1962 v53 i5

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VOL t ME 1.111


' ET'r S. TIIlllSOAl ,



I , 1962

~ ~ ~III J-' U





On . alurday, Onobcr 27 , the C'la ...~ uf 1%5 defeatt'd the ('Ia~., of JIJ{,(J tn the annual Freshman-~OIJhomore Ropepull aero'~ In-.titute l'und ..\1thou~eh the fre. hmen are tradlltonnlly the \'iltor~ itt tim, his torical event . the Cia'' uf I'J65 wn!> unique in havmg rtlircd unrldeated after !:'aturday\ witt. Shortly niter the football ~oeamt• , lhc <'lrtssc'- ns,cmhlcd on their r~spct tivc 'ide~ of the pond to be nutnbcrcd and pu~itiuncd nlon~t the rope. Y.hkh had IK'l'll pH•viuuo;ly placed acnl' ' th~ pund At the ftring <>£ the ftr't c.tnnon 'hill hoth ~ide' dug rout holc'i and prcj):lrcd for the long pull ahead ,\ t the ' erond 'hut they picked up the rHJW .trul ltt·g.lll pulltn~e Ten nunutc' lntcr 11 wa' owr. the ... uphmnun·' hnvtnl( nt:v('r lo't so much :h ,, fc1ot uf i hl· rupt· the whole time Slowly. thr dn·mhcu Cia'' uf t%11 prepared to haul the rope h.1~k to ih 'tur.tJ.W plnn• in the \\':t '- hhurn O..,lwp,, n jult whit h ohHty' fall~ tu thl• "''in~t 1In" 'llwn. in n 'uddt·n hur ... t uf l(cwd 'Jlmhllllln,hap. the JUbilant "'phu nhfn·, ltt·l(.ltt tel pitl h an and ht·l111'd 1.1rr1 tlw rc•lll.' h:uk \\'tilt !IICI IIJI't'! \II [ltrlt'' tu lht•ir I n·cht ' li f~r. Ill tht• l'addlt• Ru-h .and HARRY PURNELl STORKE 1h1• Rupepull, 1hr ('Ia~' of JCif•S h." takt·tt a t omnt:111din~ot 5-0 h•nd 111 t lw THE CHARGE (:oat '• ll t•iu l Trophy comt>l.'lttiou Tlw l 'u•.lit!l' lll .'itorl.t•, 1ft11inJ!. tlw ·' •'INIII lll<llltb u11 tl11· ( tllll f HI ·' 11111 hrnr C'la ~' uf 1%6, with two uf !lll' hi~ ~l·'-1 l'\'!'111 ' nln·ady I<N, will n ·.llly "'•'II Wlllli' t·luw~,. nltl'flll) 11111d•• 111111 otht>t, in 1"11~ 11' \\ 111 11111 ,,hpit nl · J 1 · ) Ill/ /Ill' 111111 ' I I'/ ) /IIIII'1I 1'11 ~11~1'11 Ill 1()fl/111 1/1(1/l t! h~1·r 111 wurk tn cwcrl'Oillt' thi ... fur I IIIII I liS (lt' l 1/lt',\ , ' ( (I 11 mid.lhl,• lho,advant•llti' 111 tlw luhm• fl I(1/H /ti (ll' t' (l//1/1101I lift• (I J!.l 11/1111~ 1/1111' I 11( IiiH I _\ IIIIII /II 1' 1/J/1111I IIll /lit'

I rtdJ~ Ouolll.'r !b. I 961 a c·old rJi,cn~: thh Fall durin~t vnt>nl.lllun d.ty ;1 'n"''~ d.1 ~ and yet they came II l ..ct~thton \\'ellman. ,t'lrt'lJr~ ' ' ' The) ''Crt' tht delc)t.llc- frum cullc~te' the I .Huhy 11;1\"e a brtt'f hhtlln 111 nil o1cr thl' l'ntlrd ~latt:' a nd the the un~tm uf \\'ur{e,ter Tech lll\ llh B1•ard Ill 'I ru'lt'e,, tlw Alumni tht• 1111! Juhn Uoynwn nnd l<h:thnd \\',,,h .\ dmmt,tr:llwn thl' Fawhy, nnd the hurn li t• then made ,, furn111l .H !otudclll ... Ill \\'nrtc~lcr l'olytcrhnic tt•ptalll c !Ill hehnl f or the fatult y t•f l n.. titutt• 'I hey l' nme het'Ciu,.e 11 man II.Jrry I' !:'ltlrkc :1:. Pn·~idenl W:l'> hcilljl hllllllf\'ll nnd in~l!lllt•d a ~ the 'lilt' lltuwr,ahl1• J OSI'Jlh (' (':hthll l're!>idcnl lhr l n<.tituk. A lli(HI ~ l il)'llr or tlw Caly uf \\\nu·,H·r. Ill''· who'<' tt.lllll' h.... nlre.1dy Clllnined thc 1 Ullll'U l'rt•.,.dcnt ~lllrkl' l\1 th1· HHII· IJIIIH' r ul ttmnut.alllllt ri''IK'lt at il' munll\ .and wmmentl·d un the I11Hid vrry mt·nllnn w ,, I c~h man ll nrl) an~t u f the ~thllol hy \\' une, tt·r u t Punwll "turkl tlt'll' 1 he cert•tnun\ hc.- '-ran 1\lth a pru<'h.1rl~' l:thhcm~. '>lntc uttt, 1.11 tt•ld ll.' ' ' iOn uf tht• H'Jirl''-t:lltJil\'C' of Ull• u( the ht~th J)t'rCt'lll3JOtt' of l ~ 1'tlU1 .1 le~tt'' nnd Ulll\l' r' ttlt', , till' f<nLulty the tum ltt.•tnll urned on 111 lht• , t,llt' " ' Hua rd 111 I ru' lt' l''· .1nd the l n.au~:ural rtl.l" llth tN 'II' nnd th.lt \\' I' I ''·'' l'arty I ullmltlllt till' ;o.:aunnnl nn .111 1mpm1.11ll Jl.lrl til It Ill' .11-o ,,cHI lht·m . tht• lnvo,.11u1n '' :" l,tl\' t;'ll hy " rlwn• ' ' ,:old in thl''t' )'CIUIIJt nwn l'n·, ul1•nt !-ttorh. I kno\\ thai \"1111 Rt•wrt•ntl Ja mc·' :\ lllcCuttlwon ;\I UI\Helltl' l'ritl', \ 'in:- l'n·-ult•ttt 111!1 lind it .llld llllllt' it " The Inaugural Addreu nnd I l1·.1tt ut ht~ult y prc-.idrd •1 ~ ;\l.l' h ·r uf ( 't rt•montt'' I '1111' .ullin·" 11:1' ~t•vcn 111 I )t l-.1·11h <:lt•ntmn. l'rt' 'ttknt ul l'.a I' Itt Greeting1 and Remark1 H..l\ mum! J I urkt•' l're, tdtnt ul ' 1111111' uf I rdlllulu"" llr ( :h 1111.111 thl· \ lun1111 \ --uu.11 wn heJt.lll Ill .... ml t h.at l'n·-ult•nt ~111rk1• 111111hl h.l\ c lht• pm tlt'l!t' Ill ht• tn~t lht• ' IIH' lu ' t \ J llllllltn~ot uul thJI llw nlumm h.t\1' rt· tht• \luu1111 m.une<l lm.J I tu l1•1h ltt•t au-t• tlw~ l' r.al cltht· nn~t f:u t ""'' till' llt~.tnl t hi' l'anrll ~ t ht• \dm111 IH·n· t rillllt'tl 111'11 .anti .1hlt· ttl IWt furm t, ll ,lltufl 1111' llt'lll'f.H tor'. thl' ICIIII II l'IJ ,1ftl' f llf•llhl.lt IIIII " I llrllll( ~.trt'l't 111111111\', .aud lht• ' tud1•nt ' l h' 11uuld ln11 n tiH' .llu mna \'ou 1.111 .ami h.ll'l' !11 ht• JIH'IJ:Ifl•d lei KIVt' il • 1111111 I ho1w 11111 1 •111 011 11 ' ' f h lntii1J.! hw minut;· '11~'~'1 h un tlw ' ""' 11<'11111 ' 1·. " 11•11 l'n·~tdt•nt ct 1 1' tur llllll1t'!llll' Utt'O.,Illll \ lie• \IOIIIfl '1'1•t h '-t'llllt' !Jruu~:ht k nut h I rul' • I Itnl~rI h,l\1' tu ,,clt' fl , IIIli 11111' .11 .1 f IIIII' ltut t''l 1h.11 l'u•• ult·nt '-tur .,. .u .1 rt'.ll ' .til I ht• .II II I\ t' f.111 ion• \l tn UII ,IIII'CIII'-11 . 1 1 1 1 · ' h'''' 11 an -t utlrn t .u I I\ lite• 11a11 hut~ rtf11cf111111111f j11r tfillt'S /(1 fllt't ' / //ti' IF llf't't I f , 7 1'1' I lit' I OII/I' ' I II I I \ llflltllt ' !It· ,11, 11 ' lrl'"t'd lht• llllllllrl.tllll' ul thl' fm,lh.all tl'.llll nut t~nly dunn~ ~filii tft . l n 't'JIIill }{ //111 ft ' IJI(IfHiI till!\ / II t•tfut•fl(l' illflt'II\IIIJ!. 1111111 I11'1\ 0 I till hdcl ui ll•t hllllhl~-tY ,111d lh1•n l11rc 11 1 11 1111 ;urllt"'' 111111 rn(!.illt't'IS. Itt' lift' lw/IJI\ In hmt• )Oil, w llt'll·tfttllli/1•'" /1_1 1:·' ' ' lout ·• ' pr.lt iiiC• 1'• 1 m~: 111 rlw llurrn dunn~t 1111 h the 1-r.:, hnwn tlw tlliiHtrt .tnll' nl ' lt•t h 111 til' prun 1'1/r/lt• r t'\JJ('fit•llt' t' fl\ (III //IIIII 1111111/f IIIIII I 1' 111I I ' ( 11I //It' ll . } till lift' hfi'H(•tf 11 llh 11 jlllul() tft'i'Jif.\ t'l)lllfflll/t•d Ill tft•• ult•flll 111111 Jlrtll'· nnd :Jtll'llthlll: tht• t•MI)' lll•lrtlllll: 11.1!( , ,.,. I'II AI C. t I(Ai r-l 'n••· 5




Homecoming Success for Alumni and Undergrads 'llw 1%2 ll nmc< omtn.~t lll' Ck1•ntl llm\'t'd to hl• a sut·cc,~ful l'\'t•nt for nII ~oeratluat ~· ~ nnd unclt•r.~tmdu.J t t'' ul \\' I' I. l)~·~pll t• t hi' li~tht "lll\1 that (dl Frid.1y, n IJrJ.:e llumbt•r uf l't'l h .. tudl·n h Ill' '<' on hnntl .H \\'nn~... ta \l t•mtm.tl .\ mhwrium tu 1111111'" tht· lll.IUI(llr.tt 11111 ut IIJrry l'unwll '-turl.r a.. prr-adt•nt uf \\' I' I Fnda\ .lfH•r 11111111 fuund l he EnJ(tnCer~ .11 km111l l'ti!(IIIJ: tht•tr 111.'' 1 wbht''- 31111 l llfl · l(r.alul.atuH" to thr new pre-idl•nt .ll J rt'ti'Jll ion hrld in hi, hnn11r 111 ,\ hll'll Mt·mnrial ,\~~tltturium . S.lturd.ay mornln~ot lw.~tan 11ilh rr!oli't r.1t inn fur 1he alumni 111 ;\I <lrJOt.lrl llall. h•llimt'tl hy the llJn~t·l ', llall curnt•r,ltllll' H'rt'mtm~· After the hnmctnnltnJ.! !11111 h•·on thl• alumna mt•t un Ill\' llll.ldr,tn~tk ,\nil \\ t' rt• oiCl llllll~lntt•d 111 th1· f1•t•th.11l J!.Hne b,· lh1•tr r~'l lt't li \l' fr.att• nul~ brutht•r, l'lll' 1.1 11• ..,1\1 I hr f:lll(llll'<'f' 11\U\l' 11111 Ill .111 r.1 rh '0 lt•:td ,lnlv tn h.l\l' c·n.a..t <:u.ud tunw ll.ll k 1111h <1 JKitn l• Ill 1111' ' 1'11111.1 lhlh tllltl llll'l' lllll 1'1•1 h Ill ,IIIIli ht•r Ih rillin~t h.lt I h· Tlw nii W pull fl•lh)lll'd . ollld tlwn 1 hufll•t ' IIPIII'r .11 clw cr.lli UJtl''' rl' 1'1.'1 11\l' fr.tt t•rntt \' hnu'r ' \ n .mnu.1l ewnt 11 hh h nhl.l\'' rou-t•, ~:n·.u mte re't j , the l lnm e tlllllllt: tlt 't •l.t~ ' chi' w ar 11 on h~ I.IU 1-..lpJI.I E p· ilun l'hc f ratt•r· th1'tlll' ,,, Cu.1-t ( :u.1r1l ;. j u"l .1 llrtiJI in lw llut k~t .. rhelr dl<play (llll'l'lt'll •I .111 t.'lll1rllltlll' Tech fo<llball plJ\'t'r ltmk lll!ol mw tl i 1he Cl):l~t Guard .1 i111r~ mt n a 110odrn Bucket. :'\t.'xt tn

"''" tl<ntt: C:OMI Nl; -t•,.,. 6

tiu·~ 111'<'11

ATl \

oftht•lf JIIO/t'HWII , II lth tlw l\fl<' of :~tllt!Nif olllllll h Ill' lull'•' fllrttn /lf(ll/./, U ith II 111.)01 11f11111111 /Jod) 1111tf II 1/h J!.l' lll'/11111 /tit' llll,f a/1


I~ llrt'•'~/a /'of) ft•chllit· ln.fflflllt• IH it~ ft•nth P rl!sitlr•lll.

lhartn)t tht• Fall ul l'.llh -dwul H'.\r thl' p.m·nh uf tlw 111'\1\' ' ' nwn tu tht• \\ c>rte' tl'r ' ll'lh Cnmpu, h,t\l' ,an ,., ~t•lknt upptJrtuntty to llll'l'l 11ith tlwar , 11 n, · .ulvi•t•r, fr~tult\ 11 1·.11" .1nd 1111h uthc•r Fn•,hmen p.arrnt ' ' I ha... '' .111 t' ~lhbtlt' t·H·nt primarcll lur cntrutlmllll( tu t he 1>-lrenl• ul ,.,. uu r , ,hun! ''' l llll\l ll•lh .1ntl mllUt'llt l'' un th1· lllt'l\ uf hl' r trad lllllll Orw \ll'l'k trum tin- '-.lturd.l~ XnH·mht•r 10 . ,. l ~n··h nun l'.1 n ·nt' Lb 1 ,1n1l tht• tr.un ul 1•n nl' 1\lll prmc tu l11· tuw ;·n jovnwnt fn r l ht>'l' p.lr;•nl• anti l.lllllht•, \\llU ,l[ lt•tl(l I t~!IUI\ lll ll lht• llll1 lwur Kntt•tr.t tum ,md ('nltn ll nu r .11 nnw tht• ll.l fl' lll' 11 1ll h(.• lll'lll'llll'cl an \ldt• n :'>h•mun.11 .\udno n um !11 I h•.1n nl " tu t! 1·nt' . lle.1n Dtnlllllll: .and h\ C h.ur111.111 uf 1 re-hman \cl vt•nr' l'nmmu tt•t• l lt .m ll nlhl\1 • 11 he1 \\ Ill 1\lli>Untl un 1h1• Roll' 111 tht' I rt·-hman \ ll,j,1•r llwn thl• pn•·uhntz 10-1h.ur rnl'n nf the ~ndet \ c•f l.lnnlu·, \lr l~dll .utl p Gu-hn~ and ~I r J n•rph ;\I :\I.J,:a ldi. \\i ll tnl rndute th" t• r~~~ n11~1tton m c ttort, to unlit' thl· -tudem ,· pa rr nh llith the lllll e~:r and it ~ admini,lrnth·c function"





_ 961 62

'-t h1·tllt·\ t haarman uf till' lnlt•tt r.1 lt•rn tt) ·, ·uunul prc•ttttt•d tht 1 H\l'h'd troph) J ill! .1 1hNk fur , 1 1~ 111 l'1tn C'hu tur.tn•k) prt''trlt•nt nf \ ' I I I llu ltlllt'r,tl I "t•lll'llt I' Jlfll.(' I' ft.I 11! 1111 •d 1ol.ar lu p o~nd Jtttvlllt .u1rl t\ 111 (1\\ MIII-d let till' l· mtrrnll ~ dt ' J1'·"" 11 prunun1·1111' an l111th llw ma.dl 't hul,ar, Jup prttA' o l •' trnph ) nnd n t ht:dt fur ' 100 ""·1 Cln \\'t'dllc•,tl.l} l'\t'ntlll.! at S .~() <tll il rllt•d Ill ,\lplw Ep~alon 1'1 11 1fh 1111 I' :\I '\m 7 "'nul or l~•tt'' K dt~ U\ t·r IIH' t.IKI' u t 1 cI7 th t· •111 " II <!II1 ,11 ,' r•1.,• 1 Y.tll tullll' Ill ' 111 '•1k •11 tht• \\'ore(' tl'r lwattt: 1 ' " Rt·< I' IVIIlK thl' IJ \\ ,artl " '' \l"tnltrl.tl \ 111ltlu rtum " en.ator 1-.t•· 1ot rr) \\ " ' m -111 Jl rt ' ·,,lctll '' [ •ht• \ l·•l'r ' • l.lUHr 1' 011 ~" " 1 tht• 111' 1' 1 d}n.llltll ' llu·t.• C'lu hr t tn "' hni.H•htp llw ~··.ar nml ,,,,,,•• , .... . k.·r• Ill \\ :l-hllli!IOil lit l>c·furt ll'tcl p.trl of lht•tr oiY.,Irtl Ill '' lot·mr.: 1" 111 ' 11 r.-tl h~ lht• \\'uru ··tt·r punh.t t 1 IU' \\ ' ' hui H lup 1ruph1 \ rt·t lntt r•t~llc-r.:t.tll Cuunul •1 l!rt>UJI I ht !.rulht r uf \1-. 1'1 111 tlw h•tpt• "' cHn' 1'" 11 t: "' rt"f'rl'1' 111111 n·· frout 1'1111111 :a prtet•tlc-nt d1111all·f! 1lwir lll' h ... lth 111 th"' tt•ll""l 111 tlw \\ urt r••tn 1 1II ch t· ( ' 11 mrnunt11· C'ltt 1 • ' " ,1\\ .lrl trN IIIIIUdlllll \\'urt t''ll r '11'1 h 'J ht' \l ph 1 f Ill 01Tit'll•l \\;1 •1'1 1111d Ill l• tht•la r tl.•r"t t't\·t·ll ..· clat·•k 111r ' " •t.t!tOI)('rataun 11huh '' 11 '" .lr 1111 1 '' ' ''' rnl • h.l~ ht•t•n .ll lt·mptPd hv tlw \\' '' I (' ''-1 I ht· 'dwlar•htl• uup rm •t•nwtt l a 11rnup ll h ~th h.a •1 Vt'f} ltromi•tlllt :11111rd '" '" ' to ' I ,au 1\app.c l··l•·•lun i Ul un• 11 II h 111 uHr.all impro\l'mc·nl an I h1ir " t'n.rtur "- 1 I.IU\1 r II III 'fM:.tk 1' 11 .1\l'r.a~c· trum lt•hru:Jn· tu J wu• "' \lctlu.arl IHr tht• •111l'tl the l>rul( \ II 0 I ' Rt•c I I\ llllt th e .tY..trtl l••r ' I J.: I. and tht• mtomt It'( lhrt·<• tiiJIII' Y.huh 11.1• C h.trlc·• '-!!aH•r Jrt' d) rl.l mllt• 111 ~ , .... ah r uf 1'11 Hur I l' rull·"ur '' htottll'y did m.tl t• '"'"' 1 Kt•i IUHr<> 1 tlih.-r \ l r Kef.Ju\l'r "" 111 ut 1111' l.ut lh.tl :t numl~r 111 unnutltt l tla-tu" lhc · t· '"1111 trc.m the vant.t l(t campu • .llti\IIIC' dati nul •upply lu m potnt 111 ont• hi Ihr m"'' mtlut•nu~l " 11 h rh 1• nt·~t·••:lr> dala (r~r c tit ul atllllt .1nd \\t·l~ kn~tllll mt:mhc r• of the L th<• ~cttnlle~ po rtiOn ,,r t he n cl'lltttlt 'cn~tn I ha• I• te rt~ ml •· a rn rc OJII)' Ir· llriJ."' II•· "/CIIrc•,cd thc h111~· lh\1 t ill tu nal) for t·H•ryunl.' an the \\'t~rc r• t<•r \\ tlultl nu l happen al(am an futu n ,., 1\F:FA I Vt: u - p,_., 6 yrnr•

,\1 th t'- H.H ' I r.lll'rlltl) ,\ y,.arfl , Jlrl'•t•ni,IIIUI1• .uul hnnnr ll' l)' ph·dt: tnl! ht•ld l.a-1 I hur•d.n · Ihr I I\ cr.all ~oe•·na.tl n u•l k ntt• llrtlt' 111;'111 w \lph.1 rau ClnWI!.I l'mtt·--ur Claudt• K


.\ftcr tht• hJII hou r llt'ltunw there 11111 l ~e tiiJI uppml llttll\' 111r JIMCill ' w me~· • 1111h lhl'tr •on, .uh N ' r' unt t1 tWIII1 nt 11hit h tlllh' thr·n · 11dl h1• .1n huur nnd ~ h.11f lundwun 111 ;\lortzan ll nll Thr Jlrt''llhn~o: ' fl<'•lkl'r' at the lumhcun \ l r t :u.hn~: .uHI :\l r ~l.t · ll<lldt 11 111 tnl rc llhlll l'n·-u It•nt H.trry I' '-w rl..t• Y.hu 111ll •111.1k 111 lht t.1milte' .md lrti'Jicl' I tntlh ·" I 10, the \\'ttrll'·H·r lt•th lc•uth.lll tt·•m 11111 m,·l't Jht• nu-n uJ \ t~r\\11 h l m, er•tl~ ,,, tht• \\ urH'•tt•r l nh t n•-- C'uunll") I rtllll)' UIHI r1~m l!llliJit·fl• .\!(.1111'1 \ mh l' r•l ,\1 1 ;o J'u•t 1!-llllC rt•t rt•,h· nwnt• 11 1!1 Il<' •1'rH'!I tu p.ln·nt· I r~· h nwn .111d \ th't•l'r' 111 t lw -...mlurd Ral ey Cumnwn• 1111h tht• hu•lt'''l'' uf t ht· '- ll't'rln~t iummill t'l' ..r t ht· '-n u t·l\ uf I Jmtl ll·• l t{ kel' fur th t• lu nl h<·un are ~1 <;Q l'•Hh t' ' II' JII 1ur lhtt•t' 'llul<·nt· \\hu pn•-e" .1 m~al 111 h i .tnt! .tdchuonJI lumhcun w krl'- rn r lhthlrt•n und.:r ll a re <01. l ar ktt' lur thr l umh:lll I!Jme :u~ f n ·r wr tht• pJrl'nt' .tnd :.'1 ' 0 ior nddttwn.ll adult tickl' t' and •• ' •c ( ur ('111 I<Iren \ II nt her expen ...c< lltll IK' ab-nriK'd hy t ht· "(lflt't ~· oi Familie•




t '!JIItii'J,,,,I~ to tht• l11p.h /llll f ltl\1' j111 ll'hwh thi., l11~titu/1' ll'tl\ jountfl'll. 1/un y l'lllllt'll .'itot l•l' , 1111 lwlw lj of t lw T ru ,t/1' 1' ,'· I 1111u ''''"''' in )(11/r lmm l .f tlw C h£1111'1 11111111 rtlt it th•• t~bliJ!IItiou fll p.u1d•• 111111 p.111 t' lll jlllthj11lll


wJNS J. F.

Sen. Kefauver To Speak Wed.

I "'


" ''



EDITORIAL WHY DEFER RUSHING In last week\ TH"H )\Ews. an editoria l appeared which -.tJugbt w justify the establi hment of a deferred rushing pro,!!rarn at \\"orcc-:.tcr T ech. At lc~t ihat's what Lhe title -.cenwcl to indicate. After rea dint( it however. i i appeared more likely that the writer. seriuu.... ly alarmeo at the lack or -;chnol .,pirit which has become apparent on our campu~. t.tra-.ped at the nearest -.traw he could rtach and prtsented it a-. tlw solution to the problem. that nf deferred rushing. :-\1) une ca 11 deny that there is a IJa$iC lack of school pirit on our campu!.. Thb wa., denwnst rated quite w<.>ll las t weekend. But ho" th is ti{':. in with Lhc prt:Scnt ru!thing sy~ tem is ~ome­ thing which I. for one, fail w unden,tand. For t•xumple. h1~t week 's editorial holds that with llt) specified rushing deadline, activitie such as class dances, etc. would be bett er supported. However. with no rushin~ daLes. ancl later with no fraternity activitit..os to hold the freshmen on campus, where would they a ll be ? The answer is culling Saturday classes and going home. This is a proiJicm which has been observed at many schools where there is no fra ternity system. Thus it would seem, contrary to last week 's editorial, that th<: fratcrnitie!> at least hold the sludenLo; on the Hill . As far as hcing a detriment tu schular~h ip w>cs, thi argument has been proven many times Ln be a myth . l\lost freshmen will admit that they spend more tha n four huurs a week wasting lime that they could better spend ' tudying., which is all that rushint-t takes. Four hours, especially un a weekend is not that diff1cult lo plan around. The fact is that those who do waste time find that the !.mall demands of rushing are a convenient way to rationalize the low ~rad es they get. Further, it was sug!-(Csted that deferred rush i n~ would )(ive the freshmen a chance to see the fra ternities ao; they really are, a nd to make their decision on their own Lime. However, how many fra terni ty men will say that they made the wrong cll•cision for Jack of time? :\'lost l>f the fraterni ty men I know arc C!llllplctcly sa tistied with their rc"rective houses. and wuulcl never consider chnngint-t. D urin~ nr~hing com1wtitiun hetw('cn fraternit ies is high . at times cv£·n cutlhroat. Every mnn is f1r::o t a fraternity man. Rathc·r than lwlp in any way . dt•f('rrt·d rushing would postpone the time wlwn fr::Ht·rnity men cuul<l r{'lax into tlw ruutim: uf bt!ing Tt•ch !>ludcnt:. f1r~ t . cuuld put a<.,ifle tlw tr n,.iun'l and squ ubhlt'l> of ru~h ing. K<•t'lt compttitinn is goncl . but Cl\'l"r too long a p<"riocl it exdudl':- tht pos.o;ibilit) of friendly t•nem ic~ . \\'hal wa-. lw fore u ~hort. ~ tirnulating wnt('st woultl IJecnnw an cxhau..;ting hnn· It is nut tlw purpu:-.t· uf thb editnri:d to lry to ){iw a solutifll l lo any of tht· pruhlcms which plague nur campus Quill• hurw~t l) , I don't know \lhCIC th t• sulutio11 lie .... I du kno1w tha t dl'ft>rred ru,.hing is tlw o;olution Ln nuthin){.

our heart.!:> to realize that we ha"e been a dutiful Idependent n:ttil)ns which are continuously cmnin~ inw bein!! For we were born in I 65 as a chile! of nen•s-sity. today. This community of \\"orce·ter ired us and shaped our r.:rnwth ~rr. R iggin:. this ;dternoon has gh·en de.ern•d accolade:; bccau5e it had dema nding requirement:, for the rine product to many nanw, of men who$e reputiHion:. are a credit to them we ha\'e turned out ever :c:i nce. and to \\"orct.>::.tl'r 1\>ch. with which they have lwm •U>l>O\\"urcestcr needt:d not a purdy manual school. nur one fur ciated ll\"t'r thl· ~ear~. It b mo,t tiltin~t tu giw murl' emmere theory. uut rather one to teach practiwlly the tltt"Qric·s phu::.i:. to \1\U of thu:w names (with ful l pardon to ~lr . Hieof basic engineerin!! and science technique!- to any ancl all ,!!ins for his modesty). :.tucients. Sittin!! here at thi~< whle are tW<I descendants of nwn who ll•ft their f1rm and l:l$ling imprint upon \\"ornster Tech. The This was a new concept of education . 1n the l"reld o[ higher .eranctrather of :\l r. Philip :\ 1 :\ l or~an. now t'hairman of our education. we had heretofore followed closely the European academic sy~<t cm. whose famous unin>rsitie;; were dedica ted Board, 11:\.'l Charles ll ill ~l Mgan. who headed whulr lwnneclly mainly to the art;; and humani tie.~ education of the pril'ile~-tNI the f1rst shop Cl)mmitH·e uf the \\"ashburn Shop:<. was fur many )ear:. a trustl't' of the Ins ti tute. and con tributl·d mud1 f~:w . The everal technica l -;chool:- operating in Europe were also for the upper classes: bclc>w them was the appren tice thought and ).(Uidann' ll\ Worn·:<t(•r T l·ch in those furmntivt' days. T he :\l or.~nn namt• nuw gract•s this durmitory. Tlw system fur the masses. In IIS65, the renai!'sance of the democratic American prin- grandfather of Mr. Higgins. a pre.;ent mt•mher ni our Bmml. ciple of higher technical education for the many had already wa-; :\filton l'rince Higgin-:, another Dartmouth graduau•. !>lHrt<•d in modest way!>. During the 19 th century. nne :yl- who as lirst :.uperintcndent of the \\'as hburn Shops from van us Thayer (of Bra intree. :\ Ia sachusetts) had tlr)!anizc<l 11!6 tu I S%. helped to muld and guide thai ' 'itnl part nf engineering and ·cientific facilitie:; at \\"e ·t Point (where he \\'urccstt:r Tech. lii).{tdns Labora tory stnnds ncroSl> the quadill now knO\\'n as the Father o f the )lilitary Academy ). and rangle. Each or these grandfat ht•r:. was tu cxcrcbt• hb; irreat Dartmouth Collef.!C. But after the Civil \\"ar this idea W~L~ pressible industrial ~rnius thmughou t the Worcester and Lht• to burst into full bloom. <Hld much was w come tu fruition L'nited States communities. and thrn. intcrnatinnally. by thnm1d1 the intluence of Dartmouth l"olleJ.(e and of the orig- bting instrumental in furmi ng tlw ~ ! organ Construction Cominal \\'urce!>ter t "ounty Free Institute of Industrial Sch•nce. pany. the t\ortun t"ompan) . a nd other in<lu~trial giant s of our \\"orce ter T ech. The iirst president uf this Institute was tht> p resent day. [Tht·se ar<' bu t a few of the many compani<·s Dr. <"harlt'S 0 . Thompson, a Dartmouth graduate. Also Dart· which today stand as tangible expressions of the Vankel' mouth provided our second president , Dr. Homer T. Fuller. Ingenuit y which ha." been the continuin~ spirit of this in~ ti ­ In view of the great industria l rcknown that Worcester tut inn. ! Here I must mention another world renownf'll alumnus was stirring toward in the mid- 19th century. the city was of Worce!.ter T ech- l>r. Robert R. Godclard . class of 1008. fertile ground for thr development uf the idea . J ohn Boynton who laid ea rly scientific loundttt ions for modern mcketry und and lcha bod \\'ashhurn saw it from differen t points uf view : whose so-called '"loose talk ,. alwut mcket tlights tu the M C>on l)ne. the theory : the other, the manual. In fact. still stnnding evoked much scorn and derision. So. w~ of th <' Worcester Trch of this age do no t lack for arc th r twr) oriS(i nal buildings on \\'urccstcr T<·ch Hill which background. If. as we Manti at the educati nnal crm;srtKI(b typify thCS(' diffc•r(·nccs-Boynton Hall. dali ng from 1868. of today, we glance hack over our shouldt>r, it is nut lwcau!'e with its quietl y academic grey fteld tone fac;a<le-on Lhe otJ1er we seek tu rut uurselvt. 'S in tlw past, but rather it is w sustain hand, \\"l'l ~h b urn Shop • completed in t 869, built o f prt-ssed uurMdve~ hy the memnry of thul driving. far-set'ing in~pira· brick. fuundry red . ·' It wn:, con!>idercd u.dvanl:t)!eou!> to have this buildinl-' differ radically from Huyn tun H all, in order to Lion which the ori~ina l ~ l urga n and li i)(gin_.; anfl otlwr such indicntl' a d iffrrcn r urigin and u~e." Huwe\'l"r, the important geniu!.es have ll'ft for U!>. Of our plan· in the conniluni ly of \\'nrce~ter 11nd nf rhe l 'nited SttHt·~ that they origina lly mad1• ti~urative point is that these buildings have stood together lL



O\'f'r the yt'iH S. and thi:; ic; an epitome of the story of \\"orces- for us. we are vny prnu<l. A!> wl' swing ou r ga?.c forwnrc l ter Tech. Two .,0 und, if quite clifft•reut . ideas merJ.(t'd tOJH•ther and then raio;<• it up to tlw ~ ta r-:. may wt• l'VCr lw dutiful lions and becnnw thai -,in,gle tough sinew which hal' been of such nr \\"orcr :,ter- and may we gi''l" to tomorrow what nur foretn·mr r HhHI~ 'itrt•n~-t th throu,gh th<• year:-.. \'(">;. tL ._trong and bt·ar" ).!3 \'l' to yf•stt'rdny in pmducriw, dedicated l'l'rviCI'.

healthy sun nf \\"on:l·,tt·r hth IJI'en \\'orct•stl·r T (•ch. Hut thl· 11ord L(t·t~ around on worth-11hilt• ideas. So, tlw nt''' " of th r \\"ur(l'<.,tt·r T l•ch "tx1wrinwnt " 'pn•ad aruuntl thc ro untr y. fr·wu tlw IS7Q\, 1111. !'oon li t' W\'rt' sharinl.! our t:nnCt·pt ~ nnd plan" 1\ilh 11tlwr arnllitiou" rc· ntt•r.. of indu:.trlal .tui vi ly. :\11t1111~ lll'll ill.,tilutiun., which 'llllt.t ht zuh•ic:t• frnrn u:. un hom to! huiltl in 1htiM' c·:t rl~ day ... ll"t•rt• ,uch .:chnol'i H~ ( ;l'tlrf.!ill T c·ch . Rn-,t' l'oly tt•th ..\ rnwur I n ... tituu· nf Tt•chnnloJ.:) ( 11011" lllt'rl.!l'tl with thl· pn·..,l'nt lllinoi., l n... titutl' of Tt-ch1'. E. t' . nn lo~-ty I. anrl ( "arut•t.:it: 'I'Pch . Th u" rlw t<·ch11ica l •l"t vin·., ~~~ \1dl rendl•red to tlw rommunity of \\"orcestt·r and \\ OICl'' tc>r ( "uun ty hl·gan to ~pn•ad them.,£•1\-t•.. •lvrr an rwr ckq){'ninJ.! 111 tlw nanw of \\'orce!<tcr '1\ •ch. our appredation to you. romrnunily at·roh.., the counlr) . llc•rt• tht•n . wrrc 'omt' im· :\ lr ll i~~ins, for your trilnrt t' tu \\"nrCl"•tcr Tt>rh ami to thn..e portani birth lkdng ... of 1hat .\ rnerican coht'-:>ll'- of iudu,try malt) sucn•s.-.lul alumni and fril•nd-, whtl h~l \'l' made and kept which hn" inlhrt·nwrl tht• ,~trm1 1h uf uur prt•,ent day world . :tnd .;til l inrlu£•rwt>.; the: lhnughb a()(l amhitinn~ nf tho-.t• inir... rt'llltta tinn gr<'at !Wl'r tlwsc alnlll!-t 100 yrar~.

Storke's Address

TE( ~ ll Puh li•IH"ll \\"rckh


fnr \ 'uwtic>n nncl Exam

, ,... T o·rh N...... t\ •"'<WillliHII ,( lht•

Jo. dltoriol Stir.fl



Etlill>r< .. ••



. Donald H. l< oberl.wn Kt•ncwth A Bntkrr . j ohn H. Lojl.o l<ichord



Editor' .... Paul F. Cn hal,•n I t ~nr\ H !;chrcwtlc•r

l>urlnu 1hc

w .. r•····h·r ••..t~ lo·r h nir

Hllllllf ll

l\ltumuinJot Edclur<

l'pMI< Ettitor~

N EW S ("ollt·~··



ln· lil uto•



~l umol!l"r

\ chwtLinc.

;\ l ana~:cr


1\l annu~r

\ <<i<tant


. Framh 1-. 1\Pnnrdy J Snlt•rno Jnnw' ll Kea tonc. j •l<,•ph \ ' U<>:tulnc I'.IUI \\" l"ldcku·

.. ) ohn

Higgins' Address It i" a g1t·a l plt•n... urt• fw nw to rak<• pari in tlw inuugura· lion nf our nt'\1 l' rt·~ld~·nt . ll.&rr) Stori-e. and to g h •t• yo11 a ft·w impn•..,-,icHI., ttf whar \\'ur ('f"~tt·t 'l\·d1 nwao' to tl w industry nf \\'orn•..tt•r and to tlw ( "omm11nity . Of l!Hir'-o" tltt· rnmpany that I kno\\ he~t is lht' Xorttllt ( "urnp:111Y It wa" foun dt·d 77 ytar;. ago by tlw ~uperinu•ndt.m t nf I he' \\" t~, hhurn ."hop,.,, ,\ liltnn I' lli)..\girh rny 11randf:lther : (;(•orgt> I i\ ld,•n, for rnany yt.•ar~ lwad of T<•ch \ :\ lt·rhnnira l Engirwl"ring llepartnwnt : and Fn•d llarris Danit'ls, a T t•rh grntlualt- of the cia.;, n f ll!7 \. The<.<• nw11 1\l"rt• joirwtl hy John Jt'flii'CIII :uul Chnrlt-' L .•\11<-n . tlwn artiv<' in the F B. :O.:nrton poltl"r~ whl·rr the t"1r<;t urtilkin l grinding 11lw<•l-. wC>r<.· made Four ilf t ht· , ,.vrn prt•<iidt•rt l.. 1hat hn \ ' t' srrwd I h1• X ortnn Company hu v(• bt•cn \\'c\rCt•st(·r ' l"l·rh nwn . lnn..,nwch as !\urton was fcnuulrd by T t•Lh nwn. the wmpany llit"' co11 tirHwd on•r th<· y<·an.. to draw c111 \\'orn•slt•r Tt•th for t'll · t.:int•c•r... rt"'>t'arclwr-, :tnd 1'\t'rllti\"l·s T(J(l:t}' Wl' have 7S Tt•< h grarlu:tH•, ht·lpin,g to kt•t•p ~orton <·nmpany a progn·s.. iw· comi'Un) . T o indiolte hem J.:UOCI sc)nw uf t ht·~t· rnc·n havP hl't·n- Ltunard ~I Krull. cia..,, of 19 1() and Earl ( " Hugh('-., clu:-!-t nf 19 14 . ll'ft nur cnmp11 ny •wwral yt·a rs :1gu ICJ joi n with O!ivtr Huckrwr to fnrm tlw Huy ~ la t e Ab ra ~i,·<· Cornpuny \1 hich "0111t' nf reou may h<t vt• lw<trd of. ~ I any other \\"urCt"'>tl'r indu't rit·' werr foundc·d by T t•t h urodun tt•., or pmfe-.~or~ . Here i~ n part iul lis t : <"harte~

H. :\ lm.l{an

• . . . . (;corl!<" P \'1 tHt~

l\1.HC\'I II. l'ln\ i•·n PhotllJ.:fflJlh' l~ditnr . Timnlh' l\1. Sht•n

r ete Fenner

I' hut u.~:ra r•h••r,

Rnl!cr \ rko

. l),•nni• lin' '''" Mar Harrwr Junior Edit o r• ...... ll rrb \\' Head Duke Calc Jo~riJh R . l\ l ancu~ l'uul \·ujcov<>c \'lc l\l nmni Larry Hull Dick Ryczek G!·n~ Killin n Ted wanso n D:we M cCaffr~y Del Kimball Di ck Rrown j (!hn Cnmcru Rcport~rs . . ..... , .. Bob ~aj(lkn T !"m Hopper Gl<>n TheodtHe I'C'Ir Fenn<'r Oave G~ndron

Ken Rru"n Rt•n Rrundl Tom 7.a~:nn

Rruct• juhul.c Tun> ('run• Hill \\" ho~r&un Frank Dinnnt· Thumn' Tr.tf1clrtlu Charli~ F.nni' Carl C:u,t:tf~rrn l(oohl.'rl (,illh 1n,,•ph :l'll'lo~n•on


\\'. H i.(.!gin' j anws :-\ H et~ltl II \\"inf1t•ld Wyman Lyman F. c;ordcm R.. anforcl Kiter F. Harold Danil·l!>

I'ACTL TY .\ D\"1. ER Prnfe"<nr Th~odo>rc H Patk:wl

'ft>rh ~"" " l' hmtP•: Main Office : I'L J. l t1-ll EA 24:>

E.thorial Pl. 4-907l

J\lfVf•rt isin~t

Pl. 7-997 1

Subscription per school year, Sol 00, sinclc copies, $.t5. Make all check payable lo Business Manuer eco nd- Cin...'\5 posta~c paid at Worc~sler. Mass. Editorial and business offices tocnted in Sanford R iley Hall. \\'orci!Ster Poly technic InStitute , Worcester, MIIS$l1Chuset ts. T he vic1A•S expressed in 1his pnper nrc enlirelv those or the editorilll staff. and in no way ret1ed the \~t ws or Wortester Pol)•technic Institute. •

~ l or).(an ~pring aud .\ l urgan Cor"t ruction <"omptilly \\'11rn•.,tt'r Jlre~v·rl StPt'l C·u


~ l achine


\\"ymnn-(;ordon t'ompany Riley . loktr Company

( Tru<;~er)

E. H1Jwarcl Reed Albert J. (;if(ord

Reed Rolled Thread ( ·ompany Lclanci-C;iffurd Compa11y

There are many more. In look in~ over the alumni who are in business in Worcester Count y. I lind that eighteen either are or ha'"e b.een Presioents or Chairmen of the Uoard



T .E C H

uvc•u tlwr I. 1962



Dome/'s Ha ll Cornerstone Ceremony

Pres•dent Starke's lnauguratton

Prestdent Starke ot Inauguration Luncheon

Freshman Bonfire

Strainmg Freshmen

Frosh Go Down to Defeat ot Rope Pull tii( ;( ; Jt''ll!'l ~ l't-: t-:C: II-"'"' "' ,.,, •. :! in \\'url't'~:> lt'r t 'nmp.luit•, l'lwn• all' auotlwr ..htt•rn that huld important Jlll,itinn.. in tlu•ir \11111pa nit•.,, nw~t· lii!UII'' al.Hw. I hl•lit'\'t'. indicate• tlw imp111 tann• uf \\'n1n•,tt•r 1\·ch 111 tlw h lsin(').-, lift• iu \\ orn•,.t!'r. Ht·~i dt•, .. uppl~ in)! thl' t'1llllii1Unit~ 1dt h t'\l't•llt•nt ~:ra cluatt•' . t I n• :lit' otlwr .rr ti,·itit•.. I '''lulcl lil.t• to nwntiun that art• il 10rtant Itt tlw utmrmmi t) Fir.. t. \\ on:l'.,lt'r f't•ch ha" a , .:ht ~dwul of lntlu-.ui.tl \ J,Itl.ll!t'llll'nt \\hich j, lllll'll I ll \' lrCl'!-tt•r imlu-.tr~ fur tht• tr.1inin.: ol yuUIH!l'r nwn Thi-. l •r't' ha-. alrt•Hcl) .. upplit•d \\'un·c·,tt•r t.·omp.mit•,. \\ith •t•vI huncln•cl junior t'\\'t'uti\l'' .11ul tt '' ,111 unpurtant p.trt ui 11 •11 intltbtrit•, ' trainint: pm~:ram' 'l'CtliHII) . Tt'Ch ntll\ run-. c. 1 t•ni n ~.: ~:racluatt' ,rhnol cnur'o.>'

Prixe W .nntng Homocom.ng Dtsploy ot TKE

to lw t.ll.t•n "' t·r a p1•rhul nf ) c•ar ... ''hi< h makt· it pu'' 'ble lm c.-nllt•L:t' L:r.lllliOIII''- 111 imprnw th~;•ir knoldt•dj.tt' and 11hich h•ad 10\\ otrrl.... I ~ l a,tt•r ':. cl('l(rt't' Thi-. -,chnul i.. gro\\illf.( ('\'C'ry ) t•.tr ,\ nutlw• impurtant .tcti\'i ty ;., a ~t'arl y ('unfl'rl.'nu.> un \ d \',111tt•d 'I t't hnnhtL:.\ .. udt a,., ..pact•. nut:leHr enent~ and au tnnt.ttinn . ''hilh i-. njwn 111 tht• indu,trial lt•ader~ of ~ l a "'"a­ l'htN'Il... \ ttl·nd.1nn• ha' hwn inc;;rra,inl.! t'\·ery yt'ar "" that tocla~ l l:'t.h i' !.!t'll illl.! •nnlt' nf the• lilll"l ttchnicaJ brain ... in tilt' t.nunt r) 111 t.tl.t part 111 thi, ( onfc•rc•nt.t' l'ht•rt• " al'" .1 '-dt•nt.e htir fnr high 't.hOlJI ,tudrnt'- that i' htld at l t'<'h l'\t'r) ~ t•ar in meier to 'timul<~te Lht"-e ,.tudtnt .. to ~.:o on in thl· pur... uit of 'cience and tt"<.hnulm.l} T hi .. j, ,111 impHrtant at th i t~ a-. tht•rl.' appt'ar.. tn be a .. hurtJI!t'

uf h111h '~< huol .urachllll l'' )IIICilJ.! IIlli! c•nj.!int•l·rinM a nd ...d t·nu·. llw ( uhan "1 tuat1nn hnnJ,!' into -,harp ftKll'> tht• IJllt' ... tion of < ivil l> t·ft•IN' and f.dl nut ' ht·lll'r,, llt•rt', aj.!ain \\'urn·~ trr Tc•th ha' .1(1\'t'll li'iHJior~o hip in n·wmm<•ndinl( protection aj.!ain'>l nutlc•u1 nllack and fall -nut. Tt:c h pro((·o.,~or-. hav(' h<•cume t'\Pt'rb in thi' lidd and arc• t:allc·rl upon Ill ,Kivr tulvilt' thrllul(hout tht• tolllttr) .\ 11 nf tht''t' at1i\iti1·, that I haw mentioned ar<· tn· mt•ndnu-.1) h1•lpfu l ttt thc· t•mununtt} and ' how that T t·ch lo., mn\'1111.! fon\<lrd and I' m;unt:tininll ih rc·putatirm a' •11w llf tht> mtht Jlrii.L!rt'''" t' we hnical -.choob in the countr} l ' ndc•r tht• leaclt'r, hiJI of l'n·,iclc.nt tt1rke \\(' lc)IJk frJf"\\<lfll ''ith conf1tlc.· nu· t•• ccmtinut-d alhlt'\ <·mrnt in the all-impmtant tieltJ, of lt'Chnic..d <·tlut<ttiun and 11f 't-rvk t to !Jur community







I 1111 11 ·II I hruuch tht' 1uurth l>t'rtll(l rualh 1(.1\t' Ill• rl'•l'rlt'• .I th.lllH' '" pL1~ 11111 ~:.1111 1.llu.thlc I!Jm,• , .., (~<:rlt'lllt' l.o11 t•ll •II II prl.'--1111: •l.llft:d tu brtnl! t ht.• ''"rt• tu ' I htllh,t\k lhulth \\',11••111 11,1, 111.1 ul' .1\11110 dm• Ill .111 III)Uf} Jw fl'll'l\ ~d 11!.1111•t Cu.1-t ( :u.1rd tht• llt•t•k ht'ltlrt' hut l'dt I .1111 r••<h tlul 1 11 nt· Juh n pl.tun~o: hun l'hl.' 111. tun 11 .1• .111 llll·uut t~am t'l · 111rt 1111h tlw Eru.:mn•r• 111lllllll! trl• 11 l>t'hmd t11r tlw llr•t 111111' thl• -~·•••Ill I,.~. h ', rt'lllrd I• 111111 ~ 1111\• .mtl ' lu''"'l''


Tec h vs. B. U. ~.1turd.11


Steve Ch urchi ll h e ads ball vs. B. U. On l llt'•d.ty Ouultt·r " 1111' llurcll'n "'''nt•d tlw tiiUIII .11 ' 1 1111h \\'t,rtl''l •·r l l'th Su11H 11'.1111 pl.l\ t'll .1 dm,•tt lrrt· k11k lru111 uUl•HI1• Uw ho't lo l.m~t·ll l c1 h pt·nally <Ht',l \\'uru• , lt•r tlwn ltruk1• I h1· (•11MIIIIj( halt It• ,,1\1' IIW J•:n hiiN' J,ll('r Ill tilt' •nullll p 1•riwl 1111h l(lllt't'r' tnnw lrnm ht·luml 111 1\111 ~ 2 1 quu k ~.:uaJ, I ht• 't'lllllcl luw ,,, 111 .1 h.ml tuu~.thl l(•lll1t' I ' 'IJul.l. C.unt·r.t Ruhmoncl t ..llllltl I rlllll tlw upt•rung krtkoll II .tp .uul ' I ,t\lur dul .1 llllt' Juh .1• l .tk I ,, JH'.trt•tl 1h. II l t•th 11,1, l'.l•lh m1 it- JUII put tlw I:n~otllll'l r, uul 111 1ro111l Ill 11 ,11 111 lh tlurd \'IIIII~ ul tht• '1'.1-1111 tft-tlt·t tllllt .1 l~t·.tulllul uu" 111 Huh Lt'lt 111111: C.1rl \ nlllll!lll.lll ,J.Imm•·cl i{u hnwnd intu tlw It'll tnrut•r t•l tlw .1 hltN' h.tll llltu th1· lith .mel l t•th ~:u.tl \\ llhtn .1 1t·11 lliiiiUit• th1· h•th· tuuk .1 I 0 ll'ad 11 t'll IH'rt' hJt k 111 ''"'I m: 1111 un ,, Our 1-. IIJ:IIII'cr tuunlt• rp.lrh lrum •ltul h) 11.11 l .tylur I hi• 111.1111' lw 1.11111'11 hullt'l't'r 11 ere nul n•. uh 111 •tort• ~ 1 .11 IIIU'IIIll'-11111 lhrtm 111 1lw 111111'1 I hwu~otlwut tht• 1111111 pt.•nutl 1h 1• ·1ht•y wuk tuntrul 111 1111' ll•ltllt' .trill l(.tnw wt,lilll'tl l>:uk ;trill turth 11ith l1n,llh 11111 lllll' hy l.u,tlt~· 'l um t:.mlt'\ hnth tc.ln1' h.111n11 uppmtunlllt'• to 111 t'll'll thing, up '-uun tlwt~·.IIH•r •lllrt' hut m·uhn hr1•1l..11H! 1hrmt1.th l.mH•II tuuk the h·,Jd l t .mel 1h1111:• lt•th ~:nt ''' l.t•l l!u.ll 111 th1· luurlh hmhd hk.1l.. lor th1• lltll'tltllll ll lllt-r• l"'rllltl '' .1 n··ull ut ,1 •H.tlllhi1 111 th 1• \ h n•.1k IJilll' 111 lhe •t'tlllltl )'\'rwd l.m~t•ll I!UJI llhiUih 1111h lluhh1 Rtth 1111 .1 l.mlt•ll ., ,., h luul <'.1pt l't•ft• murul pu•hmc tlw h.lll lllltl tlw nt·t·


ll ollll't ornllll.t.



h •dt "ill u·r !l-et Ill tlrup it•

'1.\th 1!•1111\' till• 't'•l"lil 111 .111 lrun \l.1n •qu.ul 1ru111 Ill llw ~:.IIlli: IIJ• pl,l\ I'd Oil J •HI:IIY ln•ld p.1r111111 U•l 1'n·cl 111th •111111 I ht'•l' wncht1urh lli.tllrt.'ll tu hdp till' undrrdu~: l·.n~:ua·t•r, hu1 B l tuuhl llul Itt •I IIJII "·cl \ t lht •1111 111 lht• l.(.llllt' lt·th lltul.. I Olllrul ,11111 II IIIU.tlh .lppt•Jrt•tl th.11 tlw lht·n-lwcl up•t't 11uulcl l~t· """ lht• llu~ntun ll illt•r, h.1tl IIUlll Lfllll• IIJIJI!1rlullilil'' to 'ton· " tht• •luntll'd Ill 11',1111 IIHilcf IIIII .11 llf'•l ,ll]jU•l lu tilt' .IS.:I:rt'''"" pl.t\ ut tlw \\'mtt••tt·r tt·.1m lt·lh hullt\t•r tuuld nnt t.lp· ll.dllt' 1111 tlw opportunllll'• I he lldt• 111111h1 h.l\l l'\·1•11 111 l t•t h ' 1.1111r hut l.tlt 111 tlw llr-t pni111l II l •t.t rlt·d 1u nhl\1' On 1 1.1•1 hn·.1k th.tt 1.1Urlu l nh uti h.tl.trltt' lht·~ luuk th1· lt•.ul 1·0 Ill •turt•tl .11(.1111 111 lht• •t•tunll Jll;'nud hut tht• l'.lll!lllt't'r' 1\t'rt• •1111 ll'r' mut.h 111 llu· Ullllt•,t .\ t tlw h.11t l ht• 'lllrl' .. wud 1·0 111 f.tlor 111 Ill \\'11h !111' •IMI nt tht• thtrtl Jlt'ruul Tt•t h 111111.' nut Ill In tu l'l1'l1 tl11· •qu.tcl •tn rt• ' llw 1\Hht· m.1n II l 1\llUhl nnl lt•t up .uul ltnJih 'lllrt'rl ... ,., . ...oct 1-.11 ' '"'" 1

Co-Captain A llen Hoffman places first in Harrier m eet

Cross Country T earn Wins Four Straight TUFTS


' l ut·•olw n,1uh.r 2\ tlw \\ 1' 1 ('ru-. l ' uullltl' lt'.llll rll'lt 11nl l ull , t'lll\t'f•tl~ 15 tu il l'.1pl.1111 \ I !lull 111.111 In I 1ht• 11 lwlt· ndtl .triiUIHI llu \lc-chort l 11111r•1' hni-hm~: l~t·ltt·r lh.tn h.!ll .1 1111111111' thl 111 11! R11\l)ll 11111 ll lle 111 lull 11.1\t' \l1111k• ,11111 (,t·rrl \ l 1lotl lullullt•tl 111 lnurth md lllth pl.ut• 1111 h l.t·nnl \\ Hl.d J .11 k I{ 1 rlt•r .11111 l111l1 (, lfll'~lll t..• It IIIII ' t'll'lllh l'll(hlh .11111 lt'lllh pl.l\1'• rt••pt•tii\I'J\ \ '" ''" "' t \pl.tn tt 11111 1111L~ht lw 111 md,•r 1111 t Ito· <1unn&: -~ •11'111 lht•d 111 ('ru" t '11111llr1 I ht• II 1111 •11111111! tht• )11\11'•1 1111111J,1·r Ill JIOIIII > h tho• 11111111'1 l..tt h 011 I ht ltr•l II\ o 1111 II toll lwl'll

..... llurd.ll. tlttul~t·r li 1lw l'ro" l ·uunl t ~ lt'.llll lt·n~:l hrllt'tl 11 1111111111,_: In .1k In tuur •lt.lll!ht h1 ht'.ll llll! ll r.mdt·t· h- 1 I ht u•ur I' 11 huh IIIII I I• Ill IIIII ur.J;,, ,lfllllllll th1· 1 llllJlll• 11111 l\lu luup.. .lluUtlll tht uhle-t11 lit hi- h.ul 111 h1• .lllt·rnl lot•· I Ill I' 11i '"l •lll'f\ r\1111111111 llllllhltllll\fthum:h llr.llldt•t, "''' nul t'\111'1 tt•d tu 1!1\t' tlw l nh h.lrrt•r • 111111h l tuuhl1• !Ill' II huJto 11'.1111 Jlll'hl•tl Ill IIFile•r I II ho• lotllc:r pll'Jt.IIO:d lor \\ t•dm•,d.lv 11ht11 1ht 1 mt•e•t ,, •I r11111C \I I I .11111 1 1•1 ,.11 lllllll!t r ' urt lw.l•ll•rn lt'.tlll \ I ll u11111.111 r.111 ht• 11 u.rlh o"o•l l1 Ill 1111111 liiOIJ>It lllllt tht• 111111 t' 111 ,,,,. 1111 \'Ut-:1 .., p,,,. ;;

l'••ft" ;;

,,.,. I I 1"1..,

TECH DROPS THRILLER 9-8 l .'i'l '-,1turd.1y l>ttu l:rah.1u1 .11111 hr' c:u.~rd Ht'J r' 1111.ulo•d \l umni Fit•hl .11111 111 front nt ,, l.trL:l' hcullt' tlllllllll! 1r1111 d mppcd 1hL• I t•• h ~.trHI '«jU.HI 1111 h .t •ulr<' ul 11 'I \ h••ltl l(u.tl m tlw l.ne •l.tltt'' 111 tlw 1hml IJII.Irlt'f II ,I, I ht' hfclll Ifllnl II hH h till' l• llj(llll't'f' liiUhJ Olll H'lll\ t r l<••h ,t,lrtt•d ull llllttkh h\ turmllll .1 l 'u.l•l ( . u.trJ tumhlt• "''""' lh•·•r 111111 tt·n I.Htl lmc tntn ·' qutt \.: •uor1•

( 'u,,,,

ll rm1' \\'l'11IH'r

h.llll!t'c l 11\t'r t11r tht• l. rtlii.I.IU runnm~.t .1ruuntl ktt I'IHI lur IIW 11111 Jlllllll 11111 l'l'r•IUil I ht• p.llt' 111 th~.· l!.tlllt' tlwn •ltiiH·tl " 1~<11 h ll\1111' t r.uktl pun I .md llt'lllwr 1<'-1111 pto-4'11 1 •ollrlllll thn .ll llwn 1.111.' Ill till' '1'1111111 pt'fll•ol r .. 1•1 I :u..r1l t•ntl 'I om \It C .t rlhl ltrukt• ln•t• and rt'H'I\t·tl 1 I'·'" lrom . qu.1rtnh.11k ]1111 ll.r ltkm.lll un l1·1h', 1u111 urd hnt· .md run tlw rt·m.llnlllll th,t.lnu·

•um· \\llh

~l tkt•

111r tht• '' nrt• C'n.l-1 t :u..rd .ltH•rnptt•rl run lur lht• Ullll't' r•h•ll hut 1uh-tl l ht• ldt l r•1h 111 lht ), ul 'l1 .It h.lll t inw Tht• L nl!lllll'r' ,,,.1k th,· '1'1111111 h.tlt k11 kult mel IIIIth!.- 111 lllfl\1' tht• h.1ll ll<"rt· Inn t•tl 111 punt J 101 \l.1l...t pl.1~ IIlii •.tltll l11r I he llnr• ln•ok RHJ'I'k " punt 1111 hi• n\111 11111\•l.trtl l1111 Mid rt'lurnnlll '" 1.. 11. th~rl\un1• 11rtl lint• I ht lit 11 tlun tuu~:hi th1·rr 11.11 '" thl· It'll lllll'rt' l t••h '· tll.'ll'llll'' )l.'llt•cl .11111 n.11lt-d 1ht·m 1nr •t'H'r,rl i<l._,., ln.dtlt• t<l I'·''' or ru11 111r tlw ''''rt• pl.u dw kt •r ( 'o•t 11 \l ll•un t .IIlii' 111 .trill ,lllt'mple·•l .1 llr·ld 1!11.11 11h1th l.lllt•d 1'1·1 h till nut .\!ole• tn ntn\t' punt,·d .111.1111 '" \!.1~1 11hn madt ·Ill· utht:r hm• runlo 1 ~ ' " I n h, trol lint• l'r11rn thtre (",.,,, loU.'Ircl. , ,I 1 111\1'11 tu th1 llll'•l":n•l hrw llht•rt• tht• lcncmn·r- tht·n thn 11 th1m 1ur thrtt tun•t'l Ull\ I' In I h rt ('u.u h I; l rl• h.un •t·nt rn \ Ill "" 1o 1r. '"''' h•·r ltdd 1!11.11 llu· '"'"I I rum tht> It. 1 .ml lim· •pitt lht upnttlll• .1nd •t't th1• dt·· tl•lll' um· lllolnl m•r~ot~n ''·" 11 huh mt'tnl tlw ~tnw tn c ... ,., Cuarcl l>nt mnrt> llt 1r thfl'll 111 tht• tlurrl I" rttod "•'' ''"1'1"''11111 l1·lh· •·iuhl·).trcl hnt I t:< h Iht·n 1uuk 1nmm.eml rn 1ht tnurth )'•·n••tl tnt! clru1 ,. ' ' \'ll rei· lrum lht•tr 111111 :0 tu Cur-t t;u.H;I. ; But thr· r.11l~ 11n• ''"l'l>•:rl llht•n ' I t'l h 1a1ktl 111 m1k1· n llr•t tlulln "" .t IJII:H· lt•rh.lt k •Ill' I k 'l tth• l.t•l t'lfnrt In •rnrt• tlnll' 1111h 1111• mtnUit·' rt·m:unme 11 ht·n Hud \\'t''l .lllt'lllJI!t·d .I I ; ytrd u..fd ennl 1ncl l.lllt•tl



Pat Mo ran drops Coast Guard qu arterback for four yard lou




Uft'~'f1 fH


•11 turtf I


t nJ•!.J JACII.r.,..• t.dmlttrd , , '1•tlbr•tc l'•r lfart••nt •r Ahurtt wt I h)l\t • 11alu.., .,r 6 ,,.,,,,. ~.a t'h • tnJ 'V l••d.aw.- •ut·r• ht.<~t t1n t•tultt4 \f rr• U.rrnbt • r • • m,.,,., ''"'' •i I t vaiVf" uf I' s••fnt


.,f'l •

1ahfJ ••rh flhlrant n u ! ' ""' ' I •h'V l litlttU on 'fburMt' N ·~· mt..,-r 16 J1t1ol. •• I rtll 11 \1 \II • 1.. ll.irt • ha •t U., PI• •" • r,t I Ut1 • •' lt•al trrt t ~u •nht•• "t I t ... • ••t••• I nftrt rl• ft v ''"" t.mt••) t•llrJ.aw• mutt It 'rd.--r h



""r. •

t c t '• t f"llt •• rnu

Jw. I•



tmu" I in t.urd •

C•ttt. PJ"t

r. t,



Hrft ,,,,.,,



.. ,fth'llUY ••


u .,.

6 "''' Ji• l••tt•t

h•lrl 1' rJ•••rnllhf


J'r • h

tr'•J h

elt!'tllo •••)' l,r,UI• fl •





t- r•ttrrl•), ''' ft ,;hvtrflud .,.,.,, ,(


I hi

Get on the BRANOWAGON ... it's lots of f11l





n \I._





n1<' 11


tnt u .-nctnt't'r'

.11111 r~·JXIII•thJt• UIUl'll•

\ IJ Of thj, \\ ,1 , J~.llllllL! ltl .tntl nw~t tmpurt.mt t' \ <'nl h

I >OTBALL: 2 : 00 l ' .l\1.


\l t:t

" lll

"Nlllt'•t lro~. Ot' l tJ iw r :~I

3 -



1 , :to

\\il' a 1

tJu, 11111<' th.u l'htltp ~I .\lur~:.1n , Ch.urman uf till' Hllard Ill rru-tt'l''· lurnull~ durct•d llarn I' 'lurkt' .l'o l'rt•-ttlt'nt 111 \\ 11ru•·tt·r 1\th tt•rhnu ln•tllutt'

J ::iO 1'. \J.

,\ , l .t . ....................... J\-.um JIIiuu ................ ! lmou •:




')CCER: ..,ulurtl u~, l'u~•·· mlwr




Th e Affirmation and Response " I h.l\l' muth tu n•nwml)t•r. muth

\\ l'(ltt t'•tl u~. O r ttJI.w r ;J I ' "rtlwOt•lt·rtt .......... \ "u' "'ul ttrt l ll ~. '\o\t·tuiH·r 3 f.lllt• l (.tt urol ................ 1\ .. u•

1\l(!lt'l ollhl lllUth tu k.trn I hl•rt• uur 1 ruuhled \1 urltl .1 m'\\ th l.f. VOLLEYBALL: nwrhwn ut \l.lri.Ht"- th.tt ul tlw mtt•llt•tt .. \1t~tulu~ • Suturtht> ............................................... I utul f. iu C. ~ uiii U•I um I l.:•tutt• till' r.tdtt.JI \It'\\ • th.ll .1m~· ._OCC.UC- I'rum I u nl~ 1"'" l!.trnt:• rt•m:untn!( tht En· .tllt'r tht• l.tlllll hmt.: 11! 1ht• 'put mi.. tL un tu le.uJ .1·0 \\' ith unly unt• ~uh­ I!IOCt'r' h;l\'1.' ltl•t olll) IIJ)I}IorlUilll~ Ill lwht•\ !' Ill tlw tht'oln tlw \ numum lll ult· frum their hcnth, \u.tlh I Otnl' UJI \\ tlh .t \\ IJlllillg 'Cil•llll t•du~•ll itm tlut'• ntH hil\'1' tu ht• h.tnJ.(\ 'tra tc:~y dunn~ the J.(amc Y.<h dl.lllt.:t'd r.tptd h· hut I'H'r n':tth· II• lu uutrun tht Oppu•ititlll EH·n v.tth • hJill!t' "ht•n lll'll''"'" lh< ~ulhlltutinJ.( of fre~hmcn frnm the " I h.l\\' l.trt'.ll t:litil Ill lht• \tlll riJt \\ nrrc•ttr hen~ h very (lflell, the II I \ m,·nra rl · t.-am did not tire. Ever \\Onder what hnpt>en, tu the Steve Harvey on last bre ak races goalie · It h uur llut \ to ttmtlllll\' 111 Jlrtl· \ ray uf hupe wmc I at~ in I ht Sl 3';0 00 that Jl:l''t'' I rom your hand' dmt• hii.!h quahly " llurd pc rwd when K irhy l ltll cmnl~t.• intn the hand. Ill thJt .Ill r.JUh e lilt'' un the II ill The f:H t I hJt tht• r ....mupohtan rluh $140 00 Ih'll.lt Ill!: \ ntl ,.., \\t: t'tlll'r tlw tutun· nwvcd up 1rom lu, halfbac k IX''" um blonde m the Bur•ar' ufflu• \\'ell hrre mum·~ I• tttnlllll: trum yuur tutuon '-u~tl't~ $11 l 00. l lod•t'\' Cluh our ll't•t "til lw -t.tntluu: un thl' tu hol,tt·r the forward line and Jlll'· h lll lea-,t l)art ul th~ an.,\\t•r tn the a, a11 undcr~:rac.luatt' .. huuld mlluc:nn· $1 .N O.OO. ~l .l•tlue $.10000 , :\'ault(,ll rut k, hut ou r I'Yt'• lk· 1111 th«" ~ tilly l(f't Tec h rullin~:. llulcumb~: rnrm u t the Stmh:nt ,\ tti\'tl) l 1·t· t tn· you. the 'tudt·nt to , uppurt thest· C'luh $4~0 00, R:.tdto Cluh, '1~>7.00, •tur,," 'UHl·d Tt·<h\ only gual but that \ .. , duded in tuitiun I ulliVIIIl'' ti nnt l ~lrt idp.llt' in thrm Kitk nuh, $4.1'.00. l't•cldkr. $1.171 It \\ ,h tlllh that l'r,•,tdcnt Sturkt• tl11'c: a' the En~:int:t'" came a-. Ill' ' J ht• ('uunnJ Ul l 'rt·•itknt•. ,,, I•'H: \ mount• approprtatcd \H'rt• a' fuJ - ()0 ~kl CJuh $••11 00, l'~~h :\'t'W' .lu t•ptt·d Ill• dt.tr!!t'. I he Bt•nt•dtttlllll •·xploded 111 'Wr e ,\ mure u nu-., 111 \\tn ttl thet r dutie'. h.1....qlproprt.lttd .-. ltll" \ rt.. !'lt~ucty $15.? 00 .\ utu :• .04:; 00 l't•th '-t-n:llt> $1 .1ts0 00, \\ ,1'1 .Ill\ t•n h' tht· Rl'\ ,•r.•nll ) .IIIli'' :0.: fl-1 'ft'l h \ record i' nnw .l-6 \\' tlh tota l uf $HUOO 1\) thl.' \':lriiiU• .llll\'·' ('Juh. ~500.00. llruJ,~:c Cluh. $h'\ 00. Ulld \\'rt••thn~: nuh $4 114 00 ~l tCuHht•ttn Ill ''






THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES SALUTE: LOU JENTZEN Lou J•·utzen ( B.S.E.E.• 1957 J i" rc:.pon-.iblr for a bank of computers and the eight people who program their accounting runs. Lou i~ Bu..,int'S" S)•:.tcrn., : tall Sup<'r· visor for outht'rll New F:nglond Tt'lt phone Co. in cw lluv1·n, Coun<•cticut. A" Lou provt'tl him"elf in a.,.,igmn.-rtt '\ dt'aling with trau-.mi....ion. indurtin• inh•rf,•rt·nC(' and computer-.. Ja,.

was promoted to StolT A i tant. And then came his big tep to the • upervi ory level. A talented engin€'er. Lou Jt'nlzen! l.ou ]t•nlZI'II nncl other young rngiu€'crs likr him in B<'ll 'li·lt>phon<· C()mpanir'- throu~l wut the ('Otmtry h€'lp hr in~ tht' fiur<,t <'Om muuiC'ation'l ~<(' rvice in the world to tlw honw-.nnd hu.,inr-.f''- of 11 ftrtl \\ i n ~ \ mc•rico.






"'mm Pt•a•• I tt·.tm' •ru n • tlw '-11\W numl~t·r ul Jllttlll ' •' ' their pJ,IH' 111 tht• rJll' ,\ , .111 I'll .tmpll' 1n thl' I ufh lllt't 'l Trd1 J(111 I. 4. :; . 7 1'1 pl.ttt'' :md .1 "ttrl' nl 1 ~ Tl t• l :

IIUI\NUEI~-I'rmu l't~a,. I 11 U .mu nwn• th.tn .t minutt• .llw:ul ul •ennui pl.tn• I> a\ t' ~ l unl.. - ·1 hur

n1.1n to I ll r.tndt•t' " ·" JU'l a hi,• iu tnt h out C:t•rry ~It C:t•t• \\ lttl w.t ~ fullu\\ •·tl hy llnh <:.trn"'" l~·nny \\'t•• hi\', ) •II k lh ·dt•r and llttk C11A \\' llh tht• •·x ii'JIIIIH'I ul I hunn.tn tht• r.llt' \\,t• 1111n plt•tl'l~ dtlllllll.llt'd h) 'lh h



get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! lottltd ulldtr -..thorlly of Tilt Coci .COII CompanJ b)'


~oH• mb•'r


RELIGION ON THE TECH CAMPUS \\'une~ter Tech in accordance 11ith the bdief that thr reli~rious a\li,·ity o f t he ~tudcm is ha~ic l(l hb development provide;, here on campuo; facil itic, for tW<l \h ri ~ti a n orl(anizatiun-.. the I 'rote. tant f'hri-.tia n Fellowship and the :\'C\\ man f'lub. The Protc~tant f'hri ~tinn Fcllow~hip ib n student Orl(aniMtion dcrlk:ned to unitinl( our l'rcnestanl men throuch intellectual di,cus~un and common dcvu tiun. TllW:Ird athicvi nlo( thc<.e end-; the P.C' . F. will tonl inue to '-IJOO.,fJr this rear tho~c function~ that have hnd a I( reaL appeal to the int crc>tcd Chri 1ions !If Tech. 1 he Rt!vcrcnd

jo~t:ph Axenroth provide~ weekly HUdenl con ultation here on campus. The scope of the P.C.f . has been !frently increased by association with other Christian )(roups in the area. The :\ewman Club here al Tech is a part of the national :\'ewmnn Club movement. an orl(anizntion whose purpose i~ to dc\'t:lt)p Cm holic colle~e men intellectually. ~ocially. cult ur:~ lly .

K!::FA VE il- Fru m l' llllt> I area. to obtain a personal in~iKhl vf three of the most cuntroversinl 4ucstions on the political scene. Tickl-ls for this affair arc nvailahle from any memhcr of the Tech ~enalf· or from reprcscnt/Jtiv('s in each or the fraternity house~. The nduli tickets Qrc for $2 .50 and $2.00, while the special student rates arc $1.50 anti $1.00. The more c·xpcn~iw tickets arc for Lhc front ~eel ions on Lhe main floor, while the other ticket!> nrc fur the rear scniun; of Lhc mnin fluor a nd I he hnlc()lly. J\dvancf• I ickct !-:t ie~ from a ll source~ have indicated thai a Ia rge turnout from 1he nrca cullci(C~ and from the )(Cncml puhlic i ~ t'X· pelted. IIOME( :() ~IJ N( ;-Fro m

Pall" I

thr 'J'cd1 man ' tood a replica of Olin J tall. •\Jpha Tnu Omc)(n ·, "Skm-£·m Aliw." showed a Ttrh mnn doing ju >~l 1h.It iH n hc:1r in a t'oa~l C:u:trcl hnnl ~i)( 1\ p's " Ked Sun in tlw ~lornin)( C'ndt' IS Tnkt• \Vnruin)(" cxhihilttl ft Con:<l (:uarcl ~h1p beiill( torpcdncd hy \\'1'1. 1\ )(Hal rode Lh(' WPI ln1']1Cdu. and II hcnr (Ill the c.)[l~l Gunrd <>hlp I'hi K oppa Theta dbplayt•d n (' oa't Guard plnyl'r hein!( -hoi hUt of n t'annon nnd 1111 SOS wuvin)( from lht• 1>hip. Tht• lht•mt• \ld'o '"l'cd1 lllaM ' Coast Guard." Cariral urc~ of \'ariotl' alumni wac ~c::ll tcr~·d t hrou)(hmll 1he ftH)Iball ~lanrl ~ in lhl' balk~truund. l'hi <:amma llelta had n n:volvin~ot :-ign whirh \\'t•knnwd the alumni nnd a nwvahle Cunsl Guorcl pluyt•r hein~t 1:11 kled hy 11 Tech Lineman "Tech Swallow~< Con~l Cuard" wa ' Phi Sil('s themt, and il appc:1rtd thnl carh per~un cnlcrin)( Phi Sig', hvu~<· wa ~ swnllowcd up. a~ the clbplny uwt•rcd the <·nlirc front J)Mch. Lamhdn Chi hncl u lar)(l' t:raham rrarkt•r ht>X t with (llt(l in il l being l1pp('d over hy n Tech fnothn ll pi:Jyer The lhcnw wn~ ...1\·rh llp:.ct s C"nn>l Guard.'' Alpha Ep~ilnn l'i depicted a plnnr humhing r1 C"ut1<.1 Cunni ship The theme \l' llll ''Tech l::n,~.tinccrs Deft>at C'wtsl Gu.trd." .\ hugt• Coa,f l:uard ship bcin).! torpedoed wn ~ .' i,~tma ,\Jpha Et,~i lun·~ t'lllry. The lht•mc was '' \\'c came. \\'e '·lw. Wr ~ank " Thrtn ('hi '~ "'l\•d1 Sink ~ the Tea C"up Sttihm." wn~bting tl f a hll).t(' t~:a l:llJl \\ilh \n,I~t t:uarcl plnyerl\ 'lrn ntit'd in:.itle A Tt•t h man ~lnnd nearlw Sl Thda ~u huih ,, drag,,n· .1nd tN•d " Cru~h Cua,t t:uard" "" n tht•nw T"Kt:: w:~ :- .1\I.Irtlcd it!l trophy at tlw llomt•t·umin)( l>m1C'~ 1\luch rondud,•d tlw \\'CI·krnd '~ h1H1wromin!t fe•ll\'il it·~ f~~r I he En)(inrl!r' nf \\'urn•,ter T1•ch I

You Will

N 0 TIS The Diffe re nce



<..ALL PL l-92·18

and spiritually. The Re,•ercnd Peter J. 'canton of Immaculate Conception Church i, chapla in of the \\'o rceHer Tech chapter of the club. Father ScanJoo has; many ambitiou, plan~ ior tht: pre;,enl l:iChool year ·n1e Tech :\ewman Club ho ld~ re~­ ular monthly m~eting at which lead· ing Catholic l:aymen and priests · peak on their rt:spctti,·c field~. which may

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,·a ry irom ju,·cnile delinquency to treat. n ret·eption ior Catholic torcisu m:nriae:e lOunst'lling. .\ t the next ~tudrm~. :~long with tht• usual dan•·,•. meeting. scheduled for ;'\o,·ember 4. held twice n month in lOnjunction Dr. R oy Parenty. noted \\"urcc::ter \\ ith oth1'r \\"orc..''lt'r ;m>a C'ntholi1 p~ychintrist. will speak. mo,·en,cnt;; Durin!( the Jir~~~nt year the :"\c\\· 1 .\ 11 :"\cwmnn t'luh mt•t•tin~~ an· ful· man Cluh will spon,or at Le::u.t 1wo lu''''' " hy an iniorm:~l hufft•t type '-liJi Communion Bre.tkia.;t . tlne in rt)n - tWr ,\ 11 intt'restctl C'mhuhc o\Udt•nt .. ncluon \\Hh tht· junio r Prom. Other an: in''lled to nnend the next meN .H'th itie:- will indudt· :t Wl' tkend rl'- in)!. t•n :"\n\ t•mhcr 4

A TOAST TO THE FAMISHED ENGINEER! He can expound for hours on cubes and powers aolve complex e quations on molecular abrasions; And when he croves calories despite depleted salaries, he' 1 welcome to meander down to the H!GHLANDER where our food l1 much, much better than our verae.




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