Philippine Savings Bank 2011 Annual Report

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Our Theme Life is full of precious moments and transitions: learning how to walk and talk, celebrating your birthdays, going to school, getting a college degree, landing a job, settling down, becoming a parent, owning a car, buying a home, taking the family on a holiday trip, walking your daughter down the aisle, playing with your grandchildren, and enjoying your retirement. At PSBank, our goal is to be with you every step of the way to make you experience life’s magical moments. We design our products and services to help you meet your financial needs today, as well as plan for the future. To always put your dreams within reach, PSBank believes in the pursuit of excellence – transforming our organization from GOOD to GREAT. This means always striving to give you our best so you can GET THE MOST OUT OF LIFE.

About PSBank We are Asia Pacific’s strongest savings bank. Since opening our first branch on September 26, 1960, Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank) has become the country’s second-largest thrift bank in terms of assets. We are also the first publicly listed thrift bank in the Philippines and have recently been ranked as the strongest savings bank in the Asia Pacific by independent research group The Asian Banker. This was based on a financial scorecard that ranked the 500 largest Asian banks according to their financial and business performance. Our bank caters mainly to the retail and consumer markets. We offer a wide range of products and services such as deposits, loans, treasury and trust. We continue to reach out to more customers through our 200 branches and 505 in-branch and offsite ATMs as of end-2011. We also have a strong online presence through PSBank Remote Banking, a secure 24/7 Internet channel which extends the PSBanking experience to users anywhere in the world. PSBank belongs to the Metrobank Group, the country’s largest financial conglomerate with business interests in banking, financing, leasing, manufacturing, power generation, real estate and stock brokering. For more information about PSBank, log on to

What's Inside 2 4 6 8 12 22 23 24 28 35 Financial Highlights

Message from the Chairman President’s Report

Highlights of Our Operations Features


Corporate Social Responsibility Risk Management

Corporate Governance

Audit Committee Report

36 38 42 44 46 134 143 149 150

Board of Directors Senior Officers CFO’s Report Management’s Discussion and Analysis Audited Financial Statements


Offsite ATMs Billers

Metrobank Group


900 600














07 08 09 1 0 1 1














(in Php billion)


18 15.54


07 08 09 1 0 1 1


(in Php billion)





(in Php billion)



0 07 08 09 1 0 1 1 TOTAL LOANS


0 07 08 09 1 0 1 1 TOTAL ASSETS






60 57.85






40 35.66












60 47.31









Financial Highlights

07 08 09 1 0 1 1


07 08 09 1 0 1 1




(in Php billion)

(in Php million)

(in Php)



Auto Loans


Personal Loans P h p 3 . 2 B



Housing Loans



Commercial Loans P h p 9 . 3 B


PSBank Annual Report 2011

STATEMENTS OF CONDITION 2011 ASSETS Cash and Other Cash Items Interbank Loans Receivable and Securities Purchased Under Resale Agreements Investments Loans and Receivables Investments in an Associate and a Joint Venture Property and Equipment Investment Properties Other Assets

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Deposit Liabilities Subordinated Notes and Bills Payable Other Liabilities

Equity Common Stock Capital Paid in Excess of Par Value Surplus Reserves and Surplus Net Unrealized Gains and Cumulative Translation Adjustment










10,480,000,000 31,061,722,100 58,190,152,155

3,586,560,000 26,231,240,458 53,207,635,160

5,900,000,000 23,282,265,995 47,308,237,957

750,000,000 19,505,842,607 41,603,346,112

5,306,462,184 16,513,213,747 35,656,415,013

1,238,145,401 2,382,152,118 2,802,259,434 2,136,337,777 120,251,726,280

829,873,755 2,107,316,622 2,772,308,932 1,830,166,668 104,149,469,261

788,310,337 1,985,474,732 2,582,767,705 2,141,050,112 93,087,829,641

369,951,789 1,765,934,385 2,776,144,811 1,923,728,112 74,636,719,463

323,131,186 1,750,116,412 2,484,664,315 1,711,923,710 68,663,273,369






– 3,160,335,315 104,710,670,925

1,977,141,032 3,044,441,571 92,540,391,870

1,973,881,534 2,711,598,326 82,075,691,146

2,208,541,621 2,276,970,219 66,163,994,761

1,968,276,843 2,247,937,657 62,063,198,913

2,402,524,910 2,818,083,506 7,975,013,579

2,402,524,910 2,818,083,506 6,090,406,392

2,402,524,910 2,818,083,506 5,087,136,893

2,402,524,910 2,818,083,506 4,027,311,845

2,019,383,150 1,220,819,206 3,231,311,748

2,345,433,360 15,541,055,355 120,251,726,280

298,062,583 11,609,077,391 104,149,469,261

704,393,186 11,012,138,495 93,087,829,641

(775,195,559) 8,472,724,702 74,636,719,463

128,560,352 6,600,074,456 68,663,273,369

STATEMENTS OF INCOME (Years ended December 31) 2011 Interest Income Interest Expense Net Interest Income Net Service Fees and Commission Income Total Operating Income Other Expenses Share in Net Earnings of an Associate and a Joint Venture Provision for (Benefit from) Income Tax Net Income

PSBank Annual Report 2011






8,976,586,827 3,267,133,019 5,709,453,808

7,913,097,318 2,900,694,510 5,012,402,808

7,529,532,086 2,696,054,957 4,833,477,129

6,129,607,034 2,420,109,373 3,709,497,661

5,492,440,909 2,294,106,474 3,198,334,435

732,878,178 7,684,799,588 5,688,672,802

691,681,482 8,236,537,847 5,624,905,692

596,241,357 6,271,337,230 4,942,951,461

534,365,260 4,937,458,499 3,843,526,649

463,915,160 4,866,602,454 4,217,796,960
















“The coming years will present new and greater challenges, especially with the onset of banking regulations such as the Basel 3 guidelines. PSBank, however, will confidently rise to the occasion and deliver a performance that meets both the expectations of our customers and our shareholders.� [4]

PSBank Annual Report 2011

Message from the Chairman From:

Getting the most To:

Asia-Pacific's strongest savings bank


out of

In many ways, 2011 has been a very challenging year. Just when we thought a global economic recovery was on its way, it had lost steam. Lingering concerns over the European debt crisis, weak recovery of the US economy, political unrest in some countries in the Middle East and North Africa, and supply chain disruptions caused by natural disasters in Japan and Thailand – these negative developments had pushed large parts of the world into an era of great economic uncertainty. Not immune to the world’s problems, the Philippine economy grew at a slower pace – to 3.7% in gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011 from 7.6% the previous year. Weaker export receipts, which made up nearly half of our GDP, and government underspending on infrastructure slowed our growth momentum. Nevertheless, 2011 was also a remarkable year for the country. The Philippine Stock Exchange, which I also chair, outperformed its counterparts in Asia and ranked among the best in the world. We also saw a rising tide of investor confidence after getting five positive credit rating upgrades from various international agencies since the Aquino administration took office in 2010. These improved ratings translated to reduced borrowing costs for the country and easier access to funds for Philippine companies and individuals. As in the past years, the economy also drew on the resiliency of nearly nine million Filipinos overseas, who sent home more than US$20 billion in remittances in 2011. This in turn fueled household consumption, which grew by 6.1%, and the retail, real estate, tourism, business process outsourcing, and other sectors as well. The brisk economic activity also benefited the local banking sector. Even as excess liquidity in the financial system further drove down interest rates, several banks reported higher revenues in 2011. Bank lending growth continued to be in double-digit levels.

For PSBank, 2011 was a “showcase” year. In terms of profitability, we set a historic high with Php2 billion in net income. Amid the global economic doom that potentially exposed banks’ vulnerability, PSBank was ranked as the strongest savings bank in Asia Pacific, according to The Asian Banker magazine’s scorecard of the world’s 500 largest banks based on financial and business performance. Aside from being the only savings bank among the top 10 local banks in the study, PSBank was also ranked fifth among the strongest banks in the Philippines. While we are pleased that our strong financial performance and steadfast commitment to corporate governance were recognized internationally, we are not resting on our laurels. We will continue to strive for even higher standards and to set new benchmarks in this all-important area. The coming years will present new and greater challenges, especially with the onset of banking regulations such as the Basel 3 guidelines. PSBank, however, will confidently rise to the occasion and deliver a performance that meets both the expectations of our customers and shareholders. The Board of Directors will continue to provide the vision and guidance that the organization needs to ensure its continued success in our highly competitive industry. With the firm dedication and efforts of our senior management team and our 2,683 employees, you will continue to see PSBank transform from good to great.

T. PARDO JOSE T. PSBank Annual Report 2011


President's Report

Changing the game From: To:


to become

more customer-focused

In my decade-long professional career at the helm of one of the country’s leading consumer banks, I have been witness to the changing seasons in our customers’ lives – how they work hard to fulfill their dream of owning a car or a home until they turn this into reality and start getting the most out of life. Each time this transformation happens, we at PSBank feel we accomplish our goal as well. We are transforming PSBank into a more relevant, efficient, and sustainable company one customer at a time. We are improving our systems and processes, strengthening our organization, serving our customers better, reaching out to new consumers, expanding our nationwide footprint and customer touch points, creating innovative products and services, and much more. Taking bold actions In 2011, against the backdrop of a tough economic environment, we took bold actions to inch even closer to the hearts and minds of our customers. We saw clear evidence that our strategies are working: t 8F BDIJFWFE TUSPOHFS SFTVMUT 0VS 1IQ CJMMJPO OFU JODPNF was the highest-ever recorded in our 51-year history. We were able to consistently rank as one of the most profitable local banks, as our Return on Equity in 2011, net of marked to market gains in our investments, hit double-digit levels at 16.63%. t 0VS DPOUJOVJOH TUSFOHUI BOE BEIFSFODF UP TPVOE QSJODJQMFT of corporate governance and transparency have also been recognized by international third-party organizations such as The Asian Banker, which cited PSBank as the strongest savings bank in the Asia-Pacific region. t 0VS 5JFS OPUFT JTTVBODF XIJDI XBT BQQSPWFE CZ UIF #BOHLP Sentral in 2011, attained the highest possible credit rating and was overwhelmingly received by investors. t 8F FYQBOEFE PVS OFUXPSL UP CSBODIFT BOE "5.T BT of December 2011, enabling us to reach more customers and strengthen our brand presence. t 8F MBVODIFE GPVS OFX QSPEVDUT UP NFFU UIF FWPMWJOH demands of our customers. These are the PSBank Prepaid MasterCard, PSBank Debit MasterCard, PSBank Euro Time Deposit, and PSBank Euro Savings Account. The card products were launched using celebrity endorsements, aggressive trimedia campaigns, and branch merchandising that helped us generate top-of-mind awareness. Transforming the organization Beyond delivering solid results, we are building an organization that meets and anticipates our customers’ needs every step of the way. This journey demands that we transform into a more agile, more responsive, and stronger organization that sees our customers with a 20/20 vision.

Thus in 2011, we made structural changes to become a more customer-focused organization and adapt to new and existing channels in service delivery. We also harnessed technology to consistently enhance our communication channels with our customers and within our organization. While our organizational transformation is still a work in progress, we now have a singular vision of the customer; we can now cull deeper customer insights beyond knowing just who they are and why they bank with us. We are confident that out of this transformation will emerge a PSBank that adds more value to our customers, interacts more intimately through increasingly targeted touch points, and provides seamless cross-channel banking experience. We are changing the game to keep in step with the evolution of our customers’ needs, wants and demands. We are harnessing technology – not for the sake of blazing the trail and beating the competition to the draw – but to help reach our journey faster of making our customers’ lives easier and better. Fueling the transformation I always believe that transformation is never easy. It requires great flexibility, a positive attitude, strong commitment at all levels, and a singular view of the prize. No single action, innovative technology, or lucky break transforms companies from good to great overnight. Our strength is in our people. I’m thankful to have the opportunity to work with so many PSBankers who share this transformation journey. Our employees make change happen everyday with their creativity, hard work, and commitment. Together, we made 2011 a year we can all be proud of — with new progress, innovative ideas, and tangible proof that we are moving forward. We have set the stage for success, but at the same time, we serve a higher purpose. After all, PSBank is more than just a savings bank. We are also in the transformation business – helping our customers achieve their dreams and get the most out of life.



PSBank Annual Report 2011

“We are changing the game to keep in step with the evolution of our customers’ needs, wants and demands. We are harnessing technology – not for the sake of blazing the trail and beating the competition to the draw – but to help reach our journey faster of making our customers’ lives easier and better.” PSBank Annual Report 2011


Highlights of Our Operations

Moving to offer

seamless, personalized

customer experience

In this age of one-click banking, customers increasingly expect more convenience, accessibility, personalization, and reliability from their banks, whenever and wherever they are. In 2011, we made changes in our organization to make PSBank more customer-centric while aligning our distribution channel strategies with evolving customer needs and preferences. We are transforming into the bank of the future so that our customers will get the most out of their PSBanking experience.

Branch Banking We expanded our key customer touch points in 2011 to bring the PSBanking experience closer to more customers. With the opening of 20 more branches, our network is now 200-branches strong. We also installed 105 offsite ATMs in various strategic locations to better serve PSBank and other ATM clients. By end-2011, the total number of PSBank ATMs reached 505. We increased our brand visibility through the presence of PSBank ATMs in LRT 1 and 2.

Customer Service e-Channels We embarked on a project to facilitate efficient, effective and timely communication to clients. In addition, a centralized data system also enables us to analyze and profile our existing clients. With updated information, we are able to measure total relationships to have better customer analytics and business intelligence. Knowing our customers better not only improves our service quality, but also leads to more initiatives that focus on specific market segments.


PSBank Annual Report 2011

Large LargeEnterprise EnterpriseGroup Group e-Channels Lending to the country’s biggest corporations allows PSBank to participate directly in the development of key economic sectors. In 2011, our participation in four loan syndications totalled Php2.52 billion. These were syndicated note facilities for a holding company formed to buy Meralco shares, a premier development company, a water company, and a power corporation.

e-Channels To give our customers greater peace of mind whenever they transact through PSBank Remote Banking (PRB), our 24/7 online facility, we launched the PSBank Remote Key in 2011. This small handy gadget randomly generates a sixdigit code that customers enter, along with their username and passphrase, to gain worry-free access to their PSBank Remote Banking account and perform financial transactions. The security device guards clients against falling prey to online identity theft and prevents malicious individuals from accessing online accounts.

DirectSales Sales Channel Direct Just a year after we formed the Direct Sales Channel, we generated fresh funds from 3,317 new current and savings accounts opened in 2011.

Indirect Sales Channel We formed the Indirect Sales Channel to market our products and services to auto dealers, property developers and other groups that generate client referrals for PSBank. We also introduced the Online Dealer System (ODS) which connects the dealers to PSBank’s Auto Loan application processing system. Majority of our dealer clients or one-third of the total dealer network nationwide now enjoy the ODS service. We also launched exclusive promos to market the PSBank Home Loan to major property developers.

PSBank Annual Report 2011


Highlights of Our Operations Treasury In 2011, we upgraded our core system to accommodate treasury products and other investment outlets in the future. This was part of our effort to expand our capabilities to adapt to current best practices and improve our risk management. PSBank became the first domestic savings bank to offer third currencies in an effort to expand our product offerings to depositors. We were also granted an FX swaps license by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) in 2011. The license enables us to hedge and manage our FX position.

Finance In December 2011, we filed our application with the BSP for the issuance of Tier 2 notes worth Php3 billion to support our expansion program. BSP approved it on 27 December 2011 with the offer date set on 20 February 2012. The offer period closed a week early due to overwhelming demand which allowed us to price our 10-year subordinated notes at 5.75% per annum or below the initial pricing guidelines. In line with the revised BSP guidelines on SME and Agri-Agra lending, our Finance Group also streamlined the process of classifying the loans.

Trust To accommodate the growing volume of our trust business, our Trust Division implemented an automated system called the Infobanker Trust System (ITS). This supports the logistical requirements of various trust products and allows us to enhance the efficiency of our various trust operational procedures, including processing of fees and cash disbursement.

Loan Operations Our Collections and Remedial Management Division was able to keep our Consumer Delinquency Rate down to 5.68% in 2011 despite the adverse market conditions. This was done by streamlining the approval process for payment proposals, and maintaining good working relations with various government agencies.

Operations In 2011, PSBank was recognized as the Best Performing Bank for BSP’s Clean Note Policy campaign, which promotes the maximum use of clean notes and prudent segregation of unfit notes. We also implemented an ATM Monitoring System that allows us to monitor and promptly address concerns on the availability of our ATMs. Productivity monitoring reports were also prepared to ensure that our ATMs are always available. Our average offsite ATM availability was at 97.32% while combined in-branch and offsite ATM availability stood at 95.80%. We were able to maintain these high availability rates even as we grew our ATM network to 505 in 2011 after adding 125 ATMs.

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Information Technology We continue to invest in automation to make our banking processes more efficient, leading to better customer experience. In 2011, our IT Group supported the automation projects of four critical areas and contributed to achieving improved operational efficiency. These were the implementation of the following initiatives: Infobanker Trust System for Investment Management Accounts and Trust and Other Fiduciary Accounts products, totally eliminating the manual process in handling trust products and transactions; PSBank Remote Key to help combat online identity theft and provide more protection to online banking channel users; successful migration of our Treasury Management System to a new version; and Customer Information System to centralize all critical customer information.

Credit Administration Business Information Management Services Our Credit Administration Group addresses the requirements in processing consumer loans. In 2011, we continued to render Auto Loan decisions within 24 hours, Personal Loan decisions within 24 hours, and Home Loan decisions in five days or less. We also enhanced our system of managing high-risk borrowers to comply with BSP regulations.

Marketing & Communications Business Information Management Services To meet evolving customer demands, we launched four new products in 2011: the PSBank Prepaid MasterCard, PSBank Debit MasterCard, PSBank Euro Time Deposit, and PSBank Euro Savings Account. The PSBank Prepaid MasterCard was launched through a three-month print advertising campaign that targeted different market segments, including students, shoppers, and remitters. To make PSBank Debit MasterCard top-of-mind, we tapped a popular celebrity endorser who embodies the qualities of the card. This campaign was carried out on TV, print, digital/online advertising, and branch merchandising. The PSBank Euro Time Deposit and PSBank Euro Savings Account were offered at the Paseo de Roxas branch using banners, flyers and other customer touch points.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Business Information Management System The Business Information Management System (BIMS) unit was formed in 2011 in step with PSBank’s efforts to better understand its customers’ needs through customer analytics. BIMS teamed up with the IT Group to create a data warehouse of all deposit and loan customers of PSBank. In addition to knowing total business relationships per customer, the initiative also enabled us to immediately analyze new customer relationships we create per branch at any given time, which is used for our business targets. We also came up with new financial models that gave us more flexibility in adjusting our business assumptions. Through BIMS, we also make timelier decisions using improved short-term and strategic forecasts.


free, my dream

Breaking living

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

I grew up in a small seaside town where my childhood memories were filled with days playing in the sand. That’s why I pity my kids, who were raised in the city, and have to go the distance to discover the natural charm of living near the sea. Wouldn’t it be nice, I thought, to go to the beach and forget all your cares? Wouldn’t that beat the usual trip to the mall, where all they could hear are the usual city sounds? I thought about these on my way home, while waiting in line with the rush-hour crowd and standing in a crowded MRT coach. I suddenly realized I had spent most of my adult life daydreaming. When will I finally break out of this routine? I could have spent those precious hours playing with my kids, or cooking with my wife. I could have spent more quality time with them. Yes, life is short – and buying a car is one way for me to get the most out of life. So I did. As I drove my family in our brand-new car, I was happy to see the seaside town where I grew up. Running barefoot in the sand with my family, I felt like a child again. I thought, I’m no longer daydreaming. Now I’m living my dream.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Driving the dream For many Filipinos, owning a car is a dream. With PSBank Auto Loan, you can turn that dream into reality, allowing you to get the most out of life. PSBank offers flexible financing terms, affordable monthly amortizations, and competitive interest rates. In as fast as 24 hours, you will know the credit decision via SMS so you can drive home the car of your dreams. You can also get a discount when you pay in advance or in excess of your monthly due. Enjoy this reward under Prime Rebate, the only loan rebate program of its kind in Philippine banking.


Relishing life's

simple joys

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

My friends say I’m old-fashioned. I say I’m just sentimental. Perhaps it’s my way of hanging on to simple things in life. It also gives me comfort, knowing that things keep on changing and getting complex by the day. One of my most vivid memories are summers spent in my grandparents’ home, where I played piko or bahay-bahayan with Ate in the backyard, and danced in the rain. Life was simple back then. Now at midlife, I’ve started to miss those simple joys. When I finally bought my family a house we can call our own, I thought it’s not yet too late to relive those memories. In our family backyard, out in the sun, our weekends are reserved for delicious meals and endless hours of bonding. This is my simple life. In that sense, yes, I am old-fashioned, too. To be sure, I’m content to be both. After all, contentment is not getting what you want, but wanting what you get.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Live with joy. . . now If you’ve found the house you love and intend to make it your home, why wait? You can turn your dream into reality with PSBank Home Loan. We offer competitive interest rates, flexible terms and a decision on your loan application in five days or less via SMS. With its Prime Rebate feature, PSBank Home Loan is the only housing loan product that makes clients earn rebates or savings when they pay in advance or in excess of their monthly amortizations.


waves, going on an adventure

Catching the

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

There are a few things I look forward to in life like going on a road trip to undiscovered places. It can be a 10-hour ride to Pagudpud or a quick drive to Subic. The destination is not as important as the journey itself, the people you are with and the thrill that comes with adventure. I love the open road where possibilities are endless. A detour might bring me to a nice, secluded beach where I just have to catch the waves. It is during road trips like these when I feel free. It offers the perfect escape from the demands of work. It’s a nice reminder that life exists beyond office walls, and that there is more to life than a deadline. But I know getting away from it all can sometimes become a pricey indulgence when you don’t have a backup plan. At the end of the day, you realize that life is like a road trip. To get the most out of it, you have to be prepared to free your mind from worries.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Take the hassle away An ounce of preparation is worth a pound of cure. Whether hitting the trail for a summer getaway, paying for tuition, house or car repairs, or anything where having cash is king, you need a reliable partner to stretch your wallet. With PSBank Flexi Personal Loan, you will always have access to your standby revolving funds, day and night. It is a low-interest, collateral-free personal loan that lets you borrow up to Php250,000. It’s also the only personal loan that lets you earn discounts (term loans only) for paying in advance or in excess of your monthly amortization. Use it in any PSBank, Metrobank, Megalink, ExpressNet, or BancNet ATMs nationwide, and Maestro Cirrus ATMs worldwide.


Making new discoveries, one shoe at a time

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

There is something about a new pair of shoes or a nice dress that sends a tingle down my spine. Right from that moment when I discover that it fits me perfectly, my mind immediately wanders off to all sort of places where it would take me. It’s hard to explain the kind of exhilarating confidence that a good buy gives me. That’s why I can totally relate to a character in a film who said, “Whenever I shop, I feel the world gets a little better.” But unexpected things sometimes happen that keep me away from going to my happy place. Like not having enough cash in my wallet. Or long lines at the ATM. That’s why I make sure I always have a backup plan so I can enjoy shopping without having to bring loads of cash. I also found out that online shopping is the best thing that’s ever been invented since shoes with wedges. I discovered the joy of clicking for an item, paying for it right then and there. Without leaving the comfort of my room, not rushing my shopping experience, just taking my time. Thanks to these simple pleasures and conveniences, I get the most out of life, one pair of shoes at a time.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Indulge responsibly Shopping doesn’t always have to be a guilty indulgence if you can control your finances, avoid overspending, or incurring debt. PSBank offers two innovative and convenient solutions to let you stay within your budget. For the budget-conscious, there’s the PSBank Prepaid MasterCard: a debit card, remittance card, and internet cash card all rolled into one. You don’t need to maintain a balance. It helps you take control of your budget as you spend only what you load into it. For those seeking the convenience of a credit card without the debt, there’s the PSBank Debit MasterCard. It saves you from having to line up at ATMs every time you shop. Unlike the PSBank Prepaid MasterCard, the PSBank Debit Card earns interest as you need to open and maintain an account with PSBank. You can use any of these cards to send your child a regular cash allowance, remit money to your loved ones, or pay your bills online.



Building the dream, beating the odds

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

I realized early on that simply being an employee wasn’t enough to support all our financial needs. If my family and I were to live a good life, I need to go into business. So when an opportunity presented itself, I did not think twice. Sure, there were some risks involved but there is no greater motivation for me than to ensure that my loved ones live comfortably. Thankfully, after the initial spurts and slow start, my small business finally headed for takeoff. With clear goals, the challenges that come with an upstart venture somehow seem more manageable. When I started to reap its benefits, the fulfillment I got was by no means just financial. Little victories propel me through life, and make the sacrifice worthwhile. I visualize how my business will succeed and then find a way to make that dream a reality. It may take time as things do not always happen as planned. But I’m prepared to face whatever challenges come my way. To twist a popular adage: “It is better to have tried and failed than never to have tried at all.” True in love, true in business, true in life.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Fueling your ideas No business dream is too big nor too small, as far as PSBank is concerned. Whether you’re looking for funds to manage your existing business or to expand it, you can bring all your business ideas to life with PSBank SME Loan. Our SME Loans are tailored to meet the unique requirements of your business, from fixed asset acquisition, construction, or additional working capital. You can borrow from one to seven years. And because of its Prime Rebate feature, you can also get a discount whenever you make advance or excess payments on your SME Term Loan.


Building a culture of success To win the hearts and minds of our customers, we must be able to transform our organization to one that enables us to succeed in a fast-changing environment. This requires that we develop the best talents. To support this transformation, we streamlined our organization to focus more closely on the consumer, spot greater opportunities and create economies of scale. We also sustained our investment in our people and their development. In 2011, 53 PSBankers graduated from our Staff Professional Enhancement and Development (SPEED) program, which prepares them for leadership positions in our organization. For PSBank, engaging employees to volunteer for good causes is a win-win proposition. Volunteerism builds teamwork and cooperation, and creates personal fulfillment and satisfaction among our people. In 2011, PSBankers had the opportunity to contribute in causes such as the following:

t #MPPE %SJWF GPS ,JET Our Bank-wide blood drive was able to collect blood donations that can potentially save the lives of 776 child patients of the Philippine Children Medical Center. PCMC recognized our active participation since 2009 during its 12th Annual Blood Drive Recognition Program. t 3VO GPS -JUFSBDZ PSBankers, along with their families and friends, joined the “Run for Literacy� organized by the Millicent Foundation for its scholarship program and textbook drive for day care centers in Manila. PSBank was recognized for having the most number of participants in the event. t 4NJMF 3VO One hundred PSBankers joined thousands of runners in Operation Smile’s “500 Smile Run� in Manila. Operation Smile seeks to help indigent patients with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities by funding their facial reconstructive surgeries.

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Our People

Corporate Social Responsibility

Differentiating through


We are committed to making a difference, not only in areas where we operate, but in the lives of the next generation of Filipinos who will inherit the future. PSBank’s philanthropic approach is primarily related to children and education. In 2011, we sustained our financial support to the following corporate social responsibility programs:

For school year 2011-2012, the program supported a total of 85 scholars.

t 14#BOL &EVDBUJPOBM "TTJTUBODF 1SPHSBN This funded the scholarships of 40 elementary and high school students from the Association of Chinese-Filipino Schools in the Philippines (ACFSP), and 10 college students from the Chiang Kai Shek College (CKSC) for school year 20112012. The program started in 2008.

t "TTJTUBODF UP DIJME GSJFOEMZ PSHBOJ[BUJPOT Every year, we help World Vision, Resources for the Blind, and the Chosen Children Village Foundation in their noble mission of providing food, shelter, education and medical assistance to indigent, visually impaired and special children, and empowering their families through livelihood opportunities.

t 14#BOL 4BWF *U 'PSXBSE 1SPHSBN In the name of depositors who won scholarships, PSBank has been sponsoring the elementary or high school education of less-fortunate children from World Vision and children from Resources for the Blind since 2008.

t 4VQQPSU GPS $014 We remained a program partner in the annual Search for the Country’s Outstanding Policemen in Service (COPS). We help promote the program and use our branch network nationwide to accept nominations.

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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Risk Management

Building a strong

risk management


Responsibility for managing risks rests on every PSBank employee. Our Board and senior management are actively involved in planning, approving, reviewing, and assessing risks through various committees. The parameters they set govern all our risk-taking activities. Risk Management Structure The Board of Directors takes the lead in all major initiatives. It approves broad risk management strategies and policies, and ensures that these are consistent with the Bank’s overall objectives. The Risk Management Committee (RMC) is comprised of at least three Directors appointed by the Board. They possess expertise and knowledge of the Bank’s risk exposures, which enable them to develop appropriate strategies for preventing or minimizing the impact of losses.

Overall responsibility for the Bank’s risk management process rests with the RMC. It formulates policies and strategies to identify, measure/track, manage and limit the Bank’s risks. The RMC ensures that the system of limits approved by the Board remains effective. It also makes certain that limits are observed and that immediate corrective actions are taken whenever needed. The Risk Management Office (RMO), together with the President, various committees and management, support the RMC in the fulfillment of its duties and responsibilities.

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From: To: RMO is independent of any line function and reports directly to the Board through the RMC. The RMO supports the RMC in carrying out its responsibilities by: Subject: t "OBMZ[JOH DPNNVOJDBUJOH JNQMFNFOUJOH BOE maintaining the risk management policies approved by the RMC and the Board; t 4QFBSIFBEJOH UIF SFHVMBS SFWJFX PG UIF #BOL T SJTL management policies and making or elevating recommendations that enhance the risk management process to the RMC and the Board, for their approval; and t &OTVSJOH UIBU UIF SJTLT BSJTJOH GSPN UIF #BOL T BDUJWJUJFT are identified, measured, analyzed, reported to and understood by risk takers, management, and the Board. It analyzes limit exceptions and recommends enhancements to the limit structure. Various Types of Risk Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty will fail to meet its contractual obligation. PSBank’s lending business follows credit policy guidelines set by the Board, RMC, and RMO. These guidelines serve as the Bank’s minimum standards for extending credit. Everyone engaged in the credit process are required to understand and adhere to these policies. PSBank’s product manuals contain business plans and define the business parameters by which credit activity is to be performed. Before extending a loan, the Bank observes a system of checks and balances, including the approval of at least two credit officers through the Credit Committee (Crecom), Executive Committee (Excom), or the Board. The RMC reviews the Bank’s business strategies and ensures that revenue-generating activities meet its risk standards. PSBank holds regular audit and quality assurance checks across the organization. Its Board – through the Excom, Crecom, and RMC – ensures that all business segments follow sound credit policies and practices. The Bank manages risk concentration by type of individual or group of borrowers, by geographical region, and by industry sector. It assesses the credit quality of financial assets using the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ (BSP) credit classifications. In 2011, enhanced credit scoring models were implemented for consumer loans. Separately, a Borrower Risk Rating was piloted for SME loans, supported with qualitative evaluation.

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Stress testing models were revisited, and as a result, alternative models were put in place to simultaneously guide the management in terms of macroeconomic indicators movements and portfolio quality trends. Relative to the enhancements in the credit scoring models in 2011, the 10-point Interim Credit Rating System (ICRS) of the Bank was enhanced. Each risk rating is mapped to a credit score and BSP loan grade matrix that varies by product. Other related information can be found in the credit risk discussion in Note 5 of the Financial Statements. Market Risk This covers the areas of trading, interest rate, and liquidity risks. Trading market risk is the risk to earnings and capital arising from changes in the value of traded portfolios of financial instruments. Interest rate risk arises from movements in interest rates. Liquidity risk is the inability to meet obligations when they fall due without incurring unacceptable losses. The Bank’s market risk policies and implementing guidelines are regularly reviewed by the Assets & Liabilities Committee (ALCO), RMC and the Board to ensure that these are up-to-date and in line with changes in the economy, environment and regulations. The RMC and the Board set the comprehensive market risk limit structure and define the parameters of market activities that the Bank can engage in. The Bank utilizes various measurement and monitoring tools to ensure risk-taking activities are managed within instituted market risk parameters. Trading Market Risk PSBank’s trading portfolios are currently composed of pesoand dollar-denominated sovereign debt securities that are marked-to-market daily. PSBank uses Value-at-Risk (VaR) to measure the extent of market risk exposure arising from these portfolios. VaR is a statistical measure that calculates the maximum potential loss from a portfolio over a holding period, within a given confidence level. Our current VaR model is based on a historical simulation methodology with a one-day holding period and a 99% confidence level. The Bank also performs back testing to validate the VaR model, and stress testing to determine the impact of extreme market movements on our portfolios. It has established position limits for its trading portfolios and closely monitors its daily profit and loss against loss triggers and stop-loss limits.

Risk Management Liquidity Risk In managing its liquidity position, the Bank ensures that it has more than adequate funds to meet its maturing obligations. PSBank uses the Maximum Cumulative Outflow (MCO) Model to measure liquidity risk arising from the mismatches of its assets and liabilities. The Bank administers stress testing to assess its funding needs and strategies under different conditions. Stress testing enables the Bank to gauge its capacity to withstand both temporary and long-term liquidity disruptions. The Liquidity Contingency Funding Plan (LCFP) helps the Bank anticipate how to manage a liquidity crisis, whether under moderate, severe, or extreme stress scenario. Liquidity limits for normal and stress conditions cap the projected outflows on a cumulative and per tenor basis. PSBank discourages dependence on Large Funds Providers (LFPs) so that it will not be vulnerable to a substantial drop in deposit level should there be an outflow of large deposits.

To a certain extent, the Bank also carries foreign exchange (FX) risk. It is the Bank’s policy to maintain exposures within approved position and loss limits and within regulatory guidelines. The Bank also uses VaR to measure the extent of market risk exposure arising from its FX position. The Bank uses its BSP-approved Type 3 Derivative License for plain vanilla FX forwards to manage its FX risk against adverse exchange rate movements. Structural Interest Rate Risk The interest rate sensitivity gap report measures interest rate risk by identifying gaps between repricing dates of assets and liabilities. The Bank’s sensitivity gap model calculates the effect of possible rate movements on its interest rate profile. PSBank uses the sensitivity gap model to estimate its EarningsAt-Risk (EAR) should interest rates move against our interest rate profile. Our EAR limits are based on a percentage of PSBank’s projected earnings and capital for the year. We also perform stress-testing analysis to measure the impact of various scenarios based on interest rate volatility and shift in the yield curve. The ALCO is responsible for managing PSBank’s structural interest rate exposure. Its goal is to achieve a desired overall interest rate profile while remaining flexible to interest rate movements and changes in economic conditions. RMO and RMC review and oversee its interest rate risks.

ALCO is responsible for managing the liquidity of PSBank while RMO and RMC review and oversee the Bank’s overall liquidity risk management. Operational Risk Operational Risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. To mitigate these, PSBank constantly strives to maintain our strong “control culture,” prudent use of technology and effective internal control system, which are key factors towards continuous self-improvement under a “no surprise” operating environment. PSBank’s Board-approved bankwide organizational chart clearly establishes areas of management responsibility, accountability and reporting lines for all its senior officers. Operational risk management policies and frameworks are continuously reviewed and updated, subject to RMC and Board approvals to ensure that they remain relevant and effective. The Bank’s products and operating manuals, policies and procedures spell out internal controls implemented by its business and operating support units. Its Internal Audit Group (IAG) regularly reviews and provides independent assurance on control adequacy and compliance with these manuals. PSBank continually identifies and assesses operational risks across the organization and develops controls to mitigate and manage them as part of continuing efforts to enhance its Operational Risk Management Framework.

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To ensure that the Bank manages all operational risks adequately, specialized functions are engaged in risk management. These include its Information Technology, Information Security, Systems Quality Assurance, Financial Control, Legal, Compliance, Human Resources and Security Command. Its IAG regularly reports to the Board’s Audit Committee on the effectiveness of internal controls. The Bank likewise has a Business Continuity Plan and a Disaster Recovery Program that are reviewed and tested annually on a per segment and on a bankwide basis to ensure their effectiveness in the advent of business disruptions, system failures and disasters. Technology Risk Technology risk is the risk to earnings or capital arising from deficiencies in systems design, implementation, ongoing maintenance of systems or equipment and the failure to establish adequate security measures, contingency plans, testing and auditing standards. To provide simpler, faster, more convenient and secured banking services to its growing clientele and to avail of an advanced Management Information System that enables the Bank to make fast and well-informed business decisions, it continually invests in Information Technology by venturing into core business process automations, key system enhancements, and information security solutions. Given this heavily automated operating environment, PSBank makes sure that it continuously identifies and quantifies risks to the greatest extent possible and establishes controls to manage technology-associated risks through effective planning, proper implementation, periodic measurement and monitoring of performance. Legal Risk Legal risk is the potential loss due to non-existent, incomplete, incorrect, and unenforceable documentation that the Bank uses to protect and enforce its rights under contracts and obligations. A legal review process, which its Legal Department performs, is the primary control mechanism for this type of risk to ensure that the Bank’s contracts and documentation adequately protects its interests and complies with applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Regulatory Risk Regulatory Risk, also known as Compliance Risk, covers the potential loss from non-compliance with laws, rules and regulations, policies and procedures, and ethical standards.

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PSBank recognizes that compliance risk can diminish its reputation, reduce its franchise value, limit its business opportunities, and reduce its potential for expansion. Thus, PSBank, guided by its Compliance Office, continuously promotes a culture of compliance. Strategic Risk Strategic risk is the current and prospective impact on earnings or capital arising from adverse business decisions, improper resolution of conflicts, and slow response to industry changes. Strategic risk can influence the Bank’s long-term goals, business strategies, and resources. Thus, the Bank utilizes both tangible and intangible resources to carry out its business strategies. These include communication channels, operating systems, delivery networks, and managerial capacities and capabilities. Reputational Risk Reputational risk is the current and prospective impact on earnings or capital arising from negative public opinion. This affects PSBank’s ability to establish new relationships or services, or manage existing relationships. The risk may expose the Bank to litigation, financial loss, or a decline in customer base. All employees are responsible for building PSBank’s reputation and exercising an abundance of caution when dealing with customers and communities.

ICAAP The issuance of BSP Circular No. 639 covering the Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) in 2009 supplements the BSP’s risk-based capital adequacy framework under Circular No. 538. In compliance with this circular, the Metrobank Group has adopted and developed its ICAAP framework to ensure that the appropriate level and quality of capital are maintained by the Group. Under this framework, the assessment of risks extends beyond the Pillar 1 set of credit, market and operational risks and onto other risks deemed material by the Group. The level and structure of capital are assessed and determined in light of the Group’s business environment, plans, performance, risks and budget; as well as regulatory directives. PSBank follows the Group’s ICAAP framework and submits the result of its assessment to the Parent Company. The BSP requires submission of an ICAAP report every January 31 of each year.

Corporate Governance

Adhering to sound

corporate governance


PSBank adheres to principles of good management, transparency, and the continuous enhancement of control systems in the interest of stakeholders. These are regarded as key elements of its strategy of achieving sustainability in its overall business. PSBank’s corporate culture promotes confidence in the Bank and is an essential component in the long-term creation of shareholder value.

supervisory concerns in PSBank and that it is fundamentally sound with minor weaknesses that can be addressed by management in the normal course of business.

The Bank believes good corporate governance is characterized, not only by observance of formal regulations, but also by responsible management put into action. It aims to be transparent in all its dealings, comply with disclosure policies, act with honesty and fairness, and provide reliable service and accountability for all its actions. Bank initiatives in 2011 For the second consecutive year, PSBank obtained a composite CAMELS rating of “4” released on 28 October 2011, based on the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Report of Examination as of 30 September 2010.

In December 2011, PSBank amended its Compliance Manual, in response to the BSP’s call to sustain improvements in its Compliance Program. The amendments strengthened the personnel complement of the Compliance Office and rationalized compliance checking for head office units and branches. The Bank’s Corporate Governance Manual was also updated and approved by its Board of Directors in December 2010, ahead of the March 2011 regulatory deadline. The updated manual is posted on the Bank’s website,, and on its intranet called InfoChannel for the knowledge and guidance of all its stakeholders.

CAMELS (Capital, Assets, Management, Earnings, Liquidity and Sensitivity to Risks) is a bank rating system in which bank supervisory authorities such as the BSP rate financial institutions. A rating of “4” means that the BSP found no major

PSBank actively discloses market-sensitive information and material changes in its operations to the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), along with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the BSP. It complies with reporting

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requirements by timely submitting complete and accurate reports. It also ensures transparency to shareholders by posting its latest public disclosures on the Investor Relations section of its website. These include PSBank’s disclosures to regulators, financial performance updates, dividend declarations, and other corporate developments. The Amended Rule on the Minimum Public Ownership was reported to the PSBank Board of Directors through its Corporate Governance committee on 24 January 2012. Through this new rule, the PSE would like to ensure that there is sufficient public participation in the ownership of corporations. PSBank’s public ownership as of end-December 2011 is equivalent to 22.77%, as disclosed to the PSE. Corporate Governance Policies The Bank’s Manual of Corporate Governance seeks to institutionalize the principles of good corporate governance in the entire organization. It also follows the principles of corporate governance initially set forth by the SEC and BSP.


Governance initiatives (2002-2010)

Over the years, PSBank has consistently pursued a strategy of providing a sustainable increase in shareholder value and efficiency in all aspects of operations. Below are the initiatives it has done in recent years in pursuit of good corporate governance: 2002

PSBank created the Manual of Corporate Governance in compliance with SEC guidelines.


The Bank started appointing independent directors, all of whom passed an evaluation process and attended the requisite seminar on corporate governance prior to sitting on the Board.


PSBank amended its corporate by-laws to include provisions on independent directors and the creation of a Nominations Committee. This was in addition to provisions on the conduct of meetings, creation of committees, and definition of the duties and responsibilities of the Bank’s directors and officers.


In January, the Bank revised its Code of Conduct in conformity with new laws and enactments, BSP guidelines and circulars, as well as its policies and procedures.

PSBank’s Corporate Governance Code covers the following key areas: 1. The principles of corporate governance, namely, fairness, accountability and transparency that the Bank adheres to; 2. The establishment of a compliance system in which the Board of Directors is responsible for PSBank’s long-term success and competitiveness in a manner consistent with its fiduciary responsibilities; 3. The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors; 4. The role of the Independent Director; 5. The organization of Board committees, specifically the Nominations Committee, Compensation and Remuneration Committee, Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee, Corporate Governance Committee, Executive Committee, and Trust Committee, to aid in complying with principles of good corporate governance; 6. The roles of the Corporate Secretary, External Auditor, Chief Audit Executive and the Compliance Officer in enabling an environment of good corporate governance; 7. The requirement to communicate the contents of the manual to all directors, executives and employees of the company; 8. The continuing education and training needed on corporate governance principles; 9. The reportorial or disclosure system on corporate governance; 10. The Bank’s commitment to respect and promote investors’ rights and protection, including the voting right, pre-emptive right, power of inspection, right to information, right to dividends, and appraisal right; 11. The annual evaluation of the Board as a body, the performance of its oversight committees and each of its directors; and the 12. Penalties for non-compliance with the corporate governance manual.

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In March, the Bank initiated a roundtable discussion on Corporate Governance among senior management, the Board of Directors and its advisers, and BSP. This was consistent with its efforts to provide venues for continuing education and updates on best industry practices. The discussion centered on how banks’ corporate governance practices drive their CAMELS rating.


PSBank again updated its corporate bylaws to rationalize the composition of the Board and reduce the number of its directors from 11 directors to nine.

Corporate Governance Code of Business Conduct PSBank’s amended Code of Conduct seeks to define the standards that must be followed by PSBank officers and staff in all business dealings and relationships. The Code includes the following provisions: 1. A discussion of the disciplinary process which ensures compliance with the Bank’s policies and procedures; 2. General policies to establish a professional working environment and secure a favorable reputation for the Bank; 3. Corrective measures for unacceptable behavior or failure to comply with the Bank’s rules, policies and procedures; and 4. Schedule of penalties for attendance and punctuality, attire requirements, conduct and behavior, dishonesty, health, safety and security, reporting of violations, and information security to serve as a guide for management. The code of conduct also includes provisions on management of personal finances, conflict of interest, non-disclosure of information, and insider information. Corporate Governance Scorecard PSBank has been an active participant in the Institute of Corporate Directors’ (ICD) annual Corporate Governance Scorecard project for Publicly Listed Companies (PLCs) since 2008. The CG Scorecard project ranks PLCs according to their performance relative to a set of corporate governance criteria. This includes policies and practices relating to Rights of Shareholders, Disclosure and Transparency, and Board Responsibilities. The project aims to raise the standards of corporate governance practices by ensuring compliance to minimum regulatory requirements and encouraging the adoption of recognized best practices in corporate governance. The CG Scorecard project is jointly administered with ICD’s partners, namely, the SEC, the Philippine Stock Exchange, the Institute of Internal Auditors of the Philippines, the Ateneo Law School and the Center for International Private Enterprise. The ICD is an institute for and by corporate directors who are committed to the pursuit of professional practice of corporate directorship in line with corporate governance principles. PSBank also accomplishes a similar scorecard for the BSP, also in coordination with the ICD. Board of Directors The Board of Directors is committed to uphold corporate governance principles. It is accountable to PSBank shareholders, stakeholders and the banking public in safeguarding their investment and maintaining public trust.

The Board sets strategic goals and procedures to guide and direct the Bank’s activities and policy decisions, and monitor management performance. There are nine directors on PSBank’s Board who are all qualified business professionals with the required expertise and experience in directing the Bank’s strategic path. They are elected by stockholders entitled to vote during the Annual Stockholders’ Meeting of the Bank. The Board approves the overall business strategy of the Bank, including the approval of risk policy and risk management procedures. Individual Board members avoid conflicts of interest in their activities and other business commitments. The Board oversees the activities of Senior Management team members and judges their performance.based on sufficient and timely information. PSBank has consistently maintained the presence of independent directors who provide independent judgment, outside experience, and objectivity. The Chairman ensures that the Board and its different committees are able to function effectively. Attendance in Meetings PSBank’s Board held 12 regular meetings in 2011, in addition to the annual stockholders and organizational meetings. The attendance of PSBank directors was at 99% in 2011. The attendance rate was at 100% in 2010 and 95% in 2009 and in 2008. ATTENDANCE IN 2011 BOARD MEETINGS DIRECTORS

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Vicente R. Cuna, Jr. *

12 11 3

Samson C. Lim


David T. Go Amelia B. Cabal **

9 4

Pascual M. Garcia III

Jose T. Pardo Arthur V. Ty


12 12


3 12




9 4 12

Joaquin Aligguy




Ma. Theresa G. Barretto

12 12 3

12 12 3


Margaret Ty Cham Regis V. Puno * * **



Term expired in April 2011 Term started 1 September 2011

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In addition to regular meetings, special Board meetings may be called by the Chairman, President, or any three directors. Directors are also required to attend regular committee meetings in addition to Board meetings. Committee memberships are assigned based on expertise and the requirements of each committee. The following PSBank Board Oversight committees have one or more independent directors as members: Audit, Compensation and Remuneration, Nominations, and Corporate Governance. Following BSP regulations, no member of the Executive Committee or the Trust Committee sits in the Audit Committee. Each director receives a monthly professional fee for attending Board and committee meetings. This is also in consideration of their valuable contributions in the formulation of the Bank’s overall strategy. The total per diem and transportation allowance paid to directors for their attendance in Board meetings in 2011 was Php11.29 million. The Bank’s remuneration policy for its directors indicates that the chairman, vice chairman and each of its directors shall receive reasonable per diems for attendance at any Board meeting. There is nothing in the by-laws of the Bank that prevents any director from serving any other capacity and receiving compensation.

Prior to Board meetings, all Directors are provided with documents on PSBank’s financial and operational performance, various committee activities, regulatory developments, and items for their information and approval. The Board has access to the Corporate Secretary and Assistant Corporate Secretary who manage the flow of information to the Board prior to the meetings. Board members also have access to a permanent compilation of documents related to past Board activities. They can readily seek clarification from management should they have concerns about the Bank or any of the items submitted for their consideration. The Board also reviews and approves all product and operations manuals to ensure that regulatory changes and best practices are considered and integrated in PSBank’s policies and procedures. For the fourth consecutive year, the Board members have undergone a self-evaluation of their performance using rating sheets from the Corporate Governance committee. The exercise aims to ensure their continuing effectiveness in the performance of their duties and to identify possible areas for improvement. The Board members also objectively assess the annual performance of each Board committee where they serve either as chair or member.

Board-Level Committees BOARD OF DIRECTORS Trust Committee

Corporate Governance Committee Compliance


Executive Committee

Audit Committee Internal Audit

Nominations Committee


Compensation / Remuneration Committee

Risk Management Committee


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All Business, Finance, Operations, Security, and other support groups

Corporate Governance Board-level Committees To aid in corporate governance, seven committees were established to support the Board in the performance of its functions. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE reviews and approves credit proposals within its limits. It recommends additional conditions and requirements on applications for Board approval. The committee is composed of Board members, as well as credit representatives from both Metrobank and PSBank.

3*4, ."/"(&.&/5 $0..*55&& assesses the probability of each risk and estimates its possible effects and costs. It also develops a written plan defining the strategies for managing and controlling risks, and communicates the risk management plan to affected parties. The committee is composed of at least three members of the Board who possess a range of expertise as well as knowledge of the Bank’s risk exposures. It is composed of four members of the Board and a representative from Metrobank. The Committee meets monthly. Committee Members

Committee Members

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

David T. Go, Chairman *



Arthur V. Ty, Chairman



Amelia B. Cabal **



Vicente R. Cuna, Jr., Vice Chairman*



Pascual M. Garcia III



Pascual M. Garcia III



Arthur V. Ty





Ma. Theresa G. Barretto

Bernardito M. Lapuz



Margaret Ty Cham



Edmund A. Go, Adviser



Rolando A. Rodriguez **



Corazon Ma. Therese B. Nepomuceno







Metrobank Representative

Pablito C. Veloria PSBank Representative

Maris Lou S. Velicaria PSBank Representative

* Term expired in April 2011 ** Retired effective July 2011

AUDIT COMMITTEE provides independent oversight of the Bank’s internal controls and financial reporting, risk management, ethical environment, compliance with laws and regulations, and the internal audit and external audit activities. The Committee is composed of Board members, two of whom shall be independent directors, including the chairman. These members should preferably have auditing, accounting or related financial management expertise. The Committee meets monthly. Committee Members

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Jose T. Pardo, Chairman, Independent Director



Samson C. Lim, Independent Director



Joaquin Aligguy



Amelia B. Cabal *



Emma B. Co



Chief Audit Executive

Metrobank Representative

* Appointed as Chairman in April 2011 ** Appointed as Member in September 2011

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE assists the Board in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities. It ensures the Board’s effectiveness and due performance of corporate governance principles and guidelines. The Committee meets at least quarterly. Committee Members

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Samson C. Lim, Chairman, Independent Director



Jose T. Pardo, Independent Director



David T. Go *



Margaret Ty Cham **



Amelia B. Cabal ***



Vicente R. Cuna, Jr.****



Regis V. Puno ****



* Appointed as Member in May 2011 ** Appointed as Member in July 2011 *** Appointed as Member in September 2011 **** Term expired in April 2011

* Appointed as Member in September 2011

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TRUST COMMITTEE supervises the proper exercise of the Bank’s fiduciary powers. This includes the acceptance and closing of trust and other fiduciary accounts, review of assets placed under fiduciary custody, and investment, reinvestment and disposition of funds and property. The committee is composed of at least five members including the President and Trust Officer, who is a non-voting member. The Committee meets quarterly.

COMPENSATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE establishes a formal and transparent procedure for developing a policy on executive remuneration. It is composed of at least three members, one of whom shall be an independent director. The head of the Bank’s Human Resources Group sits in this committee as a resource person. The Committee meets at least once a year. Committee Members

Committee Members

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

David T. Go, Chairman *



Ma. Theresa G. Barretto



Pascual M. Garcia III



Margaret Ty Cham



Edmund A. Go, Adviser



Regis V. Puno **



Stella A. Sampayan



Trust Officer

* Appointed as Chairman in June 2011 ** Term expired in April 2011

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE reviews and evaluates all nominees to the Board. It is mandated to have at least three voting member directors, one of whom must be independent. The Nominations and Review Committee is guided by its charter, as well as Bangko Sentral guidelines for the qualification and disqualification of directors set forth in the Manual of Regulations for Banks. The Committee meets at least once a year. Committee Members

Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Arthur V. Ty, Chairman



Samson C. Lim, Independent Director



Pascual M. Garcia III



Meetings No. of attended Meetings

Jose T. Pardo, Chairman, Independent Director



Arthur V. Ty



Joaquin Aligguy



Ma. Rita Rosette R. Villamin



HR Group Head

Executive Management The Board appoints the President who is responsible for managing and implementing the Bank’s business strategies and day-to-day operations. The President’s function within the organization is separate and distinct from the Chairman and Vice Chairmen of the Board, which are non-executive positions. Senior Management consists of a core group of individuals responsible for overseeing Bank operations. They support the President through their leadership of various management committees. They have the necessary skills to manage businesses under their supervision, as well as impose appropriate control over key individuals in these areas. They contribute to good governance by supervising line managers in specific business areas through ways consistent with Board-approved policies and procedures. Guided by an organizational strategy, management decision-making is supported by financial and non-financial performance metrics. This allows management to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of various operating groups. Financial reports, based on robust underlying accounting systems, are regularly generated, analyzed and presented to Senior Management. Audit Committee The Audit Committee serves as an independent oversight of the Board to ensure that the Bank has strong and effective independence, governance, risk management, internal control, compliance, and financial reporting.

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Corporate Governance In 2011, the Committee had 12 meetings to discuss reviews on branches, head office units, systems and applications, case investigations, special audits, and details on internal control compliance. Regulatory compliance updates were also taken up during the committee meetings. The Committee also reviewed and approved the following with the support of internal and external auditors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2012 Annual Risk-Based Internal Audit Plan; Revised Internal Audit Risk-Based Planning Framework; Revised Audit Committee and Internal Audit Charters; Revised Audit Rating System for IT Audit Risk-Based Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Testing and Evaluation Drill Audit Rating System 2011 year-end review conducted by external audit firm SGV and Co.

PSBank engages external auditors to review internal control processes related to the disclosure of financial statements. They should exercise due professional care in the conduct of audit reviews and examinations. The Audit Committee approved audit and related fees of Php2.0 million in 2011 and 2010 for services normally provided in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements. Internal Audit and Compliance PSBank has established internal controls and systems in various areas of operations to protect it from intrinsic business risks. The Bank’s Internal Audit Group evaluates the effectiveness of these control systems and compliance programs, and recommends measures to improve governance, risk management, and internal control processes. The Bank’s three-pronged approach ensures compliance within the organization: t 5IF "VYJMJBSZ $PNQMJBODF 0óDFST PS $PNQMJBODF Coordinators conduct random compliance testing to develop a compliance culture across the ranks. A reporting process helps the Chief Compliance Officer and the Chief Audit Executive detect any regulatory infractions. t 5IF *OUFSOBM "VEJU DPOEVDUT TVSQSJTF WJTJUT UP 14#BOL branches and other operating units. Independent Compliance Testing is conducted to ensure adherence to anti-money laundering rules and other regulatory requirements. t 5IF $PNQMJBODF 0óDF QFSGPSNT PWFSTJHIU GVODUJPO UP validate testing by Compliance Coordinators and Internal Auditors. The Chief Compliance Officer also conducts random visits to PSBank branches and head office units to check the progress of compliance testing. t *O DPNQMJBODF XJUI #41 $JSDVMBS XIJDI CFDBNF FòFDUJWF January 2011, the Compliance Office oversaw the resolution of all AMLA exceptions cited in the final Audit reports of all

branches and Head Office units. It discussed the exceptions with these groups so that they could determine their action plans and final resolution within a mandated or agreed deadline. The Chief Compliance Officer continues to conduct Quarterly Compliance Forums to regularly update all Compliance Coordinators, Auxiliary Compliance Officers and Internal Audit Officers on recently issued regulatory requirements. Enhancement trainings on AMLA issues, Compliance Testing, Corporate Governance, and CAMELS are conducted in these forums. AMLA Training PSBank ensures that all its newly hired employees undergo the basic Anti-Money Laundering (AML) training. For front-liners and officers, the Bank conducts seminars for a more in-depth understanding of AMLA regulations and its applications in day-to-day banking transactions. The Bank safeguards against money laundering and curbs possible fraudulent accounts by strictly adopting Know-YourCustomers business principles and the latest principles in the Updated Anti-Money Laundering Rules and Regulations. In support of the government’s commitment to fight money laundering, PSBank’s Board of Directors joined a group-wide Anti-Money Laundering seminar in July 2011. The seminar was conducted by the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC) and attended by the Metrobank Group’s Board of Directors and Senior Officers. The Board has also reviewed and approved in August 2011 the AMLA-MLPP (Manual on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Program), an urgent requirement for all banking institutions. The manual also incorporated changes to reflect AMLA issues and complement bank policies and procedures. In 2011, the Bank completed its CG Orientation seminars for all junior officers with ranks of manager and senior manager. The seminars aimed to impart the value of good corporate governance practices in the performance of their tasks. The training was initiated by the Compliance Office in coordination with the Human Resources Group’s Training Department. As of December 2011, all of the Bank’s 180 line officers attended the seminar. Moving Forward PSBank believes that good governance is key to building a culture of compliance which will help mitigate risks and prepare the Bank to face regulatory and industry demands. It aims to combine increased Board oversight, management expertise, enhanced services and technology to have an effective operating framework that delivers long-term results. It expects to transform these bankwide programs into a business culture that upholds fairness, accountability and transparency in all aspects of its operations.

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Audit Committee Report

Audit Committee Report

Report of the Audit Committee to the Board of Directors For the year ended 31 December 2011

The Audit Committee provided assistance to the Board in fulfilling its oversight function on the Bank’s financial reporting and control; governance and risk management processes; and internal and external audit functions. Management is responsible for the preparation, integrity, and fair presentation of the Bank’s financial statements prepared in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards. In 2011, the Audit Committee composed of four members, two of whom are independent directors, performed the following in their monthly meetings: t %JTDVTTFE BOE BQQSPWFE CPUI UIF *OUFSOBM "VEJU (SPVQ *"( and Sycip Gorres and Velayo’s (SGV) overall scope and plans; t 3FWJFXFE BOE EJTDVTTFE UIF ZFBS FOE ÜOBODJBM TUBUFNFOUT with SGV, who is responsible for expressing an independent opinion on the audited financial statements and their conformity with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards; t 3FWJFXFE XJUI *"( UIF SFTVMUT PG JUT FYBNJOBUJPOT BOE evaluations of internal control processes together with managements’ action plans and timetable for the implementation of recommendations to improve the operations of the branches and head office units including the information systems and security;

t &WBMVBUFE UIF QSPDFTT JO BTTFTTJOH UIF TJHOJĂśDBOU SJTLT BOE risk mitigation efforts of the Bank; t 3FWJFXFE BQQSPWFE BOE FOEPSTFE UP UIF #PBSE UIF SFWJTFE Audit Committee Charter which was ratified in March 2011; t 3FWJFXFE UIF *"( T BEFRVBDZ PG SFTPVSDFT TUBò competencies, activities, and effectiveness; t %JTDVTTFE BOE BQQSPWFE UIF SFTVMU PG UIF BOOVBM JOUFSOBM quality assessment of IAG’s conformance with the International Professional Practices Framework for Internal Auditing; t .POJUPSFE BOE BTTFTTFE UIF #BOL T DPNQMJBODF XJUI applicable laws, rules, regulations, code of conduct as well as the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control system. Based on the reviews and discussions undertaken and subject to the limitations on the roles and responsibilities provided for in the Audit Committee Charter, the Committee recommends that the audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory bodies. 29 February 2012

JOSE T. PARDO Audit Committee Chairman




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EMMA B. CO Member

Board of Directors



Chairman / Independent Director

Vice Chairman




Director / President

Independent Director

DAVID T. GO Director









Corporate Secretary

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Chairman / Independent Director Chairman since 2003. Chairman, Philippine Stock Exchange. Director of National Grid Corp. of the Philippines. Former Secretary, Department of Finance and Department of Trade and Industry. Former Member of the Board of Governors, Asian Development Bank, International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Former Member, Monetary Board of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. First graduate of the Harvard-DLSU Advisory Program. BS Commerce-Accountancy and MBA, De La Salle University.

Director Director since 2011. Director, Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company. Bank Supervisor, Metrobank (China) Ltd. Chairman, External Audit Committee of the International Monetary Fund. Independent Director, Deutsche Regis Partners, Inc., Ionics, Inc., and Ionics EMS, Inc. Former Director, Metrobank. Former Senior Adviser and Financial Markets Vice Chairman, SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. BS Commerce major in Accounting, Far Eastern University. Advanced Management Program, Asian Institute of Management. Pacific Rim Banking Program, Pacific Coast Banking School, University of Washington. Top Management Program, Bangkok. Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School.

ARTHUR V. TY Vice Chairman Vice Chairman since 2001. President, Metrobank. Vice Chairman/ Director, Cathay International Resources Corp. Chairman/ Director, Global Treasure Holdings Inc. and GT Capital Holdings Inc. Chairman, Metrobank (China) Ltd., Great Mark Resources Corporation and Grand Titan Capital Holdings Inc. Vice Chairman, Metrobank Foundation, Inc. BS Economics, University of California-Los Angeles. MBA, Columbia University.

PASCUAL M. GARCIA III Director / President President since 2001. Adviser, Metrobank. Director, Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corp. and Sumisho Motor Finance Corp. Trustee, Chamber of Thrift Banks. BS Commerce, Ateneo de Zamboanga.

SAMSON C. LIM Independent Director Director since 2008. President, Automatic Centre and Blims Fine Furniture. Chairman, Francorp Philippines. Vice President, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Executive Director, Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry. President, Canadian Tourism & Hospitality Institute. Chairman, World Franchise Council. Chairman Emeritus and Founding President, Philippine Franchise Association. BS Liberal Arts, Cum Laude, Ateneo de Manila University. Masters in Business Economics, University of Asia and the Pacific. Top Management Program, Asian Institute of Management.

MARGARET TY CHAM Director Director since 2004. Director, Orix Metro Leasing Corp. and Federal Land Inc. President, Glam Holdings Corp. and Glamore Holdings Corp. Vice President, Great Mark Resources Inc., Global Treasure Holdings Inc., and Grand Titan Capital Holdings Inc. Corporate Sercretary, Metrobank Foundation. Vice President/Corporate Secretary, Norberto and Tytana Ty Foundation. BS Humanities, De La Salle University.

MA. THERESA G. BARRETTO Director Director since 2006. Director, Endel Enterprises and Rural Bank of Candelaria. BS Commerce, Assumption College. Curso de Estudios Hispanicos, La Universidad de Madrid in Spain.

JOAQUIN ALIGGUY Director Director since 2009. Corporate Secretary, Manila Doctors Hospital. Director, Asia Pacific Land (Nanjing) Ltd., and Aspac Land Development (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. Adviser, Metrobank Foundation. Trustee, Kaisa Heritage and Angelo King Foundations. Consultant, Asiaticus Management Corp. Director, Resources Consultants Philippines Inc. AB Philippine Literature, University of the Philippines. ~



Director Director since 2011. Director, Metropolitan Bank (China), Ltd. Senior Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Director, Toyota Motor Philippines Corp. Director, Toyota Manila Bay, Inc., Toyota Cubao, Inc. and Lexus Manila, Inc. Chairman, Toyota Makati, Inc. and Toyota San Fernando, Inc. Board Adviser and Treasurer, Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corp. Vice Chairman, Toyota Autoparts Phils, Inc. President, Sumaco Manufacturing Corp. BA Economics and Political Science, New York University. Doctor of Philosophy in Internal Relations, New York University.

Corporate Secretary Corporate Secretary since 2011. First Vice President, Metrobank. BS Commerce major in Accounting, University of Santo Tomas.

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Senior Officers

Pascual M. Garcia III

Jose Vicente L. Alde

Perfecto Ramon Z. Dimayuga, Jr.


Executive Vice President

Senior Vice President

Norberto M. Coronel III

Jose Jesus B. Custodio

Neil C. Estrellado

First Vice President

First Vice President

First Vice President

Leah M. Zamora

Andre Manuel L. Abellanosa

Raye Claudine Q. Baron

First Vice President

Vice President

Vice President

Dan Jose D. Duplito

Abigail P. Melicor

Antonio Jude Martin P. Montinola

Vice President

Vice President

Vice President

Melissa F. Tong

Mary Jane M. Valero

Vice President

Vice President

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Noli S. Gomez

Yolanda L. Dela Paz

Ma. Patricia L. Casta単eda

Senior Vice President

Senior First Vice President

First Vice President

Francis C. Llanera

Ismael S. Reyes

Jose Martin A. Velasquez

First Vice President

First Vice President

First Vice President

Minda L. Cayabyab

Emma B. Co

Jose Nazario R. Cruz

Vice President

Vice President

Vice President

Edeza A. Que

Stella A. Sampayan

Victor Albert A. Saplala

Vice President

Vice President

Vice President

Pablito C. Veloria

Ma. Rita Rosette R. Villamin

Vice President

Vice President

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of Officers Senior Officers Profiles Profiles of Senior PASCUAL M. GARCIA III President President since September 2001. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee. (See Board of Directors pages.)

JOSE VICENTE L. ALDE Executive Vice President Joined the Bank in October 2007. Member, Assets and Liabilities, Credit, Investment, IT Steering, Personnel and Emergency Committees. Former Vice President, ABNAMRO Bank. Bachelor in Computer Science with honors, University of the Philippines. MBA, Asian Institute of Management.

PERFECTO RAMON Z. DIMAYUGA, JR. Senior Vice President Joined the Bank in January 2006. Chief Finance Officer and Head, Finance Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities, IT Steering, Investment, Personnel, and Outsourcing Committees. Worked in the Treasury Departments of Bank of the Philippine Islands, DBS Bank Phils., Inc., Mindanao Development Bank, Citytrust Banking Corp. and Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. AB in Economics, Ateneo de Manila University. MBA, University of the Philippines.

NOLI S. GOMEZ Senior Vice President Joined the Bank in October 2001. Head, Operations Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities, Anti-Money Laundering, Policy, Personnel, Outsourcing and Emergency Committees. Former Chief Risk Officer and Head of Systems and Methods, DBS Bank Phils. and Systems Management Officer, Bank of the Philippine Islands. BS Civil Engineering, Mapua Institute of Technology. Licensed Civil Engineer with distinction.

YOLANDA L. DELA PAZ Senior First Vice President Joined the Bank in September 1983. Head, Specialized Lending Desk. Member, Credit Committee. Former Supervisor, Equitable Computer Services and Officer-in-Charge, Equitable Banking Corporation branch. Bachelor of Business Administration, major in Accounting, University of the East.

~ MA. PATRICIA L. CASTANEDA First Vice President Joined the Bank in August 2005. Head, Risk Management Office. Member, Assets and Liabilities, Investment, Anti-Money Laundering and IT Steering Committees. Former Market Risk Officer, BDO Private Bank. Former Corporate Finance Manager, TA Bank. Former Risk Management Officer, Bank of the Philippine Islands. BS Business Economics with honors, University of the Philippines.

NORBERTO M. CORONEL III First Vice President Joined the Bank in December 2007. Head, Large Enterprise Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee. Former FVP and Head of Equity Underwriting and Placements, Investment & Capital Corp. of the Philippines. Former AVP of Investment Banking Division, United Coconut Planters Bank. BS Business Management, Ateneo de Manila University. MBA, University of the Philippines.

JOSE JESUS B. CUSTODIO First Vice President Joined the Bank in December 2001. Head, Indirect Sales Channel. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee. Former Head of Auto Loans-Retail Sales, Citytrust Banking Corp. Former Fleet and Floorstock Department Head, BPI Family Savings Bank. BS Business Management, Ateneo de Manila University.

NEIL C. ESTRELLADO First Vice President Joined the Bank in March 2002. Head, Information Technology Division. Member, Anti-Money Laundering, Outsourcing, IT Steering and Emergency Committees. Former Project Leader, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corp. Ltd. Former Lead IT Analyst, Development Bank of Singapore. Former Project Manager, DBS Philippines. Former Systems Analyst, Bank of the Philippine Islands. BS Mathematics, Ateneo de Manila University.

FRANCIS C. LLANERA First Vice President Joined the Bank in December 2007. Head, Loan Operations Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities and Anti-Money Laundering Committees. Former Credit Card Collections Head, Union Bank of the Philippines. Formerly with American International Group’s Credit Risk Management. BS Commerce, University of Santo Tomas.

ISMAEL S. REYES First Vice President Joined the Bank in September 2008. Head, Branch Banking Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee and Personnel Committee. Former Division Head of Market Management, iRemit Inc. Former Head and Operations Manager of the Funds Transfer Department, Bank of the Philippine Islands. BS Economics, University of Santo Tomas.

JOSE MARTIN A. VELASQUEZ First Vice President Joined the Bank in September 2004. Head, Treasury Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities and Investment Committee. Former Deputy Treasurer, First Metro Investment Corp. Former Senior Dealer, BPI Capital Corp. BA Economics and BS Commerce major in Management of Financial Institutions and MBA, De La Salle University. Registered Fixed Income Salesman, Securities and Exchange Commission. Treasury Certified Professional, Ateneo-Bankers Association of the Philippines.

LEAH M. ZAMORA First Vice President Joined the Bank in April 2010. Head, Business Information Management Services Division. Member, Assets and Liabilities and IT Steering Committees. Former Vice President for Financial Planning and Analysis, GE Money Bank Philippines. BS Accounting, De La Salle University. Certified Public Accountant.

ANDRE MANUEL L. ABELLANOSA Vice President Joined the Bank in February 2003. Head, Treasury Marketing and Currencies Division. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee. Former Senior Trader, BPI Capital Corporation. Former Head, Foreign Exchange Trading, DBS

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DBS Forex Corp. BS Management, Colegio de San Juan de Letran. Registered Fixed Income Salesman, Securities and Exchange Commission. Treasury Certified Professional, Ateneo-Bankers Association of the Philippines.

RAYE CLAUDINE Q. BARON Vice President Joined the Bank in August 2009. Head, Process Management Division. Member, Policy, Outsourcing and Emergency Committees. Former Senior Assistant Vice President for Project Management and Operations Control Department, AIG PhilAm Savings Bank Inc. BS Business Management, Ateneo de Manila University. MBA, University of the Philippines.

MINDA L. CAYABYAB Vice President Joined the Bank in May 1998. Head, Financial Accounting and Services Division. Former Senior Auditor, Joaquin Cunanan PricewaterhouseCoopers Phils. BS Business Administration, major in Accounting with honors, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. Certified Public Accountant.

EMMA B. CO Vice President Joined the Bank in December 2001. Chief Audit Executive and Head, Internal Audit Group. Member, Anti-Money Laundering Committee. Former Senior Manager for Audit, Mercator Group. Former IT Audit Officer, Union Bank of the Philippines. BS Commerce, major in Accounting, University of Santo Tomas. Bachelor of Laws, Lyceum of the Philippines. MS in Information Management, Ateneo de Manila University. Certified Public Accountant and lawyer.



Vice President Joined the Bank in March 2005. Head, Information Security Department. Former Information Security Consultant, TIM Corporation and I-Sentry Security Services. BS Mechanical Engineering, University of the Philippines.

Vice President Joined the Bank in June 2002. Head, IT System & Operations Support Department. Member, IT Steering and Emergency Committiees. Former Associate Consultant, SQL*Wizard, Inc. Former Database Administrator, Bayan Telecommunication Inc. BS Management Information Systems, Ateneo de Manila University. Oracle Certified Professional DBA.

ABIGAIL P. MELICOR Vice President Joined the Bank in March 2006. Head, Indirect Mortgage Channel. Member, Assets and Liabilities Committee. Chairperson, SPEED Committee. Former Channel Head– Senior Manager for Personal Loans, Standard Chartered Bank. Former Assistant Manager, AIG Credit Cards. BS Commerce major in Economics, University of Santo Tomas.

ANTONIO JUDE MARTIN P. MONTINOLA Vice President Joined the Bank in March 2009. Head, Electronic Channels Group. Member, Assets and Liabilities and Emergency Committees. Former Group Account Director, Harrison Communications Inc. – McCann-Erickson Philippines. Former Business Unit Director, Arc Worldwide – CRM/Digital Agency of Leo Burnett. BS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Ateneo de Manila University.

MARY JANE M. VALERO Vice President Joined the Bank in August 2002. Head, Customer Service Division. Former Front Office Manager, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Manila. Duty Manager, Westin Philippine Plaza. BS Psychology and BA Guidance and Counseling, St. Scholastica’s College.


Vice President Joined the Bank in October 2005 as Credit Risk Manager. Former Credit Risk Manager for Consumer Banking, Standard Chartered Bank. Former Risk Management Officer, American International Group Credit Card Co. BS Statistics with honors and MS in Statistics, University of the Philippines.

Vice President Joined the Bank in September 2006. Head, General Services Division. Former Head of Consumer Credit Evaluation, Field Support, Credit Investigation, Housing Loan Evaluation, Share Finance Credit and Mortgage Credit Investigation, BPI Family Savings Bank. BS Civil Engineering, Adamson University.


Vice President Joined the Bank in August 2001. Chief Compliance Officer. Former Assistant Vice President, DBS Bank Philippines. Former Assistant Vice President, Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. Former Country Representative, RCBC Hong Kong. BS Mathematics and MBA, Far Eastern University. Bachelor of Laws, Bulacan State University.

Vice President Joined the Bank in January 2009. Head, Trust Division. Member, Assets and Liabilities and Investment Committees. Former Funds Business Head, ING Bank NV-Manila. Former Trust Department Head, American Express Bank. BS Business Administration, major in Management of Financial Institutions, De La Salle University. Trust Operations and Investment Management course, Trust Institute Foundation of the Philippines.

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Vice President Joined the Bank in December 2010. Head, Business Development Division. Former Unit Head for Cash Management Services and Head of Retail Sales and Marketing, BDO Unibank. Former Regional Head for Europe, iRemit. BA in Organizational Communication and BS in Commerce major in Marketing Management, De La Salle University.



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MA. RITA ROSETTE R. VILLAMIN Vice President Joined the Bank in February 2003. Head, Human Resources Group. Member, Personnel Committee and Retirement Committee. Former Senior Manager for Human Resources, SM Supermalls. Training Manager, Litton Mills. BS Hotel and Restaurant Management, University of Santo Tomas.

CFO's Report

PSBank achieved another record income in its 51year history as it held its own amid the increasing competition in the Philippine banking industry in 2011. Even with slowerthan-expected domestic economic growth, PSBank maintained the strength of its balance sheet, which allowed it to continue its growth track. Record profit performance We reported record net earnings of Php2.03 billion in 2011, a 12.20% year-on-year improvement from Php1.81 billion in 2010. This increase was achieved mainly through an expansion of our balance sheet and more durable income stream from our core business. As in the previous year, liquidity levels in the banking system continued and this has led to a sustained decline in interest margins. For PSBank, this was offset by the increased expansion of its loan portfolio, particularly vehicle and mortgage loans which grew by 13.33% and 8.72%, respectively.

Translating our strength into

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Interest income from loans and investments climbed to Php8.71 billion, 14.83% higher than the Php7.59 billion recorded in 2010. Interest expenses, on the other hand, rose by 12.63% to Php3.27 billion. Overall, net interest income notably increased by 13.91% to Php5.71 billion. Other operating income was lower by 6.70% to Php7.68 billion compared with Php8.24 billion registered in 2010. This was a result of lower trading gains of Php927.70 million in 2011 compared with the exceptional trading result of Php2.23 billion in 2010. Available to more customers We expanded our nationwide footprint by adding 20 branches and 125 more ATMs in 2011, allowing customers access to a total of 200 branches and 505 ATMs. Despite these considerable investments in technology and personnel, other expenses grew moderately by 6.79% to Php5.03 billion from Php4.71 billion, previously. We concluded the year with total loan loss provisions of Php656.09 million and better asset quality. Meanwhile, our non-performing loans (NPLs), net of fully provided loans, stood at Php1.72 billion. This translates to an NPL ratio of 3.12% which compares favorably with the average ratio for the thrift banking industry. With the additional provisions, the Bank’s NPL coverage ratio was at 74.73%. Our total assets reached Php120.25 billion, sustaining the growth track that we set in previous years. Improved access to delivery channels and sustained marketing campaigns allowed the Bank to expand its loans and receivables to Php58.19 billion, 9.36% up from 2010. We are very optimistic about the future and in achieving further growth primarily due to our capital base of Php15.54 billion. After we exercised the call option on our Tier 2 notes in January 2011, we went ahead with preparations for another issuance in November 2011. This was in anticipation of the implementation of Basel 3 in the local banking system.

In February 2012, we completed the issuance of Php3 billion worth of unsecured subordinated debts or Tier 2 notes. The Philippine Rating Services Corporation (Philratings) rated the issuance PRS Aaa which indicates that the obligations were of “high quality with minimal credit risk.” The issuance has a 10-year maturity period, with a call option on the fifth year. Value creation for shareholders Our shares ended at Php82.00 per share, 28% higher than Php64.00 per share in end-2010. This share price appreciation reflected significant improvements in the Philippine Stock Exchange index in 2011. We continued to declare quarterly dividends equivalent to 6% per share. Total dividends paid to shareholders amounted to Php144.15 million. In early 2012, our Board of Directors approved an increase in the annual dividend rate to 30%. This translates to Php3.00 per share in annual dividends from Php0.60 per share, previously. The new rate will take effect in the first quarter of 2012. We maintained our investment in Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corporation (TFSPC), which generated Php64.33 million in cash dividends. We own 25% of TFSPC which continues to be one of the leading finance companies in the country. We also invested an additional Php400.00 million in Sumisho Motor Finance Corp., a joint venture with Sumitomo Corp. of Japan. We hold a 40% stake in Sumisho, which offers motorcycle financing through its 17 branches nationwide. The best is yet to come We remain proud and steadfast in our goal to protect the interests of our shareholders, investors, and clients in all aspects of our operations. We see everyday challenges as tests of our resolve to serve our customers in the best way we can, pushing the envelope each time to allow them to achieve their personal or business goals and ultimately, get the most out of life.


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1.25 1.00




1.75 1.31






15 14.81





16 15.37





17 15.70



Management's Discussion and Analysis

0.75 0.50

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(in percent)

(in percent)

(in percent)

BALANCE SHEET Assets Our total assets as of 31 December 2011 stood at Php120.25 billion, 15.46% higher than the Php104.15 billion the previous year. The growth was primarily due to the expansion of our loan and investment portfolios. Loans and Receivables, Net Our loans and receivables grew 9.36% to Php58.19 billion as the volume of our top loan products, Auto and Mortgage, increased by 13.33% and 8.72%, respectively. This came even with supply bottlenecks among Japanese carmakers and the intense competition in the mortgage loan market that drove down interest rates. Securities and Investments Held-to-maturity investments climbed by 34.39% to Php12.31 billion as of 31 December 2011 compared to year-ago level of Php9.16 billion as we accumulated longterm portfolio investments in government securities and Republic of the Philippines (ROP) bonds. Our available-forsale investments were higher by 15.39% to Php18.69 billion. Meanwhile, fair value through profit or loss investments was lower by 93.69% at Php54.79 million. There was a 49.20% increase in our investments in an associate and joint venture to Php1.24 billion due to the Php400.00 million additional investments in Sumisho Motor Finance Corp. (SMFC) in August 2011. This represents our 40.00% stake in SMFC. Our 25.00% stake in Toyota Financial Services Philippines Corp. (TFSPC) remained intact.

Property and equipment increased by 13.04% or Php274.84 million to Php2.38 billion due to the expansion of our ATM network, new branches, and renovation. Goodwill and intangible assets increased by 6.02% to Php255.18 million from Php240.68 million during the period. Capital Capital funds increased by 33.87% to Php15.54 billion as we benefitted from higher net income for the period. We declared quarterly dividends of Php0.15 per quarter, consistent with our dividend policy. On 28 January 2011, we exercised the call option on our Php2.00-billion unsecured subordinated notes (Tier 2) which was rated PRS Aaa by Philippine Rating Services Corp. (PhilRatings). PRS Aaa indicates that the notes are of the highest quality with minimal credit risk and that our capacity to meet our financial commitments is extremely strong. To support asset growth and strengthen our capital base, we sought approval from the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) to issue Php3.00 billion worth of Tier 2 notes. The approval was granted on 27 December 2011. The notes were issued on 20 February 2012 and were priced at 5.75%. Deferred Tax Deferred tax asset increased by 61.55% or Php434.13 million to Php1.14 billion from Php705.36 million a year ago due to the recognition of deferred income tax on provision for credit and impairment losses recorded for the period.

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PSBank posted a record-high net income after tax of Php2.03 billion in 2011, 12.20% higher than the Php1.81 billion posted in 2010. Deposit Liabilities Total deposits reached Php101.55 billion, 16.03% more than the Php87.52 billion level in 2010. This was a result of the expansion of our nationwide presence to 200 branches and 125 new ATMs with the aim of increasing our customer touchpoints. Time deposits grew 11.77% to Php78.46 billion while demand deposits also edged up by 59.30% to Php11.42 billion. Likewise, savings deposits expanded by 14.98% to Php11.67 billion as of 31 December 2011.

INCOME STATEMENT Net Income We ended 2011 with a record-high net income after tax of Php2.03 billion, 12.20% higher than the Php1.81 billion we posted in 2010. The growth was primarily driven by a 13.91% improvement in our net interest income as a result of the expansion of our balance sheet, which more than offset the decline in spreads. Interest Income We posted an increase in total interest income of 13.44% to Php8.98 billon, better than the Php7.91 billion in the same period in 2011. Interest income from loans grew 10.23% to Php6.47 billion with the expansion of our total loan portfolio. Interest income from investment securities also grew by 30.60% to Php2.24 billion in December 2011. Interest income from our accounts with other banks and the BSP was at Php74.62 million in December 2011, 54.95% lower than the Php165.64 million reflected in 2010. On the other hand, our interest income from interbank loans receivables and securities purchased under resale agreements rose by 18.12% to Php189.60 million.

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Total interest expense increased by 12.63% to Php3.27 billion mainly due to higher deposit levels. Interest expense on deposit liabilities rose by 19.92% to Php3.23 billion from Php2.69 billion the previous year. However, interest expense on subordinated notes payable was at Php37.33 million, 81.88% lower than in 2010 as we paid off our Php2.00-billion Tier 2 notes on 28 January 2011. Non-Interest Income Other operating income was lower in 2011 mainly due to the drop in trading revenues by 58.39%. Foreign exchange gains stood at Php0.56 million while net service fees and commission were higher at Php732.88 million from Php691.68 million in 2010. We reflected a gain on foreclosures of investment properties amounting to Php208.75 million, 6.96% lower than the Php224.36 million in 2010. We incurred losses on the sale of investment properties amounting to Php22.12 million. On the other hand, gains on sale of chattel, including properties and equipment, amounted to Php50.51 million. Total other expenses, excluding provisions, were moderately higher at Php5.03 billion from the yearago level of Php4.71 billion. We set aside a total of Php656.09 million in provisions for credit and impairment losses for 2011. Occupancy and equipment-related costs increased by 14.38% to Php485.28 million due to branch and ATM expansion during the period. As of December 2011, we had 200 branches and 505 ATMs.

Statement of Management's Responsibility

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Independent Auditor's Report

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Statements of Condition

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Statements of Income

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Statements of Comprehensive Income

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Statements of Changes in Equity

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Statements of Cash Flows

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Notes to Financial Statements

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BF Resort 1 Alice Crisostomo St. cor. BF Resort Drive BF Resort Village T: (02) 873-6941 / 873-9765 F: (02) 873-6787

Arnaiz 824 Ginbo Bldg., Arnaiz St. T: (02) 888-5488 / 888-5500 F: (02) 888-5499

Camarin G/F, Zabarte Town Center, 588 Camarin Rd. T: (02) 962-4865 / 962-4866 F: (02) 962-4864 Caloocan G/F, G. Raymundo Bldg., 314 EDSA Monumento T: (02) 361-2163 / 364-6549 F: (02) 364-6548 Grace Park 647 Rizal Ave. Ext., 10th Ave., Grace Park T: (02) 362-7638 / 362-7639 F: (02) 362-7463 Maypajo 132 A. Mabini St., Maypajo T: (02) 285-7012 / 287-2338 F: (02) 287-3048

Las Piñas G/F, Fairland Bldg., Alabang-Zapote Rd. cor. V. Guinto St., Pamplona T: (02) 871-2346 / 873-8651 F: (02) 873-8354 Las Piñas - Pamplona Alabang Zapote Rd., Pamplona 2 T: (02) 872-1865 / 875-3364 F: (02) 872-1533 Las Piñas - Zapote G/F, Zapote Arcade Bldg. 2 Quirino Ave., Zapote T: (02) 822-5442 / 822-5736

Ayala Avenue G/F, Jaka I Bldg., Ayala Ave. T: (02) 867-1899 / 867-2799 F: (02) 867-1799 Chino Roces G/F, ENCM Bldg., 1099 Chino Roces Ave. cor. Mascardo St., Sta. Cruz T: (02) 899-3700 / 899-4500 F: (02) 899-4600 Chino Roces Avenue Extension GEE Bldg., 2301 Chino Roces Ave. Ext. T: (02) 889-4625 / 889-3450 F: (02) 889-2617 Gil Puyat - N. Garcia Unit 101-A ITC Bldg., Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. T: (02) 897-0425 / 897-0426 F: (02) 899-3764

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Gil Puyat - Tindalo G/F, Skyland Plaza Condominium Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. cor. Tindalo St. T: (02) 845-0008 / 845-0064 / 844-6002 F: (02) 845-0051 / 845-0065 J.P. Rizal PSBank Bldg., J.P. Rizal cor. Legaspi Sts. Brgy. Valenzuela T: (02) 890-0794 / 896-8408 F: (02) 895-5847

MANDALUYONG CITY Boni Avenue 641 CIFRA Bldg., Boni Ave. T: (02) 531-7702 / 531-8066 F: (02) 531-8141 EDSA Central G/F, Unit 111 EDSA Central Square 3rd St., Greenfield District T: (02) 637-2601 / 637-4005 F: (02) 637-1756

Legaspi - Palanca Doña Angela Garden Condominium 110 C. Palanca St., Legaspi Village T: (02) 814-0843 / 817-8801 F: (02) 893-3207

Kalentong 55 Shaw Blvd., near cor. Kalentong St. T: (02) 531-8193 / 531-8293 F: (02) 531-9353

Legaspi - Salcedo 195 Casmer Bldg., Salcedo St. Legaspi Village T: (02) 830-0004 / 840-4283 F: (02) 830-0192

Mandaluyong Wack Wack G/F, Unit 1-A Lee Gardens Condominium Shaw Blvd. T: (02) 451-1677 / 451-1788 F: (02) 451-1788

Magallanes 1052 MPI Bldg., EDSA cor. Lapu-Lapu Ave. Magallanes Village T: (02) 851-2921 / 851-6027 F: (02) 851-0678 Makati Avenue 690 Makati Ave. cor. Jupiter St. Bel-Air Village T: (02) 895-8882 / 896-0014 F: (02) 896-8993 Main Office - Paseo de Roxas G/F, PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas Ave., cor. Sedeño St. T: (02) 885-8208 loc. 8637, 8640, 8642 (02) 885-8239 F: (02) 845-0066

MANILA Abad Santos 1939 Jose Abad Santos Ave., Tondo T: (02) 252-4242 / 252-4277 F: (02) 252-4244 Adriatico Midtown Level 1, Alfresco Space 282 Robinsons Place Manila, M. Adriatico St. Ermita T: (02) 524-4410 / 559-8391 F: (02) 559-8246 Balic-Balic G. Tuazon cor. Calabash A Sts. Balic-Balic, Sampaloc T: (02) 712-0584 / 781-8184 F: (02) 781-2645

MALABON CITY Malabon 685 Rizal Ave. Ext., San Agustin St. T: (02) 283-7668 / 283-7669 F: (02) 283-7667

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Blumentritt PSBank Bldg., 1680 Blumentritt cor. Oroquieta Sts., Sta. Cruz T: (02) 741-0801 / 741-3858 F: (02) 743-7327

Central Market 1633 Fugoso cor. M. Natividad Sts. Sta. Cruz T: (02) 733-8294 / 735-1181 F: (02) 733-8293 Downtown Center 628 Wellington Bldg. Plaza Lorenzo Ruiz, Binondo T: (02) 243-3089 / 243-3090 / 243-3125 F: (02) 241-0301 España Unit G España Tower, 2203 España Blvd. T: (02) 711-2075 / 711-2078 F: (02) 711-2076 Harrison Plaza G/F, F8 Harrison Plaza Shopping Center Mabini St., Malate T: (02) 524-4389 / 524-4394 F: (02) 524-4384 Jaboneros 467 Jaboneros cor. Ilang-Ilang Sts. Binondo T: (02) 242-8254 / 243-7330 F: (02) 242-8253 Legarda G/F, Legarda Place, Legarda St. Sampaloc T: (02) 734-6702 / 735-3285 F: (02) 733-6984 Ongpin Ongpin Commercial Center Gonzalo St., Sta. Cruz T: (02) 733-6656 / 733-7393 F: (02) 733-7397 Paco G/F, Units 14 and 15 JCS Bldg. 1521 Paz St., Paco T: (02) 562-3513 / 562-9607 F: (02) 561-3661

Branches Padre Faura G/F, Padre Faura Wing Robinsons Place Manila Padre Faura St., Ermita T: (02) 523-0787 / 523-0794 F: (02) 523-0781 Pateros G/F, Sanz Bldg., 506 M. Almeda St. San Roque, Pateros T: (02) 584-3904 / 584-3910 F: (02) 584-3908

Vito Cruz G/F, Burgundy Westbay Tower 820 Pablo Ocampo St., Malate T: (02) 302-0476 / 302-0744 F: (02) 302-0745 Ylaya 999-1003 Ylaya St., Tondo T: (02) 245-6757 / 245-6758 F: (02) 245-5317

Alabang - Madrigal Park G/F, Admiralty Bldg. 1101 Alabang- Zapote Rd. Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang T: (02) 869-0956 / 869-7158 F: (02) 869-0956 Alabang - Zapote G/F, Sycamore Arcade Bldg. Alabang-Zapote Rd., Alabang T: (02) 842-3760 / 842-5115 F: (02) 842-1566

MARIKINA CITY Quezon Boulevard 358 Quezon Blvd., Quiapo T: (02) 736-7333 / 736-7334 F: (02) 733-6244 Quiapo Palanca 202 Carlos Palanca cor. Villalobos Sts. Quiapo T: (02) 733-8401 / 733-8402 / 733-8403 F: (02) 733-3868 Rizal Avenue 552-554 Rizal Ave., Sta. Cruz T: (02) 733-0233 / 733-3857 F: (02) 733-4075 Soler Athena Tower, 1258 Soler cor. Benavidez Sts., Binondo T: (02) 241-3081 / 242-1048 F: (02) 241-3083 T.M. Kalaw G/F, Sunview Palace Condominium T.M. Kalaw Ave. cor. M.H. del Pilar St. Ermita T: (02) 247-0419 / 247-0438 F: (02) 247-1105 Tabora 817-819 Tabora St., Divisoria T: (02) 241-8670 / 241-8672 / 247-1979 F: (02) 241-8678 U.N. Avenue G/F, Linsangan Admiralty Bldg. 1225 U.N. Ave., Paco T: (02) 588-0566 / 588-0571 F: (02) 588-0570

Marikina - Concepcion 20 Bayan-Bayanan Ave., Concepcion Uno T: (02) 942-2411 / 998-2836 F: (02) 942-2462 Marikina - Marcos Highway Unit 18 M & R Complex Marcos Highway cor. Gunting St. San Roque T: (02) 668-1018 / 668-1060 F: (02) 668-1059 Marikina - Parang L2 B9, Atienza Property B.G. Molina cor. E. Rodriguez Sts., Parang T: (02) 942-0013 / 942-0804 F: (02) 942-0617 Marikina - Riverbanks A1-24 Riverbanks Arcade Riverbanks Center, 84 A. Bonifacio Ave. Barangka T: (02) 948-5547 / 948-6168 F: (02) 948-5391 Marikina - Sumulong cor. E. Jacinto G/F, Algers Bldg., Sumulong Highway cor. E. Jacinto St., Brgy. Sto. Niño T: (02) 661-9120 / 661-9124 F: (02) 661-9122

Muntinlupa DLA Bldg., Putatan T: (02) 862-0029 / 862-0552 F: (02) 862-0028

NAVOTAS Navotas 873 M. Naval St., Sipac-Almacen T: (02) 283-6944 / 666-6638 F: (02) 283-6621

PARAÑAQUE CITY BF Homes 11 President Ave. cor. Elizalde St. BF Homes T: (02) 807-9866 / 807-9867 F: (02) 807-9378 Bicutan 40 Doña Soledad Ave. Better Living Subdivision T: (02) 776-2643 / 776-3009 F: (02) 776-6409 Parañaque 8387 Dr. Alejo Santos Ave. Brgy. San Antonio T: (02) 825-1512 / 825-7314 F: (02) 829-7048

MUNTINLUPA CITY Alabang Estrellita Bldg., 236 Montillano St. Alabang T: (02) 842-1241 / 850-1279 F: (02) 850-0532

Parañaque - La Huerta Quirino Ave. cor. M. Rodriguez St. La Huerta T: (02) 826-9650 / 826-9722 F: (02) 826-9648

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PASAY CITY Baclaran BAGVPI Trade Center, F.B. Harrison cor. Ortigas Sts. T: (02) 851-0310 / 854-0673 F: (02) 851-4357

Plaza Bonifacio A. Mabini cor. Alkalde Jose Sts. Kapasigan T: (02) 641-5335 / 642-3980 F: (02) 641-1941

QUEZON CITY Pasay Taft 2336 Taft Ave. cor. Villareal St. T: (02) 551-1598 / 831-4574 F: (02) 833-8875

Acropolis (Libis) The SPA Bldg. 80 E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave., Libis T: (02) 655-5578 / 655-5341 F: (02) 655-5320

PASIG CITY Caniogan 1 C. Raymundo cor. Mercedes Ave. Caniogan T: (02) 642-8717 / 642-8767 F: (02) 642-8715 Manggahan 454 Amang Rodriguez Ave., Manggahan T: (02) 748-3390 / 748-3398 F: (02) 748-3386 Ortigas Unit 110 Parc Chateau Condominium Onyx cor. Sapphire and Garnet Rds. Ortigas Center T: (02) 633-6209 / 634-4319 F: (02) 634-4320 Ortigas - San Miguel G/F, The Crescent Bldg. 21 San Miguel Ave., Ortigas Center T: (02) 634-1773 / 634-1870 F: (02) 634-1872 Pasig Mutya Mariposa Bldg., Caruncho cor. Suarez Ave. T: (02) 477-2942 / 641-7486 F: (02) 641-1122 Pasig - Shaw 112 Shaw Blvd. T: (02) 687-2537 / 687-6561 F: (02) 687-2564

PSBank Annual Report 2011

Amoranto N.S. Amoranto cor. Retiro Sts. T: (02) 712-1545 / 742-8736 F: (02) 412-5218 Araneta Avenue 50 Landargun St. cor. Araneta Ave. T: (02) 716-1051 / 716-1052 F: (02) 716-1054 Balintawak 1238 GO SOC Bldg., EDSA Balintawak T: (02) 362-8189 / 362-8191 F: (02) 362-8187 Banawe PPSTA Bldg. 3, 245 Banawe St. T: (02) 742-2797 / 742-2805 F: (02) 742-2790 Commonwealth 2211 Aguirre Bldg., Commonwealth Ave. T: (02) 931-6934 / 932-2116 / 952-2062 F: (02) 952-2066 Congressional Avenue 45 Congressional Ave. Ext. T: (02) 920-8036 / 924-5102 F: (02) 924-5103 Del Monte 182-A Del Monte Ave., Brgy. St. Peter T: (02) 410-0900 / 410-7037 / 742-8727 F: (02) 415-3501

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E. Rodriguez (New Manila) Seneca Plaza Bldg. 1152 E. Rodriguez Sr. Ave., New Manila T: (02) 705-1110 / 724-3775 F: (02) 721-0701 Fairview 95 Commonwealth Ave. Brgy. Greater Fairview T: (02) 431-1534 / 939-7520 F: (02) 938-2141 P. Tuazon 247 P. Tuazon cor. 15th Ave., Cubao T: (02) 438-4686 / 911-1119 F: (02) 911-1181 P. Tuazon - 7th Avenue G/F, Universal Aquarius Bldg. 158 P. Tuazon cor. 7th Ave., Cubao T: (02) 995-7672 / 995-7674 F: (02) 995-7673 Gilmore Heights 18 Granada cor. Castilla Sts. T: (02) 724-0210 / 724-0230 F: (02) 724-0255 Kamias PHA Bldg., 14 Kamias Rd. T: (02) 925-8654 / 925-8746 F: (02) 925-8653 Katipunan G/F, Unit 103 Elizabeth Hall, L1 B41 Katipunan Ave., Loyola Heights T: (02) 426-7118 / 929-0276 F: (02) 929-0275 Lagro L5 B2, Sacred Heart Village Quirino Highway, Lagro T: (02) 418-1048 / 930-1827 F: (02) 939-3184 Quezon City - Matalino 18 St. Thomas Square Bldg., Matalino cor. Matatag Sts., Brgy. Central T: (02) 928-1945 / 928-2471 F: (02) 929-9587

Branches Mindanao Avenue Units A & B, L Bldg., 4 Mindanao cor. Congressional Ave., Bahay Toro Project 8 T: (02) 920-0576 / 920-0763 F: (02) 920-0478

RIZAL Antipolo 75 Circumferential Rd. Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City T: (02) 696-3588 / 696-3595 F: (02) 696-3617

New Frontier - Araneta Center Space 19, New Frontier Cinema Theater Arcade, Gen. Roxas Ave. Araneta Center, Cubao T: (02) 912-6189 / 912-6843 F: (02) 912-7265

Antipolo - Masinag G/F, Tripolee Bldg., Marcos Highway Brgy. Mayamot, Antipolo City T: (02) 470-3616 F: (02) 470-3132

Novaliches 877 G/F, Gatmaitan Bldg. Quirino Highway, Gulod T: (02) 419-0208 / 930-0488 / 936-3602 F: (02) 419-0209

Antipolo - M.L. Quezon World Citi Colleges Bldg., M.L. Quezon St. Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City T: (02) 584-7768 / 584-7769 F: (02) 584-7772

Quezon Avenue 380 Jacinto Bldg., Quezon Ave. cor. Scout Reyes St., Paligsahan T: (02) 799-2963 / 374-4255 F: (02) 374-4233

Antipolo - Unciano G/F, Unciano Colleges & General Hospital Circumferential Rd., Brgy. San Roque Antipolo City T: (02) 570-8530 / 570-8533 F: (02) 570-8531

Roosevelt 348 PSBank Bldg., Roosevelt Ave. San Francisco del Monte T: (02) 372-2132 / 414-5102 F: (02) 414-5097 Tandang Sora Amina Bldg., Tierra Bella Subdivision Tandang Sora Ave. T: (02) 931-3276 / 932-3346 F: (02) 932-3212 Timog 58 Castro Bldg., Timog Ave. Brgy. Laging Handa T: (02) 374-3691 / 374-3692 F: (02) 373-7023 West Avenue 49 Graphic Sales Center Bldg., West Ave. T: (02) 371-9395 / 411-0677 F: (02) 371-9396

Cainta G/F, Ortigas Royale Condominium Ortigas Ave. Ext., Brgy. San Juan, Cainta T: (02) 656-8284 / 656-8290 F: (02) 656-8295 Cainta - Felix Avenue Cainta Business Center Bldg., Felix Ave. cor. Vista Verde Ext. Gate 2, Cainta T: (02) 646-7421 / 840-2710 F: (02) 641-1941 Taytay Ison Bldg., J.P. Rizal Ave. cor. Ison St. Brgy. Dolores, Taytay T: (02) 658-7264 / 660-4755 / 658-7251 F: (02) 660-4756

Greenhills 3 Missouri cor. Nevada Sts. Northeast Greenhills T: (02) 721-4491 / 722-7575 F: (02) 722-8045 N. Domingo Joyce Apartelle, 128 N. Domingo St. T: (02) 726-2893 / 726-2896 F: (02) 726-2894 San Juan 5 F. Blumentritt cor. N. Domingo Sts. T: (02) 724-9468 / 725-7850 F: (02) 726-1090 Wilson 1 Barasoain cor. Wilson Sts. T: (02) 724-0306 / 724-0337 F: (02) 724-0329

TAGUIG CITY Bonifacio Global City Units 1 and 2, Golden Forum Bldg. 31st cor. 2nd Sts., Bonifacio Global City T: (02) 815-9754 / 815-9796 F: (02) 815-9785 Global City - 4th Avenue Shop 4, The Luxe Residences 28th cor. 4th Ave., Global City T: (02) 403-7619 / 403-9313 F: (02) 403-9315 Taguig - Kalayaan Shop 10, PhilPlans Corporate Center 1012 North Triangle Drive Bonifacio Global City T: (02) 403-1992 / 403-1993 F: (02) 403-1994

VALENZUELA CITY SAN JUAN CITY Boni Serrano (St. Ignatius) PSMBFI Bldg., Boni Serrano Ave. cor. 1st and 2nd Sts., West Crame T: (02) 724-5352 / 727-1215 F: (02) 726-2930

Valenzuela Arty Subdivision, McArthur Highway cor. J.P. Rizal St., Karuhatan T: (02) 291-8435 / 432-8684 F: (02) 291-6464

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Valenzuela - Paso de Blas 141 Paso de Blas St., Valenzuela T: (02) 277-1596 / 294-9124 F: (02) 432-1393

Cabanatuan 782-784 Century Enterprise Bldg. Melencio cor. Paco Roman Sts. Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija T: (044) 463-8109 / 463-8110 / 464-1437 F: (044) 463-8111 Camiling Arellano St., Poblacion, Camiling, Tarlac T: (045) 934-0458 F: (045) 934-0336

Olongapo KT Tower, L1147 Rizal Ave. cor. 18th St. East Bajac-Bajac, Olongapo, Zambales T: (047) 224-6681 / 224-6689 F: (047) 224-6682

Dagupan City 43 Burgos St., Dagupan City, Pangasinan T: (075) 515-8571 / 522-8573 F: (075) 522-8574

Paniqui Poblacion Norte, Paniqui, Tarlac T: (045) 931-0234 / 931-1539 F: (045) 931-0934

Isabela - Cauayan 135 Maharlika Highway, San Fermin Cauayan, Isabela T: (078) 652-1131 / 652-1214 (078) 897-1506 / 662-1317 F: (078) 652-1006

San Fernando HPT Bldg., McArthur Highway, Dolores San Fernando, Pampanga T: (045) 963-5353 / 963-5354 F: (045) 961-3157

NORTH LUZON Alaminos - Pangasinan Suki Market, F. Reinoso St., Poblacion Alaminos, Pangasinan T: (075) 654-0305 / 654-0306 F: (075) 653-0304 Angeles Miranda Ext. cor. Sadie St., San Nicolas Angeles, Pampanga T: (045) 625-9445 / 888-9432 F: (045) 625-9443 Angeles - Balibago G/F, Fields Plaza Condominium McArthur Highway, Balibago Angeles, Pampanga T: (045) 624-6721 (02) 246-8420 F: (045) 624-6720 Baguio 35 G. Perfecto St., Malcolm Square Baguio City T: (074) 442-5260 / 442-8092 / 442-9483 F: (074) 442-8091 Balanga SHP Bldg. II, Don Manuel Banzon Ave. Balanga, Bataan T: (047) 237-9926 / 237-9928 (02) 246-8204 F: (047) 237-9927 Baliuag B.S. Aquino Ave., Brgy. Bagong Nayon Baliuag, Bulacan T: (044) 673-1644 / 766-1919 F: (044) 766-1920 Bulacan - Pulilan Do単a Remedios Trinidad Highway Pulilan, Bulacan T: (044) 326-0102 / 892-1508 / 892-1142 F: (044) 326-0102

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Meycauayan City PSBank Bldg., McArthur Highway Calvario, Meycauayan, Bulacan T: (044) 228-3316 / 721-0665 F: (044) 935-2765

La Union G/F, Nisce Bldg., Quezon Ave. San Fernando, La Union T: (072) 888-2173 F: (072) 888-3279 Laoag City F.R. Castro St., Laoag, Ilocos Norte T: (077) 770-3336 / 770-3692 / 771-6167 F: (077) 770-3692 Malolos Paseo del Congreso, Brgy. Liang Malolos, Bulacan T: (044) 666-2219 / 791-0439 F: (044) 791-0446 Malolos McArthur Units 2, 3 and 4, Twins Plaza Complex McArthur Highway, Bulihan Malolos, Bulacan T: (044) 790-6279 / 791-9810 F: (044) 791-9811

Santiago G/F, Insular Life Bldg., Maharlika Highway Brgy. Villasis, Santiago, Isabela T: (078) 682-2013 / 682-3001 F: (078) 305-2120 / 682-3002 Sta. Maria Corazon de Jesus St., Poblacion Sta. Maria, Bulacan T: (044) 288-2543 / 893-0588 F: (044) 815-4764 Tarlac PSBank Bldg., F. Ta単edo St., Tarlac T: (045) 982-3513 / 982-3669 F: (045) 982-3512 Tarlac Capas Sto. Domingo 1st, Capas, Tarlac T: (045) 615-0813 / 615-0814 F: (045) 615-0815 Tuguegarao GSM Bldg., Luna cor. Del Rosario Sts. Tuguegarao, Cagayan T: (078) 844-8613 / 844-8751 F: (078) 844-8621

Branches Vigan G/F, CAP Bldg., Florentino St. Vigan, Ilocos Sur T: (077) 632-0872 / 722-5100 F: (077) 632-0871

SOUTH LUZON Batangas P. Burgos St., Batangas City T: (043) 402-1520 / 402-8888 F: (043) 402-1521 Binakayan PSBank Bldg., Tirona Highway National Rd., Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite T: (046) 434-1627 / 434-4221 F: (02) 529-8702 Biñan A. Bonifacio cor. Burgos Sts. Biñan, Laguna T: (049) 411-3406 / 511-9413 F: (02) 520-8216 Calamba G/F, Anderson Bldg. 1, National Highway Parian, Calamba, Laguna T: (02) 420-8220 / (049) 545-5978 F: (049) 545-5979 Candelaria Rizal Ave. cor. Argao St. Candelaria, Quezon T: (042) 585-8443 / 741-1263 F: (042) 585-8444 Cavite - Bacoor Heritage Bldg., Km. 16 Aguinaldo Highway Niog, Bacoor, Cavite T: (046) 481-7465 / 481-7645 Cavite - Molino G/F, Golden Oasys Bldg., Molino 4 Bacoor, Cavite T: (046) 438-8389 / 438-8391 / 438-8392 (02) 529-8860 F: (046) 438-8392

Cavite - Silang G/F, O.C. Bldg., M.H. Del Pilar cor. Kiamzon Sts., Silang, Cavite T: (046) 861-2145 / 865-2142 F: (046) 414-3427

Los Baños PSBank Bldg., Lopez Ave. Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna T: (02) 520-8305 / (049) 536-2147 F: (049) 536-1271

Cavite - Tanza G/F, Annie’s Plaza A, Soriano Highway Tanza, Cavite T: (046) 481-7437 / 481-7463 F: (02) 529-8972

Lucena City Quezon Ave. cor. Evangelista St. Lucena City, Quezon T: (02) 250-8246 / (042) 710-3481 F: (042) 660-6342

Dasmariñas PSBank Bldg., E. Aguinaldo Highway cor. Mangubat St., Dasmariñas, Cavite T: (046) 416-0331 / 416-4476 F: (02) 529-6101

Naga City G/F, CAP Bldg., Dinaga St. cor. Panganiban Drive, Naga City Camarines Sur T: (054) 472-0452 / 811-5188 F: (02) 250-8099

Imus Nueno Ave., Imus, Cavite T: (046) 471-0095 / 571-0298 F: (02) 529-8743 Laguna - Sta. Cruz A. Regidor St., Sta. Cruz, Laguna T: (049) 501-4933 / 501-4934 F: (049) 501-4932 Legazpi City G/F, Tower Bldg. II, Landaco Business Park Legazpi, Albay T: (052) 480-0948 / 480-0950 F: (02) 429-1581 Lemery Ilustre Ave. cor. J.P. Rizal St. Lemery, Batangas T: (043) 409-0350 F: (043) 411-1549 Lipa C.M. Recto Ave. cor. R. Soliman St. Lipa City, Batangas T: (043) 756-1711 / 756-2745 F: (043) 756-1813 Lipa - J.P. Laurel Highway Autoplex Bldg., J.P. Laurel Highway Sabang, Lipa City, Batangas T: (043) 784-6127 / 784-6129 F: (043) 784-6126

Pallocan West G/F, CS Rayos Bldg., Pallocan West Batangas City T: (043) 723-5780 / 723-7226 (02) 520-6141 F: (043) 723-2330 Puerto Princesa 248 Rizal Ave., Puerto Princesa Palawan T: (048) 434-1512 / 434-1558 F: (048) 434-1559 San Pablo Rizal Ave., San Pablo, Laguna T: (049) 562-0853 / (02) 520-6050 F: (049) 562-7610 San Pedro Casa Hacienda Commercial Center A. Mabini St., San Pedro, Laguna T: (02) 808-1185 / 847-8230 F: (02) 869-2266 Sta. Rosa Padi’s Point Bldg., Tagaytay National Rd. Laguna Bel-Air, Brgy. Don Jose Sta. Rosa, Laguna T: (049) 541-0624 / 541-0747 F: (049) 541-0845

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Tanauan City J.P. Laurel Highway, Tanauan City Batangas T: (043) 778-1432 / 778-1532 F: (043) 778-1018

VISAYAS - MINDANAO Aklan - Kalibo 19 Martyrs cor. Pastrana Sts. Kalibo, Aklan T: (036) 262-8775 / 268-1511 F: (036) 500-7859 Bacolod A. Yu Bldg., Locsin St. (between Gonzaga and Luzurriaga Sts.) Bacolod, Negros Occidental T: (034) 435-0069 / 708-9080 F: (034) 435-0060 Bacolod - North Drive G/F, Riverside Pharmacy Bldg. B.S. Aquino Drive, Bacolod Negros Occidental T: (034) 435-5042 / 709-0155 F: (034) 435-5044 Bukidnon - Malaybalay Fortich St., Malaybalay, Bukidnon T: (088) 314-0208 / 314-0209 / 813-3190 F: (088) 314-0210 Bukidnon - Valencia G/F, Tamay Lang Arcade, Alkuino cor. Manuel A. Roxas Sts., Poblacion Valencia, Bukidnon T: (088) 315-0216 / 315-0217 / 828-3388 F: (088) 315-0218

Cebu - Uptown G/F, Insular Life Cebu Business Centre Mindanao Ave., cor. Biliran Rd., Cebu T: (032) 266-1648 / 266-1651 F: (032) 417-1745

Cebu - Capitol The Strip, Osme単a Blvd. Capitol Site, Cebu T: (032) 254-7417 / 254-7583 F: (032) 412-8636

Davao - Bajada 88 Bldg., J.P. Laurel St., Bajada Davao del Sur T: (082) 227-4771 / 300-6712 F: (082) 222-4013

Cebu - Carbon Plaridel cor. Progreso Sts., Cebu T: (032) 254-7712 / 416-0005 F: (032) 254-7711

Davao - Madrazo PSBank Bldg., Quirino cor. Cayetano Bangoy Sts. (formerly Ponciano Reyes), Davao del Sur T: (082) 222-4280 / 222-5001 F: (082) 222-4279

Cebu - Colon Pelaez near Colon Sts., Cebu T: (032) 255-7551 / 255-7621 F: (032) 254-6483 Cebu - Jones Osme単a Blvd., cor. Sanciangko St., Cebu T: (032) 255-1483 / 255-1971 F: (032) 412-5450 Cebu - Lapu-Lapu Gaisano Mactan Island Mall Lapu-Lapu, Cebu T: (032) 239-0897 / 238-2310 F: (032) 495-1425 Cebu - Mandaue A.C. Cortez N & N Cortes Arcade, A.C. Cortes Ave. Mandaue, Cebu T: (032) 344-0581 / 344-0582 F: (032) 420-5714 Cebu - Mandaue National Highway G/F, JTC Bldg., 212 National Highway Mandaue, Cebu T: (032) 328-0725 / 346-2249 / 346-5939 F: (032) 328-0725

Butuan J.C. Aquino cor. Ochua Ave. Butuan, Agusan del Norte T: (085) 225-9192 / 342-7042 F: (085) 225-9190 Cagayan de Oro BJS Bldg., Don Apolinar Velez cor. A. Mabini Sts., Cagayan de Oro Misamis Oriental T: (088) 857-4183 / (08822) 725-184 F: (08822) 726-044

PSBank Annual Report 2011

Cebu - Banilad G/F, Gaisano Country Mall Banilad, Cebu T: (032) 231-0948 / 416-2335 F: (032) 231-2966

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Cebu - Taboan C. Padilla cor. T. Abella Sts. Taboan, Cebu T: (032) 261-1746 / 261-1747 F: (032) 418-2880

Davao - Matina G/F, Saito Bldg., McArthur Highway Matina, Davao T: (082) 295-2786 / 321-9764 F: (082) 295-2670 Davao - Monteverde 88 T. Monteverde Ave., Davao Davao del Sur T: (082) 221-0646 / 221-0647 F: (082) 221-0645 Davao - Tagum PSBank Bldg., National Highway cor. Pioneer Ave., Tagum Davao del Norte T: (084) 217-2901 / 400-1362 F: (084) 400-1361 Dipolog Lopez Skyroom, Rizal Ave. cor. C.P. Garcia St., Dipolog Zamboanga del Norte T: (065) 212-2927 / 212-9297 F: (065) 212-6980 Dumaguete City G/F, Hotel Palwa, Dr. V. Locsin St. Dumaguete, Negros Oriental T: (035) 226-1582 / 422-0159 F: (035) 442-0200

Branches General Santos Santiago Blvd. cor. Naranjita St. General Santos, South Cotabato T: (083) 552-3337 / 552-3547 F: (083) 553-6632

Tacloban City G/F, Tacloban Plaza Bldg., Justice Romualdez St., Tacloban, Leyte T: (053) 325-3554 / 523-0887 F: (053) 325-3521

Iloilo - Iznart 533 Iznart St., Iloilo City T: (033) 337-1218 / 508-9410 F: (033) 335-0938

Tagbilaran Ideal Cinema Bldg., CPG Ave. Tagbilaran, Bohol T: (038) 411-4473 / 411-4523 F: (038) 501-7010

Iloilo - Quezon 23 C. Quezon St., Iloilo City T: (033) 336-8248 / 336-8249 F: (033) 508-9422 Mandaue - Subangdaku G/F, Units 101-102, KRC Bldg National Highway, Subangdaku Mandaue, Cebu T: (032) 345-3342 / 345-3343 F: (032) 345-3344 Ormoc - Centrum G/F, Units 1 and 2, Ormoc Centrum Aviles cor. San Pedro Sts., Ormoc, Leyte T: (053) 255-7554 / 255-7555 F: (053) 561-8415

Zamboanga Nu単ez Ave. Ext., Camino Nuevo Zamboanga del Sur T: (062) 991-7271 / 991-8125 F: (062) 991-8656 Zamboanga - Pilar G/F, Martha Bldg., Pilar St. Zamboanga City, Zamboanga del Sur T: (062) 991-1078 F: (062) 955-0007 Zamboanga - Guiwan Maria Clara Lobregat National Highway Guiwan, Zamboanga City T: (062) 984-2108

Ozamiz Rizal Ave. cor. Capistrano St. Ozamiz, Misamis Occidental T: (088) 521-3277 / 521-3477 F: (088) 521-3377 Pagadian City G/F, Mendoza Bldg., J.P. Rizal Ave. cor. B. Aquino St., Pagadian Zamboanga del Sur T: (062) 215-3580 / 215-3581 F: (062) 215-3582 Roxas City Arnaldo Blvd. cor. Datiles St. Roxas, Capiz T: (036) 520-6218 / 621-5265 F: (036) 621-1897

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PSBank Annual Report 2011



Total Gas Station Fairview Commonwealth Ave. Brgy. North Fairview, Quezon City

Araneta Center Bus Station Supercenter Building, Times Plaza Ave. Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City

Total Gas Station Balintawak EDSA, Brgy. Unang Sigaw Balintawak, Quezon City

LRT 1 - Abad Santos North & Southbound Abad Santos Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Mt. Samat and Abad Santos Sts. Tondo, Manila

Total Gas Station Sta. Rosa Kilometer 40, Brgy. Malitlit Sta. Rosa, Laguna

LRT 1 - Baclaran 1 & 2 Baclaran Station, Taft Ave. Ext. cor. Park Ave., Pasay City

Total Gas Station Sucat Sucat Road, Brgy. San Dionisio Parañaque City

LRT 1- Balintawak Balintawak Station, EDSA cor. NLEX (Balintawak Cloverleaf ) Caloocan City

HOSPITALS Cardinal Santos Medical Center 10 Wilson St., West Greenhills San Juan City Calamba Medical Center Crossing, Calamba City, Laguna Calamba Doctors Hospital Old National Highway, Brgy. Parian Calamba, Laguna Manila Doctors’ Hospital Doña Salustiana Medical Tower T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila Metro Lipa Medical Center J.P. Laurel Highway, Marawoy Lipa City, Batangas N.L. Villa Memorial Medical Center Felix Manalo St., Lipa City, Batangas

HOTELS Greenhills Elan Hotel Modern 49 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan City Makati Palace Hotel 5011 P. Burgos cor. Caceres Sts. Makati City Shangri-La Mactan Punta Engano Road, Lapu-Lapu City EDSA Shangri-la Manila No. 1 Garden Way, Ortigas Center Mandaluyong City

PSBank Annual Report 2011

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LRT 1- Bambang North & Southbound Bambang Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Bambang St., Sta. Cruz, Manila LRT 1 - Blumentritt North & Southbound Blumentritt Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Blumentritt and New Antipolo Sts. Sampaloc, Manila LRT 1 - Carriedo 1 & 2 Carriedo Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Carriedo St., Sta. Cruz, Manila LRT 1 - Central Station Central Station, Mayor Antonio Villegas Rd. (Arroceros St.), Ermita, Manila LRT 1 - Doroteo Jose North & Southbound Doroteo Jose Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Doroteo Jose St., Sta. Cruz, Manila LRT 1 - EDSA Station North & Southbound EDSA Station, Taft Ave. cor. EDSA Pasay City LRT 1 - Gil Puyat North & Southbound Gil Puyat Station, Taft Ave. cor. Gil Puyat Ave., Pasay City LRT 1 - Libertad North & Southbound Libertad Station, Taft Ave. cor. Arnaiz Ave. and Libertad St., Pasay City LRT 1 - Monumento Northbound Rizal Ave. cor. EDSA and R. Dani St. Grace Park, Caloocan City LRT 1 - Pedro Gil North & Southbound Pedro Gil Station, Taft Ave. cor. Pedro Gil, Ermita, Manila

LRT 1 - Quirino Southbound Quirino Station, Taft Ave. cor. Pres. Quirino Ave., Malate, Manila LRT 1 - R. Papa North & Southbound R. Papa Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Ricardo Papa St., Tondo, Manila LRT 1 - Roosevelt Roosevelt Station, EDSA cor. Roosevelt and Congressional Rds., Bago Bantay Quezon City LRT 1 - Tayuman Northbound Tayuman Station, Rizal Ave. cor. Tayuman St., Sta. Cruz, Manila LRT 1 - U.N. Avenue North & Southbound United Nations Station, Taft Ave. cor. United Nations Ave. and Gen. Luna St. Ermita, Manila LRT 1 - Vito Cruz North & Southbound Vito Cruz Station, Taft Ave., cor P. Ocampo and Vito Cruz Sts., Malate, Manila LRT 2 - Anonas Anonas Station, Aurora Blvd. cor. Anonas St. Project 3, Quezon City LRT 2 - Araneta Center Araneta Center Station, Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City LRT 2 - Betty Go Belmonte Betty Go Belmonte Station, Aurora Blvd. cor. Betty Go Belmonte St., New Manila Quezon City LRT 2 - Gilmore Gilmore Station, Aurora Blvd. cor. Gilmore St., New Manila, Quezon City LRT 2 - J. Ruiz J. Ruiz Station, Aurora Blvd. cor. J. Ruiz St., San Juan City LRT 2 - Katipunan Katipunan Station, Aurora Blvd. cor. Katipunan Ave., Loyola Heights Quezon City LRT 2 - Legarda Legarda Station, Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila LRT 2 - Pureza Pureza Station, Ramon Magsaysay Blvd. cor. Pureza St., Sta. Mesa, Manila

Offsite ATMs LRT 2 - Recto Recto Station, C.M. Recto Ave. cor. Evangelista and Oroquieta Sts. Sta. Cruz, Manila


LRT 2 - Santolan Santolan Station, Marcos Highway near Santolan Road, Brgy. Barangka Marikina City

A-Venue Mall 7829 Makati Ave., Makati City

LRT 2 - V. Mapa V. Mapa Station, Ramon Magsaysay Blvd. cor. V. Mapa and Sociego Sts., Sta. Mesa Manila MRT - Ayala Ayala Station, EDSA, Makati City MRT - Boni Avenue Boni Ave. Station, EDSA, Mandaluyong City MRT - Cubao Cubao Station, EDSA, Quezon City MRT - Guadalupe North & Southbound Guadalupe Station, EDSA, Makati City MRT - Kamuning Northbound GMA Kamuning Station, EDSA Quezon City

168 Shopping Mall 1 & 2 Sta. Elena St., Binondo, Manila

Abreeza Mall 1 & 2 J.P. Laurel Ave., Bajada, Davao City Alabang Town Center Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa City Ali Mall P. Tuazon Blvd., Araneta Center Quezon City Araneta Square Cor. Samson & Rizal Ave. Caloocan City Cartimar The International Shopping Center Taft Ave., Pasay City Cash & Carry South Super Highway cor. Emilia St. near Buendia Ave., Makati City

MRT - Magallanes North & Southbound Magallanes Station, EDSA, Makati City

Central Mall Bi単an National Highway cor. Malvar St. Bi単an, Laguna

MRT - Ortigas North & Southbound Ortigas Station, EDSA Ortigas Center Mandaluyong City

Citimall One Commonwealth Ave. Quezon City

MRT - Quezon Avenue North & Southbound Quezon Ave. Station, EDSA, Quezon City

Eastwood Cyber and Fashion Mall Eastwood City Cyberpark E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave., (C-5) Bagumbayan Quezon City

MRT - Santolan Northbound Santolan Station, Annapolis Station EDSA, Quezon City MRT - Shaw A & B Shaw Blvd. Station, EDSA Mandaluyong City SM North Edsa Bus Hub North Ave. cor. EDSA, Bagong Pag-asa District 1, Quezon City South Station Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang Muntinlupa City

Eastwood Citywalk II Eastwood City, E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave. Bagumbayan, Quezon City Elizabeth Mall Cor. Leon Kilat St. and N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City Ever Gotesco Commonwealth 1 & 2 Don Mariano Marcos Ave. cor. Don Antonio Road, Quezon City Ever Gotesco Manila 1958 C.M. Recto Ave., Manila Ever Gotesco Ortigas Ever Gotesco Ortigas Complex Ortigas Extension, Brgy. Sta. Lucia Pasig City

Fairview Center Mall Marcos Highway cor. Regalado St. Fairview, Quezon City Farmers Plaza Araneta Center, EDSA, Quezon City Festival Supermall Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang Muntinlupa City Fiesta World Mall Brgy. Maraouy, Lipa City Batangas Gaisano Capital Tisa 126 F. Llamas St., Tisa, Labangon Cebu City Gaisano Grand Fiesta Mall Highway Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu Gaisano Grand Citimall Ilustre St., Davao City Gaisano Grand Mall of Mactan cor. Basak - Agus Road Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu Gaisano Grand Mall of Minglanilla Poblacion, Ward II, Minglanilla Cebu City Gaisano Mall Davao J.P. Laurel Ave., Davao City Gaisano Metro Ayala Cebu Business Park Archbishop Reyes Ave., Cebu City Gaisano Metro Colon Colon cor. P. Lopez Sts. and Osme単a Blvd., Cebu City Gateway Mall Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City Glorietta 5 Glorietta 5, Ayala Center, Makati City Greenbelt 3 Greenbelt 3, Ayala Center, Makati City Isetann Cubao Aurora Tower, Araneta Center Cubao, Quezon City Isetann Recto C.M. Recto, Quiapo, Manila

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Landmark Makati Ayala Center, Makati Ave., Makati City Landmark Trinoma 1 & 2 EDSA cor. Mindanao Ave. Ext. Brgy. Pag-asa, Quezon City Malabon Citisquare 1 & 2 C4 Road cor. Dagat-Dagatan Ave. Malabon City Market! Market! Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Marquee Mall Francisco G. Nepo Ave., Angeles City Pampanga Metropoint Mall EDSA cor. Taft Ave. and Zamora St. Pasay City Metro Town Mall McArthur Highway cor. Juan Luna St. Tarlac City New Fiesta Mall (Duty Free) Duty Free Philippines, New Fiesta Mall Ninoy Aquino Ave., Parañaque City One World Square Upper McKinley Rd., McKinley Town Center Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City Parkmall Ouano Ave., Mandaue Reclamation Area Cebu City Pasay City Mall Taft Ave. cor. Arnaiz St., Pasay City Pavilion Mall Level 2, Bldg. A, Pavilion Mall Km. 35 Brgy. San Antonio, Biñan, Laguna Robinsons Cybergate Cebu Don Gil Garcia St., Cebu City Robinsons Galleria 1 & 2 EDSA cor. Ortigas Ave., Quezon City Robinsons Metro East Marcos Highway, Brgy. Dela Paz Santolan, Pasig City Robinsons Nova Market 1 & 2 Brgy. Pasong Putik, Quirino Highway Novaliches, Quezon City

Robinsons Place Angeles McArthur Highway, Balibago Angeles City, Pampanga Robinsons Place Cainta Ortigas Ave. Ext., Brgy. Sto. Domingo Cainta, Rizal Robinsons Place Cebu Fuente Osmeña cor. Jones Ave. Cebu City Robinsons Place Dasmariñas Aguinaldo Highway cor. Governor’s Drive Sitio Palapala, Dasmariñas, Cavite Robinsons Place Imus E. Aguinaldo Highway Tanzang Luma Highway, Imus, Cavite Robinsons Place Manila 1 & 2 M. Adriatico cor. Pedro Gil St. Malate, Manila Robinsons Place Otis Brgy. 831, Zone 90, Dr. P.M. Guanzon St. Paco, Manila Robinsons Place Sta. Rosa National Highway, Brgy. Tagapo Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

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Shoppes @ Victoria - Victoria de Manila Victoria de Manila, Taft Ave. Malate, Manila Shoppesville Ortigas Ave., Greenhills Shopping Center San Juan City SM Center Las Piñas Alabang Zapote Rd., Brgy. Talondos Las Piñas City SM Center Molino Brgy. Molino 4, Molino Rd. Bacoor, Cavite SM Center Muntinlupa 1 & 2 Km. 29 National Rd., Tunasan Muntinlupa City SM Center Pasig Frontera Verde, C5, Brgy. Ugong Pasig City SM Center Valenzuela McArthur Highway, Brgy. Karuhatan Valenzuela City

Robinsons Starmills Olongapo-Gapan Rd., Brgy. San Jose City of San Fernando, Pampanga

SM City Bacoor Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Highway cor. Tirona Highway, Brgy. Habay Bacoor, Cavite

Robinsons Town Mall Los Baños Batong Malake cor. Lopez Ave. Los Baños, Laguna

SM City Baliwag Doña Remedios Trinidad Highway Brgy. Pagala, Baliwag, Bulacan

Rockwell Center Rockwell Information Center Rockwell Drive cor. Plaza Drive Makati City

SM City Batangas Pallocan West, Batangas City

Rockwell Power Plant Rockwell Information Center Rockwell Drive cor. Plaza Drive Makati City Rustans Cebu Ayala Ayala Center, Lahug, Cebu City Rustans Mercedes Mercedes Ave., San Miguel, Pasig City Rustans Supercenters, Inc. (Shopwise) E. Rodriguez Ave., Bagumbayan Libis, Quezon City Shangri-La Plaza Annex EDSA cor. Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City

PSBank Annual Report 2011

Shangri-La Plaza Level 1 & 2 EDSA cor. Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City

SM City Bicutan Doña Soledad Ave., Brgy. Don Bosco Parañaque City SM City Calamba Calamba National Highway Brgy. Real, Calamba City SM City Cebu North Reclamation Area, Cebu City SM City Clark M. A. Roxas Highway, Clark Freeport Zone SM City Dasmariñas Governor’s Drive, Brgy. Sampalok 1 Dasmariñas, Cavite

Offsite ATMs SM City Davao Quimpo Blvd., Davao City SM City Fairview 1 & 2 Quirino Highway cor. Regalado Ave. and Belfast St., Greater Lagro, Quezon City SM City Lipa Ayala Highway, Brgy. Marauoy Lipa City, Batangas SM City Manila Concepcion St. cor. Arroceros and San Marcelino Sts., Manila SM City Marikina Marcos Highway cor. East Marikina Riverbanks Service Rd., Marikina Riverbanks Calumpang, Marikina City SM City Masinag Marcos Highway, Brgy. Mayamot Antipolo City SM City North EDSA North Ave. cor. EDSA, Bagong Pag-asa Dist.1, Quezon City SM City North Edsa Annex Annex Building, North Ave. cor. EDSA Bagong Pag-asa, Dist. 1, Quezon City SM City Pampanga 1 & 2 Brgy. San Jose, San Fernando Pampanga SM City Rosario Gen. Trias Drive, Brgy. Tejero Rosario, Cavite SM City San Lazaro Felix Huertas St. cor. Arsenio H. Lacson Ext. Sta. Cruz, Manila SM City San Pablo National Highway, Brgy. San Rafael San Pablo City, Laguna SM City Sta. Mesa 1 & 2 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd. cor. Gregorio Araneta Ave. Brgy. Doña Imelda, Quezon City SM City Sta. Rosa Barrio Tagapo, Sta. Rosa, Laguna SM City Sucat Dr. A. Santos Ave. cor. Carlos P. Garcia Ave. Ext. (C-5), Brgy. San Dionisio, Parañaque City

SM City Tarlac McArthur Highway, San Roque Tarlac City

Waltermart Calamba Real Street, Brgy. Real, Calamba Laguna

SM City Taytay 1 & 2 Manila East Rd., Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal

Waltermart Dasmariñas Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Highway Dasmariñas, Cavite

SM Mall of Asia 1, 2 & 3 Mall of Asia Complex, J.W. Diokno Blvd. cor. EDSA, Bay City, Pasay City

Waltermart Gen. Trias Barrio Manggahan, Governor’s Drive Gen. Trias, Cavite

SM Megamall EDSA cor. Julia Vargas Ave. Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City

Waltermart Lotus Mall Nueño Ave., Imus, Cavite

SM Southmall Las Piñas Alabang-Zapote Rd., Las Piñas City

Waltermart Makiling Calamba Brgy. Makiling, National Highway Calamba, Laguna

Southgate Mall EDSA cor. Pasong Tamo Ext. Makati City

Waltermart North Edsa 8001A EDSA, Veterans Village Quezon City

St. Francis Square Doña Julia Vargas Ave. cor. Bank Drive Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City

Waltermart Sta. Maria Waltermart Sta. Maria, Provincial Rd. cor. By Pass Road, Brgy. Sta. Clara Sta. Maria, Bulacan

Sta. Lucia East Grand Mall Marcos Highway cor. Felix Ave. Cainta, Rizal Starmall Alabang South Superhighway, Alabang Muntinlupa City Starmall Edsa EDSA cor. Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City Starmall Las Piñas CV Starr Ave., Philamlife Village Pamplona, Las Piñas City

Waltermart Pampanga McArthur Highway, Brgy. San Agustin San Fernando, Pampanga Waltermart Plaridel Cagayan Valley Rd., Barrio Banga 1 Plaridel, Bulacan Waltermart Tanauan J.P. Laurel National Highway Brgy. Darasa, Tanauan City, Batangas

SUPERMARKETS Starmall Las Piñas Annex II Alabang-Zapote Rd. cor. Doña Manuela Ave., Pamplona III Las Piñas City The Eastwood Mall Eastwood City Cyberpark 188 E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave. (C-5 Road) Bagumbayan, Quezon City The Market Place Shopping Mall Gen. Kalentong St., Mandaluyong City Trinoma (Ayala Malls) 1& 2 EDSA cor. North Avenue, Quezon City Victory Central Mall 716 Old Victory Compound, Rizal Ave. Monumento, Caloocan City

Barretto Minimart No. 2 Rizal St., Barrio Barreto Olongapo City, Zambales Cherry Foodarama Congressional Congressional Ave., Brgy. Bahay Toro Quezon City Colonnade Supermarket 82-90 Colon St., Cebu City Damosa Market Basket J.P. Laurel Ave., Lanang, Davao City Farmers Market Arcade Araneta Center, Quezon City

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

South Supermarket Lipa Lipa City, Batangas

Puregold Angeles Miranda St., San Nicolas Angeles City, Pampanga Puregold Imus Puregold Bldg., Cuevas Mall Aguinaldo Highway, Imus, Cavite Puregold Paco Angel Linao St., Paco, Manila

South Supermarket Los Baños Los Baños, Laguna South Supermarket Malolos McArthur Highway, Malolos, Bulacan South Supermarket Marikina Golden Valley Commercial Center 522 J.P. Rizal St., Brgy. Malanday Lamuan, Marikina City

Puregold Paso de Blas Paso de Blas, Valenzuela City Puregold Jr. San Dionisio Berville Wet Market, Sucat Rd. Brgy. San Dionisio, Sucat Parañaque City

South Supermarket Valenzuela McArthur Highway, Karuhatan Valenzuela City

Rustans Katipunan No. 333 Katipunan Ave., Brgy. Loyola Quezon City

Super 8 Angeles Formerly Sto. Domingo Market cor. McArthur Highway & Sto. Rosario St. Brgy. Sto. Domingo, Angeles City

S&R Membership Shopping (Alabang) Westgate Dev’t. Filinvest Corp. City Alabang-Zapote Road, Alabang Muntinlupa City

Super 8 Antipolo SPI, Lores Country Plaza Manuel L. Quezon Ext., Brgy. San Roque Antipolo City, Rizal

S&R Membership Shopping (Baclaran) Bradco Ave., Aseana Business Park Brgy. Baclaran, Parañaque City

Super 8 Baliwag Dr. Gonzales cor. Poblacion St., Baliwag Bulacan (former Aliw Cinema Complex)

S&R Membership Shopping (The Fort) 32nd St., 5th Ave., Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

Super 8 Biñan C. Morales Commercial Complex National Highway, San Antonio Biñan, Laguna

S&R Membership Shopping (Congressional) 30 Congressional Ave., Brgy. Ramon Magsaysay Bago Bantay, Quezon City Shopwise Antipolo M.L. Quezon cor. Circumferential Rd. Brgy. San Roque, Antipolo City

Super 8 Caloocan Jackman 558-564 Rizal Ave. Ext., Caloocan City Super 8 Guadalupe G/F, Guadalupe Commercial Complex Brgy. Nuevo, Guadalupe, EDSA Makati City

Shopwise Commonwealth B17, Commonwealth Ave. Diliman, Quezon City Shopwise Cubao Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City Shopwise Makati Pasong Tamo cor. Vito Cruz, Makati City Shopwise San Pedro National Highway, Brgy. Landayan Pacita, San Pedro, Laguna Shopwise Sucat Dr. A. Santos Ave. cor. Sorina Drive Sucat, Parañaque City PSBank Annual Report 2011

Super 8 Caloocan Rizal Ave. Ext., Caloocan City

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Super 8 Masinag Lenjul Commercial Complex Marcos Highway cor. Sumulong Highway Brgy. Mayamot, Masinag, Antipolo City Super 8 Meycauayan Bulacan McArthur Highway, Meycauayan Bulacan Super 8 Ortigas Extension 8005 Ortigas Ave. Ext., Brgy. Sta Lucia Pasig City

Super 8 Pasay Libertad 2476-2478 Taft Ave., Brgy. San Roque Pasay City Super 8 San Pedro Laguna L3 A2, Old National Highway Brgy. San Antonio, San Pedro, Laguna Super 8 Shaw 500 Shaw Bldg., Shaw Blvd. Brgy. Pleasant Hills, Mandaluyong City Super 8 Sta. Rosa Balibago Commercial Complex Balibago, Sta. Rosa, Laguna Super 8 Tarlac Uniwide Sales Warehouse Club Tarlac Branch, Aquino Blvd., Tarlac City Super Metro Mandaue Ibabao St., Estancia, Mandaue City, Cebu

TOWN CENTERS Blue Wave Macapagal Macapagal, Metropolitan Park Complex Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd. cor. EDSA Ext., Pasay City Blue Wave Marikina Sumulong Highway cor. G. Fernando Ave. Sto. Niño, Marikina City Clarkview Square Don Juico cor. Narciso St. Malabanias, Angeles City Fields Plaza Complex Fields Ave., Balibago, Angeles City Forbes Town Center Rizal Drive cor. West Crescent Park The Fort, Taguig City Harbour Square Pedro Bukaneg St., CCP Complex, Manila Liberty Center - Shaw 312 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City Lucky Chinatown - Cityplace Square Calle Felipe cor. La Chambre St. Brgy. 293, Zone 28, Binondo, Manila McKinley Hill Piazza Upper McKinley Rd., McKinley Town Center Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City

PSBankATMs Offsite Offsite ATMs Metrowalk Commercial Complex Meralco Ave., Ugong, Pasig City Molito Commercial Complex ANC Rd., Madrigal Business Park Alabang, Muntinlupa City Montalban Town Center E. Rodriguez Highway, Brgy. San Jose Rodriguez, Rizal Newport City 100 Andrews Ave., Newport City Cybertourism Zone, Pasay City One Mango Avenue Gen. Maxilom Ave., Cebu City Paseo de Sta. Rosa Brgy. Don Jose, Paseo de Sta. Rosa Greenfield City, Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Corinthian Hills Temple Drive, Brgy. Ugong Norte Quezon City Eton Centris EDSA cor. Quezon Ave. Brgy. Pinyahan, Quezon City Greenfield District IT Center 2 88 United St., Greenfield Corporate Center Greenfield District, Mandaluyong City Isabelle de Valenzuela 43 McArthur Highway, Valenzuela City MACEA Walkway Phase 1 & 2 Washington SyCip Park Legaspi Village, Makati City

Times Plaza U.N Ave. cor. Gen. Luna St., Manila

Kalayaan Offsite ATM PhilPlans Corporate Center 1012 North Triangle Drive Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

Zabarte Town Center 1 & 2 588 Camarin Rd. cor. Zabarte Rd. North Caloocan City

Telus Bldg. Telus Bldg., Araneta Center Cubao, Quezon City


Victoria Towers 78 Timog Ave. cor. Panay Ave., Quezon City

Star City CCP, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City Enchanted Kingdom San Lorenzo, South City of Santa Rosa Laguna Manila Ocean Park Behind Quirino Grandstand Luneta, Manila

OTHERS ABS-CBN ABS-CBN Broadcast Center Sgt. E.A. Esguerra Ave. cor. Mother Ignacia St., Quezon City Anne Ting Cafe 18 Magsaysay Drive, Olongapo City Budgetlane Pastor Rd., Batangas City Proper (beside New Market) Colegio de San Juan de Letran - Calamba Brgy. Bucal, Calamba, Laguna

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Billers Below are companies that accept payments through PSBank ATMs and PSBank Remote Banking, our 24/7 online facility. UTILITIES First Peak Manila Water Maynilad Meralco Primewater Subicwater Veco

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TELECOMMUNICATIONS BayanTel Digitel Eastern Telecoms Globe Telecom Globe Lines / Innove PLDT PT & T / Greendot Smartcom / GSM CREDIT CARDS Allied Bank / PNB Card American Express Platinum Banco Filipino VISA Bankard / RCBC / JCB International BDO Credit Card Chinatrust VISA Card Citibank VISA / MasterCard Diners Card / Security Bank Credit Cards EastWest Card HSBC Cards Metrobank / PSBank Card Metrobank MasterCard Dollar Metrobank Unicard Metrobank VISA Dollar Metrobank VISA Peso Standard Chartered VISA / MasterCard Unionbank VISA Credit LOANS Chinatrust Salary Stretch Citibank Savings Loan Citifinancial Corp. CityState Savings Bank HSBC Personal Loan PSBank Loans Standard Chartered Loan Sumisho Motor Finance Corporation Toyota Financial Services Phils. CABLE AND INTERNET Destiny Cable-CATV Destiny Cable-Internet Infocom MyDestiny / SBC Planet CATV SkyCable / HomeCable / ZPDee SmartBro

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z z

z z z z

z z z


INSURANCE FG Financial, Inc. Fortune Life Fortune Care Great Life Financial Grepalife Paramount Life AXA Philippines Pioneer Life, Inc. PNB Life Insurance, Inc. Prudential Life Plans PruLife U.K. Insurance

z z z z z z z z z z z z z z

CLUB MEMBERSHIPS Alabang Country Club CDC Mimosa

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REAL ESTATE Federal Land IPM Realty Rockwell Residential

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SCHOOLS DBTC Inc. - Cebu La Salle Greenhills Miriam College University of San Jose

z z z z

TRAVEL AND TOLL FEES Cebu Pacific Easytrip e-Pass Skyway

z z z z z z

GOVERNMENT NSO Helpline Plus SSS - Farmers and Fishermen SSS - Non-working spouse SSS CONT - OFW SSS CONT - Self-employed SSS CONT - Voluntary

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CHARITIES AND NON-PROFITS Bantay Bata Church of Jesus Christ & Latter-Day Saints FEBC Philippines Knowledge Channel Operation Smile Philippines PAFP / Family Physicians Piso Para sa Pasig Resources for the Blind World Vision OTHERS British Embassy Directories Phils. First Metro Securities Brokerage Manila Memorial

z Remote Banking

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FIRST METRO INVESTMENT CORPORATION 45/F, GT Tower International Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 858-7900 ROBERTO JUANCHITO DISPO President FIRST METRO ASSET MANAGEMENT, INC. 18/F, PSBank Center, 777 Paseo de Roxas cor. Sede単o St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 891-2860 to 65 AUGUSTO COSIO President FIRST METRO SECURITIES BROKERAGE CORPORATION 18/F, PSBank Center, 777 Paseo de Roxas cor. Sede単o St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 859-0600 to 02 GONZALO G. ORDONEZ President GLOBAL BUSINESS POWER CORPORATION 22/F, GT Tower International, Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 818-5931 to 35 ARTHUR N. AGUILAR President PHILIPPINE AXA LIFE INSURANCE CORP. Phil. AXA Life Center, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. cor. Tindalo St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 885-0101 SEVERINUS P.P. HERMANS President PHILIPPINE CHARTER INSURANCE CORP. Ground & 2nd Floors, Skyland Plaza Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., cor. Tindalo St. Makati City Tel. No. (02) 844-7044 to 54 MELECIO C. MALLILLIN President

METROBANK CARD CORPORATION Metrobank Card Corporation Center 6778 Ayala Ave., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 870-0900 RIKO ABDURRAHMAN President

ORIX METRO LEASING & FINANCE CORPORATION 21/F, GT Tower International, Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 858-8888 PROTACIO C. BANTAYAN, JR. President

PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK PSBank Center, 777 Paseo de Roxas Ave. cor. Sede単o St., Legaspi Village, Makati City Tel. No. (02) 885-8208 PASCUAL M. GARCIA III President SUMISHO MOTOR FINANCE CORPORATION 12/F, PSBank Center, 777 Paseo de Roxas Ave. cor. Sede単o St., Legaspi Village, Makati City ROLANDO A. RODRIGUEZ President

TOYOTA FINANCIAL SERVICES PHILS. CORP. 32/F, GT Tower International, Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 858-8500 MOTOTAKA SATO President TOYOTA MOTOR PHILIPPINES CORPORATION 31/F, GT Tower International, Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 858-8200 MICHINOBU SUGATA President SMBC METRO INVESTMENT CORPORATION 20/F Rufino Pacific Tower, 6784 Ayala Ave. cor. V. Rufino St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 811-0845 to 52 YASUHIRO OASHI President


FEDERAL LAND, INC. 20/F, GT Tower International, Ayala Ave. cor. H.V. dela Costa St., Makati City Tel. No. (02) 898-8599 ALFRED V. TY President

MANILA DOCTORS HOSPITAL 667 United Nations Ave., Ermita, Manila Tel. No. (02) 524-3011 ANICETO M. SOBREPENA ~ President

MANILA TYTANA COLLEGES Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd. Metropolitan Park, Pasay City Tel. No. (02) 859-0888 SERGIO CAO President

METROBANK FOUNDATION, INC. 4/F, Metrobank Plaza, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Makati City Tel. No. (02) 898-8000 ~ ANICETO M. SOBREPENA President

TOYOTA CUBAO, INCORPORATED 926 Aurora Blvd., Cubao, Quezon City Tel. No. (02) 981-6168 LEO J. FERRERIA President/General Manager

TOYOTA MANILA BAY CORPORATION Metropolitan Park, Roxas Blvd. cor. EDSA Extension Blvd., 2000 Pasay City Tel. No. (02) 581-6168 HENRY SY President/General Manager


ASIA PACIFIC TAIWAN MB-Taipei George Tsai General Manager 107 Chung Hsiao East Road, Sec. 4 Taipei Taiwan 10690, Republic of China Tel. No. 886 (2) 2776-6355 Fax No. 886 (2) 2721-1497

JAPAN MB-Tokyo Kenichi Katakura General Manager Moriji Matsuda Full-Time Adviser 1/F, Chiyoda First Bldg. 3-8-1, Nishi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan 101-0065 Tel. No. 81 (3) 3237-1403, 81 (3) 3237-6855 81 (3) 3237-0092 (2/F) Fax No. 81 (3) 3237-1406, 81 (3) 3237-0399 (2/F)

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MB-Osaka Joseph Eric D. Pelaez Branch Head 1/F, Honmachi Central Building 4-2-5 Honmachi, Chou-ku, Osaka, Japan 541-0053 Tel. No. 81 (6) 6252-1333 Fax No. 81 (6) 6252-2226

KOREA MB-Seoul Hae Won Seok General Manager 2/F, Danam Bldg. (formerly International Insurance Bldg.) 12,05 - Ka, Namdaemun-Ro, Chung-ku Seoul, Korea 100-704 Tel. No. 82 (2) 779-2751 to 52 Fax No. 82 (2) 779-2750 MB-Pusan Alfredo P. Valencia Head 8/F, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Bldg. 1205-22 Choryang 1 Dong, Dong-gu Pusan, Korea 601-011 Tel. No. 82 ( 51) 462-1091 to 93 Fax No. 82 (51) 462-1090

MBCL - Shanghai Branch Dennis Suico General Manager 1/F, Metrobank Plaza, 1152 West Yan’an Road Shanghai 200052 PROC Tel. No. 86 (21) 6191-0799, 86 (21) 6191-0777 Fax No. 86 (21) 6191-0022, 86 (21) 6191-0711

Metro Remittance (Hong Kong), Limited Eric Cheung Managing Director Marlon B. Hernandez General Manager

MBCL - Changzhou Branch Xuan Jianfang General Manager #8, 58 Tongjiangzhong Road, Xinbei District Changzhou, Jiangsu Tel. No. (0519) 88061616, (0519) 88061617 (0519) 88061618

United Centre Office Julius F. Barcela JAM, Operations Officer Shops 2038-2039, 2/F, United Centre Shopping Arcade, 95 Queensway Road Central Hong Kong, SAR Tel. No. (852) 2856-0980 Fax No. (852) 2856-3902

MBCL - Shanghai Pudong Sub-Branch Zhu, Ji (Winny Zhu) AVP/ General Manager Unit 103, 1/F, Quanhua Information Plaza 455 Fushan Road, Pudong District Shanghai 200122 PROC Tel. No. 86 (21) 6886-0008 ext no. 19 Fax No. 86 (21) 6886-0007 Metrobank Beijing Representative Office Li Hong, Chief Representative 14/F, Rm 1410 Office Tower One Henderson Center, 18 Jian Guo Men Nei St. Beijing, PROC 100005 Tel. No. 86 (10) 6518-3359 Fax No. 86 (10) 6518-3358

HONG KONG CHINA Metropolitan Bank (China) Ltd. Lin Gui Xian President 35/F, Lianqiang Tower No. 289 Jiangdongzhong Road Jianye District 210019, Nanjing People’s Republic of China Tel. No. 86 (25) 6855-1888 MBCL - Nanjing Branch Jin Jun (Emily Jin) AVP/ Deputy General Manager G/F, Lianqiang Tower No. 289 Jiangdongzhong Road Jianye District 210019, Nanjing People’s Republic of China Tel. No. 86 (25) 6858-4422

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First Metro International Investment Co., Ltd. Alex C. Lim Managing Director Head Office Unit D ,15/F, United Centre Bldg. 95 Queensway Road, Hong Kong Tel. No. (852) 2527-5019 Metrobank Hong Kong Representative Office Unit D, 15/F, United Centre Bldg. 95 Queensway Road, Hong Kong Tel. No. (852) 2527-5019

Yuen Long Branch Arnold A. Dela Luna Supervisor Flat 2, 1/F, Hung Fook Building No. 25-29 Tung Lok Street, Yuen Long New Territories, Hong Kong SAR Tel. No. (852) 2521-4965, (852) 2522-4593 Fax No. (852) 2442-0559 Worldwide House Branch Rolando V. Cobrado Manager, Operations Officer Shop 201-206, 2/F, Worldwide House Plaza No. 19 Des Voeux Road, Central Hong Kong Tel. No. (852) 2877-9161 Fax No. (852) 2877-3569 Shatin Branch Isabelo Lorenzo III Supervisor Shop 104, Level 3, Shatin Lucky Plaza No. 1-15 Wang Pok Street, Shatin New Territories, Hong Kong SAR Tel. No. (852) 2698-4809 Fax No. (852) 2698-4632

Metrobank Group Tsuen Wan Branch Angelito A. Noguera Jr. Supervisor Shop 305E, 3rd Floor, Nan Fung Centre New Town Mall, Nos. 264-298 Castle Park Road and Nos. 64-98 Sai Lau Kok Road, Tsuen Wan New Territories, Hong Kong SAR Tel. No. (852) 2498-6261 Fax No. (852) 2414-9102 Tseung Kwan O Jomae Romuar Supervisor Shop UG17, Maritime Bay Shopping Mall 18 Pui Shing Road, Tseung Kwan O New Territories, Hong Kong Tel No. (852) 2736-1311. (852) 2736-1566 Fax No. (852) 2736-1116 Causeway Bay Branch Maria Teresa A. Cruz Supervisor Shops 1 & 2, G/F, Haven Court 136-138 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay Hong Kong SAR Tel. No. (852) 2613-2130 Fax No. (852) 2613-1897


MB-New York Ivan S. Atmaja General Manager 10 East 53rd St., New York New York 10022, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 ( 212) 832-0855 ext. 228 1 (212) 909-3665 (Direct Line) Fax No. 1 (212) 223-0916 Metro Remittance Center, Inc. (U.S.A.) Milagros S. Alegre General Manager Head Office Juanita Rainbow Marketing Officer 41-70 Main St., #A4 Flushing New York 11355, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (718) 463-7770, 1 (718) 463-0777 Fax No. 1 (888) 281-3743 Woodside Branch Juanita Rainbow Marketing Officer 69-11 C Roosevelt Ave., Woodside New York 11377, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (718) 779-8519 to 20 Fax No. 1 (888) 302-9061

Metro Remittance Singapore Pte. Ltd. Ma. Asuncion Charina C. Yap General Manager 304 Orchard Road, #03-30 Lucky Plaza Singapore 238863 Tel. No. (65) 6734-4648, 65 6734-2748 Fax No. (65) 6734-7348

Niles (Chicago) Branch Voltaire A. Gella Operations Officer 7315 West Dempster St., Niles Illinois 60714, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (847) 965-2368, 1 (847) 965-2415 Fax No. 1 (888) 493-1180


Metro Remittance (USA), Inc. Achilles L. Bernal Officer-in-Charge

MB-Guam Lamberto M. Padilla, Jr. Head 1/F, Sunny Plaza Bldg. 125 Tun Jesus Crisostomo St., Tamuning Guam 96913 Tel. No. 1 (671) 649-9555 to 57 Fax No. 1 (671) 649-9558

Union City Office 32210 Alvarado Blvd., Union City CA 94587, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (510) 324-4300 to 01 Fax No. 1 (510) 324-4302

Artesia Branch 11700 South St., Ste. 203 Artesia California, USA 90710 Tel. No. (562) 376-4010 Fax No. (562) 372-4011 Metro Remittance (Canada), Inc. Mabelle C. Sia Head Vancouver Office 4292 Fraser Street, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada V5V 4G2 Tel. No. 1 (604) 874-3373 Fax No. 1 (604) 874-3374 Edgar D. Mararac Head Toronto Office 1466 Bathurst Street, Suite 108-A, Toronto Ontario, Canada M5R 3S3 Tel. No. 1 (416) 532-9779, 1 (416) 532-3223 Fax No. 1 (416) 534-4040 MB Remittance Center (Hawaii) Ltd. Ramon P. Nicdao General Manager Kalihi (Honolulu) Office 2153 North King St., Suite 100-A Honolulu, Hawaii 96819, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (808) 841-9889 to 90 Fax No. 1 (808) 841-9891 Waipahu (Extension Office) 94-766 Farrington Hwy, Waipahu Hawaii 96797, U.S.A. Tel. No. 1 (808) 686-9377 Fax No. 1 (808) 686-9388 Metrobank Bahamas John M. Lawrence Acting President 2/F, New Providence Financial Center East Bay Street P.O. Box CR-56766, Suite 700 Nassau, Bahamas Tel. No. 1 (242) 677-1925 Fax No. 1 (242) 394-2142

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Walter C. Lim Region Head for Europe Mobile No. (97150) 456-7916 Fax No. (9714) 220-6113

Metro Remittance (Spain), S.A. - Madrid Dante G. Mandahuyan Country Manager C/ Tiziano 6 Local, 28039 Madrid, Spain Tel/Fax No. 34 (91) 570-8817

ITALY Metro Remittance (Italia) SpA - Rome Ruby D. Soyosa Head Via Del Viminale 43, 00184 Rome, Italy Tel. No. 39 (06) 4891-3091, 39 (06) 4891-3095 Fax No. 39 (06) 4898-9882 Metro Remittance (Italia) SpA - Milan Rodel C. Dimatulac General Manager Via Victor Hugo 2, 20123 Milan, Italy Tel. No. 39 (02) 8909-5225, 39 (02) 8698-4316 Fax No. 39 (02) 8029-8624 Metro Remittance (Italia) SpA- MDO Extension Office Viale delle Medaglie d’Oro123, 00136 Rome Italy (opposite Philippine Embassy Rome) Tel. No. 39 (06) 3903-1085 Fax No. 39 (06) 3976-3483

UNITED KINGDOM Metro Remittance (UK) Limited Maria Victoria R. Rocha General Manager 1/F, 12 Kensington Church Street London W8 4EP, United Kingdom Tel. No. 44 (207) 368-4490 Fax No. 44 (207) 937-6140

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Metro Remittance (Spain), S.A. - Barcelona Vilma Grace E. De la Cruz Operations Officer-Head Calle Muntaner No. 3, 08001 Barcelona, Spain Tel. No. 34 (93) 317-0361/0346 Fax No. 34 (93) 317-0630

AUSTRIA MBTC Services GmbH Olivia A. Urdl Head Singerstrasse 16/1, A-1010 Vienna, Austria Tel. No. 43 (1) 512-2292/2248, 512-2229211-16 Fax No. 43 (1) 512-2259

MIDDLE EAST TIE-UPS Allen D. Alcantara Region Head for the Middle East G/F, Annex Bldg., Metrobank Plaza Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City 1200 c/o IOSG Tel. No. 898-9886 Fax No. 817-7288 MB Riyadh Desk Office Al-Rajhi Bank Adorlito Z. Rosel Marketing Officer Al Malaz Center, Riyadh Al Batha Exchange & Remittance Center 2/F, Manila Plaza, Al Batha District P.O. Box 22022, Riyadh 11495, KSA Tel. No. (9661) 291-2652, (9661) 405-0292 Fax No. (9661) 402-0722

Bank Al Bilad-Enjaz Elmer G. Francisco Marketing Officer Alseteen St., Al Malaz, P.O. Box 140 Riyadh-11411, KSA Mobile No. (9665) 339-69542 MB Al Khobar Desk Office Al-Rajhi Bank Chito Belarmino Martin Marketing Officer Al Khobar Exchange & Remittance Center 1st Street cross King Khaled Bin Abdulaziz St. Al Shamalia, Al Khobar Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, P.O. Box 1391 Al Khobar, 31952, KSA Tel. No. (9663) 897-6809, (9663) 897-7265 Fax No. (9663) 864-9758 MB Jeddah Desk Office Al-Rajhi Bank Ricardo B. Guiang Marketing Officer Jeddah Exchange & Remittance Center 2/F, Queen’s Building, King Abdul Azziz Road Al Balad District, P.O. Box 605, Jeddah, KSA Tel. No. (9662) 642-7151 Fax No. (9662) 643-8542 MB Abu Dhabi Desk Office Al Ansari Exchange Daniel Mana-ay Marketing Officer Al Ansari Exchange P.O. Box 325 Abu Dhabi, UAE Mobile No. 00 (97150) 249-0520 Fax No. (9714) 2206113 Qatar Desk Office Gulf Exchange Co. Louie D. Navarro Marketing Officer Gilbert C. Galang Junior Marketing Assistant Gulf Exchange Co. P.O. Box 4847, Doha, Qatar Mobile No. (974) 5537-2324 Fax No. (974) 44352199

Metrobank Group MB Dubai Desk Office Al Ansari Exchange Ryan O. Imperial Marketing Officer P.O. Box 39925, Dubai, UAE Mobile No. 00 (97150) 3620583 Fax No. 00 (9714) 2206113

MB Riyadh Desk Office Bank Al Bilad Richard F. Gaffud Marketing Officer Enjaz Money Remittance Al Batha Branch 153 c/o Bank Al Bilad Head Office P.O. Box 140, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11411 Mobile No. (9665) 1392161

Al Dar For Exchange Rodelito P. Macasaet Marketing Officer Al Dar for Exchange P.O.Box 24451, Doha, Qatar Mobile No. (0917) 5779230 Kuwait Desk Office Etemadco Exchange Carroll D. Ong, Jr. Marketing Officer Etemadco Exchange Co. W.L.L G/F, Zaid Al Kazemi Bldg. Mubarak Al Keabir St. Darwasa Abdulrazzak, P.O. Box 20078 Safat, Kuwait Mobile No. (9656) 6029672 MB Dubai Desk Office Arab National Bank Ceferino J. Chua Marketing Officer Arab National Bank Bldg. Mouraba St., P.O. Box 56921 Riyadh 11564, KSA Mobile No. (9665) 06527813 MB Jubail Desk Office Bank Al Bilad (Enjaz) Raymundo D. Novela Marketing Officer Bank Al Bilad - Enjaz Jubail Branch 303, Jeddah St., Jubail, KSA Mobile No. (9665) 32262489

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PSBank Annual Report 2011

Shareholders' Information

CORPORATE INFORMATION Philippine Savings Bank PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sedeño Street Makati City 1226 Philippines Tel No: (+632) 885-8208 Website:

SHAREHOLDER ASSISTANCE AND SERVICES Investor and Media Relations Finance Group 9th Floor PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sedeño Street Makati City 1226 Philippines Tel: (+632) 885-8208 Fax: (+632) 885-8352 Email:

ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING Friday, 27 April 2012, 4:00 p.m. 19th Floor PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sedeño Street Makati City 1226 Philippines STOCK LISTING Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank) common shares are listed and traded at the Philippine Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “PSB”.

Customer Service Customer Service Division 6th Floor PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sedeño Street Makati City 1226 Philippines Tel: (+632) 845-8888 Fax: (+632) 845-0048 Email:

SHAREHOLDERS The number of common shareholders of record as of February 29, 2012 was 1,661.

Stockholder Services For inquiries regarding dividend payments, change of address or account status:

MARKET INFORMATION Following are the high and low closing prices of the PSB shares as reported in the PSE for each quarter of the years ending in 2010 and 2011:

Stock Transfer Department Metrobank Trust Banking 17th Floor GT Tower International 6813 Ayala Avenue corner H.V. dela Costa Street Makati City 1227 Philippines Tel: (+632) 857-5696 Fax: (+632) 858-8010






HIGH 2010 2011

58.00 64.50

55.00 64.50

55.00 71.00

65.00 85.00

LOW 2010 2011

53.00 62.00

49.00 62.50

50.00 63.00

52.00 70.00

ANNUAL REPORT IN SEC FORM 17-A The financial report included in this report follows the information contained in the Bank’s SEC form 17-A as required by and submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of this report may be obtained free of charge upon written request to the Office of the Finance Group Head.

ANNUAL REPORT PUBLICATION Editorial Services: Writers Edge, Inc. Portraiture Photography: Albert Labrador

Simple lang. Maaasahan.

PHILIPPINE SAVINGS BANK Metrobank Group PSBank Center 777 Paseo de Roxas corner Sede単o St., Makati City 1226 Customer Service Hotline: (02) 845-8888

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