1955 v46 i11

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f\R \I t:rt'!l AUII\t'~ ;\ C

The echNews

\ OLl \If \J.\1

'I'OilCf'STFn. \1 ' '' \ fill 'f:11''. T\ E.'"IHY. AI'IUL 17. 19S6

BBOTT SI GERS TO FE TURE PROl\f Cltoral Group To A}lpcar at pt·h•g Datu•('


Schedule Of Future Tech Assemblies Occnu~e nttendnnce nt pnst a ~mbhrs lu.' not ju~tified the tnlent presented, the follov.ing schedule is o£1ered w1th the: ho(lt' th:tt future intc:re t v.11l be

l ht' )'l'Jr·, j univr l'r•llll prun i,,, t1• h.t\l' Ulll' uf th.· 1.... -t "'"'"·'I t•r~~a:r.uu• n l.'r p r•··cntl.'d here .tl \\ ••r••··tt·r I n h \luna: \\ ith Rtth.ud :'IIJith', tht' k .ul m~ tullt!J:t' prom h.mll m thr• nuantn the Junior• h.l\1' cuntr:u h••l tlw \ hhull 'm~:cr:. tu furnish the t•nttrt.unnwnl at tntcrmi-< wn ttme Tba.. ~:ruuJI J m"ul c h••ru~ ot IS m.1lc .mtl fl·m til' ' ''" t·· an: '1\C'II known in the .outht·m :\,.,, EnriJnd lrl':t for their J'lUJ•ui.Jr ;uui r· n tt'rtaininl! cboul v.ork The l{l'Oup under Lhe di rc:diun rtf ;\l r guu1hem Abbott. lu. ht-rn :IJ>Jll":lfllll! pruft',.\llmally 1nce 111-l'l .tnd tht' h.t\l made ~evcr:tl ap(lt'aranct•s on hoth r.td"' nnd tclevbion over \\'JAR. 11 Pro\1 dtncc, Rhode lslnnd station. '11tey h.au nl o sun~t fo r many busintss org,lnita lions and clubs in the New Enl(lnnd nrc·.t as we ll a~ making ma ny pultlic St•rvin· appeara nces in hosvitnls of the Armed ~ crvices throughout Rhode h l.ual, Mn5~achu CtlS and Connecticut. The pro~tmm presented by the Ahholl inl(ers is made up or popular and ~f'ml cln ical music rrom the f red \\'nring Library Associ:~tion . Anyone fnnuli:u with these arrnngemtnts can v. tll nttc~t to thei r plc:nsing and vaned sound • u \Oo ith t.ht eight«n \OJttS or tilt' Abbott Singers blent.lintt 111 plta•llllt lurmonv Md with Rich:trd :'> lnltbv anti hi' lift~m men or mu.cic prod ur.msc 3 "41111.1 d.:lnc:e bent. the \\alb or the t\ hltn ;\lcmorU.I v.i ll liHtn to 1 trcrnendou' t\Cmn~t of enjorahle mu•H~. T>tln't mi•<~ thi" Mrt' tn a hfrtunr d.1nce' Tilt. JL.\'WR 1'/W if , I Kl

gre:ater April H-con\'OC:ltion or Cl.l<\ Mretinlt• t'Lt• m«•tin~t~ m1~tht rcr>l:tct on "' rr:tcly <l hcdukd 1 on\·Otatinn l.r~au•e t3ch da<o; h.u imp~trtant hu•anr•<~ tn tran•act J•a,t attcml.tnct 111 rln"' mrec in~:' h!'i' hcC'n verv flUOr nnll 11 1< 'irr I'H0 \1--I'olfr I lnlJIHrtant th.11 ,,II v.1ll makC' n rc:~l effurt to :lltrnd if the Ch!. t'~ arC IO lUmpldc thri r bu•inr•~ by the end

uf lh1'1

A cmJ)Iy With

scmc~te r

2-Tt•rh Coundl nnd Alhh•til ..; lt:tiHIIl S, A~\n rthn~ 11£ the I feat s( Truphy. The Jll'.tr:.t 1ruphy "Ill lit• pre~rutetl ((! our rtllt• lt•.lm rnr pltWllt ftr ~t In


1\ ~coda liun

the n•u•11t ~h.lrp·~huottn~t wn1e~l M ty 11- l'n\\l'r Jl.'lt hoi \\ith humnr ,..,,.,. ' "'"Jo;\1111 .\

l '"ll' ' I

Non-Fraterttity ~1 ·n Ortranize t In titut


\l , rr. th:tn ~o n~>n·frllll'rllily mt·n col •l l't T~·t h mrt m tht J anc·t E ~rlr Rr, 11n nn I ri•IJ\ \ hrch '0 tu l.ty th<' 1: IIUn1h1 lt tk flit .l nt'\Oo Urj!Jillr.llllllllht 1m!t pendcnl" on thr cumpu• \ r uns: in .atumf v.ith the Wlllll''tiun of J'n·•i· tfcnl llrnnv.rll thnt ~ur h a ~ruu1• C<tll '<'~'C :1 \':!lu~llco (1Uf110'C the mcNtnlt rnn•idrrecl immtchntc plnn11 fur the ) uninr l'rnm \\erkencl. nnd ~l hc•dulrd 11 ~c:contl ~l.',~ton for Wt•dnesd:l)', April II in the Riley 1l ou~c A !itrnw \'Otc indk:~ted unnnimuu<, in trrl!•t in the prtt~: ram outlined for <n· lial lthlctic anti otht·r artivatir~ T\\o co-c h.tirmcm or thr mcetin,:: were • t•~tt·c l hy .1 vokt'·\'lltt', to •CI't' unt I a ~IJtc o( rc·~uiJ r otttl rr< c3n 1)1.' formr1l L':-J 'er the tempclrll' U\t'l·"- itl•!mcr oi ) hn I" n•lcr an•' 'l;uf'Ps H:trn• : J am ' lml • n ":~5 a kd to .1 ume the cl•J· •its 01 secrct:sn·: a comrnittt" ~>. :u f ·mro •n m~ h: t.lt·unitr plan for the luni r l'mm v.tl'kf'ncl · :a rnmmilltt' v.a• • <I :and mtn "rre J appointMI ,,.,. 1\Dt I'Jo \Of \ T_,.,.,. J \\ •n t

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lle Pa·c cntctl ()n April 28th


( Aonf •t·cn(•

llcld at Te<·li l lu111111 tht rtu•nt 1-.a,lcr \'a([lltun. I he• :\1 \\ l•.nJCI.tntl ltuc•n-.tl Cunh·tl.'nrc \\ ,, Itt ItI 11 \\' ur11• tt·r I ~~ h ' Jiw 1 t'l h 11',1111

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II'Jllt 1'1111'11 It} ('

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J.ilht••••hw l lw t 'unff'rt'IH t' l'JCicnclt!tl 11\!'1 11\11 tl.t) \lilh lh t· Jlf\'lttlllll!IOCS t.tkilll( plut t' un I rul,ay nnd lht• "-l'n1i l11111h tuul ltn•ll• 1111 ~.t lurdn y In trtll' t JI II' IIw u·.uhu~: . 'l t•t h \\;1\ A \\Ckome dh t•r•iun frnrn tht• IH',I\'~ rc pn••••nlt•tl hv jnhn l.tlllltrttll(l' "h" ~dwdult• uf l.'t,,m., in pri'·V~ r.tl itltt ' •••·k• pl.tct·d fuunh In lht ltn.al, ~~~ ..~ \'ir'""' a h11!hly enr ••r&atntttl! J1tcrllr.un Jilt' 1:1111.1 l•·tl11r u( 111111 ( 111lt vc· "''" uut •c. ntrrl t.v Dr ~lurr.J' Jl.ank\ 'I hc uHr thn• utlu r 11111l t 1.1111'. I or hu huur-lun,:: pro11rom " .1 hll<-d v. tlh a' dt·• tu•n \Ia ltrlur rc·.1•lthc ' pult•nt tuundml( rc:,·el;llJon• l'c·rh.1p ntll\ 1111 1r·m• lr~rrn R11m• ,, /.., l rtlll I .llttl I ,J,u f (rt<hmt·n umkr<t.tnd v. h.1l s tlw mtllt·r II\ \ rn\ ' "'"'II \I a I 1 clur 1 111 hn~t­ la h II qr.t Ill J,t·f l"lllllt ~ I If lll ij,llf <. w11h the uppercJ:1cwt'n Dr [lJnk<i j, .1 chnic:d I"~ t huf .,~·• 1 :tnt! hr h • 1~ • tt rlutnlt mlt•rJ•nll\e fctrmt rly a profc:<.•or of l'~~thulul(}' .11 r1 J lu ~· lur II\ I I I .1r !.on~ l •bnd CnrHr it)' .1n•l J'.ur l'trl ..,,.,. Jlf.ll \Tf ' '"•" I IC'Jic Ht' u.a~ al<o ~ 'r••lln~ J•mfr "r 1nd lttturer at ::\c:" \err!; l nl\c'r II) I 'I rmplt. tmvc:rsity of l'ttt•hurah, 1111•1 ,Q(> C\tra.l other Ea<trm cnllr~:c . l lc 1• l ~tt.1duate or :-.; Y . L: . Md Ctrlumhtd anti did hi< daruc.:tl ...1udar~ at lielin ut· llu pit.ll m :\c\\ Y11rk C'Hy Jl,. h.1 l•t·tn \\ 11rn u·r I t'l h f~tr 1h1· fm·l t1 mr m t n3tJOnJIIy ~yndicaH·d wlurnui•t Ulul tl\ lu•lllr\ i 1(111111( Ill II!IJrd lllUiolf thal hJ• v. rittcn <en:r.ll hook• on p•y 111 'I t"dllrtt n nhl rtrlll nc•w v.tll ~njt._y choln~ry. I hr ~r111111tl \\llrk h~ c ''''I'll dnnr All J)r Banks caref ully miJrc.l humnr nnu 1h111 rern tlll•' " lctr 1hr v:triu u ~ mu~t tnl rncL to produce one of 1ht mo<.t rnt•·r l(fflUJI~ (!I lttrn IIIII (nr lht· next fc\1 tninin~ prOI(t!lm<; or lhc yrnr. l it• L}l'l(/111 \\ f•t•k ' and l•frl( til r tlllig~·n l ly T he Glvt· by txlllnining just what we homnnc ~~·r·l· f 'lull llnutf lluyutunion\ and ~ome nr in life the ability to '"'" furt\l'r ft·rl th e· huu t' ltctll v.tll parridpatc in this rt•ttmlt·•l pmrr.trn mer' of importance or rc:•pect nntl prr I hr rr·• mtlrntt v.all I.e un both H'l.i ti11e. love, and va ritl y in the than~t thai nnd IS Kl•\1 th c in attnrthe nlhum~ y,-e fin d in our lh·eo~ 'I hi' rr • ~trtltnll i lot·inll fiMn<ially \\'e knnw rrom our tx;lt'rirnct 1.13r k,.tl h: the \\ I' I lumni f'un tl Thf' durinst life wt mu 1 n•r: tanlh' rhp' nur·cht1 to nt'.\· citu:ni•rn• I>r lltnk ''u•lcnt (,, \ t rnr~ t·nt v.llh l'r• irlrnl upl:tincrl tha• thl'ft 'l lo OUitl lJt t.o nt"d Urm. dl t nrc lOll IS Url!tn:Z all mf':n• for J"5' "chnll'zJ<' - if -.u coold all ma ke IJ• rs tn tum 1>Ut 1nd SIJI•IJ(Jrt thi t·rtltr· rht adju-~meo·s tbn are re11 uircd in pri "\\bteh v. tll IHtnmpli h much tn t.b,. life. hut uniortu.'latc:l~· :nany I"' l)pl•• fmrl \\A\: uf I' J'IIJC tty f•~r 'f r<h and fM ..c h()OJ r Cl't (,ru·n tl rr<l••r ,,r the Gl~ thr"" eh-~ inupa:hle , f Qne ndjucrmrn• .,,.,. nruum"--P"•" J ~,,.,. 0 \ '\t\ <;-Pcr6r 3

Dr. M. Ban]\:.

As Entertain<••·

I>LJ\ S 1ADE f '" UEC()HUI G ri'E(:II . '0 (;,'

Atldrr~~C!I hy IIi hOI) John Wright of the climC'..e of \\'IH(r~t rr nnd l' rr•nlrnt Arthu r n IJronM•II of t hl' l n~t tlUtc hJ~bhghted thr rc•gllln.ll tml\rn tton of Theta ('lw. cummemumtlol( lht' trntrn nr.rJ lrldtratum uf thr ftuauchng nf the ff3tt•maty l.t, t Satultla~ m~ht nt hnn· •lttt>l hd1l nt lht· ll ull'l C'ttrun:~dcJ Jn the kc)IIUtr ~Jil"rth, ll1.,hup \Vtighl 'taled 1h.11 mrn of •1un1u.al 11nd intl.'l lc'c tu,al "t•ht t' - 11 hlc•r.HI hy awl nrl~ lorrncy - '' nrr n tiJnc lltion m·ct~•a ry 111 rlrmut mlil 'urvlvnl h utlwr rx ltrpl ~ f Will I lit' 111~hu p'11 ndtlrt'5K <IIIli mrudc·cl I lw p rtJll''' ttf pulitit•ttl dt•nHH rttry /IS 11 11l' ( t·• ~ll I )' 11 1111 I(UII d Jl ill ~~·nn·c l to llw prlllt'l tio11 or 1 111~ 1 1 t•qunlit lc•s in '" hil h nil 1111'11 ~hmt ltl Nhnn• " lie wnnn·tl. huwc•vN, thut l tnnsf1·r 11r il~ pultt 11 nl llll'•llllllfl~ Ill ttllll'r phLI ~I'\ nf life tuuhl lt.ld In llll'llitHiily lit• 'ltntetl thai '""' '•lltl lrl''' un "rouhtu1l rqu.tl tt\ h.111 mht ra·nt 11111tua 11 11 "111• lent 1.111) cl.llll!l rttll\ I •~ prurlut t " v. hu It ht· tt·rnu·1l rt·•lttl 111111 lu dc·.ul kvrf , ctt '11Ur1h ,Hill \ , I lUI ," ~ ~ r~>' Ifill th,jt tn.tn i 11111 I rul\' t'IJU:al Itt• !..llfl \ UU I .111 • C'I' tl in CHI)' U (>l'fl ,,r •.. n.ptt lrrr t\11 h.aH I hr ri~eht tu fhmJ>t·tr in r:r.1m'. 111 hh·IJ r ~. tlr J.ut '111 dtl ltlol 11'~\e \\tth l'fiU·ll rc Ult ' ur ;n hie:\ t:mcnt' Ul, hi•J• \\'n~:ht lll ~~ Jlr.H nl 'I t ' l h fr:1 trmitrt<o fnr v.rll kt·J•t hrm t ·!l ancl at lt'>l lies whil h • .trr pl:tyang an nnpurt;ant pMt in •rll irl)l tht ntllflll Ill a fhiDt'r uf the city" li e: trlltd u·1l thl' •IJutll'ft'r\ \\hll have all.tlkl'll rr.attrllllit'\ \\ tlh "~ tatt•l1lt11l\ tt(hn \\tlfHJIIt fuuncJ.tlllttl <tnrl cdtt·n lmtlly dt,tltrlt•cl " J'rcqidcrlt Hnmv. t•ll ul' " lautl<'d f rn ltruitic~. Utldinl!. "'I hc·y lwlfl K•rnl prrttni ~c In I he• dt•vdupnwnt nr I hnrur ter. tht• pm1t111l iull of !Nulcr• hlp 111ttl tlw 1tJ1JIUriUtllt) fr1 r iult•IINIUal tnUitul ~trnv.lh " C'rmtNrlttll( r•IIII'I(C' life hr· •J.Itl "Thtrc• j, ntJ lll'lll'r llrot to h IJ>f) vuu r ( nur c Yuu h.l \.t' an fii,I•MIIIntly ltJ JIUt ltllltlh1•r ol rr•1lly IIIII tnJC.II\1 lire f'rt tdiOIC th•· ""lurtl.'l) 1ci11lc1 1,an•1111 1 ~ Gtt \ r t,u~iu •··•l patl\' r.. r lltll\1 n· ti••n d" lt'R:ttr '1111 \ hdcl I rttl 'I ru..-ht :al Ep 1hm-~ chaph r h••u r " · " ah J,ury <-tret I fuiJtJV.td J,y I <.;, hoo1l ••f I Ultr• roil l'r "' e hti.J •• .,.a'tr'''Y aflcr "JIIt;TA c 111- Pn• " 6

I . ..

On S.liunl.ly nil!ht April lSth the l\13•qut• ·' '")ci:u iQn w;n pre~nl the umlt'•l) nwlnclrama, $ta1Jlt I i, :a piJy IHillt'll by n onald RC\':In and t-:tlmund l'rt, an,J..I. 1 hr•t men \\ere nctuJII) .tmtmJt tho+;t' pri onrrs v. ho faced . tah~t\ hor~dom . its hard~hir,~. ami its trrrur.. It \\ 3'> behind the b.' ltbrd '" irr 111 harrnck nt t his c:~mp th:tt t ht'!'C two mrt nnd twc:tn1c friends. Tottt't bcr thry pHnlc·ll llll'ir mrmories of imprisunmrn t tu Jlrtlducc the piny Stnlng 17. The At'lling or Sta.l/\g 17 is II Nui Jlrl8on hnrrucks ocruricd by u.s. olrmen. The piny lakes plncc in Krrms, (lcrmnny, lOWttrd the end of the Wllf, Stnlng L? mixrs n good denl or Clltthly comrlly with n fnir nmounl of tension. The lntrine, S.tltual hunger, bad rood, nnd personal inStJils of the men nrc the nutin~prings of the piny's humor, hut the men lhrmselves wilh their griJ)cs and their rauing, form a divertinK cross St'Ction rrom a rOU(!h-cul Polish Amo•rir nn C.l. to a D11ck Day hlue hlt)(>CI. The source of tc:n5ion in Stnlng 17 i~ the existence or an informer nmonl( the American prisoners who tells lhe pri oncr's 6mrul secrets to the: Nui. When lhr rr is somdhing really Mrious for tht' men to talk about, the inrormt'l'll identity becomes crucial. 'W-r MA SQU t~""" 6


TALKS AT ASSEMBLY 'I hr fnu rth StudL·nt Couvorntlun touk

plntc rtt lt"t Wcdnc day's IL~SCtnhly '1\ lth l lf'n ll 1-.ric \Volker ~t ving 11 ~plcmlu l tulk un the juh or :In engineer. In Introducing his w hject. l>enu W11lker ~pokr of tbc rnshions of cnl(intt•rinl( hn" at bad !wen fn,hlollilblc 111 hr-t to be a ch·il, then nn tlect rica.l C'llltllttC'r nnd •o em, unLil the ~JIIecl c·r;a of intl"~rntaoo :arrived in 1940. With th1• er.~ ramc the new term llutumlltion t hruu~rb ~b.icb, as the Penn ~~~ . the ,.,.,,. (:C)"'lVf)(.:ATIO. Pa«" 3

f:Ri f: A. 1rAU\ER

April 17, 19$6


Pace Two


PubiiJhtd W~kly During lhe Collt"ge Year by The TN'h e ..tl A•l!Oelatlon o ( the Wo rc:eele r l'olr t...-hn i.- ln,lhut<" EDITOR-IN-CIHEF: Richard lbrlnw EDITORIAL STAFt : M ana~nrt Editor ....•..•.......•.. Robert Beaudet News 1-:Ciilor ..•...•.....•....•.... IJt,nald Girard Copy f.dltnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rirhard Stt'\'fM Sports tAll tors .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . Robert 1- . C:allistan Robert Purple Ft lllure F.dltor .................... John llohan r hoto11raphy f'.ditor ..•............• John 1'. Oaly J unior EtUIOrs , ... • ... , , ............ Ani bon)' Scancclln Richnrd Emery Fred erick


Robert Foisie J.nwrcnce Iforrigan R o~ter Jolicucur Charles Tyson ) nmts Hl·t·nun Joseph Duddy Hcpurler' ................ . ... . .... JClhn l.ill il.lridge Peter Oltowilt Phologntphl'r\ ..................... Steve G:m lelln Robert O'Rourk Cartoonlst •...........•.. ...•..... Robert Brass BUSINESS STAPF: ll u ~l ne ' Managrr ......•.......... . Juh n Bandarr!l AflvC'rtl InK Manager . . . . .. . . . . . . . J(ohcrt Brckrtt Circulation M an:ll~l.'r ..••............ Geol"j!e M:u :uesse A rut. Circulllllon 1\hna~trr Edwmrd GaJiini


The Greeks Dl:DDV

.\ 1 Tnnn!•r ha' ht•t•n frt•CJU(:ntin~ thr ~ l apl~ II all fl;tn< t·~ a nil nil the hmt lll'r:. wou i;J npiHl'li!ILl' ~·Jmt' rxplrcna 1ion fur t hi~ ull inn. T he Si.l( Ep n 1pid dt'fHtrLnw nt rt'JHHts thal N ow that the snuw has s upposl·tl· Huh H rn~~ hos ltt'l'll !'ill lqttrretl IJy

initiated brothers a t the ' terling Inn. \ mun,:t the ne w initiates we re AI I )Unirls, Leo Cournuyer, Bill Uyer, IJun Cove. \\' ill Houde, Randy 1\lurs(', Ro~-e Pekrul, Ulck Thompson, Chan Wells, Bob W hyte, and Jack \\'ulfc. Bob Crane fi na lly s ucrumhed tu Em Freeman 's feminine t.hnrms, for hi~ fraternity pin has disnp1>eared and a box of cit~ars was fuu nd in lht• lh•iu g room. Theta Chi ret.ently held t'l!·uiun and the re, u lt ~ found Hob \'a le a president. Hal J>r nzer .,, ,. )I ()~G TnE GR E~ f\.' l'a•,. 1

ly J.:l lll(' a nd s pring is just around the C:aylc ~~~zwlillu, nnd thut t•rcd Coscurnr•r, the c;n;ck!-1 will sfJon gel thal 11·1111 h, 1 ~ pu 11t•d 1d1h hi-. ~:oldr•n lwart urv(' r (ailln~ 1opri ng fewr. anrl pr(l<,(·ntr·d il 111 "o tllll}' l'l•tt•r,. Ovt•r 111 1he: l'hi Si~-t lodge sprinJ.( Tlw l'hi C:am., pl. I) t·d hthl w all ft•\W hw.. alrt>;uly hit. T hree nf the tht• l'hi ( :.un 1 h.lpl!•r, in tlw '\ew cww r, llf'\(•r II<JY~> parLNI wi th their l.nJ,!I.cnd :trt·.t fur tlw .111nual '\rw t lwri,Jwd jt'\\ tk T h<· h ,t ty bc">yo; l·.nl!l tnd '-l·ttrnn wnv••ntiun \ flt'r \\t·rt• C'lifr \ \'irr-.rua, H~:~h Skelton Busint""s Aui~tAnts: all tlw lm im•" lwl ht••·n t.t kln r.tr(' F.dward c:.,llinl Rol•ert Griffin .tncl O.cw Ol""m ' '' ~ nrma Ha ll. In· uf t l~t-n· \\,,, ,t cl1111 t prt'lr·dc•cl h) a llownrc1 l'alntrr F.douard Roo\ ier ).(rid l<tnl.! ;uul J tuly For..lx-rJ.( rt·· Thom:u \\'~r }oSC'pb C'hrn~il llltkt.til JWI~ \ 1,111) llll'IIIIJlr~ nr l fu }O'IC'ph Rouio Kirhatd llllj« ' IK't t ivtl) 1~•'1 !-aturclar niJ.!ht the T 1·th, f;uUlt\ .1111 nrh-tl thi....tffair HarvC'y Ro)('nfl.'ld Phil PuddiOKton l'hi S1)(' and lht• \ TC h had a juint Rohut Vary Jobn N:uh Cht•r tlw \",~1.1111111 (;t'llrl!t' Lung Ont· ur the major .'''UI.'!. dh(U"t:" b> part.> 111 tht• h•mlt' Lht· .\TCh. Uerbert Cl:ark.~on Ptltr Zlnlnl L' the Tclb !'-cnate thrs )ear '' the hclt 11 of ,cbuof ,piril ~ho\\ n 0)' Lhc SIU1ltnt I Wnhrr Orllk James Dunne 1'\ow 1hal tht• hnlt•, in Humhultll Jlillllt'l I J.i111I;1 "uti II I'll ,1111 I Ulll " PACUI,TV AU VISf:R: ProftsSOr Arthur W. Rack l•ody In rbis reg.trd the ~en:~te hu \ VI' haw l ~t•t•n li lh·rl, tht• lmllhr r:; of h.trl,ky ptnru·d I· hnor I \an' 11U • 1lll 'tltl IIIII I f .' t I'II Ortll . I Jr'l - 14 111 .:,,, 215 Nf'.WI l•h 0111'~ I lf>t .., l7-997 l'lwtn h.ap 'fll'llt ,1 quit•t l\\ 11 •nn11· up \\tth t\\U ''urth·\\hih· JIWJHt~ S. \Jo; ft•lt it saf1• tu flark their mrs imprO\l' thr .thole Subscription per Khool yrar, $J 00 ; ~lnJtle topics, $. IS. Mnkc all rhcck~ r•nvt•hl!• un il. To t t•lt•hra lt· lhi:. l;mg awai ted \\'t•t•k, llrotlll'r Oct k 1l.tjl't the<l \IIIII h 1\\: hupc to Business Mannacr. E:nt~rrd us srcontl tilts' m:lltcr, September 21, 11110, nt thr l'o~t ·,traittht arrow" luotlwr Hill K t~v k:1 'iau;llilln I he 1" 0 prllj~tt!> .m· 11 (nmOffice In Worcc•, wr, Mn""·• untlt•r the Act of Mnrch :1, 1879. E!lllorlnl 111111 hu.,lnr,, ut·c·n;;l,n, a vnsl array or new ca rs pu' hlll2l'r ,1ncl rctmd~ wnt.1uun~o: 'lhool offices locnlcd In the Alden Mcmorlnl, Wor~cstcr Polytechnic lnstllutr, Wn ru·~ ll·r, , II'(' I II IW parkt-rf iu front nf the up wi th wu· ,,r hi~ hnnw ltl\\11 girl... lllU!>tC. Mu~nrhustua. hu 1 ..Jw p n1VI'd to Iw nul I h<· m:t rryIn lht• t•:rrly 11)00', nnd up 111 npprux. The views I'XJ)rru~rl In this pnper arc cntlr~ly those of th r rrllloriul atnff, nn tl In " Lu kc •~i 1 1! · l.ndw·." ,\ mung the pr••wl inl.( kinrl . lltullrc•l l< n,~okt l is sliJ.(hl- inMicly IIJ,\0 the \'arimt'> l l.as~t·~ ~~~~d no Way rcOrct the vlc\\la of Worn •stcr f'olylcchnic l n~titu l e, n WIIt · t ~ lilt' ltriHIIf'ls RoiJin-;un , :\ lch uldt•t' I hun 11111~! of I lw hro tlti'I'S, 111 hnvc .1 ~port J:trkcl which ahnm.t all llu~o~h , Simp'ion, l(ntt·lli , ar ul Urown. the· ~tudent body wnrt ; lint• ~eM the l'lw ...,ig l•:p~ had 11 l law:1ii:tn pa r- ·'" ont· l':tll It· II hy hi-. 1hin ning tulu r llt•mt.: .:rcy ancl tht• lint mtrnun. ty l.t,l ...,a lulll.ty 1'\'t•n ing tumplt•lt· lru ""· 111111 ht• .tl\\,t ~ s '•'>'" I hat lw I ht" f.HI tlced with thl' d~:pn•,,Jun Jnd 1dt h ,,.,,, ant i tulunuh. J'lu: :cllitt· i... loukin~ lor 1111' uwr~inl! kiutl. Iill' "t·n.ttc h:ts SJilrl iunetl k uiJin, lll.ty· T he T H 'II ~I· W N wb lws Ill take this ~tppurtun ity Ill t' \ Jlf<'~' t ht• IIIII• l>u ~1111 J c•all~· \\,1111 111 J.(t'l ,,•rinu-.! t•r Cn J, the U1mp:111~ tu rt'\ l\t' this ~n l ulal ions of llw !.ludt•nt btxh to T heta Chi Frn tC'rni t y upun lh(' (' I' ll £111 lfll' 1'\'t'llillf.t W:t ... ll.tWaii<tll ttl thi! I hn·t· " I ( t.cll\. me luwd hrut lu•~'>. truhttun nn tbl.' rampu' \ t ,Ill r.1rly tennial of its fmuulin~. 'l'ht·la (.'hi c.:1me into cxi~tl'llt (' on .\ pril 10 wlwn " I " '-.tronJ,!,, )!r.l"' !'kirh , .md I hl' Strum, llnrtitt.tn, nml C:a ll i~o:. cn put ''·''' mc't'ltnJ: l hi, ~ r:tr "ht·n t ht• d.t-.c:.\ 1\t'ft' pulled. rnuUI:h .. wdr•m appru\"31 two caclt•ls al \1nm k h llnivt•r:-ity or~a ni.aocl a lciCal dla plt•r. ~ ll\\ T lwl.t 11n t hl'ir Ill\ .tcul IIHII.. .1 lllp In thl' \\ .1, 'h1111 n Ill lu \"c t h1' Jlrn Jl'll dc.nt Chi ha" I 17 :u.l ivt• t h;tpt•·r... Bchltm "'' .t l.hl \\ t't·hnrl \\ lwn l..ttt•r th" -pnn~ J nprt''l'lll ,llt\1' tn.m \\'l· wi ~h tu 1'\lt•ml our lCIIIAr.tl ubtion"- to th(' IK1~' a t 85 S.1li.. hury "' t'kc·d a( t ht·~ h.ul .1 l!IHHI timr. lhtrt• thl' Kullm, l'tl. !It' ctn 1 101111" to nnd " i-;h tht•m anutht•r hunclr('d y('ar" of pms perity a nd Arttwth \\a .. rt·.tll} nu c ornnulnH·nt 111 ht• 't'l' ll ,fum thr ,tutJent" lht• ltl.lzt·r .1n•l t.tke cmlt•r... rhc :-cn~tc hope, th.tt m~n} K . \ . B. It u 1r', 111 "'' 111111: n/ t/11* ntnr JriUr·t 1111 t lwir p.trt hut till' IIIII!' l'l•·mt nl nwn 111 t lw I ro•,hm.m .mtl "l!phumc.rt II' J) F.I••;NOfo: :-.Ts ,,,. ,,, " .,, '"'' , ""'I""· '""''' H ,.,, mttd, I h.tl had t•l.tJN·tl Irom tht•lr cl•·p.trriJ-.,., 1\lll t.Jkc Jn intl'r~:-t 111 tht~ Evt'ry yt'a r tht•rt• nrt• nwn whu, for une rca.'>fm 11r nn,ltht'r, cln nut ht'<lllllt' lfu ,,, llfl(tllll ..ntu;fl th• IUtrJ•uu' nl u Ju, h ''If to I", tit. '"'" lrtllt•rlltt• maJt mt•rr turt• .tllll tlwrr lt'ltrrn prun·d clrlh'r· t.l.llt'r' rur the) llrl' a J:ll(ltl qu.1ht) Htm mcmlx·r:. uf n frn tt•ruil}. In 1ht' pa-.t, I he<;e nwn h:1w m b~·cl out un nutn} 11/ II I 1111 I Ill I IIIII/III \ /Hdllll <, /tl /;II t /11111 wh11 h "til g11 c t!\'t'r} tlrll' nun) month~ t•nt ' " th,· ~·~,., 111 tlw hrn tlwr... of l ht• S(ICi:t l, :tlhlt•lit'. politit•,tl. ancl intd lt•rtual prngram <; t' njnyt•d h) l ht• ti ll Hfl/1111/1111111 /•1 Jltll/h IJilll<' Ill llltra T lw ( h ( ltrhht·r, ll'tc·nl ly hl'ld u! 1:•1otl \\eJ.r. fra tt•rnily tni'll. T h i ~ i'l ~t'IH.•ra lly regu rd~d :ts un unfurl unalr !.itttnl io11. uwml '/"If II, tllttl '" Jill,. h1111 11 IIJIIo•r I ht· 11thcr projt·ct undcrtakrn h) the 11111111 hit• m mld•tw11 111 fiTrulllw~: 111111 ttwir :tttllua l h.IIHtllt'l f11r tlwir 111'\\l)' Whv lh<•n dot•s it rxi<;l ? !'-t·cl.\tc was the n•,nrclrnJ: of '' hnol • IWI/1111/11 1111/t II " / 11•11 1111./ I' lllflllllllliClil "ut~o;:-. \\' tthin the next n11mth the Sonw wi ll :my th nt it is dut• In l\ lack or opport unity. T h i~ i-; IIII I tnlt', /tf1• llllldttf tu '""" ,..,,,,.._,.,.tf t., jruf••r· !'it•nate "tit h.11·c h.1d ,1 r<'t'<lrdtn~t uunThe reason why lht• nun· fra lt>rnily nu.·n miss t hc~w brnri'tl s i~ tha i tlwy "''"'f. f'ml t'l/11 11 h /1• ltll< /11•••11 ,.,.,. l l tfl•tl•d /11 p.lny nn i.lmpu.. to n•conJ llw I :tee ncwr seized upon llw nppurlunil it•s open tu them. All uf Ihe IH'Ju•ftt s nwn <~~'Ill •' 11 ~ 1111 ittl•'l!." '' t•••rt ,,, , off,•~;•• hi··· l 'luh. Bantl. Tc•r hnit. h nrd~ . lln)'nlonirlns, limwd nhovt• :trt• of a lypt• th nt 1'1111 only be attained th rnugh gn• up ut·tion. 111111 l hll 11/ llllilllo lw.< It•(/ 111 tit•• l lld t'/lt'llrl• .tntl !'imtt h ( 'hinw~ 1/ tlw ,tnclt-nt ~ in I'll/ Ill fo•t•/ /IIIII /,•, II/HI' IJ,. I < 111•1 II 1111'111• Iht''t' n·~pc<Li\'\.' 1-!tuup, rt",pnnd " hole· Now thr nnly way 11 wm•p t'an ar hit'Vc il ~ goal." i:; hy organ izing mul •k f11•t 11/ II /111/ l'flll/1, Ill' II lt•/f IIIII 11/ 1 IIIII ht•..rtt•dly to thr pn•par.lliun., fut rt· ciding 1111 a Clllll :-ll' uf ar lic111 aiilWd :tl Lht·sr gnals. Thi ~ nppur tunity for fill\ IIJ}trll '· 11111/ •'t•'ll/1111111 h1• /!1~1'1 11111 nmluu,. ~ l anv hour.; "'" lw m·r•lc•J to orgnni,a tion hns al ways lwt•n prc•st•nt. T hcrrforC' it was nut a ladt of op· Ill/• II •I /11' 1111pftt /11111, Ill i)f li'T i/, I t•lutt> ptrll'tl lht• ni usic '' hi• h \\Ill he 'Unl! IIIII Ill/• II 1/ 0/ (II/ Ill t/tt• at 1111111'1 tl/ /11< portu nity. I 11//1/:•', .uul pl.1~ rtl un the record, "htc h 11111 he the opportunit y Wil 'l l ht·n· lhrn wh\ W;l:;n'l it :;ei7t'(l? Ont• '"''\\c'r Willi 'Dull tOIIOA hnth 1.~ ' 1 anti .J5 rpm I ht• •hrnwr' of """'"' 11/ "'' Ia< I. nl tlf,:am:atwn hr thtlt cnnnut tw m·rrloukt'<l i... 1hat 1he nnn-f ra tt•rnity nwn lll:t) nnt '' .1111 hu• ltltlr t ,.,.,. 111 , amtm • l"tll/ln II r 1< l'ro'•ltlt•nr llrmt\11'11 t'\f'rt ,.nt 1.:rc tl lhr-r ,:ruup' tun tult1 thr ...,t'll.tll' th31 nl~trJ Iiiii 111 l"'hlll < /11 thr /Talf'TI!IIIr• to parlicip:tlt• in tampus .1IT.1ir... \\\• tfl)uht tlt:.1l this i'\ :1 l!t'tH'r.ll .tttitudt• N "'' It • I•• /lUI tit,., "'"" mr11 ltlltJ of~, r . llltt'rt''l 111 tht• l nolt'f'\ 111lrnt 11111\t'ntl'lll tht'} \\Ill try 1ery har.l tn ct•t thrir Jl.lfl It may h(.• lh,tl thry lll'\t'r fl'.tlly undt·r~tnud tha t l.!mup at tiun i... rwn• ....,lr~ I h1 t•· H lilt I'll/ Ill ll I t"T/<IHJ J!TolliP t<IITI• t.lkint: pl.lH' c•n <.11111'11' llh h·t'lnn:• c•t thr rt~wrd d•mr \It'll but nc1 m.ttltr ;If~ I h.11 tit h11111:h •Hll.ll .It I I \II II'' hrm h:ud Ihe dm:ctor, worl it i, ~till to i)rin)( lht' dl.lll).:t'" .1hmtl. Ewn rr.llitinl.! this. some 111.1~ h.tw llt t'n un '""'"II ''' "' ltu 1,. <1 /'111111 ulur t>~•lui,.al Ufl to eJtb mdh·idual <tudrnt of the't 111111 I• ttl tit,. I nolt'pl'ndo 111 hou, liMII II<•K. ,h,•ulcl nt•t l>t• 111 t r ,111'"'''1 11 '' 101 w i llin~-: tel makr tht• ind1 vitlua l s.1t..rilict's nt'Cr:sary if n ).!nlUI) i' to ht• t' fit•t b, ··n .,,.,,,., • ol 11/ 1/tat "l'l''''''tnin. l"•rt.ull inr .1 111.111' •In t•l,•pmt•tH tlut ~:rnup... tn put h1 ma.~mum ettnrt into I Jiftl'l , lu·1 .,,, <r o/ hn Ia. I. a/ nr,:llni;a hc haH' ••IIlli' t'\1 rJ·tttrnHrltr trllt'rl''h the pro•Jt.'tt rr~id~nt Brun\\dl m thC' tive. Tht" mo I likt'l) re.Nm i ~ th;ll due to inertia and a la1 k nf lt'.tth•r It till, h, t• <1/\fl 1/1 ,,.,( thr' ri&ht IU I'MTI· lit• '' thtn·lnrr HI'\ mu.h 111 IJ\ ur n( '' ttcmcnt low b.t~ -ummcd Ull the ship, it was t':1sit'r lo IN t h i n~ A(• nnd do nothin.l!. ,,,.,, Ill llllrtlllluto/ 'I'~'"'· au man• nhln:alr(ln \\hich \\e the -.tuuent' ha\t Finally ~om('t hi n~o: i-. hcin.L! durw. .\ few individ ua ls h:t \'<' ~t.lftt•, l tht• non ltttl,-,111/1 mrn ,.,,. 11 oul./ ltf..r too , t•m· the mu' •'ml'nt l>u, tor \ .tn \ r~cl.llt· uur nt''' 'err· ll\1\\ that a recMd oi '\boo I mu-ic i' to ball rullin)( and it i'l up to t he res t uf yuu non-fra tt·rnit) nw11 hi rlc•dclt• t•• ,, Or,:11111;11fwll , ••ultl '"""'' thJ> t•o><· prc,nlt•nt , h.t• arrtll'tl m \\'mu·•tt•r lie he maclr to either m il up your !'let'Vt''\ anti urhit•H• t ht>SC end-> or tn l1•t tilt' mu\'1' ''"'" " \\'c \\elcomc the den,ion oi the I htr.lll , tbr '·"" /flltt•rtrit• 111011 tlltt•n i ... rn tlw l'fll\'t''' ctf t:rllinl! 'fltlctl Jnd menl dir. tr HHI l'hou"t' thr furmt• r thrn you can L.1ke }'tiUr plat·,• a" .111 ,f,,, 1 11"1 ltm,. th.• "l'l'•"llillllt tot a full '"II ... nun ht• tlt'\Utint: hh lull rnnrt' ttl Tech Council to arr:tn~r \\lib the Lite inll uenlirt l group 1111 C:IIII(IUS. Jr )'011 r hHIISC the lattt•r lht•n yuu will . ill ""111/ 1!/,• th111 thr )tlllt'mltl man htb, prcll11•111111t 'l'l't h\ puhlk n•l.11ion' I ht• Cluh. B:md. Bonnoninn- and Tt•lhni· I /nil .,,. wl hit• " t'.o.so•lt/tnl ,,, th.• ,f,•. l'rl·•idt•nt m.mift••tt•<l ll ~:rt.ll dc.tl tlf l'html~ for the ;rrordinto! or \\'nnt••!C'r spite of ynur n u mlwr<~, rm11 Inut' tn mi >~:> the hr nellts uf r olit'):l' lift• at ttl t't'lll/11111'111 11/ '"'"""""'' 11111/ t111• 11/tilut '" l' olllltcll'nn· in n orlor \ ',til .\ r,dnll··~ Tc·ch'~ CoiiCJZC song~ These ,11111!' h,l\C hnw wry little to sny in your ''"'" stu<kn t ,ltll\'('rnnwnl. l'h•• chnit't' i:; A:• I "'""ll ll'ith ,,,..,,tf,.. I ht'<l' nrf' Yil!· ,tln lil\ . hccn .1 part 11f the traditi1tn~ of \\'nrrt·~111/1111111 {ltt·t,,,, w tltt• lurlltl/ 0/ lllt'll in yourR. R.•\ . B. l'mnnH·nlin.: Pn (ht• ln~t ltlll\or:ttion, n·r Trch fo r m:wy ~cnc ra t 1nn~ nntl their 111d111(1 I n•:t-'l.t-:CTION:o; l'r,•sitlt•nt llrun\\c'll ft-11 thnl 1ltmt\r :w.1ilahiltty in rcnlru fnrm 11 ill nn dnuht /'111• /'111/11111', 1111'11, 11/ 1/11• tlrJIUIIi:Otlllll Prohahly tht• mns t d:tll~t•mu ~ :ll liludt• prl'\':th•nt al 1111r :;d uml t od a~ i ~ t• ltl flllf t • t/J,• llltfl'(ll'lldt•ttf itt II /'"'' \\',Jlkt·r i~ ,, tint• l'\,llnplt' c•f huw t\ m:m h..· rt•tri\'t'd with tnt'ill fa,·ur h\' 1hl' ... tu· l hnl of upal h)' with rt''~J WI'I tu thr •k~o:ccw r·a tin l! rdatiun' hl'lwt•c·n fra lt•cni '"'" 11 h,.,. h1 ;, ,.,, "'"1111".1 ''' tlll.r 1111 tan tl1111huw t ll.'r~''"·'' .lhtht\. lltliJZI'ntl'. dent- and alumni alike. fhi~ achit·,·cllfflll' f>tlll 111 tht• ll•flllflt'' u j ht< ~t>llr·~·· .tnd lht• rt•utl!llilttlll ui IIJIPMIIIIHt~ to nwnt \\jiJ al--.1 iO<'U~ attentlllll upon the t ie~. \\'t' haw in uur mid:-.t u dr plurahle ~it oat ion ''hirh i.~ 11111 ahoul 111 I h. rt olll"ll/it•ll "' '"'' I'IITJI<t$•' ;,, tit" n<t• 111 llrt'lt hrt~:ht... 111 hh lht••t·n heltl 1 wrllcnt ''Ork oi our Clee t'luh Band n•vrr-.t.• ill l rt•nd hut r.ttlwr is .Jctl'lt•ra t in~ in tlw l'tlllll' tlirt't tiun F llh of !••·no/rut ••II tht' Jli/'1''''' a•~ol r·o-op.·ruth•n 11 " t'llt ••ur.lcmtt 111 •t ,. ,, \'tl\1111! J Uoynt(IOI.'ln,. and Tr,hnich~~rd- 31 mlllt <Ill tltt• tllmt•u<. It tlzu u ~ ha., lwmo:uwcl at om• timr or anot ht•r the rsi,.tcnt con;litiun...md tlwn ••I rtrfl nun '' H1•dnr \\ ,tlkt•r •lhu•r,i '" rap \\'nn. c·t~r P(llylt:cbnic Jn,titutr. Ct•n· • U/'1'111/ Ullt/ f't' 1'/'l'tl1(11tn I< ~111'11, lh~ / n• prompt I} p nx:t't'< lt•d tel t•itht•r d i'<"ot rd the i!'.'U<' or ~urund t•r tu tlw "'~hut II ,f,.,.,..,,,.N IIIII """ ,,, ..,,,. "l'l'tlfllllll ~t!h hu1 r.·nt1 mhu th.ll rl 1\J, thrt•ut:h cr.uul.1tion, upon your initi.1ti1 c in un· tknakim: thb projlct and \ I t " l'h ~ou tit'• thllt th"' '''"''~Ill man h1n in •am- hard IH•rL .tn1l ,·ardul pltnnmt: of thou ~eht "hith t untt•nds 1h 1l nuthinl.! c.m bt• donr .tbout it. \ "' \\llh n•t:.lnl tc• "'"'"'.ltinn•. l'\t'l'\' ~uccC'"" K1ch indi\'itltml J'll'ntJ, t·n-ry minutt· uf lt•i... ure Linw :tl lu.; em n hnu ... t• ' " '' JH•IIII ' n•ul tntrumurol '"''"'· anJ hr .,;J b,• l't'llrr ol• I • Jrt'<'l •t• las Mr .. m- D"'·tt r RromH·II s.:tid thJt thr prot.:ram I :un sure th.u the <tudent oodv \\ill l\lortc>vrr r.1d1 frah•rmt) 1\J .. lll·t•n f111 .til practic.tl purpc.l-t'', rt'.lllllt.: "''""' " 11• l~<tru~h a /lf•·flfl'r C• nta t autlt .-.nunul.' jntl th.u the llr·t I'IO"Ihlc ::l'l bcbmd the Tech SenJtt.' in 'the~ thin~ Of 3 lliU.l( a bout ll"("lf J' htt'(' (,tfhtr" mmhinl'd m.tkt• f11r .1 IIUIII\It. r u( ,,,.,,,~,., tln·l 111 tht• ,.,., ~,., •n b>ta~tin.'/t -pc:akt•r, \\ill l~t. ••ht:lint·(l tu auJrr-. the t\\0 projects and \\'orce~ter Tech 3nJ mt>t~ uut " ' foollr cr. 'tudt·nt 11\Jd, . N< EDI fURl \1 Patti' I ber 5tudcnts will surely benefit R \ R TED COGIIll'

the Gr een Room










Awil li. 1956

T EC II II\'~ ·


f'rum l 'nl(l' I

31111 111 '1\'ktn~.t .111 cs•·'Jll.', suucr nen·ou~ hrt.'JI..tlu\\n• .and m•.uut~. Tht l)tJinL \\J:o l•r••u~ht ht•llll' \1 ht·n Dr Bank, S~Jd 1h.lt 11 ••m 111 rt• Ill •hiJl .11 Jll\' ~~ htxll~ .lrU Ill th~· lnttl'd !'-IJII.':. Jll\1 pllk llUl 3 1-:f<lUJl Ill I\ll'llt \ II\ t' \ uunt.:•ler~. 1\\ \) 11i tht•·e ,,,,uJ,l 1'<.' m nwnt.ll III•Utulittn• h<'ll•rt• tht \ lht·d. h•ur \\Ould I~ neu· ruth . h•ur \IIIUI.t h·· nuldl) nl'uruti• I<IUt II hill' "' l'l'h Ot'Uftllll, .11\U IIIII<" ,.,,., 111 1111uld II\,. n~~rm.tl hH'• \ <tu:tll\ 1\l' .til 'lllh r 1111111 .1 nultl h•rm tll n.·~­ uu\1 .md tlwn. htr <'\.tmpk. 11hcn 111• 11.1\\' 'tmtt·thut~ unpl,•.t ...lnt It) tl1•. wt• loll'! ltrnl. IJ/,) . 1'11 It 11,1;, 'ill)t!lt''ll'll Lh.H lhc hi~th ~diU\ll~ II\ tht• l nttl•tl :O.l,llt'~ 1(11 (' 1\!lll"l'S ill IIICIII,Ii h)).tl\'lll' •tlUIII( Wi th 111:1t h nnt.l !id· t'l\1 t' 11llll >I''• t't•r J) r. Uank~ Jltlinlctl uul th.tl )lilt tlt•n"t IICI'd ''' ~1udy dtl'll\istry lktr :\1om, ••nd 111.1th 111 •ultl'l .1 lll'f\'llll!> bu.'.1kdo1111 It:. hcen .1 quiet \H'ek .\ lui 111 tlw 111 11.:1 111111 .1 1111'1\l.tl htl~lllt.tl. U111 the) idl111t.. h.l\ e JJr<•.uJ) 1-(UIIC hllll\l' •IIIU H'n.unly clo hdp' thn•<' Lh.tl .Ire l-1111 her•· .m· .tl.;tlll .1, I ur th1• lwrwttl ''' thtl'l.' ''1m now k~l IIHI\· ·'' ;m l ntrtl lcllun• 'li u nwn· IJII.thlll'\1 IU I .Ill tlll'tn•l'll l'l> P=>) lhUI· 'nc~ nt \\ t' In\ t' ~ <1U ~l ull • n h1111111 11111•h vr h•r tlw••· ~tuJ,·nt' 11hn 11:d in Ihn•u~h the Uurm ll ~t•rrul•u • nu nh•tt lllT<I Ill I''' llll.tlf" .1111 ll'll •lllt!'-llOIIl> fuJI.,,.llt: '11111\ I\Ill \\ ,If• I' \I'll lht .HI.' h•tnl bdUII hi hd11 In rt'Jthllll( J >!lllllll<" hJ\ t' lu•l lrltH<"I Ill Iht•tr Jlfl 1lnl•lllll 1111 thr '-IIIII)' 111 ,111\tlll\' \\hu \all' lutlr 11urk• tllll:t• Ill !\t;l' \VII I h.l\1.' l>l'CII loti\ IIIIo( t hl' 11\.llltr '1111 .\rc• ) IIU h.tJIJI~ -.id..r.lhlt• lhuu~ht o~ntl h.IH utntlucl<·•l ! Jlt1 \ llll h.IH 1.4''11 uJ J11 Ill!; thJt 11 mu,t be •pnn~: In cr th.\1 ', l!<·t ,\ 11 '<Ill '11\1.111) ,liiJU•Il'll l.UI I lilt: u- dcm n. I I!Uc" yuu ', 1 1·1 cr tl'll \ <IU WI' uthl'T I" uplr' l'<lllll ut \ll'\1 1 •J'fllll! Ill 1 fll\ , \lt11ll Jllll I oiU \ < ~ . l>u 111u h.IH' umty Jnd h.tl.lncl' ••·.1111 nu"<'U ·••methiiHt It ' th;. 11111\ Ill l'll'l~lhtlll( )liU 1!11 ur 1111 \UU 11r.1p pl.tH' in tht• \lurid ~<ht'rt' l'.tlm :-uml.c\ 'uur 11 huh· It,,. .11<1111\tl IIIII' 1htn!l( •<'f\lll''> Jfl' tlt'lUf.ltl.'d \ltlh ltt••h •IIIII; l ,111 ~ 11U l11 ,. <lllh t'll'£) pruhkm liht•,. Ill ) IIIII hh' .1' II .IIIW:>f 11. I lu '1111 h.1H' in'11;h1 init1 ) ou t I t11ld yun thJt I 11.h ltylltll out 1111 I he h.l•ch.lll tt.llll. \\'l'JI. II \1'1\ Mil 11\<11 HIIHimt. th.1t 1... tlu you k11uw 1\h~ thin): h.lJjpenttl .11 pr.lltll'l' ~ , ..,j;•tdtll yuu du lhllll!'-f 7 l>u I'UU h,l\'1' .1 1 ullhilt•nt t.ll r!'ltl· llw <l'ntcrh(• id~r w.c~, hu... inll a Inn~ th .111!1 ~:ut hht in tht• hhn.trd. n11tl h,l\tl't l11111,h111 11 11h Slllll('lllll' ~ .~ I lu ) •111 h111 c• ,, Wll~l' 11l httll l~lr ~ 111'1'11 ~1'1'11 "llt' l'. \ ou\ ,. l11'.11d ul 'th)l I) i\ ll' )'llll 1'11~.1/(l'tl Ill ~.111~1 )'lll!j Ill)( lur lmmc piJtc • \\'t• tlu~ lltl<~u!lh 1\111 k t 111 u ll-l'l ttf ~n•m h.-fun• \\ ,. tuu11tl 11 10 I lu ) uu !..111111 hu11 w 11orry d \ hun.!• 111 u' 1111 keel 11111 ....tllllll.t) lt'lll\ t·l~ nt~ht .md ..all 1\\u .cn·.ll ptllllrt (lm I hr .111 1\t'r~ In th•··c· 1111 ttlll''tiuno., tht• t'tJ:hlb llnll' 1 On1· 11 ' ' · I lull I It tol 1 ,1 l 't~l'llll 1111h \11 r11111 llno.uhl•"•r 11 ttl hdp '1111 1lt·1t·rrnu1C 11 hrt ht:r ur nul 11111 lht• utht:r y,;~.., \It h 111 .nul th1· C t • \ Hll hJ\1' .1JI ) 11\lf lll.Uhh:o.,






By Bill O'Ne.il llcm•\ un lntcr~'tln)( arllli,• frum ··The \\\·~~~:~ .111 Ar~u,.. 11 lm h tii.IY II\' <•I -umc mu·r~•l tu tlm•c lt•dulll'n I< hu :~n· thmk1111: ' '' t.tkms: th.Jl dr.t•ll< ~lt·p tht• j unwr l' rnm \\'c~kc:rul I h<l \'IIU knu" 1hJI tht• l.:rllhl\ ul ,ullt·~l.' '.:r.tdu.ll~ ' 1' un I h.: n•t \ ,, 1 011'0 )IIU tJI\ •tl h.l(k .11111 rd.l\ I Ill' lu~ '• .uc th.ll tulh.·..:c l(r.ulu.lle• Jre nul reproKIUt 1111: thrm•d\ \:' lu, IJdnl 111111 the h.l< kscruund I hr Jl('"tnll•m th;u t·'ii•t<'cl lJdurc th•• rn cnl ~llh!olhtcnmt·nt ",,, thu.· w J •Uf\1:) ul thl' l(r.tciU.Jit•, ul tht• d.t•• ul 1' 1\U. tn \\lllth tlwre "·'" 11 dtliUl ul reltiJH'Oltlll t ur t',llh milt\ ulu.tl h} l'l pcntnt .md tur tlw .tlumn..ll' II) 3; llt'l· ttnl. Xuw tt nw rt'ly 1.1kc~ .111 uhj1•t ti\'t: t·y~ tu ' l'l' that tlw't.' unlurtun.Ht· 'out, 11rrc .11 thl'tr pe.tk ul lt•ttdlty dUIIIII! tho tic· prc•~utn, 1 oll~t·qucnt ly, 1ht')' 1 uui,Jn t .tUurcl 1he link lut ~. ll uwewr, due IU tfu, MMC, the \1)' for till' lUihw· .:r;ulu.ttl· <<J• 111 rt·pmduu• .md P·'" un hi• in hcrtl;lllll' ur 11\lt'tlil(t'lltt'. \\'ell, It··•' t' tl tu tht• ltllt'r.•l .trh IIIJJur. hl' dt<.l JU•I tht• llw lcrtlht~ ul n•<t•ntl~ .:r.ulu.tlt'd .. tulluth h.h in lfCJ•t·tl frurn H'.lf Ill )t•Jr ,\ ,a llhlllt'f ul I.Jil thu t• 111~11 .:r.tdu.Hm.: 111 I'll• mm '" l'r.ll(t I i I ththlrl'll per mch1 ul u.11 """h 1· .. 111111 lll ;o 1"-'no:nt uHr tht' men ult lw .!.1 'nl Jll.ltt \\hu-t JHf.tl!e \\J' 1.01 tluhlrrn. l'ur thl l.t)fii.HI \\hu i nut quilt' ..un· ul 11h.ll i I ur OZ chthln·n 1,, the hr-t I• .tJ>Jlrll\llllall'l) up 111 thc• huuhlc r "h1k tht -~c mul '' mnd) .1 hi~ 1 th• ur-1 11\l't.cl:lr-..cl ul the tout I ernlnrt.tl rt'l!l!llls h.t\ l' .tl u ~~ rtk inl(l)' .lilt'lll'd ft•rttltt\ 111 tin· ll·l'l '''" \ l'.tr,, \'uu nwn 11 hu .u •• .11 qu.untt•1l ~111h tht· uld '•t)'llll( "(;o " '''I )IIUIIj( nwn " 'huuld huw lullu11 t·tl l hP• .Hh itt' l'~lern univt·r-tlll'~ fur llntdu.tll' .. lite Wll!lldt•rahly lllftrl' fct llltl th.tll lhfliol' !rum ttll)' ut ht•r rt:l(lllll uf tlw cnuntr) th)' 1~ thlldll'lll ' ll w lr.c l fl'tltlt• tn rnury '' lhc !l:urth E."l. ll uiiC\t'r 1\\' i t'.tlllll'f~ rlun 't lt•t till' cl.IIIIIK'II ~nur' 'JIIrth l:ruclu.lll ut nil' II' tullt'l(l'' pru•luu· murt 1 hthln·n llt'r 11\lh\ nlu.tl th.tn 1lu thu•1 ul 1" ,.ft., .ZI/1111<11 ur "''nl\·n 111,111111 1111 II 1uu .tre ltll \\urnnl 1>1.'11>1111" .1 \l ur ~Inn \ r 1111\lfl'' •hull that thc re 1 rnurc ftrllhl\ 111 tht ~lurmull t 11th th.m 10 un\ ut hu II( hll l ht• mn•l It rule umHr it) an th< <uunlf\ 1• llru:h.tm \ uuna: ln1nr II) "11 h 21)4 1 h1hln·n pt•r h purllllll our· m·•lt.tr.tclu.tlt lhl\crlurtll• Lith in tht: n;at1u11 I uft.. ll1 h I rmit~ r;t h ;mel llht<l \\'r•kl' 10 -llntl Hut lci'JII lt.,,., \\I dttlll I t·\ In ttJm.

ur \\

It •t'<'lll' th.tl <H' "'" lw thc• hr•t m'

ht'.lr Rtr hard ~1 tltll\ ·• li t• didn 1 qlltl<' tnakt• ("1:\rk ·.. prom due Ill (l ,Ji~ht '""" •lllrm ',I ravclln~ up (rtllll :-.;,.,, \ urk h<• l'llllllllltl'rt'd a I r.titll j.llll jU•l UUl •trlt• ut \\'urcc•lt•r "ht< h Ulll' to the '"""'lnrm I t.lfllllt ,I tldJ< ~ l .thh~ t .ilk•l I r 1nk [)ull\ .111<1 tuld htm tlt.tl thl' h.mcJ 11 J• ,,!tout 13 m1lc frum \\'ont',ltr _.nd \II>Uid sewn 1..- there ln:u \\';1• tht• IJ•t hnrd trum tht· Inn i•tr H hour·. Uut f~.tr not ' I t-chmen II v. oullfn t dlrt' "''" Cnr our l' rom ur 1.\<JUid II ~ \\'ont,H·r


~:n-.11 l~o~nd at tl't ttll


111111' I umutae: · \\llh lnn-.t Ht>.111h11111 \ llt•f\\,lfll, 1\t' <lrtl\c ••Ill tltt• l•n•ll!l' lu IIJnk ,,.tlc parlur lt•r wk< I <lr.mt.. "' lll.ln\ c uk•~ I lt·h 1><1•111\1 h · ch unk I hl"n \\1.' nwt J tt•UI•Ir ul 11111 Itlilt• ~trl• "\ 1\C JJid hll It \\, 11••1 hu1111 JU 1 111 lUll I.' I ur hrt';lltfJ... l I mu-t do a htt ll· '' u•h in~; l~·tuu• I turn rn I baH· fuurhc·n 1jllti.U c.. mut ru11 Rt·nwmhcr I II he hunll' \\ c·tltu· tl.t) ni~ht J JU•t C.!n I 11.11t Ill •t·t• \<Ill \'olll anti l>lll .111<1 tht• duJ.:. l nlurtu n:ttdy I 1113~ nnl Itt• ,1hll' to 'I~ uti tiltH h linll' lt.,uw \'uu .,,.,. I IIH'l chi ~111 frtllll lht• Ci11 .uul Ill' l(tll t,tll.lnt.t ond . . . . Vuur "m .



' IJu, lt·uc·r .IJIJ'!',II t•tl 111 Ihe \ pnl 1 '"' ut I he :\ l t•t nhl•• lc·ch l.n.ul' llt•.tr ~.r.. I .un 1(1'11 in~ 11 k un•l I irnl r Him h1 .trl idl."' anrl iukt \ "" .m Jll lrlllflt: Ill )'I>Uf II I tllc·.J III'W•Jl.IIH f " """ hul' at :\urthrrn \\t' h111 nulhllll! hi tht• •llrl m uur r.lll an1l 11 1•nl Jll t IM UIU t ' it \\rtuld l·t It'll'"'"' ti \\1 •hoi II') 111 pnnl. I' •l"'r likr ~uur .tr<' th 11r.ur tn lh• Jlrufl, tun ta nol huulcl J,.· ltnl11c•h:ah·h laannrd hum the ••~"' • t:Jnd. \\ hv. ·,.b "'hi' • an l "'" " 1h1 hrht ant! 1~ to rt'11o; m \I IU; d11 ' \'uu nrr ht'3<linl!. •lf.ll~ht iur' th<· 111l huh uf il.'llltll\10~ \\ itb \'UUf l.Jil uf \ Ill IIIII \'IC'\:.

r ..

- •\ fl.lht.rno t•lt·d '"nl·t·rmlt' ~- (1() Ill fl'rtl ~ult•nipt I Uri I CIT I \Ill ) t•tt r~

l·.m lu-l'd hntl

• Rcmrmhcr iltt•rc 1 nu 111 h thtnl( n .111 ut.l •wry . If yt•U h:ll't'n 1 lll':trcl it h. 0(\\,

Radio CJuh (; ift

1 hl' R~fho Cluh n·rtntl, fl• uud • SO pounol of Q!rf>lu~ ra•h11 c•ttutpmrnt 1hruu,.!h the kmdot" th.. K II I l' ""'"rtml'nl. The .-.:PJiJ•rntnl t•.n 1 ted ••i l• :b complete ru l'J\l'r• a nd tran • mtllt:f3 :md many Clllll!JOO' nl!o It Is tX· l;c<tt-d that tbe<e p.'l rt! v.1ll ht "11 b~l!JiUI in imp:111 inl! tlu amntrur rJ nlu lltrt·' a lllllt nnt,. taktn from Thl' tation vper.1tion. Rcn.. t-l:u~r Pt•lytecbnic-.


BASIL IZZI SPEAKS ~la r.·h IIU'l'IIIIR 11f tht• \\ 1' 1 Cluh ~lr ll.1'1l 1411 n.ur.lh'tl .1 1nn•-hh• ~tt•r~ 111 hit· 1111 .1 1.111 .l•lrill Jt -<'J h•r ••i.:h11 thn•t• d.l" l'h1· t'\t'llt ll•uk 1•l.11 ,. tlunn~: tlw !'-t'lllllll \\ ••• hi \\.If \\hl'll ~Jr Jt.l \\.I' ,l,~i)llll'd ltl I lr<IIIJ' lf.III•JIIIrl th.ll \1,1• h'lllnllllj; II• th1• l ' nunl !'ot.lh'~ lt••lll .\ 111,.1. l hutllt: tlw liiJI 1h1• ,Jup \\,t:o ltiiJII.'dtll'll ~~~ .1 l;l'llll.lfl -uh .mtl ... tnk. I ur 111 ,, cl.11,. :\It l u11lun.: 111 .1 I'"'"' ul \\tHidlwh;n. lwm~ ptd..l•tl up 111 .1 \\ \11111<'11 t.tlt lw tour llllwr '""'"'til:.. 'I Ill' 11''1 Joto r~· 11.1!1 1111 II·.,~ ullt'll'~tlnl( thrln " ·'" t h~· stc•rv t•f Ktln 11ki l'wu llf tht nwn 1lirtl du;lllJ.: lh<' l'ight' t h11'1' dnys nt St\1, 11hik tht· thw t•i.:ht h1 tlllll' hlut r.tlt llnftt•tl '111111' i'll'IIL\ l\\.tl humln·rl milt•, Tht' lllt'll 111.\ll.l!:t'tl Ill t.llt h ~111.dl h~ h

\ t the

:\~<1 111.\11

ur u;,.


ll rin·~.

I hurdt•n 11uuld be hlh•tl lrum the h.11J.., ot men. ,\ uhun.Jtlllll h.1• It" •·n lll.1nk1ml !lUI h t\111\ l'Oil'llH'' ''' HIIIIJIUil'l ~ \\ l111 h t ,Ill I \\1'111< 11111 ROTC ritk lOIII'> at tolIM-'fl\11111 l~'llt<•U' lJ'k' Ill .Ill .lllt.lllll)(l~ -lwr1 tnm· I t<r llt•lllh ,. l lr.111 \\ .1ll..t·1 k~;t• anti htl(h ~ht~t~lle,rl Crnm tht• Fir 1 utc1l unt• n~.tdull• "ludt h,,, '111111' "' c \ rn" .m'.l ,,f Nr" \ ork. Nt•w jtr<.c>Y JuJhun lnb ul IIII<IIIIIJIIIIII •hlll'll Ill lh .uul :-\1'\\ En~:l.u~tl. an• now comJM'lllllt 111111\llf\ Jill I t .111 Jill J.. IIIII ,Ill) 111\l' Ill tlw Rl II t' ~altona I Indoor ~nl.l ll· l111f1' Rtlle ('h.llllllion-;lup mntdwc; "lm h IJ1I 111 ' " nullwlllh' ul .1 •Citlllll Jl ui\Cil'l tlw Ut'.tll ~l.lh't l th.11 ,1u1<• m• IK' IIll( '<)nduttc<.l 1hruus:httUl 1hl' n.t11\.ltl\111 I' IIIII till' ,11\,\\l' f (II I'll'(~ 1111111( 111111 I innJ.! lll'J;Jil nt the indivitlu:tl •lhool ~ By nw.ut. 111 m.lll) IIIII'H'•IIIIII :.lull', tl lu,lr.ltllll( lhr n'~' l\lll1 h hu,lllt''~• ,\p n l hi nnil will c-o ntinue t hruu~;h \1.11(1.'1>, 1111<1 C:UIIII!III' h,l\ t ' l.tkt•n .11111 \ pnl .mch. l'umplct('(l tnii(CI'I ~~ill IIC \1111 umtlllllt' lu [,(h i', h1• Jllt'•t•nli•d the• lll.tikd Ill lnr.c l t> l ilit:try l)i~t rlrts fnr pmblt•m latlllll l'III(IIH't'l :<. N.lnll'ly, mu "orin~. l'a rt it ip:1111 s in tlw nat illnnl n"lldw~ J.:fO!!b 11.11 1\tiiiii iii iHitlll . llu• Jlrtl~l> 1110 dull IIIII Ill Ih1• . ~. iN IIMill( Ml l.t~l frum thl• l~irhl Army 1\rcn rt•prcst' lll tilt· thlll 11 111 11' 11.11~ lllltil'lll' lj()' 1111' 1\JI"lltllll)' IIJ!pt•r t hirtl 11f 11'11111 stnndinM in I he rcIll l(rt',ll dt'lllollld. i\l:ou 1 I ltt'll' I N .I th•lt ll'nl ly lu•hl First Army Rt )'l'(' InterIIIII' t••,k td ~k tllt•tl lnhur. l knll Walk1•1 ' nii'·Kiatt· uml lnlt:rscholastit Snwllhorr ~latccl till' ~ulutlun 111 lh1''" pt uilh•nh Rtllt· r. tatr ht•,, I h1• \Vnrcc~lcr Tech Rille tcnm hy it11 '"'H·II 1111 h the l'lll(tlll't'r~ ul tml.1y. I h.11 1~. (lUI JUh 1!'1 ltl kl'<'ll II ~Uillt il'lll olllllllllll hnc· ~huwi11g th t;; year lm!l wun ilsc•lf nn to partidpatt.' in the ul 111.111'11.11~ .11111 1'111'11!) .lv.ul.lhll' lty lljtpnrl uml~· 1111'.111' ul 1111111111( ,tllu) ,, ,II IIIII It t'llt'fll) llloth h,., 1111 ah r nnliunal lcvl'l Thr Tt•( hmc•n pllrt"'l ~e<ent h IIUI forly· .11111 Jll) ulhH 1111·.m' '"' '''"'' In ~hutl ruur 1 ullc·~:r 11•ams in tht> Joir, t Anny II I!> llll Ill II lu l.1l..1• IIIJII.'rt•tl, 111.111 pm<t:r C.tuhttc , Jtnl t·ut rl() .unl 1111h \ rt•.t tlcf1• allnj( .,uch s< ho11l a~ Rrn,. """ (1\lf U\\11 lll)ll'IIIUll• uJrJ Jlfll\ Hit• the 'o(·lu·r llu•tnn ('ullcgc, and Jlu,ton Unilu tlllllllltllll Ill dt.ttj(t ut lll\l'•llj;.ll H'f'll) thtll~"'- III'IIJIII \\,11\l, 11111 I'"''~ .uti\ tilt· till ~ Sltfllll( ;uul pm ( •.. t.. ncl Uurner i~ ulrcmcl)' 1 1l!!:t.~d U r hn1 \\ .t!Ln, "h11 1, Ut.lll ttf tlw lltnllltlt tlw 1\lll.m 111 tht• Ill'\\ 11ruup l ullt'!:t' ul i'.Uj.!lllll' r1111( mtl A r.lu11·1 "11 h thl.' '"u" 11111 of the team :and !13111 \t Ihr 11111111 lilt II IIIII IIW 1:1111111 :u·\h tunl(ratul.lltons h• thr ktllc (.'tub lUll.' .11 Iht' l't'lllh~ 1\.1111.1 ... t.ttc' llll\ I' I 1I'J>lt !l tlw J untur l'ru111 ( unmntll't' "· ' II} \\.t.' horn .11 l.em~t l .. tl<lll, l•,ll~tl.uul .1n1l ih mt·miH'N; for Ihi~ chu\\ in11 " \\ h11 h \\\II Itt h 1\ I ' I It 1111JIIl'l .11 till' l.llllt' It• the· l ntlt•tl ~l.ttc· 111 11121 tttul n t-:cotm .' Fmm , •• ,. 1 ll11 Lun ll uu t· l•••luw tlw (1.1111 e, .1 hl't Jllll' J /l,tllll.th/.t'tl 1111/.t·ll Ill 1e111 ('111h nntl 11•11 Lynch, Um~dor of thr p111111 <IUIIIU! 1111 ... llllrtl.l) :lllt'rtUIOII ,\t llan.1111 l ilt\~'~'''> lw It'll 1\t'tl Jl,ln<l \\ IJI gi\'t' freely Clf their litnt' tO 11JIIH11l ul I h1 \J .I qur pl.l\' llll .111 Ill Iht• 11.:-. clt'l(ll'l' 111 11111 , I ht• ~I ~. tJ,• lu1111.1l lt.t•l• ,IIHI .111 lllfcllllhtl ~I'[ I ll· grct• 111 111.1.1, .mtl I ht• :-,, I> clrj4rt'l' In nl ~ll ll' It~ su1 cc,q if the "' udrnls will )(t'thl'l 111 tlu ).11111 l·•..rlt· Kuunt nllt·r I'J.H, ttl! 111 1111' hi' hi ul e·h·t Itl< nl l'lll(i 1 lllllll'l•lll', 1\ lt•niativr pmj!rnm htt ~ bt•cn d l!t· 11 .ml' lu .lilt lit 11>11 til r.ut~t'll1l'llt' hall 11CI:rt111l, III~M·d :tnt I I he ~ctltral idea will be w l11't'll 111.ul•• I\ 11 h ill<' \ \\'t'1\ Iur wvcral II i~ pruh·~\1 1111111 l'Ajlt•dc•ll( I' full~ i11I CJ wuv•·y In tllr 111U$ic lhc d lff•·rent !iCII · routn fur 1111' ~tr l • tu '"'' ll 11'11~ t.tl''' four 1 :tlt')IC•ti•·' I ('Ill hln~t nnd lt'lll hi1111 .llllllllllllt'd ,11 thi' 111111' th ut Ur. un tl admini~t 1 nlirm, Mdt•lllilll ll'i'lt'tll l h , ami ' "'IS of Ihe rullcf(l' )'Ct.tr. ( :ny I'OIIt•j(f' !IIHI)(~ ami 111nrrht!li wi ll uRhcr in l1111 '\It \\'1luwr l\ r.1nid1 ulunl( wuh 1\l r rt"W;l rt h mlnlillt~lllll luu. fuutha ll 1w:... un with the Band unll or .11111 \It 1.\1111 ...I hullllfiV!'I 1\IIUid Ill' I )r. \Valk1•r lt·.ttltln~ f art•t•r bt'IC•'" It• I, 111111 rilnuins:. The C:lct: rtuh will tlnu 11111 1 lur tlu 11" k111d lltl' ~Jifllh ,11 J'ufh ( 'uil''~'' 111 I'll I \\ht•fl' lu· hr't hnnp ultl man \\inter ri)lhl IIli i uf thr lllllllllltlt t' .lllllltiHII t•ll th.tl l'ruf J'rit< h l.tUI{hl 111.11 htn1.1lll Ill IIIII\\' M 11tlrnh uti hulltl\lllliJIJirt>l.ll '" 1lu••r n•qut•.,t li t• '111111 \\,t• mach ( h.utut.lll ul till' IJc· ~th•ttltii(T11Jlh f11r tht· t•njuymc•nl of all A <Jlll< k '"it< h will herald the sunny o;<"u· lur 111tr.uuc· 111111 tlw prtnJ( mll·nnural l~•rlult:nt "' 1-.lt·ttru.el t·;nlllllt'l'rtll~ .11 tr.u k 1111 t·l -\ tlllllllltll t·l' 11.1s furtn('U I uh' .uul, tn llu t.tJ>.~t tly ~IIJII'rvt•c·el un uf ~win~: "illt lively ha'it'll:tll mu,it I h•• lluml oni:tn' \\ill furc·l ell lhtll the tu ''"'" intu th• 11111 I rUt 111111 .. r n c•m lht dt• ll(ll .11111 IIIII trUIIIIIII uf \1\ tral j unwr l'mm '' nut far off ~'"", t:tlalc ltllllll>ll llttl lnlu lht IIH,JM ltf llt'llin~ m" clt-nru.tl 1'11111111 c nng l.tiHlraturu nlltnal 'hnul r•·• ul.'lnltun ·r h•· mr rtinlt In 1 11\~ lu· l11 t-11111 II• ul uf the l.lc-c JlriiCI t•mal m~•c and Cliff Grtt>n\ 1111\I.Jh!ir wr-icm of uur Alm;~ M ntrr tntlt tl \\tlh tlu• dt·r '''"" tu h:t\T n mt'"' · tru tl ~.lllllllt'HIIIII l )tiMrtllunl In 11111), \\Ill •l'n•l thf' "ffil!ml fr-om the 11·1td hall' Ill)! l•f llt<• c IIIII II lt tl Ill tlll' junitor ht• ""'" •I 1<1 th" lnt~t r II)' uf ( 'em· h.1JIIIY yl'l :1 little :HI th 1l lheir undl•r· l'rnm <•II \\1 •hn •Ia\ \ pnl liS, 10 tht llt'ltlt Ul , ~tr.ulu~H· )'t':tr'l have ura~~on to a clo•r J ,..,, 1 I 1rl•· 1(.,,,111 11 I I' p m .m<l J Uur11111 tJu vn•,tlt r I~;HI uf \\'mltl \Vur If y11U ltkr the idea nnd :ut ll mem 1111111r• up rru 111111! "'" \\ e••lnt•,d,J~ \ pril II IJr w.• lkcr ~·· 1.11\' IJ uulur lll'r uf nnt• •Jf 1he ontnniZ.,lions in\llrr tlt1 mt 1 lUll'"·' OHr hftrt:n 1 the l 111kr" '" r "uund l ..ct.m,tlr•ry .11 \ui\Ttlthr·n •htiiC up yuur in l rumcnt ur Jn• n llt•lc• llt·•l ullt'n 1 111 plm fur tht• l l.trvMcl L 111\l'r II)' II~ w 1 du'rly .1~ •l1rt tllfliiiR in the shc•wr r. l 'r<llll \\tl kt "'' \UI I.Jit:tJ\O,Ilh lht• 11.11rk uf lite• 011111' uf '1111' llfiiiiJI It • ~ llnl.lll\1' pl.u~~o for a l.,etent iftt Kt t·llrt h :uul I )t•HIIIIIIlll'lll HI vnriuu~ 1mvatt• indu~tric!l ns \\ell u KtlV· J'l'llll-1111111 J1111 I ' 1.1111 IITit:<lli.f.,ilillll dt• tht· ftdtl uf untlt•r\\.tlt•r uuucl l ttr In c· rmnt·nt un:nniwl iuns ~urh the Kc " ' ' 1 •I 1•• 111"11' 'lltnpktc p.<rl i< IJI:tliun iu \\urk 1111 till' th•vc lupllll'lll l!lli<le•d lor ~t·M< h nntl Ucvclnpmcnl lluartl, Nu· 1 tmpu• t\11\ilil Wht>n hrmly t tah J!i•tl(IC,, lw Wll'i n"nrtlt•tl 1ht• I'rc•Mth'n 1ionnl Sti~tHe Fountlat irm, C'tc., :111cl i~ It l11·tl 1he• nt·\\ ~riiUII I'XJII'rl\ tn he nhlt· n mt•mhf·r 11f thr CommiUrc un Un der· tial ( 'crtihnllt' of Mt·tlt . Ill 111111.1 v,tlu,tltl~· llllllrtltUIIIIIl!o Ill thr In I'IIS, l!t . Wrtlkt•( tc·~llllll'tl hi '\ tto tt •r·n Warftlll.' of th e Nutin11al Re,enrcll 1ullt·l(1' , :tr<'l' r e,r all intl•·twnd!•nt q nntl demit wurk lty lu•tollllnl( ll t•ncl uf iltt• C'owu il. Frnm J uly If) SO 1hrough Jul y I 11 I lit• l1f1 ttf I ht ( ullf•lw il \!'If 1 h1• lkparttttt•ut of hie•( 1ruul l•:nl(ttwt'rllll-t J IJ~ I lw •t•rved <1!1 Exctutive St't rdnry llf"IJJI will c nt..r tt·.trn' in intt·rmural nl tht· l'rnn )'l\'llniot t..,t;att• l ' tul'l'r ity uf 1111' R 1·~rnrrh nnd Ocvclupment I"'' I "11 h th•· •JIJITII\'tll uf the l no;ti- lie ai"J nniMHtl·•l nutl t'rl r·rl n\ llirt•r ll•l·•rrl nf thf' l)cpartmrnl 11f lleh·n t 11111· 1tl111tr11 tr.tllllll rnnkc pia"' fur ~fl. tor uf lht Orclu.mtt K1 t•.m h l. thura \\lult ''" lc.l\lt' u f ah•.tnec ffllm lhc t ttl fut•eli••ll ''' I~ urr.trlll't'd •m a "dr·- ttJry a• l't·nn 'it.tlt• unlll 1 1 1~1 l'c·nn vlvania Stale Uni<'er~iLy. "' 1n•lln 1 ", J n•lrn•t•r mr.rt· cumplrtt:ly llt•JiinuinJ( j uly I, I 1J~G. Ur Walktr In I'Jiii. he e,rl(•.rti.tul the 1'1·nn St:.ll tht l UIIIf'll Jtf~ ll 'f 1'1 h \\Ill :t· ume ht~ new po•itinn u \'tee Confc:n·ntr nn tht \thrum t r tllllll 111 Ke urrh 11.hi(h 11.1 r111o~. ll(thOII 1 pu· l're ••It nl nf tht' Prnn .' ll':lnl.l lair m .Jnrnt • rt~ nrtr.tnl ttmfe·rt·nu al · I niHrMt\ Ht> duties ...,jiJ inclutle t h" Read the tcnrfl'd hy tlminl•lr.'llllf ••f Unt\ltr II)' l'"" ltn;atic.n and ~limuL1lion 1>f the rt· ,.uc h prorrr;am, ;and rtntral Ul~r· :tnd mtlu trial rr ·~r<h llflflHIIJ.:HiiJII 'i j,,n Ct\'Cr tht- npcrJtion:tl :tlti\·itit:S of from :til ll\1 r 1J,1 "ruh 1! ~I OJIt' fJr. \\"11lktr f\1'~ u ll run uharll tu th• UniHr ity. Each Week


CHi\' OCI\ l'IUi\ _,..,.,,. 1

.1ncl •nn11~ 11ild ~t"3 hints. hut !'ltll Mr. lui had lt'-1 <;Omc sinr of h1s ongin.tl um• hundred Jnd forty i">Untls durmg th.ll llmt• Tht') were tin.tlly ~potted by .I ,J,••tfll) t'T .111d 1\t'Te (lit kt"tl Ul). nt'Jf!)' 1k Ill f Will hiiOj;l'T 3nd expo~Urt'. It \\ J .111 .un.wn~: ~lor) t o !keen to. and, a~ \Jr l 1.o h1m•ciC Slid. it \\il"' •omt'lhing "'" \\IIUill IIC\t'r c:~.1~ct to h.lppen to \'1IU l"'r•onalh·. Mr. lui lt.1d ~oC\I'ral Clll.lr~l'll !>IIJJl:.ttut.:.. of t he raft ~tnd the nwn 1111 it thnt lll' fl' talH•n hy a ll:lilnr .1hn:ml l hr ll r.twyrr when the rnfl wnll ~pt.H h•tl ; h ~t't'll\t'U impn~sihh- tha t mc:n 'nuld li1 c fur sursh !1 length uf lime IIIHkr sut'11 rnn tlil i(\11~. 1\lr. lni has ):ll't'n lhi!l sntntl talk hundrt•tb ur l inws durilllt the \l'llr in umjunction witb the Libe rty Uuud

WPI Rifle•·





"'I ,





April~ I


What Motivates Students? Eo. NoT£: TA,. l~~trpos,. o/ tAu sur"J' by tAt Yo~t~~K flarulty A u<Kiation anti Tou Beto Pi sctu to fin d out tLi uu facUJr&tnllke the swdenl& more inltrt~tl'd in t Atu 11udil's t111d promott" morf' ,.g,.rtu,. letUninl.



Two hundred and elaJ!tyolleven atudent.s at Worc:eater Polytechnic lrutitute reeently were a•ked to IJ1dicate, by meam of the questionnaire reproduced below, tho three ltemt that motivate them mO!It and the three item& they dislike mo 1 l nlf'n~l y. Each ttudent alto wu l'O(JUcttcd to indicate hia class, major, and appronmate ciUll oland· lniJ (top, middle or lower third), bu1 was not to ~go or print his name on the IJUe!o• tionnaire. Tho aroup 'urveyod was eompoeed of 110 aenion. 163 junior11, and 14 uthcra.• JNSTRUCfJONS J. Exa1nlno carefully the items listed below. II. In the column headed l'OSlTrYE ITEMS, place the letters of tho three hem~ that have motlvateJ you moet. Jll. ln the 110lumn l1caded NEGA'rlVE ITEMS, Jtlace the leucr8 of the threfl hu111~ tha t you dl8'11ke n1o•t lntenHoly. IV. In the apiJrnprlate column write In any iltm, not included In the 11~1 lteluw, that hae ellher motivated you tJ1e mo8t or that you dislike inten3ely. A. U&~~ of audio-visual aids P. .l'ractical value t1f the coul'l!e In B. Reward• and prb.et earning a living C. ln~truct or'a u.e of fear Q. Instructor'• knowled&e uf eultje~"t D. Well·de6ned c:Oui"IO objec:livu and related field"' E. lntlructor't Ute of praito R. Inttructor'a sympathy and under· f . Knowledae of your pfO!Jrelll standinK of 81udtnll and their C. lnttructor'l uJo nf humor problem~~ II. Cradu S. Empbuill on fundamental• rather I. C".oncenlal Cl. . 1roup than detain J. field trlpt T. llllllru<:lor't 11110 of r!lelf·awruval K. Courteoua treatment by the iiiJilruC· U. Penonal croo.t-eumulltlon by tit!' tor iru!l.nletor L. fnatruc:tor'a U4e of un:um V. frsstruc:lor'a willin1neu 10 an•wet queation~ M. F:nthu~ia•m of the lnatructor N. Op110rtunhy to partll'i1111e in clau W. ln.!tructor'a lnterftll In and IJir· tiripation in ~~ehool al'l l ~ittr• 0 . Croup re«al(nition (fellow-studeniJ! and Jllln!nta) NEGATIVE




3. - - - - -• Eleven




Kelatl\t' To11l lmJIMianrl'

---37.3'}'0 1-'nctlcal value of the rounltl In -------------------25.8% 35.89'o 3 ~%

oamln8 a ll• l n~t ln tructor'• K11owiC'dae or tubject ami rrlate.l flt'lda Woll-d&nC'tl t·uur..e objrNhea EotJauala. m ur lht' injlructor IDetnactor'a l)llll'alhy and under· ltlndiaa o( atuJenl8 and their



7. 1 ~

22.7% 26.J<v.. 2.'1.6~

27.0% 24.5% 23.3%

problema l •lnlc:tor'e wllllnp" to answer

2o.9'}'0 21.8% 20.0%




25. 1.-:




2 1.7.-: 23.7't

' 5











2·1.5% 2·l 5% 20.2%

7. 1 ~

2 1.6%



1 2.8~




o( 88 rt'U~III ol r.. nr ln•lrlll'llir'~ 11 •11 or allif•IIJlJ'l ffiVDI I'ttr~11nn l r ro~e·t'Um tn rJ I ion by the InInu~l ur

70.9% 51.8'/t> ·ltU\% 211.2%


71i.7% 5().0% 50.0%



57.6% 44.7% 23.37o




2 3 4

G ratlt~




1 5~'\%



Knowledp of your proare~>~ Gradee Ernphaalt on fundamental• rathrr than •letalla CourleDIUI treatment by the in· AlrUr•tor

NEC:A1'1\' I-: l'I'Jo:M Jn ~l rUI'I Ur~ 111!0

ln~lllll' llll 'll llt<C!


Nrji;Hhl'l) an "lnttructnr't ute t>f NSI'CJimt" w a5 li..tl'.d by tht y.fi~e anJ one-half Jtf'rt>rnt .. r thr t ttulent•. " U~ of frar" wu mentioned most oht'n after "l'.e or ~~oar • ~-111" o111•l •·u.e o( etH·appmnl" wu thjrd in the 11-t. lttnu other than fh()ole In 'I ~hie- I \lofre mentioned u ne&atiH•, but tht' numba marUn1 cou b ittm wat in ·•l!mfinnl. l'ht u~ of urea m 10 any fonn ~bouLJ be .,, iJed.. Pouibly imtfU(Io" lnm• tn~tlv u ... '.In 41\111 but tlunlt that the) ut~e it 10 1 J!Ubtle way that moth at« tbe tudcont•. If llu• Itt the ca-co. tbt') are d«e1 u na thrm.,..h-n ~t only two uut of t• .. bundri'J anJ f'i l1l\ M!,..ft •h~tlrnt- •uru•\l'd M"lt'\IN 1~ use of •-:~rca•m a1 a po-ni\co n~m. Oflrn ST1.1D• ' I :0-- Pu, ,. 6


o ol




Pa1e l

lhi assembly given by Ed IWdir.c will definitely be enjoyed by d . 1\r "Tar Heeled Humorist'' i1 acdaillei by his audiences as bting Amtno 1 be t humorist. ~lay 16-ROTC Re\'iew. ~ l:J.y

23--Debate. The W.P.I. debating team, hlcWJ r:J.nked in intercollegiate debatina. w: clo,e its season with our stroo1 ay rivals, Holy Cross. It is hoped all will take advutq~ of the coming assemblies. All are IGj. notch and s.hould prove to be enatr laining as welJ as educntional. AMONG THE GREEKS-I'ro"' ' • I

Thil eurvey, It mull bo acknowledged auft'on from certain limilarions. A few lm· portent ltemt INIY have been omitted (rom the Liat of Item• on the II Ue~llunna l re. lnJtrur•tlon IV atatct "ln the appropriate coluiDJI write in any ltcom, not Included In the lilt below, that bat either motivated you the mott or that you ditollko inter11oely." The hema written In by the etudenLB followed no pattern. llad IMlme of th~ ltrrn• been included In the IIUUtionnalro it is pGUible that a llignifiranl numl~er of 11ud1'ntt1 ml&bt have eelocted t"-e helliJI. lntereet in tbe eubjec:t wu not included In the qu011tionnalre becauae the atudy Wit ulldertalten 10 determine what lltAtruC'tora tan do 10 motiYate ttudeni.L lnlere.t in tho aubject tellt you lillie unleu )OU know wlull I• reapOnt~IIJie for tbe intereat tnd oow It can be develo~ Tbo leo hema that moLlnted rho tlUdenl8 111011t and the five item tlio~lllted mu,t lnteneely by the atudenll IJlJIMf in Table 1 which breau the aMwers down ••·•·onhn~e to c:IIJ!II. Tallie I roniAIM only the item~ marked by more than lf'll l~n'~n l ul tht"l ttudentt aurveyed. No ooe item motivated all the iludents. MPractiral valur of the counltl In earnln1 a llvlna" moLivated the mlll!l studenl8 (35.11~). " ln•lnulor'• knuwl edge of aubji'Ct & related field•" wu tbe second 111(11!11 important nmtlntlnt& Item ( 30,()?&) and Waa followed by uWeJI-<Jefined COIU1ICI objec:tlvett" ., the third IIIU~I 1111• JJOrtant motlvatln11 hem (25.4~) . "Grade." motivated leiS than one·•1uarter uf thcatudenl' 111111 rate11 Willi duwn on tbe list ol relative importance. The 11lgnlfirauce of Tallie I, frorn 1 JICIIIitivo 6llndpoinl, is ill llcmton•tratlull ul the fact that tlludenle are motiv111ed by many tbinge and tlu11, lf 1111 ln~lrm~tur I~ loJ he aucco~dul In atrongly motivating mOlt or aJJ bill studen111, he will have to atluJJI IOYeral, I( out all, !If tho I}Oehlve items listed in this table. Tho IICfUC!IIIIII(O or . .... dt~nt~ nwtlv1111d hy tho threo must huJlCJrlaut item~ tutu I~ II U! lttsr••uu t, hut 111any ol tho 11uJen11 who lllllrkerl one of the~~e ilemB prububly al~o 11111rketl either one ur buth of tho oth11r 11¥0 Item~. ConMJIJuently, It ill reasonahlc ro ~~~~u1uc lhel • olttnllit·ttnl numl10r of "u1lcnlll woultl not he 111n1ngly murlvated if 1111 lll~lnwhtr elnphN•IIl••l nnly the110 three 111~111 • In hi~ chu•- . TABLE I Seniors



fo~ I.H'I'Oil f A I -S-I'r.,m l'nflll

two cl11111ified freahmen and one JJOtt graduute.


Dana Devoe and Frank Grlllt W te r Tech's affirmative team ~ ~ or Charles Tyson and Jereu:iah~ w35 awarded a certificate of e~ This team defeated the Unh-.._., Conn. lltld New Britain St.ate ~ If while losing to St. Anselms and~ t:niversity. Tech's nepth-e lfarr....._. resented by William Su ton llld ... ,·ey Burger, defeated Brtncleis ~· losing to Bates College, Rhode :md University of Maine. Afte r all of the points had been piled, Dartmouth College wu ~ win ner of the festival trophy. Tbt . ner was determined on the basis.._ points compiled in debating, ora al extemporaneous spenk!ng, and inte l4rr t tve read"mg. B estue wmning the I'Jlft. 1 nument, Dartmoulh is lhe ncknoll'~ cht1mpion of New England, Wortttlb 1 Tech placed much better than had Ilea expected and the tea m felt that ~ ha \'e hart a successfuJ year. o


1. - ----------2. - - ----------

I. ------------

gt0h·ct~khi$T~~~~~~~~ h~u;ak~~

tfestanht is · h' · Jn oratory, Kevin Forsberg, a stnior Core ethe15 pre\'IOU5 l" o mont . s •~sue:. in Civrl Engtneering at ~UT won the ~o~·. :.·st.•·tk or Timt mal!:wnes. Be· top prue wtt.h a Wk on ~e top~c. "~ o.d. thts the ~puker mlbt h.l\e 3 very Monument lO an Engineenng F:Uiure. tJ e d kno\\ led e of current e\·ents. Kevin is a ml'tllber of Chi Phi Fr.ner· \\:1, represented by I hal'\'}' Bur· ntty and Tau Beta Pi. He abo w35 tn ger, \\hO didn't pl3ce in the fin:~k the finab in intt:rpreth'e reading. Char· In the finals of debate the .nffinna· lie Ty~n represented Tet.h in this uve tt.'lm from l:mv ~r ~l ame Wib event placing ~ventb. • . pitted a~:~inst the negam·c team from Uan:a Uevue, a Stnior :J.l the t.:mver· ():utmoulh Arter mnktn~ :.peech~s an~ ~ity of ~ f nine, won the extempore finnh rebuttnl ~. D:mmouth emCr!1ed \ICtorr: over thret: other contestants. ~I r. De· ous Dartmouth 11 n.s rcp.rcsented _b) voe's topic wM "!>hould the United Gordon Hjork and Uavtd llurwtlz. Stnle!l Continue to Maintain Aid for the Stnlile Stale~!" In extempore, n cun· while Maine's tc.un wns composed of DEUATE-From Pure 1

as vice president, J im Duff secretary


self-centered or~an izatio ns on campus who cure little for lhc sentiments or inlt•rcsls or ul ht'rs. Our mi nds are th u'! narrowed in scope und we saunter throuJ.t h four years or .school unawa re of lht• fatl that we nrc losinJt an clement of c:ullcl(e liCe that is of equal importance to our academic pro· ~-trams in acquiring an education. The t·fft'C ts are all too obvious. Without doubt thi'l is the souret' of the lack of school spirit. How often \\C haw.• heard the plea'! or both faculty and l!ludent leaders for increased p;~rttdpatiun in campu activities. This very pulllical iun has carried nrticlt"> lime and time again whose only goal wus to Mirnulate intere t and . pirit on the hill. l· nfortunately these have ~ n Ill little or no avail because or the selti.h tllltlnok toward activities. Then• urc Jhus.> \\ ho nrc active on lht• hilll){'(au-.c the activities appeal to lhem. llowt·v('r in lhc great majority of in~tance'l lhe motivating forces are :-clft!>h in that the dt•sire L'i to fulli ll a mur,tl uuliJ.t.ttion to one's fraternit y so ah nt its pres t i~te may be retain<·d . This will be tlt:nit•d vehemently hy many hut it stands solidly upon objective analysis. Tht• riflk ulrHtSnes$ or the situation i!l UCl'lltninJ( incrt•usinJ(Iy apparent to thil$<' who urr willing to notice and be cnncerned. ll Is ~i'ltl nJ.l to be such n rarit y for 11 member uf a rma ernity Ill visit another un a cnsual social cull thnl when it docs occur the hosts vrrl' nft cn dclmtc with themselves ns tu the course ur action to adopt. They either ~reel him with a nervous ''hcllu" and lnquirt' as to his purpose at bein~ there or they bury their no~~·s ju~t a .little tlecpcr i_nto the ma~a.dnc they spotted lyin~-t ne:trby. I he sttunt rnn thrrefore ts that school ~pi r it in the true scn"C is prac ti· c:ally nun-existent. Fraternities. rather thJn l'Oivin~-t the pmblrm nrc the IU(It of it. \\' hal to do? ,

and Dick Wiberg treasurer. \\'ith the holiday coming up, AT() nnd AEPi have decided to bold a joint party to everyone's liking. JU. Sauer's tie was not up to lvy !tap ·ta ndarcls and now the piects of i c:tn be seen on lhe bulletin boatt Ray God in spent the weekend at lit Cape and the sea air brought at. many funny thin~rs. For one ~ it made his resistance low and lr d ropped his pin to Diane Lucey.

The first new brother of AEPi li lose h is pin was ~~ike Smith n lost it to j anice . choeider. He per· formed the feat during the vacaWI and since he got the pin the Fricb) uefore he left, he probably holds 1M record for possessing the pin ror lk shortest period of time. Last wttk· end found most of the brothers ~ AEl'i at the University of Vefor the Rc~ional Conclave. Muit Kern. Art Freed.berg's one and Oil! was the house's representative in tk weetheart contest. As always, lk ·otvinJt the !oituation can only be nlcompli-.hed O\'er a period of yea rs. weekend was a real success. T hose who huve the a1Jili1y tu di\'orce themo;ehc•s temporarily from their That's it from the Greek ci~ usual line o f rea.;onin)! and realiu the ~r:t\ ity uf the ~ituatilln must lake this week. po.,iti,·e step' in this direction. Fratt:rnitil"i :u Tech must collectively discu ·s and ~>h·e. problt•m<; that are commun to all. The :-ced wa planted I'BOM- From Pa6~" 1 t.nly a 'ihurt ttme aKo when a ~rmtt> from tht> \'arious hou es ... lb ed DAY. APRIL 2i, STARTING Al 1 • · • r-a er lii)(CI tcr Ill . a JUIII t ('~()rt lO attack the wuhlrnt or l'CholarqhiJ). It i~ this :-.: IXE O'CLOCK. typt• uf a~ ltn n lhul ~~• II he succe5:>ful pmvidinJ( the intrrt'~L doc~ not colA brief survey around camp~ lap:;('. It '" t•wryont> s duty to ::.ce that it doe:. nut. cates that the Junior Prom \\etkttshould be one of the greatest t\"tr. Y1'1 unot hl'r idea u;:gestcd rt'Cl'nlly IHts 1h:tt of an e:<l remel h t . • ,• . . • y s or 1 111 111 practtCt· ts common ut muny other schools through- one h::~H of the fraternity hoUJCS . ru:~ Ittll)( per ~ot. re::~dy are boasting a turnout ~r ~ out ahe nnttun and has been proven praclkal. T he henrft ts to be derived couples or more. On friday ntsbun!IY nre 11!1l oundin~ when. one rralizes the hct thnl ''Ill)' f11:.·t"• rmg · ' o f f rnter· be the Junior Prom and on Sal f h I night the Masque is presenting tbe t nlty rrlatluns lhnt tntghl tukr plaet• d uri nJ~ !he nrst S('llWSter or • 1 • • • our sc oo 1. yea r ts m:tt c mtpossthle bv the <lvt'rwtwlmin" tt.•ns·1c11 tl 1 • mous play "Stalag 17". . 1~ • • • . • ,... · 1 111 artses uel ween The Prom Com mitt~cs are '"dIll" llw n'SIH'C tt vr fra tt•mtltcs un cnmpus ft•r n tim"' •tflrr ll• 1· \\' ~ • t , · .. · • .c ru~ 11ng season. en l tc t"l('rtud shurt and denstve the wounds wuuld h<•nl more uickl swing and through tbetr tact ~SIIi· genuily lhey will put you on tbeMJilbl ond a f.tr ~rraacr period of time cuuld be uliti 7 •<1 r t • qr. y • • • • t ur nur urtn~ raend - way to the Stars". Richard · r. ~h•p~ fh L" -.u~t·~t•un deser\'I.'S a !..'Teat d~al ur cun,idL•ration for it would The ~I:! n with the Golden Anll ~ be a bt1un hi rdattuns. pro\·tde the music in his us~al nniJ.li' stvle. D uring the 10tt d 1lfl' It i., thi<~ I}J)t' 11f cnnstructhe thou~ht th.tt i ... nrtocl""' 1 t th .. . . , ,,.. h . .,1, 10 e "-:U1mg C:J.sual you mun~ away on the food an .., 11r <Iu nut h 111~" u out actton thr silwtiun "til ·1 1 . edM- a r . ' ent ' ~row worSt 35 er.trres while b;:ing enterta.tn "' <I~~ nm mah~tnanc~. The le~t that an intlhidual d. · . ..• can o h to encournge \"OCal group. ~ 1hl' a ruremenuonl'u prt>pclcl.,. Wake up h> th .. f·•ct th t · • . The d3nce, which "iU be . 6.oaD ~ . • " a tl s ~our school amI 1ht'n h~l!tn Ill Jll accordind~ It\ t·our r 'b I" • will JontZ be remembered b)' tlfl tlst's. J t''P'I""' I tty, not anyone attend. So get your d3te for tbt


T. \\'.C.


ball of


SPE COPS IF SWIMMING SOFTBALL STARTS SOON ..,ilnn.l l'hi Ep•ihm tnntinm·lf It, dum u( th~

in tl•rl"r ltl'rl\111 "IIIII lunp .•~ Jl !li!JIIl cupped th t• llll ~ an tht• nwt" hri.J ju•l lwr urt· ..,pnn~: ' ·" .11ann '-tl! lp, rnu-t •t'nu\h t h.tllcn l!t' r m thc m t'l't ''·'' ' \ ~ •. ... tw ran up ,, lllt.tl ''' I· 1••tnl' It• thl' 1\111111 r' 1·1 '-utnl' 1'' 1"-'fl oh\ in.: Ill' til•h Bed.t•ll It II Uti li Iht mr<·t ·'' ht 111111.. th\ IOL' hullllf• lur th o thud •I r.til!hl 't tr I ht·tt " 'I' hni·lwd in tht' thml •lut 1111h ltn l"''"" un tht -·u·ncth ,,( llr•t' ' " \l kt• t: 1 1"1.: in tlw ~ ~~1 irtT•IIIt' .amlthc 100.\tl dt•h iO.ltlllll


ah~;JJ 111

t hl· I F !-t•fth.tll


it :lpfiC.aT• Lh.1t la~t ll'.ll \ d 1,1111 pwn T lwta ~.tppl l'h1 i• tlw 1~.1111 111 l~t·at l.t"llll! •. ul~ I hill \h :\Jmara 11 h1• 1\J• •>Ill' 111 l.bt ~ ~.u • tvp hat h r... the h. 111 i• t'\jK'dt'd lu mil vn 1h1• ,, ruu,: l'lllhmc .ar>•a l•l ~"' cur J.., 1.. ill r 11 h,, "J' the ll.li:Ut'' ••ut-t.aruluu: Inuit 1 • • • l.l•t ••·.t•un l'ha !'-u: runnn up I bt \t'.tr 11111 Jl•n 111'1.1 .1 •trunc h .1111 11luh \\ all hu t·r I r.llo'rnJ'\ h.t•l.t·tlull I' '-u.. I J• 3th! '-.\to~ JpJ>tM "' ht· tlw .1.111.: '''"' '" .1111 .1 1th.a ...ml lllt'll•tll \ 1111 l.trn· hnr-•·· pu .a111l lho• lr,alt 111111 ul l'ht "-·•1'1'·' ~huulol h.t\t' llw mu 1 p lt•:t-..1111 'I' 1•1111

(lJ •



IJ 1.,


1• "'•t••ad Opcnct· at. . ( . , T k At M.I.T. PI u -,anl a ·c .,.h·· ,, ,, , . () h.L~ ~~rtetl prt'))Jrat iun~ • I•F• P 111 ~ OJlCr~ ~notd.lll' hc·t~~re

'Th t~ t a Kap


, urt.t·~tt•r o \'lc1..hnic l n!tlltlllt' l ..ltfll' '' ' Club ln r tht• l 'l'h •t.t•nn \ h hllm•h pr.tt'l ll l's

4' •

1\t' lt'

h.u n pc· rnl


''9 rtl



"·IJ '

TG Ia Hal



cnu r~

'Most f"'er}"'One dou-ofrto &"tau~ a few momcniS ov<: r tc<: ·CoiJ Coca-Cob refresh you JO. It s 'parklaos wllh n<&runl good nus. pwc and ,.,hul~:somc:- and n:uu nlly fuc:nJ iy co your !iE;UrC. Ft:d. like having a Coke?


COCA·COI.A IIOTTLI NC CO~ti'A!'IY OF \l OllCESTEil "Coh " l• o reglolettd trode·IIIOtk.


19.56, TltE COCA·COlA COM,AN\'


\hm•l.l\ \ pul 'I u•ht•rt·ll ln lht " I"'" ' ·" ·l llun , thl') J>r.tllitrd all Ja,t \ll'tk m.: uf Tt"th ', .um u.tl th•pl:ll ,,f r,,, rt· rt•.ul~tnl( fur the t>pt:'lllllll!:•llll(' tht~ ~.tl· 111111111111'~ Il l .111 lo >r tht·lf fi UIIlh I II .ill. , ol ull 1111 h tar•t pl.11 t' hu11•1 r' I h•· I h 111 ,,... , ,.....Hid ·I· t iiH ' Ill h.llltl tlw I I lltll.l\ In '<flllt' ur the wr:llhC'I , Jlnl'l:-tru·t I Ill' 1111h '' I m.u l.. h.all the p illi!•I'UIII! t llu rn.tnlt·nt 'I ht• tm11 n.11m'nl 111'11, .trl' lflltHI for thh \l'.lf a ~ onh • n h•w 1111'11 lll' ll' lm.t hy s:.:atluatnm. l~m­ uu1~t.11 uhn11 an •tnl ..r t ht• ""'" lr.lll!rut " ·'' t llllllllho'ilttf .1 h~n m.1n1t•.uu " " "' lt'''nr rlt un "~ptl.t>" St:IJ!lt•, " n11ain I II ' Ill IIIII!Jlllll 11111 \ ~ ,t q tllt I; ~l.tll11 "'" h hlllN ' 11 huh 1''·'},.,I 1'111ht " lll'tl • 11.1dn1111 1he ll':tm, hut lhis ) t•.tr ht• h.1~ ,u till' 1111.al •t.utdlll i-:' 11111 uHht.ttr th•· ult-tf lll.llt Ill' ~ A 1111111 It h• 'l! lll ~ \lith tho• u rww a"1~1nnt , Dave I Iohnes '!i,i , 11hu wn• 11 1• 11 1 ,, 1111111\l ,a\' ll•r I ht'lil "-·•1' • ill)lll·~ \IIII)JII'titillll (nr till' Ill'~( 1111t u( h,a:; \llltlllll't'fCd his tilllC tO help (lUl. ,11111 ~I ll l•.p 11 I' ll' 111 tlu•t• 'unlt•ntann 11)1 Slm ,. tit•· l.t1 rnsst· hudl(tl wns rc•ug 111 th1• t,,,, ft•11 d." ~ u t llw ~~·.t•un . (:u. t lllt'l' ~ottt ll\1'~, otlltl till' IIHIII h II III\ l11• nlto•d lil , t fall. much llt'udl'd t! qulpnwnt ill)l IIIIH 1111' hn,iJ llt'o•k ' I hl'lrt J.:appn quh klv d t' l hh·d lf hnth 1111'11 nn IIIII' " •' ' hl't'll pu n hnscd. Nt~W crltitsun .uul l'ltl 1\lllt ·' h 1 f\'111111. lt•d tltt• pat 1.. l1'.1111 t'IIH' I ~t · ' '"""' ~ l· rt'tllll'll t lv whitt· uuiform~ on· just ~~ parl uf lh(' 1lt"1'l\ ftlti!llll 'll ll\ l'hi ~ 11!111.1 io: ,lpJ NI I hnu~h . OIH' 111 111 m 1 t'.ll h tt•.un will Will ' "PI'h', lttr ann and ~htl uhlcr pads, !lt' V· '''"' '-11:111.1 l'hl Vp•alun .al ~ I In II• tk .llflu, k11111 th1· 111.1tdt lu lh1 ~ t . a~ t· llu• t' l ,tl nrw ht·hnrt ~. ant! n s upply n( Mh k~ 11111111111111 J,t,lllll I Ito \\ ,1, IIJl'l' l h1• h.tvt• .11~11 ht•t:n nthlrd. Thill yen r, IHt,.o,t·ll "'II l. p 12·~ 1 1 11 h 11 111 111111 lu·t Ill till m,tl t h 1' tuniiiiUl'tl .uHI til-a 11lt•tl 1111 th1• IIJ'I' uf I hl' lk.''t nl I h11 I' li t tluut.h•• "'" t.trry the plovers to thr f{amr~ in· l in• "·'" tht• l'lu '-111 .111.11, II U •tt•.ul nt prll.llL' l.tr ~ as in tht• Jl:l!ll pl.l\ t ' 1 1111 111111 t• til Iht• pnopll' 11 hn t"t · I he 11111111\'111iun .trlltlltl( t hr lt•,u fn, I he m:. n) H' tumliiJ.: ••etcrans haH jill • I tl olll 1111 n 1 <f Ill till' )ot,!lll l'" \\t il ".l' d n e, n ' 111111111 111 I H lur tu• t .lilt I ' ll.lrkrtl Jl tll !It'll' (M the lt'.lm, nnt l the o:-•1111' \1111 II \\ ,1~ I 1!111'\l lith rt •II II lot .uul I h1rd 111.11 1' 'I ht•t.l " IJI .11111 l'ht ( ;,1111 '"" tit' pl.l\·t•r, .trt lt>aming tluickly 1\l i' lljn\,tlolt- 1•111 • h.m ·fl tup hu11ur lttt I IH' 1'151• ;~ tt :h I. C .a pt.un J••hn l.rlhhr ialpt.' ll11h IIIIJr n.lllll"lll I'll It Mill I rll ll' hut IIIII' 111 l'urplt• II til l lttt h. .1nd llu~ Cra'tll'r II\ \1 , , ' " ' " ' ·" (r .lt I ht• ltJI l11111 ltt•S "·'' ,11 tlu .m rt'IUrttiiiJ.t pia~ crs \ fh'ran mial· \\ un h 111•l ul ' llwu " •P 11 h1lt• tl11• " ' l' tn·ltl(•r, nn• ("h.u li1· \\'httnt'l', l·.m I ri · i I l 'lu '•~·tn.a 1\. 1•1•·• •lrupJH'Il l ht·tr~ tu t 1111111 t•l.h t I 111111111 IH rl(, I rt·dclar <.'l:uk l>Jve M.tyn.ttll, (I 1 l lu II " ·'I'P·• l'hi ('lu l. u11 l11l.t ( lu '"''1'1>~·11 <IIIII 11111 lluh l't•t kh.un l.:.rr) l h•orkin .tnt! U nn 2 ... 11"1111 1'111 l.fl 111111 I• j:olllU' Ill I hh I ',1 1111' I IIIIIJII Ill !1>11 I .1thmp llt•ft·n•r 1 f1Tni1Jhly th!' ~ '-11!111 1 \I ph 1 l.p ilun I htrtl pl.ll t' 1• • h.11 1·tl It\ ~ \ 1·. .uul •f ntllJit••t Utili with Bill Rtlf{ll·r, llr1 rry 5 \lt•h.l 1.111 I hllt'll·' l'h1 ~u: 11hu l"'d1 ·1l •• k n111 11 I ~ 11'1 I< ylf, t rwn ilnd ll:trr) 'I rnucy all re~ 3 l 'hl l o lllllllol Jlt h .t 11111, l ht· pl.tl'ult lur ttrl pi.H I' l\ •1• lllminR (rom l .t~l yenr's. u•.am. {;I' UrJie I hrl.l I tu s lwltl ~ lt 11 ul,l\ """ h '"" tuH hth• tu fH'r "hn11 h.ak. .111 t•A.pNicn<cd ~otnal~t· , i~ \tt th I I•I' IIlin 1'1 111it t il(• tt')W; rt inJ,t of tht• ~~·~ult • in tht ~ .tJ,t11in ~1.111'1 1 lor tlw rrt':l<,t• pn~itin11 thl ~ () li l..unlul.t ('hi ,\iph.l IS'Ill' y t·ar Mnny of the frr•hnH'n whn nrr ~ial ( l' th l~ Ill till' t hllll tilllt' thl Vt'tll III' W Ill the 1<(01111' llrf• ClCJI('l' lcll W fill in 1111' I W I . ~ I\ I N ..... . , ll< 1~c lltrtl 11 11 I I· ~pu ll h;l l'nth·tl iu a lit• ' !I IIli ' n( Ihc~c pusit ions lttll/r in lite liCII• 'I tlilt I I h:1•h t l1.1ll :anti hu11 hnl( tt l ~' ' I'IHit•ll in IIIII! l'ulllb ·' tll•trlllllk J ll lllil(ll Ill' I! JifiiiJIII flllt• tu ~~~} ju~; t \\hil l till' prutt•a htrt• 1 ~ wht•rt 'I he ' du.•dulc i ~ 116 follow~: 1()(, 1 II d1 1'1 : 11 n tir Hll lll hr t nr .til tlw JKnnt' Apr1l ~~. ) ltr.tllll I ' " 72 ord111.tr1h rii\.Htlt·ll 111 lh t• hr•t t\111 ) lt•lllf.tlll ... \lo. 21 M IT Caw:t} 1 pl.u I ' Ill\\ 111l l h t· l{f•lllrl Jll tll truph \ 'J( \ 1111 rt 1·7 21 lfn1Hr it y o( trr i!d tl!'d up nrul ch v11h-11 nrnlv lw (.I K nlo111 loll \1 . 211- Lo~tl'll ·red' l<.s 1l:.1 I "I' S'J 1\\ l'l"n till' 1\1111( It un• 'I"''" n 1•11\'olf bl'il l I•• 1lt·h ·rnunr tlw rt·• i1•1 1111 .. r S.i ~.:, rt•lll I fo\ I' \1 .1)' Si I r<tph~ f11r 1hr f1.1rl it ul1 r pml l'uulll•l') ,\Il l l Amht' l"'l fj ~~. 1( , •n 'I J.: I' ~ L'm,t'r•ll y of ~ II lOl l<:-. \\II·. 'I; I " I \'\; J)J'IC,.., ... ~,. 11 10 '-II• ph~ ll ttly Cro~ (3\\i!Y ) I.At l II l llllllh 1c· 12 I rruuy 7 I 55 11 l 'lulll••"• r 111 'I urt ; I 52 I'G U l< uhlotn \1 I' I (, l.(\ 2 51 I I I 111l•1 r~ ... j I~ -1 ') '-t\1'. 5 \ srru ull , Hilltop Flower . hoJ• 4') J ... hJf~ l") . 1 ( " 166 IINCOI.N l'REET s .J 4iS A I'. I' \J unk I'C ; I1 T•I<Ph•n• PI~ $-t~U (j J{ 4 ~ SJ•t-. 2 J) uiJ I l'lo_,. For r,,.,.,..,. Ot:rulort A'l () 1 41 I'I J.;: 1 I•' r, I fo\1 ' J'rH O•ll•t,. P'Jewtn W"lr... & • . ,...._ X T(' 44 0 10 ' I '' lu r \ I' I~






Til£ LOVE Of WMPETifiON is lH£tR ~~y 1'1bfiVATiON ·~



' I .,)






WflAt SmEll ~WAIW THAA lll E l1DAA1~4-

1liROMws - T~ (AVP~ Uiff~fM .• , ....,

April 17, 1956


P ..e Six STUDENTs-From Po•~ 4 the ute of aarc:aJm It unc:nnoeiout, Le.. the iMtructor does not ruli:~e that the AIU• denta l"l!llard bit commenlt u ureutic:. The intructOT mw.t be on ftUIIrt.l ajlain•l thl~. Il il difficult to uplalo the teo perreot difl'erent~l between the an!iWCB of the juniflra and the aenlon unleaa one a umes that Lhc imll'llcton of the .enion u·,. '8rca•rn more often and/or crudely. Some lnttructora in•tlll fear in their studenl:! on the Found that thi~ i• the only method that eo uret atuden~ will work. In truciOI'$. who are o( thi' opinion, drarly lack r~urrefulne-• tlnce tbe aturlente lun·e)td intficated they wrre Alron,ly mutt~lltNI by at le«'ll ten Items listed on the que~tlonnaire. " lnMruci<Jr'JI u•e nl fe:ar'' nht only hlnden the dc~elopmenl of rapr10rt, which ~ essential to effect he tear bJn11. IJut al•n protluces a ntjlnthe reaction alnce 6fty-li•e percent ol the studtorll'l ~urH'Y"d ohjcl'tl'd to the UI!O of fea r. That the uncon•clnuw uoe of !W'II·R ilJirllVRI is common mi~t!.t lw inlr•rr,.tl fr"rn tit" fact that apprnxhnntt~ly fort y·liV(' p('rrf'nl ol the stmlcnt~ ~urveyl'd inrlirn t,.,f thnt thl'y dlelike intensely on " l n~trm· tur'A u~e of sell·llfiJlrt/Val." St•lf awrovul i11 11 dUIII(f'l'fiU • trap thrll is dlf!ioult to avoid. Whenever 11n instructor expreJ<•e~ hiK np iulun nr tolk ~ eboul hlw Ut)4!r]cnco•, atndeii!JI mny feel be it pnuinf( hirn ~elf on the bnl'k. lrtotrur·tnr• bad heHl aubjeft thulr r lnur(lom avtlun ~ In ori tirul twaly!!ls in 11rrlr1r tu •INI•rmlnu whether thoy ore unuon~r·itmsl y uslttl( ~~~lf-llppmvul. ArlJ)rnxlmnt, ly onCHJUIIrter of tlta stUIIcnt~ ~urveyerf indknwrl th•JY 11l~ h~r·t l in· tetuely " l'er11nnnl cru~~·oxnmlnntion by the ln~truetor." lostrurtnrs pruhahly do nul knowingly rttrry m. u 11er•r•t•al cro~·exarnlnution of thei r 11t.ud~n 1 •. >"' their morutt·r of questlonln~t mey llfl lnten!cly di~Ukcrl by their studenl!l who con~id~r it 11 typo of "third de«r<•e." TAfli.E 2


to another. If this be the case, one might reuonably conclude that thl- accounts for the diiTereneet In attitudes. CONCLUSIONS Evidence presented in this article !ud!l to the conchnion that atutlcnll are motivated by many thin~• and that t.hcre ill not one thJnlt that will mothate all 1tu•lcnb. Con· \l'qucntly, tn<lrut to~ should adopt u many ptJ•ithto rtrm~ a• JK> ~ablr. "tudenb' at titud~ chance a they pass from one clua to another anti in•tru•tor •h•ould modi!\ Lbt'ir mothatinc efl'oru accordingly. A final conclu•aron it that in•trurtfln bould aHud th,. l•edaf(ll~ira.l &ina of ~ of sarcasm. fear. elf aJoproval and Jlt'r~nal crt!!•· txarnlnation of •tudeou u they hlnder the J,..arning pr...-r • IJy proou• inJ a nea:ui\e reartion in the atudents.


Spurt' Ed1tnr of 'II 1 11 '\t 11 '• \ '11l' On ' lhu rtlay Mnrch 29 the Pcdtf/,r prt•5ilknt uf ""n:. Stttrt held clct tions of the six men Vlh(l C'llpy b rlitur, ( h;trll's ' I Y''m J.amhdu will hr rc~pon ihlc for the puhlishinl! Qf Chi i\lph.t, ' lt !H ~""~~ . Dt•h,ltin~: the '57 ycnrh(lok. The~c men ar\! the ('luh. ~ l a~qul', C:lt·t: C'luh, l'i l >t:lto IIII I'~ who thi~ ycnr'8 staff fell wen' Ep~ilun, Skt'lllil al t 'h1•tui't'. hcsl !Junhfll!il fc• r the job of supervising Bu~mr•s i\lut~<rJ.:l'r, I n•d !larry, 'Jiu:t.t Chi, Gnlf ('m ' ('nuntry the prrpar:nion or next year's ll<wk. Circulntion ~hn:t~:t·r, ,\rt '\l·th in Alph 1 1 he mrn ele,led were as follows: Ep· ilon l'i l'n•,irknl. ;\ln,qut•, I r.ack l~dilur-in·lhtd, Steve Gunter, AlphJ J'i l>l.'ltl bp• alton Ep ilun l'i, ~1:1 que, Tmck, Eta Kap- l 'hutn~o~r.tphy Etlitllr, ~ l tkt' <:mdun, AI· J UN IORS • ENIORS pa Nu, l'i J>cltn J:;p,tJnn plu Ep•ilon l'1 \ tct• prc•,trknt • tu Middle l.owf'r t iddle Lower Top Tnp PO"iiTIH: ITF. M dent Chmu:m t\ ''" t.atwrr l nter fra· MJn~ginlf 1-~rlitnr, Robe rt Cnlli,ron Pnctlcal nlue of thf' c-oun.e in temtty Count al llll. h A I 1-.h, Skull 'I ht:ta 1\npJIJ l'ha Pre~iclent, :\ewmJJt 45.~~ 33.2% 3.U~, 19.790 27.5% 40~S% earoin~t a livln~t Uonnitory Councilor. Club Vict·llrl'"ldenl, l'a Delta Epsilon Instructor'• knowlf'd~te ol eubjet"t 29 ')'}; 3.).2% 21M{, 1 6.6~ ~U% 42~'l% and related field• 1 111-:'I' A CIII- From Pu•@ I 27.3~ 20/1~ 26.2% 14.3% 31.7% 27.5% Well-defined couno obj!'l'thes 21.6% 236% noon 111 the Elcctric:tl Engmeering lec27.5Y., 26.2% 25.0% 31.7% Enthuala m of the ln•truetor ture ball. ln1tructo r'e 11rnpathy and under· 1 he hiMory of Theta C.hi dates back etand ln~t of atudenu and their 29.5'}l. 26.5% to April 10, 1856 when two cadets at 40.5% 25.0% 7.3% 15.0% problem• Norwich University in \'ermonl foundl lllltructor'a willlnrneas to anttwer 18.2% 29.5% ed the fraternity. Since then Theta Chi 19.0% 21.4% 29.2?'o 20.0% que~~done 22.7% :12.4% hrtl! grown to 117 chaplers with over 23.8% 25.0% 21.9% 17.5% KnowledJo of your pro&reu 19.2% 29.5% 23.8% 1.1% 31.7% 22.5% Cnde~~ 42,000 members. Empbaal1 on fundamental• rather Rcgion11l Awards were presented by 23.8'i'o ll.7% 14.3% 39.3% 19.7% 27.5% than details Cc1l. George F. Adams, nnti onnl hiswr· Courteous ln!atment hy lite In· 14.7% !\.8% inn, lo Alph:t Chapter of Norwich Uni7.5% 82.1% 14.6% 10.0% atructor versity nnd i'.cl:a Chapter or University NEC ATIVF. ITEM uf New ll nmpshire for scholastic 56.8% 61.7% nchievcmcnl. ·n1c " Man Mile Awnrd'' 71.4% 75.0% (18.3% lnatnJctor'• 11111 of ~arcum 67.5% 60.2% 50.0% 57.1% 50.0% 58$% 47.5% fnelructor'• uae of fear 39.7% 52.9% wns presented to Camma Chapter of 52.4% 39.1 % 48.8% lnttructor'e uae of eelf.apJtroval 40.0% Univuslly of Maine whose 22-man delePeraonal crou·examlnatlon by 23.8% 20.6% galion tnl\'cled the farthest distance. the lnelructor 27.5% 26.2% 32.1 % 2U% All one hundred delegates attended 22.7% 20.6% Crade~ 11.9% 14.3% 14.6% 10.0% the aforrmentionerl banquet wbich cliTable 2 breakt the anawen of the junion and aen io111 down arc-ordin~t to cia•• mn:tt'd the con\'rntions festivities. IIJindlnjl. Fecit 1tudent ourYeyed (ll)prodmately eiJbty percent of tbe junior and aenior d~NC~~l Wll requt10ted to indicate whether be stood in the top. middle or lowl'r third of hi• cia~ The ant,.era to tla.lt re<tuest are intel"t$lin1 bec:au~~e con•ldenhlr le•• than one-third of tho 1tudent• indicated they were in the lower third ol their claN and con•lderably more th•n o~·thlrd indicated they were in the middle third of their cia . Only twenty one pen:e.nt of the juniora and twenty-fiye 1ntl onf' half pert'ent of the aenlora indlratw they were in the lower third ol their cl• -. whern• fifty.thret~ and nlne•tent h• J!Crt'ent of the junlora •nd thirty~ght and two tt•nth• f)f'r· " Onlrh l'ul ' fl to Take:- Out'' Cf'nt of the senlora lndlc-atrd they were In the middle third o( thrir clau. Thirty·"' and . three tenth• IH'rren t of the seniora and only twenty and one tenth r>crunt ul the Juniura ue of the opinion thty are in the top third of their l"l!•Jit'('tive r luoe•. 3 I'IINlfff:!'l F' ROM CA~Il'' t 011e fll"''<enttd In Tallie 2 aro bated upon the number of at udentll who thint.. tht'f aro In ear h third of their cia••· Particular attention t!hould be paid tn thr an•wt-1'11 15 1 IIIGIILAN O T. o£ the 11ude nt" who arc In the lower th inl of their c.la~e11 as they arr thr ~uull' nt• mo•t In neC'tl of motlvatiun. The lower third o( the junior clo~ lndit•lltttl ahul tit~ "l>r~C'Iirnl •alu11 of tho Cllul"'le In Mrnlng a living" motivatecl them nro,t, wht•n·n~ ti ll' ;:::::============~ Aentors lndlcatetl that tltls waa tho •e~ond most imr10rtnnt item ami ahnt " ~:ant•luc "l" ~~~. fundDnlt'tttnl" tttth~r thnn clntull~" motivated them most. Junior&, however, placrtl UE LJt\UU!: I'IIESCRII'TIONS Erntlhosl~ 1111 funrlnmentttiR rnlhM tlutn dctllits'' tltltr tho bollom uf tho ll~t. ~1 11• Lubrictrlion llnUf•ry Servlrtt uifir-11 n11y. "Cuttttr'llll~ trrntnr eul J. y the inHtructur" I$ ntorc riTut•tive tltnu "Cnulr•a" in tm;m.AND J ~ .. IIAR~1ACY !"otiYII t iu~. ~r:~nlora In tl~c lower th ird nf their clnM. "Courwou~ lren tntt'nt lty tlte 10'' lllaltlatul St., Wortc·•t r r , Maoe. Instructor rnnt lvall•d tlurt y-two nnrl 01111 tenth percent or thr senio.~ in tho lvw~r 1hlrd of . 'heir cl••~ 11111 "(:rnrll:'ll" rnotivnted only ~even ami nne trrtt h Jll' fi'NII . 'l'lt~ Plwn~ t PL 6-0594 relathe '"'l"'rtllllt'l' uf 1hr twll ilrm• arl! re\'l'~d by juniul"ii in the lower third of tht•i r clua who ron~l!ler "Crade.t" to ~ a much more importan t mntiva ti1111 fartor tltnn Carl and Clanontfl Erk "lA.tUrt eOU.t ll"''ftlllll'llt by the iMtrurtor," Jun io~a and llelllO"" rrjlardlm of cia l§ &landing. appear to be in ~trncnal atcrrrmtnl Cor. llighlnnrl & Goultling c-nnrf'rntntt thf' rrlalt\1' rankllll( uf the nf'l(l t l~e ite.an'l, Only the ~tu1lrnr. in the rnidtllr I reels th.i.rd of the junior t'll • did not li~t " ln'Jtructor'a u..oe of ~rt'ecm" numl~r nne 'I hr li•tt'tl il nurnl~r ' "" and lr~tw "ln•trurtlll·'• use of frar'' 1 num~r •mC', the hrm ''AIN!ay• Cood Srn~ic•" ll~ted numbe-r h•o hy all the othrr atudrnt~. £.,1dence fl l'ett'nted In 'fable 2 IUJlJlOrU the c~ndu•ion tha t cia ~••odin11 he• a dar«t htoarln11 on rnothation. Sinre •tudrnlt ttr nenally are not 8ertionl'd arc-ordin11 to abiltty. tJu.. intJHlrtlntt~ of atrc:- ••nit the po•iti\e itrm that motiutt' thr muft tu ~enll l.n each third of the daOJ .~~ ob~iouo.. Eaeb imtruct11r ~bou ld attrmt•t to inttrnatl' THE NEW rnto h" trarhln11 u many J)(t•ame llrm• u pos•rble. For uamt•le, if an in tnart~~r relied primoril) (or motivation upon "ressin~t the "Practical \-alue of tht courn- In earolnJ a lhin~r," be would be •urrt -.ful in mot ivati n~t apprn~imatdy fort h\r J~n·('nt of the !unlore In the middle third of thdr dus. but would be ~latively uo•ucce• ful In mo!t\atlntt II~OniiiY ap11ro•ir."atrl y eis;ltty per:cl'nt of thf' junioN in the top Jltinl o( their o.l111. Furthermore, th11 1tudy oiTl'l"'l em le ncc thllt at mlrnt~' attitutlr• ••hnnt!r Worceeter' • M oee Modern u they JIU' from one clatll tO 11nothrr ond instrurtors mu~l nuldify their rfTon~ at motivation at'rrmllnJ1Iy. Diner Both the Jlo~lt l~o an!l tho nr~tntlve ltrrn8 •elecaed by the ttt ud~nt tt •liiTrH••I •i.:nll1t•antly according to maJOr. Sl,ty IIOI't'C' nl ol tho student$ in one dcpt•rtment li~t Qrl "Crrulrs" u a potltlve ltt!m. whl' rtll~. not one ~ttuJent in 11noth1.'r drpurtrnl'nl li" tl'd "(;r~tdes" D8 OPEN T II.L %rOO A.M. a ft?&ltlvc Item. " l'nrtlr11l ~alne of tlt e r·oursc in corning o living'' Wll~ l i~tet l M 11 motivating la~•tor hy IIJ'Jlrll"mat ~ly lifty·two Jll:rcent 1•l the ~tutlt•nt• in nne 111•r>nrt• l,REVAILS lllft~l anrl l)y onl y tlxtC(III f)C'rl'tlll O( the SIUd<:nl~ in Ulllllhcr Ul'piHIIIl Cnl, 1\ n~WI'I'II \'Hfl!'tl •• tl,lt•atl ) '"' thr nr11nlhf' ~hlr. In one .Jrtnrlmt'nl all thr ~lurlrnt• ll~tl'tl " In· ltrurtor'l 1114! of 1CI£•approval" II ~lnjl in ten~h· disliked !Jut nut on(' ~ttu l('nt tn 11n Two Private Banquet Tech Pbannacy o~htr drp11rtmrnt li•trd It u a nraatlve Item. All the studrnt• in onr drtt.~rlnu•nt 1n L B UliOW ITZ. . .. . P ... rw ~ WPI ' II d•rated thl'y diMIIkcd ln tei\ICiy Kln•trurtor'a uoe of u.n:a•m". whrr('a• nnll ..,,.11 t\ fi 1 r Rooms For Special ...4 T•rlt Store l'or T«lt Mf'rt rercen t of the lhtdt!nll In anotht~r drpartment indicated thC'y dt·h~rd at antrn....,h. Muc~ can be. rt'&d Into the_-e \lrlanrr... Jlo"'e\C'r. thr validrt• of thr'r mft'n'rti'l'• r• Parties For 10-175 CANOl' • ODA ' • DRUC quethonaltlr. Ff\lm the flO hht JtlrllltK•Int. it ;, ~ihle to inftr th1ll th,. mt-rniH',., uf People one departt~lrnl ha~e t in! d the "l'raC't.iral \alur or thrir t'C'Un'oc:-' rn r.nnmr • lhrnr "'hereu t h~ll _hat ~~~ pi~ rd down 111 a !'«l'nd d<l'partmtnt. Fr••rn thf' 1t,.~4 11\l' llan~poant , II •• JIC'"•Ihlr to anfrr that ... l'('a•m 1..• C'Omnwnh u.....J in t•nto 1 t,. 1•artml'~t 111,1 c.,,. pll"'""•• o1 For Re1ervntion1 Call: not an a ~t«ond d(Jllrlml' nt. Thit may ht- true. but f!ON-ibh thl' luJ.th lo<'h l'!ltUf' nl GOYETrE'S ESSO STATION ~ ttudc-nll an a tletlart~ent who indll·ate tbr, intrn...~h dU.Ii\.e Jln•a•m 1~\ 1' an mand onl) o.ne 111 .tructur an thrar dtrutm<l'nl or .-•1bh arr nut rc:-frnin~; Ill tilt 11.., 10% Hia-.. lond t.. al BoT1ttoe SL of ~~~om .m thf'rr own ,d,.r~enm~nt but to iL• Ut4" in a M'ni,.c dtJ•artm,.nl . .\ no•thrr W'orentet', Muo. Tel. PL S-9579 po lbthty 11 that a •renal I)'J.ICI of tudrnt ;, attracted to 11nc field uf tn•h an·l 11 ,.1




l,un ·hconette


WWPI Starts


Broadcasting l.a!.l \\etk 3. ne\\· service was int ro. ducetJ nl • lnford R iley Hall. This new -en·ice i> a radio station. \\' \\'PI lo. ,·aterl aL iiO on the dial. Thi~ pmject ;1 ht:int.! ~rwm-ored by the \\'PI Radio Club on an experimental basjs, The idea is tn increa-e Lhe popularity oi n future radio st,Hion here Ill Tech on a campus wide ba.~is. An f~l trJn~mitter wnuld h1• set up in Al den ~l emorial and would he recel\·cd al the fraternity huu~r" with an F:'\1 receive r. The prol(tntns 11ouhl then be plugl.led lntu the power ~y~t em. The Freshmen in the durmitory would be nble to recch·e the pru11rnms as they are doing now. \V\\' PI ha~ ns its objert i\'e the prcscut.ttion of all music "ith no tommrrciJI.. A ~ an extra ~en it:e nl pre~ent, nny one "ho receh·e~ n phone call is p.ls:ted O\Cr the radio. The t\\o di,c· jnd:11·~. Uick Campbell and Curt \\'illuul!hL>·· are l!h;n~; their free time up to J.:h•e the studenh in the dunn a lait nf n:l:uattun These l\\O bon \\Ould :tl>preciate any comment~ about lhe •cn·ice rendered by the tauon and they " ould opprecbte an} record3 that the J're,hmcn \\ Ould cnre tO lend them . \1 1\SQUE-From Pott! I 1\mnnJ.: those contributing to the cnst of characte rs are: Adi Eisenherrt ns S.S. Guard ; Alex Pnp:~ionnnou as Stosh; George Klimchak as Harry Shapiro; Rh hard Kents a~ llerb Co rdon; Bill Curran us Price· Charlie lla.ncock tiS ll offman ; joh~ Lillil>ridgc as Sefton ; Spike Vrusho at Duke; Alex Prall as McCarthy; Philip Morse as H orney ; Bob St rachan u Marko; Dick Wi iniknin as Corporal Scbult1:; !lob Bross as Dunbar ; Bob Ta· nona as Reed ; BiiJ Wltitehcnd as Reddog ; Chris Baehrecke as Cennnn Capl3in; llowie Prit.t as Geneva Mnn; Bob j :1cobson as Peterson . To add to the quality oC this )'e:li"S production. lhe Masque h:1~ engalled a profe ional director. ~lr MichuJ Donohue. The )fasque Associntion "is.he to see e'eryone there on S..ttur· clly night Apnl 2 th.


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