Copyright Copyright @2014 by Shirley Irvin-Long All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any forms, or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage or retrieval systems without the permission of the author. Title Of Book: How To Approach Life And Survive Through It All By Shirley Irvin-Long Disclaimer: This book is for entertainment purposes only. It is advised that if anyone reading this book has health or any type of emotional disorders, should seek the advice of their Doctor. The Author will not be held responsible for the actions of the readers resulting from reading this book. This book was written to give some suggestion that the author thought might be helpful in enjoying your life more. It is not encouraging Anyone to Change his or her lifestyle. If you feel some of the things written in this book might make your life a little brighter and you like what the author is suggesting, then it is Your Choice and the author will not be held liable for your actions. The Author wrote this book To help the reader to just relax and be happy and to help make someone laugh or smile. So happy reading to All. Enjoy and may the love and grace of God be with you All.
Dedication: I would like to thank God first for making it possible for me to publish this book. I would like to dedicate this ebook to All of my family members who helped encourage me to write it. My daughter especially who really inspired me to write. Thanks to the publishers who made it possible for this book to be available. And also special thanks to
those who purchase this book.
About The Author: My name is Shirley Irvin-Long, I am a mother, wife, Author, Writer/Song-Writer, and Poet. I love to write about my experiences in life that I've gone through. The advise that is being written in this book is really taken from some of my every-day living. To those of us who sometimes have to grab a pen and pad and just write down those aggravating, frustrating, things that makes our lives so miserable. We have the tendency to want to express those emotions through the written word. This is the only way I can somehow conquer that emotional turmoil that had disturbed our regular life-style and made it a living night-mare or hell. I must release the strain and tension it has caused and share it with whoever is willing to listen and might even be able to relate. I am also writing about senior living also. Being a senior is just Fantastic! I never thought becoming a senior-citizen could be so much fun. When I was growing up the senior citizen (some of them made it look so old! I dreaded almost wanting to become one. But you know what, I lived and I learned. Life is what you make it. I am writing articles about various subjects matter here. I have children and know what it is to have to deal with teens and their problems. I've had bad relationships before, the list just goes on and on. I love reading a good love poem that is why I included poetry also. It is good for the heart, body, mind, spirit and soul. I hope there is something written in this book that will help inspire, uplift and make your life that much brighter.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1 Dating In Your Senior Years: Chapter 2 How To Get Over A Bad Relationship Chapter 3 How To Enjoy Your Life At Age 60 Chapter 4 How To Be A Good Parent Without Feeling Guilty Chapter 5 Appreciate Just Being You Chapter 6 How I Communicate Effectively About Difficult Topics With My Teen Chapter 7 Poetry From The Soul
Chapter 1
Dating In Your Senior Years: Life comes at us fast, it seems as though the years goes by so quickly. Before we knew it, we had grown older. In the process we might have lost love ones, who is no longer with us. And some become lonely because the children have grown up and moved out of the house. Things just isn't the same anymore. Some of us needs some type of enjoyment in our lives. Something to put that sparkle back into our eyes, maybe another love. Yes, I said it, another love. I know some of us might be feeling there is no other person in the world for you but the one you lost to death or divorce. “I can understand this perfectly well”. “Love never dies”. But instead of just grieving and making yourself so miserable, I truly believe that since you are still here and alive, the spirit still need to have companion. It feels good to be able to communicate with another adult. I know the grand-children “Can help fill some of the void but not all of it”. “There is nothing like communicating with another adult your age”. “It arouses the inner-spirit and allows emotions to ignite and bring out that loving feeling again”. Perhaps you can meet another senior at the senior citizen workshops who might have something in common with you. If you enjoy that person's company, get to know that individual better and build a stronger relationship with him or her. Give that person a chance to be your friend. Get to know them before allowing them to come to your house. Talk to that person and find out more about his or her life. Get all the necessary information you need to know. Once you have done your homework and everything check out fine, and you find out you have something in common with this person, then try to build a friendship. Perhaps sometimes
you two can get together to look at a movie, go dancing.
Or even attend a social event together. Go out on a date, dine at a fine restaurant, maybe travel to other places. “Be a Senior but a Happy Senior” One who is loving and living life the way it was meant to be. So enjoy yourself and be happy after all, you deserve it because “You are a “Senior Now”. Be Blessed and I hope You All have a Wonderful Life.
Chapter 2 How To Get Over A Bad Relationship
“Don't look back, keep moving forward.” I realize that being involved in a relationship with someone takes a lots of communicating with one another. You both must talk about your likes and dislikes. If one person is not in alignment with the things you enjoy and admire, then it is time to talk. There are going to be problems that can affect you and the person involved. “A bad relationship is not something anyone needs”.
It is hard enough trying to enjoy and keep your life stable as it is. But whenever there are other complications surrounding your life, it makes living an enriched the most difficult. You can't be happy. Here Are Some Suggestions To Overcome A Bad Relationship: Remember they are suggestions and might not necessarily work for everyone relationship but if you relates and find some of these suggestions beneficial to you, then you are welcome to try them. 1. Think about all the wrong the person has done or said to you. If all the 2. bad out-weighs the good, then stay safe and stay away from this 3. toxic individual. “Stop Giving Your Love To Someone Who Don't Care” Find a new interest or hobby that can occupy your time and mind, until you get over this person. Perhaps you can spend more time with family and friends. Give and find love in Assisting an Elderly Relative or Friend” Giving and sharing yourself and time in this type of way can be “Therapy for your Mind and Soul” “You will be extending your love where it is needed.” “This will make you feel so much better”. “Give Your Love To A Child” Who might need you to teach him or her to read, write, or even help with homework assignments. The thought that you have contributed something positive into the universe will make you realize that there are people who really need your admiration and love. “Give Your Love To Those Who Need It The Most”. When you do this, eventually you will began to feel like a brand new person. Sooner or later, this person will eventually began to seemed less and less important to you. “You will began to think about them less and want to surround yourself with those who need and love you the most”. “Try Your Best To Stay Away From This toxic Individual Who Hurt You”
Also stay away from the places and people who that individual might hang around. This will only stir up old memories and make it that much harder for you to let go of the old memories. “Remember You Are Trying To Move On With Your Life” “ And the only way you can do that is to put the past Behind”. You have got to save yourself and your sanity. Don't give that person “The Pleasure of Controlling your Life”. Move on, press forward to the New Life that Awaits you. “A life of Love and honesty along with integrity.” “You Deserve it and Want it, Go Get It”
Take Out Time To Pray And Meditate To God” “God is the only Source that can help you get through this difficult and trying time of your life”. I know one thing that is “Real” God Can And Will Make A Way” When you feel like giving up and there is no one to care, just remember, “God Loves you No Matter What.” Take out some time in your day to have “Have A Talk With God”
“You Will Feel So Much Better”. “Your Burdens will seemed a litle lighter and Your Life So Much Brighter” Just whisper a prayer and meditate on “Jesus”
When you Have Tried Everything else and it just Don't Work, I recommend You Try Jesus “With God You Can Do All Things “But Without Him You Can Do Nothing”. Meditate at least 20 to 30 minutes if you can. You will feel so enlighten and your problems want seem so great and eventually they want be problems at all! Just Pray, and Meditate Do this for yourself and You will be glad you did.
Chapter 3 How To Enjoy Life At Age 60
“Hooray for you”! You are sixty years old. You don't know whether to feel good or bad. Well let me cheer you up, “Feel Good About It” Being able to live to be sixty years old is a blessing. You are living a wonderful life just living here on this universe. “Life Can Be Exciting Or It Can Be Dull” It is really all up to each individual how they perceive sixty years of age. Sixty is the beginning of a new cycle. It is when new meaning and more relationships began to enter into our lives. Some feel “More Healthy Now” Than When They Were Younger”. They take better care of themselves. It is a time to replenish your body,
mind spirits and souls. It is a releasing of energetic forces that help you to revitalize your body. At sixty years of age, you should be able to relax more and do some of the things that make you happy. Spend time on the beaches, if your health allows you to. Get more rest, sleep in later, travel and visit other places, and meet interesting people. Be happy. Develop meaningful relationships with the ones you love. Spend extra time with your mate or partner and communicate more. Resolve old issues that have plagued your life. Try to smile and be friendly. Just live life and be happy. Enjoy Your Life At Age 60 This Is A Magical Time Of Year For You!
Chapter 4 How To Be A Good Parent Without Feeling Guilty (Developing Good Morales And Habits For Your Children) Parents loosened up, stop being so hard on yourselves and thinking that because of your negligence your child isn't good enough. Sometimes, parents often blame themselves for our children down-fall or disaster, that majority of the times they have created themselves. No matter how good a parent we sometimes try to portray to be, it is still not quite enough. They will develop a defense mechanism against some of our requests and expectations of them, and will make sure they oppose in some type of way. Regardless to how frequent we try to demonstrate good morals and values, some of them will fall away from grace and develop the habits they desire and feel comfortable reflecting upon them. “Here Are Some Suggestions That Might Help Someone Trying To Raise Their Children In Times We Are Living In Now� It is a new day now. Everything has changed. We all know nothing stays the same. That statement is true to a certain extent.
Because good manners and morals are some of the things that society and people expect them to have. “Have Good Manners” Teaching your children to say “Thank You and Please “whenever someone do something good or nice for them is good manners. Be Nice And Kind: Be sure your child treats everyone with respect. Be kind to everyone regardless to race, creed, or color. Learn how to get along with everyone. These are good social skills they will need in life even in the working world. Make Sure Your Child Respect You And Others: By all means parents, make sure your child isn't the type who always want to have his or her way and will do anything to get it. Even it means hollering or fussing at you in front of others, like your friends, parents, relatives, or associates. This can be embarrassing. “It Shows A Bad Reflection On The Child As Well As Your Parenting Skills” Obedient: Yes, this is something every child needs to learn how do. Obey their parents. They should learn to take heed to whatever you have instructed them to do, especially if they are still living in your house. Which includes keeping their rooms clean, helping to do some of the house chores. These are some very important characteristics children must have in order to live and function properly in society. They must learn to live and obey rules. There will be rules in most sectors of life they have to encounter when it comes to providing for themselves and their families. Remember, parents when you have done the best that you can do. And you know that you are a good role model for your children and have demonstrated to them how to live successfully and peacefully here on this Universe with others, then that is all that you can do. Parents, you can give yourselves a “Good Round Of Applaud And Be Happy”
Chapter 5 Appreciate Just Being Yourselves:
“You Must First Learn To Learn Yourselves” Regardless to how others might feel about or portray you, just know deep down inside that you are born a very unique individual. There is no other person in this Universe who can become you. “This Is Your Birthright” From Birth God created you differently, You have attributes about yourself that no one else on this earth has. This is something to be grateful for. “God created All of Us Differently.” So Smile, and be happy. Happy for being the person you are. You can do things that perhaps others might not be able to do. Now doesn't this make you feel “Special In Some Kind of Way?” It should! You can contribute your own Personal Gift From God To The Universe”.
Yes, you should learn to Appreciate Yourselves” We are All on this Universe for a Reason. Your reason is different than anyone else. So therefore, you have a gift to offer to the Universe. Use your talent wisely and make sure you are Contributing All The Good That You Can To The Universe. This will not only help make you a more better individual but this universe a better place to live.
Chapter 6 How I Communicate Effectively About Difficult Topics With My Teen Some teens are very curious indeed. My teen had a question on “What age should she marry?” Should she be young or older when she decide to make this big decision and make sure her “Wild oaks have been soared?”. Her question was: “What is the right age to marry and have a baby?” I stared her straight in the face and answered the question as earnest as I knew how. “You need to first of all, finish High-School, go to College, and be mature and old enough to marry. You must wait until that special man love and want to marry you. “Marriage shouldn't be taken lightly”. Because you are obligating and taking an oath before God and man, that you will love and be with this person for life. “To love, cherish, honor, respect, and take care of until death do you part”. There are lots of responsibilities involved with marriage.
You should be old enough to know that you want this commitment and is willing to give up your single life-style. Also make sure this is the man that you truly love and respect. Be aware that you are beginning a new life-style. It is no longer just you but there is another person that you have to take under consideration. You will have to satisfy and make happy your spouse. Not your friends who come first but your spouse is your first priority now in your life.
Chapter 6 Continued:
I told her that twenty-six is a good age to get married. By this age, you should have experienced the single-life long enough to know what you desire out of life by now. There should be more stability in your life now. You ought to be considering marriage and having a family. “Analyze what you both have in common� Is he loving and kind, or very argumentative? Is he hard to get along with? Do you disagree with each other a lots? What is his religion preference? Do you and he believe in God? Do he want any children, if so how many? Is he willing to help take care of the responsibilities of helping you with the baby? Is he respectful and get along well with your family members? What type of personality do he possess? Make sure you marry someone who respects you and do not verbal abuse or physically abuse you. You don't need this type of marriage. I expressed my opinion and she had time to think about what I said. I gave her my opinions about marriage and what age I felt she should be to get married.
All kinds of thoughts ramble through our teens minds sometimes. Who knows what type of questions they will ask of us. To All Parents: “Just Be Honest And Answer Them As Best As You Know How” “Good Luck To All Parents”
Chapter 7
Poetry For The Soul: A Lover's Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, I pray you extend your love, joy and grace to me and my lover today. We will love and praise you in so many ways. Sometimes I know we both forget, we hurt, humiliate, debate, fuss but God I pray please take care of us. Teach us how to love and respect and most important of all, not to live with regrets. Show us the way everyday of our lives, so that we can be the best we can be, and live with your love until eternity. Give us your grace throughout this day and teach us to love one another and not to go astray. Dear Heavenly Father, I need you to lead and guide me. Show me the way, all these blessings I pray, in Jesus Name, Amen.
The Perfect Love You love is perfect as can be, because you really satisfy me. I love the way you say my name, You make me feel like I am in the hall of fame.
Your loving arms wrapped around my waist. In such sweet caring embrace. Your love is perfect as can be, Especially when your face is touching mines, It sends chills up and down my spine. The way in which you touch my hand, let me know you understand. Your love is perfect as can be, There is no other love out there for me. I love the way you talk to me. Setting my heart and soul free. There can never be another love for me. Who is in everything he do. I don't want to ever lose you!
I Want My Alone Time I want my alone time, just you and I, Don't care if no one come by. I want my alone time the way it used to be, No one but you and me. I want my alone time without any interruptions, We need no introduction, Just you and me. The This is the way I need it to be. I want my alone time and I need it now. We don't need anyone to show us how. Just you for me and me for you, We both know exactly what to do.
A Candlelight Dinner:
I had a candlelight dinner last night. My love and I was feeling alright. Neither one of us were frustrated. We cherished the moment and our love was elevated. We both stared into each others' eyes, Our hearts beating oh so fast! Just sitting and thinking how long our love would last. We touched each other and felt sheer pleasure. We couldn't forget about the special moment that we both enjoyed. It helped relieved some of the pain and struggles, we had confronted that day. Right at this moment, nothing seemed to get in our way. The candlelight shining so clear and bright, Gave reflections in the way we felt that night. It was so peaceful and serene, nothing but our spirits and souls feeling one another, there was no trouble. We both felt blessed to have enjoyed so memorable at the present time we are in, just he and I sitting there sipping on gin.
If you would like to contact the author or read more of her poetry you can go to Long https://Authorsden/profile/Shirley Long Long I hope you have enjoyed reading my book and May the Grace of God Be With You All. Thanks for buying it.