liARRY P. STORKE TO BE INAUGURATED CT. 26TH IN WORCESTER AUDITORIUM • ospitality to be Theme or Homecoming Program l'fan, m 'tore tur the ll umecumm~ \\t•Pktncl ul Cktuht·r the 26th and 21lh have irNtred 11.hat will prove tu J,,. t ht• 111tJ't ll11111WI11flu' homccumin~t o·1er w It:: lwld on thi ' Utmpu ~. '1 ht· 1\i't:kcnd 11 111 ulhttully IH:I(in 1111 I recl.ty the U1th .11 II 00 .\ .\1 a.. II I' 11 k · 1 Mr) urru· tur ,. '' m;tu~.tur.l!t'l 1 pn·, tdcnt ut \\' I' I at ccrenwnit·· to lw lll'lcl ;11 tlw \\'uru•,tcr .\lt•munal \udltunum l· ulltJI\IIII.l the mau~tura tton at ,l 10 1' ~I wt ll ht• a rt· • .:ption It or lht• 111'11 pn·, idt•nt 1\1111 h 11111 lw ltl'ltl in Aldt·n \l t•mtm,d 1\ udllurium 111 hwwr ul tlu, mc.t•Hm .til d.t--1' un th:ll day h.l\t' h,·t•ll t<tntdlt·d -..ttunhy' •tht•clult• ' ' 11~:11 ltllt·cl 1111h t•n•nt' fur tlw 111.111\ hu11dn•cl, ol .dwmn 11 hu :trt. . t•:<pt'l tt·d 111 rt:turn lor tlw hnmct.hmi nl( ft•,tl\' lltl'' ' I he l'Vt·nt ..rt• planno.:d "" lttllotw~ '1 I() Ulltil II I() R t•g t ~lnttion tor
tht· .tlumni in
.\ l or~ean
llall and a
lnlll't• flour m thl! l.uunl(c 111th tht
Ceremonies Highlighted I By Dr. Glen nan's Speech
I ht• l 01h' llumt-tnmm~: 11n•k-cmd Jl \\ HrH'•ll'r r..,h pmmi•t'• In h~· IIIII.' -1 00 Rupe Puii- J're•hmen , .• 11 t tht "''"' t•,enttul 111, 1 car• "uphunwrc• l lu• \l'.tr ht>•tde• th,· hunw 4 10 l'o,t (;;~nw l< t' lrc•hrncrw.. 111 tllll\1111! H'lt•hr.uiun, \\\•rtt'•H·r l't'th :.lun!.111 ll nll and 111 lrtttcrntlll'•. 11ill inau~:uralt• a nl'll pn··tdt•nt ll.trry It \0 lluff~·t !'>U(l()('r" ,11 fratcrntt 1 I' '-tntl.. t• l'n•,itknt -.wrkt• ha' ht'<'l1 hnu•t•• ·
.t lumni 111\'C• prt•,iding \ t thh llll\t• til l~l' t.m.•pu• bUJidtng' 1\lll bt• upcn lur III' (H.'llton II I' (),tnil'l-. ll.tll Curncr-wn~ Ct'rt·muny with Ru-. .\l~tt'r Dm:ctur J) 1 1 ll unur,•d '' 00 ll omcu•mm~: O:tnH• to \ ldt·n c•t l'\t: II(JI11l'lll pn·•u till( \h·murul .\ udllunum \lith th<> .lll.trd J.:lll'' ' ' .11 lht• .tlt;tir 11111 lw nwmht:r• 1 11 ut tht: l>.mlt'l' f.tmily .md mam• m~: " ' '' llumcwmm~: ' I wph~ ''""""" du::111t:trtt:' • \ n ,u(d,·d 1.'\l'l11 tht• ~·,·,tr '"II ht• 12 00 ll nmt·uunmg l.untht·cm tl1 1thtll .111 tht• lrtllt' rlltllt'' 1\lll ~.tthcr 1111 .\loq.tnll llall 111\h Rav11w11d J tht• hl'lurl' thl' fuuth.ll l l·urkt-y 10 l'rt·•idt•nt uf iht· Alunun 1!.11111' .1110 11ill ht• nwt h'· tht•ir tt'•IX:l \ .-ollt.lltom ·" tu.l'-tlll.t•H' r and B 11\l' .tlumrll 11hu 11111 tht•n 1:11 w tht• l.t•\11111 \\'o·llman ut th<> .\1 1-. th.'ll.l rt tuoth.tll ~o:anw il' .t ~:wup 1111'111 ,,, tht• nt.tJur ·l~'otkt•r .\luth ot the :t'-llrt·d •Uut'" ul tht• I I() ""llcr (,amt•, \\ I' I ' ' Uill"lllllll! llt·ekt•nd '' tim• tu Juhn lltNtlll L 111\l'r,tl} Cl.trk J r 51 Ch.urmall u1 rht ll umo; I 00 I outh.tll ( ;,nlW \\' I' I ,., . tlllllllll( Cnmnutt<>l'. and 111 Jt'rr) \\\ 1, . C'o."t (;uard ('ro" Cou nt ry \\' I' I 1111111 11hu i, t ht• l ndi't.,' Chair"' llrJndt:t• l 111\t'r•tlv 1110111 of llonwuHilllllot
\\llh \\ ••rtt'•tt•r 1\•lh •lllH' l.t,t \l.tro:h II,· h.... m.ulc tilt' an(U.IInt.llllt' ,,, .I 11ri.'Jl m.tJUnt\ '" tht' •tu<knt l~•th II\ lu• trt•quo•nt .l(l(lt'Jrann·· .11 .til •·lnl\111' t'\1'111' In unlt:r 111 ,tllu\\ tht• ,tudt·nt· til ,,.,. the hc)llor. d,,,,,.,• 11\'1'11 l.ltHt•ll,•d ft•r tht• dtl\' Tlw lll;tugur.t111111 ,, -dwduled ;It II 00 \ :.1 m \\\•nt••tt•r .\lt· \ mhtnnum It -huuhl l~t• •tr.·-."d th.ll tht'll' ,, ,,, ud..l'l 111 .lllrllt'-11111 no·1,·\ 1 ht• prt• f11 r till' . ~:ur. 1, ·'' 111111111 ,
111 111 1111111
'' l'Kl ,\ .\1 Rt•At•Lr,lltull ol I(IIH'• \\ ntu'•lt•r \l t· \ utliw rtUill 10 l)J \ \I \ t.Hll'llll\ l't\lll'"l1111 I urrn' \\ "' ••·•tt•r \h·mnn.ll \ utluu rtlllll
II llU
l \U 1' \1
\HI .. 1.111
I Harry B. Feldman l'rut t'""r ll.trn llt'IIJ.ilnlll l't·ldm.tll tlnnr.t 1,•tl ".tr lwru, pruh·"ur ul ( 'ho•tHt• l ry , hnlllt•r 111 llllllll'r••u' 11.1 111111.11 .tnt! ,1\, ol.u l•·~ j, dt·.ul llttt• nl tlw 11111•1 ht•lult'tl lll t'llllll'r' 111 t lw l rhllllltt•', 1.1\Uh\ tnr tilt' p.t•l tlurt' vt·.tr, P·'"''" ,1\1,1\ J.t,t !'-untl.l\ t'\ tllllll! 111 a hll' ht•d \\ rthnut .1 tlnuht 111.111) 111 t ht• llll'lllhcr• ol till l'n·•hn1.1n t '!.1,, dttl 11111 kn1111 tht• IIIII' lt".ll lwr .mtl "''" ' , 11 ' ' ,, ,;rt".ll mi .. lolllllllt' that tho•l' mt•nthl'r' h.ltl noll t ill' h<lllllr .tnd i'lljn~ 1111'111 111 'llulym~,t untkr l'rntt' ••ur I t•hhn.m 111 d.1-.. ur 111 lht• lt•uun· l1.1ll I t'll m•truu<~r• h.l\ ,. t'l cr :ldlll'\l'tl th,• tlllllldt.'nu• otr '''"' I n>m thetr ... lluknt- tlu' 111.111 h.ul I k lutl tilt' r.lfl' krHtlllt•tllll' .11111 lllldt•r,t.mthnl! 111 1Itt• 'tudt•llt. 111.. 111 It'll'''' rwt•d, and mu lutulluHllt'1'"'''' lie h.HI lltt "11111.1lhy fnr tlw lu'Jil'f "'' u,,. 111r tht• mdtllrrent .tntl nm h prat•c tnr tht• •IIHt'rt' •IUdt'lll \\'hn "·'' th1, • .t~k l'w · ··--nr l l:trn Bt'IIJ.tmm 1-ddnun a \'urn·,tl'r Tt•ch,• tn l 'l!h fnl '"l'd h" ~:mdu.ttwl1 hy J!linin~: tht• \nn ,. Cnrp. \\'hiI(• ~en 1111: n t hh hr:-tnch ul •crvkt•. he ""' 111 Hdt•tl tho• ~ih,•r ~tar for !!•111:\ntrv 11 \\ nrld \\'ar I I I k reu·h·rd hi·
t1111lt11U.IItolll uf tht \\l't kt·lltl \ l•.t·krt h.lll· 11111 luuhlt11ht -..HunL11 ' l'llllo·,l\of' .1 hnl1l\' 1!•11111' olj.:,tlll•l lht• t.trtiii Htl' ul \\',•,1.-ynn lli'Utllllllll! .tt 'I Ill I' \I \\ 11h ' '•II h l rllt'rtllt~ plt•cll(tnjt -I U', .lll4'11ti.IIH <' t ht• \ t'.tr • 1\lt'ko nd prom 1'1'• Ill l11 btl!l!l'r . llltl lll'tl t' l th.111 t' \1 r Btll /utrtll tu.ktt oh.urm.m tnnuurl\t'tl th.ll Ill kt•l· 11nuld Ill' .1\ ,ul.thli lt•r •.tit• Ill tlu t'lltl ot Otto•l~t·r I IH 1 \ .Ill pml' ul tht• tllkt•h '' 11n1 kllll\111 hut 11ill proh.rhh tllllfllrttt \ltlh llltfllt•r pllto•, ( hlwr mt·rnhn• ul tht• tlllllllllllt•t• .tn• l't•tt· ll nrdt n 11.11111 1111 k 1-\ t•h11tm lln 11r '"""' ().m (',·min li tII I nn f,. ,·nnnh l'uhlh 111 I um \l ucll.t'l' 11 •kt l<t tn·-hrnt·nt • 11111 Ku ' ll uk.trr -un " ''"'" 1111• \ • -...ttllnl.t' Jttt•rrwlm ' hu11 11tll lrawn• Ill ll t'llf\ (,l'r:t ld 1 IIH'III.tlt•i 11hu 111ll lt\(1111111/.t' tht• , ,.,. 1.1- . \\ t-:1-.III·:'H P"tt" 2
'"" n: LD~IA ' - Pa. ,. 6
lltgmnlltl! tlu• •1·ntt trr tht• C'ht·m t•t r1 I kp.t n 11WI11 .tnnnuntt•tl I lr 1-. t'lllll'th () l< m•tt~tt·r \\ullhl wnthtll tht· 1tt••hm.lfl 1 l.t~, ll'o tun••
1111111 Pl \'ollll'd llll t'll'•l'l, l> r l< tll'lll!<·r I• nom I" II\ (Wrtll.llll'lltl~ Il l dt.trllt ul h·<tUrllll! .til 111 hrm11 111 lht·tr ( 'ht·rm•tr~ tiiiH t• I ltltlur l<tot'IIJ:o r ' h.11 l.t.:ruun!l 1 ,,, \t'r•.ttth ·' ' tiiUid lw npn tnl lit• .11 tutt· lt'rttll'll \\ ,t•i1111t.:lll11 llll\1'1 111 111 "t lt r I h.t'llh ( , lt1111.tll tho 1111111 l.nul• lrnrn 1°11 1· 1°1·1°1 111lh 11111 )• pt•,tkt•r ,If th t· lll.tlll(lltilltull ha h.ul td th.ll 111111' '< lll'llt Ill t ilt' .111111'1] furl!' ' ,1 t.l!l'l'l 111 hll•lllt'' t•lhll.tl11111,:111cl \ tin t.:r.ulu.lllllll Ia llltr• tll'd tl'.ulunu tlw .ulrunu•l ralltm ul oll'tttltu rt' II tht llll\(r•IIV ut " ·"'I I .Ill I• •llrth Il l Itt IH'I'II l'rt• ult-111 ur ('tt• •• t.1111 111 trill lor tllrl 111 111 II 111'111 1 •llltt' 1'117 Ill- n·turm·•l l.t 1 \l'.tr tu h.u k tu " I I.~ oUt• un ,, 11 11 hn111 td ht , 1( ult-mu tlutu· .tftt r / 11 mu11th ltm•htp 111 ur1l1•r tu lurtl11 r ht• tudtl'' ,,, 111 .111 ol tlw ;-.,,,tumtl 1\ t•rom.UJIII I tor 1ht tulltt\\1111! luur ) 1 tr• I >r .uul .\dmtnl'l r,tttnn till' """·'" K•wlll!t'r \\urkl'd lor l lttponl Ullll 111 .tttl'lll~' ha th1• 111 k uf lllollthlllt:. 1'1 t .utw to \\'uno·,tt•r 1'111\li•thllll thl'·l lnh111 111 p.ut• .•t hll'l't' In 1111111' 111 1'11>0 Ill' tunk .1 11•.1\l' ul ntt·nt lit• .t111 •••r~;•d "' 1 llwml~<·r ul •lt·o·rHt' 111tl tr<~m tho 11 1111111 tht ) 11111 tht \lumu 1-.llt' rl(y C'on11111 "'" I turn 111 I'"'' •11ltl11 1l ht n 11 'I"' h tnr ht !lttul•• r 1°1 ~0 t•t ' "" rnlwr I 01 1 11lwn dnttmtlt' 111 l'ht·mr•tr~ 11huh lu n \1·.(' ttt·lllt •l 111ro tlt·\duptlll( tht· o1'11 t·d II h<trnh
" '' '"" ~~·.tr• 111 tht c·r11n \\t'rt 11t•11 '(Jt·nt fur Itt. Cltlllllr) lur l< ttlt• m,111 I' I C' Rut'lll!t' l 1\1111 hut h tlw l 'urplt• ll• trt ..111tl 1 he· !In till. I "IJr l lr l< rwttl!l r h.t• 1 t.thh•IHcl ht llo· h ,, hum; 111 ll uht. .• rcl•t<lll \It 1hrn· tl.lltllhtt•r· .111o·d IIH t·Hn tnt! I'll(hi \ ·• rwtl ,.. the 11 unl 11 hl'lt tllll•trlt·r· 11111 ht• hnhlllt'' ami llllt•n- t' ,\ Hilt tllllt' ''"'k .tnrl mllll!t'l 1.1r rncc•r he t• 111111 t ~trt llml' rlr<tt.:•lt•r 111th ~ •nupcll·up \-1 l'u rd :~nd 1 t C:u. 1-\.trt •·nthu•J.t•t llt• i· a prurt·--•nnal anti m ll uhh:trtl 11111 ,, 1-"•lin nltu t·r I lurtnt.: ht- hr•t yo;:H• Jt 'I t:<h llr l<uctt~:t·r wachnl tht ()t·halln~ 1l·:trn .111!1 t••tJhh•h('d tht' ' l t·rh \ utu \lut. lit· nn11 '' fntuh) ;Hh't•ur 111 Uc· 1 '1.111 lo\ 1ppa Ethrl~~n fratt·rnity •tOe• tht• he play• t h(' drum' and '' " mntlcl t ratn enthu•i:l•l
Run Cole
I'fl•"dllll( .11 I Itt• IIIIIII"U I.IIIIIII Will lw ~ I\\ll'ntt· l'rtll' \ '"' l'll''idt•nt 111tl l lt 111 ul tlw l .tlltll\ \\'m~t•,tt•r l't~h ll't hn11 llt-tllut1 I lt·.tll l·.rth''' \\' l lullul\ 11111 l~t••h tl .nul lt·.ul tlw .11 ult·mh prnn...,•um I :r o'l'ltn~ot• Jnd n•m.nk .11 tht• lll.llll(ur.lllllll 11 til l~t• oft ill t•rt•tl l11 th•• tullol\\ IIlio( mo·n l<.w tllotlld J l ntky, l'n·•idt•llt ul tlw \ lumnt ' ""' t.llum I It'll Ill' 1·. ~nay l' n•,ult•ut ui tht· "tuth•llt llmh• II l .t• t~othtttn \\ dlm.m ..,,., tt' 1 of tlw I ·" ult ~ j iN'ph r (·.• dill \1 .1\ llf Ill till' ( II\ ul \\ mtt••tt·r 111d tl llifll · llllliiWIII !ltrl!lll j11hn \ \ulpt• (,H\ t•tnur 111 Ill!' (' ummun\\t .dth ut \ 1.1"·' dill I'll• (Ill' III:IU~Ur:tl .tdd~t•· \\Ill lw tit ll\t'ro•tl It~ llr 'J Kt•tl h t:lt·n11.111 l'll''uknt ul tlw ('t•t' ( n ,llttllt' ttl I t·t h11uln11' l lw 111.1111.(111 tl 1 t'rt'• '"""' \\til lit' (ll'rfnrnwtl I•) l'h11ltp \I \l mj!.lll l'h.urm.m ul tht· lln.11ol tol I ru In \\ mct·•!l r l'ull h•t 111111 ln•t i·
NEW INFORMAL Roettger to Head I.F. WEEKEND Frush Chemistry l ntt·rtr.llo'rllll\ ( 'uunlll h.t .mrwutltl'tl tlw lll tt•tit .lll'rrtll\ ll.ti J ,11111 the ollltll\1 lhll\\'1111( lll't'kt•tHI 111ll 111'~1 11 I ri<l.t~ -.;,.,.,.t11h1·r lll llw I I ! ).tnt~• ll•t•ll 111ll lw h(·ld ••It ,,unpu' tlu .. ~t'.ll 11 tlw "h•·r,lltlll ll utt·l ll.tll Ruotn It 1dll ht'l.llll II " I' \ I 1111 ( rul.l\ IIIUht 1\lth 1111111 l11 Ru-. t 't~lt• 11111 ht• unlll'•lr.t I ht ('nmnuttn ht uktl J,, Jut• .\ltt'l llhkt h.t, 111.111~ 111'11 .mrl ntlltlll.l pl.tll• tur till• vt•ar ' llt't•k,•rui I ht'Tl' 11111 Ill' illlt'ltlll"lull l' lllt•rt.tlllltll'lll ,, h·.tlllll' •'l tot ,HUH11p.tlll tlw lo.uul .u11l .r ..... rtutrl.l\ .tll..rnuull .11111r I ht• tin··· 1111• 11-.1r \\Ill ht •C'Illl •lilt, t "' tlw ~tt·nth-nwn .11111 '"' kt.ul tltt· ...,·, tur lht l.ulw• \ t11•r lllll'rlllt"lllli 1ht I t•mtt 1 l,lllt'\'11 \\Ill be pr.•-,t·lltt•tl l l11• hrutht•r, and 1ht•tr 11.11<'' 11 11l t lwn tl.tlltl' unttl I \\I .11 11hlth 11nw tho•1 11111 n·turu tn tht·tr lllthl tlumlttlt•, rnr tho•
Lum h,·om
' •0 I' \ I l'rhult•llt, l<•·"·ptum \ ltl• 11 \lt• \ udllt•rtunt
I \Ill\ '" .II II til .\ mhtnttlllll
II til
echNews lnrm.tll~
1 11.111~ 11 ~l!·mn
T. K. Glennon
\ .\1
' "P
1- RO ~II Cll EM hTR \ - P"tt'" 6
llurn "c·ptt·mlll r 'I Jllll 111 l.ruh·r lut '\ I I 1111 ut .1 r,lllru.ul tll 'l'·•t t lll'r l'n· ult•lll Clt·nrwt 1\ltrk•·•l ht• " '" 'llt'ltwld "••Hlltltt \ .tic "chuul 111d l.lrtt·tl \\tlh a lttrnp.111\ I'IIIIH'I'(IIII( Ill l.tlkllll! 0111\.11' f ~tll r, Ill' IH·t 11111 1 luth•• rnan.t~o:t·r lm l'tr.t • mount .11111 { •• tltl\\ yn llult•• I >unrt)l \\ urld \\ ar II l'rt· ttlc·nt 1:lt•nn11n •rrn·d "' .tdrnmt 1r.ttur anrl l.ttl'r dtn•tlur uf I h;• -.;,,, y' urukr· 1\:llt·r nuntl l.thnmtum•, .11 '\t•\1 dun C'unn Onl' 111 tht· lhtlll(• tht.. l!ruup "''rkc-d em \\il~ 1111 H 1ht undn "111·r f·qul\ ch·nt uf It " '"~ "" rht· r.ult•, '"no-huur prtll t·d tu I" ""' 111 t ht· ""''' tftt:!ll\·t· l'lt11r1 ~ un dNt.tkcn '" (umbat thf• IIJII:rJtwn• hi c•nprny • uhma nne• I nr h" arhtel'rmrnt (ltllf·l(t' nrul unlltr• illl'' h .' l\(' wnrt•rrtd U(>IJII ('n• ident C, (('11nan 14 hun•,r.try llllltllr ~ t•·· m •w·ncl' en~:tneerinl( and l111
you'd just - id ," Let the rebels Coght ... •
~t·~ contonue W!loth
thts revolutton . Where was I~
Pledging Date : March 16 \\'hut i~ all this fuss about ~o,chtJul ~pirit ! 1-. there rt'ally an ...,i .. tinl! -.iluation '' hith Ot't'd~ to bt correctt·d t I wuld an'\\ er iL but I'm -.urt' that each of ymt can a.,k yl)u r~elf and c11nw up '' ith 1 he '-a me an-,\\ er If y Ill a ttenr ..cho11l function!> and are inclined 111 •trike up com ~:r ..a tion '' ith your da ..... rnate .. you may lind the rea'''"' fur your an .. \\(·r there It you 1:on t attend '-Chcw1l function., )OU are ynur ''''n an~\\Cr It 't'l'ln' that no nne care:.. J u't ..,,, that \\car~: nil in a~rtt·nwnt let me -.wtt· ·onw t'xamph·' of thi-. pruiJiern. " \\'hat ha, h<·r•ltnt• of thi-. <t ~e-uld \\'urct·-tt·r ft·ch '-pirit' La-,t Frida y ni}{ht a rally wa., ht·ld in :\lden ~l~tmorial .\udnoriurn. I'm 'llrt• it \WI " tht· puureM rall y anyww who attt•rHii·d had C\'t'r ~et·n ," Rt•uwmht·r thi-.' I'm 'i Urt· thl• freshm('n do. But then· i' mort•. Thi .. vt•ar':-. lntl·rfruternit\ ( uuncil i<, l!nin14 ahead with plan... to -.pmNir Sa turd:t); aft ernoon t•nH·rtait;nwnt on I.F. \\'(•('kenrl. An 1'\C(•))('nt id~:a a' a '-tep in incrra,inl! tht• l!ran rl ~:ua of a \\'uru·..,ler Tech wrt·kt•ntl. \\'ill th£• •chuul ... upport tht' l'\'t•nt! ~~~ Aln·:uh ... uth a lack of int(·n·... t hrh ht·t·n <.hcmn that the t·,tim tH'd )!,..., ,,.,11 IH· , 2 50-,.\00 \\'hill' un thl' ~o,uhj t'l' t , another traditional \H'l'k1:n1l ha ... n 't fairtd rnuth ht·ttcr. La"t '-prins:'" Junior l'mm thl' numht•r tllll' •udal t v<·nt of tlw ~ear lu-,t rough I) ::. 1.000 dollar'>. l't•rhap.. th t• miJ,l s:lcm ing t•,amplt- ha-. ) ct to arri\t'. On Frida) , Octnher 26, yo u h:tv(• the c ht~m<· to :tttt·nd tht· imtuuuratiun of a collt•gl' prt•..,ident your own rollt·f!e pn·.,irll-nt . Thi-. i-. an t•vt•nt which undouhtl'dly 11 ).(real rnnjmii y of coii(•J.((:' <,ludr·nt o; nr·vt·a havt• oficrl'd thl•m. An t·nthu-.ia..,tit- rommitt(•(• ha ~o, •wnt t)tt l invitations to l'rtrh individual nf tht• .. turlt·nt hudy. (Jf tht·..,t•, half of tho~<· n·turtwd ..,aid nn, al1() -.i\-httntlrt·cl \\'unt·~tt·r l 'ulyt~:rh nit '>ludt·nt... hav(·n'l botlwml to n·turn thl' card . Till:>-." .\ HOl'T IT ' ( 'rititi"m i!> cmt· , ta l!l', hut to rai' t' a ll.tJ! without :t lla).(polt• dot''ll 't makt• In thi.., t:t<;(• lht: tlagpHit· i... madl.' o lll of an t'lllin·ly " '''' malt· 'l lw idt·a uf "l'tond-u·rm ru ...hinl! i' nt'\1 at \\' I' I . althmtl!h tht•n· an• '-l '\'t·ral 'I honJ., I hmug hout :-\l'\\ Enl!land '' ho do nul pkdl!t' lir ... t ~l'me... tl'r LN \ ' t'l? ''hat <.ume nf tht• cwt ... t•q lll'IICt'' wuuld lw. Fir ... I and fort·lllo't tht• fn·-.hmt•lf would lw ahh· 111 rontt·ntratt• on 'lhllla ... ur., "' tht•) untll'rgu tlw t mn ..itinn stUJ.(f' from high-' <hool to collr•J!t' On !->und tt). ( ktoht•r 7, t'Vl'l\'ntlf' was forlumtll' t•nuugh to haVl' 1wo 1wo-hour ru ... hi n).( period·. 'l'lw· fn•.,hm(•n in part irular, I'm "un·, Wl'r<' ovcrjoytd to ~ uhtrat I roul!hl) 1-ix or ~c·vt•n hour'! of valuablt• -,twl v tinw frum tht•ir l'tr ... t l'hy.;k, t' \al1l To t•,tahli ~h yuur:,f·lf :-.t•holn-,tically ~i1mtld IH' tht· uim uf all ' tudrnh hdon· t•mharking em the extracurri~talar trail If a fn• -,hman, undt•r tirl' fur lack of 'l'htt~ll •pirit . "huuld alh\\l'r that tlw uppNtla ...... nwn shnw him ltuthing I think ht' \\ould h,l\t' \\1111 a puint Fur It''' than one we·~tk the ... dwol pulll'd lll).(tthcr in ha.dn).( tlw fn·-,J~nwn. in £art '"' t•vt•n \Hike up l'n·,itlcnt !->turkt• But that wa-. it From th• t..t' initial 11:ty, , until pre,cnt tinw, thr wmptr.. ha~ IH•t•n q~tit·t likt• the• .tir h<•for<• an mtromin).( ~to rm . ~tudc·nl'- talk , take· nutt-..., a nd Jo, t' track of till' camJH" a' 1ht·y ,•.,n,rl or an• e-.curttd . 1\ n·rc·nt prohh·m collct·rnin~ a rn mpti'•·WHie t•wnt . p11int !-. ou.t anoll_ 1er prolllc•m. Both t ht• juninr anti sophonwn• cla.~st·~ 1\l'rt' n~H·rt•..,tt·~l an hold~ ng du11rc•s in nrdl'r ln pull llw 'chuol'lh('r wluh· luro., ttn).( tlwtr rt''Jit'C!IV(' clrt ...... lrl'II'Urirs. A ram· idt•a. Why then b tlwrr j.!Oing tn lw ju~ t tllll' dunn· on l'\owmher 10? The an..,wt•r- nu d :ts\ '''!lilts to takt• the· gamhlt• nf holdinl! a clann· aftt•r Xo\'emhc·r 17. \\'hy? B~:cau'e p:1't t'\fX'ritnn• ha.., ' hcmn that a fll·r ph·dgin).( an c·vl'n t sut h n-. t hi, \\CIItld not ht' ,,.,:11 -.upporH•cl J tu l ~ in~ (rum thi' a lnJ!ical cunchr..,iun woulcl '-l'l' lll lo ht• that tf nu l':trl~ "tlt•:ulhnc> Mtrh :h ::.m·c•mhcr 17 t•xi,tt·cl tlw nhundanct' nncl q ualit) of .tl'ti,•itir-, fnr tlw t•ntirt' <,imlt•nt hody could t•a ... ily lll• rai,NI. A ~ tlw frc:.l11nen h:l\'t' trawlt•d thl' (;rt'<'k ('ircuit thi-. full. I'm ... urt.• that the importnnn· of th(•ir oncumin~-: t lt>ci ~ion hn' l11'1.' ~ -.t rt''-'t'd tinw and timt> n).(ain . 1\nd indn·d it ..,huulcl lw T~u .., why litH ,::tve lht• frc·-. hr~l.ln a fc•w hn•ak:-.? Ll'l him flecidt• c111 hi' own l11m· rat her thnn makt• a rt•lnlt\'l'ly ha ~t y clt•dl'ion whilr climhin~o: Boynton ~ lair .... It would lw impn-...,ihlt• for any frn trrnit\' houo;t.• to krrp up n fa), ,• front fur .;i-: month ~ . \\'h.11 rould he , c•e•n in l lrn~t h o£ I inw i-. what l'\i<,~ '·
An,~s .# Then
Zeus sent an
thunderbolt on ~9
right Plank.H
We'll have to e«tdense that. ~w about ... •And there w.s ltghtnl"9 on
your right. •?
111 11111011 way diflert•nt prtitioll , ... i~twll h~ .tl)IHil 50 uncl,•agnHiuau•., " ·" 'uhmittt•clw tht• Co ll r~t·. !.tating that tCIIHiitilln' in fnllt•rnitit•., \H'rt' int uk r ahlt• anti that tlw Co llt•~:t• " would h:t\'1' to takl' .ac."lilln ( hy n ... pt•d t'al'tl dall•) ur t•J,t• " Th u~ it ''a" i11 1'111 1 that a Ullllmitl<'t' " a" .tppuiiiH'tl to . ( 1\ land t ht• I rouhll·. a 11d I .? 1 to n•wnn1wnd ''hat art inn, if any . -.hnu ltl lw t.tke•n T ht· lh.tirman ...l'!t'<'ll'cl "" ' .1 ·•~ \nC\'IIH' \dlll. in a ")Wl'l h on Ottnlwr h 11lhZ . 'aiel. " 1 tlid nut '-e't'k .1 pl.att• 1111 thi... t'ommitll't' ' CI m.w 111 lu .. nt.:ht nnnd \\ cwltl. But b) drn t of -,) tac.:tit., .. I ii\\Clkt· to lind my ..l'lf not unl) on thr t'nmmittl't' hut ( ' haar111.111 of it I km•\\ \\l' \\I'll' in for a rough \ll).tt.::c> O\'t'r racmt.t ' ''·' ' · hut I (llt'\'e•r 1'\f>l.'l'lt•d ) \lh,tl tltt• II' pm t tunwcl out 10 lw 1£ t'\t:r a c-:t'-t' prtl\t'd it..,t•l£ a .. it wi•nt alnn~-: . thi-. ''a" it. l 'm arrAid too rar
T ho• 'f1•o•h Nt' " " t\~•eH'i llt icm
gone to ptece together
is hell ...
tntelligtblj,~ ...
1.•.. \\
E•: td·: ~U-I'rmu
EWS ~101.1 :-\
Autumn l(!(llt'.' turn and lull
lh ht·n·d h4 1he
the• C'nllt·~tr \'t•nr h1
. l>nnahl ll Kulwri'<>n llnt l.t•r
Ko•nmlh .\
\KI , JR
j ohn II l.oJkil Ktch3n l J :>.nr111n l't~ul F ('ahalt•n
Mul...t• up Editor<
llt·nn H
Franu• E
•, C'mulaainn :ltan:u:c·r •. \"i•tant :llnn;u:u ....
,\cht• rlt•m~t :lla na~:l'r
Jnhn J ~akrnn Jamt' ll Kt·<~Unll Ju-.·ph \ lllauiM l'aul \\
l lritka•
. l :t.. lfjll' I' \ ' tfl("
:lltntl'l II Cl.l\un l'huHt~otmJlh) F:tliwr . Timuth\ !\1 Sht•n l'hmu~t.tplwr' ..... l)rnnl, 11.11 let.:
ll:uawr 1h·rb \\' ll••nrl
J uni11r Editor< ll uk~
lh l Kimb:all
ReJI\Irier' . . T nm H<>ppt'r P t'll' f't•nnt•r
:'\1 ,tlllli'Cl
\'" :1'1:1 n>ni Larr1 !l ull
l'otUI \ .IJCOI'CC Wfl... R) czrk Tctl • 1\'IUt.«>n
J uhn!a
Pctr hnner
Tnn1 C'mct•
K11..:••r \ rkn
Fmnl. Uinnnr liill \\ harltln Thnmn' Tral1ddln Clmrhr F.nnh Carl c:u~a:tft·rro Rnht' rl t:iiJi, J .,,,·ph :llt·lo~n•un
Kt•n Hrtm n
Ht•n Rrundl T(lrn n
1- \ CTLTY \U\' 1 ER Proft·•..ot T hel>clort II Pa( karcl
The view•
tet hnlr ln$tltutc
thl ~
AC< umulutmq a., u wmho l 0 1 1h ow tt ho hav1• fW~wJ here. II ave come. hcn•e qom•. ha<-''t' t urm•cl I h e f ow qc·ur c(/clt• of h op<' uncl f l'Ut . A ntl now U\ ,\'ut Ut r /loun., /11'\ l t~o qlort.{ 1n 1hv \pic ndor of u full .
) ' ou mu4 h('(Jr the hr/1\ o/ Alden A \ to her lrtt'flll\ I c·ch cull\
ro the p fUCI' u.•ht•t('
l.(CIU fir~/
rea/lq found
"/hut a drram cun bl! r eulttl/ A s the cycle turn .\ full r ound. \\'hl'rL' tht• lrurm nq und thl! tratnrnq ruught
(/OU /()
\hUp!' and make.
And the nwanrnq of l.t'hr und Ku mt FtrM bequn t o u.:uht•
T.·.-h ,,,,.. l'hon t'•: Mai n Offirf' : 1'1. 3. 1 I II EA 215 Jo:rllto rinl 1'1. i-90i I
Ad•f'rtl•inll 1' 1. 7-997 I
~uh...rripllon per -chool >•':t r, $4 00 , •ln111~ ropies. $.1 ~ Make nil rht'(k p.wt~blc to Bu.sint•M M ~n31!Cr t>cond-C'In'<S po!tt3J!t paid at Worcester. !\tass. Edil orinl nnd bu.•lnt•5JI offi et'S loca ted in • nnfortl Rtlt} II all. \\'orccsler Polytechnic Institute. \\'orc~tcr, MM>.~rhu~<'llS
Rr turn tel thr placc• of hupr
Grnc Ktlhan ll;l\t :\lcCaffn·' Hk l. B rtll\ n ....Rnh :>.'ajJka (;h-n ThreHIIIrt' llaH' t: endrnn
Aqarnst c1 ,\ r/t•/11 ll'ttll .
Ftlitmiltl Stoll : M nna~-tinJt Eflil or~
\ ncl \\hat olirl th t> tommitll•t• lind' · \ lrt't'cl in tlw rr ttlll'-litutinn tlrnma a111l pcwt ry in tht•ir rttual a11d J.( tt•at \'aluc•, in tht•ir national .tflili.t ttCIII . But \H' \l't•rc.• mort' imprt•....,e·d h) tht•tr fmtt•rnity hrotht'r' \\ho told "' t ha 1 mnra It• \\ ·'' nt .1 rt't:ord lm\ in llfllll} of tlw hmht''• I ha I houw cJi, fiplirw had tli..,appt•att•d. thut rndlt·,-, hnltl ... \l't'rt' ht•inu W<t'\tt·tl on lllllttt·r-. of no rt•rtl importnmt•. or wor...~: , that it \l:t.., alnlll"l in1ptl'"ihlc' tu "lluly in tlw hmt ~o,c• ..
n•.ul mmcJ, .uul pl.ty J num Tlw n•comnwndati11n : In addition to 1\hat ha' heen nwntiwwd in tht• l>t>r 111 utlwr tmk .. em thll'l.' Jm·-.ent 111 ' ' paa :u: t.tph uf t hi" art idt·, or per hal " in omi..,... ion , t ht• .\n ~:vi aw ll'JIIIrl Ill' ha, plollt•d 111 nun\ IJr,i!t' 1 rcmd, doc.•, not :uh·i..t• almlition uf fratc•rnitit•, llmH'H'r, if tht•y an· to t•\i' t in tlw .li .111 tht• lllolJIIf wlll''' ~1 .111y 'I i't h nwn 11111 n•t.tll thl' l.IJOIIIatm~t 1wr futttn•. tlw~ ''ill ht· murl' in 1h<· form of cluh' I han ind<·pr111h•nt cu L!•miat lurm.lllel' llr (,t•r.tlcl ,t,tlotttl ,1( \\'I' I 1imh l,hl \l'.lr \ loli\' P 'll 'lllj!i'r \1111 ,d-.u hl' htll,·d on t ht· pru~tr•tm I k " "1111!' lc•) ~l t :\~t•l u f " ''" \'urk nal(htduh f.tml'. Ill' h;p, pl.tyl•d .til Lhl· ltnrr rlul" in Nt'l\ \'urk .ttHI tht• ~otn•rtl(•r :\t·ll En~o:l an tl .art•n \ hnnl(o pi I) t•r and J l(uitnri't 11111 .Htmnpan\' hun \d mr• .. ron 11 rll he• i \t t~t·r IK'r,nn I he ..euvuH chunqt• u.rt h 11me
thr " On'l'• lr r l'nl~tt..-hnir l n•tltul r
l\lht ur-/11 Chirf . 1\LI-tH' l> A
10 of our II mem ber' \lt'rt' frall'anit~ nwn in l!oocl ~ laudi11,~t. \\'e• rumt· tn our w .. k with a ft•l'linu of In~ .city to nut frat e·rnilit•... Thi, \It' :-.till ha\'l' hut in \ it•\\ of 11hat \It' ha vt> found \\t' a ' \\'ill inaw. nwn h.ul nn altt•rnatl\1' to puttinl! the ('ullt•t:t• lu 't \\hue• it' intt•n•... t ru11llit tt•tl 11ith thnt 111 tht• fr:ttl'rnitit·'·"
n n R
Puhli•ht•ll \\'et•kh fo:\tftll for \':ll'lllinn and 1- 1am Pt•ruHJ,
l'hl' headltnl' in thl' \\'tLLI \)Ill Rtt:mm j, " f rtHt'e .. Firm \ nt.:' iaw t 'ot mi tnwnt.'' thl' -.c~:ne i~ a t:ampu• in 'udal tu rmoil. and thl' unclt•lh inl! wr j, J lat.k uf t•ducational and t'\ int\'rt.''l tmlwr th.; n 11it hin till' fra tl'rnitit''- tht•m-.t•h-l") rlw proptl't•d -.1lution " l'ht• ('ullt•Ut' i~ tn prm·id ~: hnu ... iru.:. t\at inl!. ancl ,.uda l acc:ummodatiun, ior tlw ,•ntitt• ' tudt•nt lind). and to authorize the !:-.tanclin ~.: l \ uumittl'l' to continue llt'J!Otiat iwh 11i th fratt•rnitit•, and ulhcr;. nnd Ill pmn•,•cl \l ith the plan:- for tlw prm•i1-iuu of rt•,..idt•ntial unit:-. .. ." \\' illi~l m ~ i' a ... mall. i"nlatc>d rnllt•ue• \dll.'rt' fratc'rni tit'' haYC e•\i,tc•ll -.itwc· 1:-i B and '' hl'fl' in I Q(IZ ninrty-fnur Jll'r ct•nt uf tht• tt(liWrcJ.t, .. m,·n .trt' "l'lt.•hinlo( mum and bc)ard in tht• prl'..l'lll tiftl't'll huuH., nn tht• l',tlllf\11' It i-, nn 'llrpri,t• that ~10 uf tlw (<tpprcl\) 700 !'uphomun•... Junint,, ami ....,emnr-. ''l!nt•d a JWtitinn t'\)lrt'"'"~ tlwir uppahitinn tu thi' ruli111: It tlu' i-. '" tlwn hem and \\h)' dul it .til l'llnlt' ahcmt >
25. 191
l):tpcr nrc NHirrly lhoS(' of the tdhorial • lafl. nnd In no way retlrn the
of \\'orce5ter Poly-
11 ' & 1here
tf qou u.1/l lr\ t l!n
rhe cal/. and the hrrue I~ Mr/1. H u.\ hetl b4 the panq ol rt'mrm'.o.cence As you liw walh ugatn on the htll. DICK 8f{OWN '64
r lolwr 2S, I 962
N E W ...
Paac 3
It is tlw pu r pO!'ll' uf Tuu 8f•ta r,i . . .. '"Tu m ar~ in a fitt i n~ UI U II · tlf'r thohe who h uH ' e·cutff't'rt•tl lwnor upuu tltf'it· \l11tu .\lutt•t· h~ lli M tin~ui e h ce.l St·h o lu r ,.,ltip uaul t'X I ' IIIJIIur~ •·ltanwlt•r a,., utul e r~rael awt•·, .•.. " au•l in utlditiuu . . . . "·To fo .. t•·•· u .. pirit uf lihf'r a l •·ullltre· i11 tlw 4' U~inc·e · a·iu ~ •·ull••f(t'"' uf .\uwri•·a. " ,\ IPn olrl' 'cltucd from the uppa 1 lllt h of till" 'wninr cia,., :end lrom tht• t1pp4:r t·t~ hth uf tht Jun iur 1 Ia''· u.u ult•ratwn hl'tll~ ~in·n w 1\llrt hy .u 1i1 ltll'' hut h Jl •l h11ol and ull 4.llllpll•
It i10 the purp010l' of Pi Delta Ep~ ilon to elevate the t'UIItit' of journuli :~m . to fo~t er multual wel furt' of !<llult'nl publication"'. to •I<'' elop the true,.,t frut<•rnul :opirit <Huon,: its m t'mbt'r a, to t•rwoura~t· l o~ah ~ to the ir .\lmu ~Iuter. aud to rt'"urcl th(• journuli~ b "orkiu~ on the l'l lncl<'nl publication for their e ffort t~ . scr\ ic· <·~ n ne I m·c· umpli~" hnwn l l!' h~ utlmis!!ion to ill' mc' mht'r ,.,hip.
f'ht• lolhl\1 \Ill( nwn h.ll'l' thu'l'll lu llt:;tr " the , fu.: " thl• •l'llll111l 11 1 pkdt.:~·,hip Ill 1'1 UdtJ Ep,ilun
I ' \l I. 1-.LI\\ .\RI> C.\1 1 \1.1-. '\ ~ l .• l. ···u 1 • Euu ••.-
r, '" ·' ,:..•
\ C' fl ()'\ 1"
\I \K(' EL 111~ ~1{\ rt. \\ IE'\ "PIIrt• 1-.tlll ll r Ft r/t \', t, 1 Kot : I·.K CII.\RI. ES ~h l :t·. l·. \ ,,'1<· up Edtlur , /',tit//,·,
II\ '\ I El. J0:-. 1·. 1'11 1'1·.:-I IH·. K
KH ' I I.\Kl > Jtlll~ ~O R ('()'\ "''" ' Edttur /',·1/t .\',•t•''
l :t·JUR I > JO"E I'll " I' l :t·. R ~I \1 :-\ \ th l'rt ~I .IIIJI(I'r /', tliiltr
I>\\ II ) 11()\\'.\kl> \\\II
II \Rtll.l> llEK'I K \~I ll u,llll'"
l•: t.c Kapp.t :-\u j, thl' '\at llun ul'.tf\' l·.ll'l trkal En~o:tnn·rml! ~m tt'l ~ ' I ht• ul\'.11, .tnd purptN~ 111 th c- m~o:.uu ~:.1111111 nn· hc' l • t.ttl'd 111 tlw l'n·.tmhlt· In ''' C'un,IIIUIIIIII I hat tlw''' 111 the proll''-11111 ul l·.ll'l · l·.n~otllt\'l'rin~o: . \\hu hv tht•tr ''' 1,1111111l'llh ill llllll'lo(l' ur Ill pr.II IH ' hlll'l' lllollllk~ll'd il th:qt illll'rl'' l oiiHI 111.trk4•tl ahiltt}' Ill tht•tr dHN' II lift• wurk IIlii\' h•· hrou~.thl tnln d tht' l llllllll; ~~~ ,,~ tu fu-. tcr a , pint nf liht•ral tlllt Ull' iu 1ht• l'li~IIIL'L'rin.: 1 olkt.:t'' .uul 111 mark in .111 iH II 'l·•ndlll~ m.llllll't 1""''' 11 hu, ,,, ' ' udo:nh 111 1'1<'1 1m .tl t'IIJ.tllll'l'llll)( h,l\'l' tonf,·rn·d hunm 111 tlll't r .\lm.t ~ 1.11cr- h' '"'' tlll!lli'lwd ll·,uftor•htp ,11111 , dtul,ll, lllp .11111 ilk ,.,,•mpi.Hy'r .tml Ill .tul tht'•l' , tudt•n h lu prHI(rl'' ' thruu~:h ·'"'" 1.1 llw I lr.un.1111 I Ionon u·t 111111 11ilh .llumni \\hll h.l\o' .tlt.lltll'd till' 1ul1m11111: 1111'11 lur tlwtr prwnim•nt I' Tlw l .tntltdatc-. url' ~~·lt••i<'ll 1run1 llll'lll• tn tlw " '''''"' lht• uppn third 11i thl' !'ll'lltur Elt•ll ti , ,11 1-.ttlo(llll'l' l 1111! tl.t ...., ,II HI I h1• lii'Jil'l 1tn11lh 111 t ill' j11nio r El•·tt nc :tl 1·:111(1
\1\\'\\KI >
C' ht l·.p-tlun '' iht '\,t 11111111 r.try <'till I•.II)!IIH'l'lllll! ll mwr ~lll ll'l} llt1· \\'or11·-ttr I'Phll•thllll lt htitutt' l t ' h,qtlt•r "·'' tll•t.llftotl on our t.tiii Jill' '\o1 ,•mlll'r lr, I •Hot \Jtomlo1·r·h•p ,, lt.t•t•tl un tlw tuur\ ft'IJIIIfl 1111'111' ut I •liUl'"llll 'lll!llll'l' r "1 htp !'h tr.tdn l 'rJt · 111.1111\ .111cl ""I 11111h11 l tllflor~tr.lliU .111' 11111•1 t.tnk 111 1h1 UJIJil'r • 111 tlwtr plt•llt.:o·, 1 1111 rlll!llh t·rtnt.: 1 l.t - .uul 1ht• uppt·r I ; nl t lwt r 1 I,,, I, r tclll.llt' lllill'llh .11 htt'\l' th' l'ltl!thlt• tur nllnllu·r-htp pr"' tdt·tl thn h.tll' · hu1111 uut~t.tnil lflf.: • dl ul.t•ltt .•thtllll 111 l( t.uhi.IH' ' dwol .\1 umn1 mo·mlwr.. 111 \\ 1' 1 .lfl' ,d,o l'lil!tlok prm ukd 1ht•\ 1111'1 I ho•-c• ,, hu· l.t•IH n·qutrc·nu·nt 11 htlt und,·rl!t ulu·
""I 1
,~, ,,...
I ht• tulhm IIIIo( nwn .trt' ph·dl!l'tl
From 1ft,. lmuor ( /u11: II\\ If) OR I ~
J \\
J .\~1 E~
I h1· 1"11"" 11111 nw11 h.11 1 lot·l'n , , .• h·.t.•cl
Ill 11/\ '\ \
h. \~II '\:o-K \'
t·:ll\\'.\IW JO~EI'II ~ .\1.1:>\tl\\ '-h.l
I. I.ORI,I·. \111 ...,1 II\'\ (,
Rll'll \Ki l '
\lll.l R hi
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\\ \I.' I EK
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t: I·.ORt:t·: I'ETEI< \'l'ni\', ~IH" I ' Etlitur, l't•olt ,\' n1•.•
lh' l' rtllf.:
CHEMICAl ENGINEERING HONOR SOCIETY llw ultjnl uf tht' 'utu·t~ '' tH IH ' '''" hcmnr Ul""' I hoN· ' ' wlc·ul .uul r.uuh) .. r lht• l>t•JI.Irlnll'nl It( (' lwm tc .tl ... lll(tlll't'rHlS.: and C' hl'llll\lry """ hUll' flrtl\'1' 11 I htm,t'll ~'' ll'llrt hy 11f ' lith rc•t u~nttwn nnrl In w11rk fnr I ht• ltc·cH'hl n f lhc• tlt•p.ulmt-111 nncl \\' I' I 'l.tmt•• .. r pr~"'""' mc•mlwr\ l'c•tt·r Chuwran-ky Jr C'h 1-. 'It\ l' n ·,ttflont Rttllt'r 1111)1 ;\l .ultlllt k Ch 1-. l1l \ I ll' Prc•lfl<•nt. ( ho~ rh \I Uc·c k II C'h IJ ~ ruc•t;tr) Juhn ~I 1 c hmu• J r ('h E. '6 I. Rns.t(•r C'h:uh \ld•l'l' C' h 1-. IH, t\ t'mH·th Curti lkn wn C'h f!l . l>n\l d l.d\\Mtl I Jurtkkc· Jr C' h '/1 I :>\anw• 11f m•·n 111 l,c· l,l,·rhwd 1111 Ot t 1; I IJ(i1
l o~tUI'
Ccnd rttll C'h 1-.
Janw- f lau, Knud·un Ch 1:. ,\fi \'I,Hr ll~ m
" hipm nn
the •llttl'ly '' Dr
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Quick Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner
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151 Highland Street
Open 10 A.M. - Midnite - Sun. - Fri. - Sat. 10 A.M. - 1 A.M.
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Our future Is In the hands of men not yet hired \ I \\'t•,h 111 Fkc lrrt '' t• pl.t\ .1 1 rul1·
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Get that refreshin g new feeling with Coke/ Bollled under aulhorlly ol Tilt
CoCI·Cola Company by IOffilR'S NAME HlR(
25. 1962
' ' r---------------------~
Yo u Will
Fur the J>:hl uve year• Lhcre ha• t•\i•trd at ' I cth a •mall •mccre hut KE F AUVER •umchtJ\1 on~rltJukcd or~:am.tauon th<' "•udcnt \\"i\·c, \ --uttJUun The lar~":t number «1f •UUC"tul ma rncd •lUtlc:nt· SPEAKS here nn the ll ill l<m certain!\· he .11 1rihuttd 10 tlw dctht·atcd c;1urt• ut 1 thh L(rUUIJ ' I he '\tudt·nt \\'iH·· dot•• ih 11urk un ll' '"'": thtrt· 1• nu hn.tntiJI •up· purl trnm tht· •thuul ~ l uncy j, rai•t'tl I ht· Lradualc RttcJ rc.l Examin<illtiO•, thruutth 11111 dullar a year dut• and rl'quircd u! apphwnh f•H admt••tun •.:Hml lund r.ll•tng pmjcch I:.Jth tu a numht·r ot ~traduatc -.chrml.. '" t.all hdurc Th,mk .. uivang a turh) wdl as hy an int rca•il1g number o( r.tltlt· " held. ' l lw, '' the: biu~:e't mmw1 dunor~ of graduatt· tdloll llhip:-. 1\111 lac rai•t·r ul the yt•ur •• nd Jta., bnlillll.' ;J tn ndurt~:d al t·xamanatiun u·nt••r• 1r.111itiun in tht· duh :'\~:xt •pnn~t throul(huut the liiUntry hvc llllH'• -huuld bring •·llht•r ,, h.tke •31•• ur .1 dunn!( the wmlll)( year BtiiJ.:" a- .Ill .tdthtwnal 1uml ' I hi• f.tll tanclldatt·· ma1 t.tkt- tht• rat•t•r (,J< I·. un ~aturcl.t} . '\m·1·n;hcr 17 In \ n) murw~ n·.alt ..wd throuuh tht l'l(d. tht tkltc-. ..rt· J ;lltuary 1'1 ~ltnh l!lrl'. <'linn• '' tN·cl tnr .t huuk .,t hu l1, i\pral 27, and july 0 b.lutat 11m. d ;ar,)up '':II h •dllllll tc.rrn Tt, linlo( Scrviu· udv i'c' each nppli1.tlll 1( 111' ·• dr~"' 1111.: I• lwld In 11htl h orw to inquin· ul tht• grauuall· •t houl ul "' rnnrt• lw k~ hu•hancJ, .tre ltl\l'll a hi., thuitc 11hid1 ,f tht• o:xaman.atiun• •m.tll •urn '" htlp ddr;ay lht• ''"' ut ht• ' huuhl tilkt· .and on 11h11h tl.att·, l•wok, .\ rwth•·r .ttll\11~ of the l(rttUp Appht:lllh fur 1-(ratluJll' •thou! rtllm1 I• .111 tlmrwr cl.tntt• hdd t'Jth , hip' are uftt·n ,l,kt·d w t;tkt· th1· ~l.t~ tur nwrnt•d 'tudt•lll• .and th1·1r «lt•'ilo(ll:llt•d C:\(111111\lllllllh 10 l hl' fall 11 1\ l.'• il''l ~dmini, l ml ion. .\ 11 '' h ,., .art• illl llt•d tu joun I ht' l 'l'hl' (; KE tc'l ' uht• ru l in tlw,t· till· ! •lull ''hith h,,, up,,nrd~ ot tharty l1u11111dc prugrar11 ' indudt• a ll'•l of ;m·mhn-. ~ 1 t't'llllJ.:• .lrt' 1111 •1 munthhly 'lhul.t'>IH .t111li1y ,.., \It'll .h 1'1' 1' 1111 11 I!Ut·•l '(1\'llktr• ,a nd Ill t·r ,1(1\ .lnH·d h-q·l 11.,._ uf .tdlit·H'IIH'Ill utlt·rt•• ttllfl plartrll'd 1hur• d.l\ O~tuht• r 1' 11111 ht• tht• hr't llll'tl 111 , ,.,·cnlt'l'll <Ittft•rt•rH maJtlr Itt• II c ' ut • ' tudy Carulrd.ttt•, .trl' l":rmallcd Ill an~o: "' tlw t.~ll lt·rnr It "Ill l~t· hdtl Ill Wkl· the apllludt• tc•,t and ur urw ul tht· J.uld 1-•• lrlt• Ruurn .uul tht• "lu lhl' udv: uHt·d It''" un :uw of till' rta tlt·nt \\ 1\~'' . .lft• lullklltl( fun,.ml to • l(ll!lcl ht·l(1111lll1f,l ttlr ,tlllll lwr ~~~~~ ,..... f ul 1iu n wid~ 11..,1in I( d .ll t·~ t\ ll ulkt in 11f l nform:HHH1 l11r t .tn )'t'ar tl id,a tt·~ . ton lallllllfl ;til applit.lllllll .11111 l t''llllj( ~t·fl'l\l' l'fiiiU'lllll :-\l'\\ ) t'f· pnll'iclm~o: dt·t.ul' ul n·l(r-1 rat iu11 .111d 'l') ur I' () llll\ 1 i~\1/h 1...,., \ nl(d t•• admmi..,trallllll ,,., 111·11 ,,, ..;unplt· qua·· '7 ('alllurnt.l \ II .lppht .tlmn' mu•t trcm,, 111.1)' ht• uht,tlltt•d f rnm wllt'l(t' hl' rl'H'I\ t•d 111 ' ""'lllltt•r 1 l'lta.? 1111 ad vi'ur' ur dm•tl II· I rom Etlut.lltnn.ll 1ht• hr'l t"<,tlll
I r
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IU\[ t'OIIIIIIIIIIII•Illllll~ 111111 11rl.' \ 11d ,1 l',lll't'l 11t \\ o·'l' 111 F lntrrl·. llw m.tnii i.H itlllltl.( .muuf lilt' 11.11l1111 111tl, • lh•ll f1·h ·p l111111 · " ' ' ' ' ' " · olltts 1111111\! llh'll tlu· t'\d lin).! toppwltlllll\ lu ll! lp "' 11111"1 tlww itnpml.ull 1111 ~ 1, l'ntl.ll . \\, .,It r11 Elt'\ lr~t t•q~tiprtu·ul H1ltllt'\ lhull,,tllcl' u lrntlt·' tn l1.u IHill\ u l "c ortc h E1' 11 "'· 111 l.atct\1 th.1l1111r p11 ·\l 111 cniiiiiiiiiiiC .tll<lll\ \\\lt·rn' 111llhc na.uh'f lll,tlt lurnnrrtm, .uad \\I' .ut• \lll.tlll.( "·'" lu I.I'I'P IIJI \llllt .11111 .allllll· p.11t' 1111' f11ltH1' For 111\l.llltt , rat.;ltl 111111 \\ 1'\lt'l ll l·: lt•tlllt l' ll).(llll'l'l\ :Ill' \\011.1111! 1111 I .II III II\ ph.l\1'\ or \CII.Ir ('(II rn.lltlll.ldlll (' 11 11111 ,1111111.1[ IIIII I r.II I \II II\\ IIIII Ill t II I I\Ill ttkphmu '· 1 ktlrctiii C' c ul f rt C'\, ,1111! t·nmputt·a cmtltullt-cl p mclm tum lr111 \- to rt.lllll' 111\l .1 f1 1\ l'n pult't I till' 11 nrl. aum 111''' .rtltl l.uuad1 111,1111 111'11 cunnntlllll.tlltlll\ proclud \, j)I <IJI't.; h , (11"0('t'tllllt'' · (llld Jl llltl'"'' llllt }'din lltt· mrntl ol 111.111 - II\' 111'1'< 1 qu.alaly-mutclt'll
tlll!llll'l" If 11111 ft ·o·l \'1111 c·:u1 nwc I uu r \l,uul.uc" (1111\ICitr tlw uppurtuu1 l 11·~ u ll1 n~ l l11 111111.1111.( 1111h IIIII 111111(1·1111 lro .t I t·\\ \ltllt l you ,,,Jlfu· \\t•\la·rta 1-:l<'drrc·.
Challen ging oppo•tu nlrlot .. ;., now ol Wt llt '" Elt<lllc fo, t letllical, mte hanlcol, lndu•hial, and t heml· cal engine"'• o• welt at phy•lc al tclenco, llbe1al 01h , and bu•inou ma jon All qualt flod app llcana. will ,.. ceove ca refu l con••derallan fo• tmploy menr wlthour rego' d
race. u e ed , color or na honol
For mo,.
lnfo•mallon abo"' Weue•n Eltct•lc, wrile College l ela· lion•, We•ltrn Eleclllc Com pany, l oom 6 7 0 6 , 771 l •oodway, Now Yo1k 31, Now York. And bo l Ull lo a~r anoe fo1 a Weuern Elecrtlc inlervlow when our college oo p ~tunloll• .. vl•ll your cam put.
lu11n1 IOtllll)nl II ChltiCO Ill. Kurny N I Bill mort Md. lndllniPOIII lnd llltniONft •nd Llurtldllt, PI 1 t. Bulfl "· II y l<nr'h Ando•tr !.Un OrUI\I, litO. Kln•u Cttt 'l o Co umD~\. Oh•O OkWiom• C•lt o~ ··· ~nK•nttr•nc Rt uocn Cenrer Pr ·~tton I• J ltl•lyt:t Cooe>ollt•on $~o~ lt Ill., 1nd l>ll't Ro•• Ar~ AI\O Wtsltm [ltttrlt d•llrl· lJI•on centtts In 33 Cll ts and ln'll llal•on hudqu1r1tu In 16 •1ton Ctntfll nudQUirtetl 195 BroiONIJ Ne" Yor\ 7, H. Y. "''""'•
'! nuon S,lt,
TECH ELEVEN NARROWLY DEFEATED BY WESLEYAN 1..:1~1 !-.alurdu y the Erti(II1C{'r' u( Wuru·, tt·r Tt•t h tra11:kel to ~liddlt'· tltllll C'onll ~t·tking Ill hrt•:tk their 11111 g.tn1t' lt"in~: 'tn·.1k •tl(.tin.. t tlw ('ardllt:t f, of \\'t·'-lt.•y:111 ,\ !though ' l t•t h h:ul ;t , Jil(ht iitll'ant.tgt· 111 tlw 11\'t'rall yarda~rr l(.lllltel Ill 10'1 tlw .,lllrthuartl .mel l ht• rc•t urcl hunk-. rl'utnlt·cl a nut hc:r lu•' l11r the· Bu) ntun ll tllt•r, 7 0 'I ht· \\\·,ft-y.ll1 tt·;tm "·'' hy aw mt·;lll, a •I rem~: a• tlw tl'illlh It·• h had lo 1 111 111 tht•lr I\Ill prt'I'IIIU• uut in~t' \'l't tlw E11~tllll·t•r• l11'1 IU•t' ul 1 nwnt.t:r ut kt-~ llll•t.tkt·• d11t·1l~· on flllt·tHt' llt'rl' un.thlt· 111 IIHt•lt-r .1 lnr· llllll,lltlt• Ill filii( ,Itt IC k ' I Itt• hnnw lt',lll1 111111 till' 111 ' uf tht·
Orll' ltr•t dOIIII tlw IH'rc fon:cd 111 punt I hi• •l't the ll.llC r11r thl' Cntirt: hr-.t h,tlt .mel the: c•1rly 'l<Utl'., ut lht• third qunrtt·r fjuth ll!.lffi' 1ratlt:d pun!'- .tntl nc:ltha prc•cntnl .1 dt-hmtc '' urinl! thrcill I ht: IJr,l lm·ak 111 tht· d,·,ullutl.. t.llllt' "ith ahout de1 I'll mmutt•, )otlllll' 111 thl· thml pe;nud llht'n .1 h.~r~l mg \\'t·-l··ran eml t .tmt· 111 111 hlot k ,, Kve tt:k IIllO I dt•t•p 111 ' I t•t h , 111111 tr r nturv But a dl'lcn•l\ e rtlh 1111 tht• IMrl • ut the ~.nuirwc·r, 11111 tht·m tht• 11.111 lt.Hk 1111 tht·tr tt\111 lllt'IH• \.trd hnt' It ""' ht'rt' .1 truntl 1111•· t.lkt•ll hlutklllj( J.-lj.lllnle'l11 olllllllt'cl C.trd111.1l ,·nd Chrt• ~ l .trtlll 111 n.ul hut artcr Engineer~
RUNNERS SHATTER V. OF HARTFORD, ASSUMPTION La .. t llt't'k t iH· ' lt•t h ""'' tuuntr) llt'r- an· l<llllllh•nt or ltt·ttt•r pt•rlonn II':till
111m w Iumhk JU•t th ht' wa" nhout 111 pa•, I ht'> 1:.11c \\'~· the hnll Ill th~ ruur-yard lint' nnd lrum tht:rr iullha<k :--nytl~:r hull~d hi, ''·'~ mlu tht• c:nd wnt• un the third ph~ trur>l •namm.u.:•· I uiiUIIIrll( th~· \\ ··-l~·)';tll -wr~ Trth ·Wmt·(l tu ~:.un .add~·d •tn:n~:th and •1'\t' tamt·• (;t·rnma .tml Ltutuiu IH'n' .I hit• 111 hn•.tk I rt't' tnr nm•ider 1hlt• f.!.alfl• hrtiii(IO)ot h 11 it hin •(tlr· 1111: pu•tttun But ,.,,,h llmt' \\'t'•· n I l l ' dt·l .. nn• jdll'd Jtld IHC\t'Oted tht· lt·t hnwn 1rum t.lpll.tlwne un lht·tr pu•ltiun '-t·H·r.ll 'lllt·h~:ht• ul tht• J:.lml' llt're tht hmltt•d U•t· ul J 11111 pl.ltnon ')'· tt·m 111 tlw l11w II) I k ul l'<t,tdl lloh l'rt lt .tnt! lht• lint• -hm~tnt:: ol •nphmnur • )ltkt> l'nrt.lllUia 111111 t.IIH!ht huth ul lt•th' li\O IM''utmpl,•taun, tn tlw l.ttl' •l·l~l'' 111 tht.' flllllt''l
pn·vtuu ' tit• .IIlii'• I hl' <tllllo,tk j, l!lhHI lur 11 111 :~-WAY te•al'. \\'it h 11 tft,pfay Ill 11\'1'11\ ht•IJII• IIIII!( lht• next IIIII 11\t'l'h ag.un•t rut h in~: ' '''t•ngth, Hwy IIIHtllu•d ,\ ,,ump ,11111 Jlrundea.. and thl' pru•pt•tl lor ;1 It lttU h.l\t' ht•t·n ll .tlktn~t p.t•l tht• 1lun ('ullt•gt• .1111 1 th1· lniH'r'll'' ul 11 alliiii1J.t 't':I'-Oil '<'l'llt' •·qu.tlly ~·•uti j.(l m .aruuntl I OIJ or ' 00 et do, k l ht• llartforel to Ill' thl'ir '1'·""11' rt'lurd !.t•t IIIUJIIt• Ill llt't'k'. )'llll prcth.'lhly 2l h.l\\' ult-~•rlt'd t•tlht•r the hutldlllJ.t On Ottulwr I 7 h •t h pl.t wd lw•t 111 h.1k1111( or h.ul tht• lt1ud l111a nf fra · uur lrtl'-lll\111'..\ •tllnplutrl l'ul h'rt111\ uwn 1 het'rtlli.t tht'tr lt•,un' on lrjtt' I ht'l' pr111 t•cl 111 Jt,. litt k pruhlt•m ICI \IIIII~ •h.tltc•r }OUr t•ardrum' ·" T t•e h platt•d t 11e•h ,. mt•n 111 tht• I ht••t• .trt' Jll'-1 .I 1t•11 ul tht• <harat l~t-t "aturel.t) tht• prc'•l'all )untc1r fir, I 1h11tt'l 11 hna-lwr• Lt•d hv .111 nut tt•n•th ttrtliiii'-I,IIIH'' nt tht• lllll'r· ,(;tll(ftll)ot pl'rfllriii,IIH t' II\ I II t.lpi.Uil \ I ,,,,.., dl'll'~llt'd tht• ~uphunlllrt'' in ,111 t r.llt'rnlt' 'nlln h.tll "l'.t•Un llt·~llllllllJ.t ll ufl111.111 11h11 l~ltt•d ult .1 1111\t' ul 11 mtt·n I,,,, •ohb.1ll 1(.111\l' .uHI 111 tlcun~ 1111 h tlw opt•nflllt ' t' rH' mtrre-1 .1ncl minutt·• t; \ ••••wttl'. t ht• tt·.tm \\C>Il h) '" r!'1.1111ed IMI"e''mn ul tht• lllll'tt·tl •lllrlt .trt' .tll\,1)• ahund;tnt in th" .t ,tnrc• 11f 1'1 Ill II \ "umpt uul', •nit• I ;' l lt-.ul Truph~ ' I 1111 run-. 111 thl' lt~t•h .mtl t•'<ellllll! 'lltlrl lur r.nh l r~l· huttum ol the •t'l\'111 h •t•nt t ht• '-uph• •, lluh 1.1111(t'll pl.t( e·cl •t•nutcl, I 'iO tt•rntl\ "•"'" tu l!t't uh tu an r.trlr h11111 Ill clt'lt'Jt hy ,1 'lllrt' e1l h :; l':lrch l~t•htntl ll ullm.ut lit- "·" tlu•t•ly ' I ht• l!.tmt' 11.1' llt'H'"II-tl<'d h~ .111 ''·' rl lor t .1pt urtnl-l tht· mterl r;ltt'rllll)' lulhi\H'd hy I ),1\ I' ~lollk'- .mtl ( :,•rrv •Itt HI' t roph1 ;\Id ;,.,..1, 11 e·ll ·" I l,l\ e· HI<' l..<·nnit• m.alnhty un the p.trl uf IH!lh tla--<•, I h" \l'.tr ,,, al11.11·, tht' cumiX'lltwn \\'t•,klr, ll!oh l;.trll•on ~ l urt•n .111<1 111 tiHllpll'lc: thr u•mJil'tillun JJ,l n·.1r h,,, he•t•n kt-t•n ' I ht• tup lt'.tl1l• Ill t ht• l\1o lllll'·tKIIIll t'lt'l1h. lht• 1(1111 .uul Juhn llraellt•l' lt•.t~tut· '" r.1r .tr<' l'lu K.tppa 1 heta. ll,l\'al11( Iht ~ 1 tttory unclt•r t ht•tr tht· tc•nn" mutche, t~erc• nt'VN pl.ll•t•cl '-11:111•1 l'ht l··fl'llon, l'ha Sil-!lllil l\:app.1. ht•ll:-, till' t'rll'' IIJUII(I~ fllllll('r' IIIII • l.t•nclin~ hy .t puint , tht• ('1,1" ur '114 md l.unltd.t Chi \ lph.t St~t l·.p .mc1 lul.-ntl~ jntlltll'yt•tl tu ll rttl ford . C'1111 lll't'clt•d unlv a viuury ill t'lllll'r 1'1'1'111 l'ht :-,,~ h,l\'t' al11,a), ht•t•n rnJIIht.ty~ nt'tllflll , Ja,t S.nurtl.1y. to f.llt' tht• 111 in~urt• ~·k tt!~' ew~·r tht• Fn•.,hnwn , 111 tht• I I '""'l"'tatmn hut lht• K .tp rhi., f.tll , htmCI't'r, nc:ithl'r mnlt h had l ' tuwr,ity• nl ll.trt lord l'lwir t lilt 111d l ~'llllltcla ( ' h1 a r~ llt'IIWIIWr• lu hdt·uu• Wll' \It' ll l t~unclt•d ' "" <' l hl')' ht•t•n pl.l)'cd. and hot h da-.,•, al(rt'rcl till' tclp llnth dt·Witlflt'd .. trnn~ot 11un hy .1 '"'rt• 11f I (I Ill 4.1. 1'111' l't•t h <lll a " 'fth.tll jt.llll(' \lllrlh 1\111 11111111 ' lt'.lllh tht• ll'.tr an d an• knorkm~t off -ur:o. fur tilt• IIH't'l IH'rt• J>avt• ~ l llnk., , \1 htdl \\ ould tlt-cidl' thl· \1 1111\l'r ur t ht• •llllll' uf the• e''llt'e tt•d IIIJI ll';lnh II hilt• Ct•rrv ) I d ;,.,. .md \ I ll11fima11 "hu I ; \ lll'.lfl •lt.tkllll! tt dlllltuh rur thl' rt•t ' llw d,ll' or the jt.lnH' '·'" lhtrt) tit•tl. fttr liN pl.ltt• .t tt<'r p.11in~: tht· 1-.p 11h1th 1111n tht• ICIIII'yh.lll 4 ~ mtlc• ('uUr-t' in l4 111111Uh'' 10 'l'~ •JIIrtll'tl ~nphomorr •lift h.tlh•r• n·.uly 1 lllllllt'lltwn Lt-t yt·.tr ~tnt nfl tn :t tllr .tuaun .t~t.lln•l a h.tntllul ul llt'll 1111d' Rountltlll: uut T••t h ' ICIJI hit' >Hor '-l.trt lo•lllJ.t ih hr•l 1(,111\C hi l'ht t r.unt•d J unaor• Thr C'l:t" nf 114 lw11 • 1\l'fl' \\'t•tkll' .md nu k ('el\ ll nlll'll'r tht•' rrI ;.tmm.t l h•lta \ ftt·r 1ht''t' t 1111 llllllrtt'' tht• run t'll'r JUmped ull to •'" l'.trl) unt· run ' ttlllllflrd •mart h· hv lltnllllllt t ht·•r nt·xt 't·.ul anti the •tort• ''''od unl!l tht• 11 t' ~tamt'' m a nm t hrrd1y undtn~t Students who have parents or thircl lllllllll! \ fnur run nuthur•t put ht•m•t•ht•, 111 .1 hr,t pl.tct' Ill' \lith friends in the New London, Conn. tht• '-oph- ahc.1d by thret· and hruu~:ht l'l11 ..._,~ :mtl l~tmlKI.t C'hi l'hi ~,,(, oreo may be interested to know the• man~ "nphllmMt' 'lll'CI.Itnr' 111 mh· lu..., 113, at tht• hand, oi Stl! 1-.p that o ploy by ploy description thr1r frrt l'hr Ju nwr- Jlt'tkt·d ,1\\,1\ tnd all tmht 111nn-. .trt• thry 3rt' o f the football game b e tween .11 the ll'.td and tht• "Hph• -wred tllltt' h<• tram'- 111 l~t•.u l'ht '-11: and Gmbtla Worcester Tech and Coast Guard 1111rr 111 hnn~: tht• •t>~n' 111 ' I 111 "ht pl,t~ rur thl' 1111! 'lllkl' • •t'tiiOI! o n October 27 will be broadcast t,I\'Cir uf the \1:~.- ttl 'h'\ l!llllll! mtu 111 'lith ml.'n ,,, j tm,·y D1ck over radio station WNLC in New tlw ltttthlm nf tht' •l''•'tlth \ tnuph• '"'r,trad Juhn "N.lrt' and Jam l>u11· lo ndon. ,..;,,,. ~O .-TJI \U....-Pn11•' 6 ·1am Ep em t ht• ut hl·r hand -eem.. tn 11111 '" 1!3111<'' 111th more con,t•tc11l ·11.1)', t.tktn~ adl.tnl.lj.ll.' nr th~ utht•r 1 t'Jnl,· llll,l.lkt• .. llt111 l'l tr <~nt• mtN rc•ali~e that 1he •t\1~011 ;, nnl\• halt ll\'l'r and 1hnt anvFOOTBALL: " • ( .uurl ' 1 ................ 11'"""·c-nm1u11. • l't~t nrtl t"' · Ch-tnllt'r "i C.un•t ",, : 00 1'. \1 . 1111.' of thl' his: thret• cuuld ~N knucktd "er hy unl' ui tht• le--er 1)41\\er,. tf thl'y nrc 11Cil ' up" rnr the ~rame .\ n ~ OCCER: !'uturtln~. Ot'ltllll'r 2i llu•lt>ll l . ................. ll n mrruruin~t . I :30 1'.\t . interr,un~t nutr i-. that 11 hen ~ilt Ep ht'at l'ht ~~~~ n 11;t' an exalt rt'plica '\II "'' "''"till ~. Clc-tulwr :ll - A.l.t: . ...................... ll nmt•. 3:30 1'. \1. 1f Ia t )t'1r' pl.!) Com1n2 d<l\\11 to thr end uf the "l'a•on Phi ~It: wa< "' ROSS COUNTRY: undere:~trd nnd ~~~ f-. p h:~d ln•t only ~ll lllnlu~. Ortubt•r 2i nra iHiri . .................... ll omi"<'Ont hlf[. 2 :00 I'.M. me jl:tme -,il! Ep 11011 that match '\\ t•ciuc-•tht~. O c-to bt' r 3 1 - :\orthru<lf'rn ............ \,. 11~ 1nd 11cnt into a ploy-off Perhap• a play-off 11111 he eminent asram tht< F. VOLLEYBALL: \t o ndn~ • Snturda~ ............................................ .4 and 6 in t:~ mnu•i um vear only ume "ill tell li\U
L.t•t ru,••tl.t~ tht· \\'urtc•t..r l•·•h ~aturda) .lltt>rnuon tlw \\un·,·,tt•r •Utu:r ll'.ml mt•t tl••ft'.tl .11 tlw h.tntl, ll.'dt •UH<'r tt•.un l.tund1~·d nn un•m uf .1 -trnn~o~ l )l.a" t•lt'\ t'll I ht• lm:hh tt•"iul .llt.lCk on thr •hon•, ••I tlw tHUtl.'tl Kt•dnwn llhu h.ul prl'\IIIU•h rh.llllt'• Ra\l'r ,,, tht') tiiiiPllt'd tht'll lll·.ttl'n :'\~·11 lltllll'rhuu•t' Inn lllth ~t.trnt• ttl tht· '-e.t•nn 1t1 tht• t'n,t•l it} -hlllll'U plt-nt~ nl htt-tl•• 111 rt'lt!' llt'.lr' Cu.11h \1.111 ~':till! ' 11'.1111 tl'nn~o~ J t!.-t t-all' ' ! 11111 I ht• It I-. 11 huh h,a, -hu11 n pruma•<' un "' 1 .t•ann hruk1· .1 I ,., h t 1111 f.!.lmt• 1111\llllll.t • t n·.tl, 11 ·'' lnul..anf,! t.1n1.atd In ah t lunl lit 11111 •t'l th,·tr n•tunl .11 1··1 '"" ul th•· •t'.t•un hut "''r•· turn•·d I ht• UJ>l'nlll)ot nunull'• Ill tht• l,t.llnt' h.u l.. Ill tht• lltlllt'rlul lk.H• I ) 111'rt' ,.,,·nh IIIUI.tht 111th awltlwr tr.tlll \\ tth tlw 111Willlll! l(tlll 11 lmtl..t•d ·'' huldtnt.: ,111 r•l~.t•• l lttll\'1 t'r ·'' tht• llr•l II tht• \\ IIHl''tt•r ilm>tt•r, 11\'f\' )otllllll: h.tlt llurt· em tht• lt~IIHt•r• lrulll tlw I 111 tll.lll.. up .lthllhn '1\1111\ hut tttt•r l 1111 t•r•tl\ lewkl·d allun• .mel murt• 1111 .tllmtl thn·t· mmutt•, 111 'liiK'tt\lr pl.11 lilt'"'"' I ht• hr•l •wrt• ul tlw l(.llllt' hv tht• \\'un•·-tl'ltllt'n ~ 'u.t't (;u.tlll mulll,tl thruu~h tlw ttr't pt•nu•l t.tmt• tu htt• .111d ll>~mtn,Ht'tl pl.11 1111111 un .1 · hut h~ Cht•twry ul l )1.1" '-t'l tht• ll•unh IH'IIIl<l llht'll I t•dt ht•~:.ln 111 nnd ltt'rtud ... l11 Lt·c•te• .111tl ('ht•awr\ pl.11 tlw l:·llllt' thn .tr•· t.lp.thlt •II put th•· hunw tt•.tm .tht'.ttl l11 lht•·•· \ltt•r 'IX .tnd ,, h.tlt mu1ull'" h.tcl 111th httlt• llllll' ft-lt Ill tlll' llr't h.tlt t'Xpar<•tllll till' liN Jll'lllltl (',llr, ( 'n,lo,t \\' ith 1HW II1111Uit' kl't 1111 th•• dmk loll.lttl ' III ,Hk ll'fl 'IIIH'Il Ill\' 111.,1 1-:t•n l> rl-.wll 'lllrt•tl frum 111 lluw tu ..:n.d ol tlw J.:.tttH' .\lthlllll!h C,111' hrin~.t tlw l nhnwn 1111hm 111n ,,., thl' \\'urc.·•t•·r lt•.cm 1latk I 0 p111h I ht• ltr•l h.tll "''' dcht•h lltllll''h'tl .1hh a lllllll' 'l'rlitu• "·'' I'll .lllcl tlw ,tlulll v ol tht• lhclnlt'n tu tlllllllt'rt•tl 111 1h1' Jlt'tlocl "' Rill-! l luucl, ••IIIII tlit.l' 1111 tht•lr •telllll)! IIJillt>rtu l'n h ' te'I( ri~ht lhtlth.Hi.. "·" in tutat'' " •" n''IKI!l'lthh· tm tlwtr l 1 Jurt·ll m 11 lwad 1111 t~llli,llm 11 1th unt· Mhantill(l' \\'I' I h.ul l'lt' .h.taHt'' uf tlw ru.t-t (;uard-nwn llllh I ~ lllln 111 1 l11•1' tht• l.t-IJI hut•cl 111 •lllfl' 1111'' ul tht• 1Wr111cl pl.t\l'cl :-.. r.l\'' unh tlll<t'•n .11 tht• C'u.t•l liuarcl l11ht111.1ay llw thtrd puuul pl.t~ 11 '' d111111 rt'lt'.lh-el nuth1n1: '-l'rtuu' .ami II " n.tlt•d h) l ~1.1 '' hl~othlt~othll·d II\· l.t l'lt• • hupt•cl I l11od 1111l rl'lunt ' hurt I) •t:wncl .uul thtrtl, ul tht 1(.1111\' .t• ht- hu•thn~.: pl.l)' "·'' 'urt·l) mi' t•tl .tt 1 0 I ancl 11 1:; 1'.1 rt ".1 ~ t ltrous:h I ht• -.•..mel l"''rllld "·'' mud1 t lw tht• l><'tlllel lt•t h !'u.11 h \ l.1n Ktnt.t 111 -.111w ·'' tlw nr-1 ·'' Co,t-.1 (, 11111 •t'rlt•tl Juhn \1\t.uart• tn tht• tll't' allcl llltut•d tu uutpl.t~ lt·t h hut litH' un •IIHdwd s:u.tlll' I 11111 ( ••mit•) tu tt'llh·r .thlt• tu •eutt' unul C.trr huull'tl hunu· h~llh:uk 1-:trh) llt~lwmlll' "·'' 11111\C'd IIHithe•t )otll.ll \lith unh .t h.1tr tlllllllll' tu u•nte·r fum.trcl tu hul•t!•r tht• lur· n·m.11111111: 111 tht· ltt'rtncl \ ltlwu~:h 11111 11 J nt 11 .til I k rt·•t ~IIHh-tl l1\ rt'l:l•h·r pl.11 t•d ,,, .t tt·.mt t n·•hnwn <•llllt.llu tnl! lt•t h • •C'tllltd ;mel )ottHI 11 lrmht'l' ami j ut' ,\ thr Hlllliii\H'tl tn tht' hltt•t•n n11nu tt' nt.trk 111 the• hnnl pl.1y ~utili h.tll aucl 11111 II{· unpmt.lllt quJrtt•r l lw •tort• 11,,, tht• rt''-Uit ul till:• 111 futurt• \\'1' 1 'lllt ••r pl.111• '1111' \\'nru:•tn ' tlt-lt'tllllllt'tl fuutth IK'IInd •tnrc• nt h.tlr lifnt' ' '""'I .11 2 0 111 pl.ty lt·d h1· ll11le uanlw\ ' Jlllltt'cl pl.t) ('oa ... t C:u.trd' fa1·ur I ht· JWnt· •·ntlt•d 1111h \\' I' I on thl' ,\ 1(,1111 111 tlw th ird 11t•riocl r ...,,t · hurt 1'1111 11f a ~ J •cull' t:u~nl ndde·d Itt ~~~ l••nd 111th ri '"'lilt· ' llw 1:·111W 11n~ mnrkt·d h1· .1 ruu~:t•d 110•11 hv (;,,.ldtnnn 11ith twdvt• min11h'' tlmo•t tuoth.tll tYIW 11f 11l.ty I•> the 111 pi.1·Y ~IIIli' Mtt•t a 111111: kl• k lt<ll hootcr' from tlw llllle'r'IIY l'rolt.tltly rhmul.(h tht• \\'urtl''tt'r dl'ft•n•t' l(u.tht• tht• •trHnllt'•t lt'.trll lht• Tt•t ha11t'll 11ill rom C.t11lt·y .1ntl <:oetch11:tll r.l\l'tl fur t.lll' l ;\l .t" chel nut (utHrul hy tlw h,1ll On a deN' pl.1y on 11h11 h ~' mmh a' tht• 'ectn 111.1\' tnchc<~le IH1th l ..1nlt:y .11111 Lu11clman kitkt·d 1111· ru.uh 1'-lllst ' thJrlll'~ hutlc·cl thruu~:h h.tll tttddt·tl "' c•••nlt•l 111111 tlw 111'1 out thc• t'llltn• l(.tmt· \lllh t'll' \ t till' fltll~t to the l(.tnw ('u.~eh tn l-'t•cl •turtrlll CIPI~'rt unllat·• h\ \\'ur 1-:tn,t.t ••'Ill John ~I rC:utH' lllttt tilt' 1(.111\t' l<'•lt'r '111'111111! thc• tltfie•rt•nt c• H the• 1!11<11 lllt•IIHlll .111cl •IIIII ht•cl ( ••111 It•) 111 tt•ntt·r halfltatk 1-:trh~ ll ul (umht· ' l c·ch • •l.Jrtllllt u·ntt·r h.tlf "a- muwel w ct·ntt·r rur11nrc1 m :111 11 t rmpt 111 •I rt•n~:t ht•n \\'urH It r of 1 ht· I n ··hn1.111 I .til lt·nnt• I uurn.t tcn•tn' l(amt· mt'nt h..1, mm rei mtu t ht• 't· \\'uh the rt'l':tmped 'l etl1 ltm·up \\lth Rhude l•l.tncl \II '-t.ttt•r Jon the• \\'unt>•tt·r IKl}' lte•~t.m 111 tltck l',trelrt• uf \'t'IIIKHI tht• ht'oi\Y ill'<lrtlt l·,.arly tn thr fll'rtlld ~:u:llt(• \lei otllff tn .tnnt''t 1ht lit lr l'.mltt• l.te ,., ht' m.ult• :t 1c·rrahc one hand~~~·· hu;rh '' h1x1l tt·amm.tte• Don \'tt•dw ·•·t·mt·d 111 •p.trk thl.' team ' It•( h hr t "htlt• J t:11 !It•) ""oct or <•.arclm·r pl.1y-. 1/fiJI 11:1• • currd vm .tn mrlirrtt ku k Bill llt•hn of Clt•n I kacl \ J tn thf• hy l .tk ' ( •UJ IIa a• ht• t11t1k I hurt IIIJI from 3 te•ammnte and hla"ll'cl tht• IH'I J'J rtltr lu•t unl}' mw ll•lillt' 111 111 o un ,, hnr piny \\'i th ·ix tnH1utc• w m.Hrht·'- 1rll\lllt 1111: ) nn I IIII' r,.Q r, I nliltnllll( ll ulwmhe. furmc·r 1-.11 ll!trlh nnd ) tick \\'il•on (, 0 '' 0 \'tt •rht· lltl!h ~thuul ~ta r prtii'NI \u:tth Ktnl( m•ll'(•d rurllartl llllh \lll!lrit•, nn-r •lratt'I:Y •lluncl hy •wnn~t 1111 1 cltf Daw ~Iaiit·~ t, 1 f1-1. noel J ohn ..,dr IH ult hl'arl •hut narlh f1-1 f1·0 lll'hn cll.'ft•ntccl l'htl \\ llrfl'•l('r lu•t hope rur ··at tory Hlackmnn 6-4 ().' .md tht·n ~tained tht•uuh 11hen C11a 1 (;u:trrl • m Hit• ldl tht' 'emthnnl' 11 hrn Jrt Knplan clr C't1hr' ""'l'trd the -curl' to 1-2 1111h hultcd \ fte r rt'o•inn.~: the hr-.1 rnund 1 I(Ual ntnrtetn minUlt' or th(• Ja•t b1·e llellloetd l'd rt!·d l!:t'l C.err) IIC'rtod ' I he $!3ffit• cnckc! :11 that 'wrr t>ark~r ,·_,, r,.z f1-0 and rrc~ntl) \ lthou11h fJUtpla~cd thrttul!h mo·t 111 t rounced lkhn f1-0, (,.o 111 thr •t'mt· thr r;:.tml· thl.' T e< h IKifJt('r• ·hll\1.1'11 rinal t!UOd team play and •ptrtt 111 tht· b l The toum:~mtnt di•Counted 111 1'1f,O r1uarter and 111th cemtinut•d r1r11rl could become a ~~ ron~t unit
SAILORS SECOND IN CHAMPIONSHIP unday October 14, the \\'orce,ter Te'h "a iling team went 111 Tufts Yac ht C'lub to compclt: in the Eastern ~fas~a hu,ctb !->ailing Championships. Led by Ltt<Jrn capwin Bob R ound~ t he Tech ...a ilors rnndc their hesL -..bowing in a rnnjnr re~a1tu in renmt year~. llni-hinll in second place behind B u~ICln L 11 1 vcr~ity. Collegiate 'ailinll evcnb a rc ~a i led in L11clvc [cJQL -.~tiling din!(hie" and ~w rcd ()11 the number HI boat'> hcalen plu!. (lilt: pmnl ror (·ach rnce 'ltilcd I11 the Tuft~ meet there were CIJ.:hl .,dwol~ reprc~cn h:rl . each cnu: rin~t 1wu ~kip pers 11 ho 'l<lil in different divi~iron '. ci~tht hoats pe r ui vi•iun The hmil, nrc rotalt:d a rtt•r l.'ach race lhus J.IT''· vrdrnJ( eadt ~kipper tht· opportunity tn •:Iii the fa , l il'- 11ell a~o the ' lull boat-; 1 hiR frnc slli1Wing wn 'i dut· to the CX · tmn ~:ly ~killful s:lilinll nf Huh Rou1HI' ir1 lh~· light anrl ~h ifly nrr<. 11 1 ;\fi, llt Lake' Filklc hn·r1.c~ 11f rn lond lnke' arr nm tlw rcl r:al rc nHii tio n fu r l'l·lt Fenner rrs they a rc for Rttund' nnd he fnilrd 10 dupli l'alt: RIIUIIth 11 innint wn)'" · lo,ing tn B L \ ~ 1 c('loud !'-11aith in lhr· rri11c:tl thirth·nth rnn·. :\II tiny Rnunds hni,ht•ll 1111r"t' than I hi rd tlnly I 11 it (• to bt•(' llnll' ~CCOJ111 hi,ch point ~kippt·r hr hinrl ~nn it h Tht· lin:~l ~ l a H d inl-(" afk r fc1urln·n rnt••• lloo,ton l 'ni vt· rltity. 1)5; \\'I' I . 114 : Ho-.lon Coll i·~(· . IJQ. lloly cro . . . . 1M . Bnh~nn . (r!J ; 1\orlheaslrrn, 6.1: Tu fh 6 1; nnd l\1r·rrirr1r11 , tl On Sundny, Ottolwr 2x. W.l' 1 11ill ddt"ncl till' 11ishop 1Jont1 ~h)' Brml ut Re~nlta !'oint rm L:rkt• l)uin.,i~nmw11 l in WMn:~ll· r. '1hio; j., tltt: onlv honw sailin~ uwd uf th~: )'t'Ur.
A TOAST TO THE FAMISHED ENGINEER! He can ex pound for hours on cubes and powe rs solve complex equations on molecular abras io ns ; And when h e craves calories despite d e pleted salaries, he' s welcome to m e ander down to the HIGHLANDER whe re our food is much, much better than our ve rse.
C!Jrner ol Hi!!lcltwd
77 Highland Street Worcester
O<'tOIH'r 25. 1962
1111tl ll'r.~t
St l't'etH • IVY LEA Gl' E
.'> nf wa lk, , :r rlnlt h douhlr· hy D a\'l' Hrlmi nJl, an d n loo~r· '-;oph dl'ft•no,t• 1\l'n' n·~pr•n ~i hh· fo r tht· twn Junim l:r llit·~ . Tht• scnn· Mnnd ;II 11· ~ in fn,·ur nf lht• j ul•ibnt J uniur:-. Tlw p it rhi n~; of 'l'rd !->wa n~on a111 l the• limt:ly hitti ng nf Torn k :ry l ~cl llw :t tl ark for I he wrrlnt·rl>. 'l'hl' ln"·r> wen• p;rct•tl hy ih t• lou,.: hall hitlin j.: "r !'ltt·w l~t-gi;.
!'IO ... I'IIAI.I .--,.'m m
MEA L TICKETS OFFER VARIETY AND SAVINGS plus Open daily 'rom 5:30 A .M . Around the clock to 2:00 A.M .
Tele phone: PL 2-4980 Across From Diner
TENNI I"- "'rmu l'"ltf' ;,
lwrn u~•· ,,r :1 l:u k uf irH t: rc''' · wa• rr · vi l't•tl thb hy l t' tU1i ~ ,·uptain. ('harlit• l'li':C /\ trophy h.r.. l·~·t:n pur· rha~t·d aud will bt• prl'' t'lll t'd It• the t humpinn ttl tlw F,dl Sporh Banqul'l FICO!'ill CIIEI\II!'iTit\ - "'rm" l '"lf'' I '1\rrninJ.t 111 thr: o,crinu ' -..i<k . l> r Rur:l l~tcr t•ujuv' lt':li hiu~t. ~''il''' i.rlly llw ftt·~hnwn lndouht<•dly a tll·di t':tkd rn:rn, lw upininnatt•d th:t l ht· \\ urrldn't r h :tllj.:l' hr ~ pn~il inn ror 1 he world 1-'F.I.Ui\1,\N- .frt• m l 't•fl•• l\li"lt'r~
111 !-.cknrt• tlr •~tn'l' in I Cl2tl and llllllinuctl ~ tlHh' in tlw l ' nilt'd S talt~> Army l'omu;:ultl .rntl t:t'lll'ral Si,tfl c.,llt•~tl' in l'l·l.l ,\ llt•r tht' war. l 'roft·~~ur Feldm:tn returned to ' l\•d 1 ,,., nrr a-;.udalt• l'roft''"tlr un til lw 1111, prumotl'd I n fu ll prult'!-.•nr irt 1'14(). On C<tmpus, thi ~ m:m 11a'- prt·•idcrll ,,f tht· \\'.1'.1. ch.tplt·r uf :-\il(mrt Xi iacuhy ndvist•r ,,f Tcdt ~rnale, an honorary nwmlll'r 11f Sku ll ,and tht• third IIIIItier u1 1hr \\'.I' I. II nard <II 'l'ru~tct·\ l>t~l iru:ui:.hcd l't•M hi n~t Ct•r· 1ilrrate. lll>:-idt•~ the~(· :m:uladr~. llar ry 1·\·ltlrtmn \\ (\~ Pn.-~id~nl of the \\\ncr,. lC r Chcmi,ts Clu h, Ch.tirman of lht• Central M n.;;snchlt>rt t~ ~rctiun of the AnH·rican l'lwmk:tl ~u' il.'ly. and J l'a~l 1\la, tcr the i\lrridi:ln ~un l.od~l' uf ~ l a~on" in :-\nrt h Hmnkftt•ld
l lu.: !:!lamotll a nd ~:xc11 cmcn t ,pace ag~: prl'gram ... of'tcn o h~cure a fundam l'll fa l'l. It '" ~impl • tlwl r:u·...ightcdnl'" mu-.1 he coupkd \\lth 'ound. pracucn l. d o \\n- tu-carlh l'llt!lncrn ng rf ,!!ll:t l ~ u tt: ln bl' utiUIIll'O
I hi, j, the piHin,o ph} upon which Prall & \\ hitnc) Aircrtt fl '~ pn ... itliHI ·'' u \\ulli.l
b llkr 111 lltght propuh10n '}'l'-'lll' ha~ been hnt lt. Almn'tl fo ur t.lccadc't nr Mlliu cng1nc.:cnn!! achh.:,emellt a l Prall &. Whitney 1~ e.. .,cn ti ul
w 111t11Wgcmcnt \ convtclltlll thut bu"c und upplicd rc,rn rc h
•rcrtt lt l :tn he ClcdH c.:d hcall h) pril~?n: \!> In
ttdd11io 11 111 c,lnt·c.:ntra tcd rcwan:h anll dL·\clu pmL' IIl cll u tt' 1111 athanccd gu-. turh1nc and 1or~t:t c11gtnc,, nc\\ .tnd C\ Ciling dh:ch 11 1r hr 1ng rx plorc.:d in ever) llcld nf ucrmpat·c. nwnnc and 1ndu,1rr:tl pm1 cr applu:allon. l ite dwl lcngt· of the future " indk:ttcd b) cu rrl'lll pn,gra m-.. Pre'>l'n tl } P1a 11 & Wh1l lll'\ '\r rlr:t lt il. n;plcmng the urea'> of tcchnlc<tl ~ nuwlcdgc in llltJgm•IIJit l·drmll'llaHI/ t 1 •• IIIC'rmmmt ami rht •JJIIII· dcr t rtr
t'Oil l't'fllt/11 1 ••.
II l'fll't .W/1/ t
propu/.1ioll . . .
/tll'ltt'll 1 a 11 t.l
h '(II'
If yo u ha\c tn ttn·q, rn co mmon 11ith t"· tf)<HI l110 ~ tn the future hut dc~irc 1\l W~l· .1 dtrl.\11 tu c<trlh app1oach to !!Ct there. '"'c'ug:lll' ca rl.'cr o rpo tiL1111tJ r' .tt 1'1 .111
& Wh11ncy 1\iruull
To help move tomorrow closer to today. we continua lly seek ambll tous young engrneers and screnlrsts. You r de· gree? II ca rt be a B S.. M.S. or Ph.D. ln. MECHANICAL • AERONAUTICAL • ELECTRICAL • CHEMICAL and NUCLEAR ENGINEERING o PHYSICS o CHEMISTRY • METALLURGY • CERAMICS • MATHEMATICS o ENGI NEERING SCIENCE or APPLIED MECHANICS. The Held still broadens The chall enge grows greater An d a fut ure ot reco~tnrtron
and advancement may be here for you.
For f u rth er 1nformatron rega rding an engrneerin g c~Heer at Prall & Wh1lney Aircraft , consu lt you r college placement offrcer or wn te to Mr. W1lliam L. Stoner. Engrneerrng Depart ment. Pratt & Whitney Arrcra t t. East Hartiord 8. Connecticut.
Pratt &Whitney Aircraft
An fqvol Opport"""y [.,.ployor
104 lli11hland Street I'L 6-059"
"'OI'('C'~tc r.
1\la u .