Like Jesus Small Group Workbook

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Like Jesus

Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control


























I’m a visual learner; if I can see an idea, I have a better chance of remembering it. I wanted to share a thought-provoking poem with you that haunts me every time I read it: Day 1 “I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Day 2 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. But, it isn’t my fault. It still takes me a long time to get out. Day 3 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in. It’s a habit. My eyes are open. I know where I am. It is my fault. I get out immediately. Day 4 I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it. Day 5 I walk down another street.” by Portia Nelson Here are the facts: the road of life is lined with potholes that are easy to fall into if we aren’t paying attention. Before we know it, our important relationships (God, family, friends, co-workers) are suffering because we’ve gotten off course and fallen into another hole. In a world that has lost its way, and in a culture that has drifted far from truth, how helpful it is to return to the Bible’s uncomplicated command, “For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps” (I Peter 2:21 NLT). I’ve noticed a pattern in my 30-plus years of ministry. Everyone who succeeds in the Christian life succeeds in the basics. Everyone who fails has, at some point, let the basics slip. It’s easy to do. So for the next nine weeks we are going to return to the basics and practice living like Jesus lived, prayerfully exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit: “…the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23). Thanks for taking this journey with us. I’m personally looking forward to walking alongside of you, as we do our best to walk like Jesus walked.

TIMOTHY BROCK Senior Pastor, White River Christian Church

INTRODUCTION FORMING CHARACTER The Christian life boils down to the fact that we are called to be Like Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Simply put, our character should reflect Jesus’ character. Jesus tells us quite plainly that we will know a good tree if it produces good fruit (Matthew 7:17-19). So the fruits of the Spirit are given to us to be our chief indicator to show us if we are living like Jesus or not. The beauty of the fruits of the Spirit is that they tell on us. They tell us and others if we are being hopeful or cynical; kind or cruel; loving or selfish; they tell us if we are walking in step with God or off on our own. On our own, becoming like Jesus is next to impossible, but together, in community with one another it is possible. So we are embarking on a nine-week journey together where we are asking the Lord to shape our hearts so that we reflect his goodness into this dark and dying world that we find ourselves in. We are asking him to form our character so that we can truly be Like Jesus.

DEPTH “Let’s go deeper.” “I don’t feel like we are getting deep enough in God’s Word.” “Our group isn’t very deep.” “This curriculum isn’t deep enough for our scholarly minds.” (Okay, no one has ever said it like that!) Time and time again there are concerns raised about the “depth of a study” as a way to measure its worthiness. But what do we really mean by the word “deep” and all its connotations? Is this a call for a better understanding of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek languages? The cultural-socio-economic climate of the first century? A magic number of Scriptures used to make a full and well-rounded study? None of these things are bad; in fact, they are worthy of our pursuit. But do they equal depth? Let’s put this out there... ...writing or teaching good curriculum does not equal depth ...number of Bible verses memorized does not equal depth ...knowing Hebrew and Greek terms or definitions does not equal depth ...being an expert in a particular branch of theology does not equal depth

Like Jesus



So what does equate to depth? What causes us to go deeper? It is forming a depth of character that reflects how Jesus would think, act, and serve our world today. How can you form a depth of character through a simple Bible study? We believe that there is a solid formula that will enable you to get the most out of this experience. Deep Gathering = Solid Content + Engaged and Authentic Hearts A fruitful gathering of believers who are intent upon going deeper involves two things: how much we choose to engage the content, and how much we open our hearts. We think God has some neat surprises for you in the following pages, but we know that good content is never enough to transform the heart. This Bible study will become deep as you choose to engage these concepts, ask good questions, and share your struggles. None of us have these variety of fruits nailed down. So why fake it? Bring your heart, bring your story, bring your thoughts to the table - and maybe something truly special can happen when we press in together to become more and more Like Jesus.

USING THIS WORKBOOK This workbook is a great resource to engage in the Like Jesus experience and connect with what God is doing at our church. It contains group discussions, a daily devotional plan, and a place to keep sermon notes. This workbook is designed to be used by anyone but is especially intended to be used in small groups. Being in a small group is the best place for you to be cared for and challenged to deepen your faith in Jesus. Be sure to take time before your first meeting to familiarize yourself with this whole format, so you can get a sense of the journey you are about to embark upon. Be sure to use this workbook as a guide, not a straitjacket. If the group responds to the lesson in an unexpected but honest way, go with that. If you think of a better question than the one in the lesson, ask it! Your group has the freedom to ask the questions that the Spirit is prompting in your group. If you are facilitating the group time be sure to read through the appendices section starting on page 84. There you will find some important instructions and information for your group. If you approach each meeting with prayer and a little preparation, you will find this workbook easy to use. Know that you are not alone on this journey; as a church we want to support you and your group all along the way. Feel free to contact our Discipleship Pastors Tom Rich ( and Tim Garner ( with any questions or concerns you have regarding your group.

Like Jesus



OUTLINE OF EACH SESSION It can be easy for small groups to struggle with a very basic question: What do we do when we meet? That is why we have provided more than enough content and questions for you. Inside this workbook you will find teaching, discussion questions, and even some content for you to explore on your own during the week. A typical group session for Like Jesus will include the following: SERMON NOTES Be sure to take this workbook to our weekly service to jot down notes from that session’s sermon. Your sermon notes will help add to the discussion in your weekly group experience.

SHARE YOUR LIFE Our lives weren’t created to be lived in isolation. It’s essential that we connect with others as we follow God together. Relationships are built when we share our stories with people we can trust and depend on. For some, this can feel intimidating at first, but we encourage you to take the risk of sharing your story and the things God is putting on your heart. This section includes some simple questions to get you talking - share as much or as little of your story as you feel comfortable. Ideally, everyone will share for no more than a few minutes each.

THE LAUNCH Read this section aloud to help set up the discussion portion of your time together. This short segment will help orient your hearts and minds around the main concept you will discuss that particular week.

VIDEO & DISCUSSION In this section, you’ll read aloud passages of Scripture relevant to the week’s topic, watch the video lesson, and discuss the teaching using the questions provided. In this study, you’ll have an opportunity to go beyond Bible study and into biblical living. This section also has a question or two that will challenge you to deepen your faith in Jesus. This is the time where we talk about how he is developing our faith so we reflect his character to the world.

PRAYER & PRAISE Life can be tough, so every week it’s important we spend about 15 minutes hearing about the things that are weighing on your hearts. Be sure to use the space provided to jot down your group’s prayer requests to include in your prayers throughout the week.

THE DAILY During the week, these daily Scriptures and questions will help you solidify the truth of the study into your heart and life. This helps you build a personal devotional life by slowing down and reflecting on a small portion of Scripture each day. Use the space provided to answer the devotional questions or write out prayers. We encourage you to take this opportunity to gain even more insight and confidence in God’s promises for you.

Like Jesus



Week 1 Love Like Jesus


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WEEK 1: LOVE LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE Leader: If your group is new, welcome newcomers. Introduce everyone--you may even want to have nametags for your first meeting. Allow each person to share what they do and what they are hoping to get from this experience in a small group. Open your group meeting with prayer. This should be a brief, simple prayer in which you invite God to be with you as you meet. Then have each person answer the following questions: `` What is your favorite song about love? Why do you like it so much? `` Recall a time that you felt especially loved and cared for. What do you think was the main reason you felt so loved in that instance?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) “Love”--a word that encompasses so much and yet can be used so frivolously. It’s a word packed with meaning, yet rarely backed up by action. Even so, something in our souls causes us to yearn for love, to keep hoping that real love and acceptance is possible. Our longings to love and be loved are the natural result of our being made in God’s image. The triune God, out of the overflow of the loving relationship of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, created humanity to experience a loving relationship with himself and with one another. And in the life of Jesus, we see God’s love lived out perfectly. As we seek to form our character in Christ, it is fitting to start with his defining character trait of love. We will see this week that the way in which Jesus demonstrated genuine love must also be the main way in which we evaluate the fruit of the Spirit in our own lives. For it is only by imitating Christ’s genuine love for all people that our character can be formed in his image.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Mark 10:17-20. `` What kind of person does this man seem to be? What about him, good or bad, stands out to you?

Read Mark 10:21-22. `` Why do you think it’s significant that Jesus felt genuine love for the man as he was “looking” at him? `` Why did Jesus give the man specific instructions to give his possessions away to the poor? `` Since Jesus deals with people on an individual basis, what does this mean for how we specifically care for others? How can we model ourselves after him?

Read Mark 10:23-31. `` What might Jesus have been feeling as the man went away? `` In God’s economy, it seems that the more sacrifices one makes, the more blessings one receives (but with persecution as well). How does following Jesus’ model of love involve both sacrifice and blessing?

Read 1 John 4:16-20. `` Why do we need to experience God’s love before we can love others? `` How might fear (or any other barriers) between you and God prevent God’s love from flowing through you and out to others? `` This week, be intentional about expressing the fruit of love. What are some opportunities you can envision to demonstrate this fruit to others? What will keep you from following through?

Leader: Before moving on to taking prayer requests, take a moment and read through the Small Group Pact below. Go around the circle and have each person read a portion of the pact below. As an act of commitment, ask each group member to sign the document in their own manual.

Like Jesus



SMALL GROUP PACT Small groups at White River Christian Church are designed to be safe places where you are cared for and challenged to become more and more like Jesus. Go around the room, each person reading one rule. Agreeing to these rules will help everyone get the most out of the group experience. I commit to participate for all nine weeks and engage in this community to be cared for and challenged as well as to care for and challenge others by living out the following: MAKE GROUP A PRIORITY: I’ll prioritize the scheduled group meeting and communicate in advance if I’m going to miss the meeting. I know that inconsistent attendance is one of the major factors that will keep this group from flourishing. TAKE OWNERSHIP: The group will be as good as I make it. I’ll share roles within the group and help challenge everyone to grow. ENGAGED BUT SELF-AWARE: I’ll stretch myself to be as open and honest as I can with my perspectives and experiences. I understand some of us are talkers and some are quieter, so I’ll be aware of not dominating the discussion or always leaving the weight of discussion to others. FACE CONFLICT: Community can often be very messy, and conflicts may arise. I’ll offer grace to others and won’t leave the group over disagreements, realizing God might use conflict to develop my faith in some way I don’t currently understand. HONOR OTHERS: I’ll accept everyone without judgment. I will model James 1:19, in that I will be quick to listen, and slow to speak. I’ll listen well and refrain from giving quick answers, simple fixes, or engaging in side conversations. CREATING A SAFE PLACE: I will work to make this group a safe space for others to take risks in sharing their story and burdens. I will see their honesty as a gift and honor it by safeguarding it. What I hear and say in the group stays in the group. Period.

Sign and Date

Like Jesus

Small Group Pact



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Like Jesus




DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Matthew 12:33-35 `` Good character cannot be faked. Think of a time you have tried to present yourself as better than you are. What was the result? `` Since fruit is produced according to what we store up in ourselves, how do we store up or “treasure” good things? What might that look like in your life?

Luke 7:44-47 `` How does the realization that we are forgiven of many things enable us to show more love? `` Do you feel like you’ve been forgiven much or forgiven little? How has this affected how easily you love and forgive others?

John 15:9-17 `` Why is it so important that we understand Jesus’ love for us? `` Why do you think Jesus relates his command to love to our ability to have his joy made complete in us? Reflect on a time when choosing to love led to joy in your life.

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

1 Corinthians 13:4-8 `` What messages about love does our culture teach us? How are the messages from this Scripture different? `` What aspect of love is most difficult for you to put into practice? Why do you think that is?

Galatians 5:22-23 `` Why do you think love is listed as the first fruit of the Spirit? `` If the Holy Spirit is the one producing the fruit in you, then what is your role? What attitudes or habits can you cultivate in the weeks ahead to allow love to be produced in your life?

1 John 4:8-12 `` Why are the ability to love and the ability to know God so dependent upon each other? How is this true in your own life? `` The idea that God’s love can be “completed” or “fully expressed” in us is incredible! Take a moment to pray about where you would like to see God’s love fully expressed. How can you be part of the answer to that prayer?

Like Jesus



Week 2 Joy Like Jesus


Like Jesus



WEEK 2: JOY LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` What are some things that have given you a sense of joy in your life? What has been the most lasting source of joy for you? `` What things have you pursued to make you happy that have not actually given you lasting happiness? Why do you think that is?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) In our nation, we are well aware of our individual rights, most especially the pursuit of happiness. And if the growing number of books on this subject is any indicator, then maybe happiness really can be boiled down to neat little steps. As many of us have experienced, these simple steps often fall short of their promises. What we long for is for joy to be at the center of our lives. Joy is that deep, soul-satisfying sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that endures despite circumstances. It cannot be gained by any simple formula; rather, joy is a by-product of the overflow of the Spirit’s good desires in us to long for more of himself and his reign on earth, not merely the blessings he can give us. This is a concept at odds with our culture, which teaches us that we should be happy with material blessings. We do well to remember Christian physician Paul Tournier’s observation that “no gift can bring joy to the one who has a right to everything.” Instead, as we’ll see this week, the more we understand the ways of God’s Kingdom and see his powerful grace and mercy at work around us, the more joy is released in our lives by the Holy Spirit.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Luke 2:34. `` Who are the people Jesus caused to fall, and who are those he caused to rise? `` Why might this be a cause for joy?

Read Luke 10:1-12. `` Here Jesus teaches his disciples to live simply, trusting God to provide, and to make the most of their time in order to fulfill the mission of sharing about the Kingdom. What can we learn from their way of life?

Read Luke 10:17-20. `` Why is having our names registered in heaven a greater cause of rejoicing than having authority over all the power of the enemy? `` Jesus claims that nothing can injure us. How do we reconcile this truth with the danger and suffering we experience even as believers, especially those in other parts of the world? What do you think Jesus meant by this promise?

Read Luke 10:21-24 `` What “things” has the Father chosen to reveal to the childlike rather than the “wise”? `` Why does this make Jesus so joyful? `` How do the things that you think will make you happy compare to the things in which Jesus rejoices? Where are some opportunities in your life to reorder your priorities to experience more of the joy Jesus promises? `` Share an area in your life that seems to suck the life out of you. How can we pray for you to find joy in the midst of this struggle?

Like Jesus




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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Philippians 4:4-9 `` How does our perception (thinking) affect our ability to have joy? `` List out the things in your life that you are grateful to God for.

Hebrews 12:1-2 `` Jesus was able to endure because he expected joy in his future. Why do we have reason to expect joy as well? `` What makes it difficult for you to expect joy? How is God teaching you that joy is possible both now and in the future?

Psalm 37:1-9 `` What causes you to envy the lives of those around you? How are God’s blessings better than the so-called blessings of the wicked? `` What would it look like for you to “delight yourself in the Lord”?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

1 Peter 4:12-16 `` What are some right and wrong ways for Christians to suffer? `` When you hear stories of other Christians suffering hardship because of their trust in God, what questions come to mind? How does joy come from sharing in Christ’s suffering?

John 16:20-22 `` Think of a time when you also endured “labor pains” (maybe literally!) but experienced true joy afterward. What did you learn from that experience? `` What things have robbed you of joy recently? Where have you seen Jesus at work, and how might his presence in your life renew your sense of joy?

1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 `` For what does Paul praise the Thessalonians? `` How does your response to the gospel, in both attitude and action, testify to God’s work in your life? In what ways do you need to grow in joy?

Like Jesus



Week 3 Peace Like Jesus


Like Jesus



WEEK 3: PEACE LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` Describe a location you find especially peaceful. Why are these places so rare in our day and age? `` What do you tend to worry about? Can you recall a time when you didn’t worry? Or were you anxious even as a child?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, he repeatedly told them, “Peace be with you.” Paul, the writer of much of the New Testament, often began his letters by blessing his readers with “grace and peace.” In a chaotic and uncontrollable world, we need these reminders of the gift of peace that Christ has given us. But we must be sure that we do not limit our definition of peace to just a sense of calmness and absence of worry. We must understand peace from a biblical vantage point, the peace that is composed of wholeness, rest, and right standing with God. As we will see this week, the reason that Jesus is called Prince of Peace is rooted in the reconciliation he made possible between humanity and God. Our peace is established once and for all by his death and resurrection! Moreover, we get to see the Peace of Christ through Jesus’ care for the disciples and the trust he placed in the Father. His message and mission make it clear that God is for us. And when we trust that God is truly for us and that he has worked on our behalf to rescue us, we are able to fully receive the peace that Jesus has provided for us.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read John 14:27. `` The peace Jesus is speaking of alludes to the Hebrew concept of shalom, which is not only the absence of inner turmoil, but the presence of right relationship with God and others. Why is this kind of peace something that only Jesus can give? `` How have you experienced a connection between a peace with God, peace within yourself, and peace with others?

Read Mark 4:35-41. `` The disciples at first fear the storm, but by the end of the story, they are filled with fear of Jesus. What caused this change? `` What does Jesus recommend as the antidote to fear? `` How does Jesus demonstrate peace in this story? `` With Jesus as our model, what might it look like for you to have peace in a stormy situation you are experiencing?

Read 1 Peter 5:6-11. `` Throughout his time on earth, how did Jesus humble himself under God’s hand? Share examples that you can recall of Jesus humbling himself. `` Why can God be trusted with our cares? In the midst of suffering, what is his promise for us? `` Share an example where you feel like the enemy is wanting to devour something in your life. How can you fight for the peace of God in the midst of this attack?

Like Jesus




Like Jesus




Like Jesus




DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Isaiah 26:1-4 `` List the characteristics of God that help you to trust in him. Through prayer, praise him for who he is! `` Ask God to remind you how he has shown himself trustworthy. Give thanks to him as he shows you his faithfulness. If you wish, record those moments so that you can refer to them in the future.

James 3:13-18 `` What characterizes true wisdom? `` What does it look like to sow peace and harvest righteousness? What can you do to sow peace in your family or your community?

Isaiah 32:14-18 `` Yesterday you read that righteousness is harvested from peace. According to this passage, how is peace also the effect of righteousness? How have you witnessed this cycle of peace and righteousness in yourself or others? `` Why do you think “quietness” and “quiet resting places” are indicative of peace? How is God drawing you toward “quietness” in your life?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

Matthew 5:9 and Romans 12:14-21 `` As a fruit of the Spirit, how is peace both an inner attitude and an outward, active force in your life? `` How do these passages assure you that being a peacemaker and doing good to your enemies is the desirable thing to do?

Ephesians 2:13-18 `` Here Paul speaks of the reconciliation of both Jews and Gentiles with God and one another. On what basis does he call Jesus “our peace”? `` In what ways has Jesus brought you near to God? Are there areas where you still feel distant from God? Ask Jesus to bridge those gaps in your life.

Philippians 4:4-7 `` How does peace guard our hearts and minds? `` When have you experienced a peace that passes all understanding? Allow these verses to guide you in a prayer for a renewed sense of God’s peace in whatever worries you.

Like Jesus



Week 4 Patience Like Jesus


Like Jesus



WEEK 4: PATIENCE LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` What are your pet peeves? What gets under your skin? Why do you think this bothers you so much? `` What circumstances make it easier for you to be patient and laid-back? What makes it harder?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) Today time has become such a valuable commodity that efficiency, productivity, and punctuality are more significant than people and relationships. The clock and the watch are relatively recent inventions; we used to tell time by where the sun was in the sky. And does a slow WiFi connection annoy you? We have already forgotten about life with a dial-up modem in the 90’s! Instant information, instant communication, and speedy travel have made us more impatient, not more satisfied. With this fast- paced, instant-access way of life, giving grace and mercy to strangers and friends is at an all-time low. People have become either obstacles or tools to get what we want. How quickly we forget the infinite grace and mercy that God extends to us. We forget how long he has been patient with the evils of humanity so that as many as possible could be saved. In the face of his incredible forgiveness, we are petty, short-tempered, and begrudging. This week, in the parable of the unmerciful servant, Jesus holds up a mirror to our ingratitude and forgetfulness. In his encounter with Thomas, he models gentle patience as he bears with Thomas’ doubts. In this, may we be reminded that if our character is to be molded to Christ’s, then our patience with others should equal God’s patience with us.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Matthew 18:21-35. `` Peter clearly thought he was being generous in his willingness to forgive seven times. How does Jesus challenge Peter with his response? `` What disturbs you about this parable? What does it say about the importance God places on our patience with the faults of others? `` It is shocking that the unmerciful servant could so quickly forget the mercy the king had just showed him. In what ways are we like the unmerciful servant when we are impatient with others? `` Why do we consider it acceptable in our culture to show impatience? What truth does this parable teach to wake us up from downplaying impatience? `` What does it mean to forgive someone “from your heart”? Why does Jesus emphasize this?

Read John 20:24-29. `` How does Jesus show patience with Thomas? How does Jesus’ patience help Thomas to grasp the truth? `` How can we be patient with each other in the way Jesus was when someone among us is struggling with doubt or sin? `` Share a story from the past two weeks where you were impatient. What can you learn from this situation to be more patient in the future?

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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Proverbs 14:29; 15:18; 16:32; 19:11; and 25:15 `` With what kind of person is the patient person contrasted? `` How might growing in patience improve your life?

Romans 2:1-6 `` Why are we humans unfit to judge other people? `` Think of a fault or sin for which you have judged others recently. How have you also been at fault in that area? It might not have looked exactly the same, but the sin was the same in God’s eyes. Thank God for his forgiveness and ask him to give you patience with others with similar faults.

Romans 15:1-7 `` How does being accepted by Christ motivate you to accept others as they are? `` As you learn to bear with others and please others over yourself, how do you see God giving you endurance and encouragement along the way?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

Galatians 6:9-10 `` In what ways are you currently growing tired of doing good? What is the harvest of blessing you hope to receive? `` Where are you impatient to see God at work? Ask him to show you how he is already working in that situation, and pray for a specific way you can do good in the midst of it.

Ephesians 4:2-6 `` Why does being impatient with other believers negate the unity of the church? `` How are you doing when it comes to making allowance for others’ faults? How might Jesus respond to those faults that you commonly observe in others?

James 5:7-11 `` What sufferings is God calling you to patiently endure right now? How might you have taken out your impatience on others? `` Are you struggling to believe in the Lord’s compassion and mercy during this time? If so, write out your struggles to him in a heartfelt prayer, expressing your longing to experience his compassion. Otherwise, thank him for the blessing it is to know him as the compassionate God he is.

Like Jesus



Week 5 Kindness Like Jesus


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WEEK 5: KINDNESS LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` Gifts are a universal expression of friendship and kindness, yet they can also create feelings of discomfort or indebtedness. How have giving or receiving gifts, help, or hospitality strengthened your relationships? Have they ever made things awkward instead (like if they weren’t received well)?

`` Share about one of the kindest people you know. Based on their example, how would you define kindness?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) Remember Aesop’s fable about the lion and the mouse? The lion caught the mouse and considered killing her, but changed his mind and gave the mouse her freedom. A few days later, the lion found himself in the hunter’s snare, unable to escape. But in gratitude to the lion for his mercy, the mouse freed the lion by gnawing on the net’s ropes. Aesop’s moral: no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Truly, an act of kindness not only speaks louder than words, but lives on in memory as well. Surely all of us can remember a time when someone showed us a kindness we have never forgotten. The power of kindness is not only in the aid it offers, but in the message it delivers--that we are deemed worthy and valuable in the eyes of another. Kindness may take on many forms, but the message it delivers is always the same. How wonderful, then, that God himself poured out his kindness on us, declaring us worthy of the death of his Son, so that we all might be reconciled to him. His sacrifice affirmed that, even in the midst of their sin and rebellion, all people are created in the image of God and meant to live in loving relationship with him. In response, we can do no less but to extend kindness to all people, regardless of their circumstances, recognizing that just as we are worthy of love, so too are they.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read John 4:1-42. Since this is such a long passage, divide the verses among group members who are willing to read. `` How does Jesus show kindness toward the Samaritan woman? If you were in her place, what would stand out to you? `` What did Jesus mean when he said that his nourishment came from doing God’s will (v.34)? `` Do you think Jesus purposely chose to spread his message to the Samaritans through this dishonored woman? How did this likely end up restoring her to her community (vv. 39-42)? `` How does Jesus’ attentiveness to this woman’s questions and desires demonstrate kindness? `` In what ways can we follow Jesus’ example of kindness in this passage? `` Who is the “Samaritan woman” in our society? To what kind of people do we resist showing kindness? Who might that be in your life? `` Jesus says that the harvest is plentiful. How might we be missing the people who are ripe for harvest, who are longing to know Jesus?

Leaders, make sure to alert group members to the Rest Stop section on page 50, encourage them to prayerfully consider the questions throughout the week, and ask them to come next week ready to share a bit about their answers.

Like Jesus




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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Proverbs 11:16-17; 12:25; 14:21, 31; and 19:17 `` Why is kindness to the poor especially honoring to God? `` Think of a person you know who is kind. How could you follow their example?

Luke 6:27-36 `` Why does Christ-like kindness require mercy? Are we tempted to show love only to those who love us back? `` Who are the ungrateful people in your life? Is God calling you to show kindness to them? Why should you be merciful to them?

Romans 11:22 `` Why is it so important to remember God’s kindness towards you? `` In what ways do you struggle to trust God’s continued kindness? How does his past kindnesses encourage you to continue to trust?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

1 Corinthians 12:7-12 `` How does God’s provision of gifts in the body of Christ (that is, the church) differ from our culture’s emphasis on self-reliance and competition? `` How has your own sense of independence made it difficult to show kindness towards or receive kindness from another? How can you become more interdependent with other believers?

Galatians 6:1-3 `` Is there someone in your life who is overcome by a sin or burden? How could you join with other believers to help this person? `` What causes you to neglect helping someone? Why is humility such an important part of growing in kindness?

Ephesians 4:29-32 `` What traits are contrasted with kindness and compassion? Do you see any of these in yourself? `` What role does your speech play in showing kindness to others? Ask God to show you how your words can encourage others.

Like Jesus



REST STOP: A PERSONAL CHECK-IN AND EVALUATION It is easy to study the life of Jesus and admire his character without doing the inner work necessary to allow the Holy Spirit to mold our character to his. But we must not forget that the purpose for studying Scripture together is not just to acquire head knowledge or enjoy fellowship, but to enable life transformation. So before moving into the second part of this study, take some time this week to think and pray over the following questions, asking God to show you how you can be more responsive to his plans to develop your character through this study. `` Considering what you have observed about Jesus so far, is the fruit of the Spirit something you truly desire? Or is there a part of you that feels developing these different characteristics might cause you to become more vulnerable, too different from others, or even naive? `` In what ways have you experienced disappointment in your own character development? On the brighter side, where has God’s help and grace been evident in your growth? `` How would you describe your participation in this small group? Have you been authentic, faithful, attentive to others, thoughtful with your responses, etc.? `` Reflect back over the last five weeks and describe a moment when you demonstrated one of the first five varieties of fruit. What did you learn from that experience?






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Rest Stop


Week 6 Goodness Like Jesus


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WEEK 6: GOODNESS LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` Share one of your answers to the “Rest Stop” questions from the previous page.

`` How do you respond when you hear about a tragedy or a need in your community, in the United States, or in the world? Are you naturally moved toward compassion and action or is there a bit of callousness in your heart?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) Every generation has faced overwhelming needs in the world. As the world becomes more and more connected, we can become overwhelmed with information about the needs and sufferings of people both here at home and around the world. But in the face of so much need, we can become paralyzed or even desensitized. In fact, there is now a psychological term, called “compassion fatigue,” which indicates the stress and burnout people experience in the helping and caregiving professions. However, as we look once again this week to Jesus, we will learn the source of his compassion. Though our word “goodness” might conjure vague notions of a nice, harmless, follow-the-rules sort of person, in his life Jesus infused goodness with its true meaning. This goodness that comes from the Spirit is a compassion that drives us to meet the needs of others and is fueled not by our own resources, but by our faith in the provision of God.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Matthew 15:32-39. `` Throughout the Old Testament, we are told over and over again about the goodness of God toward his people. How does Jesus embody the goodness of the Father in this account? `` How is Jesus’ compassionate response to the needs of the people different from how the disciples (or) we might automatically respond to needs? What can we learn from this? `` What do the multiplied food and the leftovers indicate about the source of our goodness and generosity? `` What kinds of situations do we face that inspire our compassion, but also make us doubt our capability to respond? How can Christ-like goodness be shown in those situations?

Read James 2:14-19. `` What is the role of good works in our faith? `` Similarly, how is goodness a necessary component of our love for one another? `` We are not saved by our good works, but our works do indicate that a fundamental change has taken place in our hearts. But is it also possible that someone can perform good works but not be Christ-like? Why or why not? `` Consider the needs that you are aware of in your family or community. How can you intentionally show goodness through acts of compassion?

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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Matthew 25:31-46 `` What does our goodness toward others indicate about our devotion to God? `` How are you finding ways to care for those who are considered “outsiders” in our community, such as the hungry, the thirsty, strangers, the unclothed, and the sick and imprisoned?

Romans 7:14-25 `` What prevents us from being good in our own strength? Why is it necessary to rely on Christ for our goodness? `` How have you experienced the struggle between good and evil in your own heart? How can you tell when you are living by the Spirit versus living by your sin nature?

Ephesians 2:8-10 `` Good works do not save us, but they are what we are created for. What does it look like to perform good works as an outpouring of your new life in Christ, rather than as a way to earn God’s favor? `` When you read that God prepared good works for you, how does this affect your perspective on your calling and purpose in life?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

Ephesians 5:8-10 `` What things can you do to “find out what pleases the Lord”? `` Are there ways in which you have become involved in “deeds of darkness,” intentionally or not? How can you expose them instead?

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 `` What have been your recent desires for goodness? What deeds have you done at the prompting of faith? `` How does it encourage you to know God will bring those things to fruition? Why is it so important to remember that he is the one who produces fruit in your life?

2 Peter 1:3-9 `` What does it mean to “participate in the divine nature”? `` Where are you experiencing forward movement in your spiritual life? In what areas do you need to add on more virtues to your present character?

Like Jesus



Week 7 Faithfulness Like Jesus


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WEEK 7: FAITHFULNESS LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` Share about one of your longest friendships. What do you think has contributed to the length of your friendship? `` How would you define what faithfulness looks like? Share an example of someone in your life who modeled the characteristic of faithfulness well.

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) “We are called upon not to be successful, but to be faithful.” This bit of wisdom from Mother Teresa has been passed on in many forms, because it strikes a chord with us. We live in such a successbased society, yet long for true significance in the eyes of God. We want to know that our lives mean something, that we are needed and wanted by others. To be faithful requires that we have someone to whom we must be devoted and some task with which we are entrusted. It implies that we are worthy of relationship and responsibility. It is a high honor. The marvelous gift of the Holy Spirit has made it possible to be included in Jesus’ mission by receiving a calling of our own. We will see this week that with clarity about his identity and calling, Jesus faithfully fulfilled the responsibilities God had entrusted to him. In the same way, the Spirit bears the fruit of faithfulness in our lives when we are true to our identity as God’s servants by seriously engaging the responsibilities, no matter how large or how small, that God entrusts to us.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Luke 19:11-27. `` Jesus’ parable aims to counter any false hopes. In verses 12-15 what comparisons between the nobleman and himself does Jesus highlight? `` How does Jesus use this parable to show the importance of faithfulness in light of his second coming? `` What is the result of faithfulness in a little? `` Why is the wicked servant condemned by his own words? `` Reflect on verse 26. How does Jesus’ parable underline the importance of faithfulness in our lives?

Read John 17:1-8. `` Jesus was entrusted with both authority and a task, but he was also entrusted with the disciples. How is our faithfulness to God connected to how we care for others? How are we responsible for other people? `` How does Jesus’ clarity about his identity and calling contribute to his faithfulness? `` Do you think it’s possible for us to have this kind of clarity and confidence? Why or why not? `` If you knew you were nearing the end of your life, what would give you assurance that you had been faithful to God?

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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Proverbs 3:1-6 `` What are the benefits of being faithful to the teachings of wisdom? `` How does our culture inhibit faithfulness and dependability? How has this contributed to your unfaithfulness to God or others over the years, even in the little things?

Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 27:6 and 28:20 `` How have you experienced difficulty in maintaining good friendships? `` How can you be a more faithful friend?

2 Timothy 1:11-14 `` To what has God appointed you? With what has he entrusted you? `` How do you know God is trustworthy? Whether you praise him or pour out your doubts, ask him to give you an assurance that in the end, all will be well.

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DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

2 Timothy 2:11-13 `` God’s faithfulness does not depend upon our own. How have you seen this in Scripture and your own life? `` What will it look like for the faithful to reign with Christ? Allow yourself to imagine reigning with Christ in the new heavens and earth. What excites you about this idea?

3 John 3-8 `` Why is our faithfulness to the truth and to other believers so important in the spreading of the Gospel? `` How do you feel called to support other believers, especially those who are sharing the Gospel? How can you be more consistent in this support?

Revelation 2:8-11 `` How do those who have truly suffered for their faith end up richer and more victorious than those who don’t? `` How can you prepare yourself to be faithful if and when persecution comes?

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Week 8 Gentleness Like Jesus


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WEEK 8: GENTLENESS LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` When you were a child, how sensitive were you to criticism? Are you still like that today? `` Why do you think people struggle with vulnerability? Why do we tend to keep our true selves and story hidden?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) Saint Francis de Sales, who was well-known for his gentleness, once said, “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength.” It is a striking statement because we don’t automatically associate gentleness with strength. However, when we consider just how difficult it is to consistently act and react to others with gentleness, it certainly rings true. In the Scriptures, Jesus is described as being both the Lion and the Lamb. He is a beautiful picture of how intertwined gentleness and strength really are. Christ could have come as a conquering king, yet he came instead as a baby born to a peasant girl. Though he could have rubbed shoulders with all who were in power, he spent time instead with the children, the sick, and the sinners. And even in the face of rejection from Israel, the people he came to save, his gentleness never waned. From Jesus we learn that God uses his power not to crush humankind beneath his thumb, but to care for the hurting and draw them into relationship with himself. In the same way, we imitate God’s strength when we practice gentleness, when we humble ourselves enough to recognize the vulnerability of others and respond with intentional care and respect.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Matthew 11:27-30. `` Do you picture God as being harsh, or gentle? Where do you think this picture originates from? `` Of all the fruit of the Spirit, it is perhaps hardest to imagine an all-powerful God as being gentle. How did Jesus show us the gentleness of God? `` How does Jesus make it restful to learn from him? How have you experienced this in your own life?

Read Matthew 23:37-39. `` It’s interesting that Jesus’ lament over Jerusalem comes after chastising the scribes and Pharisees. What do you think he was feeling as he said this? `` What does the image of a hen with her chicks say about Jesus’ attitude towards Jerusalem? `` Based on these two passages, how can we imitate Jesus’ gentleness?

Read Matthew 5:3-10. `` In verse 5, the meek are given the earth as an inheritance. How is this drastically different from the world’s way of seeking power? `` What is the overall picture of those who are blessed in God’s eyes? `` This week, how can you practice the fruit of gentleness in your life? Or with another person? Share a bit about the situation and how you hope to engage it with humility.

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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

Proverbs 15:1 and 25:15 `` Why is there power behind words spoken with gentleness? `` Who do you tend to speak to most harshly? What would happen if you started speaking to him or her more gently?

Titus 3:1-11 `` What causes people to be violent, rebellious, or divisive? `` How is gentleness a response to God’s kindness, and not just a personality trait? Is this true for you? Why or why not?

James 1:19-20 `` Why is it so easy to think that your anger can be used to “make things right” or achieve justice? `` What would it look like for you to be quick to listen? How would this help you be slower to speak or get angry?

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DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

James 3:9-12 `` Why is cursing or speaking badly about other people inconsistent with praising God? `` What excuses have you been making for yourself in your treatment of others? Why should your treatment of others be based, not on their behavior, but their value in the eyes of God?

1 Peter 3:1-4 `` What makes a gentle and quiet spirit so beautiful? `` How would you describe your inner self? What changes do you need to make to invest more in the state of your heart?

1 Peter 3:13-17 `` What makes you uneasy or uncomfortable with doing certain good deeds, especially when it comes to explaining your faith? `` Why is gentleness so important in our defense of the faith, and how does our acceptance of possible suffering make it easier to be gentle?

Like Jesus



Week 9 Self-Control Like Jesus


Like Jesus



WEEK 9: SELF-CONTROL LIKE JESUS SHARE YOUR LIFE `` Some people are able to do things in moderation, while others are more susceptible to overindulgence. Which camp do you fall into? What would be hardest for you to give up?

`` Have you ever had to follow rules you didn’t like or understand? How did you handle it?

THE LAUNCH (READ ALOUD) For some reason, Paul has saved self-control as last in his list of the fruit of the Spirit. Perhaps he knew that if he started this list with self-control we would be tempted to try to practice it out of our own strength rather than out of the power of the Spirit. The self-control which Jesus modeled for us was not the grit-your-teeth, try-harder determination we sometimes use on ourselves. Such effort often leads to nitpicking and criticizing, comparing ourselves to others, and eventually leads us to give up in despair. Instead, Jesus showed us how to be Spirit-controlled. In the Garden of Gethsemane, in his heartwrenching struggle to face suffering and death, Jesus was truthful about his own despair, but he was resolved to do God’s will. Jesus set his eyes on things above and was able to regain focus on what truly mattered. The promises of his Father and his love for everyone superseded his temporary desires and pain. His resolve to continue despite the burden and torment he was feeling is a model for us all. When we remember how much he suffered on our behalf, never once relenting, we too can walk with self-control as a result of our gratitude and admiration.

Like Jesus



DISCUSS THE LESSON Read Mark 15:21-32. `` What are some of the ways that Jesus is mistreated in this passage? Which one would bother you the most? `` What are some of the ways Jesus could have responded here? What would you have been tempted to do? `` How did Jesus prepare himself for this hour?

Read 1 Peter 2:21-23. `` What gave Jesus the strength to not retaliate against his accusers? `` Christ suffered for us because of his calling, and thereby made it possible for us to be like him. How does Jesus’ example help you as you pursue God’s call for you to do good?

Read Proverbs 16:32; 17:27; and 25:28. `` What can you learn from these verses about someone who lacks self-control? `` What kinds of things cause you to give in to temptation or let your emotions take over? Why? `` Self-control is possible for us, not because we become our own masters, but because we submit to the mastery of the Spirit who lives in us. How have you experienced this over the past several weeks? What questions still come up for you?

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DAY 1:

DAY 2:

DAY 3:

2 Peter 1:3-9 `` How does Peter expect followers of Jesus to nurture their relationship with him? `` How does know “Jesus’ ways” help us in deepening our faith in him?

Matthew 26:47-54 `` Jesus didn’t feel like he had to prove his power. What do you feel that you have to prove to others? What puts you on the defensive? `` Jesus was focused on fulfilling his calling in God’s way and God’s timing. What would it look like for you to be more surrendered to God’s will for your life?

Romans 6:5-14 `` What does it mean to count yourself dead to sin but alive to God? `` Consider some sinful attitudes or behaviors with which you struggle. How can you offer yourself to God instead of sin? How can you change your focus from the sin to God and his will for you?

Like Jesus



DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

1 Corinthians 9:24-27 `` Why do you think we accept the idea of discipline in sports or other competitive activities, but “run aimlessly” in our spiritual lives? How do you see this tendency in yourself? `` What would it look like for you to lean more fully into the grace of God while still exerting effort and selfdiscipline to grow spiritually?

Colossians 2:20-3:8 `` What is the difference between following human rules about not doing certain things and following Christ’s example, which involves avoiding all kinds of sins? `` In order to resist sin, why does it help to set your heart and mind “on things above, where Christ is”? What kind of desires will be fulfilled for you when Christ comes again?

2 Timothy 1:5-10 `` What have you done to “fan into flame the gift of God,” that is, the Holy Spirit? What has been your experience of his power, love, and selfdiscipline? `` Where do you experience timidity and need the Spirit’s help? Pray that the Spirit would work powerfully in your weakness and become a testimony of his grace.

Like Jesus



APPENDICES HOSTING A SMALL GROUP We need each other if we are going to follow Jesus in a meaningful way. We cannot take this journey of faith by ourselves. Groups at White River Christian Church are designed to be safe places where you are cared for and challenged to become more and more like Jesus. It is our greatest hope that our groups would have these four core components working to develop depth and maturity: `` Hospitable - Our groups seek to develop friendship and community in a welcoming environment. `` Authentic - Our groups seek to be a safe place where you can share both the pain and joy of your life without rejection. `` Intentional - Our groups gather with a common purpose to glorify God and demonstrate care for one another. `` Transformative - Our groups gather to walk alongside each other and watch as each person becomes more and more like Jesus.

Like Jesus



LEADING FOR THE FIRST TIME Take a breath - feel better? Hosting a group is not nearly as difficult as you may think. No one is expecting you to be a spiritual giant. This workbook is designed so that you can come alongside one another as co-learners. Hosting a group is as simple as opening your home, reading the Scripture and questions aloud, and playing a DVD (or streaming from the web at and having a conversation from the heart. Trust us, after your first meeting, you’ll find your group will fall into a familiar rhythm and this whole process will become less daunting. Here are a few tips for you as you get ready for your first meeting: Lead with hospitality. Create a warm and welcoming environment – that’s the first step. Who doesn’t like the idea that someone is expecting them? Keep in mind that for many people, the thought of going to someone’s house to have a spiritual conversation can be intimidating. It can trigger all kinds of insecurities. Be mindful of this in all your interactions with your group; from email communication, to the way you greet them at the door, a warm and welcoming environment will go a long way toward easing their fears. Knowing names is important. It’s OK to cheat with nametags. It is hard to remember the flood of new names that come rushing at you, and by the time you get to week 3, you’re embarrassed to ask their names again. So for this nine week journey, have name-tags available to deepen connections within the group. Start with introductions. Especially for week one, hearing stories trumps getting through content. We want to take time to go around the circle and have everyone introduce himself or herself. Share some of the raw data from their life (family, occupation, etc.) but also include one significant thing about their life that would be good for the group to know. Group pact. The key to getting off on the right foot with your group is to appropriately discuss and set expectations. During week 1 you will read through the Group Pact on page 12 and have an opportunity to lay out clear expectations.

Like Jesus



FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS When should I reach out for help from the Faith Development Team? Anytime you want. Sincerely, we want to hear from you! Don’t feel like it has to be something big or really important to contact us. We love to be a sounding board for you. Contact us early. Contact us often. Contact Discipleship Pastors Tom Rich at or Tim Garner at Is it okay to invite someone to the group who is not a member of our church? If the person does not have a home church or doesn’t yet have a relationship with Jesus, a group can be a great on-ramp to the Christian faith; it also provides a good connection to the local church. Joining a group also provides a way to get to know other church members on a deeper level and develop new relationships with neighbors in your area. If the person has a home church, ideally they would get connected in their own church; however, there are times when it may be appropriate to make an exception. What should we do if a member misses a meeting (or several)? Define mutual expectations early on with the Group Pact. If attendance becomes an issue with someone in the group, address it with them in person, not via email. Again, in this type of situation, err on the side of grace. Be in a place emotionally where you are more saddened you didn’t get to see the person at group than you are frustrated they didn’t show up. How long will this group meet? Your commitment to this group is through the duration of the nine-week Like Jesus campaign. We certainly hope and pray that your group will continue to meet well beyond the length of this campaign; however, we are structuring this campaign so that people who have always been hesitant about getting connected to a group will be able to experience the blessing of living their faith within community. At the end of this study, each group member may decide if he or she wants to continue for another study. Some groups launch relationships that last for years to come, while others are stepping-stones into another group experience. Either way, enjoy the journey. If your group decides to continue meeting, we recommend the Essential Commandment by Greg Ogden as the next study for your group. Jesus quite clearly told us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” The Great Commandment should orient us toward faithful living, but is living it out actually possible? What does it look like in the everydayness of our lives? The Essential Commandment study unpacks this concept quite well and gives us handles for incorporating into our everyday life. Books can be purchased online via or For other recommendations, feel free to contact our Discipleship Pastor, Tom Rich (

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How often should we meet? During the Like Jesus campaign, groups meet every week. After the campaign, we recommend that groups meet 3 weeks a month and take the fourth week off. This works with busy schedules while also helping to maintain a sense of community. We need an occasional break but we also need to be intentional with one another. Some groups choose to meet every other week. One of the challenges of meeting every other week is that if someone misses group, it will be a month since you have met with them. Therefore, groups that meet every other week will need to be intentional about looking for additional ways to build a sense of community. What if this group is not working for us? You’re not alone! This could be the result of a personality conflict, life-stage difference, geographical distance, or any number of things. Relax. Pray for God’s direction, and at the end of this nine-week study, decide whether to continue with this group or find another. You don’t typically buy the first car you look at or marry the first person you date, and the same goes with a group. However, don’t bail out before the nine weeks are up—God might have something to teach you. Also, don’t run from conflict or prejudge people before you have given them a chance. God is still working in your life too! Who is the leader? Most groups have an official leader. But ideally, the group will mature and members will rotate the leadership of meetings. We have discovered that healthy groups rotate hosts and leaders and homes on a regular basis. This model ensures that all members grow, give their unique contribution, and develop their gifts. This workbook and the Holy Spirit can keep things on track even when you rotate leaders. Christ has promised to be in your midst as you gather. Ultimately, God is your leader each step of the way. How do we handle the child care needs in our group? This can be a sensitive issue. We suggest you empower the group to openly brainstorm solutions. You may try one option that works for a while and then adjust over time. Our favorite approach is for adults to meet in the living room or dining room and to share the cost of a babysitter (or two) who can watch the kids in a different part of the house. This way, parents don’t have to be away from their children all evening when their children are too young to be left at home. A second option is to use one home for the kids and a second home (close by or a phone call away) for the adults. A final option is to decide you need to have a night to invest in your spiritual lives individually or as a couple and to make your own arrangements for childcare. No matter what decision the group makes, the best approach is to dialogue openly about both the problem and the solution.

Like Jesus



SMALL GROUP CALENDAR Planning can help ensure the greatest participation at every meeting. At the end of each meeting, review this calendar. Be sure to include a regular rotation of host homes and leaders, and don’t forget birthdays, socials, church events, holidays, and mission or ministry projects. DATE




Like Jesus








Like Jesus

Contact Information







ESTABLISH FAITH A posture of trust and repentance in Jesus

FORM CHARACTER The process of becoming more like Jesus

LIVE MISSIONALLY Partnering with God in His Kingdom work

INFLUENCE OTHERS Participating in the lives of others and sharing the love of Christ

Like Jesus

Faith Development


Like Jesus

Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-Control

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