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Definition Essay Friendship

The word friendship is determined in many different ways. Webster's Dictionary defines friendship as a friendly relation, or attachment, to a person, or between persons. In order to have a friendship, a friend is needed. A friend is described as a person who has a strong liking for and trust in another. As there are many definitions for the wordfriendship, everyone has their own personal definition of what a real friendship is. My personal definition of friendship is someone who will be there no matter what the circumstances are. Also, a real friendship should have no judgment, trust, and equal effort. I would define a friend as someone who is loyal, dependable, and always there in a time of need. However, friendship differs between people. For example, the friendship between someone and their parents would be different with someone their own age. A friendship can exist between best friends, friends, acquaintances, lovers, children, parents, siblings, and much more. However, all of these types of friendships are different. One type of friendship is an acquaintance. This is the beginning of most friendships....show more content... They do not necessarily have a best friend or an acquaintance, they just have a friend. A friend should accept all flaws, faults, and mistakes. A friend is someone who understands our past. Also, they are someone who has a positive impact in our life. A friendship is a faithful and loyal relationship between two or more people. Friends have an intimate relationship that can last forever. Friendship is not limited by sex, age, or where a person lives. Friendship can develop between people that have the same interests and passions. No one of us has completed and satisfied life if we lack a good friendship. Everyone needs a friend to share good and bad events with. Friends are there to enjoy happy moments and share unbearable times. Friendship is one of the most valuable relationships a person can have in

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A Definition of a Friend

Friendship is not simply a "relationship", knowing someone, conversing with that person, or dealing with that person in business, school, or in casual acquaintance. True friendship is not just a "relationship", but self–sacrificing love. A friend is also one who supports, sympathizes, and is a person in whom you can confide. There are unique qualities that a person must have to be considered a friend.

An acquaintance is not automatically considered a friend. Just because you know someone does not mean there is an instant friendship.This does not mean that an acquaintance cannot change into a valued friendship. There are qualities that a friend must have, but time is also a factor. A friendship can...show more content... Friends should support each other at all times. In anything friends do, they should respect each other's opinions and support each other. Not only must friends be supportive of one another, there should also be a sympathetic tone when needed. Friends should not only listen, but also understanding needs to take place, as well as help. When a friend is in need, you are waiting for him as he would be waiting for you. If a friend is not sympathetic and aware of your needs, then there is a weak friendship. Each should know his friend's goals, needs, and wants. If these things are not known, then there is a weak relationship. Friends should set goals together to help develop a strong relationship. They can even help each other along the way. One person's weakness could be another friend's strength. A person needs to be loved, and that is what a friend does. A friend needs to be respected as well as loved. Not only should a friend's needs be fulfilled, but also certain wants. A friend wants a person who will listen, love, and show respect, just as anybody would. A friend is also loyal and trustworthy. When friends talk to one another, it is known that the conversation should just be between them, especially if it is personal to either of them. Neither person should share any of the information with someone else. That is just like invading someone's privacy when you repeat something that a friend tells you without permission. You should be able to confide in and Get

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