WPI’s next president to “walk on water” a1 S 8 | by Brian Parker Features Editor On N ovem ber 29th, the W PI co m m unity was invited to give its ideas to the P residential Search C o m m it tee with reg ard to what is expected o f our next president. John N elson, vice president o f the Board o f T ru st ees, presented the com m ittee to the three to fo u r dozen people in atten dance, stating “ W PI enters the search in a position o f strength.” T he school has hired an outside consultant to assist in the search, w hich began in O ctober and by the beginning o f the year, the com m ittee hopes to be review ing candidates. By the end o f M arch, three to four candidates w ill be brought to WPI to see the cam pus, and from these v is its, the final selection w ill be made. Since m any o f the potential candi
dates already hold jo b s and there is a thinking about o u r future together nic School seeks president, m ust have need for d iscretio n w hile co n tactin g sense o f hum or, be a consensus g a th w hen we first m eet. Please co n tact at them , m ost o f the search w ill be school, can m eet d iscrete ly .” erer, who can bring the cam pus to co n d u cte d in secrecy. W hile the g eth er, som eone who is w illin g to O ne person m entioned that w hile com m unity can expect general re listen and m ake im portant, if diffiit is im portant to co n sid er our “corports about the p rogress o f ______ porate p o sitio n in g ” it is the search , we m ust w ait p a equally im portant to re " WPI i nters the scarcli in a p o sitio n of tiently until som etim e next m em ber that W PI is first spring w hen o u r next p re si strength. ” and forem ost a college and dent will be announced. that needs o f the students T he m eeting last w eek was should be the focus. -John Nelson effective for a sm all n u m b er T h ere seem ed to be a \ ice President of the Hoard o f Trustees of peo p le to voice th e ir o p in consensus that a candidate ions and it seem s lik e we with an educational b a c k exp ect a lot from the can d iground c ould be taught the dates. T h ere w as co n c e rn that a cu lt, d ecisions and has strong co m financial aspects o f the jo b fairly m unication skills. strong back g ro u n d in ed u catio n and easily. T his do es not necessarily C andidate m ust be able to help a v ision fo r the future, w hich in m ean a science and technology b ack cludes ch an g in g tech n o lo g ies, was raise m oney for school, should be g round. In fact, a re-ev alu atio n o f ap p ro ach ab le by students, a p p reci im portant. W P I’s role in the future m ight be ate long w alks on cam pus and attend T h e c la ssifie d ad that W PI could b e tte r done by an “o u tsid e r.” spo rtin g /cu ltu ral events. E x pected run from this b rain sto rm in g session B ut this should not disturb the m ight read: “N ew E ngland P o ly tech to ask all the rig h t q u estio n s and be Plan, since m any students are here
because o f the unique experien ce the Plan offers and w ould not like to see its dem ise. Som etim e this w eek, the co m m it tee expects to put its “ P osition E x pectancy D escription” in the L ibrary and m ake it available through e-m ail. O ne o f the closing rem arks m ade by the com m ittee w as “ We ex p ect the candidate to w alk across In stitu te Pond, y et be ab le to sw im (and clean up the pond) w hile h e ’s th ere.”
The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute
s N ew spea k
Volume Twenty-two , Number Twenty-seven
Tuesday, D ecem ber 6, 1994
T he sile n c e w ill s o o n b e b ro ke n by Kristen Greene Graphics Editor “The silen ce w ill soon be b ro k en ,” acco rd in g to the ex ecu tiv e board of W P I’s radio station, which should be on the air som etim e during C -term . W P IR . as it is to be called, will be b roadcast through the FM stereo serv ice offered by G reater M edia C able. Any student living on cam pus w ill be able to tune in w ith the simple ad d itio n of an FM splitter to their current cable setup. It is also hoped that som etim e in the near fu ture the station w ill sim ultaneously be played o n the WPI b ulletin board channels as w ell, w hich w ould make it available in m any o f the lounges in buildings on cam pus. This setup will continue through the end of this year. Beginning in Aterm o f 1995, the station may be able to be broadcast to all o f W orcester, through an agreem ent with G reater M edia Cable. The issue of obtaining an FCC license is currently being looked into, and it will most likely be 3 to 5 years before this occurs. Until then, WPIR will operate as a non commercial radio station. They are
under no obligation to follow FCC rules at this time, but they do plan to adhere to them. W P I’s radio station began in Dterm o f last year as an IQP, the goal o f which was to start a radio station on campus. The group consists o f three students; Jeff C oates, G reg Findlen and Josh Single, all m em bers o f the class of 1996. Presently, the organiza tion is m uch larger, consisting o f ap proxim ately 80 to 90 DJs and 16 ex ecutive board members. A m ajor o bstacle w hich needed to be o v erco m e in the creatio n o f a radio station on cam pus w as fund ing. Part o f this problem w as solved, as sta rt-u p funding w as g iv en to the statio n b y the S ocial C o m m ittee. T hese fu n d s co n sisted o f the ro llo v er from last y e a r’s b udget, w hich in cluded all o f the u n allo cated funds from the 1993-94 school year. C u r ren tly , m em b ers o f the ex ec u tiv e board are w orking to o b tain future funding thro u g h the S tu d en t G ov ernm ent A sso ciatio n . T hey are g o ing th ro u g h the p ro p er ch an n els to receive a budget. S u p p o rt for this process is needed, and can be ex pressed th ro u g h y o u r SG A senators.
A list o f sen ato rs is available from the SGA office. WPIR will be broadcast from Fuller Labs. Space in this building has been allocated for the radio station’s use. T hough there is not really anything to see now, renovations, to be done by Plant Services, will be com pleted b e fore the end o f this term. DJs are currently being trained. The first training session will serve to make those interested aware o f w hat they are getting into. They will also receive a great deal o f technical training, as well as intern with DJs that are on the air. To start, the radio station will follow no particular format, and DJs will supply their own music. The station has plans to eventually run on a 24 hour a day schedule, but to begin, they will do w hatever they can with the people and resources that they have. FM splitters will be made available through the radio station as the startup date approaches. This inexpensive part can be purchased from the station at cost, with installation included. E veryone is w elcom e to and in vited to get involved w ith W PIR , a n d c a n d o so by c o n ta c tin g radio@ w pi.
w ere ju d g e d by a ju ry c o n sistin g o f F o u n d a tio n C h a irm a n D o n ald N. Z w iep, P ro fesso r E m eritu s and D e partm ent H ead E m eritus o f M echani cal E ngineering, W orcester Polytech nic In stitu te; Dr. R obert L isau sk as, D irector o f R& D at R iley S toker; Dr. D uane S. E llifritt o f the C ivil E n g i neering D ep artm en t, U niversity o f F lorida; and Dr. Jam es M iller, E lec trical E n g ineering D ep artm en t, N a val P o stg rad u ate S chool, M onterey, C alifo rn ia. T he Jam es F. L incoln A rc W eld ing F o u n d atio n , estab lish ed in 1936 by th e L incoln E lectric C om pany to advance the science and ap plication of arc w eld in g , has o ffered aw ards annually for 58 years to recognize superior achievem ents in these fields. Rules b rochures and entry form s for the next A w ards P rogram are av ail able in th e p ro fessio n al, p re-p ro fes sional, and sch o o l/sh o p cate g o ries, free o f ch arg e, from T he Jam es F.
Streets in the im m ediate area that will be subject to parking restrictions are:
Side on which parking is prohibited (o d d an d even sides designated b y house num bers)
E v en sid e
H a c k fe ld E in h o rn
B o th sid es
T ro w b rid g e S c h u ss le r
E v en side E v e n sid e
W e st
E v en sid e
In s titu te B o y n to n D ean
B o th sid es E v e n sid e E v e n sid e
W a c h u se tt S a lisb u ry
B o th sides
E v e n sid e
P a rk A ve.
B o th sid e s (e x c e p t w h ere p o ste d )
H ig h la n d
B o th sid e s (e x c e p t w h ere p o ste d )
L in co ln A rc W elding F o u n d atio n , P.O . Box 17305, C lev elan d , O hio 441 17 -0 0 3 5 . m
See page 5
T h e W P I C o n c e rt B and w as one o f th e g ro u p s p e rfo rm in g d u rin g th e A n n u a l H oliday C o n c e rt held last T h u rs d a y in A lden H all. A dditional ph o to s on page th re e .
Table o f Contents
Mini Health Quiz z
W inter p ark in g restrictions are enforced from D ecem b er 1 to A p ril 1 b etw een the hours o f 2am and 6 am , o r at any tim e during a state o f aSnow Emergency as declared by the C ity.
F or fu rth er in fo rm a tio n o n p a rk in g o r o n o th e r c a m p u s sa fe ty issu e s, c o n ta c t C h ie f H a n lo n , W P I C am p u s P o lice.
WPI students receive national award Worcester Polytechnic Institute stu dents Robert H arrison and John J. C hapdelaine have received a $500 Bronze Award in the undergraduate division of the Jam es F. Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation’s 1994 Pre-Professional A w ards Program. The na tional program, which recognizes e x cellence in college-level engineering research and design, awarded a total o f $ 15,750 to undergraduate and graduate students across the country. The W orcester Polytechnic Insti tute stu d e n ts’ entry d escrib es the “ Passage T h ro u g h R esonance by S w itching S tiffn e s s ” p ro je c t they developed. F acu lty advisors for the p r o je c t w e r e P ro fe sso rs M. D im entberg and R.L. N orton. In recognition o f the Bronze A w ard, W orcester P o lytechnic Institute also received a $ 2 5 0 grant to be used at the discretion o f the school to further educational objectives. P re-P rofessional Program entries
Parking Restrictions effective December 1
N ew s ............................................................................................. 2, 5 Sports ................................................................................................. 3 Arts & Entertainment .............................................................. 3, 5 Commentary ................................................................................6, 7 tetters to the E ditor ....................................................................... 6 Student Government Association ...............................................7
Announcements ..............................................................................7 Club C o m er .................................................................................... 8 Greek C orner .................................................................................. 9 Classifieds ..................................................................................... 11 Police L o g ..................................................................................... 12 What’s Happening ...................................................................... 12
Page 2
Tuesday December 6, 1994
Overseas project work in Botswana gives lesson in fundraising courteSy 0f w p i News-Service W hen they cam e to W PI, A hm ed A I-B aiti o f T anzania, W illiam H erron o f B irm in g h a m , A la b a m a , an d C o re y L e w is o f B loom field, C onnecticu t, all had so m eth in g in com m on: they all w anted to trav el to southern A frica to do research. T h e G lobal P erspective P rogram at W PI w ould enable them to do ju s t that. W hat the three students d id n ’t know w as th at w hen they d e c id e d to put their science and engineering sk ills to use to help the re sid e n ts o f the R e p u b lic o f B otsw ana (in south ern A frica) for th e ir In ter activ e Q ualifying Project, they w o u ld get m ore of an ed u catio n in fundraising. K n o w in g th a t m o u n tin g p re s su re s on B o tsw an a’s land and w ater resources, caused largely by po p u latio n increase and o v e r-re li ance on firew ood, threatened the n a tio n ’s c u rre n t p ro s p e rity , A l-B a iti, H e rro n an d L ew is traveled to rural B otsw ana to research and recom m end alternative renew able en ergy resources to the B otsw anian g o v e rn m ent. In itially , th e school o nly fin an ced the p roject for one student. O f the three students, H erron w as chosen to go to B otsw ana as he w as available and had nev er been to A frica b efore (L ew is was finishing an in tern sh ip at U nited T ech n o lo g ies Corp. in H artford, C o n necticut, and A l-B aiti is a native o f A frica). “ I d id n ’t w ant to be the one to go o v e r there (alo n e),” said H erron. “ I w anted all three o f us to go.” So the students set o ut to raise $13,000 to finance the project. T hey co n tacted local con g ressm en , sm all b usiness ow ners, black organ izatio n s, and energy groups. T hey also app ro ach ed the U .S. and the B otsw anian E m bassies to secure funding. “ It w as a lot m ore difficu lt than we im agined,” said Lew is. “W e found th at people w ho were rem otely interested in m aking a co ntribution w ere skeptical because nobody else had - it w as a vicious cy c le .” The students turned to their friends and relatives for help. T hey tried to take out loans from the financial aid o ffice and even contem plated selling th eir stereo system s and c a rs to fi nance the venture. “ It w asn ’t until then that p eople realized th at we w ere very serious about doing this and that w e’d do it at any c o st,” said L ew is. T he students revisited their proposal and estim ated the least am ount o f m oney they needed to raise to survive and still do th eir project in B otsw ana. T hey cut th e ir m eals
ddow ow n to the bare essen tials and turned to J. J Dahppm HnctAini R aheem H osseini, aa W/PI WPI aliim alu m nnc n u s u/Kn who re_ sid es in B otsw ana, to help them fin d inexpen siv e lodging. It w as then that th e students w ere ap p ro ach ed by som e v ery generous people from the W PI com m unity. “P rofes so rs A ddison an d C lark e w ere rea lly the ones w ho started the b all ro llin g ,” sa id A l-Baiti. (B land A ddison, asso ciate p ro fesso r o f h is to ry , who also serv ed as their facu lty advisor, g av e the group $ 1 ,4 0 0 . E dw ard C larke, p ro fesso r o f en g in ee rin g and scien ce, co ntrib u ted $1,000.) “ A fte r that, we called all the people back and ask ed if they w ould m atch th e ir c o n trib u tio n s,” said L ew is. “The re sponse was quite a b it d ifferen t.” O nce they reach ed th e ir lo ng-aw aited d es tin atio n , the stu d en ts d id n ’t w aste any tim e. T h ey conducted o n -site in terv iew s, surveys and research w ith au th o rities on appropriate technology and e n e rg y affairs, and researched th e governm ent’s position on biogas, solar p ow er, coal and the use o f firew ood. W hat th e y found w as th at firew ood, w hich the p eople o f B otsw ana trad itio n ally used for fu e l, was d isap p earin g quickly, w ithout any real replacem ent. T he stu d en ts predicted th at five to ten y ears dow n the lin e, Botsw ana (w hich is now 78 percent d esert) w ouldn’t hav e enough trees left to use fo r firewood. “ T he people of B o tsw an a were o n ly address ing the problem w ith short-term solutions,” said Herron. “T h ey w ere planting eucalyptus tre es to use as firew o o d because th e y grow so fa s t.” A fter carefully an alyzing the inform ation th ey had g athered, the students recom m ended the people o f B o tsw an a use biogas in place o f firew ood for co o k in g fuel, and to run other item s trad itio n ally pow ered by petroleum products (i.e. d iesel engines, lam ps, and re frigerators). B ecause B otsw ana is the largest im porter o f beef, and has four m illion herds o f cattle, the stu d en ts believed biogas would solve all their en erg y needs. (B io g as is based on a natural biolo g ical process involving the ferm entation o f an im al, hum an, and/or veg etab le w astes to generate m ethane, carbon dio x id e, and o th e r gases for energy.) They a lso inform ed the B otsw anian governm ent o f the m illions o f d o lla rs they w ould save as a result o f the sw itch (m illions o f dollars are sp en t each y ear to im port petroleum and o th e r products into the country). “ Biogas is the most affordable renew able energy re source. and it can be readily produced there,” said Lewis. "M o st im portantly, it is not
rv e d as e n d e a v o r,” said A d d iso n , w ho se servec nrniort Harfv/irt project aHvicnr advisor ii/ith w ith Tnm Tom H artvig Thf\m T hom sen, associate dean o f student life. “ It addresses technological problem s in a section o f the w orld that faces so m any very serious d evel opm ental problem s.” T hom sen d escrib ed the IQ P as being “ very tim ely and very ap p ro p ri ate.” “It’s truly w hat the IQ P sh ould be all ab o u t,” he said. A l-B aiti, son o f Mr. and M rs. A bdullah A l-B aiti o f T an zan ia, graduated from the International S chool o f T anganyika. N ow in his senior year at W PI, he studies m anage m ent inform ation system s. H erron, son o f M r. and M rs. W illiam H erron, Jr. o f B irm ingham , graduated from H uffm an H igh School. N ow a ju n io r at the U n iv e rs ity o f A la b a m a at B irm in g h a m , H erron m ajors in physics. He hopes to work in A frica o r in the M iddle E ast after g rad u a tion. Lewis, son o f Lovem Kirlew o f Bloomfield, graduated from Thom as W eaver High School in Hartford. Now a senior at W PI, he is a resident advisor, a member o f the Phi G am m a Delta fraternity and the Black Student Union. Lewis studies electrical engineering. H osseini graduated from W PI in 1989 with a degree in m echanical engineering. He is no w d ir e c to r a n d g e n e r a l m a n a g e r o f K galagadi R esources D evelopm ent C o. Ltd t/a Solar P ow er in G aborone.
e n v iro n m en t.” hharm arm ful to the en C\/An Even affor after rpvion/inrt rev iew ing oil all thpir their finHinne findings, thp the B otsw anian g o vern m en t was still reluctant to m ake the sw itch to biogas. B ut the W PI stu d en ts did not seem the least b it d isco ur aged. In fact, H erron thought the project w ent w ell. “T hey ju s t aren ’t lo o k in g at the lon g -term effects o f w hat they are d o in g ,” he said. “A fter all, w hy should th ey pay for b io g as w hen they can get firew ood for free?” L ew is said the g ro up had successfully reached th e ultim ate goal o f th e ir project, w hich was to advance hum an developm ent in B otsw ana. All o f the stu d ents enjoyed th e ir ex p eri en c e overseas. H erron said the B otsw anian gov ernm en t w as ex trem ely helpful and was very atten tiv e to the W PI students. “I think w e ap p reciated the experience m ore because o f all th e financial hurdles we h ad to over com e before we le ft,” said L ew is. A l-B aiti d escrib ed it as b eing “ a very g o o d ex p eri en c e .” R onald B aird, W PI D irecto r o f C or porate R elations, w as im pressed by the gen ero u s d onation m ade by U nited T ech n o lo g ies C orp. “ It’s not often that o p p o rtu n ities fo r significant c o ntributions to th ird w orld c o u n trie s by W PI u n d erg rad u ate students com e o u r w ay,” he said. “These funds m ake p o ssib le a unique and ch allen g in g ed u ca tional experience for these stu d en ts in keep ing w ith the W PI P lan .” “ I thought this IQ P w as a very w orthw hile
W P I stu d en ts A l-B aiti (second fro m left) an d H e rro n (on fa r right) exam ine a biogas d ig e s te r , alo n g w ith tw o em ployees of the R u ra l In d u strie s In n o v atio n s C e n te r in B otsw ana.
New CD-ROMS available in Gordon Library by Don Richardson Reference Department, Gordon Library T he library has acq u ired a num ber o f new C D -R O M databases and reference to o ls that should be helpful to students, faculty, and staff. These new resources provide d esc rip tive inform ation on U.S. patents; co lleg e and university catalogs; environm ental law s and reg u latio n s; researc h g rant pro g ram s; and the first four years o f a technical jo u rn a l. T hese recent additions bring to sixteen the num ber o f C D -RO M resources av ailab le to library users in the R eference D epartm ent. If you w ould like to use any o f th ese re
sources, please g o to the G o rd o n Library R eference Desk w ith your WPI ID card. A sta ff m em ber w ill set you up on one o f the C D -R O M co m p u ters in R eference. W hen the R eference D esk is not staffed , you can request C D -R O M S at the C irculation Desk. The follow ing are brief d escriptions o f th e new C D -R O M S. “ B N A ’s E n v iron m en t L ibrary o n CD” con tain s the com plete text o f all m ajor federal environm ental law s and regu latio n s, as well as environm ental law s and regulations from th e fifty states. “ C o lleg e S o u rce C o lleg e C atalo g C D R O M ” is a co llectio n o f catalo g s and other
FOOD FOR YOUVILLE Please bring canned goods and nonperishable food items
CHRISTMAS MASS Sunday, December 11 in Alden Hall Caroling will begin at 8:30 pm and M ass will be at 9:00 pm All food donations will be given to Youville House, a Worcester W omen’s Shelter.
printed “ N an otechnology” b eginning with 1994. “ U.S. Patent Bibliographic Information Files (BIB)” CD-ROM provides descriptive informa tion on all U.S. patents back to 1969. Search for patents by title or subject words; year o f issue; assignee name; or patent number. The “Classi fication Information Files (CLASS)” CD-ROM lists all patent numbers assigned to a particular patent class or subclass back to 1790 and all classes assigned to specific patent numbers.
descrip tiv e in form ation for U.S. co lleg es and u niversities. Not all co lleg es’ cata lo g s are on the CD yet; u pdates w ill contain m ore. “G rants D atabase” provides inform ation o n over 8600 g ran ts offered by fed eral, state, an d local governm ent; com m ercial o rganiza tio n s; asso ciatio n s; and private foundations. “ N an otech n o lo gy” has the co m p lete text an d graphics o f ev ery article published in the first four volum es (1990-1993) o f the printed jo u rn al o f the sam e nam e. The library has the
WPI students!
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so o n for
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199 H ig h la n d
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< •> MA 01609
Page 3
Tuesday December 6,1994
Weekly sports update - results from November 18th through December 1st by G eoff Hassard Sports Inform ation D irector Fall Postseason Awards The follow ing is a listin g o f those W P I athletes w ho received recognition for th e ir o u tstan d in g seasons.
C ongratulations to all o f o u r aw ard re c ip i ents!!
o u t the victor 80-64 to push th eir reco rd to 30 on th e young season. D unn led W PI w ith 24 p o in ts, but was h elp ed by sophom ore center J e f f C a y e r (S h elton, C T ) w ith 16 points, N au g h to n with 14 p o in ts and ju n io r guard C had H am el (B ethlehem , N H ) w ho had a good sho o tin g gam e (3 o f 4 three p o in t field g o als) to add 12 points. T he E ngineers took th eir u ndefeated record to B abson C ollege la s t T uesday fo r another tough C A C match up. T he B eavers e n d ed up w in n in g 97-87 to h an d W PI its first loss o f th e season. W PI w as led by C ay er w ith 25 points on 12 o f 13 sh o o tin g from the fie ld and D unn w ho had 24 p oints.
M en’s Basketball (3-1)
W om en’s Basketball (3-1)
The E n g in eers k ic k e d off th e ir season b y ho stin g and w inning the 1994 W o rcester C ity T ip -o ff T ournam ent. T h is w as a big m om ent because it is the last tim e the m en will h av e such a tournam ent d u e to league affiliatio n s. In the opener, W PI p lay ed C lark U n iv ersity b efore a good sized c ro w d . A t halftim e, W P I had th e lead 46-45 b ehind 2 2 points fro m sen io r C h ris D unn (S eek o n k , M A). In th e seco n d half, D unn c o n tin u ed to light it up a s th e E ng in eers fin ally pulled aw ay to take th e w in 87-67. F o r th e gam e, D unn tied th e school record again fo r m ost p o in ts in a g am e as he finish ed w ith 39. A lso co n trib u tin g to th e w in w as ju n io r Jim N aughton (D ublin, Ireland ) w ho had 20 p o in ts an d 14 rebounds. In th e ch am p io n sh ip , WPI faced d e fe n d ing cham pion W o rcester State in a rem atch o f last y e a r’s o vertim e th riller. T h is year it w as n o t to be fo r the L an c ers as W P I c o n tro lled th e gam e from start to finish. Dunn had 3 2 points enroute to b ein g n am ed T o u rn am e n t M V P and N aughton ad d ed 26 points and 15 rebounds as he w as n a m ed to th e A ll-T o u rn a m ent T eam . Last S aturday, W PI play ed host to th e E ngineers o f M IT in th e ir first C o n stitu tio n A th letic C onference g am e o f th e 94-95 c a m paign. In a very ph y sical contest, W PI ca m e
T he w om en o p en ed th eir season also by h o stin g th e T ip -o ff T ournam ent. U nfortu nately they were not able to pull out the win in the ch am pionship, but early on th ere are signs th a t this could b e an exciting y ear for th e E ngineers. In th e opening g am e, W PI played W orces te r S tate and w on 6 0-37. T h e E ngineers were in co ntrol from the o p en in g ju m p a n d never faltere d as they took the victory beh in d ju n io r Jen L o vin ’s (W aterford, C T ) 13 points an d 6 rebounds. S ophom ore reserve forw ard D an ielle B atey (F airfield , M E) ch ipped in 11 points to help the cause fo r W PI. H oping to avenge last y ear’s loss to the C o u g ars, W PI was rem atched ag ain st C lark U n iv ersity in the ch am p io n sh ip gam e. The score rem ained c lo se until, w ith a b o u t 10 m in u tes left in th e gam e, C lark began to pull aw ay. T he E n g ineers w ere led by senior guard T ric ia Pignone (S eneca F alls, N Y ) and so p h o m o re forward K im L andry ea c h with nine p o in ts. Lovin w as nam ed to th e AllT o u rn am en t Team fo r her p erform ances in th e tw o gam es. The E ngineers h osted F itchburg S tate in a n o n -co n feren ce g am e the T uesday before T h an k sg iv in g and w on easily 68-39 to move th eir reco rd to 2-1. T h e E ngineers h ad a very
tion A th letic C o n fe re n c e F irst T eam A llC o n feren ce selection. Jam ie G ustafson (M onson, M A ) - C o n sti tution A thletic C o n feren ce F irst T eam A llC o n feren ce selection. S cott E nnis (C an terb u ry , N H ) - C o n stitu tion A th letic C o n fe re n c e F irst T eam A llC on feren ce selection.
Football D ave Sw edick (Johnstow n, NY) - EC A C First T eam A ll-Star; F reed o m Football C o n ference F irst T eam A ll-S tar; N ew E ngland F o o tb all W riters D iv isio n II/III A ll-N ew E ngland Team . Stan Farrell (A ug u sta, M E) - ECA C F irst T eam A ll-S tar; F reedom F ootball C o n fer ence S eco n d T eam A ll-S tar; New E ngland F o o tb all W riters D iv isio n II/III A ll-N ew E ngland Team . M att W assel (W alp o le, M A ) - ECA C F irst T eam A ll-S tar; F reed o m F ootball C o n fer ence S eco n d T eam A ll-S tar. A nthony M into (B ro o k ly n , NY) - ECA C Second T eam A ll-S tar; F reedom F ootball C onference Second T ea m A ll-Star. K halid R ucker (B ro o k ly n , N Y ) - F reedom F ootball C onference F irst T eam A ll-Star. K evin R anucci (W arw ick, R I) - Freedom F ootball C onference F irst T eam A ll-Star. E rnie A nsah (W o rcester, M A ) - F reedom Football C onference F irst T eam A ll-Star. R ich R egan (Fram ingham , M A) - F re e dom F ootball C onferen ce S econd Team A llStar. Tom D ube (Jay, M E ) - F reedom F ootball C o n feren ce Second T eam A ll-Star.
Field Hockey H eidi H uggett (H o ld en , M A ) - C ollege Field H ockey C oach es A ssociation N orth east R eg io n D ivision III S econd Team A llA m erican; New E ngland W om en’s 8 A llC onference Team. S o ccer C raig B oucher (S utton, M A ) - C o n stitu
W om en’s Volleyball M indy Plog (O sh k o sh , N E ) - New E n gland W o m en ’s 8 A ll-C o n feren ce Team .
b alanced a tta c k as they got co n trib u tio n s from a num ber o f players. Pignone and L ovin each had 12 points, sophom ore C athy Jzy k (T ico nderoga, N Y ) had 11 points o ff the bench as w ell as B atey w ho had 10 p o in ts in her first start. S ophom ore L au ra B ielitz (A gaw am , M A ) continues to fill in w ell at point guard as she dished o ut five assists. L ast T u esd ay W PI took to the road for the firs t tim e in 9 4 -9 5 as th e y tr a v e le d to B ridg ew ater S tate to take on the L ady B ears. B eh in d a g re a t sh o o tin g p erfo rm a n c e by L an dry, W PI m oved th eir record to 3-1 on the young season as they beat B ridgew ater 7453. L andry scored a career high 25 p o in ts on 11 for 16 sh o o tin g (3 o f 5 behind the arc) and w as helped by Pignone w ho had 12 points and B atey w h o had 10 points. A lso re g iste r ing in double figures in the points colum n w as ju n io r R ebecca R ubenstein (R ockland, M E )-as she h ad 10.
W om en’s Swimming (1-2) L ast W ednesday our lady sw im m ers headed to W estfield S tate to take on the O w ls. In a tightly co n tested m eet, the w om en w ere edged by a score o f 152-134. C oach W hitt G riffith was pleased w ith the effort o f his team . E vent w in n ers for the E n g in eers w ere, tran sfer P atty L inden (H ighland, IN ) w ho won both the 1,000 and 5 00-yard freestyle. A lso tak in g first place w ere sen io r cap tain Jen S anna (M adison, W I) in the 200-yard freestyle and senior Renee C usson (C hicopee, M A) w ho w on the 50-yard freestyle.
Club Sports - M en’s Bowling The m en’s club bow ling team is cu rren tly in first place in the T ri-S tate C ollege B o w l ing C on feren ce. B ow ling w ell fo r the team are freshm an M att B urdick (C lifton Park, N Y), sen io r R ob D ’A tri (S cotland, C T ), fresh m an C hris G auvin (Sutton, M A ), sophom ore M att T elia (M illbury, M A ) and g raduate stu dent Jo e T ru d elle (W orcester, M A).
Sounds of season ring through Alden during Holiday Concert g CO a * |
3 o o
A B O V E : Sim ple H arm o n ic M otion f o r m e r l y T h e B a k e r 's D o z e n ), d ire c te d by M atthew E tto re , '95, p e r f o r m e d "O C o m e , O C o m e , E m m a n u e l", "W assail S o n g ", "L o, How A R ose E 'e r B loom ing", an d G 'n ig h t S w eetheart."
R IG H T : S ean n Ives (b a c k ) a n d A ndrew D avid (fo reg ro u n d ), tw o of th e S tage B and m em b ers. Stage B and, u n d e r the directio n of R ic h ard F a lc o , p e r f o r m e d " C h r i s t m a s M e d le y ", " W in te r W o n d e rla n d " , " U n d e r th e M i s tl e to e " , " T h e C h ristm a s Song", and "G ood K ing W enceslas . "
R IG H T : The B rass E nsem ble's R ich P e h rso n o n th e tim p a n i helped bring the show th ro u g h " G od Rest Ye M e rry G en tlem en " a n d "V a ria n ts O n A n A dvent Hymn Based On Veni Emmanuel." The B rass E nsem ble is a lso u n d e r th e d ire c tio n of D ouglas W eeks.
L E F T : C olleen Fox plays bass w ith th e M e d w in S t r i n g Ensem ble d u rin g th e ir p o rtio n o f the p ro g ra m . D irected by D ouglas W eek s, th e S trin g E n sem b le p ro v id e d B a c h 's "B ra n d e n b u rg C o n certo N o. 3 M o d erato , A llegro."
Page 3
Tuesday December 6,1994
Weekly sports update - results from November 18th through December 1st by G eoff Hassard Sports Information Director
Fall Postseason Awards T he follow ing is a listin g o f those W PI athletes w ho received recognition for th eir outstanding seasons.
tio n A th letic C o nference First T eam A llC on feren ce selection. Jam ie G u stafso n (M onson, M A) - C o n sti tu tio n A thletic C onference F irst T eam A llC on feren ce selection. S cott E nnis (C anterbury, NH) - C o n stitu tio n A th letic C o nference F irst T eam A llC on feren ce selection.
C o n g ratu latio n s to all o f o u r aw ard rec ip i en ts!!
out the victor 80-64 to push th eir record to 30 on th e young season. D unn led W PI w ith 24 p oints, but w as helped by so phom ore center J e ff C ay er (S h elton, C T ) w ith 16 points, N aughton w ith 14 points and ju n io r guard C had H am el (B ethlehem , N H ) w ho had a good shoo tin g gam e (3 o f 4 th ree point field g oals) to add 12 points. The E ngineers took th eir u ndefeated record to Babson C o lleg e last T uesday for another tough C A C m atch up. T he B eavers ended up w in n in g 9 7-87 to hand W PI its first loss o f the season. W PI was led by C ay er w ith 25 points on 12 o f 13 shooting from the field and D unn who had 24 points.
M en’s Basketball (3-1)
Women’s Basketball (3-1)
T he E n g in eers kicked o f f their seaso n by h o stin g and w inning th e 1994 W o rcester C ity T ip -o ff T ournam ent. T his w as a big m om ent becau se it is th e last tim e the m en w ill have su ch a tournam ent d u e to league affiliatio n s. In the op en er, W PI p layed C lark U niv ersity b efo re a good sized crow d. At halftim e, W PI had the lead 46-45 b ehind 22 points from sen io r C hris D unn (S eek o n k , M A ). In the seco n d half, D unn c o n tin u ed to light it up as th e E n g in eers finally pulled aw ay to take the w in 87-67. F o r the gam e, Dunn tied the school record again fo r m ost points in a gam e as he fin ish ed w ith 39. A lso co n trib u tin g to the w in w as ju n io r Jim N aughton (D ublin, Irelan d ) w ho had 20 points and 14 rebounds. In the ch am p io n sh ip, W PI faced d efen d ing cham pion W orcester S tate in a rem atch of last y e ar’s overtim e th riller. T his y ear it was n ot to be for the Lancers as WPI co n tro lled th e gam e from start to finish. D unn had 32 p o in ts enroute to being nam ed T ournam ent M V P and N aughton added 26 p o in ts and 15 reb o u n d s as he w as nam ed to the A ll-T o u rn a m ent Team . Last S atu rd ay , W PI p layed host to the E ngineers o f M IT in th eir first C o n stitu tio n A th letic C o nference gam e o f the 94-95 cam paign. In a very physical co n test, W PI cam e
T he w om en opened th eir season also by h o stin g the T ip -o ff T o urnam ent. U nfortu nately they w ere not able to pull out the win in the ch am pionship, but early o n there are signs that th is cou ld be an ex citin g year for the E ngineers. In th e opening gam e, W PI played W orces ter S tate and won 60-37. T he E ngineers were in control from the opening ju m p and never faltered as they took the victory behind ju n ior Jen L o v in ’s (W aterford, C T ) 13 points and 6 rebounds. S ophom ore reserve forw ard D anielle B atey (F airfield, M E ) chipped in 11 points to help the cause for W PI. H oping to avenge last y e a r’s loss to the C ougars, W PI w as rem atched against C lark U niversity in the cham pionship gam e. The score rem ained close until, w ith about 10 m inutes left in th e gam e, C lark began to pull aw ay. The E ngineers w ere led by senior guard T ricia P ignone (S eneca F alls, N Y ) and sophom ore forw ard Kim L an d ry each w ith nine points. L ovin was nam ed to the A llT ournam ent T eam for her perform ances in the tw o gam es. The E ngineers hosted F itch b u rg State in a n o n -co n feren ce gam e the T u esd ay before T h anksgiving and won easily 68-39 to move th eir record to 2-1. The E n g in eers had a very
Football D ave S w edick (Johnstow n, N Y ) - EC A C First T eam A ll-Star; F reedom F ootball C o n ference F irst T eam A ll-S tar; N ew E ngland F ootball W riters D iv isio n 11/111 A ll-N ew E ngland T eam . Stan F arrell (A ug u sta, ME) - ECA C F irst T eam A ll-S tar; F reed o m Football C o n fe r ence S econd Team A ll-S tar; N ew E ngland F ootball W riters D iv isio n II/III A ll-N ew E ngland T eam . M att W assel (W alp o le, MA) - ECA C F irst T eam A ll-S tar; F reed o m F ootball C o n fe r ence S econd T eam A ll-S tar. A nthony M into (B rooklyn, N Y ) - ECA C Second T eam A ll-S tar; Freedom F ootball C onference Second T eam A ll-Star. K halid R ucker (B ro o k ly n , N Y ) - F reedom F ootball C onference F irst T eam A ll-Star. K evin R anucci (W arw ick, R I) - F reedom F ootball C onference F irst T eam A ll-Star. E rnie A nsah (W o rcester, M A ) - Freedom F ootball C onference F irst Team A ll-Star. R ich R egan (F ram ingham , M A ) - F re e dom F ootball C onference S econd Team A llStar. Tom D ube (Jay, M E ) - Freedom F ootball C onference Second T eam A ll-Star.
Field Hockey H eidi H uggett (H olden, M A ) - C ollege F ield H ockey C oaches A ssociation N o rth east R egion D ivision III Second Team A llA m erican; New E n g lan d W om en’s 8 A llC onference Team . S o ccer C raig B oucher (S utton, M A) - C o n stitu
Women’s Volleyball M indy P lo g (O shkosh, NE) - N ew E n g lan d W o m en ’s 8 A ll-C onference T eam .
balan ced attack as they g o t co n trib u tio n s from a num ber o f players. Pignone and L ovin each had 12 points, sophom ore C athy Jzyk (T ico nderoga, N Y ) had 11 points o ff the bench as w ell as Batey who had 10 points in her first start. Sophom ore L aura B ielitz (A gaw am , M A ) continues to fill in w ell at point guard as she dished o u t five assists. L ast T uesday WPI took to the road for the firs t tim e in 9 4 -9 5 as th e y tra v e le d to B ridgew ater S tate to take on th e Lady B ears. B eh in d a g re a t shooting p e rfo rm a n c e by L an dry, W PI m oved their reco rd to 3-1 on the young season as they beat B rid g ew ate r 7453. L andry scored a career h ig h 25 points on 11 for 16 shooting (3 o f 5 b eh in d the arc) and w as helped by Pignone w ho had 12 points and B atey w ho had 10 points. A lso reg ister ing in double figures in the points colum n w as ju n io r R ebecca R ubenstein (R ockland, M E) .as she had 10.
Women’s Swimming (1-2) Last W ednesday our lady sw im m ers headed to W estfield S tate to take on the O w ls. In a tightly contested meet, the w om en w ere edged by a score o f 152-134. C oach W hitt G riffith w as pleased w ith the effort o f his team . E vent w inners for the E n g in eers w ere, tran sfer Patty Linden (H ighland, IN) w ho won both the 1,000 and 5 00-yard freestyle. A lso taking first place w ere sen io r captain Jen Sanna (M adison, W I) in the 200-yard freestyle and senior Renee C usson (C hicopee, M A ) w ho w on the 50-yard freestyle.
Club Sports - Men’s Bowling The m en’s club bow ling team is currently in first place in the Tri-State C ollege B ow l ing C onference. Bowling w ell for the team are freshm an M att B urdick (C lifton Park, N Y), senior R ob D ’Atri (S cotland, C T ), fresh m an C hris G auvin (Sutton, M A ), sophom ore M att T elia (M illbury, MA) an d graduate stu dent Joe T rudelle (W orcester, MA).
Sounds of season ring through Alden during Holiday Concert g § 5 * c
* o | A.
t C/i uE C/3 6U z
A BO V E: Sim ple H arm o n ic M otion f o r m e r l y T h e B a k e r 's D o z e n ), d irected by M atth ew E tto re , '95, p e rf o rm e d "O C o m e , O C o m e , E m m a n u e l", "W assail S o n g ", "L o, How A Rose E 'e r B loom ing", a n d G 'n ig h t S w eetheart."
R IG H T : S ean n Iv es (b a c k ) a n d A ndrew D avid (foreg ro u n d ), tw o o f the Stage B and m e m b ers. Stage B and, u n d e r the directio n o f R ich ard F a lc o , p e r f o r m e d " C h r i s t m a s M ed ley ", " W in te r W o n d e rla n d " , " U n d e r th e M i s tl e to e " , " T h e C h ristm as Song", a n d "G ood K ing W enceslas."
R IG H T : T he Brass E nsem ble's R ich P e h rs o n 011 th e tim p a n i helped b rin g the show th ro u g h "G od Rest Ve M erry G en tlem en " a n d " V a ria n ts O n A 11 A dvent Hymn Based On Veni Emmanuel." T he Brass E nsem ble is also u n d e r the d ire c tio n of D ouglas W eeks.
L E F T : Colleen Fox plays bass w ith th e M e d w in S tr in g Ensem ble d u rin g th e ir portion o f the p ro g ra m . D irected by D ouglas W eek s, th e S trin g E nsem ble p ro v id e d B a c h 's "B ran d en b u rg C o n certo No. 3 M oderato, A llegro."
Page 4
Tuesday December 6,1994
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Tuesday December 6, 1994
Page 5
W orcester Art Museum presents “Photographer’s Vision of the Industrial Age” T he W orcester A rt M useum p resen ts The P h o to g rap h er’ s V ision o f the Industrial A p e, an ex h ib itio n that traces th e e v o lu tio n o f p hotography against the rise o f A m erican and w estern E uropean in d u strial society. The show presents fifty im ages from the m u seu m 's p h o tography co llectio n , and ex am in es the p h o to g rap h ers’ changing aesth etics o v er a 150-year period in p o rtraying the tech n ical achiev em ents o f the m achine age. Im ages in th e exhibition reflect ch an g es in w estern society as it w as tran sfo rm ed from an a g ricu ltu ral econom y in the early 19th cen tu ry to its highly in d u strialized state in the 2 0 th century. T hese p h o to g rap h s also reflect the fact that p e o p le ’s sense o f tim e and space has b een dram atically co m p ressed as
advances have been m ade d u rin g the p ast 150 years in the app licatio n o f pure science, in dustrial develo p m en t, co m m u n icatio n s and travel. The w o rk s in the show are bounded by two benchm arks - W illiam H enry Fox T a lb o t’s lum inous calo ty p e o f th e “H u ngerford Sus pension B rid g e” from 1844 and S ebastiao S alg ad o ’s u n titled silv er p rin t from 1991, d ep ictin g w orkers risking th e ir lives to put out fires in K u w a it’s oil fie ld s after the G u lf W ar. T a lb o t’s p h o tograph celeb rates a w on drous in d u strial ach iev em en t in carry in g out a n ew ly c o n c e iv e d b rid g e desig n , w h ile S alg ad o ’s p h otograph d o cu m en ts the p o ten tially d isa stro u s e ffects o f tech n o lo g y on hum anity and the env iro n m en t.
The All Night Strut!” swings into Foothills Theatre F o r its holiday show , W o rcester F oothills T h eatre recreates the red ho t, b e -b o p p in ’ sw ing and blues o f the 1930’s and 1940’s w ith “T he All N ight S tru t!” T his sassy m u sical revue w as conceived and o rig in ally d i rected and choreog rap h ed by Fran C harnas and w ill be on stage from D ecem ber 1 through January 1. W ith tw o d o z e n n u m b e rs in c lu d in g “ M in n ie th e M o o c h e r ,” “ F a s c i n a t i n ’ R h y th m ,” “A in ’t M isb eh av in ’,” “Jav a Jiv e,” and “ It D o n ’t M ean a T hing If It A in ’t Got T hat S w in g ,” th e show has been d escrib ed as “sen satio n al high ste p p in ’ sw ing and slith er ing jiv e ” (The B oston G lobe) and “ irre sist ib le” (D etroit Free Press). F or th is holiday p roduction o nly , F oothills T heatre offers ch ild re n ’s ticket prices o f $7, w ith reserv ed seat tick ets being able to be ordered in advance. F or fu ll-tim e college students, a valid student I.D. m ust be show n for each $7 ticket purchased. T here w ill be an added p erfo rm an ce o f "T he All N ight S trut!” on T uesday, D ecem b er 20, at 8 pm. No p erform ances w ill be held on D ecem ber 2 4 or D ecem ber 25. O therw ise, perform ance tim es are W ednes days, 8 pm ; T hursday s, 2 and 8 pm ; F ridays, 8 pm ; S atu rd ay s, 5 and 9 pm; and S u n d ay s, 2 and 7 pm . T ick et prices are $14.50, $19.50 and $23.50, depending on p erform ance time. G ift c e rtific a te s and holiday gift packs are available at the box o ffice and may be o r dered by phone as well.
The F o o th ills box o ffice num ber is 5087 54-4018. S ponsors o f “The All N ight S trut!” are W IC N -90.5 FM and the H am pton Inn. W o rcester F oothills T h e atre is located on the F o o th ills C o u rty a rd , o f f C o m m ercial S treet, at the W orcester C om m on Fashion O utlets. T he theatre is a handicapped a cces sible facility. The theatre receives su p p o rt form the M as sach u setts C u ltu ral C ouncil, a state agency, and the W o rcester C ultural C om m ission, a local agency.
Program m ing associated with the e x h ib i tion includes a to u r o f the show led by C u ra to r o f P hotography S tephen Jareckie on T uesday, D ecem ber 13 and S aturday, D ecem ber 17 at 2 pm. Founded in 1896, the W orcester A rt M u seum is the second larg est art m useum in N ew E ngland. O ften regarded as a “je w e l” am ong art m useum s, W orcester houses one o f the n atio n ’s m ost distinguished c o lle c tions. T he m useum is o p en T uesday - F rid ay , 11am - 4pm ; S aturday, 10am • 5pm ; and Sunday, 1pm - 5pm. C all (508) 7 99-4406 for m ore inform ation.
O ther su b jects include A lfred S tie g litz ’s “T he H and o f M an,” a view o f a L ong Island C ity rail yard; C harles S h eeler’s P recisionist im ages o f N ew Y ork skyscrapers in the 1950s; and M argaret B ourke-W hite’s g lo rificatio n o f advanced aero nautical design in her pho tograph o f the starboard engines o f a S ikorsky flying boat. T he ex h ib itio n, w ith w orks by ap p ro x i m ately 40 ph o to g raphers, offers the v isito r a novel view o f the technological objects and scenes o f early 19th and 20 th cen tu ry life. T he ex h ib itio n is supported by the H all and K ate P eterso n Fund.
Mini Health Quiz by Christine von Ulrich, MS Healthy Alternatives Dept. H ealthy lifesty les is w hat we are all about here at the H ealthy A lternatives office. In o rd e r to get you all involved and thinking about your ow n general health, here is a self-health quiz. To take it ju s t a n sw er true or false to the follow ing questions: 1)
The m ore you w atch T V . the m ore likely you are to be overw eight.
L im it d ressing to 1/4 cup on salads to keep them low -fat.
3) O nce you quit sm oking, it takes a num ber o f years to receive any related health benefits. 4)
A d ir t low in fat may reduce the risk o f breast cancer.
5) Pain and fatigue during ex ercise training could be m inim ized by taking anabolic steroids.
6) H y p erventilation, m uscle tension, an d anxiety that accom pany stress are trig g ered by the release o f glucose. 7)
If you m aintain your aerobic cap acity you w ill not lose m uscle m ass.
8) B urger K in g ’s BK bro iler sandw ich has less fat gram s than T aco B e ll’s bean b u rrito w ith red sauce.
If you w ant m ore inform ation on the topics listed above o r any health/exercise-related to p ics please call H ealthy A lternatives at 831 -5800. A lso if you w ant to check out inform ation on yo u r ow n, here are som e 1-800 num bers that are available: C onsum er N utrition H otline: 1-800-366-1655 A lcohol & D rug H elpline: 1-800-821-4357
M e x ic a n R e s ta u ra n t
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Welcomes WPI students Regular H aircuts By Appt. or Walk-in Hours: Mon-Sat 7:30 - 5:30
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(Next to Percy's) Tel: 752-5510
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Page 6
Tuesday December 6,1994
Philler Marching bands and pink balloons - You're getting verrrry sleepy... by Laurel an d Guinevere Y ou know , last tim e we asked you guys to send us an "artists c o n c ep tion" o f w hat you think we lo o k like. W ell...? W e're w aiting... No one has sent in anything yet, and w e're sta rt ing to w onder if the rum ors that we don't exist are true. Please send us som ething to prove that we really do exist. A crayon po rtrait w ould be w onderful. W e're n ot p icky... (W ell, that's not entirely true, but th at's not im portant rig h t now ...) Q uestion: Do you think that if anything e lse is put on the ro o f o f H iggins the entire building w ill c o l lapse? A nsw er: M ost definitely. T here is a p leth o ra o stu ff up there, and m ost o f it's for air conditioning and v entilation. G ee, if they had to do all that for cars, they'd need b ig g er e n gines to m ove all the w eight... O nce again it's tim e to d elve into the fan m ail bag and see w hat we have for th is week...
Dear Laurel & Guinevere, As I already have (my pride and jo y) a Philler Phan Club certificate, there is no need to print this letter. I thought that I ’d tip you off to what could be a little more investigative reporting. While / was sitting in the laundry room in D aniels’ basement doing my laundry, I noticed some thing rather odd... Why is it that there are 14 washers, and 16 dry ers? Is this a thing like how hot dogs come in packages o f 10 and hot dog buns in packages of 8? Shouldn't there be more washers than dryers, as there seems to always be a wait line on the washers, and not on the dryers. Anyways, many people put two washes into one dryer. So, what is up with the laundry room in Daniels' basement, having 16 dry
ers and only 14 washers? Just ex tremely curious. (Then again, curi osity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought him back.) Yours till the sugar bowls, M ichelle R. Vadeboncoeur Just to tell you, the laundry room in Daniels basement has 14 washers and 16 dryers, while the laun dry room in Founders base ment has 10 washers and 12 dryers. Ifin d this +2 arrange ment interesting. W hat’s up with it? -M ichelle G e e , t h a t 's r e a lly s c a r y M ichelle. Im agine the cosm ic significance o f the +2 arran g e m ent... T h ey should really call N A SA a b o u t this. T here m ust b e so m e c o n n e c tio n with the G ran d U nified F ield T heory th a t p h y sicists are w orking o n ... W e are c e r tain th at, som ehow , the +2 w asher d ry er ra tio w ill have a p rofound im pact upon o u r lives - and we don't ju st m ean laundry w ise... W e could start an en tire new system o f m ath em atics c alled L aunderm athics™ ... The p o ssib ilitie s are bo u nd less... h opefully the profits w ill be too...
I got a great “welcome back to WPI" this morning from plant ser vices when I stepped out the door of the dorm into a six inch puddle of water. However, 1 w asn’t terribly fazed by this until I boarded the Con sortium shuttle to go to a class at Clark. As the shuttle pulled into Assumption, / noticed a great dis crepancy between these two schools. While the paths at Tech remained decidedly slush filled, the sidewalks and access roads at Assumption were at least as clear as a partly overcast day.
great tragedy? Anyway, I think someone needs to hear about this, so I’ll let you take the ball fo r now. Until a Philler goes by without an extra long winded ac ronym (ELWA) this has been a regu lar reader, Jean Claude Van Dan.
The travesty continued, however, as the shuttle entered W orcester State. The paths there were also remarkably clearer. Was the snow at WPI, 1 wondered, merely a f ig ment o f an overactive imagination, o r a highly localized disturbance? If so, this snow must have been ex tremely well controlled, as the only areas at WSC and Assumption were the only areas free of the white stuff. A ny
way, by the time 1 arrived at Clark 1 was quite irked. Clark’s walkways were, again clear. I noticed sim ilar phenomena at Holy Cross and UMass M ed Cen ter. The final insult, though, was received when 1 returned to WPI. At 2:30, Freeman Plaza, most sidewalks around campus and the entire quad area were STILL filled with slimy, wet cold SLUSH!! So, this brings me to my conclu sion and required acronym. Did the physical plants o f all the other area schools conspire to make WPI plant services look bad today, o r would our overrated physical plant have screwed this up on their own? A professor o f mine told me this behav ior is not at all out o f the ordinary during the transition period between one president and the next (N.A.A. O. O. T. O. D. T. T. P. B. O. P. A. T. N.). Do you know anything o f this
W ow , a m an after o u r ow n hearts w ith an E LW A ... (*sigh*) W ell Jean C laude, may we call you Jean C laude?, we thank you for yo u r in vestigative reporting. F o r the m any years that we have been here at W PI we have noticed m uch in the w ay o f physical plant problem s. T here have been som e im provem ents, but not as m any or as quickly as we w ould like. W hile th is is disappointing, it is good in the sen se th at we alw ay s have som ething else to fall back on, besides D A K A ... A nyw ay, we are sure that everyone noticed how bad the e n tire cam p u s w as the o th e r w e e k w h e n all th a t s lu s h w as g o o p in g -u p -cam p u s-lik e-a-b izarrec o n g lo m e ra tio n -o f-S e u s s e a n o o b leck -an d -cafeteria-co n co ctio n str a n s fo rm e d -in to -a n -a tm o s p h e ric d istu rb ance-of-icky-proportions (G. U. C. L. A. B. C. O. S. O. A. C. C . T. I. A. A. D. O. I. P.). H ere's som e bad new s: get used to it. Sorry to be cyn ical, but things ju s t don't look m uch b etter than that som etim es... H ow ever, there was one tim e last w in ter that we w rote a w itty and m ost tim ely request concerning the com m unal problem o f crystallized precipitation rem oval, and its effect on our safety and aesthetic w ell be ing (read, com plained our butts o ff about the snow y steps), and the next day they w ere perfectly clean... From w hat we heard, P resident Strauss read the article and ordered Plant S er
m o th e r’s d o c to r injected a saline solu tio n into h er m o th er’s uterus, exp ectin g to d eliv er a dead baby the next day. Instead, G ianna w as bom alive, w eighing tw o pounds, h er brain starved for oxygen during the hours she spent gulp in g the saline solu tion. She was rescued by a nurse of the abortion clin ic ’s sta ff and kept alive in an incubator. The result o f th e oxygen d ep riv a tion was cerebral palsy, fo r which G ianna has u ndergone 4 m ajo r op erations. She w as adopted by D ianna D ePaul, form er ch airw o m an o f C ru sade for L ife in N orth San D iego,
CA. D ia n n a a d o p te d h er w h en G ian n a w as 7 years old, and has helped her through physical therapy, greatly im proving G ian n a’s m o b il ity. G ianna still w alks w ith a slight lim p and som etim es stum bles, but she is otherw ise a bright, outgoing, and en erg etic teenager. G od has blessed her w ith som e am azing ta l ents, in particular a beautiful singing voice. She has w ritten songs about her unique birth and recorded them on an album . At her speaking en g a g e m e n ts , sh e s in g s th e s o n g “ F rien d s” by M ichael W. Sm ith and d edicates it to “the little babies that
vices to fix the problem b ecause he feared a d egradation of com m unity m o rale. H m m , m aybe it'll w ork again... P resid en t B row n, are you reading this...? If anyone can get this cam pus in tip-top shape, it w ould have to be o u r interim president, John L o tt B row n. W e have heard m any rum ors o f his actions w hile in the capacity o f o u r interim president. In fact, we have heard more good things about him in the short w hile that he h as held the o ffice, than we did about ex-P resid en t Strauss. T h is guy's ju s t in cred ible. For a guy in a "tem porary" position, w hich is d esigned to ju s t hold the fort for a w hile, h e has taken a very special in te re st in this in sti tute. He insisted on going to D A K A , and he paid for his m eal w hen the em ployees tried to get him to do otherw ise. N ot only was this brave, but it also show ed an unprecedented interest in the co n cern s o f W PI stu dents. He has tried to do things fo r this com m unity, not ju s t perform his adm inistrative d u ties. T here w as no real reason for h im to be so involved in affairs not expressly in his d o m ain, but he did anyw ay. T herefore we hum bly request that his title be changed to President B row n. W e feel that the best choice is right un d er our co llective nose. (S orry C ory, but you did not respond to o u r n o m i nation in tim e...) If you have an ything to say about th is article in support, d isap p ro v al, hatred, jo y , etc., or if we ju s t m ade you laugh, p lease w rite to us at n e w s p e a k @ w p i.e d u . P r e s id e n t B row n, we w ould like to hear from you, too. W e care about this co m m unity, and know that you do too. B esides, if you w rite to us, you get a w icked neat-o certificate...
Eyewitness to an abortion To the Editor: To help put abortion in its proper perspective, I thought it m ight be en lightening to present an account o f an “eyew itn ess” to an abortion as related in a recent issue o f the M as sachusetts C itizens F or L ife new s letter. T his eyew itness is a 17-yearold w om an from San C lem ente, C a li fornia. H er name isG ian n a Jessen , a stage nam e used because o f th e many speaking engagem ents at w hich she gives her unique personal account involving abortion. G ianna, though,
is n ot a teen ag e m other w ho aborted her ch ild - S H E h erself is a victim o f a failed abo rtio n ! As G ian n a ex p lain s, “ M y birth m other ch o se to have a saline abor tion w hen she was 24 w eeks preg nant, but by the grace o f G od I sur viv ed .” M edical records co n flict as to how m any w eeks G ian n a ’s m other was p regnant w ith her w hen the at tem pt on G ia n n a ’s life w as made som ew here betw een 24 to 29 and a half w eeks. U nder the infam ous Roe vs. W ade d ecisio n o f 1973, G ia n n a’s
Devastation hits WPI To the Editor: I woke up on the m orning o f the 28th o f N ovem ber, ju st one day after I got back from a w onderful T h an k s giving vacation only to find a great devastation has hit W PI. Y es, som e thing h o rrid has h ap p en ed . T he fam ed W all o ’ Snapple has been sto len. Riley H all’s M ichael B urzycki has m ade a nam e for h im self c o llec t ing m illions of Snapple bottles and filling his w indow s w ith the objects o f beauty. E veryone who has ev er gone to G o m p ei’s or even w alked by the back o f Riley has noticed the w ondrous w all. A guest book has even been created to record the v isi tors that com e to see the w all up close. A g reat feat has been a cc o m plished. D uring the night som eone o r a group o f individuals broke into
M ik e’s room and stole every last Snapple b o ttle. S ince the Snapple W all has been built M ike has been sure to lo ck his door every night to prevent such an in cid en t and last night w as no d ifferen t. But yet the wall is gone. A bout one h u ndred and fifty b o ttle s have been tak en w ith no sign o f w here they w ent. T h is e v en t has cau sed m uch dis may am ong the resid en ts o f Riley Hall. P lease if anyone has any in for m ation to the location o f the bottles leave a m essage with M ike Burzycki. In an attem p t to reconstruct the wall we are asking that anyone w ith empty Snapple b o ttles bring them to room 116. W e th an k you very m uch for your h elp, and again this ev en t has been m ost unfortunate. Jaso n Lamb C lass o f ‘98
A loud and sincere "thank you" To the Editor: A loud and sincere “thank y o u ” from the students and fam ilies o f T horndyke Road School to the W PI volunteers and Lisa H astings who brightened our school with their paint
brushes and enthusiasm . G reat job, your effo rts arc m uch appreciated. Hope to w ork with you again. M atthew F. Ryan, Jr. Principal T horndyke R oad School
die every day from a bortion, because they are my frien d s.” Indeed, these unborn babies are m y friends too, and my b ro th ers and sisters in the L ord as w ell. I’ve had the pleasure of m eeting G ianna at a pro-life gathering and she is a w on derful person - one w ho w ould not have blessed so m any lives had h er abortion been “ su ccessfu l.” S h e’s provided a face to the m ost innocent and forgotten person involved in any abortion - the unborn child who is the victim. D on F arley C lass o f ’85, M S C S
a N
The Student Newspaper of Worcester Polytechnic Institute WPI Box 2700, Worcester, Massachusetts 01609 Phone (508) 831-5464 • Fax (508) 831-5721 Eflitor-ln-ChW
Features Editor
Vijay Chandra
Brian Parker
Associate Editors
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Sports Editor
Chris Freeman
Andrew Watts
B u sin e ss Manaaer
John Grossi
Dave Keolle
G raphics Editor
Circulation Manager
Kristen Greene
Lexie Chutoransky
Photography Staff Geoff Elliott Ben Fisk Patti Kessler Don Socha
Faculty Advisor
Graphics Staff
John Trimbur
Stephanie Gagne
Kristen Greene
WPI Newspeak of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, formerly the Tech News, has been published weekly during the academic year, except during college vacations, since 1909 Newspeak has been printed on recycled paper since January, 1991 Masthead designed by T roy Thompson for Newspeak's 21 st Anniversary. Letters to the Editor should be typed (double-spaced) and must contain the typed or printed name of the author as well as the author's signature, telephone number, and box number for verification Students submitting letters to the editor should put their class after their name. Faculty and staff should include their full title. Letters deemed libelous or irrelevant to the WPI community will not be published The editors reserve the right to edit all other copy for correct punctuation and spelling. All copy is due by 5:00 p.m. on the Friday preceding publication. Send them to WPI Box 2700, bring them to the Newspeak office (Riley 01), or send them via email newspeak@wpi.wpi.edu. They must include the author's name and box number There is a 275 word limit imposed on Club and Greek comer submissions. All ads are due by 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday preceding publication. Any submissions received after this time will be subject to a flat $15 late fee per ad. Advertisements, including classified ads, will not be accepted via email Classified ads must be prepaid The decision on whether a submission is a public service announcement or an advertisement lies with the editors The editorial is written by a member or members of the Newspeak staff It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the entire Newspeak staff Printing is done by Saltus Press First Class postage paid at Worcester, Massachusetts Subscription rate is $20.00 per school year, single copies 75 cents within the continental United States Make all checks payable to WPI Newspeak
Tuesday December 6, 1994
Page 7
Studying in the Great White North by Raymond D. Gosselin, and Carl R. Martel, Class o f ‘95 E ducation is an incredible resource. This is becom ing more apparent as tech n o lo g y continues to m ake the w orld sm aller and smaller. On a na tional level, a better educational sys tem m ean s an edge in th e w orld econom y. On a global level, educa tion is the key to the betterm ent o f m ankind; for without education, m an kind w ill stagnate. For these reasons and m any more, the educational sys tem s o f the world warrant study. In fact, com parisons betw een educational sy stem s in different co u n tries fill countless volum es. H owever, there is one com parison that is rarely a d dressed, and that is the differences betw een the educational system s o f French-speaking C anada and those o f the U nited States. So w hat’s the d if ference? Canada and the United States are very similar in some respects but C a n a d a 's , o r m o re s p e c ific a lly , Q u ebec’s educational system , univer sity structure, and student lifestyles and goals have som e interesting tw ists and differences. W e, as two observant A m erican students, conducted a comparative ed u c a tio n a n a ly s is at l ’E c o le Polytechnique (or Poly for short) in M ontreal for the duration o f D term
’94. This project w as aim ed mainly at studying the pedagogy and philosophi cal differences betw een the students in both countries. T h e experience pro vided us with m uch insight into the inner workings o f the Poly student m ind when it com es to the acquisition o f knowledge. It also provided us w ith a deeper appreciation o f the culture an d w ay o f life o f our friends to the N orth. At the most general level, the w hole philosophical basis for student learn ing at Poly is different from our own. H ere in the US w e have alw ays re spected practical “ know how .” From E li W hitney to T hom as Edison and beyond, the ability to apply technol ogy to everyday life is highly prized. T his philosophy carries over into our educational system. W e are taught to be practical engineers in a hands-on environm ent. The European educa tional system, from which Poly was conceived, is very different. The aim o f the European system is to provide a firm foundation in theory rather than in practical skills. The reasoning is that finding new applications for theo ries is easy when one fully under stands the theory. One o f the qu es tions we asked in o u r interview s with students was how they w ould rank the im portance o f theoretical, practical and social skills in their educational lives.
Theoretical skills were alm ost unani mously the m ost valued skills o f the three. M ore specific differences betw een classroom practice at Poly and WPI were also quite interesting. For in stance, the students at Poly take four to six classes in each fourteen w eek se mester. To cope w ith the stress o f such a rigorous schedule, Poly students have adopted a “cram and sw itch” hom e w ork technique. Students focus their efforts on the class where they have their next exam , virtually ignoring all o ther courses. A fter the exam , their attention shifts to the class with the next exam where the cram cycle re peats. A lthough this may seem som e w hat fam iliar to W PI students, Poly students do this on a much grander scale, often ignoring courses for u p to tw o weeks. It is interesting to note that Poly students treat non-m ajor courses (e.g. h u m an ities o r social science courses) as equal to in-m ajor courses, thus cram m ing for and neglecting all classes without discrim ination. This is very different from W PI, w here we have noted that hum anities courses are all but sacrificed for better perfor m ance in a student’s in-m ajor courses. Social life at Poly is very active. From the Poly Party club, which plans parties and dances, to Poly-Photo, which is a club o f students with inter
ests in photography, there is an organi zation for every student. A reason for this may be the fact that the solitary, six floor university building is perched high atop a picturesque hill. The alti tude and steep slope o f the hill isolate the school from the rest o f the campus. For this reason, students com e in to school in the m orning and stay there all day and into the evening. E very thing from classroom s to high tech eq u ip m en t and from fast food to lounges are included w ithin this m od em structure. This atm osphere is cer tainly conducive to the many student activities that are available at Poly. Paradoxically, how ever, for all their school activities. Poly students are lacking “school pride” when com pared to our own school. It is not so much that they have little faith in their in sti-tution - they very much do - it is ju st that opportunities to show it in their student culture are not as com m on as for an A m erican university student. Another interesting difference is that unlike at W PI, professors at Poly are paid through federal funds, and are rela tively secure in their jobs. Because of this security, they tend to focus more on their own research and publication, and pay less attention to their students. Ques tions from students are not normally fielded in class. With little interaction between professor and students, lectures
tend to proceed quickly with much ma terial being covered. This is different from WPI where much o f student tuition goes to pay the faculty. Professors at W PI are, in effect, working for the stu dents here. Perhaps for this reason, WPI professors are more responsive to the needs o f their students. Classes become more interactive, and material is cov ered a little more slowly. Couple this with W PI’s system o f course evalua tions, which have a bearing on adminis trative decisions concerning professors, and we see why student professor rela tionships at W PI are very different from those at Poly. T hese are only som e o f the many differences w e found betw een the two educational system s. T o try to encap sulate the entire experience o f life in M ontreal an d our study o f 1’EcoIe Polytechnique into this short article could not do it justice. The city has a history and beauty that is definitely unique. The school is a great French engineering school with a tradition of excellence. O ur w hole visit on the Poly cam pus was splendid and we highly recom m end the M ontreal ex ch a n g e p ro g ram fo r anyone w ho w ishes to study at a French-speaking engineering school. For anyone inter ested, the next step is to contact Pro fessor Bland A ddison (extension 5190) in the H um anities departm ent.
Humanities awards competition now open C om petition fo r the Class o f 1879 Prizes for 1994 is now open. The com petition recognizes outstanding work in the H um anities by aw arding three prizes o f cash and certificate for outstanding Sufficiency Projects com -
Stratton Hall turns 100 S tratto n Hall began cele b ratin g its 100th birthday M onday, D ecem ber 5, w ith a w eek long interior d is play sho w in g the various uses o f the b u ild in g over the last 100 years. T he W PI com m unity is invited to jo in in a cake cu ttin g at 10:30 am on F riday, D ecem b er 9.
pleted in any term in 1994. Interested students should subm it a copy o f their Sufficiency Project w ith their W PI box num ber to P rofessor Thom as Sh annon (SL 28), H um anities and A rts D epartm ent by D ecem ber 30.
Blood drive to be held An American Red Cross blood drive w ill be held on Tuesday, December 6 from 10 am to 4 pm in Founders base ment.
local m ills and a b an d o n ed structures done on the actual sites over the span o f the last tw o years. Som e im ages are fam iliar view s from the ro a d side; others are c lo se u p s o f a single stru ctu ral detail.
Indoor soccer league to begin L eag u e gam es w ill be held in H arrington A uditorium on the first five S undays in C -term . G am es range from 10 am to 5 pm. This leag u e is open to all levels and is co-ed. T he co st is $15 per person for 10 gam es plus playoffs. R egistration
w ill be held in th e m ail room on T u esd ay from 12:00 pm - 1 pm , T hursday from 1 pm - 2 pm , and Friday from 2 pm - 3 pm o r send yo u r name an d $ 15 registration fee to C raig B oucher, B ox 669. H ope to see you in C -term .
A genda for the meeting o f Tuesday D ecem ber 6, 1994 Held in the Lower Wedge I. Call to order II. Roll Call III. Approval of M inutes o f N ovem ber 29 meeting IV. President’s Report V. Vice President’s Report VI. Secretary’s Report
Attention undergraduate students. C95 undergraduate course changes will be held in Harrington Auditorium during the following dates: Tuesday, December 6,1994: Wednesday, December 7,1994:
9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm. 9:00am - 12:00pm and 1:00pm - 4:00pm.
Bedsheet volleyball tournament results announced
Exhibit on old Worcester mills and buildings “ A gainst T im e: O ld M ills and A bandoned B uildings in W o rcester C o u n ty ,” by Susan C ham peny, w ill be on d isp lay in G ordon L ibrary u n til Jan u ary 15. T he exhib it is c o m prised o f a series of w atercolors o f
C-95 course changes
Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business -motion 4b.94- C AI to support the Maple Petition. -motion 5b.94- Approval o f Appropriations decision to keep Music Association in Class 1 OCFC. XII. Announcements XIII. Adjournment
F or all o f you w ho w ere w aiting so im patiently for the resu lts o f the 5 th A n n u a l T K E /P h i S ig S ig B ed sh e e t V o lley b all T o u rn a m e n t, w ell here you go. A total o f nine team s particip ated this y ear and we w ould like to send a big thanks o u t to
all o f those groups. A fter tw o great days o f play, the Z eta Psi fraternity cam e out on to p as the 1994 B edsheet cham ps. Fiji cam e in second and the N ew m an C lub took third. A total o f about $ 4 0 0 .0 0 was raised through the event and will be evenly donated
to the S pecial O lym pics and a local w o m en ’s shelter. T -shirts from this ev en t are still available for $ 8.00 (all p roceeds are given to the charities abovd). C ontact Joe R aab at 7528493 o r H eather Z im m erm an at 7923902 if interested.
Toys for Tots items, volunteers needed The 25th M arines will sponsor a toys for tots drive. The drop o ff will be at the W PI Bookstore beginning Sun day, D ecem ber 4, and ending Satur day, D ecem ber 10. Donate a gift for a child and make their C hristm as m em o rable. The M arines have collected new, unused toys for children all over the country since 1947. A lso, because o f budget cuts, the M arines don't have as many people as they used to, and are asking for co m m unity volunteers for help. People are asked to volunteer two hours o f their time to assist with doing a variety of tasks, from sorting toys by appropriate age groups, filling boxes with toys for needy fam ilies and organizations, typ ing, com puter work to keep track of who gets what, and som e phone work. V olunteers can work by them selves,
Foul weather closings A nnouncem ents regarding co l lege closings or a delayed opening will be carried as early as possible prior to the scheduled opening o f the college by calling our cam pus snow closing/delay telephone num ber, 831-5744. Announcements will also be posted on the CityLine Em er gency School C losings N etw ork (p h o n e 7 9 2 -9 4 0 0 , a c c e ss co d e #4226) and the following radio sta tions: W TAG (580AM ), W ORC (1 3 1 0 A M ), W B Z (1 0 3 0 A M ), W SRS ( 9 6 .I F M ) , W XLO ( 104.5FM), and W KOX ( 1200AM)
or can try to get together a group o f friends and w ork in team s if they want. Any help is greatly appreciated. The contact people at the Toys for
T ots program are G unnery Sergeant G rigger and G unnery Sergeant Hilton. T heir phone num ber is 1-508-8560178.
Financial Aid applications available during C-term Financial aid applications for the academ ic year 1995-96 will be avail able at the beginning o f Term C ’95. Current financial aid recipients in the Classes o f ’96, ’97 and ’98 who have been enrolled the entire 1994-95 A ca demic Y ear will receive financial aid packets in their mailboxes. If you do not receive an application by February 1, 1995, and you plan to apply for financial aid, please obtain the neces sary forms from the Financial Aid O f
fice in the low er level o f Boynton. The application packet will contain a FAFSA (Renewal or Original), FAF, WPI Upperclass Folder and instructions. Please take notice o f subsequent articles in Newspeak , as well as the instructions contained in the applica tion packet, describing the deadlines and process o f applying for financial aid. For additional information, co n tact the staff mem bers o f the Financial A id Office.
Notice The issue on December 13, will be the last Newspeak for 1994. Our first issue for 1995 will be published on January 17. Advertisements should be in for that issue by January 12 and stories by January 13. Thank you.
Page 8
Tuesday December 6, 1994
Alpha Phi Omega C ongrats to o u r new officers, and to o u r soon-to-be new b ro th ers, for surviving last n ig h t’s slew o f e lectio n s and votes. T hanks to everyone w ho helped out at the Pledge S erv ice P roject on S aturday, isn ’t d estroying th in g s fun?! S ecret S an ta has started, and will continu e this w eek, and it w ill end at the A PO H oliday at M a rc ’s place F riday night. The n eophytes w ill be inducted this T hurs day, the 8th, ev ery o n e sho u ld try to com e to this event. H ave a g reat finals w eek next w eek, and a g reat vacation after that!
AIAA W e will be holding a m eeting on W ednes day, D ecem ber 7. I g uess th a t’d be tom orrow so you all shou ld have g otten e-m ail saying the tim e and place by now . I f not, check W PITV. I ’ll try to get the in fo o n there as soon as I receive it. T h e T -sh irts are (fin ally ) in, and they will cost $5 for those w ho have paid th eir dues a n d $8 fo r those w ho haven’t. Scheduled to be d iscu ssed at the m eeting is the M E professo r o f the y ear aw ard, so try to think o f a p ro fesso r you actu ally like. See you all at the m eeting.
Chinese Student Association H i CSA! W elcom e to yet another funfilled CSA C lu b C orner! H opefully ev ery one had a g reat T han k sg iv in g b reak...too bad it w asn ’t longer, eh ?...w ell, at least everyone d id n ’t have to eat lefto v er turkey this past w eek. L e t’s see now ...u p o n careful observation, it looks like the C SA has been do in g quite a few th in g s...w h ile som e m em bers enjoyed C S A ’s “ N ight o f the D ragons” d inner, others w ere bow ling ag ainst tou g h opponents, w in ning Table T en n is m atches, and sw eating on the B asketball court. W ay to go guys A lright, now fo r a co u p le o f th in g s to be on the lookout for d uring the last couple o f w eeks o f this term (and then it’s C hristm as B reak !...y ay !...y ip ee!). First off, there is go in g to be the usual IM gam es, as you all should know ...next tim e you get IM m ail, w h ip o u t y o u r h a n d y o rg a n iz e r/p la n n e r th in g ies and m ark y our calen d ars so you don’t forget to g o to the gam es. Oh, and ah...’’The D rag o n ” ...w h e re ’s the next issue o f ‘T h e D ragon” you a sk ? ...it’s com ing along. W ork has been delay ed due to som e techni cian (as opposed to tech n ical...) difficulties but the upcom ing issue prom ises to be d e cen tly long... O h, and if anyone w ould like to contribute articles (or anything else your little heart desires) to “The D ragon” (any issue, not ju s t the c u rre n t one com ing out), please contact our resp ected P resident o r one o f his g o p h e r s ...e r o f f ic e r s . O k , o n e o th e r th ing...rem em ber to stay tuned for info c o n curring som e k in d o f en d-of-the-term CSA ev e n t!...it’s a secret, c a n ’t tell ya ju s t now. W ell then, gu ess th a t’s b asically it for this w eek. H ave a good w eek and take care (oh, b e tte r start w earin g clo th es and shoes if you h a v e n ’t already). So T h ere. L ater.
Christian Bible Fellowship W ow , tw o w eeks left o f the term ! I pray that you all had a w onderful T hanksgiving and that classes are going well as they com e to a close. W e have an o th er exciting w eek here in store fo r us! P rayer and S hare on W ed in M organ A at 7pm w ill be a g reat time to share what is going on in each o th e rs’ lives and to pray fo r each other. Friday night is the last FN F o f the term , so bring a friend and join us for a g reat evening o f fellow ship and w orship! For all o f those sports enthusiasts, S ports will beg in at 10:30am Sat in and/or around A lum ni G ym . T here is also a cam pus prayer time that will be sent through e-m ail. Be o n the look o ut for this and o th er exciting things in your neck o f the w oods this w eek. “T he Lord has done great th in g s for us, and we are filled w ith jo y .” (Psalm 126:3 N IV ) 1 am really touched with this verse as it is som ething th at I som etim es forget. The L ord is co ntinually doing great things for us, but do we tak e the tim e to thank Him and to praise Him fo r those “g reat things” , or do we forget that H e is the one who is at w ork providing for o u r needs? As you are in the m idst o f school w ork and a hectic schedule, or m aybe you are struggling in som e o th er area o f your life, take tim e to th an k the L ord for the great th in g s that He has done and you will be “ filled w ith jo y .”
Hillel H ey gang, I hope every o n e enjo y ed my latkes on Saturday. O h, m y poor kitchen. V innie “ the veritable m ecca o f know ledge” cleaned up at dreidel. He is such a “to p -sh ark .” M aybe
you can co n K arl “The In v isib le O ne” to m ake a p arty at his apartm ent next year. For th o se o f you who m issed the rabbi last w eek, you R E A L L Y m issed it. He told a cool sto ry a b o u t a L u b o v itch R ebbe that ju s t w arm ed m y h eart (gag!). He also gave e v e ry one g e lt an d p lay ed d reidel w ith everyone. V innie “th e S p in n er” was at his usual best. D o n ’t fo rg et that the rabbi w ill be here again to n ig h t at 8 :3 0 p in the CRC. C om e on dow n. He w ill a n sw er all o f y o u r questions, no m atter how triv ial you m ay think it seem s. O ne m ore thing... this F rid ay , w e, yes, W E are h o ld in g serv ices here at W PI. I believe Z ach “T he L ego M aniac” w ill be leading these, so, if for n o o ther reaso n , go and heckle him . I k now I w ill, and it is so much fun, too. T h a t’s a ll fo r now . U n til n ex t w e e k ... Jon ath an
ISC O k, w e’re b ack and this tim e you shall feel o ur w ra th ............... A g a in , w e s h a ll s t a r t o u t w ith th e a p p reciatio n s....W e thank all the organizers o f the v o lley b all tournam ent that took place on S atu rd ay , th e third o f D ecem ber. C o n g ratu la tio n s on all the particip atin g team s and I know all o f you will have fun. T here shall be a sp ecial note for th e w inner o f the tou rn am en t in th e next issue o f Newspeak. By the w ay, all the rest o f you out there w ho are n ot alread y a m em ber o f the ISC, w h at’s stop p in g you? The last m eeting o f the year fo r th e collectiv e g ro u p took place last W ed n esd ay . B ut th ere’s alw ays next year, so I w ant to see new faces th en , ok? A lrig h t, now to the big ev en t o f the y ear ; the ISC d in n er g ala! Before I go any further, I apologize for th e fact that the w ord C arribean is sp elled w ro n g on the fliers that are posted ev ery w h ere. A ll o f you have to go to d in n er on S unday n ig h t, now why d o n ’t you pay $3 and m ake it a d arn good one. Take a couple o f hours to relax from studying for finals and com e have a go o d time that you w on’t forget for a long tim e. It is a buffet meal with m ore than eig h t co u rses and there will be a DJ as well as vario u s entertainm ent. T here will even be a d an ce right after it at the basem ent o f F o u n d ers. N ow , can you think o f anything b ette r to d o on a Saturday n ig h t, I d o n ’t th in k so! T h e re ’s one setback though, yep, as a l w ays, th e re ’s a little ‘b u t’... The tickets are going to be sold out very so o n so you have to hurry. T h e d in n er is go in g to be held at F ounders at 6 :3 0 pm and the carrying c a p a c ity is o nly 200 people. S tu d en ts m ay p u r chase th em at th e student life office - take note! W ell, till nex t tim e, take c a re ...I’m going to go buy m y tick e ts now ...< hint, hint>
Masque W ell w e all seem to have survived T h an k s giv in g and now there are 3 plays cast for C term . M W R ep is producing tw o John B innie show s title d L ove Among th e Juveniles and A L ittle O ld er, an d M asque w ill be p utting on Ray B ra d b u ry ’s F ahrenheit 451. C om e to the M asque M ee tin g this Friday at 4 :3 0 back in the green ro o m to find out how you can help. T hanks go out to all who auditio n ed for the casts, it is too b ad that there are not enough parts fo r all the incredible talen t we have this year. B ut keep trying and rem em ber N ew V oices O n e-T h ree is com ing in D term and everyone w ill g e t their ch an ce then. A nyone w ho gets bored send B renda e-m ail, she is going through M idsum m er w ithdraw al, we will be h aving a reunion soon, ‘tis all for this w eek, peace, trish w ishing som eone w ould send me stu ff to go in this darn thing.
further on the subject. Suffice it to say, c o ngratulations to o u r knew pack o f neo phytes: M orse, K im , G uillen, M cC ann. W elcom e to P/R . H opefully we will have a lot m ore pledges next sem ester for you guys to go th rough initiation with. W e are looking for new recruits to jo in P/R next year. So if anybody w ants to jo in an elite group like Pershing R ifles, com e on dow n and check us out on W ednesdays at 7:00pm in H A 035. O r call G reg R ule at 797-9353. It is a great organ izatio n , see you there.
gram , but also offers program s in fam ily law , co rp o rate law , crim inal law , environm ental law and general practice. FPL C especially seeks students w ith a background in science and technology fo r its patent law program . All are w elcom e.
SWE E L E C T IO N S ! E L E C T IO N S ! E L E C T IO N S ! T hey are tonight, T uesday D ecem b er 6 , at 6pm in F ounders C ountry K itchen. T h ey w ill be fo llo w ed by h ot c h o co la te, coo k ie d ecoration, a video o r tw o and lots o f fun stu ff. So please com e. If you w ant to know w ho is running, ch eck your em ail. Y ou should have received a m essage w ith the ca n d id a te ’ s nam es and th eir little blurbs. T his is m y last SW E c o m e r (sniff, sniff). Stay tuned to see w ho my replacem ent is, that is those o f you w ho know w ho I am ! Q uote for the w eek: Be good and if you c a n ’t b e good, be careful.
Pre-law Society T uesd ay , D ec. 6 , M s. Lisa D eane, D ean o f A dm issions at F ranklin P ierce Law C enter will b e on cam pus to d iscuss patent law , environm ental law and other program s of fered at FPLC w ith interested students. All students thinking about law school are en couraged to attend. Franklin Pierce is in ter n ationally recognized for its p aten t law pro-
W PI C a m p u s for the
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Muslim Student Association A ssalm - U - A laikum b rothers and sisters. How is B -term treating ev ery o n e? Som e o f us had fun at the M SA d in n er during T h a n k s g iv in g B reak an d some at the ISC V olleyball T o u rn am en t last Saturday. But th a t’s not enough, rig h t? S ince finals is ju st around the co rn er an d we are all sick o f books we are having the ISC D inner this Saturday, D ecem ber the 10th at 6 pm in Founders C om m ons. M SA is a lso h aving som ething for the d inner, so show up to help us (or at least to have fun y ou rself) T he design for the T -shirt has finally been chosen and it is going to be ready soon. If any o f you have preferen ces (sh o rtsleeve, lo n g -sleev e etc.) please let one o f the o fficers know as soon as possible. W ell th a t’s it fo r th is week. T ak e care!
National Society of Pershing Rifles “ I n itia tio n ” w as last w e e k e n d , an d it w en t...w ell, th o se o f you who were there know how it w ent, and I w ill not com m ent
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Page 9
Tuesday December 6,1994
AXP “Hello, I bought glasses there, my name is Sol Rosenberg.” “Y es?” “And my eyes are go ing crazy.” “Okay. Let me pull your file. Hold on..” “O kay, thank you” “ Hello, did you go to the Em pire State B uilding?” “I went to the Empire State Building and 1 can ’t see so good” “W ould you like to com e see us?” “ I went to the observatory and 1can’t see, G oddamn it." “Okay, would you like to com e in and see us?” “Sure. Okay” “W e’re at 30E . 60th st.” “ 35 78th st. O k.” “No, no..30..three zero” “okay” “East 60th st.” “Alright. And should I bring all my glasses with me?” “Do you need an exam ination?” “Mr. R osenberg, do you need an exam ination?” “O k ay .” “Do you need an ex am in atio n ?” “A lright.” “Yeah, alright. Do you need an ap pointment?” “Right. And I’ll bring all my shoes and my glasses with me so i have them .” “Mr. Rosenberg?” “Sure.” “D o you need...do you want to see the optim ologist?” “ Right.” “ Do you need an appointment?” “ I’m sorry.” “Do you need an appointment?” “O kay.” “Okay, hold on, I’ll have my girl make an appointment for you to see the doctor. Okay, do you have the address?” “Fantastic then.” “Do you have the address?” “Y eah.” “W hat’s the..w hat room ?” “I don’t know...you say 35-8-7?” “No. 30 E. 60 th st.” “30 E. 50 th st. Okay, thank you.” “Do you need an appointment? hold on.....”
ATA Hello A lpha G am s!! O nly one more o f these to go and you know w hat that m eans...w e’re alm ost outta here! But before then, we have some business to take care of...like Birthdays! Happy Belated Birthdays to K P (29th-we miss you!), Jean (1st), and E rica (4th)! And Happy Birthday to Jen D. tom orrow ! Tom orrow is also the last meeting o f the term , so you can wear som ething comfy. D igger-keep your chin up! W e love you, and you get the BIG HUG this week! Amy S.-A special hello and get well soon! W e miss you, too! Oh, and I can’t forget that Congratulations are in order for N appi.who was chosen as a facilitator for the O ur Chapter Our C hoice Program-You Go G irl! Thank you’s to Zeta Psi for a great C hristm as Social on Saturday, to Terri Bridy for visiting and sharing her insights and suggestions, and to M onika for all the fun decorating spoons! Speaking of decorating, don’t forget to help out for the formal on Friday.
P ledges!— K eep u p those aw esom e quiz scores and your SPIRIT! G et out there with those beautiful books o f yours and get to know everyone! GO TO THE C O LLEG E BOW L G AM ES TO N IG H T!!...A D OV ELIN G AGD PLEDGES: Hi girls! Hope you had a great turkey day! Happy B irthday to Jill and Sarah! (Stolen anything lately?) Raid night #1 fun-better luck next tim e! Retreat- great bond ing- Becky thanks for teaching the group hug. T K E wins the kidnapping award! A close second w ere O X, F IJI, ZetaPsi, SAE, Sig Pi. C ongrats to our officers!! L ots o f love to Amy S.-W^E m iss you! W e love our Sister Moms! Special thanks to D eb F. Jen L. Suzy B. for alw ays being ju st a phone call away. T o Steph R. and Karen G. you’re the greatest!- we love you. PLEDGE C L A SS 94-95 the best! Keep up the psyche!
ATQ W ell, W ell, Well a congratulations is in order for the new top six; Jeff Cohen: President, Chris Burganski: V ice president, Don Goffe: C h ap lain , C had H am el: T re a su re r, Justin M oore: Secretary, and Tony Swift: Historian. W hen you are reading this article on Tuesday, I can prom ise you that I will have many stories to talk about after the Live Party. The Boxer Party was cool. Scheflen and Brown, w hat are we going to do with these tw o late night ma rauders. Lee had discovered that the human body only needs 7 hours o f sleep in a w eek, not a day. Pledges learned the im portance o f their big brothers. H ebert discoverd that one must look up when w alking, so you w on’t w alk into that stop sign that ethches out o f the school buses. If you have D rew ’s knife, please return it to him. G ehri will not be forgotten. His mem ories will live on forever. Farew ell Gehri. Farewell. This w eekend should be a good story because the girls from the B ronx are com ing up, baby. Fresh. (G reek)
AXA T hey’re back. Yes who could it be? None other than the S outhern Brethren them selves. Pat, Mike, and Tony have returned. Hopefully any habits they’ve picked up over the last two months will wear o ff quickly. I’ve heard ru mors that Pat thinks we should decorate the front o f the house w ith old cars and kitchen
his p unishm ent? W ho w ill the D ean o f “ ED U C A T IO N ” select as the next “ in d u ctee” ? Can I go tw o w eeks w ithout screw ing my car up? C an Ice find another w om an, one o f age that is? H ow many tim es w ill B randon lose his gig book over the new m em ber p eriod? D on’t fo rget that Santa w ill soon be com ing to visit all o f us here with lo ts o g ifts. L e t’s see who else we can get to com e to the faculty C hrist m as party this year besides ju s t P rofessor B row n. L ike I said, hi Jannine. U ntil my next ram b lin g ........... O ne last q u estio n , how will M ez feel after the X -M as party? W ill he opt for d rink boxes as w as once don e? -Spam
appliances. In sporting K A G L continues continues there perfect season. RANDOM FILLER “O kay See. O ne night Randy Beem an thought he saw D racula in his room but he figured is was ju s t a pile o f clothes then he turned on the light and it really was D racula. O kay Bye” end random filler. Good B Y Y Y Y Y EEEE Nurse!!!
OK0 W ell, it’s my last w eek as secretary so I figured I would write an article this w eek, ya know since I N EV ER write articles, at least th at’s what I’m told. -M atty joined the ranks o f M urph, W hitten, and Szczurko last week w hen he woke up drenched. (Hint: he didn’t have a glass o f w ater in his hand when he went to bed). -And ju s t as m ysterious as his disappearance, G abe G ash returns. -My N om inations: P resi dent - Kyle S tephens, V ice Pres. - John C regan, Secretary - C hucky D uster -H assett, for future reference, it is a good idea to pay the phone bill B EFO R E the phone gets shut off. -So M ark, when are you going to pin N atalie? -Thursday night: M arsh cla im s to have w on b ig at Foxwoods. The next day: M arsh informs the brothers that there will not be a party due to insufficient funding. C oincidence? -W e’d like to w elc o m e an y o f th e s e lf p ro c la im e d “K apbashers” at T heta Cry to stop by any tim e. W e’d be more than happy to “bash” with you, and we w on’t need bats. -K TFB! M ilkm an
ex B W G W N B ...ten m in u tes and counting. N ewsw orthy this week: Pruzack got a sense of how the house really w orks while living in this w eek thanks to my neighbor who explained the finer points of selective bladder control; Dupont was officialy sainted this w eek for his efforts tow ards spreading jo y and unity w herever he goes; Jake got a job!; A ndretta left the marines to start a free lancing hit team o f guerillas aided by D ambrie; B ow ie’s bedtim e reading habit got out o f control and overflow ed into the hallw ay; speaking o f overflow ing, it’s nice to know that we have a ro o f over c u r head and a nice dry place to sleep, unless o f course you live on the third floor. Sporting news: A -team bas ketball continues to rage unabated on the court like a runaway train w ith no brakes; B-team, refusing to hide in the shadow s also put on quite a show last week, actually I don’t know any thing about it but I’m pretty sure they won; Cteam ju st exists I guess; in ping-pong news..yeah right, I’m not that desperate; C asarano’s Bat ting A verage has dropped 80 points now that he lost his favorite bat. It’s been a long week, and I’m sick, and I have to suffer through eighties m usic tonight so I guess I’ll ‘check you later!’
m T he top ten requested Christmas presents: 10. An invite for last w eekend’s party. 9. N ew receiver for Ldn. 8. A Cure “w ish” CD. 7. A room m ate that sm ells b etter for J. 6 . A new TV for Dum pster Joe. 5. A report card with classes on it for Justin. 4. Jobs for the seniors. 3. Som e testosterone for the pledges. 2. N ostrovia d in ner. 1. Some house CDs. Hey Len, did you enjoy you orange juice on friday m orning? L et’s go and w ake up everybody at 3:00 in the morning and see what happens... Elections are com ing up soon and it is ru mored that Pukorelli is going to run for sage because who else could com pete with him ? Prelim inary polls show him up 30% over M itt Rom ney, but there is still plenty o f time for cam paigning. Puke has a solid hold on city side, but tech side is still up for grabs. It’s tim e for the Snow flake (The Great D ate Swap I)! Who will swap dates? Will Len’s date ditch him for D an? W ill the pladges bring dates? All this and more next week... See you next tuesday!
O kay...Thanksgiving has com e and gone leaving nothing behind but a few crum bs and a dead bird in the fridge...O nce again, this past w eekend was the annual reoccurence o f the “How much can the pledges drink and how stupid can they be” L ive-in. T hanks go out to the A lpha Gamma D elta sisters and pledges for their showing at the C hristm as social on Satur day. E verybody had a great time. 1 think the mug m onster has eaten more food than the brothers in the past week. T he seven signs o f the Apocalypse: 7. M ug monster talked to me yesterday. 6 . Jim m y had a good idea about the Phi Sig Sig social (a good idea not a thought provoking idea) 5. National thinks that Fyrberg is a nice guy. 4. There hasn’t been wop for dinner in over a w eek 3. The heat got turned on. 2. Jabba has a girlfriend (for now ). And the num ber one reason the world is com ing to an end: 1. Ted Phipps, w eight-lifter extraordinaire. B est quotes o f B -term volum e tw o: “The flav or o f the house has ch an g ed -y eah it’s S traw b erry .” “C ’m ere, look in the bottom left hand corner.” “ So T ed , H o w ’s your u n cle’s piano playing com ing alo n g .” “ Lucas, I’ll suck in my gut, w hen you fin ish your M Q P .” Jim m y’s advice for the brotherhood: “ Don’t neg him , just kybosh that mingy crim per.” W ell, folks, Christm as is com ing and this weekend is the annual brothers only Christm as party. So, who’s gonna be the first to scream “M ika’s gonna die! M ik a’s gonna die!” Next w eek, Santa’s makin a visit, apparently he’s got enough coal to heat us for a w hole year. Sign ing O ff-Jabba
Where would you find a happy and most successful life? A) In a m ature industry, w h ere the p a c e of innovation is slo w ? or, B) In a n em bryonic industry with trem en dou s opportunitiae for growth, Innovation, and profitability?
Art y o uap eo p lep e rs o no raco m p u terp e rs o n ?W en e e db o th . Soft a n u growing a very friendly computer network in health care. In the short term, your role would be to provide technical support. Long term opportunities for technical support and management consulting positions are available. We will provide all necessary training and software. All we require o f you is that you have a strong desire tu become successful and are willing to learn. It is expected that you have experience using Windows and/or OS/2. It would be a plus if you own your own IBM compatible machine. Please send your resume to Softan Inc., and please include specifications for your computer if you own one. Also, please notice that the total amount o f specialized training that we provide is equivalent to about two years of full academic load. Therefore, the velocity o f your progress in our organization will be a function o f how many hours per week you can work with us. ConsequenUy, please let us know what range of hours might be possible (per week) during the following periods : (a) Normal academic time; (b) Bxam periods; (c) While on school breaks and vacation.
H ey there, th is is most likely my last g reek co rn er thing. T he new o fficers are com ing in shortly. The new elected officers are, P re si d en t E ric A m m o n , V ice P resid en t M a rk Suennen, T re a su rer D ennis C onnelly, S e c re ta ry J o e R a a b , H e g e m o n B ill D o o le y , H y p o p h ete s K e ith C h e c c a , P y lo rte s K ei T suda, H istor S ahal L aher. C ongratulations, and taint to all. T hanks to Sahal for a kick a__ alum ni p h o n ese x ath o n ,o o o p s phoneathon. A few q u estio n s to po n d er as you sit in a b oring class listen in g to me ram ble on about n o th ing.... W ill E m ilio cut his hair or will D ennis have to d o it th ro u g h violence? W ill M ongeon get an RCB date w ithout having to find so m e one outside the state? W ill we have stuffed peppers again? W ill B irdie lose his sacred gift that no on e should take aw ay? W ill H ec tor stop playing the talking heads? W ill N ate be k n o w in g ly tu rn ed o v er to the Phi Sigs fo r
The Espresso Bar Every Thursday night: Open Microphone at 7:00! Every Friday throughout December: DJ Dance w/ "JP", $3.oo
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Page 10
Tuesday December 6,1994
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Page 11
Tuesday December 6,1994
C LA SSIFIED S ***SPR IN G B R E A K 95*** A m erica’s #1 S p rin g B reak C om pany! Cancun, Bahamas, D aytona & Panama! 110% Lowest Price G uar antee! Organize 15 friends and TRA V EL FREE! Earn highest commissions! (800) 32-TRAVEL $ 1500 weekly possible m ailing our circulars! No experience required! Begin now! For info call 202-298-8929. N eed a p a p e r typ ed ? W ill accom modate all typing needs. Call John - 853-1958.
SEM ESTER BREAK W ORK. $ 10.00/start. Full and part time. 1-5 w eek programs. All majors m ay apply. Great resume experience. May continue during spring term. Openings in W orcester County. Apply now, begin after finals. 757-7900. AGD sisters, pledges and especially Chickie (m y room m ate, Erika) - T hanks for m aking my birthday so special. I love you all!
Newspeak will run classifieds tree for all WPI students, faculty, and staff. Free classifieds are limited to six (6) lines. Ads of a commercial nature and ads longer than six lines must be paid for at the off campus/commercial rate of $5.00 for the first six lines and 50 cents per additional line. Classified ads must be paid for in advance. No information which, in the opinion of the Newspeak editors, would identify an individual to the community will be printed in a personal ad. The editors reserve the right to refuse any ad deemed to be in bad taste or many ads from one group or individual on one subject. The deadline for ads is noon on the Friday before publication. All classified ads must be on individual sheets of paper and must be accompanied by the writer's name, address and phone number.
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“If I d o n ’t rem em ber things, I forget.” Allow only 30 characters per line
G RA D U A TE STU D EN TS W ANTED! H ousing with old-world charm , quiet studio and one bedroom apartments. Sun-filled, immacu late, heated, hardwood floors, white w alls, fully applianced kitchens, laundry room, locked build ings with intercoms. W alk to school. Call for an appointment. 755-2032 W anted!!! Individuals, Student Organiza tions and Small Groups to Promote SPRING BREA K ‘95. Earn Substantial M ONEY and F R E E T R IP S . C A L L T H E N A T IO N S LEADER, INTER-CAM PUS PROGRAM S 1800-327-6013 H ave you checked out the new suggestion box in Gordon Library?
Hey pledges! You guys are the greatest. D on’t ever forget it! Adoveling -Fruity Digger- Y ou’re the greatest, kiddo. W e’re all here for you. -M om “If I d o n ’t get a jo b after all o f this, I’m going to write a letter to som ebody!” Julie- Y ou’re an awesome pledge and an even better kid! Love ya! -M om The #66 Fruit St. #1 Roomies are the greatest sphincters!! Stephanie- I hope you’re having a great time - it only gets better! Love, Mom.
SPEEDREADING/STUDY SKILLS. Effi cient Reading System. 3,000 to 5,000 words per minute! (Technical M aterial!) Guaranteed! Reduce Study Time! Take Better Notes! Kids/ Adults. 1-401-334-2925. A PPLE COM PUTER, INC., Cupertino, CA, has entry level position openings. The Career Development Center will be sending out re sum es of those graduating students who are interested. Job descriptions are available in the CDC. The deadline for signing on the list is Friday, December 16th at 5 p.m. APARTM ENT FOR RENT. 3 Bedroom s O ff Highland St. $500 - N o lease required. Call 835-2806, 1-800-812-9660.
Work your way up in the world with UPS. Get your start with one of the world's premier compa nies, right here in Shrewsbury, MA. UPS is interviewing now for opportunities in part-time package handling shifts at night. No company offers a better part- lime package. And since UPS promotes from within, the advancement opportunities are outstanding.
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Page 12
Tuesday December 6,1994
PO LIC E LOG Wednesday, November 23 1:02am - D isturbance: Riley third floor, rep o rted by duty RA. 1:10am - O fficer a ssistin g on Riley th ird floor. 1:40am - O fficers c le a r R iley. 2:05am - S usp icio u s p ersons: R ear o f F ounders H all. O fficers o u t w ith 2 su b jects. 2 :10am - O fficers into statio n w ith tw o stu d en ts from rear o f F ounders. 1:25pm - A ccident: 4 cars o n S alisb u ry S treet, no injuries, W o rc este r P olice n o tified . 2:09pm - A ssist: W o rcester P olice, M o to rcy cle , tw o youths, no h elm ets, on W est St. 10:45pm - S u sp icio u s person: A d v ised to leave cam pus. 11:00pm - T ran sp o rt o f subject adv ised to leave cam p u s to statio n . 11:39pm - P arent has p icked up above subject.
Tuesday, December 6 10:00am to 4:00pm - R ed Cross Blood Drive, Founders Hall Basement. 7:00pm - W restling vs. R.I. C ollege, Harrington. 7:30pm - C hain Link Fence and Abandon, Riley C om m ons, Free.
Wednesday, December 7 Thursday, November 24 5:12am - Intrusio n alarm : F u ller L abs lo ad in g d o ck door. S tu d en t accid en tally w en t out door. A ll secured at th is tim e. 3:40pm - C om p lain t: R esident in In stitu te H all rep o rts no heat on th ird floor. 6:09pm - P arent calls, lo o k in g for stu d en t at H um boldt S treet. 6:37pm - C lear: H um boldt S treet, stu d en t not located.
Friday, November 25 9 :10am - H ot w ater p roblem at E lb rid g e S t., S h o w er unit bro k en , no hot w ater on second floor. 11:42pm - O dor: RA rep o rts o d o r o f sm oke (su lfu r) in M organ th ird floor. 11:52pm - O fficers c le a r M organ H all, o d o r has dissip ated .
Saturday, November 26 7:30am - A ccess: M organ D in in g and W edge area, for F uzzy F ib ers, to clean carp ets. 10:32am - N oise C om p lain t: Fuzzy F ib ers asked to q u iet n oise from tru ck o u tside D aniels. T hey com plied.
Sunday, November 27 12:55am - A ssist: O fficers assistin g B e ck er PD at R oxbury S tre et, sm oke in bu ild in g . 3:45am - A ssist: S tu d en t at T ro w b rid g e rep o rts noises from h eatin g system . 3:50am - O fficer rep o rts all ok at T ro w b rid g e. 4:03pm - A ccess: H arrin g to n G ym for karate. 8:05pm - S u sp icio u s people: 2 youths w ere ad v ised to leave the gym s and w ere to ld if seen again they w ould be arrested. 8:24pm - B uildin g check: A lum ni G ym , rep o rt o f b u sted light on seco n d floor. 10:00pm - H arrassm en t: S tu d en ts into statio n reg ard in g harrassm en t. 11:40pm - D istu rb an ce: R eports o f stu d en ts thro w in g sno w b alls in S toddard co u rty ard .
11:15am - Chem istry Colloquium : Professor Jonathan Kenny, Tufts University, “L aser Fluores cence Cone Penetrometry for Soil and W ater Analysis,” Goddard Hall 311. 1:45pm - President’s IQ P Award Presentations, H iggins House. 7:00pm - W orcester IceCats vs. Syracuse, Centrum .
Thursday, December 8 3:30pm to 4:30pm - Poetry Reading: “Rich B oucher - poet and host o f W C H C poetry program ,” GH 217. 6:30pm to 8:00pm - B ack M assage: Greg Hud, L ow er W edge, $1.00. 7:00pm - W om en’s Basketball vs. Salve Regina, Alumni.
Friday, December 9 8:00pm - V ienna Choir B oys, M echanics Hall, $27.00. 10:00pm - Band: “M orphene,” C lark University, University Center. (100 consortium tickets at $10.00 each go on sale at 7:00pm .)
Saturday, December 10 1:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm
- W restling vs. N orw ich/B ridgew ater State. - International Buffet, Founders Hall, $3.00, tickets available at Student Life Office. - Film: “No E scape,” Holy Cross, Kimball Theatre, $2.50. - Concert: “Holiday Pops C oncert,” M echanics Hall, $22.00.
Sunday, December 11 12:00pm to 4:00pm - “ Knight Before Christm as Party,” H iggins Armory, Free with admission. 2:30pm and 6:30pm - ‘T h e N utcracker,” M echanics Hall, $14.00. 3:00pm - “The M aster Singers o f W orcester,” Holiday M usic, W orcester A rt M useum , Free with admission. 6:30pm and 9:30pm - Film: “Speed,” Perreault H all, $2.00.
Monday, November 28
Monday, December 12
1:04am - N oise co m p lain t: S tu d en ts on Q uad thro w in g sn o w b alls, distu rb in g . 1:17am - Reckless operation: O fficer out with two vehicles operating recklessly in Stoddard lot. 11:58am - U nau th o rized persons. A lum ni G ym area. 12:07pm - O fficer rem oves 6 people from A lum ni. 12:41pm - S taff c a r found open in Q uad area, secured. 3:51pm - A ccident: W o m an ’s car hit in L ib rary lot. 4:04pm - C lear: H it and run, no su sp ect, m in o r dam age.
7:00pm - W orcester IceCats vs. St. John’s, Centrum .
8:14am 1 1 :14pm S to d d ard 1 1 :19pm
Tuesday, November 29
Wednesday, November 30
1:03am - M alicio u s m ischief: O fficer rep o rts g raffiti on rock at D rury Lane. 1:26am - A udible alarm : O ffic e r rep o rts b u zzer so u n d in g w ithin N u clear F acility . S u p erv i sor n o tified , adv ised that sen so r alarm w ill be ok o vernight.
1:59am - U nknow n problem : R eport o f w histle sounding in Institute R oad area. 2 :1 0 am - O fficers report In stitu te R oad checked and ok. 10:45am - C ar tow ed: S alisb u ry St. fraternity lot, excessive tickets.
L ocksm ith in W ashburn to fix locks. - S uspicious persons: B eck er PD reports receiving com plaint o f tw o subjects in lot attem pting to enter cars. - O fficer reports S toddard lot checked, subjects gone upon arrival.
Newspeak is looking for people for the following positions: BACCHUS and Residential Services
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"The Abandon" Remember the arouy from New Student
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Orientation that ylayed in Gomyci's?
Well, they're bach again! This band
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does covers and oriainals: rock alternative, any kind. They can be seen
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for FREE in Gomyei's Function Room on December 6 th, Tuesday at 7:30. There will also be door yrizes aiven out... all for FREE!
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