he Tech News \ 01 l
~I E ~1.\
SETn-, T \IESDA\ ', AI' R IL
TilER ..:
m erst Tournament Ill
1 be DehJtllll( Club hit one of the hll!h·Jkll• ut 11' ..tJSOn la't Saturd.ty wht:n th• rtuh trJiclled tu the Amher;~ l'uurnl'~ Jl .\mhcr~t l:nl\ CNt~ Out uf J fit•hl 111 I ; tC.Im• Tt.•t h plJred fuurth \\ it h .111 C'l:t client (, \1 ' " ' 2 In''· It turd The :'\tJPII\c team tOIIll~<l!-cd ul H31vt!) llcfJtl'r and L.trl) Uv. ork111 '"ept 311 four ol their m.ltchc, fur Lhl' lw't 11:am n •wrd h) beatinjl l>.trtmuuth
M l.T
Goat s Ht~ad Is till Undt•(•idccl
11 11 " 'chomc homt' tr.l\tllt·r' "'" "' h(l!lilc•• ~u:\1 h,,, rtturnt•tl from 1h hnt• r tr.l\t'l~ nonr lht• \\Or-e for 11~ t'\ t~t·nt'ntt' And \\ht·n· hJ' uur rehcllwu• (;ll.il' l ktd txrn · l ht• r.w elf tht• m.utrr '' that it h.t• I>C't'n tn hultmr It •ctm• th.lt tilt- al•u•nl I~~'·" J!lll tm•d 111 ht'llll! tltt {IUJc:Ct of '<I lliUI h rl\ .tin I~; t\H'CII lhl' ~ophomun· .uul Frt••hnwll d.'"''' l mlced t lu• " tbt• ftr,t re•t tt h.h hJd •tnce ih in•IIIUIWn .l~ ,11\ nh Jtll ,,f n' aln ''" r.lntllll' Ct'rt.unh tl lltt' 1!••.11 cnuld l.tlk 11 \\ould haw 111.111\ h.llr•r.INilJ! .md t'\littnj! t.tlt•• In tdl llw urilnn uf llh' C:u.lt J.W•'• h.u I. 11 lun..: ''·'Y 111 Tt•• h' h1•lll f\ <lm· 1!,1\ 111 lht· f.1ll uf l \il 1lw •IUI!t•nt• tlnult•tl th.ll lhc·' m•cdttl .1 lutlt•th\l'r•lhllll! ,., lit Clll\'111 •II th(•\' ,l("fiUH t'cf o1 htll~ 1(11.11 .11111 put it in tlw rh:qwl to rn.1m ,, , It w11uld thniU).th the hulldimr Tlw 1111•11 •tllnt ht.•t.tme thc lll·l•tul nf till' 'tudt•ut• l '.IH' fur tht• !(WI \\J• 1~1'--l'd lUI from 'nr tu n·ar :1nd hr lwunw J h \turl' ''" ~0111 1111• • '11IOUI!h mm h tthu•t'd ht• hHtl tt• .1 wmlnrt.lhk ltlol .ll!t' llut ,,. 1• lht 1.;1•1 \\llh .111 nulmaJ, Itt• tll!'tl ~.llur.ll h t h t• ' '"d•·nt ' 111 n· nm• h dt.' lll , .• , ,.,( 11 h 1• j ).l''lll&: J \\ ,1\ fotr till'\' h.ul &:rll\\11 •IIIIICI\ h.u fund or . IIIII) llll'll • I•III('Uilt' llllll' U(l \\llh Ml Ill
Two Wilt Ta·iJl To e ompctc at N,·tti.Oilal F~11·1· •
,\ Ill'\\ ihlt•rinll nrray of tl:t~hinA hulh~. colored sketchrs and de t.lll<'<l uu--·...c.'tltun di"pl1~· .. ftlled Lhc \lumni (;) m 1.1•1 ..«k ,,, 00 youn~t 1111 urt• '' irnt i•h tlbpiJyC'd I heir knoy,J. c•tl~tt' at th1· Wurc:r!ltcr Coun ty Rc~tionnl Sdt•nre F,111, Tltl' !-':tit v. a• l-l)(m~ored lw the· Worcc•ter nnd Grt·endale Ki\\.•lllh ('luh• 'I he 60 cxlubit' v.trt" ,hou,rn from 30 Cenlrnl M n~'l.'l<'hustll1> h•Rh ~ot hnob wh~ r~ prelimin;~ry 1 ontc~t... 1\l'rc lwlrl. 'I he fai r ln~u:•l for three tht 1 ' anti hunlln·ds of ptoplc, i11cludin~ fll,;ny T••• h ' ltH ient,, \'i•ite(l tlw colorful ... ~hihit;. On the hnol cHnln~t Dr l>adt l T odd rt'l-l':trc hr•r in o rgan it: ehcmi~t ry nl Wu rrc~l l' r 1:uunclalinn for 1-:xprrim~:n t al lliuloJ!y. ~pukl' nn "()pporlunith:~ for \' uulll{ Sdt•nt 1~111 in IIt~ Field uf Ui· uluJ!Y' ' nntl Dr. All:~n E. Parker. hen1l uf lht• phy it' clcpartmcnl hcrv nt Tech. ' JI"ke 011 " t:lctlronics." ~l l'ntmhilc , JUtlgcs \\t·rc ir!$1k'<'ling u lu lllh in thl' 11)'111, cnllin11 cxh ihil e~r' from \lden ~h·mn1rnl hy walkit•-talkic tclepht~m• I ur mttf\' lc\\ ~ on I hl'ir p rojects. )Utlrt<"~ \\l'rt' S1~tcr ! rent.• M.rric ancl ulhtl lfllllll' \IIIIth till"~ 111Uh( lllitltc•t S1•1t r Ro•c• llrm:ulettc of >\ nna Ma rie ••• nur hc ,1r llw " ·") tlwrc fmc• h•h Cullt•~tt' , Dr Roy C. C:untrr ttncl Or l'rufc·,•ur \\'.ul•1111r1h '"'" lht' tn•k nl , ,.,. •'Allt- l 'fl• •• 1 tit• 11:111111( ' """ m1 ul rt' t t'l\ t•r \\ h11h \\tottltl .1 lln1\ tlw mr11 11urlun..: 1111 tlw dnl>• In lltn\1 111l111111.tltnn ,tl olllll tolt Jl'l ' " l>t.l11ml thrm hum .t m.111 1111 I ht• ftrttfJ.'I' Ill lilt' •htll I ht• pl!lhlt•IH " ·'' IIIII ·" ......y II II JlllfJ:tlin~t t uhc•.
llrit.un ~t.tle Tt'Oi t her~ It II'JIH·•entt•tl thr ht·'t n~wrcl lc•mptlc:il h1 a Tt'th '\rl,r.tti\ c 1<'.1111 th.- year llu: lltr11111ll\ c tram of Jern· Cmtor .uul Ch.trlt·• 'I y~ou ~ plit t lwir four til'· d'i•uh , '' h•PI""Il E nrcr~un and Dart · mouth whilt• fu,in~t 111 l'rimt:tun II tc·:~m .tml the L' nl\·cr,lly •If ~ew ll.lnt(l•htrc \lthou~h the n \\3~ u Itt' for hr... t pluc wtth thrct• tc.m" hJ\1111! ulcnti4nl i and I rt'lllrtl• lhc PruH ,•tun A •qu.td ''un the tuurn.tmln t h:w chl>• un thl' hJ•i, uf ' IIC,1kcr r.u in~ l 'lll~huJ1lh p!Jet•d •cwnd o~nd 1\ mhcr't L Ill\' thr rd 111 t ht hn:tl ... t.tn1hn~ Jt rl) ( uHur pruH·cl tn ht l l't h 'IIC•l l..1•l \ I .If .1l11111l tbh llltll' tht• 1 H II oft•IMWr .11 the tuurnamcnl c•nthn~r Ufl 111 IJl·lllull• H.lt•J Ill (It I'JH:l U.tlt· the 1!1111 \I I I ' llUhlt•ht tf .111 .Hill k I llllH'IIIUI)! I h~ nlt•.l ,ltlfl ''" .ut c.rr (•Wit·ltur th.tt " ''' IH'ttllt dc~t·l I ' t.' tulllf Jlf.tt t' tic• ·'' bt••t i\01n1UII\ e ('fl ' l'lh l' (II\ Co\Ol(IU• •Jot<.t l.t r l!tl.ll • h•·.ul ~~~ thumth lhlh " ·' ' 11111 "lll'tl Ill till Jo. lt•t t rH ,If Jo.IIJ.'IIU' ('rllll( l k • \ 1-u l.t·t ....uurtiJ) I,., h ' 1111\lt\ J rtiUIItl lit •pln l ht \\.1' •1111 JrlllltHI Ill ;urtnlt nl lur lht .lrrllt-tl luro t'• I ht• " ,,.,. f .CI \T:o- tt•; \U I , ,.,. fl F.II \ 1 F: -p, . ,. I 111 .trl 11 It un t hc pno~n·.- m uk 1111 that I" u Jn t clurm~t 1he IIJ•t 111tiH• ntonlhs IIIII ·'' till' •.IIIII IIIIH It ,, ,Ill llllht .lllllll ul llu1111' IIi llllllt' It ,tf,\1 rrH' ' Ill 11111 hom tht· l:11 ull\• •IIIII jlmtlu.lll' lltlluftool I h1· nil\ inu• uhtliull \\llllltll~t• tuoln1 t tl l1 oh \\ulk huul in lu11d t•• lll•Ltll t ,ru.tll 1 .ttltu rt't iiHr 111 th1• I Itt• hem• \It 1\ ,1 ~ rntpr.ltlt .1 rn•ttl • I "111 • "" pruhltm' ul flt"ll'tltll .111tf tfc ll•f•tiHIHIll lur llolllllll.d 1.11 in tholl lht• lltll•tl• r.ulmtt•tl hy thl' ' ·" " " '• ·• ll 'l lltl l t I lllllhl Ill pitl..·•l IIJI " ' tftll'll' 'llw 11101111 '111 l,lid lll' loott l'ttllt'''tor hot' I rlt• , Jut" tlwtt•h) 1:11 till! II\\ ny tlw IH \\'rllt.1111 \\',ul 1111rth loy tlh \ 11 l c•n•· 1.1111111 uf tlw , lltll '" .Ill .. rrurl Ill ltlt•d \\ 1 111 th·~ •·lup •• p.11r ul t '. tl ptult•tlflt"' thi• t•ml•lrnt ,, lnu(l 1\.t• ttJn ~tnutt·tl 11h11 h 1\ullhl dnn111.111' tlu tl.ln~tc•mu• 1ruuntl 1 he Elc•cl ru tl l·.uuuwrrin~r ltt11hl rfl•••t• ul lu~th rtu•r~t~ 11111•1 mit .1• t hat HI!( .mel '''fll'rtlllllll ~ 111111hu lt•ll 11'11111 1111 t·nutH·tl lt\ 111 .urt r.dtnuuruuntl Ifill • wolll<ltull llltt 11 ,111 ••tilt rneivt•r 'llw l'rutc .or \\ .ul•\\ 11rth irnnwth.tlrlr •t'l rt' l l'l\ 1 r ll'l·lf 1\,1 pl.li , .,, ~~~ th.lt ,, 1huut tit •u:n illl! t ht· pmtn 1ur· .uul wa ... \\1111ftl l11 lut .llt't l lltl\\t't'll tlw prtlll'tlur o.tt!letlll\ ' '""''Ill 011\t' r """ •tudrttl "" 1lw lu t•l "' th e \\ t'.tH' r I h•• tvpc ' '" t-fll'tl nl \.If\ 1111( the .1rr.t llf the Jlroltllu r ""' thtn It• lt••l un tltt .ur pmtt~lttr 110 the \ulumr hf 11111 t' wh1ch 1 r.11t 1 1rt11 r /uln f'"l thltlllll tht• Ullllll(' f thr\ .1ll11\\t·1l 111 I"''' thruu~th <~' the wd luunol 111 1,. \\ tlll.11lh· It 1 ,. , I'"•" I th•·'" fnr Itt• ~l.t •lt r• I h 'llrt't' l ~irtl! ,,,,. \II • • the infcmn.IIIIHI tnmprlrtl hv :'\l r ()laver ,n rlhpltr.ll tytlt' prolrctm v. ' ' m:Hlr a1ul luund 111 IJ~< tfit!ll\t' ' I ht prnlf·ctur \\t'rt' •to d tc:cltH th:ll 11 \\,.. fuurul t h.u thr tnt'll \\ t.mm: tlu:m • h ul t muhlt· 111 hr..nniC &he· v 1rinu!o M ENT AI.ISTS Jlt:1Tl' AI\ D TO \! Tl C:u : u u rllt•r• J(i\1'11 t lwm \\hllc• prt·fnrrnin~: tht•tr dutw• 'I 11 meet 1h1 prulllt·rn « tt·(q,hutll r11 t'l\ 1 r >\il• lttllh 111111 thr ' '"'" ''''' 11111 pruvt•tl 111 Ill' ' •t i, f.11IC1f}'. I hl'•l' prutt·rtt1r 111th the tdi'Jtlltmt• rc1.-hl \\\:dnr,..J~, .1 full hou•c nt ,\lden Twu tlrnH the car \1hilc lltll) •.II 111 l tt \t•r un n••v. 111 lull '' nit• pr•wlu• tion It "''" thr•n that the '\n\'y, whirh w:t' \1t·nwrinl Authtt;riurn c~pcricn<crl :tn tlw hue It fom IIIPJ~d for t hrcc red unfor~:c tohlc pt•rfurmantt' ~~~ tht• \\ Orld huhl· .tnt! fur ~ twtlt •trllln wh11 riln Ill .tl 11 intr rc•tt•1l 111 llw prutl'l lhr, , prero.:nu11n nwnt.1h•h Bctt\' and I om t'rcmt nf the c tr and hnr·hed the• un· ·•·ttlt tl •unH Ill' \\ pmhll•m,. I 1r•t 11f :•II l'utktr r u lll'l .Ill ulc.1 uf the extent or f•H:ntful rtrlf' hy IM fl.lllll thr c~r rtllhl 1h1 Jlrtllt'llllr• v.tth 1hr tt•ltphltnt rc• I'I' •·r \\t·rt• 11111 pratt real fur their IN· lht• teiCJ~lthlc rlulit) 01 thl• I)Jtr we :tl th<' curh . nf'l'cl nnl~ 111 ctte the artiCle \Hittrn m fhe ,,, l ~llrtt•l "'1h I urn a ln••tlf 1.,.1 tU•I' tht v.irt \\ith \\hlth th(y "'''" l ht \'cu l'llrk II orld Trlt•trll lll lelhns: uf dQ humur \\Jrnllll! ht• oiUdiCI\(1' ,,r h 111ok t•d UJIIIIII II\ thl' \\1}' 011 thl' IM-r!CI 111 .tn autu ride that Tom and Detty \1 h:ll tn upetl I!X(IIamillll thJt th•· tlu ~; , I ht• l\'flt' \\tlhhUl thr rrn i\(•r• t•Hll; lhrt•ullh thr narro" ~nd crov.cled T ucktr:' nt'\'t'r 'lull ully cmb:ura'· o~n) \lo'r t n•u ..r JIIY u ,. l>~·nu-f' 1hey hUI • 'H'C:l' af the lhck 8J\• tllton uf Ro-- vf tht:ir •Uio]cf'l• \ f t:r r ..r:~ ~·I thl nut tlw 1 ummm•l 1!1\t 11 nHr t h•· • hull· :• n. Tom "a' hhndfc.ided , 0 th:tt enn au•l \OCt' \\armed Ufl Uttt ~ . a beauttlul hurn " thl pulolic arltln·.. !.~ tr m 1111 tbl.' t ~c mo-t •kql11c.rl rriti\ .um·ul thJt he CUI"\ '!In ••u• blonde camt unt1• thc · t ~1:1 r a rri• r \\'tt huut ~torrt " intl ,,j com'ou ld n 11 l fJO"Ihl~ •ce The car "'._ m- :1nd the audJemt (,t c... ~e extremely rnumrOillltn I'IJUIJlmt·nt hurlt 1nt•• the rht' rn<·n 11orl in11 011 the •l >t Cil'll .l nd fount! to be frrt or 110\' .te- '.\armed up Bttt) Rllll I flm tho.:n prtt- prtolcc tM• \1C t i 11 r •im:thnt.l bet\\UO tht drhtr tultd hy m.1nirul .. t1rt' :1 lc:v. •lu~ht t of tit-d. • \\t:rc· '" d nucr uf loein~~: 1rurk frllm ll{hlrod lw Ill! ,,,, ,,, r•lotllr~ nr ntJ Jl:l '-Cll llff l'ncfrr tht•t• cconthttcol1< ,,.,. 1 l t.~ F. fl!'-P•J'" t
t•,. ,.
ANNUAL l>ULL \ ll..r
huur-. of th-cuc•inn Lht
h.t ~ hnally 'II'Cun·d a ncv. (I',IM Jlll ~'llhl t' l'lt1JCII5C. J\ 11 krttl\1 , l :t~l fn II t h• nld rope Wjt:.
l t•t h ( ' wmul I IIJit' \Ill It tilt'
\ •w
Ill' II
I"' in ttl l hut\
rtlltl pic<,., hy I he l'loly ('ro" 11111111111 l'fl.'ll , \\hen t hl')' found it un I he· f1111t h.1ll llt·ld. :O.tnt l' I hnt tinw lltt l <'1h ( 'uunul ha'! trice! In find tht l11 •I •ulut11111 f11r l(t.'ll in!( r1n11t ht•r rupt 'I hi• \\ l" "" ''"'>' problr·m, hU\\CVCr 'I IH' , " ' ' uf n qu.trlcr rnilc rope of the ••ntt·tl thlc kll""' 1\J~ fflund to he nbnut ; 110CJ lmuwtlinldy tl \\ ;ts felt 1h.tl • Ut h nu ~mmmt uf tntmt:y ju.t v.a \ nm '" .ulnhlt:
, ,.,. tu w•:-1•... .. "
April 24.. 1956
Pub!Uhed W~kly Durin1 the OIUrge \'ear by Tile T~ Newa Anodatlon of lilt- Woi'M'.. l l'r PolytNhnl~ lruth ut,. F:OJTOR-JN-CHIEF: Richard Harluw EDITORJ~L STAFF: Managi111 Editor ....•..........•.. Ro~rt Hraudet ' ~ews Editor ...................... Oonalrl Girard Copy Editor . .. . . .. . . . • . . . . . . . Ricbard Steven~ Sporu Editors •............. .. •... Robert Jo' . Galli(Jn
Robert Purple
Future Editor .................... John Hoban Photoaraplly Editor .....••... .. .... John F. Dal) Junior Jo:dhor, ............... .. .... . Anth<~ny Scancella Richard Emery Fredulck Undsey Robert Fobie l.awrenct Horrigan Roger J olicoeur Charle~ Tyson )amts llecnau
JO!lepb Duddy Reporters ................... . .... . John Ullibridlt Peter Ottowltz William O'Neil Pboto~raphcrs •......•••... .....•• Steve Gardtlla Robert O'Rourk
Cartooabl •.••.•••••.•••••..•• ••• • Robert Bru<~
BUSINESS STAPF: Buslnaa Manaacr . .. ...•........• .• Advtrtitlac Manager . . . . • . . . . . . • . • Circulation Manqer ....•.........• • Aulat. Circulation Manager BUJlne" .wl.ata nts : lfowud Pain ter JC*Pb Chenall
John 81nelarra R~rt Beckett ~rr:r MaJartSJc F:dward Glllini
-.·n II
The t:re('k circuit extrnrls welcome tu the Independents. From this issue on, the activities of the Independents will be columnized similar to tho!ie of the various fraternities on the C:llllj>U'i. Thi' week thtre will 1Je much conru.,ion around lhe campus. The
Greeks OE\IITJU l S Dl.DD'\'
im a p1cn ic ,1t John Rc>uichaud 's houM" ln Clintrln em Saturdnr ahrrnuun ~111tl <1 banquet at lhl' Stockholm in 1hc evening. \ her attenrling the h:wquL'I . th1· brot hers anti ttwir d;tlt'!> will pmcced 111 thr huu<;e for a Rrml.tn tnga part). I ~ Ut'~' man} n( cn~tumes will louk murr like ~host oulfl l'l rather than lo~n.'>. clue to the ~het•l , u'>('cl to make 1hrm. The Ox· Cluh will l>t' in tip top -;hape fr>r the remininr im•a,inn accurdin~ to Bnh Kanen the new house managrr. Thr brothtr:. of .\El'i han- a
tion. Jerry Finkle and Larry Whitt, who were suppoSI'd to he initiated int•> Cardina l the other night. were kind of left out due to a part) with .\TO. Plans for the Prom have alrt•ad~' l~et'n marie and AEPi is lookinJl fnrwa rrl w a \'t-ry full house over the Wt'ekencl. •\ EPi 'illrt' isn 't ,lzoine to let 1he otht-r frnternit ies ~ivt' their houo;es a (ace lifting without COD· trihutin~ somethin ~t to theirs. So they went nht'acf and put nt'w hookcase in 1he Irophy room, and arr h.wint~ a new roof placed aloft. The people from II Boy nton Street Wf·nt 111 1he Red Barn la'> t wt'ek and attt'nclrd a fme . how " The Rainmaker." It seemc; that on lht· retum trip o;ome of the brothers ~Ot IOSI and wound up in Pur~a t ory Chasm. I rrnlly can't :;.1 y, but maybe lht word " Pur;.raton " ~u~~es ted 50mes.... AMON(; Tllf t :ttF.EKS-Pa•r f
J unim l'rom terminates the week that will 'ICC' a ll the fraternity houses be· ... m \'lht.trl uf .. werthrarh. .\laxine ing clcanecl to the utmost and all the Krrn. \ rt Frt•t.'<lbtrL:<., unfor~ctab l r , Thomas Wrber Greek' packing lheir :.uitcases for wa' chuo,t•n ·" Swt't'thrart Qut't'n at Ridlanl Hajrc the journer up the Hill In . nnfurd Phil Pudd~Jl«ton JOKJ)b Boaio 1hrir ~cw En~:l.wd ('nnclave which Juhn Nub Riley Hall, where they will lodge. Harvey Rosenfehl was hrld in Vt:rmnnt. .\la 'Cinr \\ill Herbert Chrk..on Robert Vary l.ru.t werk tambda ('hi held its ~~~~ nnw rrprt•.;cnl hoth till' huu3e ancl James Dunne Peter Zanlnl 1-:douard Bouvier nuul humbling peri(KI and nine :'\t'l\ En~ lanrl in thr ~atiunal .'wrctFACULTY ADVISt!R : Professor Arthur W. Back plrd l(f''\ were :,ulxlul'd. t\ fter being heart fnn lt'!-1 -.eht•duled fur ..,un:Nimr F;"'· 245 Nf'IWII Phonf'tJ 1 , l etr' aI {··L. Pl.. tJ-1411 7-997 1 I' u-ln...... a n cI ..L'dl amund llw house all that week, the in \ uJ(u <~t . :11 lht• '\'a1iuna l ConwnSubtcrlpllon per Khool year, $3.00; single copia, $.IS. Make all checks r-yable llrrJlllt'ro; IhnuJ,thl it only riWtt that to Bl&llnn~ Manaaer. Entered as aecond da.u mauer, September 21, IQIO, at the Po.st thry wa lk uul a ll the kinks th~1t CMIIce In Worcester, Ma,.., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Editorial and bu~ncn otllces located In lht Aldrn Memorl11l, Worcester Polylechnic IMtltule, Worre~tr r, mil(ht haw ~l·l in. Thrr(• must havt· Mueachuaetts. htTII IIWII)! ki uks Ln be lo• •M'ned . f11r Tbe views tllprtl!led In thb r-,xr are entll't'ly tho.!ll' of thr eclltorlal staff, and In ph·cll(t'' Farrow, fo:krnnn, M.1tl~·y. anti no way rd«l the vlewa of Worctster Polylc-chnlc 1n5tltutr. l'ralt M'l ll('\\ rt•l ortf ~ fur their walks. llt•ll l'r than lt·n hnur.;, I he loll,l(l'~l timt• rrw rut'tl. The furma l init iatinn lcklk J1l3LI' Ull Iht• Wt't'kt'nd. Thr hrnlhcr:. (rum II J)<'an ~1. heltl elt•t'lion' fur tht· wmin~ tr•nn 1 ''Let's takt stock and look at our boo~" Once each year all companit·'l .uul t ht· n·.,ull'l fmuul J>,l\'e Ol"'m ;,., use this slogan as they take inventory of all their wlOds to find out th(.' nrt l'rr'!iclenl. Huh Fall<~t rwn !lS V in·- ~ wo rth of the company. Hert at T tch we can du this s.1mt' thin~ t aki n~t prr-.illr nt , l>11u~ Reed. Tn•a.-.urer, anci ('Jiff \\'ic·r... ma , St-crc.'lary. On tilt- hollinventon of our activities. tl.l). llw l'hi Sigs ~:ave NJme n(•w We all know the nt•t worth of the v:tried activities at Tech and wr are fa o;hiun It) their hnusr . The livi n~: cognizant of the values derivtd from thtm. However the apathy, with mum and thr ti in i n~t room nCiw di'i· re~rd to activities, which is becoming more noticeable in the studrnt bC'K iy, play tlw work uf the hrothe-rs in thr WeU here "c Jre :~gain , after ba\'in~; But while you are rushing down to hns and i'l causing n Hrent deal of worry to many people. furm nf vrry ~t yl ish wallp:tpt'r. Thr we:~1hered ,1nother week .u the "Toot". the neare t package :.tore. here's a littlt Wo rce.'ltt r Tech offers m:&ny diversiflt•d activitit's to her student body. Wt'!'kt•nd uf the• 2 ht found lhr ('hi The profll SC<'m to put II on thicker tlncl tidbit aboul somethjng we all like. From I he Polytechnic rreparatory Thtrt! is :tn activity to suit the HlSte of each individual stucfrnt. If a siiKitnt Si~t'< l ak in~ :t tnur or Hermuda .mel buvier. This hring!> to mind the stOI')' :~hout one nr our more :~~tile pro- Country Day School: a t Tech docs not have any interest in at least one activity then hr i<~ nllturally thr attire wao; nprroprintr 1olcl rc~~or~. tie said 10 the ells~. " W:llch deticient in one of the most basic requirf'mtnts for lifr, nrundy, ll vi n~ fur that trupir nl sell ing. :\ nyont ~t't lhe hoard, plen~c. :mel I'll lrcl lhrou~h it On Glrls with his ftllow man. l.et us as.'lumt that all Tech student!\ fat into a r lnss sunburm•d knt'~S? again." ,\ ~irl i ~ an cnicmta. She comes in all where by each on(> hn~ at lrast one inttr(.'Sl which could definitely ()(' dr • • • S \ E plannrd a ·· supflre~sffl Dr· ~ h:cpe.; tand sizes. all mentalities. all velol>ed, broadened, and cultivated in a school activity. With this as.>~um p sirt•" party fm laJ>t wrrkt•nd . The Hea c'~t nne frunl the .. fhcrc '~ ah1:1y~ per>onalitit s. One is completely different from another, yet they are ttll the snme tlon made we can state that Tl'Ch's activities should now llourL'! h ()('(·ausc iflt'.t nf tlw pnrh wa.; that thr one \\ho ,,iiJ dn !t '' pile : when it comes down to a rert:tin subin a school Of almoo;L 1000 tudrnts a ll UCtivilit''l !-hOuJd havr t nOUjth Sll(l• hn•tlwr.; and thrir rlottr.;; cnnw drr,'it'fl A JlrOft,,or :lt lhc linhcr, ity of port. This is not the• case, so we must look to t~ cause of lack or aclivity in Jhc attirr nf !'Omeonr that they T urin. Italy, rw:nlly came up " ith :1 JCCt-bo)'l'. t\ Jfirl when spukin~t to another or support in another way. We reali7.e tha t students have the Interest in many would like to he. Tht' en•n in~: w:t<~ a non~l 1\,1) to beat thl.' hil!h cost of Jiv. her gender i~ a lmo~t normal ; bo"oever, in~t. lie .,old I 00 n1pirs of lhe que · diversified activities but they o;tate " I haven·t ).:OI the timr." By buds.tttins.t s:rr.1t ' ll<'<'t''' "ith pl<·nly of lau~:h ~ tions he w;ts piJnrnn~t to U(C on h1 nn t "'hen a boy :~ppcars. sbe be<omes aU h i." time and devotinl( no more than one to two hours a wed< u( his lri, urt Sfllllt' of tht flCOpJe lh:tt they wanlt'fi e.uminJhon. Thr only troublr ,._.itb hi'i circumlocution and ab traction ; a pic· hours. n student cnn :.UI>port a lmost any T ech activity. Is this too much ttl hr. uh my wnrd ! ~ow 1hat ~.\E scheme w::t .. th:u the local pollee didn·t lure of fanciful frh·olity; a sweal· time for a '!tudcnt hl ~ive up? .\ sk many studrnt-. and thty will say. \'r ~. UJWIINl it" .;tift hall <:ea'>4m ca,.ualt it!' 3pprm c. 11w. 'oh t el hi• finllncial wor- 1hirted Circe ; a bright·eyed. quick· "itted. silkrn-bairtd, pug-noced. baby· They ha\'e uther thinl(S to clo with lhtir t im~. .\ s funny a..; lhis statrnwnt arr ..nolUIH1 lo hapJX'n anfl ;;c, they did. rits. ho\\c\Cr. llr no\\ .ll~'t' b., room bo:tnl Jl the npen~ of thr t:n - factd fr.tud. \""ben asked for a descrip'IOund.; it 1~ the one u...-<1 by many stucltnts and yet whrn :10me activity Jiill l't' lt'Nlll wa ~ Jir!'l on lht> li"t with :tnd tion of her current boy friend, she1l rarer~ does somethlnjit on campus they a re the first to criticiu and tOmJ)lain nhout a hrnkt•n fms:rr. \ nd annt ht'r hrot ht•r invlriably reply. ·'Oh, he's got the cutest • • \\hitr-wall tires on his car. J«ally. br'' the poor writinJt. photo~rnph v. actin~:, "(X':tkr rs. movirs. or ci:tnce which •tiel it Krn llrnnanrr tlmp("lt-..cf hi~ \\'hilt lt'Jiln~r t hrou~th the ' .uiou\ rul- quilt \\ealthy. :\o I don't know his a few Individuals ha,·e tritd ~ hard to J:t't :md J!i\'C tn the ' IUdt'nl'l fM pin to Sally De\:tt•r. lr~:e Jl.llll' r<• tnt mr. I r:tmc .t ao~~ chi, 13 ~t name. but who c:ares'" their enjuymcnt and enli~httnment . Tlw Jndrpt'IHI<•nto;. nrs.:ani11rd for hullcl in frum Y.tlr T:tkr nntire Tech t\ J;irl will occasinnaly go steacly-but For the students who complain there is but one ~UAAl>slion. G11 out and lhr lil l'l lime• on this cnmpus. han- :'-len ! "hy, "Oh. yr::-. ] Jnie. l m goin~ steady .\ fll•r t''Clt'n'-he ,tully. a Y.lle proie~· with the poor sap. Oh. I know its bor· try to make thins:s hettr r by hrlping the or~anitati1m in which you arc• rmut.• pJanq fur thr comin~t wet'k('ntl. intere ted. Instead of devoting your timt' to complainin ~ dc'\'IIIP it tn wMk l F'riclny t'Wtlin,~t n d innrr will br hc•ltl s<lr uf ~ l cdidnc ha~ pro\·cd that it i~ insr to tw :-teldy. hut he's got money impos~ihlc: 10 J:Ct tlrunk nn hcer. Pro· ::tnd looks. Besidrs. r "e got him wr.tpOther lltudents will say, •· tr l work at ~me of the nc·tlvitirs I don't at thr Hickory Hou~c . and thr n thr rc•~or l.e,>n Goldbcr~t cl:tirn.; lhat n hu· pcd around my linsrcr. Anyhow, he'U have 3 chanct Of gellillJt :&head ))t'CaU!'e Certain individuals, etthrr frall•rnil\ ~:rou( l will prtK'c'NI tt> •\lden fur the mln hein~: ~imply cJnnnt ron~ume do 'til lhe next one rome along." \'et . "l' bo\·~ , tiJI in Lt on maid~ or otherwi!le control that :tcth•ity." There arr ri~:ht nuw certain ttcti\' it i~~ d.tnrt•. On !\atunlay nftt•rnOcln, lht.• enousth hetr f:-t't t nousrh to hecnme in· ltl'tirnletl. uurr foob of. ou r~eh·es ; cht~sing girls, which hrl\le a prt'<lominant number from ont' house or h;tve individual cnn· 1ncl,•twndt•nts and the-ir tlalt'S will Ili \ ~ludic~ in inco~•r.1tion (defined J~ f:Ulin~e m:'!dly in love. ~:oing b3ck for trot but I dart :tny one of the complainint; and criticiLi n~t o;tutlrnts tu at- wanrlrr nul tn Pur~tatory C'ha m for the prr-cnce or .15';. Jlcohol in the more puni•hment :~her t3Cb rude a"'alt· pknic. :tnd whrn ni~h t falls thty a tempt to J(O nnd work for these :.o called controled activitie<; and not ~tel blood •t rram ) -hO\\ t h:tt because I)( enmsr. l•n't it :~bout time that "-c ahead. The opportunities are there ..\11 it takes is a littlr initi:llive drsire will altt•nd the ) ln.'Qur play .• talaJl heer'5 lo" alcoholll rontent ( .t 2'1-) it ;-.topped runnio11 u ound like ,ibberin~ and sacrifice combined with some talrnt to do well at anythi011 which you I 7 Fnllowinq thr pi.Ly 1hrre will he ~ould ~ nece~ 31) to c:ulp thrte qu:m~ baboon and btb:~\'ed en ibly, It IS im· .tn informal Jl.lfly in lhe Janet F-'trlr to becomt drunk. The tomJcb bold prrativr that e:teb boy who read! thil may de.~ire. mnm with dancin~ and refreshments. only l\\0 Except by "unn:ltuul mrJn~" column ab,taio irom 'pbonintt 11irl~ Cor With elections new blood i!l now movin~ into almost all the activitil''l -.o Tht• hmthrr, n£ Tht>ta C'hi are in -perhlp:, hi.. t.:ml for cbu~:-a·lugcin!l 11 lrast one week. Thi action v.ill grrat· don't sit back and criticite--gct out and work. You will be a bettrr inrlithe p.uty man cJn ne,·er reJ,h the re- ly tren&rthen the ch3racter and •oci3l the mid ... t or J>rt'paration for tht' quirtd I'"' :tb,orptton Gllldberg -.l3tU3 of all m3le .• vidual becau~ of it and T~h·, acti\·itiM will urelr be better Juniur Prom. Pltln ~ ban• ~n made cbimtd ,.,. 0~ OTIIER HIU~"-P4111i' f
IN THE GREEN ROOM By Ted f.oghliu
By Bill O'N ·il
\pri l
Tenn.i Teant Star·ts 8 (; anle late AJ>ril 25 ~""
th.tt the •nov. ha ~ left the hill
eaherg l . eads; Golf Tean1 l1tto
E'c:r -inct the ,nov. ldt the
·ltr •pnn~ ... porh pro~tmm h.1' t:otten \\'o r.:c•, tcr Tech's ~toHer- hot b the ' ca
mto full •"'in11 at Tech. The tenn" tum h1• tlreath• be~ it~ pr.lctice in prt:J)uJoon 1ur a tough 8 g;ame 'lchetlule GrlUUliiOO lo ~e hJ,·c not ~n ht:3\"\' f,u nnl~ t\\O lettermen v.ere hht from l.l•t w.u\ " IUJd. Profe~sor \\':td worth (I>Jch of the ...qu:~d . and mnn:tju•r J un ~ubtk look forw:trd to 3 promi ing ,t':l· (l)n \l:!ny fn·•hmen hnve turned out i•>r thi~ H'.lr':. IC301 :md St\'CrJI h:!\ t l'lliHt·•t>d e\·en :tt thi' ra rly cl;ur lo.h h \\'J &I.v. o rth looks for Dirk Gu•· nf-on Jnd flob Walker to •te:uhl) im· l'r•>\r :~nd .,t ren~tthen the 'l(jU3d \ ':u ity l.·u-:mu•n returnin~ a re .\ mie ll t~ ll . \ltl.t· ' t<•phcn.,, Uoak Kcnnutti. AI tiel· Ia uul Kenny Rome. Thc~e mrn ha\'t' 1ll h,td l' \IH.'ricnce umler pre ~urc and ,h1wld 111r111 the nudeu' o( a hnrd· hit ttn~ t~am . ~len who will ~cc plentr •>i :ttli1111 tlu" yc.~r in addition un· AI lhniel•. L1•c !'\nuth. ~like (;,llhrnit h .uul
'oned \'t'lcran. t~nd tht ncv. hopeful' h.i\'C been out on tht hnl., :.hJillt'lllllll up thei r eye for the ·;o •ca~on l'hc prr·•tl:.on practice v.ound up IJ'I I n d .l}' v. hen the fmal qu.~lif) in~t ruuntJ, ''hich ...crved as the ba..i:. for the 'lt'lcr tion of the team. were JlUyed T he team, led by raptam Roy ~u · llt'flt i built around retuminJ~ lctlrrmrn John Hurn$. Gil Fauteux, 811l lhulev I'red 1!.1 rry. a.nd Boh II II} 1 "'hu rcpr~ -tnt plent~ of cxpcrientr :tnd ~olf l.nn\\·hO\\ :\torr 't rcn~tlh ha, hel'n
ITet--h Rout Oark in Ope11er Drops Next to Not·theasterJt Lat•ros • Teant Bow to M.I.T.
th~ \\'onr, tcr O('l.'ll ' \\'rdnco day. 111 the llnl\'t'r,ity
1'1511 t•dition
Ter h trad: •c:.t,on ~lay 1 Y.llh :1 llltt•t or \l ,h-.1\hu~t t ' .n \ mhrr•t Tht 'imler· mrn h3\r been v.nrkinK hard to ltl't in <.hllJlt ror their llr~t hut, a with .til ~prinlt ~I>Orh tim ..cJ,tlll. hn\t heen
1\•t•' ll oa ~otl:~nd
l'he team h:h benefited s:rcall\' lw 3 m11111 h 111 mdoor practice in th~ gym h•1v.eH'r there i no 'uh-utute fnr ciUt· d'"" 1\ nrk anti Jll con{crned art ~o~lad th<" lllllt:mt•nt weather ha' left The ¢.1mc•· tiiJt rrch 1'1 pointins: ror tht<. \t'.tr Jrl! the l'rinity and I:IU m.Hchrll The-e .choolo; ton~istently held winnin~ot tc.lnt- and an upset victory al(ain't dt hcr v. ould he CJUite .1n accom(>li, h· nlc'nt rhe UJit'ncr I ~ \\lth Coa t Gu1rfl nn \ sml H The complete .,( bttlulr fnr lll'b
\ pnl !s-cot t Gu;ud (aw:ay ) !. Trimty ~Li y
! -lloly C ro(~ (awJ yl s-<.:lark U. 'l-floston U ( away \ I ~-.\
t Q-.fbhson
( ,1\\J)' I
Read the TECH NEWS Eech Week
\\'one tcr Ted' ll(lt'ntd its l9Sb base·• h.lll ~.,~on ''it h a vrry imprcJ>sive 2 1·4 Dowd. Girou:~rd. and Esroliri, and went "i. turr O\'C'r uur <rO"·UIWn rh•:~l ....thcad, 5·2. in the firth. Durin~ th i ~ C1.1rk l'nhrr,ity, Thur..d:ty :tt Alumni nulllljl, th~e Tech rrrors paved the "ll)' Fitld I hr En11incrr' comhintd to ~l.un 111r the ruur runs, coupled with 1 walk ru:htrrn l111' off lour dtfferent enrnw Jml a ,, 0 gte by Ayotl. They then :11lded t•ltthrr,, mclurlin~t fo ur doublrs. fo~r three m~urance mark~rs in the ti~hth tri('lr~ :md a ba'lt':.·hlled homer hy ~lm mmng to insure their ,;ctory :mel to Ur.tm.mclr. Tr~ h 's ' tnrring ldt fiehlrr. give: Trth their tirsL defeat or the llu ~ I rt'mrndou &li~t>llly of b:~lting :.I'.I.,On. ()11\\t'r. lfiUJilt'tl ~ith I\\Chc hii..C!o•C>n ah r h rbl I"' h.lll ~ I" Ued hy n :uk'l> (>it< hers, hri(JNI NI I•• CIIt rii~.,\ ... I'FIC\ 4 • 0 II J ll n ~ II I I 5 ~ J ~ th1· llo~·nl tJil l llllt•r'~ tn Mort' in cvrry ''""''~"I 'It ~ II II 0 n u 0 · • · 1 1i ,..,.. ,,t-,u , 1 I 4 I I I I) II llllllllf(, 1\'ll I II I !(h llf cil(lll in lhc !tt•C• l'"'"lltf ol .I I I 0 ~ 1 II 11 nn<l. 1\l nnwvt•r, t hr tlildlilll( wa~ I'll· ~"" ,. •I I 1\ yu11 l" lt. ' ' It I I .I I II ii II 1 uuru11in~ in I his hrN t C'OOIJWI it inn !If ~rll~1 111 4 I 4 0 I II , I'Itn•c Tt•t h pitcher~. l>on IU''" 1 Iw ~t·:t ~tm I I I II 11,.,..,1 1n, J 0 '1'.1ylor, I lank Nuwick, :mel 1)(1\'C Ripple. .11. ~ ~ \ '1 U I 1,., 11, lin11ted thr ('l..rk h:ttter:. to ~11. hit,, nn1! 1 ab h .... I"' • • I hh lllll(hl fw a jtlllld inchG\ttOn I h:\1 I he llt.;tflf.lthl ~.I II .. tl J ' II fl I 0 0 4 u U II ' I II (lilt hml( 't:~ ff \\111 l.uc: "'til • lnrin~t 1hr t ·r"~" '1. I II U U 1 II 0 't'''tu 1h I 0 0 0 1 I II \ lt"k•tnm ,. •<•lnllllt I!JIIIl''
acltlt 1l 111 Lht:. rear\ :IIIIC~!Iallon h)' the t rc•hmcn cla...o;' cln1m~ to golf f~tmr AI :..v. eu1, low scorer in the <JU3lifyin~: round,, Ron rrrzan Gcor!le Schnt' rr Krn '\i.znik. and R11l t:km.tn The Opot'llJilJ! m.ll l h or the lloi:J \011 \\:I \ pla) t d a~ttainst our cro••-tov. n nvaJ., Clo1rk L'nhersity. Tbr tram look.:. )lurt• and prol).lbly came out on top ur 1h1' frara '> "'iLhout too much trou!Jir The ~rond ;md perhaJb mort lmJ)OrUnt mGilh will be ptnred on Thul"\llay tll(<llll•t Trinity, and thi, ~article "' Ill not ' ' irk its neck uut nny farthe r to 1ry lo predict the oulcomr of th i" one. 'lnr ~tundin~t lineup is Bunts. lloyt , S\\ ct z 'enhcrg. J'nutt::Jux, and Uarr)'. The: '(herlulc \ pnl 2()- 1 ruuty (a-...lyl ;o--uo.. um L'm,·er, ll) {home J \by \ -limv of ~la ., (.lV.3) 1 i -Tufls ( home) li · IZ· IJ-:\..E.I.C A ( 3\\.l)'t
11.1 II flt~&tu tndr II
h.un(ltred hy hn~tcrillll 'now f'JUU I 'tt Jnll cold \\I~ a t her v. huh h.l\ fnr& ~:d many ,t- .. ""' lh \\orknuh undt•r thr 111\l'r or tht I{)'Ol. ,\l,k•I•Uit ,~ u•\..t r 1 he lntcrfratcrnttY mert ~(htduled ,r ..... u. t l fo r \\'ednr~do~y and I hur8tl:ay of this f tthlhfln It l f'l)f. ... h ~etlo: v. tll fti \'C' thr truk coal he:. :1 l.hl_.. •., .. l hJnce to look u~er the rre•hmen .tnd ..'.th .. llu•n,.u·• • 1 non·ltttcrmen tn comJltlltion. The: I.F. ''" ,t".. ', tI't meet ll-elf pmn"' " to lit' Hr)' mterc: t· '\t'..o•u" 1• in~tt ~1th ra,t llmt'• C'll)C'Cttd a' many KIPitl• I• Of tht' 1101\•ltl tC"rmtn IHC •hO\\Injlt gTC':Il
,, ......
llr OI\ll~e
f 'I ~\K io.
l ~·t...l )'t . tr\ ~ llllll't, I hi' La 1\.:aJI. v. ill bt· ••ut tu re tain it~ champlon ..hip :.nd n p( li'llr~ to hr the team to h~:nl. Uul, wllh t ht <;J)~rklin~e urray of frt~hmen running 1n 1hr meet, thl~ year's t ra ck ~ mwn Will hr gainccl only aflrr :1 lonR h:ucl .. truggle It $houlr1 he one: of 1he ht'•t I r meet\ 111 recent ) ta rs and it w1ll I)(' "' ~'" Wllt th the riTurt to com<! uul 1nd 1ont lor )CIUr team fr:ue mtt)' ur mcltllt'ndrnl
sa-l.owdl (home ' 21-t\ I C taw'l) I
'll""",., ,., arnh t t l '~r"-"'r tf
C"Qot· rhtfl iH ... Thum\t!IIOtl It llur >~ lr lh llnlw loht ~ II
llnn•rl • d anl,utt I HI' I~tou" 1, I •••• tttr -th h K.ttt r \ tllhtt 'h
...,. . .... ,,,.., f"hn•tt" s•
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f APDS \id~ ~onhea
hy ~vtn t-: nl(inec:r errora, lrm Unlvtr\ity lipped Worrr~· ter Tcth, II 2, S:uurd:a), at the Hu.slue'a hQmc ficltl In Uo ton I lank Nowick, Trr h's Jlitt her, cenainly drl>Crved a htt· Lt:r fate in the ~arne, for he limited the ll u~o.ktc'! to only one earntd run nnd erl(ht >C'" tle rrd hiu, wh1le triking out , ia :tnt! walk ing lhr«. t\~ ~oorl M Tech'~ pitc.hln~t wa., lhoul(h, North· ca\Lern '~ was ju' l a 111ile hetlu. Ceor11r I>11Wol gave up o nly two hi !'I to the vf,. llin11 hatters, pitching brillio n! no-hit no run hall rnr the In t !IeVen innin K~ The En~tintwl drew f1rst blood in the econd mning. Arter Kevin Joyce lud ""~tied Eddie E1dt lifted a long 380 ft)()l bomer O\er the left field fence IO .cort 'I ecb's 'lnly 111.0 run~ This pro\ ed tn be the t.nl{inrers l:a't threat for Dov.d imme•h:ately ~>ettled dov.n to J)ltcb \ uperb 1»11 fnr the remllinder of thr l(amc. The: Jlu!lkic''l got one run b3ck in the fl,t of t he third on ''"~IM by
I 0
4 0
I II 0
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~I.I .T.
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8, Tef'b 2
'I he Worcester Polytc~hnic ln1titute IAlr<K~ Club u defe:at~d in its fi,.l IC••mt or thr l>Ca~~on hy MIT, 8·2. AI· though WPI drew fu-sl blood with tan unmi~ted I(OIII by Cbarlic: Whitney in 2: 10 or the l1rllt period, MIT HOCJn tal· lied one to r vcn the ~core: 1· 1. Before the fi r1t ~tan&n had ended, H.u r rame r llipJltd " p:~ s, to John LiiUbrid11e who 'l('orrd while MIT was :L man down lne no~ton tellll recovered from thi~ llllt i:~l 2· 1 score, however, ~nd netted three In the ~>econd period to lm·c: the core <1· 2 Ill the lulf with MIT abud Wurlt'\t rr t•layed quite loppy in the \ClOild balf, unable to cnack tbe tl11ht MIT defense. MIT capitaliled on Tc< h'~ ln:ability to score and ~hot I'C · lcntle\\IV :11 the j!Oal, l>uttins two po ~t In radt of the: labt Lwo periods, ~ttivin~r :a fina l count or 8· 2. The: t i~tht MIT dden.-.e and the.ir speed on ful bre.tk ~ho~ed their e~ritntc: from two prcvi· uu llt~mct. Harry Rydst rom and f)ill Ru~elrr ~ere main tll)'S at ddtnse, while fo red Uark, Clurlie Whltney, and Eric Frillt'rl! were lc.ey men at midf~ld. Tbe ~eamt rormal weekend will be Saturday uftrrnoon, April 28, tit 2 :JO with t nwtll 'fe('h. (;()~llNG
.. .... b. Il l
April 21\- A,,umption ( hume) ~luy 2-C'n3 1 Guard (homel Tnork 1 ~l ..ty
2-.\mhcrst (home} (;otl t Atml 26-Tnnity ( auy 1 Apri l JO-Ho-lon Uni\· (home l I. F. Tr•rlll ~by 2 and ~by J
AMOI'G TilE GR£EX.s--J'ro"' Po11r 2 IJ.1ntc'. thi~ price repre ented a •:tvintt FAJR-I'ro111 l'aJr I Henry j. W11rmnn ol Clark Unive~ity; thin~ lo them, for many came b:tck of appw•ima tely $700. Dr. Hnrry fret'mnn nnd Or. Fr:lllk Un- with logs for next winter's fare~>. Some gar of tht' Foundation lor Experimental of the EE's in Lbe bouse are really o•:nATF.--Front te:tm' JOUmttl tn Emer•on Collel!t for BioiOjzy; M,., Joan Macchi ol IJ:Incrofl wrcddn~ Ev AnS(ell's attempt to another toum:sment. The Aftirmathe School; Prof. Wllli:un W. Locke Jr. ol team of John l'orttr and Adi Ei"Wherl! Tech and tht' Rev. joseph A. Mnrtus of lluild a H i-1-1 set. The} arc really ~ood at critici~m. but when :• ~ked a had the greater ~ucce~s by downing Holy Cross Collc~:c. Al :1 luncheon held in Alden Memorial ques tion aboul il t hey alway havt~ EmcrM>n nntl :'.t t.T \\ hile lo•ins.r only tel Eo~tcm ~ a1-·m•nc The ="erutthe on Friday, the two winners were an- <:omet hin~ important to do nt t hat lt·am COIOJ)(I•t•tl ur John Ocn•ler and nounced hy Vice Pre~idcnt f'rRnci~ W. moment, th1L" evading 1h<· rt:'-J><m'>t'. :'.llkc C:alhr;~ilh f:tcrt.-d woN: in Jo,in&r R oy~. de:an of en~:lnecrin~t he re nt Tech. J.'rcderick Harrington or Frnmin~:h:~m Dirk Wri~h t , alia., Hlivct. ha' been thn·c ~~ r:til(ht tlriJ.IIc~. A ~ ,J rc.•sult uf re(cnl t:lfoctions held hy Hi~th and Wnlter Ambler or N111ick initiated to IHJ~ E. lh· is rl•nlly ).(lacl the OthntinJI Cluh IIIII Snxton wa~ elecHigh \\Crc the winner~ nnd they will to J.(et t hat "churc.h key'' from aro und ted l'rt~idc nt; Jerry Cnntor, Club Manrepresent M ns~ru:husclls nt the Nntionn l his neck. It seems that people just ngcr ; llnrvey l h·r~er, Sccrcl:try-TrcasScience Fnir next mc>nt h in Oklnhornn. dun 't unders tand, for no mn tt<•r un•r ; nncl ('hnrlt'i Tyson Puhlicity All expenses ror the pnir nrHI their wherr he went, he ~n l t hr funnir~ t Maniii(Cr. teachers will he paid to the nnlionnl ex'I he llt-hot illl( Cluh i~ pl:mning (In til· hibition hy the Wow·~lc r ond C:rccn- lookc;. tending twu rnurc.: tourn.tmet~l!- hcJorc: tlnlc K iwnni~ ('l uh~ . The tcnchcrs who l.asl wcekt-nd was :1 qu iN Ill H.' (liT lhr• rnrl or lhe year A I C and Dnrlwill nccomp:~ny the Muclent ~ nrc john the· ATOs. They must be> rc!.ling up uwuth Ntl\·it'e Se,•crnl ' in$tlc contest' A. Mee11an or Fmmin.~thnm Jligh nnd for the J unior Prom festivit ic~. but arc vlannc:rl. or in the making. one Y.ith Harnld i'..nllen or Natick Hi~eh . I fn rriniClOn '11 pri~t-winnin~t exhibit <~lill !'Omc of t he mon• enthu.,instk "'~umtltion C'ollt~tc. a home :md home ~eri1·~ "''h St ~i ith.1cl ' or \'e rmont ;llld dealt "ilh tran~istor5 and ori"iMiadnp- hmt hers journeyed to tht Tottm l'olt· o1 J)(h•ii.Jc debate Y.ith Smith Colle!te tntion'i or rndio. includin~t the u t or n for an cvcnin~ of fun. II seem' t hat Ill Nurth:lmJllOil llnwe\tr. :t., thin~ ~olu ~un battery Ambler cxhihitc11 n <illllll.' few brothe r5 have i><'<'n fti <.:tp· •t:1nl! nn11 the D:~rtmouth No,·ice in\i\\'Orkin.l! model of :~n rlcctronic: eye de· J)(':lrin~ on the )YCekend :tnd nth·nrl t.ttiun m:ty lu\' t' Ill he refuc.,d becau•tvice for detcrtintt the faulty OJit'rntiOfl in~ p.1rties at tht' Tuh<i chapter wht•rt• nf lark or fund\ of cappin~t mnchinc~ u~cd in hottlimt a p::my is s uppo<;(-cl to IX' a party. Tu ractoric~. f;OATS 11.:,\U- Fm m Po•' I Honomblt mention in the jod~:ing J!Ct thr fu ll story behind thi" rumur went to Willinm 7.:m, n ~nior nt Clno;.,i- ju<.t a.~k Collie Pnmfmy nml l>on hot!)', in Jl.Ht that ~~ Uut t.he quco-tion t"l rfN' :t' 111 Y.ho \\lluhl keel> the Goat~ cal Hi11h rhool lor hi <i uhihit on I h·ad Com pet ilion for the ht·nd becamt· rocket theory onrl development h in· t\irk. <tuit e keen. nml :my nw:m~ or attaining Th:tl is it from t he lil.(ht ~iclr nf tlw eluded workinlt model'! of n rocket il!ni11 wt•rc 1wrrni,.,ihlt•. \!any mc.tns \\ere tion nnd motor, u~inJ( gn~ollnc fuel. ''Tnot'' according tu tlw c;n·r·k s for Cold lnpcl pins nnd cc:rtiftcntM were ju:o;t nhoul two weeks. Ne'<l wrck j, U'\1'11, ~0 thnl tht• 1(0:11 (UUIId 00 IIC:Jn: e•ven In rleal h hnnlly the he:1d ~ol ~~· presented to till' two wlnn t•rs nod silvtr dcli nitc·h nnt flworahl<' tu h:t\IC' a henl up thnt it wn~ clccided \ tl J(ive it lnr~el pins nnd rcrtlftcot eN HI the SS its ftnnl reNt. Thcl dasl! nf 'IJ.l presented other fmullst!l who we re sclcctccl fo r t he :'\t•ws. it is a prri(ld of rc·st . tht• riM~ nf ',11 wit h II mci.;tl replica Of regionnl cxhlhlt iun from mnrc thnn 3000 lhr hc·nd. students from JO xrhonls in Ccnl rul ROI'E-From ,.,.,. I ( 'Uilllll.'l it ion for the new ht:nd CliO · Mn8!\nch ullct ts. One solution to the JHOhlcm wu~o that tinuetl nt the Mme hectic' p:tct. In 1931. The Cent rnl M a~snchu~tll s Sectinn of the Council might put on u dance, the thr Tt•rh Council mntle :t new rulin~t the American Chemical Society prc- prorecds or which would he used tu c:oncrrning the gnat'l> hc:tcl. ()pen rompc~ented awa rd to five studcnt:c for the help J'XI)' for the upcn~l' uf the ni'W titinn y,ould ct·Mc and the heat! would he!lt chcmbt rv "'hihil~. The \\inners rope. There w:u :~lso the po sibility th:u hecorne n tro()hy for the eta~ scorin~r were Ann D. Jl uJ(he or A ~t cn~ion lli.11h. n rope could bt nbt:untd from the the mn~t pomt<~ in urJr.:tnize<l compeli"Science of P:~pcr"; Armand lHCrenicr. Nn\'y\ " loose ends" locktr--.1 Jll:tce tinn 1,ou~h it ''nrkrtl ftne on p.1per Not re D:~m lli11h. SouthbridJ(t. "Eicc- \\here the Na \"}' store~ Inn!( IIII'C'l'~ or opt•n cuntJit'lttinn dtd not cease. :tnd the troplatinll"; Audrct Phllrox of North- ro1~ which nrc not nccded at tht• timl' hc:ltl wnllnurd to !It' the Clhjrct nf riot•. boro H~h . ''Eiectrophorc i-."; Ro~o~er llm\ever, the final 'nlution ramt \\hrn t hn'e Jn•l the hkr t.a~t ye.tr, boY.c\·er. ~lmon~n . South lli~th. "A Bomh C:tlo- the Council learned th:tt 11 wuld .:t•t .a the ht•Jcl ch...-. IIJ~·•rrd nnd lbt-. became rimeter", and Ront~hl Foley, . t rrtcr's ~ood tical from .1 t>a~l Tc.·ch J(rllflu.lte tht• tiiJIIC' of much lh,CII'<iun lligh. " f1ower Chromnto~eraphy''. All t\ ruJ ~ it Will that the (."ounfiJ Y.il" :1hJr :-.: m\ tt '' h:l( k on ramllll" A QIIC"lion five were Jlre,cnttd hnndhook-. un chem- to ~:ct a suitahlc rope for $4i0. Com· th.tl \\111 nu elnuht ht• rl'rurrinJt in the i~try hy Or. Wilmar t\ r;,nirh. chnptrr Jl.1rt'<l tn prier' oficrt•cl hy other cum'hult•nt,' mine!, '' " \\'hat', in the fu· ch:1innnn. turt• fur tlw C:u:tt', lle·:tcl '" Several The purpose (I( the ~cicnn· f.tir~ i!l to I r you (:Ill M:lnd on )'\lUI ht•.ul .IIIII ""~ pl.m• h:n e '"'' '" hruuJ!hl up hy the Ti.'ch ~Li mu lntc: intrrr~t in !.C'it•nre nntl help the alma matrr, 1'111111111 (\Ill' ur tht• prtlpmetl plan• i.. tcnchln~t nl t1 time wht•n the notiunwiclt• 11lwn :-urroundt•cl hy a dnmkt•n n111h 111 mnunl till' hend 1111 n monunwnt shortn~tc of hoth lcttrhcrs and 11cien ti~t s tr you t•an wear :t d1111 n \ w-t unw on "mH'I\ lwtt' "" 1:tmpu• tteil hrr plnn is ucute. rrunpus. wnulcl ,,.,. tlw IH'ad ~nfdv :-tn,hcd .tw:l\' nud SCI' cvcrynm• R tnrin~t rtl ) uu . in a •nf1• cl~pn:-lt \tllllt A third propu~c~l ON O'rllt:n Jlll.I.S-"'rm,. f •trltl' 2 If you can do n hundred pu~h·IIJI!I. plolll j, Ill l'ulltimw l'lllliiWtiti•m for thl' ht•.t~ l , hul mt a ttmtmlh-11 ha si~ . Utult•r Ucsldt.'M, If cwryn111.· !lor!\ 1his. it with tt knift• under yt~ur 1(111 . thi, ~t lll'nll' . o till~" plnnniu~: to show should he quilt• t·n~y for me Ill line Uf'l If you n1o whist le Oi:\h·. :md not clrnp n rr.tckt•r numh th1· lw.ul nu llHliJIU' wuulll ~ubmit nn ~orne dates fur ncxl mo nth. uutlint· ,,r il'· plnn tn ht· .tppn;,·rcl hy ,, And on thnl ln~t !Inti' wi th l11•r you If y1111 can e:tl l a~l wt·ck', IMnUtkt·-.. hic.:ht·r llrl(.lllil.llitlll 1111 r:tm(Hl" ~11ne of can sing I hi~ 111111 ttnd m:~ke ~ure it i' without n shuddt•r. knife 111111 furk . If you can JtO a wc('k "ithuut '"'I'Jl th1''t' Jll.m• Mt' dl'ltntlt' h1l\H'\ cr .uul your last dntc l 11nl\' tina• \\ill tt•ll Y.h.lt'• m ..ton• f111 the From the Saturtl11v 1-:t•flll lll( J'oJI thl: .tnd still come h.tck for •muc mcut• n1111 h •h•lllltl'tl (;,,,,, \, l lead ,ong to end !'llllll'· " l)am l1<1dy oat mt•JI If vou can ~milt'. wht•n nil around you hrotht'l' •hnut fut !ltn:am " your be:~d . , - -- - - -- - - - - - ----. Oam hod) o:tt me:~l stream Man. ynu mu. l br a nt'IIJlh\ lt' nt\ 1141\ 1 THE NEW \\'car a f•~t mntr •hoe. • • OuiJa eye ore blue. t>re..UCn ~tin~th.tm t<l(l Sohtutlc It wn there :~nc" I'd like it \'erv much if onh 1'hlltch m lurt me too It didn't makt' me ft•el w ·llltll'h You \\ere MJtetn. JJ'orrf'l ll'r'• Moll M odt>rn ~lr\rv11l itch quc•rn. c...,.~,...,.,. •I Din~r Ham hod~· o.,t mtal "'ream I
P••" I
Jl cre'~o :1. poem. if you 1.111 r:1ll it a t.IOem. lifted from R PI'~ l'nlylt>t·hnit Engineer:
102 ll'-hland St .. al Bo,.alon St. Woi'CHier, H..a. Tf'l. 1•1. 1·9579
IIY· 8C6·0·RA~Z-O- BOO!.' A Cax. (.ClL.EGiAL JAH (atC£.RT I'M
OPEN T IU. 2 :00 A.M.
FREE CIGARETTES Hev fcU:tc htrt il b 1 Thi- i~ vour chanc-e lO \\in :t fret carton or L & :'11 I iller Ci~rette:- each \\t'ek fur the ftr•t three \1 tt"k' or :'tl :t~ All you h.t\t 10 du 1 rue-- the total number of run~ to he cored by all team\ durinl! the roii0\\101% wed.. 10 thtt I F. nft IJa U Lea~:ue. Cunlr•t •l.trt t hi• \\(...,). ..n kn(l your ,Jule·rulr h :and~ anti ":llch fflr run her puhlilll \" l\11 ••• ..,_,..,,,. l'"ll" I
pectc(l th~l 1 hc!>C prole( tur, "tll lw put intO pr<~~l urt1on In the nc..tr future . Cut rcnll y thl' J'kll projc< t of l'ro fcs~or W.cd~"llrlh .uttl hi' ,,,,i.,t.tnl :'tlr Hith:mJ u~,i hk i~ dniuninu .1 r:1~lio trnn ...miuer fur dw prutt•U•Ir' "'' that thl one \H'MIIII( tht•ttt t".lll huth ht:.tr ,and ht tward ., he X il\')' nln·.HI) h.1• .t lip mi( ruplwnt• .tnt! ,1 1h ru.n nutruphont• but lhC) .Htc IIIII Ill OlU~h \;tiUt' lk'l 1\ll~e the) pic!.. U(l the not•t• uf the )Ct• :\lr l.lt'"'t hlr ha' 1111"0 t"'fllCn trH'nllllll "tth J mnut h "'"' c •mul.ar in dt••tl!ll 111 that uf th1· c-.tr prottt tur hut tht prttl~em uf b••" to m.tke 11 '" th tl the• atr .:mntctl 10 t:tJktnl: h.t, •IIIli(' \1,1\ uf I •l 1p1n1: I• Jlfhtnl( quttt• .t pmhh·m "huh j , '"II ltt·tetl( \\ orkcd IIUI )lr llc,chlc h 1• tJ,u hnn tl11inu rc'-e<tnh tilt "''ue c111lihll trtl '-lll.'t'Ch whu h \\CJUitl alhm Iht• 1r.11"mi11 t•r 1o ill' piau d tn'llk of tht· t•.cr proh'llllr 1ncl tht·reh) l'hlllllt:lt~· tht• 11111Uih prllh'IICJr \\'ht>n tht<~ mkruphww fur pit kin11 UJI t i~'ue cundu< l!·il ~IJCt•l'h. i~> p~:rfl'rh·il . it "ill ullcm a cntlll 111 lihtt•n unci tnlk through the crlr IHOICflelr. The vihrtl· t Ions <;ct up II' hen 11 mnn talks will he carried through Lhr hom·~> and t i~~uc or the hcud lo the mhrvphonc in lhr l)rH· tector Thu~ men \\Orki1111 nn ra rricr deck' \\ill hc !>.tfc (rum the high t'nefl.,')' noi~c of the JCI \ nnd Y.ilt 'till he ahk to lommuntcatc: Y.ith nm• annther t\11 thi, I~ po~<ihh· h~ \\t':lrin~t the Iucht t':lr prnterwr devl'lnpc•tl hen· .11 1 rrh
'I l C:KER '
~1111 ,
p.trl ut tht• 1111 , ll1•tt y'' l',l ' l'' wtth .1 tl.trk hl:11 k hlin<l· fnltl .u11J ~hl' wuo; un <.t.l~t· n' Tum wnn· derl.'d nltuu1 I ht• .tudll'nCl' t.tkinl! thf. h• rt·nt uhjec h ( 111111 1ht• JK'Ill•lr Tlw h'l nh)nt he hdd 111 the• .ur \\il' .1 lrt•dit c.ud th•• t' I"' u.trm• .uldrc,.. .tnt! wlur ur 1\llllh Hl'tt\ I!J\e cmrcttl~ Tht·
The J:rand fmalc to the already J!reat an ad which ir not h~ pno~io, , certainly rc~cmhlt•d it Arter ,·ery rn~tiiY 11ettin~ four "voluntCt'f'" I rum tht· :lUdien,c. Tom \\ Cnl to \\Ork to ha' c 3 ltulc fun Atr:~in he ~cemed to IN' nnly .1 norm.ll \'Oice ''ith norm:al \\nr«<, Uut thl.' rc.ult" \\Crl' rnnl~tic I lrw 1~;1rticip..1nt in~i-tcd nn ''"'·ing hi h tnll H\ crheat.l continuou•ly and tirt~· 11--1' lie \\"..IIIICCI 10 "LOp hut couldn't l"um next dtrened 1\'o nf the men to Jllt(C the palm• O( their rt.llht h.1nd On· "' thr 'e:1t ot a "imple wOOllen foldill( lh.ur I hrn he wid them to Hand up '\u Jmnunt or p~·inl.!. jum&>in~t. o r luck· me 11uuld en:thle the 1 wo men 111 let , 0 ur the lh:~ir. The fi n:~! tritk rt.tU> tuml·cl 311 :tlrL-arly hilariou.~ autlientt tnto t h\•tcrir•. Tom merely a"ked e;,ch mao Ill •II "" I he simple \lo ooilrn (old in' th:ur but enrh m:m founcl it ,, "hot o,(•at" ''Ju•t like the old f:t ~hiontd kill·hcn -.tm•e·· . !>:tid one pnrttcip:lnt. A curcful t:hcrl; ~bowed that the chnir con· tni ncd nn ~:timmick s. But t~· and ~it OQ It! Thi.; wuund up the Tucker\ tJCrfOrrn· .mu: "htch wns undoubtedly one or tht IIIIlS ~een :11 Tecb in yen r11. The Ql>plnu~ lltl't:tin~: their dep..uture wa ample proof nf thi~ rerh:tp~ tb~ acl will do much ww.t rtl., cocouruin,: more ~tudenl to :tttend a• emblie~. Attcnd:1nre •o far thi' year h:t~ been notice:tbly JX>Or bul •f the Tucker, performante i,. indtcaLI\"f .. r \\hat •~ to come look out Aldtn' perfnrm:~nce wa~
I'rum Pn11,. I
h:md tnck<o \\llh h.tndkrnhtd' maktnl! tbcm rh.lnllt> cultl!' .uul thc·n di'·'PIIC'Jr lkll\' nc't a•ket.l a h:~,hful •entor 111 l{i\'l' lwr lht• 113101' nr :1 Jlfl''""'nt Ill tht• l nueel ~t .t ll·.. lh· ""d JC'Ift•r-cm tn "huh liell\' repht·d thai "ht· m ••tnl..tnJ!I~· thoul(htth.tt hr \\ ,,, tht• :\h " •nlt'\ t~ JIC' lh-tl\• then npt·twll ttn c•nvl'luttt• th:lt wn' in plain ~iJ!hl u( thl' .t~u lu•tut• .tt nil ticnc· ~ nntl \\TIIIt'tl 11n .1 1111'1(' nl p;lltt' r in~iclc· till' c•nlt'lup<• till' nnnH· Jcffl'r·
he continued this with ,·ariou- objects incJudinlr piCtUrt$ 3UtomobiJe ren•tra. tion~ and more credit cuds. AI o ~bt itltntified everyone in,·oh·c:d by namt and ('\en told :1 few or their nicl..namcs rhe rlim:u came when !'he g;l\·e tht t'il!ht diltil ~erial number or a dollar bil whiCh Tom had borrowed from one of the \\eallhier Tech men Thi• amaz.tc~ c\'l'~·one and tf there il' a trick to thts act. it cenn.inly "ill ne'er be di!con~red t.y .tny audience. Tom's speech •ctmed ro he only 3\i!rn~:te 50 that it i-. doubt. ful t hal Betty could dctcnnim• th~ ob. Jt'CI <. merely by what be \\ ,,, ~ayin11 . fie. , idt·~ T om didn't e,·en kn ow the nick. n .1 mc~ which she corrcClly ~:l\'e 1
Ctl\'t' rt•d
tat ion C.arl and Clartnt t
Cor . Highland & Goulding Strc-e le ••.41N'trYI Good