REP: Keith Warren-Price keithwp@hotmail.com DISTRIBUTOR: Faith Hervey
St Mary’s Church: Welcome back into our church: St Mary’s Hermitage is open again for private prayer all day on Sundays and Wednesdays. Please observe our hygiene and social distancing precautions: If you sit in a pew, please choose one with a Prayer and Information Sheet and take it away with you [even if you aren’t going to read it!]: this enables the next visitor to choose a different pew. Our first service since lockdown is due to be held on Sunday 4 October: We are hoping to hold a Harvest Festival service at 3pm in the churchyard – if weather and Covid regulations permit. Please bring any harvest celebration items: flowers, fruit or any celebration of nature.
Miss Mabel Meech Makes a Memorable Moment: Miss Mabel Meech, 89 years young, visited St. Mary’s Church, Hermitage, on 9 September. She last visited some 70 years ago with her sister, Elizabeth, when she first learned to drive a car. They came to see where their uncle Joe had been married.