Who Would Have Thought Women Had Lives? Yazmin Johnson Course: Nineteenth-Century Women’s Voices Professor: Barbara Suess, English Student: Yazmin Johnson Essay: Who Would Have Thought Women Had Lives?
Assignment: Students in this course were asked to write a formal literary analysis paper that explores representations of women’s (perceived or real) power in nineteenth century literary works in order to consider what literary
representations suggest about the changing and/ or varied views about women’s power during the nineteenth century.
Historically, Europe kept most women from working outside of the house. Women and girls were expected to handle household chores while men worked outside. Women in the 19th century were considered to be the property of their husbands. Due to the standards set by society, married women have interpreted their femininity differently. Their thoughts were placed in either conservative or progressive mindsets. The government and religion were a strong component in leading women to develop their mindsets. Through the readings of Sarah Stickney Ellis and Frances Power Cobbe, the similarities and differences of that defined femininity can be seen through their responsibilities, morals, and focus on economic status.
The personal-services she is thus enabled to render, enhance her value in the domestic circle, and when such services are performed with the energy of a sound understanding, and the grace of an accomplished mind—above all, with the disinterested kindness of a generous heart—they not only dignify the performer, but confer happiness, as well as obligation,” (Ellis 16). Her views are that women should be able to derive their pleasure from giving to others, and as such their focus should be on providing a quality household. Frances Power Cobbe takes a look at this from a legal standpoint of marital happiness. Women having more rights and legal representation allows for them to be able to have happier home lives. Cobbe noted how the rights of married women were not sufficient for them. A balanced relationship between men and women was needed in order to have a respectful and durable marriage. Both women agree that marriage is an important union between people, but their beliefs in household happiness differ.
There were numerous responsibilities that women had to handle. Two main responsibilities were child-rearing and pleasing the husband. In Sarah Stickney Ellis’s case, she considered a wife’s duties incredibly important. In her first chapter she wrote, “ 63