Technology & Innovation
When you pair innovative and high-quality software like FieldNote with a team committed to service and support at every level, you receive transformational business solutions, and most importantly, results. And we believe that getting started with new software doesn’t have to be a long and stressful process. FieldNote makes it simple to analyze data and generate reports from the field and, with the push of a button, all the data collected is available for all users to see and analyze simultaneously.
Built for a variety of industries, FieldNote is a geospatial data collection software, trusted throughout the industry – and it’s anything but off the shelf. FieldNote was designed to be easily incorporated into existing systems. We believe you shouldn’t have to change the effective parts of your program to use our software.
• Create Forms
• Input and Collect Data
• Build Inspections/Audits
• Map and Track Assets
• Track Crew Productivity
• GIS Mapping
• Route to New Jobs
• Assign and Share Work
• Generate Reports and Timesheets
• Create Workspaces
• Organize Workgroups
• Build Your Own Forms
• Integrate Existing GIS Layers
• Make and Export Intuitive Reports
FieldNote® Support
What sets us apart can be summarized by our incomparable support services from a team committed to delivering on our promise of high-quality, reliable software. Eocene sees our clients as partners, and when we embark on a partnership, we’ll walk you and your team through FieldNote’s onset, integration and launch – and every step in between.
To learn more about how we can partner with your company to meet your unique technological needs, contact us today. Our team is ready to find out how we can help!