1962 v53 i17

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MAY 18



H l l. l \I E 1.111

II h.1 hnn n nnu11111 t•tl l1~ I Ill' •l huul .uhnitll•l r<tllllll th.tl l.add l'lundt·~ 111'.\1 1h.11 rrn;111 ul l lw h411tlll oi 1ht l lllll•tl "'·Ill'• C'h,unht•t 11l C'urnlllt'ltt' 11111 J. tlw (illlllnt·mtnttlll Jll.lk r 11 \\11rct lC r I o·c h \ '15t h ,!r.ttiU.Jllull ,11 l I' \I I t1cl.1~ Jww i 111 \\ uro t••tt·r ,\lc nturt cl \ udllornlln l'lumlt•\ 1h1 ll.tllon.tl Ch.uulll'r pn irlt•nl un1il lht• 111tl ul llu• rnonlh 1 tllollllllilll .11111 t•n· ul1•nl ctl 1111' "tall· \lultl;cl l.llt• ' ''lllotlltt' c·., "' \ rllc'f • 11-1 111 \\urct••lt•r \ ll.tll\t' ul \\ .tll·rhur\' ( JJIIII ht• \\,J ltruu~o:ht UJ• 111 \ l1·rttl111 .111tl ,,, . 11111ktl l l•1lthk1 • ...,1huul 111 Ltkl'\tllo.11 •., 111 l'ullllt'tlhlll lit "1 l(r.ulu.ttc·tl trum \\tlh.tlll• ( ttlh-l!t' 111 I'l l~ Ill• \\orkt•d ut .t \.Hh'l\ cd )til" tlur IIIII tiiiH•I \.tt.IIICIII• IJ11 IIIII' Ill lhc••t' "lnlc• ' \\ tlh.111\\ 'llult·nl lw "•'' .111 ::0' 1 \\C'C'k nlllcc• 1111\' \\llh 1111' l'r,l\ • t•kr- Ill urallll' c·.. \lllr l!fldU.IIIIfll h1· lunk .1 tull111111 )"h 111 tlw I r.n cln (.ruup 111\1 11111 untl.-r\\rtlllll.: rl• Jl.ltllllt'lll 111 1•1-11 ht• 11:1, tummt--..loJH·d a lll:tJIII in ria· ,\rmv unc i •t'rH•d in tlw

' I \tii F it l i

\\ 1r I lt•p.trl flll'lll 111111 1 ut l ht· I i•<.tl lllrt'\1111 111 \\ il•htlli!IIJII La rlv 111 1h.tl pt·nud ht· ",,, Iht• priru1p.d Hllhl•r ul lht• \\ .t r Lh p.lrl · nu·nl l.ruup l lt-IHIIIct' Kc lllll.! 1"111 .111d lu 1 •l•ll·d 1111 \l1111 n ,. Cunt · 1111"1"11 .lit• I tl11 11 t•l.JI•h·lum: nppruprt.llc• ~ltncl.tnl lur 111•urnn1 I' \t tlh ''"'J•IU• tttHirlllur, \\lull ht• h•fl uuht.n~ •c'r\ltt' tn 1 1·1 lw 1•-•• ,, ht•llll'llllll tllltt~wl .uul clul'l ttl 1111' c:tt\t"lllllli'lll l.tto· lll•llr· IIIII "I'CiliJII 1\ lll'rt he• httl ht~•ll Ill 1hus.:t ul til ,,J.., .enol Mr\111111: 111 lho 'la.. ud "c'l\l(l' l.llc ln•urllllt' l'rul!r n lit- tlwn Jll!IHtl 'Ltlc \hllull L11t .tllcl "fl:llllt.t•tl 11 t.ruup lhp.trlnwnt II '""l'lf·il••tl 11 11h IIIII •Ill <I'•• l li.ll Ill 1\ \C'.U• ht •llltl'l'th•d Ill lht• prc· •t cknc \ "' llw 111 l''' l II 1 the hllh uhlc••l 11111 llll' l'lh J.• rl(c I !IIIJIIIt till lllCITI lh.m l 'l~J hit 111 ur.11111 hrm• 111 the• 111111111\ '-1.111 .\lwull h.1• mnr1 1h.111 ~~ ' lulhun \\llrlh Ill hit' llhllr IIIII' JJu, 1~ WUI(hl~ 111111 11111~, lht• .11111111111 11 h.11l \\ht·n , ,.,. 1'1.1 \ll .t-:\ - l'"ll'' :;

Outstanding Work By Peddler Editors




Many Photographs Enhance Tech's Class of 1963 Year book

I ho I It /'./d•• r h t• ''"' lho <IIIli hu11ol tllnrt ul 01111\ •llllltll · lt<~lh lh1· llliiJlu•t "' .1 \c trloou•k I• Itt •c·1tiu1 .uul untlt•rtl.t••lllt'll \\ .. rk \\;J• pr•·•tlll IIIII• rc.uln• d11 IIHIIIttiH'• 111 ruu tullllm·d 111 •jll'llh< huur lh'ftlrt 1tn11 ' ' ·" " m·11h1r ~lllrtl\1111: •11 1till · t'.llh tlt.ullilll' lht· •11 11 lllllltl Ill' lttUIId tl/.111~ lht'lll " \\.1• IIHh lhl tll'llll ll ltt ll Ill lht• 1111111 \\ofklllt: Ill Jlu· t'.llh Ill lllllltf thll l.t•l •JIIIIII( l h1• ctlll<tf ~ murnll tl! hutH • l lw I(Uttlllll! lu.:IH 1<1 •"lllt'l\nl th1 ' tt\ J', ,f,f/,, lltl\\l'''l t ill• houk ll<'rt' lh1· C'Clttur• thn•t lht·n .uul tiH llllll('lt·th•n ul 1111' l.1•l •clll"r' "h" ll\t·tl 1111' /',.fdl•r •IIlli' tit ulhlll ' tht •ltU 11iht:t' lllh ,,•,trdll .l l.t 1 •JIIIIII: 111r .1 •1\lt 111 \l' trl•~>nk J••UIIIIh• 1 In ,111 ,1111.111 1' 1 111 hml llh' Ill'\\ 111,. thtl l .tplllltd \\llhi•Ul dt •ltJtlltJh dllllll lcot· l'\Prt'•'lll,l.! ltJIII \l'.lf• .11 \\urtt' tc I J,dt lt·ch lht• •Lilt h,1, ,lllt"IIIJtlt•cl ju th l hU • ll\1' II'Hit-f 1\IIJ 11•11\ 11111111' \llflt' 11 dJ lrctm prt'\tult- louok· 1 mm lht 'II IIIII• clill•rt·tht'• lwl\\1'1'11 llw lho· lllllltl• nl ..._ 1.11 (1 11 J.: 1·r 11111 '-llllll~ l•u,; )1111111.11 1111l lltu•t ul lho• I" l \ \luh unl JI,Jll\ lrllltlhlll ltn.tkllll! llt'\\ olllph.l•l• \\ , 1• pltll'll till I'"" ult.t cll'\dup<cl lht•tr ,elotht' 111 11111 • lcll!f.IJih' \\ uh lll•lnlltu•n• '" t.llch ll'l\l l.t\IIUI• uul•lllt• 111 111, 111 m.1n lht• lruc lnh 111.111 lhc ph"l"l!rtphnJlllt• IM\t•tl tht' \\,1\ lttr ,1 Ill'\\ lnuk 111111.. lllllfl' JllllUrl'• th.lll Ill 1111' l\10 \\ · ,lprl'\lnll• lo'.tr• \'t•l 1lw m.tl.t•llp •l\ltlllt II 1I l 11l' Jlrtl 11I t'lll II 1 ,,. 11 1111! 111t' 1,., • th n·qutrt·d Chll till' phutu• tppt'.IIHIII 111 1'•lll' 11 Ull 11 1,1\ 111r I' Ill I' prllt\'" o I It·.u IIIIL! Iu... •I.u.. lnt•...... ' I t II lh n~us.r h •lilt' the• hook tll\t'l' Ill' 11111111'1 ,h,IIJI 1 , t·\lt·n~t\1' •.tit IIIIIJI.III!Il l'f .111tl nu•n· t.lllthd lh.tn c'\J'f le,lurt• 11111 1 :.::.r Utlllt rltl..t•n I hth lht m.IJnrtl~ 1\l'fc• ll'tttlllllnl '" 1ht• ulht ,. lluur \\ llh •111 t'lllph.l•l• un '1>hulul!r.tph' I ht• •l\'lt ul "'I" ,,J., me 1 \\llh .1 lht• \l·,tr• bunk rt'IJUirnl .111 l'\ldh•ntt' h' ,., .( 1U.IIICIII 11w llllf\ ...1 I,1 •• , lfJlllllll• Ill'\ t'r ht lurt dt'lll.llllh-d l tllll'f h.ml Ill tiUIJ• 11'.1111• .111!1 dt'II.IJIIIIC'IIl• \H'I< ""rktnll nhlur Ruht·ll :\ lurph1 lhl' photu~o:•iiJlht•r, "''rt• .lhlt• 111 ·h.llltllt· lht• tc •qlJl'•tt•d vulunw 1\htlt• ,liJI 1'11\ ph.t•lllllll lltt' t .md1d .1•1~·• 1 J lco\\1'\ t•r II \\,h l~t•t.IU•t' Ill lht• •U• l.unt·tl I'll uri ttl 1'"' •t'lltor- 1h.ll thl' I 'Ill\ ,., ddlt r m.lli'TI.Ihl.t'tl u,.,h lol'ff\ "' t:t•rtn.llll ,tnd Ko~o: ~td :t•t• •trvrd tlw h11ok \lith tlt'\tllton

E·•· h


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rt'\'t'lltw uhtumnl Iwm .tch l'rli,llll>t w ,IIIII\\ l ht• hook Ill filii Ill I ht• hi.H k I h•· 'l'.tr' )ttl.! I 1\J... •1'1 .II $-1100 .Hld J .P. Queen Susan Davidson and Her Court onh lhrttu~h lht• Jll'Ntn,ll t•lturl ul ( :1•rr' ""' &hi.. auaHwd 1111' hook ' \,,null- •t'\lllllh 1n• h;~ncllt·d h1 diller~nl nH•ml~·r· of lht• ~la fl \'1'1.'n1 lhc o:ntl tlw m.tjllrtl~ u l 1ht•m 1\l'rt' wrrclatt•d llr R 11~ ·1h1·n· ul•n c "~: i~tetl 1lw JUIIIItr 1hn•t' nwn '' hu perlunm·d tlw menial l:t•k, \\ hllh c:n·~· urauntt..llton hnd ... J unwr l'rnm \\' l't'kt•lltl nult'd ·'' lht• lt'rtt• • I ht• m.m "llh lht• ~uldt:n hum , 11 ulll'll l uu nun} 111 ht• mtnluiJlt•d ht••t uf .111 •ou.tl l' \'l'llh .11 l l•th .tnd lu• ~ l .trlhorn Onhl'•lr.t playt•d un ht•rt• lht') h.11e le.lnll'tl tht• lr.ult• "ell JlrtlH'tl 111 ht• quill' •ttllt'''r'ul •I' ''"'r lhruu~h the l'H'Ilill~t "" 11\'l'r iOO lll'Oplt- and 1n lfll'l r nuntl• lht• ·114 /', dt/lrr , ... .17' ntupk ... :llll.'ndt•d Tlw peupl1· "hu tl.uttt•tl lu 1heir nHI 'Il t.tklnl( fnm1 Olll'll(lt•d " ll iJ.:h !-ivdrl y ," IH•rt: ln'.llt'tl (lilt' of t h1• hll(hli~tlll , 11f lh1• 1.'\'1'·1 111 , 111111• 11f tlw lint''' ent,•nninnwnt 1\1111: ""' lht• tnmnin~t 111 llw J uniHr ,.".r '" .:r.l(·c lht· r.·~ h , ••mpu· l' mm <,>ue\'11 ~t'l"''\'" h,· lht· JUdi!"' l'rid.ty ,1(H•rnuun found lhl' J-:n. Irum tht• l.'ll'\l'll wnll·•l.tnh '~ mt.t fur ~:meer, mcl\'1111( up 111 lht• dum1' 111 1tu· hunur 11a' :\! 1" l'ht t ••unma Dt·l 111.1k~· Tlllllll .11 lht•lr fl''lll'lll\\' U .ll l' r II "U•.III J>.l\ld•nn \ It" 1),1\ltl•Uil h Jill\' IIIIU~l'' for tht•tr tl.tl t'' .\fll'r elm lwm !'ttj.ll1.11 ~ 1 1111111.1111 I 1'11111'"1'1' anti Jlt•r it \\ II> llff Ill l ht• \\' M\ l''lt'r \ ud1 \\ ,h l''l Orlt'tl ~~~ I 11'11' llttrtlt•n turn1m nud lhl' mu~tl' ul Kulph :\ lar -;,.,. J.l'. -1'"•" :1 l~lt•lltvn ell ulltct•r, lur lht• IIIJJWr 1hn•t· d '"e' ":t' hdcl I hur•!l.l\ \~nl l' 11 1ht•lr lllth\'lduJI nHTt 1111.:• I re·h mt·n dt'tlllm~ fur nt'\1 \l',tr \\1're hl'ltl \I utHI.!\ \ pnl 1' m l'h~-~~- lt•11ure• 1-.h•t a•tl ,,, perm.ml'nt t l.t•• ulnu r· fur Iht• d.t•• of I'IIJ I "t•n• l're,•dent Btll /.mnu. \ 'u:t• l'n·•ult•nt l'dl' Bnrdt•n , "C'HL'l:l~ Huh :\1.1\tl.lrd 'I rea'-· lut'''"'~ .•\ pril .lO. 1%,\ \\til lw th1• l'lh l If an •·mt•rj!t·nt' nHur' .Iller urer l't•fl• C'huloran•k\ l.t,l d.t~ fur 11Im.: .tppht.lltcm, lnr \ UI!U•l I;; Jll :tpphr.lllllll lnr ;t ~tllllO In tht• tla•.. ni 1111>4 1hc fulltmtnl! ltn.tnnal ,ud .\ pphr.llmn' and l'.trelll• •l'lllt·•ll'r lu:tn m.1' l~t• lllc.'tl heiurt mt•n \\t'rt' cho-en lo lt•ad tht da-- m l."unlul\'nltal ~lJl\'lllt'llh mu-1 he nkd l>n,•ml~t•r t ' · l''h.• lht·tr ·t·naur year l'rt •Hie Ill Barf) m IWr•tm "ilh dw lh·.tn ul :-.tutklll• \ ppht.lllllfh fur l'ummun,,c:ahh ur K.tdt·l~. \ 1ce Pre•tdent D.ne H dm''' ll4.'rmn a hril.'l tnnirrrnll' \\ilh ,, 111~ :.-t•crt'lJry Dan• \\',111, I rca•ure r :\1.1-.athu•ell• ''hnl.tr•h11r- an• 110\\ tm•mhrr t)f dw ''ilfl .\ n Und"ell . Tech :-cn:ue I'Ne FenIn &he ca~~ nf r1 pmn•n linandal ,1\'JII.thlc in room 101. l!nynton Hall ncr .md L.ar~· li ull. t'nlt'fJ!l'IICY occurrin~t ,, h1•r .\ pril .lO, l'h t'''' 3J1Jllitar ion• nnl'ol he filed be· lhc cl.t-. of !116(, ckctt'd the fol \I ltd an applic:u iun for ,, ltr:ol ~emt'~lt'r fnn• :\lay I'· 11/o.\ in lht• u1l1u• ni the lu\\1111! afficer'Pre•ident L.arry Pclu.m nuy he lilrd hefnre .\ ui!U•l 1' llt':tn 111 :-.IUdem" '>P,. E LECT IO'i~Po•"' I


ropl.hl'tl \\llh .1 lllt'llllllillltl lllllllllo·n ltr\ on lht• pltl\trt'• \\fl ll<ll "' th• lill'f,ll~ •!WII•I h'l' \\ llh 1111' t \II'JIIIIIII• ul .I li'\\ Jill IIIII• Ill lllllJIII• tr.uhl111l1' pii\IUU• l'•ddl•t• \H·rt tlllllllll'tl Itt I!IUIIJI p11 lllc• 11111.1 h'\1 ltlhJil -hul~ ttl '1~111• l h1 111•1 ~~~ p.ll!l'' ul lfu, lu•t1l.. hn\\ 1'\t'l 1\t'l<' •II .r•llk lu I''' <Ill IHh 111 II• ''"'ll•lllrl r.llllt'r th.111 11- Ill\ · lht- •1'<111111 1d111h \11\lld he· ·•1'1'11'• pli.llt•l\ IIIJ..IJ lht• Jllllll.lll ttl 1111' 1111 • It'll! I• 1dW1t' tlw .clt1111111 11111 11 '111111 tu 11'1111111 11 lin "II' /'.,/.1/a 1111111111 • ""' tul lcm111.: ' I t r•.tt:c·· Ill lull 111lut Jill llHI'' It tlunlullt· ('lllUrt ' .111cl llh Ill • dllltlll tJ •C'Illllll~ 1111' ltut1k 1,1111 •.tk thllllll( 1'•./d/, , \11'1'1.. lt cun \ p11l H In ~1.1 1 \ "Ill tlt'llh pl.1111111 1 $1!)(lth:J•••tl Oil .1 hnok •h111111: tht' \\n·k \\Ill '·"'' lh1·m,1•11 c·-.. :0:1 00 •tllct 1h1'' \1111 nnl\ h.l\t In I"'' 111 .11ld11111fl tl , I J "hc•n Ill!' lwu•k '' rc•l1·.1 t•d ull l'.trc•nc- ll.l\ \l.f\ II . \ llt·r J•, 1f1fl 1 r \\ t•t•k I1II' 1........ • \\1 11


EleCtl.OnS cAre GJeeld.

Prof. William Grogan

To Jf' ill i am (;nnw, mul tNtdte r, /,c,/ty mlt'itwr to num:r orl(mtizations, .'4Prt•ont of ff",rt·t>tclf•r Tt•t·lt /or 17 .w •m ·s, wt) tlt>tlin ttt.. tltil' /wok . Ate , !'l t,,/,.,t. irutrudor. mul pro/t•l'twr. lu' a/u·u.r .. tli.tfJJitt.w•d lti .. loyalt.r to Jr' .l' .l . For hitc to tlu• lll .f!titlllf:!, lli.fl inLPrt'l't in tlu• stmlt•nl bod)·, hitc tcttrm frir•mll:r cmw .flt•l. U ' f' drous f• to lwnor /tim. M(ly this lwo~· m te llin f( t/11• tJLory of 1't•t·lr ; , SOtlW smo/l umy t·fm v t>y to him tt tokPn of our tlJJJJrt>dotion . Tl1e Pt>fifllf'r . ' tafT




Pag.. 2




On ~l nnday. April 20. the interfraternity duplicate bridge The last i~suc of Tm·. T ~.u 1 :\ h\\ 'S carried a critical leuer To TIH . Eu..roR~: tOurney will take placr in Sanftml Riley Cummons. A iour· to the editor tm ·· b~n l ute Zero." Worce:-ter Tech's iir$t :\on-payment uf cJa,s dues. as everyone i!' well awarl'. man team will reprc::ent each hi)U~t'. l'hi <iamma I lt•lta will humor magetzine. 'ince its release ha!> caust'tl svme cun- makt-s one ineli.~iblt• for participa tion in either clas~ clecli on~ be a tlt'mptin!! tu ddt•nd the tillt• they wun la:-t yt'ar and


the Editor!' feel a more untlcr:.t.andable deftnition or ~raduatiun : these are powerful. but unclvubtedly neces· !'ary. coercive tuols, insuring enmtual payment uf cla$5 dues. It is our aim LO print the opinion of any per~m or faction I But what of those -;tudents. pre~ently Juniors of one fra''ho :,ees lit to write a letter Ln th(' editor. The only require· ternity in particular, who pairl their rlucs last year a s ophomcnt is that the per!>un aflix his o,ignat ure w t he letlcr. which mores ann . through the fault of •·someone o n high." are n1>w will b(' withheld upon requr<;t. being held to account for these dues that were paid but never I1 muM he rl.'memhercd that these letter:. arr not nece · entered on the recurd ; l rio not insinua te emhezzlenwnt : --arily the upi nions of the ediwria l staff. merely incompetence, sheer neglij.!ence or both. The aim of T H~ T~ c u :--:~ws MHI th(' ecliwri~:~l pa)o!e in \\'e ha,·e been told. " imply show ynur n:ct·ipt ancl you particular. is to present views, pro ;~nd con . hy the faculty. will ht> clearrd." Yet. how many of the s tudent$ who paid administration, and !'o tudrnt body, on any ~ ubjcct. It i::; hoped their class due~ thb year are capable of prN iucinf.! rt'ceipt:o that thr views presented hy the ecliwrs ur ib. readt'r:.. in the un rcque:.t ? form of tellers to the editor. arc accepted in a vf•in of conI sincerely believe that somr action should he taken hy the -.tructive criticbm. Since thr per nn cxprl''>~ing hb opinion pn·~ent Junior Class officers tu alleviate the plight of the mad(· the erfort to make his views knmvn. it i" fi lling that aforementioned students. and l'\'en more important . to add tht• criticis.m be accept('(! seriuusly hy tht' partie ccmct·rnNi t some n:ftnemt•nL" 1\l tlw prc~ent ·y ·tem uf cnllection tn prl'· and by tht• re<Hlers in ~e n(·ral. vent a n:currcncc of th(· error:; that h;l\'e led U!' Ill the present Tlw editors are uvcrj!Jytd at what ~tt'm" to be the new- st:tll• of affair". Thank vou burn iutercst in tamp ul> goings-on. \\'c: hope th(·n, that tht 1 inlen•st keeps up, und that rnore and more pt·ople ~et· lit to ~. ' t-.:prf's:. their opini()n'> via Ttt h TEnt :\FWS. :\ ,,~n \\' tTIIJH.Lil l'PON R E1)l ~:;,. \\'ritf', then . what article~ you will. Howrvl•r, once it 11 HELL" AND " WEEK " ARE BANISHED reaches the slu<knt body , b1· prcpart•d to a:-J>ociatc yuur,;cli ,~ith it<; opiuions, und :-land behind them. again~;! a ll criticbm . To n• r EunoK 1 w Tm Tt. t' ll ~~. \\ S :

of the editoriCll policy on le tter~ l o the editor i needed.

Tltr ,.;r/il ors

LE1"rER '1'() 1'JIE EDJ'ff•R "A COMEDY OF ERRORS 11 To

1' 11 v


Thank \ 'UU for vnur rut idt' on .. Hell \\' cck:.." ;\ luy I 'supplement yuu r nrticlt• in 1wo regards? Tlw ftr:.t b tht· fact that all :"\atinnal:: havt outlawed Hell \\'ccknut only ns tu thl' unfort unah • practices but t'\'C·n as tn the word it~t'l r. Thl· tt·rm is now " Help \\'t•ek'' and tht· time itt v•Jlved is to hr dcvutt.'CI 111 coth tructi\'<' activities. .1\ny fra tt•rnity man who uses the term " H••Il \\'l•ek " or indu l ~-:t's in the uld fa:.hinnt•d usage:. under the ntw nanw is rlisregarding the din'Ctive:o: of hi'i own frat ernit y . S11 much for Hell. ~nw for the term ·'\\' tek ... K.t>cn~t nizinK the prt'Sl'ure under which Tech :o:turll'nt" operate and r('COg· nizin,l( the ample time availablt· fur indoctrination hetw<'t'n th(' tim(' or pledging :tncl tht• u:<ual lime for initiation, thl' I (o'( • on ;\ larrh 19 voted ullllnimouslv to " rccnmmcncl that initiation wrt·k <'Xtrnd frnm T hur-<da)• ( ni~tht ) to Saturday ur Sunday !Jf the sanw week ." Both " Hell " and ·· W~:t·k'' arc :-uppo:-.edly bani~hcd fnnn t hl• Tech campu .... Aren 't they? (', K. Sn 11 1Pl.h ' Chairman uf t/11 I FC

I would likt' 111 cungm t ula It' thn!.e inti ividuu l!l whose rc· ~pun~ihili t y it was to run the Sophomore etas<; t'lf'c t ions. for tlw prulicitn l mann1•r in whi1:h it wns dunl'. Fir:;t, for J)I)Sting numerous, ea~ily lt•l{ible Ji,l!. CJf tlw candidall'!' well in advancf of the election , and in "urh o bviou ~ plan•s as at tbl· v<•ry )l(ltlnm uf the gym hul lNin honrrl . Second . for putting up !Ill many nuticC" cunct•rning time anti place. Also fCJr ~t ati n.g th;ll tho~t' wh() had not paid their dm·~. Ctlltld tl() sn at tht' door and tlwu ' 'nH· I n·alizt' that lhi!i was stall•d at thc prl'viuus class nwt·ting. hoWt'Vl'r. mnuy l'ligiiJic vmers always hav<• )>unwthing " very impMHint " to do at da ~~ meetiu~ tim1•. Ev<·n so, they hav<· a right tu know wha t's going nn. I':O.Jil'C ially the cnmmutero,. Tlw Juninr~ did ull thrsc things. why didn 't we? Fiually. how was it pm.siblc that thrt't' IHH1WS were ll'ft out uf th<·ir rc!-lpcct ivr uflicc.. Hidn 't an yon<> rc·arl the halloi hl'fore printing up a couple huudrl'd of thtlll . Or JWrhap~ l'icturt·:. of the mrmbcrs uf the cla"S of 1964 will be ta.k«·n they wtore printed tlw hour preceding the eltot:tion. Th is a lways for thc / 'cdr/lt•r on April 29, .W and ~ l a y 2. fl . 7, Q, 13, 14 , (•liminates possihlr t~rrur. I arrived to votc at approximatdy and 16. h(•tw<•cn tlH' hour~ of 6: '0 and 9:00 1'.;\ l A ~c heduk ten after clevl'l1 and the announcement that Phil Rvan':. has hCl'll pluct•tl in (•ach fra tcrnity huu;,t•. :\on-fr<ttcrnit y men name had bct•n nmittcd frum th(• vict•·prbidt•nt 's colum1i was arc <l~ kcd to plea!>(' sign up for otw of the :.chedulNI times just hdng lllttdl' . Thi~ was a trem endou~ inju s tic~: tl) Phil. on a sign up -.he<•t (lll~ ll'tl nn thl' <illldent hullr t in board in I wol1dt•r ht )w many vot('!' he lost hecau;o;e of it. Ron (;rCl'IH' Boyn ton . may hll\'l' suffl•rcd for lht· :.nnw n ·n"nn . And what abou t J ohn it i.; ah::.nlul ely 1wn·-.~ary that e\'H yww he on tinw for \\'il~un ? t\'o t>11l' l'Vl' ll km·w ht• wa~ runuinl{ for Tech :enntc. his >~i tting hecau"t.' tlll'n' i:-: only liVl' minute-. allott('(l for each i\lso. althou~-: h olwinus It) mn~ l . <.onw proplr wrre unaware Jll'rl>un. Each J)('r:son ~ hould Jw prt·parrd to p H) 11 l'tv«· rlt1llar that \'Oting was hy prrft·n·ntial ballot For tht• lwndi i or ~i ttin)l fc{· wh('ll he ha-, his piClllrt' taken. The pictun·s will be takt•n by ;\ lan·in Richmond who:..«• thi'Sl' Jll' oplt·. I think it would have h!'t'll " i't' tn "t:tt<• it 1111 the l ~a llnt. . ~tudi o i-. lncntt•d nn Harvard '\tn'rt. T lw pruoi-. will IH' ~r nt .1 l'lllCl'rt·l y hul!t' that t•lt·ctlll~!l. ~1f th1• futm~· do not follow to your honw tm\11 adrlrl''-' nvtr ~umnwr \'aGttion . nnd thl'y lhh patkm . It ts thl' rl':-pon:-llllhty of tlw Sophomott• c lw-~ I an· to he rtc•turu,·d to :\lnn•i11 Rir hmond us -.nou 11-. po,-,ihh• hi Sl'l' thai tlwy du lUll. Only thn.;t• ... l'nior p iri\H t ·~ tnkl'll hy .\ larviu Richmond will l'~TIK H. "llt!-C' tl\1 \ '"' appt•ar i11 thr l 'nlt!lu


thereby keep the bricl!!e trophy which is kept fur the yt•ar by the tt'lllll which wins thl· tit le.

Tht' :\ l a~que will pn·~ nt the play "St:tla}: 17" at t-:00 1'.:\1 . nn :\In,· II , Parents' Dav. It is a cumbinati1ll1 o ( comedy and · me[()dr:Hna . directed by Jack ;\lc K.con. and f<•aturin!! \\'alt ..\dam!', C h:.trles Sicwr and Fn•d \\'alwn .

Tht• Ski Club will bold t•lectiun of oftkt•rs .\ pril 2.'i .



Tlw Radin (.'Jub will attend thl' ,\nwricnn Radio Relay Lt•ague ~ew England t'o nwnti<ln at S\\lllllpscolt , :\ laS!>. 0;1 April 27 anti 2~ . l'ompany t•xhibits and ttr hn ical tulks taktpl~tCl' on tlw~e two day.s. Elt•ction nf nftict•rs will hl' lwld on :\lay I.

Rercn tl v rlccwl ufticers uf the Deba ting {'luh "ere Rollt'rt II'Ntra . p;e~ident : Carlt· ton K ilmc•r . vice-pn•!>id,•nt : \\'a lt1•r Fini and William Hchn . mnna~cr:; Facultv advi~nr :\lcKt•t· was pn·~·11ted an in~cribed ri~art•t t c lighlt'; for hi~ yt'ar' of dcvou·cl ~cn• i<'c to tlw cluh. Ht> is lc11ving at the t•nd of tht• ~chnol year.

Tlw K. itle ( 'lull ha!o three matclw:. :;dwduh' d. FnJm April ZZ-27 they will cumpctt• in the Jt•wish \\'ar \'cteran:; match. Tht· frcshman-:-uphunHirt' match will hl' held C.·om April 2!). :\lay .i . All frn!'.h intt•re:.tNl in competing in thr match ~hould

contact C harl('s Pikt' or Ceoq.:t' Popoli?.io. Sophs intt'fl'!'h'd should cnntact Eel 1\'t•istt•r ur Davt• Cooml)('. H urringtnn· Richardson will hold competition open to all R.o:r c·. . . tu· clrnl:.. A sign-up list will be pustetl at the Riky lllliiSl'.

On Sunday. pril 21. the 1\:au tical Club rum1wll'd in thr fr(.".hman meet at :\I.I.T. CIHlliWtin)l for the ftrst tinw in collt•gc compct ition were jt·ff Heywood , Fred Walton . AI Suydan and l'hil Blackman . Bnh Rounds, l'ctr F<>nnt•r, j nhn ~ l ~tckn an1l J im Fel' will rnmp1•te in tlw qu:tl ifyi n ~ rnunrl uf tht' ~ew En,t.dnnd Dingy Chttmpion,hip 1(1 h1· lwld 111 ~I I.T . on SrH ut·day. April 27 . On I he next day Boh D:tn~o:lenwyfr , Hal t'ornell. Rick . cnfwld and Bill lngc•llo; will ..,ail 2 .~· font raven!> in the Raven Octagonal :\ teet tn be• hdcl at tlw t 'naiol Cuard Academy.

T ht S<·mi-Simph• (;roup will huld a 1111'1'ting in St rattnn 202 at 7: 10 1 ' . ~ 1. on Th ur~day . April 25. l'lans will lw eli)'!· rus"ed n·g:trding a rnm puter ckmon'\trat ion to lw !>hnwn nn l'a rl'llt!l.' l >ny. ;\ lay II .

Tlw l't•r.,hin j.( Rit](·, will t•ntt•r a drill 11\t't'l in Intlwr Sa turday ..\ pril 27. in which thl'y will rnmptok ag;tin"l schuoJ., from :\ 1 ;~-.:.,ar hu ... <•ll l-, Rhocl(· 1 -.l :~n d

litNOll 1111 fi ll ([

llatil(hhin· They. ul...n , will put on a dt·moll, lration l'an•n t' )) ;t)-

TECJI Puloli,hrtl \\ tdd~ I·:O<t• pt lttr \':ult iJ ion and

EWS t•:,o~rn

l'o•riu!l ' llurin11 th1 Cul(t

~· ·

\ ;•..r ll\

Tho• To •.. h .'\o·"· A••cll'i o t iuu .,( tho• \\ .,,.,., .....,. l'ul , to·c• hn lr Jo .. tilull• l~dil <lr

('hid 1'"11\ l':tlitur . '\ t•\\' F11i1nr

h •nlurt>

i11 C /,,, I. \l IUo::-;n; I· Ill 1. 1.




\'a j1 111ic 'llwwlt•r.•"i\\,lll•ou

ll.l\id :'\1 • r ••rrr. ,

111 .1111··\ (j.lh·

\l,u llaqwr I knm• H,of.,~ l>itl. R ,.,,.~ )Hhll ('•tmt•r,l (;t.·n Tht•Ju l••r.• Jun h t• ( hurk I li'!;iimnnt H" h fl:m t'' 1l,1\l' 'i:\\\ irk I Phil H:u ht•lrlt·r

J umur

l'.chluh l kl K tmt. ••tl

llnl1 " •'l·•k·• Ht•pn rh·r,

tl uf'lfll'r

.f u,. l:radn

IIJ \1 C" nrlrnn ~til..· ltt•m,k•



\ ohtrti•lllJ.! l\t aaJlllltr .. Circulati••n M an.t~c·r .. \ ••1 Cir! ulullon \1 ~r


"l"•rt • Ed11m '

1 um

Bu"-trtt •'' ~1 arHU!t•r

l< i!h.trtf li ro1111 \ 'in•1r M.w111i ~: u11•·m " lilian

:'\l ,tll.li!IOI! Et Hic•r

IIU,IIH''' , , t•l.llll • Hill Hrlan Urian lh lan~··r T tlll\ I run• llill llulhrJ\\ Hull J )JIIIt ·•~ J urd.1n U1•rn l'h:trll'• Ourldn But• Cilli' C'arl Gua .. t.tlt•rru

II ill I11•,11> Ktl\ ll t>pkln•

l<••u••r \ rl,u

11th• l•t•/JIII'r

llrw••Juh"l•• Htll C ••I•· " :uu!l \\ llltam •

J111111 fl .orl J uhn l.u • IIHII.JI!hltUOI 1'1'1•· l.uk•·•h j IIC :'\-ll•i,lfl'oltn 1~111


\\',t\lh' f'HIIII tnil.

Rariol, l<a ud"lt th ll11lt ~U IJillln Tum i'~al!r) n jflhll l.th tk

~l;tlnnc ~

\ C'll.1 \ ' \IJ\ 1;:-.E I<

l' roh··,or ThftJrlnn· II

P.u l.,artl

To•t•h , ,.,.. f'(,..,,. .• : \1 ni u Ollir •·: 1'1. :I . I UI Jo;, 21.:; F.tlilurinl 1'1. 7·9'J71


5uh~(nption per •rhnnl }tar, S-1 00; •imd(l f<:>pic•. :;; t5 ,\1 t•kl' all chtTI. ' t11 Hu-lnt" :'\l .lnn~:cr. St•cnnd-C' In•• Jmh!aau.: paid 31 \\ urcc~tcr. ;It a•'· Edilnrml anrl hu •int''" n ffio ,. lf>riJit d 10

!'anfurrl Rilt>) llnll. \\'nrce,ter Pnlytt•t hnir i nstil ulc, W nrCI''lt•r , :'\1 a•\a(hu•cll• ·r h,• \lell• r'{prc~sell in th•' pa per nrP cnurcly tho·•· nf Lht• t'flilnna l ''a ff, and 10 "" 11a1 rdlNI the



\\'o rCI'~t er


, ,.,,

P nlytt·rhnir I n' utut c


' E \\


"FRAT RATZ" TECH STUDENTS' HIT BAND If you ha~t· tuned m '"'Jr r.uhu lately tn • lilliun \\'() 1{( y<•ll hew prohahly hc;erd l!.llli!· B.eiiL! .111<1 l hc II itch-hiker ' ll1p ' id••• "1 11 IH' \1 reum.l 11CII on tl'• way 10 htuomint.: 1 turn·nt htl Thi, rewrd lllf.! ''"' rc·c e·nt ly cut hy the l· rat K:ttt a mrnl11t cuntJ,.•·t·cl n( hvc ' l c1h ... turlcnt- 11hu lt.iH' l>t·· t ome very fll•pular .~rnu11rl \\ 11rt ''"t e•r'• 1nllcgc ~~ cnt· ll unnl! the • 1"''1 ) •·.tr the Frat Kutt, ha \'1' piHyc·cl 11 \\ I' I a11d \Ia rk l tll\'t·r•it ,. 1ra ll'rrlll' p.ert ll'• at Bt•ckt·r jUlllflf c\,IJ,·f.!t' rl 1111 o·· .uul .11 IJi,tritt '\ur•t'• clm11· 11 th• " he raton-\\'un l'•tl·r I lui t·l Kn o•11tly t ht.•y haw II\'\'II plityin~t . r., •·r:tl lilTI• 1•11d enl(fll(t•nwnt.. at \ It O., flfl\1 \'cr munt ,, f:uuou ~~·11 l·.n~tl.uul -ke n·•urt . llht·n· thn h.l\1 IH 1·11 im llll'lhci) • UCI t' •I Ill lll'ture• Ill llltl... llel uf u1·er a 1huu•.uul \ 1 w•ult Ihe~ 11ill bt· h·utun·rl 111 the· t.ell 1 II• 111 "!'ikl Lift· " tlw 111.waw11· .un11nl! ktn i\hhoul.(h till' I· rat R.tlt 11111 I hl'tr ' tart :h 11 l\1i't lnml pl.i)illl! .11 I Hh fratcrnll) p.1rl1t'• lht•y h.t\o 1111 ro·t·•·•l 1hcir I'Cr,:tllhly 1 hruu~:h lu1111 huur • "' prac lir<' and 111111 pl.ey ,Ill 1\l~ ul t lllltcmpurar}' 11111~11 Jill.t. muoelol'r• fu lk ~Hill(' .ond '> t.ued.ercl cl IIIIo' .elld t 11'1"1 IIUIIllll'r., ' I ht• J!rlllljl IIIII i1 ell\


J .I'.




pe:uph· 1•·11 11 h11h ll<'rt h••ld • ' r~ huu-<' c•n , .1111pu-

\ u,·r th,· l"rum l<~r lflt<'rtllt~


' 1urd 1\ ,., c·nmc t h, .... utknt • .mel tlll'tr d.ct•·· r.-1 unwd 11• tht• .auduunum Ill li•lt'11 111 1\·tc•r, l'.eul .111d :'1 l .lr\ •1111: tlw lull.u.J- th.tl hal'l' ,J.., -n•t kt•tc•J I ho Ill '" -~.c rdum l ';aul 11hu u•nl In du ;e •l.llld UJI 1 • mweh ruulllh' Ill t, fl't'll\\ 11 h \ 111.1):1' hc luro the• thro·•• IIWI tkle~o:hh·tl tilt' IUolte·IH <' \1 llh Ill• quit I; \1 II .lllcJ 11111 tcllt 'll• ut r.ecllh! 1 cr• lto~.u ... t' ll l't'tl'r I d ''" .llld II • e· Ill I h.JIIJd R... ~ \h '"UI ' IIIJI n e·111u.llh h.HI 1 \I r' '"' 11 ,111111.! \\llh th< h.tlnlll \ \l.1n -.11 L' 1 •nlu .ned "·'' lur co·rt.un tin """' ·'IJIIt".tluu.: ut the thrn· 1\lt h ho r long loln11tlc h111r

I he• •hu\\ lc•tc·cl lor .eloout '"" ,eud h.llt h•tUI• .ellel .!Ill r •IL!IIIIIIl .1 It' \\ 1111•11:r.et•h· 11 1\ c- t•lt 111 .e11uthe·r olll.'el!<'llunt lor l'ctl'l l'.cul .111d \l.tl\ \ . '"' mn•t I c·e h -t utl.;nr- 11 11 ,, , h.u ~ 111 t lll'er tr.llt'rll ll\' huU•c· lur .111 ullwr p.ltl\ th.et JU•I ,ehuut tllllclutktl 1111' \\ n l..c·nd I he• '' lluut 11 1ho· .emhtunum .wd t ill' '" ' r ;;, • 11\Jple·- .11 t lw l'nun 111.1h the- p.c•t J I' "Ill' ol tlw l11••t .lll•·tHI•·d 111 til•• he ... tnn u l \\\u,,.,,,., II I h nih

Frat Ratz from le ft to r ight ar e Jack Slovak, Ge orge Wh iteside, Chet Surge y, Ji m Forand, and Bruce l arson. t.dt·lltc·d lllt'Jitt r r II 1 \cr.tl ul lh•·•r tl\111 11111-: •II• h ' ' t lu '"" •u J,., "' 1hc·11 our ee lll rl'<lltdlllf.! l hl' 11111telur ut I lao <lillllou 1111 hu lo- ( ' flit ...,llfl!l'\ 1111 llw dr11111• J.t< I; ''"' sl nil lw 11111111 ,

Jln.ce• L lf•lll ull till ' " ' ' ' I .c·un:• \\ hllc··uh un lh• 1:etll .. r IHnl Jun l uee11rl .e• till''"' ·''''' llw ~ plm to pl.e~ tu~o·thc·t thc• •111111111' 1 111.! dl nl lh t•m \\ 1ll lw ''").; .11 In h 111 \1 \c'.er

THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES SALUTE: TONY DIGIOIA Tnn \ UiLiuin I B.'-.. I'XIIl l. iu I, ....... !fum II\ II \f'Or". h1 •o ·;unl' SIIIH'I\ j_,ll Ill IIIII' qf tlto• lo••t ( ,o'lllc'l• i11 IJet• l'fnul l>t•p.Jtl · llll'llt 11f f'I'IIIIS) h HIIiH Jlt•IJ liP IIHIIIUf.:t'~ feflt•t•fl J'I 'IIJIIt• \\Je ll lltl' II''IJHIII~j loJt• f111 ti ll' in•lullu t iull 1111d II'IHiit 11f :);{,1100 lt· l~· t t lt u lu'• in llw 1111'.1, Toll\ , Je uultl lnn11lle• hi .. 1'''''1'11 1 •'"il! II IIH'III \1 itl a hi .. o""''"""'' \ 1hurnutdHu '''· "lwn \ 11 u 1 nu•icl•·• h'"' l11 •I I" " m· ... i~llllll'tlh. ~luull ) ufh'1 ~>l tul i ug \\ur~ . Ill' prme·tl hi ..

ro tpahiliti1·, It\ nrpnnitillj.! u t'lllliJII•·h'h Ill' \\ 1111• tnfdtn Id in.;.: ..., '"'"' i11 tlw l uj.:llll't' l iul! ll"''·"lllll'lll. \ nd. "'"'' · lw ...... "I' c'IIJ!iuc·•·• inJ! JIIUtli• , .... • 1111'r iu r.: 1111111\ ph,,..,.., ,,f ti ll' l'll;.tiiii'I'III IJI 1tf'1' l •ltirtll . I11111 IIiI, iui.t .111d nt h1•r \ ullllj.! e'll;!ilwc•r, Ja,,. h 1111 111 Bo· ll Ts•IPpleo•lll' ( ' mnp.11111'• tl11 llll!.dtntll tlw 1 uun ll 1 lwlp l1 riu,.: tlw fi1w•l t' ttllltlltlllit ,el l• til' •t'l\ io ,. ill IIH' \\ tllltl lu tlw lt utlll'' unci ht~ ... iu•·--~· .. ,,f a ll ' "" m,.: \ uu••wa.




fight .. . fight ... fight ... • g1ve em ... the ax the ax the ax ... hold that line fight ... fight ... fight .. .


whew pause

take a break ... things go better with Coke l o ttled under 1h• oulko"lf of l h~ CO<o Colo Componf bt

Coca-Cola Bottling Co m p any of Worcester


l '••t.:•· I

MUSICAL "KISMET" MAY 3rd 1 h•· \\ un 1 ·I• r ( ,,uri!~ l.u:ht I lptr 1 c luh 11111 pr• 1111 tht Jlrnatl11 1y m 1K1 ll>t·t 1~•11' •rt·tl t.y th~ 11 al hit \\' 11 r11 ·,1cr ll·th \rt ''"II' 1 1111 I ntla~ \l .al 3. 111 \ tkn \It nura I \ udr tura~un . '1111' '''" huur '""" 11111 •t.rrt .at , , I' \I

\ 11ril 2;;. Jllfl!l


Facuity Golf Tech ROTC

K l•n l'l , ' a fllU•It':ll pruduttrun nl I ht• •111 piU&>ll• l!rarukur u 1 lht \ r.tu.tn I ht• th1rd annual r.u uhy and ' l.HI ' I h1· drill pr.•~:r.tm 1- pn•L:f\'-'lllt: "111 1111 • Ill t r.llllln.: 111 mt.mt n ' l!ht•. 11hith pl.r~t·tl nn llru.uh1 11 tur (:nit fuurnamt:nt 11 11! com menu.• 11cll m prt't>Jr.llll>ll h•r 1111.11 rt·\ It'll tnd ph} •11 .11 '""Ju~o•nmt.: I h1• t \1 r.1 twarh 111u 1car• In hrit>l tht• •tun I hur-t!Jy .\ pral 2 '\ \\ ath .11 le.t>t ~' tt.:ll•. ul un~ tl.1)' an .1 pot.t-t.u:l!.lr·· ~:ohcr• pa rtlup.lllllJ: Tht're j, a po~i­ ::>IJrttnL: -uun tht• tlnll pt•riud 11111 l>t. tr.unm~: 1- llt'll'"ll.ll<'li h~ :ht· •11n.11l di.'HJit·tl 111 tn•t rmtrun un 'ump.1111 I htlll!l· 111 'UII101l't \.1111(' pr.•t.:l 1111• l1> h1t· 11hcn thruu~:h a -~rll:• .. i 11110 tillll lOr Clt'f}' 1)-pc lll J.!Oiit>r. irum m3" turm.llrnn• \ .. Ill tht• (IJ-1 J Ill .1!1 l'lll(>111pa-...ml! lot·ncr.ll \l 1ht.1t\ tlruu• h<~Jll~lllfll.!• r.md hi• '"'" 1:111k ' \Ia-. \ un dtm n to the l:IC!!inner l•ratllll' nn.1l rt'l It'll 11111 ht• hl'ld un ht· uain- 11t.1h h. hnd- " rl\'11 lm c Lndcr the 1.h rccuon u1 the Tourn:~ ­ "tlt'Jll l •11111111!'( I 1111Jl II run" done hi- d.IUl.!hH'r I hi \\ ••n •·•tl·r f'IIUIII} Lll.!hl Opcr" . mcnt C'ha1nnan. l'rot e•'-Or l:.d11111 Hut· trt••hm.tn p.1n·nt' d.11 1ht " 1111 numhn~: ••lhl t'r ul tht• '.:Ill (' Jut. 11,1 urJ~IIJ.alh toundt·d 111 I'' ' 11 enuc.. Thac " ,1 tllll<' ul ,·nt.uur.r~:•·mt·nt \ lar-muh tnumph- 111-.'r .1 1\ltkt-d ~:mhmtnrn lht more CXJ~ricnct.'d :md .11 t lt.1t tirm 11.1• Jlrllllo~tll} 11111 \\ 11.1r and rJ-c• tu a pl.ltt u l trut· l(nlft•r• 11111 ll'l' niT Jt J un111er Hill L;tllf ftlr thu·t.· tadtt• m th•· h.l-ll wrp• \ lmtt·tl '-t.llt'• \ nn• t\orp• \;•'llt'r.ll , t·rm·d "11 h prt o·ntJill! I .JIII{'rt 1nrl Jltll " 11,1rm 1\l'ltht•r un1ttlflll h.h ht•tn l \t·rhll k 11 111 1'1•11 tht· ctmpu• nn l'lllllli'OH' in a trhlt·tl t ily ll h tbUI!h· Cuur,,· 111 '\nrt hhnru 11hlle lho>c 11ho "'ullr1an h1111 • I ho·•t' 111 rt ·111111 t'\ Jflflr<lll'tl I>) tht• t!top.lrtlllt'lll It 1\lll \ pril ~ll li t• '' 111 rh.lrl.!t' nl ttH>r h.ru t•·rl IHnlt 11·r 1111 I 1I1o• 1 Iu I • IIIt n H·r tall-. 111 lu\t 111th 1 l'.tliph 11hu " 1n· rd.niwlv• Ill'\\ tu the ~:ame \\Ill rnn-hl nl t ill' n•J.:ul.tr llllllnnn 111th dnr.llllll! .11111 lllfi!Tilllnll: .ill n•,o•r~t· th•J.!tll•t•d a• ,, ..:.rrclt•nt•r .111tl nt.llrtt'• l,ll u lutal " l'll r h and l'ut t" tour•-.' \ 11111111.! Ill I \\lit Ilt'l I !11 II ll III IIJII I.I . , 1111 tuat ur 111 .111t1 11ilh llr.a.-. '"'rn <~n .1ll i\ltft'• 111 th•• '\,.,, En..:l.rnll .Ht\1 IIIII h ~:ruup. "til play the •Ianda nl • 1. . . r .,.. 111... t 1wr 111 1lw ··nd1111: I I IIll tht• tnllar I ht• tl.tl! luntwr h U•o·d hi I h1• 11 1!1 ht hi• 1.1•1 lrap tn \\ I' I 111<111} '""'' lml 1.11• P•' " h \\' . I' I h hI • : \ . , 1 1 r.· 111J.! 1 I \' oz1r I'- .t hJ.!Urt· nl un •lilt t' IJ: lt'l'll n ,., and 111'II compe te 1or 1 Ill l hl<, loill'j!ilf) .lr(' .1~•1 lllfll 1'\ • h h j ' ' •• ,i~:nif) tll't'rtllolh .u1tl ~:In\,., 11111 lw ht'hlll' rl'lltl'lllt'lll II•• 11 rll , it 111 u11 ' uul!lll) \l arwll:t Kollin ll wHI ' t'\'11 whu l r11UI{ uul 111: •lury run -. 11 }lrtt.l''· In the ' Ptt t h ond Pull d;h,., u-t.·tl 1o niHil) t.ldt•tut 1111' U111ltlllll )l lillll t\' :o-nt' IHl' "·''"''· "'" 1h1· dnll lflll•tam thre.HI 11t •plt·ndor .1nd m.11: tht•rc 11111 he ()nly une pritt' :lllilrdt.'tl . Kt•d ;\ I ill II HI ' I h''<'rl ..,,lllll uill\l'ttll' 111 th1· IIII.IJdll<tll\1' •t·lltnlt' that llcin~: 1nr thc lu""''' ~:ro•, •t·urc ~' ' dnuht tht• t. h.llll(t' 11111 lt'-'t'll 111.111) 11dd .wd lil•tll" l•ll~.lllt• ura:.llllt..illllil dnll uu 11ith '''ll'r,ll ~oukt· \ IoutH I, w .lf• •'ll" tlw llult 111 and tii•IUIIh'• .1ntl ilw Jlltltlrt.t l ~' In the ,t,tndard ~:amc there '"" he .!Jlprt:h•·lhllllh lllllt<'fllliH: I h. R.IIIJ.:I'I' ;tit' undt' ll(oilll( till' unh·r lu .Ill til l •t 11 rdn 1 1111'1) "' tllt'llll'IH u l ,.~Ill it d.llltinl( llllJII' riJI wur prrt.c•. 'I hc•c 11111 he pn.'>CI1lt'd II .Ifill dol).. J unrur ,,ult'l• 11111 lot• j.(llllll! 111 l ull un.ll ph.r·•·· "I lhtH IL11111111l IIW•I' .audit IIH' llll!'d to lt•.ltl loll.trol lih pruu:••Wih . m.trkt·t pl.tn 1 ru111l• .111d tur ( Ia ltlllt•l net •tll rt' ! John Buyn· mun• nuult rn llt•ntl .111rl •upplt llll'lllt·d 1ht: ' " rrltn).( l"illuply ul \ r.tlu.trl '\r~:ht- tun Trophy' 1 lOIII.'• I !(Tl"" •cure. u~\l'lh 1111 tht lll'l'l;t·ntl Ill \1.1\ I 'I .11111 hn.ol ···--IIIII' 11>11•1•1 Ill 1111.1!111t'tl 111111 1,,., 1 h• .ul lht'lr lt~:ht upt·r ..- 1111h 11111•11 II '-IIIII' loruul(lll tu Irk l'upul.tr •IIIII:• trum 1\ 1 il'llt''l numht•r 111 pull• 14 a IIJlt'r I'' r h.· flll'lll"'' "' tlu· 111p 11111 II\· 1>.11 .11111 "u"l"'" tlwn lht·l ll.llt' dum· 111h ·h"1" 1 1h1· play arc '\ot ...,inu· '\ lllt'lah and loeath .thtwnadu- lor he 11hu lrc- 111 1-:llt' tht· t.Hit'l• 1 lmd 1111rutlu\11u11 mi11.1llon ul tlw )t'.tr' tl.llllllll! 1111! "tr 111 Cfllt'lll' th1· 11.11n and -.md h.tz.trd' tu -umnwr t.IIUJI 11 h11 h 11111 .tl•u l'l· '"' tlw .111 .1 rdm~: ''' t lh' • "' t·tnl hl.11 k Okl.thunl.l • " llru:.uluun. " 1' ' \I t· H.1ultlt·· IJ.1111:k• .nul lit .uk hdd .11 l urt llt'l t'll' I h·· llt tk•·ntl h•·n·t .mtl t.th J...ltt• l'.tJ.tlll'l ( •·11111' t:u\'• '11111 l:t'r 111 t•a radr-t• ' u:ht u t :.1~ tht• l(rt•at t''' numl~t·r ul lllllf• l>ull lldl \ n• K m~IIIJ! ""11 1:· '\u:ht• \\'a• I \\ ,11.1r .11111 llw l ~t•l \t'.rr ('nat h Rubert l'rrtt h.1rd ul 'or\1 ,1) ,ami l'l.tlll mci i .IIH)' Olt\c l n •t lh1· pl.11 11111 II\· •h•lllll t•nwr~:t·d tht• llliCif m lhl' !.111 tll't llw \\ urtt· lt•r ('uunl\ l.1~h1 ll}>t'r.1 111 at• t>llltrl'l\ 1111h .1 1.1•1 nl 11\t'r t.llt'l!lln 1111h .1 f1h .11111 Ru~ "'·a hur~ dull ~~ nun proht t•thli 111un.rl ur..:.m thrrl\ ,1\tnr- :ulll .Hlrt''-1'~ tnd druru .. t.trdt•cl .111 '4 tu 11 ,rlk .1\1,1} 1111h lu11 rt..rlwn 11 11h .1 lul.d ul ,()() llll'llll>t·r• ul uH·r lllt'fll) ~:ru..- hunur.. 1 m .uldllwn 111 prt··t·ntlliJ: 11111 pi.•Y' \ diHI•·IIIII 11111 lw In··· lnr \ rt "u llw .111anl• lur thh year, ltlurn.J· t•;u h \l'.rr ' }Kill .ur• tf., ....,., dunn~: tilt' !It'll nll'mht·r• •t'l t'l\1\ hit u·nt- lor mt·aH 11111 I)(• pri.'•t'lltt·tl clunn~t l ht• •umnwr 111 •ll'lllt th'•l~ll clr.lnl.tiH• 111111 nwntht•r, ,111!1 .1 clull.tr lur tlllljth• ,liJnu.ll F.u ultl l>mnt·r on ) lay hth ,and makt• up It .al-., .1\l ,trll• uH·r I h1' . hu11 prollll•t'• tu '"' ll'fl l'fllt• r ~lOll()() t•.u h \t',H 111 lht• lu n n ul 1,11111111: an d iultur.ll ,IIHI huth 'Ill 'I IIIJIIIr,IJ ip' dt'llh ,11111 l,llUitl .trt• ur~tt·ol IIIII Ill EIGHT TECH TRUSTEES I h i~ y 1·ar tlw \\ ( ' I. I l !' ,, pu1 111 1•• f...1 , nwt . lty l ht• \\ 11n l'•l t' r DISCUSS W.P.I. FUTURE 11111-: uu lht• "' ""d''·" hll lr ulll I '~ " t'uu11t~ Li~:ht <11 wr.1 nuh l·. r ~:ht \\'on ''"tt•r l'lll)'lt'thnit 111 '< litull• lrtNt'l''< h.l l't' tOnlflldl'tl 01 t iH•·•··d,l\· nH't'l int.t 11ith .ulmin t-l ratur• .IIlli l.u ult' nl tlw u• llt·.r.:•• to adt•r pl.111' lnr \\ I ' I .., lutun• l ndn t.:<'llt'r;ll th•tU"IIJil lll'tl' un dt·r~o:l.ulu:llt' ulljt·t 111 c• t:n rollnwnt hm llH'IJrt,tf t'IIJ.!lllt' t'rilll( lllilll,ll!l'lll~lll t'll l!lllt't'rllll! '11.11 t' urat'lllt·d pru~:r.rm­ llrh.ln pl.lnllllll( .1ntl tht• \ hkn I I} tlra11h1 l ~•h" rll un \ llt·r .1 •Ur\l'\ "' piJnt lauhtll'' t ht·l tlr•t u--~.·d 11- ,•n l.tr~:•·nwm 111 t n·.l•t·d rt•Hit·lll lac Ihill'• 1ur •tudt•nt, t.Hult' •.1l.1nt·• a nd lt'.lvc ... uf ah•cnu· tur n••t•arth ur lur !wr •tuth George Mitachang laces into Pitch l'.trt.. l lt•Hht•r \\'unt'•tt•r l.tii)'N .uul 'Ill' 1 h:~i rm.u1 111 thl' h11J rd ut 1ru,lt.'t'• llil• 1 h.11rm.m ,11}1 I•Of} la<O,trd !'-t·r1 In): 1111 h ham 11 t'rt' Bruulll't' u1 Cr.w,ton R I t'lll(llll't'r lor 'It•\\ En11l:tnd T1·l l l'l ( 'o l'mv11lrnt ,. Chrrndltr j olll'' 111 t' prt'•Hit·nl u l ~''" En~:l.r ncl l'lllll' r (' u . lltNtlll , lhiiKhl K .J um•, l''t'llllll't' \'Ill' 1"'-'' lllt•nt E. }) J unt'• t'urp l'r ll •hcltl : \\'~tyuc 1·.. Kctlh l!<'llt' r.tl t•mpluynwut and truininl! •U· Jlt'rl l•M 'It'll l·•.,l(l.md Tt•l .111d Tt•l Cu Bthlun \ rthur \\' K na~:hl ~o:t·n ­ t'lll m,lll,ll!t'r \ llt•n I l 11 I) (, f... t•llt'\ md Cu \\',\lt'rlunl \ 1 \ ltltun I' lhJ.!I!III' 1 h.nrman uf ~urttm ('um }1.111\ .uul l< uht·rt \\' "tudd.ml }lrt'•l· d t•n t \\ 1 nun t .union ( 'u IM>I h






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Fr.. m I'"•" I l'n·-.ltlt•nt "''-'\I' FnrUall Bt•hn I rc.1 ..11rer lt•t h "t'll.llt j uhn Br,IUn .tnt! I l1111 I nln ll ut· tu .1 l\'}MII!rl)lhH.II t•rrnr h.rlltll• till' \lilt'• 111 the d.t"• u t I 'll•~ 1111 hht•ltl ' I ht• prl',t'lll •nphnmnn· 11111 hnhl .moH ht•r dt.•t linn I hur•· \ prd l' \ It 1

Luucbeonette Quick Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner t " "'''''''" TutoP I p Srrt'iu (,() \ Jo:TI f.':' • Fit\ I CF ST \ 'ri O:\ I 02

11 1~t hlnnd

St .•

or('•'•h· r . '"'•~ ·

It o• nton S t. Tt"l. ('1, 3 -95i9



" Orders Puf Up to Talce Out" 3



151 Highland Pl.





1'..... 5

Tech Routs Middlebury 101 to 25 !he


f'rth trJCk •<tuad •C.t•on lu•t "nturday \\'n n·~·~wr 'l t-th npcncd II• 1% l ha ll lu -.t nk~ out lllllt' \\hilt· .tlllllllllJ.: 400 milt• tu ;\fiddle· ha ... t· lmll wa ... un hy "'plittin~: a douhk· rmly 11\u lm•~:' em hall... hury C'ullc~-:~ in \ 'c nnunt Tht' inct h1::tder 11ith ;\I IT wi nnin)( tht• hr•l On t ht· day. 1),1\t \\',tttt• "·'' lht• that thi... 1111' in tht• middll' oi the 1>1-5 ht·hind I h!' prtthin~: uf ( •l'ctr~o:•· IUfJ hiut•r fnr \\'uru'•lt'r 11 rth 1\111 J I' \\'e~:kcnd 't't·rnt•tl 111 lllt'lll httlc \l rt-chan~ and lu, m~: the •t'l•mcl l I duuhl~:, nnd n tnpl<· 111 Ill<' lrtJI• w J' th~: En~met-r• dealt tht• hthl• a Ill .1 ltJ(ht hall ~eamc 1h1· pl.llc ~ l ulin.trt lknrwu tnd HU•hin~t ddt'lt hy tht• ... ~;urt• llt·hind. 4 -1 ~eninll intc, huttoun lt.tll ~ l tt-1 h.11111 l'Jth h.td t\\u hth 111 1~ l'crh.tp• tht• prt!-.t'llu~ ••f tht• ul tht• "tcund mnm~ th(: \\'urn·•tn runner• da tr• '' hu JIIUnl<'' t'd w \'crIIIIH' unltu ... ht·d for ... C\'t:ll run ... '" l.tln· ,,. ..... LEY\:\ munt tu ... er\'t' Ill tht• t.tp.trll) or UO· an 'i I ndl'rlltlo~t ;\l ihlhanl! -•·ttlt•tl l'ue ... da} \pnl 111 \\ ortt'•h•r l t•lh, nthlial t hecrle.Hin•. \\.1• th1• tn•piradm'n in tht· third and hdd tht• ,i, h,t,t'ft.JII tt·Jm ltht .111 II tnllllllt ht·.trt- linn that t.IU•t•d tht Bm·ntun I IIII iwr, lfl 1111(' run 1111 four htl • in tltt· ltn•.tk(•r Ill \\'c,l··y.ln L 111\t'r•ll~ It lt•am to t.lk~ .ill ruurlct•n llr•t pl.tlC' rt•mrtllll rt)l hw inui n~o:., lu pn',l'r\1' t ill' , t•t·nwd ,,, if th•· l• nt.tlllt'l'r• h.1d lht• Thi' ha, ,tldom ht•en uppm.~tht·d hy vhtury fur 'v\'urrc ... w r. \li lor) irt lht·ir h,ttHI • until tht• fut .tl :~ny Tech team tn rt'l'l'flt yl'n r' ,\ rt llud\\t'll 't.trh'd the: , 1• 1·1·11 run l'it.thlh wlwn \\'f',l<·> tn t.dlit•cl thn·•· Tht: Te1h 1<';1111 \\U ' .1pprthcthi~t· ra lly 111 lht •t11111d ... in 111int.t 1o n~:ht hit.t run, tu ti<' tlw •1•m· I ht'Y tht•n ht'lllrt' tht: mt:t•t lll.'l':t U't' uf ~ l tddll'· \\ith unl' uul Daw \\';lite duuhkcl to 1\l'llt un to l(tt un1• run 111 tht• IKtllum hury· ... •hll\\llllt' la ... t )'t'Jr \ ftcr a ldt drt\' 1111( in U(ldi\CII ) 1111 \l.trlllll'\ Ill tht• l'il'\'l'llth .tnd t.lkt• huna· •• h.Jrd •crit•, \\Ill' Ill r.tpul .. llllt'•'IC\0 in and lluh llt·nnt'll hit h.t 1 k to t.. 11 k t'.trnt·cl \ llltlry the mth.· 100 yd d.t .. h .md tht• 440 yd "nllk' tfl lu.Jd the ha,e, \ rt Dttkn l lw hr .. t illllllll! '·"' .1 \\nru··tt·r dJ•h tht• ... wn• ... wocl .11 111 1 ,\itc:r ,,afkl-<1 In font• in a run .tnd 1) 1111 ~ l1•th r.lll) ~:.trna 111 un,• run '' 1 r•·· thi .. there: 11,,, llt'll'r ,101 d•JUitt .1 ... tt> t:unlmt ""llltcl 111 lmn~e 111 t\\u nlllrt' • uh ut thrl't: " ·""' .llld .1 •llll!h· \\\•..,. lh1• t:H•ntu.tl ctutwnw ul tht• meet putlln~t 'I'Cl h nhe:ul fur tlw llr•l 1u1w l1 •>··• n ''·'' .tttu.tll) •JI.Irt'll \\ht•n l·rt·d only tn thl' hn.1l •tiHt' l'rt•d Mulin:tri •in~tlt,:d httlllt' unutlwr ~ l ultnart "n' thnll\n out .11 tht• pl.th· 'I h.: mtht 1•Ul•l.1ndin~: Jtt•rfornwr' run and M i l ~t hnn~t !w iped ht• u\\11 ,tltt•r .,1\i tth -htttin)l (;,.,,r~o~•· \l tt..thtiiiJ.: i11r Tech \H'rt• tht• tn t.tpt,un ... \ 1 ll nu . 'I 1 cr Tech VI Po1t uu,tl ...utd ,ix ·'"i''' ftlr f'u,l lf m,•t• I I1\Crl'd a Ilri't''· ltt,l(ft•tl ' lllj.tft• In lh<•llll.lll ;111(I JIH k' •' d:r.tt I t':IIN' wit h II dtll thlc \II cfrht• in ;\fo- I\' ll tJi<lll.lll ' " I I IItt' Wllh mIll' I mt•• I ant t lw II ill lh'l• lina ri for lilt• hnal run of tlw itHIIII~ Ihlllum 11 IW I llr•l \\.•••t'\'.111 111'111 •t<~rt•tI cou Urtt'•tcr ' l t•(h ' l ~1cru-.w l t•;tm nf,o hat I ftiUr !'tl.lb ,\:Jt t, 1 hnnj.( \\ l'llt the di•t ,lll\t' IIH dm1n I J•.; Tnh t.tnu· n~o:ht h.Hk tht• '"" mill- 1duh- ;\h <:r.tth 11nn IIJK't\t'd it, ' t•a •nrt '·"' \ pril 11th h~ Tech v1. We1leyan tht• t-: 11111111.1.r, , 1rtktnl( uut '<'n'll h.ll 1111h thr1'<' hth 111 tlw •nurul hut hoth the hi~th hurcllt•, .md the h1~o~h pl,l\'11111 ho't Itt •lr•llll( (' \\' l'n't ot \\'t•thw•d.tv .\ pnl 17 tht• \\ I' I tc:r• .llld w:llkm~t four 1 ht• 1\'lt h.uulo•r l.lllt•tl 111 'tun· I ht•ll \\\•,ft•\,111 ltnl ) llntp Jnd 1\(t... 'l'ttmtl m tlw '"" Lonl( f,f.uul I h,• ,,•. ,..,oned , .... unr ... l.tt rct"l' tt'.llll ,uht•n·tl 11, , ,., untl ~:ut 1111 u rouhh• 111 the hr•l • I h1• ''"rt' "II h one run un 1hret• "'lrtlllt•, hurdle• Tlw 01 h~r \\lllllt'h IH'rt' llrt .lll \\l'rt' pl.11 11111 111 thl'tr l'r~thth l(.tmt• .111 11 1 11 11 1110 rtconl ,tl(.tiiN ' ll'illt.tht dl'ltJt u( tht• !'ltd "'•t•llll II I 111 J(, hut nune flO •trnnl( 111 tht• llrt.tl I n·1l ~ l nhn.tn 'ltrlt·tl tht thtnl h1 "mder 111 tht• 100 vel d.1'h John h.ul llllllllllt•d ,1 llllllrtj(, ttl .,hO\I hh :tlllfll \' ,h f t•t h , lt'l'lll)( till llll Iht• •t't Hlllf pill h ,tntf <".'..tmil'l k1 Ill I ht• 1111 vtl tl.l'h floh •Hint HI I ht• •I rtllll(l''l tt'.llll' Ill Iht• .It I ht• lt.IIHJ, II f ,I htl! \\ \•,fl'\ ,Ill ' flll.lll fllllllllft \\'one•tt•r h.td. Hl tht• k.ul 11.11\l'• Ill tht• J,!O nl tl.t-h jJ<k 1-. .l•t llw nlt''J)t'rtt'lltl'tl 1-. n.:llll'l'r• l',u,·cl h) .1 ,1/,lhlt· dt·tt·n•l' .t l(tmd lt-.tdtn)l hurl!•r thi-. •t:.hllll ' , •• h 1 I I rom hl'r<' on uttttl tlw 'l'\l'llth Rycl,•r 111 lhl' h<tll n111t Bud \\'r,t 10 \\t'rt• pl.11 Ill!( tn lht•tr hr~t 11:tnll' ,IJld ~tn.tltr ,111d a \\I'll t unrtltn.ttc•tl .11 1,11 k o I1 \ nm" 11 1 •' 11 1 .1111 1 1n•• 111.111 ., IIII k ( \\' I II \\ ·" .I I II! hi Jllll ht·r... IIIII' I In I 1'1 h ' Ihe 1fi\\ hurdlt· ... flo " Ut'hll Ill t h·· puh· dut• ttl tnd~ml'lll \\ ,•,lthu had h.lfl lllj.! llllll I1II' ' '"tlor... \\l'rt' IIII I IIIII( h 11 ·~r 11 . or'""'11·r t·n~:tll<'t h.tlf ul tht• ' <'Vt'llt h ,111 l' trnr .tttd .1 , .,,ult I'.JUI (;ut•lt in lht• ' hott put \ I lumtt•tl pr.ttlnt· ;~nd nn prt'·•t',l•llrt lor l l•th Ill hnndlt· • II( 1 rn 11 p tll hcr., clul'l 111. tlw. "f'tund tnn \\1tlk ,1ntl •• ~ l n l 11111rt dtntltf.o .ltl<llllllt•d t:i.tllll<lllt rn tlw th~t u' .uul l>.t\'1' ll t•f. •t rllltlll.tloll'' l't•t h ''·" furtht·r h.1111 ' I ht• \\'t•,ln·Hn attml~ \\\'Ill n~ht In . • 1,,trrv t , •.., I . Ik.t'( I I'Y\ ' Lt:nnrt: 1•t•rr.tn h tm 1\111 mon• ru n• I ht•rP " '''no murt• 111111~ 111 the• jn\l·lin. In thl' hrnud pat·tf lo~ lht• In" nf hlll'tll lt•ttt•rnwn l 1111rk .11 l ht• ht·~ tn run~: of tht' ,.:••1111' I)1'11111 • nnr1 ••nu~ . \\ 11n oil 1 l\\11 1llh , tl . II I , 1'\lltt'lllt'nl unttl thl' hutturn nt tho• jump LtH .I• of ~ l ulcllt'ltur~ lit•d Tudd trum l.l'l )t';u\ ' IJU.Id ,uul 't nrl'tl 1110 quttk ~-:o.tl' Ill tht• .IJIII'I t' , II' \'1'11or' 1:t If'( lilt( l' Ill 11II' t't)lhth , , , .. JHitlll'r, t :1•ttr):t' \ arnum ( or tht• \ltlllr·.. l•ur\'1... I ht· ):.litH' •l.trlt••l mud1 ,J, h.111 ht•t•n hr• t lhn·t• 1111111111'' of pl111 I ht'} 1\hl'n lnh II I l\\' h trc I :1111 1"l'\\ nf th1• lllt't'l rt••ult' \H'rt' t'\JWttt•cl \\llh th1• \\I'll clrtlltd lt-itur' 'tllrt•cl 4 rtltJH' f)t•fon• tht 1'1111 ut 1h1• I I t \\Itt' I I 111 w '"' h 111 t•t t.:t' \ l u•dl.lll): dt•\dttlk'cl .Inn IWUhlt• •I tw unt·~ l'r, llr-t t\\11 h.tttt•r, '' tlkt•tl tnd .tllt'r .1 JMrtltul.lrh Cllll't.truhnl! I ht• nt.l, l11· Jllll1Jtlll ll ulf w .t quttk 4 -0 ll.':td lit• h.tlf Ill II•''" ;t f1 0 adv.ull.tJ.:t' \\'it kcr " ·' ' ,1 littlt• ' h·tk\ 111 111, th uu1 tht• 0('1 luttt•r h.tlll!<'<l 11111 .t Jttnloutt·c1 to tht· •tmnt.t \\IIIII th.ll htrt• tht qu.trtt'r t•ndc·cl hmll'\t'r l1•th \\ tth \ 10 l(tlllt 111 th1· ' t't on•l h.tlf ttr... t •1Jll)t':tr.ttHt' fnr 1 rth hut 1'' 11 ht•cl unt• run duuhlt• \Ju -d1.1nu prounpth hit•\\ 11 rn-.. .1 ~rr' rnurlch tr ~~~ l ur h.11! •turt·ll till .1 h.1rd .. hot h1 mul Jot• l..dtl.uH' JHt'.tl hu•tlc• 1111.1lh p.111l hm· h.tll ht•fnrt• hh I''til ·11 tlw t•nd ut hl'.llll'cl t ht· nt•\i nun 111 lu.ul tlw t~t- 1 •, .11111Ut 1"" huur• pnur In t ht• mt•t•t ltdcltr I'.1111 \ .1)111\l'l .md 1ht• ' I t't h 1111 \\hut ht• ~~~~ i(llttd I"'' 1111111 un Ih1• lht• ' 1 ~ 1 h innm~o: ;\ltkr Uhll·r 1 11111' \ 1 till• fM>IIlt lrt••hm.ln JHitht•r lmhl tht•n• "·"" .1 lw.t\\ dm'nt~tur th.ll lt•tt 1111 111 Jlllth ihr hnal lhrt·•· """ lur \\ukt•r "·'' hruul(ht in llw ""'l.tu.:hl tht• trJtk \H'I .tnd lw.t\\ 111cl runntnu \\'onl',lt'r Tu~t·tht• r lht•\ tomhu~e·d 111 tnnlmm•tl ·" rht• 111'\l 111.111 dt•lt~t·n·d " •" dtlfltuh ' llw h1·•1 ltllll' ul tilt' tf,,, ' 111k'• 11111 thrt•t• h.ttlt•r• .mtl " ·"" 111111 .1 l(,tlllt' 1)'1111( t\\u 11111 tluuhlt• Th,, 11,1., :.11 <:r.ath'.., I' 1 ...., lu~oth hurcll;. \ it IIIIi• \\,1 , tl~e· ht•ltt.'r ul \Il l \ \\.t• l'lltlu~h to put tltt• t.:.lltll' 111to l'\11,1 run \\hit h \\.1, thtl'l'· lt•tlth' nt .1 •t't ' ' · 11 I til l{ 11111 ht•r... 11 ' lw IMtti<'tl 1,., It ' 111111111{• ,,, ltulh tt•.uu• 1 uit'd to ,, till' untl " ' t•r lu' ,. huul r.·1 urtl I hr. \'ttlnr\' , •.,."" 1<1 pnrH·ntl h.tll(' 1' mi\in~o: hi' 1 urw •1111 1 fu, 11 ' 1 111 tht• nmth \\'un ,.,,,., h.ul nwn uu Ill tltt• ll'llth IIIII l'h'\1'11\h hut )\1 I •HII•I.lll!llllt.: "'l 1'1111 Ill tfll' ltllf..lltl! 1'1.1 MI.E 't l' mm t•nfl•' I 11111ltln I nt.llt.lltt' .1 run \\ •··11'1.111, lull tlu- <lllllllll! '.llttrtLt~ tht t ukt• I'hllllll'\ Jlllllt'tl Iht• IIIIIIJI.III\ nl till' t•lt'H'ttth t.trtt•.t nil 1111h , tht• Cu.t•l t:u.utl \c .ul•·nt\ •"llH' \ 11 .trt lt 11l.llt' ' l"'"'''lll·"' toll tlw 11.11~ \ll t'r 1\\o uut.. thnr 1 11•11t · IIJI • h.JIIt·nu• tht• llltWII't'r' I ht- llHI'I "'"'"''" , 11111111111111 ~ I'lumf,., h.t hnn htttl'r hl.t•tt·cl 11111 1 ,f.,lllth· pttllllll>! tuulcl dt·tt·mttttl \\hllhu ur nul thl• ,, l ' Ch.lntht•r lltretltlr '"'"' I 'l•h nwn un ,,.,uml .1011 thurl luulh 111 H'lr'• I• l~<•ttt• r th 111 th. I''''' -qu.ul .uul " ·I' .1 \Ill' pn••tdt•nt m I 'I hi tlllll'ltl •111t.tl•· "h"rt'I"JI I lHttll t,nrti•Hl \\' lw11 Itt• ltouk 1111 tht• Ch.tmlt,•r k.ut.·r· llt,lffto .1 Ill·' \ t'r •.1\ tf11• ,l(l l'lliJII hut 11 ..tup. ht• lll'r.ltnt' re ... pl•ll•thh• lnt tp Jlhl 11 t'llltlll(h I It,· dt•t k " ,, Jtr•lximakly 1()(1 nl.IJnr ' JI<'.tk tllll I'll •l.h kt•d \ t ll•r ttt'ldtn~ 1ho h. til I •..r )l,ll:t'll\t'llt' in tt Vo'H I ht- h.t• t'llt .lllt·d tlun "·'' luu t.tr 11111 oil J~NIItlll tur 10 l lllahl• nd S trr f't IIHHI' th:tll J\)tl,\)()(1 ltlllt•, til lr 1\t'l Ill Ill\ l..tnd 111 .t thnm .tnt! tlw \\1llllllll! 1'1. 6,059' tlW ,,IIIII' fl<'lll>d IIIII I fll''l'cl lfll' pf.lll \l11 1lw lu,.tl lt·"•l h,• h 1.. '''""' •· pn·•ultnt ul till' \\'ur..··t•·r \ 'h.ttnht•t 111 ( '111111111'rt t' .mt! h.t• lll't'll tn •IIIII t'r 111 dtrt'<tnr nf rtllntt'rtltt- •HI!.IIllltlhllt· ··mhr.11 111~ 11111•1l It'll·'' .tttl rl'lt..:t•tll !1111, \1 Ill k •JKIII • t lllllltl\11111 \ •<'f\ h I'• BASEBALL: ·n w,....ol a• . \r oril :!:> I ...., ,.J1 l'o•t·h " " '" Ul 2 ::10 1'. \1 , .11111 <'tflll.I(IUII Who'1 Got the Ball? !'-lii Urtln• . \ pril 2 7 - i " " '' t. unrtl ( 2 j(UIII o'• ) ' "ll' Ill 2 :0() I' .M. II j, :tth II'<' j, \lltkly •lllll!ht ·'"" h,• r,.,.•,lu~. \ t• ril :IH ' ufTull. ll u ult' ut 2 ::IH P . \1 . hold llll'llllll'r•hrp on 111.111\ •liJk'r tnt'll \\t'rt tlm\11 ~~~ thrt•t• j(CIIJII! llltll It II •tcft• trtcl ltr('(l a l"l'lll\ hH lqotll'f LACROSSE: ''""' .mtl .1dm ini•t r.tt i1 ,. hoi,t r1l• tht• ,,., und tttt,lrtt'r 'I hret l'u•t ~:u.tl lt1 1111' \\ c• lt·y;u1 J(ll.tltt·llfkr ' I ht "•'' ' nlu ro ln• . \torll 27 - Trlu ih ll u u to• tt l 2 :UO 1' . \1 . It 'l't'nt- tn!lt•t•d 111r1 lln.tt.· 1h.11 u,. 11 11• 111 :~ : :so 1' .\1 . ·Jilcl 1 IIIli' •htot trum lh!' rt~thl •nit· ' lt•th' only IHII}' 111 tht• l'tnntl h.tlf Thu r-. la• . \I n • 2- \1 .1.'1. \\ ,,n t'•tt•r l't•rh 11 til h.11 t' .. u, h .111 m f11 lltll /.t•tu•rluncl UftJK'd tht Wrt Ill otllff tht• l(.llllt' t•ttrft·d "llh \\ ttfll If r u•llil!l'nt .nul t.tlt•ttl<'d nu11 ·'' "' "'rn TRACK: i -1 .11 tht• h tit fill lht• -hurt rnd ul OJ 'I· I con lllt'IH l'lllt'llt 'l'll'.lkl'r ' utur<la• . \p r il 2 i un•l (.uo rol IJ,. ... ,. ot 2:00 I' . 'I . I h1 thtrd l"'rtml \\,1• Jlt (' \\ l'u•l ()c •pllt' tht• hi~:h •fforlfll! J,~ \\t '\\ o•tllll'•tln• , \l .t• 1- ll rntul o•l, ' "n' ,., l : l;; 1'. \l . .t• tht:\ •1url'<l 11\'t' ,un<erutt\t 1/ll.tl• It'' 10 l t·ch l!ttalw IJ 11o \ld tltrn .lntl ht·ltl f t•th •curd!'-- \t thi• fli'Urll pi.1Hd 1 U•Mll'l ltlntt· tor \\ un t tt r GOLF: ~l obil Oil Mobil Gas ' "" ' " ' 2 :00 1' . \1 . tht· \\ urtt'•ll'r lltii'O·•· -uikm·d h"" li t • •mt· up \lith n &~n•tt man~ hnf' fuo·· ;la• . \ Joril 30- \ . J.( . IIIGII LANO FRIEI\1 )1.'\' '-•tn ur 2:00 1' . \1 . t'lt"r tnt! loltnkt·•l th1•1r u~po~n('nt• 111r '1\t-- tnt! t hrnu11h hi' t'ltnrt Ill tn.tl(l'fl f h ur•tlu• . \I n• 2- l n" o•ll To•r h SERVICE STATION . tht· n·m.llnclt·r ut tht· I!.Jffit". Tht' hn t1 111 kt·t·t' tht· ·ll•n ·••ntl'\\h~t rt· I" f I· TENNIS: 95 lllahland !'1. f>l 3 -9308 ' " 11 , 11 1 2 :00 I' . \I . •CIIrt' \\;h I' ! 1ltlt• !'iu horr la~ . ,\p r il 2 j - Tri n il • ... ' "" ~ 111 :l:l)() 1' . \1 . .\ 11 \ m!'r11.1 tJOtltd.ttt• l'n-tcl h.HI I ..,,.,. 1.\C. ICO..,.,I-. -1'"1('' fi T uo••tl n• . \Jlril :U)-I ,u~<o• ll 'l'o•t·h up~ncd th I!Jtl.l hy trn\'clin~t <1\' t•r

Tech Lacrosse Team Off to a Slow Start, Loses Three Games



'I \\


' .









f' ufel' f1

\pril 25. 1'1(,;\



Tempest Winners ... Lap 3!

l'he •l'\ rnt h \ nnu.tl Uu• rm•-. 1-.tlu· ,-.nit•n l>a) """ held at " ''rL!.III ll.tll ''" I ut·· d.ly .\ pnl ' ·' Otw hundred .111d 111 t) J>t'r~rn, I n101 hu•lllt ,, .md etlut.llllln .tlnnc "tth reprt' •l'nt.ltl\ ,., lr••lll ll>ur lu,,d llllkl.!t'• \Hft' 111 .11 tt•nd.lllll' l ht· th.ttrm.rn '" tlw pr" i.!f.Hll \\,1- ~lr ll II l hltld ut lht l nn,·u :-t.tll'• l:.m l'l''l"-' l'utnJl;lll\ .11111 lht• ll'.IIUn•tl •Jlt'.ll..t•r

Gary L. Lewis U. of San F'ran.

Byron D. Groff Penn State

John V. Erhart Loras College

D. B. Mac Ritc hie

J . L. Millard, J r.

U. of Mlchrgan

Ft. Hays State

J . 0 . Gallegos, It I U. of New Mex•co




\\ .... , ..dd.tnl \\ hll•t' t.tll.. \\ ·'' tllllllt•tl l'n•lll• 1ht·lf '\n·d- .1ntl l ,, • llw !JllrJltl'l' Ill till' JlfOI.! Iolltl \\,!> \II 1h• Ul-. thrt•t• lllll><lrl.llll (.lltlll'• II lilt n 111llllt'lh · lrn• t'llll'IJlfN' ollll1111l,ll11111 W"'" ' .tnd tlw Eurul't'lll l"•Hiltll\111 \l rrkt t 1111• ,ltliiU.Il pr•IJI'II I• •JHIII'IIInl l•\ th e l'•mmutlt't' •>n llu•m•·-- Ed111.tlltlll I I 1\ t'lll \ •I\ \\",1 r 1tld Ml.!,llll/. II IIIII 11 hu•t' ll•untkr• utdudt• R11ht•11 \\ "tutld.ml .tml " r 1'hrltp \f \J ut r.:.tn 1 nwmt..·r ul till' ll•l.trtl u1 lt u• tn·· "' \\ I' I I t· 111.1111 uloJ t dl\t 1• tu .1--1•1 nhiLII<>f• Ill J'tl'•t"lltllll.! Ill -uuh·nt· ,, l..·u ,·r utuln-t .rnthnt: 111 tlh U J>t' I UIIIIII Ill l ll'l.' 1.'111\'rJ'fl•<' Ill IIIII p..ullt·d h~ .111 .tnJh•i• ut tht l'lh'tl• ••I l11rt"1'• "h" h tnllllt'lllt' tlu· • \•lt·m tu tl.l' •


N.T.G. Rosanla S. Kansas State

James W. Todd Valpararso U. (Stall)

W. T. OIIver

Justin C. Burns

Lafayette College

St Bonaventure U

Edward R. Wassel Clarkson College

Moms S. Boyer U. of Georg•a

I. \( .1111....... ,.;

,..,.,, ,., ••• •i

W.P.I. vs. Middle bury

G. J . Tamallvich Worcester Poly (Staff)

Anci l K. Na nce

P. S. Holder, Jr.

Po rtland State

St. Mary's U.

America's holl n t now 1po rts convartlblel

Did you win in Lap 4 'l IMPORTANT! If you hold any of the 20 winning num· bers, clatm your Ponttac Tempest leMans Convertible In accordance with the rules on the reverse of your license plate. Girls! You msy choose ins tead a thrillIng expense-paid 2- week Holi day in Europe-for two/ Plus $ 5()0 In cash! All clatms for Tempests and Consolation Pnzes must be ient 11111 regtstered marl , po&tmarked by Aprrl 27. 1963 and reu rved by the Judges no l01ter than Apn l 29 , 1963


LAP 4 ... ~~--~

J. 0328872 2. 3. 4. 5.

8552083 8631155 0148138 C591155


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

A818471 C175380 A131483 C702412 A909191

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

C191819 A078603 0215452 A609159 C613117

t >n -.,llurd.t' \\' 1' 1 • l ~H '""<' 11.1111 tr.r\l'kd I•• ~ l tddl..l•ur. \\ht•rt· 11 " ·' ht'.lh'll i -~ 111 :t h.11d lullt.:llt thll'l 1111• \1,1- .1 1lllltt'•l oi \\' J'J \ IUIIIIIIII! .1111111\ .l~;lllh( :\lirldlt•l•ury\ ht•lft'r 1h.111 ,1\t'l Ul(<' ' " '' nn a tt11np ht•ld tlt.tt m,u lt• lnr punr lllotint-r, lllilll\' lotN' hall, , ,111\1 t titk lJuUIHl'• that fltll lt•d 1111' 1.!"·" it•., 1111 hot h lt'nlll~ llw )(·lllll' •I ,Htt•d oft f! ll .1 '111111 lhllt' tor t lw l~ll)( llll'l'r., \\rl h tlw \ t•rnwlll lHI}'' 'IIUrlll)( thrt•t• ):11.11., Ill 111l' lrr•l prnud 1 .1krn~: llth •ull.\)(e ••f \\'1 ' 1 ' 1. u-tum.H'\ 'hl\1 'l.trl \ h hllll)(h th1• 011111111,1111 huy' '~\ll rl'\1 t \\II Ill IItt• •t'l unci qu.lrtt•r \\' 1'1 lu"kt•d mudt 1ht lidft•r t ill.' l\\11 11.':1111'1 \\tlh l.t•t h·r lu11tl Kut h.uwl. and \ a Jtll\l't \\IIIII rnt.t 111 t hrl'l' 'uu ''"" l' ~toucl ~:u.rJ.. I ht• hunw 11'.1111 prult•t ted 11' lc•.ul Iur t ht• rt·•t uf tht· h.tlt .111<1 tht• hurn •ulltHh•tl "1th tht: 1-.n)(llll'er.. luuki1111 ,,, thuu~o:h the\ mtt.thl I><· hr:uhn~t fur .1 lotlll •IIUI(ht \ ll(ttr\ \ • lht• ' l'tund lull hl'l-!•111 .11111 nltt\t'tl un 11 l><•t.mw 11\ldt·nt t hnt \\'1 '1 h.ul lw,l rh nwtnl'll lum \\' rl h hut h lt',llll' pl.t)'ill)( l'(JU.tlly \\ t•ll l ht• I h ird .11111 ruurt h jlerw d-. t•lup'-t:d \lit h r<l uhlk llllly •lllrinl( O II C in t':tl h IJIIUtl<:r and \\'I ' J f\'IIUiiJIInjt "lllr!' l (·~' · \\'1 '1 ~o:ou l ic I )uw Mt C'all n·y nw rlt• I 'OIIIt' vcry li ne ~lliJI' in Ih i~ 1r11w a' in thl· " holt• 1:01111'. Th t• 'lnrr wa' 111 1111 \\tl)' lltditati,•t of hi' nlnli1y ht• f:tl"<' he \\Cru ld mn kf' t rt•mt•ndou'


16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

A112433 A337417 C467893 8911494 1482160

CONSOLATION PRIZE NUMBERS! If you hold a Consolation Prize number, you win a 4· speed Portable Hi· Fi Stereo Set. " The Waltz" by RCA Victor. Or, you may still win a Tempest! (See official claiming rules on reverse of your license plate, and ob· serve claiming dates given above.)


t. 1311031 6. A139564 11. C527240 2. A2&0110 7. C373057 12. 1791966 3. A611131 8. A71 345l 13. 1335471 4. 17U5S1 9. Cl31 403 14. C033935 5. Ut1651 10. 1!15519 15. C7571 03


16. A237514 21. 1412201 17. A127511 22. 1792551 18. 1515223 23. 1145355 19. 1521412 24. C40211 9 20. um55 25. 1717521

bM 50


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el i~



Get with the winners ••• far ahead In smoking satisfaction I

tlllly I II

(ouru)(tn)( lluke "h"''· \\ 1'1 nl'tl hod an adv.llltn~te a... rar "' IJCI~<tlt y llrnt• l(tlC' "tth 1he ~I iddh:hur} team 1hru11 101: 11' \\flf.thl a rnund and etH.I'I•rn.tli) l!t'ttin~e t:tu![ht l>t'-JIIlt• th1' the l·.n scint·rr.. cnuldn 1 I(Ct t ht• magu luuth that ha' llt'<·n ,(1 lunl( l.ukrn~t 01n1l t.rkc adl'a11l3f,tt' nf tho: 'illl:lllllll \\'tthuut duuht thr Enl(mt·u .trt• lllllkln~t lwt ll'r t'.lt h 1(.110!' .rnd 'houlll '""" ht• ahlt• 111 ca•h 111 un tht• tllllltnll ,,\\ ,,, frum a 11:1m(' tht• woucl 'u tor

77 Highland Street Worcester Ma11achusetts



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N 0 TIS The Difference






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