2 minute read
The Inevitable & Summer
There is nothing left, but memories. Bodies are filled with nonexistent spirit, standing with the crowd as the chewed up gum on their soles. Remove them. The world spins around the lost years. Gone forever, gone at last. Every sin I have made follows me, it drags along the ground leaving a chime i will never forget. 4 years of changing, but remaining the same. My same ways, my same mind. The same mistakes every year. New faces blend in with the old reminding me to change. I am in this body forever. As my footsteps graze the gates, my soul is uplifted floating among the many I believe is beneath me. With whom, in fact, I am equal to. I have made a bad name for myself; it is written on every form. I am forever stuck. Stuck with a diploma with the wrong name. Nobody cheers. All is silent but one: myself. My heart has grown from big to small and big again.
I am an unsolvable puzzle. My true character outshines the rest, it is one that should be left in the shadows. My future lies ahead, I must hold on tight for it is no I who is leading. My simplistic mind barely gets me by and now the years are dead. The years slowly burn away. Ones I must treasure. But, in someone else’s body because I don’t know my own
Not a mentor in sight. A future I am destined to fail.
A reality to sink in. The inevitable.
New body. New heart. Page one. 4 years. And more to come.
The wind is swelling with anticipation The buds are whispering excitedly The clouds are hurrying on their way Yet time seems to be standing still And the world seems to burn with suspense Breathing in And out And in And out with a sigh, I sense I sense the coming of something new the return of something familiar something so close I can reach out So close that when I reach out, my fingertips brush up against it So close that when my fingers dip in to it I can skim some of it off the surface And dipping into that golden feeling I can almost see it, almost taste it, almost feel the warmth of the sun spread over my skin I feel the calm washing over me, but it’s a fleeting feeling that floats away whenever I finally grasp this golden glow But I know that some time soon, I can feel it again Sometime soon Sometime soon I will be at rest at peace with the world My mind will be quiet It will be quiet and empty of worry Void of anxieties and fear Not caring whether it’s Monday or Saturday or Tuesday or Thursday My mind afloat, aimlessly journeying through the months At peace, empty,and quiet Calm My thought will be allowed to drift Drift away Drift Drift off to the open blue sky through the open blue ocean the open blue of summer