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Ryme Intrinseca

Ryme Intrinseca

As we slowly come out of lockdown, despite warnings of its return, there are signs of a few tentative steps towards some former normality. It’s pleasing to see people sitting outside the White Hart enjoying a pint, while keeping their social distance of course. Sitting at the back under the open-sided marquee, again with all due respect to distance, is also a cheering – if nearly forgotten – experience.

Similarly, up at the Gallery Café it is heartening to see people chatting away (at the proper social distance!!) over their coffees and Sarah’s excellent cakes. Fortunately the weather has been with us, allowing people to take those first nervous steps towards meeting up again, albeit in the open. Several took their courage further and moved inside (still keeping those safe distances) as the sun moved round and the shade made it too cool to sit outside.


Given that there are now many more humans tramping the local footpaths and fields, against expectation nature seems to be popping its head up too. I’ve seen grass snakes slithering across Scrap’s Way and an adder in Birch Lane, although rather sadly with its neck squashed by some vehicle. It is said that British adders will be extinct in 30 years and that was another one gone.

Down by the River Wriggle there have been separate sightings of kingfishers and an otter. Then there are of course the seasonal attractions of the ripening barley and maturing fruits.

Meanwhile buzzards wheel overhead. Whether they came down and disposed of that adder or some passer-by scooped it into the hedge, I don’t know, but it was gone by the evening of that day.

Normally in the September issue, as autumn rapidly approaches bringing the darker evenings with it, we look forward to distractions courtesy of the local clubs and societies. Sadly though, the C-word means most of these activities have been postponed till the new year at least, pending further government advice. We will have to work out how to meet in the open, duly wrapped up.

One thing to look out for in particular, because it affects us all as residents, is the Neighbourhood Plan Consultation which will be taking place in September and October. You will find more detail on other pages but do look out for it. Complete the questionnaire online or, if you prefer, post your answers in the designated boxes.

John Ferretter Yetminster coffee morning

Coffee ‘n cake is taking place once again on the first Wednesday of every month, at 10.00–11.30am, in the Jubilee Hall.

We look forward to welcoming you all back on Wednesday 2 September 2020 following the COVID guidelines to keep you all safe.

Yetminster Fair 2020

I think everybody will agree that this year has been very strange for everyone, not least for Yetminster Fair. The virus meant that there was no possibility of holding a public event and the Committee was very upset to have to cancel all the plans in line with the other organisations in the village.

This was a great shame, not only because the Fair has become part of Yetminster over the long years, but it also provides a celebration and a meeting point in the middle of summer as a focus for the village.

50/50 Club JULY 2020

1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize £50 £30 £20 No.36 No.2 No.22

50/50 Club AUGUST 2020

Although this year we couldn’t hold the Fair, the Committee hopes very much that in 2021 the country may have returned to some sort of normality and the Fair might take place. There are many things to organise as you can imagine and the Committee will start planning as soon as it is safe to hold meetings, although at the moment there are no promises as we don’t have a reliable crystal ball!

However, that does leave us with one rather pleasant task this year – to distribute the funds that we have available to our local groups and good works. We are indebted as ever to Derek Mott for his work in organising the Fair 50 Club which provides most of the funds we will be able to distribute.

We normally have our AGM in November but at the moment we don’t know what form this is going to take. Traditionally, organisations have attended the AGM and been presented with their cheques, but this year it will quite probably be different. However, we

1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize £50 £30 £20 No.53 No.45 No.4 Mr H Drake Mr A Reek Mr E Pennington

Mrs V Jones Mr A Leggett Mrs E Jubb Want to join? – forms available at http://yetminsterparishes.gov. uk/a-z/yetminster-fair-association

The Association raises money for local organisations and is nonprofit making and run entirely with voluntary support

yetminsterfair@aol.com would very much like to hear from any organisations who have projects in the village who feel that they might benefit from a donation from the Fair.

Please in the first instance could they contact the secretary, Jane Smith, on secretary.yetminsterfair@gmail.com with an application for funding and a brief outline of what is proposed.

The committee hope very much that in 2021, the Fair will be part of the general year in Yetminster once again.

The Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan

Hopefully, you are aware that we have been working to produce a Neighbourhood Plan which covers the development of the Parish in the period to 2036. Written by a group of volunteer residents, with advice from people with specialist planning experience, it is shaped by the feedback from the various consultations that took place in 2017 and 2018.

The adopted Vision Statement contained in the Plan says what we hope it will help to achieve and there are then six main sections in the document relating to: the environment; climate change and water management; community services and facilities; housing; business services and economy; and traffic, road safety and transport.

Importantly, whilst the new development in the Thornford Road provides 85 new homes in Yetminster, as the Plan looks forward for the next 16 years, more housing will be needed and six sites have been identified where, in principle, further housing could be built.

It is essential that we get the Plan right and, with the Coronavirus restrictions lifting, we are now able to ask you to tell us what you think about it and what it is trying to achieve. With this feedback we can finalise the Plan and submit it to Dorset Council for independent review and, hopefully, referendum and subsequent adoption in the knowledge that the community has ownership of it. 36

Please take the opportunity to comment!

It is important that you do this. You will receive a letter outlining the consultation process and details of the online questionnaire (which we would prefer that you use) to give us your feedback. If you do not feel confident in using this then you will also have a paper copy of the form which you can complete and “post” back to us using one of our four posting boxes. In addition to the letter and questionnaire there will be a summary of the Plan so that you have an idea of what it contains.

Should you not receive the letter and questionnaire, then please contact the Clerk to the Council and you will be sent one – tel: 01935 83915 email: yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

Details of the consultation process and the Plan itself will be available online. Printed copies of the plan will be placed at a number of locations and copies can also be made available where people do not have internet access. The letter includes all the necessary details on viewing the document and on how to respond.

YRIPC NP Working Group

The Consultation will last six weeks, starting on 7 September and ending on 19 October. Please respond as soon as you can once you receive your letter.

My Sky Dive for Charity

In January I had a rather rash idea, despite my vertigo, to do a sky dive in 2020 to raise money for Bloodwise, my Charity as Lady Captain of Sherborne Golf Club.

At last, the jump was to take place on 22 July after the restrictions due to Covid were lifted. I have been closely involved with the RNLI Sherborne Branch over many years and I was greatly encouraged by Chris Copeland (Chairman) who has raised thousands from free fall sky diving. He supported me all the way and even though we were not able to do the Three Fall Challenge due to Covid restrictions, he was able to come in the same drop and preceded me from the little airplane. This was also the reason for donating also to RNLI.

I was apprehensive but determined that I would jump. The briefing at Dunkeswell and all the precautions to keep us safe were excellent. There was no backing out now but actually I was so busy following all the safety instructions, meeting my tandem instructor and photographer, putting on the harness, snood, and goggles and posing for photographs that suddenly the time had come and off we went. The one thing we were told was to enjoy the view and, whatever happens, do not grab the instructor’s arms in panic!

The green light came on and we were at 15000 feet. The worst part was seeing Chris launch himself out into the ether and dropping at 140 mph from view. On my knees, arms crossed and head back, very firmly strapped to my tandem instructor and out we went. It was so noisy with the wind rushing past, and that minute seemed like a lifetime before the parachute went up. It was then so peaceful and we were able to speak and enjoy the incredible views of Isle of Wight, Devon and Cornwall.

It was all over in six minutes. My spectators were there to greet me, rather relieved that I was still in one piece!

I have been overwhelmed by the generosity of friends, family and fellow golfers. Thank you so much for all your contributions.

Priscilla Dickens


Yetminster History Society What do we do now?

As mentioned in the last issue, alas the Covid situation means we cannot hold a live AGM in the Jubilee Hall as we would have done under what was once “normal” circumstances. Instead the plan is to set up a “virtual” AGM using Zoom. For those members who wish to join in, the meeting will be viewed, and participated in, from home via laptop, tablet or similar device. If you are not familiar with Zoom, don’t worry, it really is very easy to use.

By the time of reading this members should have received the Chairman’s Annual Report, the Statement of Receipts and Payments for the 2019-20 year and details of Payment of Subscriptions, together with a covering letter of explanation by email (or by post for those who don’t use email). There will also have been request to let the Society know if you want to join in the Zoom meeting. If you have not received either of the above please let us know by emailing yetminster8@gmail. com. 38

New members

If you would like to join the History Society and receive details of the planned programme of presentations and visits, please let us know via the same email: yetminster8@gmail.com. There is also more information on the village website.

What have we missed?

The presentation that we will have missed this September along with the AGM would have been on The Battle of Jutland by Robin Miller.

Fortunately Robin has agreed to give us this talk in September 2021. Here are a few salient points. You will be expected to ask Robin plenty of questions next year based on this pre-acquired knowledge!!! • It was the largest naval battle of WW1 • It started 31 May 1916 and lasted two days • Over 100,000 men and 250 ships were involved. • The result was inconclusive, with both sides claiming victory.

However the German fleet did not put to sea again.

Hope that hasn’t spoiled anything but rather whetted your appetite for next year. See you there, and hopefully on Zoom this September.

John Ferretter

Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council Notes from the Chairman

It is felt that our first “virtual” meeting on 8 July went well, although we did spend time rather rubber stamping decisions that we had made since our last meeting and my apologies to those residents who were in attendance. It must have seemed rather bureaucratic, but it is important that we follow the regulations that we have adopted and ensure that are decisions our properly motioned, proposed and seconded.

Good progress has been made with the refurbishment of the Ryme Intrinseca signpost and this should be installed in the next four weeks.

We know that residents feel that speeding within the villages is a persistent problem and we are looking at traffic calming measures near St. Andrews school entrance and the possibility of a Speed Indicator Display that could be moved to speeding “hotspots”, the use and cost of which could possibly be shared with our neighbouring parishes.

Our survey of allotment holders is underway and we would urge all those who have plots to respond to this so that we can better plan for the future – our report on the allotments and a suggested strategy for their future use is available on the Parish Website.

We are happy to help the Scouts with improvements to the Scout Hut and voted funds for new heaters and for the protective coating to the external woodwork. We have also agreed to underwrite the cost of maintaining the St. Andrew’s Church clock and we will be increasing the yearly grant to the PPC accordingly.

The amended draft Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted by the Council and we are now working towards the community consultation of the document in September with a view to finalising and submitting the plan by the beginning of the new year – there is a separate article with fuller details on p.36 so do please make sure you read this so you know what is happening and how you can read the plan and provide us with feedback.

The end of year (2019/2020) financial statements and balances were approved and we have appointed Darkin Miller Ltd to act as our auditors.

The Council members took the opportunity to thank all those who had supported the community during the Covid restrictions. We were sorry to learn that The Flying Pig is closing as Terrie is developing a local cider farm and will be running a farm shop from there – we wish her luck.

Please do continue to stay safe and follow the social distancing guidance

David Torrance, Chairman YRIPC

Garden fawna?

Jane Wills was in her garden in Yetminster, when she spotted a very young fawn in the field next to her, which then disappeared into her neighbour’s garden. She quickly dashed into the lane and peered through the neighbour’s hedge, phone in hand and started taking photographs just as it started to walk towards her. Beautiful!

St. Andrew’s Church, Yetminster

September: season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.....and gathering swallows twitter in the sky. How fast our summer goes, and here we are on the cusp of autumn already!

The clergy have been working very hard during the long spring and summer, bringing us Zoom services and online services via Facebook/ Three Valleys Team. These will continue for those who cannot make it to church.

During July and August, we slowly opened up our services again, with very grateful thanks to all those kind neighbours who hosted the garden coffees after the services.

Our church continues to be open daily for personal prayer.

Starting in September, the new pattern of monthly services for St Andrew’s Yetminster will be as follows: 1st Sunday 10.30am HC 2nd Sunday 09.00am HC (BCP) 09.30am approx, Breakfast 10.00am Second Sunday Worship 3rd Sunday 10.30am HC 4th Sunday 10.30am HC (CW)

Of course, at the time of writing we do not know how things will be in September, so it may be a BYO Breakfast!

The Tower works continue and should take about three months. During this time the path around the tower will be closed, so please use the main north door to enter and exit the church.

Our next PCC meeting takes place on Monday 7 September via Zoom. If you have any questions for the PCC, please let me have them beforehand.

As many have noticed our churchyard has taken on a more rural aspect this year, with one of the highlights being the bug hotel above created by Celia Brayfield! Grateful thanks to Celia and to all those who mow and maintain the churchyard. We do need more volunteers to help mow the churchyard..... So please get in touch.

Looking ahead, our Harvest Thanksgiving service will take place on Sunday 11 October at 11am, followed we hope by a soup and cheese lunch in the hall. To be confirmed.

I send a round robin newsletter out each week, with church news and items of local interest, so if you would like me to add your name to the distribution list, do please contact me on churchwarden. yet@gmail.com

With my best wishes Churchwarden Clare

Yetminster Guides and Rangers

Girlguiding announced on 15 July that units would finally be able to meet face-toface outdoors over the summer months. Numbers are limited to 15 attendees (including leaders) in accordance with Government and England National Youth Agency guidance, and meetings can only take place after completion and approval of a detailed risk assessment.

Unable to attend school since March, many of our girls had not seen their friends in person for months.

Faced with the possible prospect of being back on Zoom as soon as the nights draw in, the leaders decided to run Guide and Ranger meetings throughout the summer holidays and it has been very popular with girls and parents alike! Our Guide and Ranger units were the first to restart meetings in Dorset and it has been well worth the effort of filling in the 8-page risk assessment and seeking approvals to see them all chattering and laughing together.

Finding a suitable outdoor space has not been difficult thanks to the support of our local community. We have held several meetings in the Lower Covey Forest School area in Vecklands Wood and at Chetnole playing field – many thanks to Lower Covey, the Woodland Trust and the Wriggle Valley Cricket Club for allowing us to use your facilities!

We are expecting an announcement very soon regarding a return to meeting indoors in late September, but do not yet know what precautions we will need to put in place. Before the suspension of face-to-face meetings in March, we had almost 50 members (Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers) meeting on the same evening and in the same hall over a three hour period – we may need to make changes to days and venues but, whatever happens, our Guiding Light will continue to shine in the Wriggle Valley.

We have four sections normally meeting in Yetminster every Thursday during term time. Leigh Rainbows and Brownies meet 5.45–7.00pm and Yetminster Guides and Rangers from 7.00–8.30pm. We currently have spaces in all sections and would be delighted to welcome new members – please go to www.girlguiding. org.uk and click on Information for Parents, Register your Daughter.

Angela Orton Guide and Ranger Leader

Yetminster Health Centre News

On 30 June 2020, Drs Cleaver and Fleet left the partnership to allow for a new partner to join the practice. As there will be a short period before our new partner can join us, Dr Cleaver will still be working for us providing the same level of service to our patients. This will mean ‘business as usual’ for the next few months.


As you may be aware, our branch site at 13 Fore Street, Evershot has been closed for a number of months. After careful consideration we have made the difficult decision not to reopen it. This means it will permanently close to patients on 30 September 2020.

This decision has not been one we have taken lightly. We want to ensure we are able to offer safe and accessible services to all our registered patients, both now and in the future. Unfortunately, we now feel we are unable to do this at the Evershot branch surgery, particularly in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic where we are relying more on technology to support patients.

For further information, please refer to our website https://yetminsterhc.com/

Flu Immunisation Clinics 2020

We will be holding clinics for patients registered at Yetminster Health Centre at the following times:


1st October

13th October

13th November






09.00 – 18.00

09.00 – 18.00

12.00 – 19.00


Yetminster Church Hall Yetminster Church Hall Yetminster Church Hall

Group Over 65s only Over 65s only All age groups

It is advised that all patients over the age of 65 years and those who are at risk through chronic respiratory disease, chronic renal conditions, MS, stroke, chronic heart disease, diabetes etc. and pregnant women should receive this vaccine. You can make a booking for a flu vaccination from Tuesday 15th September onwards. Please call in the afternoons only from 2pm to reserve an appointment.


Church Street Yetminster Sherborne, DT9 6LG Telephone: 0 01935 872530

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