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Overview of Company Initiatives
Safety is our number one value. Our employees are trained on a consistent basis to ensure the best safety practices are in place and mitigate any potential risks or hazards. Internal protocols are routinely reviewed and updated by our Risk and Safety Departments to ensure the latest trainings and protocols are followed to ensure our employees can get home safely each and every night. Our employees follow the Brother’s and Sister’s Keeper motto, striving to achieve zero OSHA recordable incidents.
Employee Well-being
Our employees create a rich work environment. Our family culture is what makes WSC unique and attractive to the next generation of the workforce. This includes a safe, enjoyable, diverse environment that offers opportunity for professional growth within. As competition for talent grows, WSC is committed to offering an attractive workplace to retain and foster talent through our family of companies at all levels. WSC is proud to be employee owned since 2002, and 100% employee-owned since 2006. Continued training, education and development, and our employees’ well-being are top of mind.
Environmental Sustainability
As a family of companies who are in the environmental services industry, we strive to protect and preserve all ecosystems. We continue to reduce our footprints and promote carbon positive practices at our offices and in the communities we serve. The Wright Service Corp. North American headquarters based out of West Des Moines, Iowa, began a remodel phase in 2020 with environmental sustainability and economic sustainability in mind. 2020 posed many challenges; however, also posed an opportunity with many working from home to remodel the existing buildings on the headquarters’ campus to accommodate the growing amount of support staff while also providing the infrastructure needed for the flexibility with the newly enacted Work From Home Policy.
Community Engagement
Wright Service Corp. supports activities that benefit our employees and add value to the communities where we live and work. Through monetary and in-kind donations such as labor or education, we’re able to support various causes and organizations that align with our values. We take pride in building and developing relationships with our employees, clients and communities.
‒ 5,277 Employees
‒ 2.75 Aggregated Incident Rate
‒ Launched Culture Club
‒ Demo Day/Remodel Teaser
‒ 2020 Share Price increased 76.6%
‒ Launched the Wright Foundation for Sustainability and Innovation
‒ 24 Headquarter Update Broadcasts