CLUB NEWS Leigh WI – April meeting The last few years has seen a blossoming interest in where we came from and who our ancestors were. Were they perhaps from royal stock or, more likely, hardworking peasants? It has become easier than ever to research our forebears, since the advent of sites like Ancestry. There is however a danger of unearthing a secret buried in the past that would have been better left undiscovered. Miranda Pender came to speak to us on the Perils of Family History. It could have been a rather dry subject as one rarely gets more than the bare facts of their lives through births, deaths and marriages, but Miranda made the subject literally sing with interest.
She started looking into her own ancestry at the same time as an American cousin and, between them, they found two brothers, James and Abraham Trewartha who owned a copper mine called Southwheal Frances. These brothers were rough and ready but determined to better themselves and enter society, so married two sisters whose father was a rich banker. Unfortunately, they each chose the wrong sister by tossing a coin but the outcome gave rich pickings to the unfolding story of their lives. As Miranda said, “It would 38
have made dull story indeed if they had all just lived happily ever after.” There is indeed a secret which they discovered by talking to a modern day relative, of murder and madness which had been passed down by word of mouth through the generations. Miranda enlivened her story by singing songs which she wrote herself, bringing the history to life and making us all feel we really knew these people and cared about what happened to them. We all enjoyed the Talk and the Songs and would certainly recommend Miranda to any other WI Group looking for an excellent and highly original evening’s entertainment.
Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club outings 2022 This year, the Chetnole & Leigh Garden Club is organising two outings to local gardens and members and non-members are welcome. For both visits we are asking everyone to make their own way there and suggest car-sharing. If you require a lift, please let us know when you email Shaune Reeves (details below) and we will do our best to match you others who are going. Tuesday 14 June Holme for Gardens, West Holme, Wareham BH20 6AQ