POGLES WOOD EXPLORERS There is a huge amount of work to do at Pogles Wood at the moment. We have been bashing back some of our brambles and blackthorn and planting some new trees and shrubs to replace the Ash Die Back trees that have had to come down. At the time of writing we have beautiful catkins, the first few small leaves on the hazel and the first pussy willow buds breaking. The days are noticeably longer (if not warmer) and we have had some sparkling sunshine. How lucky are we!
The brilliant Tuesday boys made various items to sell at the Christmas St. Andrew’s Church coffee morning in Leigh. They made a bit of money to buy
some new tools. They are busy making planters and more mug bird feeders and hope to be back at the next coffee morning on Tuesday 5 April.
Easter holiday club dates (virus permitting) are: Tuesday 12, Thursday 14, Tuesday 19, Thursday 21, and Friday 22 April. Muddy Monday sessions for accompanied pre-school children will begin again on Monday 7 March. Sessions start at 12.00noon with a bring your own picnic and finish at 3.00pm, cost £5 per child. Booking on the day is helpful but not vital. We have done a few winter birthday parties and have a few more booked for the spring. There are still some dates left. Spring and summer party dates get booked up quite quickly as we only have a few dates available. If you have a special date coming up, then please book as soon as possible. Philippa Toulson philippa.toulson@gmail.com Facebook: Pogles Wood Explorers 47