1956 v47 i4

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The Tech News



\ OI.l \II \l.\ II

~ liMDEI\ ·~



Pr<•sidcnt Land •PROF. PRICE

Young Facttlty' RaJJi{l Pro!!re ~~

I u11\ IIH mt•mher~ 111 the Y11unl! 1Jwh \ \ .-uu.lllun Jll r ntlt.'tl .1 lundll'lln mt'l'lll·~ 111 1he mJin rl'Ct:ptlun ' '"'"' ,., '-.1n 1ur I R1ll'\' II a II un \\ t:dn• •tl.t 1 ().tuloc·r q .\fccr il ·hurt hu•rnt'•• .1ncl tun• h l'rc•ft! ...,ur J C Jnhn••lll c•l the f'hl •II• l kp.trlmenl f'r~·idcnl nf lht \ uunll I .rtult~ " "HI~I:tllnn . uttrutlull·tl tht 'l"''.tker Pre•itl1·nt Unm11dl I lw l'rc•ult.'lll npw .. ,~d "'"'"'f.ttl run f11r I hr IIJIJIUrl Ullll \ Ill piJ\' ;t Jl.trt Ill 11111 mil IIIII thr You111r En~tint't· nnll I t.n h~r' I1111Ufl of the .\ mcmcan "mrl't) fur ~.n~tuw~·rinlo( t:dut.ttion "h1l1· hl' "·'' :'>l'lrtlll\ 111 that or~Jilll.ltwn li t· tn· dtt.tletl th.ll tbt• ur~ot.tniZJll on " hr.:hh \\vrth•.tult' tn den~l{lllnlt'nt amun11 \'oun.: ""1111ll't'rilllz tt.•achcr' • 'I hl' l'rr-.rd{·nt ~.tid ch.ll h~ lwltl'\1'' th.ll ,, ~tnod lruclll'r i!> trr.;l uf, tdl 11 ~dwl.r ~ 11 hu mw.t dt'VIHC a ~trent llt:.rl of llllll' lll his prulc~~i cJn . Tht: l 'r~t.i dt:ul nulha11·1l th.tl in thi ~ t'onnt:diun. tlw Ho,ml uf TnNt·c ~ h.b ~~~·en the LH ull1 ~nrl iHhnllll\l rJti\Jil JIH!Io(r.llll " ~·0( IIUr.IAt' mt·nl and .rid in order to maintJtn th~ ln•lltutc., ,t.uuhn~ot :t!> one uf the lt•ad 11111 t•n~tmterin~: c ullt•~otc<t in t hr wuntn Ht: pumtt·tl out t hJl 1he Uu.ml h:ul m.nlt: J\,lll.thle 3111111 thr• )l':lr a $\000 fund fur the faruh''' edut.lltuiiJ I .rd· \,lllc t:llll'nl In adclruon tht\ h,l\e nurlt• ~\JIIo~IJI,· thr ln,titulc, rr earth fJ 11h




l'rnt \I L J\\ rctH t• l'rh t .1 n 1ntl Jc·t \\ ur, l'•lr:r Ptth lt't h1m lrt•lllll' t t.tnlll\ ... intc hr• .:r.ulu.llh•n tlwrt' rn l'nO, h:1· h~'t'n lJIP•IIIllt'tl h,•ul ul tht• •lrp.lrtmt:nt 111 mr, h.tnn.rl ~·nt:lllll'rlllll .Hnmhn~t 111 \ rthur ll rtlll\\ell lit• ,m,t·1•d<. the l.llt' l'ruf t .lr.r•un II \1 .1d 'ullt•lll!b \\ hu h.ul ht•t·n tlq1.1rl • nll'lll luJtf •IOC~ 1'1-111 I \\'lu i, 111 an-truttc~r 111 tht nwthJnh tl t'OI:tnt'l·rm.: .!t'll.trllrwnt l'rc•l l' rr. • n H'l\1 •I h1• ma•ttr tti •ot•ntt' tlt·~tru• 111 I•13 1 I It• l>t•t .utw prnfto--ur ttl mJdmu: lk,.ll-(11 in I 'Hi .rntl Ill 1 1 J.I~ Jo..11l v 111 hb tc.l,hin~ tn fl't'r lw ~:;rint•cl l'l'tlil(llltiun in the lrrhi ul phllln t·l,r~l• dt} , tl ' 11cJJ J~ Ill nl\'l,llillj.ti,IJiltl lho• npllt:tl -•ud\' ur lht: • trurlurt• llf llll'l.ll... I ht• fnmwr tn\'oh·e· u•r 111 pnl.rrrncl lr~tlu tn ,,h.ene •trc-. •untt·ntr.tllun 111 mudd, m.1ck: (rnm pl:l,tu'


L1•1 \Or

I hr tl.1ncr "rll he held rn \ldt>n ~It ,,.,. ROI't: rl U . DA 'liC&--1•,.,,. :;

Yt lenJ~y the peuplr of the ~.Ilion wt-nl lu the llnll~ once for I h• JIUrpll•r "Cit:!CI ing a leader T ime 1\ ill J~~<h.re the Wl~tlnm oi their de< i<ion u•t \\ l'Ck thr •turlent l•11dv ol \\'o rCt·•ttr 1 cc b rxpre--ed it •enumtnt rt.:ardmr tht- chuitt of a l'rt"'Jrnt Tht

'en rJumor, ' uphomnn·· I rcshmrn

... ~ IJ;

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A.C.S. to Hear R. 1{. Bertrand

1/mwrt lh-t1hky R•1hcrt 1 ., lll.rkc·..lc·r Alll<•rt IJ Ill , .... ,,w Ruhcrt i\ ll nl("luutl Rnyuruntl k llnjtl' l{ah,r rd (; , J.:cll'hl , lion' H., l'aul II rue e I· l!tll'hrt•ckc· ( hri,ltlln S , ll nrril(.tn I~HHI'III t II Jr '-c.tnrf'llu AnI h1111V \ , ,\ I Jll ht'll Rnbc rl 'I Jylur ' I hr lll'Jtl 1111'1'1 IIIII of I ht• W Jl I. I U ) 11hn" \ ll!·hrurl(r·r O•un lrl I lJta· mund Rulwrl I. IJum 1 llrnry J , J r., rJcnl choat•tc•r uf till' i\memtn C"hemir~l "•ttll'l)' .o.rll to~ke plarr 'I hur dJy t'H ,.,. IIO"ut ~•a,.,. 2 rumt ~ro~.tml..-r II ,,, 7 I' \1 10 '- tit Lury ~ II \lr Kt·nr K H~"rtrand aut I , ·t ~kt•r ~~orll addrc· ~ the ~eruup un WHAT: Rope Pull rart.on -carl""' IJhlld urtl fru· rc>t11111n WHEN: November 10 \ II C'hl'mi 111, C'hrrntt tl Jo.n~ri1r r• r TIME: After the football game l'b~ 111 1 rml I rt·•lunt·n un• wclc•11nt· WHERE: Institute Pond Rtfn··hmrnl5 11o1ll lw tnrtl lullc,\\mll /•11 t/

murk rh•t 1ion JlrtH·cd to II(' an hi~rn· ho111 er fr!.'ld c!Jy. II i~ muM trn prc,~ivt hc111 inlt wn~ mad~· in the· ~•rph c rrntrrt' da•• In "'' dn•s cl1d ,\ cllar ~~~·ven 1111 ••·ric•u•ly ch.1llnmre 1he im urnlwnt I olluiiiOil are abe •Uil•IJC a' 111m prlftl lr> Ut.!• \ e;tte• Ch;~rnn '" of tht ( ·uuncrl .. r l'rc.;·ldC'nt5

Er n· hlliHr

44 ~ 56.3 (0 1

\ I lht• 1.1'1 •ltlllt'lll oi"C'IIIhh lht• rrn "·'' 1(1\'C'n Itt \lph.r Ep•llllll p, 'I hr $ i~ lt'nlll\ Jlrllt • fur tl11· IM•I '' huul \l'Jr 111\Jlrll\ t•mt·l11 ,1\\,\rtl ''·'' 1"''"''' I••• l'h1 (;Jmm.t 1kll.t \\ h11 h •hll\\t'tl tlw \\l'rt .m.ttth•tl I hr• , nn•r•h•tl uf ,, ~tirl ~otrt•.llr't unplll\lllll'llt nt •thular•hiJI ul I tthllt' l :rtlljll' I I nlltr llllllptl•lllll clllrlllll tilt' I'·''' )l'.H l\\11 ., hnl.rr•hlp ·"'·Ill'' olll imprH\\'IIh'lll '1111' l:t•ner.ll Extt·lh·rl\1' l'rr.tt', wn~i·• '''·"" :tnd 1lw 1-'t'ntr.rl t'J:tl'ilt' "''' pnt.t• m~ot 11f ~ l iS ,111 t1 tht• l'll'•lllt•ut \ ' I mph~·. l rr ·I Jlfl ll lm ,, hul.tr•lliJI ,1\\,lrlkd lt•ll lU \lplr.l I .Ill llllll'l!•l fur t'Xtl'll t•ll(l' 111 \11 •ht l .w lhnq:.r "·'' ,, d111k fur 111 1lw ••••nhrnttlllt'lclul ~ h ul.rf'hrp .tutl I I mel 1111 t•tulld 1 tlu·c k lur ;;o~ .ttt l\1111

tlw 'l lw :wnuul llll ~llll 'h~ lllt't'llng 1c•r 1,,,, II'Jr h 1\t' hll'll lf•lt•, t ••cl lt\' :\11•\ '"' " " '''"' ,. ol Elt•tl n u rl hcru Ur'l del Nu I ) wn \ I ht• ll ulrleu l'nlllllr;t t lulo \IIIIo h h.l\ l ol'll l udt' K Rlllll1 tlw l<qn .ll .t r ' I ht• nt•cr' t 1 11111!1111111 lur Will\ IIIII h1111111 1ft' U' Ill' hi hnt• ,u 11•1 11 1111 I r11l. ry, (), lull<'r lrc•o·n t ht 'tl'llt' nf m.m\ llriiUJI "II\ Jill • 1ft l'rt r·nt "' tt h1.1111 h wurN·I•J r' nnrl lur It·• h mrn r• 1111 nwrt• I hr t 1.1h I ullt~\\' 1111k11t 1 h tlnllln hum ( lrrk•11n l mv I ll•n• 1 11 .art 1,, 1 II 1111 till' r JM'r h•hnll'lll \\il \1 1\'ll.t'tl lr\ hrt· l.t I \ l eoti ,,r ( unnrt111 ut , l nl\ uf :.!tune l ' nrv rl.t• I ht hre omnnJh•;J an the , t•ntr rl tl·nt.uu c1f ~t a--.uhu dt ~ l'm\ 11f ~~·w llaiiiJI . l'ttnr ul thr JOO h 1111111 hlllldrn~ot .thuut t.ruUI I I )1~100'~ ~ hrrr ~urlht•a lrrn ~ctr\\l!h R I' I \ 00 \ ~L 11nd •hJmltlrd thr• "''''m c,mup 1 >i~ )ll'; " " IUtlrul 1 mdudrrl un the Lmv uf Rlwdt• l•lan1l. 'I uh ~ Univrr· llrt' .1J111.ltlltU rrnm Jl11lrlt•n l.,u rhn~t hunm ""'\\hil t' •clwduk '' lc\" -~~~, :\-1 I I ll111v of Vcnnonl Yair, l'null'lllll l'.utun Kutl:tncl .lml \\ llrl~ th,tn IJCJ' t uJ .I lull ·~hccJuft• fllf ~c·w ll t tlfunl l n~litulc uf ' I c·chnnlciJCY, ter .~rn.ed too late In Jltt'\'l'lll au th r d.t" .u11l CIIUr·t' fo r \\luch hr Ur.ulftlnl l ludt·e Jn, titutt· of Tech l'•lllll.llt•cl :100 000 rlanhll1t Ill thr ,o nollll()' and W I' I I ' rt'III•IHI'cl \1' rr old burldtnl! •t he ll nhlen 1'!.1\ \\:t'r~ 11e• n rt• ~~oc·r~hlc·cl 3\tr:IJil'•. 1 he mrrtlna " '" hc·lcl rn the J anel huu•e luuted to thr rea r 11f thr hurhl· L.t•l I'lilt cc r h 11n1• (nul ,, trltdl 11f E.1rle Kc"'"' m tht' 1\hlt·n Mt'llloraJI rntt in 3 nt·~ o;e<tor l'•t.tpc·tl do~ma r.:t• 7~ •IUtknl 10 Cht hr I htmur• C31Cilllr)' CrettiOJ~\ v.r·rt• ntcnh'<l hy l'rt,idrnl Umnv. I'll r)llfl.rlcl ,., c:arr. "ICt flrt',i· \\hilt '17 rl !11\ed c·c 11nd h111111r fit>,. A.l.t:.E.- P,.,.,. •I I htr•<' rt rt'I\'IOit lwn1u \\c·rr





l l1t cl.ltt tn ru1wmhtr '' ....l lurrl.l\ " "' 10 fur tha" " lhc t:Hnrn.l( u l tht• rcttl{' 1•ull dante Allhou~th a I t" "rll l>t· 0111 "1'1 , J H rnhc trmt: •huuld Ill' 111 •tun fur :~II It wrll he undt•r the au' Jill~.. of the l e~ h 'rnalt' 11hn .rre hnpr nR thett• wttl he 11 IJr~otr 1urnnu1 111 enahlt• thrm tu 1>.1) fo r the ne" rope hou~:ht

\ 'utml!

c; t•:Nt-:IIA I. t·:Xc:to:l.l .t·:NCt: TICOI'II\ 't'() A.'I'.O.

:~.7~·:~ "' ""' "' .,. ,....... "' "'I noNon u 'T A.I.E. K HELD Holden ountt·y li'OR 2NJ) SJ£M. MEETJN(; AT Cluh De tt·oy(•d J>UBLISlJEJ) TE<:If FRIDAY ur By Costly l~irc i\rn~·ru f~ n~ei ·




111 I he

l ur tht• IJ~I •l't \l'ar' lw h.l• lwt•n rt'•t'.lrl h ton,ulunt Ill thl' Kn·tl Kullul • 11 11 I h rt•.rcI L) rc Ltt . II I I'll 1111 m.lllt r• Ill n.untnl( tu th1• cold rullllllo( ul prn 1 •IHII \( r('l\ thrc:td;. .tntl utht•r lu nn lit'• l>unn~t hr .. ' Jit'l'< h the l'rt:•Hklll p.ritl In 11JI7 ht• \\a$ mw uf l\\ 11 1111'11 \\hll funtlt'd ol Chnlen·nu· ltfllllll IIIII ku Ill tnhut•• 111 l>t•an Roy' 11h11 h '' lwt·n J '4tUrt t l11r :~ rh llC anti cnun•l'l thruu~:h 1hr 1-.~Jtt•nment:~ l ~lrt·'~ \ nrl\••· "'" tht ~I' H• Ill Jl:l'l •I ' \\t•ll ,1, Itt 1h1• ~1\'l\ 1\llldl OU\\ h~ .1 \\Urltl \\ lilt llll'lll Jlrl'~lll ulnum•l rJIIIIII. lie al•n nwnlrunecl 1hat 111 h" \1•11' tn \l urnnr ('lupH•r th rmu:h•IUI tht• IUUIIIr\ lhl• f'rt''-ldl'nl h,.h 111111\IJ •lllltr<' .urd In~ .tl ... uppurl 11! l ht• l n•t II ult• .liltI t••uhrltllt<' .11111 r<' ' l"''<t fur tht (uuh\



l' r•,tt:•l



31 l1

251 IS2

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Novcmhcr 8



the mt·t·unr.

'-.llunLI\ :-.:oHmh<-r tenth, will he uh•1' r\l'tl .t. " I'Jul K~·rnt::lll U:ty'' hl'rr oil \\ urtt.''>ll'r l't.:h l'l'rt'lliOilll' Itt hunm uur thmmllll\'l' halfback \\ill takt: 111111' 1lunng h.1l11une uf the N11rw1~h jlolllll' \\'hrl1• l'aul 1\'J' in hi!lh s dmul hl' \Ill~ t.tpl .llll vf thr :.rhuol's flllllhall , h;hktl· h.tll .IIIII h,\O,I.'h.tll IC.llllS. lie \\:t. l ho~en tlw mu• l ''alu.lltlr player nn the fool · h.tll tt•.un .lilt! " "' rlcctt'<l 111 many all· •1.11 tt'.IIIH• llr .ll.o \\3 . th•· lra1hn~t •t hu.rlllll) ••ttrer rn the Wot~l''ll'r ttrt'J U un n~: ht~ four years al W P I. hr h.l'o ,,1"' e"ellc·«l on our gridiron ~l nny trmr' hl' h.r~ c•h>ctrilit'd the C'rllWII~ \\t lh dnu.lhrl! run ~ or timely downtu·ld him kin~ot. l'aul has ~Wl'll :'lhlc lO pul SJitl lk in till' h::un untl thu~ he lp llwm null mnny 1!111111'~ nul nf till' ti re. AllllOUJ(h he is nntt·d fur his tlut stnndillg offl'll'-iV<' p lay, l'aul a l~o 11lnyli ve ry :~ lt'rt tlcfc nsivc fuul h.t ll rrum hi:. end posit ion In •r~nithln of f';tul 's oulstnndrnJt ft'.l h ~ ll hall lllilyer, the J.>COJlll' or hts hunrt• Ill" n h.l\'c piJnne() thr!l lr~tl· mnnl,rl Se\'er.tl hundred ('tintot11iii1S h:tH' houl(hl trrkels to Snlurd:ty' g:1 me ruul wrll he trnwling lo Alumni Fdd an nn nul11 1 nravan In an unptt' \!Yl' haJflime rercmony I ht• 'l't•t h ha.ntl \\ rll form rK 111111 piny 111 l'.wl\ hmwr Fulluwing this, the tUIIl · millet" frnm ('ltnhm "'ill pre~ iflt> IIVI.'r 1ht' fr' '"''' rr 1 he u~remony " ill be «umlurlt•1l \\it h the t>rc~ntat 1110 uf " ~erfl 111 l'.rul hy U ~. Rl1lre'tt'nlall\l', J'luhJI j I'IUIIIIII of ('linton. ' I hr llltnmil h·t hn' been rnt•rlin~e on ~l undny ni~thl 1 fur severnl wrek11 in urrlrr 111 plan Uus day. There nrc ill'" prtrxnntllt•ly frlty Clinton bu,inc~"nl'n un tlw 1nnunillcr, the chnirrnun hlllng t-it·lr'tl11111 11 j u5''11h Duffy, l'uu l '~ high ~t lllllll fuut 11.111 coadt " Blnj(O" McMaiHIII hn~ ht'rn very ncllvc on Llw Ullll• rnitll'l' hut rc~eret ~ that he will be unnhlt· 1u allrnd 1he ~earnc as hi!, hrl(h M hoot lr:rm i ~ 11layinJ! on Saturday


U.. NAVAL RESEARCH AT TECH Onr uf thr lillie known rvrnts taklntc pltur un campu IS tbt U. S. Naval kr· •rnr< h JIIOJ(rum Each Monda) mdtt ~ahout twenty ufTIC'c:rs of the U. S Nal'al Rrq•arch l>ivl'ilm, under the dirc•won of Cmnmandcr klt hud Ourkt, tla of '4 1. meet rn ~trallon IWI for a IJIOI(mm uf IN turt'• llllfl briclinl(~ on mnlltr; o f intcrl'lll lu the liuc 11f re!learch. These l<·cturr~ nrc llmductetl by c,ffirrrll fmm the Naval War Collc~ee in Newport. Clwhiuna lly, fu:ld lriJill nrc tukctt tu pmnl ~ 11f interest in Worct,tcr indu'l· tri<'N "1om· <Jf the otlicen hnve t:akrn two \\oct·k <'minar!l at Oak Rt<hce Nat i•.n.rl L.lbol'll.lrmn and variou other Cun•mmeut Kr.earth division lhroul(h· lliJI t ht• country \l tml~e~ or the facuJty taktnlf p;arl m tht· rt r:m h )lr(lj[rom nrt l'ror, 0 \\' Kerull'rl)· and \\' R Cro11.tn or the 1·. ~- Ut p.trllnt•nt. Prof I 1::. nder· "" uf tht ~I J-; [)CJI.lrtmrnt Jnd L C Jlc A t Urrt•tlllr of the Aldrn ll ydrtuhr l.riHrratury.



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y • T-.h ' - · '·~• tioa o( tJa .. ' Orrl'""tn l''>l•t.... h n F.!JlTOR·L"-CH1£f· f'J thr-.


ln ·th ut..


EDlTORI:\L STAff hu 1 f:t!i:.c • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P. -t ~~ !'\e-s-s &...uor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. ~ ~u ·d Cow f.A:Uu.: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Ji~ 't S~:-..1 Edl·c."1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P. ~ r Ga P.ohL'"!



Fnt • Edl~: .................. •• ] • H • Pbwma:lly M i1 • • .. • • • . . • ...... 1 ,.. f fhly J. dct f.-!:ton ...................... P. .. • ~ •• Ch:lct T).te:.. 1 I.~~) ]4-u

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ktporttu ......................... \'.'d!a:n C.··•n 't

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Ga•.drlla Rr.bcrt 0 R!:l'. rc

LI.J,,. :II H au n Cartoollh! • .. ....................... Ro~rt ft :11J Bt:SI!'\F. S S'TAH: H.nint:n !·lana.- r ......... ........... } h:: B.~r·• A<I Ht t natt: ................. k o!it~ Btt ~:t·~ Or brt r. M~r•t ................. r. ~ ' h~:~ A U.l\1 <'u•o~bUCD ~fa.ru:-•r • .... f:.t.!,.~·d Cll&J Hu~..


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b •rwe \ bn hcvauh If bt"l Cane PA pb ltt:k } &t::et

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Pr •u ~o:i unz·oi ··act


JOKfb CU=-aD Plul P!idr.m-r.c:t l'*l>ll llfiUlO H~rt Cb:uo:l Jl&n cy k owr.!dd l...re Coor.t:nandle Rokr. Vaty ,\ rtbcr Lo\'c•t:e P ,\ Cl:I.TY AfJ\1 CR · Pt !•.. r \\ illam E, Sdl::rt T«h "t•• Phon,.. , \fain Offit,. f'f. 3- 111) Ex 245 Edito rial f'l. i -68:;5 Photo Pl. 7-98-13 AdH·n i• lnJ PL 2- 1706 Sul.tcriptl"n ptr vh""l )tar "' 00; IU1~ celpie$ ~IS !11al<e o~ll cu to pa • t.o BUJinus Ma.n:.(er. Sttond-Ch_" mail prl\'il~-'"" .l>.thoriz('(f .tL \~ urCd 'cr ~I EdJtorW and bu am-u r.lfices lr.utcod In tht Aid~ 3-hmtirW, \\'c,r<c:Utr Pol) t t na l!Utltu~. Worcest~r, M uaathusctu The vlews tX'J)ru.w:d ln thls pa1.er are entizely lbott <.f lbe tdllorW ualf, anti no IUY reftrct the \•lewa of Worc«ltr Po)) tecbrrit lnstitutt

nnon? Phi } " :hat the ~


n tgh l h:i\ t• ior h.. :ook n ju-t th•• ••th• r nll!hl 'f h' JH t \\co·~f·nli th·· I' hi (, 101 had C1 f< 1th•f..dh·r pJrt~ c tmplt-t•· " ith ar•I•rupn:w: drt>-· It· athl·r hurt • U·JH•n•ltr~ anrt .\lpint h.11 'I ht· Ill:! M'rt 11f r:t•rman H'r inn anti tht• mu.. Clml um·cl .. (if'r· o, T . • . (.t Rrt" \ l"r•i•m t~• 1 he f~:,ti,·itiP• frtr \\hie hr ·~ •J' 1. thr ~.! ,I CO]) , r11 1 ' tlllld tY trt .s i r~ 11ly pbnnt'll 'fhl • turday ~ill l}t a IJU~}' flay H,.. ~ ~ f o••tr Tay!ur • 'eHnt;. \ r:~r \ I. II l)<.ltly " ill r ,JI J~ tht' ..!Jmt' on our campu' Lvtryone Wtll lA" 1 •he \\'r,ue~ter l 'ohtcchmc In u~ute trrl •h ·c 1'11t· lht t!Jtl• <'. anuc patio~ the cr,minl( t\·ent ·•".en! uthtr in t,.rc .un:r C'Jl ode 111•ro Orph Ill• a r I II.JIJ, "fi·n Th.tl i . . . hool p irtt "ill r ..,,h it {leak ,,£ encotJn:ere-oJ b) thas r~r n h I felt ,,h.'lt thl' l•r ·th•·r• ,j .\ L I'a ml\t'fl the )tar "''h the annual RtJfJe·f>UIJ i thlt t.h"tr rqmnun11 a: thi ume i war· 'b f h tf hi h :.u t,.d ior U1n· oner 1 thllmbn:ul bet•ern I e n· · men an t • .;.,p _rr •ke•clJ o: :h.. •tuden: beh \10r 01 H" :cr· more wh• n tha• t\tnl t tum l r, lh .u: lhe toliO'IlJOl! '' 3n r. erpt ukrr traditional j•Hl'tin'! gruund • .\II im:n :~,n accoun• 01 II'Jl'Cal Jl a){. "'et:k • Ileal ' "r"i(h" lu~t.Jn' h.lw \\'a\··Thrcl diruwr been ctrcul.llf'fl m ,,rtler to dl \'at~: 1 he al't•nnath oi the 9 1 II 11\\ .n -Thru li!.:t:: •I\ a;~ I 01 th<' the pirit ,,, the futtllJall •qu.td, and u:h..~ t, t·.vcn VJ and 9 1 arou\('11 "Uppurt fr11m tht '< tutlt'nt \I\~ a::n•tmr t hr: h·.:~ nd Wly In ntltliti1m, thi i<~ thr rJ ty danner H:>d t \\:1 m~tlr h1l1riou lr~ th~ wwn tJI C'lintun ha.. cho en tc1 J ·kl' !hat punn~ I'd 1 I cuh hcm11r their LuntriiJutilm to \\'u ru~-.ttr meetin~: .mrJ ieatured lht• ' "•mil Tech nthl~tic~, l'nul Kerrhmn \n 11f the f ,41 uJt ~ ." 10 \\ hH h II \0 I appr:t•·~d a. "the 1rtm 'l l''l I<HI•· out,tandinf( nl hll'IC In high \ChtHII, lt'•t muu,j.,,l dJ , ~•nu~ tht• I '"II· Paul ha' nlouJ rut hi .. notlh In <.:ullel(r


nthlrtic . Durin!( hi' f11ur y<•ar-. l'uul M Uct'n a continuhU\ ~mJr<: l' uf in· plmtlun ''' the whult lt'.tm \n 3\\ 3} Jhlmt' "'"ultl Hrl.tinly he .t llt:(m·.., inf.l trip withuut tht· \\it tici'm.,, imit.ttion.. and nntic uf uur httll' hrru. Th" aturd.1y pm utn II(' ure tht· ftlfJt· b til h~'lm \\ill J:w. pl.1} in(( thi' Jnm~> with m11rt- tit in· .mel tnlhu-.i.c m ~ ~ that a "in un r 'ul'l\ ich nn lte

anuther prt· t·ntalum nn l'aul Ker· ri~.1n U.1y tutf!.nt IIJIJlllrl " Ill ,,J..,., indic.lte hu" tlwy llf1J•r<1.1.llt tht• d · fc1rh of uur fuuth 111 ~i.tnt I , •., J.:f'l IJU l 'lrttJ Ullllllrl ,tJJ nf tht• :tdlvitit• on ~11v . 10 and iJJu, tmtt• tu th1• pt"IJIIt• uf C hntun r111r .tpprt·d.llinn for tht ir <t1 nt nhul ion' t•• \\'uru.•... tt•r Tech. R \\ .s Rll.ll . The TECH NEWS w ishes to expreu the best wlahes of the entire campus for a apeedy recovery



Mo rgan,

head of the Electrical Eng l· neering Deportme nt, who is recuperating from a illn e ss.

rece nt

llllt' l•ri(.IO

011 lht·

\\ •IY



1 he ~~~ ,•her. vi ThttJ K ,•,l:t Phi h:td 1 IH··tem tilt 01~r tl p 1,t \1 • • k··n•l I ri••it~ tnnin.! all jvur. Ill'~ NJ IJU I I ( hath em {IT I htt} ritll·. J ht• air 11.1' bri-k .tnd the !Jr •ther· wf·re il'£·1inl! tht·ir 11ah. Ur•Jtht·r U•,L XirrJ ltad tht· 11roup in 1h• ·in:zme and tl.rl J ~n Jl juh J~ \ J ( • .,j the Hay Ri Jt H••ur On 'tlJrtlay ('\f;Otn.! 3 lar::t' .:rr•UJI u{ I hl hr••lher• \\ t:OI (IJ thl· JhH!•O lft'3 ir r a p.tny ost f mmanutl t'oll,.:r. I ht• i'Urj)IJ·c: ,,j th ... eX{l<--ditiun \\.U t!J trnprtAe reLti Jn· iut iuturt r~:rer­ f'rt<t• R a~ Po.t' I •·k~ mrt ' onn I<••Uit-.JU ""!C: rt:<c:ntJy pJr l.!C'tf h i 'Jh!-IJ K.Jp r) .til iosctJil~ anli -:ud~:nt-: .\ n in\·it:stivn i· hc:rc:hy t::l.ltndt'd t•> til f•H a p.ut~ i JIJII\\lnl.! thl" R•lj)e l'ull I he party '' II bt• htJ.I at '12 J.p l " orry hut acc•mlintt tu tht• rult-. i rt•-.hmen "ill lu\'t.> tu Lt.> t•,dutlrtl ) I he l ( I..\ lthr:~~· hJ" 1ntclt·d nrtl ru nne r Jf} I ami :-u. tn \ 1lkm 10 f~~r uH•rrluc h uk• The I hr u·y •.llllt'llrol \h•• uue• 11hen ll I<'Jmt·d 1h 11 rhr twin sml· h.~tl u~d the bc~·k · to pr,·p.tre for ,tJlfl\':tr.lmt':i on ' The ~· : "'1 r,llll'•lion'' •tolt•\'J•ioon ·ho\\ The h.,..k. l•ron•tl '1IU· hll' ton; r!Je \ 'uJkmJn '"in· lm\1'11 nut ''' lht• -hu11 Jiter \\lllntn:.r ~!'. "J0


IIO, OR:'--From


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\\ p ,. u '• • ..., ~ nmak(r I .t..J [) 1 :t:1Cr< ~· .. II \':an t 1en Btrl!l' RuJ, 1:. '"•

,, 1

\ .-n R• .:er

't'f •J./ II 'IC ' - ,.,,I, I• \ l•t• L llt'rn•tdn Emc:·t Uln'l • ram L urna r f. C;• ·~ \\'. :3m I, • Jr II ttl rltr· n;~nl R Kl•<"h II 11 :d \ 1- •hnp, llo:u '\ Lu .tndl· r \ h.. \ \lc· ll u.:h J •hn )I U ~c:r R11hrr • R lltlh . Ch 1rk· R Cken: ••r Eri I )rrhy, J• hn K E 1·111 R..t....n II I 'llt'r), K du rd J ~ O\IIt:k llt>nr" \\ (:unn. l·h.trlr· c llelth Rnh•rt R l.nhrry,


thtct ,\ ~I lht• .1.1 • l' rc·nltlc:d I lr

I ull• r lht·o

1\t•nt up "" lht II II huh t the huntur ll ut 1 I" ill•c tmr>t'r·<~n:ttiun h:ttl •• ure•l thr. lurrd· and wnud nntl h• I \I u. h••tl on •hr pyre n hour etrhrr ' ' t ~·


m •U

l ht• m:llr •tud. nt~ nt llul.rtt·\ 1'31 ...:, l'ltd H tt{lrs-ltrr n \ 1ttn 11., ton 1:\ ·1"111 prob.lbl) 1hmk l\\tre ht1nrr R ,. kJ \\ llbm \ \\',·1 .. r ) .,,,., ) t l1lnil 111 mote l~'lnt) utd• 1 h••rr ....,, l1r Uerbc:n C Krr•• \\ alt•·r l 11:1~ A r. :~111 h·~ r:ud b•t •prsm: mnd \ 11'•'\ lt\.m,tt'r T~ .... r 1e· \ "OU:td up "•'In~: tu lent• .-:c :oo B • R ~ 1r 1 I ..., !. u.l R r 1.: llut • •um " • I ••1 ~: rl• "h•• ll'•d l'r.1nt.' Ro1lt'r 1.: l>~n- t r } .,., r cb m 1h the I •tu!knt• offi{r lurm m I rJ:tk t•tr.Jrd n ~n:tl 0 \ 1ttr the: r~tl \I lfi ;he mrn t t; .. n•tr ' 'l'f'htn I Lt'nu~ R •IJ.r' \ tht or: nllrd I ~ nup tll\lnd lh( ... ' •n \\ ''.1m \ ' "' •h J•

d huih 31tot b ..r I h. r nc:u mm • "' • tu IIO\'lltO!l II • I lfl\\rt tn r.u c th,.tr , j3 .. 11•.: l n•u '• ••ful lit thc tur.c ani) la!t·r rei u·•·d pro •lf!t~lt~l r~nn•--mn they rru:r.:•h hell •he ren -nm•· lim•· the "' \1 'b' I be J:uti'•H Jt..lim: untlcr otrd r• tu ,,•• mm c •he rh.: ""' \I'll\ I ul b\ ·q~ mf'n Jnd put ntt oi ·,.):nml--ion lnUr



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f hl· an hrou::-ht prumpt thr •u jttn•lun 111



o11mpu ('• n• rahu!e"'l

I~<Uit\ t"\1'11

\ 1•t r m: nll dr r:--rnc th,· pl.!~ t'r• , 1 H 1l•'11 t 1ur ,,,,••nmt• \\.Jrmu;' 1h1 1 h. 1h - 1 1 111 L' 1\t' ""' kr ' ' .Ju '",n•··hl ' h I 1' II• tlrtl:lll 1l.ll Ill 1,. 1 1 "' 1 1• ll1\ 1• ,.c:l IIOIIlht r Uerin11: I'•I·IJI.I ft• Ill till' 1Iw ,.,I .,. 111 t I\\' num.,r:r L. " f c.lml'• 110n Jlrt.' IWI()", II·~ th.ll 111\tlhlll,.: ""il•\'1 I• ) • 1'' II • 1 l 11.'< h h .1\\\t~lllC h •'•u\\ll,lll'•,lll 1 iun hetwe..-n hM~l' .mil nun \1 r I 1\'lur 11 1 1111 rt·l.th, the 1111 ioll'lll In l ht ·•· \\ 11rr!• • ' ' , .:,une•• . \\ hilt• tht• l.m:llll't'r~ IH'Tt \1.\rmmc Of Jll lht• pr.wk, 1h.11 •lU•knt• • ·dll ~~ •l.lndup lotr tht· IIJWIIIOI: ktd( til'\ '•l'•l 1ur •ht•ir ttll!l rmU•I n t'11l 1•rr. rap1lh 11lh111: up \\llh ~ ' R I' I mtl thr i •cult)' •h-rommur,• tht llllh 11h11 1\l'fl.' n~l'l•r lone thnr l "•tr· c-•tuhlr hurl! ,,r tho· hm ,. '" 1ht• lr.Htllllt\ \\\cl.t·nd \ l-,, Jlrl~nt \Hr t• clu1" I i- "tthout n pu rllel h OC· ( • ( n lll\ ru •om I~,.,L 111rr• d m tht I II ul I' I ' Jlu, J.:. l'he <•JH nm:: J,; cl.. o1 ~ •• .:1:r.e w:t·km' "K"D• Ollnt~ and opcraltd ''' re , II• I b~· R I' I '•' ho "'On :ht- : .. ": 'UJ-"-·rintrn '• nt II c:c:m l ie mu t the , n I hc1· ,.oon lo-· •hr l•.tll h \\· h.1' c been '' n c: •d·n lured t\cr t I cch • • 3un h lktcn-e .\ tit r tee I an I ••::tc "uh n c-:~> Dt 'II the b II cb3nc-cd lund· -~"·cr3l ttmt• n•<" ui hll n ,. '' • he \\J I:UIIIl-d r hrd rr m L\\t r .~.. ir 1) I• ' "' to · • .... ,. IH n .r t '"'' /'"•" 3 , , IIIII' I U 111' 1- l'oR" .1

mitldler- fht:\' \\ t' rt• l.tte•r rt m• anol lht• \\oKul:nr&n ,., rn!llell~ 11111 p;wl lur hi ... cnrulou·llhlt•• •I IICrl .



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Jiflr •'tii11Jh h ~ 1 1

~OP H0\10R E "' IH:t m:.n tn ph1l.1n:hro1'1' tuntl lu f'JI :h.- rt·••tutron Cll ehml •• In 111 lml F.••t/1 11 • - \ rnumrnu· R·• "~r• J tr m 1h1· il rl· ,t\ t ll.:\·,J ,ltolll llun'l Rv1,t'rt J )fctdli \\ Jl l'f Tl \I 1 , ", rc• • •mJII ,,• .;: 1 ~ hut .., 'lp-o:t HJrn· \\' ~ulll\ J • \r•hur I .. 11 1 · , b. • 1 ... •' " • t •t tlt'tl •11• r "I 10 ' "r h1 II •O:CIII. J l•<P E L nmm1r· I 1\l~o ,, ht• rt'•'ltll'tun , ••mnuttn· It r•lu· 1 the j l'nultnl\ ~herman K R;alm.n~helllcn .. • • • htlo ul)ll\11111 II h.l· 1111\\ ht'lllllll'l:tlu.ll· II . Hrtllll·r. \\ Jih:un ... ]r l'O~I"'d· I'} . , 1 · m~ lht• prnpnl\· ~ ,lh1or.km.• L.1rn l•rJ•l'r ' rltllltl!t' dum• tll •tl11' j .IIIH.'• • j l ,.-. 1.1r111U• ht•ll•t'• iuliith·.t thllllll: tlw w•l ll.trJ L G1lh;nt. ( h.tr!t~. l •• ''"'~~: ur , . Rtll.!t'r \ Kn ill'ht, )l.triJn C Ruh~rt•. I fl'•hnwn IIIII '"JihOII\IIh'• .II tht• l nt II • R e h J . • tr\ t\. J l• 1'1 t•ml'. "I)cnn,,t Hr··l~ ltl l 'nnnlll Ill olh ' ' " ,, \1 l!h . R I ' • )


•••llli'UI ... r1 d.a.. 1111 n hn.,• th1· \'l';u. • 1i'f ll II• \ ntl111.: tbt•\ rr 1'11K\ It'd lt• lt11 att<'nd :t\1 rt.:l•'t•rul ch-·c· lUlU ii in ny rr.l•• n a I• rr• hn rn • nu:nlt r r • uh-•n e· t'q:.t ' the numh, r o: rrtdll 1 r the C'Our-~ h • ~ •c \\til be c.al lind rt:\ l'\\CU l'tnal N \\Ill r.1no:r (m r.-.• u ., t~nd pr fr :n th<' rai\Cf•ll\ l'nt\rml\ ffi.ul thini.. tht ~ •"" ru n. \\all r:u•t' the •land· ;d- f :t,adem" otrh1e1 t'mcnl the t·t·htr.en n I J h l<tr.•

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u,k ·c T • R R --.,eiiJ,lr.f- J'\\ t. J ~•, 11 l'"'~"ld J R 1l;mte' II 1 •n\\ ', rt ... ,)., R, .•. _.. , [) R "1 '• J JJrn """' 1 I •Ur(l I ," "11'1• ..., R . •It D.1' ! , hr.an l 11 , J \ l., 1 r ""' F j 1....11 . 1\ , ~" .. 1 '--ro.~ b , ,.,. ll ll, OR 1H


-----------------------------PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS

No' l'rubt•r 7, 1956






l'untrar~ to pupular ut.'lid that J)l\.'\'inu-. imlu ... trial t'\perience i" t• "l'llti.!l. a fl'Lt.'lll intl'r\'ie\1 \\ith thl' mana~cnwnt nf local indu..;trit>... b' ,,,0 r l'tlitm rl!n'.1k·d much IWrtinent tl.rta. Hr,l t~i all tllt'rl' i 1111 rw,~ ...;it) lor t'\· lwrit·nct• Llt>cau:-e must Ct>mp.rn ie;; l'umluu rrol!rum~ nf 1r:rinin~ for thtir t•rnplo)Ct''· Sumn1cr juh~ un• ht•lpful tv ..1 cctt~un l' \lt:nl, but thi:. hdpful .:tart j,. unly ~-ruod unti l tlw tntinint.: program is owr. Tlw IXllt'ttli,ll ,1nd imtrativc: uf tlw man will dcll·rmint• Ins pc,..itinn und not his prt'viou~ ,., pt'ril•m·c. If twu men \l't' l'l' ~iwn Jhhtliuu ~ "ith .t romp:111y . tliW with "'lllll' 1·~ pcril'nl'l! and unr wit htlttl I hl' 1\\ u ..,huultl be almp,;t t>11ually qua lith'II .11 tht• l'nd uf tlw tmining program. .\ cullrJ.:l' t•ducutiun dt~~·~ nn t ~~·rv1· :1s .t dl•\'il't• 1c1 .ntain .1 lup lltllrh pu ... t· tHHt din·dly uptlll t.~radua tiun . I t llll'rcly 't·rw., ,,.. a back!4WUIId fur i11· du-.try. T he pr~·~t·ul rcquirt'llll'nt:; ui imlu~ir> .trt' ~' diwr..irw<l th. tt it wu uld bc impo~;;ihll' f11r culkttt'' Ill t.lli.'r lH I hl' spcdlil lll'l'tl-. 11f l',lch . •\ wlll'~l' t·ducalillll pltb I ht• tt.linm14 Jll'Ou<l giw... tlw man 1ht• llt'l'l''"·' r) h.1d,. ~ruund tu wurk illlH tlw m.lll.t}:l'llh'lll JICI,itilln "hich thl' lt•adt•r:. of intltt..lry t'\j)l't t him tu l'vc·utu:lll) ft ll. h1r cliffcrt' lll llr.llldtt•~ ui t•nt.:int'crin~ tht•rt' art' m.lll) imli\ hlu.tl h.l,it rl'lJUin•ntt·nh. Fur 1' \HIIIpll', fnr .1 p u-.itillll 111 ..,lit.·• l'n~tnt·c·rin~ ur -.:1 k•., (til l'llttitwcrinA prudul'ts) it i., l''~l'nti.tl tllilt tlw nt.tn b~l\'1' an l'lll:ineerill1! edutJllun. Un Lhl' ullll'r ha11el, matMI:l'lllt·nt unl) rt•tluirt•, .1 Liht.·t.tl .\ 11-. t'dUCiltillll if the lll,lfl hll !!i 'ulfllll'llt fllt•th,ll\it-,11 a!Jilit) IV ad.IJ!l hilll'>df IU tht' ,i tuat ion. ~unw pc•nple 111.1)' a~;k , "Jthl \1 hat dw~ thb train i n~ pt:riud ttlll'i't of .111d what an• iu. J)UfJhl~t·s~" T lw mnjur purp•'''' j., 111 ;uquai111 till' ~r. tdn.tll' with -.pedlit.. opt·ratiun-. th.tt ht' will llt• t;tllt•d upon 111 ulilitc·. It \\ill gi vt• him ,, hrn:ttl plc lurt' nf tlw 11V1·r-all st·lttp~ .mel ~hu w tlw lN''> and t'ap.ll ilit•... 11f tht· ... quipml'nt a\'ailault•. l hw io I'Xpt•ril·ntt· th nl :.lllllt' ~ra dwllt'S 111ight havt.• al:quiH·d . mo~t tt. tlll· iul( pt·riud, urc llc\ihll• t•nou~.:h ttl by· pa ..,; pnKt"N'~ I hat !'1111\l' 1111'11 mi~-t ht htl\'t' had. Ewry t raillt't' i:- "''Ill tn dif(L•t't•nt divi,iuns tlf the pl.1111 .n ul b ltl ld what lw h. t'\jll't.: tc•d to lt•attl .111d ln11k for. I ll.' b abo t'\IWfll'd tu do ...onw :.upplc:nwntary n·.ulinA \\hit It \\ill lw pcrtirwnt Lo hi., jtlh. Ttt hnir,d tla sM'' !Ill' hdu llltll' a 1\tTk tu ~o:iH· .. pc:ri.lli.r.t•tl trainiug in ~onw pha t'' 1\'hich mar have lll'l'll sl..illllllt'rl 11\'l'f in cnllt·~·· \t tlw t'nd "' t•.u It ph:t't' uf tlw pru~.:r:tm 1ht• st wk11t wrilt•-. ,, n•ptil I '' hich lw turn ~ 111 and dj..,q,,,,.,. \\ilh Llw man.tAl'IIICIIl. \t thr• wmpll'tiun ttf th i~ ptnt,:r.tm tlw tlt'l' ' itulu., tri.tli.;l \\ill lhu.tll~ 'Jit•ntl "itiiC lllltl' un thl· m.ul :.t:r\ldnu tht pmdu. h qf till' lHIIIIMIIY tu h•a111 rnon• 11f tht· applil.lti•UJ and ''urkin~.: in,t.tll.ttHIII. 'l'ltr Wllll):lll) , ltuuld h 1\' t• a l.1irl) ~u11cl ll'''' 'l'llit•ll uf tht• 111.1n h} I hi' ltlltl' .Ulcl llt' I~ l'liglhk f11r ;J raiw tllrtiUAh tilt' nwtil '~"ll'lll

A FRESHMAN'S THOUGHTS ON LIFE IN THE DORM th lllf' end of tht tllitl-tcrm .nul tlw cli!<Lr ibutit1n 11f r1•pnrt <ntcl' 14d nean·r attd nt•a tc·r, 111Hll)' uf tlw I· rl'.;hman /Ill' ht'CIJiltiiiJ.: 111\'l'lt' talt' hut Ill' I " of thr midnight oil l11 un :tllt•tnpt to llllll~ t tht•it gradt•, 111 a tl'it<,tl!1ithh• 1t•v1•l. \\' ith in tlw pa s~ Wt'l'k the Fwo,h f..tttd tl11:ir ... C'cund phy:-il '> t••;;rm. ~ 1 11,1 uf lht:•tn l'lllt:rt·cl''t hc llatl lt•" \\ ith molrr lw:td-; .end . l ~l!'.tdit•r p.tir llilllrl o, UIHI uo, n tl'wlt ddt:atl'd tlw " t•rwrny" \\'ilh the rt•tt•nt cri.,h, i11 tht' ~ l idtllt· E.1-.t , nran) nf tlw dorm t<·,irlt•nh .trl' l..t•t•pin,~.: an atlt:llliH· t•.tr ~:luNI to tlwir r.uJiu,. II tht• l ' ~ t'Vt'J lim·, IM !t1 w;rr anti o.;rmw uf th art• ll' krd ( ') lu '-t' r\'1', at lr•ot"l \\t ' II Ill' nblt· lu 'N' tlw \\urhl thrum.:h :1 J!lll\'i~ht .111d ftnm .til H'l)tlft-, iltt• dl•,f'rt ' ' quih• rrunantit: in tlw IIHIIJOII~ht. ~l.lllv or I ht• Frt·.. hnl.ln '"'" 11.111 pia} ('r... m· 'IIJIJIUrl in).! bl.u.. k I'F''· llllllt•rl IIIU,dt•~ .ttHI ntllllt'HIIIS 1 Ul , ,111tl hflll'l' ,l, I h1 ) il n• t•nc;utilll! Ill IIU'tr lwd It o,c lwtlult· of pr:u.:tic;,., fur thl hi~: ll• tml' \\lth the ""Jihnmlln.., On !11 -.i1 tuC)



I l\'1' l'rl'' ln h:c-. b1·u 1mc ,, ' "I* uf IIi-.{ u-.,iun amnnc tlw f11urth llnnr ".,. al,., ( ')" nut uf thl'"' u.11lwrim:- have t•mt rct·d twu UIIOIII'"''II'II 'lllt:''>ltntb: " J1,1w could 1-.lvi' ht· , ,, l nil'I " , 111 kill • ht•p" · .11111 " l>t w-. Eh•t'


n••11ly 11.1 \'l' pimplt·' ''" hi' hack f •• ' ' murt• and ruun• of tlw I· n·... hmt•n lll'lllllll' :IUlUIIinH·cl with tlw \\ t~rt<'' ll'r i1·mini 11 •· pnpula 1inn . till' tdf'phHnt· company lw, tl'a lit.t·cl .1 l on..;itlt•rahlt· intr~:a s(•'" tht' ~~ munnt ut dina' wlll'tlt·rl ft•rrtl tiH' l''"''h in tlw durm . ~('\l W(•t•kt•ud j,. a lliu ''" i.tl w<·l'kt·tHI w11h tht- foothilll)!illllt' tlw Rnpt• /'ull. unrl thf• dunn• in tlw t·v<·Hilll! Ll'l ... uti J.!C't uut :md ' upp11rt ''ur vit tnry tl:trlll' Fr<·-htn<' 11 ! Jt,\l 1 E Jow·,·.,os

THII' TO 111'1- Fmm I'"A" 2 (lllllt.:l' '" 1 111 J.\ t·rrit.:.m I ur tlw rr ·' "f thr ltr•l h:tli 1 h1• )tl.l\ '' 1 t·Hn hut lh lht• "''I nnrl h tlf lt•t h 11)~'11\'tl Ill I I drt\ t' lt:.tltrr~d h\ Kt• h1c !-l~'\1'11' 'I \':lrtl l(,tll"ll It! ,; urt 1It• r ,,., ullll I I I ••I ho: <I.e\ 111 lt:JU 14'·0 LJrt• 111 thl· f unh •t'l.l~lcr R t\ f',J\ lt~-~1 tlltt·rtt'!>lt:d I K I' I 1•3' uul Tta h 1\ •• •Ht II· 1\ iJ\ nt•lher IIIU< hd1mn 'I hi• •)Ot' \\"3• '(<>tt:d !•1 1'<1\ ln•l>t \\ho •Curt·d tr r,rn h • •el en. yard hnc.

\ ft ••r rhr ~liB<' \\ l• " ' t·r uul tlw l•l \'I r h:ttllln··•ld :ht• hth lrft I< r· I \l 111~ "I tht• pi cy1 r- '!J~t•llll I< I' I tur th• II H.cll t h!lt '""" r•h• ,. lh 11 m11ht l in v .t,, vt·d Jl 1 h J{' •·r h•.u ,., u( 111• tr rt'•JK:< tt\ ~ 1r~wmuu:- I ht pl~yn~ v. •·n liiJ d.rt t•d IJ\1'( thl• Yo HI J t m• ollll l h Jt lht•V \\<HJIU b .'l\<." J o\Jnfllrt~l 1' l .. •fl tur cht; htrd tr;)'ltht vc tr It \\01 ;~l••t 'ht rh1d ll"mt·conurt; t.:lmt· that lh•·y hoa1l pnlltd \\ hilt• pl.l\11\.t a·.l \ Jrnlrl th1• l .:' h c"m!JU·

l'ht• ::011:n.tl Corp En~ineering w bo.X====---- ro~tunt'' •h.m· ttm• hu: pmhlem "ith :bk Jlltl Jilt.'IllIll In an~Ill.' I tht• h.t~tt 11 tlll·r tmJu,trtt'•-lh'ttin): enuu~b cn~i· t)Ul'Stiun ' lhr \\\' rt'.tlh· h.IH' \dl.tl thi, 111'1 r ... '" ull tht:tr net'tk Durin;: thl' p.l>l 111.111 1\,Uih ' -.tn• their o•llur.tlum.tl Pl•l· • 111111111·r tht ~ 1JttJ "'me rt'•t:.lr, h in .In ~r.lllh tl,•,u:nt·d nwrl'l) 111 h,l\'t' '11U ,J., t'lflll l (u II Uti ttlll l\ h.ll t'lli:Uit'l'illlt.: ~r.ld~ lwua '' nrk 1v1 tlwm 111 dn tht•, -hm\ "' 11 lt•••l..llll.! tur in ,1 JUh. llw~ dr· t'\ idt.'llt:c "' h•lltnl! ~ 1111 .:r11\\' h• .....,. rul.tl\ 1l .unun;: th•·•r t•mph1) t't.'~ llhll ""'' t.tll vuu c;m !Wl Ill ht·~~~~ yc•u ah,, lt-H 111 lw .t t~-piLII lt'tlf'r i'rl11n .l thmk th··~ rt'.llh \\,clll ll• ptll \IIU in tht• -tthlt"ll Itt hr.. l>,ttl 1 ,1. 111 ~ .uh 11.1• 1111 )t•h hl·-r -uilt'd It• 1'\Ht ur tlllt' lrcst ,uilt•d tlu' •UI'Inl I hi'~ ,umm.L ritl'd tht• ''' 1lw111 ' u•,ull· \lhh It .trt' pn•o,t:lll<'ll hcri' in I l.Ln 1 ultltp.ltl' ~tl\>1' 1111111'111 u , lu. lt'llt't 1111111 I•'' vnur l UII·'tdt'l.llh•IL. du~t.-~· \ ~ uuht·r~11i1·~ ; it all dt•twmb I h·.tr· ~~~~~ upnn ''hi< h )ltl\ l'lllttll'lll, '' hidt intlu~l rv I .1111 tc•tup!t•d hut 1111ly fu r .1 IIIII · .111d whr!'h Ulli\l't~ity llhl· tirst I w~ tlll'l lt Itt .111>\ll'l \'IIU h) ~·l)'ifljl lh.ll "tltlll 'b "t lllld ~\tUI Ul\'1\ icllt•n•..,l~ lila• \1111 II' ,1 !ttl( htt~· IIIII\ ollllillill h,l\t' Ill lhlr•l '(itlll t "l \\' ith 11'')\1'11 Ill 1{11\'t'lll IILt kt• '11ur 111111 dt·tt~hlll ·• mt•nt ,., , 1 ivih.m t't"liiWIII\' tlw milil.tr\ l lu• tll'<'lllllt lt'IIIJII.Ilhlll j, r.qu dl\ \ltlll11• 111 tlw I{ & I I hu,in,·.- .1~ lc111~ "' f<•pl.tll'tl lo) ,, •t' II'L' 1•1 ptiU<' lh.LI .).1111 tl11• !'>ulit•t lt·.llit.'l' 1.111 I'VIIIilllll' It< th•m -l'fiiiU•ll 1\ ,lltl 111\ llj1111Ct111 lht• !'lm it•l i'L'IlJllt• till' I i.:Jtt, tlf t 1\'ih,lfl \ du.ilh vttur hr.ll ht•r ll vh 11hu h't hutlltl~lt ,tl tlt'lt'lopltll'lll .utd . ... ill1t.' tlw l!t.ulu.rtt·il l.t,l 1 l'.tr .l, ,, ~ l e, h.mir~l ~tl\ lt'l l'k'nplt• lll'\'l'l h.ul .1 tlt•n•ut ,t,mil Elll:lllt'l' l .IIIli Jtw CIUI llt'l)(hhm '> .,llll .trd lht'l' tlli).(hl IIUI Ill!'' IIIII h,l\ till( tllll' \lh•• h Jlt IIIIIJI Ill' dt'l!f<'t' h J l'ht'llll~l lur .1 hm;: tillll' \\'ith rt''Jlt'll ltl t 1\' tll.lll thh It .I f h.llt' .til .t,l<t·cl t'"\'fllt,tlh th• <lllllro•llr<l ):11\l'rtlllll'lll l.th:o v-.. nultl.tr~ •I'll<' 'flll'•'h•ll \1111 lit II\ .t,k lilt' ••nllrullnl ' '·' '' .1 ~lllltl 111 ili.tn j., It t 'h''' t that• 1...1 ~•·•r• it} nf .111 hl'll t•r th.u1 .1 J!tltll nuht.tr) . hut ,, !!•Wei 1' IJt'' ul '"""II '' 11·111 Llh ,u l'llltlllt'l'r milll.tl\ ..., hl'lh'l I h.111 .1 p11u1 unli,111 , I"'' muu•l \\ nc ltl \\ .11 I I hl.t.' .111 LCI.tJtll hn .llN' "11 h Ct\•il 'I.' I\ Ill' III'IIIJI 11 h.tl 11 11 ,11· tn till' p.1•1 lllntpll.tlt·tl .1 IH'IIIt'll· '' \dtlt ,, )lthlr ti\'tlt.ln yuu't•• •lu•L. lvr tluu, t \fl.lll•totll ot l•'• hnulo'-""11 111 ••1: .c lun~ lnu~ tum• .\ uti lln.lllv, 11 it h n·· tl''" ~ ·'"""' 1111d1•r lht' lnnt'tl hl.ht •Jinl Itt 'il ' l•.l. ' ' ,,11 tlu• It'''· 1f I lwn.ttt• 111 ,111\llal dt~ot tkt·p mttt rl' •ltdu't likt· 'CEI. 1•1 1c·h I tullltln•tl im '"IIIII'' nl sut•uu• .mtl tc·c huulu~:l .1ntl pn•H' it '" llw lltlhti llht'l<' I diel hkt• it. tht··• H'WIIII<'' '""'' ll'lt\l't'd ttttCIIIILII' I'd gd llw hl'll ''"' 01 .11 ll•.t,t. ltv. 111 ' IWII 1111i IIL•tH'hb .11 .1 llrlt• ll'.tlly :--,11, , .,11 , luul.. S('EI, nvc·r liiiiLPM•' lfrt'.tll·r lhllt tht• lftlttn.tl pt•,tu• lllllt' tit• 1111h till' nt lll·r tlllt·r... in lt•nus nf im llllltd~ I••• 1 "' 1 1-(tr ·~• f,r t·~.unplt• , l ht•rt• pu rl.teH t: uf wnrll , 11hili1y lo dn t lw j, t1•,tll\ 1111 tlt'l'cl ltll ,nlut lt•l,•vl,icut •' ' 1\•I ll k , II ' tl C r t'~ 1 •Ill ,/U UI 'II tt <fl~ , • I "' · If tlth 111111' •1111 pt'tljtll• .1 11 '11 i II',Hiy f111 :;('ld. ltlllll'' lllll 1111 lctp, lllllll' with II ht••.HN' th11 h,i\C'Il't H'.LII\' 1:111 t it"d '-ll' J·:t. illlttl tltlll't. \ t•l til ltl.u I. .utcl II hilt' I lh'rt' '' r't•.tl ly Lnw, ltlt lft•t•d tur .\ltllllll pulll'r \'t'f 1\1' ~l tll l>.ul It Ill' .IIIIJtlt' ll'•t' t\1' ' ttl 111.11. uti lt•l ' .11111 h\tltudt•t trn Jltlllt'r On till' uth1·r h.c11d tlw n• l'rl c nuhl tnr n.t\IIMIIurt.tl t.ul.ll '"I 111 illll'lr·r.. .Ill' ~;c•llm.: lnt•cl uf rurtntnt.: tht· " ' 1.. ur '"" "I""~ '"'" t•.uh utht•t II llll'hl \ umt tlh till• tt·t hnuln~trt .11 • nmu CIIJtl.l ltppnl IIJNdl' tltt\lll 11\' \\,tr t:r.ulu.tlh 1111' h.H I. In 1111· puml 1\ht•rc· II 11\\'tlltt\1\ .rl .1 trll· JU I ~ulhctl'lll In h tl.tlltt' pt•,u c• 111111' nc•t•ch I\ lUI .1• II trh!. lt.u k tht• dt·fltlnil lur tll'llll h .nul t'lllll 1111'1 tlwt• r~ll ,uul I< I ,\ 1••lut tt•lc•\ i..iun t'lll!lltt t'l ~'l.rdll Ill\' drtll 11tl to •.cl••, • ·11~1 mt'tllrtl .11td It \It lt• tt phy-u ''" clntt 111111 lllt'thl .11 n·•c·.trt h I •11111· till' rlt•nrnud It• II\ c l!iL)j!t'l' I' 1'\ l'f t tr\'' 1'111 I ttllntt.tlll 1 clnt· ~ :wt llttW pn·v.til ollttl 1\1 , ,., 1111 till' hortl.llll CHI 1'\'tciCrt( l' I 1!.11 It Wtll 111111 prc'\'lltl 1\ ~ lollll( no, IIH' ""~"'' l u11111 tUII IIIIIt''" '" din•rt ih lt'l llltllltt~ll 11 (ttr!HIIIIIIIol 10 ftllll!d let Ill\ !I ll II• II1Jij1UI i11tu dt•\t'llll lllll'lll 111 tlllhl .lr\' pnll'nthl .r 1h111L: 11 lllll do Inc .tU•C' lr JIC'ttJih• th•flltJicl ..u IIIII•• 1lVII 1.111 II '• h1111ltljlll ul Jlfllllrt' ·\\ I' IIIII'( llltih! Cih 1111 llllr IIIIIHHI th,llltll.llth lhl'lt ltllljtl)l 1111 c rlllt \\.t\ ut -.1)'11111 " '" th11 t~t·ttplt• llkt• )dill •llltl llul1 .urtl J ••c o~rt• ''"IIIlo! Ill bt· Ill rfl'll l tlltl 1••1 ltfrlt litrh· Ill <111111 . II t IIIIIHH1rnc th.u Wt' tfu 11111 frrtt• r .1\\.J\ 1hr ll<'t ·•llult hiiLI!~ }'liLt h.wr


lttf' I.ECTIOto.S-From Pa1e 2 pitkdt'tl in the room where fac uli)' ami ~tudcnt~ gathered for morning lle\'Otluns C\'CJ)'one except Mr. I h~t~o'ln:. t1•uL tht! joke goodn.tttm·dly. l'hc Jlroblem of gctunl{ tlw lw.bt b.lt:.k on hts ,,ccuslomcc.l pl.llll' ''·" '"'' invuhcd fur me· lh.un, .tl t•n;:m,•er•. ~o a vetcrinJr}' 11.1~ 1.11k1l I It• blankctc:d, 1),1Udc:d, .uul hunJtoldcd old lluck.~ktn , tit'll ht ... k~' h•A•'I her .uul ltlWI'rt'li him rm •ktd• "it h 1hc aid vf lll11dt nntl l.tt J..lt.• Student> chi.'<' Iilii( the pro· ll'l'tftn~' IH'I t' tlrspct·:-nl hy a o,quad of pulln• " 'I 11 lw l'llrt• , th.:;.~• accounts [Ire enter· t.lilltlll( :...nmt.• 111ight l'l'l'll ~,1y thr1t tht•y ;J t'l' nl .111 instiRali n~t nnLUrr. Onl. timl' .Inti I. tit•Ill will prlln tlr disprove t ht• l.lllt•r ,l,llcnwnl.

Wore ester Telegram

• • •

The Evening Gazette

Sunday Telegram

Radio Stations WTAG and WTAG-FM l .ubrlt•t~tlun

a nti Ua u ery Si!r\11«'.,

f 'm ·11s1cm rth Texaco Stfltior~. Cur. lll1 hlancl & Guuldln• Sb.


"' 1111 1r I tlllt '' tllv tt·ll ~·11u v.lu II' tu ltll I' Jt • t pi ~~~ •Ill All IIIII till' I flit olltlll 11 £ Y.ltCil' ' '"' 111 I!" /)mt 'l 1(11 wllh .1n •trl(:tllli!.l· fhtll .,,Jtlt h tlttt tll1l h tH' i4 tl'.llJV 1111· I~"' 1111 JIIIJ Itt tlu I 1y .rw 11 lrru u tlti• •.,It· 111.111 II'~'' tlll n11 uf .ur rmtnrt• nl til\ t•t tllt'tl tlc•c l tlrllll lllllhll't .., lu tlu"l (llrtltllltl <•I ltJICII Jl.IT:t!(C' C]lltll'• Or nrinrJ tht• IMhl /J t• ll ' l 1(11 V.llh 1111 ll(jt:\llll.it· 1h111 v.l uc h l•lll~ likt· II "'"' 1 lt1· rlJlt· I•• rlrt 11 jttli' II nuy I tlk hit( lmt dill'\ 11 li.t\1' I ht I t1 iltllt'' 'Litd !Ill' tOI;Ift•y ~nrl tllf' tntn to •lo 11 joh 1 tl, ur1rmi1~r tiu11tl trlltlllll' tlt·:tn wtlhlllll l f" ' r r'" '"lll hu1• 11! ncllh•mt\' .tlld tl''ll""'i }olltl\ 1 it •n.trh d IIJI Ill t('(l ·lll>l' LOrJ (ltnlltt ltlll( riJfl't II \I' ' " Ih.tl 11(1 IJIII' i tl llll) lrt·P '" lllo\ 1'-<111 p111 111'1 ,, lt•tl ,,f 11rl' tllrtlltlltc.rl ~t:tluht\' 11111 r umm''' m•l r nnhd1·n•r• .wt) tlt:xrhtltly uf I'IJu't m• rtt trJ ~ chml(v' /Jmr'l ~~~ v.lth ill1 tofl!'tlllltl 1100 UTili' \ rJU ,Jrl: lltll\'lnll'd th~t tht·,· 111 mt•·re.•tt·.J m \'l'lllr int<·re ' ' -v.ht·fl th••y intr•rvtt:\\ )'"'' dt'c' anp,tr!


cou r~e.

'Mon everyone does-

oftc:n. lkcau'IC: a few mnmc:ntJ ovc:r ice.coltl Coco Cc.rla rd rc)h you so. l c's sparklinH wtth naru~l xOOtJnt:n, pure and whulcsom•· ami oaru ral ly frtentJiy ro your f•aurc. F~-cl like: hav ing a Ulkc? IOn lLD UNO(I AUIHOt iTY Of IHE COCA-COLA COMPANY IY




ENGINEERS BEAT TROJANS FOR FOURTH VICTORY, 21-0 Before J,OOO J.P. Weekend fans nl Rensselaer\ '116 llch.l, the WMtcstcr Tech footbaJl tcum l!lllncd its luurt h victory of the -c<e.,un whl·n 1t thmm·d the T rojan\ 2I -0. 'I h" vitlory cui RP I '~> Ie;~d, in the \eric,, tu 2S-ZI4, anti g:~ve the Uoytnn I hiler.. the1r '1xth str.:ul(hl v1ctory uvcr thl· men from Troy. Teth \ lint 'It ore "·L' 'CI up by an mte rceptcd 1)3 R l)' l'.tvlo,ky nl.lde the diving interception o~rtrr one of hb teammate hnd dtlll•dcd it out of the han<b of a Trojan end. With hr~t and ten on hb o"n 4 5, Uon 1-crrnri faded hack to JWi'l, fuund nu unc open, n.ncl eluding the oncominl! R I' I linemen, meed down the ril(ht 11idc uf the held for 16 ynrrls nnd u first down on the Trojan J9. Richie !'itt'V('IIS u~rricd for ten on the next piny, und Kerrigan unrl

IBootcrs Lose, Win, and Tie down run. Pokraka mnvcrtctl nnd 'I cth To End Season led 14-0.

IL was Stcvelll>, on another lcilll( run . who set UJJ Tech'& la~t \lore ~tid''"Y throu~oth the fourth {IU.&rlcr he fuund another hole in the l rujan lim·, and thi lime hi~ 40 yard da ~h ~:avt· 1 (•th ·• hhl d11wn on Lhc ..C\'Cn 1 hrt·t· hm· ~n~o~•hh gained four yard~. bc:fure l'.lvlu,ky fuund a !!>~PJJin~-t hulc• in the mulrllc uf the line and walked uvcr for the 'wre l'okraka ktckcd the point ah1•r hut ~IIIOC Ulle Ill the IIIIC " " ' Udl't h:d hulfl inK and Tecb \\J;. penali.tt•tJ h.tck tu lht· 17. Once ag.Jin Run\ eclut.llell tut· uwt the hall. ami tbi~ time tlw llUint v,.l, allcmed. aorl T ech led 2 1-0. Both teams plo~yetl lwad,. 1111 deft'll'll', a' is evidenced by the numht>r or rc· wvercd fum hies tuHI pas~ in ten CJiliun~. Tech came up with thrct'tJf e:uh whilt•

RdmuiHiuu: f rurn I\\ 11 dl'ir:eb j, .1 .. mauy I(JIIIt:S ih(• \\' I' I '-Ulter 'IJlWI luttlt•tl tu l '!OrcJt~,, tie \\llh :t ptt•lcrful \1iddldwr)' tluh .md ddt·.ttt:d p11tc·n1 llehtuu U111vtr"IY ;.z ·•• Al umnt 11cltl dunn~: till' , ._1 twn "cck.... In their 1 hn;ll lllllll'~t ur I he 'l'.t•llll, IJ I tlurol.:l) . 1rc h 11,11 l'lt·fl ...,1uth 1,. flartiurd , 1111 1 111 ~ Truuty ( ullt·e.:t.' unt: nf thl.' 1 , 11ut•r ,1111 ~;r., uf ~e 11 l:.nl(l.tJI<l 1 nnn\ 1 uHn 11111• tht• 'I 1•1 h lt·.ml :;.0 In tlw lt.eltlt• \\l th the ~licfdlcbur} elt.•Vt'll, Tt·t h lut1 kctl IJCttcr thJn 11 had pn·vu1u.,ly o~ll ~~·.I~<HI All c·lc\'tn mt·fl wurk t·d :" 11 we•IJ ttHtrcfin.lletl Unll wlllll·

1 \\' 1'th a <Ill,,.1·111 t'll".. \\1'11 tt\t•r tllt.'l·r •:1r•h " rh·a "'" , Ren!>St!laer, under lh"...1·r hdt~. uur I· m•nH·t•r, art• l•~ttldnl! ltl\\ard tht• turta.in-do,cr, thi, aturclay, "ith the 111\'.ldU I IIIIII Lht llllllh. ;...lltl\1 \ h. E\'t•n t.huu~h the llur"t'mtn 1\tre up,t•t b} .1 hu·el·up ~lldtlldwr) dn t'll. a ttam that Tech wok !1\'t'r the hurcJit.',, kt lh nut fur)!l'l th.ll 'unlit h du\\nNI l"psab. a te.tm that rolled 11\'t•r Batt·.. I hi' B 1tc:" tc:.un ·" \\e rt.·<.til. 'Jllliled the \\'ort6tcr l lt~meo­ wmm~-: h> riel\\ 111111-: uur l'.nl!lllt't'r' li w 11 . ... Cungratulatiulh to the Sol.ll'r lc.tm un tlw wmplt·t11111 uf a \'t'r) :>Ulll',.ful sea:.on. lnl.luded in th~ir n·wrtl 1' fuur lit•,, .til) ur .Ill of \\ hilh cuuld ha\'C: landed in the win wlumn had !.ad) !.111 1.. lll'tll \\it h tlw En~in('t·r,, Even thuugh Lhc: IJootcr:. did IIOl t•lljll}' :1 \ Ill I l'''fuJ ~l'd~llll ll~ f<lf a:> Will'> ~1nd Jo.o;:.e:. gil, their rt'lOrfl in<lit:al('>; tl Vtl'\1 impruvt'llll'lll UVI'I fi i('Viuu' Tech teams. The s trength or tlw tc•am ~~ 'll't'll \\ ht•n IIIII ' 111111(('-, t hal 'l'erh held such teams a-. L niv. ~ l a~<~arhu st·ll s , l.owt•ll 'l't•t h aud r.liddkbu r}' lU tiC!\ .. .. The St•lliur~ un till' Smn·r .,quad dt''l'tVt' fu11 he1 pra ibt•, :L'> it w:l$ largely tluuu~h llwir ckttllllina tion 111111 p.llit•nu· that \\'.1'.1. lieldcd a hi~hly n:l>pN' tl'tl lt•arn thi.., ~t·a ..,uu l l al ~ 111'1 111 1111'11 likt• l<alph St'hlmker, Uoll Brass, J ack llaly, John lltlllan. Frt·d n.ul.. . ( 'h,ultt• \\' hit Ill')'. Eric Frib('rg, AI Tamwr, llun Ri.,iu;.: aud Ia t IIlii 11111 It··•'' \u;.:it• R:u11in·t.. . . . I. F. Bowlin,~.: i... ju,t .truund till' llirlll'l .11ul tt ·'l'llt'.ll' th.ll l.hl '-t'i.I<;,OII'!> po\\t:r-,. l'hi Si;.: .llld \ 1·. I'. \\ill Ill' tlw lt•.lllh tu ht•.ll nnu• <JI!.Iin. BnlJ Dunn. Ja,t )t'ar\ lOp l111\\ lcr, \\ill l~t· rllllilw fnr tlw I k.111 '-treeler' enKe al!ain anti L1rry \\'htlt' 11ill lw h·.ulin~.: lht.• I inluun Ko.ul m• n l..tHik fur Theta Kap l11 lw 111 tht' thitk uf thin;.:.. ·""' ,,, Huh 'H•• "h.ltk frum the "ar...... Football .tmund 1 tht· numtr~ til.. .dwnea llllht h.l\1' rt'H'I\'1:'11 quit.• .1 tun~.:ul.'- la .. hin~-t fn1m ('uat.h lltul \\ lll..tn on .11 h.rtr tinw r ht• . 1ttmt•r., \\t'rl' un the ... hurt t.ml of il I ll II lttlllll .1~.1111 I ( ulur.ulo hut lht') tame reurin~ batl.. tu t:apturt• tht• wrdlll, n (IJ \\I' (Ill knl lhtt•t• fur thrn• Ja,t \\t.'CK : • hippl:n,h ur~-: Tt.'.ll ht'r ICJ. f...ut/tul\11 l't'.ltlwr... 0, J ( Smith H. El i~lht.·th City T(·acher., 7. 1.ura' ·1 :~• . Stnut II Olllt' .u!o\in tht· En;.:illt't•r,· iuothall team "Pnilcr 1 n wt•t.·kt-nd u•h•lu.11111n. ·" K.l' I. " •'' 111 tlu.• mid~t uf their 1.1·. \\'cckt'ntl. llldtlt•lllllll). l•.lillt 1..1\\ 1\'1111' lind \'nt.di'> l Sunny e ale pruvidtcl llw t•ntcr· tuin rllt'lll. .. •\11 illh'l l'~ l in).( 'itl..li~.tht i~ that the different fmu•rnities on tlw til tll)lll)> ~11 i11 lhl'ir 111111 p:11 tit ul.1r );l'ttion, markt•d by their uwn hoU ~(· hrtllllt'l', 'l'hb i' orw wuy nr ll'~~·rvim~ ~t':lt.S tha t Tech hn!'n 'l lhuuHht ur a.s yl'l . . . . \\'t• }li'OIIlhl'd 1'.111 1 K~.·rdgnn that \V(' would fUll his pil'lurc

t•uc h Iur'nt•t.l 111 IIIII' intlivirlual p•·rlurnt flllt'l''· h lr uincty-c·i~ltl miuu tcs the huutt- •·~ wmkc•d up and rl11w11 the fl l'lll . hut tlwy l'tlllld 1u11 puo,h Lht· ball pa~t tlw lklfe·ust· and in111 lht· m·L tor 1loc ~~un· tu win lhl' Lllllll'-.t. Em I· ribl'rl( and 1\u~-:i·· l< .llllltl'/. t Urlll'tl ill lllll' ddrll '1\'t' (ll'lfllrtll.lllll'S Itt h Jll.t} etl <Ill e\'cn hettl'r ~JOlt' tlw fullti\\llll( 1 u•·,tl.e\ \d um 1111 ,1 mt'l IJ,t,... w 11 l'niH•r, 1 t~ ·II l ' dn· 11 ' 11 ,-..t J1J11411 1 "11h .1 11•~11 h.11f "'Y thwul(h tht' hr,t tftl.lltt·r hut nt.·.tr I he l'lld uf the '-'mt· IJU.trte•r l'l'lt' l~u•rru ''1e11l'll up tht.· euunt lklurl' lulftlllll' .\ nd~ '-..r:ypul.t ,flppc:tl 1" t• (),1'1 1he H l l(tl..llu.• .nul l n h \\,.., ,1hr·.ulll• ,hi\ 1he 't.•wncllull 11.1 .. <lllllrull~:tl It\ tlw burnc ll.1m ,1, IIIII)' ,\ mrht'llll, .\ntl~ S..r:)')llll.l IIIIII (.',,,11•. iiutl lluh Ur,,,, '"'n·tl lh" \\In pruH•d lu l11• tlw lllll'l IIIIJirl.'"l\ c )(Jnte ur tht• '1'.!"1111 fur tht• En~llll'CI'). Wllh .1 l(rt'.ll tlt'•ll ul -.prnl 1\·t:h tuok STEVENS SEES DA YLIGIIT 1111 'J'ril111)' in lhl'lr IIIHII l(.lnlt' uf tht• ~~..~~~~•• · h•• tlt 1• \\holt• liN qu.1r 11•r the Lus~it• r then comhincd to lui( the viA- Rensselaer l'it kt•tl uff two n••ri.lf.,, and twn lt'.1tl1~ h.1tlh•d l'\'t•n tv 111 auk lc-dcep skin tlown lo the 14, lli•rc the Trojan recovered two fumhle' \-\'1' 1 l;o~ lnt•d all Hnc stlffcnrtl, uutl 111t)Jlllt'll Ihn·t.J rtmnin11 (If il~ yurcl:l~c on ilw l(ruund. pnwin~ 111\Ht. Mtt•r tltt• turu of l he quartllr, (111 JJitlys cult.!. Then, fact·tl wit h :1 fo urth that it does luvc: n J.:ltHmd atlark tu •1 pl.ey 111 whit'h llm•t• llll'll ~Iipper! in tlw 11111tl, Trinity M'nn•tl. l'hi ~ 1rc.1k clown nllll I en sit uatlon, Ftlrr:t ri went match it s aerial :tnn. hrt:ak rll ttlt-d l't•th suntlllh lhlt Tnnil\' thi" '''••t•k if ht· hlutl-c·d .111 ttltt·mpfl•d p1111l. "Tap" had his dmnu• in lhe' hnrk to 1):1~~. nnd flluml him!lclf In tlw 1\ s ,, rt•sull of I his virtur~ '1\-l h j, same siluntinn 11<1 111' wa~ in nl lht• 1111\\' :JS~UI'CcJ llf ib third \'ifllllltiU>; ) l',lr \1 ,1, .ehlt• Ill Jlll'h IWH lllllrt' ltlllt k lllll;, 't'l'tlllcl IWrind ·' ' IIIIth Ill' .IIIII l'llrl ll.tH' Ryan barreled toward thl' R.l'.l. beginning uf lht• drivt• Thi~ time he in !l row. With I ht· I.J'-1 ~:unc l hi' rum 111111 thl' llt'l lwfnn· th•· lil'\1 IL1Jf rntll'll kitkt•r, hut it"''' tht• " (;~t•yht~und' 11hn \\tllltht> r.ttl' and hlt~tked tht• kitk. :.t•nmpen•tl fur twt'l\'l' )'Md" .IIIli ,J lir'l int.t ~.tt urdny .lJI.lln'l 'lun1 it h ,j'< In II \ 111h '\typult .tml 1:•1-lh,• )Jtk ll.th Kt·t•p up th1• ~'"HI \\ on l.. .1~. 1111 "1 '"1\\Hh ft•J1,1, , ..• 1'11111 (.'an•y. in hi' tlown on tlw thn•c Kt>rril(.tn 1c~o:i,tt•rt·d ~tncl,ter" will l~t· m.ekent.t tlwi1 hn.el ·•I' pl. I\ •••I fl.lriH ul.trl) 11111'1 llllhnt.t J.:.IIHI', f11lumn 111 tht· \\ un t ' lt•r I, I• ~ It/Ill .mel 1:~·• ni111: GtJcfl/c, II nail~ It•" I' I ht• \\ huh• 11'.1111 Jlt'rfnrmt·el wrll It the &tore on ,, tmc· y.ml piUIIJil' l'nkr.l- flt'Jrann· in ;I \\'Mtnll·r 11111f1mn In ·••I hut w.t ... ·• \It'll pl.e~t·•l 1(.11111 .til .u ..un.l. hue ltMth Huh l'rttduul .uul lu l.tlc·ntl'll 'lJit.ttf ...nnw puhlkit) . T nm\ f.Jll' ka\ I113Cl'lllt.'lll \\;1~ j!t.Hid , .11111 lt'l h letl thlmn, 11 i, a I"' l'.llll Kl'fn~ 111 tl.l~ .uul 1t•ch w 1 , 1111 .t.1,-c11. .mel li~u rt·-. \\t'rt' .1 1\tt' 1•11 t'HIIIIIuu' hut tlw team apprt'l.:iatctl the '111'1 i·O the lt'.llll will Ill' uut to m.lkt• 11 .1 ~ Z an) \\ ,1~ rl1.1nk., hi t .trhllllll't \1 n .1n\ tur l~ein~ in..trumental m Tt"th l'llt' '''.1'1111 rt't urtl ,t,uul, 1111t: \\111 fcrh h1d .11111lhl'r 'rnnn~t th:mcr late 't•.a,un. tlnt.•t• lu"l''• . 11111 ftlllf Ill'' lo the l 11i rt'H·h 1111: .111 .lpJirttpri.lliun lur .1 nc '' prt..., ·ll<<\. \\'<· will to:,turanll't' a hutin the -cmntl Jll'rlot.l wht.•n " ung:m \1 ,1" 1.11\\t'l l't'l h n .lrk .mol \l ~t!ll!t•­ 1\ ,lh'r l~tlllt• lur hi, 11\\ 11 lll'r'tlll.ll tbt' tiJrtccl lhtou).!h .l hu).!t' hulc on hi' O\\ n A. I.E.E.- Fronr p,..,. I Quarter-back l>elll h·rrari. tell 'i It Joel 'lllllJit'fl'll 1•1 ).tnl' dm' n dent of I he A I K E . .uul t :l'llrllt' \\ hun 111' 1 hr· 11'1111 pl.1\ ,.,, \\dl hut un- duhl11•cl tilt' \t huJ l't'lltll h~ th1 'llllll.!tll ltl paper-.. 1:<1\t' tht.• rmjJO tn tht• Ollt' l t•rrJrl fumhh:tl 1111 tht• llC'l ('.lrbnn rh.urm.1n u( I he \\ un 1'•11'1 ltllturutt•h II \\ ·" IIIII .I hit• tv 111111• lnll'nwn hh t'\t'l\ 111111' ht· i ulnl 111 p.l"'· r ,,itt.. tintlins: hr ... n•lt'i\'t'r' t hmu)lh \\II h .t l(tl.e! 11 tlw 1 rutul po1111C... phv. anti t hi' t•mlt•tl 1ht.· 1hi'\'. II " t'n -cllilln .•1611 ~I"'"''· l'h1" I' ('nt\l'tl II\ tho· 1,1\l th;ll lh•· t.'ll\'l' rt·tl. lw ••IUtlnl thc·er fr.tlll ll cr.I'JI' ancl r.ttt•d tur the fir-.t dtl\ln lh ul I hh·Hr.,.•n\ tmwly rt'ltl\'l'rY 11f .m R 1'1 At the mcetmllll \\,h .mnuunu•d th.ll hllflll't.., \\I'll' IIIII .1hfto Ill 'lllfl' UOCI' Ill owntur Huh !'nit h ml " ·'' rt·.tll' ,\\l'.tling 1111 tht·~ plt~ , .h lw h.uln't fun1hlt• on tlw 'l't•t. h Ill t.•mll'll 1he unh rc.ll 'cur~nt.t thre.ll th~ l'rujan' '"'n· .111 ,\ 1.1:: E. 'fltJibUT<'II pnl.t.' ll.lfll'r 111111 ll•rl \' 1111111111'' nf 11\t'ftlllll.' ph~ i'' H •n pl.11111t'tl 1111 tht Cl ht'lll Ill~ n·d jt•r-t \ ... Ill th{' r et.h h:tckticld You l':tn IK't Jl4.'titinn, \\bit h i~ up~·n In )11111111 .uul thiiUI(h till' rt'I'IITtl tl•l('.., IWI ~hill\ 11 a hit• to muunl 111 I ht• hr~l h.1lf l't•rr;ll i dnln l tlunl.. 1h1 ... \\ ,,., 11111 IUIIII) dtlwr . . . The I'ct. h lint• d1cln 't fln th1• (uurth pl.l)' u( tlw 't.'t'ilnd lt.~lf. 'ir111ur EE. -.[utlt'lll' \\ill ht• lwld 111 thrc•u~o:h11nl tiH' \'t'.lr tht• l<\1111 pf.l\t·tl .\ pl.l)o up ttl (llt.'\ h'l1" pt 1forlll.lllll'' • hmq Hr. they t.litl upen up :.unw hu: ht•lt•·r hr.lntl ni ,,,11t'r th.1n h.t,; ht't'll Rit hil· Stt.•l t·n ~ h111kt• Ihruu~o~h t hc line. l'lt hlll'hl. .\ l :b~. 1111 l\1.1\' hth ~ap~ fnr tlw d.t,lu ... uf ~ lt'\l't"' and "t'rritwn . . . . The ddcn~ivr play uf Tlu: llrl•'lol·ltcs .ltlt•lllkd .1 lunrht'l'" 111 't't'll .lriiUIHI l't•t h fur m.ttl\' 't:.lr~. rut di.II(Un.dlv In his ri~tht. anti nul ran ~.enfurd l~iky 11.111 .. end ndjounll'd .11 the Rl'l 'L'l'tlnd.uy lnr a ~ I \'11rtltnudt Nt·~t )'•·ar, ''ith l'i,.;IH ,,r tht• tiitct·n thtt lint' h•ft IIHH'h 111 It~· th·,in•rl l.t•t \ hupt• for n big imprownwnl ~.ltur­ .1· I 'i n'l'lur k. ktlt'IIIH'II lo'll thn•u,_h r.tr.1tlu.1llon. lht•••' tl.ty . . . . Don Lu,...,it'l and an R 1'. 1 oppmwnt really h:tnl.(rd hl.'ad ~ in tht• \\ill II(• mill h I\' \If~ Ill lw .lnnmpfl,hnl tir"t quar tt•r Hoth we'll' ,h,tl..t•u up 1111 tht.• pl.t) .trid had tu leave the ,!lillllC. IIIII l'n.tt h )1111 l:l•dtlc' t:a.u rd~ em - - . (\•ntt.•r k1•11 ll.th m,t•n 11 ,1.., rt•all~ h.1vinf.! a hard time tr\'ing ltl hold Air, Steam sll ip, Uttil, ,\rHI\' !'tvpul.l l'l'll' /..111int. 1\my Butt Trmuportfllion un to hi-. lwlnwt 11 hik 1111 1ht• pl.t~ in!.! lit•ltl On tllll' ,,cca..;iun ~~hem ht• ln-.1 .\ 1111 hc•im . .J •1hn ll11h.1n :tn•l :-\t•ml it. lht• hl'lnwt \\,t, funntl 111 tlw mitltlh• ..r .111 R.l' 1 huddlt•. . . . ) lakinlt e CR UISES u ntl TOllUS Auloruulic - Laundry ~lc111k, 111 tmm .1 '•lUnd nudt.•u, i11r .1 tlwir 'in.t l .lpJlt'.lr.lllt t' 111 tlw 11 im'"" .tntl :.:rt'\ uniillml of the \\'nrn•,a•r 11'.1111 \\ h1d1 \\Ill 'Ill\<' 111 l't'lll'r I hi' e UOT EI""~ - RESOUTS SIIJR'f::ii I..Al NOEIU:I) !\'\I> l't••h Fnt.:lllt't•r ... '' II lw , j, "''111111, \\ h11 h t\l• jlla) ed hall for thr la-t fnur \C.tr'• rt'11•nl CLOTILES DRV t:l.Eo\NEI) It nu" no mort' fo boo k "'"" - - - - ~t';lr-.. fht.• hu I..IH·II untt u( J •hn-tHn I ""It r "rrri!!an anfi '-11'\'l'n' "ill lrf' T ok t" Cnrl' of II. L l our 1 RO E Lll D THAVEL lw pl.l) in~ lll;!t'lhc·r i11r tlw l.1'1 time ht h111tl tht' hloekin~ of ~<>nior L!U.Ir•l', Cl,.nnln, ,, ,.,.,. Huh l'urp h .11111 II l1 llt • l.:t 11. l'h1 .,. mc·n \\ t il lte -..t~reh- mi"t'tl next ...c•a.,on. ERVICE :1. llliCO" IT/~ R••· Phana.., WP I ":: 115 Hi:dalancl Stret'l 306 Main ~I n·•·• · 't1 IIN"<'•h· r '•'lll"r flit I \I l..t '-h p 111 ""'· "hn \\a" h.tmpt.rt•d b~ a inre injury inl'lHrt"~l Tdt> phont> Pl. 2- 19110 [1 f T l't'lt ~torr Fo r Tn-h .tim Tt>lf'tthunf' 1' 1, •1-72.16 in lht.• Tult' '~ nmm l.:t·. f.1ilt1l tn ,, t' .1 m ,u•tinn at all You \\ill bt> ~in I! \ CROS"' •-nO' I 0 " 1-: lt (' '\0\ ·SOD.\!' - DRlCS 1 lut ,,( thi... h ~ 11n tlw h.t ... kt·lh.lll lll~rt , however.






Hat·ricr~ BASI(ETBALL CALL NORWICH TOUGHEST FOE ITc<·h Lo~e to l"'hrce TECH FACES THIS YEAR IFa t OpponCJllS FOR PLAYERS MON. En~im•er- h··· \\'urll'•tt•r ll·lh'.;;



lht:l r rrllll I :1• lhcy


ix:lo ro: tht' htHlll' dJ;h wub the '\llfllkh \\Ill

:JI(I!re!{alion tht:i lOillllll( ~.ttun.l.t\ Jt•ch h.l WUil IUI!r 1!.1111~' "' iJr 11h1lt• luU'-in~: unly lll<l. l•ut l•l'lh tht••t' lo•'l'' h.tppt'nu to be in the only r ru\t:f•llY


thc 11 P1'Ill'r .t~o;.ti11•t .wh-rhal t'mt>L l:uard nnd 1lw llnnw.umlnt.t ,.:amc :t!(;tin:-L llalt•:o •1 nt'\1 Wlllt'f tu l hc T l't h f(>oth.tll sdwcl ul(• In thl.' ho me ~huwin~-t~ tlnh f.tr it h.t, llt•l'll lhc line 11hirh ha> '"''mt•tl tu h.lll' h,•,•n Lhc wcaknc•' m thl' 1-. tit.ti· n~l't• .tliMk hut m Lhc m,lll f(.um•, II h;h .11•11 been tht• line whith !1.1~ 1111111 UJ.l 1111h the in•pinnt.t pi:Jy that hJo; nudl' lhh Jll'rft•cl nll.ty· rl.'ronl pu,.,j!JJc. :'\umi1 h \\ ,t !> on it,; \\:IY tu unc tlf It~ h~:•l •t\hUII~ until l.tst ~aturd.t)' whl!ll thl.'\' lo-.t in " tremendou~ UJH!'l to thrtr iut~il·,t.tl t' ri vab frnm :\l idcll(·hury. II I I \ utlltt'h LtOI ort ctn lhc nt:lll tool in tilt• ruw ,1., l h(oy touk tht: opcni1111 'lc'·nlt .uuJ m.trrht•cl fur J ltlulh dm\11 " " \ 1 Ill, .. JIOt nt ho\\'1'\'t.:r. Lhl.' Xonlith ,11.1111 "•It .1 little • ' Ilk_,. and put in h1 ' "' " .... <Ill< I "' n·n·•. whert." UI!Oll :"ll tdl.lldmr.'· ~• "' lw'"•lll 1'1 r•·ll . th··rc \IJ'\ 1111 ''"JIJIIIII.t ~"' ' • tht•m 1111Cl' the) g.llbt•rcc.l nwm,•utum 1 hi• Ju,~ mar 11111 he .tn tntlil,IIH•n ·' ~ J.:.llnc at t 1w 11f bm\ ne:u ...,· .~aturu..ty 11111 lunm· )( tmes

Phi s·)g~ w·Ul v0 IIeyI)3ll T itle, Tcnui



\ flt•r tuw.hmg ·" runll t'l up 111 thl'

11~ \'olll·~lt.tll h:Jiot lll' lltt tltt• p.ht lhn•t• \ t',lr- tht· "''II•·) h.dJn, 1111111 l'ht ~l!(lll.t " IJ'I'·' tin.tll~ ll•••k ••H't ti t•4 pt... t' f'hl\ th.J it 111 j!r.mtl •t\lt• t• tht•\ \1!111 11\tl. •i'h 1mm l'a•h ll'Jnl '' Hllllul ,., t'l h,.111~: 111,. •CI, thc·nbd\1'• I h1 •llllt•l .1111! 1 utnJ'<'IIIIun ,,tm•• trom " \ 1•. \ l'.tl In the .\ . 1 0 .:anw thl l'hi h.ul 111 lwtlc h.11k trtllll h•·hlfltl 111 huth wt• hl'iun· tlwy hn.tlh 11•111 nut L:~-.1 \'I'Jr" 1 h.mlptun , '\ .. \ J•: 11 ,1, ctttly lw.t tl'n hr the I'IH ~~~~" th1, \' r. 1r , 0 the·)' 11111 .hcd wcuud in the• ,,,1111 1ln~-. ..,ll t•nth .tnotht•r ~:oud H' t •Utl, With thl· fall ,c.t-.nn qf tlw 11, telllll'


II'.IJ:IW 1 ~ 0

uwr '"' unu L X \ c1n 1tlJI '"' h n•wtd \\'uh .\ I tl tl 01 1(' II

llw ll11Jlnl\'t'd \\ l'l t '"'" l 'ttUIIlll 11'.1111 lrJit'll'\llu X1'11 l.llntlttn 1111 tldH· ll(•r .'I Ill i.uc· llh'tr '1'11111'1 ' Cn.hl


t.u.ml \ hhllut:h 1111' I•.JII(JIU'I'f• 1\l'tl' lll'.lll'll 11 ltl h~ .I •Ifill\~ l'tt:J-.t CU.If•l lt·.tm n .t\1' Jlr.ua: hwu~:hl \\ 1'1 hnmc Ill .I hr-1 pl.tll' hllt•h lll.lltll\ ll innin~ tintt' ut !.\ nllnllt•·• tl,tt 11.1. \'l'ry ,.:•uul lllll'-tlkrm~: t ilt• hill~ \11111•4' , and It II .IS· llw t'tr•t tinw Ill t wu wut.; lh.ll .1 ' l't•l" h tu um•t h.ltl l.tk1•tt .t ·,tt,l pl."'' \\'ilh .ll•t>UI .t mik Itt 1:11 ll r.l~o~ll ll.h 111 tlw 'il h .-.Jut 11hc n lw ltt.ldt• ht• lllti\t' l·l.1•h IIlii p.t•l 1hi' k.hhnl! lltlltll'r•. he• 11 hlpJ.t'd hu11w ''"'r 1110 ~ ''"'' .1lw.ul ttl hi• du•t'•t llllt•llt'r lhth Tt•nl ul \\'1'1 " ·" hth .111d ll.l\l' O.,uiJh,ut 11 ,1s lllth \\' !' [', "' t.tpt.ttll )1111 ll rtl\111 1\ ,h tlllolhh- tel run hrl.lll•l' 111 an .~n~lt· ill )llr) 111\IIH\'tl tn t ht Nt~rt lll'.hl t' fll ~.ww .wd Jw . lc•.tdt·r•hll> 11".1-. •ort·ly llll" l'tl. 111 tlwir m·.~t II'"''''' 1\ilh Nt•l\ lltit.ttll, tlt1· f.lt~•H'tl 1-.m:lttL'I't~ nwt hucu UJIJk"ith•ll and c.ll11t' uut nn thl' ~hurt t•n.l ul .1 11 li .,, Hr<' ' llw f:l'·l t.ttll r•<· 11 ,a.. rm •·ncl 111 ~:um l 111111' .11111 th1· lw•t till' lc·c hnwu ""1hl111.111.tfo(L' "'·" ,, .\nl hv lluh l t•ul \l 1l..t• l :.u lhr.1il h tuuk 'ith .Hid ll t.tj!t: (tth J),,\t' rt',tlh JIUI 1111 tht: ,ll·un .uul ttl\c·u·ll lh1• l.hl nult 111 UthiPr " nunut•'' hul h1• hi,J ,,ltlw ltllt 1.111! )1111 llro11n nn tl ('ulliL'


•tn tht•tr ,I ht.:tlult• 11 luuk· 1 il I. ,.' ,\ h.t• .t Jllllt<l th.tm t• to 11111 tlw t nt\1 11 .uul t.tl:t" hmnt• 111 Ulll I• r,•,\In I ' ''·'"Ill l•. llllhd.t ('Itt h.t• 1\ttll lhl· 11 ,...1 , 1•1 1\lth \ 1 11 hut 1hl' 11,1111 ~ l\ .t- 1 .tllt•cl hcc ,111, 1• 'll11• n•nltllllllll! 11•11111'' 11 ( r.tin anti r 11 1tl I'CIIIIL' fll\ . tlw Ill I olJll ,t in~. \\\'r!' Lttttlt Alumui hdd will J-:0. IHl\\l'\l.' r, '"11 1' 1dll lt1· phlyt•d 111 lhc· •Jlriltll twn nl the Jl or~l'mc 11 ':; previ 1111 ~ ftH" h.t mperr• l by it tJttril', 111 th is 1111'('1, ll'lll'i \\l'rC tll:ilin-.L UJl\?3 tl lld ( 'o.t ~l \ ollcvh.tll \\ hit h ltn i'oht•tl Itt•! Wt't'll I ht• h.tll'l'' c:u.trtl \·,i~t.t n t co:llh ~lt:rlt· :"\urrru•" l''iK '1-0 tlw \\' 1'1· '\cw l1nlot11 II·' " ~~'· t ift tht• 'I it111 ._, \I;:• . . . . . ••• •• • •••••• ~•• 1 l uulh.tll tu•hl, ,,, lhull..,llltl' t ht•t•rt•d tht• p:~>•t•, mf hL'-l week 's lu~., tu ,, 1 I' · :\t' l\ llnt.tin vitiUI) hury ,,, "ju.<l Oll t' 11f Ih1):-ot' lll"'6 :0. I' L' r. .• • •• •• • • •s• 1 1 • • ;t nt1 ntt·· '\ur\\lr h :H • the he,t (I•Jnt IH II \1 () .. .. . .. . 4 I L~tc•kiiiJ.l rnr tht•lr hr-t 1\111 tlf tilt' • J.X \ . •••• .• , • , ••• , , • 1· 1 1 lnljl.llllll Ihe• l~lllllllt't'r• 11 ,1\ l'kd tu I II11· ' \'l.'.lr ufi'cn-e u•r' huth .t ;\h·•lfonl to lllf'\'1 'l ulh 1,1-.1 1-rtd,l~ P ·"I h1• '\ttr11u.h 'I X . .• ••• . •• . •• .l·S .' 11 I hc r.u1· ""~ run Utllll'r r.un "'" t'Jtl •lot·~ ttwuntl and ..ut Ji r ::ttrac k tu l(uod ·" I I'( ,' J) ..•. • .•.•..••• J.t1 .tnt! ~:enerilll.\· Jll"tr 11\'.tlhl•t lttmhltull~ \ .utl.ll(l' rrrtlll a II in~:-T fnrmltlllltl I h,. .\1.-. l't . . . . . . . . . .• T KI ' 1; I httC ng.un, fii',IHII' dt•lt' lllllltotlunt .111rl tt'.ttll " 11ina ll'U lty fl:l"•lllll qunrtt·r l!rtl , •t , h ,.., 111 lw tlt·ni••li n' Tufl ~ 11 11 ha~k .'\il k Sp:t~tnoli 1\ lh l is r.tnkc•tl l't>llllh .111111111: tlw h..-q sm.tll lll iiCL!L' P·'"''r~ in ; rmn pcd I ~ · II ' Jiw '' 11111 in~-t lilllc' \I'll~ 0 lht• ! uuntrv IJi, n •cord of 15 u•111Pit• I. X 1\ '' qutdt ll lltillt.tlr'' ;Inti i'l ~C< ' '"" ' III'L'I' • \ ' 1 c1 • •• •• . • •• • l 0 t It•· 1 111111- &.t ilfi( c· 111111 'l't•nt rl(l( t·d IHtlh IIIII (10 itlllcmpt-. iur J J)l'r(l'tll· I K I' .. . .. • .. . .. .. .. • I I llllld rur l ht• l'lftnll tintt• Ill II llfW lllld JLti' ut ~s J i< tuJ.I~ in Lhe nntiun. 'Jh•· Jlo.,K ·• . . . . • l·l ll,l\1' llr•~:ll "" ill h w•lh J).t\t' ~ulrt•• ''" inl.t rnd ~r thb hut p.l•-.lntt wmlu J'(', Jl ...1 h 1 • • • .. • • Jl\·,tll 111 till' lOth •lut I lt'•Jiil t• I I'1 IJI· n.1tiu11 ,, 1 11111 I h•kker the lx·-1 end , 1 ,\ l·.l'i . • · • • · • • · • • • • • 2£' 5 l••tl nl Wnlll 'l r• b llllftrtl\'t'tl Ihc•1r 11111 1h.a t t h<• I rt h dcfen~~: "ill he up Jlf.lllhl ' 1'1-: •• • • • · • • • •• • IIlii til t'r I. hi \ 1'-lr ,tllllll•l .1 •I 1111111 'I urt' 11 1 -~ 1.·"... 1 alii 1 1 11 1w.· IIIIIJ.!f·IIU1,J, I'(J t r'hr IICJf"t'men\ Around .ltl."k frJ· ~ IU-11. 1 llt.trl..t•tJ lltlJ'fll\'t'IIWIII IUfl'" thrir II\ II IIUhlJildin.: h:tJI Jut~ ...._ \1-. O·S 'Jiw ' l".t 110 11h11 It IIIII-I Ill' tlot •"'" .lc J••hn Bt'l!lt'lllm~: :lnd llul• Rlpk•y ' J iw c..: ..n •• "h ~~ ~~. •I•P•IItt''"lr ~~-~ IIIH' ltltt·t dden•<' \\hirh perf11m11'd Jl,ll\'t'"•} up I 3( J - 111 " 1,. 11 111 , 11 1Itt ..,.,, 1 ,.111 1"'1 11 tht• J,•tl.' 1111111 l.t-1 \l(•t•k j, lt:d hy 1.11 kit- "·" ~} ,. _, t uu l l t urm "' f'PI.ttun 111. Avul follm~t•r, '" l'<·t I1 ' ~~ 1 1 rnt•n ,1111 111 r·•·t11111r\1mh"r' 'I I 1 1 h 1111 ft•~tth.tllt•r, \1lll n·<.tll E tl '-lrttt' thl• i· 1• • • ' tri tn~ettl t r ' ,,. ''" ' t ' I 111• ~~·n•ur11tl 4 ,., 1rtlllll rv lllnll•ttt l h1, fuunh \'l"nr 111 thr "t1rlm~ l.t~kl•· { • I ~~ ,Jttt .lntl h'" .h"'l been 3 Lh()ffi in the sirJc '1 1"1( Jt•o J} \_., a~ } mrJ J~ttnld Jtfrt\ldf• I ~·untf 1,1,1 Iff Hllllllt'~ u 1 II IIIlO ( 11r \\ 1' 1 II lfl\4 \ t 1 l {'I h hupt•• r11 tlw T,•, h haC"klll'lt.len. fur th1· 1 \\ tthtn 1 1\•\\ 1\l'l'J.. 11111 II[ tht IIIII I Ill ttlntlucJt tilt' \1 If \IItie I lflllllljll thrt·l tma·· the 1\'.tm• h.l\l' ml't . d II 1411 111111 11 1m.1 th.ll \luul•l m. 1k,• tlu J•tt'''''"' Ju.,, .• llu1111 lht• !nul uamr uf tht· ' ir. j,,.,•. ftc•J•••l•r Jll cnJu}'i.l "' ' · ~ 1 {•I tlu• It'll \\ill he pllytd I h•• t••Oit I 11-m It· lttltrr .w•l \\lth lbt ir MJIIJtl }, ttl •1.1"'" II ~~ •ure tu lot' .a h;m.l fi!Uilll l UI t I~ fuund "n lht• l.n~tuu·•·r • t'HII tl full lff'IILtlh ·h•lllhl dfl \\t•ll in tltt~ "•nlt··l 'I ht: ~cnwr,. C•t><'•l.llly. 11hr~ " II ht pi 1\'1111! thdr L:t~l IIJmt: fllr \\'nr~t-- 1111111 "hrrlule 1111r i• tl I\It'll rkit"\\ h II '" 1.~>1 mtt• h h 1 1 untlltrlll full""'"r• ulll•l••· •• 1 ,. 111· ll'r r c·~ h .Inti I~ rhJfl;' I ()f mtl'-1 I I'll. •'' I ntl'rli.ttt• "''.Ill.' "' tlu I II It I ""Jill I ( lltl'tr llff• II I' 1'. Ill •11'111 \1 r :..r hult /. 1." m,_,. HI ttfll•lntz(·_tl touth711 IIIII h~ uu vuu h.t\l•ttl alrt.lrl} I!Ut I'll lht• II·'"" ·.\lwn -'" h•tl h••ll hi tr· JtJl h.ld lrmk«·r! 111111\'l' It l'l'l' rylhlll,llth~r \'I' .:ot \~:~~:·~ r rn n·&t•rrin:: Ill j, th• J n··hmttt <.,nph•• Itt• pr.ltlllt' '" l.tr ·ttl tnilt t rl lhtl hi. t~tn•t' .~tt n lntt fnr the It-t tim~\~\ 'l~t "'"n' lt.itllt ' rtllll)· th.ll i t ,,Jtf I pl.t}•'r' ha\1· It HI ' lttt•.tt •h•al nf hitthl nJ•I.un Dun Lu••tct,. Paul I I :~~-II tinw tl ··lr \ n .lJlllll.tl r •II 1'\'l'nt I he• ,, hn•·l '''ltr'rtl•nt l' Jrril·r Ill lhl·tr enr<>IJ lln•l (. h.trht• j llhn,tHn In thc l:u Jill~ 'I ~~~1111'' '" lh4 Jli.l • h tH' hnll '' •ltirJI••rl ttt•·ut .,, ' I ('I h hul tht·y llt'rt 1111 ""' 111 1 hr tnl' 11'111 hJ\t.: fj ,,b J>urvk ' ~: ~•I , h\rtl·illul!h' H :til} 11111.,r r~oll• l.!c '1'1111 . ar 1 u •rmul! tu tltt· ,,ff, n•t Jilt! H.. kt•tl ulhnt: the t:UJrd -Jut• f<lr l l ~:amt• ,.... ,,~··n r....tiHJI fr<)\\t•rhnto I t'd'"n~ th1 t IIIII 111· thruY.II t.IJ.!.IIIl I tlw








p .. ·t·<·e Bc•r • O







H t

\ ''in

'·II urrl;l',•·

will m.1kt

fJ '"'"''


Ill ,JILA '\'I) l<o PH.\ Il ~1 CY ICJ1 lllj:hlollff · , .. '\l'orrf'•tl' r, M uu. l'lwuf' : (' L 6.059 I

I tht hr ~tinr.inl! "'

pr:t llrl' { •r h..' tr••' hrn'" .... fur< I' Th•· art' '~•trilt•d tnrl rnntJ1Ic·nL th ll ·th 1·j c n t 1kt• •h1· 101'1 urt• 111 tht• •J•ht f'llMC• Thctr h•·~·l l':lt.H.h r:r•tJr;[•' chult:r., h.t' ~tt-~ 11 wnrk1n 11 lu , h tr~t· II\ I' rl.t\'• Wl•t·kly. and ,,Jrt· t•h th1•y lrt' in lhl' ~~·-•k of cunt!iti•rnanrl nrc runnirut thrr.uch tht' h.t•IC pity• irl•'11 11hr.lt ltr·l•H'ar m~n

Jtf:l.l \ HI.E P RE. CR IP'liO'I "'


I 11 llc1 11 i n,.: Lht• f•lllt h.lll •casun,K \ mt•ri1,1's •pll rl ' l.llh Hill .l!hlt•lt'• lUI II J..lf{ tltCJUC :.J t~t' i~ .1 IJU<'Rlitlll llloll~ .1 ~ tlll'tr .tlll'lllilln Ill h.t:-kcth.JII w.m L'•ll•r he tl'n·iv.·d ·' :0\' rttlU ... knee iiiJUf}' on the 1,., h' ',.,, •uu 1·,~ru1 f,IOth;t ll lt•.u n ,;rultwn in llw scrimm.ll!t' .llol.lin:-1 l'uft ~. \lint!.. u11 "' t.tiiiJ'.tt):n 1his Snturd.t) It lt.l \ re' l"mtlt·tl sltm ly tu 1rl':llmt'nl .mel tht• lt.t-kt•th.lll tt'.lnt \lll'inJ,"l intu .1t11l 11lt hllttl(h it ruin1•d " ~f.td Du~e·~·· .lt'twn t lw llllltt\\ttl!( :.ton•lay. t'11alh fuullull r:ul't'r, ht• is hupi.'ful it will hold l 'h,trllt• :.h "'ult1' '' invitinl( .111 in· up f111 tht• h,,,.J..dh.lll r,lni Jl.li~o:n. Ltt· l•·n•-.lt•d it,t,kt·t h.tll olSJli !<I HI ~ Ill I ry IIlli Rm 1)111' ~~ tt 1'1' 11'1".111 whtl ltl(lti'Cll j(l hl'ltl fnr 1111' t luh l\ l,llttl.lf uftc rttllon. '1>\'t'lll· tlw 11·~111 .1 lllt'.tl tk:tl this yt•ar. Artt•r lt~·r 11th .11 1 Ill I' i\1 ' I hi~ mrludes n :-.lvw ' l.trl .11 l'crh, llrud really c':lltll.' ill·~hllll'tl '" \\I'll ,, , liJIJII'rtl~'-~llll'lt Urtltll1d ill the ~Ct'llll\1 part of Just )'t'.tr \ t tu.tll), •1 1c 11 111 1.1-.t >o:Jr\ vctt•ran• ami l\l1Nulty hup6 he fu n lOIIIinur I lw hJH' .tlr ....ttl~ ,t.ult·cl ..:ct1 1nlt in !oh.tltt' • J\ Irk tlus )'t'nr. J'lu, \\ ,1, lll.lllt• Jttl,,ihl t• lhnHJ~tlt .t I ur tht• (runt W!lll, 1\-lh Ito-. lhrrr 1 h.tlll!l' m ruJ,•, l'lll!ltll.'t·n•tl hy 1 h,· ' rt l·r.tm.. all l~mlcring nn .:i.mtbm. :\ l' ,\.\ i'rt'\'11'11'1) . pr.ut itl' coultl tltlt :'cnitu IJ ,II't' 1\•uku:; lll' 5" ) hcacls thi, !>l.l ll lw htn' ~ ~~~ . I ~ am i th1• hrl>l 61·rin1 it'll N• ll lhl· mn•t rugjlccl 1.111 in 1h1• tll.l~l· 11 11 h .111 uut -.adt• It'll Ill l'Oulrl nu t "oriel, J).wt• lll.lkt.''4 up ft1r I hi:; wilh h i~ ht• hdd hl'fnre Jkr. 1. ll uwt'\'l'r, lhl' hllhtlc .ttttl ~trt•at ~huolin!(. llt•, like I.a. ltt'W rtth•, ~tatv pr.tlilt·c m11y start Oct R•lt qut', rt•ally lf(wt.•lopt·(l clurin~ the 15 .wd 'l'tlllllll•llll'' 11111~· lw ht:ltl :til)' l.illn Jllltl uf l.1st ~ca~on ami he ft1111rrs tinw .lltt•r thnl l'ltt• u11ly stipul.ttiun tn ltc a lli~tntan fc1r '1\-ch this .)f'.tr. The Ji,., itt tht• i.ttl llt.ll till' nmnht•r (II ut lwr IWH hi~t ltuys ttrc loctth :.nphllnwrc~ 1(-11111'., Jlht> tht• IIUilthcr St'rillllll31lrN .Inc! ~o!.lll!l ~i~ fmtt•hn·. Thc•)' nrc Frrcl f,llllltll t'~"''''' / h M ~ ully f{'l'i-. thai l.ullt' aml ~lilt·., r.rant. If this \l'l'rc till' "'IUJl \\Ill jii\C htm n hcttt•r Jlrl' two w.w fuulh.tll , l'unc:h ~ h Nully l'.trt•d t luh th ,m Ill' h.ttl fur last Y'''" \ \ltttllcl · "·" '" nu Jlruhlcm. 1.-uuw. the llJk'lll' f. J\t lh.tl tuttc, " ~1.11 ·· \\ .1'1 ~1111 ~mnullll'r IIJlCr.tlllr. has nn t'.Xrt•llc·nt pair 1'\lll'ntnl'lllllli!, '" Itt• did in 1110~1 nf llw uf h.uuJ, nut! n fairly guud ''t•yc." Illprt•~t•lhttll 1h.: Chrisl nht ~ hrt.'.lk ltwvt·~ wl'll, i11 :tnd nmuml in lhc pivot , l'ht•re Jtt~l '' ·'~n ' t t•nuu,.;h tintc ln ln:.l:tll 1111d J;, tl.llll(l'rtlu~ wilh jump shn ts any· llw 1',1114111~ ttlhm~i vc fttrmution~ ttllll wlwrc: 1\l'tl t' thl.· kt-y. (;run~ . 1111 the other lt~turt• nut lilt: lll·,l ('O itliJinulion ol hnnd, IK t1 lwavh·r ond more rUI{Io(l'tl hoy. pla ~•t•r-., hctt lt 1\ hlt lt urc t"N'ttlial Ill Not fiWI~(:~~ III)( !h~ llttltlllt hnc~stlf Lult.(',




jllllld [1'1\ltl. 'J'Jtl, yc.Jr, lhi' ~l' thhlj~K tlr;tt tl '~ hi,_;~t'NI a'~c:l is his pJtty nff ctf "ill lw tltlltt' in the M riniiiiOI!t.:' ltll(i t hu' 1ht• lttllll tl~. l ie's 11 rc~l (14•muu under lllwn till' , ,.,,.,till ''I"' IIS, Tt•1 h will Ill' tlu: th•(l·n~il'l· ho:trd. ' J11e~c two " l'iclllh.,'' ,1

rt'.tt ly ru pl.l)' h.l,kl'lh.tl l. The upcncr i~ l>c1 I .1.:.1 111~1 ('uri) ( 'ollcgl' uf l111,11111 l nclutlt•d 111 Lht· prr t 'hrt ~!IIIJS 11:1nll'~ art• 1111., 1\ll h U ll , 'I riuily, unci MM~ U ll il(hh~tht \ uf thl' ~dwt lulc ..rt• )(tlmr~ w11h cit>' nwl, Clark uutl i\o,sutnpl itm 'f he h.t ~kcthaiJ I CoUll , like lht• footft:lli il'u Ill h.ul Ill lilt' hqdnuln~e or it ... 11('/l~(ln , hrt ~ .I l(rt•ot dt·HI uf rt•huilclinl( to do • 11 •1\WVI' r I( it 1111111'\ III I}'WIIY ncar ""' 1111( tlw lull' j .. h tlw itwlhull duh did '"' )'t·.ar' n ·tunl .. r 11 11 iw. n111 I 1 I lu.-t•• ~h·mltl h!• lwttn(•tl. lnd d(·nl:tlly, tht• /ll~th •JIItl 11f l.t' l 'l':t\1111 W;t"' t IIC I ~1\1 11·11111 \'it till)' nv(•r .1 1(111111 ' I·u f t.s fi\(' D.llt' l'l·ttku' l n·tl tht· g.trm: 1111 tt 11 (rule.1\\ay JtlltiJI «hnl in l hi' 1.1~1 ntiuuh· :wrI ) 1111 t h••1wr wnn tt with n ' JICI.lllt u Iar ,.11111.r J tttllf• wit h ' ''\It'll 1•1•1, 111J.. ~hu w 1111( llll t iH· drlt 'k . Mu~l llli~,··d rrrun IH'<I )'l';1 r\ 14.11 111 will l;t• ( ' ht•n~:y t'•H :t)ll ttitt J it11 h.ttl II hrtiiUIIH I l:t ' k~·t Il.l II I'II II'!' I .11 I t·• h ,,ntJ JittJ\'c·d .111 iii•Jiiri ul( leader l.t •l )'t'.l r Al"t l(llnt' j, thrtc·'JIIIrl \ 11r .tml fiH.tpt.un I h nk ~uwnl:. ll,lllk 1\,1 ,1 luw n•ht~uttlltr itt Jtfditinn lu IH· 1111( .1 Ill(! .wn •r ( hc·nr}' ' runmul( m.tll' I· tl'<l ll•·ring h.1 11l•u grnclu:ucll A 111! j un t'ltn tu, mw .. r the mnill,l.ty~ .. r 1, 1 >·t· tr' 1l11h h." •ll·c 11ll'll I•• fun· 1:11 h.l'kd lr.tll lltJ ••··• '"' ,wrJ rtlttl t·nl r.lt •• ''" IH>< \tudir . ~~J f ''a' h ~1 c Nully lt:h hi ~ wurk 1 ut 11111 f11r lum 'IInce· Cha rllt• ;, tiH· hnckllt'lrl 111:tc h nu Ill~: f•mlh.lll ,,..,m hi~ lll rH' J, ltulllc•rl nl thl' WI' t·nt II '1'.1'1'\'f'r Ill' It.- ltll'll hultltnll I hn·t• ntl.!hl Jll 11 til l' 1 Itt t·ll lur Ja,t p •u r

'cH·r.tll• 1-t .1di111t tlw srn.tll li t ut hbldh\c·r· t rn•·n 'I h § ~till c~>mr v.ath 1 kr r I fr h C'ap•.tin 1-:d<lu l.trh c:rnl thirtll• :t it h\IC\~r u •tt• ur 1 llrll' t • . . h,1 t'XJ~UNJ ttf l'.dtflt' \\htt i~ .tJ 11 l•tJII.tlll

t'( tmrl·~t·u h

ltm•· fl'i.tll lt'lln t•t I 1k•· •hr lull n11 1111 t I IIJthttrl.•ttt'• 1 ht In tcht• nr tht• I h~ nf .') "'"" I lll!r.wr r;r wt•lirw ) •11• r hc·n.til an•l I rrtnk r Mll \\nrth ,111 hnn• lht• •JrnC ••t•ini1111 lh:tr 1h•· l!.tmt· \\Ill I •· \\lilt• '•I*" ,,,, f' lt0!-111-. iWII- /'u,:r• r.

nf thr• h.t •·!.,ttl It 1m It t• hh I" r h tJl• tlw IJI',t t')'' · 1111 the duh :Ill• I •~ rw ('Jtl ••llrnt h.11l h.ut•lf,.r IJr·•irJe, ht•ir•lt il r c•:tl 1 '1( IW ~ " fill tll>ft•n,t.• J•,idt '• rtJIIflllll( m:tlC· wultl Ill IIIII' or Ihrct.: -•·nint :. like• S!t•pltt·n• l<idm· "tt•wn• llrud

, Jmtlhl he nbll' 111 comhine their t u lcnl~ \:lhMhle II ~cls to the 'I<JUII(I. U<>lh lt•tll'rt·cl l.u.t yc:tr and li••inc1l \'ttlu· nitI•· t'~l ll.'rit.:IH't•. lndrlclllnlly, l.ul1.1' -.praitwd his nnklc while " playlnK" In lin• ~y1n 1,1 ~1 Wt.'l'k, hut o,houhl he rcudy Jtl'fort' ltllll-f l<ountlinl( Olll th.i.!l !(rOUp of rclunH'I'~ ~~ St:nlur Ililt B rnley. Hill i~ .I t lty hoy ~1/llccl It) ~c·c mudt 114linn I hi'I Sc•v•·rnl IIICitlltCr!l ln ~l )' l'ttl' '~ Junlur vnn.ily plu~ a hnudful frrr..httwn nre 1liMJ wtnk il1g out with the

.1111! Jltllll'




cluh Ill•·' 1<'.1111 11~." •' c ·J~'rl ' ~ 'cnlC, hl'ioht " , ""nil l tlc·llt Jlr1lanu thil> wit h a llllllhtrou~ •t lwdult• :tncl lht· fad thai ftnnh rome tn (ht• lrllll~t II( t IW rnm(llliJlll nntJ hOJIC lht· lt•ttm •emil'~ out :tllt'tlll. Wt·'ll st·r Ill'< I Ami tlt~n 't fors.~tl nil ynu h:1~kct · hull pl.tYI'I'- ~Ill (' 1\ , llll~ ltl !oj'(' YII U \ fcmd.ty nflt·rnuon. Who know,? Mlly · II,, 1111'1'''". ,·1 ('l• tt'Y hidina 1111 frtlliJIU~ ' ' ' ' "' •mnt·wllf'll' IUWP. t•UI.I~ IM~C:·~"'rmn

nwra.1l 1r1m1

~ 111 12 P \ 1

l•,.tt J

:u the ro' t of

'1:1 .00 pl't ttiUph·. 'I he IJQJIUI:tr (;CIJ fl((' I; tt'llllry otnd hi\ cm·ht<tr:l " Ill IJr<l\'ldl.' thl· tnll'tl r.,r 1111' Jlbtr In .ulr!Jlhlll n hne Hllcrtni\<>iuu pro· l(ra m lt;to; ltt'ell arr.tnl(erl. Nil~ ll u,(hl!rl( wi ll be th1• MC ' anil ~tlmt• ntll 'llnntlin~e ttl i!'lll will llf' pre~cntcd lty Glt·n !'mt.'r• a..:c 111 1lw p inrw nne! l'etc Nt•l'lon on t lw uuh.1r 1 11 hil(hli~thl Ihe program t ht.• I,., hrt it fttd \\Ill 'Hill II fi' W W(.'lJ ( hll"l'n ,.Jcttimt untlt.'r ~he clirt<C"li•tn uf C'Jif· furrl c;rf't:ll All rtf the~· boy~ MI.' \\I'll ~ 11111111 1111 till' l.lffifllh r.,r thrl r intli\'Uitul ahiltti1· .tnrl •hl)uld pruvul\· rlml' plt·1ulitl f'llll rlllllllll'lll,


Read the TECH NEWS

NoH•m lJI:r 7, 1956


ASME PANEL DISCUSSION ON LACK OF ENGINEERS "The En~tineer Short3J.tC I act orX==== = FanC)' \\Ill be the &Ubjt:(l or J p.tnel l r - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - , di cu ~1on at the nett mct:tmg of the Worcester ~e~llon. t\ mcncan ~O<.Iety or Mecbamral Engtnren. fhc: meetmn \\Ill be held at \V I' I in the Jum:t Earle Room on 1 hur~day , :-.luvcmber S at 8.00 I'M. Dr. Arthu r U Brofi\HJI '~ill be 1he rnuclt•r,ltor. " Orde rs Put Up to Take Out" Thls tuple or wide lntercM ttmon~o: engineers nncl pcrsnnnl·l director!! b lo 3 MINUTF:S f 'JtO M CAMI'liS be dific u~secl hy C:mwford M. Auarnb nnd T. S. C:r~vn , Mr. l'rnwfurcl I~ ;1 151 HIGHLAND 51'. Developmrnl Enl(inccr In Advnnccd Jlroducl gngincorlnl( nl C:encrul Efccl m Compnny nnd i' ulsn Jlrc,iclcnl c.r the M n~!>llchu. ells Sudety llf l'rofe,~ion:~l Enginecrh, Inc. Mr. Green 1s the /\, . sistanl Personnel M anu~owr a l Norlun Company. fverytlting in Hl-11 Equipment Each Of lhe p;lrticip.'llll~ I ~ dlret lly concerned with wme pha e or tbb Oo&a ~, J rn~n, Cromm.-.., Floth.- r, timely problem and the di~c~M ion Rei..O-Kut. Cnrard, Oyna ld t, ..,,., hould be or mteresl to all Engineenog Net ('alai. . Prlfft students. 17t DEI.!IfONT A VB. All intc~ rc ted I· acuity and ~tudcnts tf'ro• 517 Gnft•n St.. li t.. 112, ftti•U.I Wer<al•r 4 , M"'"" Pltu• I'L f ·lHI are cordially in\'ited to attend tlu u .. n: 1 : 31 • t &U P. M .. Mo10. • f'rt. mcetinf(. t : H • $:tt S alllnla)o

THEO' Lunchconcllc




OPH-From Paa,. 5 \\ n.h a great deal Of 3Cllon ~J O)t of t htl r playen are veterans of lu t )'tar's u-0 tie with the current J un1vr cJ.us J here t- a wealth of b3ckfield talent



I SJC and :\E\V

i ·it llarry Davi "'

12:~0 O.'V 1-.1 F:Rl'DOOl'','! IJI fl..


WHERE DID THE MONEY GO? Inexpensive records system, for use in a ring bi nder, a vailable at Higgins 106.

W IIEilE COO/) FOOl) PilEI' AILS Two Pri vate Banquet Roonu; For pecial Parlit•K For 10 .175 P eople

(;OYETTE'S f: 'S()





Bring in Those Worn Shoes 111 HIGHLAND STREET

I 02 lli~thloml S t.. at Uu nlun S l. \II On"t-•lt·r , '~•"-"·

1'•·1. 1'1. 3 -9579

Hf'lu,x w-Ith a llollit).

F lJr

and Jll will see plenty of « mce in~ dudm~ this year" probable qu;mer. b.1ck D1rk Bratt. The forn :~ rd \\all IS •lronll and iast. and ~ome 0 1 the hne. mt"n ~ure to be in there. are Lee "Co. manche' Counem:1nche. lt,ll'. Hum. C.ul Fro\ .1 Tom Do\\ n• Doug " WI t and 1- rank Cohee l u •urn it :til up hmh tt-.101 • nre ca~:er contJdent. :Jnd loaded 11 llh •Pint .tnd t:llt:nt. Tbe g11me will detinitely be mterc!lting and exciting, especially 1r1Jm a spectato r ~l.tntlpoint •u lt>t'$ all he there. the day or the tilt , lO rctot fur uur favu ritc deven.


Cllll :

I'L 2-0471



PltW t'll, o111l

/)r~~ftlllr .'t.Pt•


''"•lrt~l '''"''" ,.,.,.,.

166 Ll\l.OLV ' TREET


Flo'"'n For Er:f'ry Ouado"

Td•pbono PL f' rce D•U•ti'Y

f.Ot ~b in~ ''"'''

Flow•,. Wlr...t Enryoo • .,.

NOV. 21 DATE FOR MJI) TERM REPORT CARD A lot of studenl!l nn•n'l going lu go back home for the Thanksgiving recess ns httppy 1111 they were Ins! ycnr nl the snme lime. H hns hccn dec:ided lhnt the mid-Lenn Rradt.'S will be issued before the holldllys this yen r. The fateful day will be Wednesday, Nov. 21 IIONORs-l'n»m ,._,, J

Angell, Everett W , CRilhrnilh, Michael M., Howe, Nonnnn M.. Jr.. Vedovelli, j ames ) ., Wiinikainen. Richard A , Lind, Fr:lnk K., Tompkins, Donald H • Berl{er. Harvey A , Clarkson, llerbert E., Jr , Donegan, Robert J., French, J>bilip M . Jr.. French, Thayer A.. GutmRn, Michael S., Re~slen , Sheldon R.. L:t· plume, Robert, Mollo, Michael P.. Reed, Douglu II t'R E~ IIMEN


l/ o11ors-Amm, Mohammad, Aukstik11lnis, Anthony ) .. Unsil. Rollt'rt C., l:lertsrh. Peter K , Bolk•r, Rohert E., Oonczyk, Paul A.. Bonk, john D.. CO· coltrhus, Nnundns, E!(nn , llnrvcy D., Evensen, David A., Fo rnsworl h, Fmnk W., Ou!(liernclli , lltlll lsla ) .. llnrp<'r. Urndforcl J., K<oJil•y, Frnn cl~ II., Kirk, Uonald E. , l ..avallcc, J .tiWrl' IWC R., t.utze. Frederick II ., Jr., M :llOIIIhn, Stu:.trl \V,, Millrr, ROJ~t'r 1~.. Moorntlinn, Amm. Olsen, Arthur, Jr.. Rm kdt•llcr, l'rtcr IL Ruby, Armnnd, Jr.. Smcmrw. Wen II. Srrtmd 1/0IIIIr~lllt•au, Kohc•rt A.. Block, Stanley II .. Do,mo, Rohcrl W.. Bouchard, Rit hnrd J., lluurnc, Richard C., Bron1ino. Joseph n . Cbapm:1n, John T .• Chickerinn. Kenneth 1> . Outram, ~nard L.., f<'arrow. Rlllph A , jr . G:~le. John W., GuodliRhl , Jame (' , (;o,·e Donald C.. llttyden Robert C .. Kramer. Toby, Krupnil'k, M:~l"'hall I' . un:ml Josetlh A , Mellen, LJwrcnce K . Miller. Da,•id S, l\tndopnulo•, \'n,~ili~ t' .. Orchot~ky , R irht~rd S , Pakulski, Fmnci~ ) .. Puddington. l'hlhr1 II .. Rosenfrlll, Jlarvt•y ) ., Rouleau. Nom1an ) .. Saimond, Wlllinm A.. Salek, Franklin, Senstrand, Kurt L.. Jr.. Sl\'t'n ~on , Ronald F'., Willouf1hhy, 1>oui(IM R.. Zm1onis, j oseph l'., Al rh i~llll. John II.. Jr., ll ari~ . Adam.


HIGHLANDER DINER Jfor ceatPr'• M oat M ofl em Diner

Boeing engineers design America's first iet transport Pictu ml ahu\'e i the full '~Calc cahm mock up of the U.~·i n~o: 707. Amt'rll'a's {lrst jet t ran,(Kirt. In cJc\'t•lupa n.: tin~ m· tcrior. Hod n~; cn~inccrs hdpt•cl dc'•J.!n fc.anm.•s and innOI'Utaons as udvuncctl as the 600 mik•nn hour pcrfonll•lnl'C of rhe nircrnft itsdl. P iom•t•rin)t n' volutionnry new l)'llt'S of air.:rrtft likt• llw 707 is one of 1hc sources or excill'mont - ond s.u i.r.lction - thut t'n~i nt'Crs nml $l'll'lllists cnjuy .11 Jlud n )!. 1 his new kt :ljlt' ll •lll~l'llrl l111<1 alrc.1dy l'lt'<'ll orJt•rcd hy I 0 IIIIIJUr OH'n.cas .md dnmc,tic rurlin l·~. 1 ht·n• CUIIIIIIl'ru.d cmlt•rs, H>$;t'tht•r \\ 11 h Bnc mil\ lll'mcndt•u oocl.lug of nnluan (.'\!Ill r.lll<o, llll'JJ\ th.u tim. C(llllJ'JIW \\ •II ccHllmuc 10 e\p,1ml dunnjlthl' H ar~ .Jht ul. Gnmth ~~a lllx·m~ hah1t Dunn~: chc p ;ht I 0 'CJr>o, f~~r lll'I.IOH' rhc numhcr o f ~m~ (lll,;tnnl h.b mln,j~-J 400'"·

E.,r,.msion at




joh \ t Jhtlll )

- .1nJ plc ntl' uf nppo rrun111 111 mme ahc.1d. Bodn~ prom(JtCS frum \\lthm, ami holds nwn t rcnt'l\'1> ever}' ill: mnmh,

Ill\ C l':ICh Ctl)!iJil'cr tunil y for rocogm tiun,


3 /'O:rWII<I/ II (I pUT



inl'f('.\SCd int"lHnC. lluc in~ cn~inrcrs dlm't j;l'l lo~l ill the t•rowd. 1l1cy Wllrk in small itlH'J:tralctl tl'ams - Oil such projl•cts, in nddilinn to 1he 707, ns the advanced B 'i.l r1nd B 47 muhi jl't homl~rs, rht• BO~I.\HC l.\1 99 .:111Jt--d mi..,iJc, tht• 50:! ~·LS turhmc, .1ml other Jc,clopmcnts Mill un,lt•r snunty

\\ rJt~·

Qua!JJicd en~;inccrs anJ scil'nll'h I\



"'1d0~ - O(l\\', You'll 6nd bt~b Sl.lflln~ ~IJm''• JnJ


3rt' Ol'\.Jt-cf Jt

qunubunl:! <:c>ntJd \\ u h nu n t>UI'<l:tnd m thl' world of cn~ml'\'fln~. Otha aJ\JntJges indude hbcrJltru.urJnle .md 1111:

f UH(' Jili'Ot

pbn<, and a C'hoiccof modeTn,

\ll\11\~ \JlUIIl'J I,C )ffilliUOIUCS in \\ h1ch 10

l1\ c. llut·mg lwlp' nrrJngc special 1\'0rk ~lll'clu lt•s f11r cn~mccrs takinJ! gmduate ~rudw~. nnd p.1ys nil tu it ion nnd fees. ' uu 'n.• 1111"111)1 a bet if you don't :tt least (l,d out hnw Bocin~ C'an help you get

ahc.1d In )'Our c•ngincl'ring cJrcer. ' o' lutiAtt lo•l~g cottor lnlotmollon CO/I Iu/1 ~ o ur Plo~tm tnl Ollic t ot wrllt:

JOHN C. SANDERS, Stiff En&inur- Personnel Bulnc Airplane Company, Suttle 24, Wash. f. B. WAllACE, Stiff Enclneer- Perstanel ltllnJ Airplane Comp~ny, Wichita, lllnsu

A. J. BERRYMAN - Admin. Ell&ineer Aarplane Ctmpany, Melbtme. fltridJ


BIIEINO A• •ef •M f• •d•N."'

s..u... ...... ,. "' . ....q


s;nt-e l!l '



. _, . .. f1cna

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