductions or the c:amc c:llibr(' in the Fr Daniel Linehan, S.J., from \\'c<;tfuture. t>rn Ob<:t-r\'atory. We.~tern Obscrvntory. a jtracluate -;chool of B.C., only wke<~ appro~imately tt'n studcnL<~ a Again yrar Father Lim•han '-; talk nn Ovt•r·<•onJc tud ·nt ...,<'i'lntolnAy and it<; application to f'nl(i nrerin~ wa-. c;uppl<'mentNI "ith Kuclathrnme ~lides of actual field fhl' ftM Student-Faculty Bridge work. ~latch wa~ hl'ld Tuc~fby evening, • eismt1logy is the study of vihmXovember 25. For the o;econd l nry motlons or lbe earth ; both relastraight time. the faculty displayed tive magnitudes and direction'!. their wisdom ttnd experience l>y The"t' undulatory motions can bt• ~wnmping the younger ~cnerat ion, caused by earthquakes, volcnnir 4 QQ t ~ to 403 '/..r. The faculty teams erupt ions, or subterranean explosinns were· :\lr. Cnr~on and ProfesMr --et off by man. By setting off a KOQntt Professor Downin~ and "char~e " placed in the earth. a Colonel Hnrrls. and Profes'IOr Mc- c;ei..molo$!i'll can tell by the wav~ C'oy and Profe'l.(()r ~<'lson . H igh that are reflected or refracted frnm team for the student>~ waos Bob 'i\le- the core or the earth exacuy whal nard and Andy )forQ.o kine! or earth lies below him. Plane; ror n meet with Clark on By u<.ing thi." p rinciple for ~Hk­ De<'ernber 16 are underway. ,.,. NETMAI" CLlfB-Pn,r,. 4







For Civil Ch i1 St>ni<'t' Comm.

RecoanitiOJl 011 aiD}Jll Olltl'ht

The annual fall sports banquet

honoring athletes of the grid, soccer, nnd cross-country teams was held Highway 'fraiu"'t' Jol>s in Sunfo~d ~ilcy Hall December lOth. Quttc chffereut from those of " l1 the f>.'ISl. the banquet this year .\n t'X,tmination of Sflt."'Ci:tl interC~L to college students in civil engit") prowd to be vt•ry enjoyable and nrering h tl~ l.leen aunounccd by lht• intert•stin~ not uuly for the athletes, L'. S. Civil !:-,cr\'ic.c l'onunis.:.iun for Inte nsive Ski l,rogrnm hut for 1he general segment. of the lillin~t Hlt-thway Fn~in<"tr Trainee Of Uotb Comt)e tition sturlent body which atieuded as johs in Lht' Bureau of l'ublic Rl)ads. AtIf1 'f cac1uug · PI un1wc1 well. Silwina '(' " before, durina, ... and Thes~' jub~. payin~ $3 ,175 and $3,41 0 nftt'r the mt!nl by the entire as\Vhb winter hrre nnd considcrnblc st>mblagc tended to relieve the usual a yt•nt, arc locatt•tl throughout thr country. int<'rcsl in skiing being shown by a monotony bet ween courses of the This ~·x:t mlnuti,m is oprn to per· numbtor or slltdt•nts, t.he Outin~o~ Club meal, while the anxiety and tcnsel'OnR whn haw t'Oillpl<'tetl three- is again trying to gnin rcco).lnillon ness which accompanies the r>eriod fourths ur a ll uf .t J)rofessionnl civil of the evening during which the on the cnmpu!l. This yt•ar til(' club cn)(illl'l'dn)( currirulum or who e;~;I053 rnptnins are chosen was les. l'OIIIp1Nt' sur 1l 'itut1y by is linully l;ccomin«" CIJIIlJ)IIrtthh• 1\l srnrc 1 1JY some very entertaining sepcct tu IIX'tlon<~ by the \\IP£ oclet. • eptcml.)(•r 30, 1953 . i\11 nppl it';~t~ls outing clubs or other colleges. must Pll"" a written t~'~t Tl~ mu'ii· .\lthUu).lh :1t prc, cnt !>kiln!( is lhc The bnnquel wns opened with Dimum nAr limit is lS. · ·mtt•rest, Lhe club ic; plnn- rector of Athletics Robert W. Pritprmmry Furtlwr infonnation nne! npplichard und Acting President Francili ning hunting and ftshinl( trip!!, cnmtl· cot ion furmll may ))I' obtai11ed ut W. Roys extending greetings to all. first · and !lfi'ond-cln~ post offices, ing and mounutin dirnbing, and out.- Jtollowing greetings, toastmaster Bob ur from tht• ll. S. Civil Servicl' Com- ings with sister club~ from co-ed '' Dol(Rie" Pritc.hnrd introduced the mis~iun . Wu ... hinf.(lon 25, D. C'. AI)- colleges. Also as pnrt of the pro- ~uesJ of honor Lou Little, head coach rlkatiuns must l>e sent nm later gram a barn tlnncc with a. "gt>nuin(' of football a t Columbia University th;tn F,·hruary I0, 1953. to the E~ hill-billy" caller is be in~ plnnneti along with lhe coacht's and other er utiw Srrrt>tary, Board of \T. S. guests. lnlrorluccd at this time were : for January I b nnd we hotle tu ~<.'<.' C'lvll St'rvi<'l' Exa.minrr~. llnrrau of james Geddes, soccer conch ; Frank P11hlil Ru.ul'l, l)''ll.'lrlnll'n t nf C'um- cvt'ryont' there. Snnnel!n, truck coach: Percy R. nwn·t•, \\' n.,ltin~tnn 25, 1>. ( •. In mnncctlon with the intt•res l ('a qwntcr, former uthletic director ; toeing '\hl)Wn t nw~~rd .skilnl(, this Paul R. Swan, ussociute dean ; Anycur the duh has :tn lntc:n~;ivc pru- dw w W. Wilkinson, president or the gram for both the' lwglnncr and the nlumnlllSsocialion; Herbert Knowles, expert. .\t our lu11t nwc:ling Strurd comptroller ; Col. Charles HIU'ris, Mikkelsen, former NtttlontLI Class ROTC commanding officer; Prof. TUJ~JSDA 1\ !>ki chnrnpion , gavu a very inlt>r- Arthur ) . Knight, treasurer of the i\Jr. C. Donald Ft•oton , WI.Ml' .\i , cstinR tnlk on equipment nnll the ulun.ni as.~r>ciation ; Charles Me Nul· will tlrnrnnl4tratt• his t•quipmen t at corning season. Whrn the sno w~ ty nnd Mcrl Norcross, assistantfooLtlw th· ~ t Rnclio ('!uiJ mt•ctlnJt, lo lw cuvcr I he low equippt'd hills in the bnll coaches; Dr. wrmam H. Quinn, ht'lrl nt•tt•tnll('r l l1lh at 7: 10 P.:\1. in arra. the cluh hn<~ umwJ(t'd for in- team phy!lician; AI Rankin, Alumni tIll' Elt>ll rin tl l~nJ.(inrl•rinJ.( '<~ Lf'CI urc ~lruction lo be givrn w bt>glnners mrmber of the athletic council ·, Don 11:.11. Thc ' uhj(•ct uf hi~ talk will be and anyone intt>rcsted in improving Smith, alumni secretary ; Ed Scan" Prrd'll' HIKh Frcqutn<'y ~1 cnc;ure- I· f lis nrm. Trips into the north coun- nell nnd Gurctner C. Norcross, ctnnrt"mrnt!l.'' Mr. l'rntun i" one of the 1ry are bcin!( plnnned ami evrryont' writers. ..,..-lradi'r"' In thi ~ ru·ld. Hi~ rquipmrnt . . . •!. .nvat(•d to come along. Following the presentation of i' r)('rhnp'l lxotter thun that u~etl by R.\ .A. r ml>:tbly Lhr hi~)(C'It undertuking nwo rd~ to letter winners by the ;\l r Ftntun will I)(' thr ;,ecorul of thl' Outin~ C'lul) is its memberl!hip coaches, the W. P. T. octet under the 'l~akrr uf thi icrm al t.ht> Radio in the :O.:cw 1-:n~lantl ln tcrcollr~la t e tlircc:tlon of Clifford F. Green satlJt l 'luh. '\ t thr ~ovember meclinu "ki l'onfcrcncr, in which ski meets ''Walklnl( Tn A Winter Wonder;\lr. Rit hanl lln rrl~on , \\'1 RO, gavr with surh 'lChool!l 341 Hmwn. ll. c .. land" anti "Oh, Evaline" while the n Ut lk nnclllt•mumtrat ion un ~lx meter B. t•.. .\iortheaslern, arc held Nlth teams elected captains for next year <'qulpnwnt which wa ~ hoth intcrt>!.l- year. Thf'se meets nrc scheduled ror ftrr lhe elections, this years cnpevPry weelu.•nrl rmm li'cbruary tninll announced who would succeed in~ and informrtlivc. During thr pn'lt mllnth , the club 1hrouj:(h March. Tht•re is plenty nf thc•m In '53. Jack Malloy will l>f' opllortuuily ftlr anyone who has fontbllll cnptain while .c;occer and nwmhrr~ were n l~n active in a wnrld t!one any racin~ to make the lcam. cross-country will be captained by wirle rrmte!\1 ~pon.,orr•d by Thr On March 7 the Outing Cluh Is Elmer C'orujo and Hugh Tufts rc1\mt>rirnn Radio Relay T.ca~u e. Thi~ sponsorlng the W. P. T. meet at qnectively. Also, at the time, gifts la~t etl over two wrrkends riuri n~t ,r;,.,. SroRTIJ RANQUET~Pa,re ! which n total of 329 stations were Dutch Hill. Such a meet requires - - - - - - - - - - - - - contacted in 40 stah•s, Canada, the much preparation and assistance. At C'annl Zoot. and Puerto Rico for a present there are about thirty· ft V<' net "Core of 36.857.5 points Kext members in the dub and plenty or All seniors whose Information and year we hope to do even better. room for many more. Anyone inter- activltie! sheets are not submittt'd T he cohort meet in~t and demonstra- ested in skiing no matter to what to the Public Relalions Office by tion ntxt T uecliay are open to any degree--it; more than wekome. The Oec. 18 will not have their activitie<; intere ted persons. next meetinl( will be held ) anunrv 6. listed in the 1953 Peddler.

orr~·r Ch ·il E ngineers


By 0 tin., ]uh

Newman Clttll UAD1() CLUU TO HAVE SPEAKER Hears Talk THIS Y On Seismology or




Br·idge 'fable

Attention Seniors:






Publlsbtd Wukly Dui'UI; lhr CoDq;e Yeat by Th• , rC'h :\'rw• AuOC'Ia hon or tht " o n:r tu J>oi" IH bnoC' J n --lolut~ M ccm


16, 19at


plerlae--and \\hat they r.1n do fur day nieht \\ith a little party ad. a \\Ork party pmjt•ct. lh•ht \C m''· hcrine; •trktl) to the spirit of the the- brotht>r~ "ill ''"'k up sum thin~e tin c Gifts of variou som \\~:re u. \IJJh n l:.pailoo Pi ~socialed ColetSicie Press changed amid gaiety and lau~hter. I.JN I rid.t}· .mel ':\atur<hy 28 Ein- really appropriate. U HTOR-IN CHIEF e\t~ral dozen childnm from a horn w.t~ rtoally wcking on it:. founRoLcrt J. ~ltnard \lpltu Tau Onu•gn MANAClNG EDITOR FEATURE E DITO R nt•arby orphana~e were gue ts at 2o d.uiun. The oc~.W>ion o£ course, Lbe Donald S. Olivtr John ll Gt.mn L""l-.t l"ridny e\eninl( \ TO held I n'titute Road to wit.nes~ an tarly \Wt:l..tncl nf the Jntcrfraternity Ball. SECRETARY NEWS EDITOR it.. annual Chri,tm "' p.my for '+•it uf . ainl :'\icbolas. .\ m;() !our t· ru tht• llrother l who previous to it Richard 1•. S..mCII» Alfred C B.tfaro orphan... Enrl)• in tht t~ftt•rntMJil thr in~ halloon:.. "<:altered neanut 'hells. SPORTS EDlTOR AS.:,1ST AiVf SPORTS £[) lT OR w(•rt· 'Jl(·nclinJ.( mo,l of their iree \i yto L Andrt hunu Francis W. M odlann IJrolht•r' \\t>re hu'y d«•wratinA tht• and new toys. they managed to continw 1111 clt•vi~in~ nc1~cr ancl better IJ USJNESS MANAGER I lmothy V. O'Toole ways of cunsuming five oran,zr:; a lhri Lma)o trre in the l ivin~ roum. sume tremendous quantities of ice CIRCULATION MANAGER duy, il wu, tL IH•Irume chance to let ,\ ner ~upprr l \H'nty youn~ ludic.. ncam and soda pop. San ta hun to AOVgRTISINC MANAGER We.Hcr J\1 . Su•wart Thomas V. O'Connor tl wir t hou~oth t s wunrler frmn dull anti J.(<'n llt•nwn , llf.(l"l ran~inJ.( frum t.hanl((' his r)JMs at lhe last minute, ASSISTANT MANAGERS ASSfSTANT M ANAG ERS Mlftin lJ urdon Willinm l~n&t.kn lmok~ to gMcl Iouks. J n any event fuur lu <•iJ.( ht, wen• t''>tn rll•d to the but D nvc Bisson could not stand to ll uold Smith rno~t t•vrryhndy Intel a good lime. hnu~c frnm :1 lurul tHphu ntt)(t' . .Uur- ~ec the kids disappointed a nd lived J UN lOR EDITORS L« CaLI.neau :\Inn Cu~Lnnti n J ohn M alloy On Sn lurdny night after the $::tme. iJlJ.t then<''' t\\IJ huun. llw ~jtf, rn- up ln llwir idea of the jovia l J.'!UiltlW. Whitman Mowry l(ullt'll ) acl no n tnry Sp&dool lhl• ~odn l tllmtuiltC'!• arrangt>d a ~mall joyt·d tlw .,t111 yh·llin~ uf -.nwul uf naturrrl l>t'r-:on that thry C"XJ)('rlr<l. On\•lcl La Man r Roser Oscll COLUMNIST .1wt lu~t·th•·r " .tlt.n~t with ;;ome ftne llw hrotht•r,, hud it e l n·am nne I ll is portrayal of the rrreal man \\ill Thomas R. DtLurn tl.tlll I' mu~k 11111\'idt·d by the T erry ntht·r n•frt hnwnt • ·• ntl IH·n· plt•a"l•cl lunl! he r('memhered. R EI>QRTE RS I rio "IX'< i:cl mrntmn j_, made of the 1mmC'n~l) "ith tlwir viii- rli..,trih Oon~lcl Gn n h r Rld•ard Lucey Ri1h~rcl fJu.ntun Lumhda Chi lphn r.l( l th.ll (\ll'lll)'-t\11) brothers and utt•cl IJy SantI ( J.w .. I'.Jij{• l'inkh.un. William llllb ko•h<·r t l..:aboolt ll tnl) Strage Thi,. \lt'tk the smoke j,. bt:l.!llll1in~ Paul Jalb«t l.to•nard MeDo Jl;nul R1<N>n cl.llt>s alH·rult:tl :1 nt\1 all time high. j lhskt•thall .uul. f_11oth;11l l!·t~lt'' \\t·rt• BUS.lNESS ASSIST~ to dl'ar at Lambda Chi. The r )( inlt·n·st .tiS4J i the fact that the jftl.tyt·tl tn I h~· ~~~~~~~~~. r~~~~m ".lth m.my J ohn Calhoun RobC'rt J unior Rohcort !\'no i .. from all the ci~an. \\hkh ruvt" J amts Malhtw~ \ anccot Boliver Ro~rt Pearce hrutht·r' S:ttl ,1 nat ln~.tl al "ecin2: nf \TO' lu)( kul ~ Jlllllln~t 111 \flt·r j ottpb Fra tlno RobC'rt Meyer ht·t·n pa.--~·cl nut ju,;t before, durin~( , Philap l.ea\lll ) 11)-'tt' aftrr hr.crin~ nf nnthin:: cbc :m 1-'nlt·rtwciug cannon 0111\K .. hcm ltk.hud 1>. l .un I tl•nLud B t>U\ ier \ nrlrn1 \l or!ln frum ' til lht'5t' pa-l week, Tht> lht• urphan' rduunntly h.ul t•• take• .tnrl -inu• the forrn.1l IWt•kt:nd. l"i\t PHOTOGRAPHER CARTOONIST hr11tht·r-. rnacle the iatal mi,takt< uf Roy Wise Ctorge Sanctuary ltrutht•r, rnd\ ttl mnther plt•a.<;,'lnt •ht>ir lt~l\'t• for llt·thimr. 1-ACULTY ADV1SER """inu tht'ir pin!> to the Cnirrr ~'· ~11rpri c• un hmrin~t uf Uruthrr Gffir!!e \\ l~t-n I hi\ llrul.;1·n pit-t c.. h 1!1 l~ti'll Prof J ohn H . Maden* Tlw liN tu h ll \Ia~ Emil " :'\ lou-t•" lclli' c·nr.:avt·mt•nt tn t"arul "irigal of lmall) pit kt·tl up ;uul Jli'.l\1' .uul Nl' wo Phonl'u Du•lorn 5-"02.. Ed'l • 1 3· 141 I ~ -. ' oraa S-%024 I.,.INHI \\ hu traveled a ll thr 1\<ty tn \\.llrtl"li'r. t :c·nr,,tt• and C trol are nl- quil'l a~-:ain n•iunc·tl thl hrtttlwr"' TERMS ~ l nntn'al to pin Sheila \\'alk(•r. :'\t'\t Subscription per school year, $l 00, Single copies, $.10. Make all checka payable to \l.tY" f.w1iliar fal·t•o; at any of tht> nntl tht•ir tl tlr ... pmmptly "Uirtt•cl ,111 • BUllous Ma.nqer. Enttred u ~ecood clast matter, September 21, 1910, at th~ Post fril tmlily fundion,. llut al;:s. all lllhi•r party \dlh tlrcndnl( 1111tl t''(· y;a, Bill ~ l rar ... who n•ally playt'd Oll!ce In Wo rcttter, Mus., under the Act of March J , 1879. it 111111. llr pinned :'~.ant y l'o•mhN· 1!111111 lh i lll(~ llllhl hnv(• an ('lli l. rt•r I h:tlllo(<'l' uf 1111\l'lly ~tifto,;. T hank .. .lrl' hnp~ 1ht• Mulch•:-.1 luurh ltl Lhc entire elm· ro '>ol'inl d1alrman .l•w " rzy Lnn ( mort• people I. nm' hrr .-.~ T ilE INSANITY OF ENG INEER l NG " \nf.(t•l") nnd hnd ht•r huy thr l'i· wt•t•kt•nd wn~ in sny in~ goodbyr on wid. i for :c I rt•mt.• ntlcm« t•vrnin~. ~n rsl ~rort kian Have \'uuu~ nh· An nrticlc lhnl appcflrt•t.l In the l£vming C (r!J ctlo one night tnsl Stcndn y mnrning. \\'ith thrir hech 'l'lwtu h.niiJIII fllai viou ~ly ha-.n't ~pent hi" wrt•kr ncb week rend as follow!!: " At Worcester Polytechnic l nstilutc the olhrr th a~g in~ IK.·hind . lhr IJrolhrrs mntll' Ln und hdwhl llllltt' fmt<• tni ly ltyinst lu ...r ll caske t <~ and lht• like afternoon, n n111n knochd politt•ly on lhe door of the public n·lution II up In thrlr rl t•,ko~ in time (nr proha · offtce and asked : ' \Vht·rc sholl 1 bring the pa tient ?' Turned oul h(• hit• ~l nnd.ty quineo; nnd in <:Ome pin., h,l\'t' 1h;tn~t'd plau•s in past lit: is tlevotin,:t his time to a mun• .tr· ,,,•ck ... \\'ith muth dt•liheratiun !11.• Jil•t• .. ul>j('rt. namely :\lnry '\ ,•Jt.nll thought he was at Worcc.;lcr State Hospital after having bc('n diWl•rt•n't rli,appninlt•d hincl hi~; ac tion-., Jlnh 1-illl!t'r:tltl q1 lnan Rinchl<"i.t:cll i" nc>\\ tht• prmul rected, while going euc;t on Highland street, to look. for •a gray :.ton(• l'hi Si!Cmn Kappa hun u r t• d \ nn CJcunhv:tn Tlw llt.lfc•r ur Bill Fenl\ick's pi11 anrl building on a hill on the left' ". I he" \\N'k l'hi '-.1~ h;\tl its face \lt'il!htim·.. ~ uf tlw furn1.1 l \\t't•kt·t\11 \ n11 '-r~tuin \\hO studip.; at Colh) j, Thi ' brings the obvious thought to mind thnt the people of \\lorct•:-· ter •• and .no douht the country as a whole, have the im prr~o;i on th<ll liftNI <ti!Jin 1\ lwn t•lrctiun.; \\ l'n' hcltl \\a murt• th.111 Huh I. JIS unle tctultl ( hut k llurne .. Crt>e£•nt C.irl ('un· engmeermg studenh lt>an towards iru;anity. Perhap;; ewn you f' hr llt'\f IHnl nf uflite fmds j ohn l~t·.1r, ancl ht unclt-rtuul; tu tnltt,rtlt!O ~tralul.t t iun' I n all u( ynn But ncm that the fnrmal "', krnt1 havt> frl~ t.hat tht t~nly po.;ition all this brn.in ~training wou td c' er I I•IINI ·' ' pn·...cdtnt, Pete f or:.bers:, lnrn"l·H hy ~.th in~ot hi, pin tu Ilulurt>" anti "Jlla.. h party are 0\'er. thuu~tht .; gtt you ts m n ho<.p1tul bt>d nt ont of the finer mental in ... titut ion .. in 'it t· pn·,l!lt·nt. Don Ro...... trl'a!-urer: \'in.:ilil) the nntion. J.cl ..,hhtll. 't~ rt'lttr) Bucky \\'alter.-. \ ,., tht• fu rm.ll h ' ' tunw .mtl g•1nt•, of Chrh lm:t'> rome into the mini(, indutlur. P.111l llm wn, <;entinel ; hut tht• mt·me~ri,., "till linAt•r em The nr "' all. Tnnil!ht L<tmhd 1 Chi j.; Thi chool will chnngr you though. however, not in the mnnm r mo:-t JX'Oplt• think. ~lon•ovt•r , it will supply you \\ith a ' aluabll• llarrr ll.utun, tlw lJiu,lriotL"- and im- J.mtht'r' :Ht' lin.tll) rul u ( tht'ir hlno~l· huhlilll! it' ~tnnual Chri-.,lm,, l':trty fur undnprivile-ged rhildrt>n anti it pot l.llll juh uf -.·r~tr.ml , and Ja,t but 'hut eye•-. .nul the· f.II!ICI'tl ltt<lk. . cl of tool~ to ~o out into Lht• \\orlti with. The liN of thb r b a method for analyzing problems, both Lt·c h lllll h•a ...l ll.ury Hruwn wrrural h:/ T ht mnnn~ot <'hri Im.t c•a !Ill h:t~ j, "lift' In bt> a ~at ~UCl(''" •hll\\11 that tht• hrntlwr .111 ~till in \II the hrnther" join in the.• 11d· nicu l and non-wchnical, from a mathcmat.icn.l viewpoint. 1'hi.., ml•thod lltl.lntlliiJU, npprnv.tl. :--.' m 1 that ph·cl~in ~ i-. over. we lht· IIIIIH!l for plt•,1 sun• Tlw .1ppn1.uh eumiu~o~ of Phil ~l ps.;c.•r,mith ,,, a of nllnck il'l thr most clt•ur-cut. concise. and accurate nwthod known thinking about our nf lht• ho11i1ht) \1 /l'i lwmltlt•rl 'b lur plt•riJ:c lo 1.nmhda Chi fuul lltlr'it•h•t•" to man. 1 The bt'cond of tlll''< l' tool:; is ordt.> rliness in pn·~u nt a li()n . Tht• stn c J..<~ of wrillt•n rt•porlK which you will turn out brfon· gnulunl ion tinnily a nives nn• u ~urc mdhod for drillinp; the inlrnduc t ion , rr:<ult!l, 1\fE~fBERS 11 :1-i ll't' tl in thi.. ra•c.• hy lwin~o: nnd conduslon-. nwlhotl of prr::;ellling dat3 into your IJrain. \\'lwthr r l h >\R SIR : It h n~ t'lllllt' Ln our nttc.• ntiun that humnrou-.. you be nn t•ngilllw nn lhr production line, a policeman wnlkin).{ hi ~ l .c kin~ time out from hi~ plnnnt'<l bent , ~r a cloor to llnllr salc!-imn n you can't hrlp but ~n t i:. fy your in yuur 1.1'1 J,,Ut' uf tht• T t < 11 ~ 1'\\'l'. In 'dwnJ., Il l.' tift' l:tUJ.:ht thll li t· lnp lo Kurea. prr<:idcnL Grrry Kil bo~s w1th n record of ynur claily nrtivitits prt'sentrd in this fn,hion, el.llrcl \ uwmloer 11\, thl'n~ wn.s a tlitinn j., 111 he.• tt''lit't tt•lf ,uul lllll'urt•tl. hurnt• of the II lEE tli"<'lo-ed in hi writ trn or olht>rwi-:t• clrrn~.tl ory rt•marl.. '' h 1c. h n•,ul "~mr In tht• I'ICI I ' I"" It h,.., ll(•t•n tU<· \\t'l·l..ly pn·" confer"nu• turh) the Third in thi.; \':tlunblt.• ""t i' thr ability to makr ..nap ju cl~nwnt ... I tl.r uut Ut-t kt•r ~:irJ.;, "'illC h.1 \ I' tnmary let JUn lt.·a kt•r .:irf, in nmt• n.llllt ... of l ht• me. n rert'nll) miti.lttd True-fn t-.r qui"''' and ovt.•rly-long rxa m!\ will teach ' ou to 1hinJ.. cl;ur .. " uf tht• tomk 111wr.1 llH'H' 11hic.h h) the.· ~:wup Thc-.e mrn indudr \\ ,., a... IIN·I..t·r ~otirl ... fl·d t hat thi, fa._t nnd nccuratrly under prr ...-..urr. Thi-. trait i" r'tn•~1rl\' valuahlr emanatr frmn l ht• Hu) nt•tn 11 ill uf thr fttlhlllilll! \rahtr l.ut-ft. H uh« n in Ihr f <hi mo-. in~t hu,int"'-~ world of today, whrre tlw t~\Prl"'ion rc•m;~rl.. \Ia' hiuhly unnrrr•,ary and lio• Tht> rt'.NIO fur thi, j, that , tlllt' l'l'lt r,un ( ;t:'1,r~c.· Pulen. Gt·or~-te .... 11· " fi r who hr ~;itnlf, i' lost", i' truly applicable. IIIII •lk d Cor. 1r Brcl..rr \ \l f'e a lei tht• J'fll\imit) ur tht• ~hue~I~ .lllcl Itt' ••uul Richard \\'ibo11 T ht' initi· l nrlthtry i' rralitin~ murr and more that tnt'll who think nncl lllincl ti.Jil' Jlure.IU ... Lhrrl' miJ.'(bt I~ tlw :-t't·min..: jc1int ''" i.1l fu11diun' .II· tlinn cercmonir' took pl.lce drt•p in ar t nlong thr lin<" outlint•tl allCtvt• are be:.t t;uitt.>d for nhno.;t nn) jub 'llllle' fnuml.ll inn fur thi, -.t:tle'mE'nl tt'ntlt'll hy 1~11 h .111y litt•rarr m.l,tt·r· the• ,u, hiH'" of tht.' F r:. Jluil<linR \\ht•lht•r it hr tt•thnicnl nr non-tt•chnical hut 'Ill\!' 1lw Tt·, h " \len" arr suppint"' u1uld l~t ttc·r l~t• .tpprt'("i.ttt•cl, So it would "t't'lll lhal thi.~ four Yl':tr grind, although h:\\'in~ thr P"'t'<ll ~ "nf '~'lllld mintl," we feel It \\.1~ th"ithc.·r intt·ntl: I m.• thuncht \1 ht·rt• no ont> hut the mice.• \l,.b •'"art nprlt'nrancr ()( -.lwf'r mncln r~-:. i..; in realitv a drvrlopmcnt prOI.'( r:un tlut thl') .1re mature t•nnul!h to ~e- th;lt l·ithrr ,j,JI.' \\c111ltl t.lkt• lht• itt•m, nr the proct't'din~s. On the cvenin,l! or \\"rtlnNI.l)", 1t cun:- i ~t' of Inking an unstable, mh:.ed-up thinking hi,:th ~chool 11'1 I t lwir ()I\ n d.llt''· Our apnlog-il."'> '(•rinu,ly \1-.n ,tlon~ tht• tint•q nf l)(•r ~. the l!rtiUJl hrlcl a (cmnal !'lrnior nnd molclinl{ him intn a ... tnblc, clt>ar thi nk i n~ ynun~ t'n,l(inrt.•r if thi~ n'~umpti11n is inn>rrrd. traclitinn. I h,l\ 1' yt'l In , t·t• ,c t.trl!HIIl mt•t•tin~: at the u;;ual pl:tet'. Onc-e with lhr pott• nti n liti ~ for fulurt• ~u ccrss. Our rnnr.:ratulalion>< tn tht• author .,r tlw Bt•t·l.er " " nh:hl-:" dt.l\1 n hy tl~ain. mallcrs of c-.:trt>me na1i11nnl Ill H truly f,d' o (• anti ~hn.nwful ~la teJ) ~. 0 \I Ran\ th.ll dill nnt l.101pnnn nnrl lucnl importt~nce were mullrtl .-___:=====================----~· lllt'n t! mw by the qnthcring. The opi111nns It wqufd sc•rm thnt lla· Rt•t·kcr ~irl~> Ri•l:llinn" lwllli'l'll lk1 l.t•r Hnd on thl''\e mall<'rl> varied widt'IY 11111 11 hn IHOit• thi' lrllrr (plllbably fl.'w Tt•lh h:ll't' uh1.1Y' hrt•n \t'rr ~:uml thr ~.:rnup wa.s unanimous 1111 one in numlwr) nn• quitr up!!ct about F'l(,llllplt·' ,,f thi<~ .lr" tlw Jnint 11111- l''llt' vutr no on prohihilion. •' phr.l'l' \\h uh \\ a~ in nn anicle cie- Ct'rt" uivt•n hy thl' ~otll't' duh.. c•:1l h · 1 1 • . Jo nlltmm~t the bu•me~;; mt't'ttm: the 'IJ.!IlN to lt' cnmic anrl ·•r:uchv.'' war. thr ~occn l funclum .. \\htdl fur. (',, tilt' ,1\llhtlr< of lht.' lcllt'r it ,~·a-. ~i ...h 1!1'\Cld timr-, for hnth , 1111"1 lht• u~u.t1 <'lllt'rlJtnment W3!1 put on 1lUI · 1 ·h 'hortly tllt'reaher the rnt't'lin:z r!lOm Cl Ili"IIIU• y nt•tt er. If you uirl• haw· c.'Ol"'t!Ur:l(l('ment ••hrn tht• Tt-ch olthlt• \\,1~ i1IINI \1ilh member' of :u10thtr · h I rvtr lt't'n 111 I t' po-.ition uf writinl! 1ir lt:1m- h~ lltrkt·r cn·rtl . Thr ~.troup (?) who have ju..t rt'Crntly . 111 nnMun,rmrnt .tnd "o;ellin2 .. a author i~ 'orry that hf' "'' mi ..intrr1 h r· br.~:un to rroreanize tht> .\ chcr.o The 'ancr•. I t' ~o:t ~ tt'Ctivt " :tY to ac· prrtttl hut ''Til' \\ h,, il ''" inttncl' ""nph~h th1< '' 111 the nunntr th:t• 11•' h3rm" R J '' l't- IIIEE--P..,e .J llr TO\f D rLL CA


t.,..,. .








113 Ilighland Street






Def't•Juhrr 16. 1952

'f E C 0


.1'- I

Teehtnett Dtttnp U. Mass. For S eond Win 76-58


a 6

McNulty Has Team Up Rttin Be11CJIJe s R e(lmeJI

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Hf)T RACE EEN .\S IF BO\~~Ll G BEGI Tt•u m~ Jlul(·s ~

li>' OON M rNA.\tAR~

' JA . . 5 Wi iJ Follow Old Good Attc utlnnce

.\ L Matches Urgctl Tht~

1953 interfraternity Bowling will ofticially commence thl' da) du r Christma.s \'acmion. jan. 5, 11hl:'n ~.P.E. 11ill pop the lid off thr lllm•nt schedule :lg(linst L.X.. \ . l'ntler the current rules, each man will Uu111 three slrin~s. wir h one ~~tint being nwardl•d fur ench strin~: 1\llll anti one for (he tlll.ll pin ran \ tt~· :Jl the rnd of the liN !ltrinl.! 111ll lw awarded ltl the winnt•r of thl' •CIOncJ and Ill the ('OIJ of the I'I'C· nnd , w the winn<'r of tlw third. In tlw t'\'tlfll of a tie at !h.: t'llcl nf thl' thinl 'Iring, it will he ct•ttlt>d lty the t.•-t man of each team rollinR two

Oulllf Mrl.nrc•u


rlwta Kappa rhi cl~[l'ntlin.l.! dhtrnpiuus for t110 yrarc; in a ri)W, n~tlin ltlOks like the lt'am 1(1 heal, with thrccc of four men. '\ntly ?lforLl"· pnd Spadoni, and llnh :\iro r<·turnin~t to action. -;\lmJtu wa.; the 't hnnl \. l eadin~ 110\\ lt·r ln~t -.ca.;on, fcilln\lt'tl do-ely hy ·pacluni. Phi \j~TIM f...a ppa \\iJI prt''<'nl 3 V('ry fnrllli<lablc a~-:gregutiun. which wiil prohably be compose<! of n ave Pratt, l't•ll· Forslxr~. Jim C'hcncy nncl j ohn Cuupc. S..\ .E. al-o will OclOr a \'rry 'lrnttr.: team whirh CC)uld wrll be the tl.trl.. hor"t' of this rampai~:n with .IL•rf jaff~Lria n . l)a,•e Brach, and llllLLit• Lattimer cnm hinin~ their ot I<'IHJlb to Un"'t.·nl T.K.P. L.X.A will lw It'd hy Ed F't•lklt'. who hrlrl down thinl plart' 31lllllll! last yl':-tr\ rCJJfrro;. Jo'nmt all intlintt iun~. tlw rurrcnt LOIOtpnir.:n promi<;ei tu IJe very clo~­ ly rnn testcrl. ILilh T' S.K .. T K.l' .. tnd S \ F.. illf hrl\•inr.: a ~llud dwnn• tr1 rup (h<' hunt in~.: . Tltt.'rl' nr(' <laily lll:llch(•' <;ChNiult•cl frllm jnn. 5 to ft•h Z7. $0 lt>t's J!t't dnwn thrrt• and uppmt tram.

\ . 'CE Mt"('t Thu•· Alu!i!ka Main Topic



f CJr a

lu, UJI durlna Snt· urcln,v

Cmwh h urli.- l\k uh y•11 awwt•t~ l hai!kelhull chnr~tes tlid lhe m· tit'h t'l'l r Ntl a•roml lu~l Suturtl uy nigltl 118 lbt•y romped lo a 76-58 "in uvt•r 1\i uil,.ll dnat~l"lltl lfnh c rt~ily. The !}(•on, u lthough not intliC'Uiinl( tlw li~hi.Ju•M of IIH• c·onlctll, dOt·tl tlt't'fll lo inditatt the l r ue tlifTt• rt'llft> h c i WN' II th(' t wu l cmut~. h wu11 Llw home lf'am '8 llt'm·h mul lltt> tlt•arllt of rt•l!er''t' t~ lrength for llw RNinum thol linully hrokt• th e- f.tltlll t' witlt• ••t•••n . Contro lling t.oth hoortl8 und hilling frum u uls itl.-, llw Puly nwn h u1l l uu m am y f( Unl! untl ''" 11~1 nwny in lht' lult• lllugt•tl of lhl' gom c. ~ltb...,, Ll. drew ftrst blood

()n a to 62-54, \ 'usil stopped the short-

t W11-pnluler by ~losychuk., but "fur lived roily with two free throws and movin~-:


jlt ll ttrcl hl mtu•l (






t ,'. " o"'"hul. bt•· •iolo•• r nn ut lu& Cnr



lt lrn-

~•· tr.

"- I'UIC ...., ll.\'tJU:T- I>'rmu



"t·tc ptt·,t•ntt•d t u the co 1dws by tht! ll.'lirin~ captain,. us .:,kt·n., u( apprt•t;iutiun ~rom th1' lr:tm~. Foothull cn·captnms Duvt> llolmcs \ll1d ~ I ike Slwl ~k represcnlt•d 1heir team in prro,cntin~ vifls lu hcau t'QIICh o l'ri1 h.ml :11111 ~il;t.lllt luadtc~ ) lc:\ulty nnd .:\urcro:<o;. !Soccer cualhl'S Gechh· nnd ) lc Kechnic rcu'il'ed their )(1ft.. imm la.n Duvido,on, (llld Dun l'ttSl ntadc the prt><;('nlntion to 111nrh Sannella for tfw I'I'O,!H'nuntry lt'IHn.

Tlw lti~hli~o:ht of 1h•· ,., t•nin~ 1\'ilS a \ ery in«pirin~ ~Jit'C'I h l•y l"ulumhin t"nach t..uu J.ittlr in 11 hirh he pntio;{•tl nur nthlctic prn~:ram :ts ha\· in~o~ :Ul hlrttl bnlanct• hNWt't'll arn· lll'mi( und uthiC'lir inlt•n•,;ts. I If• (·Xplnitwlf lhHI an athlt'lit program ac; ft~lltm rtl at Tt>ch coulrl niH· llltllly • • • prnhll·ms prt>~cnt m n•rtnm h11: llll · 111!11' if ncluptcd un a n:t tiflna l o,call' Th1• llig trnublc. <tcrnrdint.t tn Luu, i' that tt•o nw1y hiJCh ~c:hool nt hll'le" tdlnw thc•mst•lvr" to atLnin l()t.l little 'dwla<~l ic prt'para 1inn fnr u n>llt·~r Nhll ntirm , Thi~, hi'Ulll'o(' tiW\' knnw thai 411ll<' his: "rhuul will :tnl'pl tlwm ami (lllow I hrm to nt.tjur in <Will' imiW! iliC CIJUT:-(> in 1\ hich they miuht tl1•vntr I h11ir effort~ lo lNLrttillJ: dPtnilt•d infurmrttiou uhout the> " wx life· of :1 h<)wlin~ ball."

rlw \\' l' l chapter of t he ,\ merican ndety uf Civil En~itl('l'rs wiJl hold it.. fL'I!Uiar meeting thi, nu;nth on ThuNia} c>venins:. Dt•r. 18, at WL'en n'cftll.k in the Sanford Rilt.•y Comrrton.., 'fhi~ promi~e:. Lo he Ont! of tht· IX'~l mcetin~ts of the term, the liln~ran1 includin~ a rec.enl 'Tcc.h ~traclu.uc. Paul ~1. Raclu,.hc who ILill )!ill· a very intere-•.tiu~ account uf hi· '' ''rk io .\Ja ·ka durin~ the pac;t Thi... j, a lit tle JttC:t>tin11 fmm 1\\u yt•tv~. Hi:. ttLik 1\ ill he acytmr nc>wly apJ>ointt>cl Che,lt'rlidri lnrnl~<tnietl by 51.1mc b<'autiful t·olor rl'pre!>t.'nlalive. Prter ~tcphrn">. •It tit'' •;f pMts or tlw pro1,.,,ed 49th who (, l uok in~ forwnrrl to rncclin~ ~fill.' Tle will also eli. t'U"<; oflportumore nf you ()n hi~ ('lw~ t erfll'ld nu i1•, tur en~inl'ers In the V1l.~l dernunri, in the ncar future· In w·l•Jfltn(·nt prog-ram nll\1 bein~ c;pon- com eyin~e hb Chri~tm,t" J(r('f'tinJt •or,~l by the r . • . Gnvemmenl. Pt>tt·r rt'<·nmnwnrl~ that Che~ter­ Rcirr-hmenL>< will be ~encd follow- fil'ldo; he nt the t(lp nf ynur ( hrht· in~: lhl.' ptOJ.,rram. 1\hich becau~ Of rna~ lists. the ~> ·trly ~ta rt, will be over in time :.iJttH'tl lu rnahle e\'ery()nc 10 wke in the P £n:R J. STt.'l'll F.NS t'ntire ba.c;ketball gamr. Evl.'ryone is C'he~tcrfield campus rep. in, ilt'< l to enjoy an inlerc<ting e'·eTel. -'-0557 nint!

II{ ELJ\ Y TEA~1S PH EPAH I G F( )It C()~JIN(; ~IEETS \\'ilh tlw c·uming of the wlut<•r k ~~ ·a~un, ( 'oach Ft tlllk Sattnt•lltt i' h1hily 1ryin~t ,,, ~-tel his men rrady fur tht• l\lu annuul ~miunnl Rt•lay ntt.'cts, that nrt' lO l>e brld a t llw Jlu,ton (;utcll:'n 1 nnm<'ly the Knl~o~h t ~ of ( olumhus nnd thr 1! . /\. 1\ . mrt•ts. '1' 1ti.., yt•ar ( 'o:tth ~nnnrlla is plan t rut



''lllt•r huth a




nrwmilt: tc·am "incc the turn uut f~~r tht• ,,.l,ty" htt" ht><•n lnr~t<'r lhlln rttt•\'illll" Yl'(tiO,. fl c al~tl cxpn·<;.~es his dt~iH· tu w•· any stu<l£•nts in dutlittJ.~ rn·~hnwn. whu tni~hr' lx• • . f llllt'rr~1!'t1 111 cwnp<·ltn)( ur thc.,e

lll':tll " •intL' tht·rt· is nu tlt·linite l(•nm nml many l)t•rth~ nre

IJf>t'll .

\\•h•r:tn~ for this yimr include Hurl ~ l ndi)(tln , whn will lw (tlnlJIC Li tt~ in hi" fourth <.t•asun of ll'lnys, nnrl ~itl llarvc•y. n holchl\'cr from last yt•ar\ ll'llm Xvwt:Qnwr~ includt• Ken ~hiattr.> l>l' k Kirk, Onn ~ l c Ewan, I lrm Plhl, nnrl fre ·hmNt Lt.•:, "N'ft•, l'aul St hrKHliTUik.Cr, j ohn RnAt·r~. Tom .lt•dr~ejt•wi<:z , and BcJh Nuhas. Kerft'. St hottrnnokcr anti RfJ~('rS all ran l w~ COitntry (Qr ('c>adl :mnf'lla awl bt• IK·h<·w•• thi" b Ihe ren ~cln fur thf' J.:()ntl .. bowinl( of I htoc;e mc>n. '-=aha~ {.., pwbably lhr fastc~l 'J>rlnll't to rrport and if h(' tloc~n't run on lhr relay teams, hr will proha· hly compel<' Jn the 60 yd. dash that will 111~, IJc hf'lrl at the relay racc'l.

In acltlitinn to thrse n•lay rn.Le~. tht> 1\intc>r track team will have two or 1hrr£• indunr meets as well ar; comp<'ting In the npPn aml bandic;tfl .\ . .\ . ll., rnrds that will he hclcl in Providence and Boston, in whirh bnth relay races and runnin~ events "ill be held.

nlw11d 3-0, T ech cn m~· to lif(•, \'a ... il op~tnrd the scorin11 wiLh :1 ldt handml push shot nnd Harry Urtl\1 n druppt>d in n pr<'tty t hret> ll<lillh'r. Thl• rl''l of the quarter was nil' Ullll IUL1.. with .\ cc llnll scnrin,:: un n 1 harity lo!I.S to dOst' the session and lilt' stnn• ut 1S a ll. J\ 1ike SlH'hl'k canw into llw gnnw Rl tlw start uf thr Sl'<'lllld quarlt•r and lw ollltl ,\ tr llall krpt Tt'Ch in tht· s::unw with some lcm~o~ rnngc hombinj.(. II ill Stt•pht•nJ; nf !\Jn~s. U. llfii'IH'd llll' !- urinl(, but Harry Bro1111 qui1·kly lit•d it nn a ft:•rd from l lrnlk Vasil. Here Hlwhl'k u11<1 llnll 10111: ov<·t 111 M'un • Tt•rh's nr!lt tt·n puinls with ltlnJ£ one handm1. Thio; """' lh(• Engitwc•rs ou l in frnn t Z7- 2~ . But tlw Rrcl nwn, nncl Cnptnin llt'nry Mo1<:hurk , fuu~o~hL had\ tu lt·ucl .H 2~ with one minute le ft in tlw l )(•riorl. fl crr !l ou~; 'J\Incl.at <'n ~t•lll'd nn a ju111p shot anti Ha rry hnHkt•d bonu.' a ril{ht hnndt' r lll put Tt•dl un top J2-.l l nt hnH lime. ~lt·ph t• ns elf ~lass. tT. opcnt:d the third quarter as he did thl.' I>CI'(liHI with n huok 1<hnt 1 but Hhrhc·k ('Ottntc·rl'd with a Ions.~ ri~hl h:uldt•d pu'!h and a frt•c· thww. V::.o;il, linmn tliHI .\1.1 r L.1rt•n fullu\\(•d with l-illlC~''si VI' frt't' throws and after n :\IW~-'l. Ll ha~kt·l, llnrry Hruwn scort•d on a jump "hut and It [r('C thrClW which pl:tn•d Hw l•:n~-:ilw<'rs on I he Inn~ c•ud of H 41 -.lS ~CIIre . Onrc• lt.l(uln ~ l fi'-S:I( hu-.t•tto; fnu~thl lmtk with two h()Opii ancl thrt'<' frt>e lfiS.'~t.>' to JtO em top 42· 41. Va'lil nn1l Hruwn had thcir 1 harltv to~~ uullifat>d hy a hunk '> htlf hy l>elahu nt, hut l•:nrl llloom r·anw into the piclurc ;mel tlw 1-:nl-(in('~ ·r<~ w<•rc on Wp In stay. Jo:arl hit on a lay liP and n free tlt ruw and :\ Iikc· ~lwlwk popped in annlhr.>r onr.> bunch•r Mchyrhuk fhrew in a half Lllurt ' hot a" the thir1i qunrler entlrcl 111111 thr -.rur(' rc•arl: Worccst••r 411~h s'lachu srtt ~


Hurry Brown opened the linn! o;tan,.u with u hoop and then l~url Blu11m n•ally became the man of the hrmr at tht• ri~ht hour. First he fired h111ne a pu~h 'lhol. This he> followed with two rlriving layups. The Redmen llroppetl 1wo ~:harity lo'\se!l, hut F..arl clrnw ugain nn<l wn'l r(·Wn rdccl with two frc<' throws whkh lw ('ao;hcd. Tl't h now leo 58-48. Va ~i l and l>ou~-: ~JacLarcn now came into lht• act. ftcr a Mac;s.-'1chuseu~· fcee throw. Tinnk "Corctl on a push from the righ t side. The Redmen came to life momentarily. Two ba.,kels and a free throw by Conceisc;on sttnr!wiched around a lay up hy )Jacl.arcn sliced the marS(in

l\lacLart'n sl'ort·d witb a lay 11p and two fn'e throws. After two frl'C throws by 1\la!>s. U., l>ougic dropped I wo more of the s:.u ne nnd !J unk \'asil (ltlr.tdt!d u s out in front 72-S6 with a lay ttl'· The Redmrn, now with red fan·s, hnd one more hn:.kcl h•ft itt thl'm as Uumus layc•d ono in . llarry Brown nnd 1£1U1k Va+;il ftn. islwd the ft:<~t!vitics with layups and T rrh W(\'l home 76·58. Brown and n~il were hiJ;:hscmrrs for T crh, radt hoop in~ 17 points. J\11 ltlltl, nv(' players hit tlt)u\)lc til-(urcs, ~ l nd.ar(•n getting 1.1 , Rlonm II , nnrl $hl1ht•k tO. One of the mnln fanorl\ in 1h h's win Wft..'l the trcnwncl()us juh they diu off tlw l)():mls led by the hig thrrc uf Brown. Va11il, ancl Hall. 1\n accolaclc is in cmll'r for Doug ~lat Lur('n fur the rOI'l(' joh hr clid 011 l\J nssnrhu~lls Cnptnln , Henry 1\ lusyrhuk. Time and lime nl(uin ll'l ul'Larcn forced 1\losychuk, who ill a J.~OOd t.all player, into trnveling and throwinA the ball awny, and he <,ct>mcd to have him Lttlldng to himself. Massachusett s main diOiculty srcmecl tn he rL lack of outside shbQl· (•r:~. Aft<·r wo rkin~ the bnll around, they woulcl sel up " shot in the vicini ty of tilt' rrcc throw line, which proved Lfl be roo far out. 1t nppea.rc<l 1hnt their scorers and playmakers were> the <;Ume players. U. of M . 1locs possess a puwcrhil jayvee l<':tm n ncl they hatI u little toiJ much f11r our band of yenrllnl(s. They didn't win wilhuut n ~lru).(glt>, however, and it wasn't until midway thmugh the ftnal quarte-r that lhry opened up nnythinl( r~mhling n commnndinlj lend. 'The game 'llarll'!l slowly a nrl at 1he qu:trl er the score was only 10-9 in favor of Massa· dm~tls, rmd 25-25 at halftime, The )f :~o;s..'lr hu<;t•tts' papoo s e s ,ltained their ~li~ht advantage by fa'lt break anti sumr excellent re houndin).(. The fttwl ~«·ore read 57-SO. lli~h scorer for the gnmc was Dick Brt~inet with 16 points. l•'rl'd Hering chipped in wit h 10 point!l and play('(f his usual smooth floor .l(<tmc. Bob Philhower and Phil Staknis showed to ndvantnf(l' with !lOme st ronJ'( hn:m l work. The team camr up with il ~reat cfforl and if it wasn't for a few missed luvups ncar the rncl, they mi~eht have come up with a miJ(hty rhoicc win . . . . - - - - - - -- - - - - - IHEF, -I'rom Po•" %

rrmaindPr of the with laughter nnd 1-llity between the fore witne~~l in C:Chl)l)l .

rvcninf( WM lilled song with a c.ordlAroups rarely be· the history of lhl'


P•ae Four NEWMAN CLUIJ- #'rom Pa1e l

iog a location for an oil well, the seismologist traces a \'ein of oil· bearing s hale to ib summit where tire roost likely J>itx would Le. Fr. Linehan, a pioneer ill the "seismology-engineering'' lield used the principle to uncover the tomb of St. Peter in the Vatican City. After u. workman ehanccd upon one of lhc e:trly Christian tombs under tbe Basilica, Fr. Linchru1 was summoned to aid in its excavation. By u'le of his seismograph he was able to determine whnl part of the land around St. Peter's J3asillca wus ftllcd l~md, and what part hncl never been dio;turbed. Seismology is fnc;t becoming a part of enginecrinl(, and its usc is no longer limited to the s tudy or natural earthquakes.






The Evening






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Drafted ophomore Find& 115 W C HLAND ST. T~l. S-4298 Telepho ne 3-6 193 Army Instruction Ca n ' t Compare to ROTC at Tc~h ~===============.!..:::=================~===========----:=======----================

On Saturday, November 22, Colo· net Harris presented to several acting cadets lhe rank or temporary Second Lieutenant. Those promoted were Sherburn M. Becker ITT, Elmer Corujo, Richard C. Kee, Brian J. Kelly, P hillip J. Mannino, Allen R. Twitchell, and Charles F. \Val· ters. During the same ceremony those who displayed exceptional ability and leadership in MiJitary Science work in the l 95 l-52 year were presented with the distinctive insignia. Last week the M.S. & T. Depart· ment received an interesting letter from John H. Givan, class of '55 , who completed one year or R.O.T .C. at W. P . l . last yeur and then was drafted into the service. H e says, u • • . I have to ~ive credit to the Military Science Department al Worcester Tech. t have not yet mel an instructor who can leach n class on Military Science that even com· pares with the training I received from Colonel Fosler, Colonel Harris, Sergeant LaCoulurt', and the other instructors in y(lur department. ... Our Company commander has also informed us that the usual O.C.S. classes that start monthly hnve been cut down to one a month. This, he also saicl, means that ooly one-third or the e.lCJ>ectcd ' o.c.s. applicants will be accepted . . ..' ' A Cad(·t Public Relations Staff has been added lo the 1\I.S.&T. prO· J(rRm. James Mncl<ay will head the s taff, and cudeb Gerrit Swart, John O'Grady, and Oti<i Powell will work with him. Thi~ staff will puhli"h the "R.O.T .C. Nrwl", nnd it wlll cover R.O.T .C. ewnts and prepare news articlt's for puhlication In homet()wn newsf).'\J'Itl'$. Any other members or the cadet corp intcrt'l\lt'd in this group. m.ly C'<lnt:\l:t any or tlw ubo\'e memlw!'li.



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WQr IDrrQ Nrwn


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flrrry QIQrintman anb a Jlappy Nrtu lrar.

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