7 minute read
REP: Emma Harris emma.harris27@btinternet.com DISTRIBUTOR: Judy Tuke
Morag Orchard – Bounds Lane in Spring
It’s hard to see the weeks and months slip by without the many pre-planned events taking place – in the village and further afield. In my diary I have all the GCSE and A level exam dates for which I was supposed to be invigilating at the Gryphon School. Although a little part of us has heaved a sigh of relief that they are not going ahead, I think the majority of students (and staff alike) are feeling a huge sense of anti-climax as they see their important year come to a close without the Final Test. For the students, this is mixed with a sense of anxiety as to what life holds in store for them in the next academic year; whether they are hoping to start their A level courses, head off to university (online?) or make up for lost time as they enter their GCSE or A level year in September.
While I was “growing up” with my teenage boys in the noughties, the DVD craze was The Matrix, and all its sequels. We had the whole lot – bought year after year with Christmas and birthday money. I found myself watching
these films with them in bits and pieces and, at the time, never understood what on earth was going on. What little I did gather was that the protagonist, Neo, (played by Keanu Reeves) experienced the real world only by plugging himself into a computer (using a slot in the back of his neck!) Through this portal he entered the “Matrix” and was able to do everything heroes do, including falling in love with a beautiful woman. In this virtual “real” world we saw him challenge his adversaries with superhuman powers, only to discover that – spoiler alert – in the end he was actually just sitting at a screen in a dark room! Although spooky to say, I sometimes feel as if my sons are actually living this life for real in 2020. My 18 year-old spends a good deal of time at a screen either gaming or having lessons from school via Microsoft Teams; all from the comfort of his bedroom (often in his pyjamas!) The rest of the time he’s in the fake world – the one where he’s asleep or can’t go anywhere due to the COVID 19 lockdown. Luckily I am able to send a real dog or two up to his room to remind him that outside the beautiful countryside beckons for a walk and so he plods off in his wellies around the fields!
Who knows? By the time you read this it’ll be nearly 4 th July, and isn’t that a significant date for some of the restrictions being lifted?
Anyone out there who can do this job? Goodbye!
Emma Harris
St Andrew’s Church

By the time you read this, we will have taken our first tentative steps towards normality in our churches.
The Government has decided that we can start opening for private prayer and we are doing just that. The church will be open daily from 10am to 4pm. We are doing all we can to help people to stay safe and ask that you abide by the instructions posted on the church door. We still await government guidance on using the churches for services.
We hope we may be able to start sometime in July but this is by no means certain. We will do our best to let you know by email and by notices in the village.
We hope to hold a coffee morning in the churchyard on Tuesday 7 July from 10.30am–12.00 noon. Do come along for a cup of coffee or tea and piece of cake, but above all to chat to fellow villagers, albeit at an acceptable social distance. We suggest you bring your own mug, not only to protect yourselves against any virus spread but also to save on washing up! We will also have a bring-and-buy stall.
Finally, Saturday, 15 August is VJ Day, and there will be an informal celebration of some sort in the churchyard at 10.00am.
Let’s hope we can get back to normal as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.
Alaistair Cumming and Eddie Upton Churchwardens

Leigh Parish Council update
The Leigh village green, adjacent to the village hall, is now properly established (the delay being caused by difficulty in sourcing fencing materials during the lockdown). It is intended for use as an open space in the heart of our village for anyone to enjoy for short term occasional activities such as village events, picnics, personal exercise or informal family games etc, that those without access to a suitable garden might otherwise not be able to enjoy. Overnight camping and fires are not permitted.
It is hoped that many will enjoy the use of this valuable facility (albeit for the time being adhering to social distancing guidelines). Please be scrupulous in leaving no litter; there is a bin at the road entrance to the village hall, and another has been ordered (to be located where the footpath adjoins Chetnole Road).
Dogs may be exercised on the green, provided: –they are always under your proper control, and cause no concern to others –any droppings are immediately removed. Two dog waste-bag dispensers have been installed to facilitate this; the litter bins may be used for disposal.
The ‘exercising of dogs’ concession will be withdrawn if the above conditions are habitually infringed. Please do not hesitate to challenge anyone failing to comply.
The Village Hall Committee has kindly agreed to allow users of the green to park their cars in the village hall car park. With suitable notice (normally two months), when an event (either in the hall or on the green) is scheduled and a need for additional parking is foreseen, overflow parking can be made available on the agricultural field that is immediately to the south of the green. Access will be via the gate at the top of the village hall car park; the aim is to keep all vehicles off the green to avoid it becoming rutted.
Leigh village green

In due course it is intended to install a gate where the footpath joins the Chetnole Road, establish some occasional benches around the perimeter, and plant some trees along the southern boundary. The field to the south of this boundary will remain as agricultural land.
Alan Bennett
Winners for the June draw:
1st No 71 Angela Seabrook 2 nd No 139 Connie Wallis 3 rd No 15 Mr & Mrs Carter 4 th No 5 Mr & Mrs Withycombe

£40 £20 £10 £5
Leigh Candle Auction 2020
Readers will recall that, for the obvious reason, this year’s auction, which was scheduled for 17 June, was postponed. However, the Trustees have no wish to be the first to cancel the auction (I don’t know if they would be, but it’s hard to think of any reason why it should have been cancelled in the past, other than for something like the current crisis).
Therefore, we have booked Leigh Village Hall for the evening of the 23 July, 6.30pm onward, in the hope that the auction will be able to go ahead. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR JUNE WINNERS. Due to the present crisis not all the collectors reached every household in Leigh and there have been a number who have understandably opted out. However if you still want to take part please contact me: Julian Turnbull on 01935 873846 or Alastair Cumming on 01935 872401. It is only £1 per month
Given the present uncertainty we will not be offering the full a-la-carte menu (!) that has become the norm (sorry). Instead, people will be as welcome as ever to attend – and bid! – but should expect to have to ‘socially-distance’ (horrible phrase) if needs must.
In all other respects the auction should be its usual mix of heart-racing excitement and edge-of-your-seat tension. We hope to see you there (fingers crossed).
Gordon Morris
Chairman, Leigh Parish Lands Trust Tel. 01935 873051