123 Essay

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English 123 is a requirement for almost all majors, including mine. To meet this requirement, I was given a choice a take English Composition CLEP and English 123. I decided to take this course with the hope to improve my writing and critical thinking skills. Even though it was hard to take an English class on deployment, I am very glad that I took it. My time is well spent on this course. Among many things, I learned out of this course, here are a three outcome that is worth mentioning. First, responding orally and in writing to evaluate, analyze, and critically assess the ideas and meaning of diverse texts. Second, making appropriate rhetorical decisions to achieve the purpose of a written work, based on an understanding of ethical issues and underlying assumptions and values in the argument. Third, demonstrating understanding of the interdependent relationship of reading, writing, and thinking and reflect on their thinking as part of a larger community of thinkers.

I learned how to respond orally and in writing to evaluate, analyze, and critically assess the ideas and meaning of diverse texts by composing summary and strong response, and exploratory research paper. Summary and strong response paper taught me how to be firm and fair way to thinking. This is very useful at work. I can use this to improve my...show more content...

Two–description paper mostly confused me at first. Then I referenced my work to the textbook realized what I was doing wrong.

Two–description paper taught me how to write interesting and storytelling introductions. The informative and surprisingessay was very useful in learning to present an idea. It will come hand at work. It was also learning process for me to research an interesting

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Essay On English 123

My Experience For My Academic Experience

SERVICE EXPERIENCE On the surface, making the world a better place is an intimidating and overwhelming task. Social service, volunteerism, and community engagement have shaped my undergraduate career and continue to guide my graduate and professional aspirations. While I highly value my academic experience, I have found my extracurricular involvement opportunities to be invaluable in solidifying the importance of small steps to incite large scale change. On campus, I have found leadership roles on the executive board of the suicide prevention student organization, Ask.Listen.Save., as the outreach coordinator and president as well as an intern with our affiliate, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, I have gained professional and life skills such as organization, delegation, and teamwork through planning and leading meetings and overseeing the executive board. Through events on campus and talking with people one on one, I have had the opportunity to help members of the campus community to feel safe talking about their struggles and reaching out for help. During my time with this organization I have come to realize the impact of simply being there to listen to somebody who is having a tough time. I accept that I cannot fix somebody's problems, but I can be there as an effective support. Off campus, I have found further opportunities in different forms of crisis work. I have volunteered with the Dane County Rape Crisis Center as well as Domestic Abuse

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Nelson Mandela once stated, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Arizona understands how powerful and important education is which is why they are going to correct their way by fixing their public education funding. They plan to do this by passing Proposition 123. Proposition 123 is a ballot that will settle a years–long lawsuit, and provide money that Arizona's K–12 public schools will have access to without raising taxes. There are those who are hesitant about it and are voting no. However, I believe this is a fantastic idea because this is a stepping stone to a better funding, teachers deserve better pay and resources are extremely important when it comes to learning.Knowing Arizona is ranked 49th out of 51 states per pupil in K–12 spending you would...show more content...

Voting Yes is the first step to getting better funding for publiceducation, it is estimated that this will improve opportunities for educational success for one million students in Arizona schools. Vote no advocates may have expressed their concerns about the next funding and the trust fund and in the process spooked some voters but the Vote Yes advocates are already addressing their concerns.The Joint Legislative Budget Committee reports that the trust is expected to grow by $1.2 billion over the next 10 years and Children's Action Alliance are already collaborating with others to find the next step for funding public schools. Prop. 123 is what Arizona's public education desperately needs, we need to stand together and make the change we want to see. Make sure to vote before May 17th, the future of educational funding is depending on your vote. "Unity is strength.. When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved" (Mattie

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Persuasive Essay On Proposition 123

Sharon Hays argues that welfare reform policymakers were legislating moral prescriptions for women in poverty who were to take on Welfare aid. I think it could be argued that moral prescriptions on the lives of Welfare recipients was purposeful. Politicians felt Welfare needed to change and help recipients become more self–sufficient over time. This would save money as time went on but would also be a measure of success if less people were on Welfareas time went on. To make Welfare more temporary, inefficiencies had to be addressed and solved. Welfare legislators decided to put the inefficiencies and prescriptions on the recipients themselves and not take into account any other barriers that could be preventing poor individuals and...show more content...

It rarely goes to the actual mothers involved in the Welfare case and alienates fathers from taking care of their children. (Parks, 2013) This focus on finding and maintaining relationships with fathers is problematic because some women realistically do not want relationships with the fathers of their children. The father may have been abusive to the mother or the children but that is not taken into account. The only thing that matters is that the typical family values are reinforced in the Family Plan. (Hays, 77) The Work Plan would work at getting people out of poverty if jobs paid a minimum living wage but most did not then in the 1990s and most do not now in 2013. (Hays, 236) A lot of people who are poor do work and that just is not enough for people to survive on their own and take care of their families. The Welfare system also forces people not working to have to get 40 job applications in 30 days. (Hays, 52) That can be quite a gargantuan task for a person who has family responsibilities but those are not taken into account. A similar problem is the idea ofworkfare. Workfare is forced unpaid work for experience but does not stop if you find a job while on workfare. (Hays, 40) This obviously takes away time from family but work experience is the most important moral value. The moral prescription of work as the best means of getting oneself out of poverty also does not take into

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Essay on Flat Broke with
Children by Sharon Hays

Polyphonic Spree Quotes

The Polyphonic Spree once said; "Just follow the day and reach for the sun". In other words, they encourage us to follow our dreams and reach for the stars". This applies to my life because I always try to reach for what my goal but never reach that goal. Some of the goals that i have are trying to get good grades, get into a good school. We marvel as people reach for the tip of that mountain and they will seemingly go far in life. In the big world, truly successful people probably followed the quote that The Polyphonic Spree said. This quote inspires us to reach for what to do with your life and follow it until you reach that goal.

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John Holland's Theory Of Six Personality Theory



According to John Holland, PH.D., a psychologist who devoted his entire professional life to researching issues related to career choice and also a professor emeritus at Johns Hopkins University, if you can match your job personality type and your work environment; you can improve your success and satisfaction. To put it simply from a job personality standpoint is just like the idea of "birds of the same feather, flock together," we just need to replace the variable "bird" with "people;" and that people with the same personality type tend to enjoy working with each other. For example, a sociable person enjoys working with other sociable people. Same personality type tends to create a work environment that rewards thinking and behaving like that type. For example, an artistic environment rewards creative expression. Result?

When you are in an environment that supports your job personality, you act and feel more effective. Job personality types are really just lenses on behavior. When it comes to careerpsychology, Holland's model is still one of the most respected theories that help...show more content... It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling. There are three key components to Bandura's social learning theory (Abbott, n.d.) observational learning, imitation, and behavior modeling (Bruner, 1990; Wood, Bruner, & Ross, 1976). Bandura's social learning theory is based on the idea that observational learning involves the fact that humans often cannot learn for themselves. The learner has the power to influence their learning in new situations by controlling the surrounding environment – whether that environment is imposed, selected or constructed (Bandura 1999). (Hathaway, Muse, & Althoff, 2007, p.

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For the 123 Test, my results showed that my openness to experience is low, my conscientiousness is very low, my extraversion is very low, my agreeableness is high, and my natural reactions are very high. The descriptions given to me included down–to–earth, spontaneous, reserved, compassionate, and prone to worry. I think that the test describes me pretty well, however I feel that my score on conscientiousness should have at least been in the mid range. I also think that the test is valid and tests what it is supposed to. I don't think the test is reliable in the sense that a person can choose whatever choice they want. I also think that sometimes a person may make different choices, especially on questions that were harder for the test taker to answer.

My score on the Psychology Today test gave me a 47 on a scale of 100 for my success orientation....show more content...

I feel that these scores pretty much match how I actually am. I think I am a bit more organized than the test concluded but the other results were pretty accurate. I think that the test is valid in what it wanted to test, however like the other tests, I think that the reliability is low because sometimes people's answers can change on a day–to–day basis for some of the questions. I think that the three tests supported some of the thoughts that I already had about my personality. The 123 Test and the Big Five test were pretty accurate, however I did not agree with the description given for the Psychology Today test. I think that the test was not beneficial because it gave a score that was only based on scoring above or below the 50th percentile. That means that scores like mine that were at 47 were not as accurate to my actual personality as they could

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123 Test Reflection

My Academic Experience

Week 9: My Academic Experience

Fatimah M. Myers


April 13, 2013

University of Phoenix

Instructor – Annette Kubalanza

Outline – My Academic Experience

1. The Value of Completing a Degree in Higher Education

2. Plans for My Academic and Career Future

3. Reflections of Topics in Class A. Time and StressManagement B. University Resources C. Critical Thinking

THE VALUE OF COMPLETING A DEGREE INHIGHER EDUCATIONAmerican society values higher education. College provides many opportunities for developing a variety of social networks, both formal and informal. Obtaining a college degree will be such a valuable and...show more content...

Having a Bachelor's, in addition to my years of experience, makes me eligible to be promoted to an Operations Manager, or a Director at my current job. I can also be a Billing Manager at a hospital. All of which are careers I am interested in. The final plan in my academic future is to earn my Master's Degree in Social Work. After completion of my Master's, I can pursue the career of my dreams, a Hospice Social Worker.


I have learned so much in this class to prepare me for a successful college experience. There were some topics that caught my attention more than others. Such as, time and stress management, University resources, and critical thinking.

Time and Stress Management

How I manage time is a reflection of what I value. Managing my time corresponds to how successful I will be in college and throughout life. Knowing and setting priorities to meet goals, carrying out plans, taking control of time, and staying focused are some events that are involved with time management. For many of us, balancing school with work and family is the greatest challenge involved with prioritizing. Good advance planning will help in meeting these challenges. Staying focused is usually difficult, especially for first–year students. Staying focused entails remembering and dedicating to the most important purpose for being in college. Sacrificing unnecessary commitments and keeping my

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Black Power Movement: The Black Panthers

On October 15th, 1966, in Oakland, California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded The Black Panther Party. It was initially called The Black Panther Party of Self Defence, as its founders strongly believed that this black power movement was a vehicle by which the black race could exercise racial dignity and self–reliance.

At first, the movement's major goal was to protect and defend the vulnerable African Americanneighbourhoods from those recognized as enemies. However, during the course of its time, the Panthers developed a militant, communist mentality, encouraging the African American communities to arm themselves.

They came out strongly against the numerous issues they faced as a people, demanding the release of jailed African Americans,

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The ideal society for many of us is a place in which mutual respect exists for all. A place where despite our different perspective and beliefs we can come together and coexist in peace. This ideology is called cosmopolitanism. The idea of a cosmopolitan society has been around for thousands of years, it has created controversial arguments on whether its principles could benefit our community by helping us achieve a deeper level of understanding towards one another. Throughout the world, there are disputes because of our different perspectives and values. What if we could mitigate conflicts by integrating cosmopolitanism into our daily lives? In Appiah's text, Making Conversation, he contributes fundamental ideas that could help society achieve and understand the notion of cosmopolitanism. Many cultures hold beliefs contrary to ours. In many cases, these practices can be taboo to us but acceptable to others. Cosmopolitanism is the solution to our conflicts that stem from a disparate set of views of how things should occur. Applying the notion of cosmopolitanism can aid us in our quest to understand and respect others, take into account our differences, and remain open–minded to the diverse ways of living life.

In, Making Conversations, Appiah explains that in the past, our population was much smaller than what it is today. The immense strain on methods of communication hindered our ability to further interact with others. However, this is no longer the case in our

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Cosmopolitanism Essay

Throughout colonial time there were many beliefs, movements, and conquests that happened within many countries. One of them in which was the spiritual conquest of the Spanish and the Portuguese. This spiritual conquest would undoubtedly be carried over to the Americas. Due to religion being very important to both the Europeans and the Natives this lead to a conflict that cause fights, missions, and resistances to increase. After watching the documentary, "When the Moors Ruled Europe", it was made clear that the Spanish informed everyone that was within theSpain 's domain of influence that if a person was not part of the Catholic religion they were to be harshly punished and even sometimes fatally. The documentary mentioned that in 1526 there

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My Teenage Years

My teenage years were a rollercoaster. For the most part, I had a lot of growing up to do and to figure out my future ahead of me. Like most teenagers, I was mainly focused on my own difficulties and great moments. Many times, I found myself in complicated situations ashamed to talk about. This course and textbook, Adolescent psychology, allowed me to reflect on my teenage year. There are better ways to explain the aspects in my younger years. I will be going over my family, friends and even myself to analyze my adolescent years. There were more supportive answers to explain a few of my teenage years. As well as, issues most teenagers have gone through. There are also explanations on relations with family and friends playing a role through my youth. The importance and impact it can have on young adults. There always growth and development going throughout our lives.

I think the unusual part was my parent's relationship. They were not together but lived together. This often threw off relations with each other. My dad at moved out but then moved back in because of immigration. This brought my parents back together once they figured out the legal orders. Yet, a year went by and the relationship did not seem to work out. At the time I thought it would be best if my parents would separate. I grew frustrated my mom would use the excuse that they were together because of us. Honestly, that hurt me more than wanting them to stay together. If they were not happy together what's the point of having them together? I told my parents at one point they did not have to do it for us. I remember my brother crying but of the idea of my father moving away rather than them not being together. In the textbook, there are advantages of them staying together because of economically reasons (287). But my father had his own problems that dragged us down. There were more pros to my parents divorcing right away then trying to stay together. If it is economic reason is why most people stayed my mother used because of the children for financial reasoning and not the emotional toll on us. I believe the unusual part was the lack of family attention. My relationship with my family was complicated. My father was rarely in my teenage

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The main character in the film Black Swan, twenty–eight year old female Nina Sayers, displays signs of numerous disorders through her abnormal behavior. Nina's life is consumed by her occupation: professional ballerina/dancer. Nina resides with her mother and rarely socializes with others. She has difficulty concentrating, is restless, irritable, suffers from muscle tension, and sleep disturbances from nightmares. Nina also feels very uncomfortable in social and intimate situations. She appears to be unable to successfully interact with those around her. The interaction that Nina has with her fellow dancers appears to be strained and superficial. Nina exhibits behavior that indicates she views all other dancers as competition instead of...show more content...

Nina's sub–personality seems to be the complete opposite of Nina herself. The sub–personality displays confidence, lustfulness, and deceitfulness. She has also attempted to hurt Nina through self–mutilating while in control.

Nina is also having many hallucinations, besides seeing her sub–personality, she has seen feathers growing out of her skin, her legs crack/bend, and drawings of herself moving and taunting her.Schizophrenia seems to be the conclusion from these symptoms. Nina also is extremely paranoid about others around her and has had hallucinations regarding their betrayal of her. She is delusional in her beliefs of another ballerina trying to sabotage her and take her role in the performance of Black Swan. A delusion is a strange false belief firmly held despite evidence to the contrary (Comer, 2011).

Nina has stolen many items from another dancer in her company, Beth, who she idolizes. This is a form of kleptomania; the impulsive need to steal even though often times they have more than enough money to pay for the things that they steal (Comer, 2011). This is a projection of Nina's id impulses; she believes that if she takes these items from Beth then she might be like her.

Following the DSM–IT–TR (2011), I have concluded the following diagnosis for Nina Sayers:

Axis I: Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Axis II: Paranoid Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Get more content

Essay about Black Swan



This essay contains the experience of my journey from college life to university life. There are real life experiences such as mistakes, learning, religion, endurance, emotions, timing, decision making, traveling and environment. I have experienced a lot of new things and learned that will be helpful for me in my journey throughout life.

"Get up man! You are getting late! " this line is heard out of every room, when you are a hostel lite. You are on your own throughout theuniversity life experience. Every step that you take is full of new challenges and unexpected results, for example, if I get up late just because of laziness, I will miss the bus going to the university, then I will reach late in class, miss something in the lecture. But the man...show more content... Secondly, the teaching faculty is skillful, helping and encouraging towards the students. As compared to other universities, our teaching staff is much better and anyone who is keen to learn can go to any teacher and ask for help. Third, I when I was coming to the university, I thought there would one day for orientation and from the next days, we will start our studies but I was actually pleased to see that there was a whole week for orientation. We visited our whole college and were introduced to the faculty, moreover, there were many new activities that we performed and many of them had some home taking fruits of thought. We had discussion with a faculty member on the merits of the university and personally, that was the realeducation, we were getting and even now there are some times when I sit with many of the faculty members and discuss different topics to get some wisdom and try my level best implement it on my personal

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From College Life
University Life
My Journey

Living with a mental illness can be hard, but it is even harder if there isn't any access to the proper treatment needed in order to get better. It could result with the person committing a crime and ending up behind bars. The severity of a mental illness the may have ranges. Many people who suffer from one can be a danger to themselves or to those around them. It is up to a mental health professional or an officer to ensure that they receive the help that they need. In order to do so, they should place those with a mental illness in a mental health facility. There are many people who are arrested due to their actions which may look incriminating, but it is a result of the illness they may possess. When the person is arrested and taken into custody, gets background checked and it is seen that they have a medical record that states they have some sort of mental illness the officers should take them to a mental health hospital instead of taking them to jail or prison. By placing them in a jail or prison it will make their mental illness worse due to the trauma they will experience while they stay there. As where if they are taken to a mental hospital it increases their chances of getting better and not getting arrested again. The people whom have a mental health issue and choose not to go and seek treatment put their life in danger as well as with the people they are surrounded with. In an article called "Involuntary Commitment of People with Mental Illness: Should states

Persuasive Essay On Mental Illness
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While doing my Capstone project I realized that I am too broad with my research. I tend to think really big which in most cases is not a bad thing, but when doing projects such as the Capstone project I need to focus on facts more closely related to my topic.

My teacher gave me a helpful analogy for researching; "Make a bullseye in the middle put need to know. In the second ring put nice to know. In the outermost ring put good to know."

This analogy will really help me, and is really helping me be more specific with my research. Which will help get me better grades, and more from future projects.

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A Capstone Research Paper
Capstone Essay~ by Sophia Plourde 8A 5/26/16


Case Analysis– Cymbalta

The University of Maryland University College

Introduction: The Problem

At Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly), patent expiration is part of everyday business. However, Prozac, Lilly's flagship product and market leader in the most popular class of pharmaceuticals used to treat depression – the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) was definitely a cause for concern (Ofek & Laufner, p.1). Patent expiration meant that generics would flood the market and Prozac's current $2 billion in annual sales would create a huge revenue gap (Ofek & Laufner, p.1). Although management at Lilly was actively seeking a successor to Prozac the road to pharmaceutical breakthroughs is...show more content...

This analysis, termed as SWOT analysis and defined by Kotler & Keller (2009) as "the overall evaluation of a business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats," of Lilly is as follows:

|Strengths |Weaknesses |

|High revenue/profitability.

|High market share.

|Perceived primarily as "the Prozac (antidepressant) company" although |

|it has other highly profitable ventures in other pharmaceutical drug |

|High customer satisfaction. |market segments. |

|Financially and intellectually gifted marketing & R&D departments. |Too large a segment of the annual revenue is dependent on its SSRI |

|Long established innovator in the pharmaceutical drug industry. |Prozac. |

|Market innovator in the most profitable SSRI antidepressant market |Not enough resources are allocated to market its other profitable |

|segment. |ventures to reduce reliance on Prozac. |

| |Difficulty in creating and marketing innovative

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How Social Class Influences Empathic Accuracy

Article Critique

Shirly Dorilas

Carlos Albizu University Introduction

"Social Class, Contextualism, and Empathic Accuracy" by

The main aim of the paper was to examine how social class influences empathic accuracy. This aim is important as it will help to uncover the psychological processes that inspire the various life circumstances of lower–and upper– class individuals. In addition, social class such as socioeconomic status or SES pervades social life, in which it can determine the participation within social institutions, influence preference for cultural and artistic symbols, and increase susceptibility to mood and health–related issues. It would be important to understand how...show more content...

Studies have found that social class is measured by the indicators of material wealth, occupational prestige or educational achievement. Due to this signaling process, an individual may develop subjective perceptions of his or her rank in the social hierarchy. Additionally, research suggests lower class individuals' life outcome is often times more dependent on external forces in the social context than upper–class individuals. Furthermore, research noted empathic accuracy tends to increase with more interdependence and may be an important predictor of relationship results and social adjustment. The author asserts that research studies supporting these theoretic arguments are suggestive but limited as they have not addressed how class–based perceptual tendencies may have pronounced effects on emotional processes. The current study was conducted in three different experiments. First, participants were tested on whether or not lower social class is related to an elevated empathic accuracy. In the second experiment, researchers tested whether or not social class predicts accuracy in judging emotions during interaction. In addition, researchers examined whether or not a more pronounced focus on the context explains the relationship between social class and empathic accuracy.

Subsequently, researchers used SES of participants to measure social class. In the third experiment, researchers manipulated

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The career in which I am most interested in the textile industry is that of the fashion designer. A fashion designer is the person who comes up with the ideas and designs today, for the clothes that we, the consumers, will be wearing tomorrow. This alone, the power to inspire the world of fashion , would be enough to make me want to become a designer, but designing clothes is also a way of expressing yourself. Each designer is unique and thus the clothes that each create are just as unique. Although the job of a fashion designer may seem easy, there are many abilities involved in the job. Some of these abilities, which I posses, include a love for fashion, understanding of color and combinations of color, and the ability to...show more content... Benefits vary with employers. Designers often negotiate their salaries and benefits individually with employers. Some firms provide vacation and group health insurance plans. Self employed designers must supply themselves with their own insurance, but it also means that their schedule is very flexible and allows them to take time off to travel for business or pleasure at any time which is convenient to them.


Basement Couture

In a Ladbroke Grove basement studio flat, I sit down with designer Francesca Marotta. This is couture heaven, W11 style.

Francesca says she always knew she wanted to be a fashion designer. "When I was 4 I said to my Mum, 'I am going to work in fashion'." By the age of 10 Francesca was whipping out the family Singer to run–up dolls' clothes. "I remember when my Mum used to go shopping, I would open up the sewing machine and make clothes for my sister's dolls, and then when I heard the car come back I would quickly put the sewing machine away again."

Life As a Fashion Designer.

After studying at university in Belgium (her family relocated to Belgium, leaving Sicily when she was 5) Francesca moved to London to study for a BTEC National Diploma at The London College of Fashion. She never completed the course. "They never liked my style," she explains. "The London College of Fashion is very good for technique, but at the time they weren't broadminded, they weren't like St Martin's –

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