The Tech News
Weekend Filled With Festivities In nlhl.'t\,111\ t' ''' tlll'ir ~Olh .llmiH!r· 1111 th1• l\•d1 ~.llllJlll~. 'I ht'lol Chi
I r. tl\'llllty\.
E! ~'it.m ch.tplt'r \1 ,1\
I ht> ,\m('rirtm Sndrt~ 11f " ''' hunir:tl l\•1 l',uty'', loht \H't'k- Enl!lllt'c'r.. w11l hold 1he· Rt•~tion I Stu<knt l'.lpt•r• l'tlnfl•rc•m,• at \\'nrt'(',h'r 1\lh·1'1111 Fp~;ll1111 tluph•r 11.1' till' fuutth 11.1 lo•dm ir l n~lilllll' ntl FritiJ\' arid ~.llur liu11.1l :ot•11.1l ir.111'rllll\ hl :tf!Jlt.'olf on d.l\, 1\ pril I i .11111 IS, t •l SII, Rc•~ti•.tr.Hillll \\ill t-1:111 'I hUI NII.I}', l'l't h \ I ,11\IJIII'. 1'1 llii iCjlll l'i, II 1<11,11 "" i.d lf.llt'lllll\' lulnH·d II\' llillt' um lc•r· \ pril H1 ollltl 1\ til lw Clllllfllo•trtl Frl.l.ty 1:1.ulualt·' 111 t• io~ ,,.,,, tIll' t•;uly f111111ll:t· uwrnin~ i\t thi~ linw tllt'rr \\Ill h<' 1iun ur E1" ilun dlilfllt·r Rt•q1tite1ownb ~•'l't'r,tl luur~ tlf lt!cnl pni111 ~ M inh•rr'l f 111 1111'11!)H'I • hlp Ill! Jutlt•tl prlllllllll'IH(' i n 11 hh h hi dude Ihe Wynmn · l~elrtllln ('nlll· ~rl\1111! .1d1vlt it·s 111111 hnhlitt~: 11 kttt•r In p.111v, Worcrblc•r l'rc:-!lc't\ St1•cl Cwn· ,t ~flcll l 'I ht• tu•um~-: Jliillll i11 tlw his· pnnv, null the Wont·~tt·r Arl Mu~t·um . lol\ ,,f l'i tllm·~:·l l'i w.t ~ lcnd~t•cl wlll'n l'ht• S1 utlo•nl l'npn Conll'bl \\ill IWj~ln 1: 1.111k ll.lwk•·, ,.,,nfc•r11'11 with R. T 11t 1 .00 l',l\1, in KhllllttiLI ll nllprr~ltll'd l 't>IIMk , WI l l'fotill'llill~ rllhliatitJn wilh "" J t~ h ll ~l:ld\. r halrmnn thtl \V. I'.l . I IH·I ,t ( 'lu 11.1tuutul illll•'lllily. On ~1nd•·n1 Ch.qltl'r 1\ .~ ..M .E. The Rl'~iott ~ lmrh lll I'll lit, t l1(' ~:roup \ l'(iR in· I ll.mqu,·t will Ill' held in 1hr t'\lt'nin~ tl111 lt•rl i111J1 I h~t.l ( 'hf a~ Ep~ ihm I'IHlJI· with •~·my l\lnrr u• t:luckll tiS ""c' l ll•r .\ l "''• lltlln~eit .11 111llllll' ll1 nniVt'd .. pc•,okc•r. Mr. l; lotlcll \I ill ~peak c•n 111 ) •111ll.tn• 11)1 7, whl'll .lllllltrtl touk "'1 ht• Expl11mlltm llf I he FMI, c1f I he "it•·lllish Muiu." n·cogni1.cd nut hority " ''' ' ' o.1 loll): ~II IIJ!hl for hu11~1· on tht• 111rm·r 11f "i:1ll, hu1 y and I It-an ~l r l'l'l ~. "" tht· hitotO•y :mel nrchcolo~ty 11f lhc pl.11 i111: I ht• dt.tJIIl'r llllHIIII( lr;H iill~ fra fori ihcalions Jlrule~lin~t thr bthmu; 11f l'.111.1m.t, 1\lr. Gludt'll is an inl\trurtnr in H'nllllt'' nn lht.' IIIII ' llw ll1l'oltlll 1'l'•l l'orty cnjoy<'ll n loltlle the Mllilary Sdcncc Department of .ttlt•nd.ln cr 1111 h hrulht•rs l'l'l'rt''l'ntm.: w I'. I. All'urcl, \\ill IIC' pre~cntcd to tilt' \\tn• t'\ ,.,...,. ~~·w J;. u!(l.llltl 1 hntllrr Fricl.1y nil!hl thl' ho~t~ flrtl\'Jtlrd for :m infonm1l ncr'i or the l'>~tlt!r Contc!il ;'It the ''!'It mni1111 11:trt >' '' hirh ~nw t'\' l'l')'lllll' n l.umlll'un to ht• held Saturday artt•rnoon. • hJntc lo J:l'l :ttqu:ulllrtl Alll'r n Salur· 'I his off11ir will he held in the cafclcri.t cl.ty 11111111 1111',11 oil tht• diBfllt•r lttiU~(·, nil .. r M M~tnn llnll nnd will be highlighted JltrmiNI i1 ..dwul of frulernil y prartire~ fly )(Teeling~ from Mr. C lmles II . in tht• 1\ tw,1tcr Kt•nt l.llwraturit·~. ' I he t't~of(au, J r., Vkc Pre~idcnl of Rcgicm cun~i~ktl of cl l~u1~~ion' tlll fra- I A.S.M .K teratil \' ' twi:tl n•l.11 in1" 11-tl hy 11111 kmnl Five mcmhcrs of the A .S . M.I~ . will I')(!'< 11tiw dln•(ltlr f:ror~tl' W. ('hnpmrtn, judge the rontcsl. They nn• tlw follow"" hnu~t· IIHIIHII(rnwnl , lt·d hy rt•l(iwml inK : Mr. j uh n .fl. llitohcOt k, Chief '""n~•· lor j ohn HaJtlt•r, :wtl n di ~ni~Riou Mcchani ro l r•:nginccr wit h tlw Morgan ••f ru•hi1111 tc•tlmiqtlll& and strwclonls. ('onst rueI ion Company. Uniling from t 'huplr'r rl'prt•sc·ntntlvt'l\ wctc l(ivt·n op j (•fr•••·hort, Ohio, Mr. flit rhtlltk rt•ccivcd purt un lly tu prcRI' nl lhc•ir lntlivillun l hl11 I I.~ . from ('n~e 1n sti~ule of 'l'rl· hpro!Jkrn' fur tli~t w.sh111 Tlw prl)11rnm nc)lclgy nnd did further study :ll (';lrnr~o~ic• pmwtl ttl I.H' very t•nlll(ht<•uinl( 111111 most l nstllulc or Technology ; Or . R<lhert S. hdpful. I!nhn, who received his Oortor:alc of i\ SAl urdny t•vrninl( l.anqtwl nt tlw Sdt•nrc fmm tbc Gmclunle School of Comnntlo ll•1tcl fullo\\t'cl the tliHru~· i\ppllt.·cl Srienre, University of Cincin· ~inn s, at whi~h linw rharter mcrulwu• nati nnd i..'l prClWntly Chief Rr•can h wt·n· pre~t'llll'd \\ilh SO yt•nr rc(OJ(nition En~;incc·r with Jlc·ald Mnrhinc Corn· ccrtilr(Ull'". Trr h ~tm•lua tc Andrew pnny ; Mr. f-.arlc C. M iiiH, Rcsenrch lluhm l rlllll ~pnkr 1)11 1'"' subjcrt or Enl(mcrr with Riley ~toktr CorJ•. Mr frotrrnity rdJ tllln" with I hl' el)llllllttnily Miller ~ludicd Merho nical En11incning tlllll Ut·nn J)IJWIIIIIJ( 1111 rr.llt'rnily rda- .tt j iJhM Hopkins Universi ty; Mr. Ju'c IJUO\ with the· Jn\ tilut•· ·r heir ldra' l< uherln ( '::lllnl, a gr.1dunlc ur ('mncll pmHcl wry infnrmr~tivr ancl llf111H~nhk Univer~ily , nnll i'l a l)cvclopmc·nl t-:n11i ' l lwtn ('tu'" (;arnma r haplrr froltn tlw 11rrr .,..ilh Wymnn..Cordon fomp:my. l'ruvt•r•ity M:tiut• wn, nwnrdccl 1he llcm1 in llrooklyn, New York, Mr. Cnnnl ma.r1 m•l(' trnphy f11r fil'n•lin~; thr m•J~l hn.'l lived in Soulb i\mcricu whrrc hr rncn ttl 1h(• r tJOvtnliiJn over Ihll lrtrgt''t .tllluirctl ~Jlellking nnu writinl( nhllity uf di\tnnrc. A reception and party n.t the 1he Sp11nish L:mguilJ!c; Mr. Le~lcr t; , 1 h.11!11'r hnu~c foll~owrf! 1he hanltuel lll ('ottcnnolt•, IJQm in Chi, ngeo, lllinoi&, nnd rdurated in Los Angeles, California, t•nd lhc wcrkencl prul(rnm. and is (lrcscntly lhc !'resident nf l l11g1• i\ s~oc ifllt'll, . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- , 'I he unlicip.1led rcprescntntion will he frfJm Clarkson ; CCJnocclitul: LtJWtll Tnl) rau De1wninl( wlshc'l to till· ~llt utc ; MMsncltusclls, winner of fifth nnuu rc Uw l'I!Jlllll~ inn ur houn pOS· pl:~re in I'JSX; Norlhc:ulern; Norwic-h, ~i hiliLic~ due tt) lh!• new, gtlVNII "inn~:r <1f third plnre In 11)58; Rensrrwn t spun,ored , Nnl luu.1l l>t•ft·n•c ~t·lacr; Rhod£· Island ; T uftA; nnll t::mc·r,~ecn cy l•unu and tht• rKf~tina 'I hil)ll'r, Vcrmonl , nnd Worce!>lcr, who !llrttc lliuher .btlucnlinn hnul. .... rre rt'Sfl('C'tlvt'ly the winners of lirr.t, 'fhr~c nrc in ~tdrlllinn lt1 the· nflrt·rmHI, anti fuurth place lll.!t year. rn:tl in\tilu lc: loan frutlith·• OJ'Cll \f.,~~nl'hU'Cll!l l n~ulule Technology w junion anrJ sen i11r~ i\11 11111~,. hJI 1he ovt'r·nll lend , accumulalin~t ll1e who expt•• l to apply for iiiiY lclllll 11 relllt'~l number of poinls since 1he st.art arc refJUt~tcd L'• fill oul an e t illf l ht conte~l in 19JJ. 'fhayer hu !Jecn mate ur the omount Uu·y Will the mou ~urct's~ ful competitor in the need II}' ~hy I on u r •Nl \\hich b~t ei~thl y~ r:s \\hile Worcester hu may be obt.nined at th•· lorr.rm·t· ltl'cn a rlo•c ~cond. uun office in Boynton llall ,r;,.,. CONFF.RENC&-Po•f! 4 hi 1ht• hwllu•rltt•t•ll\
111111 tht•
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" llt•~l llll
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St•uh·•l, l r/1 II> ri~rhl-(:. llhuud•·~ 1\fur llritlr, l\1. F.. Cit·~llrl.l . J uhn (:. , llt'flmmul. J n ntl'lo 1). J.,, Vnn. S1 11ndln~r. rf,rh l-l'r•·~lclt·nl Ur<J mu•ll, II. ll uah \lllli•, J u~k A. ~l vrl o to. llrl~r . (.rn. Altlt•n fl. . ~ il•l••) . nml ll r. IC nlorrl f:.
I tt
SCII:NTIFIC CONFERENCE FOR INDUSTRIALISTS ~ELD AT TEC~ Discussed Value of Research 'I h" lhird unnu.tl "d~:nltfl ( 1\rh'hn~: for Tomurmw, 11 onlo'·li ,l)' rnnfcrt'llll! in· ll.'nclr•l tn 11in• the m:lllnltcmcnl uf 1'\i''' En~tl.ual intlu!.trir' an 1n~hrhl inw 'lllllf' of l11c recent 5dcntihc nnd lcl hnol n~tH at adv.tnll., ''hkh ofrt:r Rrcul prum b t• for mdu-t ri,!l npplit ,tlll>ll' in Ihe ) c.tr' •thc.ul \\Js hdd ht' rl' at '1n h un \ pril I rhl.' IUnfcrcnu· \\'J' ;lllt•nclt•d h\ mnrr 1h.m 100 hu,int''' lc.1 1ft> r~ f'ri'"Hknl ,\rthur tJ ll rnn\\dl prt'•ldl'CI n,,.r lh~: mnmm~: '''"iun I he pru~tnm lnthllletJ ,1 dl,tU~~HIO bv lhtt't 'lll'OII~t~ un lhl' rule oi rc•c.,r~h 111 htl•int'" }.tt k .\ . ~t urton \icl.' pn"iiclc•nl or lll-11 lc·h·phnne l...lhomlHril'•. cpukc on '•'Jhe l lllll.ICl or ~llhtnry Sril'llle nn<l Tt·ch· nul11wy on t•:cnnum1r ~c1. urit) ", Thl' hu•int~~ h•adcrs IH'rt• t uld t hal advnn'c~ in M1<·n1.c by 1hc milit3ry ha\e bi rl Ihe >tmuntlwork for ruuntle~s civilian de\'duprm·nt~. ~I r. ;\Juri on saitl modem m1htn rv science I P'"lt th(' rold w:.r from bl't'Om inl( oul WH' " The fu,ion homb prom i ~e~ to end wnr unlcs~ \IC end nur~elvcs.' ' he warned. II. H ugh \\'ill is, president of Nuclea r ;\lcl.llo; Mrc-•cd the rnlc nf the ~rienlbl Tn hi~ l:tlk ''Th<' ('nrc nnd Fcedinst of ~cil.'nti~b'', he s:uti thnt huma n problem' ha\'e ln he dc:tlt \\1th in human te rm~ I h1\ i~ Ru•ci~'s top project, he <.tatcd. The third l>pcakcr, j.tmcs D Le\'an ·c· rc:~ry of Slndcrs t\~-oc i.ate~. !'poke nn 'Huildintt a Comp:my on Re e:mh". A lunrhecm in the ;\lornn Hall dininr: room follo\\cu 1he mominst proiiT!lm. Etecutive \'ice Pre~ident \ an ,\rcd.l.le ~n·ed a• chairman and the speaker 11as Bri~.1dier General Alden K . Sibley di,;. !'ion enl!ineer of the t\rmy Coi'J)" of
" b.ner!fr- 1 1 ~
l"rmludiun and t'sc in lha: Wnrld nf till' h 11urc•' ""'" his topit. li t: tllltl hem muny ~c ll'n li~to.. wc)rk in~: •crnralely. \li'rt' tt•• pnn•l hit• fur 1he awmk hnmlt. I ut urt• wul'o will n•l l be fuu~o~ hl fur l,lllcl , w~·aHh, 01 uh.• n l~. he l}l'lit•vc:5 'I hfy nu~orhl IH' Il be· fuu~:ht for contH•I cd lhr wc • rl.t'~ ~111' 1 1!)' o,ourcr... 1\ nw ri~.t mu~t runt inut.' lu pm· !lure· !.CICntbb nnd, in .uldit wn. mu~t ~IH' llwm rt'\\ilrrlc. CII hc•n11-.· ( ;t'lll'r.d .;ihJI'\ ~n ld " \ ' OUiljl' i\nW1Ir i ll~ fl1U'I t•itht·r learn In 'thinl. 11r lt.HI1 Ru"l.lll .\ ndrc:\\ L \\'11llirt• nn e~t·cu•l\·e 'lit' prt•,id1•nt 111 Ld.tnrl t:1h 11HI CumJWI}. prt••i<lt•d II\ rr the ahl•moun ' ' '-'Ifill ' I hr ll r'l uf thn·c ~pc·.tlwr' flrl tiH pr•tl(r.lm ,, 1 ~ ;\I E ftc,Jidd . n-•e.nch clittt. lllr uf \\ vmJn..(;nrrllln C'tm1J)Jm· Ill' 'l"'kt ••n ' ~ ! dab fc,r t h~ f Ull' \ ttt' It "'"\ •t.1ted thai the ~ran h fur r11'1\' nll'lll• '' 1th prttpt'rties c:tpJbk nf n cctllllf tht innea-ml(l}' r•lmJiltx n•quirt.·rnt·nt~ uf the '>JMCC and lni<,IIC :1111' I• 11111: nf th(' m~j11r prohlrm' f.tcin$1 mdu•t ry 1ud.1)'. ;\I r ('ic~hcki s:~i!l th:tt "umh·r pn••t•nt ,onditilln~ mJleri:llll 111 tht·rn•dvc• l eJil · •lllull: th~: lll3jOr ru:vlhlork 111 Jlf<'\·tnL· in~ 1he pmcli<'al a~hic\Cnlcnt uf m1••llc ~n1l~ 1\hith arc, in pnnd11lr aLtailulhlc" f <~ hn C. Redmond, ma nostcr of !'\rw Pr;Hi ucl~ Rc~e~rr h for Firth ~ll:rllnl(, Jnr , ~pu ke on his tompany·~ tl~:vt'lup· mcnt oi cermet< 11 nrw da's of m •· tcri.ll' from ccramit·lllt'l d m•xturc C.lp:thle Of \\ith.,ttlOtliniC hi11h li!ITlJlt'r I tu rc•. The composite mat tori tl•, he snuJ. h.we hi~cr meltin~: ~>f1IOI th.1n ~1 1'1:1 more hJrdn~.. anrJ den-ny th.1n ~ted and j~t-l a:< much lcn•ile ~w·nrzth Uriuleneh meche~nical anti shod' rt· •hunce, htJwever, arc ~till y rohlcm• which must be overcome. he ~•d Third speaker wa~ [Jr RtJhert C. Plumb a•o;i~•ant pror~~or of Chl'ml'lry at W P.I., who d1sru\,-ed ro rm~1on, ad· . ~,. I E ~C&-PaK" 1
DR. GODDARD TO BE HONORED AT FUTURE ASSEMBLY A mt•Jwmal 111 c•m• .. r W l 'l \ most fulltiiU• .dun111i, I Jr Rut ..•rl C:utlrl.ml, \\Ill ht• dlilh utc•tl clurinl( 1111' ll'tot'lllhly I'I'IHHI•m .\ pnl l'llli 'I h1• lohb>· in frulll ttf t lw lt-1 !Uti' IIJI>Ill in IIJIIICios Lab, \\llf'll' ,, di-pl.ly ,,( ttn\1 ur hi'> (';trly 1111 k•·t"' ,1111! tH·r m~o~ l tll'lll' h ;IH heen on rd!ilut " ill lit• th- di t .ltc·tl .1• t hr (;oddnrri \f l'llll!ri.ll ,\ 1 lhl' detlluJiicm fuur lift• w· pht~tu!lr.cphe·• l p11 tu rt•• 11f hi" rod(· ,., ranj(llll( lr•mt "''~ tu l\H'flly· t\\tl tt·t·l m lo-n111h \\Ill I.e· unu·iiNI ~ I re; c;uohl ml, "'"'• I•H' l'fltl'•l the In litutt' lht e ll(•;tut1ful full • 1lr 1111 tu n•, .,..111 h•• Jlft'•l'fll ttl t he tirtlirat iun l> r ( ··ultl.irtl i the r tl hrr uf rnodcru tl)( kt•l 1'\' olllfl llolcl c..hmt• iJ l(r«:;JI f)e:ll 111 JWl;lrt rinl( 111 the tit ' t•loprncnl of rm kt l ~ Il l ~ t•.1rly t 'lCf'H'rlntCI11 5 nnd m.tl ht·nw• ic .J •'Xplfll ,11 ictU~ h.1\ e become tht• h 1•ir t)tlt' Ufl l i' fll ~ ill lh1• litemlurl' Uf rw k(·try i\lll"n,lt hi .. m(luy nut! vu ricd "(11,1~", lw w/h the lirlll to rh.•w·lop " r111 ket hH•Im U\ IOIC liquid fuels (preted i n~ the· (;('flllllll V-2 rur kct hy about 1 ~ yrnr•) , the hr.!l tn e~trcd 1he ~peed •Jf •r1und wilh ol r(J(kl'l , anti lilt' hr~t lei pmvt by nrl u~l lc ~t Ih:tt !l rot ktl will \\nrk 111 n \';tcuurn I It• .il n rl~>\clupt·cl 1ht• 1,.1,11 t dt·:~ of thv BJ.wub tlurmll
Worlrl \\':tr I m I?Us >\n alrJmnl of Wr I he ttr.ulu1lt:d in J<JO ~ and llul{bt Ph)llf' here v.bilc •IIIIJ)'inst for hi- ~h,tt r , d!'J: flC 31 C'lark He rcceivctl hi' ~J.A. and hi ~ Ph U from Cl:~rk Thl dedicatiron I ont Of the f1r<1 t1f jl kinrf hnnorm ~ Dr Goddard and 'J,.,. Oil. GOODARD- Pa•"' 4-
ApriJ I S, 19$9
Pqe 2
'T Ml ss IT
Nine days from today will be the start of the Junior !'rom Weekend. This annual event which reigns as the supreme social event of lhe year is planned months ahead of lime and requires an unlimited effort by the J unior Prom Chairman and his committee who work under the a uspiccs of the ] uniM class. As most of us should know, all Lhe events planned fur this weekend center about tbe actual prom nigbt on Friday. Therefore it should be expected that there be an overwhelmingly maximum number of couples at the affair. However, the case sometimes seems to be that a number of cuuples will decide not to attend the dance for various reasons but will certainly make sure tl1at they attend the fraterni ty events. Also it is certainly obvious that many of U10se who don 't attend do so not because they can 't afford il but be~:a use they feel t hat it 's not worthwhile. Those of you who aren't planning to attend should really contemplate your decision because this year especially, the prom night guarantees an intermission the likes of which has never before been rea li7.ed on this campus. In addition to the crowning of the Qv('en, there'll be a minstrel show which will include a dancer and a magiciu n and also the barbershop quartet representing the S PI~ BQS A who sang at the l'i Delta Ersilon songfest. Another matter to consider is tbe Masque play which will be presented the following Saturday n i~ht. The Masq ue soc.icly has worked hard and l on~ for this production which is their biggest of the year and deserve a good turnout fur the presentation. Therefore, for the above reasons and for your own personal satisfaction you should attend the f•ntirc program and make it a fully luxuriou · and gratifying weekend for yourself and your dale-L.C.V.
CAMPUS BEAT Cosmopolitan Club Holds International Supper One of the most original and fascinating functions ever held at Worcester Tech was an " international ~ upper'' sponsored by the \\'.I'.L Cusmupolitan 'lub on Thursday, April 9th at President Bronwcll's home. The buffet-style supper, ;mangcd by Sang Ki Lee, newly elected prcsidcut of the duh, was designed for the purpose of demonstrating the ability or Tech's furei~n studen ts to pn•pare dishes native to their n:spective countries. and to entertain members of the faculty. After a meeting of the Cosmopolitan Club1 members und guests were invited to help themselves to selections f1'11111 I he variety of over a dozen cliffen•nt dishes, t>rcscnlccl and arranged exquisitely by a dccomliun committee hr.aclrd by ~ I rs. Leroy M . Olodell. Among the epicure's tlel i~-thts were several Burmau dishes prepared by Thuung Scin from Burma, and also cuisine native to Columbia, <;crmany, Korea, J apan, Thailand, T urkey, Haiti, and Panama. Among the contributers to this unusmtlly varied menu were 1\lrs. Phillips, wife of Capta in Hnrold B. Phillips of the Military Science Department, and 1\trs. Pigeon , \Vife of Sfc. 1-lenry E. l'igeon also of lhat d~tpartm ent . " This type of program," commented one faculty mr mber, "offers a fu1e chance for foreign students to meet mcmlJ('rs of the faculty. and is an excellent medium whrre one can ' let one's self loose'." Preceding the !;UJ>j)Cr wa$ a regular meeting or the Cosmopolitan Club, at which elections fur next year's oflicrrs wrre held . Voted into 11ffice were : Sang Ki Lee, J>resitlent ; Peter
H. 1\il anz, vice-president; RaymonJ J. Cadet, treasurer: and Paul . . Stramcse, secretary. Sang Ki Lee, known to his friends as '·Lee'', came lc1 AmeriC<t from Korea in 1954 where he attended one year of preparatory school before entering Worcester Tec:h a:. a Freshman in 1955. Here Lee joined the Cosmopolitan Club, and was elected to the oflice uf secretary in his Sophomure year. Mtcr a year of study at the University of ~ew H ampshire, where he was elected secretary-treasurer of their International (.'lub he returned to \V.I'.I. lu!,t September ;1s a j unior, 11nd became president ()( the Cosmopnlitan Club in .\pril, 1959.
Tech Auto C lub At 1:00 p.m. w1 Sunday, !\lay 10, 1959, the Tech :\utu Cluh will sponsor an automobile rally open to culi e~c students and faculty from the :\cw l~ngland area. The rally has hccn so designed that hoth America n and foreign cars may compete on an equal basis. There will be no entrance or admission fees. T rophies will be presented to the lirsl, second, and third place winners. The event will origina te fn>m the quadrauglc in frunt of Alumni Gym a nd from there the contestan ts will traverse a route of approximately 90 miles in length. i\vcrnge speed, estimated SJ>Cecl , and other legs will be taken into account in a w<~rd ing the various trophies. Letters have been sent lo neighboring coll e~t:s inviting them tu participate and a guod turnout is cxpectcrl. A primary reason for the ra lly is to provide a very enjoyable afterntwn for the car enth us i<~ sts on the Hill ami give them a c ht~n(e tu compete with students from other scl1ools, who s hare their int erest in :.ki llful driving. Further in formation pertainin~ to tedmit:al aspects uf the rally may be obtained from <lllyone of tllt' T .i\.C.'s here on campus. In addition tn this planning, the T .A.C. 1s also held their annual ell'ctions last week. The following men W('l'l' tlt-cletl to nflicc fur the 1959- 1. 960 term. D oUGLAS
K t·.NIJIW'K- Prcsidoll
Rorn:tn H Au: -11icc-l'rcsidrnl J);\ NI\ \\' I LCOX
,)'l'(rt' lllr_v
Skeptical Chymists On Tursday, April 7. the Skcptie<tl ('hymists held their il11Jtilhly mcdin!-( i11 Salisbury. Two interes ting talks were prcsentcclto the gruu1l hy Arrnand Rully, J r., a senior chemist, and Richard T. Wc•iill:r, a juniur ('hcmist. Mr. Ru by spokt nn tligittt l computl'rs :111CI in partkular explained the Op(•rulion uf Tcdt's nl'w I.B . ~I. -(J I O r mntHtl('r. l-I e rlc~c ribed how a program mu::.t be st:l up for thl' comput!'r and illustratrd a sample prublr m. :\Jr. \Vt•slt:r ~p11kt• 1111 rulur phot•l;.(raphy. r\ ft.er trm·ing a bit uf thr history uf n•lor phuto~ raphy, he wl·nt on to cxpluin the actua l cll('llliSiry involvl'd in tht: production of tht: ful:ll prudur t , a m lor<'cl print. Durin!{ tlw husi ucss part of the mert in,:: plans were discussed for a prupused outing of the sociPty to IJe helcl in tht: ne<tr futun• and alsn lhl• l'arr nt!i' l>ay program. Refreshments wt•rc served nnd an informal discussiun followed the meeting.
CIVIL I:NGINI:I:RS FORM NI:W ~ONOR SOCII:TY C hi Epsilo n Affiliat e Now o n Campus On Tuesday CVl'lling, ~ lurc h 17th, u select ~ roup ur Civil Enginecrint: students nf \\'orcester J'oly tcchnic Ins titute convcnccl in K.avcn Hall ami formed a lon!-(·Wanted Civil Enginet'ring Honor Society. Fur the past several years attempts to form such a society
Published Bi-Wrcltly Except for V:~cation 1\nd EL'\m Periods During lhc ColleRc Year by
The Tech New• A~~t~odat lon of t.he Won:eeter Polytechnic Institute FAilor-m-CIIief: LOU IS C. VARUZZO Bw.slntss S14ff : BdJtoriol Stoff : BusincM M nMger .. . .... Art hur ] . LoVC'tue Managing Editor .... . . . . Edward J. Rus..~Ll Advertising Manl\~r ... , J ohn ] . Czertak, Jr. News Editor .... . ....... R obert A. Crook Circul:!tion Mana11er .... Robert A. Magee Copy Editor .. .. • •...... Edward J . Stcfnnini Asst. Circulution Manllller Robert F . K;uprow Sports Editors ........•• Roger R. LaFon taine Business As.>dstants: P aul W. Bayliss J ohn Reynolds Dick M lc:zclt F eature Editor •........• Bruce E . Sch oppe Tom Tully Kevin Burke Junior Editors . ... ..•... George F oxhall ] erry Bernier Gcol1!e Schoen Bmd Hosmer Steve Brody Howie Sholl Don Schuh l\l i•l 1{,-,.~1111 Ward Mac K(•nzie R uss lll\lllu llill Aill,cn Jack Corvin! Stan Strychu J :~ck Gabarro R eporters . , ..... ... ... .. Walt Pillnru Bob Schomber Tom l.;> l' r~·ti
Ru5.5 Banks Bob Waltllt'e
Ned Rowe
Photography Editor •..•. Robert M . Fitch Cartooni.!l .. ..•. ...... .• Brinn O'Connell
at \\'.J>.L had been made but for various reasons they had pro\'en fruitlcss. T he necessary push to get the ball rolling once af\<lin was provided ()y .\ rmand Silva, a recent addition to the Civil Engineering Research Staff a t Tech. Whi le an undergraduate at the Cniversily of Connecticut, Mr.. ilva was a member of Chi Epsilon, the ~ationa l Civil Engineering H onor 'ociety. ' evcral junior civil engineering students, led by Thomas Zimmic, saw the need Cor such a society in the department and working along with . ilva laid the g round work for the new orga nization. The group is following the general procedures for establishing such a n organization set down by Chi Ep:.ilon, the l"Citional :ocicty with which it hopes to be affili:ncd after exi~tinl! as a local chapter for a period of one year. The ou tcome nf the meeting on Tuesday showed that of the 25 juniors, seniors and graduate students eligible Cor membership, 23 were in attendance, and a ll expressed desires ()f being a member or the newly formed group. After this was decided. elections were held which saw the following men selected: for !'resident, T om Zimmie; Vice President, William Kerr; Secretary, Oon Dow a nd T reasurer, Barry Collins. One of the general objects of the society is to contribute to the improvement of the engineering profession, and on a more specific plane to strengthen the association of student and inslructor for their mutual improvement. T he eligibility requircmrnLs ror membership are many fold, but primarily are a high scholastic ability combined with a strong mom! character and possession of tra its of sociability.
WAKE UP AND READ Nuclea r Power Is Theme of Lib rary Wee~ The week uf April 12-18 has been desi~nn tecJ National Library 'Week to encourage the support, usc. and respect of our libraries. J)uring this natiun-wide campaign, many related events will take place, and educatiunal displays will be exhibited. Being part of a scienlif1c school, Worcester Tech's library has chosen nuclear power as the topic of its display for :\ational Library \\'cek . .\ reproduction of a nucle~1r reactor and uver thirty new books on nuclear power will be rx hibiled in lhe s how-window uf the Guarantee Bank and Tru<~t Company, at the corner uf Elm and ~ lain Streets in w11 rc('!\tc·r.
The· objective nr the di~play is to promote general public intcrt·st and to encourage the averal-(c person to make benelicial u-;e IJf publit: lihrurics. T he sloga n of Naliunnl Library \\'t>ek offc•rs vrry g01H I advice whid1 could apply to you\\'nkt· up and Read .
Weekend For Parents To Be May 2- 3 Parents of Students a nd Prospective Freshmen t o Sp e nd Two Days at Tech
One llf the most illustrious annua l Tech events is the Purents' Day, nf which its purpm;e is to ~ivc our parents the opportunity to observe different aspects of Tech life and to show the many impmvemcnts which luke place on our campus fro m year to yenr. This year, the event, scheduled for ~ lay l-J, ha:; been expanded into a weekeud . About 1600 invita· ti•ms have been sent out to all parents nf Tech mrn and prospect ivc frcshmcn. The wet•kcnd will :;tart Sa turday nwrning with a practice for ROT ' drill revue. In the a ft ernoon, the Society of Families, n new Mganization for parents of T ech studen ts, will hold its lirst meeting. Al1>o lacrosse and baseball ga mes will pro\'idc excitement for the rest of the a fternQon. This will be followccl by the traditiona l showing uf the movie, " Uridge to the Future,'' a lilm about campus life. To complete the day, there will be an awards assembly Sa turday cvenin~ in .\ldrn ~JCIIll) ria l foll o w~d lly danci ng in the Sanford Riley CmlllllUIIS.
On Sunday the departments will hold their usual t>pen house. ~1nd parents will be invited to iuspect our facilities a nd equipment as well ns the variuu:; demonstr:llions put on by the students of each department. :\lsu scheduled for unclay afternoon is the rc· ck•dication of the 1\twa ter-K.ent laboratories. This dedication is the climnx of the complete renovation of the bui lding which, incidentally. is one of the best equipped Electrical Engineering lal>omtorit'S in tbe country. This cveut will see the con· elusion of Parents' Day weekend. During the entire weekend the fraternities will open their doors to visitors.
.\11 departments arc working on sprcial projects
FACULTY ADVISER: Professor Theodore H. Pat kard Tt'C.h News Phones: Main Office PL 3 -1411 Ex 245
F.ditorial PL 7-9971
PL 3-9647
Subscription per school year, $3.00 ; single copies, $.15. M11ke &11 cbrcks payable to Business Manager. Sccond-Cil\55 mail privileges authorized at Worccsler, MMS. Editorial and businr~ oOic"s located in Boy nto n Utlll, Wo rcester, Polytechnlc Inst.ltute, Worcester, Massa-
chweU.s. The views cxpreSSt'd in this p.'lper are entirtly those of the editorial staff, Bnd in no way rdl«t the views of W orcester Polytechnic Institute.
Next TECH NEWS ~fake-Up ~londay Evening, April 27 at 6:00 P .~f. \"Vorkers Needed
April 15, 1959
from a week of rest and h;tdly needt•d to lOUI thl' refreshments (?}. Theta Chi Brothers ior the (lilrty Lim fnllowed. The cdclook~tcltu the la~k of preparing f~~r thl'ir hratlllll didn't 1·nd tht·r~ . The moum11rs rt'l.l xntion
rcl(ionnl r haptc r Cllll\'Cntion. "The Bos· tll!l Tea l':uty". fl wns hell! nt Ep~ilo n dl.tptcr la5t weekend in obsnY:tncc of the r hapter's 50th annh•ersary on the l .:rh t·.tmpus. Fricl:t}'. llruthers from ch.tpte r~ throughout ~ cw Engl:md were 1\cluuncd to tht' clubhouse (:\Inn .\h\'e' 1. The program 'aturdrty afternnon indudcd conference~ on fr.ttcrnity ,ocinl relations. management , und rushill!( he:~ded h)' regional counselor$ and (:corl(c Chapman, national cxccutiYc. A h.anquet held at the Coronado I fmcI followctl, al whi1 h Te( h j.rradnatc 1\ n· dt cw llolmstrom ~puke on romm unit y relations with frnternitic~ anti charter membero were pre~entrd with 50-yenr rcco~:nitiun ceniitcatcs. The "cckend program pro,•ed to he truly hrlphtl and inform.11 h·c ns well ns providing :1 ,;well t um: fo r itll. Recent house cl~ctions hroul(hl Into the Thet n Chi cxecuth c committee : William !\err, Prcsi<lrnl ; llarry DiZoglitl. \'icc-President ; Thom· ;as lluston, Secretary : and Frank \'crpruuskus. Trcn:;urcr. An :~nticnt traditicm 11 as revived at SAE this weekend when the broLhcrs t clcbrnted t he ir Paddy Murphy Party, 111 honor of the death of one of SAE's mol-t heloved brothers. The fc~ th•itil's ~ta rtcd early Friday evening \\hen Paddy's remain~ were placed in a cnskl!l a nd dea r departed Paddy was rn rrierl IJy the hrothers to nil the plncc> he hncl known ; :~ nd the son~ts that Paddy had luv(•d were sung, Then Pnddy 11 3S • trriccl hack to the house bnauM~ the arc in the coffin was rneltinl(, and it Wot!>
a'"·mhlt•cl !'.tturday night on the ~horc:. ut the l.tkt•, ami while 11 vrnrn wrpt hit · :rrly. I'.ultly's hmlr w.t, I)Llr ed upon .t iurwr.tl ra ft , lluJtt•d Nil tu the middle .tnt! bumt•d. The couples then rcwrncd 111 L:tkt·~itlt• Locl~:r to drown thl•ir surr<~w~. Ch:tnRing thr s uiJjcct. tht• n:lli' e. ;ar,• \'cry fri.·ndly down .outh uccunlin~: 111 Ed ~lcf.mini aud Dave 13an:iss. n rnuplt• lli hrotht•r> who 1\:tve the native ~i rJ, iu l'l~~ri da their 'lt'rl'il'CS last week. Run ~1\Cil~llll 1ricd to keep tl a scrrct th. tt ht• llJd hruk~u dOIILI nnd pinned l'. n Lym.m. bur it's known now, so he hJ:. l11 brcJk duwn :u:a in :mel buy dgnrs. Sunrf,ay. ~ larrh 22. fuuntl fonnal initi:ttwn lht' order of the d:w nt th!' l'iji lnd~tt' The following men · are now in till' fold : Unvr 1.,\\\ rt•ncc, l'hil Uoun'ttc. Pt·ll· 1\ uniholm. Pe te Albertini, Hc1b CL1rk. I ) fl\ c.' Ct•<'dnun , Bill llulmcs, l'hil 1\t•t•n:tn. Ttmy l.ockwo<'d. Dtt\'C l.tumHt, Bill ~l .tl' l>unnlrl, j ohn 1\tn t~•m . I krh ~ l ome~ . Skve lhterling, rtnrry R.1pdje. j ohn Rogers. j ohn Ru pprecht, .md Bill Shepherd. The ccrcmt)ny w :~s ftlllnwcd hy a b~nquct nt the Franklin ~·J anor with an int<'rc~linl-1 talk ~ iven hy Ril'hnrd Crnwdcr, our Notional Etluc:.t iou Dirrctor. l)urinR vacation Lhc w.tmh•rluo;t t·nptu red n few of the brother~ :1nd they ended up in Bermuda for rllllt•)!t' W('l'k Frum all indications the I rip wa' nne that will he t on~ rcmt•rnhm:d. Th11y returned ln~t Snlurdny t:uuactl. tired, und with mnny in· lt'rt.'~ tinl( 1.dc . \\'eddin~t hells rnng this pa\t wt•rk for Brother Lioh Berg 1\nd luvclv Barham Uoll,, Con~trotulnlion s
to both uf you and may you hnve the besc of ewrythinj:. Tht> pnst weekend at 11 lloynton St. })ro,·ctl to IJc a real house-rocker. On Friday nijlht tbe girls from Alphn lltnt'j(J Epsilon sorority vi~ited the blllls 1)i Sil(nhl Phi EtJsilon to hold n formal mit iati1111. Aflrrwards. the sisters pro,·idrd ret r~~hmcnts, the juke box provided the musir. rtnd the brotbt•rs hal:mn•d off the combination ,·ery nicely. 'I o 'JY t h,• It'll~I. :1 good tinw wns had hy :all Tlw lll'Xl evening found the broth t'r$ ,,( Phi C.1mmn Oelln and tht!tr date~ ovrr :11 Sig Ep for some rt'al rr:tLY p.trty action in Club II style. ~t u~ic h~ Petry Conte hl'lpt'll to make tht• part\ .1 Rrt':H sucress. The big crowd kt•pt the !:•tme room jum11injr until the IH' l' l\llur~ . Evct) Onc ll!:rC'cd rhnt tht-y rnuldn I LhinJ.. of ll ht!I H' r 1\'U)' IIIII 10 Jlt't their ,tudyin~t done. flu:- pa,t weekend kept quite :a few nf the glohe·trtH\illg K.aps on the movt•. ,\ !(rout' of ltrothers madt• the t rl' k to l> urharn. N. H. ttl give 11 hclpi n~: hand tu C.:'l:.l l.':. ncwlv tom!Jint•d TK l'·I'K chnptl.' r. ~t'Vt.'ntlutht•rs joinf'iJ in the fun ut thr l'hi 1\.:Jppn J'l.'lrt y a t ~ l i T, still .111(1tlwr !!roup. Lhe Romco-dcrncnl, \'i:-tti.'d Endicott und Connt·ct ir ut Cnl· It•~:,· . !'-ttlllooktn)! fur n J.l'. date, Chcs? 1\ J:<'ncr.tl air vf nnt il'ip:ttion nnd t'n· thu ~i.t ~m ha:-. en\'C·ItlJM!d the 1\ap with hot h J I' .mel Chnrter Day rnnain!( up. l'ha rtcr Uay will utlicially rc kbrnte the nw r~:ing tlf Tlwia l\:1ppa l'hi und Phi 1\appa .•md ~hould rlrvclop into a \\CI'k· ~ntl that will lOIII( ltc remembered. In tht~ :lir ui .Hlt idpation, there l~ ccrt.linly .1 mixt•d .111d potent supply of the I(!IY .-parit of Southern h o~ pitalir y, whi11· 1\ :tltin!( for the day that the " 1\l i~~ iss ippi :.lo\ln " will ~ hinc . ChatH'l'S an' pretty 1-(0otl lh:tt tlung:. will he far from quirt when these two cvt·uts hi t the K:tp
Pqe 3
J n niot· Prom
sounds ll't.'re supplied by the ''Hackers," :1 nt•wly established house combo thnt rrallr s11 ings out. The "'·cning was higblijlhtcd by tbt' pn·:-cntalion or the: Ticket:; for this year's Junior Prom, ll und :\word to j ohn " llrykzyk" SamhM,ki. Rumor has it that Pat Fh-nC'h " ~lis~issippi Moon'' ttre now on snle. 11 i,. ~UitJ:t'Sted th.tt you obtain yours hn!o her ~·yl'.S un lJon M urke '$ pin: early to :t\'(litl the lnst minute rush. Tht•rt> OU!!ht to bt• ,1 law a~;nin~l s tu· You m:w ohtnin ,·our tickets from the dt•nts tayang nt !>dlOol during \':\t"ll ions. following · fntemit)·, dorm, nnd indc· .\ nother ll'l'Ck like t he l.tsl anti Acf>i will pcndcn t represen tnt in•$ : be .1 huu~t' witlhlut jewelry. The lntc~t PGD - T om CllSte pin-dHIIIII\'1'> .art• Fret! Blonckr and llal ~ Af·: - Dn\'e Johnson j uri<t whtt pinned ~l .trge l'ulda and i\TO B11h Muckcnhaupt lll•m• t'oht·n . rl'~pcct 1\•cly. Our con·
Tickets on Sale
TC Rill Kerl' dtllcnct•s J:ll 1111t 111 j ohn \'ale who losl LCA Chip Enright ht:. n><llllt1HII<'. j ay 1\II)CTII. Congrtlluln· PSK Wnlt Suski tiun:\ to S.1n!ly Brolterg wh() found a ST'E l'nul Bayliss hu:.h.ttltJI 1..1,.1 "~·rh•ntl mnrkt•tl the TKJl l.ou \'aruzzo N~'\\ England Rt.'giun.tl Cundnvc nl AEI'i Mnnnv (:nnt R 1'.1. ~ .ttur;t lly Ep Dcr was outstnntl· TKE Tom Poole in~: .lmun~ot the ch.tplcr:. rcprl'$Cnlell. Mor)!nn - Tum Zimrnie L~N ~ I undily :.aw t\ I•: Pi nnd I'SK over· Terry Dupuis tlt•winl( with I(Ot>il ~prin~t spirit. J.P. l)ick C i'S!> 1\t't•kt'lhl prumi~c:. to ht• the bi~tRest hlasl Riley Am Tutunji!ln r'·t·r Jack Czertnk 1 \:kc~ rcturrwd from \';l((ltiun, I"reel Di Pippo "IIlli' n litt le l':trlirr than others. and hicld Dave M udgell :art• 111111' ~ettling down to the fmnl phase nf t he ,cme~tt'r. The ~otiu l pro~:rnm ht.'!(.tn 11 it h :1 l'l:ayboy pnrt y h('ld at the tl'lltph• un Saturday. April II. Thr tirsl 11.1rt uf I he t'venin~t was tlc\·otctl to 1l:tn1 in!{ .111d enjoying the art sc:ttt crctl Due 111 many requests for it , we preth ruught~ut ilw hnu~c . Next cnme the ltlllJ.: .t\l,titetl ( tit-hut of the hou~c octet. l\l'nt ht•re thl' ~oluti o n to the chess puzzle Ttw nndn itl'lll on the ngt•ncta. was the which appeared here n few weeks ngo. The ~olut ion is a ~ follows: ' t'lcllion of u Tt•ke plnyma te. After the ~d,·rt i@, SCI't•ml ganw~ were plnycd \Vhiu· muck ami then ~'''c~·~m~ lrfL feel in!( fillY :md I. N-R6 dhl <'k I. K·RI couti•ntt·tl. Thr pkd~tcs wC'rc k<-pt in 2. (.)-N8 r k 2. R x: Q ' hapc hy u littlt• work party hrld on the J. N-137 Mate ~tum· d.t\' in which mnnv of the ntt•ninl Irt~kh w~rc takt•n rare · of. I'Inns nrc lwinl( mndt.' to make tbis J .P. weekend one to he lunl( remembered
Solution To Otcss Puzzle
Read the TECH NEWS
vill a~<:
C.oM,,IMerU• ft/ Jubt 1>riur to Spring \'tlcntlun , the Tau's cnlert::airwd u \\'t•ll blended mixture GOY~ITE'S ESSO STATION or J\ll·morial untl St. V 's lllHSt'S with the 102 lll•hl•nd St., •• Boynton St. nurse~ pro11itlinlt n little cntcrlninment lhl•nw•ln·~~ The Spring \'Q\ntion wnll Wo,..rete_r, M••· T..J. Pl. S·9579 utilized in insta llin~t n tile lloor in the '::::=:=:=:==::=:::==:::=:==:=:=:~ game room M!lny thunk ~ to Rog Clllll· ;; trr and hi~ asbistnnts for an exccllmtl Tt•C'h Tuilor1 & Ch•anere jl•h. A full ,r.tlc rcnovnt ion progrnrn is 129 lll1hl•nf'l Strf'f!t uttdcr way and will he complctcll by SUITS CU~A NED rt<'Xt fu ll. Tlw " new'' 1(:111\C room 11 11 1> ti.IO AND I'RESSt:D t hrhtencd lu<.t Sat urdny night wit h n n·n l I(IJI1t' llohemi;an Party. The ruul
Coraa1e. oJ All Kind. Tele1raph
22 MAIN STREET PL 3-9171
The Air For ce pilot or navigator is n man of many talen ts. He !11, firs t of all, a maste1· or lhc ~ kic~-a nd no finer ex istll. 1 11 addition, he ha.ts a firm back· grou nd in a.!!l ro-na\'igation, electronics, engineel'ing and allied fi elds. Then, t oo, he must s how out standing q ualities of leaders hip, initiative and self· r eliance. In short, he is a man eminenlly prepared for an impor tant future in the new Age of Space. Find out today if you can qualify as an Air Force p ilot or navigator . Pas te the attached coupon on a postal c~rd and mail it now.
Avl11tfon Cadel Information, Dept. A·94 Uo• 7601!, Wa, hfnglon 4, 0 . C. Pl eue ~end me dt~ ll~ on my ovw•rtunllles u "" Avf11llon Oadet In the U . S. All' 1-'orce. I '"" 1< U.S. ~iUz!'n, h~lw•••·n lho IW''' llf HI AniJ 20 \-, nnd n re•lucnt of lhe U.S. or po~U<euuma. I um inl.l•rul••d 111 0 f'ilul 0 N11viguL1ir lr~alnlnrc.
Nam" - -- - - -- - -- - - - - Collevc ........................................-
S treet .............................................................................................................................-Cit¥- - -- - - - -- - - - - Z I I IIe.......... Stul• - - - -- - -
April 15, 1959
Officers For A.A. and Tech Senate Elected Lnr.t Wednesday rooming Ill assembly. 3 Sp.'lrSC representation or the Student body elected the President or the Tech Senate and the officers or the Athletic .1\ ssocintion. fred OiPippo was elecu:d to he the president or the incoming Tccb 'cnate. He has excelled in many activities on cumpu:. and is well known for his mas· tcdul control or a basketball, He nJ.,o plays baseball and is presidenl or the Junior class, Dormitory counsel. and n member or the Varsity Club. j oe Hronzino. president of the Ath· letic A~:.oci:Hion , explained the duties of the associntion or wbicb tbe more important include deciding who is eligible to receive a letter and which clubs will be ma(!c Varsity sports. He nlso pointed out that the oOkcrs bad to be members or different. fraternities. The new president, a member of the Junior cln..'l.'l, is Arn Tutunjian. Arn a member of the VarsiL>' club, the Peddler staff. Eta Kappa Nu nnd Pi Delta Epsilon. plnys Lacrosse ancl is n counselor in tbe dormitory. Tbc Vice President nml Treasurer were elected from the Sophomore clnss. Pnul Slec)J~ik, who plays Football nnd L:t· crosse, and Is a member of thr Vnl'llity club nnd the TECH NEws staff wns elected to lhc po.sition of vice-prcsidtnL Charlie Wilkes, who is active in the Glee club, the Skeptical Chemists, the Pcddlrr and a member of Lbc occer team. became the new treasurer. Bruce Bazley was chosen from the Freshman class to be Sccretnry. Urucc is also rresident of the Frcshmnn cl tt~S and Chnirmnn of the Dormitory Committee. lie also plays Footllnll and Baseball.
Sununer Institute Needs Lodgings Assi!>tnnct' in finding lodging:; for nt>· proximately forty persons this summer is requested by Or. johnson of the Physic~ Department. director of the Summer Institute al Tech. The eight week Summer ln.stil.utc. from June 22 to August 15, t9S9. is sponsored by the National Science Foundation as n me:tn~ of strengthening and enriching scconrlnry ~cbool lnst ruction in elementary physics. Pnrtidp:mt:. for Lhe WPI Summer lnstitutc will he selected from high scbc>OI lcachrrs currrntly teaching physicl!. In n:t't' nt years it hns become incrcll!lingly 11111rc tllll'lcuH for the tcn~hcr-siudcnls , rspccinlly those wht> are rnnrried nnd h~'·e fnmilics, to f111d apartments or rooms. A:~ n cunscqucnce, some have hcl.'n fnrcrd to lea\'c their f:tmilie:~ at hnmc or h:wc not been able to attend .tl :til. It wa~ therefore llu~e. tcd hy Or joh1hon that possibly some of tbe Wnrce~t~·r Tt•ch married stuclrnts. wl10 "nuld like Io 110 home durinR I he sumnwr \ 'IW\1 ion :~nd yet do not want to lnsc lht•tr apartment lenses or p:1y rent for n \'Cit:OII l rtpnrtmcnt all summer, wl\ulcl care to .suhlcasc their apartments to the~~ l'ummcr students. This plnn would bcucllt hoth partie-. financially ; it would !live the Tt•ch ~tudcnts a t:han~e to i!CI nw.1y from Wurc~ter for n ~ummcr : and it \\tmld ~;1ve the tcarhcrs .tS well .h the l'hy,tc!> Department murb (inw and t rt•uhlc Dr John on nlso SU!(J:C~tccl thnl ncnrhy \\'ur('C!tlt' r rl'~idents "hn hn,·c rooms or npurlmr nts for rent would bt• n ~llOd ~Cl urtt• nf lndgin~:>. Any Tech students. \\'urrrstcr it'~iclent s, or anyotw else inl!'re~ t rd .rrc: ur~tcd to cot nat t Dr John C. J•lbn~on ui the rhysk~ L)cp:trtmcnt ln lht: nr1r future.
Oft. c;ODDARD-I'rom Po.,. 1
should prove to be one or the mo~l interesting and worthwhile program. ever to be witnessed by the Tech ~tudenl body. CON ..'EilENCE- f'rom Pattt> I Thb year Tech will llc represented by Cht!>ler F. j acobson, M.E. from \\'orcc~tc r, ::\1a~. Chcl was the winner uf the A.S.M.E. Student Paper Contcsl nl Tech with his fJ3JX!r "Triangular Panel l'ortable Bridge". The winner of the Region I Confer· cncc will compete in the National Stu· dent l'nper Conference til he held in SL Loui&.
BONARDI'S Serving Tech for Years TUXEDOS, CUTAWAYS, FULL DRESS SUITS, FOR RENT See J. BIDDLE Full Line of Accessories
370 MAIN STREET PL 4-2270
Speelallu In Creweu ta and Prl n ee&one
ECK BROTHERS TEXACO STATION 77 Highland StrMt MusachuMtts Worcester
SCIENCE- Fmm I'"K'' I 1. Double Indemnity Prohcsiun , lul>rlt uliun, 11nd plnting of visions continue through metals. lie lOid lht• auclicncc of 1ocihods your entire life. and tcrhniquc'l tu measure the rough· 2. Ditobllity Income payable neM• n£ metal surrRtes nnd the StientL~t's to your age 65. contml or metal ' urface area~. for Details Call: A social hour in the 11resident ·~ borne w:c. htld from S to 6 P>M. 'I he evenjng THE JOSEPH W. NORTON pro~:rnm opened with 1.1inncr at 6 :30 AGENCY (.' Rhoades Macllridc, \icc president of 51 Elm StrMt operation!> f11 r Gt•ncr:.t Dyunmirs Cur· Worcester 9, Mall. poration , wus the speukc r. ll is subject PL 3-8195 wns "Wondcrin)( Into Tomorrow" . The GUARDIAN Chairman of lhc cvcninl( session was Life Insurance Company Ruhcrt Stoddard. prcsidl'lll of Wyman· Of AMERICA Gordon Company and the Associated lntlu tries or ;\lussathu-eu~. '-------------~
training Is tailored to the Individual
Training nt Ou Pont loC!f.1inll the J ny tl1e new gnulualt• juin~< tl11· Cvmpnn}, nnd it ron tinut'" thruul!lwut hi~ currrr. lie is Ul!uully l!i'''" u ~<pi'ci fic nMignment ut oncr, ~o ht lt•nrm• in(nrmall} in con· sultatiun 1vith h i" •ut.~~:n i!'llr tmtl his nl'soda t ~ n~,;igncd h l till' :mmc projccL TI1i ~ infurmnl npp• nod• tu troining is !IUfJplementetl It fi'C.'Iflll'lltlllt'l'tings nnd S<'lllinar11 o1HI h • l'l'lu·dulell Jtl•rfunnnnce reviews loy t•u(·h moJa· su1wrv i!lor. It iii partly thrnugh this method of trniuing that Uu Pun t dcvc•J.,p~ ita man· ugcmcnt men uf tnmurrnw. And the nl'rd i_q inc r~;~u~ins 1'\l'r) cln) fur qualifi('d people to t~UI:~t'rvi:>e ll11' deH•Iop· mcnt. JJroduct i11n nnd di~Lributiun of new JJfOtlurll! ns \ll'll OS nu Pont's 1200 ~'<i$Lin~ products and procluct lines. o 1f } uu join l>u P''"' ) 1111 r on IJc sure that ) vu I\ iII retain ) our itlt•ntit)' as an indh•iduul and he:: prepnrt'd for advaMenwnt a!i tJ11ickl~' us } uur nbilitics -and job o pc nin g~- pcrmil.
<®PnHP ..... ' ... ..
"Anyone who hn• had tl f.'IRST T ASTE of th(>se will ulwtry• com e lmck for nuJrf>,"
MORE THAN 10 PIZZAS Free Delh•er y
House of Pizza Td01Jlh onc
409 l'lcll•uoll St.
~Wi ft
8-362 1
~t 1u~.
HI-FIDELITY Kits - Components Tape Recorders - Tape Everything In SteNO Complete line ol 11'1 af Special ftrk•• THE HIGH-FIDELITY HOUSE 361 Park AYenue Opp. Retlalr7 sw 9-9757
1-9 P.M. Moa.-Fri.. 9-S P.M. Sat.
April 15, 1959
UNH SPOILS WPI OPENER TcrJt Ba 11ehall 11-0 IN RAIN AND MUD i:o;in~ ::don On nturdny, April 11 , \\\mestcr Tech's L:lcro -e team lo~l to the \Jmwr~ity of Xc11 Jlnmp.. htre h> n .core oi II 10 0. The Jtlmc wa'l played m the raan on the Cl.l"~ or '9.\ field. The 11l3)·er. tJrting for \\'orcr ter Tcl h \\ere Uob Smuh goalie, Ke1·in Burke, I red Uro~hjett , nnd Art Greene, tlefcnsc:men, Urnd llo mer. 1\ rJ futunJt:tn and l'r.lnk Salt·k mid·hth.lcl" , L>tck Edu rd,, Uob ) l crct~r and l'hil l'udcltn~on un attJ~ k I he men of ~ r11 ll.tmp-htrr drr11 the lir:-t ,,ore 11 tth 2'1 ' ro mch ~tcmc an the hr-t IK' n otl \\'aldm l'r.tll '"'' credited 11 11h th~ ~:ual nnd 1>,1\'t' n\\'ud the .t ~·•~t I rnnk .th•k fan•d ofl 11ith llob l..tnH>the and the h.11l .t ~:.un m pity Thr cl~ ft·n'c nMil.ti:l'd to ~t·t.·p th~ Xcw I lamp· ~hin• tc:1m front Mmin~t n11.t111 until 7:·Ill of tlw J'af't period wh1·n lluh l,;rlin !II on•d ulht~~b lctl . l\lld-tll·hlt•r\ limtl
llub L' rh11n, tallied lllo\.ltn .H M"cond~ later to make the l-Core 7 to 0 Tht e 1110 ~:oab JUVCd the 11ay C or thrc:c more 11h1cb made the :.core 10 10 0 Jtutng into the h1urth period. \\'or~l..,ter Tel h 11.1s l>trll in thrrr fil(htrnq in the fourth ptno.l Thrv wrren l )::OlDJ! to :1dmi1 dekll until thr hn.d 'hot w:~;; iired. John Oud.lry w;~ 10 thr '!O.ll md had Ken I 1:111 •lr.t•n. Rm. Huld a nd Lonn~ Comr>ton hdJ'tng fum on drlt'O•l'. With the ht>lp or O.l\C '\unon. j41hn Pollt'l" ami 1>11n lln11 , thl) ddt'n ..e held :-:e11 ll :~mp..,hlrt' to ClOt' jfe\.11 It Ill < ~CIIrtU Ill 10 36 by Unn Li•pcrance. l'htl Pudthn11t•m. nil k Etl11.ml.., .tmJ Hoh 1\ler.er \\rrr 'lllltf)· 111~ tn m.tkc Tc•h\ ltr-.t 1111.11 11lwn lht• "un went nt1 cmhn~ the lllurth period l hc hnul ~('llr(: W(I S Univcr<~ity or Nt•w lltamp..,hlrc I I, Wnrn•sh·r Tt•1 h 0. Thi-. sr11rc, h\)IH'I'l'r, th)c.'~ Ml tt•ll llw
"prrn~ i• hrrt• .1nd 11 ilh it the c3mpu.~ fn1 u-t•( u\ llll'ntion on ha~dull. C'o:~ch ~h :-.lult\ ' ' \lorl..m~r hard ~etting lhc l'tlh h.t•l'hallt•r, mto !ih:!Jl( for their lhtrtc•rn )':.unr •• hr1lule Thr we:ather, htllll \t'r. •tfm' 111 IW" :II!Jimt the teJm. I he nin ~nd told wratbrr h:l\1" h:lm· puc•cl the prJrtil(~ •t'•,ill~ 11 ttb the n· .. ult h\'inr 1101~· nboul onr ~oc.)(f ~~t-ck ell pr.111 it r fur thr OJIC'ner. 1 hi hort ' IHimc llf.1C t i.~ ilntl •hurtne ~ of the .ttl u.tl '' r•clll cltK" nul let the pia} cr.. rt'.ll h t ht'ir Jlllh'nli.tl, but \IC \;now t Jut ,,11 tht• '"", 11 ill he !loin~ thrir he~t. The• hr•t I all rnr t.UIIhll.ltt'' j:.l\'t' Cn.tdt \It ~ult1 fntl\ nu·n lo lnuk o~rr 111 ,, vc•ry •hnrt ltllll' 1\~ :t n•, ult thr 1 11~ity ,;Ju.HI h.ul I hirl I' um• men, 11 hidt t• ln11 fur .t h.t,t•h.lll ' qu.ul. l'rrh.tps lhr n '.l\1111 f11r kt'I'Jltll~ Ml m.aaw ml.' n is belolll~t· of fill' lWIIII' IIdiiiiS Jlllll'llti:tltn lht.: lt l''hm,a n d.a~' It 11nultl lit• foolish 111 t 111 ~0111 1 1111'11 Itt h,tl'l' n ~1nrtll '!quatl fur an fur urr ~··.u~ I hr~•· 1111'11 will have ,t <h.tllll' Ill prm•t• I ht•tii'Ch t'' As of 114111 tlw ht•l tc.un •~ nul '''llh.-11. I hr '~'·''"" 11 " nri)lut.tll) ttJliK'~t·cl 111 "t~·n 11 11h I ult• l 'nt\t'r•IIY nl home, .... 11ur1IJ\ .\p11l II hut 1he J.:.lnt~ IIJS r.nnr•l t llll llu< l(iH•, thr lt311l a httle nwrr tmw 111 l!t'l rt uh• f11r 1he A I C 11 unr 111 ~JIIIII!IIII'ltl nn \\'c·clnr•cl.t) lOr I II II Jill I Ill jlt I :1 j.!UIItf lucoJ. .11 lhc te.tm "" t\pnl l l<. wht n thr\' t.lkt nn M 1.'1. m ,, clnulolrht uh r at Alumni l'trhl. ,..,,.,. II\.., ...., \1 ,1 ,.-f'n~rr 6
~prin~ ~purl '\ arc ~t'lli n~t umlt•r 1111)' ull(l hOIIl'S arc h i~h Cor n lOiltinu.ltiun of a ' "l"'''ful Yl'ar fnr uur uthh•til; lt'lll n 'l. In some ca..'l<':l, huwt•Vt' r 1 I ht•y huv<' un uphill ft).lhl 111 nl'ltit'l'l' I his surn·ss. The IJa'ichall lt•am whh:h ~ufft•n•e l llt't\V)' w:ulu,rt fun lll);.~l'S, :If(' IIIIW Wt'llk ill lhc pitrhill).l anti third has1• :i l ol ~. First ha~1 · lll,•wist• Sl'l'lll'~ to he· a snrt• ::;pot, und the usual nct•d for 11 ~ot •d 111:111 anywlu•rt• i ~ lllt'vniNtl. 'l'hl• laaos::.c l cn111 , which has un•• or its I. II ~H'"' 1111 llllllb In ICC'I'III )'t':ll ... , Sl ill lnr kll rx pericncc. Gracluntlnn and 'l' huhlstit ~ falhtll''l h:tl'l.' aultbt•d tlw 11'11111 or its e ntir(• clrfrnsl.' :tllll till' juh of huilclm~ u 11\'W cuu· i'l rmt'iitlc••nhlt•. T he tram i <~ also hampl'rt'cl hy tlw l.u k nf n t<'Alllar pmctiu• J'wltl. Thl.' tram presently lincls it -;t•U a h t•rna t in~ hc•Jwc•t•n lht• ~<Klt'r Jk hl, lhr 111\\l'r campu'l, a nd 1\.t•nclrik Fidel 11 ·') 11111 in C:m ml.alt·. Thr t rnnio~ tt•am j., hrun1'1t'rcd by the loss of 1he wurh "h" h IHII\'illt·tl amplt' p rnilil·t· nnd ~.tml.' fatiliti<..,. This yr.tr tlw t~·;am 11 ill IK• t.akinst tl ~ pr.tllit t• nnd t•l.!ying its gnmc.s at the Wurce... tcr l'l•ntti., t'h1h llww court~ art' nmnnl'( the IX'.,l in lhc art>a, but the fncl I hal I Itt• l(•:un 1111"1 nuw .:<1 nCC cam pu~ W practice introduces ll har<fo;hiJl. Tht• ~otulf tt•,crn, th<· ,jh•nt parlnt'r in T N h '~ vur ity !of)Orts, abo find ., it<;('lf fau·rl with h;trcl, lup John Jljurk, tht tt•am's regular cooch for the J>.1.'il 'uuJIIt· of >''"""· h.l'l IIC't'n furLctl lu slcp d11wn l)(.>etlust of incnoa.setl pmfr~ ' innal dutic•' 'Jhl, hu' pl.at~•tl tl ""''idt•rnhlc load on the lthouldcr'l o f captain nJ:IIHI!<:t'r \1 ~wt• l!. . Dr. Fu·cl Bttll~ r has sh'r)pt.>d in lo heir nnd ma)' wt·ll ht· uf ~otfl•al lwlp tu the lt·um l h i~ year. Nevertheless the tram 11111!ol 1-(11 intr1 il'l llrsl rttlllt h with lillie ur no prtaclicc due LO the hc:lVy f ru~l aucl ff'MI II HIIl latr !IJII'IIill)( of muny the local liuks. Whidt ur t hl'll(' 11'11 11111 will )(llin liUct't'S'I? T his is the big qucsliun we wns easily
Pbi ig Run Awav., With IF Swimming Final ' l l11· wutUitl IF
S mith Allt' llll>lll To Clf'nr tOIIIJIIl'lc ~ tury
lhl' l(olfnl' , Wonrslrr plnwd well and mntll.' a numlwr uf hill' hill( ko, llhit'h "lclllctl New llnrnp,Jtirt· \\'e II l'te hurt hy ood Jl.l''ill!l 1111 flU I h tht• tl• ic·n..e :~nd the: 311Mk •ulr nf thr twld 1 he•c pa~ es 11 hrch • ew• l l:tmp ·hire intc r~rpr ed 5nml'limr h·tl tu 1(11:'11 It wa' al-.c• noticed tha t altboul!h 'I rc h nun fuuuhl h mi fnr frre h.tll , Ne,., Jlt'flolll. It JJlltt' trpf lh.ll ' I t't h 11:.1 ~ cumin)( to I l.lm!J•hur <eemcd to pick thrill Ull hie in th1• ,., untl Jtt nnd wht·n thr de· I h•• l'nJblcd them to h:ne wntrol uf ,.,. L'\ CR O ~SE--Po•"' 6 frn~o· 11111\t'd runtrul 111 the lull ol num· t... r ol llmt~ n1l , It uc •I tl lht'•lll 1t1 thr '\•··1 ll..1m1• hifl• Rut I \ ntl} \lilcm td;t • .lt'lt'n•r•nln hndanu "'' nnr 111 1101 ' tol ,1 numl>~·r uf tiiiH' \\J' loru·d to run th<'IHlldm1n too tht ~c11 ll.amrt•hirt' 1ncl J ur \Jc(; 3nl!l~ <cun·rl '\n lllmj)•hm· • tnurth t.tu.tl ot I Uo o( tht . ewnrl l"-'fllttl ,\ ft'\1 miuutl'" l.tter llnh ~mith 1 UJIJ>t'd nnothr r Xt 11 ll tnt[l•hirc ~ hut l)n I hur•d1y, ,\ pril l f1, Ihe \\'orer .tnrl hnchn11 1111 lllll 111 p.11• w nm·mpted ter I c\h ~~~If lc3m 11ill ~t trl it~ 1 1J~IJ 1•1 run 1he h.all up hulNM ~mitti e 1 tmp.liJtn The L'ni\'t'r~hy nf \ In• ;t IIJ-. fort eel uut of ht1unrl~ nt 1h1• mul- rhu•<·lls 11ill he thei r oppont·rrl lrr the• llt•lcl strrpc ~1111 :\cw ll nmp~h i rr took ~~·a••rn •, llllt'Ol'r ,11 \\'ac hu~f·ll l 'e11m l ry t•1lll rol uf thr h.• II I hr•y <'I nhnut lo C'lub Ora,di\Jilv :t rn:rtch 11 t'l "hNlukol .-un• J 11111 h1•r 11011 met 'U" t'f•dfll .11 lur \l uncl:'l\' the l.llh hut fMI1Hl1lt•ll• II.\· tH t ht• .,., unrl \l.t 11 111 Ru·lnc· 1h1 """ 1\1- p11•11 onnc•l unt1l ~h ~· 12 \IIC.r., •Ill k I hi, m ulr tht rurr ~ Ht l he•ltllll h1· hcd 10 'J' 1hr lc·1•t lt'f) 0 111 1a1nr ••I '\t'll ll.tml'•hm· .u 1hr lttl!t: timr lu pr.Jdin• \\'1chu•r1l ('ut,;nt ,,j ur lht• •ttoncllot rend ·n· I'Jula o.\bNc the IC:tm pr.1C IIttS ant! \ r,,. •t art n( 1hr third prriud 'J tcb hroJol it horr.e m:tt< ht' .. , dit! out ''l)(·n ....,, i tn h.11 ,. pu kt-d up n:nt' pint. until thr· fl.l't \\l'tb·nrl. It hkc-• CV• "'omc nnr hl<Xk' 1\t· rt• th rn 1111 "' I rank cr.JI ro~.;nd .. oi sroli bdCire a !Jla}tr can '11..1.: :mrl l'hTI f'urlrhr !ll'ln hich en- ::c: h1~ C:Jme n·31l~ ·hup C•ll('cillly lhl' bled thct r tt·:amr '' tn f'' k up •omt> hot! c:1mc :uouotl thl' rrttns Cou<eirr.: l!muntl b:Jil \ 1!.1 n '\cl\ l hmp- 'JIIt'n'ly 11 ic 11nin:r :n Lc touah rnouah ·h:rc:', dricn e ht I •n I tbty soon tu b.n e to pl"y o:-t Thurtdlr lrt aloll(l ~ unrrl JtO"-t'• ion nf the b31l. Ul'-1" .,.. \I ~ 11\ \\ o(ll! • u•r:d :u ~ 0 1 and :a teamm.su ..,,.,. t, OI.J"-Pn~,. 6 ll u.. nwr ,\ r,l Tut un ja,lll, nntl Fr,mk "u1 •·~ ancl .!lt .nk nlt'n llilk Edwn11l ~, lloh \l t'n rr, .10d l'IHI l'uddin)(llln tried 1 Jmly 1n put 'I t·t h un thC' otlrn'> lle !Jut '\ew I lamp hrrr' 1lcfrn•r m.onJI(t'ti to t.n· tk up thrt r .Hifm JII ' HI •cort·. l>on Lt•J~>t r.tnre •rort'cl Nr" ll 1mp'h"'' thtrol ZIIJI Ull t''l'tt·d Ill 12 It} Ill the fu,t
GoH Team Working Hard For Good Ycat·
hy l'lti SiJCmn Knppa, :allhuugh thc•rc wu ~ n du't hnttk f11r second place lu•twc•t•n 'I h<'lil ('hi nrrf! Si)liiHI Alpha I•:JI' ilon N u I F rt'l nrc! II 11 ere IJroken, lml ch1uhlt· winnrr AI lrcl:md tame very clu c• R1 Ult!l 11f the meet were II.S fllllll\1 100 \'nrd Relay I I I'SK 2) 'I X 3) ~AE 4) SPE 111\11
would like• lu be nl1lc In u rr ~wc r. J u ~ l whut docs make a team a suc·ccs~? T lwrr art! Ill lillY rarlnnl which 1-(IJVCI' n Ihe RUCCC!!S or lenms. 'J'he coach I'll or co ur~c·, II hl~ot factor. lit• lliU'Il instill Lhc methods of play In the players. 1\ coat It 's ability to lrac h thr'lt' nt<'lhucl ~ a nd his I'Xpcriencc in manipululinl( his llltllliJOWI'r urr uC ~-:rru t impurl:.1nrc and can in many ways be crudal. \'c·t 1hi' II' t·xbt'l IIIII' ill lan~-tihl!• ttuality that has bf)('llccl success for many
a mat h uf infl'linr tthility. Thl\ is wlwrr the personality factor comrs '"''' play. Th<· nhillty to ~tai n the ~upp~~r l of his players, to whi(> up Learn 40 \'nrd I rrl''I)IC ' Pint ;and tlw th· ire 111 win in hi'l IJlaycr'l, arc the eruciul allrihutt's for I ) Jrrl tntl J'SK a ccMch. Te.m" m.1y vary ttmsillcr,,bly in the performances they tum in 1} \1 c \bnu' • • .. .. • • S r-:: fmrn tinw w time. 'I ht' winninJ( tr.cm i'l thal lcam which i~ the mn'll \) 0 l l)folt TX arcm ed, tht• ttam thal want'! w win on any given day. J ust what il i'l 100 Y:ard lhck,troke thotl amu (''> tht'l ~pirit ur the will lu \\ in in 11 teotm may vary, tht de<.ire I 1 11rnJ>I'r 111 , • • • • • • • • TX may cmne :mel .:11 from clay tn day, but if you have a coach who can in..till 11 \ I t mil .. • .. .. . .. . ~.\ f.. 3 1 C'nrd•.n ~A E. in hi 3 tl'lltn the " ill tu win, ht' hw• achieved a valuable trail and will mo'll .,urt'ly hrinl( a t lra.,t mudrrale IIUCtr..., to hi'l l('llm . He it su1>erior man 220 ' J rtl r rct<~t yle Jlll\\l'r ro:tt hing, 111 t h.1t intanl(illlr ~l lll t'lhi n g known as 'q)irit, wt· hufH' I ) 0 l<rtly • .. • .. 'JX that tJur Lram'l will ~tlllll'hllw mu ~h·r up wha lcvrr il t~akes lll prcwirlt• lhr 2 1 \1.1nrhr lf'r . • • • . . . I'SK I J lluun\ PSK thrills 1htll alway'l a< wmpany 11prin!( !ipmt~ . 100 \'arrl I! r••a ~l\l mk(• l\cJw that the htr'llle and huc; l ll~ ul I F ha.,kl'lhall is liVer, wt· tamC' 1111 SM. wi t h 11 fir.,l and ~1'1111111 II Star '1'1·am . 'rhc ll!'r.,•m ~ aprwarin~ IH'lciW wt•rt II ~~~ ~ l crl'l• l'':lK 21 l .t· ,\Johllll n11 t cmly pltkvd lttr tlu•lr scqrlu!( nhi lity , hut also for thtd r all-arouaul PSK W• t wrltJIIIHtnc r 1111 t ht• IIJi ll I. 'I hl>; Wllttlcl lrtt lur h• hrt ll-hn nrllinJt:, ~pllfl <om u n ·'I 1 IOCJ V.Hd f n•1 .tylf: , hip, t•tl . P' K II I r1·l.uul 'l lw ' "~'"" ;m • a'l full11w': I'SK.. 1 I lkf•llf' Sll'fiNO T ti\\1 Fttt<;1 TI'MI s n:: ~I \!1 mil Rem Puk raka Bu· l!·r U ullc~t k I hr. 11':111 hni,h1·1l in th•· Cullowinlf Pete Sugda C'harlit· 1.1 hi 1111'11 1 flt~ t r :'\orm ~fonk~t j c1h11 \\ ht·l'lf·r • 37 l'ts. I) I'"K INUit Bry 101 B11h C,t,..otlfllth r li l't•. 1) 'I X C:rttrr.:r Yule lli r •. l krnrt I rl mtUlt 31 \1.
.. ........
1 l't. \\'t• llfiUiri htt• 111 1 nu~r.tlulatc• \\'1lliC' \lmd rniJ mtl h1o; Thcl:t Jo...tp lt';lm . citbtor IJiltd 1 h•·y' w• 11~1'11 till' II' h:1 ~. ciiM II t fft\\fl f11r l Im~ ~r tr lr.ltl(lll 0111~ tn•I t•• 1•Lu t • tn 1h!! wndmr or dtd nol enter the mr• h 11 ,. a runnin~ rc·• urcl tar 27· 1. 4)
rctl .,. lhl' team
TECH l.ACRO F. -From Po,,. 5 the hall the mnjority of t h~ lime. One mu~t take into account the fact thnl \\bile thi,. wa'l Wo rcr~te r Tcl h's liM g:1mc of the ~cason the University of New llamp~htrc had nlreatly pla}ed about c\cn ~mmes on a trip do"n •outh Thus Ne11. Jlamp<hire ~~.a~ e:<pcricnced " bile a numher of Tech men wetc inexperienced in their po~ition~ The neKl l..1cro 'e game is Aprtl I~. at Worce ter, with ~ta-.o;ac hu,ctl~ l nsli· lute of Technology.
Last ycnr
§;u-lltlly ICE CREAI\1 STORE
HIGHLAND STREET 1420 Main Street, Worcester Open All Year 306 West loyl1ton Street, West Boylston - Ope n All Year 451 Lincoln Street, Worcester Open All Year
team pin yeti much bel ter golf thnn their J lind 7 record indlcnlcs. Several of lhosc losses were very doRc ones, ancl if the hall had been taking some different bounces, the record might have been a lol better. 'omc of the lllnye~ on that team were AI Swet.t. Ron Soccoli, George Schrein· er, !Jill EckmM, Charlie Cu.,hing, Urod Cu,hin~t, and Paul Manheim. Of the~ Cu hing is the only senior, c:o nlmosl the whole team "ill be bark Under the direction of their new conrh, Freel llutler, the lenm bOJlC!I to chnlk up n better !.late this year. The players all hnve nn e:ttra yea r of ex pcrience under their bells. j ohn Wheeler, who was ineligible In t yea r, turned in some \ Cry good scores, and it i!l expected thnt he mny help out Lhi\ season. AI Swetz will caplajn the team, and no doubt will play in the numbt•r one alot ns he did lnsl spring. The young tenm or lnsl year is now a lril·d and seasoned one. They nre out to mnkc n goorl 11howing this season, nnd it looks like they mny IJe ahlc to do it. 1he
BASEBAI.l..-From 5 The probable starting team, tnkinl( the field agninst A.l.C'. will he led hy Joe Bronzino, our h<trd-bitt ing center· fielder, and Don Ferrnri, our second baseman, the two co--captains. At short· stop will be Dick Brott, who carries n big bnt, and at third base is n newcomer to the tenm, Kenny Vnrdion, a junior who played freshman bnll nt the University of Connecticut Holding down the first bnllt position will be Fred Du· vnl, a former pitcher who Ius been switched because be bns had varsity experience and hns t-een hi tti ng the b.111 well in prnctlce. The outfield will luve Rny Abrnh.1m in right and Dave j ohn· son in left , both bnrtl bitters nnd tremendous fielders. The cntching posi· Lion will be handled Ron l'okrnkn, last yea r's slnrter, nntl n goocl hilltJr. The starling pitching duties will go to Whitey Lehllncn or AI Sl. Germain. Lehtinen won his only gnmc lnst year and Sl. Germain wn~ vnlunblc in relief. I n reserve will be j oe n ndnrritl, n senior, who may be u!!cd prlmnrily in relief roles. On the whole, it look~ as ir the team wiU follow the football nnd bn~ketball seasons with n ~ood year. The hig question being \lhcther or not the in· experienced pitching ~tnfT can hnmllc the burden. Wr 1\l,h the be~t or lurk to tbe tenm nnd ask evcryon<' to romr tu the doublrhr:ldl·r, Sntunlny, April 18.
RELIABLE JEWELERS Large Selection ol Disc and Charm Bracelets Te lephone: PLeasant 4-1 501 Corner Main and Ce ntral
AT THEIR lEST i•a,l! 5
April 15, 19st
Open 10 A.M.· Mldnlte · Sun. · Fri. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 1 A.M.
Next to Plymouth Theater
NEWS MAKE-UP APRIL 27, 1959 AT 6 :00 P.M .
CONNECTICUT OPERATIONS Unmatched Engineering Facilities for Developing Advanced Flight Propulsion Systems Operations st Pratt & Whitney Aircraft are essen tially those or an engineering and development organization. As such, an engineering atmosphere dominates the work being dono, much of which directly involves laboratory experimentation. In t he past three decades, expans ion at Pratt & Whit ney Aircraft hn.c; been almost tenfold. In recent years, greatest em phruti.~ hilS been on extending engineering facilities to meet tho needs ol ad· vanced research and development programs in flight propulsion .
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Among the Connecticut P & W A fncililies are many that nro unequaled in tho indus t ry. Thus tod~;ty, Prntt & Whitney Airornrt. is better prepared thnn over to continue development of the world's best aircra ft powerplants ... to proho t he propulsion futuro . .. to build and test grcaUy advanced pro· pulsion system.'! for coming gencrntions of flight vehicles- in whatever form they take.
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In thr nrw Ftu•l Syst,•ms J.almrniMy engineers C!ln minutl:'ly onn!~lil the l'fTc•dt~ or l'xtreme en· vtrnnnwnlnl cond!hons on romponents or f uel ~ystrmfl - rondltaons ttuda as thusc encountered II~ ndmnt•f'd l yfX>S or ni~th l \'l'hidt•s operating at htrth Mnch num hcrs nnd high oltitudea. Fuel for tlw"'' ll'sl>~ ron lw 8UUIJhcd 111 ony f('mperoturt> from -65• 1-' w +500• t~.
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