1952 v43 i8

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2 Woi'C'<'al ~r,

Ma• .,

\ oluuw '\ t.lll '•uniJ1•r 8


Jun. U , 1953



ASME DAN~E THIS FRIDAY IN ~OMMONS Suowl'4 hot- hufflt• to Be Gny, Co lci-\Vc·ather Src•ne For Dane·.-


Tht~ weekend thrre will !Jt.· heard thr ~ h ....h-sln"'h of many fet.>t a ~ they trudge hrippily on tn tlw \ . ~~U t.K 's ''.'nvwshor Shuffle." Snllwshocs will he parked in the hallway h(ltween ,\ltlen ~lemorial and • anfnrd Rilry llall. Parkin~ meters will lw -t•t up f~tr thi' pmvo~t· which will expire nt midnight, whrn it is expl'rted thnt ttll the happy cnupiL·S will llcgin th~·ir trek home tn thrir cozy littll• il(lou.;.

The <lance \1 ill ht.' held in thr Castle R«>nm ur S:tnf(lrd Rilt•y Hull. Thi'> room is u!\ually known as the lllmmnns. hul for sudl a l<J'H.'dnl evrnt ac; the Snowshoe Shurtl(>, a frt · tin,1t name hns lwrn as.si!!lli'tl it l'erhaps nuw you will nntitr hm' mm·h tJw commons docs rc~·mbl,• a !'nstlc with its high panellccl wcllld nnd slucco wnll" anti the mal(nifict•nt wrought iron chandelier:.. Oandn~ will be from {'is:ht tu twelve one) will Cf)n, i!il of rou nd ur sodal dnncing nne! S<1uarc dnndn.:. • tudcnts and faculty can all join in tht> fun . Those '' hn remember tht> la"t \.S . ~I.E. !'o(Jll::trr dance, thl' H ttr\(')>L Hop, will he anxious t(l al· lend thio; dane" 11nd abo hrinJl nlonl( their fril'nd s.

\\'hen th~ Jo:,.kimos J(t't tired nf dancing ref re!;hments will he M>rved l1 ndoubtedly there will l!e muny attcndin~ aJ\ tlw i\.S.l\ 1.1~. hfl.'t gone all-nut ttl IN everyone know about their dance. Posters have IX'en t>bced in (lrOminent [X15il iono; throu~houL the Cflmpus. One hn~ only to not ice the art work that went into tlu~ posters to reall>'-c huw much t'ffllrt the ~I.E.'.; nrc pulling into makinA Lhcir Snclw,hoe .·hunlt' a suct·c...-. in the midst of all this cold wt•nthcr. l'lu-this io; the call to IJil(' unci all .:t•t yclur~H a date and ..hufile rt~h t over this Friday. l-or tho~e 11 h11 can not re:~dily ~Cl tint r s, the 1\.S. ~I.F. t<~ ~tlinto~ up tl r\urth-l'ole clatL· bureuu 11hich will provitlt> real lh t- Eskimo Airls f()r the fellow:., cnmplete with fur jackl'l'l, mut.luks arul. of course, snowsh!X'~ . \'ou mu ~ L Jlruvi.de only yuur own snowshues and tht> rlolla r admission fee. If you have nn ..now~hoe'l an old stl of tennio; ra, kets will do. H you hiLI'C no dollar cuimi"'Sion fee, a ACnerous room· matt• will do. ~u you see, there's no C':<cusc fM ~tayin,l(

home when you can be part ,,{ the ~aye t time that'::; Cl't'r hit \\'orcester Tech - the .\ .S.:\1 f:'s Snowshoe Shuftle. ee you there ... this Friday evening, J anuary 16.


AvailaLic> to Coll.-ae Gr:ulu ah•s - T<'n Wt•t-k OCS tart!!! Murdt 12


Cluss ~A-nels Atlllf' lit· t :o mpc-tilicm But S uph~ Kf'c' p '" li c•ucl"


.\11 cullc~:e senior'> ancl ~:raduatc:­ ''Jlo c•nmll fur Lhr :\ I arinc Corp:~ OFFICEK C \X I liD.\TE l'<)llRSF which cunv(•ne~ ~ l ar1'11 12, will n· cciw adrlit ional t ruining n ~ uftic~·r:-, ~ I :Hinc Corps lh·udquartt•r... ha~ an nuunced " l'ht> nrr<l fnr cullr~:c• 1ra irwcl nwn i~' ~trt';ltc•r than rver lJdurt' 1tuc• In the pre..rnt cornmitnwrth uf the ~I n­ rim• {'utp,", ~id the :lnnclllllCt>mrnt .\fter complrtin~t h;r'ic: oflkt•r trainm~ , hnlf C)f thr nrw uflict•r..; 11ill be w, ... j~nNI to spt•rtali't lraininl( at ~ l urint• l't~qls Sdmol", QuarHic·n, \ 'irJ.tinla . ~utd othc·r servire ~ houlll . Such '>thnols ns l•:n~otinerrinJ.:. Sup pi)•, Tank. :\aval Guntirc. Artillery. ~l utnr T r:II1'•J)Ort (\mununicatiuns nntl ':•vtll FliJ,~ht Tr:tillinJ( are hrin~o~ utllizt'tl to lht• fulll·~t t·~tcnl. 1' lw rrrnnintlt'r. thr anrunmn•nwnr ... wu•d. will Jw• 3 ,.,i~:nt'(l 111 varlou' l>illl't• in thr Flt•et ~ l urint• Fmtt• The \\'ashin~o~tnn :~nunun c('nli'nt ~;all1 nftker lr:tininJ.( JlrtiJ.(r :n11 ~ :tl'l' OJWn tu both married and .. in~tl<' lUI · lc:~t:tt' urarlualcs. and 'l'nio~ who ~rucluate heh\{'('n nuw and 15 Ft·h runry 195.~ . It rulvi~t·d iulercl-.t{'cl ml'n to lUillnrt till' lll':tn:~l i\lariuc• Corps Kt-crultinJ.:, Rl':.t·rvr or ()f. fr eer Jir()(.. Urenll'lll ulll\•ily fur .m in ten ir\\. Oncc scl~terl , npplililnts nttenfl a tcn -wc~('k OfftrC'r C':tnrllllntl.' Course at thr :. Iorin<' r c1rp" ~c hnol'>, Quantic:Cl, YirRinirt l'pnn !-UCrl' ... ~;ful rClmplL•t inn ol thi' <.1111 r-;c, <"'tllllitl.ur, lwwrnl' ·ct tmll lit>ulcnant s, an1t start a liw mnnt h • pedal Ua'ti(' Coun-r (in· eluded :L'I part nf the two years IJI activ<> cluty u:. a rommi ~ioncd or fte~•r) .

tLA. S OF 1879 TO SPO :on ES, Y CO 1~ E. T The ('fd ~:. of 1879 h.t ~ t•ndowcrl a nf f.Cty dollar-, w be awarrlC'tl 111 the undrr.~tmrluatr nf Worce ~wr Tech who shall prrp<~re in coniormity with o H.•t of rule~ uf cumretition tht' best ~"'"Y on sorne scit'ntilic or enui· nctrin,l( subject. fn the past, interest in this (·!'~ay conlf"il h~t <; bCf'n vtry low. J')O!l'libly due tu the henvy sched· ull' at the school Huwever, all are urged to malte an effort to enter for ~real rll.'al can be gained in !\O doing includin~ the $50 prize. pri~t·


I N .§ T I T U T E ·

\\'l'll'-U'r dc•linc-. a ~out a s " \ h(J) lm\ ·hurnl.'d cud d1ewin).! animnl al· li~·c l 111 tlw ... hc'''P• with hackwtucl rurvinf.( horns ntld straighl hair.'' Tht• " Gnat '.. llrad" i.; n metal rrplka uf thi" animal . with an t•nl!lrl(t'd hl!ad it j .; n·.tlly :1 C'n rimture ur n ~-:oat.

ll 1... nc.•rt·-., ary Ht prt•.,t•nt Lhi~ tlt•f111itinn to t IH' Frf'shnlC'n hernust' they ditln't "'''t' m HI knnw what the (;uat ', llrMI IIU '- when it wa-1 c(j..,. playt•d ju\ t hdurc· ( 'hri trnn.... On the! first on·nsion tlw SnphtttlliJrt's

wnlk<'CI into lhr dunn whill· thr F rc"lt IH're t'.ll in)ot ttnci shmvtd 1ht• hl'acl. \t liro.t til{' l··n•-.hnwn ju't 'iUI th1•n.• nnd l11inkt•d, bu t uftrr 11 whil(o tlwy woke up und sturtl'd ufler it. Tht· Gnat\ llt•atl tlwn spe·d :tway, ll'oUIII, heatlinl( for pnrt'l unknown. Shurtly niter this e<:(':tp:\(1(·, thr " I h•ud" wa' again shown ul San· forrl Riley uucl('r lhr 'lntll(' rirt·um.. t.utt c·~. .\ , mnll ~tmup nf Sophnmorc'l sturnwd iutu the \\c'l dtK)r of :1c,

t lw

flnrm: mnw('cl duwn a (tlUplc uf

Frf'!lhmen , who hupp~omcd to Itt• at tlw llonrwn.y ; and sh11wccl the " llrttnt.e llc:c.t •• Thi<> time the l'ro' h howt•d a little mnrc t•nthusi,tMn, anri tht•y startt•d ri~tht not nftcr it. As usual they mel n w<tll of Soph def<•nrlcro;.

l lowl'v('r, a h•w

Frc~h ­

rn•' n came• from ()('hind, a111l for a mcmwnt it lu11kcd n!> il then· could he n disttslc•r for tbc Suphon111rt's. Then lh~· !-,uphumnres sirnply pa~~ctl Ihr '' lle:ul" over the Fro'<h, and wlwn the du!ll had !>etllt•d, the <;ophumores ~till had ~,.....c ....~ion of the lhtlc nwMLcr. The "Gnat's Hcnd " wa.o; o~oin shown, th l~ time ut u Sntunlny morning l'hys. FA!. h-rturc. but the Fre,hmcn allempt~ 111 Jtel iL wrre in vain. Tlwrc will tw murc !lhowinl(s, but if the Freshm<'n ('vcr hopr to 'let pf1Q'>C"$ion or Ihe " lle:ltl" I hey will have tn 'thow more nf the 'Pirit that lhry displayed lnsl September. Earlier in the yc>ar Ihe Fro~h look thr Soph'\ (JVCr the hurflle~ In thr Parl<lle Ru ~h and Rope Pull. But nuw the Sophomores have 1i~hlencd up the score of the " Goat 'c; Head" competition. The F'msh may ~et a chance to show orr their spirit very .~non???

D1·un1 ~fajorettes

Set·ic.\s of For·cign Fihn~ To Be {)fl'e t·cd Hv Ar·t I\1uscnrn Sp<•dul

ruclt•nr Rules Entin· ~t·rit>tc Of Eif;( hl Cl n~!! it• l•'ilnas ' N for

Tlw \\'orcrstrr Art ~.l uscum is, f11r thl.' first lime, uffrring to tlw stutlt'ltlo; nf \\'on:c.>.-Lt•r rl)llt>~-tes tlw OJlJ'''' Iunity uf \'Iewing an t':<rt'llcn t grvup Hf lilms. T hese tilmb, d assil':>. of tit~· movie· world. h:tVI' prt•viuusly bt-t•u availabh• unly 111 111rmbcrs t~f 1hr \\'urt.l!~trr .\ rt ~ l tr"C'urn nnd arc offl'n·cl w u ... that WI.' mi~ht upllll'· rnrnt uur t•ducatilm with ,, bit nf ~rnuinc ('ullure. St'lt•rl ion!' to b(' 11huwn include: Tlw ~ 1 i• :u lc in .\lilan, 11 sutire on unt ury rn•1ral'l hnst'd on CrAArr Zavattini'!' unvt'l, Toto II Buono; The.' l't•nnywhistlr lllucs, a South Mrkan ttllt'\ical depil'ling a rollicking fulk talt• elf the distrirt : Dayhre:1k in Pdi. an Academy i\wnrd d()("umrni:Jry whic·h picturrs vividly sot•iul advartt t•men l ~ in Ni~teria: jour tlt' Fell•, 11 divcrtin~ Fn1nch lilm conc,•rnin~t I ht• c·rfcrl or on American m11vie un 11 rurnmunity: Tlw Charm nf T.if<', :l satire un the French i\ cnclrmidnus or I860 tn 19 14; The llkyc It• Thid, n purlrny:rl uf tht• at tl'mpt-. of :t lnnn n nil hi" sc>n to rf'· l'tJver rt o,lulru hicydc upon which lh<' livc'lih•Kld of the fnmily de(l('nll~; Nl~tht ~luo;t Full, n lcn'IC, almoc;t rlinknl study of a murlll.'r; anrl ~l nrir dul'nrt , the study of n rornnnrr hetwrf'n n villnl(c> barmaid nncf u hig city re~t.nurant -4lwner. Stuclc•nt prrforman• C"' will he h<>lfl rm Thur'«lay afternciOM nt 4:30 in tlw mu!k•um thcatrf~; lhr museum b<•inK locntc•cl at thr rorner of Snlisbury and Tuckrrmnn 'ltre1•t<~. T ickets rnay lw nbtained frc)m the Public Relatinn11 Oflicc :rt the ridiculously l11w prkl' nf $1.00 ror the ent ir(• wric~ (I( nlms.

' "'I'"'


OF CADET NCO'S Thr ~lllitary Sclencl' Department has announced the scll'Ctirm of cadet non·commissioncd off1cers who will le{ld the squads ancl platoons of thr K.o:r.c. unit. Thrsc men have been o;clected; they have displayed outsl;tnding leudership and outstanciin):( academic ability in the Military Science course. Appqintcd to cacict First Sergeants were Wlnlicld S. 13akcr, and Fred· rrick 1-lcring Jr. Those appointed to Cadel :\Jaster Sergeants were: David S. Dayton, David F . Gilbert. Se~t ROTC-Pa•e 4

And Leland's Solo Fealn••c P•·ogran• l~njoyment

for nil will l>c.' the goul ami vnricty the keynote ns Alden ~lt~rnorial t-choes the art of the mu. cs whrn Worccstc·r Tech stlldCnts rtnd facility are t•nt crtaincd by lhc W.P.I. Concert Bnnd today in their "nnlllll ll.SS(>mbly ~oncerl. With tbe help of Clinton Hi~h School's colorful majorettes, tht~ hand is extwtled to pn'Sent OnC uf the yrrtr'll lll<lSt plra ing assemblies. T rchmrn Sh()U)cl turn out in jlrcat numbers lo hv:u their band d ~play the fruit s uf two rnonthR' serious practice under tlw direction of Mr. William Lynch. All will be reworded, holh classical and popular music ltwN!I nlikr, 11~ Tech's Talented Trouh:Hlnur~ give out 11•ith medleys nncl spcdalitles which are tlt'si~ned for good listening and cn)<>yment. s un addecl frn turc to please the rye ns wrll as the Cllr, the . pt'Clnlors will be treated to s<>mt fancy stepping and baton-twirling hy a pert ~roup of prrforrncrs in short skirts uml white boots- The Clinton Ilish majorettes. The program will open with a ~o~ruup of Wagner's melodies followed by u mcdlry of popular turws from th(' sm:cP.ssf ul n roadway production " The KinJ< ltnd J ". rn line wltll their vrtriely theme, the well-dres..'lt'ri mu· skians will play n descriptive novelty number, " Hunting Scene". Then, llS the banri h<'at.s out a rnarch 1 eighl gifted majorettes will prnnce down the auditorium uisle anti go through their fllllcy capers before the enthusiastic onlookers. A similar ~roup of majorellc~ caq~~ed quilr rt scnK:ll inn in an us.o;emhly hf•lrl a few years a~o~o and lhrse girls 10hould do likewist. Next on lhe pr~ram will he an xylophone ~~tJlo by drummer j ohn Leland, the musical ex· Marine who lrt!lt year brought cries of "rncore11 with his nimule hands and keen rhythm. Thi~ year he Is CX(}CCled to draw the audience's prai5e us he play,; Brahm's ll unsarinn Dance

#5. Rounding out the prOf(ram will be a &(l<'Cial number, " j osba ", and two &pecialties by the trombone section, "T,assus Trombone:" and "Hot Trom· hone". The memhers or the Concert Rand 'lhould be commended on their fine prrformances in the past ; they truly brinJ( lire and color to Alden. A word of prai~~e is also in order for Mr. Lynch under whose Ruidu nce such efforts nre made possible. Techmen know that a concert by their hanrl is always salisfyinll ; this morninR they will be treated to another excellent show.


TECH NEW PubUJbcd Wetkly During Lhe College Y(u by The T ..eh Ne~• AuO«"iotiun or th e '\l Of'ttiiC'r Polr t«hnlc: lnalilule Mtmt>o

J:Usociated Co0ef5iate Press E DITOR· l N CHI EF Ro~rl

MANAGING EDITOR Donald S. Oliver NEWS EDITOR Ricbud P. Sll molis




SPORTS EDITOR \')tO L . Andrchunu

Timothy \', o ·r90le

ADVERTISING MANAGER Walter .l\1. Stewart ASS rSTANT MANAGERS MarLin Durd~n Harold Smith

t.re Catlntau W. \Vhillll&.n Mowl')'

Roger Osell

C lRClJf.. ATIO N MANAGER Thomas I'. O'Co nnor


J UNlOR E DIT ORS jobn Malloy Robert j~tdno \\ ilh:tm l hll•

l.to nard Mrllu

.1\llw Costontin Rr nry Splldoni Oll\'id J.mMtu re Ruhtrt Lalmnt~

COI.UMNIST Th omu R. Oel.uca

REPORTERS Donald Grt•nlcr Paul J albert

John Calhoun J amu Matbtwa J01tpb Fratino Edouud Bouvl~r

Richn.rd l.~cc:y Jl(•nt y l->trii!IC: Richttrd Quinton Oavld Ol•~11n BUSINESS ASSISTANTS Robtrt Ni ro Ro~rt Junior Rohrrt Pta rte Vfnttnl BoUver Phfllp l..u vi u Kobc:rl Moyer Andr. 11 \1 or~o


FACULTY ADV ISER Prof. John H. Mac:lttn.de New• Phone-• :

CARTOON IST Cro111e Sonctuary

Ruin~•••{ 5·2024 Editorial {t~~~! TERMS

Svt.criptioa per tchool yca.r, $2.00 ; single coplts, $.10. Ma lu: all cbcclu pay able to Bl&liJleu M.anqer. Enlcrtd as ~cood clus matter, September 2 1, 19 10, at the Post Ollce In \Vorcnter, Mus., under lht Act of March l , 1879


lection of students to receive bids It bas ~n my feeling for some by thi.~ society, Is no longer based time, that our ~hool paper should un scholastic ability, but on tht> not o.nly inform the 'ltudcnts of Ule numlX'r of fricnrls nr fraternity activities taking place on the campus ; brothers a pO&.ihle cnndifla te bas in but should also !let as a means this or~anizalion . T he result of this through which lbey can secure infor- i'l llisconlentment amo ng the student mation and express their beliefs. body. a dcgrnclinA ()( t hi~ n ncc hiAhlr Therefore, I would like to propoSt· rrjr.lrdcd society, and n means for the establishment of " A Letter to the fralt>rnities to obtain n considera ble Editor'' column, to serve the above number or point to be used in RUinpurpost'. It would seem to me that inA the prestige of pogsibly winnin~ this should be the t•rincipul func- the Grnernl E"<ccllent·t• Prill'. • tion of u truly detl)ocrutic school It would seem that po.s.-.ibly unp11per. bin~d faculty mentber should IX' ·r o provide a start for this new n~ked to St>lect the stu dt'nt~ to receivl.' department I would like some un· hid", rather than by UH! p re~nt pobin~ and sint'1!re thouAhl given to litit'nl system beln1~ u..... tl. tlr whatthe problem of Tt'Ch's Honor , o- C\'t'r it is. cieties. h hns come to my attention 1\ s I ha,·e suid , membership in that many students intludlng my"t'lf T au Ueta Pi may fl\ls,ihly hrl\'e an know noth ing of the operation llf t' fft•ct nn a student's cntirt> ll£e nnd to the~ Ofllttni:r.ation , nnd nre definitrly he cleprived O( thi hontlt due 10 not plea."t'd with their actions. lkllitk' when he dt' linitely de..<N\'e-. The particul:lr ~ it'ly in mind i thi~ honor. b ~ome th i m: wbirh i,.. Tau Beta l'i As "" all know, nlt'm.u.ta iah l the principle~ llf the :;chool, hership in lhio; orscani1.ntion is really 1he SI!Cicty in qut'St ion, 1he Jlt>(lpll.' of nn honor nnd ~o It ~boultl be. T he thi country. nnd should also lw respect for it.~ mrmlwrs not only n~tn in.:-1 those of our .;chPol parM.'r. tnke" place on the c.1mpm:, but nbou Tht' rC' ha" bt.-en much bi l t~r feelinll in the bu, int>s,; world and i-; of con 111 thr PJ'l. hut I hope th.tt throu~-:h <~iderablr more imJ'l(lrtan~ thr rt' r••u nne! our P·'l~'r 'llmt'l hini! t:lll be Beinf: n member of thl~ Orlltlnization tlune ~~ that thi" di ttraC't'ful <ituatinn or not bein~ one, c-an hn,·e quilt> un ntll happt'n n~tni n . It i' too l:ltt' efTt'ct on th1• t mploymenl opportu""'' tu hr lp tho..~· who \\ t'r1• \Hfln£ed nities rrt-St'ntffi tu a IJ\'~On. Therr · 1h.1t have aJrl'!Hly }.tradu.tll'tl. and (ore. it SCt'm~ to nw that the :-d t'Ction lli'"ihly hxl l:ltt> Ill hdfl our pre:.t'nt o( ~ludenb to !Je ltht'n n hid. ~ohuuld '''ni.,r~ in thi .. (ille..:ur>, hut . ai thi .. ~ 2h en coll:iidt•r.thll' .;incert' an•l -.itttatinn j, hrmu:bt intu tlw tlJWil unbia-.ed llt1lU~ht. .,.,,,, thE' underd.,-. ..mrn nnd tht> IU· It hn.:; .thhl)'S \)\'t'U nt) opmmn tun• ~ludt•nt!'- lll,ty 11111 h.tw ttl li\'!ht that Tau Beta Pi 1:- stricti) a :-\'hol.h pnlitks til J.!:l'l \\ hal 1hl'y llt••t·n·t>. tic hunur J;\)Cit'ly while Skull 1.; f1\r I hupt• yflu \\ill ftl'l It >~1ur duty Jlt'~ln;.tlit y :tntl out ~i1h.• acti\'itle' \ '"'' th.11 t ht- dt'J'-"' t ml.'n t a. I ~lC'it•t it':' 1r\ l.tkt' Ullion ,,n th•-. and ''ill 1~\k are .1 combination uf the t\\ o 'fht· fnr it in tht 'erv nrar futur\" nlxwt- 'N UJl l~ R!> 1 btlie\l• it ,hmabl ft'\'1 it be,.t to t,..,,.t' th1' ll'tter un'ilo:tlt~l. ,jnct' l am nnt omly \Hiting br nod "3" mMnt to l)t' .\.-; far ns T can ll'll, there i" m1 f,,r mrS<'If but aJ,tl for the bene11t complaint alx1uL any roc:ietie'< ~ uf thr rntire studrnt body and l~tion of new membrrs. e"ceflt T nu •incN,•Iy hOJlt' that you will act on lkta Pi. It hBS llt<'onu• clca rlr cvi· tlUr hehali Thank you dent durin~.t the l'l.\!11. tb:tt the ~·



J onu ory 13. 1952



l'hi " igmu KuJJJIU job uf hJn,dng the wallpaper at fou r \\'itb the Christma vacation over o'clock in the morning. and "53" facing u , the brethren To end the vacation in ~ood ..Lyle return w the homestead '' ith great a ~kutinl'( party wa held in Brook.Sij.:rnu Alp h a E1•s ilon re~n~t that it was nCJt four weeks lidd. The event was such a success It tak~:s noble minds lo accomplish long in~tead of just two. thnt we are all looking forward to noulc deeds. This though l must ha \'e The big !'Urprbc of the vacation huldinj:( anolher in lhe near future. been paramount in the minds or lhe wa~ the enga~ement of Stan ~egus T wo nf the brothers were so af. 'l ..\ K\. who attended last week's to Ruth Hubbard. To .'tan, (better fect<'cl by the spirit or the hulidays mct·tin~o~. when th.·y lf"'e Ray Gardkno\\ n now as ''Dad"). we offer our that tht'y droppt'd their pin . Frank n~:r a rbinJt vote of appreciation for hmrty ronttratulalions. To Ruth our Gamnri nnd ~tan Jorczak so honored the rt•marknblc work he directed in Jw,t wi,hes. Claire Bianco and Dorothy ) lould remodeling lhr kitchen. Tho~l.' of you Durin).; the vucation the brothers rrspf'clivcly. rt:'ndl'rs fami lia r wit h uur old ki tchen ctm_~.tregutccl at numemus places fo r With winter really sett i n~ in n nd nfljoininR washr(JOm (some Phi mw rt?ason or another. The ftrc: t as- ~vera! nf the l:.euer skaters in the C:tm!> should be) \\ ill recall the •Clllbly the brothers \\3~ Ill Frank h11u"t' are makin~t up a hockey team rt~llin~ \\ clV<len lloor :t ml the db· Fluml\ wttdtlint.t. \\here we >aw w !(('l the lllU;,I out of the prevailin~ intclo(ratin~-t pla~tt>r . l>urin~C the Frank take Barbara Clark duwn the icr rundition... .\ couple of games C'hri·trnas \ HCatinn, l<ay and hie; ai~lt• Tu Frank and Barbara we hnv«.> alreacly l>een schedul«.>cl and cn•w uf thr fai thfu l replaced the lloor t.>xtend CJur best w ish~:::.. they '>hould IJe ~omethinR to see. wit h one CJf concrl't I' and t·cfmishcd .\rtt·r the \\ Nidi n~ th~ brother$ tht• wall-. with plnstt•r huu rcl. \lplm Tou Ouwgu pruc·rectrd to ~ew \'nrk and j ne T hi!. week. tht• ci~ur ~tudded " ing\ (; und .\ club \\ here ai)· \\'c ha \1! reports of ~me ctlmmon muuth:. of ~ .. \ .E.'s hintl'tl at the ro- J'IfO"timatdy thirteen of liS C<'lcbrated c:asunhy whit.h occurred lll three of m:~n t ic so:trings of some brmher;; Xt•\\ \'rars premature!)'. On the foi- the brothers O\'er the vacation. Dave ('h:trlir Cullinr.: announced hi:. en- IH\\ ins: ni~ht we tr;welt>d to Creal jl.'nney I:. engag«.>d to J aMt Ferry, ~n.~o:t-men l : nnd Don Post nnrl Earl \;1'1 k and IJick ;\kJirirle\ for a uf Ru,uury. Pete Petrides has Sumplc plumb losl tht>ir pins. The house· party. Dick m u ~l he con- awnrrlrd his pin to Vickie ~lano$, of .J(irl ~' names? J\ppart>ntly lost in lhe !(ra l u lat~:d lln the affair. Worcester, while TlQnnu Nclc;on is ~moke, for r du nnt know. :-\t>w \·rar's E\'e of cuur~ turnt>ci now the proud owner of Ralph ~ J on· . C(•ms '' e're dubhlin.J( in '>J)()rt (llll the brotheN in sl r<'n~th as about ~eon';; bad$!<'. Conl{ratulatiOn"-! at-min. Bowlin~ or !lomN hing. \\'I'll , thirty cmaplt>-; returned tn th<' house Rrother H ur~er was recently the rr~n rdll.'~<;. soon all l'lse wilt be Ill cc•lt•bmtt' the )'l:t.s;.ins: the nltl. reci)'lit>nt of a lar_ge packa.~:e containuhvi:t tNI ns we cxcoriau• mar minds Bulky \\'alter<; return('d from ing twenty-t>drl pound:-; or peanut UJlOn thl' bitter fruit nf linal t:xums. Florida n ftcr spencli n~C uwr :1 week huttl.'r H( ra ther :tncit•nt vintage. ('cmwt h lhc ~reat hysteria . :~nd a hnlf ba~;kin~ on the ~ancls. He• T hi!\ was reportedly 'iMt by -.t'Veral hnd hup<·rl to rntrr a swinunlnj:t mt't't admirl.'r!l. l.umhdo Chi Altlhn thl.'rt>, but arri\'('(1 ton lotr Ill enter. Severa I house officer., wert' t'lected jim Catroll hn.s bern Cll'Cted prt>si\II in all thr Phi • ig• n•turned in ta..t week. T hl'}' .ue Eddie ~<·~man , cl1•nt. I larry \\'iitaln vice rresident. hody. Trea:.urt•r. \\'in Baker, Hnu-;e ;\[a nBnb Olson sccrr mry. Bill Seubert a~tcr ; anti Jnhn \\'clsh, . trwurtl. T IIetn Kuppn Phi treasurer a nd Oick l..indstrom 'oThe ''acation is U\'t'r and rtll of the Bowli n~ is well under way. with cinl Chairman. brnthl•r:. have returned to the fold. Dave Jt·nney, Oick \\'ilson. Owen l>urinl( the Christma. vacation the ~l any hour'! were spo.'nt in ~p inninJ.! .\ lien. and Pat L{'ikk an~m krepi n11 Hrutlwr,. o£ Lnmbfla Chi .\l pha \\ t'tl.' tht• tall.',. O( holiday t''\pcriences. Up the pin !<Ore for tht> h!\U'I.' ,.i,itrd by Hank :\l nlik a nd Bill Spat. " ith 1h ~· mu~t popular topic of Cf)ll · The ha•ketball team i..~ c;hnpinst Hank i... 5er" ing in the ~U ''Y and i. vt>~l tion l:.einl! the ~ to " \'t ar'!> party up. ('oarh •·couc:y" Crozier hBS hLo; •m•-.ent ly stationed :tl the Great ,,t '' hh.h C\'f'ryone wenI a ll out to men run firtl'('n lap around the track Lrt kro~ {'t••Her. du honor Itt the celcbmtiun. hefnre rach practice c-<c;inn H uvi nJ~ mnstt'rcd the trum pt>t, and \ II wal- not play. however. as \\' hnt '~ happ!'ncd to tht' T .G.I F C. with u dc~i re tu s,tn on to ~realer mill h W•Jrk w,,;; done on redcrnntLin~t thi.; ye.u? :-\o meetin~s h:wc bt.>en lwi).!hh in the t'tt>ld mu ..ic. Bill the dml tt"~llliN room ... Thou!lh thl.'y held 'inrtt tht> ultl nnd belnvt><l Royal ;\l t>:tr"' ha~ retirrd his trumpd for a .trt' n11t cnmplrtl.' tht> imprn,·emrnt .\ thlellr rluh took it~ r~tl lt>a\'e H.tnjCI. \ strin~: in<~t rume nt i~ much ran ht• "l't'n already :\ n unr ha.." rwm tlw back ynrd. Let '~ att on nwn.• rmna nlic than n pert·u:hion in- yet ht•en ahlt.> to ft~Urt' out h11w the l>tick nnd re\'i\'C thi~ dea r uld str unll'tH. John L1l\'ell could cln h a ~nod tmditinn anti in-.titution.






EmTt)R, I \\',, try. lir~t uf all. 111 plrd~otl' m... n It nppra rs frnm thr letter that ,dth at lt•;J'>I plt•aslnt 1wr-.cmalitit'.=T au Jlt'l.l l'i has lwen .•t raull . not Hl th ,, tht• 1\lt'm!x>r-. t•an WOik hiIn i h ml.'thod, or the intentiuns be- l!l'lht•r. for u {{OOd deal or \\ nrk l%11(':hmd ih dcctiuns. but in mnl..intz it· "ith tlw hPnor u£ mrmlM'r..,hip \l.;o, a ,.t'lf kni\Wil. It i~ the purru'c or T au nl.tn n111'1 clemonstmtt' sMTW •wtivity Ut'ta l'i. acct1rtlin~ In the pn•tunbll.' lw~ith•· <.tudy i'ilht•r llll nr orr camput;. n( ih 1.'111\Stitutinn . "h• mark in a Ell'<'tlnn nf any man to 1'.111 Heta littinlt marlllt'r 1htN' \\ ll\1 t.:~mferred Pi t.tl.r< nearly a un.111imnu" wltt' htlllllr upnn thrir \ lma ) l.ttt'r hy nf t!w nwmht•r.. hip Thi- auttmwictli'l inl!ui-.ht~ci :.chnlar,hip .10d "'' .tll) t'limin.lh'' fr.nt•rnily Jltllitk• ami t'mplar) rh.trnctl'r .h umlt'rl!rntlu:n cs put:; llll~rt· ..tre~' on {'lt'r'lm.lhty :\f i"· in !'llf.!illt'l'rinu. t•r hy tht>ir attain- t.ll.t'' prniMhl) h;tH' llt'<·n made and mC'nl'i aq alumni in th,• 1it•ltl 1\f enl!itwt•rln~. nnfl Ill ru~lt'l ,\ <:pirit of r-------------lilll'tll ntlture in tht• t•m:int•t•riru: o\l UH. '1. '1. 81\C OICI \ ~ Ul lti (; IILA~Il I'TRIO."T lt•l!t'' uf .\ merica' Tu qu;tlify l Ol' R 1 l 'iltH , P£t 1 ~I 1. T 't'htil,t"{i~:tll), ,1 llllll nl\H he in thr UI'TO" hTRiqT T £ 1- 2-lJlt uppc.•r l'i.:hth \'If tht• JuniM (h•' 111 11' ' ~ .~I .. l " · ' '" "'.4. ' 1• 1: A~ t.;,,n•n •• a., A ppota hftttU 0 1 \ II

undouL11•11l)' ..unw stllllent• \dllthink 'll in 1111} U l "'t'. I .un truly • trry that any man ha• '0 hm an upinil)n of T,tu Reta Pi h~cau't' uf a mic,umll'N:-tnrlinf.!. It o;<'t"nh ttl() latl.' til :-oothe the fedinS(~ of till(' man. but it ic; my imerc hope thai lhl' rl"t ui the schti()J mny JU"ill hy hi' mi.. take rultl l(',J in hur t ht>ttt>r knu\\ledl.!t' ,,f the tthjt>~; ti\'c~ ot 'l.lu Ht•t;t l'i ..; i ncert'l y. D. j t X'~ I Y, f'rrs.

HICITI..Al\'D R 107 nt,.bt.nd Sa ..



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th<•\ pp.trl.'ntly IIJ1Jlt'r !liththo.> oi th<> .:tnit•r d:J.;" ~rht•l.t,lk parr ••I r tht'"t' rt'fJUircmrnt.;, ha.; nMtlc a !'tri'lll! imprr,~ion on at ltw•t .1 part llf thl.' 'tUIIt'nt l"'~ly '' hile 11tht't p.•int~ ha\r ~·•nt' unnntict'd \ umitt<'dly, at :;omt "'h•~<ll' the enure UPil<'r tifth oi the ~t·ninr d.~~,, t' in Tau Bl'l.t Pi. but it j, uur b<'liei that other comidt>r· .Hiom' be..idr• ~Khot.u .. hlp are inumrted .md help 'tren~::then the ~ tat· ure uf bc1th the ~h<11.~ anrl the or\!aniuti,•n.




113 Highland Street


0 .ti


Junuar' 13. 1953




Trinity Hands Tech Seeond Defeat 66-54



EIGHT OF NINE HO E ROLL IN IF BOWLING Tlw current Intt>rfraternity Bowlin!! ..~·a~on was shot orr to :1 booming ~tart last week as r.it.tltt teams enl!:li(NI in a total o£ five matcht>!:. L.1mhcb Chi and Sig Ep had thr honor ... a-. they rolled to a 2-l tie in t11e iir:.l ~chedull•d match 1111 :\Jonday. Thr fullowin~ day, \ T 0. :o:ubruerl!l'd Phi Gam J.J. On \\'c:dne~· d01y, l'hl Sig dcf<>atr·d Theta C'hi by takin ~ two matchr~ and thr total pinfall. .\ .E.P. met S .. \ .E. on Friday. "ith the Ialter team emeq~ing \'icturiuu:- 1-3. Saturday saw the -econtl til• of the young !Wa.."()n re~is­ Tt'«'b'& Uo ua Ma ri Ar<•n lhro"• ua• 11 ruun iull' "'"' h tuulo·r fr u m 1hr btll' l.t•l In tcrrcl "" L.X .. \ . :.plit with .\ .T .O. :\mw 11f the cumpeti n~ trams ap- Snl urdn~ ' • Trlnlly .,..,, ..., , , ' rtw lnol. nf tlt'jo•r lion ou lh o• 1'1'~'' ""'" fsu···~ un · JlCUrl•d 111 have yet reached Its striur rloubl.. tlly l>h'lll ~ from ,,... f l<rl lh ttl lb t• ..:..,, .....,ra ........ euiTt•r lna lht·l r ...,..... . b lHlt iull' nla h l of thl' Y"""· in la... t week's mntches. a<~ is rvt· dcmn•d hy t.he low scores recorded, Tlwt:t Knp1>a Phi, nnly tt.'lllll f:eil .\t I hl• prt>sent. Pat Leikkanen of H~um ~in)~ h.' with JXO, und Lumhda ,\ 1'.0 hold the hi~h sinJ:It~ with t'~ti .\lpha had ~1c hi! h te:un. tuu~l in~ tu roll l:1' 1 W('t'k, will .. win,~t into - .\II t•n o r .~' . TO How1c La11nwr of~. \ .1·•. .attlnn ne:<t Wedne..duy when it 110 .1n1 I 0 wen • • hoI•Is· \\llh I OIZ. h 0 11 1 the hhth three tring total with 30.1. ' Yhs l c· JCSt 3 v 1·ra~r nl pr<'sent n1rt•ts S.A.Jo:. at thr ulll')'l'o in .\h1mni 1 <:ym. Phi <i:tmmn. Delta scored the hi~h • w I an t'\'t>n ·



Enginee1· Dro11 Fir t Deri ion JV Five Clo cs To St1·ong Jumbo Quintet 77-68 Fa t Bttt l~o e

To Hilltopller

Uy 1100 rlliLII OWEit



.J (I



n a

\\'urce:.tcr T<•c h lost its first ~ame to a l>lrlln).( Tufts t'olle~:e u·nrn la.-.t Thursday, 77-68. J}oug 1\ lac.Larcn wets hi~th scorer lnr lbe En~;tineers with 16 LnJiies. ;\ ce H all had l 5; u.5_,;cni>CrKcr of the J umbos wal\ high with 24. Tech played n mcdincrr wame th rou.~-thmlt as flid Tuft!>. Ourin~o: lht• fir:.t quarter neither team J,:ot an nlfrnsiV!' n•bound. but in JIH: rest of the ~amc Tufts cc11nmunded both h:H k hoanJ.. to run up thrir ltad Only T t>eh's terrific foul hoot· ing kt·nt them in contention a'I they madt perfect 23 ~hots or 27 attcrnph fnr ssr~ . i"ear thc end ur tht Aame DouJ(il' )lncl.nren lwi<;tefl his ankll' thus kcrpin~ him bclnw par fnr tht> next few games. Frnnci~ 0 Brien. backcourt nee for T ufts, rndrd tht> game with 21 point~. Th<' ,I!Omc opened with Tech ancl Tufts l'~chanf(in~ U:ISkets. The l't'Ort' \\il~ til'll six limr~ and the IPMl lh:tnj;(l'll hands six time$ during tht' rir-1 quarter. Tuft:. led by four points but Uunny Hoch tapped in a rl'· lk1und anti Dttul(it' .Mncl.ar<•n anfl Hank \',,~il hit on three loul shot~ to pin l'ech the lead Frn nci" n·Brirn thrn mnclr n push c;hot lo 1.\ht.' 1'trft, th!' lrnd at Lh~ c·nd of the fiN Cjll.trtrr 17- 16. \\'11h ,j, minu te<> remainin~ in thr half l.mH•Il Greenberg swi~hcd a charity try to l(ive Tuft<; a lead thry ~\'tr rt'linqubh()O. Tuft.'\ led 32H 11 hrn I larry Rrown hit <In a hoetk and .\ ct• llall made a lay-up and n one-hancl pu~oh from the comer. The turnin~.t pnint of the game came. how · ever, <I'; ~ussenberAer sank a ft)ul , Ken j nnelto hit on 11 set and then ~tole the hall for a two-pointer. :\<~ tht half t'ntled the score was 3 7-3 1 in favor nr T ufts.

•\1 I he slart or the

second half

~u. seniJ('rjtt'r

put in three pretty shots to :wnd Tufl s 11.1 an (IIC\'t'll point letHI, Harry BrCiwn committed his filth prr..onal foul on SussenlwrJ(cr with three minutes l(tUW In l hr second hul r. su ~-.enlwr~t·r sank t hi' loul anti nnotlll'r jump ~ho t to l(ive TuHs their larl{r~t lllnr,t.:lll ol the night 4Q-32. Thi'l score put thr 1came out of Teth ·~ reach unk s they '' ere: to play int;pircd ball. l>nu ~de MacLaren, Are Hall and llnnk \ 'a:;il combinrd to cut the ll•:u1 to l\\<'h'c point:. 55-43 ut the r nd nf thr third quarter. 'ix minute~ remainrd in the game "hrn Tufts hit on three foul ' hob; ~ [nc Larcn burned the nels with a <.ct bul J<!hn Hcnc~han match(.'(! hi" hu,kel. Sht'l>ek made ~ood un a foul shot. McG ra.th .mndl' n layup, lind :\cc Hall hil on 11 tme-llnntlcr fmm the c:ornrr. Frrtnk O'Kricn. clrihuling like :\Jurttui. Hay1w~. wn!i ru u)cd unci convcrH·tl thr sh11t. l~nrl Bloom sank a puc;h , Jtm and 5h£'1wk another foul tn hrin~ Tech n11nin wilhin R points. O' Brirn made ~ood en.~thl'r fllll l ~ ht•hck cllnverl!•cl il I \\'f\ .. hot ruul a ... Tt'l h trailrd M -ol. i'h"n O' llrirn ran \\l11l ma.kin~;t a layup anci t wn fouls. Schultz made a ru~h -.h•>t and O' Bril'n cuuntcrecl rur three fuul<; (I) put the ~ame OUI uf Tech\ hands as rmly nne and a half minute<; remainrd. Hall made two foul <.h!Jt" and Dick Porter one !nr Tufts. ,h the gun ~;oundt>d to end thf' ~a.me, frr<;hman Henry '\owick wa.~ fouled He con\'erted both shots as spectators filed out of the ftelcl house. Tech was on the o;hort end of a 77-68 decision.


" ' COOl':!" !'fALL()\ It \4 118 a \'Urit•ty or thin gs thut t'O mhin.•cl to bond tlw T ec-h five h tt ~c·<·o ntl l! trni~ht 11188 of tht~ youns tlt'nHon u(tcr thrc•c' '"'ins. ft' irMI und forc•lliOilt '" "" the• z one• c lc• fc• n t~e th rown "I' hy Trinity '"hit'h r e ally ea u glrt tlat- Ruy nto n Hillt•rll off·guurcl. Sc..-ontll y lht' tlrh•in(l UfCreel!in• 111yh• of l'hay on thc• JlBrt o£ Duutc 1\lu('Laren whiC'h 8parkt.-d Tt•c•h tu ils fir!41 thrc.•u \' iC'Iorie l'l wutc h am pt•rc•cl no e ncl hy u f!Jiruined u nklc·. \rul thirdl y lucly luck turned h t'r hut·k time and asain a• hull11 \\ hic-h t~t•vmccl tlc•Ktinc'(l lc) rrea tlc> tbc nclt~ only rimnat•cl and fe ll a\\ay.

.\ 7.Hnr tlch·n~e will just uhout aiproduce 11 luw, low scorinj(. nntl uuintcrestin).l, from the spectnt11r puint of \-'i(•w, hall game and that's just IIH' way the T ech-Trinity tilt "lallt'cl nut to br. But contmry to W'll<'rttl prnclkt•, it didn't stay thnt way. .\ 1 thl' start of the bccond hall, 1r:eilinl( by seven points, 28·2 1, the 'fc•(·h men went nil out. Ace llall !ottartt•d tht• scurin).l with u push and llank \'ao;il fnlltiWt'd with a lay-up 10 pul ihr llnyntnn lllllt·rs within th ret• puints of their upponcnts. { ' hnrlt•y Mu urck intrrruptecl the rally "it h n .,..l sh11l "hich H all partially uf(sr t wllh n charily l lls!l. TTnw<'Vt'l', Trinity tll(ain came on lht• :tltat·k and thi, l im<' it wa~ Chcsty ( 'hrL, tulini , n lillh• fl'llow whn pluyt•d <~ lot ,,r hull fM the Hilltopprrs, who layt•tl onv in. Vn ~il maclt> J~<)lld on t1 fref' throw null Ace Hall clroi>PNI 11 JHI"h in r 111 tlw mar~n w three ngnin nnd thr Trch funs wt>rc bel(· ~in~ fnr morr. llowrver, it wa~ C'hrl ... tnlini :tl(ain ~urinR on a lay-IIJl tu krrp Trinity 11afely ahrncl, Thtl ~kNully men wrren 'l t'<L'lily dis· l'OUfaj.JI'cl , howr·ver I and II. rree throw by I (ndl plu~ 11 Hall onc-han(kr nurrowr!l the clcfldl ln just two puinto; Brown :111(1 Prkl' wn1med ha,ktt-4 nnd i1 lookecl us thou~eh T1•ch wao, still wry mul'h in the ball jla em•. Bur u sewn p(Jinl spree fur 1hr llillturl><'rs, lhrct- by Christolini, nmvrd 111 he 1he rlecidin~ factor in 1he• till f<1r 1her Boynton Hill crt. ncwr n 1111t' ('IO'lt'r 1han within St•ven point., <1f thl'ir nppnnrnts a~tnin . va..il \ lay-up luok(' the fulhine, hut Triuity camt riRhl back with four murr 111 r xtrll(l lheir l~ad lo eleven. Brl.lwn'o; frt'(' 111. s ann Vnsil's tap dt~(·ll ou1 thr ...rorin~ fllr the period with Tl·lh lrailinR 4 7·.lQ. The fourth (IUnrtcr w:u pretty murh a hll.!>kct for hasket llf{nir. Wollure conncclcd with ra lay-up, 'hebek rame back with a charily tnl>.,, hut Charley Wrinn, the nation's top rcbmrnder per ~tame last year, rl!tallntrtl with another lay-up. 13mwn Iupped onl' in ; htJwever lhrE'e cnn~wcu tivc fr<'e throws for Trinity t•xteufled their lead to twelve point!!. The tcnms exthanl(ccl murkers for the nrxt couple minute~. hut with the ~CMe at 57-46, T ech scored fflur -;t rail(hl to close to within seven points and il looked a'l though tht prC'-'in~ tactics r~mployefl by the \\ ~IY ~

Boynton llillurs mil(ht produce results. However, Ace Hall, who had just begun to find the range, picked up his ftflh foul and Wallnc<• dropped his two chrtrity shols to slrclch the point spread to nine ngnin. Althou~h MacLaren sunk two free throws ol his own, Trinity then hit for six strnighl markers to ice the gamr with the ftnal count reading T rinity 66 and Tech 54. The l>l'~innlng of the tilt wn.s extrl.'mcly $lnw. In fact the firM floor ~onl was not scort'ci until Christolini made ~uod on n lay-up (l(ter 5: LS minute!' of play had elapsed. At that time the score was I ied al lwo all . ~ r ucl.aren hooped the first two poinll'r for Tech ufter 7:08 minutes 111 cut Trinity's lt•acl to till<' point, 7-6. nncl play cnntinucd in this lnshion with the end uf I he ftrst period fanding Trinity on the long l'llU of ttn I 1-9 count. Of Te«h 's nine pointll, Vn:~ il had fe ve, all from the free throw line, as MacLaren's sf/'t shut und two from the floor for Tri· ni ty W('rt' Ihe only floor ~onllt or the lirsl lrn minutes of play. The !it•cond rwriocl was similrtr to the first, with n six point spree by 1h!' llilltnppcrs in the fnding minutes pmcluch1R lhc srven point half time lead . 21l-2 1. Top scorer for the night was C hesly Christolini ~i lb 23, while three hit double liJ~urcs for Tech, Brown with IJ, Vr~sil with 12, and I fall with I0.

1'tw j ny\l'r <harges ur ~ J eri Nor· fell hefl>rl' 11 p<lwerful Trinity ) ,\', trum !'nturday ni~th t hy the sror e ul 75 oO. The Tech juninr h{ll)p;;ters m.a.de n !(rent romrbnck in 1hr 'r1 nnd lmH, nut!.t'orinl( tlw vi'iilnrs 40-28; howt'ver, a hi14 lir~t half lt·:rtl lmilt lip lty Trinity provl•ll to he -.uffidcnt 10 ,.;uin till• virtory. l'rinily 14111 uff tv a gre.:a t st:ert In llw lir.,l quarter and tlwy nrwr tu, t tlwir lead. Jat k Barton, h i~h ~clrl'r fnr lhe vL,ilur:~ . tos~<.'d in 10 of hi~ 20 point-. in thai fatal lirsi. pt• ri<~d , \\hit h entlrcl with Trinity out in front 25-6. Tlw second perio1l pr<1Arc~s1·cl TEl' II '• ,., l p 1t1111 h 1he S<tnw rr., the lir~t , and enclctl Ha ll I ~ l 10 Schuh< u 0 0 with Trinity ll•:vhng 47-20. Th<· Vao ll r J " 12 lii<>Ont l I S vi~it ml( J:tY'' ('l'\ t•xhihite•tl -.ontc linr fC rnwn (\ 5 3 ll \hr l o~~rrtt ~hoot inI!; in I hi' fe111l half as they .. 2 4 ~ llratint• 0 0 0 lltM'h I( h\J(lfl<'d SO'' tJf their ..huts n~ cnmI l S llh~hr~ D I I parl.'d ltl 18''r nccuraly lnr the Junior (1. l"ttUtl• U22 'rntuti 17:rl ~ l'nlyrncn. H.dtrrt • Krh••• utu1 IJo n oll~tll 11 wasn't until midway in thr 'rtWII J v. 'I'RINil \' (.·\' f f11 IP I hirtl ((UOrt~r I hat tht' r echmen Ue· Sr ' ' •ll f t, 0 I~ Stokttb I ~~~ ·~ I () a ll!lll t1tl ( A 2 1.(:111 10 ~hi)W 'nmr lift• ThE~y ' "( . u.·~t~~~~ (, J 15 l,, J 1 l'l•llhrt w~r Y.uorlo I 13 n. ll mwll ' l l ·~4 cc·torh·fl In tru~kinK the Trinity Ol'· K111urlc 0 2 2 Jl~rln~ J 2 3 Andrt•un ft·n•c·, and uut -.cmt•ll llwir oppi)Jwnt ~ 2 I ~ l'hcn~r J 0 6 Futtt'r II 0 Q Lraltr 11 I 9 Alr1<an•lr1 17-15 However, they "f'nt into the I 11 ll(onlna I) 0 II fou rth f)eriml with a 25 puint delir it, rtnrton a 10 0 bl RcfJI\ 0 0 0 •rn iliul( 62-,U. \frW n11 tl I I Tntol• )f 12 w l rr lhr· ftMI fllhltlc•r Cuach ~ur­ 9 7S Total• l(tforr.. \t ~r~an JUul c:unr,. cru~' !Joy<~ bt>g-nn t<J turn on thr -;tram, and tsprcial)y so lu the f111 al lhrc•\· minu tt>~ of play. llkk Bazinet, hiuh •wrcr fnr the ev(•ninJ( with 18 rmin t<~. hO(lf>eil 9 pclint'l in Lhe tinnl 1wriud. 7 of llwm in Ihr f1na.l three mintrlf'" fl t,IJ Philho\1 t•r, who playrrl "Where Good Food l1 :J. uoorl 2nmr in th<• hucket, aJ,o Not }u1t an Expre11ion" hnuprri l wo fur the Terh caur;e in the wnnin~ moments or play, hut The Jayvees now have a record or ·all in \'ain, t~ince the hoopsters from two wins and two losses as they p re· OPEN TJU. MIDNITE Trinity maintninefl thrir lead gained ()3re to meet the American Interin that all Important f1rst period . national College frosb on the 14th. ern~~




.. "





How 'fo Take I~"' iua l ' RE. nd Sway ProfsT he Tech \Vay The Ptddlu i, lookin!( for inftlfflltll ~napshuts. Sc·cnt."' of durmilory life, f mtcrnity li vmj!. Fn-.,hman -Sophn· murc l ompctlllon. school dance~ , und tt~<;t·mblic~ :~rc dc.,irt•d If il is po'<..i· blr to ~et ~hnts in till' luborawric!>, lecture halls, and cia<.~ ruum!>, the' £' would be appn•ciat(•cl. All whu wuulct like lo 1>CI' tlwir fa vurltl' ~nnp,lwt "> In tl w yrarbuHk ~-tlvt• lht•m lu llon Oliver pcrsonrtlly, or drop l hillll in the "0'' bllx nl lloyntou 111111.

On Wt•dm•,.day, January 14 . thr Pcddll'r will IJcs.~ln tu Lake ~roup picturrs in i\ldt•n MPmurial. Sonw pictures wfll he l,tkcn hcfnrr fina ls, some after. Cla~s pictures will he taken nul of dooN ttl a dutc lo br announced The schedule for the period up lll final!> is as fnllows: Wt>tlncl'd ay, J anuury l4 4 :30P.M., Thrta KaJlfUl Phi 4 :45 P.M., Nt'wmon Cluh :l:OO P.M., Pt>ddlf•r

5 : 15 P.M., 1'erh Nvw• 1'hur8cloy, J umuary 15

4:30P.M., Boyntoniuns 4:45 (•.M., Mo8ttu•• SaOO P.M., Glet' Cluh Sa151... M., 1 'ec:hnh·h orciK

II j,. most important lll approath hnab with the proper attituclc. U11n't ht· nfraitl. Be ralm , cu11l, cullc•ctt'cl and lt>O.;c. Hu\ e an c>ptm mind. In urrlt•r to n l hi eve th b I'd su~t-st tlwt on th!.' Friday t•vc·nh1)( hdnrc• rmab btl( in, you tulw in t lw mid11itr "how in Hostou. This !1hm1ld give you an open mind. $uturtlity yuu ru11 dt,volc t11 ht'ing cnhn and enol. This can lJt' t~ccumplislwd by going to the " If' with lht• hny~ and having a merry time :;in~otinl{ ro lh-~-tP l'Ong~. discussing world affail"', nnd 11f roun;c! drinkinjol thr Buyntnn 's hrrw ( ?). Sumelime during the \\eekrnd you should remember to buy a wnple uf meal tickets al Llw Highlaudt'r, II<'· cuuse it is :~bsolulely es:;(•ntial tu have ~tuod sub~tanlial meab al a 1ime when you're undcr~oing ~n·at nwnt.cl and physical st rainc;, such as f111al!:. Sleep is very e.'!.r;cntial throughnut the wet•k so you shuuld make• u ~pecinl t>ffort 10 stop the poker I(Ulll!.'~ lJdorr 5:30 A.M. or else you'll enter your rxams with lhnl tired, d ragA~·d-uu t fret ing. Another SUAAI'sl ion i~ tu use Pcpsodenl tooth paste if ycm Clun'l alreacly do so. That l'cpo;odl;'nl smile really gl){'s over with lhl' l'ruf~ .

Friday, Jonuury 16 4a30 t•.M., Nuutlral Cluh 4:45P.M., ()utin~ Club SaOO P .l\1., Camero Cluh Sal5 P .l\1., Col!mo(mlillm Cluh Monday, January 19 4a30 P .M., AlP

4:45P.M., ASME 5a00 P.l\1., MICE 5 :10P.M., ROTC OffiC'f•r8 5:20 P.l\1., P enhinf( Rlflcl' T ue11cluy, Junuory 20 4 :30P.M., A IKE 4 :45 P .l\1., IHEI-.: 5:00P.M., Rudlo Club 5:10P.M., AICh•:

5:20P.M., ACIIERS Wednc•8cluy, J un uury 21 4s30 l•.M., 'l'uu 0t'ltt PI 4s45 P.l\1., ~I@IIUI Xi 5 s00 P .l\1., ~lu 1\uftpu Nu 5 :15 P .M.• PI Ucho E lu!llcm 'fhurt+doy, J onuury 22 4:30 P.l\1 •• ~CA 4:45 1".~1 .• Tt•rh Cnunr il

5:00 ··-~·-· AthlNir e urnmittre 5: 15 P.~1 ., 1l.•hutlntc (:luh Vleu'\C he prompt. Tho;.e Sen ior"~ \\ ho h,wt' nul hall their !'ilti"A" with H 1bhon~ 1111151 rill •o brfnrc j tlllunry 20. lh1Qhung will mnkt> IIJl(lniutnwnts fur anytinw durinJ.t thr da y. l\lnl-<· your own npp<lintnwnt , hut rhl it now. Proors mu~t Ill' n•tu•·•wd 1111· mrdio tt•ly. If tlwir i~ clis.~a t io:.farticln with Lhtm ri'lukt•s will ll<' m:Hit• al uo t ha r~(l' . prm•idt•cl tiH' plwto~:raplwr hone~ tly h•Pls thai the proofs nrr mt J.tllOtl. Otlwr wbt•, rt,tnkc·s will cu'il tlll(• dttllolr \'("lrh•lllk <.1111111(' m;ult h\ ni lwr phutw•r l(lht·rs ruu.;i lw rt•lutnt•d ltt Dml Ollwr .11 Hlllt' ' fhc· picture., 11111"1 he· "t.lllclilrrl yc·.ttl~t•Ok '<ilt' t:hl!l"'i·· ~.

if ynu w •nl ''' ~·1.' ynur· "cH in the.• l'ultllrr, \ , 1 lltl\\

1t has been scicnlilically pnwcn that the colder the air surroundin~ the head (human ) 1ht' ktcner Ihe mind. T his is u straight line relnlionship when plotlcd un the: lltthrrnht•il Scalr. Thi" has its limits lhnu14h IJ<'cause a l - 30• the mind sucldt.'nly freezes up, Sll l l) speak, untJ isn't lno ht"lpful. lo conjunction with this take three or four IJinnkrh to cla>~s with you to wrnp around you from the nerk down an1l in ~bt that ttll the windows be opened. Uon'1 piOln on copyin~ altllwers from your nc•il(hbors because it's an In!>litulf· pulley lcl usc: the T. F. 1'. rclatiunship tha t i:;, you couldn't reach ynur nl'i~hbur with u ten fooL pol!.'. It is

Jnnuary l.l. 1952


110 I 4:--1 Nllll l 1f l /U' I

lt•1ht-rt \\' Gll'•lttf~nn, R ichard \ . Hurtl Ril hurcl ll. )ftCnbe. Ua\•id \ . l'r.llt , Brule \ .. e.aly and Harold I· Smith. ,\ppuintctl to t adet Fir~l s~rl!ean~ wen·. l·.url )1. Bloom J r .. Paul \\', Hruwn Jr.. ll ul!h C. Bell . Edouarrl " · P. Bnu\i!lr. llarry ~. Barwn Jr .. I >nnald J. (;rl'nicr. Timvth}• ] . Healt·y, l't•ter 11. llor:-tmann . Uavid L. Hoylt•, Rnlwll T . Kirkpatritk , ,\ min fl. Kurnnl , :-:11.'1 )I , K~t dnka:~, Raynaltl 1'. Lcmi1•ux , Roland F. Ledoux, Phillip Lincoln . Rkha rd J. L ucey, II~·1Wy L. ~ l iritk Jr., Richard 1~. Ornm, r>avlcl ( ' P ruvn~t J r., Geor~e 1'. f'm1.zc1, llcrman II. Ruse, \\'alter ,\, Rt•iiJiinl(, l: ranklyn ~ 1. Rybak, Rt•ynald J. Snnsuocy, Emil F. St hn<·ich-r, J{oh\'rl (', • echrrsl, Dunalii II. Tru""~·l. Joseph C. \\'ahl, Jamt" \ \\ am·n . CharJe., F. \\'alter~. John \\' . \\'rhh , Domtld F. Zwicrs. l ' nrlcr the dirt'{ 1ion of )1aslcr -,l'rJ.tt.•ant!! Enbcr~ and Herbs of the \Jilitary Science D{·partment. the rifle ran~t.· wn.;; cumplrtcly renovated In inncal'e it s .saf1•1y and efficiency. Thio, work was clone durin~ the two wl·rks ( 'hristmas vacation with the murh appreduwd U'ilclistance of th r nwmlwrs of tht• First Marine • i~nu l Cnnl(lany O.R.C. of Wcm :estcr, whn li(•«trvr a grc>;tt flt.·u l uf credit for a job wt•ll done.

S tate Mut"al Barl,er S hop 6th Floor Stale Malaal Balldla• "ppo lntmenu II Dulrwl

340 MAI N ST.

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