\ O it \If: XLV II I
l<\? 1UARY 22, 19SG
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\\Il l(( 1-.-. I'FH. \1 \ S:; HIll ~ETI':-. W t<:ll ~ ESU " . JA \ l \ll' 22. 1 J~8
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f:ivill~ng. l~l«~(·ted ()ffi•~•~ •·s
I k ll'lltl•t' l lit 1 '1 ~ 1 .t 11 1'11111' of ('.,.,1, " I() lornllwr.. lrurn lht• dt.lpl o•r oil th r l ' ut " 10 ( . ~ ,, ('h ~ I ~: I A•( I \1 '7 Juniur Ch .;s \t• r,.tl\' nf ~1 .1''·" hu' t'th ' '""' ' 111 ' l •·rh II lOX II ! 1 4 s ~~ ~ ('hEm:. .tntl l'lt·t l ~:r·rl 1ht• hrtrllll't• and ph d~o:•'' II J QII ( 'h q .\I a ~ S .I ll ul "rl(nlol I )(·ll.o In 1.111 1\.,rppu fo:p,dun )unioH II lOX :0.. 1(11 S I I.! 'I III' • l'll'llHlll\ IOIJII\\l'd h\ ·' )(I'll t' ht•mi't' 1111' fnurt h \ 'WE IIH't·l in~t nl Ill\' \1 ,., F ~~ I•; I ' ••r,tl flj,, il'' rom .t nd . 1 '11"''''"11 .tnd an " hw1l ,.,., 11 1111 • h1·hl Ta u·, rl:•v l'vt· nin u M IIi\ Juninr ..._ IO.M If tu•). t in I• Lc·o t ) itlltl.tt).' I I in " ttl't'll l.t•c t tJII' II ;til mt lr. rlt'lllll \' :uli\'llh''< II l l S, Zl l Flt't lri• • ..,, ml 10~ . IOh o. ; ,., n'l ilfl' \l i lt·, Cr:tut •l'oko· ahuul po' I' ~} ;l'lrt ~ jumnr '-th lo• ful lilt' pllll1\ .nlrf l• tfll(rillll\ for I h!• II II)!! ... !10 l'hvsi r~ lt' lllill lldt•t 11( I IH' \ l'otr. 11 1111 al' o lip :'II t•l, ~ ~ ;II h i :'11 4 7, ') I ~~ !I I 'wnioJr pmnt<·rl 1\ll'f lli •t't ' ''' "'' ' ' ' him in 111111 II 1 1:; 11 1 11. !1 4, .\1 rchanil~ prliuu lht· ,\ t11111a l !'i1•t n •ta ry \ Rrporl to ll u• < HO II I I II 1111 H 104 ,~ 1! ll lO'I tht· '\:ttuHwl Offi1r• uf tlw A!-.('1•.. ,\ ( . ll C ,I I (' 4 1 l':n41 III'W , l.,lt• 11f uflu t•rs w," f•lr·rl o•tl lu tlu• 'i<ninr r .1z K 107 1\. lOi " !07 1\207 ol rhil' (' i11l• fnr tlw fn rlhllolllinu l'l'a r. t\1 "' 10'1 ( ' h i)j ('hill ('It i I .\I a ~ I n pi,,. •• ttl uo,u.tll\' 1 ht•dulo•tl .ts· tht· hl'lrn ftJII<lll' tll l( in tht· fwll ' " ' l' ' uf 'i<:ninr C'h 77 Il l())\ ... It i s 11 7 'o I Ii ( ' I> ~;n~ s 117 "'tnlll\'. r I,,,, lllt' t•ting, ll'l'rl' h··ltl a t rHrrinu l 'rt••i tl• ·n t "'" St:rJII••s i, lht• Ch 77 :-.c,ninr 1' 7\ J> i') \oltiuu • luonii•JII thrnu.:htllll tho • 1 Cllll · trt'llh' t·lr·• tl'ol l'n•, idt•nl (:c·11rur s, huh~ . ., 1011 s 1 10 s 1 10 l'ht•mi'l' Jill I• r.111k l..,,rlr•k fnrrnrr 'l'rt'<t\IHt'r, wa" arl t-;n II I• 17 Hu• < I~ 17 E to7 '1111' "l'lllu r• rm•t rn llw !·•. 1'. lr•• t un• van• t·tl 111 tlw \'irt· l 'rl'~i dt•n t l"'"t II 110 St lOX, 10~. II '0'1 I I lO? "l·nillr h.cll oll'l llwir III<IJur lr.pu uf oJj,, u.. fkrnl!' ' I ('lrt•a ull '"'" fl• rrl l ltiW , Iouth ;ll.oth It '-1 ICI~ 1011 St 105. 101.1, 1·. 47 Elt·•tt i" 11 10)\ •Hill lloOit'nll'd tlwir fMthtuntirtiL l(r. rrl- f1fllll I Itt• Suphurnun• ria'', n rr tilt' S t 10< 1 0~ tMirtlfl 1'1.111• \\ t'fl' Ill :tel!• :1 (( , t lw m•v.ly t•lr•olt•d Twao., urt•r 1111d l.,n rt•tary p 71 En ·II ""''•nlatr 'it 10'1 ~ t () u n•ru.. c wnrnill ,.,.,, 1hc·ir clttllt'' .111tl rl•s Jlf'f 11\'t·ly l'h\·•i• 'i tllt' • t•it't tlltll 11f 1111'11 Ill I h•••r )!riiUJh \f1 1·r till' llll,trr<'~' an d t• lt·rlillnl> 1111 tht' s,:re 11 k1JI••r to) till' l'll h Cf•OIIlr) ' I hP ) ll111t)f' l(.tllll'rtllll Ill IJ jlll(lll' irll o r;•-. tirr.t: prtJI(t:mr w· •~ wrrit•tl u11 hy -mallp.. ~. ,ultltlnl th•· otrl.tiiiiUfl ur Fnwl ICJ'I rh"ll' I'll pl.tn foor thr· Junior rc·prt'SI' IItltl jo,,,., ur t IH· IJrll\ I) ( 'o rnp.ony L.l\\ , rnd ttrlwr hvl(ll'llll t•nturo c·ownt ' l'r•om "'rl h rt·St.trd" In tlw il ppro opri:1t iun t:; lulc•\ Wt'T(' '\hiiWII tlll till' 1 1>11 '\frtl( llllll t.rrt•.ttl\' dccret·r•l lht· l.tntl' loll ,f •II lnfllll'\' f~or tl11 111101,11•11 '' ' wr·ll ·'' uf t ht· 7 nufliun dolln r Nt'll' Orlt-:trt ' tlw '>!•l1'tl1•m ''' 1111' h.1ntl 1h 11 uti tilt• 11J·.oth· r:tu•l'<l lry t\'j!httid 1<'\t'r ll i~eh''"Y llridv•• \\ hi• h wtll lht• l'uhlil li t alth :1' rlf·ltn l'" t.y ll r lt.111tl tdt•Utll\' n m:tin rt n •t unt il ~ l i "i ~• ippi Rr Hr nnd lw thr fir, l \J rdt•lltl i• tltll£1 rnnl IICII rml\• \llll t :1 ft•W ol(•t•k pnnr tu till' } f' \\'t•c•kt·tHI l,ridl!l' Ill l111k lht• nty M "ir•11' IJrlt•:t n> unl'ti!IIIU• ,Ji,t·t-r• 1111' ·tl"' tlw •uitl \ .tflt lll r tt ffilfl lllt't' ' r·' f'llll;tll ll tht• IH Wllt'IIWr ' I hr· ~lid£· Wl'rt' !'XI t·IJf•Jil fur llr l't•nnt't h ~l ad~r1d . C'ommr"i•m•·r .111, 1 m<·nr.tl w•·ll.trt' uf t111· tlllt.t·n - col • n·-- ,1, tlw tl.•n•t· Y.!'rt' ·" ' '' di •cn.,t•rl tlwy foflt.WI'ti Iht• 1tlllsl rtlll inu of I ht• 1 ,, Publil Health fur thf Cit\' ,f 1tn.W ~nrnmullll\ •Uih .1• \\'un•· ·11·r anrl m •.nv roc·\\ tdt•.r• n c·rl' :ttquin•rl bri•hlf' t rom lir~tinninl( 1" t•nd in 11t':.rll \\'urrr.;trr \\3, I:U€>1 'IJt'.lkt' r oil lht· · I It•· 1'1.•" ••I l ''foO m t·t irr l' muit 1111 ,, , 1 hc• f'u blrl \11 ttr :O.t'mm~ r 1 1 1 • t•wry tlt•t:li l 'I ht• l lrtt V•l ('lll'rlflolll }' 11a l'ul•lir .\ ifair' Sc·minar la,t 'I hur-d.w dU<ll'tl \\!t-IJ~ 1111 I \u1UOI.tr\ IIUII JJ,oll ()11 tho ,-,,.rnrb 1\t'rt' it.duderl rrom ~ tht• , hwf ttllll r:u lltr cw the· tllll • l rUIIIIIII d · ·rnoun. J anua ry lb l rt·rh' 1,.,j Th t• •·minar l;r I> ~fl· ml!l u· rt·purt· tht• ' l t·rh C.trniv. tl llr \ 1:\clcurl JJrt!-enl•'tl ;lO O\<'r-.111 l 1· o!l tl:t• du1· da" numcrn l• norl t la -. flf tht• fflur lllll"iVf' pkr for lfll' '\t•\1 pru~imal•·ly .. ,,. wur •"' 1• ''I'''" "' (Jrlo•.ut llritlut•. ( Jrw ••f tlw lll~'r 111 Jt ltrt• !li puhlic health in \\'tlrt l''tt r ·t·niur intcrc tr-rJ Ill f'ulohr \ Itt r ~ t)( rir1j! .\ 11 t•lt•tlltiTI l>f 01 CJa•o, Jl j,lurt Ill llllllll t•d for half IJw r·cJ•I uf tlw lmdl(f 1 , " the ~car 1'); to the prr-ent tirnt• iott·rrr~tiun~! 113111111 ,11 ,11111 J, :tl (1!11• 11.c 11 o held L'· I( :tccur.He ~Zraph- and ch.Ht- th•• "I he l· rr•hnu:n (!nthr·n·rl 111 \lrlt•rr 1 h 11 d h rcrn • ., r clahoratcd on tl an " 'l~ \ n• • niur t• '• 1t·•••d i11 thi 1 t 1u.i 11 • •· 'It " n••r1·••,J JJ ~o.JI t•• rl1••• u •., t ilt ·• 1ltlt'' FINALS ARE c.! r'h" dut: to T R.. ~m:tllpox typhrm -emir, r ,huuld r•m•.,tl !Jr . .Jnol cnmnutt•·e rr•p~~rt• on thr Tt·rh r I 111her mcnacin!l di-ea•c• hale ric- l\ceki II 11 1 t ,1m 11 .1 "' \\til a' rtn nuntmlllf•rnl·nt • £1 z I -nan Ill HttVntr.n ol '" I• In' VACA l iONS HEAVENLY ·••d O\'Cr a Inn,!! penod uf yearc .tmlll '' · 11 h1 <t(rmt! 1 ont~: rnm~t th(~ {flrthcom tn" h,.,\Jim! incd th,• t the a·mroducllon of •ht art· air• 3d\' h• in:r n ' e :.,r l "' .. I I m.tlch hr·tl\('1'11 I he rru-h ;.nrl Srtph~. 1atinn in 1S90 helped elimin:lle " me··tr.
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Institute H e ld
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Dt·. Macleod (;ue t Speake•· Fot· Sr. Class
lht• tt•rt·nu•ttio•, will
111\'111:1, Ill II I 5 1\ l\ 1. 1111 \ \ ' , .,, ~ ~ rt't' l. It i~ l'XIM it•d lh.tl tht• t'OII~IIIIIIillll II ill ' lfHI ~hurl II' IhL'I'I'Itll I' I' u ll t ht•
11.111, "ill l'hi, ~~
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B.E BROKl~N t ht· '"'" """"', huihhnu. tll111 tal,t• plttu· 1111 1 \:hrn,tt~ I '>
' ttutlllrt' d,.,,,iht;tl 111' l'rt•,itlt•nl Hron" d l .•~ 'J',·,·h \ J.!l'i:.il ,.,, t•ol tll'al itrnn I nt·t·tl. II ttl' ll't·r~ n·ndvt•tl f 1'11111 tlw 1'11rlnu' n •n~l rur l il•u t tllllpauit·• tlurinl( 1h•· lru.t wt•t•k. l'lw 1''1 imal<•d w~l . t lw •·ntm $ 1.22ii,UOO. i, n l{i[l uf lhr Olin l·'ound. tl io rrt 11f '-'"' \"11rk l ' ily. l'hn't' pnrl it ip:~lin~ iu lhl' ohscrW111re 1dll h•· Ch:arb 1.. ll urnt· M Minur•· upo lk J nnw!\ 0 Wy nn or rw \ ' ork ( ' il y :tnt! Rnlph ( 'btrk ,,r l'hiclll(lt, FrwndntiPn Dirc•t' lurs; l'hilip :\1. 1\lor ~.rn , t huir'IIHlll uf T t•('h lfll!<lt't''; Ct•ttfl(l' \\' Smith. Jr . ' 1 ~. r lmrrman ut' lht• llt•wlupmt'lll I 'ro~-:rnm nntl j urm·, C \V.tlkcr, ' I(o , t'H•dlllirmnn.
(:hangcs Made
In Navy OCS Pt·ogr·am 'l'ht· Nal'y l't't'eutly nunr,unt ed thrt•t· int ptlrl lutl dl itlll(t'~ irr the Na1•ul ()lrt,·t·r Candiclnt•· Sdroul l'rnl(rrun , 11hidt ~h unld lw n( irrt(' t'L' ~I Ill 'l < ' l'h 5lllrlt• nl ~. 'l'hl.' Jlr, t ,,f tht·~t· •ltnnl(c'll cmwt•rus tht· Iypt· uf t onuul!,'> ittu whit h an t•n~: i tll'{' f• 1111( ~tr:u lun lt' 11111 (lltt:tiu aftl·r :lllc·ntlinl( n0111'r litntlitlalt' ~.ltuul. Until lh i~ truw, • autlidntt'" phy.,iwlly qunlirird fur uc·nt•rorl lint• rontnri,,ion~ ll't' re t'XIH'I'I t•d 111 .11 cr pl s 111 h wnillli"iu11 :~ whilf' t hr lt'N irit tt·tl, nr ~ prrin lir.('d lin•· !'<)tnmi~· siw" Wl'tt• ll~u;tll y rht'rl•l'tl (ur I hto•W nul pliy ..il lllf,v qui; lifi(•d rnr till' f.(tllll'ritl
' ''ii·J.tltilll( tl!tllllllltlll li111· dut y. " "'· t•uuin•·•·rin ~ot ,LCnHiualt•' whn art• phy~i· W ily tfUII Jilll•d fqr (It(' l(l'tll'r/11 Jill(' IIHI)I rr·qtll'~ l
if t Jwy ~''
lint' SJil't iul ty
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\\'l 'h .
A , ,., ttllll d1n rr~t· in I ht· OCS prtlur:tllt
l•rovidt·s ftor
app l icu(itlll ~
ing ~ltl dCIIt ~ for tlut y ill I hr Olrt1 I ' ilf 'iaval l ntt'i li~t'tlt t• , M in Nu vrrl A1·i:o·
tiun lnH·IIil(t•nt t' . 11•1\\'(•v!'r, tlor•rl' i~ Ullt' t' xlm rt'tJuircnwut fur lhc'l' Plll>l"· anrl that i,, tha i n11y rrppli.:ull 111u~t hal'l' Mquitl'd 1 ililt' n•lup by birt h A 1htrrl t' h:ur~o:t· in I hl' ()( '~ prugra 111 h llt011 waivt•rs llli ll nn~ l1t' ruu~oir!t•rr•tl fur tt·rtroin phy ..iud ddl'll ~. olll11111)1 whitlt ;, dr·ft•tfiVl' t·y•·~i~thl In lht w•nt•r:tl litre• rall')lnry, wniw r~ will !)(• r uu ... ith·rt·d f11r rtpplit :tnt~ with C.)l''"tl(hl up I'' 20 ' Ir)() . PI 11vidt•cl Ih<'rt' i• 1111 ur wwir di ••··c t• 11f til!' ' 'Y'' and prodded llw vi•i•m ' ' curn·tl .thli· lu 20 20 \lith IN•'· In 1lw n lrutr·d lirw and ~• ;•fr t:r ll·l(orit•,, 11'111\l'f 1\ill !)(' CUll itlf r!tl f11r :qopl itant \\tl h rvc· il(ht up '" 10() :il II ltrtlVith·rl Iht•f(' i'lo Oil lit v:tlltt ch ,t·;t~c ,,( th• •·y•· an I lh tl vi... inn 1 c~trrt·t t.thlt· I ' Zll '1 0 with h·n~ l urtt·•·r infurm:r•i 11 •111 tht· '\aval l{t· t'r\'1 pr••l.'• tm IIIII\' b~· obt ·unld from l'rul (,ml( ur u( lhl' IJt·l.trlmt•nl 11f Ell't t nr ol Ero~tirottl.!ll'
ENGINEERS LOSE CLOSE WELL FOUGHT CONTEST .\t ll'r lht'lf th"lll'.lllt'lllllll l'llllrt ,II(JIIl•l ,I 11111\l'fl\1( \ "•UIIIIIIIIIII l(llinlt'l \\'t.'•lnr-11.11 11111hl rlw hu: "'"" 1rum lltl\ 111•111 IIIII •l.ll!l'tl IIIII' ur tlw lllll ...l t'(.illlll( t.~.ltnt'• l'H'r J1ll\t'tl 111 tlw \lumm (o\'111 l t'l\•11111 11 t• I ht• l..t'\ nuh' in tht• "·'"'"" rnonwnt• ul th1• s::tmt: \ h.u.l 1u:h1m11 Itt h tt·11n h.ul •UI'l.rt'tl 1n1m J,,•hind 111 tir tht· ••r•· ~uti llt'h' pt.•rtur ninlt hL.1• &hr h 1-l..rth 1!1 111.11 hnu lht.'l tJII l>t• lllll'n 111lh oint' llllllllll II• S:•l J clt' llt·nn.u:h.m ""'' h ull>tTII tlunk 11111 h.••L.t•t• .111 lllllhl fttr 'ulfulk pul 111 J inlll •holt tn m.ll.t• till' •• tort' i; to 1 •Ctlrt' llut 1ht• EnKint't'l• 1r111l hut t.ulul tO tn.H1h 111 tht• 111111' lt•tl .IIlii IIW 1!.11111' t•ntlrtl lt'JI 111.11 ,, hiChtllll! •qu.ul 111 l'nm .. nn .11111 l:r.11 pi.IH'r• olt•ft'.lll'tl l'hl' tldt•ut 11 ,1, .1 •h.mll'fto•• IHII' hm1 ,., l'r. ~i111 ~· 1ht• En~: im•t••' ftHI~thl ~~~ ~t•ll· l.tlll ly .til lho• 11',1,' I ht•y llt'\'l'r IIIII I' lt•t tlu11 n l'ht'lr pt•rilliiii•IIH I' dulllllt I ht• .rcnml h,1ll "·'' .1111.1111111 until 111ul• lit' 11.111 111 1.1k1• llu·ir tnll .11111 1lw nt•lltl rl'.lhlnl th.ll tht'l' 111'11' ll.lldllllll .1 tc·un 11ith IIIII' I ht• I 1•11•11• I flllll Itt'. III I j\\\ II I'.trill' inltl thl' ll'Jtl t•trh Ill tht• ):,IIIli' II II h .1 tltlUrt•h •tllfllllt t'lllhl ))<IIIII• lll'ltHl' l\\1\ minu1r ... hJtl •hJII!i:•l h\' l ..t·•l h1 Uuhltt• an•l l'hn·lu tht• l :numn·r· rJJ'ulh n·· t'•" l'rt••l .uhl ''"'" lk•<:.tn ''' tht· 1:.11• \\ ur.r•lt·r·~ uu.·n·• •t.lrtrtl h•, h, 1.; 11 ht•n tht'\ •t utr•l lrr•h"L: tht· 1"""h.'e•lin~ 1Jultl11· in lht u·nln "h,, 1''"'''1 "' 1hr cmnrr nwn t•r Jllll•trtl Inti •ht>t \\ nhm It'll 0\tnUtl'~ tht• •u•rt' 1\ ol• I"· II .11 <I \\ llfH'•trr 11,15 Ill 1nkin.: Ul• t.ll11t" tlll(t' .1!1.\lll JI.IIH'I t'f II thl• 1""111 tht' mrn I IIIII\ ll•••l••n Jl•n •t.trtc•l ''' hit lr11m tlw lluur l.rtl h1 \1 ,•111<', :'lldJJ1t' .111\l ..,Uil'\111' I h1• 1111'11 1111111 ~uftoll.. hl•t.lll ttl •tn.lt• 1111•• tht· (,•n• ttnll' llltiH', l' ht'lr ~htlilllllll "•'' .11, u r.llt' .IIHI llnwl~ .1111! ·" th1· h,llt l'llllt•d
I . Te(· I1 S\vuntnet·s 1
1 ie Tufts in pi •·ited (;atne
\\'onl'•l<'r luuncl il•o•il "'\Ill p••llll. lk · J 1111111\ I 111 It h • I ru(!llh'll 'llflll' hanil 10-3; llho• ,,,,,.,, tu 1 \ • tur\' 1\l'llln thrt•• l'he Crim50n .md (: n~ quinld 1111· '• H J ht I :r 1111 nwn 1\t'ro' 11111 ~tim lllt'tiMit'l~ tJIIIt' l!.ltk .tl tht• •t 1rt nl tht 1111111 tur lho·u llr•t 1d11 111 1 lun~ rim·· •t'ltlrHI h.1h ·wrim: :\ •tartllllll llilt••·n \ lth~tuch th1 \ oh•lnt tfUilt' "''11111•li•h p•llnt• m 11\'l' minult'• l>unns: th1 lh 11 nhJt'dt\1 lht•y • l'llt' nu..:h•1 du-r •UrUt' tht' -hvolllllt tJi Fn·rl Uil'iJ>I"' .tlul lu II Ill (\Ill~ I Ull• I hi lit' ollll ht J•m Chn-to ''·" t''Ctn•mt·h· dt•~tlh • llll•itlo u·d •• .,,,m,•,,h 1t t·nruu~ 11m..: l•mst l nun IU man tlt•ten•l' tht• L0111 • •ino• 1111" \\lit r ru\11!1! 1~•1 •II Tt·th IWI'f' •tJr•\'d Ill •lll)llht' rlrl\t' ut lht·lf h111 lktll lfl<llli! •111111 \\IUfh cJ, •t ll(lllllllt'lll• .11111 •IIIII' p.l"t'• UJl .1111 cln\\11 Ill \IIIII t' II th· thl' wurt !--utwll.. dunn~: lht- 11m· \\ t• 11'.'1111 lt.~tl 1 IIIII• •lllllt-111 tnlnUrJ..:• · •hudted hut •lilt m lht• lt·.••l \\ llflt'•• IIIII II Ill ' " I tr , . llht• tllt·uld met' tl th~ ll' r • 11\t· ..umt• \\t'ft' llrt••l up 111•1 lllrl'l• I• t•lllllrlll't, J "mtl •·'t:rt lour-t IHt--t·d tht.' l!.tm~· 11, lht·lf .,111111111.111 , 11 t 1•111.r 111 111111111 1.,. 1., 11111 1 '" lht 1r.h lhm r1er 11ilh .,.,·en n\lnlllt'' ,,, 11,. )1111 •1111111111'1• ""''~"" '" p1.1 th1·m 111 1h1 l'hn•lil fuulcd uut uf tht' )(.IIIII' 1 pro• \\lllllt'r• tlrolo• n·tlure th.n 11," It• tKlllr otlltn llllrllll! In Ill•' 100 1 11d na•ll•·' ro·l11 ' Ju111 thr rrmctinder ul 1h1• lt.ll111' ,1n.l hurl tht• llollln• 11 ,.. thr 111.111 '" ·• •· •pruul h•· Tt•th 1t':1111 h.tdll' in llw 1\,llllllll minuto•, 11111'1 \IIIII!~ llllllt• Jlu· !!0 \.tr•l irt'l' !-ulrolk h-11 ''Y ·l hl'ir holl 111 ,111 fr11111 lho• •lilt• ,,111 \ n llo·•toul , 1111111111 111 lir•t wrnl.'r. Ju•' Ht•nn.IJdt:lll -ucldt·•tll ti1••l 1111h 11111 luft• 1111'11 .. ulltlllt .11111 tht• •fUrl' at ;o-;o 11ith th n·1· lllllllllt'• 1lunl llill l luJit' 11111 11.1\t' ll•rro·•-1<1 I(U oli.J 1111' hnlllll• ftor lt•, h by lllllllllt: ill h um hat• Rolli :OIIHIIII "·'' ll•ult•l llr•t 1111! •l'n•nd rt'•l"'l tht'11 Ill tht• t1t' md tmm lht• lml' put , .r 1 uol trn·tllt• , 111111 1,,111 t'l-lt.' lll'tl 111 111 1111 (;r.mt irnnlt.'ul.ltl•h lt~llnllt'tl 1hrnu~h i.lttllll ,,.,.,11 ,1 pt.111.J 11 1f1, 11111 , 1111w prcu 1 1111h .1 hoop. -~ "1l ''"'''"' rt'lth.tlt••l t:l•ood •h\1111.! m thlt tll'll l •r·l •1••1 111 1dth :.1 h.1•kt'l, ; -1 ·.• 111 1'11'1'" tlll'n 1111' .:rt ..·lul '''" nhtu•llnt I I 'ml lc!Uit.'ol ••Ul Jn•l IIJ• r<'ll.trtll·fl t11r ht• loutll rlh 11 1• '·'l''un•tl l•1 \\ I t:k;;u 1 lllll' IIU\ h~ ;J (Jftl' \1\.Jilllll llt'lllll 11lu lt.t< IIIII ll uJ>e \\4111 tilt' I ~ trd ulun I'Ul one Ill lr.•:n lht• ••Ifill r unl lrtt•tllr: {m lu• t''\o~llll llr•! pllct.'r 'I 1011tlur fn•m th1· ltlul hilt' (•t -~ lh• dl\ lt•r thl" l:.tt:nu·;·r• In tht• 1 l.utu tlunkl-d lint' (~rant thl'll IIIli'• I \31 I I hk•uul..~ t'\tnl r.·.h i"lllllt' Ill t•llt mJkm~: lhr thlf" l•·•h nun l•• h •r' onrl ' "'"'''r. ~,, ·r- 1, ,,j II d> I he ·h<l\\t'r• llt:nno~.:hJn th1"0 •hl'l~ I " ' " 1 ntl ll•r•• I ""h n;l 111 111 lho.' tuul ltn&' tnt! h'"'l'l'•' 11 111 1 ·1 II \llhl frn·· 1 I \ r lk•ttlrd ""\:lOll "'••O•t>O •hut l\\tl IIIOrl" Ill lro~m •h••·l•d hi• •tllnllli.J t11 01 rh~ t.•ul hnr "' m.l..r 1h1• llnJI •t•IH' t11r th1• .,...,Ill 1111'• 111 th•• tiJI 1111h \\ 11ftt"•l1r "(I :-utwJI., jtl l l•lll llo•II II•JIUtlll!.,: tllllh1• u!JCu.tl l!or lh>:h 111.111 111r :OUihlll.. 11.1• )1•1 l h·n till I 1.1r1! u·l.11 lht·,•· trt' tit,• mn ruuh.tn llllh :'l 11 hll<' \\'ollll'•'t'r• hh;h llh•• '1' 11 1.,,•,1 lilt' lt••h ' 1qrn·mnt: 11'·1 ' 111.111 1hc l ~~trim:H•n I l.t•h I rt•,J ll•· ''' 1 111 "tth lull• , 11 11 1- .1 i·•h '.11'1 p tdt tht c.llllt' 111 th ~ ... 11111111 , thiiH' 1111111 II \\.1• dt!llnitt•h· .1 h.ml f,,u~hl h.llllt• In 1h~· mn'l• ''''''"'"I .tltl'r lh\' i1r•l h1'11111 ll•'<'i•ktl ,;n tht· to•ul lith' ll'tm 1111.11' .ll!.lln•l tl,•h l'ru-.. c,,,,,• t:u.1rd .uul ~I I I [ ,•,h 1uUitl ,nm{ IIIII 1\ llh ·' t.lhh L:ltlld '1.' 1•1111' ll'\llrtf , I I II II'\ '1111 II t 1111 I\ • h.IM' 1111 ' ''lilt' Ill th.ll It mJ Ju.J; th 11 h.l• ht'C'Il t•l.u:tUlnl! lh~ tit' 11ith l'ult• ~~·ultl tlh'n 111'll nw.n 1 In lr 1....,.. " ••·nil•1t•ntt '•'•' ll 't II '~ l \l \11 U 1'"11'' .1
BONARDI'S Tops in Men' s Cloth ing High Quality Formal Dres.s For Rent
HIGHLANDER DINER lf~lrt't •.ct•· r·.~
ll o~t
llm lt•rn Oi11 Pr
Otl \ , \I .
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E I" IF'" E""()
\ TI ~
ltl.! llurhla n•i ' I . at 8 •" nton ' '· \\ ,.,.,
· t~r.
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Trl. 1'1 J.Q579
\• ,, lmllt.1111 phrlu... •t•ht·r l•lllt' ... 1111, I ht unl~ 1\3~ tn lt.·:~rn j ... tu rnakr nu-t.tl..t•• Jntl 111 1h1• tr Hilt' ul mincl. \It' lrt':!in our llln!.! prut.t·.... ul • lt',lflllll, lnr till' tllu lt·rm•. it 11 ill l~t• uur humblt.• pl.-.t~ure tu
'l"rl 'l.lllt•" , ,1111 \II ur h hupt th.lt Ill' l.lO du .1• \It'll ·'' IIUI prtdt'l.l'"ur• l'lt'rrt .11111 lhl!l.;t'f \\ t' tl•u hupt• that "l' lan l'\(lrr·~ upimur • I h.tt 1\lll 'lt'.tlo 11.11 '' .. I nul lll•trt' •piril i~tr the athlt'lil t·H'nt•
Iun tlw hdl
.uul, 1\llh 1h1• 111 111111tl \It rt roff. \lthuut:h ftM•thll h:t Inn.: l~t'i'll 01lll ••I ''•'' on tl h .... In til'' f\ muth in tht' natiunal new• clurint:o t ilt' p.l•l \\tl'!.. 1 .1•1 'uno!•~ lolltlhtll rult-m1kl·r· 111 l·t L.tuch•nl.tll.' l l.1 ,,olopt 1·d f•mr 111 ·11 tult·· 11h11h 111.1\ •h.lll\!t•tht• !!.line: l'!Jn"hlc:mbl) . l'ru bahl) IIW 111l1· 11h11 h j, llltt t 111(111•111' 1 ;tltl( illlt'IC,Iill!! ltl I h t.' !!t:lll'nl 1 ~pt•llUIIIr, l1 lllll'fl1"
lh•· t'\ll,t potillt
.t 1omhrhmn thf' ha ll will ht·
pu t
pl.1~ "" tlw thlt't' ).lid IIIII' (lll .. ll':td •d till' ll'ual l\\11 ) and two puinh 11 ill lw ,11\,IHlt·d tt till' lo',llll 1 r""''' till t.:oal lim· \'ttl .1 l'a:-:- or run and tlw 11~11. 11 IIIII' II 1 k11k <Ill tlh' IIJirll.:llf• \hl1t1111th Ill' dun't \,(• Jil'\t' Col' '11111(' tl.t~ lh.tt thi• ruh· 11111 t lt111111.11t ku KIIH.! 11 1l'rl,1inl~ 11ill add t•1 th1 itlll'r!·~t 111 tlh· ~plli.IIIH IIHitlw \l~oltcl .l~ lllornin!! qu.trtt•rhack will r.:o 11ild un iL' I httt' ~·•rtl- '' ol '""'''11-r.tbh dt..,t.llllt Itt 1 1\t'l th.tl dt>t•p in tht· upp•mc•nt• ll·rrllnr~ \til l 1 lt',llll '""' ,, I I I tht tlnl'•m \\Ill hJ\1' tu lw m.ul1• ·ll•l•lrl lilt~ ,, lht ''ll.trcl \\,1\ .11111 .!1'1 Ill•• m••n pumt~ nr •t•llll inr unt: •
l'lll• cln i•HIII 11111 .!1\t •JII.crttrh.u k· .llltl '"·l~h•·· aJI "' ' 'r thL ,r.untr~ pltnl~ "'cr.·~ h.ur~ l 1ko lur lll•lllllt' I .:.1nw in 11h11.h Tt'\h clrt\t'~ It• :1 r II l.tlt' Ill lht ltlllllh qli.Crlt'l 1113klll.! lht" 'IIIII' i-t \\ h.H ll illlht·) olu• t'r~ ltu .1 1111 ~~~ rutllllll): tnd Htt1llln:.: ,J,•It·.n it 1hc:~ rlur t nukt 1t . or ,hould lht·~ pl1~ it
It l.ttl\tl}
.. ,It
kitk lur .t lit:•
thi .. j, .1 hi~
clt'\i•l"ll, tllll 1"'"1111~ llttro \\Ill ht• •pt•tial pl.l~· 1Jt:~lt!Ot:d •pt·dii1.tJI~ f•tr ttltt.tllllll:! tht• 11111 t•utn t • I ht •t ••n•l rul~ allrl\\ .. ind't.:iblt• ft'tt:ht•r• (ll'llll'f• t:tl.lftl• .t!lll tul\lt•) lt1 It 1\1' lhl Jillt'>ll •lfintrTI,I:!l' .1• ...... Ill J'o ol I'·'''.., thro\111 in•lt ul 111 h.l\111;.: In 11,111 untrl11 ,, ~.:au!!ht ( t'rt.tinl~ pia)• \1111111' th•l.,nl'lllu t ,,l.,,• 11!1 1111.11.!<' 111 thl• ·lllh .1• mnwinl! dcmn linl' h:~ck·
t''' I hu .. tlw hnl' h.tlkt•r • j<~h IJ"'"Ibl~ tht• mo•t tliiticuh deten,IH' l"•h!ll· 1\\1'111 ••n .1 ll.un 111111 I 11111 ht••otrno llllllt tump lt•\, Otht'r lctti .. J.Ililln pn..-('(1 t:umnn .. 'uh,titutlnn• l..u kof" .uul hlutkinc I t 'l't·m .. th:tt thr• uhl ,ulmini..,tr,ll lllll ,,,u,t•d q11i11 .1 lut ,,f t·mb.ma ... ~mt•flt tnr one ui tlw lllt'll\bN' I rw11 ,1.111 11 I'" 1111 ldt•nl.tlh 1.. 1111 tht• II Htkl'\' ( . luh I n lht• f11tun• Ill'
1~t' IIlli
tr~ Ill l1 1flo'l I •Ill h t•rroor I lk,l\ lt'l' • Con!.!ratulatltlll' Ill tht• 'lllllltllllll: lt'llll \\hu •ht~lll'd llllllt'llllnu .. rlriH· .1•ain"l Tuft• hut 11h11 unft~rtun.lll·l) '"uhl ""' .11 •!1.11 11111 , \lrt pl.tt;' 111 11in the 11\\'l't J'ht> ba'kltb.tlltt'.lllt• .t 'lt''"r•l •urd1 •I ~t• nut illllit.llt thl ahilil\ .tnt! pe~ten· lt.tht' ••I lht• ••Jll.l•l l t·tt.tlnl~ th~- 11 1111 1· mnrt b:tbnct>tl 1h1.11 .m~ in thr p.l"t 1111 ~· tr• , l1•r tht·~ h.111 hu.:ht ·t~tl! tn•l pll'nl~ nl ,..·.. nn.: .thilit) \\1' dnn t thtnk tht~ 1.11\.; th•lll thhuu_h thl· •quad dt>(."- n••l h.t\1' an t '' t'" 01 II I ht n "h.1t 1• Ihe tr•IUhlt ~ l'rubabh the bi::: 1.1uh t• tht !I! tt•am·... ht •It, til'll I l tl rt•u.:h llt·~· tb:tll j. rlt:linit:.l~ l -pun \\ hl'fl ruu..:h l'OOI.l t ~.111 he tn .ud w th.t ttam snd pwdu 6 !!otord ha•kdh311 Rt· Oltctlhu H l", 1 ht~ "''' , rou.:h 11'.1111 but s \t·r~ ::!' ..t font' J.... ,~.; ll '\ l! \ '"t·kttlull pltnt~ of c..nt.l<l thtrt H11l Ru--<>ll ha· no t:l') timt und.r tht ba -ktt ' I h • rou.:h • c: ntan' b.t-\;t'lb.tll i· nut din~ 11t~ ·n:: hut r.tth~r ju-t u-in~ on~ · ~ -:r.n.:th .tnd l..-od~ t•• ··~-· .td ,·ant.l~~ \\ •tnt" Lt·: It'\ h lt.tm• "' thr p1't h.l\<' lur 1 th1· t)pt ln the p.!•t c••upl1 11f ~t.tr• tnl'll hkt• l'nlt lltztntt ,lfol '\ \\Ck lt.d thr team t" Jdr.n i.tr , 1 •IIJWri•lr tt.tm• It 11.1• rwt that tht ·• •11 had n111rt .tbilit) and ll'rt tin!~ O•lt 111\lfl' hei.,hl th.sll :Jh •; , •IJU l•f I Ut ~hi'~ \\31'\tt•d to 11 in ·.lnd Ol \Ill thl'lr prt·•I'O<t tllt \•II tht ~uun '.ll urd.t~ ' , ; l"'in t •etl!ack at LlH h.1nd, •'i :=uiinlk l lll\ t'l•lt~ IIJII.. Ir.ltt·• tlu· t~ p~ ui pl.tyin!!. It 1,..,,. dt?timu·ly the bt •t pl.!~ I'd ht1n11 .: 111\t •i !ht ·t'.l•on , .tnrl if tht> -pirit and drin• ~hown in • tht- '''"" •t \'Onttnu, • •hruu..:h 'UI !ht• ·•·• '" tht> campai.:n "ill he a f'hl' b1 •I \\I~ It I ! U} tl Ur ftr~l Ct\lurnn j , t• makt [ r Ill• ~I! 'llt(l" ~Ht'tli.ti Ill• bu: ·inr1r \It!., I n.: un c ura,t 1 Jt 'h••rt •n ~·1mnwn ,,·rH1 • bt rt> l.trt' 1Ur npinton· or. I I ba-\.rtball l •k : r Pht ' i.: and ThtiJ l-...1ro t batt!. ~ H \\11 \\t h lh, mt'Il from \EPi .mel ....,, Ep tht l..t•l.. h v ' I' !-... t\lll haH• lhr r ' ffit • uad •...tlk but 1''1... sl•tl'rt?d • !'.1 ... l...r •• r w.t ... r. \\ 11 bt -:r :1..!(.'£ f ~ '!'It> \" •'lliO..! •t':l• n
' - I' " - h tht r htt ht ' :h ·h ball h:tndlm.: -k•ll- ,: T "I J't"ar~ll .u'!d \:-3 fu;uoj ar. ; b.1•tlt t'.ade·· i · n~., J...c,~ ,~.1 r \FPi, hr .._. the ... ,.· but L h.nr tht !-ei::-h· ' .; .11:~ I .. ~t oc>Jrd· ' ·• " l'ilHT " I ' 'T'
j unu :tr~
22. 1958
BOYNTON HILL RIFLERS AMONG BEST IN LEAGUE b<'l}one rnnm·nt·d 11ith Tt.'th ' K1•l•· 'I c.tm h.t• kn<ll\n th.ll th" ) t'.lr-... tom ,, th,• hc~t 111 l ed1 hi,tory '\,,,, tlw1 h.IH' the f.1~h .1ml tll:ure, tu IMd; j• Up \\ 1'1 h.J~ \lUll f11Ur tlUt Ill 111'1' , 1 •, lt·:l~ut· m.ll!' he' thu• far th i, ,t •·••n l'ht• 1.1-1 m.tt rh li n•d h1· 1he 1,., hmt•n w:h .u.:.liu'l l!o;aun l'ni1 ,•r. •ll 1 I he Terriers were I•lllll'U .1,. tht• t••l·, 1<'.1111 in l h~· :-'uutlwrn '\"'' En!(l.uul l..t'lllU<' hut Tcrh, tirin,~: a •u•n• 10 r~•llll' lu~.tho:r th.lll .my utlwr J l'th 1•';1111 111 hi-tun·. o ut> IULtt.:••tl Ill ' l~Oi 111 1;.,; J h~· matrh lirl.'rl .11 Ill"· h,•,! uti tul It'll puint r:111~·· 1\',1, .1 11 i:ml(u l.lr nll'l'l 11i1h Bnmn rCHllP•'tin~ .h wdl ,P. I ,., h ;tn•l Ill'. ll tll\'1'\'t'r Brtl\l'n \\J " 111'\ <'r .1 thn•,tt and ftni,ht•tl 1\llh :t lmdy I ; ~,. ,cure
l'lw tup tin•r in tht· m.tlt' h 11,1'• Rot! ll llli•·l•lltl
wit h .1 h1'.1ut itul Jx; " ll.mn,·" u-uallv t1 ' ' ,•ad\' "<ho1111n 111 th·· ~iO '· IIIli 1.1 hull- in. ,;o , filth 111 l1• td 1,., h Itt tt s h,•,t ma lt h in it' '0· ',. 'r t illt: hi ... wry IJ11 it:ht ll ml'(' l.t't \ ··~ r' • an• ;.homed 'nnw of hi' fornh' r i.rilh.tnn• in li ri n~ .1 neat 1S; 111 mp •t•rnnd pl:trr for tlw En~i nrt•r, UcJh l ltnrn!c!n otml Ed Fr.ht'r lwth 1tl.h t•d 11 tt h l~o·s. anti l.t•n I'it kl' ll < lllilld J:c't
WPI S]Jlits Pai a· In Hot'kcy, T(~(·l1 Men Sl1o'~ Sliill L ht "''' '" , ,1w tht• \\'orn''-lt·r Tt•th 1(,, kc\ ('Juh pl.ly II\ II $:.llll 1''· ollld ••h,•n tlw iu• r h::tn•d th1· n•,ult- Wt'n
mw littun ·
The· Jn,,
unl~ lllth pl.tet• fnr hi,
ruw .·--
r h,· rPm.tindt:r uf th•• ll'.llll w:t• m.td•· up 11f Jo•• C.tll,lil.ln . Hill I n•dl'l lt' ~l al L •lll , ll u11 1c :-ill'\'(', .mtl ll.tH' :tl ud~:,•tt<'. It \ i!lll'rC,ltnl! W lhllt' th;H 1\•,h h.l• impr•'H'd un it' pre1 iuw. "••r•• in c~ch lllJtrh lit'l'ri lhi, •\:.hUll . J'lw lt',llll i' guin)l to h.w~ lU llfl >~Hlh' In kt•t•p th:1t up in it• II<'XI hloltdw' Tlw 1-:nJ:ith't'r• -lill mu-t ia~:l' LTtlrm, l'R I. and ( 'na,t c :u.~rd '1111' l' Rl ;md lT.,nn 1\'.tm... '-hnuldn' t lw to•l 111111 h rnm lll'llli<m t.,r t ill' l~nt:i nc:,·r~. Inn l'n,t•t C 11.1rd h.h bc•t•n imprll\'im: '"tfll\' .1s tht• "''·""n pruun•,sl'd. ,,. t ht•n• 11 ill prtlllnlcly he• tmub!.- ,\ win uvtr c·o.hl t:u.11d ,,,,uld 't'\\' up at k.ht n ~1'\llll cl ploll t' in :-;uutlwrn ilil' \\ En}!lan.J .m,J .1 '1 "11 in the lt•aglll' hn:ll n111tr h f..r Tt•t h 1 ht:' Ill' I rip '' ah1.11, cd -pc•d,tf in tt•rc-t 111 tht· l't•t h ritler' l'ht•rt· ,11'1' .tlwav• 'onw !(•lOci lo<•kinu ~:ul, an•untl thr Hl' r.tnu•· Tlw Ill' 1\lillll'n;. tt·ant wa-. nationa l wnnll'n '-.. r hnmp l.hl \ t\11 ;tnd 11r,• h1-.u lin~ t 111\ .trtl tlwil ~t'r<Htd nru inn.tl rro11 n 1hi, \'1',11 I hr Tn h h1"'' wou ldn't h,tl't' a • h:tn•'•' :u:.nn't t h;., l' .,tr:tighl ~hlltlt 1111: t\nnk O,tl.lc·yo; hut fttrt11 11i!lt'll tht') h.tlt' It! Ctn• 111 .111
1\ .,wnptiun fo1l11111'd 111t h it' ;:u:tl nn .1 ni ~c •hot nnrl 'hnrtlv .tlll't J ohn \\'lwl'lt•r rnu11dNI nut tlw Jll'riod \ 'tcirlll){ 1\'tt h ' l't·rh rtht•o~tl 4 I. 'I hl' !-i't ond p1•riotl witrh''"'tl '' mitu.t ltv l>ick llr;l l 1 .wd C':tpt.lin :tltlw ( ;,,,,.J: Fr,onk t'llhl'e pl.lyt•d hrilli.tntl\ . ht~ldinl! \ ,,Uinption .o nrc•l,.,, ·'' Ia· tunwd ft,lt k \t'\Trnl gcHid ~hell ' Dunn!( the hn·Jk lll'tlli:t'n t~<:riwl' ' l l'd! I'll· Jll)l 't l ,1 I! I lt•ilfl ;\ ,.um plit•u atl• l•·d t"'' m.ukrr' tu '" 1nt.1l in 1he 1,1, 1 pt•nnd to tumplt·tt• thc' ir,lllriiiLt for thr i'\ i'l lllll! i llt 'l •·<h l.c•t• ( 'tiltr(('lll:lfH ht• and ll r.ul lln•!llf'l added in,ur:1111 t• 111:11 k••r, •• , I ht• hn.d •tHfl' rt'.ld 11·3 ill f{t\'llr Of 'J'e>('h Th1• t~·. 1 m h.t- tmprut~•d t n• mt·ruluu,ly , jnu· tfrnppi tll! thc-tr • •p<·ttin~.t 1-{!11111' tn putll'rful 1foh· C'nt" .•nd •lwultl l:i'l t'ICn hi.'llt'r ;,, tilt' •e·:t•nn prourt•••l•o,, T 1•1 h\ in•rnt•n h,l\1' pll.'nt~ uf t;tlt-nt , hu•tlt· and dctt•rtnmation ' II 11ith " Hih' ,tutlt·nl •uppmt ;tnd :c lit tit- lut k thi, , hould lte ;1 pn•tt y fatr w c..on for lh11t1 ('omt• out 111 tlw I II'XI ~:.wit' 11ltith i, <t~t.lin•t ll nh~tut Jn, tittllt• ~ t tlw \\'ur<t' '-· lt•r \ n•n~t nn I ridit} J .tnu.lfy 1 1 ~,.,. \' 1111 .tl rink ·\itll'. 'I h1· ,, .. rirur thu• f tr lht• -.·a-un '' ·'' full""' T ut;d t:o;cJ. \ ••1•1 l'nint' ~ \\ ht·t•kr 10 5 Ft•rrMi i 2 5 (J Br.lll I
ln IF
T. .
Standin~s \.
h." p,h,<'tl, and tlw in· tt' t· ir.uanitl' tind n in hn11lin,.; i, ,jj lf ~~·ing .H I t; II 1ilt . l'lw <i:. •'·"' h~~t· pnHhttt••l "'m''" h:ll .. r .1 -hnk•·up tn 1111• ,t.tndin!r' Tlwt.t K,t p till' lt-.ul· t•r, .11 till' t•tld 11f l,t,! wct•k. fell hur k Io "''"nd pl.u t• •llh'n Ihey ,pi it 11i1 h L.unhd.t ('lu 1111 \\\;dm•sd:ty. , i~rnw
.\ tllllht·r
JV'S IMPROVE BUT HAVE TROUBLE WITH SUFFOLK ('u.u·h ~ l t'rl !':nrnn;., I\'. lr.t,;kt•l · h.dl lc'ollll i!o h:tvill)! ih up.; nnd tlt\1\lb 1hi" Yt'J r. hut on the \\holt- t lwy Sl't' m It• lw rnmiu~: into l'tutn ~trn duull~ nml .lr•· hc~:inninL! In look ltkt• :t pn•ll\' ~11ud 11':1111 . Till' tc•:un nlso hns ,I f~ll' ~1 .111.1 · 11111~ who muy pml'it li' tlw w•r~ily with ''IIIII' 11'r~ !((leal lllllll'ri,tl llt.'llt Yt':t r I ht• I \ ', hnnw !(.lln t·~ ~Ltrl rll b :•15 .tnd it ;, Jlltlh:thlv ftlr Lhi' rt'.~>llll that ' " lc·w ~twrtntc~r-s arl' prt•otcnt fnr ~ ):1111tl Jlclrlitlll nf lht• l!•llllt' . 'J' hi.; IIIII • dm111 nf t lw Iram ·~ prot)!Tl'~~ . prn~pt't t ~. .111d <.t.cr, 111:11'. th rn. lw uf int1•n·~t ' I he• :.tartiti.t: l('ltm nln 'i~ls ul l'••tt• Jo: wulwltn .ntd Jew M nrrultitl 111 ~-tu :tnl,., J ohn Torrnul and AI St c:crrn;oin nt l'nn1·n rd-. nnd Ct•I)Tf.!t' \'ult• .11 n ·nt•·r. 11hilt• Rulph S111i 1h, l'clt• IIN•kmllll, :111d Rllr-ti'T Smith pml'i• l•· the· hulk nf the hc nch o, l rt'll !ll h
l'h i 1-:p~il mt h.1tl ,, ~t·r~· 'lflllll! 11 c•t•l.. , pi ling up t•·n ' ' Ill• ill!.tin'l )ll'l t "''' ln,~L'' Thi, lifll'tl tlwm f~tiJII ~ i,th lu fourlh in tlw ' ' 'mduu.:, l'lwt.t Chi ·"''' h.HI ,J )!•llld ll'!'t'k 'CI'I'l l Win• :111d t>nc Iii". Tht•,t• llll'll nn· now I hird and pu•hill!( h.trcl .t ~:.u u •t the· lt•,ult'l' l.uukint-: 0\\'r tlw :ll 'l'r;t~:r•. 11 i~ tHl lt•d th.tt Il l' h,l\t' 'llillt' mi~:ht~ 1111\' lttl\\ ll'l'' lwrl' .11 I l'th l'hc I up hn• ll rt' .I' tullttll'. I h11111 l'S J.... % ; C:rrnon . 1''-I J... 11 1 •I ( ;unrlf.tclt•t , J\EI' eJ,; ' Th,• tea m hn' tn.u lt• linr t tro~rt·s~ n•· ~lt ll'f~h . AEP •1J ,I 1 en tlv anti tlll\1' hcgin-. 111 ' hnpl' up a ~ P ttm1it1. Tl\1'. 'l] (l In !Lil;lrl h.tll duh In t itL'ir tir~t out ing lhmn anti <:n•nun .trr 11111 110"d u·n"'"' 11 hv l'lli <;j~ I' at Iht• I•I JI 11f tlw ht·.cp tidu tH>W ll ut 1111, ~e· t ~nn i., not lll't'l wt .md till' , tnntlntl(' 1dll dt nn~:•· :tj!.llll ( ; t'l up :end Willi h th•··•· 11•11>11'\ 'I hl'l ;In' C.Xt it ill!( ,tn t! ,1 l111 of f1111
.... I' \~ 1 1 1 ~(; 0..,
tir~ t
ll·i >c•th;hk pinrlt'd nn hy thl l"''' ··rful w l' -.IC·y:HI p\llknwn In tlH' ll r• t period tht' ll'.lllh ,c•t•nwll pr<•tt) 11 1'!J m:ll(' hl.'d, hut \\'Cir((•,[C r fllll),:hl h.111l and pla)'t: d well nnrl o,t ill hund t lwn~-t·he• tltlll n \-1 :11 tlw t•nd nf lht llr•t p<'rincl llowt•,·c•r the ' "' nnrl Jll'riud w 1' n r•'IJ<'ltllllll uf tlw i1 11l~ ('ru,. J:.unc a' the "..;cnmcl period jtlll' ,l l h~ \\'h ill> a rnnth in.ttiun 11f '''\t'rll Ji('ll.llt t<·• .111tl '''llli' th•fen,in• hon('r" "''' TNh -i~ J;tO.l l.. tht•y \H'rt• 1hlt• tn mo~ t ! h tm lv nne tnr thrm-rlve• 1111!1 tht· lll'riod. t'rUJI!tl <).{ In th•· t'tn.tl fit'rtutl Tt•d t hH•kt·d likt- 1 nt'll ll.'arn dnmn~tecl tlw pt'n.tl t it•, tnd prudtn I'd ~ ,, nrinl! tlri~t• whic-h \\ ,,, ,1hk to m.1trh \\'e,)cl'llll 1(031 fnr ~tnal :h t•:u h It· 1111 ,tddt•d r'uu r IZO.ll, 111 r:ti•l.' thl' ftn.1l '"unt 111 t.t-i. J nhn \\'ht•rlt-r and l lnn I< 'h trJc, J FtrrJ ri wc•r•• I hr hill men lnr Tech o;ro rin~t thret• ancl I wo t!O<tl.~ r•··pt'dil'l'ly \\' ht•der', " h1l tri,_k (, .j Ill' rrrh < ftr>l uf the <('(bUll hut 1\llh (;;t~(•k 2 t ·,,. pntl'nt ial of thi· r1 uh it i• n(lt im Jluurt.tl'l .\ = 2 I )l\1-.il>lt• fur tht ... ft.'tt w II('Cur a~tain 1-fo,mer J 1 ; \ 0 l'hc ft~llnwimr nidtt th~ Tt•rh -k1ter.. C'uurll'rnJndte () I I •urn.·cl 1 com plete .thout · fn ce u· l ht>}' .fnlit ueur •1\Jtn)ll'tl .\ ,wmplion by :1 .•rnrl.' of 8-l -12 2\ l'J l ht• te3 m looked a l(r(\11 de:d hcuer thu1 it h;td :11! •r~·un. P.t-.e- "err clt.. kml! -moot hi" the lt'anl " 'I• r hrd:· til l! ha rd. u nd ·the teamwork wa-. in 1!1 neral \'Cry ~!OOd. ll••n I· crrari ,t:mcd the h:tll rtllfln.: unch eon<~ lle l'lrly in the f1 r,l period hy m·ttint:r a ·hn• irom 15 feet out. Only <t'cnn* " Orders Put Up to Toke O ut" ht•'r Ll•e L'nurtcmJnchc placed a -oft ·h,• nt>:nh· into the rorner of tht' cal(e 1 :~ M l ~ l n :s F RO" CA \II" I ~ '•) pul T~('h :~head 2·0 Don 1-crrari purrhecl home a pa,. from ] 11hn 151 HIGHLAND ST · \\''lt't•ler nnd Dic k Bratt to mJkc the ., re ·'·0 aflrr only half the period h.td 'L------------ -- --' ""
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>o;l,,\ ~'1':-\ . f'mm l '"ll'' 2 '1111' ~j'~- ( Ofl \\I ll ht• rh ltt•rl'll[, f11r ~lilr• r .11 Elt1111tz 11 til ' "i'Jily tlw h··i~:ltt wiri• h mav 1111t kt• till' l'i nwn n 11 innt•r 1\1"' look for Si\ E •" "' A'l 0 111 '-l .tncl tlw ht•,l d tnn11•• nf hrt·akin)! tnlu th•• f\r• t eftvi, i•ill )11 '-l rt \Ouplt• t•f no te• null' rcn lllt\ kt- th:cll ..,, ht•rlul;• t hnnl(t'' 'I h.11 lar)(t' tll'lc){.tlihn I r.1wlinl( tn William" wi ll hr irHcn·,lrd tn kno11 1h.11 J.l·lfllf' ttmr· h,,., ltt•t•u th:tii!(HI frurn '\ I' :tl tn •I I' :tl m orrin If; ht l!lllrf' t IUl\l'ttll'lltlv int(l \\' illiulll' wi~tl!•r ltt·r·krnd i\ tl11' f n••hrn:111 t t•.11tt • s:;uur· 11 ith M 1'1 It,,, ber•n drupiK·d 1 11 hy ;-- nu ~I 1'1 tc•,lfn Conumt11la· tium to D11n 1 t·rrn ri :lflcl l'rrd lt~>td lo 'I hry 11crc· . t•l(•e Jt•d to thC' i\ll-1\ uwriran l'lwmiral gnl(tiiC<:rilll! l ollth:rll Squ:ul quit I' :1 trihuLc tn 11 snt:t II \e hn1,1 likt• 'I rr h Ill r:tll' I 11 <l plat I'' :alOllll\id~ uf w1 h ~l h/Jirls '" (;torgw Tcr h and l'ur· due·. . . . Jn drl!'iusc nne• ~m:tll <ru<·,tion where :arr C'h•trlie·, tecth '
:'1' 011'1'
\\'nr• l'~kr :\t'ltclt'my. l ll ''in a tf,•, iclin~: vic tu ry n111 I :oct C: COf!ll' V u It !llCJI in W hb full prnminl• nu• with 25 point ~. l'hc• Ltt\11'11 ).\'.'~ tlli'n w.tl chcd \'ult• houp 12. :-it. Gt•rm:~int• !,\, nnd Tnrrunt 15 ,,, tht·y !Hi t ~ll'illllltt'cl . At t\~~ump. ti on lh r 'l't>ch J .V.\ pla y~d wdl ttml ,tit houl(h 1hr A ~stuupl itHI J .\'.'~ 1.1okcd ~!Otnl otlld played h,trcJ lhl')' \\'{'fr l11':1 trn 51-S'i ••~ CtJ.tdl Nnr.-r•J~~ . .. till lnt·kin!( tlf•pth, lt·t til'l' nwn. 1\·tl' lo:uniholm. whu nrtkd 12. ) 111' M.trrullio. J••h11 Tor rant. 1\ I St. Crrnm im·, who hooped tit :tml (:l'llrl(t' \'ul('. whn I(Ot 17. !(II nil tht• way itt tc f.!fCnt " iron man'' CX· hihitinn. Thi~ hrin~ts us lt l Saiurdny nil{ht '~ !(:lmt• lii(Oin~l t lw Suffnlk Fr.·shnu·n. \Vht'thcr the 11'>111\ w •.•, Iin•d . slwnpinl(', or j u!>l h.win!(' um· uf th UM' nil(ht s 111 wh ich :Ill te' ams arc ~llh· j l'fl. i ~ hnrtl to say, hut tml' thi ng is sur•·· tlwy j ust l vt>rcn' t lilt' :.:nne lcnm l Itt>\' had l~t't'tl for 1ht· last fom game~. Th,:y lillddn 't M't'nl to Jl('l llw r;ut~.tl'. lhev !(IIVt' nwa y height , they ct~uldn't t'.t ~h in un tlw hn·nks. All lht:'M' fadnr<o pin \'eel t hl'ir par! in what rHicle•d up tc t a hr:.~. Slnntloul ~ ftlr the• Suffolk J.\' 's wt•rt• Snnfio whu, I hnu,.:h ~horl , ntc;wd fa,l 111111 wdl , having c•:cn•llcnt eIIIII rul ur Ihl' ha II li S he ~t llrrtl 17 puinl ,; Kc·ilt·n• r, whn~t· lwi,.:ht 1\'11~ n hi~.t farlur umlt•r Ihe hoa rei~. nt•llcd I ~ lltllxl lv hy hi ~ fttH' jump ~o h uuliu~.t. Suf· folk iwd nnutlwr !(UIIcl IJ:lf l handlt•r in Dunn wh11 clrihhlt•d wdl with ilot h hands. i\11 the nlrnve wmk('d agni tt.~ t tht• hunw t!•:tlll (IJ prnrhtt t' 11 futnl Sl 1\rl'
1ht• luw-. had more than I ht'\' 1 1111ld h.nullt• in I lc 'llll ,\ unlt'lll~'· I )l':t n 's , huntin g pt•ucnluJ:l' "" ' !(Ocltl whili· tht· luea 1-. 11l'rt' ~oha k 1 and in<·xpait·llrc•d I lnt• hril('ht ~pnt tiid -..how up hnwt•vt•r ·•' •\I St c:nmahu· tlin·ll' in 21 puint-. lo r lht• 'f'f'rh J .\'.\ Tlw wor~t IK•u l i n~t r.llllt' in tlll' M'< ontl I:·IIIII.' whc•n ,1 Tc•1 h II':Jill th.1t half Io )liVI' II w:1v lwi!(hl :11111 drpt h fu 11 hul Trinil y F111o, h ll•atu ju ~ot t nuldn 't ~olnncl lht• l11ncl. 'l'hl' team ~· ·• •ttH'd on till' ~kid!< wlwn lh1•y 11111k a tHJtlwr ~11 und IWHiinl( fmtn the Ji ll F r<•-.hn~t·u , l11tt th•· !(amt· nntt•al thll.,l' i111 p11rtan t fru l' ; i\1 )o\t l :c•rtnaini' r~t• il ec I nf ~5 -.12 , l\.lu;;l pn>mi~ ho~o~ uf till' J.V.':. thu~ lit, .~ntl Ct•ntl(l' \'ul!· 111111 joitwd tlw ,qwul nncl providNI lwi.t:hl nncf rt•· far arc i\1 St. C:t•rmninc, whn l' h onl ~ with arrurnry 111111 hnnjll c:; thr hull htlttr lllin!( JIIIWI.'r. Yu l<·\ d Tt•t I wa~ :1 dt·lnyt·d orw , huwt•v t·r, II \ tht• )IIi)'~ wl'll fnr a hig man, (:t•orgc Yule, w h o~e drllJllll'll ol t 1• 1~1' IIII I' I h i~ l ill II' [II I ht• ' ' rc•nl(l h nnd si1.1' nrc 11 ,.:rt'll 1 11 ~"1'1 nl Ml'rrin t:tt k J \' \ with ~~ (;!•rm,lilll' n•n ltr, and J ohn Turrn.nl. n gond ball huud lcr wlw 111flvt'lo well a uri t"ll n hit . .111cl Tnrru 11t e,, rryi111! t ill' ~r..rin~-t load 'J'ht• following I~ n sumnwt inn nf Ihe wil h 1.{ ancl I 5 p11int "- tt'' Pl'fl iVI'Iy ~e·:t "nn 's high ~('llr(·r~: ~ ow tl w I Cillll ~lnrl1'rl l rl ha11k h<"tlt•r. i\1 Sl (;crrnnirw 121 1\ l(r.uluul im prnwnlt'll t t llulel ha vt' J ohu Turr:tnl 11(1 1,,.,.11 11utc·d in tlw lu o,t ('tJttph· •lf lu '~~''· C:e•m~ow Yule· 68 'I hr lt·:un 11'/IS Wclrkinl( ln-tkr th· J oe Mnrru1Ji11 511 '~" ' ht·r. tlw u!lelil it•n t•f \' ult· providt•d l't•tt: .1\ urtihohn 2!J •otllf' mtrc h nc•·fll'cl clt>lllh, nntl rnu~t im · l.l!lrlilnl of :dl Ih•· ~pi rif 111" hit.( h. • 'I hc·ir lu .. J wi•l ta ll1t' iu fnlllt of u ltumc ·n;eu !o\WIMMF.It • l'n•m l '" ff' ' 2 1 rrl\\rl •111 j :tn. 1. wlwn thq flul hu'it lt•d lh:ll '~ nlllyhc nt:crlcd fur tht• swimrnin~ n11d out daw·d the C'on•t t:unrd) V ·'1, 11•n m . l.i·t ''l lwlp thf'm 11 hit with n "it h Ttirlllu l prm·i•liul( 21 Jloin l,, Jl a1• ~h t1wm~ 111 attcnrltuu't' and ~('(• what it t ~{ ta \ lt•d hl~t~ul tlw lt'ollll j•lllrll t:y('d hiiJIIWilS. 111 .1 twcJ iticmall y llll\\t'rful JlrCil ~tli1Jt1l , Rur.~. lt A. L A FoN'fAIII:P.
. f;;,;,ml~y ICE CREAM STORES HIGHLAND STREET- OPENING SOON 1420 Main Street, Worcester Open All Ye ar 306 We st Boylston Street , West Boylston Open All Year
Ope n We dn esday Afte rnoon
ond Friday Eve ning unt il
8 :00P.M.
Open 10 A.M . • Midnite- Sun. · Fri.- Sot. 10 A.M. - 1 A.M.
11 3 HIGHLAND ST. (Opposite High/onder Dine r)
Read the TECH NEWS
104 ll l~e hluml St., W u rr t••ll' r , Mu11•.
l' h, , .: ' ' ' · 6-059 J
T J.: C 11 ' E \\ S J uuu1tr~ 22. I'J58 ==~======~~~===7==~~~~h============================
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,, J>un •.: II
Ill \.
:" m Cit' f
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11!1<1\\ Ill \\ hllih'\
I rank \1 t"< h J 1 II Courlt m n h t< · rl f lllrUJc:t>l . I \\ill m hun \\ th I' ul '-il.. i \\ tlh.•t , I' C'urnn Juhn II I on 1'.1111 J uhnwn J " ph \ l)utlol• 'l•n
fill•lu lllt;l
ltnh \\ .111,111
j I
<·•·'" lm•
\\ rlh .irl J o·,,~ ,l l(~o~ttl Lu 1- tJ/lt.tllll
l'hthp II
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1lrJt l.t-t ) t'Jr '· ·l·llit~r" had Jt thi' d
'"" 1
1.,• 1 t ift.
.1\ i,. aruund : (4) th(· aclju• tttwnr nf 1huur.:hl I he· I 11ll11 l 'nllt'l!l' I nll'r· rn rlw th•lt'll•t •ntlu•ttit•, .111d iu tlu 11111111111~ \lil t han: t•1 lll't'llllll' ,,.,~ lrttc·rull~ I • 111111 tt·u·nth ttlo•t,!t-d 1 n "'lu i tun 111 lltJhto~ll· tlw tlt-rern•d 111111 h !llllfl' 'I \t'fl bt lloro• .:r ~olu.11in~ l"lll<llll'l·r ... \1111 lJt' m.Hen;tll: .u"it l td r•J·hlllt.: ''\In! l!tt•rt \ lol llllt•m•·u • Ill tht LIIIJ'I"~ llll'tll I'" IIHIIIil '•, \ t•ft IIIII Ill \1 Ill t"\1 I 111111111! 11.1 llln.. I h t Jntitllltt<JI 1\./utt ..lt \ • .. •, 1 1\t 1 1..1) lll'\l•kttl'r tur Lht· imlu·lri d lrtl1111hh • "tit a• '"' tllt.:.tl ur tilT'\ It btt111• h• lrl 111.1b th•• l ~tllullllll! •lotlt'lllt'nl• in it· J .mu.t r) li th '"'llt: ru•htnJ: \\Ill lot• J•r.t,llt t•d dunn.: tb• "( IPueb uu t h• t'\llllutntt hun/ufl h 1\1' n"t d.ttll 1 wnL'<lll•tllJI.tll) n·t ruitn1nt hr•c • m• •trt I ht• nw·cn· rmmJnh that the• lilt rnlon- ul 1 r.:~tt rut•ct·· wdl pl.w,. l•1 .til) 1'1'11'\lilhh· nh nl l ..tr.!< '"lll(l.lll.t' \ I ill IJt' -<ollh·llh t l , , 1 "' fjll 11m tho mt •l!rl~\ <tl ••'h•·r .Jtli H· m llt rullllll! tulh1.1 ~:r 11lu til'' th.lll in Jilt'\ I'IU" )t·.H• \h h.tttl!h a
\ln.uukr "'' • U J r h h1 arrl \ ".luln~t·r J' I ho "'''' I l'("oonll' r
1;.1 k u II ll uel I •, ell \ rt I o\ .c ro \\ Jh ll.cH• r Bo•lo \1 1." ' 4•1•nn I J ••hn~tln
Jrt' 1inrlin ~ thtm c \t•
\\ t•ll l I 11 k•·Pp II Jilt th.11 n••rtllll.erd l rt'IHI full•JI ) I"'''''""' by lht· 111111· •r.tdtt.ltion w ll!-
\ eh ottl•llll!' \l.ut.e ' ' ( 'rroulttiollt \1 1111 •• \ I I 111 ulrttun \l lttll;rr
,,j ph:nt)
tl,t•nt ol1•, ''" lht ••l><n - 1 1 ot"' "' 1111 ~I I \ l cn•hdd ;\Ltd It lt r l.ll-n \1 1111 Itt 11 r " lhr.: Brurult·v. :o-;urth \ r.. 1 nt •pt t.l, d "f "ll puhh•lu d h) tht· J·.n,iw111 our/ '11tt1tft I Til) J 1\ 1'1' •k • lid ur cuur-•· c tll.ttl .• . 1111•11• a ~ 1.111• lht tullul\tttl! 111ur tontftt,iurh: · ( ll rt:Lruitin L: \I ill \1 11111 I re•mhltrtr JU•I '" mcntJun ,, II II II hilt• I hu•t' l'Hr prt ·•ill II tlll.tl· litllt· l,tlntt·f lh.m in iht• lt~ • l rhrn ~~·.tr~ ltut will ~t ill be ac tive : ( 2 J Jnu111 lur U• Ill t ht• lll'.tr IUiun· l)h i11 :: ~. d 1111 , \I ill lit' ttllldt·lotld~ hil.dll'r. (.IJ 11ll h l cnc.dneer.. 11 ill ha\'1 •
l"llrllllllli t
..., mtnt
)to~r J.!ll. It 1\Uuld IJe un trUt l1 ,.t) th;.~t juL uppurtuniti~- ar~ ju-t 1 11 ·•· tht) h. • (}(1 n riiHIII.' tht• p.t .. t thrtt' ) t:.tr· hm\C~\'Cr. .tn inlt 11-tnt .tn.rl) .j, ul llh llu.ttiuu .. h ntltl rh•fH I .Ill) kdim: vi .tLum in lht mind oi
l'h trfoll!fll!llh't ' H tiHIIf\1
1.11 kill-
J .,(j,.,,, ur
1{... , r \
m.tk in.: ufJt:r• I
L Ill 11( \\1
\\ llliam c ~· I< IIC~r n.• nr. ''''"
!'\lin llmrll
' t:ll
~I 3LUL<l
lr Jh
"I• m llurl.,·
llu" 1 J<.,... n1tll
l o•m R:unlni•l ,. Juhn fo u-.: 1-\(111\ \U\1, . 1< l '~<·h Ht \\Jih1rnl ollor• To•rh , .... • l'h ueu·• : \l alu Ufll r,. 1'1. :, . 1 II I E' 2 Ia l:•l il uriul 1'1. i ·'J1J7 1 l'hut u 1'1. 7-9971 Acl •,.rti,in~r I' L 6- 11 09
5ub5UlJtllun p4'r S1httol ~r·tr, •.1 00. •in~le ro1•i.-s, S t>. ~hl. t• all •hc<l, 11;t~.thh to B uwn~ , ~IIUI.II(tr ~t·oontl ("h1~ m11il Jlfi\lkt.trs au1hnri1rd at \\'orce~ltr, M n • Editorial anti bu•lnus oftkts 111('1\ttd In LIO) n1on Hall, Worri'\ICr 1' 111) Itt hnk ln•titutr, Worcuttr, Maunchust'tU Thr \'lew,. l'~ pl r-.t·tl In chi~ I!.IJirr :~rr cnllrely tboSt' of the cdil urlnl s1.i!f, nnel In no Wll\' rrllrn t lw ''lrw ~ nl Wuttt'\lcr I'OII' trchmc lnstitule
EDITORIAL Pr·olouue 0 With thl.' p.t,~int.t uf .tnolht•r ~~~M the Tt r 11 :\}\\':.\l it Ill'''''' tht• p.t'''""' of nnothcr taff. Tht• ll't irin~.: ... tnff 11\it} louk IJ.1ck '' ilh .,,tti ~i;allinn on lht• fruib of it... mana~emt'nt anti t:l.mce fumard with <1 ktum in L: ).!rill .tt rlw llt'\\ ... tnff " lhnmptn~ ttl thl.' hn" rh~ re..pomibilit} (If rl)lhl\\illl( till' I'' tlnl(llt' '('I b) tht'm , 011\\ rt''h with tht' llt'W (lt'I'!'Uilllt'l . The aww nrtiler ... h.l\ e tht> ..chilit> 1t1 (llii(Wrate that I' .t nt'\t'"'' '~ tn Hl\ ur~ani7..ttiun l'hi" tr.tit \\ill llll'.tn nnt onl~ ao rftidenl ,ulnmw.trallnn hu t at._., the clewlupment u( tht• Jll.ltential emlll>tli~-d in a puhlil.llinn hkt tht·
1111 mht·r•
\\ ht u lh• \ an·
•to r
lt-11 ltr~• urm• trt ' 11 oluo 111:.1 th&'ll l t1j lllf\'lntlll' fur r:n!!inL:erm.: .tncl u th• r •tmthr r ift um I '"''' 1• uroltn.: lo t 'uunc It'\ hnu .11 I! I 11lu Ill'• It or Jll"' till• cln n l•l' h.l• htt:n uii,t·t h) tht• l ou 1 lh tl ·• ' I!!IIIIH 1111 llllllllil r tol 1Hnl(•· lllll• lurin.: '·10 nwn t-.tLh } ~.tr h;.tH· rt Ill rt11l 1'"1;1 !0111.111 I ht• lnto·rc r 11.-fllll\ l' uullttl Ilk•. 1 im n·.t_.., in tha·tr Itt I~ I· ' p r.u tiC1l 1 11'\\ "' tht• "'1111 II lull I hl \ Jn,lt,ll( Ill bt·I•Hlllll t: lllttlit•-.1) ,aiHIIll"fl .tl \lh.tl olppt:.tr' Ill h t· o1 ·fUiliJI rt• tlllt I h II oll'll\ Ifill tho• t'~ I•ILfll ~ ul Ill ur rt:t 1'"''''11 I 1h mk 11111 ·1·1um-. 'h"u Ill \ i\'1\ 1 ht· prt"-cnt -i1u.1 1iun .t 1 1'\ 1l tlut nut lin t'• trth 1l11•lt•h 11 I hn ''" nul t htnk 1h 11 ;ll1·~t.11 ru-hrnc lt'l\lrtl I ll nnrm.cl oil It· ... , ol f. cr ,,, pl.n t'llWIII j , lllnt!TIIl'tl In ,J 1\0111111 1, tlll' l 11 thlt· hut th1•1 tt·t•l tht·\ mu-1 pl.tt l'llll'lll -iru.ttu111 llw •ltuhnt mu•t lw inll•lll~tl·nl in hi' .apprua.h uul 11!.1• 111111 tnn .. ldt•r.elhlll lh•· l'""thlllt~ h,• mu•t .. .,t'fl l11111•1'lf I ht• tllll·ll t\!1' 111 .1ppnr.H h i' l11 inform ulll"•t•lr .el11m1 ul t ilt' l r,Ht'rtllllf' ltt'tlllllilll! ,Jil ~ll•ll' th1· l:ompan~ and 111 · hei\1 1111 inh•rt·' l Ill wh:H thl· wmpany dol''· ratht'r .1huul t ht•H I ttl urt• ph•d ct• d•t•· 11 hll h llltllhl • t .111 1ht•rn r11•I11Ju.: hdun· 1ht> thun Itt l tH1W int" th r• inlt'l\'it•l\ uHHp h•tdy i ~rwrant !Jf tht" ha' h f.tt l• u( lin• ..;II' ln1 olltlln und "I lt'l ,lltllll • 11f llw Lt1111pa 11) \It hcn11!h mo .. I .,,.niur• •t·truul •t·mr,u·r I ht•\ h. t\l' 1ht•n•t nrt· "t'l up c•·rt,llll t Jnnol plnpuinl tltt• "'i'' ·dfu juh tht•) waul, tlwy t:a n and ' huu ld lt•l tilt' 111'11 11111'• tor t ill' lttl r .llllllll ttl tho• ru•h· inu•rvii'IH'r l.n"'' 11 lwtlwr rlwtr rntt'H"'' li•· in th(• tield oi ...;a (~, . prodml itlll, 11111 rul1•• I ht''l' rul1·• .lrl' d···trilM.·tl 111 It''''·' n h 11r 111 111tlu ... lll .tl rt•l, tl ttlll' \ ,pn wr \1 heo jo; takinl! in t£-n it'\' '" lup· 1 luoul.lt·t pulth•lw•l h\ th1• Cuun, 11 1111' t .t ttlll"llll'll \ crt·t'rnull • • .IU•t'• ha1.tnll~ ur ntll ul t urrn·rt~ 1 tnn"l l"''"'h l~ 'h"\\ up 1wl1 in .111 inH'I\ 11.,, . anti l'lll'il• hn1· lon•n lnll'I'Jirt'tt>ll tlll If . 1 ' ''tllnr llfi'JI.HI'• hi111•df lor lllh"rnt ' "· ht ha .. :.!lllll' a lone 1\ , t\ 1 • r, re·nth llttuJ:Ih U.l\ td-ttn 1•rt -it!, nt \l.crtl \t'lllllt.: him-dl II I• •umm•on '' n•t lu knel\1 tllw·, ,tnml! .anrl \It 11.; ut t ill' II t ' •I\• 111.11 th•• • (~l·fltlt•ml•n'• jl<oint, 1 \('1<111 tht• l!nnd lint • ,uul •lll•tl hl r l ht' Wt>.tk um·· II 1' nut likt \ 11rt t'OH'nl ' ,. \1•1• 101r I ht purpu•t otl 1111r I~<•) • 111 p.tnH Ill .tn~ • IIU.IIIun , tnd Ihi- 'ituJtiun tl• ~- nut \l .trl.tr. l 1·nh 11111111! lht• ~ hub·ll• 1'•'-l'tnn .. a l>o•llt th1• (r 11< ll tllll• :11111 tht• in·-hm,·n it " ""'' 'uur tnlllJl.llllt ~ tlun 1 ru·h ' " ·i::n up " ith .1 , llllJI.ln) Ill• I IJ1• lrd• tllll ths- IO:Itl'ltlt OI \\Ill 1Jiu\\ l>l't.IU"I t'\t r~uru 1'1 t j., tlniiH! ' "• l.;n" " '"llr•t·li anti act .ltturrlinl!l) 1lur· lrlle rn t! ll • m•l 1r.·-hnwn I•• l>t· n.un in:: th• tnlt"n it'\1 I elk en!(
'" I r•··hrm n • r
ll'rl t ln 1lt"'l! l ht· tr1 1.-rmt\ In "htth rf cll '~"' rhc f H"II ' ' \\., hdunt.t' lll )IIU , tin• 'tudent ()lid) \\ ith tlu~ rd,tl lllll • lh e frt••hllll"ll \\Ill I'< ntot•l :ulll'ol ~hifl in mind tlw p.11~·r 1111 I' ' unparu.a I and cunci"t' nt•\\ ' tt• 11" 1111 lh'r' Tht• \t.'r) tlt•tinitiun uf tht• 1111rtl " lit'\\,.. rlemanrl' th;ll it lu turrt•nt uul or inll'rt'~l Ill ;,._ puhlil' lltl\lt'\l'r, he,itle' <:imply fuhillint.t lht• hill\ llllll uf ct'pHrtin~ .ancl rt'lnnlin~: t' \ 't•n l ..,, Llw TI'C'It :\nq; -.hnulcl '('I V1' ·' ' ,a \'tlH I' fur the upininn. tlt• ... ire" n1HI iclt•.t, nf llw "Ludt>nt hntl)' l'lw tnllt•t.tt' puh licatiun i~ vt•ry tlfh·n lht• nnly rt•:ulily avail:chle mean~ llhlt tht• ..,Litlh-nr has uf p<'1 St\IIHII) intruclndll ~ \I Orth•ltlilr vit•w~ ::tnd idt•a, tu rht• .1tlmini-. trntiun of lht mlk~ow. Tht•tt'ftll't'. it lo; not an tlppnrlunity 111 ht• l itk1 •n lit.tht ly. hut lint' \1 hu~t· implk.tt itIns :ohnuld lw <'nt p luyt•tl 1(1 llll'tr f ulh·-.t
I. I. I l
t'\({'Ol .
an t h• ~'""' ,.IJ l .... \ pn\ ~.• tltrfll 1 h. \t J UOIInrrn llr'
' ••Ur cl- hkt
ar-t d 11
lit •
·I I '
I J\ lnr
l "p tl 1 rom 1•ntlct• R tt.ul 1ht I. I It t'h1' h.tll' ru th ht•·n 1.:11101! lull II t •lun!l!l th•· 1\llllt'r •nct.JI •ta-nn \ II th~ l ~rt·t k• tlrt•·t·d up .1• tn\\lnl)• 111d on• _Ill\
1'\ I'Jilll ll
.f ii ..h·oll
11 .t-
rt'.h ho•d
l"hf• pc.tk nl wh1•n
H tth
I \lil..t.: Ht'rtl.lwn: 1 nli rn , , . , , I •I I he• I. r \ I ht••pl.l!l ...... 11 :• I ('Ill I til I ./rt' 11 •kl' ( " 1rJ \\\•), 'If n. I h. Rut k l'lufo .:., rn.: I dt.lll ountl .tn
' tulrJ l l),imH'
If \IIU .trr w umftonn~ h 1111 ''" t·.trth 31Y l!•uno: tn makr 11 thnl\t~h tht' qu.u:mirl' til ttn.tl• I \luuhl uh J't' 'nu
I •• \\ eth··d.n rc.:h1 1h~ " Jl ' • tll•b r ·• I r h, de, 1 "" ,,, n1· 1 h • ,. ffit rr• nJ'h if! I" prumptu ~:~·ht rtf':: l't m:r.l'UhtJt • .: '" n ~Jitl I t •.HI
l.('t< t "m:r:e:J • hl'
I Let nJrd • d<-n Ir :111
1l· ;h.• l'h