1 minute read
There are proper signs of spring! We have almond blossom already and although the snowdrops are over, the primroses and daffodils are beautiful. Early bees are enjoying the willow and the few celebratory dandelions. By the time you read this, the cherry trees will be a mass of blossom (fingers crossed).
We have had to cut back a lot of blackthorn to reach some branches that Storm Eunice had helpfully dumped onto the fence. She also threw around a lot of small twigs and branches – 10 big barrow loads so far. Clearing up has been a long job but is done now. We hope to cut back some brambles before the birds start to nest seriously.
As promised, the Tuesday boys have made various items to sell at the coffee morning on Tuesday 5 April at St. Andrew’s Church in Leigh. Hopefully we will see lots of regulars there.
Easter holiday club dates (virus permitting) are: Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14, Thursday 21 and Friday 22 April. Sessions are from 10.00am–3.00pm and cost £20 per child. Please book as soon as you can as places are filling up.
Muddy Monday sessions for accompanied pre-school children have started. Sessions begin at 12noon with a bring your own picnic and finish at 3.00pm, cost £5 per child. Booking on the day is helpful but not vital.
We are looking forward to some spring and summer birthday parties and have a few dates still available. If you have a special date coming up, then please book as soon as possible.
Philippa Toulson
philippa.toulson@gmail.com Facebook: Pogles Wood Explorers