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It was lovely to see groups of children back for Holiday Club in the Easter Holidays.
Next Holiday Club dates will be during June half term – Tuesday 1st, Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th June. The day runs from 10.00am – 3.00pm and cost £20 per child. Places are limited so please book well in advance.
From 7 May we are hoping to reintroduce Muddy Monday for preschool children. First and third Mondays are what I have in mind currently. The session starts with a picnic lunch from 12.00noon and finishes in time to collect school age children at 3.00pm. Please let me know if you would be interested.
With a following breeze we might be able to think about some birthday parties – remember those? Please get in touch with tentative bookings.
By the time you read this, all our foster placements will have moved on. The hens are now free to roam so will be heading back over the border to Somerset and Piglet the pony will be wandering back into the village to more spacious and grassy accommodation.
We have loved having them and will be getting our own hens as soon as possible.
The blossom season has started so let’s hope that is a good sign!
Philippa Toulson
philippa.toulson@gmail.com Facebook: Pogles Wood Explorers