329 October 2020

Page 8


REP: John Parker johnwincanton@gmail.com DISTRIBUTOR: Susan Ferdinand

Photo: John Parker

News from St. Michael’s Church

‘Living Light – this wonderful place’ On the evening before submission of this news, our neighbours Peter and Linda Bell whose home adjoins our churchyard, looked out of their back door and briefly saw the bright light of the setting sun shining on the Wills family memorial, 1885 / 89. Included on the inscription are the words “until the day-break and the shadows flee away”. As more severe Covid restrictions were being announced, this was a moving moment, time to reflect on our good fortune to live in such a beautiful and relatively safe place. St. Michael’s together with St. Mary Magdalene Thornford and St. Mary the Virgin, Bradford Abbas were brought together as the Gifle Valley Benefice in 2009. Now we are all part of the larger Three Valleys Benefice together with churches in the White Hart Vale and 8

the Wriggle Valley. (Sixteen parishes, seventeen churches in total). One of the benefits of this larger grouping is the increased opportunity for friends and neighbours in all the villages to share resources, services and social events more widely. Lockdown stopped many things except the innovative on-line services which were introduced by our clergy and are widely appreciated. As soon as worship in Photo: L & P Bell church was allowed to resume, our three Gifle churches began sharing a three weekly cycle of a 10am Sunday service and this continued throughout September. The services in our three churches have been appreciated and well attended. Now followed by socially distanced own drinks and conversation (and even John Mooney’s birthday cake and Alan Fall’s home-made Welsh cakes!) You would be most welcome.

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