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M.I.T. Graduah.' Tall{ on Nf't~d For Lead.,.._ hip
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L UI'1' 1
Ill lfi•Uf,ll111' \11th
Marshall B. Dalton
I DUSTRIAL IJANQUJ~T JiOR I II i 1111 I 111111111 I I1 111 1.1 ... 1 llttthl .11 Ill' \I IJU•'t u( l ht• "'' huul ''' In• I11•1 n.t I ,111 I .tco·mt'lll llr \ lll(•rt '-• tll<t~tt I IIlilt I '' h""I It'lI .1 II1•111 •IIIII •II •1 tur ul Itt I II HI 1n I II11•1 l•U•llll'" t.l•l lrum Ill III' II' Ill lit "'• h,.uJ I ht• "" 1•1 1111 \\
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R.O.T.C. Fi1tal R ~~Shining
p 0 f. Botlr!,!ault ,
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I' Jc, .uul .1d1.tnc•·•l 111 1111 1•~<•1drtll In 1'1'-1 hc• ht•r.mll' Jtn'•llklll .uul 1h rt'tlur 111 H11•1nn ~l.lllui.HIIH<'I' \l ntu.11 • l ilt' l n- ur.IIIH' l'nmp.1111 ,rn cl I nul. m t'l •llllii.H Jllhh 111 l'l.'i 111 ~ l u l u,tl ll"tlt·1 .11111 ~!.11 h111t' rl 111 >11 1•11111' t'nmp,lm I 111 \\ """'''"·" \l.11 1 1. \ luuw i ll umld tl ,l• ••11 h.uu ll n pit'wlll th1 · h n.t 1..1,1 h ·hrii.IJ) Ill' l tl'lolllll' dt,llfllillll ttf l•lt'l il 11.1• lhl• ' 11' 111 Il l till' •l'l'l'lll h lll\ lllllithll i\11'111 ,\ 1\,lld Jll ~lllll l l'" ~~~ hi• thl'ir hu.tnk 1 li t• I• .1 fllt'lllht•l ut till' • ••IJhlloil lllll 1111.tl 11111'11 tol Jill' \\ 11r11" ll' l l ohtt•t h l1.111k 111 luo11111 lilt• 11111'! IHJI •t.t lulill ll 111 Ill 1111111 I{ I I I I h.111.tl11111 l.lc .un 11111111.111\ ' I hn•t ..,,11 11111.11' tl il ll" '" "I 1 til '\ t•lllun :-..11 1111!• 11.1111. .1111! .1 dtrt I IIJI 1ll" 111 ,, , . . uullll~th · lnut•• \\l i t' tlw ••••hr t•• pnl dt• tmp• l'·llllull 1111 ( ' um p .llll I "' rht· )lt' rr htnh '\,tii•IIJ.tl 11.111!. ul " ul tlw tl.l\ ,1 1111 • I\ 1 llllll•·tllll'' ''' 1.1 ·" lht'l \It'll' hunull 'tf 1111h till' hl•l p re• 111"11111 cl •t, 111111111 t1 tilt Ill 1111 lll'lol tu ru.J•' 111 •t•nt.lllun 111 till ,1\\.lrlf ~ ~\I •t'llll'•ll'f llt·•uf, • )Ill ht• ·•·n ,., un tht• hct.~rtl 1 llttlll ut lht llllt'\1111)1 •I IIIII t'Jth t ollkl 111 ( 'ump.llll I \\ Ill llt'.tr .111 ut '\ urlht',l•lt'nl lnllt'f•lll .u11l1• ('11'•1 l h1 lllllj!ll ll ut•ru·tl 1111h th 1 l'f<' ur.ut~t• 111 l)l!ll t 1111 lu• t'l~llllt•l 111 11'1 111( I• 111 ttl 1 ht· tru•tt•t ul ( ...1t rnur I hun 1 lll.lltufl lt1 1 1tkt l.t Cui \I 11 h.1d .., 1111iuu ul I lu huuur I llllj.'t.IIUI.IIillll nt r \ 1 lllt·rn,· JJ t 1• ,11•11 l I 1Ill'• I ttl HI \ 1111'111 Ill 1:u11u.tn ll ~11.1hun ,l"ttllllt mtll r ut th 1 .trt 111 " ' ""' 1111 I 1111 ll ull.ucl J.. \I I I{ \ 111111 hollullll r 111L " ' t ·"" 1 ( '''"'"'' 111 1h1· 'h'lt'• l 'ulnJ ~lll\ t 'untm.uula h.- ,f,lll 1 IIIU.t t'IO•IIrllt<t· 1 " 01 1~1111 \\ I' 1 t 11 t11 I' 111 111111 I 111 \I 1 0 11 .uulth•• t ult t~ 111 ('u I 11hu l11 11111111.11 U l.111 h l nt Uu- •nn \\ t•ll 11 IJ,. 1 1111l '· ' " ( I II \I n1u1ul l' ll o,..lol pll•ttlttllut \\ ur.t tn tllupn.lllun m.tolt lht•ll cump.ull lht 0 Jl ... u • ,,., ~>111(1.111\ .uc 1 11 111111 "1111 1 , 1 (' I \I 'l l 1tltr.11 '111111(• uul l.u 1u \ • u \l r lt'•l 1 1I II! I .l l • U'llltlll\ ,lltl Ullll fl ,llolftf 1.1 IHtt f Ill ll tlll!lltlllllllll tht 1111fi111fll.il 111ft1• .1~ Yt c•ll I 111111 mel tl., t uU1o11l lur I JII.JIItl.rl \ 1 I tu 1 I uut•:.uuhur Ill It'll •I lu h '' t'\lllhttctl 111 ! 1' llllt ' 111 ' 11 t•luttlolt lu1 111,11• ,111o l t ill' 1:.4 111 111un ~ lhl llllftlll\ autf II' II 1111 ftr• IJ.!f.llll h•l II I• Ill IIIIJIII'"I\1' IIIII' '-lllll'rllll • 1 1 lu Ill' 1 I h mt·mhu ·h•l•• Lt'nt huh• I I I lu I' ' •I \Ill r \l r ll.uuh l tllt'JIIc·tl 1h 1 ,1\\,1111 Lttlt•l l< 1lolum ll t·tl 1\l.lfll'l tl\111111 ''" 1'1~ HI L lll! ·"" 1111 I I1III Ill 111 IH clc el tho c ••Ill , nmp.1111•·· Hlll•l.tntl1111! 1,uJc I• Ill l'.h I1 11I IIII' f11111 11 1 11 111 1 1 \ \lumm ' ''"11 ' IIIli "" 1" 11' \ 11 1 Jilt'\ 11111 II ,II II111UIH 11l \I 1 d.t ••t ' •I' .111111111 nl I'' I ht• 1 '~1 " I ' 1 ' 1 1"'1 prl'•lflo·lll ,11, 11 !lw l>t ·,iti nl "llllll'lll' ,11 \\'I ' 1 1 ,,,. h .. nw ' Ill llrttllkltnc• BANQUJ~T l< l'l l(lll 'll l \\I'll' ~l ithll'l !'- c: ut m.lll ul
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l•t/11~ '"'
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l.llot•JI\ \l ucu.tl l n•UJ.Ifl" l \11111•111\ 111
\ l tr•h.dl II ll.illurl llu ll•n 111•111 llh t c ' '''"'"" .1ml lrtnk1·t 111l1 J'i·.ll.. II l l··h. I lh •·•111111'tllt I Ill 1'\1 t I rill I\·, j uru '' r 1 \\ " ' ' ' ' "" IPrtUIII J J,, •ui.J .. 1 1\rll '" 1h. c·.11l L. 1tl1·r·h1p \ .Ill\ I \\ • uc!l .. rol• \1 . " "' I'll lit I \f 1 l t·,hn• •.:\ I• .1 hh lllt'llll~·1 ul II· , .. rpu r 111<•11 .uul I h.llfllllll Ill l ht• tft•\diiJt!lll'lll <olHIII·II
' I""'
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l ite• llllllllll ll t'c' \1 :1~ (:1\l'll 1lw hmntl ,l"lr.tllllll'll l u l •l mlylllJ.: nil llmilll'I11 S II huh f ll'.lf Ill k ill ~tfwJ ,t rJy lll'rfllllll,(llt 1' 0 , iudc·nt mul iv.11 iun , nn1l ~lwlcnl nwr.dt• lkt'llll ~t· of 1hl' mnny fll t l'l~ 1ll tlw I111 ul pld Ultl, ~uh ·n•mmit tt·cq WNc tleg. i~tllltlt'll
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II \1,1• rt'I'OKn il.l't l LhJt the rt•l1<111 ·1lnltt 1 lnr mr"l nf lhr<ce a n•:t• t nmt·• 11 1th111 t hl' Jllrl•dilt iun of ;lJ rt':tlf\' t'XI I • utt: f.u uh \ t ummil lt't'' ur .tclmlllhl rn · lilt' ·• -i~rnuwnt • :tllll it fullu\\t'tl lh.ll 111.1111 th•m, h rnugh t tn li,~thl h) l h1• twhc· .. r '"'' wnum11 n · 11nc dln:.ul> ln·u111 .Ill h c·h cun•idt rctl hv ut lwr j.trtiii Jh. ' J JI!' 11101111itll•c tl' j}ltrl !> thnt (',1\ h uf thl· oiH'II' h :t~ IJt'l'n (J rt•fully s lud ittl. tlt.tt t1.11 11 a rc U1',1t bhlt•, nntl 1h11 1 t'•H h n f llu· ~>uh -rummillcc.., stnmlK :-1.111'11 lo. l,wrl -.; \ , "1'111111 ( ackt . rl'atl)' 111 work with Ihe vtnluu~ ucf. t·hu111 ' ' t•uddllll( t"" 1.r " """" '·•·lrt rni nist mli lll' , far ult y , and ~lutlt·nt :\!.1" ) 1111111r ( 'utlr•t : A1th111 J l,m'i'l l' ll' l(rllll(l~ wltidt m l~th l lw cOIIU'rllt'll uJ Wc·'l ll11 tl l11 rrl I '111111 !'l•tJ•h iiiiH111' l•'ulluwinl( is 0 11 uutli. oc· uf th e ~(U IIlt·s ( ',1111'1 ·" " ' \VII Iiirll l II l 'l·ilu· HI 111111 11 11!1 lt~ulluj.(s wit hiu tht• ~··vt•rul un·a~ oil \1.1 h 1•• h111111l ( ',u h•l l u ;ulr h I• \I ' II. I'll E ~ 111111 111 IIIIHIIIIIJ .1 ""111' 11111 ( .ult•l l{ift .,,.,. fi()T f . ' '"IC'' 1 I ·ump..rc•l! Ytll h muny til lwr 111111 Jill ' '· tht• Ju,lllu ll' hu, hn•n .thlt· tu Jlrm uh• c•,l;t c•llc·ul f.u iht u... In .:~llcllliuu tn I hh f.u 1 thf p rc•c:nt <II'Hiup mt'Jil 11111 l••ulclull( Jl m~tram .... •lu mu1 h 111 prmuh· I"HII JCrl' llt'r uppurtu mty lfl 1111 • Jl'"~'· tlu •·ltt•tiiH Ill•' ul IU•klll .111cl Jlu lt,.IJu\1 IIIII !urlt II \\Ill fl'l t llll\ luult~ l'llllrl. It 1 h••t"·d, thrrdurt .Jtlllff lot utlttl' Ill I IIIIJIII u ri( IIIII I• lhtl fulurt• p l.111 \\Ill ldkt• IIIIU iiHIIUIII ''"I JHII\1<11111 ft>r .1 ( ' rulr.tJ WlliOU)' IIIII • J l " " I< 1 ' 1. ' ' ' 'S•r 1~111111J' .Jiunl( Ytil h the· 11'11.11 f 111hl1t , l'n I '""·•l•l I{ I Hl.lrl a•h-<JU.ah 1Utly illlll t nnlt'rt lit,. rcu11n • \ I' J•t q•h II llrt~lllllllt III II It IJ ll'llllllr rtlf1111§1 UII<J Ill UIUiltklf su 1 uri Jr t ttllt•t I IIIII uf IIIII' r<'tflnJs, I II I l.;·t· II I IIIII It lll~lllltl ' 1.111111 •lu•u uf numl .. r ul 1uclc·ul8 II I II , ,. '\ \II IH.I' I< 1., 1 . ~ I \II\ I. II\ 1111( i11 clum11tury riNllll ' 111 "" lllfffl' I 1r·tl I J l: l~tntfn 1"·"' 1.... " 1H r rc111111 \Hiuhl ilnJ•WH' I rt••lt rltl J I 11 lr hu •tuclv <uuchll"" '-lli'IIU\ICJI< I I l .~ss '''' r;>111111 ""'' ,111!1 luc k1 r rue''" In II 11w m ·1• Jill c•ut quit•· c 111wll•·tl hu t l'rt I Jtll'l•· I. I ll I 'IJ!f" ' 1h• u l11l1tlll nl 1111, (lwl,lt•l u 111111.11' \I' J •"t'(lh I 1111!1 I \\ tlll.llll \ lVII "I"'" "' 11 lu i 1 ••ulph•l ir111 uf tiH IIt• Hl"l"fllld l'lulfflllll 11rn\illlllll f~tr 11 h~ ' l ~II\ 1·. II• ld huu 1'. l lu w \\ 1l11r 11 ur\ lh Ill 11 II II ••I ,, ,, \11 I I I\ \ Ill I' ,.,,,. 2
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rft•n- '' nh thl pnmJr)' ohj~<'lt\!' ,;r • hul1r \ llt'llll n.t:nl 'Jht• Jlr<>pcr h 11. tr I· l!':<lhir.z ''h1ch mu·· h~ rl;td n J' vn IUl in !hldt.ll I• •
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Ctrl:'llhllun :\bnl;:t r
• • • r•bili; H P~o din~t n • \ I ur r !'~f'Z, Jr ........ I rl"'u \ "aulnier, Jr Th !:'.. o·c ·nnw
\ n l..o\rtr:r Rob )h&:~ J.,. k Cnrtal.. llub Croo \ tod Rtt"t )• • n Qua.luroh r \\ t• ar f FACt LT\ \ll\ I'Fit f'r Te(' h "-~'•• l)ho nt-• : \l ai n Offi,.f' 1'1. 3- 1 ti f'b ttlo 1'1, 7-997 I
r.ttfl md~
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(>Ur -~u '~or,t·
pro•1• h. pcd
UJ>JH•ftUIIll\ ~(J •hll:t in t'l fl • u r:.culir l'l\1' 11:· q•h :e;h na ~ (\· '"'''lOQ of t <'ln.! c::.:c•cd :o rt"•JlO:l•l •le 11lhll' un tht· hJ•I · • 1 JH:t·!>nal rr.rm. \ u • nc: ·turl•·nt ·h.. uld l<t:comr •O m·
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l ..., 215 hllln rial PI 7-997 I Ad"•r1 i•inr; Pl. i\. 4)(, l i
K enn Uur~ ) llh n f n 't lh \. \laczd:
mpln e1nd then; idt~l ·•1IU'1un lou~ 11
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lhc "trl.•.-.nd f nd.t' n1 .!h\ qwe• .:\ :·:tC· nto s Jt, t',
• l.lb<.Cril'lion ptr wh ol \tar, ("), ·m~lt (OJ'It'. ~ t s -~l.al..t "11 c.h• I r•' ILir llll• r the ll r <e ''htn r •. , ~u:nrd t.o Bu•tnf"-' \J .uu~:rr "«nnd Cll.l• m\il pmtl.. ~~ a utbontrd u \\' •TC It r ;\Ia \ qu • ntj Eduoria.l and busrnt•• uffi<t II>C.alcd 1n Ho\ n111n II II, \\'orc~ttr Jlvh ltebn1e In IIIUtt " i.l r 1 \ "n the hu Ur• Worcr§lrr, M usac.hu..-u~ · Tht \II 11' rxprt'-<"'1 In th1~ Jlll JII't 01re C'nlllt h thn~ 11( tht trhtr>nal JIJII, and rn no \\il)' rrll«l the \k>~• uf \\'uru·•ur l'llhtr<hnit ln•utute-
EDITORIAL \\'ith the clo-inc: of tht> ..chnol ~ear almn•t in \ ' it'\\ 11\U tht· mount,lin of fin.JI ~''•'m' a numbt:r ut clt·vt·l•pm~nt ... ll.ln and url' .1IM 1Ul tu l "mt' , ahuut "' hich " 1ll prufuundl~ rntlU( net" thl' IUIUr\ uf a :;u.oel Jlllrtlnn ul tht· \\ 'o!Udtnl hod~ Th(··t· mdude tht rt'Cent ruhlic.Hiun nf tho: Rt-J'trl of thl' \ l l'ommittt't on "tUdt•nt " lh•IIJr-.hip ~I nti\ tll<>n .tn•l \h•r.ll< :tnjl tht r "'' ht-ciuk fur n1,h1nl! nna "t·ph mhcr The n l'"rt of tht• ~l ut \.lti •n" l·,.mmltttt •( ·m- tot e\pn·-- Jll•f rllin n in the CIJ~ra t iun of tht trah·rnit) •) ... u·m a· \\ell .1, rno:ni1in.: th.ll • m• ~>f tht ln .. titutr'-.. f.tdlitll'' t"•IUltl l~t• impru\HI but tru•lln..: that tht I\ II be ul.en carc uf h~ tht• l>r\ tl-•pm£·nt l 'rn~r.•m ' llrpri,ind~ t·nuu~:h tht• lacl. (l{ 1nrirm. r) f:l\rlitit' an•i tht· clc.-•anlulit) 1f h:\' inc a nur .... un ,J 1~ in the.' J:'ym durinc tht tl.ty hdurt O r Qumn holrl· hi .. u-wl o lfl\(' h '"''· ; .. (umplt·H·I~ cl\ t•rlnc•kt-.1 , It lt-.t•t tn thl' r..lt.l'\ HmH•wr 1wrh.rp• \lh,tt •l't'm' m•''t lmpc•rtJnt ltl mu .. t .. r till' •turh-nt b·ld~ I ' the fact th.ll .1 ch.tnct• in tht ~..r.tdin.: -~ ..,,.m .,, t m• in tht ullin.: Tbt rt·ft·nnu.• m.telt· In tht• ''P•'int qu.rlit~ ') .. ,..m· in tht· ,,.,, ,f tht H'lt·.r .., . couplt-cl \\llh t ht f.tn th.ll th1.. '' l>t uf m.H:Ltn~ 'Y'h'm ha .. lt(-t n .ttl••pt•.. l by many wlll'lt~'' ..,.•. m, hi p•tlllt tn tlw Jlll'-•ihitity th,tt 'uch .t -~ •ll'm miuht ht• t mpl1~ t-cl lwrt' \ )..,, thl' fJtl thJt "c• •ntlitic~nim: m nk· unrl "mJkl'·UJl '"'·lmtn.lll '"" -.nnwd tu l>t> ifll\\ n,,J upnn. rna~ me:tn th.tt tht ., will lk thmt J\\ ,1\ \\ith tr ..ut h j .. thr ,,N· "'lffit" rlr,t•lk lh:tm:t• in th, polit) 1111 mJrl.tn~ 11r -.mw owth·~l ·•f ":Jtvin:! tht' "(t'ndit innin~:' mark \\ uuld b.J, l' " ' lot• in•titutt·d I t I• ''t m- ,., i lr·nt -imo: •lrnpp1n:: 111 -'S ,,f tht• •tmhnt -1~ that ..uquin - at IL1•t ont the l~ condmunin.: nurk t:hh term \\ ouhi n •t t. WI) prtc ti .tblt> Thu· th, compll\11~ ui th• •IIU Hittn If.,,. not "~·m !I• .Ill''' a (h.ln., to 1 • br •ucht abo lUI 111 tht "t) m·.tr fulurt but '"' h a ch.1n~e nu~ b t'\flt't tt>~l rlurin~.: thr nt \l It'\\ )c.tr .. Thi .. "' \1 "' ph mhtr \\ ill nnr\,; tht intmduttion 01 t h. nt'" .. hcdult fllr ru•hinz \ lthou~:h .11 th tinw oi thl· "ntin:: tht acttt.'ll pi ttl h,, , n •t lmi.. hrd I~ n~ I'J"l"tl h) tht I 1 ~. l"nunc:il. thr o:•ntlt·n"'i thrn· "'' k ~riOt! \\ill nu tl ubt !,, atluptt I I hi· \\Ill olwutt tht m , .. j t\ ••I mort intt n•llird •umnll·f nt·h n:: I t1 .. hope th.tt tht he t ot tht ,u;nnwr '"II lltlt bt• inut 1-..~l h~ tht tri1 tfon ot man) l~rrt ~- ruhhtn:: dl '" in 1r •nt oi prc''l"' IiH• I rPllllwn • tl xnhdl-
\ •h t rl a• .,, Jt'(•ll.:ud:« h,. Jlrlnun o'•·
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LACROSSE TEAM DOWNS Tceh inc Top JEffS, END 1-7 SEASON Bratl(lci~ A!ilt'Umplion aml 6-0, 6-l r•·nt. DJy prme.l
lw '" U•U.II 111 1 h thr.•t l:tl.d· \\hilt• I rut k '-.tlrk .IIIII
.,If tlH• ~··Jr .tnt! prnndt•tl tht' pn•••Pt .~1 lh'htl.ln t'.hh .HI,hl tlll\: ll.trn \\' ith thl' ,1• 1 ~ 1111 ,11fn,1M ,1, 1·r. \\' 11 rc~' • ,, 11 nt·l:l'''·• ry 111 t.tntt•l ~u·t ••I lhl' R1d•tr"111 11 • nut•lllllhn~ ••II lht• tit• 1t•r lo•dt'• h.dt 1,.,u 11 wttl lw \\tllllim: •r , du)oocJ •pllriiOI: L'H'III• :'\ iii •II 1\llh h'll•t' I 11 tht• l~lh(llll'l'f• lilt I •Ill ,.•.-fttf ·t'l•llll ,JU.IIII'l \\\•,ft'l ,lll l t Lu n•--•· II•'"~~' h•IIII'H'r tht• Le.mt L.l•l \\ t••lnt'-d.l\ tht• ll'llll • h tlk1•l Ill' .11 ho•nh· un \\ ,.,1111 11.11 tlw.. lll't'k 1hn· 1• ,,,.,J tl<'•pitt• th<' inlt•ntllllt:nt r.tin .tncl It• ••nh 11i11 " ' tht• ••'·''"" •'•·•~·.tttrt~: h1\t' t. 11..1•n ..1x ,.:.1111, •••uullt•-.t thn•.: ,1nrl
111111ld\' ~:mu tHI~ The 1111(1\lnerH• ll'l'ft' \ mht•r•t f1 t lwn• .1t 1\•d• t lw tir•t tll'•l 111 w thi .. , 1.,1, 1111 tI 1 ( trtlll'r• t rom I knnik~·r :'\t'll l rwrio.H I 11 .1• .t •n•n•lt•·· tlul'l t• I rdt I I t•• h lo .. t ,1 1 111,1 ~:. w 10 \ 1 1• hv ll.lllll'•luro• :'l:t'\1 l·.n~tl.lllll lt•llt'lfl' al (.trru·tl tht• ru:ht '" \ mlwr•' l'lu Jill'' tho• 'lllll' ,,,. thrn• '" tile• c: ....d jtlh h 113\'• ' hnt• [(.\Ill ' " tdwd "~ Dr L.lllfil' -un· ,,, tho• Tl•t h IIIII L 111'1!.111 Itt I'·'' tnl( till th~: ll.IM Ill n .t\ t' Ktpph fur I,,, tht• f;~thn of l.n ru~·•· ft•ntured ,, nft Ill tlw ,c.,•nrl Jlt'nnd ·•· till' l' na.'l 11•1h kt•pt tlw duh 111 tlw htll ~:.mw 1.1'' ,nwuth upcmtinl! lt'.tlll T lw lll'l'h Ltlltt•d ''"' l(o.tl~ 'I ht• third 1wr- ttl tht• 11 ,1v T 1•1 h i.tccd ,1 ta-.1 11·11 '"'ttht·r "·'"' :1 l!fl'.lt h.tndit.IJ' 111 hoth iilll "·'' mth'h tht• •.tnu• .l• tlw l't•t huwn h,uult·r ,11111 1>.1\'l ' j 11 h11 ,,111 ,,.1•11 w.J 1,1 he :t 1111• ·'' luoHillj;! 11 I• JKIM .tnd th t• 11.111 puurt•tl Ill thrl't' llhHt' tu .\ mht•r···, om· rh 1• olnh l't.'dl pl.t~t·r .tlolo• tu lui tlu• hu I "' I'll k up 1,•, h pl.ah·d til'II anti \ • 'ht l11.'rt 11 ol <.nau '" ·' .J,,.,. till' L~~rd h.all 1k hu ,, lollll! olril <' ,,, •·r t ht· lt'fl .;.t\l tht· ""''' trum :'\ E.t' •ltll <11111 J•·tr • 111'1!.111 l•t t.tlt• wntrul .1ml tin<'\\ ht•l<l 11111 f•tr ,1 luunr filii 111 tht• 'rh pt•tlllun l'hil Pudd lnl!t t)n, , uifl'rinl! in "'" mon• tht· l.t't "*' ••tth •mlv lllhtn~ Ju-,r .tllvr \I r h.ad ~tt•ll t'n two trurn lii)Urit• ... "u>l.tirl£'d in llw 'I rinh1 thlrl t't'll •t't•lTid• ll'llhtlllin~: llurin~t tlw run• 111 rht• ur,t til till' 'it h lito oht11'1' ~ 111.1 pltn·rl ht< u-u.tl hnt" ~::.tnw ulll f11ur1 h 111 ri•11l lt•t h 1 ht•t kt•tl \ mhrr·t·· tn till' t•nh ut hrr run 1111 h ~ ''Ill! It• r" •·I l"" l(u.tl- !•• 1lw I:nl!in•·•·r pwttrt·" ,uul pl."· •llll<ht•d rt'l"' tit' lh It'll 11111 Jut• ll nuuinn "·' ' nnl ,11 lht• ll t~k hthllrti• <ultlt:d t\\u mun· 11111 \ I tn•tn 110\' 1'11<1 ni ifw ll•hlltl tht• lllht•r pl.tll' tr\ltllr to''""' trurn •t'l"llil "" ll<'llll.ln I..trr~ l h1 url..llt. 11"1' Sto•hl'v ·1' huth 11' 11 " ' ••ttrt•tl 1111 11' l )lol. Ed 1 •inl(lt• ,\I ( ' -.nn•tl ·lllllthn run 1ntl \ r.< Tutunji.lll acltlt•d mw t'.lo h lu \I.Hd• •lid •1 tint• j~th ' ' • rt'.N' nmn .tud .111<1 th.tt 1\il• till' h.tll J:•lllll' It ll't" a lorm~ tlu- ' l t·lh lut,tl lu t•it.:hl l'.tl•h- prmitl•d lotttr t:••·•l· llhlfto L ttTI llll<lr ' ' " J.!'""' lo!ll1H' .11111 tht• '"'tt' lltlllol nuk .111ol II R~~ttrke pru,itl•••l tnn·l nl km uul \ I lkhn.m •·11h thtplwd tn hll <' ltt•t•n 1•tllll'r 1\Jt \ I I • •I Mtnt: pun, h tn ' J.t.un•· th 11 tiHh 11111' ·1l'lt'•t' l 'u-• tpttln• l l trn 1 ln , '""' :-.llurd,l\· .tt \ h1mnt twill 11 I'll I rhrhl dt•ll'n l•l tht• 11irt• 11 it h '\t•lt R>·d·t rpm l'h1l l'ilrlrhnl!tnn. """' till' I,., h r1 im• httt•d ,, '4 1un~ \ s~nlllp· l.m:l.tn•l t 'nllt'l!t' •nmin11 ulJI nn '"I' 11 11llht.llulln)l Ill •UPJIIH I 11nd IIH,tl ll' llolt tuut uint• an d till' ~:.tnlf' ,t.Hl !•d nut ,1 t• t " O.,mtth h.ul lim· tll Itt· llt'-1 "·"' ul tlw pih hint: luttlt• 1tith llun \ hr.th.un oln \ lll'• k lt•t r l l'lb i"urru'\t'ol 'r.,.. '1'~'~ 1 11 nuki111: 11 •l\t'' \ tnht t I '·'I' rlw m<~un<l tur \\'ntu••t t•r lt•th "'''" '"'"n 111 \l nllllt "I J .tm•·· In ltl.t• 1111 I tin o.,,Jm l 'ht•l' 11 '' '' 111 rttlll 1••r llw hrukt• thl' ,~t.tllll' ttiolt· 1tiW!1 1111h tim·•· ll ull' 1 ro .., Thl' ( 't~h.ltlt·r• 11 II h nlll' 1 l•ll ll f • 1\11 h I"" flll,ll' I Ill! I h ltlc·r prn rtlll • iu tilt' I11111 1h .uul udtlt•d IIlii'!' "' tht·ir lw•l t~'.lln 111 ~t·tr• p1mt•<l valt•·l ·1 t:ntl .uul Ill •--•Jot ..uul 1',··~· nHttl' 111 tlw hl1h J) OII \l tr,th.un • , Itt 11111 mmh fur the lluyntnn ll tlh•r· l !'rn.altl h 1 Hlllltnl lnr th o• lllh<'l \ m 1•11• h•·•l 1 um Jut h,tll Jt:llllt' .11111 fl•tllv lnh pltll'tl \\I'll thr .. ut~hnu• lht· hr•l hn 1 I tlh \ tniH'r•l l!ot.lltt l.uu l,n·t· r ·h•m•·•l hill' t\lt• lit• •lrtlt k 11Ul ' 'It'll l''rtotl .wtl h••l ""'' 111 U•ttlun~: ,tllt'r th•• 11 ~' lmptt'•'11 ' \\llh lu- '"" .wd ·JtTd uul llllkt•tlthr•'<' I w•l IJm.tl Llllll' HI llr•t lliH•o·n mtnul t'• nl pb~ In tlw 1..1,1 ..... runl.l~ tll••rntlrlll lht• lt·uul'" l•llt h tho· ninth 111niu~ .11ullw Jirtlll'd , 1• 11 mrl Jlt'rtlitf li lt! ~ t'rtt" ltt'l:,lll 111 Jlillflll'l't'tl l<l \l t•tllord Ill ltkt• 1•11 thl' hilll•t•ll \It'll flY 11111111111\ dll\111 flit• \i rlt• :nt>\t' l.t•tf It\ 1 'ltlllll! ,t'l.td; thn J'Ui h ) lllllltth ' J Ull ltt'itlt•tf I lt•l 1'\ ttlll' !1111 thrt•t• .111tl •I rUt 1., till! 1\111 l hruul!hutll 1ho lu•l \\ lilt lh t• Jlililtfllll l t•oh h .t~ l(tlllt•n 1,.p11 1 •1\ ~, 1, 1 1, 111 tl~t· .I ,., ! lt•t•l 11 I'H it'lltl'<l lt'lnl h.tlilllllt' nw third jlt'tl•ttl lt•.IIUII I I J'l'tll d , ,., h thrt'llt'llt'rl fl'l" lll'tlh HI lit • I 'll r cl n·hd rtlll• rntnl lhflr \1111111! lnh •lirlll' 111 11 hidl thr t·:n~:uw 1 ·r ""' .l tlu•t' 111111•·•1 lh.tt llttJH'd r.qudly trwu IIIIo hint~ •l.tH tlw httpt•• l•tr ' l ••tll lllt' 11111 •I rlw ('nh.lllt r• \ 1 Ju llw hllll llltl' o•tul "' lht· hdtl l•l th1· nlht·t l•ut ht "' fttr lflltlfl p1td111111 '"'" '""r Itt 1,..r11 ,,J tht· prt:"•llll! f1 111t ( 'ru .. 1q 11 1. l ull• Ul>ttlur t11k h11ttlhn11 uultll- ,,~, ,. llw pl.•u• .. r It 11in~o: 1•1 C •PI tin >11<1 u:un ,,,.,1; 1'- tull ,, tht• 1111'11 trum !Ill( tlnhl\ "·1' tlw •I•·<J•Itm: lnlttl t• ll l\t R 1ppl~· 111<1 l ltm \ lu.lhlln tht rnttttlll tlll turm•d 111 1>111r mttrt' Utili• lht• Jumlt•" '' urt•d th11·•· I IIlli'• 'I h• \~:,tin 111 tht• ~· IIIII' ll!.lill I ll rtn1ll'i l ltth •t'llllld pt'ntuJ \11'111 tflftlll till' IIlli' .J lt•t h' lull1111( ,IIIII 11iftfllttlt t:tllH' 11 fll lkt• lht• !I ll 1J •lllrl' t;>. :; ( ' r 11..,'ftr•l 1\lllll\l'r l tth llllllll<' q·tr- tlw llf •l 111lh l ull· tOrtrll! 111 lht• ilr•t thrttiiL•h 1111~ , ,,~ 111 nn 1• 11in. !lt V!' ... ·rltnu 11.1\dt•n 11 ,._ 11111 , 1 ,, 111 Jt 11 ~ l••r 11111 IIIIIIJ11' ut pi" lh· tht •tt•l ••I R1ppl1• Jnlc lw<l 1 '•·lut 11.11111• tu ~:.1111 tho 1 r11... 111th luur It" ,J. ('h.uht• lht• l••·rin<l 1t•• h h ••I ltkt·u t111111111111! ht• llr 1 11111 tfl,llll 1 thro·e It,.. ,. R111 J• ,11111," md J nhu 1,11..1 , .... h 1 1JIH'd uul kt'l'' t h•· hIll .11 1ht< l u11- I 'Ill I ur pi•· t flit L 11111 t•h•l ,.,. uw 11 tnd .fl.ll ,. up lhn·•· ,111 t1 llill II•' 1ph1 h ul I \In l'lul •ht• twit! '' 11 rtllt: tiltH' llw '''""'" tlllh fou r Ill'~'• 1111 h.tll• 111 tlw 111111' J',nl hnl!lon ili!.llrt "·'' hid1 1111 l'o• h ..,,.,. I. \ f. IC(I..;)o,J.: - / 'ua•· I lllltlltt.t ht• pitt ht<l
.,,.,, 11;\'-fo.II AI.I..-- / •.,a•• I
cason ATO and AEP T •·a(· J{ Men E~ nd . _1 f L, . tat·t Slo'v But T tcu 01· r Irst Season A ~ Host Future Hopeful I 11 0 f tI)a IJ Loop At EICAA Meet
•E-n•nn 11 \\'nrn·-fl•r I ,,, h In JU•I ""~' mttn• lln·k tl11 l.t I ut "·" \ lthuu~:h tht• l~n11i· tht• lt•l 111tttilll! 11 lnltp.ukt·<l lllt o•r· ""' tH th1• •<'.t•on 1• nut ir lt•rntt\ •port· 11111 I~· tuu·f,.•l \\ tlh h.11 ,. 1 ht·t !•·r tt·lm 1han th•· • .. ndu•inn ttf •ufrl••ll tlu I; ro·1·k 11 '" ·''"' In th1• ur•' Jtltfl' r 1111 I~•· n ··rt C'Jn r• h't 1 h.r hdt~n• u••llll1 mt11 lll•t·d rht• \\'nrtl'll'T nlt'n qutt<· .1 lt1tj~ •111'11 "' 'r lind 1.\llll• fh•· t•rul .. r •f 111 •t·n \ c.mtl t t trnplt• .. r tin• 1• tlti• ,. ''' '" • roun•lh all "'~'I' 1 uultl ·"·." h· lll' tlth JIW~···cl 11!.1111•1 n........, I·· h ,)t·ttfUfl.t r)u ',\ 11111'1 "' t lu~ \l'lr~ ' ' ~,!J,·IIIO: •<llll<' 11ry •rr<•nt.: 11'1101· nuc h-r '" rrl II "I"''' I '"l'h' It d!• n rJlll .tnt! culoi 1111\ll\" h ch1••l 1111' oil rlt JY.tl<l• hn·,\ I hi' nttd· I til \ t thll tl/11~' •ht•\ \1'1'1'1' \ 1 tho· 1m •t·nt lilt • 1\Hh firth "' t' ••r 11.11 11 tmt·- h·tl I•• !,,. t•l•' •·rl II\' \1 I' 11 t \I IJ :w· t ',.t t"r 1 1: •h,• mat• h. bu• nu r•t•l" ''a' m ,. \1 h ' '" " liuldtni.t l ht• I Tf.\ I' I h1t tniaht nn· \ll'll hi\'t• l .. tn ' •un h 1tl tn l1< "l·hl'rl irtt rn 1h•· Nd \ t tn" r.tlt' it 11 t• a mural tt•r 1hl E~J i!illt rr• ch 1 t• h '.\IJlJld h \' l~en r \'til d ' n h 1\'1' l•o hl'tn 'l:t•hrrl out I !tr I f tU:trtl 111.111 h h3d to bt I d ht't.l\l·l' 111' unf 11 llr thl~ ll<'ltlfl'r \ m 1!c h \dth \ - :~ npttot h.1, rum ~ l!ed t'\1' • • • l'h..: han l'· rc 1 r I' 1h1• , .. • 1 b<' rt!J•I a'' '"' , • n• h>\t' 1 1 i!t•' 1 ht• lt·nni" un1h·r ~,·,·r r<'lllld •n' 111 • ht•,
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I nu k ll•rtnt nn•r 'l:urwith lllt\<'r•rl\' lt•l \\t·• k Ill II IHlllll( II• llr I "'" ·r hr ., t·• hm~'" , lpturrrl 11 •ml •• r II llr•t piJt t· I• \\I'll :t• Ill<\ II\ ' I'< nnrl· lllil lhtrtl• J>>tUI/ ... !ttl~ \\•Ill tJH• fO() t'ltl l}r \.Jrrl •l.t h, C\ith timr uf It) I ani '1 3 r• I" <11\l'l\' \nrttlw r tl11uill• t•\ o·nt 1\inno·r \I ' IIIII '11111111111 ""'' tuttk l1••lh th,. 110 hwh ltUr•ll•·· 1nt.l tht• Z '0 lnYr hurrilr·• I)we ~I 'H f'11111Wil l.t·t• f;n.t.lt"fi.IO l•ltrl' f I 11'1111 'IIIII IJ• ,. l'fl.-·•·r 11! lrt lm•n tl" "'''' ltr • in rh• r I'\ I nt ' I hr I rtp In '\11f~ I< h " '' II Till 11'11 II th:1t H ",,. tht• hr 1 tlmt• th.tt tht tnrk tt· HI h ttl I 1h•n HI tJ\'t·nti~hl I fiiJ 'I ht lt'.lm ',\I IIIli up 'tl thl' Clntl' ftl~c~ thlll tht i11ntht1f lr· nl I IH'tl YrhiJI 11 ftll)l'tl ~'•Nith h l f:11l • I h1· t h rt·t: '''"t' I rr h h • 'I h1•
l t•t h
r~>llulltt 111 ~'lilt,. "10
fIt • ~' ~r 'It• • • ·t·t \ - 11 «lt" 1
.,,.,. ·r It \ n
:JLAAT:S \\'t•ll , the t t•rm i:; ahno!!l oVt'r uud thi;; wi ll ht• nur la~l r ulunm t ill 1 1)5~. It 's h<'l'll .1 j.Wntl yt•ar fnr th1• 'l't•t•h talhlt·t ir lt•am-. in ~t'lll't .t l , ~~~~~~ "'' hoiJW lhal rln• 1'158 1'15<) uunpa i~-:n will turn nul 111 he an t•wn lwt h't ..nt• ••.• Llkt• many ntlwr or~.111i7.:1tion ~ on thl• hill . t in• V nr~il y l'luh had ih truu hlt• with t lw New Englur11l c linmt(• l:t.~ l wt•ckcnd. \ good porliutl uf rh,• nwrnht'l'i wen• ~rtwdult•d lu lllkt• in llw Rt•d Sull· Odult•, nh:hl gnnw on Fridny hut Ihe raw wt·a tlwr prcVl'lllt'd the !'{Hille hum h<'ill).( pha) I'<I. ... \\'it It I he t'llfliJlh:l iun nf tmlt1y's lo{illlll' a~ain.;t \\' t':l· lt•yau rlw tm ...•·ha ll lt'ant will l'mii<h a faitly ~un:c·~sful ~c:1.~on . t'ome next sp rittJ:, ht~wt' \'l'r, tht·re will lw " lllll' hig ~~~p~ lu lill. t:wduati ng willlw llavt' !{ ipplt'. llun \hwh:am. anti llil'k l.i' hmt. \ ~ is rt•:ulily appartnl lht• pitt hin~: rmps will ht• harrlt·'l hit. !loth IJ.I\'t' anti l>on havl' hcen tlw sluppt•rs fur ( 'uud1 ;\lr "\uhy and rl11 •ir t"qWrit•ntt' wi ll lw o.,o n·ly mis:wtl. I> irk , ruu, h:h had a wry l.(lltld o;t·:t ,lln . II is hill in~t has ht•c•n vrry much improvt·d owr lih l ~ t':ll and many uf hi.; hin~-tlro; ha v1· ltt·t·n of thr tlnwly va rit•ty , 'prin~: i-. 1Itt· l inw wht•u foul hall 'itnrt s mll in~t. !'>ummrr ht•Ains with u m•·t•tin).: 11f f•111lltall r attdill.th'' jll'il print to liuak This yt•:tr lhr nwctin ~: wi ll Itt· lu•ltl 1111 Muy 21\th :11 •I 1' . ~1. in lht· J.t,YIIl. ' l'lw p11rpu"<' ()( thi' nH 't' lin~: i' to tli~tu ~s a nd n••t't•,,ary cquipnlf'llt for ~ummrr contlilt•mittl( and lo t't' rww f:tt t''· l 'ruh11hl} thi-; ''"' pu inl is 11 mnjur one-. This y•·ar, Ilk•· 11111~ 1 or 1Itt· pn ~ l yt•ar,, lht' squntl will run nho ul 30 mc11 , whit h j..,u•t tPally larJ.tt' t' tlllltgh 111 ' " ' t:dn injt t rit·~ autl s till curry t1 fu ll pr:u t i1 1• l11:u l 'l'hu.. uny nu•n on 1 :11llpu ~ who ha vr pl:tyt·d hi~-th Sf'hnttl fl~t llha ll hu t 11.1\' l'n 'l playt'fl twrt' at Tt·~ h . would IH' warmly wt•lcornecl .11 llw lll!'t' lin~t 111'~1 Tu«>-.day In lll"l Y<':tr'i, .\la11 lla.n '>t' ll , who dt•vdurwtl illlft ww uf lht· lw ... t guard'! '1'1'1'11 had ~·vl·r harl. joinf'd lh(• lt•:rm in hill -..:1plu1tnll11' yt'JII' a11ll mt~n• rt't't•ntl y Dave Ry an, a h•ltf'rrllan 111 1·ntl frlr tht• pa ..l twt1 y l';ll 1\ it ~ :tl 11 a la l£'<unwr lo the lt·am. S.1 rlwn· arc plenty 11f IIJlJIIIfl llllil it•., fur mt•n whu h1w till' g:t11W .••. ;\t•\.t yNar tht i\thh•tic l kpa r rnwut will utlrl what Wl' mn~ith·r ihc ltij.!J4t•~t lmprownH·nl lhal thr dt'p:utnwul lw; olttnint>rl in y1•ar" a Tt:titlt!r. Thi'l man will h(· ;1 comlti rmlion traitwr rtnd t•quipnwll t n~;art . \\'h ilt' wt• H':tlitt' :tn ('(JUipnwnl man "ill J.! rf•atl}' ...;mpliry tlw prt·~•·nt -,y~t• ·m 11f •wwr;d rnulla l(t'r' ltaulinK in IIIli' rtHl!ll , wt• lwli t·Vt' that hi" ''Lraininl( '' rlul il'!> will llt• miJ~I important. \ t rrtlnlnu rr1•,m i-; hcinl( lluilt lwlwt't'll t'hl' lllwt·l r1111111 rtnll Uw I'IJUipnwnl r•xllll \\hit h will h•lll'<' 111 h th in~... ~~ ~ rlw whitiJ"~''"· hc:a! l:rmp-;, aud Htpt•, bnndattt''• t'IL .\ u ltmJI••r will rh .. a rhll'lt"' h.1w 111 tlt'Jit'nd 1111 tap inl( dnut· hy 1ht• " rnnu a t I lw ,,.,, lut k1·r" ur llial(tl'l~i., hy n frit•nd nl LIH' h•JLt, t• • . '1'1t1· tl ll nuu l ~prllt l.t ~purt 'i llanqul' t wi ll lw lwltl 1111 Tuesday, ~.l ay 27. h lllHWII111 1111 ill•··• mir.!inah·d l:t.. l "l'rin" thl'rt· will bt• 1111 gut·'l p(•.tkc•r in Mllt•r lu 'o hr,rtt·n tlw c·venl <Jn th<• prtturarn for thl' t•v(•ninl(, in arlditi•m "' tlw uwarlliuu 11f ll·lft'r~ n nrl th•· t•lr·c liou n tplllins, i'i 11 tal k hy IJr \ 'au \t'itlalc• ;uul llw aw;urli nj.( of thrt·<• major rrophh•, 'l'lw (.rami ~pr1rts T rophy, Tht• "lk11ll ' I mphy ( 111 tlw ITII"I 11U tsta11tllt1)( fn· ... h· mart 1 anti lht· \ 'nr,ity I hrl.'~ \lhll'l<' 11f IIH· Year \wart! ... \\'1• n·n·iv<·tl 1. ll'llt:r fmrn ( roach Kra lw.. of thr• 1.11 rtl \ (' ll'am fl•t t•nlly infmming u-; tha i rt , laH·nwnl 111 tlw la ~r t, .. u•· iwliPtlirw pum allt•nrlunl'l' at tn•lmin~.t ., iun' Wit' in~tlrrf'C 1. \\'•• vmuld Hkt• 1•1 brH h apolnJ(itt· 111 h im and 111 I h·111~ him f11r hi lt•ltt>r \1"'1 ,dotH! I IW hrt l' tlf l:tt rth• t• W(' hat! tilt' ''I'Jlllrlunity 111 nll('nrl alu· l.t t honu '-'""'' \\'c• \Wrf' \'t'r) irrJif''"-.t tl "ilh lht• WfJTliJt·rfui ~pit it \thit h , • j 1)-'JliCd of lilt' tlt(irl• t{tlold" lll quoit· ( ~>flfh Krr, lws \llhtlltt.tll tlwy drt'l'l'''d orw 1(111111' tu Nt•w l•:nj.ll.lfHI II\ ,, ? 1\ c•trt' lht•.)i l tllrl \mllf'r I r, I f11r l lutr fir I vitlflr} uf Ill!' }c':tr. \ttl her "'' , lt~trr h ~wrl it ''"'" n ,J piril ·uttl l!llc)ll Lu rn 1 1•1 ulttain II" ,. lirtal r,,rr • • • . \\'.11, l1t tlr:tw nur 1 11111mn I•• a d•1.••, \H 'd Jih• to wi h t'\t'ryoru 'Ill r•njr,y:rblt Vt<"~l1••11 thHt i, if P•ll m:tkl! it thr!llrl.!h linal11 in om: pi~·. 'J'' tht· vr:t<ln.ctirw •·ni••l "' "''l'' ·.. ur lutun• ''ill 1.,. hllt•cl \\ilh nnthiu~ lnll h.tJ>J•illl mrl .a for th•• unf•tllilttlt: ftw "'ht't \\I ll •••· Y"'' ltl ~t·ptt•mh;or. ro•turn ne'l \ r·ar
Ill tnlwr of
TE Cfl
~==================== ro ,,,, 't udt ut. r..hat he
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1 1 1 Bear in mind t.heu 1 '"mlimc th • week hnwc. \'cr. nccq IJble st:r.ndard of IJ('r 11111 thina du nrot lohk \t'f) prun::i,in • anu• '"' th• rn t h "Hh \ I ( Coa-• Gu:ITI) •1 Jn,lte members t tnd \ I C ii thJt m~ttb •l·~ ~:ct iaculty I mnc' trlrnini5trltion to ~•uclc functiom ·,. tell• rain« d ., I' rc •r, l.tr a \:&:!- th.Jt the I , HI II\ lllC Unit~. • llrll f l.'!rd) rn.ttt h ntt 1... rc)1laycd. 1ben ft•rt t ie I 1 I ( ; ~l.lmtain a check It ' I lllut Uill l arn \\ Hrth lt·•h i 1'''1111.! th.mn' fur IJ<IHb!c \ll · Sttllll•~l itf'r! ' 'I C he tlru.' ' not undeBt:lnd th t•mt•• u t·r rl s t'.t'll'r tiJII•t!Otlll• •hi) '0 dUrtrt• II j ft II II , fltrr.y l' rt•lt.l •h• tht• lot••t Jlttrnc ui the )f'ar th.tt h~ c.m be specific in , ·\I' 1' ",'1'.\ 1'1 h ns: help Itt hrin 1tte li nml t rw1 the f:lculty. • "' 11 1 pit\ • d t!tJin t C l..rk Uut te:un• l'n• .. 1-r.wk \\'llli.ml l.trll•\\ttrth llt'ft• plt\1111! In tup f•• rrr fur lht· l•m lt·.1\t' It h \lith 1 1·1 •l'.l•lltt ' llttml. 1 l , R1·Jiiu iarulty mt I \'T• ran. \ ' 1'. • lJ• n:tld L. Ktrl. lilt' 111111 h ., :~ 4•14 11 ru:ht dull n tu tht• \l tl'lt nl••l ntl l.d 11· 1\t r • Utt· lu11 'lilt nu: lot r t pectcd to Prt•l'ltlc t' ttt:n•he ('.,rr '• 1 ,: lltHI \ 1',\t'll•rn for I ul 1\itft II\ I' .mel IIIUI IW tl fl' • tlllll(tnjl 11 in• lull l ' ltrk tut.tfl) 11 dkNI uft 11ith Kt·• · "n, I r•·tll rt• k II . Lut~t. Jr tlu· \itlllf\ Ill 1111" II I •luulllt·- mall h ~IK'flht•l\ Jl.tctt ,tlw tttlltrtltUit·tl t:: 1 • • Kl tlizc he c:tn he th• ln•titute'> I. t \ h.,\1'1',\ ' l 'llw 111111 ·llttt ut tht· •t':l.un \1;,, lrun ntltt..tntl ~ ll•ttl .tncl lhrt·• ' ht··t ttnll.l":idllr or .1101111 \1 til lntl is s1,1 . On th•· Tt•rlt \ld{• ur tlw h-tll(n l'fl• I l1111,dd 1·. "1rk f.cmc·ll l't•t h llw l<.nl!iiH't'r• rt.lll) r tn ))u k 1-.dl\.lrcls sc•t w d up I 1111 ~o:uul• \ .1'. Ruhnt E llulll'r · 11111111 111 th tJu, ura·. t lw lin.tl -con ( 'urr "~'t')' Antluttt)' J \uk·~llw}n• flt•inLC •l!lhl tu 111u· 1\ , indititll'd hy tht play1nl( the rrt:a"' l'hil l•udt lin~.tlun unrl K.. t ~!'I y ·'I rt··•'· . I<It hilrd "\ Lu•· 1111 ,. J.u1, • 11 du1·• twt h.l\ e I 11u 1111 dt I· ronk !'1.1h·k c•:tt h h.ul lllllt' .uu! I l.trry R vd,lrom ahnu I lllll'llmm.tled 1111 tit· t,tl'>(oll I he.· ulb.:r thru• 111 tilt' 11 1\' 111 fl-11111• fc~ rman ~ rln•.un ,,, Itt• tt.~rnml\ nu •I d \K'I -. 1\0(' 11~ I\' 111 .- 4 \It';,. 111 'l'ttnit\' l111111l111n Jntl I ''"'· . f) •v1d S ~llllt•r hr;. only 'hot uf tlw .1ft• rnuun lit thtl llu•tun l 111\t'f•tl\' In t flrt'• t~f '"" n tlllll'd .Jil il'- 1 I 1111 f'uddlttl!lllll l'll:tl • .. \ 1' Ehu J lh111rkm tu 1\\u l'\'1'11 tu • 11111• .11111 • tX 111 lhnt rututdttllt lr.1t•tfll \ 1'1 • I " ' I1 • . m·hrn11 hOI\1.'\er .... l'( }' . f rea,., .. Ku h.trcl 1·. r hcmtp•r••ll ft''JWI II\ I'll' tnilr.tl filii f,ll'flf'r.J I \lt'lll IH ( All in all thi- w:t~ rtnt 11111 clio;,'I JIJI(ttttl · ( 'A~II~Ri\ CI~U II l•:q•fl th;•u~.tlt tJti, , 1;,..111 h. 1, 1!"' I!•HH' jt.c·ttl 1u 11 11111 W•' n.t 11\ll~tl ~utult•t•.•n• in 11 u .,cll!oon i\ ~ ""' Jmintl'll uut lw· Jlrl'• . OuuJ.(Ju.; () l.t rund IIIII \\I'll l'rii•IK't I• .trt' H'l) ltncht rm 1111111'\1 r .I Ill I JUrtl\ "' till Ill l'llVtrunr~>rnt ft 1rc 1he ,c,,on UJit'lll'tl tlw l""' t'• lhtt' St·n• DJvid ~I K.wh 1Ill' 1ulun• 1 n· hnwn 1\ he• h .ll !' Juint·<l II\ "rt·tl h 11 inl! til lr tllltttiH ' hu~ I "'1'1- Frm" l'"ll" I T tl'J ' . J tH:l I l.t·un.trll to ~otratluauon' \\Ht' wn•ulcro~ll!e I h1• tltc• It'.'.' 11 thh \.'t'.lr h t\1' luuknl t''CI:I• 1h1· · rntt tltllll •luru•.: th• "''" 1 n 1111.: tlw l• tur-c out nn J niubt l • • ~a ~ a tr.rno,~twn.ll ) t•.tr rur tht· IJc "''''' '11-.l"l I UA~JI 1um.tll~ II"'''' ' I h1· ht •I ul lht·•t· t 1, ..., II Ill.\ 1 1 \1 "1 1.1 \ ' K I I.\ \H't I; l11•1• lllr fuur Yl'Jr· I ht• «IUtll'nt, 11''1111 in ''" ltr'l p •.tr t n VJf•tl~ 'JII•rl I,('Jth·r I nuu J K.11.1 ruu · ( tht·tr 11 h,f,., \\flrk •1 link l'uht'll l) u k h.t• .tlrt .ttlv \\urL•·t! I Ill\, .1ft' .thlt• Ill J••tldJte Ne11 materml h.ul 111 he• dc\'t:IIIJlCtl \ h1 '"' 111111 tht· numltt·r tlllt' ·lut un ...,11111 1! ..., 1 , 1111 1<-111 114 uh~ r.t. 111,.n, lo 1ht1r jul~oo JJj!'t>t u y t l' tuntent brand new lc:tm '"' h lht• ft'l\ rrmnrnATIO"Al (:lfAilfl -l 'r om l ' 111tf' tht• tt•.•rn l k ,, ·•l•u o rtll'mhl'r nf tht t.lllht.ttl' tlw lc·.trnlltt.t proc l tht lui ul t'.11 h ci.L-. hccorne betu·r •htiiiJmttcl inl( rc~eulnr~ {rum ln~l yt·a r, lll·tJptain' llr -1 tllliJitf"· ttllllhlrt.ttlull 1111h Kt·tt l;m in~: n•tumratn ldatlult- trc· m.ttt• 1 \lith th<'tr cln"mote!> and tluo tlllllf1.11ltl'• i\rmury letl hy tht• 2f1th Divi,h111 ll.uul • '· ll r1rry Ryd~tmm .uul 1'1111 l'utltlin~otlun Knttl(', who '' tlw llll•l.dn uf thr team th.tt they represent. and, in •o dmnl!. 'I he wmmandrr uf I hi.' ll.ttt.dwn nlmt~ 1\ ith ddt•n,t•nmn II ill l.inkt•, mid Kt•n hy lht• 1\ ,1\' , .. ,, prtlliUilllf nl" l , ,, lilt " "'"''"· lhtl thn ~:radu.lll~ bc(omc ,11\'ilfl' uf the "hie hcltleN Frank S,1lt•k anti l ..1rry Dwm t lt'utenant Colwwl l· ur.tn Jtrl'•l'nlrd ,, 1.11 II IIth lwrt• 111 llw ttl\' 1\htrr tht·~ 1 It \ tttllll ,,, ttt.llt\ •ludtlll tum pttturt• ut intlu,.try. 1ht• 'tudntl 013· 1 ruphy tn I l e:ulc,u<~rtrr ... Cump.1nv fur kin. and auarknwtt Dit k Ed\\nrd• t\ 1 wntt• up \\lth •111111' ul tht• hc~t tenn1• 111111• ,, Jlll••tltlc· tt urt<' 1\lth the cour,.e I nh t• thl.' unlr llclman :rnd Stu ~lllltle;., "" nudt'tt' h.ul uut'>l.tndinlo( w11rk l hmu~othuu t the yl'ilr 11'.1111' 111 1he· .trt·,t !Itt k ~l txcr ·mtl 111 1-, wr. "'' clut• c.trt• 111 111.1ktn11 'I huul in thh :~rea 11itb 'Ill h .111 h· ftt·r the im11n:,~i\e rnie11 , \\htlh wn' to he huill. 1 h1• pre•entcd n !lrt'.ll ~\\tlltlo( Lt·r-aphnn .trt' th1· 111n utlu.-r tlllllllltlll• 11h11 h 111..1~ ht• llll•lllltrprc·tt'd ltll«itd Jlrtljlr:tm IJrohlcm 111 llnve 1\ ru~h.:., in h i~ ftr~ t quite ~imilar Lo th.tt prt·•cnlc·rl hy tht· ,fiHI tht·} .h •.trt .t•ltt nr n• hl'lllt hu~t till' tnll·l· llw unly re>triction' w nwrnlwr,hi~ rrt••hltlt'n \\h11 l1111k K CJ.'I'.l'. Onua liun 1 Itt• fn ll.,win~ IItty, year 11s conrh of 1111' lt•um. To mnklo haw tllltliohll'll 1t1 rn.tkt• .1 ltta· duulolt·' lt·l!u.tlptmc•r• ttf • luflt•nh in tht• cuursl' a rc thnt till' lnrliv1tluul he mat tel'!l sllll wor~c then· wn ~ tlw pmh· tIll' rn.:m locrs of 1he (;lilt rtl ntn r!'lu·rl p:ur, 0 1 till' lll't t·r.tll~ Mik t· ( ;ttllt rnith 1 q l·.xpl.1in d t•nrlv in .uhaiHt' lilt) rnaturc with at least ftvr )'(':tr~ uf inlcm of fnt:k ttf II )Jr:t ~·llce fil•ltl . l ; rindrr l1:tt k w the Armury. h:l' won ' ''V!'r:tl uf hi, matrh•·" Ll'l' ' i"'ci,tf pulilll'' .ttul prutt·tlun•, .tppl_l· tlu•tntl l'Xpt!rit:nt'l'. emplll\rtl in . 1 ~U· Ficltl. ronnerly u~rtl II'> l•ructin· ht•ld "rnith hil' "'' •' pl;tH'cl ,, \l.'ry ~.tuud i1111 '" llwtr lllltr•t·• Jit'l'\l•ury raJ1.1city in .1 \\'one.,trr nrea for the l~'lt ros'r ('luh. w:" no lnn~otl'r 'fiC AC :I\- Frmu 1•.,,.,. :1 ltr.uHI ul ll'lllll . Lt•t· .uul 1111 k c;u•t:tf 1 11 l.t•.trn 1h1• n.ttnc·· ut tht•n •lu· mclu•ttiJI 1tm1. nomin.ttt.•d hv lu- rm. uv:~ilahlc . Thcrrfort , when it lnnu· 'fill h.11 ,. "''"''' .1 flUIId tloultlt•, tum dt·nt ,,.. ••11111 '" Jl<'"lhlt plm t•r .tntl that he >hUll J hkt·hhootl fuuj!ht Jnd Tt•th .urely nwlt· .t time (nr the tram 10 jOtCI llUI~icle lht•rt• J:IIIHI ltlllalwn 1t'llllt'. ul wurw 1' JU•I \l.1kt· krtul\11 1h1•tr 11.11111' .ttttluf ul the (IIUr•t' ~hoi\ in g. wns no pl.tcc Ill pmcticr 'ince l ht' Mil · Duug Stot.t hn ~ llt't'n l't•t h\ rn11•t ·""'"' 11\l'r fur tht- '1'.1"111 lie •U r\ lilt' tltrntht·r lc• tltt·tr •1 111!1'111• .trtrl th.tt l lw '' huul I'- ·df·•Uilllllrlrtlll \\ith cer ficlrl wrh heing u•NI fttr IF ~11ft hall rnrt~i-,tcnt winner li t• Ita ~ l.tkt•n fir.t 1u l(t'l uut .tntl 11.111 h tht• lenllt' tht') J>t~'l un 1lwir ulllu· cl1~t1r thl'ir tJ,.,, tht lltdu,lri.ll lirrm reprr~t·nu•cl foutin~ ' I he team, rc·ct•ivin)l Jllllltl "uppmt frnm pl.trl' in 1he I 00 nnd 220 yartl tl:f'll(•;. "''''' ht•, "'''' )'l':tr lhuuJ:h. h thin~:• '• ht•clult·, utltu· huur• .Ill• I l11•1111' ttl•·· tht• numtnal tuition rh.u,~:c. \ t pn••rnl the players. !>lrtt,:CI!Icd lhrou~th t•arly u h h 11 tut JI enrollment 111 'time 11111' in t\rry Tech mc·c•l li t• '" wrc·l)• In Itt• 'h·IJ"' ttp ·" t'\ llt'tlt·tl htll\1'\t'r. fcth phurw numhc r 1no rnin~ ..Cl',innl> until a held nc>,t r '-:t'll'· 1111 ltlltlt' •tuclt'nh tu lh t tr hunll•• hu1ulrt·tl lllt'IIIY men :ncr.tj!t' 11(t oi t tlltJtr:uulatcd 1111 h" hilt' 11nrk .tnt! •huultl 11111 qurre ,, ft'\1 l.t.llllt'• tun • <1u.ue 11'3 uhtained I he u-e uf 1\ ht·n tlu. 1 l•u-.rhlt• rurt' H·ar• uld .tnd reprc·t·nt rn~: I om thi field as \\~II .~, the held ht•hind 111'.\1 \'l':lr. in h" wntur ~ t'Jr •huul1l ICCITC: -I rom l'att" I ctmtin.ue In leacltlw ll':Jtn llill S:umnrul 1; t (,1\t' murt' t·mph.t•l• tu tnfumt· \\ ..;" : ler hrm• E.tth cJJ ... I• hmittt.l K:tvrn llall t•n:thh•tl tht• team tn hnt'h h~, ;tl'o hetn J \ ' t'r)' wn•l•tt•nt \\inner ltilll 1.1 ( 'ulund (;UIIII.trl rt'll'l\l'tl .1 11111 t hrtr •tUtlt·Jtt- ·''"•ul tm•ulnd ·'"'' '" tlurt\ tu thirt\-four men to kttp the M'J. on 1\ilh .tftt·rniHln J~r.utitc •<'\· ntt•tl.ll prt·.,.•ntt-cl II\ till' \rnwd l"um in l~ttlh hi11h nnd ltm hurlllt•• turr•·ttl pruhlt·nh 111 tht·lr ,,.., i.ll .trt'.t• 111lhm t.ht• hmil' ;,f llrtichtOIIl' tlt•CU•· ~ion•. D~'l>itc tht• :uh t•r,t• •undhimt' nurnit .tlrllrt• ;uul !-:It'll r11111t ' \ "11 fur ~ l :my frc.,Jtnwn h,l\'t' ll('t•n tlninl! 1' 1 lk.tr m rntrul th.u lu11 m.trk• 111 'IIIII .\nHHtll Ihe Te1.h fatuH~ h·.1chinJ,l hC \'Cral players tlt'\'l'htrlf•tl well. and IIIII •l•ttllhlll( ,11 .~th•rntt ,HI ttl'\ 1'1111'111' Ill quilt• 11cll thu" f.tr lhi, 'lt':lwn J ut• 1lu• 111•1 •t•rtt•, 111 t'\.ttlltlt.ll lllll t.tn l~t• thl' ~dwul .trl.' IJ r. • thll'l'i~t·r. 1lrrntur· many new mcu cnnw it lnng woy tn fill Ctrllt'rttierl' h:1' ht•c11 a tnn.,i~tt•rtt tlutlin~ot i\l tlil.lr\ "''l'tHc' •llhJl't '' ""''' lh,cuttr,tl(tn.LC '" frt••hnu·u 11hu rt·· Pn•f Ecl11in lli~:~tinhottnm •1""'tant the )(,Ips ll'ft in thl' lint·up Thr• lt'.lnt C.11h•l Ruht•rt ( ' lll'.tr,c• uf \\' urt l'•lt'l I I' I\ 1 d \ • •IIIII U • 111 hu:h '' h1u1l lllater m the 220 y.wl lull hunllt'' Itt cltrt'tlllr llr J u-eph Zlmlllt'rlll.ln . l'rt~f llt.ll linbhed lht• 'l':JSIHI "h(}ll~tl •I 1 1lw Itt' hi Cl'l.'llt~ l>.t\t' ~l .tt l'uurtt'll :tn•l rt't t'l\'t•tl :.. l'.utl Ht'H'rt• IHI\1 I prt'•l'nh·cl 1 11 •win 1 •l utlt-rtt • tu 111 .1 ... JlrtiJt'• 1 " " hul.l• Onnraw. :tncl Dt•.art J.rnr•t marked improH•nwnt "' r r Ihi.' tc.tm h1 I ht• ~tlflurt Clllllll.lll\ lu lht• 1 trlt•l t hat !<lartcd :.~eai1N tht• lfnh Cr!>ity Hf Billl':tltlcr h:t\1.' 11un hr''' in the tJi,c "' h.t\'tll)l i lw htt~ltt••t ,fl ult•ttttt .11 er.l:tt' k .uh•r• 111 thtto~· tuur••·· llht•rt th1· llnll1111 11ho nc~t \'l.':tr. \1111 hl• rt· :tnt I j,l\ clin rt:,IJCC'I iHh rnt·t hml " .tJlpli<.thh' pl.1u·tJ hy l'wf .\rth~r Kt'lllll'tl~ Jr. t\cw ll nmp~hirc 1\prrl 12 Thi~ IHtS n S.11urd:w, May 17 'J'('I h 11.1• h11'1 Itt .IIIIIIIIJ,t 'IIJihfllllllrl' ltll'llllll'l' or lh·· B.ll • 1101 1;11t' tull•tth-r.lllllrt 111 nu•.tn• l'h~ •l'hnol h.•~ Jll raucd .1 ~-tr.:,lt 1le.:U n•huihlinK ye.tr. ll nlf uf the team wa' tht· E.t.r:A.i\. lrntk mee t. Fiflt·t·n 1111 t.tlwn nppl, IIIJ: ft•r I ht• Adl ollltt•d .tnd nwtlu11l• nl 1h.tllt•flt.tlll'-1 tlw •ll jlt'r 11( uttat·~t in the \\'ll rfl'•tt•r lnrhht n.tl wmposcd nf undl'nl rt~SII11'n till' nlurt• lt•~tt·~ 111111 rl<•~r tu .I!JO t:tllllpt•lilllrs par· ( 'ttttf'll' 1111 ' ''""'11h 111 tlt• ~t·lt1JI Jl1t'i1 fullt· •l 111- 'tlllttnurtily u' Cl'idencctl h\' lhl• w.utin~ nulslnndinK of whum Wl'rc• Art Urc't'lh•. til'iputt-d in thi~ 1114'1'1 , whilh wa~ iii· 'l'u ('.ull'l ( ':tpllllll Sltt'llllol ll K l'uult - ll·llt·llu.d ptlft•nll,tl li•t ul '.,;,IMntt·~ 11hn wi.,h. Ill •t·nd nwn j nhn l'uwers. KC'n l:: n,:cvall. l)un l>nw. videcl inltl lwo da ~..e:. hv tht• 'i'-i.' or 111'\ uf Lt'tllttttt~tt·r. 1\l,,..,, ,,, th•· ntn I II I ~l.lkt• 1111 tt·n1.1rk• II lu, h 111.1\ to I h1• '' hnnl Ara Tutunji.m , 1>.111 <rc:rady. ond lluh lht• '' huol. Huh· l'm" 11111k tht• l.tr,.;t•r ,l.tt1din.: 1 .ult•t l'c•mp.m~ l 'omrn.uuln he· ittlt'IJIII'It:tl .t' tli p.rr 11!1111: utllt't Sntht•y at midhrlcl. l'.wl Slt·tlt.ik. j .Jt k Jtruup litlt.' hy J •m:tll m.tr~.ttn ""'' 111 I Itt• J{C I I l' prttt:l.tlll l~t'lllll ll'ltdt•n•d ll>llt•\'' 01 ( tlt•p.trllttl'llh II \ 'J..JI \1.1..--l 'r , m :I l'~ert:tk . 1\t·vin llurkr .1ntl llrun• Wt ll luft, In tbt· Nlwr jlrctllll ll.tt.:~ au·tl .t Kt••t' f\ t' Cotnnll-.11111 nwtl.tl 11! 1 l'.rlluur.tce 1111lt\ ttl u ti tullll'r hr.tnl 1111 defcn•l'. and ll r.td ll n~mt'r Jl I••< llro nttnu Jnd \\'..1h ""' t fto,J tht nut fa1 un•d Htmeloin In h11Urt' l't'.tr• .m.tnlt•tl II\ the• Rt••t'n t' I ltlltt'r• \ ..... t'llll'• \lith''""''"'' Ill'"''"' .1\.lllt•fllh attack. The-e men nlun~ot 111lh 1he rt' · 11.1111 1\llh thn·e hit-. t'Jlh .m•l K Jy till' ,\ thlctk I>Cil>'trll11t' lll t•itht·r inlt·ncL, I 1.1111111 chtltt uh II'• I• " ' " " I• Iht •t dlllh ult i.'• rnaining untlcrrl.h,uwu 1m lht• h•:un \l,r.th.lm .tf,u btlpetl lht· 1·111 r 111th tel t'liminate lhe h1rJtt'l Jtmup in ~·rdt'l ll.tt llllt:lllll & R11 h.Jrol•un .\ rm:- ('o ht•t 111111' IJIJ ~I H'II' ~houltl provirh· 1' \lll' rit•ntt' .11111 th-ltl h 111u hth IL ''·':. a llOnd ~.t1nlt' tur tht Ill kl't'JI l he IIH'('I II h.tt II 11',1., irllt'lllfc•tl ul \\'ullt'•lt'r pn··t·rttt'ol rill•·· It• 11111 ~ I \I l1 I l!t tl<'lt'IIIIIIIC' II II tdt•fllk 11111l a'~url' Wurt' t'•lt•r 'l'rdt 11{ rt'~t:tin tu l~t•-,, rnt't'l nf thl' '-lll.tllt·r 1l111nl.. in I llh't' '' \fl•ti,1Jr•l 111ft•• 1\t'l<' .11\,tfl!t•.J dllrttllltlt'• .trt• tht rt·•ult ttl nun - lt•l h IIIIW ,IIJ thr 1\',1\' in,: ih >IJntlillj: Ill I 1.'-tr' IH (IIIIH' .1• I hr I!Jillt 1111h \\'t~•le\ ,tn lo~tl.t~ "\1 11 1-.nl:larul ttr 111 h.t\t' tht l·:~·tc·m· lu ( ' ult•t l'.IJII Jl tl\1 .triJ h. 'h \ ,., Ill J •.Idt 1111 t.tll•t·• .ttttl Ill h'h•r tin- •Ill• lllll' uf thC' lint'•( 1.11 rtl"t' lc".llll• Ill lwltl t•l•l.'l\hnc Jntl II• hul cl 1 \\'1'1 In '-:n·1lh.un 11h11 h.t• tht· hn:h•··t marL.•- c!t·nl to1 h tch t•t'r tlt'IMrlnh·ut ht ttl 11 uul up .1 cnttd ~ cu i 1•r 'l l'• h '' 11 h tbr ~r11 i':nl!l:tnd 'tl.lltun nwet for the •nt.tll •t hc"•l• mtn-.htt• 1111 tht• HIlI ( rttlt 11'.1111 , ·111•1 ttr I Itt• llt I I t~f 'I Uolt Ill• II t lu Jlfol!tknt h•>J.!t' "' .1 l>dtt r ,ea._...( In nt'\1 ~ t'1f ~ hnc· !'->tnce 1he· \\ 1' 1 1r.lt k i nne 111 In \ '11h-t I h11111,1• R ll.lllll' l•tlll 111 l~lt.! - t,IIIIIHI 114 rt ·••hhl l•\ tht ll ntlt~ lht• ht••t 111 t('rtlr.tl ~t'll 1-.tl~tl.tnd lht• 11 1111 tlk tur tlw 111110t 11nprm l'llh'nl 'lllllll'f llll!r!(t'' II Ill )1111Jt,1hf~ cJr.tp lht• lll.ltft• tfltrtllt.: t ltl• ~l'.lf ,111111111! IIWtnl'<'r• ~unw mi,~:hty hard 1111rk tl l'.h h unt• ,., l·:,,_,,.m, .uul .lttc·n•l tlw \\'I' I ' "' it.t ul I ht• rltlt· lt';llu llt'rf~ tu ~Uilll' IIIII 1111 ltljl Ill .11 lt•n,t litlll ll n1111r II\ l 1"luncl R.11·mu1ul I' I huufcl KITS - COMPONENTS 't't t•nd The intltl lth1.1l 11'1111 -tantlinu• l'11•l Ill \ uwm.111 l.1'1tlllll ' 11 ttdt·tl t ht ..:111 1\;. .1 h. L1l • ,( , , 1•1 t t TAPE RECORDERS - TAPE h:l\eu't lwc:n th1, 1 1,,.,. l11r tlllllt' '""''' .1 lllt'rl tl Ill l'.ult·t ll.trr\ '- I ••lltn• ••I l .tdt 1{ 1,! 14 tl \\ lllt>rnlufl " \I r , i tunr ltut tiiW hH tt• t•fnul th.tt tl EVERYTHING IN STEREO 'Jirlllt.!ltdtl ,, 1ht• c•ul•l.tthhnu t.lolt•t in , ht'•lt r c .,,. 1 II• 111 1 ,t , 11 11 1 1 nl.lkt•• 11 .111 tht· "'"" 1' \ll Ifill t.•r thr l '1•lt'l Ilw t1Jih•lllh r<' • l.t" II Jt., 1' ' mt•mhn 1111,1 11 to•r nth· \••111114' 1 le>ll Complete line of LP's al unluukt·r• .md Jllllh.tltl\ •ltv Itt h rttllfl' ul t ill' l'n•hlnl{ Rttlt•· " •••11'1 \ .m.J h.l• :OII·~t·• pl.l~t·l •numl an I t •k l .fnt·l I SPECIAL PRICES 1)2 llij:hlno ul :'1 .. Ill llu• 1111111 l' t. I '''•''I'CT.IIIII~ lur tilt' tlllllpt'ltllll• .tpJIIH'tl tt•r tht• \ th.tmc•tl l '••ltr•t l '.11t.th.tn ul \\ "r" tr thrr.J Jan _ Pop - Classical \\ t~rr•·~h·t, M n•~. 'l'r•l. 1'1. :1.')571) Kut.tll R. l.\111'11111" \ ~n"' 111 tlw \ nlt'fll .111 R,.,..,lul it•tt 1 11 •I pl.,., "' dttll , 111111• ""''" 11 •·nt 1 and Music to Study by nwtl.tl l\1'111 ltl l 'ldt•t :\!.11 1-:vt·rl'lt uh•t h.t'llllt'th l' \\' • 1 "' I J;,,,.,Jutu .\ nt:•'ll ,,, 1·, lll•t\111 K I tur fco.u!l'f· ('.l•kt t'h.trlt-• \\ 'I• ' 1 ' ' lkd ,fltp ••ldit'll\ ht•trinl! 11111 1.!\'tll'r.JI t' t.•hl pt ... ,,J .,., •111! 1 1 tf,. \l•·rn ll l . fir. Su•amsltil'· R ail. Rut 11tr •! 'I r ht •lt"r :\' II 'htr I tt'llt·tHt' llu.<> 1'nm.<tJWrl ot iml \ 1 'r I h l .tdt'l 1 1 "ct \1 11, • \\ t :r.tnt • 261 PARK AVENUE YOUNG VET'S FLOkiST llltht tlllt'lll I tol 11 \\1111 I lllt'obl tft•T"l Oppmitl' R P,:iltr.• e CRUISES and TOURS Iht \ ntt,llhllt t•t Iht• l " \ rnl\ lt>r (. orst~gt·.~ u j (// h iud.tt e HOTELS - RESORTS "'" 9-97l7 •ho111 rnr: til III II \ :11111 .11 .nl•••n•• l1 .1 lt'r· J.•) 1'.'1. " o u ..fri .. 9-5 1' .'1. ' ·•t· -lup qu.t hh• 1 .. ~,. 111 tlw itttH••r \t'tr It ('ll•f< " " " " " '' ' " bnuk 11 itlt 1'l'lt•gm 11" i' nit \\ 1l 1111 II Jl up1 • t , ,.,, h'" IU )'-J:' U \J) TH \\ EL lU ll \Ill F f>R E:'C.FCI Vflfl' .. l'IIIIIC \ .1• tht •tllif' 11h,1 \\ J • "!2 ' I \I ' STJ: EET 1\, rol..1r "'Fin ICF IIH. IIJ \ 'XO R P ll \ R'l U Y :\flit 'l"i•• "'lro 1 I , \\ " " ' ' ' r Pl 3-9178 141 1 llic:hlnutl "• .. U'oi'C'I'•h ·r I ... I ,.J, l'h,.. u• 1'1 1. 7:!.Jh Pilon,. : PI, 6.0591
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