Carnival of the Animals BookCreator

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Carnival of the Animals. Using the iPad for Grade 1 PYP Music Lessons.

Made by 'Toothy Buddies' these three apps combine storytelling and music listening for Grade 1 PYP Music.

Using these in the classroom combines visual 'graphic scoring' with Pitch and Rhythm concepts.

Texture and Structure can be modelled as students copy the moving shapes with their bodies in dance or with their voices.

Advanced concepts like Simple Triple or Ternary Form are clearly outlined with variations cleverly marked out using animal pictures.

But what will this actually look like in the classroom? What activities can be used with the following?

Each animal of the 'Carnival' gets a sound teacher exposition of what to focus on.

Drawing the Pitch in the air or make your own Aquarium pitch picture!

Or have the students move to mimic the melodic shapes as they appear.

Clear Rhythm and Structure animations.

Or create a circle game in the classroom where students dance and sing to the Lion!

Scales & Pitch Contour. Don't forget to use movement to help them demonstrate their understanding!

More great PYP Music applications! Visit wrightstu for more lesson ideas.

Made with Book Creator App.

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