IG J P WITH RALPH MARTERIE High Society to be Graced by The Man w ith The Golden H orn I hb ,,•ar lht·
tht dill• n,u\ •ll On h.m\1 \\Ill It, .1 trul~ line h.tnd pruh.ahh th< bt••t th.u t:lrr r.:r.lu'U .1 l't•th \\l'l'l..t·ntl It, tht m.m 1\llh thl' )!uhkn lwrn K.tlph :\l.lrtt•m .I nti hi- n.ui,•nall~ t.\lllll\1• \l.1rl uuru (In hl'•l r.t I"' ltrlhn..: h,l, I h;tnr.:t·d 11\llrt• th.tn Ill\ Ill her 11'.1\it:r Ill I hi' p;.i-l II\ I' ~ t'.&r• \\ llh I .11 h I h.lllt:t m,lrl..llll: ,1 1\t'\\ .11111 llli!t:t'r •Ulll'" lit h.t, l~t•t•n duhht•d numha 1>1\1' tnllt•r.:•· t,l\urah· number 1•n•• h.tlln••llll .tttr.h trun und numht•r unt 1111 h h.tnd rc. urd h•t'
Bn~ 111111; II all
•l\lt ul
lh.:h '"''"''
.11 thl.' hrr.:.:t:•l \\t··•l..t•nd ut .111 ·Jumur l'rum
I r.,h uut 111 \\'nrld \\ tr II R.tlph' t:rl\11 l ..tkt·· llnhc,tra ''·"' .n.l.llf11t'tl In \IJ411 lw \\ ·'' t.lhlwd tlw m.lll "hu tilt' II,,,, •t'l\11<' h.tml 111 tlw 'nunt rv hmu~:ht h.Hk dtllttin~t .•1' lw '""' hr' tmm1d.1hlt· al!~r··~:.llllln pavt•d tlw ,1.1rr1 tr.til thrtou~th tlh' tulka.:~: llrlllll Ill lht• trunt p:t~tl' 11i /)(17.111/ll'ut .1/ fl~rl.lllt' In l'l'itJ .1 C.r...h l!ox pull pruvnl hnn 111 ht• tht• 111.111 \lath mort• hi t n•,unt ... th.tn any utht·r lcJt.lt•r lblph '' Jllllrl' ltlll'l.tntly on till' t11ur th.111 .111~ t>tlwr h1~ n.11nc "H lll'•t l.l 111 tlw IHI,Im·-\l ,lrtt'rtl' llw " "'' 11111•1 -uur:ht .llh'l tnllt:r.:<' IMnd 111 tlw lhllUIII .llln\1, tlw 1 n>l\ll 111 h.l\t' mun· tun 1111 tht• tl.lll~l' th•or th.u1 t'tt'r l11·t.•n· 1111h "'' 11111\1111: II\ ··I~ t.·mt"' K II ph "·'' t un-•dt•n•tl · rnlllmp.tr.lhl·· .11 llul..t• \t "1.111111nl ht• "·" rt'U'I\I'tl 1111h 111ld t nthu,l.llll .111cl \l .•r~l.mcJ, l .tll \\tt·l.. ,•nd lluuldn 1 h,l\t' l11•t11 till' •.11111' 1111huut h1111 \\ ht'lt'\t'r lw ..:ut'' R.1lph '' .ttll'Jitl'd \\llh r.:lu· I It•' )U't 11 h.11 II t.ll..t'' lu lll.ll..t• ,Ill\' , nll••r.:•• '"'' kt•n.t .1 lllllt••t IIIII K,tlph \l.trtt•nt• II\\ I'• h1' .:ltoh.1l pupul.trrt\ .t- .1 rt'l tlflllllr.: .trll•l m•t nnh 111 lht· l.tu th.ll lw h.t.. .1 tl.nr lur 1111111111: up 1111h hit rt'lltHk hut .tl•u hr ... t.rltnl lur 1111\1111: ,, d.tlllt' l11•.tt 111th .111 111 lt'rll.lllllll.li Ill Ill II
Ralph Marte rie
lit• •t.llti'U lu- 111 r••111.1l hu p.H.Hl•· 1111 It l't<'h'lld .111 111,1 nt1111 nt.al tt•.ttlll 1111: tlh' ht.IUlllul ,Inti ll'lld<r 11'111 J.:IIII.H t..u ~.:rnuntl '" hrlun·d II\ tlw ! Jtllll flllllillllt' tountrit•, J'hr• "•'' lttlhmnl l11 t'.Jr,l\:111 11hu h h.ttl ,, tuud1 "' thr dt•,nt 1111, t.1nwu~ ,t,uul.olll 11 huh 11,1' tllllt' .IJ.:dlll lll•lllt• JIIIJIUI.Ir l11 \1 .11
echNews PETER PAUL AND MARY ' ' \ 0 l ,ld\11-: 1.1 11
\\ OIIC I·::-.'I'E IC, \1 \ S!'> \ ( :Ill :O.t-:'1·1..... 1111 11.., 11 \\ . \ 1 \II C:II 2 1.
The Control of
Campus Blood Drive Dates Drawing Near
On \I m h Ill 1 1 tht .1nnu.d \\ I' I fii11111J 11,11\k flr11 I \1 IJI (I( ftdtf 111 I ht• .....111lnrd Krlt·\ ('nllllllllll' lln l ut••tl.l\ th1• 'hlh. 1111' tlmt• 11111 run lrulll II .\;\I Ill ~ I' ;\I .IIIII I THill I I' \1 '" " I' ;\ I 1111 \\ t•thlt''"·" I h1· 1 it h Tlu• l't'.tr "' 111 tlw IM'' \\ 111\t''lt'r l t•lh IIIII ht• '''l'klllj~ Ill 'llfJI.I" lh pn·l'iuu' dull.tllnll• l11 11 \t'.tr' ,lj!n 1\•ch d unnlt•d I M Jlllll' ul hluoll onl~ to lnp th,tl .11111HIIII Jn,t )'t'.tr 11i1h }};. pint:-. \n :ultlill11111tl '" JIIIH' 11 lm h \\nll ld h,l\1' hrllll!(ht tht• lut.ll up do-•· 111 J()(l \1 1•n· rl'j1'1 tt •d \ nu lllrl\' ·''k \'llll r' t'll, \\'!11 ,Jwultl I Ill\<' hlund " \\' l11 ' "''"'" I Jt't•p.trthtt' Ill\' ht•,dlh Ill J.:l\t' ,\ (IIIII ut hlnud th.1t 111.11' 1111'.111 IWih1111: .11 ,\II \\ dl l't•dt ' ""'l'llh h.l\1' ht'\'11 dlln.ltlll)( tht•lr hlt~nd tor lt'.tr' 1111hnut .1111 .lllt•r .tlh'<t' \\' ht•rt• d11t.'• thl' hlt1ud ltll ' It '' l!lll'n 111 \\'uru•,tt·r llll'flll .tl' ""''" tht• rwt•d .lrhi'' It '' 1(1\t'll to uhll'r Jll'IIJllt• 11l11• 11.1\1' 1111 frit•mf, ur n·l.ltl\t'' lt•l t 111 tlw \\<lrltl 11• clun.llt' hlnud for tlll'lll llht•n t ht·~· llt't'tl II It I• 1!1\t'll In (1\'clplt• \\hu h.ll , ••1 r.lrt• hluutl I\ Ill' .trltl
Campus Groups Is Discussed
-,,.,. J I ' I lilt 1' 110 \1- 1'""'' t•
l h, ".llllrtl.l\ 1111:111 ho11 '" J-Hiurtcl l11 lht• \\uru 111 l t•t h \rt '""''' .IIIIIII1JI.III\'tllll 1111 ,1 11111111 J'ru.n \\ ll'J..1111J h.l' 111 lhl Jl.l•l h.11J \lilt 11.11111111: lout t•nhl'f,lhl,cJ ('<111>11111 r• I hr 11 11 tho• •·Ill• fllllllllt· nc nt.1k1·• nn cumt•rullll••' \\uulcl l11 1111.1hh tu ulot.lln rlluu~:h 1111111 nl tJh 111 1.11111' ur lurtllllt lltu•t 11hu .11111111 ll1r.:h '"•Ill\ 111ll l~i till' Ul i'IU t ·ft..!t'Ot \ trht"" ' "' I uo luna.: ,IJ.:u, tlw •Ul lin I ul 111tlll'lh 1 nl tlu l•ltul1111 1'1 It r 1'.1111 1111! \l ,11 \ 1111 -..tlllrtl.tl ,., I' IIIII~ 111 1h•• lh 1(1\ onl( tht rr hlnutl \\ I' I Ill tr llt'lllll\ wntrul ul 1lul" md urJo:.llll ,,.,. 1' 1. flo. H. I' \t I • \\ U \1 \II\ 111'111 .. ITI nut unh !11'1(11111: l ht ·I 1~·uplt t..111on• '' 1 hrnu~tht up in tht• lntt•r hul 1ht'l .Itt' ht·lp•n~: I ht'lll•l'il<'' l or I >1•111"'"" h"'' 1 pt•ru•tl ol om• ~~·.tr ,lllc•r tht• tlun.lllnll I r .llt•rnll v I nunul .1111 lllt'lllht•r 111 !Itt• dun.ttor, 11111111· 1'\l't II I' pu•lJ~IIlt'!l 1111111 till' Ill \1 dhltt t••nul~ lll-1} .1:•'1 111 1lw hlnml th.tt I<HIIItll11111\t'lh' II "•'' tlll'll hruur.:hl IIIli> 1h1 I t•• h "t'll,llt' l11 Jut \I h'llll,J..I lw lh't'tl' hv 'unpl~ 111111.1111111( I 'u,11 h 11Im ,t.tlt·tl · \ ttl\ ill!'• .11 \\' ttrq• ... tt·r l'11t1 h.ml ' I ncl.1y Itlund """ ;:.I ' .1 l t•t h )1.1\ I ' lot'Ulllll' -t.IJ.:II,IIIl Ik pill( llr IIIII Jllllt, for t'\1'1)' IIIII.' lh,ll 'l.rlt•d th,ll nnt• 1ou ltl Junk at ,111~ .trt· ''''H'd lly p.•rtiup:ttiiiJ.: "' tht-. dr11 ,. 1 ou an• ilhllrllll! ) our•t•lf .JI(•II"'' .utivttv ,anti ,,.,. th.tt it "·'' tll lltrolh-cl IJ\ 'UIII I' il,tll'lllll\' lht• ll'dl !'>t•ll,lll' .111 t'lllt'r~tt'llt ~ th.ll 11111ld nuur 11 lu·n· .md .11 .1111 I IIlli' 1111 h111 till' Ill'\ t ,tl.trt't'd t h.11 -unw t htlllt •h11ultl l14.• clo1w 11111 11 "•'' dt'lltlt·d th.ll 11 11uuld l11· \'l'.tr hrnllt:hl up .11 .1 !'uun11l nl l'rt'•ldt'lll'> \ ....111 .1ddrd llltt·ntllt' lu tlw clmt· ,1 tn1ph\ 11111 lw 111\<'11 to th 1• tr.lll'rlllt\ nwc•tm~t I h·n· II 1\,1• tu Itt• prt'•t•nkd thJt h.l, th 1• hiJ.:hl''l Jlt'rtt•lll.ll:t' nl II• \\II h llh'.l' II 1m h •hll\1 t'tf J tlt'I'(J Ill mrmh1•r, dnn.llllll! hluud I 1111 '''~r •ll:ht 111111 th t prulol.-m 11('1111! •••ut:ht \ t th t• 1.1•1 ( uu1111l nt l'n •l(lt'11l• .II!•• \ ltlh.l Ep-alnn 1'1 111111 tht• truph' 11h1lt• l.t•t \l'.tr l'h1 "u:m.l "-·•PII.t 11.1, llll't'llllt: tht• pwht.-m 11 '' thnmn 11Jlt'l1 \lthlrltlll• \ cmphv ,, JJ,u 1!1\ 1·n 111 tur th•cll--11111 1111h -nnal flTUJMhll• lit'· tht• nw'l l:t'll\'riiU• tnll 1·r.:1• 111 th t 1111! m.Hft• \ n llllllWIIi,llt prtlfM"·" \\,b \\ nnc-ttr .lrt'.l ll ul~ ('m-. l'ull•·.:1 tn hnut lrurn 11111 tntt·rn111 tht> num· h,t, lll't'll .1 ~~~n-a-tt·nt IIIIIIWr 111 thl' lwr nl ulhu•r• Ill .1 duh ur nrt: .lllll-1111111 lJHIIl IUrlhtr th•\U'-IUI1 II \\,1' ht•· tlt'fl.lrllllt'lll ht•\l'cJ lh II I hi' \\HUh! (I(' 101Jl41''1hlt• -,,.,. III.OU U UIU \ t-:- l'"lt" t1 tu t'11lllrt<' 10 tht• \,,,... uf thl' 'dlllnl puhlu .ltrun• •Hll\ 111'\l }l'-lr' lt'Jdt·r• .1 n• uucl t•nl.l"''l111'11 .1ln·ach 111 t he• .H 11\llll'' It 11,1, 1!-n thnut.:hl th.ll th1• lllt•J nu.:h1 1\llrk 111 11111 ur thr\'~ yt'ar(llw th11111 tn nuil• hu\11,'\' l'r n' 11,1• ptlllltt·cl nut '' th.tt mt,·n·'t in duh<. "· Ill 111.111\ 1."1'' dut• Ill fr.llcruil\ rl\ nl ry \ ' in prt•liUtl'• Y<'.tr' th,· prt'lt'rt'llti.rl .111d .1 rutin..: '"' h ,, , 1hi' 11 11uld un.ly h.lllllt 1\lll lit' t•tnpfuwtf I'JII, 1\lt'lhnd ,111ft· ''" h ra\',tlr~ \1'11 ma11~ timcuf ..ll.'tttnr.: lon-i,t, ,If 'otin~t hy pl.lt umlt•nln-...nwn ilr<' t'lll nurJut:tl hy t ht:rr 1111: .t , .. h,·,idt: mw·... ur,t , htllll' .1 fr.lft•rnll~ hrntht'r• tntu ttrl;un .Hll\'1ht••ide ""'' , •ell1nd <lmll<' <'It tw• lh1 ' tun IIHuld ht• t ut Ill .1 Jh, cand•daH'• h.tlllll, 11 ith 1ht• lt'.ht numl~t•r oll I ' art' rNh ... tnhutt•d 111 mm•mum \ nntht'r 'llllt:•·-llun 1\ih tlwt Jn 1111· th~· c.md•d:lll'• \1 hu-t: n.lmt•, .IJIJH.·.tr p.trtl-11 l•uth re' It'\\ 111lmlll.tlltlll• lur tht'ri'lln 11 11 h 1ht• numl~t•r 1 ht·•ult• tluh nlhtt·• I ht 11t'lll·r;.rl cun-t·n.. u• ul tht'lll Th1- Jlrtlll.'" ,, ri'Jit'.lll't.l "'''' up111111n \1.1, t hlt .1 ruhl11! nt th•· nJtun· l'hmm.ltmt.t tht• 1.t11d1d.llt' l<ith 1hc I~.H numlll'r oi ! . ·, l'll Ullllf lllll' mu•l l~t• li t \lhlr '" th.ll thr mo-t d, . t.lnd•tl.llt' h.l• .1 majt•rit' Peter, Paul and Mary
SENATE ELECTIONS To BE HELD MARCH 28 .\ t llw l.t~t l t•th :-t'll.llt• lllt't'lill~ . 1111 \ 1;\rl It 11 , II III' Il l l ht• 111.1111 ll t'nt• Ill hu,illo:" w:1' till' IHHnin.llwn uf flit' mthd.ltl'' fur tlw nllllt' <If I t'lh 't'll.llt' l'n·,iclt•nt l'lw h1 1' nnmHwt•• .tn• I>,1\ ,. ·•·nclrun I >.\\ I' I k lmua:. lflun ll ull ll.trn "-atlt•t• .1ml Bn.m 'mda lurht•r 1\tllllln:Jtllll\, 11111\' l11• m.ult• h~ tht' tutlt• nt hmh 111 t ht• ,.,,.~ 111111 1111 l'h ur• · .\ \ :\tanh 1~ \1•11. tht• ••lhu•r, ui hl' \ \ 1' 1 \ thll'lll ' "1'11.\lhlll IIIII ht> '"m•n.u,•d .md t•lt•tu•d Ill 1ht• •I udt·nt
l ')(o:~
l'ug<· 2
~ E \V
M nrd1 21. 1\163
It h. unci.' a~ain that time nf the ~chool year when th~ well know n phra;,e ··you can't compla in if you didn 't vote," jc; appropria te 10 u~ ht•rt at Tech. On Thursday 7\larch 28. at II :00 a.m.. the annual T'·ch Senate and Athletic Associatillll clt•cticm~ will IJC held A$ \IC of thr TI.C' II x~. ws .'taff n·ad the 111<111) Jl!tp<·r-. from mhcr colleges which cumc to u.;, 1\'t· nol£· a chronic curnplaint uf th(· 1•ariou" !-.tudcnt hudic:.a lack nf communication.., and unllcrstandin~ hctwt:l.'n tlw '-tudtnt ~-:• •vcrninl! unit and the• campus at lar)!e. The most prrvalt>nt caww dted in other ed itorial co l umn~ is a complacent altitude toward the -,el('ttion of thost- people who will g-uvern . Oi what value. you m<ty wonder. i.~ a strong student ~overn fiH:lll ? It i~ more than a ~rincling stone fur our many axes. It i" t1t1r link with tht· :nltninistratitm. und a -;uurcc uf improved ..,ch()t>l !>pirit and :•ctivity. Our duty 111 ourst'll'l'.., and our l n ~ titutiwn , therefoJrt', is tu ... upport thc,se peoplt whu I wt ft.'d will I)(• mo:-t inlhll'nli<il in helping u~ realize uur 1-(oill:-i. If tht· peuplc· nominated hy th(' T ech SL·na te itself art' nut in our eye~ the mo:-.t qualitierl to insure u thorouJ!h~oing stud!'nt guV('rnnwnt , or if we fed they will nol be rcprl.'senUttive nf our ideals, we should take it upon oursc:lvcs to nominatl· utlwro; who are. 1\c• malttr what the case may be , no beucr nwtlilim than ('ltction!> cxi-.ts thruugh which tu begin construct ion of good guwrumrnt. ;-.!'ow b not tht· tit11e to let Fraternity and otlwr social l'1110tions infringe upon our designs for l>Olln(l cm-carnpu::. leadership. I urge £•ach and every T ech man w participate fully and truly .in this J.!ll'tttt'st ~-:ift of our dNnocratic society. the right tu <>elf government . \ '. A. .\ 1.
The efi~·clivene ·~ ui ~tudt• nt l.tul'rrnmt'IH has hrt·n tlw tupic oi much di!,;rus.-:inn in 'l'\'t'ral ::'\t•w England collt·~~· 111'\\' -'l)apl:' r~ durin~ tht' pa$t munth. and tlw largt• ::call:' upinion •eenh w he that such llr)!:tlli.ta tion~ art· of lilllt• prat:til'rd \'aim•. The uiticial Bu..;tnn Colle!.!t' paper. Tltf 1/cip,ltts, rcn•ntl) ran an arti<.h: in which na•mlwr« uf th(• Studc•nl ~t·na t \' rri tici.tt'U the ~ch\lol new:-..ll<~JlN 's t(l\'l'r:lge uf :;rnalt' llll'l' ting:;. \\.illiam K(·lly. nwmht' r uf thl' ~tmlrnt Sena te. lamhnsh'd Tltt' II l'iK!tiS. for printing a repurt on only t lw St•na tt•':-.cholar:'hip pro~ram fur untlcrj;!'radurtte:. and not reponim! a number t>f othrr St•n;.Ht' projecb. " I thou~.tht \It' wrrr Alling to l.tl'l ).!nod puhlidty " said Kelly. A fellow ~f'natnr . howe\'cr, diAA~ret•cl with Kelly's point of vit•w. Arthur Ouyk• contt•nded that tlw sl'natr pron•edim.:s nut r4:'portrd wrn· •· farcinl '' anti if repnnrd , wnuhl havt' shl•d u bad Iicht 1111 tlw ~rnatt: . Doylt' addt•tl that the unl) -;i).(nititant iu:m. 1hr :.t•mHe':. :-cholarsitip program for untkrgraduall'::.. hn<l lwen n•purtrd. " In t>lh~::r words wc'w dune unly orw Wtlrtllldtilc thing ull ~t·mt·~ t~· r " clt-manciNI Kelly. " \' r~. that 's quite pns~ihly tna•" ~·nuntl'rt•d l)oyle.
The ::-tudt•ut ('uundl of tlw l'o•lytt•chuic ln:.tituu• uf Hrnuklyn i~ hal'ing :-imilar cliftkuhie~. a., n'IWrlt'd in tlw lll'll':c)rgan of that ~chnol. tht• l'ofyt rc lmir Rt•fJIJrfl'r. Tlwrt>, lht' Suult•nt <'uuncil ~po n sors n 7\lt•rit Kt') Sys11·m . An undt·r· gr:ulmllt' can earn 7\ lc·rit Key points each tilllt' he join~ a club and e:-pc:ciall) if ht benmws an uftice1 of that dull. 7\ll·rit Kt•y:-. an· awardt·cl to thuw o.,tudt•nts whtJ huvl.' :tlTumulall•tl thl· rl'quirt•d numllt'r nf point!'\. llnw<·vl·r. a revision of tht· ~ l t•t•l th\· fh•nn ••f ,tudo:nh Ill- i' ptt,tin,~: '<Hilt' nwr~: ro:!(ulat iwt7\ll'rit K ey System 1\:t!> r~·cently ~e~·11 a:. m·c£•:;<;ar l ' . for 1lw \. ~ lie i' the oll'IC'inl 1dm wdt tllnt'' lr~'lmwn 111 till· w llt·,:c [:unit~· cuunc:il \\ a<,n 't )(ell in~-t 1ht' rl'"flllll:.t' i1 thought tha j t hi'<, ont• To T il l· 1-:IIITOIC H i~ juh j., In lwlp mold .,tudc>nt, 11110 matun· ;~du lt , whn .trl' I rc.HI) til "''umc rc\IJ<Ht,ilultty ond lcrtdcr, htp 111 nwtkrn 'llfll'ty nf it.., majnr prnjf•tb of tlw nc:ulc•mk year. ri).!htly ch·:<t•rvt•cl. II has IJeen a grl'at disappointment ln my...df and 111 her~ That lint• i~ frum h1~ annual orknlatiun -pen h on Ct•llt' !!t' · .I In tht• wnrd s of thr l'o{yt,.rlmit N1•pnrtrr. tlw prubkm i!> thi... : " It i.., wry unfortunat~· that too kw l'ulynwn know uf tht• th111 t here s <'l'lll 'l to hr :-:o littlt· inlerrst in th<' formation of a l'rPjmr11tio 11 fnr l.t/•' tit the nuHit•ru :.ysu·m :\l;lny qwlt·nh have am:....:-ed tlw rt•qulrt>d nlll11ht•r uf " ( 'urrcnl Affuir, ( 'lull." T hl· purposp uf th(' clnh was to delrac\ h•111 thl· dt•nn help~ pn.'Jl.lrc ,t ud\'llh tu pnint., hut havt• not hntlwml to apply for tlw l\lrrit Kt•y .... " bate· and di!il'u:.s tlu.• major political ami diplomatic issu<•s of muld . till' day Hlld Iu-rhaps 1.'\'('11 ha I'C an ncrao.; ioma I l{li('S l <;pt·:tkN Hy Jlftl\'ldin~: oHI\'H.l' II! I ht• ~· udt•ill pulilit.tl 11111, I ()11111111tn· in The Hu~tnn l ' niwr~ity puhlicatinn , tlw H l' . ,\ ' i'WS, offt'l'lo .. . . . •lrdt•r lo 'llVt' I hr rdllur' f r11111 I hcm;.dvn thi~ 111' \1'!-. iu•m. On the front paJ.!!' llf 11 rt·r••ni Ptlitiun, tlw \\ tth ~~~ much tcn:.Hln and w1th rill\' ,,. day t•nst•s in tht· . . . 11 1 ff I t I •• - I \\. Uy droppm~: 111 on polil!t.ll mlhl', to ltl\' 1' .,tudt•n t, tlw ht:IH'ht U l ' . .\'I'WS haib the o,tudt•nt gm•t·rnmt•nt group fur making wor 1 no !>lut t•nt can a ore nut 11 ><• tnlt·n·~tef. l' n•a 1ttl' of hi, l'i(·w, rom pth-..ihll· I ht• ~trnnd annuu I .'\tlmi ni ..,t rat ion-Studt•nt Bo<h· ('1111 • that tlw student':.. tim\' i-. quilt' valuahlt'. hut ~url'l y a littlt· By juinin~: Ill -wdenr 1 nunl'il f111'l'l in.: to ~:u.ml 1h1· li\Uillll 1 ft•rerH e. Fiw coll(')(l' viu•-prr.,idt•nh will :tn..,wl'l' qu.t•..,tion ... interest iu I'OLIT il 'AL :o;cicnn· rould clu n ~mil dl'al to nm lhtt i n~t with 1 nllt')(C: Jllllt<'l<'' I front I ht• "ILHitnt J.!IIVI'Iilnwnt and or.t.:a nit.a t innal rt•pr<·:.(•ntn· fi)UIIrl out his cn ll<·~e t·ducation. l:urtnntltht <flo.tn\ hulll'tlll huard \lith 11111lclv 1\\ 1 il'(·., during 1he l'lll1 fc·n·IWI' . \\' ht•tlwr or nn1 tlw run ft·n·nct• 1'. (;, B. R•·winrrtl hum " 'I lw .\11 -:,t.or l' rmwr" ill1111n I< \' ou 1111 1 WI'II IIt· •I· ~Ul Cl.'"" .... . Vt'r) IIl' Illtl:t Il Il', I111\\'l'Vl'l', for t'\' l'll thuugh a nd Ru·hanl ~ Odo•n, 111(1 1. (:rnu"'' nf \ t.uienw l' n·,, T o Till·: io:IIITOIC I hr l' '\1 H'l..,..,t•d lllii'J Hht' of la ... t ye:tr ':-.. i\dm inist rn 1ion·Stud t•nt Body ( 'unft'renu· wn-.. " to open areas of <.onn•rn and art':ts A !o!i~nilkant minority of Tt•ch SllHit·nl:. nlis ... rvenh or of inlt' rt'"t to all ~tndt·nt -.." thl' fnll111dt1J.t <·ditorial has ~inn· intt•n·s l (I) tlwm only lwcn u ~t· tlwy an· nut infurml'd uf tlwm. l){'ell publi, lwd iu tht /J . l ' . .\ l lN cunc(•rning rf'tt•n tl v <·nartt·rl Thb cul('gory of occurrenc,•:. would indude cmtrt•r t:-.. art show~. dormitory rt•gulntion-. : " \\' lwn new dormitory n·,1wlar'ion11 wc•rp plays, IL'flllft'!>, and tht• likt-, whirh nrt· prt·~t' lltt·d from tinw .. , . Onn· to time nut only hv p. rofe~o;innal intt•rt·.sts, but hv !'> tudrnt I 1 hw~~~~ 1111 (,llflt uf tlw ,·dunrral ,tall of rlw I H '.I '\t, l\~ tht•n• :lntHHIII tt'd in J::tnu:tr_v, a wavt• ,,f pr'iltt·~ t uro,..,t·. . . . -. lll'rt• 11 h'\1 1·rror, 111 tlw ~pnn~: I lu1t11r' ,, ,,,.mhh I''UI' \\'l• hupt• aJ,:ain 1hc· l ' niwr~i t y ha ~ 'l't'n f11 to anncnlnrt· inllt•,ihlt· polit•y urgnnlza twns .nf tht~ tlllwr art•n :;chon!:;. 1 thulk It wm!ld thllltht: tOrrl'<IHHh •l ' lhtNIIwlo" \1111 hdp to rc;tify the 'ttu.Jtlon 11ithout prior "tutlc•111 Clln ~ ith·rarinu nr c•nhu ltation ... Ra tlwr ll('htW\'l' tlw 1 H ' ll ~ HV S n!' 11 nrw~pnpt•r til rl·~ularly puhl1.;h than plt~cing fai th in tho· studt•nt "" a n•,poth ihlt: ;ulult. tlwrl' a ca lendar of cumin).( c·vtnt ~ which would inc:lutlt• tlw type· I ' ' 'i'llh In bt· f~:ar that if lt·ft alont·. hl' 11ill di ..gran· till' l ' ni ind irat£•d ahovi'. t\fh•r all, the ha::.k funrtion of a n\'1\'"JltiJICf Pi ·1\ lll "1'-'mn the '\;lttun.JI ll ono ro~rv· ~h·t h.mit.tl En~t iiH't'rin~t n·r,i t.1 ." i, t•l infurm it " l't' atll'r-... jim Kaput Fr.Ht'nlity ph:tll!t•tl th~o: fulhmmt.t men l'at ~ l oran .'il'lllilr ( fot.H D \\' II> .\LIIt·:RT K 11. 1K 1-:\\'11'11
LEr(vfE"l')S 1,() 'fHE VOJ"J"OR
-~~> ~\
Tlw third annual \rorc6t(•r Tt•c:h Honor'::.. I Jinnt•r will llt• lwld 111 1'1 : 4.'i p m .• on 71 1\lntlay. April 8. in :\ lor).(nn Hall l ;lll':.ts at tlw tlin1wr will indud<' tlw fre!-hnwn lltudt•nt;. whn ha q : nlutk 1h(• honor roll I hi~ pa~ t st•mt':oll'r. and all otlwr .;tudt•nb who hn n · bt·l'n on the honor roll f11r tlw pa~t t wu surcp.;.;il'e .;t>me"tt•ro;. .\ 11 ).(llt'SI' an' tn :ll'knnwlt>cl)(r their nCCt'pt.tncc of tht· invi tation by ~ l arc h N .
'T Etll NEWS
hw wr C/i1" ·
l' ut.h,htd \\ l't•kly 1·.\tl•pt t"r \ a<:otlon .ut•l 1·."·"" l't•ricuh I !utint.t tho C••II••J!•' YNor II\ T J.,. l'r·rh 'lr·,., A••udu tln u uf Jill• "urr t••lf•r l' u l) t•·•·h u i•· l 111•tltutt• J, dlim InC hif'/ I. \t ' IH.:\('Jo; F lltl .l.
Rl rJ I.\RIJ IIU LCER I~ RIK 'N}:\ :....Tt::I'IIE:\ .\ ~ URE\\ 11.\ K\'E\'
1'\ l' l. \'\D ERSO'\ LILIE'\'111.\1. '- rE \ ' 1-. :\ IIR,\1 >LE\ ~ .\ C'I ·o
1:1/i/(/,.j(l( \i(l!f
I' tit u/1 \"
;\l.m:tl(inl.' ~;ditnr ('hirf Ctlll' 1-:riltnr :>It·"' Erl t~>r ... . Frat uri' Erlitor ......... .
I'ROF K E:\'\ E'lll E ...,('( )'JT
PI TAU PI SIGMA l't T.lll l'i "il(m.t thl· '\,111111t.il llurwrnry "'lt•rt ed I he Iolln1\lt11( men .
SJmrt• F.dltM,
"~••t• A N ~OI M: J-: )11:::\T~-I'n«e
\'irtnr Mttroni
l·.u~(·nl- 1\ IIIla n ;t,,h~:arlnn
Cary ( Paul \'ttJIII\ it
Thernlorr Sw~n<~lll Uii\'HI Mr('affrr·>
l'rr::idrnt Harry 1'. Storkr 11f \\'orcrstt'r 1\·ch 11nd Huward R. J /111/(lr C'ftl.\1 . jdfcrson of ('lark l'niwr:-ity recrntly announced a cooperatin' B.\RR\' J():-;t:: PII K.\I JETS RO:\.\LD 1'.\kKER KL.\ \' pro.~.tram bet wt·cn Tech and l'lark in Biumt'flical Emdneering. \ LIFFORD M . ~hdJO:\.\Li l , JR Th L~ fttld is enf;!a~ed in applic:~tion of t•nt.dnt•erin~ and decUA\'IlJ ER\\' 1~ ~I O~ K :-. Ironic principle.-: Ill m<.·dical and biolo~ical problt' m::... Rt•search ~1.\l' R I \E R ~ lL\' ESTRJ ~ nnd dt'\'clopmt>nt luwe rc~ulted in such drvices as an urtilicial BRit\:\ ='1:\D ER heart . automatic blood prl'ssure n>cordrr. nnd an automntic rr,pirator for infants. Ench school 11ill contri buLt' LO the facilities of this procram. Et.t K:rppa :\u. The :\:uiunnl Elcctnca l Enllincerin.~t Honnr So>The cuurse:: will bc tau)!ht in the Electrical E n~ineerin~ ciNy. hns plrd~ed. in addition to lnose lbtcd in the previr>u, l•,ue Junior Clt1ss: Dt>pnrtment nf Tech and the R iolo~y Department of Clark l 'ni,·er:;ity. ROBE RT ALL.\:\ PEL'RA
J{ic luorrl
ll rMIIry (;nit lllar ll urrwr Urnnl~ 11!11••11
('nlhiiiJil Hrl <lnl' ll
Bu•int"-' MnnRL;tr . rlvcrti•inl( ;\1annKI'r Ctrtulorion Manut•r ''t Clrrula1inn ;\1nnac.:cr F.'\ (TLT\' AIJ\' I t..,~; J< :
Ter h N.-w& Ph un•·• :
~b in
J\rk u
l'!'lr hnner IJ rU(f ) uhnla B1ll Cote
Sanrly William§
l'n,ft"l!r Thcttr!urr II l':uknrrl
1' 1. 3- 14 1 I 1-:x 245
Edi toriol l'l. 7-997 ! A•h•f'rti~i "lf SW 11-:J731 Subscription per school year, $4 00; sin~e copies, $.15. Make all checks payabl~ to, Bu.51ness Mana~er. Second-Class postage paid at Wort.e$ltr, Mass. F-duonal and buSiness offices located in Sanford Riley Hall Wo r~;este.r Polytechnic Jnstilute, Worcester, Ma~uchusetu. ' The views npre.ssed in thb paper are entirely those of lhe editorial !taft, and in no way reflect the views of Worcester Polytechnic Tnstllute
PETEIC. rAl LA 'U \1 \R\ - frum Png,. I \\'11nt'--t~· r .\ uducmum. I hey \\Ill JPik'.lr m \\"ur~e~tt•r tur tht tlr•t
umr 11earm~: thl· , rm1. n ot tht• n.niun, numbl.'r nnt' re{•lnhnr.: s:rr.up Ev~:ryunr 11hu h;t- hc:ml lhl'lr 11111\101! Nhni~ hall.\<.1- trom til 11alk• ut th~ tulk •1111!1111! 11uriJ mu-1 ..tt.trl'e 1hi- •mcer..- L!rtiUJI I H 1;, onl~ a rutH 1.tl1t} 111 tbt'ir rt'IWrtulrt' nt \'lltJI rl.'•llUrn·• 1 h.- uroup h.t• n• ruot• 10 :-\e11 \'urk, t.r.-cn\\ith \ iiiJI!<' 11IWre \ ml'lamurphot•l ha IJ kcn pla(c em the \\'unc•ler Tt>th ( llllJIU• \1 (.ro--m 10 mJn.u:er llf UdettJ hr-t put thl'm llll!l'ther ••••I I he 1111r1h 11inr.: nf till' \\'a•hhurn Imp• ha• ht't'll rcthJ\ ned ..uul trut l'ttt•r \'1rr1111 \1,1, .tpp~·o~rmu J• .1 -ml!le .tllt'r ht• Ullll •Uue--1111 nell '!atcrml' l·.nt:mrcrllll! Luh• undn the rlirt:lllnn ul l'ru tul tuur th.ll 1ndudt•d thl' · ;\<11purt I olk I c'tl\·al l'lh\l JI.IUI lo•.-u r C. I. J Hhn,un h,l\'l' lu:cn in~t.dlt·cl ' I hunk- to many g.:n,•r· "tuuke~ '''h dullll! .1 •land-up tomcuy routine: in till' \ ill.lltl' .tnd •HI don:ttlun .... tlw -.e huul tall now n·,tp the ht:nl'flh of f:'dU(alrun ' lary \ lim l'r,l\'t:r' ''·" rtHUrllllll! f111111 .1 llruadwa1 1'1,1) 1111h nul r~·-•·;m h that tlw.. talility 11ill hold fur hlllh l!radUJlt'' ·1nd " ort !'Jhl · lhl• :-\~:xt l'rc-tdem · lh t•) -pent <e1·~·11 month' m wult·r~:raduath thr HUtlhle 11nrl..mu up tht'ir 10111al .tlhum ut h numlwr• 1111h I h•· " ·tttn.d• .uul "''t.d· l'mu:-.1111! dJ"c' md !Jh• had tlw1r tlw hdp uf )Jihun Okun iurmcr Jrmm:er tur H .lrr) lkl.ltuntt• •I rt 111 thl' \\',t-hhurn 'hnp- rear' .11!11 \ lllllllllt:rual fuundn l hc r~·-ult ... .tTl' llll\1 on J \\'amt'r Urlltht:r• lahrl tJIIl·tl PI: 11:-.R • , lut.Hed 11 hen· 1111r pre-em huildmu, .md ,11ruund, d11 i•lllll I• I'\ l L auJ 'I \ R \ It rndudc- t '''' ut I'.IUI ' m1 n tm.tf,(tn.lll\ l' h<HN•cl I he foundry ,upphcd •hCIIh "h1c h prudutes dnll gnndrr• 'una:•-•llle hc1ng RJrn R.lin dnll IJfl'"t'~. dra11tnJ( -.tancl' automobile wupling,, and many other fhe1 r pcr,1Ht.ll tctur h<~~ ,arrit:d tlwrn irom (o>:t:-t 111 w:ht :-top, Mtld c,, \\'a.,hl n1rn :ll'u h•1u-.cd ~~~a~~:ing r lini,hinJ( 1 mttl hln•· ·J im luth: Lht• "Tuday ;tnd " I' :\I Ea•t .. \\'hat 1h1•y ha l'l' ill hw,·cd I• a rM1' ,, rt ••tic array o1 elrilms.: rhythm a111l 1hmr ltkc h.crrnc.ntt t.t~.uJe, ' I he mhnnt· t.ll,·nt the} hJ\'e dt•\t'lupl'U ~~;..., \lUll them ltd.um J'- h111h a' th•· tnmt p.ll!t: of 1ht' -.;,.,, \ ork I mil" l'he1 .t n• uncflluhtc.'tll~ tht· rnu•t ,IIUI!ht Jllt•r 11ruup 1111 tht· lltllt'U<' Jt-,,.1 tourtnt: tuda) l'tult.rn·ll up .trnund l lirmm~ham \I Hht)l.lll llhl.'r~· lw thump1•cl ,1 11 dellnl )!Uil.lr totr ,, hil!h ,,hool rotk ' n rull l(ruup on h11.1i I\ \\ htk• ,Ji l\'llthn~o: ~l lchiu.111 "Wtt· ht· l\lllkt•d '" .111 l'lllll'l' 111 tht-t•cl urtull hru.uh.t,lllll!' llc• moved 1111h ht- ftuml\' tn l't·nn.vil.tnc,t 11hc•rc he \111rkrd 111 .t pllllt<H:r.lphll ,hop llt·rrl!l-"11 n1·.1r -.; ,.~, \ nrk tnd ~t·t •u Llr l~·d hun tu lunj! Jll.'rtlltl• tlollt' 111 ill• mum hrn11tlrn~: u\l'r D.t\l' llntlll.•tl.. rewnJ, "tnpprn~: IOI:I'Iha q oo h tlun..:
''w'' ..
h1m<t•lt 1111 'l"'' \ urk whirh prumptl~ .llNirlk'U ht- ~.lpnal :~nJ ~:.t, <' hull nutlum: 111 relUrn 11~ hn.JII~ l.tndt'd in tht• \ Jll,\1-!l' 11 lwrt• hl' r.tJmll~ ut'ldliiX'U a it't'l tor tlw 111:11 -.tylr tnuntr~ mu•tl •palllliOI( thl'rt' i't'll'r .1 n.ttlll' 111 ;\~w \'nrk C11\ att••nJt•d Conwll 11h1•re h1• rctetwd .1 llt·r.:rt't' tn p•ychclhll.!l I 1.:- ·l.llt•r retuml't.l w tht• lmwr•llY to lll•trull ·' tolk hallad wur••· l'l•tort' takmu hi• \'llUn~ tentlr \tlllt' hi thl.' ·" 1\ rhl•Jt r~· 10 " ''\\ \ \Irk I k appear~>tl till th~· C B~ 'J~liJrul.tr I vlk ~.lund l ' \ 111 \I J\, l'l(J() It "·'' ht•re th.ll nhlll.ll!<'r \ l l;ru--m.tn •PIIll\'\1 hun ,111tl 'tl!n~d lum tur thl' ":\.-wport l·nlk l c•ll\.tl' th.ll Y<'.tr :-\t•\\ \ 'urk h.td .thl.l)'" lwrn h11m,• lotr l'.·t,•r. 11hu ,,.,._ horn tht•rl.' in 1'l.l7 ,\ • n vuuth lw •tud1.:d 110lrn h~·wr~ rnm·tnl! 1t1 )(Uil.lr and llhl•n h,• 11 .1~n't pb,•1111! he 1'·•' d<'H·Iupillll a JITIIIIll•llll! talent .h ,, p.tint,•r .\ ft~·r Cumdl .1 nt•.Jr llll•tl'aluauun ••t h1' t.th·nt- alrm"t ,,•nt hun on IIIlO the \\llrld Ill tell'\ 1•1011 fl'•t'.lrdl 'lar) I ra1 ,•r, .1 tJ.II 11 ilh111) hlvnd,• 11 11h a t.tll 11 tllu11, , 111u'. 11ho', IJCt'll •lllJ(tnt.: tlllk -.llllJ(-. •111H' her kmderl!.trtcn 1J.,-.,., " ·'' horn Ill Luuh\'111,·. 1\.rntuckv in 111.\7 :-.he ~.tnt.: 111 hl·r htJ(h •lhuol 'hon.-. .1nd " it h 11 tl't'IH igr t11lk ·lnginu ~roup that 111 tit' nl.ldl' il 1!1 Cnrn•'l!l(' ll.ll l .tnd cut thrn' rt'lllrd• Later ~hr went tn n numhtr Ill -.;,.,, \ nrk pru~rl'"" l' ' ' huul-. ft~r ,Jn and mu•it lullcmed lw h••r JPik'J r.llllt' 1111h " urt -..thl 1111 ll rn.u.h1.ll \ tl\'1' .1 'l'rtl'• ·•l Juh• rn hlt•r.lr~ Jlld Jd~t·rtNnl! .11!1'1111<'' •hl' ;n~·t l'.111l 'ttlltkt•\ 111 the \ tll.cut• 11hu cntuur.t)!t'll ht•r r•·turn w th,• ,t,lltl' \l.tn.t)(l.'.r \ I t.ru-.m.tn h.ld clel.t~··d ht• lun~o: r.tlll!l' '"'I"'' tor •' tup tnu ' 11111 1 h,· lllliiHI " ·11) I flllll tlwn· lht• I!TIIUp 11 ·" on II• \\,1\ ltl tht• top 111 tlh• '""" hlhlnt··• urnut I ht• ~"''''" 111 tlw1r nr~t nlhum .111d tht· Ca,h lin~ 1\1111111' ,l( thl·ir htt ~•nr.:h·· h.l\t' •k) r•••i-•·t,•el tlwm ht •IIIII'" .t lnhhl n\'cr llll!hl "Ill"' tht•tr upt'llllll! IJIJI<'.tr.11111' Ill 1'11•1 tlw1 h.l\t' u.IIIJt'tl ·' •··· 1'1-. I F IC. I'\t 1.. ,,., "\R\ , •.,,,. b
at JJuJiollt for t echnic al yradual<'~t-fifth of a x<' l'il ~
p.lllt'rtl and p.unl dtvhwn,..111d l'lnplo\ t'd l\11t luhnr01 turu·• t lw 111.1 1hillt' .uul 111'ldu1~ 1.11.-. 'I lit· pat11·rn •IUIJI j, th<· pr'''t'n l •111' ut
II ~tilt.'
lin .. dl••·••~
.., h.'lh.l J. 1 ~1rt
Ill\' I COI11t1\t'T( t.tl • hup, \lt'rt' Jiqutd,tlt'd ,tiHIUl 1\\t'llf)' \'l'ilr' •IIIII It 1\ Ill!! .1 urt·.ct tflllllllll ut 'l~lll' .t\·.ul.thl;• l lw nwt.tllur~:~ l.tlt• 111 n mun·d tn lltu~tut- .11111 tlw hwltlrnu• .11111 untuntl• HI' I\ 111111 e•cl 111 tht·tr pr<··•·nt . pot \ hnut wur ~t·.tr• ·•~-!" \\'une,Jt·r h .111 lllllllllt'tl th•· "Pt'lllllll ttl II• nude.tr n·.Htur uncln the dcn·dton nt l'rnt,•.-c.r I. ( ' \\ dltrr r !tllniU p.trl ut tlw ltl'llh'IHfulh ' 11.111' 1:1(1 I ill• ~It·; h.uc ic,ol l·;ll).tllll't'rlnU lli·p.lrt iiH'III lw.cd,•d ltv l' rllll'"lll l inn,tld :\ 1.111\' P 1111• lc.uktlll! In np.tllll \ ppruxim.Ht•il• 11111 11 ,If, .tun t lw hlt•;t nl 11111111111 tlw nH·t.llhtrl:l l.th, mtu tlw \\ ,,,h hurn 'h"l" " ·•• .tpprul('d ltv tlw .uhnln~'>tr.ttron .md th•• JITHJI'lf 11.1' lwuun I I'll t huu•.uu l •qu.trt• h•t•t n l tlw north 111111! h.t• ht•t•n llllll plt•to•h n·nm.ctt•ol ttHI r.·iurlu•ht·t l IWII \llntlml• hulu ....ur 1 ondllttHIInl! •l.nn •~'~''· 11h11.11 dnnr• .tnt I 1'\ rll .111 t•l.-v 11nr llw 11~'1 tilT thi" :iii 70.1Hl(l \\ 11h111 1ht· 1."1 ' " lll"nlh• cqlllpnwnt h.t• 11,.,.,, hnlll~ht ''" 'r fwm ll ilo(U IIt• ,111d nht.tuwcl thru11~h '\ulll>n.il "lil'llll' 111111111.1 1iun t' lll>ll' l'rot c·...,ur Ch.trlt•, l<1•vnol!l, h..- I WI' II 11 urk 1111: on nW.t11• 111 1111prm1• l.tiHtl.tltot\ lt•,u 111111: 11111 h.t- .tl '' ltc•c•n in•tnmwnt.il 111
\ -ll \\ 1111-'t-'U
U :T IO~
nht.\1111111-! •111111' 1111111111.1111 t•quipment indudmto: thn•t• \\t•ldtn)( 111111• I ht• hr•t tluor huu·~·· .1 lw.ll 1rt•.ltnwnt I.Jh 111nt.umn11 .1 )(11'.11 ,1111\111111 111 lit' II t•qttt(llll\'111 l"m dt•r nwt .tllun:' l.th• tlwrnul tt··t . 1111! J.1h• \\it h 1 lit' I\ \ .Hlllllll 1Url1.\ll' \\ lm h r1'.ll hl'' ll'lllJitr llllrt'' in t ht 'l)()(l dt'IHt't' I rtnto:t' .1 muh 1pl,• Jill lilt ll'llll'<'r.ll urt n·• 01rdn 1111J d1'\l 11111111 111\',I'IIT\'1111'111 I'IJII1JIIIlt'lll l lw 'l'ttnHI tlotur t• tlw 111t't,dlt~uraph1 tlnor It hnu'c' .1 1,111111111 t'\ .lpnr.ll{lr d,., l n•n m11 Til•• tlpc• .•1 111\'l .clluur.tph .1 d.t rk r•l11111 .1n \ r I\ dlllr,l\11\111 IIIII I .111 \ ·r.l~ r.tdtoH!f,IJih lilt! I •UI'l'f·'t'l1•111\ l' lt'II•H•II .1nd t•lll1Jifl'''l"ll l<'•ll'r l.tp.thlt• oil t.llr)llll.! IP.lll, 111 lint• l!f.llll Ill lt'll·lhl>ll•.lllll Jllllllltl• Toll Ill 111•1 t'IJUipnwnt thu' t H I' ,,. (100 \ , 111 richt 111•11 l h1•r.• .IT<' ,,., t•n pr••t•·--ur• 111\'olh •·tl 111 th1• •pn.ttu•n l'ntlt'"HT' J uhll,•lll l<t:\nllltl' .and lluuru.lult .111 tull tum· m.lll'n.d• t'lll!llll't'rmu 1111'11 Jnd l'ro>tc'"''r' I tall l 't'lr•~· C••n·1 md \ .lnkt'l' .111 in1 111\·,·t! p.t rt · llllll' Tlwn· .ITt' pn.• . . ent ly lill' undt•r t..I.Hlll.lll' .11111 lt1Ur l!r.tdU.Itl' d.b>t'' ( ll liiUr•t' pl,lll• Mt' tur ~ 1 tl!••wu- •' \ Jilll•lllll e>l tl.l•'l'' and •l.111' ,,.,. I \tlS- i'"!l" ;;
Du Pont manufac tures and sells more th a n 1200 di ffe rent produ c ts a nd p roduct lines. Such dlversiftcatton o ffe rs tremendous opportunities to techn1ca l men. For example, Du Pont's sales forc e is made up p redominantly o f engi n eers and c hcmts t s. One tmportant reason fo r thts tS t hat 95% of all our sales are to manufacturers who proc ess our produc ts furth e r or u se them in their own operations. It's up to o ur sales force to see tha t our products live up to our advertising c laims in each end product. Suppose you were selling ou r versatile DELRIN • acetal resm. It's a plas t ac w1th good tenstle s trength and c reep resistance under a w1de range of temperature and hum1d1 ty condtt10ns. You might be helping to solve th e problems o f a gea r pump manufactu re r one day. an automotive parts builde r the next, and a n electric ra zor manufac turer another time. 01versity o f appltcations fo r most of our products 1s th e ma1n reason why each of Du Pont's 12 sales divistons has •ts own lab. They back up our s a lesmen and are available to them for trouble-shoot1ng work of thetr own. A care er 10 sales a t DuPont requires techntcal knowhow, pers iste nce and ded ication . It als o requires a search· ing, mvent1ve mind: one that can envision new marke ts for our products as well a s follow through on sales and ouality control wi t hin our customers' organizattons.
If you arc a tec hnical man with a fee ling fo r sales a n d a des ire to apply your techn1c al knowledge c rea t1vely almos t every day mall our coupon. Yo u' ll rcce1ve tnfo rmatlon about employment opportunt ties at DuPont, and, 1f you l1 ke, abou t DELRIN and o th er n ew DuPont products featu red in our "Opportunittes'' sert es.
08l> ·····-··
An equal opportu111 ty employer
,----------- -----& Co :
E l du Pont de Nemours (Inc) Nemours Burldrng, Room 2531 3, Wilmington 98, Delaware
•!'I'd me
below .
Ou Pont and the Coll~ae Greduale Ml'thanocal EnRrnel'rs al Ou Pont Ent·n~r• at Ou Pont Chrmrcal En&•nel'rl at Du Ponl 1nlormatoon about OHAII~
I I I :
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Collect Mf addren _ _ _ _ __
L_~~----------------:o~:. Slai~-----------.J
1'.11>:1' I
21 , 1963
AEP A 0 SIG EP LEAD SEABERG IS I. F. BASI(E,-fBALL LOOP I NAMED 1963 IN FIGHT FOR CROW IGOLF COACI-I \\ ith lll!lrl' th.ut h.dt e.l dn· l nll•r- l'r:all'rnity ha·k~·tha ll h1 lot} lht· llrtUII i <~t:.tin ,haplu)l up tu Itt• vcrr l•xdtinu n i11•:H I~ plt~e·d II llu 11111\' ol t lw. 11r1lint: .md B n:malllllll! the lltl:ll '''""hnu 111111 1 lw dl'udcd until t lw fln,tl clay u1 plo \'t•d IIIII
. . dwduh· ,t ht·.uh \\'ll h .~J
11 appo·ar• ,,.. tho· '' lwclult• I• 1
\ ll urclliiJ.! lu I I rulo·· , u h ll'.el11 " ,1\l.trdt•rl point- ltt\\.ord tlw I I •purl• 1rnph} .u ourd11ot.: 111 llwu hn.ll . . t.o11clllll!' in tht· lt•at:u~· "" .tlthuut:h .1 lt'.JIII 111<1} 11011 "111 llw It ot.:lll' the· hndwr II hm•ht•, in tht• -lumhng, tlw mun· puint• II 1\ til 1/1'1 Ill\\ .11cl Ih1 I I I ruph} \ 1 Iht• pro••t'lll 111111' Iht• I• llhllll 11 II h l'ht e 1!11 e• •c·toncl 111 "' e·r ell 11<11111• tor lht' 1r11ph"
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l.t·.orlllll! till' I I' lo.c kcth.cll lo·.ct:lll' ·'' ni la•l '-aturda) tht• l'\lh 1111h .1 (, 0 tt'torrl 11,1 \1-.1 ' In nu11cl 1111h .111 unhlt·nu•lwd n·tnnl .11 .. 1 ""' tlw "•~: Ep 111•111 rhuu 1 1111h .1 • 0 •l.th' I here! pi,Ht' 1' wtde HI"" 11i1h lht• K.tp I ht•t.c ( 'ht 11111 l..tlll .end I 'IH "'1: h.tvin~t tht• ltt·•l dt.llltl' od n:tiltnJl II dm1n I ht• 11111 I nllllllJl ~:.unc ul lht· •t'.t•nn t 11111' I• \I'. I' '''"" un tht• h..tp \\ ith tho !.. cp IP.HIIItl( h1 ' 1111h Ill t'lfltlll• In 1(11 on ,, ,tt•.tl \1'. 1' lll.lll.IUc'el tu 111• 1 tilt' 1(011111' 1111h 1 't'Honcl, h·ll ' I Itt· K.tp lht·n t.ctlt•d .1 lim~ nut hut 'llllt' 11 h.od U•o·d up 11- .cllullt•d 111111' out• '' ·'" thart:t•d 1111h ;I lt•t hnu.cl luul " t'j!.ol o t .\Jo. l' llll'n , ,1111111 •.onk tho· lrt•c• thrm1 Ill '-•'t'JI lht• l'i 1111h .111 unlolo•lllhlll.'cl rt·curd l t•kt· lw l ''' '"''"~~""' ul ~:lo rv al'u ddc•.ltilll( ,\ ·r () H ;,, .md \1111111111! II ' lor I ll<tllh' •IIIII' l'llll'llllj! Ihi' I I· ttn uil thtt'l' yt.ll • ;11(11 \\ oil I h IIIII Ill )'l'ill ' Ill 1111111' Ill ollllllhn l'AIIIIIIj!llolllll' cli·fl'ntl in~o: ch,unpion l'ht (;,1111 \1,1' pu•ht•d light Ito 1111' \llrt• hy IIJN'I lll llltll.'d S.A E tn a thrtlhn~o: 41-·tl r..r 1111' C: .cm~
\\ ith tlw d o•t' uf tht• 11inH•r ' t'.t•on the 'llflh•nt... and facult) mm 111111 tlwtr alii ntion 111 th1• unnin.t.: ni •pt inst -pun~..\lrl'ady L<'ll j an ....t•n , IIlii hard wurl-int.: t raitwr. i.. hu.,~ thl'll-in~ IM'-eh.tll h:u ... l.trm•N' , ttrl-o., .tntl trark .. hut'' 111 ptt•p:tr:ttiun fot till' fc•rthruminL( t•quipnll'llt i"ut• l'tattiu• for lllthl uf tlw 'l'rlltL! ' 'llltlll' lw~o:an tht• 1\l't·k of .\!art h 10, t un,i... t i n~ mu.. tl~ of lh:h t runninlo( and t'\t•rdw, '" lim hl•r .. tat.:nallt IIIII '< J.•,, and 111 .til lwl!in tlw lun~o: t~•dinu ' t,to,k nf gc•tt int.: into 'h:t! W .\ hrid uutluuk on h1111 the 'Jirin.t.: ll':lllh -.hu pt• up fol11111~ a... " '"It
ht'l'll noi t•rl il' tlllo' 111111'1'\'t'l the• htu .. tory n l t lw llflllit '"Lor 1., 1111' ..,,1( Ep fllllll'rh•lll't' In lo\1' til tlw m.tJIII' p11111h uf a thlcti t prtlll't'" IIIIIH'' "'' l.tr tho• IJOll'• I rum Ep h:t\'1' run mu~o:ho.hotl ovo•r ;t il oppuo.otH•Il .11 \\ unt••lt•r l'olvtl'dHitt Jn,tllull' th.tl \\' It h a '"'" l•al.cn• •·d .ttt.u k it'd hv tht· ( ;l'l)ll'r hrw ha•, Bnh unci l>,t\1' .tnd " 1111111 ''' ' Yt'.tr '>udc.lenly, due to Ihe h;11 ktllltrl .li t' I Iii k .\llt·n tht·v .trl' .dmu,t H·rt;llll tu j(u undl'ft•<~lc•d lu lad lltlhl\ ul lilt' uut•t.tndlllJ.t 1n··hnwn ' llllllU om Ihi' " ' II J•,p ht'lll h I• till' or 'l'liiiHI It'a Ill II lm h lllJil)' fn·l 1\IIUid hni'h l!otllt•l., 1\•dt h h ht•o·ll \".1Uh 1•d 111111 -.·tomltn llw hn.tl .. t.llulm~: ... ti '-tt.: Ep wuhl l'nkr t11u tt·cm ... 111 lhc lt•.t ~:uc n·col:ll'ltull ,, "'''' 11f llw '"''i .. null lluu.: (:unlun ul 1111' ..,1111·ld t• 1 ortu.dly runmn~: ''''·'Y 1111h th 1• I I 'tllrllll! 'ullt'Jll' ~:ull •tltool• 111 :"\t'\1 l·.nul.nul • rctllll l'l:tllllJ: ur1 tlw 'h11u1 .end run Sh~t·ld 11'.1111 11htch tur .111 pr.u tu.tl l llll' trlll\111111( 11111 .cthlt'll.'mt·nh ut 1111rpuw' ht• tlutH' 'hoot-.. ( oto rdooll h.h JIUiliJit'O 10\ Jllllllh I hnouuh I ht 111 llll'' Iho·lr 'I' 1'1111 1.1'1 H'.tr \ll'rl' h,l\ Ill~ .111 111 lo 1(.11111'' lur .1 17 l .tlt'r.ll/1' t~t•r l!.lnW Otllt'r tup 'ton·r.. 1111 hulo lluh ( ,1·tuc·r IHHiolt•.olt·d ••'·''"" .llld oll'lt·.llmu l ull' nl '-tt.: 1-. p 1111h .1 I I., ,1\o•r.tl:l' ..,u11111 .\l.lriHull ... of I h<'l.l ('ht 11., !) 1\o' L 1•1g1·r ltll\l'r•lll tht• '\,.,, l·.nul.llul •m.tll t-:1' I J 1\ .mel II til ( '"""" 111 ul " \ 1-. 11 llh .1 11 I ,1\ t•r,ll!t' l lw •Ill I!It' oullo·l(,' 1 h.lmpulltul 1111• ,,•. 1r thnt· t• '" lit' ,1 th.m~to> ul hiJ,th J!.tmt•.. lll'rl' n·tnrc lt•d h1 <:urdnn ,mtl ll uh Cctl(t'r 11hu lll'lll 11 .mel 'I rt''l"'lll\ t' il' lht• unlv 1(.11111'" 11\l'r 10 llthllm~: I.'U:trd l'.tt .\luran uf lht• K.lp ou.ll ht·• l'ruh'""r I n•do:n< Butll'r ul " prm·tnl( lum•t•li t lw ht''' h.u kwurt 111.111 111 Ihi.' hu•illl'''· ,h Iht• 'JI.Irkplu~: ui n 1Ito· ! 'ho·mt'l 11 I kp.t rill Will " re-tl.(lllnl: 11',1111 11h11h h.h 1111 tup '1un ·r hut lt•d hy Itt, lt~rtc tlllliJ)l'lllllt' drllt' h,,, 111cl Km "t•.tlll'ru the \lumni .\ "nu m.tll.t~t·d n 'i 1 rt'lurtl for thtrd plat t• \1·. 1''.., 'ur$:~ Ill llw top h,,, ht•t•n chw 111 .tllun '>1·1 n·t tf\ " t.tkm~: .,, t•r till' ,,.,,, n '"'" h.tlnllll'ci.ott.ld;. 1111h Kuch111k. Kadt:t'. :-ouu.lcr and llt•~tc' pl.l\'1111( !tip rult•• ll r ll ut lt·r ·'"llllll'tl tht· ruk 111 \\' tlh 17 .L:ollnt'' to Iolii ,,, 111 ltlcl,t l' tlw top kt') 1(.11111'' n'lllolll11111( .tppc•.tr 111 l~t• l11ur )t'.tr" .tl(ll ll unn.: the llr-1 thn·c· till' l'ho "'J.t l'ho ( ;,lin t' IHIIUIIII'r lutl,cv On ~alurd,tl' , tlw 1\nl l,llh 11 111 1(1'1 ,1 111 lht••t' )t'.or.. Ill• k.11n' lll'rl' llltlv clo11hlc• llt':ll ,1, lljl' l'l lllllllit'cl ,\ El' fat~'' till' ..,,lot 1-:p lllllthillt' anti uld r 11 ,1J,. lllttth•o,l lt•h 'lllll'''tul llllh l'Wil Wttll l 'h1 t ::11n """ tht• " "" ' Cfllllll' uil 111 11htll wuld wry l\1·11 1kuclt· th onl p!.111• , 11 ,..,, rt'lllltl' 1.,,,, ,,.,...,on htlllt'\l'l 1111' hllnl 'lilllclilll!' 1111' !Jt, •lljll'rll ollllllllJili•hnl('lll ,1• Ill' cllli'tlt•cl tlw 11111~ undelt•ottt'cl lt:.om on H ti\ 11111n II III l't u l ll utlt•r 1' ,1 lull).! tunl' 'I l'( h 1\tnltll Oil Mobil Cat 1 m.cn I h• "''' ~ l .tclu;tlt•d in JIIZO .tnd III G III. AND F Ri f.NDI,V Ill l 1Pi Jllllll'd t h~· 1 ht'111hlr) 't;lh l·.n( ',11 dt• l'uudw "uc h 'lllltHI.. hll S f. fC VICF. STATIO N l t•·mr>~u.trt!l •c·n 1111: ,,, Ut'JI.trluwnl lltt• dlr dellln ht•hllul lh1· htmltnt.: .tllo•1·, 1' 1. 3-9308 lit- ttl lit· '""" up 1:"11 clunru~ tht• o'\ o'l 1 \l o111d.t\ \\ t•ohll••d,l\ aud h td.t 1 ..,,.,. c.Ol. ..._ , .,.,. fl .tllt'r I no u dm k I Itt• ft•tH 11111 dub 11 .t• 1111 noduto•tl 111 l t'l h l.t-1 l.tll II' 111 llllllldo•t , .trt' I lilt' \\ tl•olll mtl 11.111 t'l.trk huth trum tlw t1.1 ... ul hh \l r :-oo•llo•r• I Will till' hl l(lt•h I lq• c '' .1 dl'\'lllt•d h'tllt'r .11111 111•1 nil I• Iht· I :oil ha-. llt'\ n
l)lt SELI.EHS AIDS I FEN( :1N(; ( :l.tJB
''""''Ill' l lll' lt'lhllll( tiUh
ll'.lllll', IIIII (\'(II.'' 111 h'nttlll! I ll'llt h .111d l t.th.lll I ho· ht'l(llllll'r ..l.lrl• llllh llt'lll h ollld ollll'r lw lt.t• .llltlnrrtl .1 .:nod 1<'1 hntqllt' ho· \ltlf\(, II tilt lt,lh.tll ll oh ll<'ll tillll llcll Kt•mllltllll! .md ( otliL~.oloo J'rm ht'l h.l\t' •h1111 II ,1 lo:rt'al tllll'll'•l Ill 1111, 1l11h .11111 111'11 llll'lllht•r, ,Ill' II <'It tllllt'
TIIEO'S I JtiiiCII<'OII C II (' Qu ick Breakfast, lunch or Dinner " Orders Put Up to Talce Out" :\ 1\II Nl'Tf.l' Fll0 \1 CA MPti
151 Highlnnd PL 2-9578
I r eel
11 . \ ~E II \1. 1 ,\lth•Ht).(h tlw ha ...c•lmll lt'tllll lo-. t liw llll'llllwr ... uf i1 ~ ... tart i IlL( lint•u p t hrou).(h ).( tad nat i11 n , ~ ·.,,II h \ lr:\ ult) l111' hiJJ,h hope'' fur hi., ' 'Iliad I,,,, ,) 1': 11 \ ' tartitt).( tllltlit'ld b n •tutn in,t.: in full ' " ' 'llg th with \ ri llolh\1'11 in lt·ft. l•tt·tl ~ l ulm.tri ill u •nlt•r , :tlltl Lt•, llart ill rig ht I n 1lw illflt•hl , l ""' h ~~~ ' ult) fott''i'l'' J.l ll ':t l IIIOilll'l' ln llouJ.: t;unlon, nlld ,\ tt I litkt• t'ollin~.: ill for Rot.: ( ' utli, .11 .. holll' top and I )a\ t' I.Ulllll:t at 'l'llllld . \\ll h no olll'landtnl! pt•dcunwr ... 11 lfr,t ,111d third tt•t urninJ.t f111111 1:"1 ) t'.lr t hl''i' IIIOIIII .. ition' appt\11 toiH' tlw Ulll' ' up fur t.:rab ... in tlw inftdd t '..ath .\ It :-o. ult~ lwli t'\1'' th.H pitthinc j ., .1h1ay ... a prohlt·m . . tncl th.tt thi .. )1'.11 i... no l'\U'ption \\' hl'll 11.11 1') Ral wljt• j.tr.ulu.lh'll. Tt•t. h 1..... IIIW uf tlw 11111' 1 prnmint•nt hut It'' it h,c, ' l't'n in .1 lun..: tinlt' l .n-.1 ) t".lr ht'ilillll l{,tlll'ljt• tlw pitdttlll! ... t.tfl ""' ll'r~ t·n.tl lt ,,, a 11lmlt· l.:trt) ll ull, l t•th\ 11tlwr .. t .tttin~J. p itt ht•r. 11," 'lllll'rh in 'JIIIb, hut 1lwn 111 o tht·r pt•dormJnto'' 11111ldn' t "t't'lll to do an) th i n ~: l h•h~t~cl him '' ·' ' <•t'llrlo!t' ~I it t han ~: l',tl.. I ' uijita , .uul llill \hurht.•t 11ho 11 111 tunntl •ntt th1 ' ~t•ar·., ,t,tft Onh timl' 11ill ll·ll lum '"''' llill petfmm thi ... )t•ar and oll lll-:111) lht• \\holt• -, .. ,,ilion uf tht• IJa, t·hail l(•:tm \1 ill hingt• 1111 tlwir tll'\'t'lttpmt•ltt llliH .c r:tli' .. On tlw \\huh· thi' y t·ar', ' !iliad .. hould ptOI'i' 111 Itt• gund rll'frn.,iwly, 11 hilt· pt•t hap' u littlt· 111'111.. a t tlw p lait·. hut at lt·a't tht• t•qual of lrht y t·at \ lt':tlll
J.i\ {' 1{( )~~ 1·. \\' ith tht• ll'tllln of unh 15 out of l:t\1 1<·ar\ W lt•llt' lllll'll , lht' l.a<rn'"' u•um nou ltl pt~...,ihl) ill' in ~unw lntuhl•·· ( o:~<h Kin ).( hopt'' thut ,, l'ihl majnrit) of tlt1· 1'/lt:lllt l""ition-, ran lw ltllt'cl from lu-. t )'l'ar \ J. \' 'quad Althuu).th 11w~~· llll' ll lark ,l!:tnw t"•qwric'lll't', tht•y havt• a lm .,it kJHI\\1 td~i' of tlw 'PIIl t /I IIII ' ""u ltl Ill' .dtl(• lor•• ri ~ht illlo t ilt' 11p1'11 l"'' itiull .. ( 'nndt J.. in~o: pltlll'. 10 11111 tlm•t• ntidhl' lcl, , 'inti lar to last yl'ar \, 1\hitl• n l lcll\ ~ l11r ntllrt' c•fttric•IH)' und "lll't'd 1111 lht• t'1t•ld Thi' illllplt·d alnn~ \ltlh th t• rrturn uf I,,, ( ) C':tr', hilt' dt'lt•n ... h ·t• ttin nf Kf·n 01'1·11 , ! ' hutk ,\ lt· n~i).! ian . .tnt! Hill ..,hwld' .. tu utltl n •all) 111 m·tdt· a ton,l!h tlt•ft•n ..t· fur I Ill' oppn\ lt inn 10 t nu k . J'lw unl> rc•al 1\l'<tk ' Po l on 1lw H·am "l'llt'Hr' 111 ht• tlw alla rlllhith i.. 1\IWII'Ia'l )l'ilf' •qu,HIIIH't 11 ., demnf:1ll. lloiH'\'t'l , tf ( oac h J.. in~-t tall put llll!llhc·t ol J,!lllld atlatl.. tapalth•of '-lnrillf.( I lit 5 1!11·1" .. j.(ll nH' pe•t hap' •• n·•pt~ t.thl•· L.u ro"'t' '!illilll i' in tlw offtnt.: I hi• }'t'Otl fm th e· 111 .. 1 ht· 1111 J \ 1c•am 11h11h nwan' that ft'lll' r fn •,hnwn \1111 timt lht·n· ht• ahft• (11 pl.t) than Ill prt'\'111\l" ~ l'ilr' IJIIII('I t' r thn.,.• frc..,hiiiC'II 11h11 do mal..c· tlw wam 11ill nllhl proltaltl) l{t'l in 'nllH' g;ww 1'\lll·rit·nc t', :u ul I\ ill lw lwa11h wun t c'fl un fur tlw h11un• \ .. uf 111111 I hnut.th ll is l't'f\ difllc uli 111 pn·dit i jti'l hm1 th t• l.a nn..-t· u •:un 11 ill 'hapt• up tht., ) t·ar h~ll 111th a 11'1\ ltrt.lk ... tncl .1 J.(fHII I ofit•n'l' thml!' tnu hl turn out for tlw Ho)nleln llllh·r·
fR \1 h. l lw tr.u k tl':ttll thi' \l':tr , " ' Ja, l ~t•a r , 1111ulrl dt•llllilt•h h.m a 11 r~ •trnnt.: llt·ll dt·Hlnpt.•d '<ill:;cl \\'i th th(: n·t urn ttf lt•tlf•rnwt; 111 Jll I ahout 1'\'t'r\ t\l'llt C oath ' ortrli'' j, hlftktnj! furwartl to a s:oud althou11h tollti!lll'r ..,.;, .."" 1hu· to the· add 11 inn of ~ l ulrllchun and i\ mlwr... t to tiH' '< ho•rlttlc• Tlw t c· tm 1111, 1 t•ar i' \l'r\ t.tlt•nll'll and dt.t•p i11 ti t·lcl and tllllllilll! t'\'t'll h , \\hilt· llllht nf th;• lll'i~ht t·~·t•n t ' art· up for ~tra!J,. CoC ap tain J.u 1\I <C:rath lc·acl' tht· 11a\ 111 tht· l•t·ld t•wnt, with lllll'olllllflin j! 1wrfot11111mt in tlw h11!h jump Bt·l;ind him nrr l'ot\'in . \ 'arnum, and J<n, lt,!l,tll in till' hroad jump, and Bt•anwr aud h. tH't'n in thl' poll· \'!lu ll all lt•ltt·rnwu from l;c.,t ' t•ar I n tlw runntn~.: t•\'l'llh ,,,. li nd <'t1-C it plain ,\1 l loftiiWil Jr.ulillf.! tlw· \\il) in tlw milt• and two milt• run<o. folltl\\etl b~ \\ andlt·. I Ia iii' ~lonk ~ und R~ dt•r in tht• n111ldlc· cli,tantt· l'\'ellh and ('.tetrniN ki and ~inclc·r in tht· ..print' \\' i1h th1· adclilion of a ft•11 'tmn~t 1\ti~ht nwn, till' yt•;n tr~ttk it'.tm tuuld prtl\'t• to lw cuw ni tht• '-lriJill.!:l"l pu t furth by ' I 1'1 h in man) a ) t'<lr
c'uncratulat1on., an• in ordtr fur Bob Round, iind l>an l't·ndf•r '' h•1 rrp re't'nti·d Tl'th in thl' ' r'' 1-.n).(land l ntt·rcollel!iaa· ..,,, immin~ot T uurnanwnt Bolt Ruun<J., \\.J' 1h1nl in the JinaJ, tJf the 50-yard frtt·~ty h· ami 111 the pmt('"' of 1he meN ~et t 11 o ' J e< h ..chc)(JI r<:curch IIi' 22 X for tlw ,,. :O.I'OfCT~ l'll. \
' T:-.-I'n•" 6
\l.trr h 2 1. IIJtl:J
EW .
idt.':t.., hl.'hmd the f<lllhl) -to promute .1 -uentiU( undcr-t mdml! ln:LIIft.'n lhrl'c ,.t•)!llwnt,. m.·tallurl()' trramtt" .tnd pulymcr lht·mi-try l'lw mam uhjl'lli\ c• Jrl' the-e I. J'u i111 ri.'J•l' l'JpJhlhtlt:• in teathllll! und.:ruraduatc •tudt:nt• in the J rt.l ut metal- antll'latcnaJ, \\ urc.btl'r ' ll'c.h " only winnml! \':lr•tly tc.•Jm th1- IIIOtl·r ,, cnl.!mct•nnl! Z To b\' ahll' 111 han• a s:radu.llt: -ch01tl ul matt•rtal .. tf,u the -.dwul ' younf.(bl ' I ht: IITC•tllnl( tl':trn hJ• onl) lw..:n 111 \·~i·tcncc: fur .. ix yl'nn· hut ha .. ad\'anccd 11ith 11.'.111' nne! hHuncJ, •IIIII: it• hum hie.· btl(innilll( c.·arly 111 1•JSS
rnl.!tn•·t:nnc ' ofi~nnc .10 )I.::> ,J,•ur<'l' r .md 3 I ,, Ill'\ dllJ) iull rc-c.tn h potenual I Itt: dt'f.>.lrtnwm 11 til hrt\.: .1 m~·t•t 1111! m 1 hl' n~·M IUIUr(' :n \\hit h it hllpt'• til rt'\ It'll tlw pr<'>l'nt flhhl<.ll 'l'(UJI .1ntl 'l.tll rt'\ t•t' .tnt! ups:r 1de 1~·.1<htnl! .tnt! m.tk•· pl.11t- '"' lht• IUIUrt• I ruly. tht· I• ·' l!rt'Jt •ll.'p lllrll.trd lllr \\ tlfH'•I~·r r.·~h •li!llilltant l~tnh lllr lt. ltlt·mit n·.t'''"' .111d rt•, ruitnwnt lllllt'nll.ll
In J anU.If) of tho~t year •CH·r tl undc:rd.t--nwn Jfjpn>Jlh~tl l'ru· 1t·--or R.tymuncl "wll With thl' fj(''"ihiiH y ut •tartinlt .1 IH~·-llm~t dub on thh c ampu~. ·r he 'tucll.'nh led hy I rt••hm.tn :'\lurf,!.lll Rcc•
h ttl wrc~tl t·tl 111 hi'lh -.chnul ,tlld 11~~re intcrt·•tc.·d 111 liUilduu: up ,1 tt·um at 'I edt l'rtJft•s,u r !--w11 liked the itlt·'l .111d 111 n lc.•w ll l'l'k, thl' H·am ,,,,., 11urktn1! Cllll d.ulv Onlv twu mfurrn;tf m.udu·, \lt'n' ·• lu:clult:•l thott )l''lr· ·3 111n '11!:;111-l \\:urc.t••tt•r \ c ulcmv .tntl ,1 lu-. tu \\'l'•lt•) •n I· ""h but tlw h·.trn h:t.d rn.ttlt• .1 •l.trl · llthc.·r ltr.. t yt·ar ml'n l~t•.,. clt• , Rt•c·" Wl'rt' Lei \ n~td l·.d Ru--t·ll · \'•lltt ' ' Julta rNIII, John l.c111" .llld C'hurllt' :'\h•lltl\\ :'\I r Rulwrt l.t~nl( uf tlw l'hy .. tc.., lll.'partnwnt W(h al•u irhtruul~'nt il l in hi'IJ•III~-t COT. B. R. GARDNER lu .. t~rl llw t lulr anti ha-, hc.·c·n tinun.~: tht: hu11w matc.he, ~·Hr .,11111: V. M. t.
H. H. AND£RSON OKLA. ST. U. (Fac .)
I he next yc.·ar ""' thc: hr•t full "l':t.•un for th1· .t.:rappl~·r• .tntl lht·) nlitn.tl(l'd 111 hrin~ lumw .1 "'" .and 1 lit' 111 11111~· m.ttdw• ' llwy plnyl'd .1 mixtd var ..uy and JllllHlr var-rty '< h..:dult· hut 11 11h i1·~, than H yt·ar and a half uf i'XI>critntc \ll'rt' .tt ,, m.trkt•d c(t,. ;ulv.mial(t' Tlw folluwint.: )'t'ilr t ht.' tc.·.11n ht•llt•n·d ll ' n •etml to 4 ' I and •dmuJ intl'flh t II) till' team hl'l.!<ll1 111 !:rill\ ' lll.lt y~·M ,,I\\ Rt:t'' tldt•.llt•d in 11\'l'rttnll' Ill thr :'\t'\\ l·.n~l.tnd r uurn.lmt·nt h) the 1'\'t'lltu.tl tourney th.J111JI
' I he flO.() I .,,.a~t llt wa, tlw mu-,t ' utH·"Iul ""'' tu dJtt• lur till' \\' 1'.1. nmtnwn l'luyi lll( an rllmuo,t tlllnplt•tt• var-.ily -dtt·dult• they rumplll·d a hi~hly rt'' Jit't whit· rl't nrtl uf (, 1 I Rt·~·· 111 hi' fourth yt·a r ,,, t.tptain \\t•nt unddt.ttl'cl 111 n·~ul.1r •t·.t•mt tlltn· fJCIII ion :tncl t'\ t•nt ually "un tht I fl 7 lh ~I.' II l·.nl.!l.md C'h.tmptun.,htp. On tlw ''•'Y Ill the tillot(, ht• rt•tur<ktl .1 fl().,~,und fllll t,t•lt:•l of th<: IIJil I tHurnamcnl. he n£•xt )'l':tr tht· t1·am h:t<l il' wu)lld 'trni~ ht 11innin~ '<'•t"UI an ;JII \'ilr,ll)' -.t ht•tluh· fur tlw Jtr,l )'t'.tr th~·y mann~otl.'tl tu 11111 ftvc 11h1h• ltl'illl! fuur Fn·,lun.m l>un l l.tJ.t'n lt·d tht• tt'.llll 1\tlh a lll' rft•ll fl'lllrd HI IIIIW lllallhl''> 'I
"mer1ca's honest new • ports convert•ble I
l 'l,tyin ~
In tht: .. pnn~o: uf th.tl yt·:tr, the athflout depannwnl m.ult• a var,ity -,port l'raur to th:Jt lmw tht• h:am had only ht•t• n a 1luh .tnd w;ts l(t•tlin.~ot limilt·d l'tnnlltt.tl •uppurt lrum tlw ' I houl. Fur tlw fiw )'I'M' Jlfi'\'IIIU' C11.11 h "'uti had '•" raltt t•cl 111 .111y huur' uf h.., llmt· ;tncl 11ft1rt with 1111 thuu~ht ni rt'll.trd 1\ri'Stlin~
'I hi' p.hl )'t':tr "·" thl' tt·.un \ hr-.t .h n \ tr•ll)' •port .anti tht·~ n· .. p<lltCil-d h )' 1-(<llllinf.( lhl'ir thrrtl ' tr.1111ht 1\llliHII.L! '('.1'1111 \ \ tthout .t .. mJ.Cic , ,.uior ll' rt·sllin~ n·uularly tlwy 111111 ' 'A ui tlll'ir 10 nwllht·' With t· i~hl It'll ('fllll'll n·l urnim: t ht• f1 \.(,4 1'1'1 ... wn of thl' \\'uru•,Jt•r f'rth \\'n•,t linl( ' lt·:tm ,.huuld clu 1'\l' n lwtta
Rounds Sets 100 yd. Mark, Places in N.E. Swim Meet Thr \\'unl''lt•r I edt ,\1 tlllllllfllo! 11'.1111 pl.au·tl nut lh l.ht !'-,ttur · tl.t\', tht• ntnlh 111 tht• '\t' ll l·.n..:I.IIHI lnlt'rt ulki(HIIt' ' ""' 1.1111111 ' ll'l nlmin~ lllt't'l ltl'lcl ul t ilt' Soul lwrn l'ulllll'tllHtl t'olk~1· punt l·.nll·r~·d lor 1'1•1 h lll'rt' I >•111 I 'cndn m t lw I()(). y.m l ( rt'l' ' ' 1 h· .md Bolt RttuntJ, in lhl· .;o .llltl 100 l.trCI lrt't'•I\IC C\t'llh nw tn.tl- 1\l'fl' ht•ltl 1111 forul.tv 1111h lht• hn.lf, lwltl tm '-.uurtl,t\ In th1• trt.tl• l'l'lltlt•r turnt•tl 1n .1 ltnt· 11nw hut IHII l,t,t t•nuu~o:h tn qu.tlify for tlw ht~otl>· Rnuml-, Ott tl11• utht•r h.uul h.ul tlw ~o~ n•, tlt''' d.ty of lu' hit• 111 tlw 'tl-v.1rd l'l't•nl ht.' IIIIIH'tl 111 .1 \1 htrltu~: 1 ' 1'1 "'' tmiJ-. 111 1ht• prt1H'" til •1'111 11~ .1 Itt'\\ •t huul rt•tonl ll mlt'\l'r thh t~·.tt r.tn •1'1111111 111 fu., 'O "t'IIIIHI• tl.tl lur I Itt• Ill() \ .ml f rrt·•l \ It• fill• >tt ll.tt tim ktn~ llltlk ht- n ·u·nt '' h•1o1l n•t otrtl lo\ mun· th.HI 1 ' 1'11111!1 ,IIIII \\ ·'' .H t UIII J•h, lwd 111 1 lnll~tt•r pno•l 1h.111 l t•t h ' 11 lwn• 1hr-re an· l1'" IUIIh 111 ht•lp loll' .1 i.l,to·r llllh' I h" 1\\) wtlllltl• tl.ll ldt htn t in ' t'liiiHI pl.llt' .11 th1· •·nd ut tlw llt.tl• '' unh t 1'1 i \,,,, t..·tt,·r In 1Itt• hn.11, 1111 '-.llurtl.\\ lluh 1o1111 ull "' .1 lint ·l.lrl Ill 1lw "0· t'\t'lll .uul lllll•lll•tl lhtrtl 111th .1 l/11 tlutktnl! In th1· lOti. Round, rouldn 't n·~.t m "" fnntl uf tht• prt'\ IIHh d.l\' hul '''" did .t f n nt .l'ti~ >{) 'l 11lmh mutuntt•d t••r [ou1th pl.tt <' l'ht• 1\llllll'r "·'' 1•1 :- .11111 •l't ond .11111 1htrtl Ill' I'<' 'O ~ .tnt! '0 h Ruurul, c•llnrt' .lllilllllll'cl ltlf .tlf i Ill \\' J'f ' JIIHIII' \.trtl
!'-11 th 1• n•u•nl hunk' tur th1· lllhl '\,.,, l.nt!l.tlld l nh•nttllt•~tt.Jit' , ,, tmnun~ ll\t't'l -.111111 \\' tl h.un' 111111 1 ht• nwt•t lnllmll'd 111 lltt\1 dutn In ui11th pl.trt' th1·y • hm1 \\'nrtl'•t••r l't~h t~·, hml t n.. ututt• .tnd till'\' 111•11 -,hill\ that tlw 'l'IIIIICI fao,(,··t 1('11.) \ .tnl l'rt•t•,tvh• ' " lltl h~ :--;,.,, l·.n ~:l.uttl ''''mnwr• tlunn~: llw t nu r••' 111 tht• ;,ll'l'l \,,,, n •wrd,•tl h\· ,t t.tll l.lnk\ Jlllllllt ntl'~ h.l ntt tl l'lll!llll.'er n.mwtl Huh R,>und• I. \II.· 1-' wm 1'11/fo' .'1 It i~ IWJ){'tl ll~.t t ,jllll' \\'nrtt''h'r intlu•t ry I• ,,,.11 ilrll'lltt•tl tn m.t leri.tl• Jlrtlll''''"i!· .t rel.lltnn•hlp \ltll clt·\ l'lnp .111d lwnl'ltl• w tll rl'•Uh fur httth p.trtit•• 111\IIIH'tf rJwrc• h.l• ,lln•.Hh ll\l Urr~·tl .1 l!re;ll rt'l' til tlltt'rl'~t <In tlw IMrl ul \\ nru••trr lndu-1n· .1nd tht' t,tdlitv ha• ht•t•n .1 ure.lt •timulu• Ill the f.tu1lt1 111\'llll'l'd Pm.h•,;.Hr j llhll>llll ft•t•J, that till' t.lt• p.Htllll'll~ ,, \'Cry utp.thlc in lht• structur~· ni m:ltt•ri.tl' .tnd llliltcri.tl .. JlrtiH'''injl ph.l•l''· ,11111 ha• p:trticul.tr inlcre>t 111 thl' an'.l ui J>ll\ltfl'r metallur,:~ \\' llh -urh :tpJ t.1 r.IIU• n' th<' h1-1rnm l't··ttnl! :'\l .11 hmt .1nd the l~l'n,•ral Elellrk Ten,tk X· R:ty Dtttr.llllltn l nn th•• tlc•panmcnt 'hlluld he o~hlc Ill rt•JhL<' tt• ,:ml 1'11 rxpl:un 11hy thl' \lurd• nntcnab ~·n!!'incl'rin,: ,, u'cd in~IC<lll 11f nwtallur~:) •· lot ~·xtlll•l' the ha'tl
Did you win in Lap 3? IMPORTANT! If you hold any of t he 15 winning numbers, claim your Pont iac Tempest LeMans Con· verttble in accordance wi th the rules on t he reverse of your ltcense plate.
LAP 3 •••
All claims for Tempests and Consolation Prizes must be sent via re&latered mall, postmarlled b7 J...rch 23, 1963 and received by the rudgea no later than Marth 25. 1963.
If you hold a Consolat ion Prize number, you wtn a 4 -spced Portable Ht ·FI Stereo Set, "The Waltz'' by RCA Vtctor. Or, you may st ill win a Tempest ! (See offtctal clatmtng rules on reverse of your ltcense plate, and observe cla1mtng dates g1ven above )
6. 8304190 7. AIIIIOO 8. A000831 9. C050080 10. 8711174
1. A.a8171 2. C351191 3 . AOII375 4. Cll8490 5. 8717111
11 . C411799 12. A.W1127 13. C741145
14. 8443354 15. 8597511
CONSOLATION PRIZE NUMBERS ! 1 . 8111111 2 C35t•et
6. 8507t1t 7. CUIII3 8 Cllllll 9. 8713701
3 4. A71011t 5. Al37111 10.
11. DIOtUI 12. 871.101 13 AtltUI 14. Ht71011 1s . ••••oo•
Sweepstakes for colleges only More than 50 t imes the chance to win than if open to the general pubhc.
20 Tempests to go! Get set fo r the las t lap ••• 20 more Tempest s and 25 mo re Consolat•on Prtzes! Of course. e nt n es you ' ve al· ready submttted are st tll m t he runnmg- but ente r agai n and tmprove you r odds I And. if you haven' t entered yet. NOW'S THE TIME! All entnes received before Marc h 29th w1ll be e1tg1ble to wm one of t he 20 Te mpests to be awarded tn lap 4 ! So p1ck up an entry blank where you buy your cigarettes •. . today!
1 Te mpest y ou m ey choose onstead • t hrt lhna upens•
petd 2·week Holldey In Europe- for two! Plus $ SOO In cash!
....... ,..,, ...,...
Get with the winners • •• far ahead In smoking satisfaction I .Ill! THII PONTIAC TIIMPII. T A T YOUR N IIARBY PON TI AC DIIALI!IU
16. C071515 17. Al73017 18 83tl3•• 19. A7110•3 20. C03tlll
DR. GRANATH TO RECEIVE AWARD Ur t.r.111.11h I"Hll.llt: IJrut.:--nr 111 th1• l'hy•lt' Uq~;trtrnt·nt lwrt .JJul Dr C IOlllUI(i• Jll '''elllillt' l'rule.-ur ui phy••ulull.) :.1 C'l.trk r~ll'llt'd ,, l!r.lnt 111d t 11111 rae t I rom 1ht• ullttt: ui '\a val R•·•t•;anh l lw, ttllllr,all 11111 he iur J thrt·t··ye:lr m~c,llf(allon uf tlw t•lturu.tl .lt tivtty nnd ht·havtur of t"h:llm.tl 11-.hr•. A_.i, tiul( them tn tha' n:-eunh prujtt t 11ill lw R tdl.~rcl c; Bt''' hie, "'i'-lllnt
pmfc,,ur in tht· Elt·t trit.tl l>1•partmt'nt 111 Tt·th The three m.1n lt•am of n·,runlwr' 1dll inl't''lil(ale t•ltc triln l h'-hi', to dl·t !•rrtHnt' En~.:i n t'l'rtlll(
11 they nai'II!.Ht: umlt r ll,lll'r l•y nwan• ut elect mal •nmai"o:wndl~ the~ 11111 •tUd) the n,ttun.• ui the l.'lettrital •UIIlal• tht••t: h·ht•• !!:t'lllr'Jit: and hnall) l h.:1 11 •II •I ud~ hem tcrtam uru11• tnlluentt• tht· b· h.tl'lor and dettnt:tl •ll{tul• ut tht••t' h•ht:• IJr Cr<lll.llh .111d Dr ('.lmtlll\!1' ... tarll·d thei r n·~t·.lrlh 1\lth t•l•·drtcJI la-hl'' thrl'l' yt'M• ,a~:o undl'r ,mall ~.:ranto~ from tht· \\' i•rtl'•ti.'r ' I i'l h t h.lp· l lt: r of :.i~ma Zt u ,ut•lll' !• honor •II· lil'ly and frmn Clark\ lliolo~t\' 1)1,.. pnrtmt:nt.
f 'mm / '"II'' I
·'0-yarcl frt•t· 'oty lt• wao, ruw nt:ll' mark. and his 50.0 •euuul 100-)ard frt•t· ' t vh• wa' tht· utlwr. · In tht.• ~t·w En~lancl l ntt·rcullt:giatt· \\' r~tlin).! A.,.,cx.ia tion Tournanwnt only two out of Tt•t h\ t'iJthl rc:pn•.,entatiw-. manaJ,tecl to plan· T ht·) 1\l'rt' Ro n T ala 11hu ctmt· in third in tht· 167 pound Frt"·hnwn lfa,.., and lluh Dr<•an who plau·d fourth in tlw 157 pound \'ar ... it) da.,.., ('nn.~tratul.ltinn., to both mt·n for t lwir t'uw pt·rfonmtnn·.
TA TNUCK SELF SERVICE NORGE LAUNDRY AND CLEANING V isit, Rela x , Study or Shop While Your Cle aning Is Done Automatically
.... •• •
_,.." ,. ,,..,.~ fl tt t• , .. , ••
D ean Price Reappointed T o Board
llt•.m l'mt· h.t- h;:en re.tppmntl'd iur tnutht•r It rm tu tht• •t:Jtt· l>o.1nJ 111 lc•m \lah•nn \\ ur.t•·tu l't•lh'· l'ruH·--ttm.tl Rt·~:••t.:ro:tl En~:mo:o:r• rh.: hu.1rd I• tumpu-uJ 111 -ix nwmlwr• tuulhall t'.tpt m tur tht p.t•l lnuthall un~ •lll't l.th•t i rum c.tl h ndu. l>e.tn -e.t •un . ":1• rn t'lll h hunurt•tl I ht• hi~: l'mt·' .trt'J '' m.:d1anllal and ht.ll Ut kit 11a• 1111 t'n tht• hu1h hunur 111 lw· 'tnlllat wn ,·num.-~:nnll Ut:an Pri<t: 11.1· 101! •dt•\ll(l hc•llllr.•hlt• nwnuun un t ht• •eni1111 .111111 .1ntluno: luli )t:ilr h :ml LHtlt• .\ IJ. \ mtm.lll Fuuth.lll h'.llll on tlw l•u.ard 111 tumplete tho: t~rm oi pilkcd lrum tht· trt•.tm ni tht trop ut .1 rt·tmnt: memher lit: ""' apt)l;imo:d culli'l!t' luoth.lll pl.l}t'r• .llru'" tht• tlu• '· t'.lr to .ml1lh•·r term t:Xplrin~: Ill natiun .\ l"u ht• ''·" honurt•d 111 thl' 1%\ •.tmt: l.tp;ttitl 111 ltt•tnJ.( •t•lt·t ktl hunnr· In ol rt'l\'111 lnl('f\ll'\\ \lith thl' IIIII .dtlt• mcnttun 1111 tlw Ltttlt: \ 11 · ~<' 1\ '\1 11.., tht: Ika 11 puin1 t•d out 1hat 1h~'" t:::mdand •qu.1d t ompn,in~ t ht• wp wl Jl;l lo,l t11u :1ntl nnl' IMif yeJr• huv•· lot'l'll lt•t:t.llc fuuthallt·t~ trunt '\t•\\ En~l.1nd but h 111tl.'rl''' Ull( .1nd wmpltnttrd lor lOill').!l.'• tht• rult• .1huut r··~••tralllln 111 rl11!111t:t'r' E~t·r •illlt' lw rt'llllrl••tl .1• .1 •tr;lppm~t 111 ~LI-..ttltu•d h h;h 'hun)It'd It i' l1' pound l w•h t.llllhd.ttt• ~l .tltHWY !lUll lll'H'-'•Ir)' Ill thi.., .,(,lit' ill be rl'l!i•· h;t• ht'l'll •I llr•l •lrtll~l'f ht•fl• oil l't'l h tt·rt·d 11i1h th~ llo.tnl uf Pmf...-wn.tl \lt l'r tl1.11 llr•l lrn'h '''•I''"' ht•rt• .11 Rcl(t•ll·n·d 1-.rl~lllt't'r• in urdl'r tu pral · I t't h ht• 11 '" n.mwd tu llll11Wrnu' .Ill lilt' J• .1 prult·.-ttm.tl emnncer l'ht: IIJIIMIIlt'IH' H'.llll' .t- h1• h.t, lll'\'ll Ill <';il h lit• n·.H lwd I~''' 111u .111d mw h.1h yt•ilr' h.tll.' "('I'll ut h•' 'Ulll'l'thn~t lt'.lr• thl' IHr.ml dwtk thuu-Jnu- uf tJ•l' h•· pe.1k tht, ~l:'.tr ·'' .1 lurnlld.thlr• 140 Tom Maloney: liHie All-American hhtelflr• ul pruJttl• Jlt'rfnrnwd here IHilllltJ llllt'll'l\ I' .tlllf tlr•l1IN\ t' I ill kit• 11 ht'lll'l t•r t h1t-t pn•t 11111, .tntl .Ill .11111 t' tncmha ut l'lu 111 tht• C'tt11111111111\l',llth ·" ,,,,uranu• th.ll lln ttlll'll•t tht''' ' nlt'll 11hn \lt'rt' prJ{!Illllll en· l.trd• 1\t'rt' llt't'tlt•d tht' !1111 hu1 ''·" l ht·t.l lr.llt•rnll~ h " ·'" n•~t•nth .111 (In tlt'1 1·n,1• IIIIUIIH'tl lw h.1, hecn Jill ko:tl tur \\I I!Hit'l'rlllj.( l~i.'lllrt' thl' 1.11\ " · ' ' Jl.l--t•tl tht.:rt' 1~11 lilt.! till' 11,11 h.ul dww 11url.. th.ll mt"l the qu.rhh m.tl l<'olllh rdtN•d l•• t\tll run ht, ,uf1• \\I Ill 1'\ \~I ERIC\'\ C'lii.I.H .I·" nt tht• hnt• ht· "·'' lllllllul.tlrh• \'\ll t '\1\ 1-. R~ IIII· ..., lur tlw lllhi ' .ttllill• t'\lll'l 11•cl h) tht• I'H~o~rd I IIIII ,, I llolll\l' ul I r.llllllll(h,llll \t'.tr II.- rt'll'l\t'd ht> H .... dr•t.:IH .It I h·.tn l'nu· ll<'nt till iu -.1~ th.ll 1ht•n• .1 n• ,,., <'r.d 11 ,I\' ' lor .111 t'lll!llll'l'r \l,t-. .tnt! m.qun·d 111 tl\ 11 1 n~o:lllt't'rtllt: tht• tl•a-,• nl 1,,,, •t'llll''ll'r .md h.1 .. ht'tll to lwtunw fl'l:l'lt'rr•tl 111 thh •l.ll<' I hw 11hilt• a ,,utknt lwn· .11 \\I' I lw "• 1.., , mlurnwtl hv tlw \ .11 1 th.tt lw "·'' ul tlwm .lpplrr•, to I hll'l' 11 lw ~raclu.llt' .tl•u on tht• l1 1 11 \ 1 '" and /',•dd/1 1 ' <'lt•rtt•d let .tllt'llll lllhtt•r l'.11ulul.ll1' ::>dwnl \\ 1' 1 1'\h•ntl' II' lolllj,ti.HUI,t 1rum 1uur ,.,.,, r tln.trt't' ~tr.mt 11111 tnll.:l!t'• J I 'lOll 1'110\ 1 f 'rum /'11111' thtlh Itt II• .\ 11 \ uwr11.111 l 11111 \l. tlunr 1 ''" h "' lt·d• I ht" nwt lwei n:qum•' th,ll the· ~:r.ulu.lt< pr.tt tat· ··nutnt•t•rtn~t l<' rt t·' ll'tttrdllll! t• .tlll.l)• ·' n•ttll•'•l 1111 .I lt•\t•l t11'1'11Wd ·'' prttfl''-'"'"·tl hi l numlot•r .tl ,till d.llllt' d.th· lw pl.ll' t,()IJ.'-f 'n•m l'ulft' ·I till' hu.trd tur fuur \i'.tr• ,lll•·r ~o~r.ulu l'r,t.r.~ \l,tn Cr.t~) , 111th tlw t'lll tll' "t'l!llli) \\' nrlcl \\'ar .tll t•r tiH it llltl( lu ,tllllll illlt) tflt'll ,tppl\ Ill t<tkt• tilt' t'X,IIll h.uul •1111!1111( l1t'h1111l ht' ltt1\ l'llt,tll'l ~.till' 11p ll'llllh ,11111 h11' pl.ll'l'd llllt'l lur rt·~t•l rill IIIII 111>1\ IIIII h.11 I' h.td ol 'IJI'l Ill\ 111'\IJ,!r.tphl 111tlll'lltl~ t'H'f 'IIIli' \ It httiiJ,th lit'\ t' l l lt·,ln l'ru ,. t·~pt'd" th.u .ttl tho••' t,tl •lit' hut nu 1111t' c,tn tlt•ll\' tlu· 11111' ,111 nllt,l.llltlt,l)! pi.tll' t hl m•t•ll iw h.t• ~:r.uhMtii 1 J! ltnm \\'ortt''lt•r l t'l'h 111 11 '' 11111\t'r,,tl \ t .1111 r<~lt' 11 '' ·'' ptuh.tltil tm·il 111 ltnn~: up th 1• lt••·l ut tht• 1111 1111 ttl t.11111111. rt 'l(hlt'r1•f1 111 till' out· uf tlh IWI!IIIIIIIII! n·curcl ul th•· •qu.ul, pe tlurllt.llht' .111.! h,,, .lpJI.IItlllil nu•t 1111h ' IIIII' ' ' 1111' liM due ttl •Ltlt• or .1111 utlll'r ,l,llt' 1111huut thl rtttk 11 rull tr.t.r.r• htllll\ \\ht•n 1 ,~.t-d l<hl thl' l lt·.trl C'nnllllllllll( ht' h-t ul ' "'·''h hat- ,thnul 11111!.. .11111 .1 th.llll!l 111 lu• tdl the llo.1rcl 11.1• '" lllll~'rl,ttlt ln- \\,I' IIIII' ul tho• lo!ll',llt'•l dttlh \lllh ,cfwdult- lur 11".11 han)! ht !lui 11111 lt·t•l rrph 11 ,,, l h.ll 111 l h•• tl.l\ it '" 1111 \ lr11.111 ll.tlm 1111, ''·'' ...,J..,.kl.l.lll ,' t.tp.lhlt• 111 dt·\nlllll! tlllhle·nt tame• .uul ptr.llt\ 1' tu prutnt t lw ~toud n.llllt 111 1 1.11111 •lrml..llll! tllll.! le'.llllr11111 .111 .lltu n •11(111'11 \\ II h lIt, 1(11 ·II 1 t' l lith I\ Ill' •\II 1t'""f Ku1 "•·.tl•c r).' t 1'111 l'lll(tnn•nn~ .ultl nut h·t 1ho'l' IH:upl•• '·1 \ uphunc 111111 tn• •ult •t.lllel.tnl 1...· .1 lh•l(r.llt' tn ul h1~ l•111cl th··~ lht·fl rn onkll tlw hkt tlw l>~'tll'll 111.111 tu t.tko• up tlu 111m \fl r.ll(<' • n·111 \ l•u .1 I t·• h ~:r.ul nl I'• ,1, ht ht.ltlltlul h.ltllllllll: th1· prnh •tun .u1nth1r 1111111h1"1 fl'lll·ll•·tlh rnlll<''" II .11 11 ' ' tlw , .1pt.1111 ul th, ~.:ulr It 1111 111 In Il l CIC IU UICI \ Jo. ,. ,,..., l '"ll'' I .Ill \I lilt rt1 111 lllt•oll Jllrlurlll.tlll t'• .t untnr ,1 ntl •t•runr \t ,t t• \ 1111lt uhn \11\ llllt' 11hu '' ht• t\lt'<'ll tht· IJ!l'' ul 'Ill k "1huh .uleh·cl lh'll Jill I' tu lu l.llt' ul 111111! •t.1lllhl11( R111 \\,1 '\t·\1 1~ .anti 1t IIIU•l h.\\l tht•tr lhlfl'lll " l.t•l tr,l\1'11111( htt ntllllht'r '11rk )111111!1 ('h,llliJIIIIII .11 th1 .tl(l 111 \\ llh .I lnp IIIII I h h mel .• upn llll I,, olllll h.• , I 1111'1.11111) ht·hl ,thutll •• 1111 lllll•t'lll \ II dtut.llur• lr•• 1:1\ I'll ,, hu11 .uul umilhm~t h.uuht.lp 1'\l'r •Hilt' 1-''' 11111111 lu ph~'" II ··~.ll11111.111tlll ·'' .I I ht•t 1.. '" • ('I' "·'' urcl.l\ \ •~otht 11 th1 tr hluod h .llll'lll,lhlt• ' I he Jtl lle'\1 ollltl thlln t·llt 111 "I lllfJII,tl llt•t•ktml \IIIII tilt' lui\ 1!1!1" prtl.t' .11 I ht l1 t h 1.1111.11(1'' ol 1111• llrilt' .trt• nunwrt•U ' I ht'lllt' I lu• \t'.tr ' Jlllllur I 'rum 11111 h11 ult) Out Ill!( 1111 h .1 •111ft' ul •.1 \\' tlh thh lltll,llll'r.thlt• 1 ~~~~ rlt Ill t' Ill lht· th•.uhaulal!t'• an· ll'll 11 .111~ I!IIM,IIIh't' ,dl 11h11 .lltt•nd olll Ullllll 1111' lltorltl nl 1(1111 II 'L't'tll th.il l{ u\ l.t•t ' .til )! Ill' ~tnd put 1,., h 11\'t'r tlw l(t'l.thlt• l'~lll'l l l'lltt lup ill lh I'XPt'\lr•d ttllllrthUi lilll tlw pnl t'nltal uf ht•lltl! ,, 1111tr1 "' ...... 4.01 , . ... ___.,.·,..... , ..., •• ll'-'llli 111.11 h lhau ha' p t('(lt••t· •m \ I I' Jo;'l E ll , l'i\ 1 I. & \1 •\lt\ - f 'rum /'"It'' ,'J '-I'll lllj,t 111.111 Ill t'•ll h ,,,,,. 'uulrl lw lltuu~h it muo,t Ill' llll'llltunt d 1h,tl lu 111111\' 111 l••puiMtl\ th.w .111y t urrl'nt llllllllll,llt•d ft•t•l, th.n 111 l(ulr ttlllrkt• mu•t port llllllpt'lllnr' .ltfil'" lht• n.ttion 'I h1·1r I o ' 1111h 1111 prupu•.tl• .urtl tlllll\' up lht <lt.lt h' J"'' ' ' ollt' uf 11111\llltwl •tnuoth llnahlt· 't~h· 11tll l'IMhit• tht•m 1111h '"nwth llllot tlt•llrlltt• ,, 'J>t'tt.d com .tlt•llt r.atht r th.ttl tlt,truc ltllll l lu 1 111 thrtlt' Ioiii( .tflt'r nlhr•r •ttn •ull'lk'd tnllll't' h.t.. hr•t•n •!'I up t 1111'1 t 1111-t ttl l fill IIIII II l' hupt•d I h II h11 It Ill 1 .11 h tuml~h h .l\1' r.u lt•d mt•tnlwr• t rum 1,., h "•'ll.ttt• I IH 1 .trt' IIIII Ill' lll'l' ciNI till• \l'.tr \\ H h I ht• .lnl.l"'lllt'lll ui l:llt•Jlt ll t•nn•- "n·•> I hut.tld l< oltt·rt ·1111 Ju tph llnh lltll l .ulu .uul Jun ( ' 11111(.111 t r.tmnwcl tntn 1"'' 't.lr' J unwr l'rom ~lll'hn-lu l< oht rt llt·hn .11111 Lturt•ntt \It rr j!r.ttlu.ttt.'rl I rum tht· 11',1111 111 l 111tl lht• \'lllllle'lll •IIHI''' Ill tht• htl!l!l''l l t•t h I lull \\hilt- tht h\t' 11'111.11111111( I 111\'r ,m 11 t't'kl ncl 1 t'l 'huuld put \\'nrt t''tl' r \\ llln thn tltt tCtllll' 1111 "''" .1 rulm~: nu\1 .til ul'hurnun· llw rt·turn11111 l'ullll·•hnu l n•tlllllt' nn th,• nlJp w II \\nuhl llr'l h 111 tu ht· puhlu h pt~•tt•tl l(ulft·r• .trt· h. t•n \ cln.m " I'll I l uh~trc 11 •t.l\ I ht· J unwr l'mrn ('ummut~·t• .1111! fur It'll ti.J\' .11111 tht·n \ltll•cJ 1111 h1 ,Ill Jlult lldvtlk Ltf J .u ult• .111cl ll1 11 \\ nrtt•,tt•r l t•t h \rt' ""uet) .trr Ill· •l.r-.t•• 11 d.r•• lllt'l'l111i!' \ '"" ttnrcl, "urml II kt I t·arn ( oiJII .IIII " ' II \tlrt.trl lll'l'tl pruud tu pr•·•t'lll 1ha- t"(H'pltun.ll f.t\'llfJhlt• IIIII', Ill thll'l' \CIIIIlll \\tiUicl •· \'try eopllmt•ll! .tiM till 1he IJu.ul .....llurd.t~ 11111ht t'lllt'rtammt·nt l>t• 1\l't'dt•cl Iu I~•" II thtnu·- th•• •prin~t l u 1111 th• '"" \,lt.llll '111•1' 1111 the' le"ollll 11111o1ht lw \ ' '01 " ' F.M ... , l'~f'rnm l'"ll" t lrt• hmt·n l~nc ""l'rtl Hill \.11111 ll ul..111 Tht· number or •tllrll'nh t'nt:.t~tt'rl tlw lattt•r \\hu h:r• Jll'l rt·IUIIII'tl ttt in it i:tll) I n the futun• , arranl.(t'rn('nh un crt'clit•. tuition . c·nrollnwnt . and prt·· •c l111ol .tnd "•'' •t·•nnrl 111.111 '''" ,,.,,r• l\!11 n·qui,i ll'" 11 ill lw announc('d In hCith ...~.hooJ ., li n• \'t.tr thl' "h'"'l' lmk li·r• ..rt· In tht.· llt'\1 i'-"llC' or thi.' 'h c·u :"\1 \\ " a fu ll lt'lll(th ft•atUrl' wi ll IJt· Ct'ri,11JI Ill itl' IIIII' llf tiiC' 1.1\Cirllt Ill Jlrl'"l'lltt•d on Bio11wdicul En~inrering. Iht \'c·\1 l·.nui.wd tournamc•nt 11 ht·n· tlw fuur Itt" ..tnn•• <Ill a lt'.llll tlolllll lltii'Gtlf, pl,u C'Jll<•lll ' J ht• l\10 1111111111' I TATNUCK NORGE SELF SERVICE dual llltttiiH'• \\ill lw l ull' .111d ll ull Cru" 11lmh h:.- rl'lt:lltl) ht·r·n tddr·tf LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING In thl' •lhcduh• llut ,,lJ 111 .ill tlu·rt· SAVE UP TO 15% ON YOUR '' .tn t•xct•llt•nt 'h.mc t• nl 'ITIItlt .1 lluphcallcm 1•1 a n undt It all·cl ''"'' ••n DRY CLEANING COSTS
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