Get paid to write make regular income and a good living while doing so!

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Yes, you can write a best-selling book or novel and make a lot of money. But how are you going to be able to continue to eat and pay your bills while writing that? Books and novels are a "deep drink of water, but a long way between wells"! How do you get paid to write on a regular basis? Where can you find regular work that pays well and leaves you time to write what you want to in the meantime? You might consider freelance writing for the Internet. Rapid growth of the Net creates a continual demand for writing in short contracts, 1-5 days work at a time. Most of this work is done by freelancers. Freelance writing opportunities abound and there are regular markets where buyers and sellers meet. We are talking contract work here, which means that you can control your time. It's not like a 9-5 job where someone else controls your time and you have a lot of daily personal time overhead in the form of hours spent in dressing, grooming and commuting. In the freelance writing business, your office and workplace are at your computer. No one cares how you look, what hours you work or how often you stop and do something else. They just want their projects done well enough and on time. Then they pay in cash and your obligations are over. You can do what you want to. To get paid to write in the freelance writing business it's best to get 2-3 guide books on how the business works before you start. Writing for the Web is a bit different and you will need to understand the rules. You will need to learn about how to negotiate, what to do and what to avoid, from someone with experience. Fortunately there are several good "How to" books available; just ask around. One of the best things about the freelance writing business is that you can test the waters first, get into it gradually if you like. For example, you could take a contract or two and get paid to write without quitting your day job. You could work your projects at night and on weekends, get some experience and get a feel of the business before committing to it full time. You might want to do that anyway, whether you are considering going full time or not, just to make some extra money. Or you could look at getting experience as a freelance writer as a good "insurance policy". It's always a good idea to be prepared for an alternate career that could support you full time whenever you chose! And you get paid to write while you are trying out that idea!

For more information about how to get paid to write for the Internet, follow the links below...

For more info on how to get paid to write online, freelance writing opportunities and how to earn money writing, visit: Get Paid to Write For a variety of money-making writing resources, visit: Earn Money Writing|Freelance Writing Opportunities

==== ==== For Great Real Writing Jobs Check This Out: ==== ====

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