All Saints Catholic High School Issue #1
Writing on the Wall Toxteth Library, Windsor Street Liverpool L8 1XF Published by Writing on the Wall 2018 Š Remains with authors Design and layout by Katrina Paterson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. 0151 703 0020
Paul Hampson It was 7:00pm and I was strolling through the park with my dog. I heard a crowd around the corner. I walked round to see what was happening. They turned around and glanced at me with a snarl. They asked, “What do you want?” I saw a little boy in the corner, worried. I ran off because I didn’t know what to do. When I got home, I ran straight up to my bedroom and went to feed my pet snake. I looked in his tank but he was not there, he had gotten out! Once I got over the shock, I went to bed. At 10 o’clock in the morning I woke and felt something clinging on to my hand. I pulled it up and saw my pet snake, Billy. Bill I dragged him off my hand and saw his two fangs stuck into my hand. As I saw my hand begin to swell up, I fainted…
John O’Brien Arthur wakes up from his coma in an almost a paralysed state – after being put in one by his high school bullies – to see his Mother crying beside his hospital bed. Now, after months of recovery, he decided enough was enough. As his father is a multi-billionaire because he is one of the heads of the stock markets, Arthur asks his father for money. He wants the money so he can buy a lot of aluminium carbon alloy to can create an exo suit. When he finally finishes it, he finds out the truth about his father and joins forces with Inflation as the Crimson Crusader… What will he do?
Paul Hampson
John O’Brien
James Divers The world is controlled by the evil villain The Cackler, Cackle only a few people, known as Freedom Fighters, can withstand The Cackler’s control. But, as it stands, the Freedom Fighters have no chance of survival with the constant attack of the mind controlled “Zombies!” So, our hero, Mystery Man, and his best friend Ben set off to destroy The Cackler’s reign with only 2 blasters, and enough food for 2 days, knowing that they can save the world. But, as they left their underground base, they found a note from The Cackler’s strongest ally, The Henchman, that said I will come for you. They knew what they faced as they walked up the deserted road in search of The Cackler. A small shadow appeared across the road! Suddenly, there were many more figures. Mystery Man had an idea. He realised he could shapeshift into The Henchman and end The Cackler’s wrath. Ben distracted the hoard. Mystery Man aimed his blaster at The Henchman. ZAP! He dropped. Mystery Man ran over, hid the body, and turned into The Henchman. When Mystery Man returned to the hoard, he found that Ben had become one of them! Angry, Mystery Man knew he had to kill The Cackler. As he entered his bus, he slowly walked up without answering The Cackler’s calls, he pulled out his blaster and turned back to normal. “I bet you didn’t see that coming.” Mystery Man shot him.
Zoe-Mae McBrias One afternoon, Lola was at Charlie’s house, they were watching Gossip Girl in Charlie’s garage, when suddenly they heard a bang on top of the roof. They realised it was their friend, Harry. A couple of seconds later, the roof cracked through and water came gushing through into the garage. Lola reached for the door but it was locked so they realised they were trapped. Charlie and Lola were running out of breath. Suddenly, a big twirl which was purple, pink, blue, and silver with small stars, which reminded them of a galaxy, came breaking through the floor and they turned into mermaids! First their legs turned into a tail, then their tops turned into shells and before you knew it, they were mermaids, real life mermaids! Then, somehow, the door opened, all the water disappeared, they dried off and went back to their human forms. Later, Charlie’s Mum came home and asked what had happened, they told her about Harry but they didn’t say a word about the mermaids.
James Divers
The adventures of
Zoe-Mae McBrias
Hollie Linford 1981 was the year of the battle of the century. centur It was between Frank and The Dark Leader. Frank is a crazy scientist who always fights for the good. He invented all superpowers. His lab has dirty walls and smells like bleach. Frank will only give those he trusts powers, which is part of the reason for this fight. The Dark Leader was the ruler of Haden. Due to Frank’s growing popularity, The Dark Leader feared Frank would take over. Also, when he asked Frank for powers, Frank said no. The battle began at twelve o’clock on the first of January. Januar They were hitting each other, and dodging each other’s attacks. Suddenly, Frank got out a weapon that shoots fireballs. He hit The Dark Leader and he fell. With one final hit The Dark Leader died. All you could smell was smoke and all you could see was soot. Later, there was a huge party to celebrate Frank’s victory. Frank soon overthrew The Dark Leader’s son and became King of Haden. He sadly died thirty years later in an explosion at his lab. 2000 years later… Lacey came home from school one day and noticed a letter on her bed. It was crumpled, and looked two thousand years old. When she opened the letter, it read, ‘Dear Lacey, I am the inventor of all the superpowers you can imagine. Just think of it and you will have it. Use your powers for the greater good. Love your great-great-great-great-great Granddad Frank.’ Attached to this letter was a shiny gold locket. She wrapped the locket around her neck and fell asleep. The next day, da Lacey went to school with her locket around her neck. It was twelve o’clock and Lacey was in Maths when she noticed a dripping from the ceiling. It began to drop faster and faster. Suddenly the room filled with water. Tables were floating and students were struggling. Lacey had an idea. She thought of super strength and super speed. She rushed around her school getting people out twenty at a time. Everyone was soon free and everyone was sent home. On her way home, as she was about to turn a corner, corne Lacey saw a huge flock of news people. Lacey knew she must have been videoed saving people and that video had been posted online. “Can we get a quick interview?” asked one of the news reporters. “Er… Sure. Why not?” replied Lacey. Everyone began shouting out questions. “How did you get superpowers?” asked one. “What are your superpowers?” shouted another. “Can we get superpowers?” questioned a third. This was too much for Lacey to handle so she ran away. She could hear footsteps behind her, he going faster than the speed of light. Luckily, she ran into her house and they never saw her again.
Hollie Linford When she got home, Lacey was so ecstatic she felt as if she was going to collapse. She walked up the stairs slowly. Lacey locked her locket in a draw and went to sleep. As soon as Lacey woke up, she went to get her locket but was shocked to see the drawer, that she remembered locking, was wide open. Lacey looked for the locket everywhere, but it was nowhere to be seen. It had been stolen. Lacey ran downstairs in tears to tell her Mum what had happened. Her Mum told her not to worry as there were cameras all over the house. When Lacey and her Mum checked the cameras, they saw the well-known Dark Supreme, a famous terrorist. As soon as Lacey saw this she remembered something. The Dark Supreme had recently announced that he was going to set a bomb off in Haden. She thought that he may use super speed to escape it in time. Her Mum then booked her and Lacey plane tickets to fly to Haden so she could get the locket back before it was too late. When they got off the plane, they took a taxi to The Dark Empire. That was where The Dark Supreme lived. As soon as they arrived, Lacey broke down the doors to The Empire and went to look for her locket. She finally found it but there was a problem; it was around The Dark Supreme’s neck! As they saw each other and began to battle, they were dodging each other’s punches and hitting, The Dark Supreme tripped over the dirty, black carpet on the floor and was knocked unconscious. Lacey phoned the police and once The Dark Supreme regains consciousness he was arrested and Lacey was given back her locket.
Hollie Linford
Hollie Linford
Connor Webb Hi… I’m Inflation, because of my secret identity only one person knows Connor Webb to be Inflation and that is my friend Crimson Crusader. At present, I work as an economics manager for the most powerful man in the world, Mark Price. He had risen all profits, mortgage payments, rent etc, just so he gets more from the world and everything in it. Oh yeah, he pretty much owns it. So, to the story then, I went to Mark to tell him his rises were causing riots and to recommend he lowers them again. He refused. A week or two later, my own family became homeless. At this point, it was time to act; however, a wise man once told me to never fight in anger, so I calmed myself down and then moved forward. This is when I equipped myself. With my work money and savings, I made a suit (I did a bit of extra Science, DT, and Electronic design in school). I made my suit from Flexible Carbon Fibres and added some high grade, expensive tech in the padding to allow me to have many powers, like telekinesis, teleportation, invisibility, speed, flying, and super strength. I was getting used to the streets when I saw a kid in a school being kicked on the floor. We caught eyes. I looked away and walked on. Industries’ big office. I made all the guards fall Later that night I invaded Price Industries asleep with my telekinesis, then teleported through a vent and went straight into his office. Price pressed a button that deployed drones, which chased and shot at me. I lost focus. The guards woke. Before I knew it, I was in a headlock by a man in an exo suit. Mark said, “Don’t invade us again!” He tried to take my helmet off but the code activated and sent out a shock wave giving me time to knock everyone out, but Mark had already fled. Crimson Crusader confronted me, ready for the fight. I became invisible and ran towards him. I threw a punch, teleported behind him and threw another; he punched me, but I blocked it and pushed him to the floor. His helmet fell off and I recognised him. Arthur Price, the kid on the floor being bullied. I tell him how bad his Dad is, what he’s done to the city and that he should help me take him down. He lets out a dramatic, “NOOOO!” before accepting my invitation to take Mark Price, his dad, down. Within a month, I had trained him to perfection and we were ready to go. The next week we invaded Price’s office through the front door and knocked out all the guards. Eventually we reached his vaulted panic room. However, it was no use. Mark didn’t know Crimson Crusader was his son and that he knew every code. We breached the codes and eliminated Mark after Arthur revealed his true identity. Arthur now owned the business and lowered the prices. Only now I know how evil, horrible, and wanting Mark really was.
Connor Webb
Jessica Duffy Teddy Komara is an African-American 25-year-old woman who lives in the core of the Big Apple. Her parents were killed by Teddy’s arch nemesis, The Time Turner. Teddy was only 5 when this happened, therefore she doesn’t remember or know anything about her parents. At the age of 15, Teddy went to work in a factory which had a scorpion infestation. The reason for this was because the factory was just next to a large beach. She tried to help keep the factory clear by spreading poison, but a yellow scorpion stung her. Her blood and veins slowly started to turn orange and she got a rush of adrenaline through her spine. Her body kept changing… Dog. Cat. Fish. Man. Child. Then her whole life flashed before her eyes, literally! Her powers overtook her system and she passed out. A week later, Teddy found out she had time travelling powers and had an amazing idea! She would go back and save her parents. She planned what she would do and on the 7th of June 2017, she went back in time to the 6th of June 1997, the day of her parents’ murder. She spent hours searching for her beloved parents until she spotted them wandering around a supermarket in New York. Teddy decided not to speak to them but instead followed them around. Soon after she spotted the Time Turner spying on them and she went over to him. Teddy and the Time Turner came face to face and battled it out until dawn. Bruised and in pain, the Time Turner cried out and begged for mercy. Teddy ignored him and grabbed hold of a tin lid and hit him on the back of the head. Teddy never killed him but had knocked him out. She took him back to 1802; luckily, he had forgotten everything, so he never bothered them again. Teddy went back to 2017 to find her parents sitting in a chair where they should have always been.
Jessica Duffy
Ciara Stone She took the words right out of Emily’s mouth. They both said that they were so sorry and they whizzed straight back off to try and find Leah. When they got to Paris, they were excited to see her home town again. Look how much everything has changed she kept telling herself. As they all shot around a corner, I stopped on top of a house with a chimney attached to it. “Why did you stop?” Megan asked, confused. “Yeah, I thought you told us not to give up,” replied Emily. I was only a little girl when I moved to England so I didn’t really get to see that much of Paris. Then I had spotted my dream. My life. My whole wide world. My whole reason that I started dancing and doing gymnastics in the first place. The Spotted Shine House read the huge sign on top of the even-bigger building. I used to attend this performing arts school when I moved to England. I loved it more than anything in the world. I wanted to live there. Yet I had to stop going because the company were moving to a different continent - I never got to find out where. It had been my lifelong dream for years to find it and my goal was to drop out of school, go there, graduate and become a professional dancer or gymnast. I had finally found it after all these years. Obviously, that put me off the subject of finding Leah - I headed straight for the school. Megan and Emily knew how much this opportunity meant to me so they followed me and as we entered the big, thick gold double doors I shed a tear. Immediately a young girl came over who looked like a right snob, “Oh… um… I don’t talk to little beasts like you 3!” she cackled, with 5 other girls who gave each one of us snarls as we entered. I spoke to a charming 26-year-old lady who invited us to join the school and told us that there was a competition going on that night for duo/trios. “Would you girls be up for it?” the kind lady asked. We all knew we were a quartet with Leah and we were supposed to be doing it with her. he We went over it and it didn’t look right because Leah wasn’t there. We had to change the routine but the woman was impressed. Stunned beyond belief in fact. She entered us into the competition and took us to the dressing room. We had a look at some of the other rehearsals. We weren’t up against any amazing dancers in our category, except for one team who went by the name “The Forever Sisters”, who were a duet act. They were stunning in rehearsal. We all knew we had tough competition, so we went back to the dressing room to practice. It was 2 minutes before the show started and everyone was sat in their seats; the music, the lights, and the stage was ready. Suddenly, Suddenl we heard a familiar voice behind us - I started to say, “doesn’t that sound like…?”… “Hey girls! Missed me?” We all turned around at the same time. We wished that we could scream out really loud but the competition had already started so we couldn’t. It was official, one of the girls from The Forever Sisters was in fact Leah in disguise. Megan and Emily had thought that it was a bad idea to go to Paris because they knew they would get distracted on the hunt for Leah - little did we know it would actually lead us to her! We all realised that if Leah was the girl from The Forever Sisters, the same girl who had been mean to us at the door, then that meant that Leah was horrible to us all at the door. How rude was she? But we couldn’t say or do much about it at the time as we were just about to perform, and the The Forever Sisters were on right after us. Once the competition was over - and Emily, Megan, and I won - Leah was quite upset for 2 reasons. 1. Because she hadn’t won. 2. She had broken up her friendship with her friends. Leah went over to us nervously and said, “Congratulations. I’m so sorry.” “Will you please come home?” we all said at the same time. She paused, and with a grin on her face, screamed, “Definitely.” We all agreed to never argue again, and became a group called the “Quad Squad”, helping to save dancers and gymnasts for as long as we all will live.
Ciara Stone
Joe Cowin
Emilia Moore
Ann-Marie Iseghohimen It all started in the city of London, where I grew up in 1998. It was only my loving parents and I, as I was an only child. Later, when I was five, my parents died in a mysterious car crash. I was devastated and heartbroken; after my parents’ death, I was constantly in and out of foster homes and schools. day, when I turned 19, I was in my dorm doing my homework when One da suddenly, to my surprise, I kept having flashbacks of when my parents died. I was shocked. I focused my eyes on something and, all of a sudden, it was moving wherever my eyes went. I was so scared I quickly ran to my laptop and searched Can a real human being have telekinesis? The response shocked me. Yes, it is a very rare thing to get, so if I were you I would help save the world! That is what I did… If I had telekinesis, then I could super speed: I could stop time, teleport, mind control, and time travel. “That’s it! I can time travel back to when my parents died, and stop them before it is too late,” I exclaimed. “Let’s see… well I’m not in any classes tomorrow so I should time travel tomorrow,” I thought. Friday morning came around and I began to think of 1998 and the centre of London…BOOM... I was suddenly back in 1998 and I saw my parents enter a vehicle. I teleported to them and gave them a wave; they just ignored me. The car was locked so I couldn’t open the door. I walked through it. They were shocked. They started the car and threatened to drive me to the police station if I didn’t give a good reason for what I was doing. I explained to them that I was Paris from the future, but they didn’t believe me! I teleported out of the car and then back into it. This time I tried to tell them things I knew about them, like what they like and dislike. They drove around the block back to their house. We talked once we reached the house and had something to eat and drink. “Where is past me anyway?” I asked. “At school,” answered my Mum. “Okay,” I said. I checked my “time travel watch” to see that I only had ten minutes to get back but my portal was dead so I couldn’t travel back home. “Well we know a guy that believes in magicians and stuff like that so we’ll take you to him,” said my Dad. “Great, thanks,” I said excitedly. We arrived at the We Know Better Than You Magic Shop. “Hey there, can we talk to you for a bit?” said Dad. “Sure, give me one second,” answered the man. “We are trying to get me back to the future,” I said unsurely. “Great, I know just the thing, come follow me,” he said. He also said that I should read out a poem and think of the year and place I want to travel back to. So, I did and I got back to my dorm safe and sound. My parents called me and asked if I was alright, because I hadn’t spoken to them for ages since I had been gone. I talked to them on the phone for what seemed like forever. I went to bed wondering what I should do next to help people, because I certainly just changed my life in one day. The End… or so I thought…
Ann-Marie Iseghohimen
Ann-Marie Iseghohimen
As I stepped on the boat I thought this was how it was all going to end there and then‌ Charlie the Great swooped down from the sky and grabbed me in his muscular arms. Charlie flew up in the air and took me away. His sharp claws dug into my fluffy jumper and I clung onto him for dear life. I could hear my blood rushing to my ears and my heart thumped with fear. We soon arrived at a beautiful beach with clear water and golden sand. I fell in love instantly. I turned to thank Charlie but he was gone. I started to walk backwards and fell into the water. BANG! I fell out of bed. It was all a dream‌ My dream place was a dream.
Shauna Leonard On one disgusting, gloomy night a girl called Heidi Earthquake was on her way to the shop when she found a mysterious shop called the Tick Tock Tune Shop. She picked up a clock and got a spark; afterwards, when she was walking back home, she felt a tingling feeling in her whole body. She was very surprised that this was happening to her as she had only picked up an antique clock. When she got home, she realised that her mother and sisters were missing. She wondered where, and why, they had gone. She looked all around the state of Kentucky and asked everyone she met but they were nowhere to be found. As she wandered, Heidi wondered if the clock might have something to do with this problem. As she was walking, she bumped into someone and fell over. The girl she had tripped over gave her a hand up to help her over to the other side of the path. She said her name was Winnie Wonder and that Heidi should follow her. She led Heidi into a tree trunk, which was her secret base. There, Winnie told Heidi that a horrible rebel called Manny Mysterious her. After that, she met Iyla Sense, who told had taken her family away from he her where Manny Mysterious was. Heidi defeated him by going back in time and stopping him from getting the antique clock. Happily, she got her Mum and sisters back. The end. Or is it?
Amelia Paige Thomas Ruby was on her way to the museum. She was extremely exhausted as the night before she was awoken by a huge, shining butterfly knocking into her bedroom window. This wasn’t the only night this butterfly had approached her window, it had been coming for 2 weeks now. suddenly, As she was on her way to the museum, she drifted off to sleep… suddenl Ruby heard a banging noise on the coach window. She opened her eyes to see the same shining, colourful butterfly. This was getting a bit strange. Ruby just ignored it. She just thought nothing of it. She was having a great time with her friends until she noticed there was a leak in the ceiling. As she noticed this, she got a slight prick in her right arm. It was the butterfly. Ruby started twitching like mad. She couldn’t stop. Immediately after, she was washed away by the leak which had gotten bigger. bigge Suddenly, she was swept off her feet; next thing, she turned into Butter Girl. She was approached by a shadowy figure. The shadow looked like a ghost. He said, “I have a mission for you. … to collect all the butterflies in the world.” So, Butter Girl went to country after country, took every butterfly and put them in a safe home.
Shauna Leonard
Amelia Paige Thomas
Real Name: Age: Place of Birth: Powers:
The adventures of
! W O P A K personality:
Taylor Ramejkis
Jolie Jones
Rachel Kirk On the 1st October 2009 at 11:34am, a 19-year-old girl called Rachel, who lived in a small town with her parents, woke up from a short dream - what was it about? She couldn’t remember. One day after the dream, she was in a car crash with her parents. They were left unconscious and Rachel woke up soon realising it… Rachel climbed out of the damaged car, ca which was tipped on its side, and through the broken window with cuts and bruises all over her. She reached over to her Mum’s door and climbed above it, smashing the cracked window. Rachel stepped in, not noticing the bleeding cut on her hip, with glass hanging out of it and started to call and shout for her parents to wake up. With tears in her eyes and her bleeding cut dripping onto her Mum, she began to wake up, which then left her Dad. He was rushed to hospital. It was a miracle for her parents, and especially Rachel, to be alive. Rachel had a dream about her future - she was flying over the city, controlling people with her intelligence and her “super speed”, which was as fast as the wind in the clear sky. The next day, Rachel woke up with a weird feeling like she had just lived the same dream and started to worry. When she looked at her alarm clock, she noticed it was 11:34am - once again, it was the 1st October 2009. Weeks after, she still couldn’t figure out what had happened. Why was it only that day that had repeated? What happened? One day after, she noticed something about herself - she became clever and started to do things she would never have thought she could ever do… She noticed she had the power to stop time and to control other people’s minds. At first, she didn’t know what was happening…. Her and her parents moved to New York, where she met a friend called Jade, who was 18 years old. Jade lived a couple of minutes away but soon they had an argument which led them to become not the best of friends but the worst of enemies! That was only between them, a secret kept to themselves. Soon after, when Rachel felt angry, her powers started to work. Suddenly, she knew what she had to do to defeat Jade and teach her, ‘the innocent girl’, a lesson. Later that day, da they had a mean, horrible fight …but Jade confessed something which was quite unusual. Suddenly, Rachel knew what secrets Jade was hiding she was the same as Rachel. But one thing Rachel had that Jade didn’t was flexibility. As Jade found that Rachel knew she began a war and tried to destroy the odd town miles away. This was serious enough, but then Jade began to destroy the whole of New York. Rachel decided to fight back to help New York. Rachel found out a whole lot more about her ‘so-called friend’. Jade’s super name was “Powgirl” and she had an ’innocent’ ’innocent girl working for her who went under the name of “The Widow”. The Widow would follow you around, like a shadow that you couldn’t get rid of, sneakily taking information. Rachel used her powers to fix this situation and build a team of her own… but did she win victory? What happened to Jade? Soon after, Jade lost her abilities; however, she was sure that it wasn’t over, even though Rachel had won and become Flexigirl. Rachel met her new best friend, who also had powers, in an unusual dream. Her name was Icewoman and she became one of Rachel’s team members.
Rachel Kirk
Eve Chambers Eve-Rose was born in Bora Bora as the new Princess of Mora-Cu, the small village she lives in. One night, her mother, Carmel Garcia, disappeared and no one knew why, other than her father who never wanted to speak of the situation again. Large walls and trees were planted to keep everyone in the village and away from the sea. One night, Eve-Rose climbed over the walls and escaped to sea. After the rambunctious waves sucked Eve-Rose in, she began to rapidly sink, causing her to hit her head on a glowing green orb. Soon everything went black as pain shot through her whole body. Waking up, Eve-Rose found herself floating into a dimly lit tunnel leading to what looked like a lab. The lab had a large cage dangling from the roof with a dainty woman curled up inside. Eve-Rose recognised this woman but couldn’t quite put her finger on who it was, until countless memories with this person flashed through her mind - it was her mother, who had been missing for 2 years. Guards were surrounding the cage with plans to kill Eve-Rose’s Eve-Rose father so they could become the new rulers of the land. Eve-Rose ignored the guards and began to run toward the cage picking up an abnormal speed. She immediately lept up to the cage and a burning sensation shot out of her eyes, breaking the locks on the cage. Hearing voices, Eve-Rose threw her mother over her shoulder and began to run. Eve never realised she was walking on water until she came across her village walls. Eve remembered hitting her head and seeing one of the green orbs. She remembered that they give you powers. Eve-Rose pushed those thoughts aside and struggled to climb the village walls. Finally managing to get over the wall, her voice echoed through the village as she screamed her father’s name. The King soon appeared and spun her around, unaware of the woman in her arms. Eve-Rose told her father about everything that just happened. He began to cry as he took her mother out of her arms to take her to the village doctor, who kept her overnight. Her father immediately sent out an army to kill whoever made these plans. They found some information about him - he was called Matias, the evil King of the Sea. The army hunted down Matias and killed him and his minions, instantly making peace for the sea. Eve’s mother soon woke up and realised where she was; she began to talk and laugh with the family she had dearly missed. Phillipo, Eve-Rose’s father, got the villagers to knock down the walls and trees, leaving everyone free to live a happy life.
Eve Chambers
Lucy Cox Lisa Howard began to scrub the floor while her teacher prepared for the new orphans. It wasn’t the best birthday present she had wished for, but it was better than cleaning the bathroom. Sadly, as Lisa had just turned 18 she had to look after the orphans most of the time, which meant her birthday was never remembered or celebrated. Two days later, Lisa had permission to leave the orphanage and find a job that was suitable but, little did the orphanage know, Lisa had superpowers. Lisa didn’t want to look for a job; instead, she began sewing her own superhero costume as she wanted to help her city of Orlando. A week later, a horrific tragedy happened as the orphanage went down in flames. Lisa tried to stop the flames, but her efforts were destroyed by the crowd of people telling her to stop. When Lisa asked why they had stopped her, they replied, “By your appearance, you look like a villain, not a superhero.” So, Lisa flew away to a barn and began to find recruits for the team she was going to create. But these recruits weren’t normal everyday superheroes… they were heroes who had experienced the same treatment from an angry crowd of citizens. By day three of her plan, Lisa Lastic had recruited 3 new superheroes to her Nebula Rebels; Cheeta Girl, Arachno Cat, and Giga Hex. It wasn’t difficult to find these heroes as they all slept in doorways. The Nebula Rebels set out for Orlando as destruction began at the glass-making department. Cheeta could rescue everyone out of the building except for Leah, the orphanage teacher. Lisa used her telekinesis to move the beam off Leah and take her outside. That day was remembered for the Nebula Rebels, who went down in history as Orlando’s favourite mutant heroes and friends.
Lucy Cox
Ellesha Marr During a family holiday flight home from Australia to Liverpool, Babezz’s Mum and Dad were poisoned by an unknown villain dressed up as a flight attendant along with all the other passengers on the flight. As the plane was flying over the ocean things took an unexpected turn… The plane had crashed! It went straight into the ocean! Pilot Dawsen had been given sleeping pills, but who by? 7 months later… After the tragic and unexplainable event Babezz and her brother, Spark, had been left without parents. “What are we meant to do now, Spark? Now that it has been confirmed that Mum and Dad are dead?” “I don’t know what we are going to do but I am so glad that you survived sis, I think we all know now that you were given the powers of immortality.” “Yes, I think we do.” RING, RING, RING, RING. “Hello, Babezz are you home? I have been doing some researching. There is something you need to know.” “Hi Dorothy, have you had any more news or information on Black Fisher?” Babezz knew this was the villain who killed her Mum and Dad. “Yes, and I think that you might want to hear that we have a location on him, he is in LA.” Dorothy told Babezz the news. “OMG!!! Thank you so much Dorothy, we need to get the next flight out to LA.” Will Babezz finally come face to face with Black Fisher? 4 days later in LA… “Finally we have arrived, I didn’t realise how long it would actually take to get to Black Fisher’s home.” “Me neither.” Babezz and Dorothy have arrived at Black Fisher’s home. The door is open. “Ssshh, someone is coming out.” Babezz and Dorothy waited anxiously to see who was coming out of the home. It was Black Fisher’s identical twin brother. “It that Black Fisher?” “Well, he matches his description, what should we do?” Bzzzz. Babezz had zapped Black Fisher’s identical twin brother with her laser shooting lipstick. “OMG, Babezz what have you done?” “We will take him “ back to the hotel and ask him some questions.” Shortly after BFITB woke up. “So, Black Fisher.” “Wait, my name is Jackson my brother died in a plane crash.”
Ellesha Marr
John James King Allie is eating dinner with his parents when his house gets rushed by terrorists. They want to test their new bio bomb… the bomb goes off and hurts his parents. All the chemicals and the surrounding objects attach to Allie’s body. Allie lost so much but gained metal body parts. The terrorism in Iraq is getting worse so Allie begins to use his power for the greater good. Allie uses his power to track the terrorists to a village by using premonition. The terrorists had placed a bomb there and Allie did not have long. He fights his way through the village and gets to the main building. It’s not all that easy as his Mum and Dad are held hostage and if he moves, they are dead. Allie reads the head terrorist’s mind on how to defuse the bomb. Allie hacks into the bomb and destroys it by using his mind and saves his parents. Juda, the terrorist, releases a cyber ninja to kill Allie and they have an epic fight.
Jessica McHale “Lola, quick, come to my house!” As I woke up from my nap, I got a voicemail off Charlie. I got changed into my gym clothes, ran over and knocked on Charlie’s door, rushing to get in. She opened the door, grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. Sitting in Charlie’s garage watching a film, I see a little puddle of water under the door. bigger. I tell Charlie and we both start worrying. The puddle gets bigger and bigge Next thing I know, the puddle fills the room. Struggling to breathe, we race to the door. Suddenly, I see Harry with the key, which he puts on the window. Then, I look down, and realise I have a mermaid tail! Charlie grabs the keys, unlocks the door and we get to fresh air. Before I knew it, I was standing on two legs again. “What is this mess!” We look up into Charlie’s parents’ eyes, then we explain about Harry and Charlie’s dad says, “I know him!”
John James King
The adventures of
The Scarab
Jessica McHale
Joshua Bews
Daisy Jago There was once a family called the Mellows. There was a Mum and two children, called Laura and Red. They were all superheroes. They all did missions. There was now a mission they had to do together to combine their powers. This was to stop sexism. way. As they recruited to their mission, there were many problems in their wa Firstly, they had to find out how people were treated because of sexism. Which was atrociously. Boys were being treated horribly for doing gymnastics; girls were also being treated horribly for playing football. Boys couldn’t wear girls’ clothes; girls couldn’t wear boys’ clothes. What a horrible, cruel, mean world. The Mellows encountered a problem. To stop sexism the family had to get dressed in the opposite sex’s clothes. They did this for a while and then… there was an evil superhero called Bad-Man, he was horrible. He thought girls should be girls and boys should be boys. So, he locked them up. After a week, the Mellows had a plan to escape. Laura would bend her way out to free her family so she did it. They snuck out without a problem until Bad-Man realised they had escaped …but by that time people had accepted that girls and boys are equal and that girls could do boys things and boys could do girls things. When Bad-Man saw this, he disintegrated with anger. He was never seen again. To this day, girls play football and boys do gymnastics. They wear each other’s clothes too. All thanks to the Mellow Family, sexism isn’t an issue or that common any more. Now girls and boys are treated equally so the family’s mission paid off after all.
Daisy Jago
Emilio Guisado-Zuloaga For too long, the people of Mexico have lived in the shadows of The Wall. But that was about to change because of one person. And that person was Carlos Sanchez. guy, who lived a normal life. One starry night, he was Carlos was just a normal gu strolling past The Wall, when suddenly he was stung by a scorpion. Luckily, someone was nearby and saw the incident. He was taken to the nearest hospital, where the doctors told him that the scorpion had not done any damage to him. day, as he was going to work, he saw that a Wall Trooper was aiming The next da at a Mexican citizen who had got too close to The Wall. Then, the Wall Trooper took a shot… BANG!... but the bullet didn’t hit the man. Somehow, Carlos miraculously stopped the bullet mid-air, using some sort of telekinetic power. Carlos was shocked, so he ran until he reached his father’s house. “Dad!” He exclaimed, with his teeth chattering in fear, “Something just happened!” Father. Carlos then explained to his “Que pasa? What happened?” asked his Fathe Father what had happened. “We should leave, in case the Wall Troopers come,” Implored his Father. They had not long started to run, when Carlos’ Carlos brother and Father were captured. Carlos could not do anything to save them, so he kept running. He ran and ran until he came across an abandoned house in the desert. He entered and on a table, he saw a mask. He put on the mask, and began to think up a plan to take down The Wall. Many days passed until he thought of the perfect plan. city. When he arrived at the city he Once he had a plan, he walked back to the cit told all the citizens about his plan. He recruited all the citizens and got ready for the War of the Wall. The next morning, when the sun had risen, the war began. The war raged on for hours on end, until the Wall Army was whittled down to nearly nothing. Then, everything went silent, when the army thought that they had won, an alarm went off. Suddenly, an immense door opened in the middle of The Wall. Then the malicious President Trump emerged from the dark void within the doorway. “Open fire!” yelled the soldiers as they started to fire their weapons at Trump. However, Trump deflected the bullets with his Wall-Sabre. He then flung five people into the air by summoning a miniature wall from the ground. Then, when everyone thought all hope was lost, Carlos passed through the crowd. However, he was no longer Carlos Sanchez…. But he was now Psy-kick. Using all his hatred towards Trump, he released a beam of psychic energy at him. This was so powerful that it obliterated Trump and his wall. From that day harmony, free from the wrath of Trump… or at least forward, Mexico lived in harmon that is what they thought… The end?
Emilio Guisado-Zuloaga
Caitlin Haddley Bella-May Gee is a normal 16-year-old living in Virginia when she gets a call from her old best friend Ava-Rose. Ava-Rose is living back in Florida and has some news to deliver… As soon as the mysterious call finishes, Bella-May rushes to move back to her hometown. She should return to the life she was running away from. She must go and save Florida as the brave Mystique. She doesn’t want to, but she should. Later that day, her family are packed up and on their way back. But as they enter the new house, Bella’s little sister, Emma, 12, discovers a new talent…she is a superhero. It now looks like Mystique has a new side kick, The Silent Stranger. Strange The two head to Ava-Rose’s house to see what the problem is. They are informed that Mystique’s enemy is back for more… Noah Smith, under the alias Bubble Gum Boy, is Bella’s worst nightmare. They had battled it out before, with the vicious Mystique leaving Bubble Gum Boy in hiding. Now, he has been kidnapping people. No one knows why. So, Mystique and Silent Stranger head to an abandoned warehouse where Bubble Gum Boy had recently been spotted. Mystique uses her mind control to open the door quietly. Ava-Rose watches all of this safely from her room, giving the two heroes guidance. Silent Stranger, Emma, uses her super speed to see where he is . He’s in his office planning his next bubble bomb attack. Bubble bombs are huge bubble gum bubbles that explode into a sticky mess. This means that innocent civilians would be trapped like a fly stuck to a spider web. Bella listens to this phone call. Bubble Gum Boy is furious when he sees the door open, and screams down the phone, “Someone is here!” He slams the phone on the table, making the room shake. Marching around the building, he shouts at the top of his lungs, “Who and where are you?” No reply. Bubble Gum Boy has no time to waste. The clock is ticking…
Caitlin Haddley
Dominic Glass
Zack Carney Bang! A distant gunshot could be heard in Southern Singapore City. Young Tom Clarke had been shot at by a small gang who chased him down to an outcast field that was deserted. Tom was running, he didn’t know where, but the older boys were on motorbikes and he had to get away. He became breathless and passed out in the open field…. Tom wakes up, “Oww!” He looked at his hand, it was burnt and glowing; he had been electrocuted by an electrical pylon, but survived… 10 years later… “Okay doctor,” docto Tom muttered as he left the hospital. He had a check-up and it went well. Tom reached into his back pocket to grab his phone, but got a static shock, “Whoa, ouch!” he shouted. He realised what was happening and when he thought about it, the car parked up in front of him flashed with lightning and went up in flames. He had now figured out his powers and abilities. The next morning, he woke up and felt alive, more than ever he knew about his powers. A large man walked up to him, he asked, “Tom?” He turned and replied, “Yes?” the man said, “Come with me.” CLONK! The tall man hit Tom on the head with a metal bat, he was knocked out cold. “Where am I?” Tom asked, “You’re not Tom any more, you’re Lightning Shadow.” “Who are you?” “I’m Lord Mechonika and this is my wife, Professor Web.” “Lightning Shadow?” he muttered to himself. Lightning Shadow had run out of the old abandoned warehouse into the same field he was chased onto as a child. He felt so much power and burst out of his clothes into just his shorts. The couple, Mechonika and Web, burst onto the field and Lord Mechonika fired his cannons. One missed and the other hit the ground. Tom was standing by Lightning Shadow, Shado who had transformed into Professor Web. Shadow then turned back into himself. He was behind them and struck them both with a bolt of lightning and said, “Don’t mess with Tom Clarke!”
Zack Carney
The adventures of
Lightning shadow ! W O KAP