17 minute read
REP: Michaela and Graham Plaice: gplaice@gmail.com 872921
Photo: Graham Plaice
Yahoo! I start this month’s article with a sense of cautious optimism. I have just returned from helping out at the Yetminster Fair. What a fantastic event. Well done to Brian Knight, the Fair Committee and the small army of helpers. Dog show, bouncy castle, lots of stalls, croquet, music, dance, children’s drama, classic cars, and food and drink including cream teas.
Great venue, well attended from far and wide and wonderful weather, once again thank you to the Fair team. It was also fantastic to meet many new residents of Yetminster, especially those from the new Upbury Grange housing development, welcome to you all. Church services resume in earnest with a full programme, and we are particularly looking forward to our Harvest Festival service on 17 October.
The jungle drums in the village are beating with rumours that the White Hart Pub has been sold. I believe the relevant information is commercial in confidence so watch this space.
The Old School Gallery is going from strength to strength, the new reading room is open, and events are being planned. Apologies to Sarah and team, we haven’t been customers for a while, in the diary to make more of an effort and will pop in very soon.
The refurbishment of the children’s playground at Brister End (Hamcrate) is currently firmly on the Parish Council radar, painting the equipment, replacing the dodgy matting and providing a new picnic table.
The Wriggle Valley post-box within the Gallery has been removed, if you wish to send an input to the magazine please use my email address (gplaice@gmail. com) , mail it to me or ring me on 01935 872921.
Hoping you are all having a fabulous summer, enjoying the weather and supporting village events.
Michaela and Graham Plaice
Judy and Alan enjoying a well-earned rest at the Fair
The return of Yetminster’s annual fair, after a year’s inevitable hiatus and a postponement from July due to continuing Covid constraints, was blessed with fine weather and a great turnout from the village and the surrounding area.
Breaking with recent tradition due to the safety and access problems of holding the event in the street, the fair took place on Yetminster Community Sports Ground for the first time and included many new attractions.
With lots of stalls of all kinds around the field, there was space for a display of over 30 beautifully turned-out classic
cars from all over the county and a wellattended dog show. There were plenty of activities for children provided by the PTFA and much energetic leaping about on Barfoot’s Bouncy Castle. Throughout the afternoon, Abbey 104 FM hosted musical acts and children’s drama to keep everyone entertained.
A big thank you must go to all those who worked so hard on the cake stalls and everyone who kindly baked the many delicious cakes and scones that were sold during the day. The Sports Club staff also did a great job keeping people hydrated as the day got hotter.
All the money raised by the Fair Committee is donated to local village clubs, societies and charities and the takings will go some way towards making up for last year’s missed Fair.
The event wouldn’t have been possible without the many volunteers, marshals and all the people who gave up their time to help with what turned out to be a really enjoyable Yetminster day out. Thank you to everyone who came. If you would like to help with the Fair next year, or have ideas or comments about how to improve it for the future, the Committee would love to hear from you at yetminsterfair@gmail.com.
Yetminster Fair Association 50/50 Club
1st prize of £50 No. 38 Mr D Savage 2nd prize of £30 No. 37 Mr G Goater 3rd prize of £20 No. 20 Mr D Mott
1st prize of £50 No. 58 Mr G Thomas 2nd prize of £30 No. 53 Mrs V Jones 3rd prize of £20 No. 31 Mrs J Sims
St. Andrew’s Church
September – season of mists and mellow fruitfulness.....and gathering swallows twitter in the sky. How fast our summer goes, and here we are on the cusp of autumn already.
The clergy worked hard during the spring and summer, bringing us church services, Zoom services, and recorded online services via Facebook/Three Valleys Team, which will continue for those who cannot make it to church.
Starting in October, the new pattern of monthly services for St. Andrews will be as follows:
1st Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion 2nd Sunday 10.00am Second Sunday
Praise and Worship at St. Andrew’s
School 3rd Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion 4th Sunday 10.00am Holy Communion or evening prayer
The clergy are keen to spend more time after each service with parishioners, so the new pattern of services in the Benefice will be based on 8.00am/10.00am/6.00pm, to be confirmed. Please note the church schedules are published each month in this magazine, outside the church at the gates, and on the church notice board.
Looking back: we had a terrific day in June, with the Tower open, plus teas, and raised the magnificent sum of £719 which has been donated to the Sherborne Food Bank, with thanks to Paul Hollick and our Scouts for their help. Huge thanks to all our wonderful volunteers too who worked so hard on the day!
The Tower works are now completed, and our grateful thanks go to David Gould who has overseen these with great assiduity over the last few years.
Our next PCC meeting takes place on Tuesday 7 September via Zoom. If you have any questions for the PCC, please let me have them beforehand.
Ride+Stride 2021 – on 11 September
Dorset Historic Churches Trust (DHCT) are delighted to announce plans for Ride+Stride 2021 on Saturday 11 September: please see the Yetminster Team link below, and contact Alex Mitchell for details if you wish to take part, on altrmitch@hotmail.com. All money raised goes to the DHCT, with half returned to our church. https://www.justgiving.com/team/ Yetminster2021?utm_source= Sharethis&utm_medium=team&utm_ content=Yetminster2021&utm_ campaign=pfp-email&utm_term= 4d06ca5aea76459ebfab3e0b88 e58d62
Looking ahead: our Harvest Thanksgiving service will take place on Sunday 17 October followed (we hope) by a soup and cheese lunch in the hall.
As many of you know, I send a round robin newsletter out each week, with church news and items of local interest, so if you would like me to add your name to the distribution list, do please contact me on churchwarden.yet@ gmail.com
With my best wishes
Churchwarden Clare
Marriage of Christopher Harrison and Alice Greenwood
17 July 2021, St. Andrews Church, Yetminster
Blessed with the loveliest summer’s day, about 80 people attended the wedding of Alice and Chris. A big thank you to all those made the church yard look so good and to those who cleaned the church itself. Many more thank yous to helpers who made the day such a success.
Sara Greenwood
Friday 10 September 6.30pm Followed by Harvest Supper 7.30pm Westhayes Farm, Caundle Marsh All are welcome Tickets: Adults £10.00 children 5 and over £5 under 5 free of charge Ring for Harvest Supper tickets: 01963 23712
Tuesday 7 September
Jubilee Hall. Doors Open: 7.00pm Tickets: £6.00 – from the Spar Shop, Yetminster Nomadland
A stellar performance by Frances McDormand as a modern-day nomad exploring a life outside conventional society in America. A compassionate, questioning film about the American soul. Spectacular cinematography which showcases both the splendour and the squalor of present day America. Winner of three Oscars. Not to be missed.
Email: judygallimore61@gmail.com
Yetminster and Ryme Walking Group
On 25 July we had lovely Sunday afternoon walk, starting outside the pub, over the top of the quarry to Caswell Farm, along the road to Woodville Lane, across to Winterhayes, then following the railway line back up the village. A few new walkers joined us plus our regulars. Everyone is welcome. Lots of chat and a chance to meet people who live in and around the Parishes.
The next few walks will be starting at the sports ground, walks being on the eastern side of the village. Sunday 12 September 2.30pm Sunday 26 September 11.00am
NE yetminster
360500 361000 361500 362000
© Dorset Council 2020. Contains public sector information licensed under OGL v3.0 2020. The Rights of Way depicted on this plan show the approximate routes only. For any legal purpose please refer to the Definitive Map. This is kept at County Hall and can be viewed by appointment during office hours., ©, Crown copyright [and database rights] 2020 OS LA0100060963. Use of this data is subject to terms and conditions. This map 362500
Centre Easting: 361051.37 Centre Northing: 111361.72 Zoom: 3094.3m (15)
Date: 21/05/2020
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Jane, Daf, Sara and Linda
Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
Chairman’s Notes – July and August Meetings
The last few months have seen several changes in membership of the Parish Council. We are delighted to welcome Charlotte Blocke as our new Clerk and Finance Officer. Charlotte has worked in administration with the NHS as well as in project management and carrying our accountancy duties for a few private companies. We would like to thank David Torrance and Barry Smallcalder for stepping in during the interim period and for ensuring that we met the requirements of our financial audit. We would also like to thank Councillors Geoff Goater and Sue Footner for their commitment over a number of years, with both having regrettably resigned. We are pleased to welcome Toby Hartwell to the Parish Council and as a member of the Planning Committee and footpaths officer.
It was noted that the auditor had recognised the improvements made since the previous audit and the group felt that the majority of the identified failures were clerical or general mistakes. The Finance Working Group has introduced quarterly reconciliations so that problems can be identified earlier and will also conduct a mid-term, a decision which enabled the auditor to include a positive note and hopefully allay any concerns raised by the external auditor.
You will be aware that we have been working with the Highways Department on several issues. We have been informed that the Place and Resources Overview Committee considered a report on the Council’s approach to 20mph speed limit in urban areas and village streets and will now develop the initial draft guidance on the principles and criteria for 20mph limits. We have also reminded them of the outstanding remedial measures that they had pledged to undertake. Our Speedwatch volunteers have now been trained and will be undertaking patrols soon. We are still looking for volunteers to join the group.
As part of the county’s drive to increase the number of electric car charging points, we have recommended that the Jubilee Hall and Sports Club be considered as suitable sites.
Following the withdrawal of the Tesco bus service, and the announcement of a reduction in the rail service, there is growing concern at the lack of public transport within the village. It is suggested that the Wriggle Valley Transport Group be re-established to represent the needs of the community in any future rural transport initiative. This group contributes to the Dorset Council Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) which can, in turn, feed into the National Bus Strategy – Bus Back Better (see Other News)
The Hamcrate Working Group met to consider the request to renew and amend the lease for the Sports Club and the associated playing field. It was decided to extend the lease by three months pending the production of a business plan and further discussion on amendments to the terms of the lease.
The Parish Council will be working with the churches in the planning of the Remembrance Day service on 11 November. We will be applying for a road closure and residents should be aware that Church Street will be closed from about 10.45–11.15am on that day.
Andy Perlejewski
Hamcrate Play Area
Please note the equipment at the Hamcrate Play Area is due to be painted shortly and it will be closed for two or three days. Additionally, the Parish Council is to ask for several roads in Yetminster to be cleaned and access will be required.
Please look for dates on the village Facebook page and the Parish website.
Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan
Formal submission to the Planning Authority
The YRIPC NP Working Group are pleased to confirm that the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan, having been approved and adopted by the Parish Council, was formally submitted to the Planning Authority on Thursday 22 July.
Dorset Council will now arrange for the Plan to be reviewed by independent examination and this process will start on the 19 August. The appointed examiner may seek clarification on some of the proposals and it may be necessary to hold a hearing to seek the views of residents. Assuming it is approved by the examiner, Dorset will arrange a referendum to enable the community to vote on the Plan. If this is successful, it will be adopted by Dorset Council and will form part of the criteria within the Local Plan for Dorset.
This is a major milestone to have reached and the Parish Council is grateful to all those who have contributed to the process in one way or another.
Thank you to those residents who have submitted ideas and suggestions on how we can use the monies from the Community Infrastructure Levy generated from the Folly Farm development. We now have a total of ten possible projects –• Extension to the allotments – additional space initially dedicated for the use of
Folly Farm residents • Improvements to the Hamcrate Play
Area – improvements building on the
Community/PC initiative • Resurfacing of the allotment car park – resurfacing to make the parking area safer and better able to cope with increased use • Broadband capacity increase – the addition of increased superfast broad band capacity at the Open Reach fibre cabinet • Road safety improvements on the
Thornford Road – introduction of controlled lights limiting speed to 20mph at school opening and closing times. • Exercise track around Hamcrate playing fields – installation of an exercise track around the edge of the playing fields, including a BMX trail. • Rights of way improvements – refurbishment of stiles/gates on identified footpaths • Extension to Scraps Way – extension to the existing footway from Ryme
Intrinseca (dependent on landowner’s co-operation) • Access for all – mobility improvements to the Yetminster High Street pavements to enable safe access to the shop, gallery, White Hart, Jubilee Hall, church and health centre • Village maps – provision of two “3D” maps showing Yetminster village and the amenities available The projects should ideally help to offset the potential demands that will be placed on the “infrastructure” of the parish by the new development, but we are allowed a degree of flexibility in how this is interpreted.
It is recognised that the cost of the ten projects is likely to exceed the funding that has been provided and some may have to be curtailed or severely trimmed down once we know their actual costs.
If you have an idea for an initiative, please let us know using the contact form on the Parish Website (www. yetminsterparishes.gov.uk) as we continue to be open to new ideas.
YRIPC CIL Working Group
1st Yetminster Scout Group
We are still looking for adult volunteers (18+) who would like to assist with our cub and scout sections. Our Cubs meet on a Wednesday and Scouts on a Thursday evening. Please contact me by email or mobile.
We are still collecting for Food Bank and any donations. Please arrange any drop off via 07815 135602.
Paul Hollick
Groups Scout Leader Gsl.1styetminster@gmail.com 07815 135602
Twist or bust
At first thought, a visit to a restored 19th Century twine works might be regarded as one for the nerds. Definitely not, judging from our tour of Dawe’s Twine Works at West Coker. The fine summer weather, the open-sided buildings, and the guides taking us in small groups meant we all kept well within the Covid guidelines in force at the time, while getting a fascinating tour.
The works came into their own supplying twine to stitch together sailcloth for the Royal Navy and the merchant marine in the 18th and 19th Centuries. How was it that such a successful business could be set up and thrive so far from the sea? Firstly, despite the lack of salt water (!), the area of west Dorset and south Somerset is abundant in springs providing a great supply of fresh water. The stratum of soil, known as Yeovil Sands, is conducive to the growth of hemp and flax – basic requirements for twine and sailcloth respectively. The “sands” stretch all the way to Bridport, hence the sail cloth industry expanding 25-30 miles inland from the sea.
Consider the prime customer, the Royal Navy. HMS Victory was equipped with 37 sails and carried 17 spares. The smallest sail required 1.25 miles of twine and the working life of a sail was eight months. Multiply this by the number of ships, add the requirements of commercial shipping, and it is not difficult to see why there were so many twine/rope making and sail making factories in the area, why they were so interlinked, and why it was such a profitable and long-lasting industry.
As sailing ships were superseded by steam and oil, the businesses declined
and twine makers found new markets for their products. John Dawe took over the works in 1877 and developed ‘rope walks’ and other buildings, eventually installing motors to drive the twisting processes in 1899. The business continued until 1968 when the works were shut down.
The place remained unused until 1996 when various parties came together to repair and preserve the works. It took nearly another 20 years for organisations such as local authorities, trusts, government bodies, societies and the Lottery Fund to bring it all together. Lots of ingenuity was needed too, e.g. a near matching original diesel engine to drive the machinery, found in Scotland and transported to West Coker, and a starting system powered by the casing of an old WW1 torpedo.
We finished up with tea and cake al fresco. Another good visit. Congratulations and thanks to the organisers.
New members are always welcome. Come along or contact us at yetminster8@gmail.com.
John Ferretter
Yetminster History Society
Wednesday 8September at 2.30pm AGM followed by Robin Miller on the Battle of Jutland
New to the village? Interested in local and general history? We will be holding meetings again in the Jubilee Hall. Come along and join – £7.50 annual membership attend as a guest – £2 per presentation.
See more about us on the Parish website at https://yetminsterparishes.gov.uk/a-z/the-hundred-of-yetminster-history-society/